Whitby Chronicle, 21 May 1859, p. 2

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'Ma n& u ma 'wj 2191 n tai, w ' e kif uslly rs4srne4 ta thoir b io; ftvasboi -sauporsleuce choistlie Ioiept uap and tis ' ~ A tlpl& ala>be a .lpom. vistér-11 lier Lsther'a bout., -:' "Tii.>' ad no moer dopatoed, tIsu bogan te mfls__tii.ho oclety ofsiy boer idol 0o kfesl>', tht ail tise lety-aaid lit ci te isb)onssble sQciety lu 'wiitei'i vu tuovlog <oueod tobas i hrblong# rom inai theuigîste fur n'single Istsl.u<einj dlipoeta (moairstaiuîl esrgge<àa consldrsble langtii-of iais, I rqsolv.d t <llow tih (ar syroilWhba d valked co vlth My isrt, sand Ijar ros a br ovadda, lipstise moiuentous vords visiere t m4ku suo thé lbappiset or montt niaerable 0 mortals. Accordlglybavlng *ccmpllalb ed somasuemcary bininm,. n au>' natfv4 cit>', It(»14 up aW> line of msacitevoardi Mny 1l0eartUoMesuld Mecca is l li Ii îeryi'oigion ttirougis wlsis vswoareno dbMvod ut theP,, pae 0<1>'destins sIen, 1 oud tilt tii. resldono. of'bef fatisar wvila the Mldst of àa nililug'dil -tIse'old geatle.wao, imuolf boing oison ulvol>' engage4 lu tii. coultrm-and ia th#e distasé.o fabout a mble (roui tls' bote! ut vIîICI I uttopped, "Halîaitto«mPllelson sp iborat. tel. lètto vblie st!sn Iucredbleamount o f tissud labor befors fsellg satitined wle mssî, let boutanorbor ennut, sudt ,ith thinîtnofmnikbng 4 * shorteout,, I avobdaed<. ond, whicls vuas onswhat lrcuitous. sud picked'ai> Way acrosa a Wlao <litIn viiclssomae workulen vers ongsgeduinkingsa<L.,th tbe expetaIon Matriklo a velu. Thoera vers iguste a iumber of tlîeu alstis, smrn o! tlm as muds or mooetisa a bundr.d fuet lns 4epthf tiiougls tiser vere but a loy testln dbauetero and I1casissl>' 'noticed t bat soaemevbllisa!b a a m Isukad uaus- doied vsver ere«#ove« vitisplank, te provnt perimuo lns l nmto tieà 1 Idit! not,'bevever *top lomg te observe tieu thuigp, ml tboagit.e e Wt ulof< Mtii. bummetist1Wbsdbousgis, me t.ievb dialty, wbuile thoughie bo r 'a(lly vauirta.souste beoni. vitises. seeamd slss<ueI bai-led ou, sud maon#s. vifl n t thie Mausgon ver# reeldioi n> adorer, I wu soMYove4,witb,,gr«4t cepr- tis <ar ..tct fMy'vinit. ai' mI Vtntw of a moment 4vis» evet %ù' gloe, 1 poussed1044tls>.y sl. oflovîf, sud wu s«4ew&sd 4Iw sy, isbu#i welle ,wit1slni'mo, as bluib$ng Muoeuty ihl 4 j.tymur.sv54 bar cooust. - Tho uiü. o wuigth*utiuueew byî 1 1 gét bout lr bt bol5 bhrifdebof dt Urlttle liand umdp.,fa nm4;tantit th 11144 U Wn PgooebtsuI1nSi i11ev wlong 'I. sgght iiav.realsWd straedil, <o lusp-Ivby ' s ttaly un tiedq, ta ffl qW màswtsslbmst <the 4pçm'trusck lb. boqqf tisrs., neigsr Mof uspoilng » JO, pebeepipue Usa <bu lu depur deov, W_ aro u ùa ii. end& ver.e .uIy, ejjn Jyo 10,0 4p051 thie ,groisod, and-, tii ie Weolgljt utu'y body8p 1 cissgep miy, pg$,. P ~OI,ýpaue4 #ipr te o orequb Meii#engg liy bsa su-d <te4 wle -*bea"thiM yawno4, tihorrible #bWy ý ' eg M eIzto bat! booom@y alfamp r. vhat wu 1to do1> t tvu evl4.ot 1could 29 austibi 07401(ln, that position but a'sbort tim fni; udo4 Iva# tihon v«r , mac ' fatigued wwlii-thi.elo«ta #lridy de; ILe 'rai lmpmseblo <o eravi aloog to en d e e-oftbq par, ose1 st fittlhougit of doin Wy fort usoluge tiatlecouldiiot Olsp lk ý,vlth oui ul, viole I1lla go te adrafnce Sthe. otiior b. ordo? te gira thie ueeesry, et progrmo.e motion te My body. "M1s.ato vscliriy ,bopelese,- *01 uneioucceedod lu bringlaigsoms one t. jeMy sudsstance; Ywle is syv i1sbouted à>n au)isoï oe4tptumot eteDt of,0Yý ~vocal orgne, but ilo no ppose. Tiser. wuenomcrepqnse, i $elo, OI4 owlcd, lamy Agoli>, uîntiI nyrvobce faled*#, aud ouI>' Sdaier, ind',bisw . ebly amy thse rods lý "IvusiaoomsdDMaa;I -fait Muy tstrougti ýdeortng -me <st; It vas iitis the m outcet dllcisi ,Iom4ldrotain'ei boUldYou-emu Imagineasd oui>' imagine, 'Sm ugapdty tiioagiit.acmand veut; it sc@e!s f v#ev otof My lite p 4ws ed in evsvb«îor#me, COh, bow 11loed1 iiov 1 bo.gg.d udpryedj, forlui.. cmu noc dis tltqp,, vtii .veythlag te lire for- youtls, vealtilove, .v.rytblng blO eme- -smd #»YIerotho i.dI~rtlîwiist aony I tunbtef bsr, vies oit tiie morrev a mangled, dlaltgur.d corps. vould b. susb- situtd for tiijoyous, ezp.ctaut bride-_ groom1 ioTistiioqlt o<W ro îmne a nimnstronotb, sud -I tlglitoed My bold, upo ths sr, but Ut(et nysel(rapbd. Iy 'fâflbog Il B;r, disgreeevorly tisougt. gave Place <o ,otlsesInies lelttiog the. terribe o imoment, ami lus qulck sucession paesed baf«Ore me long ami>' of eSlnu uoepet opportuunlties nofleeted admuonitions and pvprMt.eeorée4 01(«ooodal, one-, bourw moie 11.to propare f o ison.. mous "pcbael0,ono, 1couM not dis fi tiso-no, nO, Dot tiie oct thoen 1 »;r brsinwluirlodi myrlads iiste devait befo as' yee, aid lwo<t ns>' r ollecioo I .asoncemors li altv;',>I1wse Bt* colilln f.tise reft4aioroo ,reltlig >tl Mgrs m >',esUorilife ; ppe (sspae evIt myaelfagafn ;,-my tac#t bad eipe! jm the OPr 4,1olY râàbW 1 eâa bt MY b bande ; vitb a omlulolvetrsutbeo ffort4: s togeuher around tise spirsMdeees. te . value.My f4etom emore t thiesformer po 06losMs vin-I vue alm o f e isi erey vord of Use prevlo.i nngsrne tifle4elm#sg coly4 «0#o f atsle rli> t s the - r.ollect<db; agufn tisoprt Omo*e m <15e doouf *ed ot tare t il returnu a4w >est iatn I moin oe u a àdlles mtotibé, #M If*Wo eould It b. f 9 poof ùff*w"4.àý eouid notlslnk b. denie t go sae Mlnf Iruisid trutiy tovrtnu, <h. bdImsk dd peng'de.p,' drap dev*, 4 ~lent Cam ~'OpsIà 1~est.uipaie. erm th* XW 1O8 805Ct of h# , YAOl. r'1Liai'., TWbarsdaAprols8-180. 1 Ml j1tirion o4. deà o mlvoh, ofio. mro s e of, Frnce toe i. owa.t sucua1teriu, sud ofvery1Sm*onSp gto<IlWW tbe'at7 Already marcised ov.r ti mt, Ceuus PmLÀl.a ' ftyboussud. ue ire on tbitvy.mIIntspo. t tii.yff -uu bmedy te mW tii. Ag. "ran Worn somer th m- Moudsy;'sltiough it là belleed bves t t ar bau actualy eosnnenc.. Wh.n'l vrote te you on Saturd.y let, trou Tarin, 'the. altbitum ofMistrrit bac! bee reodIvodl by thinfzg,, and 1 Ifomud you tht ws*r vus ImeIts Th*. Parlsment of Sarinia nueet -ou >Sonmdtaituu d,,staua & douruet te tireeolock ol tise s*eday, grantod, by acolsastton, the.proposition snaehb, the. Priai inister té conivey aul loglulativ. poiemntoklpg YietqaEmauuoL I bave eéIdmw nm *«looliog body Ïtiiosà- pn u eebly-. Ti.y vers ueo o substance, IAntelllgence 'snd eopiri4t, >wbo' IFmye1dý toréslst tlÈeAsrefi of Auotria itlth aIl the. power oftls kingdorn. The. rosi! over ouat Omie fnmacadm- easy grades. On tau, top oftbe mnont*in tbere seouho but mort of lt-vus r.moved from thse mrosaork of grest labor, a 10tii.cale I#e sou.P1a4MsIWOeten kat de.p aidtii.eoo oompuet tiiatits aides ver. peqsoodklar Tii.diligence vus scerilbosIv hipsnng tlirougis tus riglon ofoww, M t vis euovlng st tii. raesdy Mtbis veek itrabu.d bard on the ,weet aide o<tb i omotaîn sud ft vs frT tbat the. passge oftthe troope vers f mpm. ldtby reab uw, Thesourey over tii pm sl no plnaat affalrt even te one vbo sccupledthe protoctbd sut# e .à coforta- pitlou-wbtt muet I& buete soldim eou foot, set ivitis evers rabsand eneambled, rit, sispeansd arme. Met Pmbe tsu tiie Aw ait S loi OW T'iit Mf , * great StBernard, .oves vbii ispoloogn neW bis «MuY, be<ore auy madebid:be.fredlS00 .Tii. my gradesot i . Msiit0eulaf0ood,sMd h.oprote.tien uleisedbygrmnftepêssteon ~~~~~~~~ý e0.4,,~uI eo'~ lglstftetM t, fue>' snd éi"ebaullof: m uon sud Ianie sdereul osr ve on trswtioua,- Tisé " a-tneerfog dUcultl ubsws q4ene Musy l ba«ve en v Ily à wo.Iplseele 44 *ter abord sellete eeu<rosrle i~Is.eaW, iute.dy padL 1 notlced tbat tii. muarke ettbéisea bieows 0.l.og cnludepueth evere storm, nid <g»el.ciamev Jb eekwisueiilaa $oIt llmetom., Tt mn" be Irb h soball-verbeloet, I th be*lWaertW 0 #Il signe f blusUog, = jvee i t. nittliey. rJIOEIITON. Toper1 erniment bas îidaced lher.Tii. lIeuse oM Ha£pssur; f.la r.ated asit -deories teb», sud merits £Ilthe . sin tbat eau pisiii> Wlsen 1 pasusd AMessndria,, qobserred nWvand extensive fBeld verkstoing on mtlt!àofMita formidable fortilcatfoue, &ad large bodies oftrpops manoeavri ln l&ai directions. Tb rsplYèdlty and'spfrit viti výbléb bot i beFrlsaud rdibfans bale, for tueiat« days puSied on',thlr pr. pirations for var, are littie leu thiu sas. As ortis isc, ras omit! noverli- asen neft te b. a gres a nuufaturing city. Itaýstretu are bliemons esetcm ant! parade ground. 'Bugles sut! trumpets, are eouudissg ln .11 dirctIons, sudsdes!- eusuag rolI Mfdrums under my viadovu it tuf. momnt makes It a u s < ormne te tr> tcovrite suy more. B. DiB W. publias belov.,Ue finaneisi state- ment o! thé Ladies' enevolent Sooty. Tis ocictty -lis clileved sàgreat des!oM good ainou île foration, and th. beuevo- lent ladies vbo tsartaken se active a part la reli.vlng th. Vantas of Our destitate tel. 1ev eresusred damere <thevauuest paile. sud gratitude Of thi.eeinrnssnty, Pluamelal Etasement of the Wbltbr Lwsdle'eaevit oclety lor the 1e1radtg , , 50s lkeoeinfor memberulifp,ses sud nul:. scrpUions5.. , ... ....'..0822Oe, Froeiarbtabe Conu4rtî..,-,1.# 95,26 ?rom, Towu Councill.....0MO .1097O0. Doisng tise visitermtha tue fo*"Y> bu dletr buWtt!food sat! <ne! te b tdm (M l M gy -suilîleo, wita tue ThéeSoeleCybas turnty-fv.dollars te <belcr541 t luonth. usa-tue Townu Trsasusr, beis seeurvsbsncM Ouo&. tsnrddollar rusw b't1e) eu ýfWTaLsA 1,- rW er, edat"wi -boomd' 8 to ont rtv'tbeod rauête ld g>houruba Ied 'sgstProbaton - llM'auOt aêinsi, temesêmedae platOI0 sA C"T' eld u ts 'Ith a the lt ths t areioutbaf besA <>t yu, tt.>1e Ie dte, mzSISo atebas lit>', 4"s1 ONLY ON£E DOLLAR ATEAI WIdltbyp 8aturIiy, May 219 189. TOSU8-SCRI BERS. TPh. terme for thi e M-WeeIdy wili bc 83 60,in advsuieorg8Oat theo 'end of the 'ycar, The W.eekly Chrock ewil b. pubîbhw4 n tutur# on 9ATUJLDkÂTs St $ 'a iyear 5l0ly Mn advan« - 2. vl be o ohargc MThWe UIEstat eglsetero9- We owO an upology, (or the. non-%ppoar-? uice o<4lie "1RDÀL E51.TZ Exojou!W' isw cMssorymaterial 10 enabl uto .lvo the "Ruwxsvxü",tbo apepearance vo lntend- thal of the. baudsomeut îbeoét publihled in CÇanada-hbé nsathe. cae . tt ale Jan#, FO1UJL TJOUSIAND COPIES oft the, "1Rwumna!'wllb. f08417for delivry, and the. publcati on vilt ilion b., coitlpuïd regularly,and vlth tb. utmnost pouctaalsty, the, firstwvek In'oaci nionti. Auv«tLwe menti racelved up to the.f5t imaL, vili bu. In tim.e W the. fret nunuber, IOGINS & MAYEIIHQFDR Prlntort and Publt#her. viti Doeattention tii. advertiluuent OM th*. WVitbl Ruaepuliabed elievier, Tii. parin ,are crtaioly pretty iiavy «Ad liberal for a young Club just abrtsd f nt existence, Tlii. oew Wity ue lassld to ebu wltbout ezccption t4i. Dnt IWOS*" -Tb#i.f"Ontaio Twf Club," wbo ire tihe ovuersoMth# QCouu, and unler vii., pstrol n d i directon tue Ba«c. bave béen -ut upoM d il! ieu arried' on,le compoe.doft9» frit g.utlemen utbe Cesty of Ontib, sud v ire val! usured ttt u oi6il! b. leU uodon. by t". te bar#, aon tber smenutecorne 09 istefatoil. TIi. Couru1 is provfded' lïtÙ etablog for eutered borsén. Tii. me do& -w>W b. obée4, cîwc..off îon w~esday, 1hrsàsy sad Fday, the. E Il il B lis su 'I ljI lus M du ns s, 's Ps DE isa wa privste moGiviOaaJ, and« à85 afrlend ot, progress, coald not' eonsclentloly go against 1IL Wben tihe oripator o! <h. Manvcrsucheme ezprcemed bitsientiments ltbf. manly <ou., Our resdors grill b. able te realbze tha unionoci tsilway mentin <afor of the Wiitly lino, vluici nov pre- vails lunReses, Thse by-lsw te lie submlt- ted te the Eescb Townuip Coazcil, grill, vs hanro, coistaîn eonditlostoisa tticth Company taise thse Tovnsiip* debcuires at par; snd tiat te>'gi*e sg bur.ce le tore thse Ree ubcrbeo thse stock under Ii. by-issv, te Jocate stations citiier at ts, tanne>', or nesr thie nov cliarci lu Prince Albert, sud nt a point on thse Drock rond! near U tica. Thui, until tise requiret! guarante. b. giveu lnua a snor -te atfy' therawtopaye-tue ReceeoM Eeaci-not. vitbetandssg the peuf ig of the- by.lmsv- -needunot sabscrib. tise eà",ktiiere le no ue;eseity rccapftuating tise homazut!id. vantagesviicisthe peoplO 1 Pics voul r*ap from tiie corsteaiplated rallroad. For tse paitry £8OU-xtu.4vra ri. od!o! tvonty-yemrs--tbey woh! recive an Inrnediate lei.i<rm tise expendi tare lui thsecoticto of thse liao, ci t.> miles of roïi, at. £6,»00pu ile;minsklugtO,000. Wile tse £69,000, It grill îsot b.iorgotten, miust b. An Irnaediat. exponditure (rom vhici tiseTovnaiip grilluit. onco reap the the benef t yaient oM £»0,M00 t9,k f sztended oves a perlit! ottveutiY ynr 'The sesssuat upon dus raiva>' property vit til he Tovnolbip vouldýbe a large con- tribution te 'Ais Townsuip taxes and vould go a great vA>' te conterialance tise aaunt rqulrcd te b.ne ai sa Rait lY tax (roum<h. ratepyoriL Wiiatile elleda mîi'lez va% oald lu remlbty oui>' b. se bu rame (ortue rate lu tisepoandw oult! b. 00 Iuuiguilfiont tiat o»- cSslt! nover ftu 'iMitiies ie e, rsptylog I t orutW, >Tise psesont uniof MRaliv&Y momba Ver>'Pr, ,tlf>'lug;,it would 'be veIllbâd t tkeun place omer, but wmît fa, veareTfi lied vltu bîiSb hope#smon te se. tise acoOMPlIIsntj 01 a long olierlieW ed e4eca tis Wbbtbl hwUrLo LNCOs&rour SÀWvMns.4ty Evuso. 1 -Tii.fret cea, la tuf. Tovn, forUlliug liqtor, costa'ary te tise provisions M <b. ,s.,sc,-vsfli bbhb taicru keepcst friom ýdologS'mafier I7 o'clock on, Saturds>' seuiop# *s brosgbtt belitsHf.Weebfp i thJstu, ies Itove, EsqairOE£me,t aud chester îfDraper, - Edpsri-, Deputy, Umee, ou Tuesdey moroio$" ;AÀYeung ii named'Leule, vue tuie1uonmantsdI su; andathon omtasunsuasute âne ror iaysng, the. luforatioa-tbe ball of these I» f, of course visat tii.y look aftr-sund tii.yý bsaeslittl rogart! for the mmyof> tise tblng, or for obediene ot the. lava, as a miiomuedeniisfor Cbrl.tianity. ' Plouc put tise public oun thoir guàr4 liy lnsertisug thua lettwr Tis i~ormersnaies-reIlanclcock asud Loseo, a pair M of ku loafin; -foosters tisat loyr Witi fai!te orecopnia. lutio4r proper - Yomr, e A Wrnvsv mrTAvzshx Kxsss'rz, ki. O'Dai's Coureupossdenee. PLAIN 0V1M1055 or A FLAIMAX COmesuJxix -yoke; à e-coum citosuentilus1 cure id tise presîni or MA Mssvrüus ono " -blathiedin oMibat. - t!. 'resoandi ait,é t Co Çuntur>', sndr' vile var's aaual bli'euilt Urp i!ifrigut it becuas mbn, 1k. <he you anW 1, notto Il.tisword, but the mis, Pin, lu 0o-rdiier t. lulughtin'tiie commanlty, ha. aUt Y n-oniusnsalty two, s tetiseYale, <is caus te i rutiona ; An' tic thue state tg of tise mstithc la duupaute betvixt titbet. Austuisus su' the Frincis. Plainsineile min l 'iSe meseif li, toesu rthe. violeon stor> toald l in inuenlshcd lanuadge, unio vldatý srnstueru' lb. tisi; usm'Mt Of &mnd p'our uetrspapersde, lus a great lisap c in,~ lasrned exipressionotliat vood requise A nia- judos 111w yc file4 Miotiser "so te l~ elacldate tue, Wlsin 1 get s chance, et the. haie Bryao's, ýor st $cote's Silou, (sasd , b.- tlb. taUoen'Itla lunbotis tise.placem n tii. diirap la te b. bat!>', diaoore e to upoa ,tue rnttuer lu thse ostisaraiva>', an, purq the, Ifaînem ro e nlbgbtened w" i li. e &Yit !D Ma slatueto. 'TwiBt OmS Iga à. I trsu Tee ld.op --j

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