Whitby Chronicle, 20 May 1859, p. 2

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vent tbuougb (bah"t my&strlocar, '~~ring c io lenv.taklng, 'vlcbaid esOt o ll«:ovea, u imc norpreb« eo (Ow»o doub> th# d.lit<fl dis.. AcQtbfp munr pamW dvlihinluodible mppldltr, sud a&pin(ho 0"to truck -What aln two, sud forions batreut I couc.ld<or (bat ulifortanate Urnepleco, sud I Iteràly paoea my Mnd 1 fati ui' Arma, siround>Pol s oforluch Viuel wh«Oiue W I 131013050 W 1)hN Wl the. deoddly Amplplsant o# n# 10 b&ýd <o bett Al&tb lngtuk1tltînt .,.ýtvgi *blcb hi inv.sted 14pXl en a40414 te vrite as nealy as pcnhble lit bis 0Wi <"The. ltof tbu.. u0l elde eu vorli," bogan the gentleman, "r.gsbutd ;Os .1au Inidont. ofpy piy 111er, vii for the au.ddn îevs4m k1om alamee pe fet bapln.us. e i.dorpest despoah'O a U Oe.ddIy buck %gsl to, bappfnuan a lià1<. Ithik fow If ny bite, experencod, 1 lTbe Incidenteof vbleh Y spouk oursi when -Iwvain lu ry wunty.tlrot or &mm. 7esr, INs ipdustsd fi..m M7'À1o witii th. Intention et.,JýOying My (ru domn rom care as tady, te Pmn ti, sujm e L Staog. tvss My aD ssason at a lublolnable waovlug p"s. &Hil ti llding vas pare gSold temy OY4 ans ud Ienerd Myseif so lmiauely, ti moro goasi 1(bore formédtie acquilntauc ci a moit bewtchlnsg und loreabls lady who, j foit, vas dctln.d te ýtaliouce ni future lite; uer vas 1 niltuken; ýthé* lafi hu iasnce,bec4mne ny vIta, .1 w, rre up on terniso! preat 1lutlMaii> ile ut Sara toga, but the. finstalnsd deciîvo questici badnoct pasd îuy 1 iset h1ti (o.bl famlly roturned tgptlîer boi.; It vas1iew *er, undortitood bctecoà us, tiiet a cor I isioud alayib. a wlcomo visitor si ber fathoes boute. "'fTfheid ne bon., depart.d, th began to nues tth. socl.ty of nuy beart'i Idol m ceeniy, tutt'ail tho 'galoty and 111< ofthétifehionable ociety ln wblcb I1vau uîovlng fatiled to banlsh ber Image frein an thoghts foein lgjeo matent ; >npt heing diposait to malotai:, tbo-truggle for au> eenoiderable lougth o!f(ino, I rore o follov ithe fair syron vbo lied wahked en with an> bhert, snd heur frein ber evn du lips th o mzentous words wvblb voie (u mmii. me thl bappleat or Most taléoae of MOYfala. Aieaordin'gly bhlg adeompllah. .0 aome oeces.ry business1in m natve clty, 1 toek up nmv lin.o!fanarcb tovards my heuresm Mecsasd Recus bogin tbe- Very regien through vblch va are nov pasoing. 111Arrived et tb. place of ni> deatins- ion, 1 faund tint the, realdance ci ber father vau in tihe wis»t ofaà mling distrIct -the oid gentleman bimslif being exten- siveiy engiged In ti. ceai trade-.a-rid as the. distance of about a Mile (reinttic hotol at which 1 atopped. HaJlving nccempllabed au claborato .toi. letto wblch I deved au Incredibe aeu nt of tigna end, 1la bee bet..ufeeling satisfied wil4îi ysoîf, 1 loft about an heur beter. sanset, sud vlthîtbeintention etmsklugts & ahort. cuCL.'Iavol:lo4 the. rond, luicb vassmowhst cîrcaltous aud plcked w>' va>' acroas a large (fi1elu Invbch smie vorkmen wer#o sgagud ainkilng saft,vfti the. expottlcu 9f itrikinga relui. Thore waroqite saflamber oet(hoe abatte, orne eft(hemus. iucior More thon à handrd f.,t lu depti, ticagh tboy Word but s fev (uot tIndisater, sud 1 casuully 'uotlcod <t sme whicb bail beu on ukud &ban.- doueci woe coveed ovr with plank, te prevent pcrsons faling lo to he 1Idid not, hcwevcr, stop long to observe (hseu tblugo, ni>'t4ouglîts vere !oe fait of the busess that ad breaglit I'ne loto the VI. tlulty, 66Wtlittile theugit e ofv tefar!uli>' familar 1 vas scon te become wlth (borne accurtiod shaftt, I1lîurrld ou, sud socu ar. Siesd nt(lhe- manillounvev'resuded my adorer.,I1vau recered vlthgreat cor- dialit>' by the. <ici, tàiily, partlcularly by the fair ObJct cf :ny riait. Taklug. ad. vantageocf s moment when v. vere loft alo0no, I pourcd forth an>' tale o! love, sud was acceptud. Uc, ni>' beart mweolied The>' bd oommenced dling tbspsrtlcu ~~~~ la -1 -oi> i d-ybbis, sud li b".aOa orlflug d he&Y bdrsb d enth d ~ or ti.e ereiesunesm vtii wieh it vs.wco "Itf. uue.sayfor me (to esYjvbaî rwvs my ýft umpulalo ta uponu Snding lusf t>'bat f.i ujotvio need net, b. lulrodneed at (bis Uinie. ,>But~ asl~~bqn(beaolmnltv ci Lb. tbing, I neyeèr (blok of (be occurrence vîthont ke -Waog hsrtl>', did'à,moment suce, rvbeu yo. deubtiesuppoosd -' me l e b agîîsieno y fer cau.eneot l;iut IL atrthea me as belng m Irelaiby ud1 iou-viat couldhare béaninemm, (oà o: pecistpr, iad'tb iýie bun u, atiingli e have ebgld.ue -1>ny àgon>, w>' dempair t-beggig, pray'iug <or help, endurlug ail sud miorotbsuthe honrois ef death, and s t *(lie ie fMy " 5llbérly olmIlu; the i earth bemesth. 1 can't a>' he. (ber ~ ~ s Ltvudss csupromel>' rldICa rouaë he b.unaobeon er but s It f. 1 eannot;efraiur froan mirth be vbesî tik cf 14 sud Iarnfirmi>'posade IlThat dent angel, i iom celui e>'. OeIls nfch, cdl;s pîo." comes for me lu soemn caruestues., the 1rememibrance of (lie sdvontur. vîli cause me 'ctolaagb lu (bat dresd, Indilduars Openhag of the Great Citmpalge. LM££as reoxlu; t, t isa oru r. (F'rontithecCorrespondent of (hoe3X, Y. Turnes) Lyoum, Tbursdy, Aprii 28, 1859, Ail (ho varion irad.s'O!fi.nch officers front s Xanabat ofFrance totehe ovesit siufltoi, and e ry ocmpsilug te<follev tb. arn>' alroad>'mauchd ovor lie Mont COei uf. ,amiredy flfty tiiosmud mon are ou (heir vs>', but it la net smappoe that (heo>' eu b. i.d> te mest the AAu- train forcss sooner -than Monda>'yitth it f. beliorsd bére (thùvar bas aclal> o'fnniricd. Whon I vîcte to yoa ou Sandsl.t rom Turin# the -altinistain cf Audatls b.dboeenreeclied by lh ienIlg, sud 1Ilnforuied yon (bat var vs. Inarîta Tb#. Par1limeut cf Sardiniaýmeet on Mfonda>' ut ueon, sud, ater au adjourninent (o throo'cbof t he saine day, grauted, b>' aclamatin, theproposition made b>' the Prime. Minlat o conve>saliogwishv povers te king Vietor £manuel Ibave seldoni seon 4afinsu leoklng bcd>' tbaa com- posed (t a.eombty. Tliey vers mon' of substane, lutaeillgence andsairit,- vho firl>' decdedtoresle (ieaggesion,,cf A<IIrIs With IaIl the pov.iofthi kingdom. The rond over Mount Coul. f. macadam- Izedtirougliont ite vlole extent sud la, vide and f. lu per"ect rdor, consis(iog o! esy gres. On lie top ef tb. mnontain laber, as lotheutolasoe .places &aeton <est decpand th.e nev mc compact(bat ite aides.vers peupsudiular. The. diligence vwas eeverai heursi lu s.15 (reglbis regica ofsuov", sud it vu noving OW tho Ùture audeztrerney COlde On "AlOnd' u Tuesday ef tbf. veé*k traind bard 'on theJ Westala oittemo«ntÎssuand i~e <ferd- (bat the psemage0cf lb.treop vr te mp ded by iarb euov. The ourne>«Or lie pa#I n, .1piensat ,0teunt oWho ecoupled tif. $otse(ed settfa = Peenoia blhe diigoue-sue wu m;y Lrtuaep. l lut nov ceufluelte bla bed st tii.- botÎ1 rhl tlipioes, VU ntm P t ooù "0 01fbf.is M l&Y lonrg infront of th. famteviné, 1bave #00-n'laris crovds of,éweo,Alounssad otiierý al aigert& bail the Emperor on bis espssteê «dàL, 1Whou I loft Turin. thé Saidiai -Goy beMat relle <11 upon tiie aility e.!of(beir su>' te buaisend check tbo Auxtraîn sd.ý tvsucs tlitiesirial o! (b. Pîauc h ono-ld' omable (heinin their turni tozas.umç the' ousv.Tb@ Sardinisu efective fîores, accual>' on foet, sud lndepeudsot of the volutomfilovlng la froaiisi lpsieofItaly, s*onulýai, s. an b>' tiueiost partion. iar iuquiries, te about »0,000 mon. End tiie Auoualp Ernperor been allovred (o a oslmovujtdgÏomt udataeà" ar nia Mntii ag, b. 1-»gMb. bavewpal tbefiueanpin.Ti. ntùoion dplort ebas delayed l.ir >ut @onubt sive bis adioria to Unetesommr.beout- brea ofil Ilysudthe, near co.opera. tion ot France. WiiIb' l Turin, etb. 20tb, tber*. ver.fo-tt> o<.id renchi troopgA t, Genou, sud tiseailor>', nov on 4 ilava'over (hoélMout COef. vli ud Étty thoussud more 8$ Sua, Iupossesmion si (ho Ta6rin Ealliod, Garibaldi, .wltii <r.. corps of 11,000 Italisu velunteurs,, mosof et bonsaolieof the. vax o! 1S8840, lu posted vithin tvc houri of Turin, on theeline of (b. 'deence, Of<the PO. The. steamers sud trains, <rom Cliit Vecobla ail tbe va>' t. tbf.plscs, J bave (en uile w1.ith recmit. As ve steamod luto làgbern vo jssmo a starner bound eut for, "Ge, vith. 6,W Tuscau moidierm ou. bosid, departlog là the mldst cf th. vildest popular tumuitof cisers ud cries. Our ova steamer, (ha Panflppo, took-on vion ve left s.anmy an>a ould p.s.ibly stow vyallel.eka <ioe u evldontly "<ail cf Ight" Tii. relainm denos'toTurla wvscrovrded vi tet" voluntéers , sud at oerfystation (h. p...l pi. asemb la ucrovds, vltl i VIe t Ha Il Vivo fbaas," and #bouts loi Vicor £mauel sud Napoiou. Thée Italauaestiouen mto me oe fastgroviug iutoeaîiipbpQsons, (bat ail the. diplomate of Europe cannot dss i vtb 14, The. peuplé e e nfiaed vltb (lie bope of fiall>' ejecting Anstria rom(the Ponin. moltad sudare bsnt upon <odiug: an Italisu Coufodeiatlonestrong enonb (oies. case Ital>' fom tb.eotte to vbiuii nsgév- emsunt bu rsdn-coed bar.,, ,Tb@ Hotuof Haspsbarg la trcated apit 6es vnte b., sud merita &IL u.,th a usubat eau peeWI oveitak. ItL Wiieu1IpsaedAlss.udr4 ,vo obseivsd n.vsud extensive 5.14 vouks Soiu% on ontle e! its feridable fortlfiloue, and Larg boidisof troopi msuoeavriug lunail direction&. The. ipidit>' and' mpirit vltb vhicb both the Frenchband Sardiniausbave fo the laittonud-sys pumbed on thelr pue- pirations for var, art litaloleemtbsu amas. lng&dýtoia e Icn tenseiy inýtere»t- As for tbf. :pla.s yon ,vould noer lin. agliittnbe a pesa In!"a.tiosgCity'. lis streete arem ecéuon@e ant camp an&dpsrsds gronud. BasisudtruaniJo tresoiudin:gin Al i roü ns, gss nmg roll o!diansi céder myvlndev thf. momnt mskesltue o me (wotry te irite any moré.G.1 sad eu ceusetole «tMer 1'(bat tue jndge " e hoave.ld.d aginet me on tiwa poin~tof sv vblch, teome susn4 sm 'but m u<v se w lit Obt t e bonldbave been'A BO0te you I<the Judger vas doter goc tbes udEt j«IPto*.' b dissem -oflb.eburan bedyr 'Ný#y skll aa boea*t,'replIsd le suom.t 'but (ownateiyR', tî rnistreUke tie por. tero .lat tvv o e'el 1n al:e 1, n' auffeL. - péndïd', ad tiiengit et theIolrnnenuo dopli Yý boueath me, s bundied or a bundr.d ana à' Mf'tyfetlaihiolbe, jute W-lhtc bI d ta uarrowly escpdfalllug. In Ioldh&ne doubt, for lb. moment, Obi rcil ealliy extricat. nysif frein my Supiesaut situation, aud braathiug à suce Irom.*-hoMrblo deatu, 1 pde an o. fort te, reschebprankiupea aither s#i or nuvîuh s>MIfse04 but toMy Conserua. donen (beyi71014I te ipressure o! aMy ïset, sud .114 <rom me, «ehliscceediug lit fort puublng tien t iier and fsitbei *aval, Tbs danger bsgau t. sppcar luý minet; 1isttimpt.dto ;e(npon (ho tcç tuhopu to vhieh î JirasCillnging;Ilbut (bio **a no ota sil>'accmpilmhed; for, ai- (begi laaceood u gttîn; ny teset apcu thée spar, 1I <ouud it Impoible ta r sarnieunt It4 as lie onds e ver. ovidenly Iing loom. tapon (hoeground, sud tii regh v ulgt mfl>body s oas ingd ml>'peci. donu, caaeed (b. apar te reveilto, bavlng me ianglng by mw>'baud. andteset, wvile benemth tue yswVned, the beirible abys "MY> situation had becere alsrs-nug;, vhat vioseodeo1 IDtvsvident Icouid ssain m>'aelf lu (bat poiticu but a short dîneo; Iudecd Ivau thon vcrf.uch fs(igued vlth (ho efforts alresdy mid; it vas imipossbe te crawl ÎMont ote lenod cf tii, epar, mas t &Met gtiif oncing, foIitvauso argstb"I ould notclap it viti eue baud, vilele'Ilet go te Advsnc. the. odieulu eioder te gira i(ho uece»mar progressive motion (o >' body'. "6 )Y situstion Vas, 'ean>' hepelees, unlusa Iacceod finbbugfnS aimne .te My> assiAtance0; vith ti. v ie shoated aud baiioo.d te ( t textsn t' ofan>' vomai organse,t eaD i puapeso, re was ne respenso; I1 pliel, hovled, lu.>' agon>', antîl rny ron.< silod ma, sud oui>' s bourse tuarm ansvered My, utrnst su- davor, and bowblev <sbi>'ava>'(h. roti vhîch batlied My ups. Ivi asa dodiied 'Min;, I toit ni>' strongth dosortlg me <sst ,It vs. vlti the uttuiït difficaît>' 1 could retalu ni>' hold. Yoa can Imagine, i6d oui>' Inigine, My> feelluge at (bt mmnt.WiLth vbat umazlug rapidît>' iliugits cameesud vont; it so med as If over ran vet eofiylif. pe.. ed lu rerl.v belore me. Oh, hbey*1 longed, boyr 1 bqged, and pia>'ed, for life. I1e=14 not die theu, vitlr-.ver>ubiug te live for- youîli, yeait1i, lrme>tbu eo.ne -suan>'ibetrotbed I vitli vhat agon>' I thcught of lber, vbeu: to (b niruov' mnngled, dclgrdcope eui bâub-ý jstituted 1eor .(h. cycus, expeetant bride. groomI Th thoglitorhou gave Me a menientar>' treugth, sud >I Igbt.uod ml> hold apou the spai, but 1 fltniyeolfrapid. "B> d i es eçildi>' heajh!sgave place (o others more b.titans -the terrible Mnsunsd lu qalck eSaccesiou pasa.d -butors Mea s long arial' et ins uurepented, oppoutuultie é gete, anllu.sd prsaepuesç&ma$&d. Ifor pna',oy.o houmors cforlife, (o jmroare or lie me'. mentous change I O, io,I eoald net die tiss-no, e,o>'not the*$n, thon I My braiu whiild, mr>' ilghte duced bfoire in>'We>'es,&sud fbottnhy rocltsioa. Ilvas ocernore i. aafit; 1 Vosa college, flu thé* rediatou-ieôm,ýrectidg raîpîdi', a"il lort11f.; page saterpage vas thore vas a eiioek. lu, a5 Uent vas snystf ssiu;my at bail. lipped rom thie spsr; oI' eti.4 o ld.by 7rny baud. ; vitu s convulsive, f"utl@erort dtgbenelarrl, . o=rnoiilu nugors toplhor srountb ,,~spur, sudstreo pool Mou-fn v0 M-I v airte .p4 f-D a- w "0 zmt wÂpfc std asd t nier -of a ««.l- I daY 6, 010l"14 P. M. UntdPMytoasuhurob, Moomaes 3* stitatEEV2 30,H."TBOp. m, ' C.myFaire, IIst W.dn4idy lua pobar, lln$ W.dus aluDoeb 'Nw Advortseueits m Day- anada Apency Aoudaon-ÀA. m. Poche Wbftby Esoes--Ontatio Turi Club. Dog , r WhIbyFu May t 0 89 nei.terni for the, Sem-W.elywIJl b. 92 50. lu advancýe, or à5 tho .nd of-the, year. The. Weekil Chronidl.vil b.publlhed lu :tturu On adpanc.; *2st illWoba whnpyable etb.wa "<The Rail Estt Rgito.- W. ýove athepIl ,41o ti nnsar (mr tbla dîne. Delay, in reMlolgt the ne. oeSlaay intali o .nable ui (o &ive the; that, o the. bsndoes.t sottpubllisbd lIn cand-4wbs.bn tii. cuse. On tuAW>v Of lime, FOUR TROUSAND COPIES 0f tbs IlRBarn" i il bu resiy for déliv.ry, Sud t4 Publication wIll tison b. continued, regalarly,and vltth.eutmost punctullty, t ithe k la sciimontii. Adrar tiso munta r"ce 1edupto th'@25tb init~, wM lb. In ti.. fW the . set number. WoNKTDY àcua-sport.ion viii porna. witii »M'aattention the sdvertisiann.ntef1 tho'MWhkby Esc.. publiahod, *lsovharte Tii$ purses are certalnly pretty boay and ibOrsil<ot a young OClâb just atArwe loto existence. Thei. nov. Wiitby Courue f. adto b. vitoexeption tii. fiet ln Vana da.The "utro Turf Club," whaà» the ooa or ih. Conrsma une bouepatro e nasd direction tiie Ecebar@ been sot up,and v>)lI b. curle onis oompoised of tfié is( se ntlemen in ii Ceunty of talsdvaeolsaùd (batnotblng will b. toIt undoof. by tiie1i to, bave MIl tir arranpmnte cerne off uatWsPtoriy . Tii. Courue fiprof";o ,w<ii stabli;g forotrdboi.Ti meeting, It vl1ibé observs, e.... offon -edns.ds , ea4s su lrl. yt'. l5tbOtban _V y, and liai ANDED AIsàLI5Lm1orleUi, Bsocs-On Sunday moralog lsat, M '] lotiiuftre bIrokeco>btou étii. promisesof Mr Mc ael lono on t; the, e 0pM Bro*% wblcb compet.ly dostaoyed4i bai su stble su4teïr, onutenta& Tii amWownt orerty addstou ff estfra ikey tglmsebis lim t fros Iiers kcuri t lu hfr-fforts te asva the pvcperty; f- eulsa Whitby-lluo. Tbstaltbeugb tb. Mauvons sdiome lies iu abe>'sue for th. presteht;-it is Do rewaou ii>'ite frionds, ebould pisay tÏedoË In the manger, b>' oljectlug tô t$1e Wblth>' hue. - And(t ltihprope conL ditions lu the bydsv guasiàg (lie Inter. ests of the Township, and locatiug lie sta. tiens wbore deslred b>' (b. ratepaYers, b., osa privat@ Individuean1suda a fiend bi progree,' co uld net conié4eticeusly go 'ipilhit IL WMon tbe igutrotb -imuer s clime .xpreed blesentiments iDluQp»anl>touou - re dm a vl b. able to rueahe .union of Esilva>'i nsu in filvr ortf(li Wliltby lins, ich, novirp teud t'OdlBech Tcvunsbip CotýnCli, vilI Ïe esntta u condItoni.» (batthle stpai; and (liat (bey gin. àagnarkute . fore th.e nte sazbscnliét~bestock uùnder lis b.atlocate sttesitier at (ho tanr',o nr the nev churci ln Prince Aibeit, and st a point on tlisàBroâa near UtIca. - Tinsunutil, tb. required li et aoas-le ee. = 1ecl- necesait>' reaplulating lio thqoasnd ad- atages vifh the people cf Bosch woui resp fucm lecntwltdraitrosd. Fol lie. paltu>' £15,WO -extended over aPeri oi of vt>' p'years-.tioy 'will. teceite an Iminediate honit (roém (ho xpediturof n aotbeei Un!(h ie, of (n milei of road,, at £6,000 per mile; inaking20,Oo). Whitle thie 6010W#, It viii netbe îorgotteu, mum( b. su Immediste expondltnrei frosu vhlcii thb.Tovn#aip vilet fonerapli4 tha bselit, psyment of 218,000 stock la exteuded eover a poid of t(f-yaro. The sawmennen-then l. ilwpryproperty, viLhîn the Tovnship venld boa large con- tribotim ou o beêTovnibip taxes sud.vodld g t W.uo( a (o ountoubslco -tihe anoùnut iequlred te ho ralsm a s Raya railva>' lAi vonid fl rait>' oui>' buho uil naiie <or the rat. lu (h. pennd venld b. mc tnsîgnllcaut (bat mie Ïeuld- neveu joot vsterbue.vas palug Uit rnet. -,Tie pissnt.unionof Ralvwa> 'nn lael>'gra.- tlf>uug ; It would b.vWei l hieIt (ueo place seenor, but as it f., va"0 flied. vitu higi hop. accu t e e b.aceoni$iemeut cfga.-long cbrilshed object lie Wiiitb>' Wu pubîlihb.lov th ii. luscli tate. -ment or loy crutl sud grai Sodle' t& dei c KôêéIve~fol si scriptlons. 7remcbarltair Front Tevu Ca ed, tht il sul exeatr taothe tcf (To tii Editor of the Whitz>Y CAroniele.> iit:-As s ce.ngervator ocftho P"so sud, aguardian crer'the ordei'and quie ne«m cUtbe curnmuuity, 1 caii uponyou t caution, the publie agaînit a bsA. of str4l- ing Tinkersawho goi tround -tii. ountny, àSrutqiryng to obtsln lqucron 8aturdy ëvenisigo after7 c'crock, and thuonsMoft- day morfngnýçdiany infffiation agninit the" unilcy individual batbappons to, se' cornmodate tbem. At tii. lut Session our vcrtl~y IgiolàU see as, 7 passed a buoebugging Act, prohibtngl4L sale of:lîqumr from 7 o'oiock on Saturday .vannug unfii-S',o'clock cii Iondayio1v ln&~ aud lofing-vagabonds, liii. btii wo tiokers wbo. a aISi w hib g around*tbe country to entrap prié*l the information -tiie bal! cf the.fine lï et bar. silitti. regr for thesu Oralty f tbing, or <cr obedionce totii. Jaa, asa Kaboeodn ha for Cbristiaulty. Pieu., put tiie public on thofr guardýby iuÎertMi tbf. letter. ,Tho WÇcrm ru naines are Handccck Loua, t pair orzoom bah5 groostecu tlý (ew Vwllifail (o ocemgplse b tiior prope ciaracter. AKB1IVAL Or TUE "YIGO.9p Imiportanit froniIndia. icaptun of Tmuti& Topoo. ST, Joffri u Nevfoundlaaid, May' 16. The screw tesoesiip Vigo, fimBefast, Ma>' 4th, vis Queoustovn, Ma>' Ot, pss.eà cape Esc. lastiliglit, on route te 3New York, lier'sdvlc o t ha OthIilut. J> iolegrapb frbMnt ipool. Theii. vfsFédersi .Assmbly bsd ap. pioved of s deciaration of iietraltelo messures cf detenca taken by thei.Fedsr Ceuncil, sund lied ppointed Genoral De- lasier Cominder.ln.-Chif, the(basu>'of Svitzerland Tii. Bank of Pruss, on lhe M8f.4e!My, raloed Ite rate of dlacoennte 5 Par cent - The folloviug telegraphie-despateb,da ted Alexandrin April 27tb, bs4 been re- uélvsd (romnlte Britieush ste. The. mtai steamer-hiearrivee at-usfrbm .,inwz1u n Ïhàk. .aLa.. Eug. t' 'vas soin. ~l f4 vu. d..toysa by liii Ifring; on enterlug tCens proclamatiO1n Whvf mnontese ehouldle tre est consideratien Au, *01.1>' te cenduct vlc hattackhe ocf ,or Itulia Statesanp strong oniyiin aucu vente the voiceof ti - people from bcbg lit The Euperor of A an order cf (the day troops, violiconcbai -ocf (be second arwy z>' te !iOor>' tb. ansi Msrch (c. the combat -God sud (the confident Tiie cabin -ps.mn -Snaisted of Mua Paz vidov sud ber (buee EuffiIsh snd thereiu lovring isa ist oftlic -Charles Psnkaon, Chapu. William 1 ford George Platl te>', James Feukes a& Maay Nilier, John F unituge sd vife, Fr& sm Akroyd, John EÀ eppib, William, Jeu ChalesI>oubledy, William, Min, May, senuti Aia Whitlay, (ty cales, Emima a .c"tcb assenger-J vwifei Robert Lyle, T >M inTaylor, Margisi 'Inm, Jamee Keenealu Noce of the Zogitsb 1 lave been saved. The bad eugsged passage, Pommna-Alfred lâai Lon>,Cathubue Ne Calirino Fitzgerald, Xsrgret Cs.ey, CatIh -SatDëyiue and ROI Boston, mai, Tii. Nova Sctian 1 wveac*ble te gasy -theVigo'a neye viii Âs. th(e Buffele and train, due lu (bis ciL>' psslug a crossiog oue .& covjamped betvceet ragel car, throving (y, aud draggiug (hein a conducte, Thomas S. ..Tvo, or (broc passeuge 4ed sud fifteen te vet jured. The fatal train pected in (hie cit>', vi nainesof tbu injurel1 Thie Austrisus crois à fartber Advauce futo dtionsare aid te bav, mkca partia retreat. S The Sardsians it va 100,000 "epi lu Pied The Bmpror lfp parlabut vms expectî Th ora£ae vb4e mr Paris sftrIii 4epartu The. Emperor cf Au te tako li ecbfe<eomm Thihutinirilgain computedst 25, .ITlwebanking iiouaoi edast Vinnavwu> thtc tr sud b. a£Mountof ~' t * O ' tllI e ap o u n d m g LATU Ila ib l ilan t and arapointesirnmbmv ~Gone ubuu .......... parther by the, « -le

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