Whitby Chronicle, 7 May 1859, p. 2

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t4 ONLY ONE I)oLLAR A YEAE Wjikby, Sarday, May -7e M~.' TO SUBSORIBERS.e Tho te rms for the 5emni.WeeM wi tii. nI Qi'tho year. The Weekly CMpiic< illl b. published in triture on BàtrnwÂrc at $1. apr trict 4 Iadva&; $2, "1ibcchargod *ben jityablo othrwise. lien# Mr, Xewat in Parliament. Iflb. oconstituents, of tbe member for ýh* SouthbUtding oM (blec ounty, can #a d imy cause frà covg atÏlarlon la bis l18814W iv â ,lt toustLbe Ilà the Md, tbat tho tù.aSdvls.4 péscurs wIth whleh bhobam ebWvgc il -oultifduribithe presontseuulon, bavo.b.on, onq afLer the othor, rejectcd-m 1$ vpuld b. *zp@cting a gpcat deel (0 Icucb, that Mr. Mowat would have avolded '~4Pea of altamIou pariamentr nie., Most o( Our lawy.r-etatesmen to signalise their career -b>'dlituirbian9ex- WinL nsttutions, and attempting to Llnk. ir.thet1iae onoured laws ofthe. country. IVo are the refore netither d4sppointed nor poavprise4 .at Mr:ÏowaL's mis-directed ce iàris in the' Legistivi Assembly ho pro. curoe spltcratlpn in, tho Jury laws. We d14 .rpec4 however, from i rpttina a suceui chancery lawyer, that thoso mensures wblcb bW night lay beforo the JIOU4 - would beur Lhe mark ofea*rotul pre- parution, uat est; or be cap able of, <accorn- PJi$btng cone deirable and nececsary re- (eaiu, ltt0gptod. 1 But ,wben we4nd Ur. >Iovaàla iw amendrnents so lnexcusably defeetý6ine lu l tb Lb..e recomwmendat1lons, oectnetlh opposItion from aven the iadots.ohbtat poltll '"party> twltbwom bctel, we, contuofeelings of disappoint- mrent andi doubt, ln tbaL abiliL> vwblchhbie prof.ssfonal career served W inspire. Tog ottuin auneandi acqu Ire orne populari. ty si a wAeormer, is doubtiesse tbeob- e1f4~.tbos.accustomed Lo accept- pÊy a age sareform -bho t ccm y4o hthii eend. But.w. greatly overe&tl. e ,)ýtib lntol ge cu and cornmon sons" of dlc 'dn<, £PY oncie rablO IumIaD c can.bo taPýPW a4Up, ncssry e ý-«babas preposeti. - '1h sirM#nito ourJbOlaw Jbfchs Tiihhe* i ÈiA. o . à,. wý - 1 I wuMurrau te buntirei yesis ýndatiirêagbt b>' ot to.prote-etlits tpto ebut' ut eb*iouu and Icetir.adoption' 4 ba batUw Lb 4,pi4 in p4ivote intividual. The r~semai ait iL cmmuthr us se êbviàu ad-COD4OecUaiO ts Výe eau oui> wonticrboVw anyMnof ordi- ary Intelligence, muclj lacsa iw rad isvyer, afLer IUn hborougb dicuWsoo could'be lnduci4 te advocte o dangeroac e a muaei. The. recuit of Ita adoption l well put by Lord Lyndiurst in cayingtbat Lb. moment a jury' got out of Court tire> woniti look arounti anti see' vbat voteb nunbers, anti If Lthora were, a Inhjorif>' of nia, te Lbree thre would b. no more dise cussion allsr that Would tb, Lbre..hop te conivert Lb. aine ?, Wouid Lb, mine glv'vay to-e Lb thme,.? Woul dit flot be à deciuion .oC Lb. mijortY, with ut ,diseu sa", ?1 Voërld, Lb.> mot t ;yak. , tbe, !osmtacIr im pSn Wblch Lbe wbele _syctem î built bypreventlng, 3z discussion sud enquit>' P. Dut suose ethejur>' vero, undeî Lbe suppoeed cysteu, divlded InLbe proportion of covon te flV or alght tofour, tbm Lthe cam Incenve- r.Inceveuti zie seno. Tii. public look with gret Intétest anti ernatnesa te verdicts reporleeti lu ne*gpapere ;, buv weuldi a verdict ef nias tôlthrs. b. oqual- verdictp ofceutca, vould bcesaotod y t - th. part>' loosIng ; but s&vordict of aine weuldibe lnilaltely moteo u'utîcfaetory te the part>'loslng La usnn esver- dict, andwvbee bu louad it a tibue. ere tbree ln bis favour Lb. "d.a i ould, If possible, procet to fuiarber, l1iation. Tho .necmisty lorthLb.unanmlty -of the jury carrnes wvtîtIou.m ost< valuabi. vanhage. -la Lb.e «esit'et ny duiffrenctof opinion IL ansures discussion., Au>' ne, dissenhing pereo),n>sa compçl Lbhe other eleven tully andi'calml> to reconelder lir opinions.-, Acorrespondent of the jnrlst bas thus concisely set out, Lb. leadng ob, lochions ho a change, eit W. Wb re no,reasonale doubt eit about tho tacto,#s, is te b. but fairt te conclude that tvoelveman acting' under thb. sanction of an oath wvlllb. nnanimuo. 2. 1h is, but reaonablo (0 beiavo that wboro twclve mi do not agre. thore le a roal ditliculty aboutLb. tscts. 8. Sucb rani difficult>' cannot be romoy- cd b>' Lh. meo verdict of.a manjorit>'. _4 Tho offecL of s.verdict by a mejorit>' mausL slwsye be vrekoupd b>' the Implicti prohest of Lb. minorit>', made under the sanction of Lbeir oshir. ev wgreat>' oniti applications, for, meoirtriais against tb. velgbt or evl6ecobe laoresed under sncb clrcumihancecf-b 0, As the vçrdictof Lb. majorit>' mine, after aIl, bo q i~anmn verdict,,iL Vrônld be, botter atonce tou aIt.a&Jury' concPiset PetoL.precio'q minimum number of SUCl4 propose4,uajo*jt,-witbeut furtbor J change ; thon tb. susiJer -numbor vwould i ct under Lb. SoaurneCfditions under vblcb tielarger sie Lwle ovst8 Lb IQopcîU: ofi'J" vlsI wqul4 b. fIL là uaL imoroh(hle U(lie hklnow. - ledge tbat 4mi#oetrmigbt ".deuv.mi4ocý. cnon"Iiy rfondrurMW Jurpon' Temins Ia ire ind6lgence'69: miemazing lueliar amoagit tirgu. Yeuoftea tcerces»tosou- abi. "d ferbaarIng "Wb Yl jkeeire tba Lir; e>' ma pe; epdq-1bo.cntaitI- giena vFhei Lb.>' knowtb.>' us>'Mayb. At I vouitibo diffonî,onplnilst maintain Lb. proosei distinction bïtwoon cuiminal anti céivil trials. IL veulti lueoe. tr4seirdlna-' hat1-=1 onpt.be ddrvtdof mwyilberty -*r a,y, or &ed à suhing for mn assant or uilibelbat;àftar'Lthé ue. Iiious verdit »Itvelvo*p;,but ébat I lhtem to upsy bus,>'-da----s ot a ,&miat aaltor ilb4 or, lua amof pesterImportance, migirt bestrippot of su>' tortune, b>' Lb. verdict oeàmore us- 0, Tii inudgees boti both: damet. 1»& -10s& h#pIccsaltator, bis publie conduct l Is slteis iem>M theRafunrzcsume anImmemce njur>(ttI, Lendtbis ln 'diomtiona mnd torteomings'at once Infamou andi e.ntemptlble la a, werd, that- "i gs Det thsOman for Galvsy2t The Globe therepe gets ite a terrible duster-abuos, bovis, tbreateng asnd "ladms" llke six' y," andi "lots teis r.rati,'eutpugnt, gaf terIs aoeoe style ofunserupulous.pdvlurtv e nunelatlon. À 1ev ci othe:.mom, Yien ùriLs o e . "Peresct iy," llk.wle4sk. up th. cutigels for feir biasni "bol, andi corner' mýetingPausmoel- Lions denounoing Lhe Fie rou, spad :. perescIve of thaircon" dence lna Mr.,Br4ovn ,Becauc. Lbe Fra PrmUa taba u Indopn- dant Course, &antiexpr.scec nbon.cL opi- nion o Mri. Brown, tboeiubersl (t) ind- cil GriLésceek teocrashb l17UnOaa pytblog omrr botter to sbev Lb. Illlberulty and.in. to!eraaeeofMrli. rown'e nsrov.,mhi"d ýatireals t Red Lb.> lb. powOet math.>' haievhebwllol,-Lb.y oulti trampl. u.d.. foot overy, principl. of Justice and rfght- feelip ng, ni ubeerve .ail part> antipulio, iotereotî,_ teb, exaltation, ef.the, leaderý LbaL cplree theit csentiment&. r.cti of pinion, Lb.> vill mot esow, but a bli a ubnlslvo b.dience.là demand.by thom,1 to a&l LbaCMr. l3roen 1decires te dlcte- W. greaiululmae thLbntollgene.and1 spirit of(the age. Il an>' coercion ot gaggwicg of ýthe Ptelýs llbelp their cause# ,Public1 VymPatby la alvays excited la favot of Lb..1 viclu oftoppresclon, or for blm sgit bom1 an unprincipledcomblnatlo.n lttempted te be formed. The Frei Press wii ind IL se. ('or Lb. Ipart> malice cof every inLiLuÙat.d Gdlt'the usaI>' stand ILtbac taken, yul o-jý tain tb. support end good ' oahudà t f-ce and, loyal mon. In tbis localit , we 'an ascure our. cote pPrr' httec rent e ë'pblic cympahbY ruas higb in bis 1 bavor; and.Lbat Lbthbigolry'and outrageous il conduct of the'GZoZ'efaction i1 5 s trong>' t lenounced. Au a poM f1 00 vçe may men1 tion, itha a lub of-tb. anbacrilerà te the globee sbcing formcd, aIl of whom. cone, 'orvard rocolve t o vithdraw the r, c11M. scriptions tou thaL pape r, and ho, subscriba 1 for the Free Prous inctead. UtL ether Wo calities foiov this examplo, and a leccon k wil be taughLtbese Wbo woaid attempt to 0 crush a free, press. ti Whitbr Ealivare Tho Bili (o suesûl as y sli'PAsset [esati wi111 rtcý ili Lb. othar bis î riýfôïnn , 'Thâa a sistancef thLb. flcuit>'. Wea passlug --Lb. cbpby-lawil i nov be mo fuil Ll4e line, The vôtkd seo mani1 Dov in tioa bemefit oftRalhi lWY>' b'the 0 m"td' pamS w, th.scutitlysa (ta of a BaIwà e aiy OCha te r rongh the ,Upper tgoiecurod*ytib>' @, et.!y', withptn- e Town of, Wbitbl hock there wil b, hock st on eo, avait.- of Kaclre,, Who a crant>' by-law LeinePt,' bovelt eorparaiv. 'tri- id for - vav L' e- ioen and the people, vben theo vaves ef Lb. poltiM Stcorm rose usd>', aod 1mIgb bave ctused corne ,dsngerous clo.- 'But nonre oet Lb. conditions app>' t-),a- Outis cn omparative poertyour ver>' approxiate equalit>' ln purs. and itinea- tienovntsg peo; out nen-posslion of _long linos ot ancectty, and beundloe >tracta$ of teiter>'; eut abnogatlon, (viretir. erfor good or pli Mofthe privilsesotpri- mgeniture),wete ail, tQ ou t tlniu eM m&ra mmtoson or bésitation lu lb. oetab- lilbm.nt of th. ebambor ln qmetion, on ILs preat buifs. Tolecrev- a'ltbinedit *waec, ivo have 'no Court,. novee, as Lb. institutionbas beerrdpt4dWesalcsî subJ. of <course recaive IL i yh srospét Te tC th. idtutlgi" ln quetien jus> nM berdelnas lte mere r##i rar et thesmoe .popular branob; lUs elfeldonL, that suindepeudaat vote equal ln dr«t:10 Ltsecs.dMMby the LeislativoÂeý@mbiyr muàt fors» s part of isecopotitationsI, eg- fitence.T- it their 1onor"osa ol Is apparent b> ' er ret t"con on th. li i or cuppleucatary. suppliei Tbre, ex- hibition eft Lirir rigirls, boweo, Je lai- more- adulabl. tàthaL.eultofe timir peutience or tbeir vlatiemeonu ibeoc-, casion, Theii. >11es ve ail know, vswue for thre supp>' fet ertain minoriteus vbci bad ne been comprisein tire gen"s Budget;, anti besu footb au ezscL estimaho of Lireexpence of tb. remeval te Québec vas not lacludeti la IL "14Tr Hýonora," (gtat th iir anxiety 1fortLb public purs. teclinatiAttthuLb. lacMotbout ot th. Session te pou Lb, bill I WIthai due délérence tg "their Hunor" ve. oa- aider that Lbq>'hâve. put theïr honorable foot ln IL and .xblblted, net oui>' cballow- :néon otjudgu.uL, but a spirit -et partizan. sbip vblch shoulti neyerzIbo, alovetite cloud "4their ,augnSt" 7décision&. Tha> xad just assenteti te afar more cost>' and Intricatecquestion witbut mncb bésitation, te wit: the fSciguerial Teaure Bill. ,Thisa last dispia> cf vigour, therefore, vas corne. lin kate- brealclug a fi>' apeatireE Tbeyknav, Uthi n good i tthe b.con. t7.vasà piedged tenmakeé one final trip te Qu>n bce L.yknew, or ought te have knôvuwn tbat b' b. 4povors vicb Lbe13 constitution Vesasla Rer 3Msjesty, botb la lie* olti country, as bée, the. selectlng et b a>' localit>' fer tire boldingof a Parlistéent was witin ler MaESL> t riîag ' su, tbat Ottawa vau se -selectd heti b.'kaev bat means lo Lb.rernoval ad in- wemvoe, nnavoldably Teq uired ; andi rare of no contingent a character,,as o eIr inude aexact esimate ;.anti ygt knoving tb !hs,,t ri benors situiti>"-opi-lsbi 1y 8ibig an adiverse vote, nefulag taoo. ader Lb. measure. Rmhi>', ühaviag aval lw.d a camel4 o rýtvoi dudng t4 thLinSes. aus, viwiré e b.ti.gitonsCMU a pst vitLissue. Ip 'tue actýn&, Lb.-6 have veakened, thel>'r,put4tion, #-- on. qript falb.7 "IL la oui>'*o b. iho#ed, ",Wvbon t6 ir"R0 ' - - . , ,,h- ê Mi for *, i1nkv of inAanan&-nt,'.~ Muouds>' .vng lut. Precntz..HieWcé. McdP brsou W , n t - to. Aiu meure.Boy, nt a-pt ,wdkr» nreof Danda s 5ro4-h Prlz, -AUX.Wlson; Spil T, TKMore. s£itaJ forma; ur lj w-fâne en- trles-lst Anthony Hill1; Lsd, Dongelti -18 oÎb. Grgg 1,Spd, George Rob.en. 9jiantu ma ré,thre.e tus-l, W.». O'Brjaut; Lard, Johnosta o rd, Thomas otý Hlarrison Vernon, Lad, &P abr Ruuney; fint, T. 0. Foreusi., -14, James RILGiroy; Ld,nt, m.c- Thre thîrd prise os»iteàd b>'hLb.Jutia. Aga, l bu9Z-four etiles-ict, John Oetes; Lad, Wm. TamarinsJr,, Yearlfg Duith-flve enttia.-,L -.Van Mï i is4M1a, u.Boyton. Brevm ladde;8d, Tiro. coat.a. ToWflordugo mn -tbre euttiés.- loht 'John Weir;' ud, Josepha (laughton.' Jet off. or 'ts-be nils-e~ ,John Costeo.; LadJohnShnoue Pat MW r l(fr-lLJloE" enn Lu rWagon-Lootrlos-îst J8. Iury Lnd,Emany Wie. 'Preatice; Lad, John linsn. Woo<Znplo-eightenties-îstWm, Boiho;n;Ld, Jobn Heard. hon.>'; ad, ieo. Prentice. Tmo-lwrss cultivator.-sL, Geo. Robin. son. f,"ýOac-A ru etit'ator-Lve entnlas-lst, George Prpotice. Turnip drnll.-lIt, bVason &,Clark.. Grain cradz.- lit James Lazier. JYAe4 Hub-Jmmes Lazior recem- nended Prise.à lYa.king Miaùhn-lames Hilbotas iigbly recomuonded. oàte-Odei 'Co.e igbly re-mmoald-- Couvay's rccommended. Junx.-ftor Hors.. anti Catle . .W. a4M, Brookil;JamesDvbwon, PIcke.- mg, ant i au o ard,Wibyg For lapiements; James WalkerJr., Asir- )uta; Ric H Harper,'(mbus, ant 'raneis WilmoL, Reaèk. wewee nô -Wetér liere tary -r.e 4.-1t --'-th ù'F ,ýrn,, 'ire amu sâm i-P.ahtî. ef ti The Eailway Projs.t, andi thi PaixSe (Te Lb. eitor* eft LirWhltby Chroulcle. Wbitby; May 2,1859. > Tire al.aboebinq' question 1v hîcb bus se long kept your communit>' la cou., motion, of eoustructing. aRaIvym-L trou Port Wbltby, muet nov b. finall>' tiedi bt décision depending. a éed deal-soo'far s e . ucceful couplohion of Lb.hevork te, a paying poîst-upon Lb. linniolpahlties Lirneagi whichLb.thaUnela toýpas. As one bavîingsome experancoin th. constrton ef Railwa>'., antia dis Iatetestetil boIer-en, perraps y ou wouldi kind>' permit ni>' vmarks, te occupy a smali epic. Iayour !aluablo columns As i do net bîippea to ova even 'a quatter acre lot la Lb. Town of Witby, andtiheb tact et m ni>ngunder an engaement ho ,remove front yeur locait>' vithin a ho t Lim e, latetesteti motives cannot belnrpue 'th Mbi. Tiscourase, I suserry-to per- ceive,' leàLiraL vli ir aobeen s aar> anti dlabonestly prachla.d by, the edîter" o! tira Oatari Observer, la assaIlg tir. fnicatis of tbe Port WffiLb'. & Lakçe Huron, Railva>'. Anti ber. I s>'malut a ev tacts vhfcb vIiillserve 'Le show, Lb. utten vant et nformnatiJon, 9"nthelb.horougbiy aboard notions possosseti by Lire Obunrer- edihor, ,on Rillva>'matera. While eaf'- gagei urv.ying.lb. brancir lino trou lutica to Port Peu-ny, a fow v'eki 's'inca, fo r. i.Beacha11, w. sÈtoppeiat àPrince Aibert, wbere theo aboya editot- joineouron coupan>'. Ris coavers.atioa ontLbsubje i t1 et Lic Whiêby Railviy, and 'bheliauvors brancb, vas 'fet b.wllde7t'charaecr, aàd1 wboily ut variance vitir ail knova àz os- tablisheti tacto., Anronggt other alb.urdi- Linie assertéd fiaL- if a mnarket ' W, raes-0 tabihmi t he b.propeseti Toivu 1ofOn-1 taiei, nrorchants vould stili prefer LW senti tb.it grain lo'tbo sbipping port via tb. Mta rers in,.adistancetof45 uule,1to sending- iL by the Whitby route, a dis.. tance of 22 miles 1iTire. asno ar.ing against sncb noasense. W, ail kaov, sit, that Lb.e'firstebJoýjctoft>t'Lb byeî in mn>' market wllI1bc to éc'nromize distance,,t and save frelght. Tuae an American bu>'- rn- a the i.Prince Albert' matkat, anati wbicb 'route would bc Irafer; lb.e t milos rente Lo reacli a haîbor' open evety t la>'la Lb.e>'.urand unsurpouièd on Lakte ()0tau-o;ý or the, iiiterlor barbor, 45 milesa listant 1t.dCany reaonablo maaenhqý-d iia a donýbt as Lo wbfcihrouete would ôl. tain a' pfei-1can.aot concevre boy an>' parsea et etdinaé' fnellgence, andi luosdupnt' Tbey te viran theo hw Le ou Ig LIes» ite il, aud go ls"Èni-É« of thet Lb ment, miter sfoirrià be.r proreguetianti alo for, oelstrrting Ltb. I Casa msytbîag more1» Lb. vIol. ýscIa sb.o .um #mO ur fler'IwJl'Ya" UsoefflnoirJe tuuy Win aveu. <la Lb. Province, vitib.hesaeupeo ~ff «cw « bym0% c tire two Trunks Ubere tý ne, otbeï toute -b>' tb.lrffiiS tiat anate bas foamaàttaen b.e s»' ýdogre. of mon paried ti &L.Wbon' 'you owsuder 'wbat mu to admirLt iitrennious stepswLbe Brirh goremnt 5evéraI'of the M ar£e tsklhÙ' to'op.n out a line forsar ezpedi- ire b5ck ikgý tiens rente toL.troactern poscouicu anti clet-thougrgo Lb. Victoria Golti Fieldis you need neïbolt hf"ruefti uurraêtiit la lesà thanl10ysirs; the; portL v us>'ay ect 'WbIthyrLino makes s>uaictlon asthet a aLWEDNEUT.' anti of LaIte Suporior vithiha(i most un- " precedon.ted lin. of eoinmuaication. IL le WhlI '*msq woîIl know-.Itbat,,a eompany 'o! Br illeliLegiclative (oj Lioseue he s urveys'srécompletedsud last, or monacoo Lb.>' 'got certain guanautees froutro pro- Lb. second reati sent (lovernmont Tir ook t e b.great senceramon, booate'Can&daby spating la labour sucli homos coffin iii au i9mmense ao»eunt'-of capital as viii b. iatibrofgiit tip necour te Carry otthaLundertakir& felt sLrohg ln,' t The question le cemetimossketi 1mow lot>of0< Iiia> vilth lb ine ever geL ,ýbe>'oudPort Pairy, cloLb and aubes; avi-n If seý,' t, ndaier'ti",epreused'etate tumaqy, g e., otaffai iasv.r Lo-tiraquestion vroulà theLb ôbbn.' i he'lrW .bo e"Y ILnti bêdýWto indu- protty pli tel eues Lrat go-a.iroad P.opIe ,actosa' t1îd' ver>' roundl>' for Lake to LaIte stock in Lie siortegt, line5ati The difatrer et vonld eai-theLb. NewYoriàd Pennuylvu- Dlaqtere,'titin4 nién'tate.-!-»en eirtPacigeiarbu-.. urai concluct1 My dermiopinion le tirat Lire>' oalti'ielp eopolton son antij us If necescat>', 'but neyr JIet I 1b.eiald the Rouse ongri that v. vwee' se dormant 'Lo oui ovu la- bhis tiehvershrees, L.ret, As LhnoïW',hia gi-eutunderlaking paternat itstôn Inte tho haziti.of'auotber nation, boever calions 'boarts of patebydisposet o, àstpresaut. ' bis meut meliflu <Ailov me te su>' a '1ev 'vendetoeant itheLb.politi Lt.h o 'oftRýo cr.I vonit i 11 tte ll thon lheput on tf thaïm lnait andat good falth thaï indignatiton stylea Lb.>' do net properi>' viev tireir owa inter- b. laveketipati' esh veaLhy'-0us "e oiou' i, ferLirat uiestèî.xqülsi this tesson: Theyareuvnr. (btat Dinochots pooket, batit vs arce chesca'propor-tionably (té-Lhe'stock 1Mke Lbe mutin Iý ubscribed'by -'Municipalitieài. "Nov vbat tirt'vill notI, iris> -rethe tesule of -thaiêrtefuaiag té aid charmer chars»- us ? IMY simp>' tUs, (bat the>' haviag eit dow is-mlentl ne eue hé repris.atirehm nt Lb. Dôard vicLionahthis p virea the harift et'hagos le adjusted It hm, spoke bon.' wouldi b.r s-ar> ttifofr Lb, Dirachors ta nnusaly fluent' sa>',imake L.ao emuCir te 'À8u4- ti.nounc.d the d burn, (lin dt 100 pot, cent di-htro ( a sovotof pneri: point to Port Part>'. So u n o:M-.'Edi- mo nta quite dise: tor Ltlâ b>' refusing téecou. t ttje rescue anti viedom. 'Ný Do* vo throw s ýburion apon :tb"-'anti Prinerose, but tiroir child-on la porpetuit-. I do gIse quçnce vas sad> tb. Ralmncdi obttrJudguent disons.. and thb, tban rua suèh ab*4nrd ,as (hie. ' oui>' speak fer t4 The>' uùb efbar in'lnd 'tbat un Goutta seftuatiaccts w. hve llntnalngtariff «ohM io.iu- unt wih memii "iiu> coupared.ti'o Lb.e yiem pattuodté, infuence-. tiha ia 'England,w here both- plans, uoctloni etation. H. upc estialate, mijitarigï, sre flxti'vben Parlia. nuou oftirgppea meant grants Lb.eCliartér;""' volutiQnay , làra Tiùstngý,tat;you villi pardon, me' for theue iangLb>' rounai-k., I beg Le vsh' You nglntbyi THOMAS DOOD,,O.'U ukoKdh Whitby,, 6tir May;, 1859, vsbslso~ 3. DUAt Sifi J

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