laLak*Iî pAnto0latt~ tus humaIt ~ V*VV baà utlht and pullabed M m OMMU wbu br' - - wopvt& 4d tw éueh.wu tpatt i" * ucate.sud Iblnded, it vill roquire no- a 4 ta ff«t O<y ,imaginatIintb if nIiifo7 ý,à «m .and biege ba twun th., lI%,Metw property, rw SM idpmomêl, WII. 7V#i bg v iewdow sd chul. .hà adw i«4~*a8o t ha emm if tLouise -ZVI audte iOhcarlt7 lawhlcb the Log- 4eii# 1007'aibi<nesl lfrd, eparid' -fficib S ia&.mtionsoftbtuir proprty *Whfblchwoldotherwla.'hare takes place, Intense wuate aIntorest end lb. 'urioal- 'ty tanhifflwrlnio Jrome tLqrasge emW; TtduImpo. uptIýl# to,'aWmyelub #cale vithut h.acilg thon qutd or dis- ~uoI~andnoton(r.quentlaitaraday'e 'rib ver th. capital did teh* Young "éeitlaa" retire to Pet WIilliIp m lproud ut ot-row$o4ltiaiithome'o<tb miSlhehro wbo tha#n 1uvay.a < ýle of -mics, Ame mt ttw wolul frInde vwithwho -Jeromea and hi# sister prosmerelrations ha sirdyhitrââd 40 *@youis. '.Col." ,me u I » i> V7 oe#t4d PP ery e:rM- 'Thou .whgo<Ik". lm weII, r wont te t eoni tii'Mp.$ usot oar-1 but huaJ imeu rsk. cfthe. colonel,, but .byafectlng (o ktsow ail th colonel wx siffft , tit l lâ) ntTm4;bg thé *udga A omet r( or tb oqloel-tbat 41800!. .y o(u7'roai, L.oigo .t'uhru qffij mur aident tiià t bhie .7,, toa Ãniag on thé. words.ta'bhi otii. dWbo mada'Mi ",ue1 t.6vIs t, ron.l W, Wý th fFyW (ma, w si J~t, ,Sud' tueolo elt e1~artuJ of loelng the opportatni- t Oi, ippé o the 1£I'aL n(*ntte obear- Ing h ibi llItyoeitbe lé éur MWMeor, *9 imawn, uha M ot, wba ts -mat w*.uodoun JIroe.m »Ibo .tood for WeIar4 m1 $0W teMqjUW -s"d tlwp Aenv4 o *i Iiiiiiil 6t a 4 l iibam6 ial*bt Iltires brr (ro Ed 0.11 now expesioutced bya 1nà ô#teverbo«. It 4 ct ap th a V«7> sait tyle, lsd <iwk et evety.uces. <Tprou th* .na drne Thc Whltby atimi& ha cois. 10 un a ee-e~lf* nd pro- aenta i 4'Im De* 4W.iae ioe I h boo ivli ustilnis o otblWh. th.e*aprf wo N . ffl conw- TbU1i eth iciof sn.a pw Ianod (roim lbo, c f the /WIsttby UhrçMk, Ità typogrqpblW cOew lii lann paalul id lie pAf, aa dredît tle Tc ws .et w -tby - Termx, $2 &0 Tp oal, P abruied by Moglg IAyIqab.f.r Ton " Wir tCuuxirox"-Thie Paper 10,91Y P"hed .eus-weeklyi tiipsf' e th'of , e O em"a Opot ont duetd * wfth ehilaâsbelt adherhngl clone)>'te the part>' i ower. ne -he )otj olrmW. bujust gr~ s(vod,. with kiti. 4onsswbat allevd, boing bow the, $mi- W, kê ArO- nkkl 'Undithé awseat laine k hm becs publMid abtly bdWosUalfy, both li tiio, dvvtlâgaa el tio deprlot!n, buM wdoubt war-, bava j cal l'h tby Gr.. nkIe lwd iteea i t.ta Moi wbhcbI7.- 4bid 4duses it bai pud coasechr. i- (Tr o h.Kncete im2iNe. &Mi- ZaHcrihi e"-Cron~ fion 'ate is eI o thet.d voia eu t4inA' imýrkonieSfer, ea- pp< hav nost ub he entfli 3ouwé. Iliss.-Ma eTyilrà WSpp.,*ld*w hewopdoath 90141116erpee c Meu Thei ff .oelo*aA, 1-qÃŽ", toue, but liaa ooter peren iiiceien aw a i ïout wt b.'rmioue taxes 108*1Tb# Mr il lapie, tii farmmr, thal.liko ' .lwc...ty ta 4 u i'et 0<tbrla J dy W8 arbapa vfthos aquir,1 ant". mts in dt. i, 0 Wb wsust .lt.aa ho ImpnuloI LU4 l. fm à mm lw o wu pf Oit; M~ um~liUtIK dl oe adIW I.yva. ~ nmeiUo r te 44~~e~rc au thsyu.rwi. ~ Iule'proparty wilh ih" wnMlse. Soid-Wau, Iaffly lid Toma taxs $11 10.,oeiS.basn$ 2 a Rod -a tenant onlr-1b 1», WLumg On 14 sac 58.Tts ô u $84 98, About 10J USai,f«raeaW la velurn, Dundasa traat rf#*4s** oda- vslk 0( n# au 0rodo e al,*& viii eratuli' onec tel~eqc1~ vltii.e Tomn1,and aidîYer, 4bUt pla ýabait' ln tIi. sama ,,elghboflscurd, a *11ecut 4100i. l'hlrd-s Cochran pald on leaSM, 414 id ýToms tsw». A adasu# ad~a>r fions the viola front cf le s Ml", . ourtbi-J. L'yuud pald Town taxes $6, un" erAdsuson m 0 te8, and 1 Ob»an$7 0osAcres aeîutaedibo. ta taxas 04ecw oi$2176, îNpanda'op CeaIwas iael00, iasrljugha$attbe MaU tswada *Il other e0# uro'mat me d0aotand lhfi-Mu !olvins gogoI à (ie4f lotoML, pold $1 a di, L8pMlon f7 mw o, u$0 M W W.Thwdko 9 mur (Wd couf I pa*tlti ý 8MdV&dy ao sa ecoscPrI ri) 0828; #MtIa«« 14b, ,Total Toma taxes $15M, / In rattM$0 axpe&d oui !4 o dlâ$ 110, wu4 bIX aepro part>, bans $441 talen out et <b. sianl pomtbhutltu J. OpurrilII on I 41lainb. I orth and hi î ar Ir oi)pld8*1 &IMon88mi crs60, sud Wn.And«.- 00;' $7~ totalj$E1 1.; zon - Sepl)JouiTjiopsonpalti Tomn .*s Mf 90 Mad 0ipundai -os Thotspnu'oel»la; alanice pald by Kr, Thôipsa $ 10oui prcparty raloed b>' ,Yit sid«A ISÉi<rta "wIý.Ifpropar- tom aiI r.soeaa*l pi. b howa lup, radactoua aider mei bal. If te.Coaaty TazifI.bardanem who buaéi malvdtisébasai t#c .'u- ty .zpanillr 1 I. sott e .prceperty ind ripid growthof gbaTown cf W Ilt4yý #iOUdy isdébted (c ha erectio ou i l CooisQr Elldnp 1 Ail parts ofth Cotai. ty ahotli liru met04roUorYion c4 ous- ty tazuej but if cjie partot t[ëootinty- lam dérivad Wbenéà baiat roni th.ettlop 0( the. Cmtc utyEitdnp tu a otb.r k te the Têofw MwhthjïLifi. helands id. j1mgJ .olant da 11111 tomeuma iwisca. fftu. question oOf ol fiution là clos.)' aauied It aould b. f6and tbst otbar, ratapcyoe hava tas'reammusaf dompfaipt m #1"mai h Irin- Tb# 4iill pr.par o Ot " IaMae telii. ostrallz imrî M'tbaý.u-vbO Araeaéaam, higl berq a nd aidhll aunalots hora »bu*âauiceur.draua that r.quill aooildartion, To thasir crodit b. t sud tuIthà t-eiseofMratapsare gasaaly paf lrlir . si tauUTBSV" altuouqh "bar rd' f aof mnent leueev.rtinlms hi gia tlb. farmuaw.Tha>'do,>ot airs rofuid and decry the good ns.. 0( tbu Tow tbey lireainJt lato be houd Mhtibis luthelaut tbat vil be laird of amu m rs.epetition, sa dthat, baruaflor, dMi wrsbty Md4 watby dclaill tek. obia Inter.t usTown affaire, aid showsa wilnbu 18 eo pend a ltle dos. and gir %onse attention toward. carrying ont our Tours.,-., WhftbusAthel, 1889. do'owo ~ -in dr#ua baa tua ckiidsaea itbOm Mt 1 uTon- oao.ncl Ian tlemd lit p tbeBi MyIalntrOdaca b>'me <r 1%ê ororaaois îrdar ia dtii laomt jid, f o baWà rTo't i utewe, tge é ont u#i l ,à te wt Ib ai ~h. aaUSnd la~tPIM loto cosou a64imi" daned expo often tbi Adt tiha il fadudIldaftcm hbabook mihimm, ma MMQWMo ' 'tb *1 To.gtLiaup tbiaitf ,iwstzbqt auu8*cÇ bar# itou uu.DMlsuamdtneu Wt tbt ybosdwith9ITa Il par*n imogaite M0#tha Jadis Qtrufut bW ,tdpoOfluiardmnlon. l ment a, caali i<l ii a dis mmýV Diim1oubt là a ai à tte uaà . usentien.d st vhlch tue Compas vîili bh a s"amttdi1tial ly, and onTue-; bot tlOF Tm, bliers Ibat 4 Aix l-ay or W#Jadndy sn,, but. I, dlntted, Ciape.». wll bii. untAlMyew".e'-. dthtrial «viti alkew w dundar s a e. -~ ~ ,. <, AiÀ,vpril &-O<Brei, oosvictd, roahl'msoeatulys uorïoroa Ab# dtM Cbis oiA tboes-,,b ye I vi'mDMo gy i4as 10 wokt8* hOO-Mbba ailes4h Isfi ib# aimuahie port ont lb. lat0erpart e luuase Mmclng aty milbn-of, ù i un de'r the ai aunaidn, ati sor- ad>'dmsIaabudeag fsctdl 0Inte MrayoIgM . o si« eotte aid ha t comul$ad Itiir Istaret I nlsdi$ Ite laaan of tptrias- »da ires is rtaa one'oarPoe, et >Tua Yotm ur ci tua iSnd cunitina lia fouling,-Raals bu propod th.ese. seemblfn cfa oeMgreu mitiha le m l preven cuap"ticatlo 0wlilch lia ondiî' Clon cIly lmgit Sire ris., aid vilc vould nalilly dlet-orb th. puce cf Eà - The Oon$ro s proposede o be conatltated ofPlaêlOlentiarles[romui r c.Avati., Vnglsid Pruaale, aid RsIand lo be awsmoaWdte ct i nsaoaianotraI toms. TiTbPrago rrnumat ha.giren con- sent to lic proposaif c eR« f UcBs lsaCa fi# (Mab1éla ofLondon, aid Vlanps h ual r.tawd&a ofiiar israpo>'tu btusmI of j0rjpurcent, but aubaqmdty, mai remoo Austula reA he taProposition for a cuag9rse quiIta *g faiai d raatoi oc- Tireper mcs Mii. s Ulll8,05 on utuoysu4 WOba tbast iib [lo ,w4hhiitim 4i !emwI Pif lui od to h MI or g ilob e ual tar.ra volesru tsklu day fiai upoa, 59 ain,.ra match a e«dter. Tu.e.01w," vomi>' lia lattmr.Tic ata&bout hait puit sevu ep ing n ofiber aide on lta 60Sm, rus aw hià l'Ody0pan tO qulTu>' go tie ai vmftueshava b« dcfese, but tuefr ida Moelnt hltrut rim en1 the 1-5. .i .I 0**. ILTiai sovo sr voeahIreW tIl '%OiO prIl, 1859. On Bonds>', thae rd April, by t l«,ler L ýT. Byrne, )MiJoin Kéryý Palstar, tojW Mld Eliza Young bôtf dtWilb>.' DI ;ogt'eoloy-At i4 it,'y, onl WO '- 20 ace stant, Phoe be biqrg mi<e of ir ,R o ....... jo»Stcs, spd g174aa. HI OUCI <> Tl~CORP'ORATION o . of ri0UKzul%êlutend, mUATUJtDAYý,4 on. Ao#notti s1à tMi bo woon iLof4an&WND 16, lsi te 24 uaeao, n&rauct *11-par- ieLtuf0a Lie. internudatcttegover tboimuetvos y.Sedrd- (oD7 iffi>'. --'. Q e t rot qui, foi UZOTX »ZTOfA pp1i uat.daVlekerlstbl 5h A.prit, lsr9- T à WhtyMag4 rd (Cocooolon s IvlJdi t* TuWý nierly lit t4or, wimmd for Chu I., nct ofteut- MarIi.$ te orcc~ ~Ç ho tc; e ea r YQaae * ttYana i i'.l. al .w. .i1.w< Watemalýr an JowUer cýC. t# StA44o j q Tillrn lU, 1DM. ~aç~er~ r iiuqra, 1ig~,, ~ wrhuiu'tict. millgiv.uf wbSh5t. A nu JoweIlry ~, r ~ *lîitby~V, q-~, 'd' ld!b bym -411- ,wi Yi