Whitby Chronicle, 12 Apr 1859, p. 3

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TW Ms pd6by t pttitn. for tu. Y0W#$fl4i tbO eP*, W L by 4ens IvIdthathOospossitao, m ltumeo m f so tue ezpemodase oftbe Towniiui lh9aii.4Vm. Gordon, onu Ai# .proporty rosi assp*oonul, $10 48 oe arotasn ha" a ",vlot4 udemlk 1a1d t. conutc bis propety wlth the Towsn sld.»wk. eOod-Wra. Juif-e> paid ToWn taxes SU10, Josph stepbmm 82$579. Ue. ,Itdd-'t4ant only-16si. Wms; Ilng on êas$',$à. Tota8fo 9 àactas A8M..bout 10ok-mufoprmerc 1là, TOtit8iDan-d atr.t eii &&pts unw aide. %:N ,o,,fmooda uma#I, w h hviii wan i ounuct thil w th v thé Towns; 01#aIysua & 4ge t. bul lu thé.masu siibborhog tM, ibs v met * Md..Oeorapald ou SOucéies, $14 11009 tlb. whO4. font ofht lUua-loi #- tbj *mt.. qade psld Town tax40 $6. 0oheT08. À"resa" ssd150, Town taxes e09Ie00.d$21 16, Ixp'od Ion opochnsà mresi$20, teqhntg dubttehy psiiosss ilother Town Impmoomente ouIJ# O tiU, ag ety..W Mon bo 5 ac40s of land I. aP -i8-cIe. J. Opurr-il on 61 MM oradq'>$00sud W. Thorndike on OS SM «al4 cut laprk lots, sndpartlysoU At muotmusprimes>8808; total mores 140. Towu Town taxes $18 59, In retssu n$20 expended os lb. side lino, bounnde -db' abevo properi>', being$4 41'tabou ont of tbe aomalas' ipo" Jrta ore.bauit et J. SpurutI os 7 aIre"slu th. Noith Wm4Ij <Inélcdlng hisestore asud dweiiing, sulpoersbnai prbperty) psld $808é, K. Stars on'88* acme-$0VI, and Wui.AWdc. amn$ SW; tota _S 121. Uzpended on ÂAdmli" .aimai $20; overplus $1 12 ln Scetb-Jebu TTiompsonaipaSdTovn t4ies $020; sud $20 .zpended on <1!bcnàipensl&eliai.; bslaucepsldb>' Ur. Thompas$7. 20, on propWer valctI b>' lis 'oineist >50,000, ns>', jugt double Eighb-WuL Blair udilanry Bo PSI4&Tp'qtaxes$41 luJoretarDs four fot#Me vslk fronts tbelrvaluble pioper- 1"ýid s ... lsr ostuiants nuill>' expem4d os umdgqsset b.'tweszrtho. 4wo ,(<q*-4éhn Hainer, on four acres, lu. élssding tbe beautlful gS-undssand rednce M à 5"htohb,4?psld $0,77 touai taxes for as.I ai ouieha us-primlng te fintI thi sM'e cf the 44 chet in ulnTown," On' "otuof astar ,ol 077 ou 4 scres of pleasure grounds, residono., permoni ps- perty sud'inonson ',thepetltlon., Tenth-TomaoWillozpslteét zou s ra&ted fsmw. The lsndlodpaîdthelb.ta: oltber 4lirIor indlrectiy, astIma e aismaiof 1h. owmarlitatta tohethelb pa mln fqm»*Iio wq>er 414 ot sym. pétom wf I h e V s malA vs ' T io ré. re. pieeuad on a potitlen. Ewienth-Tbe i nas ofthe reuisaiau ton ptlor, rsprasoa a.40 sres, on vblch town taxa es eopIUt u er 1480 luoudhn4velinppersoui pr- poI', luicome, sud lnumseleCases, tewu o, sud dopa ýi $1euh,. 'For ibIs aOum IanA.>lnprovouçaiesvo h- at do ln the outas boundarin of thaToIwn',lu eue@ ame thé piatoio.e, O.>McInIo.b,paid total lm& ta4x 1maiyosi, 94 catlW 1iuoremd b>' staui o te$2, lowesi suW tha ai b. col- léeut wf vbch 24 confs #aré for Town pwpmosi (IsIobutfsrtiste îhàt the dîseuofMr. liioeh' -htgnaithéêbetto Mi --oftbaliai o.t llioei; ihe orlluslqra oS tenant, aseiedte ovulot oa141409aiY24 Th* Oéuty T 0in t ti*$1 lust yesr vms VwDl efu bb.&où nW gooUgdebt hi>', shows la ba"d iftheO00 who hu e vW.at ty. e""ed4ltswo m d n0pd srv I urOO rate oft t fThie P«eg .... A..n.....J iinflTnd Iý tbis lmss IO nt rOua sMd 1h5t1 «4ttttbt ust vus. e Cêenu. 1h ty>' shou4 best Itajust propor«tio ooga t' taxes ; but Il on* part of the Oonty bue derivrcimor bpttironslitheaseclion ff tb Côuny Bqg ip han aoqber i la lb. Town of vbllby, an Ibo1qds 5te Jolis, A coaaplalii ou tIbIs««o0.cOMne vlt sver>' bâ.gre. rose ulb as-m.- prité.'- Itho question of Town Tatie la dosai>' azaulued Il aould b foud 1hs1 other nut.pyers bave far more aosa.f coupldut than1h.elarmes-a.The auilt ptoperiy boIders ontalde th* centrallzed port ofthé Teown so are amse me lon duel quarter sud lUit cre lota bar* gsIl vunoee unreds-esea h" tsirequis-. cnidération.Teoiait. osdit -bell tI 'tia tisai ais of ratpers gémerali>' psy »tbrý Taxeswihhouat smurnmr, altong tboir'MUt 0 eef momt laàseverl Urne bfbh.-lissa tthe fumesa. The>' de met -turai round 8suýd de.,'th.e od amme0e th. Tovntb.y lire In. UIo Asté ehoped thst thie latie lutth itt vi1e board of tibm neapetidion, sMd IbsAbehmfter, somte laterst lniTown a5llra, 1ad à hii s ulllng!ncas te sp.ud sàlltlýe iand $W4 »ouiion tevards ears>'n5 5ào MunicipalgSoenaot, IANMTER MOAn. Whiblt' April, 1869, Arrivai OfthlnIdlaa. - -posunu, April 1. Tb# steauubip ladianlaft Lvospol st il e'olbk ou tise amorulug f ef lb.i Iuit., sud surevd abPortond sa îe'ck on th. -The theindien leus folls-. la the 1Les on ltheIBstI, th-bil fer Perailttlug marriapith a tIeeaad wlfc'i sister vu dehtedsud ieest bis vol of 49 1o89 ,14 iii. ouset commuons Ms-. Difrumil sÏtldthe terme ilfsub.ldytteeGl«wa âne of slemgai, aie substtiall rnug. ed, bail not defitol>'oc stle The dubatà on the R.forn m Wu11va se. ', o..wilsnSld>Heiber4 rOsoi> sud éthers, îapoleeagainst il4antI Sis- E Baiser Lylioai, 1h. BoUclier Gênerai, andI others Itarao; êoit.,, .TL@ debates a Jous-aid tilt the i4th. The 0amUtté nàn asundr>' houers on nanses-oua hdIn effcers. il aise asinouncès lthe appoiuunbmet George HunIer Oasoy us Attos-noey Gonoim of Btitiosb Ooluabis. Tho Daiy Nés.. oIt>' as-IlelêY ssyIba coSidrablc dogresofef lilaepreralledý "Y dsy ass i poonlstoss ID 1h. Stock Inuthe anorniug 0of t u asn'onceat lu du. lfoctmrs-of a Congrus M 1hdu a poeors cauWooesqcrs o. btupeod iAn udrance. ofabout oe butit,,Wllover Prlees Came trot Pui A Tapec ruiner vue cisuis ttAue tris dollues toaca@e te.puopoW. 0ocgrees, sud thefalilin 1Ibe foieligb xcai> gsaîlsted Wattention. The mcoec woo th# uddeu besvlnas thae.0"tck E. chanige, ý OPojlt off itbilouesi poini t f1e tIs>, an sudeimtlb par centlever ith» yesltdayl Thé, apperm m.Of sa th. ie ot the àilos,uompuarîely depresse ýT1m. diseoonlbusines et theBanik te- dmy veupmeai .lssted ami»l. oiced y... tar>, sud la 'hi earsket a ;ood dé. mousdmle mdliexpmrienoed, but the supplyis<f poneylIo rec and lnexceptionslou«' lrsuoetlabavc Ialoen pl&"esta i raqtoa où roductionftrou 1h. boaik minimum, Forq4gn Ezchsup Ibis UUftaooaissde- aidaitllver. Ma4 the pro>tioer -a &Md" sfM Sd aoco. mados u st1 ai88,5 m ff;nP "Mbet. f. of m.thw amOisulo.- ou arn rnsa O pei 5n r usamo Thé Honit4ua Ibis smonuuug containi report b>' IL DeLarge on the subject4 Pretestani vorsbip flPs-asc. Hwwdordc in SrtIes-biceM e Ps.garente« fer lu cri>' opubîli o olp, th. sutihsl :0 opoing nais ProtstntChapels,h&a, wi bc gsanled, ,noib>'Preaclebut b>' I: Emperosla bis Connaît of8$M&e * oneuueal etters daorbe maiute, rupled arlike prepasatieus on tue pu of Franc#, Aaetrls sud Piedamont, A dWr" ismsu toa bas, bacspi docmlu om" ldo Ptmbrgb, b> ti dedatatlof ta .odaultleof tbe Goves The nobgiIly expsestise ophfon taitAt room viiibethindsau of ,1aaaauanole hn4~44sêt ,m*u dhestà UNISE ow lot r4d1 té fo bi à@ ,d lb. adt vers geaseraly staving TIesmis>,under latetlistrnetiotss fts Lrd Canu, -bd produc.dseurm k- able s-aut, 108 mus msrng surs-eudered lai Esily lonsý, tortbuS«nd la ButIdon sud 1,700 inBbaS.frbanpots, Mmbbsdab Lord Clyde I o la -m nl D dis fortb. semsiuderofetb14.yeas. Pie. cations bad bMnai ake-ite pvoullisâtése. tom- of s-chos lote Onde. No change lu lbheraine os- tenisnd for Êous-. Indim Cn s oitI iovlystia sise lass to mon.>'.NoObsuap Inotbe rrluas Tb@ Royal Mail e.aibpCadCp tain Ling, vls Lires-pool ,data on lihe SOtb nit., ss-sived Ibis moulus, The slesusbip -.Ps-tueé .lJb o(rt, e Galway lino, arri-veai tGalay>'onlhbo 98sd It vill be semaberd limaI#ho i ber propeller, probsbly off Cape Bac., suddvws snau ou tbe làtb udesmiii. The at.suuhlp Oityi oB (ro- rein Nev Yes-k Mas-ch12#as-s-led ai Liresl-o on lb. 241h. Tie. news 'Of16e CanadaAsiimportant. Auatrsabas couseuted te lb. proposed Eu- s-opean Coup-eu, to stte lb.afairs of I- ai>'. The other fouis Powes--Egisud, Fs-anc., Ruaisa, sud Psnis-laads&aocon- aest.dandtI h. Congres. voltIprobui> mee" M Aila Obapolle. Poldmeut sud tbc oihes Italisas tatas verelîkol>' te b. il isi.r'qt1h51 Prince Napeléonai vii rcpresnl France aud 1h. Sari of Maimes. but>' Egland. Thedehateon liaBScIm bill vus prog rasslug i pas-lisameut. Tba uully vwould deubthisib. dteeldo Lord John Busa. â meaidaent. Lord Palmerston bid, bovrr, pronsised te sup- port lb. second resdlng of *0. bi' tbcs- b>', probsbiy, a.vi l.thecabinet. OeunI Cavonr hM&asrrrédinParis& OOXM5SOL ximfLLoWO Cotton lunLiuerpôcI v!u *ul,s-on lise isesk; oaa f tb. veda foWtiip109000 bslen. du4anfs4 1but tWsieusetial- -The vo tiug goas on on lb.he, by-law. Tisas, acrie ry kW--« -ho mu;offMs. Lahuglidicota tà "*sMeiW» votlig guIaJ.. Win, b. oSfled b>q in ovawhaul Ts 4prelidmgfor the os"s .f the Couaity ofDurham from',t] Oou&y of Nouthumbeland ha pai tbro 's s ooud resding phthont -j omdmasud an sthlrrs&lg KowvoL,ssîuiyToiarou.-Abo tho 1saoifAprll &, ta afev uls-i Sud u.it.eetotbmeos poullitpill but 1h. beetbWt plubniltas *vbu* thb.> vii o b . teboet t t MoWhea tieMmler,&èWassfils varam, set ù» .tanis lasapepnrm not lmss han ibses fae*pust Nso la (rames to esp lb. rusesfsoa @sgren àsud kicep btsh e*lýl biàid ond4b sued yen vwiii haye a"sopibs vii mtoui lhe natives. Tb. udrantagl ,tmis gotictheug lb. piaulatrtdwly v Itho atsetglwveinby b'tàqnsuns The muly a ptodug.elas emeampleL go dWISEa!,es QOd per buee. Wm ffd1l4. ruae Vaimse a, 42p bfi o.mbl EnvA. ($Lin lipper . otlsla, la là». 84é pmro , Ossoir.81Iper basliel Tomomo, monuis, Aptil1, 1l8t. MSzWasàr a8fi i 84 BÀZLT460 m. ft s le 8a0ge per bee Osa, 29.o 1 BOAoisa B0 se64 ~ Zoom m va 0doumu Povoluaed a2@70 BJAUUMfsionh t dleirh$00Q00 . T. Byrne, mi. John xurby, pdmwUtaT t Mmd 5z YonusbotfWhfbi Jeu re~ t 41dby~on tbeth n.i ut# bobuthobe V v*eofMr.s.ons Jontn gd21 YfO.M 8.17 O. OAWIroprleto coWr.OT.x o, ORSALEOIITOLET. A Whty O. JL Ulik r ePS'N. eor ou81t1ol of mAun TOof land tu"e Tbemboua oiuuasz*puit. mnlit= of pod wer oûtbespt For Té»n, fou" fver liboraL À -t 4 r ,,,7 1 1e. O hroieau, WbIsYl DIBOLVIQWOP,' PÂN' *EE8R1p. ont. L e etmbe" Msvngor te Udt by or lii . narn. o Dnyx lWFIN OBUKzOEULNGGOOD, aiiouiniodsuag or Trevelleru. W. CUTEDEI ASSIGNEB'S ALE GRIS MU ,.i, I 1BSTMl kJ' >, J AO8 TUwit ±o g *0.àm ico es c.a~ 4' * fM DÀM UOI . C dl m ont Yrda,1~ ukn t ea T'De folerublc Real atl.: ACUR lit. TIatenperlrJ'oulng Mlii im *@ as b. xiMril SituaItloie h*wwlby Towne_ï cf Whlbr' uMine ..tui 'V of Mrookin. Tli gs Xlii cntain hi.a ftf elnOodorder, g antI u fanl oatmas"àn bforysilngaran~ von. The Jute hllbnd, itaudÂANol la &s the. Motitréal MUiude,tmndjeulliy koira Of 00creoi b.ug theoouh part OfLoltNo. là inuthe ehocmcifJZ whul b. tas, moitI viil.XI u'epu,1nit pur'~ Sud. South iatoLtn t4~lb he hon- NOTT.A.WASÂA, tut Sird. IM No. 4, in tie abeeoneoaonXaeouto Ooauty of tiSloPm 2, Ioêrm. lUi. let unuber 2, cIi Couelmlon Ficher-___ iug,200 ne "roie Iuïprovetod, eu ' eue *asm Bouae, lwoSaoim, Msudsu Orebas-d-Md Couid W e usliy divld linte two Smm. ýTue property ohrs luial Iliduesauets te pur- chassa rllh msalesla - os.puuaavoly - at.Trookhb4o,¶p', 4u ilu isi Iae 1 ond sarua veuU abi oM Moues-a. C upbof n"tieoidesmnd ou al Urk ampella4 i 0 sud rugl MLO 1I1 mer miib iUa. Ono -n' "-eu oto b 4th Con. P~leI Alotf r IoM p-oou-'nw offered ~ ' <sdle ndi odusad<lyrlea-Lvtm 'w rOisew4nou " mi» bfre ps-cuslg emhinii«Afonam " cmlsud lghtproite, 'la 1h. Lam* o f $,5-Mii. hwp..tprie. paid for Zttr, 7«0, aMd CoJee WK Ateddree-L.tLJNourno, o.eruy'. Brick BWki Wib, a.,1680, hi» bhm opendap vanhe oo (hetii, nitien oi duniin Jrto iat, Whitbionht $Mis of b6om.Piod y Mr, Chilien Ters artld 703 SOALE VENT CKEZAF. T ,WO valuabi.buuilt lo. chaste on lie ticul are lepply JAMAEHOFR Ohronlie 02mc, Wbitby. NOT-ICE b.- ixpoie4; heu nanes bing iLANidE IFou ALE. U,$..34No 8,lthellth ofi po.., Oeu Victoria.About, 86 rved. Theéoei a bu9nle .. .... ,Lu ther. »eklesWbty ,wedth; lisrd ine., ujs aa i ure amoIfweoop way, for a mBiilanAflect ta Amin, bt fo @,~lD ponn #W1Ida tile, the foÛnut-beet f ulivait Thlns 14m udRlon . No Amuid. pro or mono fltbor orfteubjeteirit h sP aI nJ ?à iimdëzlziely t te s"I yàj à limofoinsa'and au uch wsllbe aimp- mlVelyo <rdulalmdinevesy 6Coui «fthe wu.- Thii.mdlng'femturoes sd ob1dof th Ie 20. !utaU RqW.r are losm-buyeraof Nel rp~iht belmne roir, ion, BOImOI, Indiaeï or Or; , mne ropq'À1vga",e paem, and $me cfWB#ive bt ahu ms4o tb91 o terwime. 'ab, e otemlitbfily sud prompt, Sa" bt OUi. To note She ale slamof Zande foi moml~i t# 9 -. marne.. orr fUi To 'FlL îbealseIalaIle ,WomWd g eetquo 1eh Ipffteieehhig TIl". À IIIUnII*IIWproperty cirus Oh Té nota * ,fufl " iymnd niprtely, tbe greMmad repýWgrovteg Iaded latt ,C of o! ifret unomber viiie priited for clrculatlon, sud viiibeaddreased, Oe", Zul iainw[an Apn Ru Ha ! uulclnipaltyluO .W p" e~and éoumtMltmp " " - Vomi inaserC , W. " " Nevpapc il Canada. The fret rniberv wXbu ramd 1 alemt ~d>V*4Z1o~dp o,man d vaerlà M.Pro u ommhd by aMy JORN x mrRTEI r A' ,'Mý 1 « kL l tbé

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