Whitby Chronicle, 12 Apr 1859, p. 2

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~whus -4 q 'v I fiduL ii"I.po rcu"dtb. cOlmneI. "Tou do uot O&Y ime1, dé .44tbus, centinued Jeudi., unfou;i lngtbthe, Ilaiti alcgue of pees Who libare avood h.se,-md lr'W 4 Who" l stfoorty asgithel df 1't&é c<nuelie s.knovid5e.' . tell tu, oolonluvhlelaofielisa ina lour stimorbe touM.i7t dé E sellhi,' aid Si. M0oLonel "iknov, tic ruim,aMd hluiter trogutpof, "etitlfn.ueeho me,a, , g liaIý "Coloniel srtocdrovfromiih po9 et à plece o!blottngi per; andabM 1 it on thelico 'wbi tbl clon001000 rlnqulredouob, plcklugup tie bletting paper. "iTbe proo% li undeslable prof" .46 1torteit Ococf hie prcw",J déWb.n,,t ý ,,. dé obmRis ho 4résinbtii l Ils lsSw rl Neo on r ae? m. "nota ul' "1 sea, c0lonel. sât MatpOIfla Ibi&s ', , ,,- ý 1 1 1 "JO#sttlapiper op ta » lbgt, i Mné. Portion oflulet latter Juti»e It:wsewrltes 'sud b1ttod ounliaI piper. C<MParedbat ithéliepited'ýsuaaPd 705~ ~~h $rl-4evêelgorene ' lu lie ,ezpenei!, *pl 01ellb maolcntýms; ID tic r se u@tl" d oudi. "but i bave strngw Pr»bola tbi ilci lai DoPcqch At ca u im~ls 7,ole 'uP cspefolly"t l ieui..o<,blo$slngpipe sMd pst 15 lntolsvalstotpca P t "Nov tOein.," saiLie be » U6hew' l yeomu te ad eMt dt hb.v li déà, oolie-rple puit é 't mou e ob m adatiLrý Wb.o muid bave Iuanol ia aumr boy, eh i cuébv'vituv u peveetud vill u atoogl uv Wep of ismnna»ture f but le eomei vi aais àbd of grett prcmlee H vie iraI puleamànet $ eamdenW-.4Tst "Mdh.vrteuneuomol>'vI, 1.cte that ho lied Ila OpppWOenitho' pals.. "tuchVcUl4,Provint hlm meetins »you outbe eyyquiel -'Notaà w&d t6 i57r MIou"V'âIng, RoieDSb your Young fMqdloIlff 18a1StAkeo'H Colonelcf Afto"lemphtaSllJy piomwa Ïd tith. *00l1db. "as allen as tii toml," and, afia 4s fév mluta, whlch vwero Psu.4 h jeploy.vmU , touk bis )"y#, apirit of A£utolyaué liii pdir, whes i *xoWmt s, Wba&êU bo bonaetyan sd truitae li uvomu brot#er"-,IAb, Ab f wiiat aagio' i.entlmen Il Iis Colonel Cartouche1I Hehààpafted wltb bis #mcet for notbln-4afflcet toi w'bich 1woUld bavoul h¶e glvua hlm et 16W tone hundr.d toued fi,.. out.« th, corffr ofU atteo1-Wdeprà«rfng ýforhlm th@. placesud tb. promotion -f«r whlc h Iano0*W pcn eltwf r,41anondeïir »0 oblIgatIon ta hlm. JeromeLegraugel1 Iwonder Ifi.Jurme Legrants a a4Mlr cf .bado.. woM"Stsuug OýS OUlous gscrally s.onlmnygaitelcs J wonder If b. would 4ln 1i ove w1th ia âh.U. dÈé, 'ise? bebr in hie .oetcy b. would amlnt bur wit Ultiq l scrts- But, nol Rachelle Is to. young; and, thongb sic ,ls truly. a promlelng pupil, etili 1 fuarsbeiase a bat'wbI&zmlght'b. cm@&ed Mist Oyr.muet b. th@ vo. man. bIî~1i9OT~ is lttai in hff prmeac-4llwr preeeube beaureet- "Thais..uscf paptr la icarcely proo< me»,bloucla.drpv frmm'bis, pocket th# blotdng-pap enad .zaciinOd 14) thoush (or me 15 la proof suallole. ,Th@.proof taliibe'of the. trongust ohssoter, sud-the punlehment commeniurte vIth the o0< The JtIguI ieLois 7ud. The.i. olloins rooplptlons, are ta b. moved by tb. - i#apecto Getiera, on ti. subjeot of th@ Coniollditedhuiiàw p alos il Tuât poIin budb. ýmid ta chreayeumswhieh mp'ay b. madUpy aie ln Oni settlement crtIndam "rIn&lugot of tl Ii.tblon of tb.e o iorl. si Tour# in, Lovei<C«midsupou thoun- appropslat.dC~oUseldae usiep41Loin Fond of L»or Canada, and for thie pur. Poseo tara'#n*, bMl fDeboturceby manicpliiw in luLover OCanadaeos. - cautyof tic nid Fusd undertibe Acte ri- apectlug iii. OoolldatedMutnicpipalLMi lundi ,--md &aso aamend tic nidActa me regarde tié. Conollds'tedNMunicia L«o pu"dfor tTpperCimab,,go0se ta, prevent thé, furtii iue of! Debesture go thieecurfty of the iBid usd te afford reliefta the munIclpiltitwhlch have réaimnyby D.bestareu d on M l.security of tii.s ud lunýl Md At M» t1UMê to, secure tlÏo'redeoptieo f 21 Tust forpuarp.iee afrmeid, Il la ex- podlen*t. oprovd ~iitexc.pt as ie. b. nWae b>' su> ' unldpallsy un4er lb. nid àdoai nor &sui a>'Debenteireb. tberfterluued tnder tIi.tcsa>'muni, oipitr , ; bt t vt enevethe pricpal of su>' liebeoiteee pt tpce ~ may,#lth-lb.es. palît>' viete i rincipal or lsturet u. til 1h. ome n puld. 4 Tb" atof tbe speêirate mes- tloed inthé i hlesbsetonëf th# MIle VIctm orI!4p. >rij ehal$4I ithe. pré, $ectyner o.t egsd.1h undred sud :i1ty.Slne, be 1«Wedupos a&l the ssp.ble prcery ln evtry'iliuslclptllte vwh lmb rle. byob@nW«Israe laed iSr-tidm Acta afàr.aadaa .i4of ive Per ce à L fa tb. dollar spon hb.ueea es .l volui su site -per tegon mIthelotertast t9e rateot gsxpar cet. pua num cf the mm"eeevalu.etf&à-& proporty, and a 11k rat l e ear tbeveft. ntil tie total sums Payable ta principal orittreit to the 36c0411« Osu40alb>'rî«of o uch IrDe. ometrielSelU 1epido9or unUIî a;ré ,4u4cmi orat.ssl b. ubsUtu d b>' Ordor lu ConseiL Thot sucb rateahilibe levle by vlrtue of anuAdI ta bepsuàd foi liaI pMUrpi, but ahaIl b.-ntèed os the Co l- l.ctor's MMolad colltcd,'sUd pald ta'i. Trî îeo>.~f 1 M tlIpslysibe sme mmnnuer m ordinaromraesimposed by EMuni- cipal by a sd vb. 'ýaütha Ser, rite the'" nue eIr z-sud I batJ1.,proceed c sucb -"ate beuhbappleod 1'tbe Tressurer excluslveil ovarda 'lb. paylzieut o! th. sua payab le > L. u0lclpility té the, Recerer enaI lu sch yu, if sob domu b. noS Shon ilressdy psld or -there b. anoy surplus, Of th#. -"id rate aft4r paylng 14, Lb. rate or surplus > b. î,pplled JO tii." <alir pomp d i e unlclp#allty, lun lko msuerse0,tbe prOcee4ý éoser rats, Tlà Thtwviincrer ltappearto flie Goi- mror la Coucl, upos lthe report of thé. Recclrer "g , t~ua loverrat te u ho dollar dan lie rate aforesaid,àluan' Mu- 01cipalty, wlll b. tii" fter sunfiaient th psy'* lIe rest and contribution ta th,@ Sluklng Fond, payable b>' suai Munici.< palit>' iecyiudeti çeioe nsid, i"u6*4,l6e&at Mal b. aubittuted by ordur iu Couscl for the rite aforcsud;- aud that s logesnsl aum sanof moue>' lo paysble, to;*itiiMlver Gep"raby sel MXunlclpallty sinier theActaatiornld, ýho maiyi lvsa etalIn, bis anianAy gm o! mone>' vlcb oulà d otiele b.pay- able, b> hlm to -suchqidncpalltyq credît. Iug ~ ~ i li se iln bIscu ntlh k under the nid Acte.ý Tne N«em s alay- Tiie follovlng are thee molatlosto b. m«oed b>' li Inspectr Oeril, on the elot!lie Norllen Eiliwa>' Cobipu> le; That lie Nortemaay>of Cant- me, vlth Ils MoUlbs Stockasd Plant and p &U tii.oorpoa e- ilite su Privilèesu of àtue Cenmay,;sbll b. forâti vi stsd in Slie Çrowsf« <o 1efollovîng purpose Tb*. (~vrola'Councl msus' cMMe li ' mne 41i nll ay, lings tOosd Plat ta bu pot In couplet.e mdereMd repaî, sud My> aluietafns requlslt. <for that purbilrI lé~ o PonucelDeben- -tores -or otirwis.; sud tii.emm xpeude 0fe lhat psagïe0aftotie time of lbe 0418 bereinafter -menlod, asi leadded sbIb.h# daim of lie Pr«oonînie d te à;Omt chargeupc.lie r "edsM msiele And thmeGovrnorlu CncilMy>'Cause ti tBg éalvySteh. vorked, 'a-ltier by1-lie, 1ln4r+entos of 1h. Comp>ýmy or bymin> 1olierpenons or par"Ie but the srplus âfýb' ie eepla, 4 le piym Mt, *of.la expueneusofvcrklugahd keplg lie Salk u5syl; stock sud Plantin orvier sud lie de. dll. Bond,âq iwbelLa' .qual £Iuutc Esrsilgiset.,.........os a. 1j1d do do........1. ,m Wlalbyldme. ?Ad* por 0,àd rk~.,.. 0, a.a, Ws-*.-1d40, o......... put8,a Iropklndoan4,909 FoPlr ua'~ori1,. 800t YAt do. dc..... O 00,9.n Wosg do. do 7 00,p.ri, W.rs , 49 do 9-0,8.1tu, ýJ990» utl*, Ãœx , 0,idpmg DVL41M Court vt, ...AprIl 2f 1850. DivL.o<lepBaoru.,.arh 1660. Div flonort, Broock dé "p l185. Divis"onCoum,[ïb4 à.. , 29, la5o. DivisAun Coçrt, Issmbioetr,- 1 1 .. , 'Nà0,fo1850. MÂTo<,# cet Iv.y m osday v#snq,;at the Town MIWI s 080 mmnth, at sprowilé'. otel, Fort Whitbv., Sofas otTempawomhtjDvsoN.8 BOni Rat!, Wedday cëv.lbsgs. GQoiTI TMpam So. ailmondy .velngs. piclOhurcb, s. inYKn uet il oebok aa. sS 'k, P. m. Al Fiee ootoh Churob, Moohinlos' istitute, XXok P .MV. TZ LOWEY, ~OD5~5UOsdClanrola, orncofilyrm n sd ,= fOto Io'lock, A. MI, maL6P.m., xxv. ýJ. T. ByRNE.,ý Wleyan étbodlat Churc b, mm 1 ofostre sud Mry tre.te, 10830" 1 o'oka. tu., sud IgV. 19,I9.TLIÃ"ENTON. Wm Mcab. I Wl tby . Tp3.1, p1f,8-. Wldtby#, TuesayApril12, 185., TSUBSORIBERS, bé $2 0.ladvsuo, rU60, At the. end o yoar. ii. Weekly Qkronf ci.-lbe-pnbfi*hc lu fturs viien payable othervls.. el tunit>' ho1 pd ca< 1 l Oid oucolumne un4eW bolv' y ' M ballon, W. vere always ',<ound lwil- 1 4- dA lig imd mixions b s#me.tbm. The l gentleman wio rotisrncd is plIpe-,On it louw belng by' nd incarmsna uex mtin R.O>.) the ha awll kn)ovs, hWavllig dm. rmiMd se iof Our roady offloesn.t h on Motion lion puad lavez ,MXk oocupy no les than 087b lprdfia uig of a teetof bick nd mre craïlstngl'o of stone. Tiio ent 'ire ares oftheii.Tovnehi building vil b.' ozoated for lb.e On ' ïi busemnenî tory. Thi le 4ftom in cGoimit bÏwementwilb of oid :'o f 1Ok carriedl up with White brick, sud cap- petitlon ped Witb eut stone1 The-plaus are aud'su deslgned after lt.e Liusta " e~X tyl,. lte Ib of arobiteoture, sud' lu tus stylo it if bave, ad proposé& that thb. building oasl b. Conoos finisedbtb4 b ernaUyMdnteuly.nenl> Surmountingtii bMing.uecva- asn&'. re todwftb ilfiom the- bMeotber. wilhb e P. L,. 8. tourtoc tovers, lhe prinipa of wgcb the, suri fronting South vil!b. upwarda of 70' Ieuoy du feellunhoighî. The. main lower over dl wvue thie prdpdentrsoevlwll bc turretted. the (Caq Tlw. sace from the véstrn front.taO uon M lhe caseru front domor vil! 'msre by mi,.I 102 <ceta"nuL thetii. eteru front ex- 1used t4 terndiug aouhward iierovwillhboa w4u5numborC meusurlg 54 " e b>' 0, ImaiL. the.mg the. entrailco hall, 'h lyl b. [6eX 11, viole yý thmr will b. e lrma .'tv.tiuet ,Ou Mc 8quUeý2leadSin bt t.eprincI siâahb>' Mr, vhlob vil c O0 feétlong b>' 15 -fest ouni vidc. Tie belght of lthe, cellng 1 oo viUbo 15 <cet on the lov.sry sud Lot, s2 1*i4 belon lie upporer Sy. aln, Y' vals o! loisperses, blelale.il4eou, Ibsis ef bis taie, vhw"i~a m u Ily rst Mud var4.W'Ith sueh à Porio se l "D ut wlIùhii," Inqulred Mri. 'b. en hie puari, sud rowyvd VI 1,1 oGoidl al" ozlaimed louctie, cor,. temtoulyî 16,bat le tii perd of su>; muIn ltozlcmted vitb thle viniult~riolog1 -#M «oo sbusutlfual sud clevr womone.1 'eeaglgbl tifnutecias1'Xyou WUIlande blâs 11y md &àpUshios. aoy ooaiioMb b. lu fond of vina, and wbes xcelted, bo- a" e r~glroleue'..a.lt'hiemeshé a 1.k1 mi wll l iltdeto bum5'vltimiloud p.. "Tinyon vil vin hie bart at"onoe 1 '" u ti Ancsig'puùio byfé4rg e, su h.wlliepdllond0 hli. phisees.Andm olo ineyou, -4i(I~g, ~roo ilbox,î asuditer- eiiefsuyhlgbut WlIt 1b. eomethlng vît IS vblb i', vithout epeakln& l. M!I6d bîs imas h.le not-alwasegodlscrost mabueougit to bo.This ma Ionot yet la M.,y power, 1 have no grlp spon hie tangue 1 tmushsa, orbhomaya&fsc MY di&. die ti vir on Ibis occssoneff poeb1é rmiefrosuMe bâis lisf advaDlngi toa naliet drev forth seaiket,,' 4 Se#a, taie théée," &Msd Wbêb* Weons t4o aPolb noblemsunov luDr>e1 114 &"eIted tem wth nufor âf- Mie took,>tbeciuWet(rota loucli's "Oui weri mmr, duar Idarie" idYou. Owu "Tl'eUme-are et>stIli on ftiendl>' Lu'*#yo iusë "I tes ure., Wby M À1mNovwe>'etrsuglo "Tonumm$ Mr au' tireaI> UTjlhJ5upmoftiLTbey 'kuov aw inusnoee ye be . iti me;-,aud 1 Uilnk'lieylu" to' Isses W, TIiaey >ulous- buSt We noheedof 15' aipielMe Iotluse4oe aeanimd Mu4e but de not *Wb th#m. 'Tlié,vWmefcryeu to, a sI.cyr Mtresd Ir"# &.pin< tii. 14 of bis maibxdll terdt béue aàoilyquamott>'of 1w, ontentoa; as4hus oliloq*lees "Oht boy 11ors . aveaus vicebiout WAuOé eou mout" e fl ripelAv.. %mswbo ns-sot&apartisnle gM PgM, ,e I* <.,setbuiO di. var. et'tr.ad4 ~~~-1 i A f [ tien tels tam ltx ri. SOI fete on se Tus 7-s' peuhk liait, y - I

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