*,aPpl bwe um o U Cm UNKA&MRI»ÀJ * ~ux4puo,. R~Y10LDR. ~ 588111 Sf"' iis,,asJ- W~Q C A? lfEOQPET 40KW JEAN PENNY, ESQÇK.I#. XVL1~ÂE. On~ ON i Ns J,, NAQPOW51,L, C ~ 0» TILE FEACE. 'UhICg-AT l*0Ceqrt lIeuse. I 4~L~~ PI TE MUNTY OUI: AND rP~IUUB.UVYW A T7(11UM M té ourt flus# l Ate foë-;mlà fmlIe- NoT TUEI IWAKSL I>"lDEN14 1I AWU2 0 nAMIIt.ÇtiBAD kATruIIEyS 4'LAW, #PU*sN- oîOve riiy oook,. PICur"RJISTRABMASTES BLL, à , VTAN- kVV. tm.,-roitsDt.. WuIy J. V.SEZ ,'B.4AXr, CND - SugYst *e. CORONER M. V. ~ ~Yu OOMiÂ-W.. MAI-weiiAmIj aqw eas r~, Towsrnp o<1i~k0Inq. g. - * AX*EJIT S1'~MUi%, A ~I~EOU~ TOWN. imro~*, '~{~4W~~Â1LOE.BEC>CK murg B - '00 AD»VEEL Pont w -Wi,41 .,, E.4AU ~IWML, i'BIMM$CT MATI'R(Lt uVINb'a) MOTati W ALKCEZ kPATTEIISOI( rEOPRIR- 55-torpof or o iun u ~ru tett nooi ooo, o(g'tidW..uStdot PERU! SAL0OOW. Ir FAIUiltR .,T2AfE OF 'TUEfylITWfll C.nnngto. -14 LINDIyr, C. W., 'YJEUJr, ?IkOPHIPEToR.CKO JtabWonmiodugon(furTvoew icgilî a Ins of Yurnlttr tto«W dto. *eOum, n Md ttntve 051- tht umoo-iCn ee, li lirlyoppsTa£ N. e ll-J1ban..traa&q420 hu.re viii ,.XAi , , Ii'. m mS,TE or hi eldue4 b7. ç. JIANCQCE, B. CMiFU lmxiow iYHEAE,8C 0 LOad . 1oo4~ e 7 O~!W<bP~ t te [77-4L OULY 1155 10J M TRIOI rnedetIonttbesiwveIiafpblie. 8#quai $0 fi 5117 oth.r.at.bIj.h *oo t ÀÃUÃI#ùfl t 3 J..UW9É T, N QlUZBZC. go. BriffAIAmerfeen fpree ?ff 0"EAEJLE AiD '-oquew 0ll nd, . st ndeatmctlve.a ilibyai~t g.ood ot. frun.riy wlth the .trictouî ro prwï a nd regard for* tluoomfdrk and convant- VieJiis .nuy frion4b thot bv2jY £I kic lo las&id j!Yteontr- b. pevisou*Iy prem.ut uo $giu tsub an Tih hp s. bu, -beu tlioroulsi ar~ patea.d sd raio#a4ed, sd I in 5d apln0v0v7 repe« iIneh *aur .te lUnre udaU-& tiln WCho bar spd,44b u uepied, u.forinely * JAMBE IL.90KIJDOILN lm SG o tufoili.frieudoe cM the pblc 2eoîau4Bl trrdo o.ksi kiasljf k oriauntalvorklin BrutkMdal JIaagrila4 e ilf-4 ord.re l.teis reddomoeDunlop ou'e0f, Whliywllme2vb iue" uw mwtoadu , xtf s'ad Bveà lmg Trslma. JAMESJIHUSSARD, TU Z USEo vabs et <Coda si fet a aI sp pife., ahol=d appt'Ote bo undedg.ed- M. y,e'.1bL.d. * JOHNHo --77 ~~wnMDvomubao.7D ~NBf s'ZnU atrgil dA* -'f -' JMO I WîtJwg,'Oloo ~~hWIgyu OABE O jeTà iNE. mrlf, 4fà l"0d à phMWW lu d'gu-au W 4 sk4 UIJttôlh8Xdmue 00Wnf e 'TIEN ,TZ*I~ 'rr S?~NRT5~VM; - et', *,,A~TrnI(O~$nou4Ttol4. '1 "air- ua.se v.' momani ' f. '/' i --. ail milety ,l 90-16 1r, .siua J.it sibl 5ETZ~2 'FUIBYAI)ND SAY Lil>W~ITHYND3 EETON. elhrp 2 h. aome day. -Ti. St«ge. from LU2jldaisdBvga- '4.lta.frli oi ga. 4wt ira,awu nd Isoprlc habo asfuiycrp. et bis,' professio, lu lb.Town . W itby- Teett mdon(~1~aÂChophtio, ggGOLDAND STANIEL 7OnL, M sud vith Doet«o do.,noi nventionlb. o n- emoo.ve ri1eenu e j1oEed.6uto otly. ch uxtrao lb. uai dprëo... wttonpsn .. a ptiaNt In thétratmnnor it Sffe 0L tct , lism-t 7ry-.qM-9 or of W1tlSy~ M G. ?-@_le gosoI1lkm O. bu lot ofmsyn, K. ;A$DL m.kh sma Ginu.é 7' Idvbr21,16.d 90-Ml - i pilE,. - t t ~ î(~7OMI 'j' suntole 'wîhé*netrumsa titi anuO8 ili',Sd s awi And'al poiaty#t h betoflla !or0, OId b'mai i'dsl'nùt ippy.- * A'dresa- Lr*ir, Box Ê222. P. w.Rçerne. aai-0 ebdract.ranti speelblily nist iiicédit Latfer or dÃguerroîype. thlt me>' b. 'unI hm, 'mlib. egaî.d-na tly cm fietisl, sud, lu noceue, viiilb.hy b. expeeedte sui-1 "IdeclarolM exclaimod' Mis Sasb "Wlà ti:a' mC', 'Impertinent oov" ssid'MI.W Auibes Low*; suid' "it'. cdear lývorc bn," hn said Miss Jetny lie, lalrup lhe be loifsr $ax V-now-l do' pmuonée oie Prmie viiibnit ah.. calted, rW or thon-sud thon-ump Is1 e irs»i.s -hua, ber .feioualtarsv ould bava lueevlb.upon ber, ob'*0to, "sg.ed 82,1" 0&Anal ils .bfuful lunmn là wdu girla Inte skea espcadà n.elu n, o su Il' i.gltimole sud!uneomnuonmon" id Mie. Ssib, entinin 'lb. rçmarka, te adverllse AforS vite. I'Fd aeoner out my hnd offthan #vonuformhbit aeqaanlane"ý 1tirily- r yesra expe fit"e la. <bi vendd o(esistMd disppolntuuet euable Miss "hs at Wsti.pnefeund'lumsrk "Lett«à ansd dsguerotypu regsrded s trWctlmeondentWsl;thu lady mail hbd fortune, 1'm nq sot tote Isdent- .4 vith s*Wb if of.1Idodu idot1 w aIIIý. foola girl# s ete suirer scii binga.l'a-, lilas teeee ailutter' et min, ln bisbande', R.termauo te inlly bib.e wou bas. prov.d tbat à fMlumtI4uid we.Iked lite'. very 7«b-pitit asI shotbthry-*v "W>,briy'ent, fe tIPr) y m n~ oe. "g, su gsedmLbnredo 1'nq ted ý4kt,,&eh, tions br mm*Lelgt f te aL monled &aeasd Jeuuy vas, pro<e.adly a 1 pôa~berd»b aflr dd0tftWY of *6" ad bru-ad lb dmnth Monylsb, acet aIiiiý, ututored fra th-quick, unprsmdal4w uveam bizey esps rofably througb th.-a ward caris »- ttetn hngaps-arollIèr ~ iiItîwom uideredtbems niel Doré 4thau -repaldfor thefrkjinnm, i à 114g aoe oupon vhom to pack 0o LI her"pieeQ-9P4 liIt mppr;,andit mw S-4éjufýe" 4tho e rsbbed - word. vr .l trann'ud ijuties adJln 6n a 'ki oL is V, ductob aerb, -f r 'obaries ag,.young V04I Pafmonesl. toi"se Mprt 5APllhUrnduLaebra id4 tmlponvllyo obllgad bite tO prMu LM 14 (P, wl'od o 1 in h w0 , oufortably sorreuuded, mighlt iare bmc *"Y#;: but lot eus lhlng--mmlegei- oïYe snd wbl"m n.,sd et eeUra,s a seOMc« egiSud aoIne .ca. lbe. o "th W Y-è%W .ltiI<I pedt"',an ioa41 ,her "ek&," jIould Dot ^ayit i isiba frs vuai teb. honiel>';, buI jit, lb.'KW MiilsUvere,-atben, 1-" oi gterswero, hypocritical, or--anytbing of leSot.O, no!' But stili, Il asemi fan geim hatbeh. ong Ibre. notes Iuld aeparat.iy sud- dlatlny, b. de. nIe linlb. Post-offic.on lb. sery ove 'tb. eonveratiowaboieduronl.id... Iýjw.ram n' ayoung,, v.sk, tlinid il, insd ï werogvbeupo aunI by your bilshed card, that 1 cannot ruiel on- orng 1 lt1Yye., It*el thst ve art sdrd airie. Oiides ostitarmon- ezatlIia1r Young, sud-boy ean I £roe lt?-not llI-lookin&,&"d ouldi iii inb n snof uny love, mauke liteone mon Ou oth hpur.S unihlne et adeetio.- 'dia1,oltion la. csited angeie. Aà £0- 'ItsttotowouId inïiî bebtt.ref the be. Ohi1,aal1,canîa1 ve ar - Tour.,titi destit1 ut efion ,omuted iront no othar <ban: tbe sofooilhin. " taiÂtoà i-iw tIfeui-My heurt-,gopli- LIl I. 11114 with a floodeofl$gbl. Though esdingon l. serge é wemnhepd, my ut. bu s n* erebeau topced,4iflinov., mot~ ~~ ~~i dail.maf' utviita b._-future te r«,,di ua te nchother 14 ois 1I1eal thctoârloétaver. e-ut te in" W psrstlynléd, $huld lime prove u m j îiagine yéc,andah'euld'yoube itelh*witmpellove,, i>#m a p- Me may bd oursi~d.u, - i"a sà rt,,wbo hoaghstlfauebaibaine. te iopubliaItbî vncis lsta, ai* 414sé7 nota ffberligbt baude Izà narLwo,-Prdoi sa 4ranger (n tl YOur bouitw. sympwtisi e. W sae. i don't kuov Iow t. write #M&ve. Butddy isv ,.d but- di Wi O I1 dveyou evetoriud tbtii< ,ar 114bsm,. tifyo 'ri "But, Jean>'," n»id b. 'ý lietonue yois te ttell m efbls1'- nu The- qnestion wus unexeed. A Wby ba hsh. bold hlm ? Why,,of couriio. s. t~ auîï gi would bfanesn, iii.toltiuilin as rp'v.etellîbom ove fore' oui-er estaeeretaý, - heagi,~eiaie, b.bcd don. IL inrolon- e "Benaseu ove-uiù, Jenny," eried S Ni, Page, holding -bii ba"d in iii, iiv, 0."Tl me, Jenny, <bal i fl stru nlulove o.~~~~ ~ ~~~ <o e btldyuedeoýî'tbi4.'O y j i n n y , f o s d t e b r I r e t a ie l b you bevIIWueyo ; hovw foud- ke à to baipluesonu. rre tried to telYO'U",Ot îe ai i ov, à elny, dou'î evaide me; suswev d frinkly *ud uly whour <I 1 ad,ops te n voâr you onuy huit semy vie."-, - - Tere-ves lImpvemeuerntitnmeebs 1 tns.llluitobs 1v.l bs ook *Oh 1 ne tbold ont aginot tii ýen d- h. -gave d up. Il ees et vorde. te ausvi si-. r iov d udt sproad' cbrigb l 1611 t o ' orbis ae. 1 h Mpp .paus., "vii 'hcavyou b een âoa y, te footh to confm uyon lova e' Yeu t know ve y.ask.dyon th. samo question a *dozen lImes vithin Ibre. veeka, sud yen slws ai ded iM. '*Yu, wvithi ntbrae veus, hra 1but-you'li tbiuk me tooisb sud strange- but-" audjeun>' iesitatedand, atsmmered mont voeaiL *. ' 1 -, ",Speaili ont, dear Jeon>', I sbould'nt thinit anythiug »change iayou." "Ah 1i, , musFPiioos complimen4, air. Weil, Chine>', frankly tiien, ]Frahada atrange- Suspicion btm sl yuandl_ I"Lo £tae th. usuu.-hej"- "Pýoasv1I ii>' oy your mimdcalobes atronga Id.... Why ahuldI tale a mc. lrloull peazislc lubad f Loviug yen, s1 de, I sbould b. tbi'lust poison haible te tiie suspicions" "Au expression lu éioaof IleWon" -t tors to Aoul Sarahi, con*eyed tbo'laîpm- sion, sery ?sgely, boverer';Md nov, - Cht>', w.l1 d ip' <. oubactofyonr *bout wvhot's gong te haipren." "Thingi have préegreued'protty nspld- L "Leôn" vis quliktote naver ail lthe letteransd after dire. or four bad psmmd beten himm an"l osot m'y<-rn>sats', a méeeting vas proposed. MinI Jesulos spoke to mne of Il of ber ovu accord, andasked boy it sliould b. accompllah.d. A fuinv Plan struélc my mind cadI a aked 1tins, te confilder. Thon 1 sougided A"tnSis8b, sud foand <bat &h. sud -Ie'ver. 90i109te uleet; sud, il vW" the"a ivth Aun Aiiio. Jy, a utcile diplouc,I &ceMplisbçsthelb. posmw.as I# viati tebe. Lea *14 l#a lnl hi om e evsln ai mt ne.urteralaav. This b. bus vriteute ascit'of uiy "Du<te. 1Iam te vatton tbe dmorasd show bhla latt bis room."-,. "UGood, seti, Jeluy." "'We%1imbae- «Msug40sethal Aun Jasimo sallb. s&t the al of the st&irs st auttilme 11019 s'pecid; Auul8oi&sh J& tobp lunt4. altug OM, valting, snd 4ut ÂItb4s wil bd 10lisr nd roont;*. se 2d.proper lima, g. l oe . bait depi, wbare, youiknew t l y.n &'il hear me, sud «Il Ilaunt Il'saint l.1- !dkth eh i e'on't, it ho funa t....duuv 1,11 i ,maBa r s c.. s 1 1 'I'«. , i ul r 1, . V , 1 . 1 ý 1 . 1 P, -'fflom "d 70ÃŽ ow -