Whitby Chronicle, 2 Apr 1859, p. 3

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mona bit ho would soMel more kW No. 62. n"-5*4 dagelel6 1Mv. Lyusd# IloueS Mvisir.1 moiiar Tow 1».&" jvItatrefond thse *Mount of per.co4pagm, Cousty and Aslylum rate, b.oirev.4 f1 bom tise Qeuàty Treasur- or, ssmunêo $u, àS4anti ound by the li~lii 0*of thedl5l @liittewé t(o eossg t. tise Toika so,,movd lia éeondmient tsse tise "a~n. ci l0lolto Çqspsitt ofisu*bol# on tise *.U Dvspela the dlst g M. rnpluvkammoïail persenal Meu plal, a erec0sln t Jl 1peuple, tud an fssdepessdaat mossber of tisa Corporation. Té .is..thmdisa4si as nu neoaiewhlêlud »n o ukup.tus th., Mst tisaIluth.eCOfrortfon « WhItby, heodueM d resd a wePortl ufthse Clounicl ofth. Uut.d Cou ti.en ý Ior ansd Poansd rqd'"a lsostterftom si b., Tveamrer(W. Howard) oft h. iUnitedSý Ooustie-vher.A stiiar staSe or siOing brisaleu.TiseTreasir.aof Shat Crt eneUhisdOb f tek unil, asylum ta% te bis Ovwe-Sknotvlth.tasd* lgtisas fh@p#kq'ý mesaos, vblek por.smaeeshoul b. carvi.d teeqdit t tise Oounty,. Tisa tise UItéd Cnoa0mnéà bd'btanod v«m ste thse Pclslsf*l 0* T-àsi#d tisaS t tsrhi nufun*ethamou1 In- isp 1«$WMr Boyard stated tusà,b1 dlas.nSd frod 5h.opnon îobtaed Wbi 1s Couef, ~asq.bs . v. iot* t it mode, h l .ésos.Spg pç y fr noi.depMvdot du 1vW an hi.. ý #' foe (r. flm*) iâ lc é4st s took **1bisetaiuts on, »44fué -ofu*t prsipi0e. l, . litoelbts bythse duitould bel n«r,,M 1e. omeil, W ur1ibd h iprdeest a th âme a0t»Wr porpît1on lm eUuts oe.Is, ais.bandse r "fiw of tbe 00" dOre0*inM,46e-lo s- mIttàé "tbtiaeh.baS! iiml ié dls& mludtW tiaS ythlng tbsls ii'e"s~ bis ma api Wfflat1po>' as-anslustmereL6e ttholïdtr bhobd bis oiif.<(o.It 00MÙthsés. vas n fav éor; od thse vbfle of thls prfneedl outésSnfpimçSliid un- f uistihUf. Tbe.*drêIlsa;'h.é d.- tsmeêw~ne7 iÊess~v -( tiaSof itbW Mr,' uiolevà, 14"4!vyer is gntw ', mpn*ight (o &nw vise.to 1114 lt-ft ',Wu not ln Os Muictipuli 1evbutlnthet tb#!,'e.eur.r bid,inforused hiithtthb (tise T'eaeurer) hs4. obtained legs! s4vice~ ln thifs mattus, £a14 vpsld res ii tU&ê 'tieor.payg the amant -Theo*uow rer vWs villing 40 submf t sà cm tws' ii opinion ofthtie courts, and If tt ve decd-. eti that ho wùs I. tiewvong, ho vould psy overtise mo.sy,sd a&lUse sste fln. nred by theC orporuton, and If ie Court is.ld tiaS bo vsusin5h.rigisi, tbst tle Oos'os'sion ulad tSis.seisbun. hlm Mv. Elghow wosld not desced to due Msmlevel wlth Kr. Mswdouel4 maeho 414, not vs (to ludge ln simlis' pereonalitite to t1osé made useo<lsy I"Sgnstlemm-. Ifho (Ufr. Dlgolow) vishesl 10do au, ho could ds'svssp s pieture mi ht olde ofthé table vhlch vusud maklt bat gsuutlemo (Ur. MacdoneV,*) he&4,,bAog. MUr. Mic& don.!! lorneshère ou bâtsit oftthe- Tresu. thioeBEoard; hoaadvissethe Treseurer 10re- Amus. tdo, vhati a ribt and ni sitandsfoot lug agther t b ugtism. be the n tise ssstinud'vig1is ty orol hl+u~s~s te e o rwn3.lse e' a4 olt rWtseOat Cneainiou Cbittoa .1B4tseapitetc &ctr t.tie 0,aat4.,44 tse gtoes vhlch h (.k rSeul r o 'u- 4ee 1r.JSf&. pee nlop city ud of isedtgiseIttUhé soglng(t lie vas sio 00., d the, 5h5 ei»ld b., i too 'Ur. Bguen .zpres e ierere0a*~ ,ly mre osthens p. ellsfsto to alte s i.gf ov 0<Mr.is uste bta fr oé Mil Ut4 ero f i ô ls 4nIcli l téastdispoai tyCnaeeftis ws jbirk VI.lnt ih ts appoinetsontAlh mdt vt old rtôi iWV d, c'dyuenita wb*tni60tiuh o 1 forsevlcim ru- se lu'nfbgae i s *kisr l, tlomotbn e qwntptlhont"va s ut 5fmy bu t u. e 1'unýdetoîd teaobdWdMmutUtu5wha r, vasctsk#*e. os0<tJmI De, Oan, s.pr s, ere h mm wic*4 b4l if*u ion*é d : no&w ln theaef ieth n to béaseeltises'an opinion, or s vemark up- on thse question, The'buslneus « thte>au. smud o urthe,"l 10t08dsande s 0 Ub ruer igy4coties1,e t.t. aaditos'sverse oun$4, w itlsQut tii. pub-1 lie knovin; thec tJ ie pie' cautages1 rseved tor ,; e'nobroughSt iste Tveasarer's a<Sumt unthl 56, sud ,it vu sudit(~Tise0ai, sa ppolnwed ior sny oeyens'do noSdt g tise aMeounts t(«rtl "ydsr <hIch tf*y;lre onse4 u Viia~'e om te~coutld haveno cogni.i zassue ufthte mater; 5usd 15 vus eil known di! o go lototise àacoomatapased belor. thseïr ternimoet otee, but luto <uture pal'.i 1tlsiam the par.-cetages. Whon'tbf.s - matter dnt came op 'w <tifiMayor) gave bis epinion a.Wsotise ndes'itandlsg vitis ýtiseTreasura ies bsappointient Ms'. w<u àto sear the opins of o t ter mersbere whu voe.ln tIe Couneil lfa '05, su eexpressed-Ihsj ;wllg1 be gsld.d te a certain extent byehst they W&,d Tisa gentlemen *Ince pys Ui.i usft4 iZmmd.bY hlm (the Mayor) sud aginet thuawç Use r50W O cOçt ut t Madnll-Wa. tlerfe anyShing st i! saiSs O bew e r ýceai AStisetse thée Tearer ."appelnted.I Asttiss ite date Ls.vltuei d dànc,tise.houka minutes M<4 ý*.ooee d h e !.Couneil shoumeld tken as ovidence, snd noS visaS (l> Ieie ronwàlitndiei <s. la lrdscc Ito tise dhacualon tumsttes'. rlatter 4 tasrvho mÃŽjlitb. tise Treasug'er lut yost, th[# jmar thle ncxt yesr. g ietiseMsyot) vasio-"0'e vis etci o p tise Ar.$ evessfugwvissa bisrmtt ter nass'ogtbe .tise Cos;n4Çl, sis, isei reçr set $0 pto y eue srtifngut ltiismeusey ie (5h. Msyov') stoat p-te. ssy «Whmtsuud the (YGiurWff d 60 lntend- r .4; tisattisa Tîeaurir shudreeelva, *certain suin f., o ur is sa ytilien or ait pes csuges,-nd tILt tse por,,ceW* sqvswretobu tak en teth. ore*ditloi 5ise town. H ie tatealst vas olloved upand, o i st u su"dtise mente -tîsps'oclu gsol gtisa usum'il s 'id'- lâtien, asvosisd th#-rpe ous a bou 'd bitfslaaUnds' s resein, bdÈmn bo jtsat. Wlec ass as tise otheas'. rit vyu edmltSedtisa Tscsursr b..,, -àpeue ne kit â.i.it uamt a 'duéslsiLus. ha (thea vjý1iiigu, mecaome's sndesun. ft dommitt tisuros, ansd' Mo- Ïop<uid ton , ~tos oved f1 ~IFeudihrt, to isbmta&epeIcm Wse<o tIi, ôpinfou bi ibourLd Ur, ausud mesu d#let.' Mv. Kaudoell vsrml ve ipi Tie usand. t'ving b japut, v40 (toua un nly 'Voting for tS Oisptain Eove, iecnded byMir. McaPheir. son, moved fu s sasadmemt, to sîrik out tise yesrs 100and '87, uand to geo iy fer Pet,f m he isld tiserwuvasdoubt vhe tle h Tresauver eould b. Iseld té bu e enetls partY' aftes tise firit yes. TIi. suseudss ustva segtived by tihe ouein; rotet rtie Msyer. on modtion <or adoption, another imnd. isiant vusmoed by MUr. Maeoncll, 10&1. loyr tise resIOniteio stand oves' sntil s failCounei vould be present, Ms'. Hall edorteaaueidment, whlch Wva . ore 5108.zýA IDD D585A10110 s' TE 10K 4.15LAa Thée Mayor proeeed 10 read a'oemoeÏs nication from liiis body., g$tlg tbat they sWl dlebsodedoscustothsg t patltioa <or cilottissg, or pa>'iug assy atten- tdon g tier rep.dgpplk*dmonon, thé aubjeot. 'Tia - on a messber ufthtie body represanting thse mttr W iDr. (isu, that gentlem n lnultilogy replied, tisS when ihwreturned 10 hie houes ho would look op oMr, old onhe 1,sl o f r b readîngof tii.îomuucatlon as contaïl. Inglo Im>epa aup..sd*ea uf thse ounnegïA uM moyveU tisat-t b. re- linototisprtee Dr.eo-Jýie zliinÃŽd'tiat b. a colIection of ma&ing use of tise expreiulon àttibuted to hi m-that perbsaps,,h miglit baye osid omethng ln s>oculr'way,vhiat' itisa hocou44 ust remember, but that tiser. vas>, membroftho Couni vould f>rtbrb'osssoerisigthsesligistest fuut, to that reopeeotsbiodytisu hi mtelt. Ms'. XàodosseI'e E>'4avfor thse 11good' govemrnetol tise Covportlon," vasdis -qused lns oÃ"mmI ttes umleruse vithouit repoeting" .On motion sof Oa$ulà Love aeonded by Ms', MeI'boeeq i oluti on u ed -Uat tise <Çoui.fe4foum for tvo veeke (romi Mnây «evanng, Thése uuel4ourtsed-aS 10 o'e1oek, af- ter anmevain u nu.ewtote preog thée au- mona put"sbo?, ne .QUeun va. ciSMPbdl-Lsrceny. 105h Ma#cb, 1850.4 Brw d d~i1sàfof étfeot Id d4 -w ne$ e nd ID4 0 tè"ns U it I 28f4mer#h (2b aw idi.+ 'oth-'Àes#lt.9")o At Wick, iniho T&*imtp .fIfo1ei U DYEWVL9T, -M btis rdéïpM. ln 1400t, 1,on tIi, mornlnig ut' tio Qqrd f ngL, j1t Jao b Dout t, sdg34 ' yen à& P rougharn, Pckrng, on Thssvdathe- 7t> tigt,,> the Ii wtt'. Jf rZP, lJubbard, of a dauglite?. 1M Whtty,o*à Thtsduy ti Jtmi fa tbe vifte 01(mT. VCh".Bruce, Butcher of à NEW ADVÉtt~SEKgN1~. th tieheurt (uf tisa '.own or Wlthy, ud- vitisin alesw yards offse Main ftres-Dàd, btettje.r wi&hs ;wc4*th o! an ;ïr e lad 't# Le h.Vis ouée contalie iix spart- meuntà, hid au .nienlas. u t~ei good'atablgia d nil nevsésssy ou-budldlngm;', sud a suptlerior eipunof upgud watcr on thse spot. For Tertnis, dZ,wihisvl lbe. fund very LAS <LARK buo ssiu ânouno to ii.wn hi Iabtnt. o 1hitb sud vlitty, 511.5 *ho litseopeuad sla e8loifor tisa tulti oUcbiûreîs, i Brock 5tiet, WhitbNasi a0of bOss 0que e~ld l s-'.iCalen, lier.- Terixs per quarter U. to 7% Od. WlsltbyMerci S, ~ S~lp-s.L-4n LANDE (~ 8AL rg ACES,&L' B,8,lnsthellth Cois. 5OMari.pem4 ,Coutr>,Vktqri4a.,About,8 ace ipo!d. , poetl isout 9'galle (rom fLludas. Wllltb. muid hoap. 200 acres......... Moas. 800 "....u Fénelon. &)0 "........... disj Luther, TOWN LOT$-WlIITBY. .Cut l stree. Son.,..... PissIét LANDS TO LEA SË *Five Lots. oho sures. eaeh, ln the To#,usbip o! Mua, collis it uriu. Thms.lanidés ae of tihe lrdt quulity fur nerksuuitural porpocas. IL H IAM PERRYT Wiutby Mrai 2,119. 1s..WMOY. ,Wljiby, Mmh C 1M. -410. 40-w. L iitE polIJIE-%MER ALÂL LIPE ASSOCIATIOFO CTAD 9, 0ssayâ $7,JAMU s Smvr, MOimZAL. Thse Polleka s nuw beiiig Isue'l do not contas eeversl of tise essaitrsioiss, snd éofoi uuusisi snd sdlsps'nt (seilitkss and privilegeso Y Tite Acsustiin l he tlsrsnst xtssf life Asusursne listitssttiurs, sud hlisatiisiyes twCOLO.gr 0F MIEJIEFp l'r TRCR17 RBY JBAR, TIIL¶( YSEÂ,RlI4 e «fP4Iap.hddwéd, s mut. epan bonase Bjztgse! fi 2. Nki APrLul ~ og".ALIW* lwm rank ite s JiB ÊZAW$ £0117,12 SrZ'D- 150i& tk4r eU,4rand , wMlueot.&7Uwmg# Bc OF -PRNY 4M M & él'imé f riesO4t W.reAt he (1 m r it.iw è&sMon ot; W1~//tn beq .' rd O Apeli1 sieutt 110.f ?os'tIope,-Jame berchant; il# ýùf Oitao' I 0 À ~ % p ~ $ l~ 7 f - 4 ~ " ' i 4 r A PRIME LOQ F flUDS ONBAY ROBES#, PÂU0!Off anRT'L Pife COIsOit aGnd L N ITY otUESOP! FI1~T PRZE A D À;DIPLOM'A, Mt tua <yM4l Élsie xhibition lu Toyeuto, O i, 186.Tis wil giv. ,* igbt equal 10 Six Candis*, sud thrue Ç-ent» wofth di 011 vWIiibnr» bttween th e ud four bous glvu ig a 11gb. ;-0per -a tnton ot ls lsn.T MW aiARl aicool b. burnai for one ha1Ï ait per liour gitiu 'i, OrohîeCssi~ TmEN TIRICKLY CASN..M P, 8, The . colsted Lunar 011 stnd Lamàpa s1ssaYÉ dh'ii sdi 48 aGREAT LAIGSL tis Seents leSthoe, ubscrlbers vill o~i4seefu f STALE IANCY DRY'GOOI)DS, f lr al o1 Robe, CocerChina and Glass Waro, At ple Wuit, the inslexs.i svnidahitfcrW cent diaceunt gvilbaloved on a1il 11 cme 1pujrchùses o'r" o '. ae o otinsse for tus monthS.oul>'î ins rder te lte ü yfor- Now f. thse time tus' aiep#ofwhicli ai1 parties ln vaut cf CIIEAI? GOUDS &- ALUE FO1R ThEI1} ONEY ilbould anail twoslnes. Recuiber tue eot -LOWE$ & POWEL' GROCELIIEîÉS, WINEý'S & ,LItQtOItS, OYSTERSý .1 &zl consuty on ban&. Brook Street Wlsltby, 1w5. t owl s 6, Tbst foe esjssalspecw 1 0. T1sait sud taisene elisgtssére PauseS tIse j r - I J»A~ L

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