fneuM0mmktWW8Oe ,van= o. bout lra"ua irthut.coru eaet0(s W dmor le a c k ro-< eof nUtaý, AU vithin Chir iw&m aw tisoiOf riuo na anent .lmrcii.Tt lm 100j'Z bon p"*eU rO«oo@ieeMd é b.e Ound Mà t aberwa teiu aur"fý - agther Ow m in Sabesofol ,Md awo . ln ragid vflimapsmd 0 wan*Om Corevoa & leli Mre oIObr u f bfOW diii>r mon0<had "s isy ~gbblé obi%"net. 'doty, hcodwe' ;= baMraie0mdbis ikillis d&#&0( f aruma.HInid er vus laron 0< altafm, an-A df &Isetebluitahe fyvie In te eri$b.rode La <oft = mon *otùry4oe ecrs% Aimant(reom fit Yva eib<~i~sf e to b tfi m eorny ioa isetue« abn nwauI5Pe andtw J* L-1ÉÊîA kf @WZts'1 ain. ffée *I 5h.sd4bce mUCrMd rictsinla 7fein îlove ;î eloda.osà sed «er llket o<vr lmd ful ummer dmyewei'4 Chsedm ll b M ais nber 5ialI «eA l;0tiÜWr l11d Acrma tii Calm viSsre die litti. boatli. d.élkeabrd,0e5 ,W7mslneslitt.ersaj = L vison cccson lm mére h at deiev.m te C he r1 ségsoeaised.,wllla.odois allie lia ta" se itnbas m c coué out lisCPUYa, otubor (be0"o otoi " hwo evers dlrects gmtaiai ulwé f isebrglt fture 0a vbTte mor wvas sbe gnimul - 1<a à #té Boia u lonvtse au b roxdff #tilt luth A sua'is v la nria bcéu i ï,~ sa "à à i -té .-A ommuyeAp- CiO4 vh. drow the « we bridtéelotoý te0<bsforUIon y/*Ilieé lu' ="dtarlsagtls. eharl liCer zplalnsal (o tise puer, Mmua, idat I 51boehadnvs ebe dileil I" l " ýw vod W odor 4"su avsldn ,téaite Pm#- t uinong cf hi, e r Iatd « dst ebUdngal Th.Md ore alobimrlysvbaCia. assi Ge ti bri ISIda ug Té aroisé Th*r & vot Cher. va te t ry lalMe a ouy, briel Tbe, 0", tb.std u nodt' h«u vrld eb erW d aLrué cage msln . ý I,,iv mie ldý-4W hoe4urte %ope AMlaslu wlit <mon, L lu sa itran .prOaelte4 wiCa' mm fé' upe Ch id",4l' It ni.e n Ios£ ti lber «Wvlsa Urs duChrs, lv Ltü» ros de Sll ad etdoit, pbusrdsn @( elser 1«ordoors lier rb A &ay hbou em#»ChoirlayM é id 0 mmos e.wnlj iéknolt tsy Ci. t»,m rmIty ismé d nsd t @ bet OsW <nasta ' tfa.i auit mim iss eer tseruol#h.born 1ihm bu, , 1404441, UnCh. ve ypathuîy pvbsr*Ch.bislltrain lb#4pu.eon the pmnýw1jkUsorn tise hraI(elu sse :tiWon. Me5hOmeander Ch. sali. tree W.levlieeli sméi.o ciw'(s sCr114 ber, ah. oua&Iod vioi- home sh h 'Uém lmtlbfthé.bao a uied bis s.mrL.wnd hI1-bs who * mfterarrdu tise isurulcofM ,iaawya oug m * "1 aimd,vifeaadsud o, la ons t4 r AM ýtlitoympgthy msanffcton ceué< gsat, vudouem osie ear bd eore-wtul clulté, butC the bu1deu of gri Tw. young. elatara laaghinribluoee <rimar*UP4 lite W;voesalws*il r ioé)trias*a ssrsr.rfothse éctiIaUr,o- ehW"rdo " aI ,mand nov ssi. ias on. aire-orsssa'crtint cdi dirait on Iser owm, but IlŽ waxs %rcir lug more Md, tI nAcrpiritt M.w ism Plnever lsft Kitîtè ncîsesthse day eh.iW 01coei.bu*c k ioir; bat visonber atssir e4wol retirn lfro )ai ,gatîha full<atI » d lis te tise aléai iaasd cf Lamb£y Wer b er tctdy*as aspmt, vidhin w 1 t1 ,1 &gslrerm iqrlsecss re v- Li lvwt; te kg# once more Z251 ue auld mot liri'*'a spJt mgat Ilin-th"t È4, -it"ée n4 tI r amioei eigss et Af M41ss o bn wgloglorimu fe Di*llue.L £ ~' -r, Dr.ak 13000983*7 >001B * balUhes '~' .o4 sosie ~ .,k ~i Uni~~ ~~~ 4, 3ue.Wk>IMWO j.g' woo à ~ Mary~VOu4MayArei 'ftok odi#eÀ crdp«.Oestt ' W,1. LTJOWEYT, -WP Lu& oi I Pm. mYEI ~ o4n ag t , 1039 d--J. . us.,Ferry 7 '$ . , >e Co Brv 3» Il¶!n"-om. N.wAdrtoeeli W4Dsy7 'te f0' . îo Cheq-b-J1Nard tgMyrw»e. Ldeo amiu-9.9ILoP.Ry1&ER 'foMd. Nof e coIIUi . Thek .<UwIIe the atà te legiter w Oft1iiiÉ-is . . Cl Wiapla Î I- or muet-7ýtéùm o.ll émeg e ,,, 1- rSawBnot,.-BOWf, , will h o hrea no mmaoC,-oD Î5ew bIt,-4.u forbeJ.IL .w w,ÂguCois " mo b Ataintji utilo.< <Ma ky- t oi. IIud a, .. i wproent i4 em ineistY an i e of eCI os silyte bbe tblnd the. 3Ca e if m mrk o<efMLTsr ecryPC tbo ti. l;gbte"* proteuseolituasp O e, IW M 9;n. A" LS su t e haedusalt4odtbreeslow te meet te grwiogdeame io> 0t .116 ofthé m le, te be M ipçl " d w ith 4q 01k ma l ê'p îpld inteligore . WbiJIoteheï, l ýLfjL4 w av~Lure pr.fliy Vhity tbeeaIlIt4lTcwn *tIWb.iib >ouOty or Ontà da icwll)t bo aild n b lenIger repseacd by thse ew à eel.W. preed te b. acccnd te c e~~ ~~m ete eo <erge, sud our mnbition wilI cois ljead ne te cp. rILl plaCe., thatbae 11 *6. adi4w- é oge of m in yoeamA"d populatio. rheTOWn orfWh*by if tScf. to be'à gooa mitu negUbo aalevev eaotar w.aenw u vflsen vr"ytisin .>e.Commingwe4hu 1 frkh *6eb mw diieam" f -Vie *0 "n&ml an in esiiMlyboerhd 4 Abroad. Bocite up by s snb.cp<tt jargevthun amy otiter p#« luthe9 vmoly iether laor Mt of Whby, lâk v uf ,s 4 our MUflkdflS 1 Mud te eceoré for i," jeurnl.s- ig po*iion ssucg*t *.n.aapr snd cct.mpcmretube cç4< Chro 144, thse &'ml.Wely. tes iL td upcn brond _eqitysald=if mon gocd7aeul ,to -'diécuus, wiibcub "ri *for eraffetionu questio ftii (lounty sud c<tisePro vie. a»in i purming this, course, car toue, as 1 ouglîto' embtlè , a'ene-rousnd ing ioto duiowtosies, Our onesumae nover a"kling iste v'eono.> w.wydi nos t dovs"ugal inalièe4, a Biwâh Wovcf'<firpy vidsw ýgoveru üs; is d car e rr , -v h i Wev e tboy nssy 6e, vl .thto is e mad not cf to i!.lssat. But very littie buseineir. bas licom Wedneeay. Tise adloptiýmo f, the 'Tritltle pper floaiemewem i e in be-Agioïby, i tihe onlye-crt c0 t.u toa iOswY"l08t emfLt ewL itu. l a u w t biitr eia t w; grog, Wiqaue shoaro adyTh*Ellir @tlmdO. 0<0 -01 lff~4 l ivu net ,tImiofog-ibri4 o(tlm [sa e lm ahao-mnâ(M it, ioe&r oe i Wetlýflrômtdw b.ttiae Stulgl 4timJ ii. ve y 0alta'roM Ilmýi nau m oo( hi. nUr urlie, T0< l 4ç* beui lue,, ue lanou 1w 2 e tb TOiu'00pe <oa 14, pe, (Veo#Im thewit at chefiwd be Ià prsoaasga w y.r in1 rom tivac" tvtf hrue.5 tOn a or&à ym rtP~ ýiai aids t lnfhn.irite mwh(lY*t Umtba e i.l4t.a I bo atetar.e tasdget&,it Lbod ro<ued &boutsà bmktnhiég ttG £0M Wdhi Mr tocem 0duwSld uIréi tho1.g, .1<5 Olrr aolug.< hUer, t Dt 4i, dge (,o.bl-.iat il. 8arinto tod sa anoin (.Vbl$l,ws Jirte spoed tat peUrlddo', b esiomll hro lr tte, t: ad wted bout i e p.oemwu uldo hae in iidpopb@tW (ewi JatopY 4 Sekdi»W 1< hé dii Clak t tW$f 9 bf Cadei. Cortilig tio'o( dgu ê te onutrof , and a7olglzn& mi, gb'Jtie m Vh 0ni £t'oc -T p#u m o, h wbio IWod thçi Aet e:as tOtaI!of,5 h. tirs te wh o <gurr mon tc-hatmw h. dla tf.ii t mek isoot e t ho W Otd avM419 Moad thi, i led kofthe(Condi réowofaek tge tn«eh. Cou rt o<alme coite ontny IDtIugtbe oure wth bo vu Wien uk1oidt beelow en wheîdmadÙDdleirbhi To~ ~ ~ n l vieith erogmw o m"fu 1ifroua (hii Place lire$ a rery c0" !no»dh*lde'.ma i hteUcos O saurdsy, i zulee h comadsu an ve theroyal sUet' t« »/Solt guarautedby Xpsiiv m Aa to mnendsuan& oeneidat'q Wy, li5 "0ly3U1~gnui -Uei Mt, togathe-aueyi 1io dl W< volk is be treeta liY anA deasLiitii, 0 gridgl on* w bei wwto us, We> 0= isa employommit, Wiin thon bave u mak- 'yte do. ar'usuées iiIlbwaMusgoot!"e rfr.W idor produce, whdV ç fa , mad .tber «er*" 0(k o(hea i e Jiemi bevproprt ' s i s a . . T ih e t " s d 0 ( < t h is e m e v 9 0 7 acre frftly, sudnaon, vin. eire in tlie jr oivskeued proSperity whkbav*iL0PT îuk ~Cmuty. iTewn ot Irsyu es, Iy te beu hr oisr er, Mdd more tisu ea. ber tliitar.,Of' tse burdea.Te I! &Ir aiseo 0 edye ~carf the ur.uyes and unit réei l~i but lir ly meard ests ueudo cf .se "W away a i ugnrti up rin;L4S*< 1u ïto*id retaleri -&Ji ofolly.ètodes1wholg.tef*ro 261j, 0o tise ralrouil, b.pmeilby, sud ' ouruelve, suMd wila a tirasreâ$e mpon OMSUOdw4iidis muiLd fb«M < accre frua4lem srution' tet 0?f t, Whitby u at lie ala ssérstc *he tsesuith,.part of the bc- Wb nafte it vclde sslsately .ecssr e te u cur lr'u Tsuts nt. .( For Bl5ltd udgreat ars ita<ob- TcA jeas, and jth sa,.1d cossprels.stl'e, ..ud generes splrit, slsonld vo unite îy inoeitieni moss4 ý Witai,*tract se tiiBearoro. slortrtbms tie Tro WC téra < 1llE arh*0a-ctnte ee.t.r-By iLsMay tp tisebuisaes0 14k0h -~à E v-a1dugtf cfrail solirt- er~ ~ ~~~~' tsuUav.Teeet Collineg vcod, by about twelve ssIlé. LJefneu aakew o the. fore cOf isfe.svaIus- .gmSthe ps'u hel sIDse proide more' pi vas, iMus lw5 villa (J t de, Imm Md 4w . in t go bie mu beà h tise 't' Couac, In tbl Our fiI(1 Qku/Slauléby t(b 'tw age ofyts igittesa otheLs grdes, <'bpjs uts' ti, sui&th ie sldtiasté . m f >k-l vini tell ycu Tbe"kds «biïcuntyPatience, aurblle, 70 wM of tbe ed4pn And-notetisme thss goo blghvy'e on thlwzis ientm; 7 i«ths rme t wbdl- people « o<thCuuty.,tben be' trueto Not fW thetselee,5iiloilft55*0tiseMW"-"Trias 15 lamy incon .wftietprde*r*lmatibeal lu-ho,-I, , . telleit sud î0 tmprelebc egs"&rit Tb1.sflise g. vitbId o~'t JO xpç~ ~Mdlé 55 s f .osoutbji1db r' w'i bus tis e dy om uitor bar. reiallelac S* /7 t -','-'--- :1 v