où the pubUocatloi of the, OUa*rrou, end the. Uboral support oitendedt to t eýC' Iho subsorubors te auionnoo, tht st uthch' IntentIon btepubUh SomLweokly odition fb-tlbWitii, . prsetswLll beIc JCi là the ooum of, afew Vi Cominiencgtoiisth * ~of. ] oIcUi'pér anllum, wlIl only, b. ochargea for thoeîvookly oditlon to *those Iwho pay lia 'a uooe, Propriotoris and Ptubiahors. 'NVU hva opgaged the. services of Mr. f3topho*n 80A401o Iio laduly ftuthorwr ed tg Colloot accoits duo thl» oe15000 andi give recelPus fortheo aaino -also te *rocolvo ordaors for Suburiptions, ad. vortisoimnto and job printiing. Francis Keller la llkowlsu authorizeci th: Mfmlin.u unu i. ]Port bltby snd Lake Iluro,* Rail. Way.-IlKw an gooti baglnatns~May ,J bu madte Tho resuit oethle palliaig throigiiout lie ceunI>'1onthie 13y.Law passod lothiepur- Postot aidlng the Port Wliby and Laie "fluren Raitway o; b> talvlng £100,000 Stock lierein, was se, ýdioldedi>' uýf1îOre * - sue am te detenmine fer the prosont, ie Utter iwpe.olbllty et secutlrtbe VouaI>' coe-poraton toward i te construction et a l81isits>'freni'Part Whitb>' COeGiorglan BEay'. Ta cot.quaoe ofthus advere, and webelicie untorlunate voe t, is restii11 migi t naturall>'.lhav'e beau auppooasdt10 hava put an andtallte uchome, uil 'pcqb limo as à ravulgibon et popular feeling * - 'would have led hta a oitatien etftt4o l'ho onds In viow enlartainodtihe icpro- nal se much apoaulatire cx'pëctattans- et lioledansd direct profl, but rathor - s-ott ho,ds nd -w4rrn dosrs ýfor 'the et. eft he dOouîty, sud for lie promotion o f ils more raprld deveioprnuî adaidîaco. gei'Uîo rdiuary aircumnstaucoo, ;il> m ilgit have bccu tvioable le shalow lis wbote projecîte romain Ini abeyauce fer-a time aI lesal, 80 as la ullow lte rate payera efthle CeunI> snme ,lime for théienc. slderation of them verdlct4 but te aIl par-. ies acîushod b>'t'liemotives abovo ti-' scribed, tiis bas becoeisImpossible; 'air*, camutahcos: have 'tranapire, u 'hil osl upon lieu te put forth'tho natstreuuo oertieus lu order 'to aocornpltsiiprompti>' sud encrgelicahly, sud le lie tulleit ex.ý tout In tbeir power :sud withip s"eaof e Cheirmeans, ome portion aI leait lite -cent.mphated prajool. * - Thse.' eronrnutaus-ars of-a varitt>'o kitndo, sesrcity af laber sud rmono>', pro. 'tratton %of trsdui stoppage et'anticipated 'lrrevm0tt, sud In addition te 'hoso; a neit schémna wsrrnhy advocstd ands troag. t>' sapported, ta connoct thé rvllaigos et ' -port Ferry, BDorelia sud Prince Albert and tiroui hem lie wiolo Ridlug rorNorth *Ontarie with Port uapo., b>'moAsoa t 1 llranch IBattus>'betwaeu Lake ScuýgOg sud Xsnvaro Station o'f "lie Port Hope, Linsi.1 Man4d eavorton Bllway.i, This.schéaeso'fat. as W. eu pero teatune, hlui t ,ho@ ln- ïant tilt part A aMout tI- in; lini beoa Ints Rlidn;) of a detenmins. ho'$4 o! isn ntural sources, lia power et séols efeanterpniâo. ýOn wwovoa'ehlie onersi' ton. rlyonnibule le bis asw natevia lai n ooquonly, iutusl intorest b>'Wioai ilpe' cftlis. ceunI>' are ound, andt, vo fiani!>' sd tîgil>' InJurions alie ,IW vs,' andsti ho t itro ont ci thie>'are alltetý Il is attie lie dut>' antilu. Sdealro te 'preserve lic ld nie.espoclaiy ofthhee front tovushlis, le cou- cstetuhy t'elrsaute 40r6cf ln.te ýUibrldge con. atristed - sppà s.4 lsatb5> mile-eslimah.4 cotl$10,000 por. miles.........80,000 The Municipalities aud parties ln. tle et.I!ould zequlr. tae fura- liii a 1k. proportion as aboes.- Stock oulbiertpt1ons,, ...... 54b,O0 Tho Rail~wa Company would, la. 1k. mannor, 88,500 Surplus lofttemt ,Surplus br6âgbtdoun, from'lb est'imteof 292 ies....46,000 Totalosurplus on tbe97,mle .. 54,000 4* Atii. 1llIwCyol pa are aii$ortsd by tbhar#ter to islue an amount er bands eqal'tg 'paid up stocèk, a stol more favorable 'dew etftthe 'praetieblt of this scheomee au bestiai, n. Colt as aboie estimatidof the299 Subserîptiona et stock as aboie os- htnate...........84500 isi,sof tirat chai bonds, 10 citent antiiortzod. b>' ebrter,.8ý... 84,566, 760,006 Surpluseta cover d4ficiencios ln-'-" s tock à subscaptiena ....... g05,000 le met * tecpense et con-,, slruolà ,a ,or Improveinenta, or of seeuriliom and etiisrweM- Inl prèentind te ,ontraders tliiprpo sed soheme, foreer c ourncttnt a part et the. Port Witby sud Lake Huron Bala>' We Are perfect!>' sare ..e iinUMeoui abjection& wiihma>' be urgcd asu1tal. practtcabtlity, but we <cc41 con6ddnt laI ou mature refiiqlont sud caretul coiderw mIatiiwbole Sf lihoeobjestions wtt! b.' tôund etnmoed uis hatires below iuamed (aI present we are speakiag on!>' et thc praoîicability, net oft he proprlot>' or ex. podiency ef lhs construction eft Iis Rail. us>', thèsepoints wc reserve for -future discussion.) *l'he -thre ýobjection. or doubla, .mbracing ailt Iben, are; 1. Tiie peasbilil>' of oblslnlugltbsMni. olpal sud other steak tée tent ssumed. 2. Tii. posuibitit>' et ooustructiug the. Railua>' attre ,icosnamsd. "!8,, The" pouiililit>' af r oalising on tii. baude oftiîflaiway' otmpny,-tie amouht propicosod. , .1 ýWitb reg ard <n bhefIlrat objection, we are wlllini te adýait that w. nia> ba diaap. ;pointait la. oUVostiliÃŽatOofetstock subacrip. 'ionno, but*. arc et epiufiutiat'the noces- aitdes of lh. eue justit>' our expecîîtlona, and ' ben, inaà fuÃŽtbe artiule, wo ire callod upen- té justify the propoiet> sud-expedîsu- cy ofthe proposèac.bms, ow. tl gir. lie rossons uhich i ebor, sud ubich we, ourselivea eutgrtain, of-the Justneos of our oistirnat.. Wc kuôww.!411that.w, nMay' b. wrong, sud test tee, sanguine1 il se, ail we eun s>a li aI unies. albok-subscriptioaa lo ti. sinaIu çtisirÈ4tI, (wr tî t ligit>' Issu aenI, lie fiémaoyimeauoh case, stat.d) b. reWetvdlt*t wli te utte f011710i , ttempt te amoplio4nnt othbaobm Tbe aoxperieno. e; qur oua Railwà ysa taý Canada,a»usîll sofet hose lan1Ù. S, Lea ly dinonustes'tu4t notilng smoe s. sontia teo Ãsapasas et construction, or, OUOcea thheoporatden oe ah Werkstian posoffiou, ou lia poets a Ulw*y 0Con pan>', aIst emsn net, Wat ilson.ý thma prompt payiet@ al 'work undos.' tlcokea.,Wbarev« *i-preeautiou bas debýi crédit purolisses, st hlgi p-ies, snd rered slesetdprcoiatod sacitia, ,-bave smbarraas e iicompsânies 51 over'>' Jep, mnd thoru>' se muai lmofetmono', and of, reputatien, have bisa ineurred, 1h51 ln lions havahëo beutall eawmjpsd, sud irra. trlevabl>" lest Lot us lau Ib oisnIstance son cnrs tii. meaSnibefOre usat, or maie né a4tar *t ai1, eain; b>. epetlsno, tilt b*fore we mkaa coi<raolw. sboulId ha s u 're otftho moà nsta psy for la il Ibhe b1ines sgreed> upen, W.ih rgar tothesecond objection, us bellsie lb unnocoasry, ta asnythinig 10 &n'âaîýl'4 e id oits binds b' lé C0o wstliore 41.bW"etho Ùbd or ový r TpooA.4n'ilaïe~~p~~ ~ tisai ùot as n Inesmant, *hiqb neyer earni nîert tban suffliený to pay;fnterost, and uInklmýg ftmd'ýoh tf pro oriýsu but firiot clalmi',or Rilwaws vrolëèearlngi- and wbil$ n«ist bc pald, befbrs the'oMuni- clpal and otbsr stockÈoldera locýalIy inter- estod ln to succesa i'ceive 's slngle doui' 'W. ouclude Or'the, prosen, by ubý mittlng te tii. considération of aIt Intêest- cd, tiiefoaaillity ce the acheme sugçosut. Loýn dccrroà pondïnt'of the or'onto Col o0iat, that thrô'ugh the. influncco6t Alias. sactationà ,oa"tabltshod ln L ndau, for' tbe fartiierancoete Vanadlin _Intercala, envù Pro'vincIl l<an' Muni9lpl"dobontures arc -grad D1lyattracting ti étiance d con. fidenco te' la pitiillits, auch nowa forma- a Tory onoouraging toature for our paetdalway. '1-i a aubioq *oint aticle w. w!!! oudoavor to discuisa bbcproprlaty and oxpedioney êfý theicm nooneaw- subrnItitdend 'th'i. pros. pect thoeiofluethlt. part oftour Raiiway siustalningItsf by i ta owa local sarclaga Tho' save Det lt. t0 .ssno oabsMrbors, 'vo sio44holdo, OU sdl 'deficioot ta eourt4syl, Ifus dit/aj at ths commeoncementcfa New Yea r atiO ut . le c s i s i o ICn I " t 10s u amtaemetwbici saiti lcader andi bis part>' unquestilona-bl>', li'he!,nOhapaUnuintentian. ahi>', bave affordod tg un, lnuthie ueMl hasbons of pur Journal. A roforeucetla ut. "fyle," leaves unsne alternative bub.1frank. 1>' toakuolede teseporpotuai sources et eut articles, ami uhast la still boller, te coutemphatewiîb s gin of dolbt t6 Sp. parentl>' luoxianahible quantil>' of, the spe-lu, tar te aur thhnkiug tiers ta ne mon- sible diminution la, tie flow, (desplihe 'cca-ý sienali>' turbis sy-mptowu,) boever, pien. lit uli'y Ilsgpp4spaour. litorar>'draugiils.' WC trust the lleader la question, witi ual taie t baso ir écandiS ý'oae»aelu lnii part; for be muat romembor '"hals soldicra ex. pool te be alaI;"sopulit'cmun it net abject, if tic>' ho put up ýas Praciains bs!gZets. If we igiit venture a suggestion, lwouidbeho le I fela ewould, somouhat abato bise cioiu syo diminti 4i '7.e CA'M'gve o, lesa, trumpe> deciamatton, sund Indulge lu toeor 'colusiappellaieusuonpMà Ing aur Osuadisu personansd dsrtbiug ap- Canadian, doinga. whother rail, or polI' ical, !'tendoncý >' 0 itioi xa 1 doin lan Ibese liat namesi point.,hasalroad>' pisyssi olsi Harry Vwlth ns o tock ex. -change of London, and rosi!>', .aur catcm- porar>' sheuld remoiborl,iaI ktwha mua>' basoporlte unhi, la deahbi teus. Wo il belloeotilt'bis harkia worsc than lits bite wis Entlish, rendars a, u ots ' u >ako due iowauce on ,that«hoad. Hence danger. Seo, tertio future, 1lt iutead 9et 'spiratioes ho wbuld coninua te bleu us a feu baga o!d soeg nicoin, capital taalead bet .ot ltIlwould, uc are tain ,te ad mi, os t ir eate-mors slsfacter>' tradlig. Iis ve#r>' rus thbatlldulmls home buft dccc lhe bur.-âi4tiiii'er4,lso ou tii. toton vermnivth 4ottght ilbut te ourt. tiklnq. mu>' b. ýhase pat$mc., Àmon re stnlt MomqI. ammuage S1sîni itIlpro- serraewuid soecur@ s n amle sport, ai 'te randir't. 16eConalaul poaoblng ou bis neighb onsgro)nda, totaI>' aptUas Bosirw.ehyhro bi ut As a sug;. gesio. P~aedwe ýnov 1 t. arýunùaI hebd omaâl ,dut', tpreniicfag litIif ont. ideas on I$ho Préent &Acasiosmeist' stade the usual contri under . ulhiw~ veulsi wlsi te shape o m, i ns hi-ý trlbutlethle reccut d'iresaing fit l' lie bsromer, (rom thie 20oaoet' whoiew we tear vo have sceel>'y yt t.acovet-dd. Omo potlwl.e self cvident le eut. read. '6s which la, thaltiram ver>'unlikol>'p*t.'- mises, we draw sanie ver>' unlooked eW ' deducliens, £Wiplî graila ",Whiea vaiul ting ambition disi overlesp ilf," imih and tb. mught>' hasteo'ubic hNaoleon maiubaled, hâd paased the. IÇismen ln-ail lie pide sud'1 'open 'uifrcumitancs 'cf var,'tb.y wese-ultiniatel>' ougitln iiirap 'e t l tmis 1, býrl.d plains;etof XioOiru a ln ti doubtlss would persuade ali onlais tiiat se soo, as the Ilogiaor"ced-' ýmeaces, they shah be-nstatly narrlo4.-', Ho would iiave sciiooIboys.bolîgve thsïtf tAlUn &,pund& and supino4wllb bl tsî4adthat ouvrant tà ts, wti .omqt down li1i :krlce; bad péiela ebtalai ,a demnd -O 4their epics anud althinga b.!, attatuable, bowoeFerput 6czy"hat, pro. oi n t.'.'ac NowuasInreligion ivc prefer a "respect- able.clergymntoi s,,dlirous meebanto," lO wo hale ouraiisÉlvings as !ô 4tii. moyen yoskrs of plepty" so0 temptiigly -proguosti- catcd by 1the .Lrit devinera.'. To gaze on the, clouds and ito hell dandelions; .thoy rnayporm1 4 and 4 bayr alebt .we suspoct-hhat tiiese utîl be about the, value ef uhat wuc shall-gel, rpro rnaturoleab- stract questions abotx6' Rqprosentation by Popuatin,"SeaoftGovermoent stuff- doubl e mai oity rubbliub-glndiug if, chese-paringa on Grît-gratru, &c., &c. Rave wo thon onourside wq repoat ,s capable et meeting the. finNîcal d1fflcultl*' tiiatsurrounlust W, tii w< bà re- and us the M o ffeon o few> Jli'h tR.eforming 'Grntos-qplemhithlis lraaa ur>,--ud Impose a bastion pan no eues shoulder. Anti nowu4e vil! bld for, ounspectie. Il Ãlabitihng. Town Counei!. The Ceuneil met aI lb. Tava Hall on Moud,»ý' ssuugls ,jn.4'1. Present--Hia orslp bis Mayon in lb. chair, Mossrs. Rave, Wà lson, Haut, Tre., nsyne sud MaPiense n. - Caplaîn Rowe pntethie petitian oet Ueo. >lcGihl, praying for' an extension et lima te col cî,ha Toua Taxes. Dr-. Haut sud Mr. Tromayne expt.osed tuait. doubtaa s oe epower eft be ,Ceuncli le extend lia lIme. No iadîion usa 'lere.' fore taienan tho polittan. A resalutian:passositic Council unani- niousl>', jtving authenit>' to Un. bcott 10 seli lag0rn bien, under is Teuipçrnn'colu- cans,san onding ao muait etfb.v-Iaw Na. 46, as waa coushruad b>' the Magis- traIes as prebibitng the sale, et tagen bien Iu temperauce saloons. Tiie Mayor resad aaommunication tram theoObsirman of lheIloard ef Sahoal Trua. tees, seéing lic use efthlie Town Hall fer lte meeting oethleBoard. 'ý Tii. Couticil pa. epatncompi>'.; lng, viti tie requcat. Captalu 11ewe brougil up lie report of th. Standing Committeo en strpéta and I rn pravenehte, ansi onmotion, Ihe;Va0ne!! wentInt tacommnltoe ofthie wiplo hheoon. Tii. plans 'sud js'pocificatfons, pr b>' Ur. -Dodirth e rerpatrof lnde's brIdge, vora adapted, ansi bi,ýcOommittes an' stréee ncimpt.ovemonto iWtruoleodtead- vriefntenders.t ,Mr. MéPiorson nie-dtlii'VOmuol tale Commilte. of ÃŽlb. who4ï on the ur'*Ob t the Standing Ooitneapéia ',Tic, -ous prluttug ascoanastelroin tieé CansaC cAptain 11el aodMW 'te ciaafnu 0s lier an>' mare accouu*a<iadbeen reaqivod,t ;aud Ific me, vii>'*, hie>' wrobrporw don, Ur. MaPiierson roplIosi, !'lilie>' ad1 racssilsamotou f Meura.'xiggas à ' 'chind te, repari ou 1h, ailisith#* vas toanbà ouI titt.ande thi limebfee, th.et lehad nettiliome t ess he ie Captain Roue coniderd Ihâtthlie paèr-'-1 somnai anitities of iry mon Oua s il prévinîtieni frem in scirgitgtlIir dutY' juéU',teail n md tote publie'tta j 9WIT M~ww~epco-u4qy,ývuIPn, ,wit hë Mtion motor t-8O boiew aetoe1 ,l- iu net ver>' diffleuit te practîco. 'But jiok cântci-omôi tithai wà yyet' sne 'pebple, andi 1 arncrodbi>' 'Iutrmed tilt It. Io thé' selorn purpos. stid Intention of Mous. Brown amiMGo"'nUgtd hrt" as the law 'bas l-"b>' the Devil"tpro-~ mate A, perfect volcaniupt n l againlut' the, peace oet Ber Ifrjsty, the. Queon, Ber Orown sud, dIgit>'." Weil, althaugh tbc Intention la good, yet I'baverMY, doubla as ta ils succesaulissue, forer $tà um, aour belovod d,'Soréign la'ý a moat pewer(ul c'x' tinguisior te *dernagagucismn, sud I ýdon'bt ubohber If alt#ho Brouit', li McGea, the Çounors, atid,_,hi. Olmies wer.ot'O natte t ei âcuiary tarohu, -ti.>'cau e jay Ognsl4erablo tilazé. YenulilSeo, b>'ý lbe iéw4 biI Uc9rssentatien by Pojinla !Ien1'aeleunA1eptlout et aigbt, la aalute, bas done (livoMvng"about tire tarthligs worth ot hbuig) andi oonsoquantly oMbl- 'bità -bis disitètrested opposition *1 upon prinoiplo."' B. la envlous of. populanlt>, 'and bocause Mr, Somebody> happons td be pepular joins fbts oppouet--ôh'tbrocab mnv> or Jealous', - but on 1 prlneipleot' of ourse. Se ho says 'È.,- cerdisîl>' htea both,.Mr. Somsbody gnd -Mr. 0ornobdy- oisé, but Mr. Somebody, belng & moreres. pectable mari than himsoelt hi unîtes *lth- bis opponentad sulavltouily' salouai lu pulllag gr. Somebody dowa 10 bis owi levol. 'Aab eil gos os thb.ead eof the ~bpo.The morits snd honst>' oi tie candidates, 1!uhi aouisi bs-bboc nal-teit, m>e lest sigiit eto10tle opportunit> ofgrafi fying ourpassiaus. Tils la not as il sbould bd. -W. sio îI net bu wrangloM ,an - wo ougbt, leek upon mon sud their actions impartiall>' ,wItbout an>' regard tb hem, as tiie> happon 10 adianco or crosîs our owa private Intereste 'When !we ine - l5slfWUL uww la naotne ue Oti penever>' iuss--chas-acter, and in, our t.sreta~~, mn fr m an, oepsesent htrn; sgoosi tornaothing, or" stuc. thiatorm, 0<41 wu praticail>' abaun qahiiei er vr>Iing. -' We know;oo the b> ImBrevan-Porien Coalition Iansuse o ba ve flýuruIl miad' e>." Jul>' lut, Nert aIt likel>' hbat il lb, thcmougrel moan i cu c<to 0njnred luto ho s ioe ii., h4and aparve t too; *uiaencetari. popl et ppo Canda, Condomu tic wreng, and icilihe wroug pur- site. namo ta lien o! a.prIaciple, a delusive mis- 'W. know someftet ismen te uhen nome aasnhlg adocrinewhIi ~ wo would point aur reniarks 10 bé ns- "cousîlnutonit ohois" luInfaver et Lowr turahi>' goed mou, capableocf perfonmiug Canada veulsi rendier Perfect!>' nugahen>'. leuolwri u iitreiatos No, ne, Upper Canada do"o,W ntuseI-ho-n c , wvoIenlupinlvte lite weuld scorn hais s; aprepondtranas 'd6<,meabers Iu tho le bhogulîl>'ofta timcraditablo actionotan>' (ehllr or îîe'mscreprocetsu;klnd, sud yol at eoction limes thora..la moeo men otatrsw dresmeti up ike soidienu 'Cearcel>' anyliug tee mean orpontemptiblo te "lmaie bollie"-for aici waould la of forthem torcsortte. Undenîtheocoloneft hic tactho ie tagiflcul eant, t h. sal we bave st*mpted te doscribe, tii.> "cioice ver adplo, sm. ti~rwîî t ebiIî s rancour aud &.malice tewardal Laver Oanaddwouldb. as. potent undone opnnarhai'a nrqct> ihie arrant h bu m as ow, or ,mors ses,_- maies tlias. uhe sionî ivueas ucigiheora Passibly same'new dcdge bas icen lInent.anit-eisccmofr'leairar. ad, 'but lhi. peoplcetf ie West arc boconi- Our efforts abanîti bô dirocte t 1 quel! and- tugeniwbt 10 sred l bedoudei b' ubduo lias. foolingaexcitcd b>' a pra. fluenams, sd iyul ierfaroisuuretendod zoal, sud for aur aun, ansi the pub. le pra diot Ithâ ithédodgo wouî lai,. If lic ggedeho sot, ah loait conaistenîtl>' uth the. aid original an>' labto be raîumod, vI, urselva., as-ciristians sudmn, sud net Ropreaciiou b>' numbors wtuttie lz,, bum wth sfut.>' avor wiat we uil lud ouI- peet te a dIîIdIngý lin, between Upper sud l i nit ouhls oeo e.ta Laver Canada, lien l ia' mastaI>' bé . et.on .ses, sumod, tiat lhe Braun-Donion compact lua dissolveti for' tho MonaitreRouge. are ul OfciiApomaans se tusan.' u-ho asiout te. lie an>' uici ,would be tisir desth kueIEUiCLIO Tcy aita ng BSÂTi ba bien ploased'tomakie>-o tllow-, Ibisà confidanti>' ssrtasi hiat on tich gapiîretvs question of ueulaiulug th. Queen'x award Bn> aagtn eunM . s -n -favaiýof Othawsthe names bave boomiscaeCrnr ont'c einlu counteti sud liaI thora wil bc aaaniA>' Timotiu oie>, Esui0,S -rge et fro tein , b12te do houer ta e r MaJosI. AmsociCoroner, co .unt>'1 etf BaubInga. Mr. Brown la perfel> lntisiaIUtbe Ides@& ol .mcPfuien - q~ie,Aaolt otan appeal te bie ceunît.>' oulie queî os. irý.utyolmtrï lion, a feelling witiuodne Interproter Cnnr;en>'oLmla ins h'owrebr qsité choar ltiI on tic uîni John )bhà #y>, Esquiro,-M. BD., Asuooiati pie questionof dlasolyiug îthe C<roier oua>' tth... ID-' 1 1 Mlnistens have amnuebbeter pothon than 'zéi st*k Eqr5'8.1,Ia à ', oy, cabiîne . aJl'lsIle-tsLavis, Eisquive, M A.,Lanratt W. SmIti,ý conpituei iltluconoqsuc e hi cn-Esquire, D., O, L, Samuol SmIli MaWs raptonspralicei a îb luIgourl dec dneli, Esqutro, L. L. Li,qThe Icvet.end' lion tlii. Bouse did net reprosontt tîs:u'u.> aeJuppM..,on1.1' Iry;,'yeI as yen n v are MeuirBrownaWolo , M.A., WItarn Goorge Draper,1 ansi Denton wore.porfect>îlîta; t von <julr,'.A., Titomal -À. KeLosu, Es- ~~~~îtî ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "iX tu orpuaeiî ts/ue uf , .'Join Ecysi, Esquire, M. A., tsar le ,continue inýpover vilicut s idis- Adam', Oreeis,Euqulre, ILM., pDaniel Me. iélà tw,ý eW lie>- ve wr. spnvncd b>' Miobsel, Esqaire, I 'O, L., John Edgworli ma l Thomson,,a t' aues îe> 4Equlre, E18A: ,Edisrd C. cisn;e4, tbçInvie*# aguin ansi"o~Ud à adio' Jonesq., B. A., John D. Armeili-, Es. koiatioa, bat Il vas qutte 0hoir t lhs 1hqaire, E. A.,9-sud John î- ýKiaamll i- s aa ilcolaw peraittnganuoh cutragiuu ut. .At . sdtou ebv ilupro'pnIeIIes.ubhall botmn 'pt'aaîiced buta' theSenstS efthle Uaiversity. ofToronte, lew moulus, before il weuld lio ebasa Albert Prine,-of thé oit>' ofToroulO, ver>' wrougIe appealtlo the ctiniy'.Toesqfe1n'tr a .* ab ai dar thé milSs dIffot-ent for vo bAas14 IW PabiletaUpper Canads.. a toïtasE 10ou toabeoin a position vo ersng hl-m forward when the tume cornes round. It.ls. à disgraceani an Insult to our patin- ettsmaad intelligence te shlow tb. repre-- sentationoor rih 'and, weathy Ooanty, Pre0fotat1 tc, eomain ln' lhe banda of any istranger, whilp we havé good mon and trne at,'home To tho. M doervlng of lb. trust and able and willing to7iaeharge theoduttes. W. care not what' politica 'the mun prolmie,.lIthlm be a My D"x1 man et gôod repute, of' <Ir avorsge-sbllity, <atM POI *add S'residont and ho -ought ta bo pro.» hsc torred hi be constîtnenoytoanyîInterlope 1r. the Little O strangooa onîy xpoot 10 aucoeed rioIn oflil bhrough aur divIi ons at f-home, and vory half, b> gi adroitly tii.> manage 10 "divideand con. sermon ln tI quri ftbhe-realit candidate b. a tboring te Itl WbItby.man lbe straugor takos bttaIs'alowiglettes ground ti soure OsbsWa or Pickeing, or. CESOli beti bath ln i aa;I a Ptckorng-.or an the . T. Oshawa -man omes torward the. trio k iiCompany' ti rer -sed. - Locality isla pitv.ed agaînst puttlng the 9 looalityto securo a trIumph'to theoIntruder. tihi United 1 sbime tlÉat It shoulc ba se,' and" tiwe for tbe yean can bc so osall set at a variance with ene 1tisrtt w aneotior, andi blinded tobouïr'conmea In. a preferable mailtesthen, jet1a haýe the for boat man ne, malter vitlpaletof tisRisi- >'< tu; hoWhaitram. But heInUs neoontine la& te place lie inleroset caor Qount>' lu lie và banda e vu>'aieuhnuren whe choses te sol tako up soeaclap.trap pohiticat cty, sd via bas got oui>'lie oue, objeat ia vlev inaUI obtainiugeOur suffrages-miutmp>'ansi pure.'$11 1>', lb. adiancoment et hi& oevafortunes. ilb Wiat tioosa 5gentleman - olrcumiasnced- OnI like. fr, at ar estfor the luteroats et lici Senti Ou'tania? Whal eau i. b. sxpsclssi le caïa for thoin? ;A nosidoab:of the cit>" of Toronto,ubenoa al bis peounivr>'inter- esat liesa-vieo la baunsib>' fanifly lies, Tc local attacimeul sud es-or> tiot.pemnaa In fluencehicoaa ihave ne looiing 'ln cma' mon yt tlh >l ihzas etSeti Onlari.-- 4l is predIleotlona lire la fayorot.etTo.pî roulo, sudis Opinions eau loui>' hoformosit tframsaToronto poinl tfvîev, onany u> ni.Ati l001 liati affects bl ébucnitituenta. Wiifri nominailly thaet.apt-esnitlIvo oft hig Bld- U, tmg ihoIsla, nresuit>'tii. reprasan tAttîset of TorQnto,-seutimcut, ans inputn,-Itas ria sympati>' ubaloeet.with' aursolîsoran aur affairs,,sud oui>' ues at u alsges 'as ge ssppn~ o te parsu. -lsie ownambi-Stj ti.on., Ophénte bas gel':féw'lterosta I m 'Irat common ulti lie Cilyeot Taronte-Afndias Tii mauy 'aatagonistlc e L.Solecting aà Te- rofita t.prinntîstl've etof unt uenastemuts r* voi thereter..hocbothunuise,' and lutpoli.- and Wie eor>' argument wenld ha opposesi ho 10eh.the lchian et a uon-rosident, u againsl Wh a reaidont candidate, lie Tessons ta <aven ofet li 1.1t er prosestative are Innut . -ami erablo. A reideu onîti lbo mas>'e oes 1o the, lectors--rho vonisi b.hi& aolgb- bat-a; h e woiuld hais snob astsako la 1he 1tdIslu as oals imaie bis anaxiýu&for ils preuperit>; -ho oasoitast>' i4vaamee ils- oua 'irahi itot £ ithem a.tlime' D beaefitlug is nelgibors or bis tocasitl'; ho bai -would aIlWA>'shave porin 1 nal wiof' et >' 4he vaut. sud visites of hbisOonttuento-, Wli iu taict ho weald hbcsaim, Rmnas, 'the -sWistvs, wvie bbstrac te hItniaeitmust glyf batrue to, theqe. MnngsI hon i btW n. lai lit iii se- 1 Rsv.T. E. Bost My BitA Sm;-, lesure le effet t hoe memberse I-i w wlthisthlislustJ1 Couitl, vieai vîliqa sd abie1 c040 ofGerups .%Ftot22o ad (g 2â <SeRsla s215@ 20 cd OITanad a 2A o. ~-Bcnad . l pen la.7>d per don.. <inaoa 2s, cach. -Tous ad V Idceci buain tuye-ü ous, sud l u Tmp.' W. ua 1 ilvi