@Vi ,LACE. 940SgI Wbltby, qui OF10E1AT:21113 ouICT .T. OFFICIEJ HX. TRENAYNPi, CO ,UÂone Mffe-InArssll'sit ew 1Brick Wsoà -ZW' locond Ploor. 19 ISSES. WILSON .& BILLINGI,' B ARRISTERO & ATTORNEYS AT LAW SolicilWra in ChatinyWliîtby1C0 W- -i4ffiee-ovar Hlamilton &~et ts IoeL Wllsosa, Whi4by; W. Il Biko a Qsawa. al GMRN& MAUDOlqEEIhLo D MIISTER8 h'ATTORNEYS AT LAW,. Bsoflltor*, to lieCottsty coascU Ontarlo.- 'D AISTER, ATTLi'! yORN CNVzYà NI £LJ,.Gur MuhCiie over>~. 5,Donaldmon M. Co..ardwaroStore, Ilsock- Street Whtby. J. V. Ami, r>AhkifSTEU-Afr-LAW. OfIE-RC BLltreat, Wltby, V. W.i 80a a . 1 . F I E A J S Jolis DILLIJSag, LÂlOIANOERtY h CONTETANOINO; L fie rnoAibort. -l>5ï A. MAI85, J. go ATT QR1NIY- AT LAW, SOLICITOU IN Clsss)cry, Osvyoor o, al treel »ARRISTEIl AND £TTOIISICY-&T.LAW, OlIc-over tise Stre of il, D111% à q 0p île ii i. Beigitry iLe, Brook tew * uao fdhirel Ae jupt ,rst (Oppo WILLIAM POWSON, W, O0eEAI#TWOOP, As lis M R C¶OEQNE8, PIIYBICIAN SUIIGZON éh -k.Iisldess4s-lutoly ocessp<ed by Jas. iLdg- Dr# Bu W. CLARK, ~USG1lON A(CCouCIIIztIhC3RN1 WILIAM USTEI&PEUT, M. Du T2 fl<C*&TEmJ3T, OSIA.WA, CANADA D OTUUNTON, V~à . a IOCAL DENTlWRg-oppIl IN BROOK jiit,otvsr J.L Bilglow 0 6 Stend opposite bltAegltry Office. 021l0 otions warrsnld. Mseç,sfUhr trl. i G. A, CANNOISï . .1. stito poor oery Mon, a ivan-duuocttap ce- r, Ai id à euV ' uran err, an>conaxrorr catmn.. DJiteaIcynt- Batetve Ost- lontôn 10 businosa sud'vair daMIng itiitIse c Labli, lieexpecoito usst wlth à a suce o! pub. IIOWN9 86 upr JAMES BLACI.L SSIONERIQUI. "5nt, L5Wd, Pull ALMA MOTEL,' lm ÀJE BOVE FIEST-CLUS à IITELIe nov id0 l i% caeo ii TLncwl4,rrsngQl f6etbe aoâiodatIon o! ___________on Teaspcranoo prIncjls-a Spirit Licence bas rzP bcasobtahue. Evy yattent4on pldto traval- r KUSIC, TUE lorý, sud -thp biest accommodation provl4cd for DForte Harnsoiy ma=s'and bore.. and al Slnds. i AOnabsasatsdne1sufrt I>ptl loe- tb c a f !charge. 1 ro ps aI h. J. A. MASON. /A.Cu WILSON,ý p.,IN? ,à È( LZI]Mù;AND ?PPES- ga«ls duft$aQUO I lm Psutty p.- Wltbya 1steet Whitbweilgy. o w rl ,j as. 19, l b. téSîcet, Wh tby1 <next door to T.- waila sRC5Il irOad il .Eopalrsi neily di où a odves f aIl klasd xcoutsa- (rnt . vrà u rutOYEL,) il ton. lAIT W N îCO8IHOUS aiWJIITBTP moneAsa, v»P»Ossuw. 4 VKEaoy otel lo'itated ln a pleasant rend ,Leie Of itihe Town, on the font rond. =ot eemidtiob tor trêvelleré. 6o04 laap lsud aiatosoter, 8 0 h. nlise liagifroto elli tb hein. j1qPropristor. F ABRIONAB tjul,.TIUNfG 'AND' Ih Oavln iUoma 'rk ektreetWihtby..é A retot talj leiIlr rpd ar Drcaser, of lOsiffltesain . dit basinesse, *III slwafs Ih lolnin r luolissi to atteud on'gontlocapm.- ShsbsgJs a rocsa10 iio eatemon for ueasoia, ae as 'se , ?but asar ob- baud1h01 w*i] i alnheoperaioas boil RT<ROa3Ml. Ths sborIhir ol ras t 1s0espOf o beeulfitu l in rut&u¶îl!.l1unwnuts lte ýroecaos Ohsr etoeforo th. public as Iloé Idip X»-I»tô oms.e, ùxt à teyeom. forof xv atteasn Pasdto om$oiotrvllersi %oo<I Sta- 11841 VAN eLYX. LOWER TOWN QUZE]1C. 1JRAVULFM -I.ND VIEITOE8 b o'ths Au-, c éCiyofo Q(esbJ'w' lid s rra- -iseai Batk.Steofi wls et, sd pai.ve dllbinuplacesof th, CIty. ]'hitable AUI bar arc natpilc ta eyr Courableoat.abio pnd'dtiaika1.bii.V.tor. ',wlli bb attüusiIpýldWtistoir oonfotaaid conesxesseaadevrylntornsatlonand direction sasto ths urroussding l ollle, principai places of rebcrts0001»171 &o., le 'JOIIA8NNA QUINN., Propriotor. MO iVO hPACE 79ftué PLU 11505153 MIAIN T of tueabove .wôll ksiown hisl wil *1 be endatted as forrnerly wltthé tlsricot prowl prlety sud regard for the conifort'sud conveni-, eues cilthé pubie. Tise propietoruesasea lits many friOnde tisai ev#ryt liis lo i m readyu»eforneriy to eiior. taio îhem Ai the l b obe ltland 0isV 1h0 willl 'Do peromlly î.raime, É14 gitsm atelas'vs- Tise homaihmiebeau; theroughly papesed, pancd Prqncvatedg mid à 51usd up stoeoey respect ls atteSa Innnr se 1 Issuro satloflac tofi.' The bar sud hble splei efrel *Iiî tise'bosat tiles and rlsik#ble.. (IIlssg s ,;uy0JOBEPIlWLINO4 B ha ho o : la y do AI Indri 4 oapialworklai »rlok ced esYr"Ukw"4@ riioders l ftatletdnoeDutt opl tre o Whitby, May 27, 18568.i DAILY OTAGE. jTraIns. .. IIUBBARD. or PriisîBwn ,h o1~a a Jr. - res, Ola C LMORIARTY. WllbOctoor 1,1858. si m ONRY TO IIÇVEST ON MOETGAGE iÂpply 10 J. or J1. W. NOUES!. W htty, Oct, go, 1858. 4 7'Eunderllgîîm ttaSsaiv-t'tiy h Tj'a ishg it. cfWlthltby e' 1bInoa he lie la< a ai erch a2nts a à ,lyauended e. AsagueýTho Ta, 1808.it 80 lu New Fsture--PArs ar or the sur u wasLtvwoniUUAUIIiDL S? EOOSSIALi ocnd .s¶sav&d on steel, ÃŽI g 11%roUtpà aant. oo;keetto obsribors enly) on Asavy plte pa- r, s X'sr l oho n 1h. foliowlg mt»uso! Evrpersos reutttibb o>hrdollars i ii ri. bSteolE inravai aftor 'sasths, 4i80 a Oopy 0oz i5. beau' fui sS CoNo»pOLITAN AIRT JrOURNAL, An elegssnbI llluattslqnaa.tMr Maaine, -Alo fre. »Moatn skt of adsslolon io dias aatern (or Daîssoldor!) sud Westerns Galleao! tise Tisera viii siaso le gîven t1th0 tibs berss sevesabiii aadresl valuiblo *crk. <sf Art, omr- ,rlslgn i (11'aistinge, Bronso Suijtur@a, hoiroin celebratel Amenican asati furergas Ar. tinte.. gStb*Mrptons vili bo reelvsd op 10 Jan. 19 18859.O I.atlîe eveang f thaidaste tise presulume eiii be#ýwsrded 1t0 saibsoribors. O. 1.ý. DEEBYActuar C.A. A., rsteru O!. die 58 BroadvayN 4 .or Western Office, WatohMaker, and 3eveflêr.. on by' Mr. Thoana Galagîer, aud-laopeet isaI by OMref tytea,îi ngto Uic -t 10 reeelvi à isare of pubilIcpatroatege. A1ei selecléd>gtocýk of !svellry on hà ndý g"RIIPÀIBS ATTENDED'T. , .W ity iNoV Ylus. 'A Wd,1's, 88 HïnârT Roliti)on, J Nora.,J Newport, Wm Ochliolld, J Parker, M Colline, R Bnowo Wm- Brysas, T SmitiI, JEaIwl, J Toy Wm Iktail, WM;iuarner, BR HLawder, T Plmer,, T Canden, G Irankliht, C MoAuiffte, J.WLenu, R Millor, y FPolo, D Myera, DSehsa,, Li E Bholieîd, D Stnits.. G Yule jr J îiapbell' JWoi1uondn, '114al JS Sprowle, F Uarir A parleJ lrlstgle, Wm Ja«rCY' Lvir B W Claà rk, 1mli Cl Roberts, Wt runnr J lmlon .J 1'roislfbt, Was osjonu T Lawrenoe, J S Donaldeon J- 81a1o1, Wm Culleai. .1 naicdy, lm sott, JýWstQn, KMcCaaly, 0CHoDorsuott, TBell, Il aholm . j Keiter, Ely J lakcly,R dhy FRenasison, MFals T Devoroli, - JCôrl M'O Donoviu, WmasTisow, 1 B Carpenfer, dolin Thow, T E Lewis, j 5tathord, N G eynolds, E Wiltlcy, J C IlancheS il Wbltloy, G Il Ditrtn;tl, N'Mihlor, B'Compbol , 0' sbone, M Wolih B Willlls, AX Omari, JMXcAilan, J B Armstrong,. H Arnstroasg, C Wllkinion, J Brudon, G Martina, J Cari, y Hoare', D Smilla, CTF Donovani, J R Thomas, GWPFost, JV Ham, ý T Soutihli JohnPringle, G B Hall, D Cllfford, a E Perry, 0T Hall$ 'Wm Shasw Bowle Wm CiWm Cla'rterg :c A p 4. oant Monos. Mtoholi,, GOFrge s Wm Warren, SyoaWstay Ueo KirlbrJdi, Clark Hustoltîns, J F Boaven, petAr Jianter, JantesKilibsrn, Pi a yl W m Molmatosis, James Canionter, Barnabus blbson, Toslooa Daniel Detto, rârullnsamsroni Jolas Clark, ar r ladqe, Thos KoBride, Andrew Forcthe,- JO$ C E bbo i, J, loe Z.Eurat-mci. jndif end A. GaarauxsJJasomplimenntary, terme ilu wih ouenare pleaeed 10 essprôlan yoiar approreai off My course as à MulssiPu olpl uaillor, ares 10 * a n oltlotthat Y msyoocetpp, viasîer' se chlfMgtrte or slmplyas à privais clii. con, bu esaured.b.is y. umblse aforta ahlali. .1 !vays bq directod ta aaa4 tlldadviâatlwt;.lu. toutt#.of htby oguji!ntly illa thosi u the .nelangasalcia ict l» altY 4 t'a :1 Eaasorosaeor s7p-. Tovs a r nrn-Dnring thli i "iaoa.u ï as' tut1T bave a..a.s ,s... là fir, equitablse a O5ad854, contnnu a ll, vIl le sol xl Iecoborsudtis ternu of fonfve totoe ,g ae mmnt To thoe leotor of tiseTownuilp of G ENTLEUEN,-AÂs the lime la draviug %37pawi vssi y ouviii beexpoto 0mako a cisoice o?, 9eo lit Rpeons toIl rasst.yonr, -intcrentA. Atthé' Miil Cuo fr ieets sxpootlng me 10 cioaforvard asà aCasdldatc, 1 -vould mnt respcbfishly;inforios on, tlà ,t la my Intention toi retire, spd msot offieranysoif as a urIrn g m thaCouneil, Board,J vould bog 10 tà usdoy aounîy varsstet thanke, for tise bc lasthe bhott. roprseasai yoas lu .1 remualuaGenlement' Yonnirepeetftlly, JAMES DRYDEN. Eroolkliu, Dao, 14, 18585. To the Eieetrs of'the Centre Ward. U NTL!XEN,-Aî lias ur nrt isloltîttloni o!fsnany off My figeadt, 1arn laadsscded o2 ermsus enlaefortdst rep'osoeatîoa cf yotr Wrd las the Tow'ri Coutilb. vItd blisaTowns £554 ro 1sndy itise resut moe u ssas utttory suinsser ia vhoAs hthc e zp c ad llar e Isu s l du? a ra t ia 'o n y o j q s à h av lu vié w, lu co sal t g r rad gaac a sid a AtnsMy ergand 4oinoUitîg lits long period 'orfaaryreýnenth'e Tuia, and thse position 1 havâ moooeîd,I-llhiasti te rtcpssyere 'viii do ma tIse isstîce tolweieve tisatI Aisnot tila, onor I covet. Ii vecorneforward.unota lutsilly, ,but u orIilalq, ., *, Prop.rty on Brook Sireet-Forg ale air to-l'ente. P1rOWN LOT No. 8,Esst aide of Rrock Street, J. bolagthtofirs vacnt lotasortb o! lis. j»i ti y Office, 49 oest frout snd 198 foet deep ee a ALSO0, Lot No. 6 fonrly ocssiplod by AlshLlvé.y Stabîce; l4rock etrceo, eaesaxo szee No. 1. For Bà itooss hAndit those Lots arc 'equail t eny las Townand vii libdsold on îaso.,ireagoaable lerana topartieevjs o i racigocti Stonse os Brick But iglisgon clsom. To. Loete 0sm Hmm DFzxv ront.o 0on Brook Strot cdlreotl opojslto "Bryan',îîfotel,a' for a trm of, 7, 14,ý or 2 Les u tas ol fP'fe rn ced aipwaw > o Pt.t rnq Appl o ~< x~PR -1 ~ ~ , 8r& :- ' h, 1988. 7 TO ÃŽSETTLERS--TceLEBASE. On toii f 4onor Niase Voeu, cys ONE IJUNDRE»' AO1EB'AC9, The L4a lla ô o h.tit *qutsln tsit Towns obilp Mon, y wlll J> a4vaaiced for shs erection' cof IlrxabuiidIii,ad if a'cqsirsd, tise Losses ,a'la à v t hse rigis e) sp i ia a i iA eh tsrals ationi Le Le... ~ ÈAMPERET, 'Wlîlltbl, fil Morçpoia, UO ONi HUNDRED BUNDLES CHi]llotlCGTON DEIT VERY LOW.' A.NEW BRÀND, aupertor te ,yovrm por4dtellsotblsmirkat ltho 5ra ues.avssrotab Ui0 Inch <rom 1he Middle of!i hoid of thse tlirod gen stop outaile tise door. Il ws oniy tise head- "Raven't you donc yet i, " Give me twoe uinaut dou't anybody corne, whatever yoai do, ,dor't le me again by comlng noesi 7; 'I.took a 11111e pull ai boasrd isouathlng riietie. pull, and out came a piest up tlght liko the cacndi* ladies masde, ,I nrolled' thore viathse latter 1I Thoe original ltter 1-I coter oi the lnk. Thse Worthisv ftéulaasdred pou Wias& ailtisI Ioud d tc Ãrosu tbsowlng m anl laor&yng 1k. anta,1 chair aud ait quiet lu Lt tva, bufor 1 cotuld coul' My pa'opor bueinasa leva ià was.not loi tgplaa occs le atout of My 1 il vils My pens ired pouasd noi 'îÂfJOHNtî 6 .1 r 4 . ST.