Whitby Chronicle, 16 Dec 1858, p. 2

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0080 , ta tie vondarfut talant. ai hssd comà ottoie, ot o iook ;.l D hy, vu cya rIl ,epponanbu, au utpro4lgy'otsà@ltaudasîmuh 11dto ,rapsove &laihasian sd .ffe locuiAry ro!prnua, Nocdcubt liseragu an 4urnLvonoaaof & ibt.d44uaa lispiauelul ait aI i u uposîfbic toia Aitical epop'i o r hpt ur rpl, hos va. pro p4ro4 tolo,«î abt1#isùl ÃŽlb îit bi'sllrhbutadtetadgue l le go1ofisuvh ssgiaifu rru utuira ds.velpcpnt o f, osuuagrand p 'ého pwop.uhlun.and place, ni ghIsa .for!ustsîoaieuoh ho t aribéq to'eu» bbc reiralu unuler wbil uè ý4s a prominent partIsun ef isilsusai!, vhc tutur-ofbuud oiîloaI prînoipu, ani Sule 01 oulgiulting praubloniand sudea uusauras for thse édvsuuoué,i t !hi risi iut4reatu o!tsoouryhsa reduclt t>'he poople vlbb vodd ýné o sol of-iudat(on, sud big pustté 'tlué wuvlidosn fair oipqibuulty'vu,'a1f6rdé4 odt 'i mombét u Ftr Ã"oigc u ig and',Ûtab1îshini tht i ýutàtlà'à lêsultàud ahilit>' vbtci ho hdboule' làmsed. Il A lectureaPlbc'E 1by>'h lb.Loà d.O M îW at,"udbi eLîiedfor î~i ak.aA a'nt 'oxpdîaed foux oh iilous,'isà j ut tii ,,'i. pdjo I 314 th lier Wit regad'-t "Pl 'niand etille, Oeub4oisA' It làa4, oaaoûé , 151, Ihoimi*io ýnÏ1I§ ù ?ko e 1 ~ ~ wblohfor .ouoo.- pri"t f.~r~ éIIS M c oa t ,loiu1aoso't ysion t ok,.iilmyouI, u o.tywi knd In' à*ÃŽiwml o'p 1ho aida et Isborhogeg"d of uudiviG.4 apprivai to thît ouîrv' MIy omlttod a11mto of . U4Jbut appoirw d.8Itm pbilonthropy, wblob 'hsvq 4or. ld Iug là redollect bt h'osd pkof 4~4 g oîop«tt at uouaot1henti, to fc Sacceuio, heImd; ot isW. umubr b>' appys oonluilou,ý, Tii. rows ka isâo the diIdin nmbt,$ 0041o, pouabation louIs 04M40 1 0,Englsu<js. glcui. a. Thé lecturïe howevorddafloît oiinttao. gesion jof: prifuoni wvd cftootéd, w oold ýn gsthsË to upiottoïetal 'fu-ds.d'ht oebo 49 PplY pilOlio' 0ote OudtrWoi ablélchItz sotrviprofouud Or luis l'public SOchooloi, ivaIutalu. ied t iit vaurot, w.,. ralliainovi,.-o h J& leCapital muiant a rhi r a natoýoiion' P ex *poIII*, <0 éls ourqm~oiîî o! p, wosth OMPIlod 4on Ils pro ,dutotu." Pdp@7 5114 Ti s, suo ad f«rprovldlnsg a Scapitl fithe acculton'of paît profoil aueoukono!bué.b0u;(a p oi heos ciforintansd goodo'dopendaoun hé.opo méis àt'l a.labo, tZhat lhua bec tsxp,îs onIli4." th#ti suvtiruuvlllu u h ~. The falscloiq oentalici n tébo a aita. pott>' laicenoui itripllng, boin; MlAfi di. lemiltawhichthe IMon, gonîtImâsdvsaud tuta -,-f sisi>' peulas oÇ<mploymont sud as oltomabushd phicpla c sonou>'loksdupvili aaompliluhsd vllani as ' Il art OC! obîlouri,, tust Wl ¶hhi1lle4th#'te51le 141. ifielli:litusd te, hbair plissant ho sone o! ourjuventî iýs iii r bic bc Théa lacturar proo.odad 1t4e fr o usrt'lf o aomonul gouai., sud pant.d> u o m o o f h a l m o 4 h u o t 0 h e ' s ità u y fo r ét h e ~ o r s o , h î h u g î 1 Thi cring'elt vili hondaforwaÃŽd bc 10 8. Uuppttàpr rodutio i.4 A 5piy sad bspjr, daam&Idaiud hi au h l Nupnklng ci 4é;1, b-è'oWtloueIs mprovssusuti lunfluhiiu, i srgnisu aire ghrldloÏlOu bu w,1 uw ot léîasbsorb.d by therail,th U o lalb.il ltýil.lute'ol rifo î &Ikêvpi os elps, la of, yi'ttb , a tii. d roto. udth oui'dsazflnàthoùI;hglýu idm. In ip !wch~la t portantu fle, or 'fthe, 4uÇàne l rdng Sud n erd et'& aliqt0ad- ki na lo uhach Po ui or og0 wolt eWh oii Wugh canal, Illé la hi'iàôilightratfdu 's moml"objotion uIîapply1 Sud hc &ot tion Ihat we 1154 the prasut GQoruuout, l i. wit u undér the oinwmsdWs ;ulùd'auof thon." go tii. audisulco tbInter oro ocoturboth £ adoad ttoi~ft 0ghâ t b his own .oplnIensf li11 scsu' aidusdd ~tu * n igénc.l sissuo te 'whîit hhoir 'cohcIusIo oug'Uht teho éfor 'ul epIprals li'u*ùh tIr-peAklng, et No. 21 lbhelocturer-m untamrui so to* obrod.tbat no EpgIish i trian owý4e tag u'flIw;elri( a lwhich tht nstion hbas embarksd' wore tliI a' i he 30,1 'rpetn3éproo opinion ~la o rt aor tnpérsàsoniG,,Sdulnith ; lli 0ftoc ornt IW ~rTaiaaui l gut f't0e SOC1 hworylh buotc e ilo,> kn4"pathout'finl' tho * busoopion, ovenu tfild Ibiy Hou. O.,,J4ow. riglit'pîth fer'thic sttsihmenu, of fnduati'. At; and io would îubt tlhat a foiv'usp o ù$ ûhbt~oiit~lgsodtdnl' 'ad ufiýýtëàfo fiî'"ad musny éther tliciý,a C*&'1osie.àofhootnory,' ýs bqallyý4bsuiJ ad'unopporedàrtronu Y i broughout the, lcturý 'wouIci hâo sheinsu ' iu1dopoudso..Rhi.worooa a uomro ratuabt en~dac[eptblé thonmsinàrto lthe persévsrg lndusît fgou. ;X Iua -ayftaommuplace reMarks and J. A Maodold,'ibsî<éat' ty ufn orude opinions tudulçsd In.,, do15fWr the.Proopipt6 adviutaié Iu. r, SI unppS1tug -of No. 8, h. IStuier zulid volv.d lu- thé utotauro ýwhICh w as: o ec qsblto a li111e appéallto 1h, syumpahies aaid 'w'n-o approrsi cf iii. tototel frieh4dsbyaspel-m' 4 a1,t~à.)ewhe brouIhîEt tuoe lthsaiie wprpducer snd cent or, *rwaid eir1y lirt1h.e "ion cf,87~u ~ vii., hur,"ultl aro .ult rily uf4o- ta ltpmyrgvî rsoe éniriug.@nOgy lun, 5 ale su ?1uIcs. luIrnçl<> £l<*:orryIng ouI h clb.ust Vruy adradtageoua a eut Ibis point, ha veut me far amtumit I hoCl.Oofi Ii e iA la hardiy bu able te, reoncuile hala auwesion rupItavhCi.'onl15ba [I.ý i,,tb#prnupo o' snlry ata los,'whstr lan ow raiii i, oipau -1h et Zlqn batthe"vlueof nyartWo 4WJAIéwhrI tbWthwith'to'nv ary o! pu ud bît ou 1 he Iàbor thtbat bosù uâpeided d"Il&a omp>wstid ud,ésb~'uui a. ou 14,Wite houislivw psaturef tIio 5130T Mou. Tclitiisî MÃ". ganhliauigihotefors, l1. af aibiofoï., " Thoi olé Luiotmul*pondoi sd rcttanso hoeii - on thhsmt.kiot and nebtu; ruadofïom I sL" n liiu. <b ctÉunIty:ra ýf( Thj prc-g I g h àm h due ",cd wiIiauuudyI 'ore:dr#d-mfor.e lavs W, è,elisI de, o ulné akdilhbui s0 groal mso 8 tiwoi s ffso te desilacbon.bt unauIarluwhh*0pni , aistcy, ettbrt rindi otous, and w n vsyln:bch1 1% s uppOoehlo Ià rat ran sud muaI t ha edigest3asd, carry ho. s9 7 appy conuégutnJ »1g yotaoy rulélo gsnri o tulyImportantan sudutioonss'msasuua.. the iotu.r adfru tMsd l théiiiwhois oft "laokofg--tahusuaol ths.efrinaf; th ,çs"tb szanu mhi 4otr#on tp!j 'téetau.The Mlululp who lunanguratad tl of the, people." W.euppoesho' lutsudod adauoiiui ald euh; 1i5f prIsant' *0 vshr toe 'm<o almop - b. hs muusîs, ii nchtus1.tll spt a did ul maltsnay diatinction,.mtato hib vr h Yý 4rtoth 44instrtin o *cvil tira.«Mvstttahlcu-vri-casver: i>ric four ii vo ro(oIlôtâa li ormd, ahsîl hro atthe ' ardMlhirieaoyof 4thelaw andthe;.paolty bilsuraa, (àiiuapuzosoao4Cýu.la,4 ~rns lucpaoiyof o ~race bu' 1) wlthou thleop fiad'AC 110 ou :ujssiau àél>ly tb grs5t I.W. umult.moo coftsu. uadlalîugulislgAp. ,$l fi tsnewould ha bor ùËipo 41âti1e:'piust. !shrn. u zlo uhi !' impULi aàdoà cdlficatlots bf'thoé its. dr.u luIse o! vibiohh. kuows songethin ' ' 'Terpuainofo&dwIIoýtim-T Iu 1h. Illustration of the prîi. Tinç orlsedrpuion t "eAI r o he s.T ý1-poui.uduriug.n Ihatoc w#içl ho arI4;.g4tii j P.petloi eonou>"' ! W.içh ~ rorld;. (happiiy ,for -t. luhabitu. Tt1 l~tu urà- In 4dve tI't i' j$dfsisrsptdly arrivin;' h sst v.ruiI o àMtluéi d i làspikgsof> té é'dsées cblo, vis: éiiaIonu.simple, f o! l lt.,p whioh W ad h o .mad*0 1 8 noue.o! sànthropio4,iawovrtboyxinknownqunti-,, luNu- tt .i'zéuLsmbô# ýAc9f 0 ni dl ;thotahi:oa5aemmLI~ luo ba856, lOhÃ"lslzPli£éhéhsbsu sable.te :obtalu rAuy tuforuisîlon, i nOub oto iouucit wou,î mb corn, e 0 to i o . v ols on the# p rt i VAorilà th ir,u Mru. séôi qIlid wvitw.l thé, commlttoo ASh. ohîs lorapoët tho vragott$oudauafr #hioth ii.il seiihu r>s'yo 'olp tin al zbüAlsploth t l ý Ju!ruu Tii. maycr-aukodIftb commitît.ad uQIPOumlnodtiis rporls e0( theChfe! 0âper1uwss nt 0(f oducaîlen., Jady i d0oeso thbia> would ait ongo And Ii ing Tovn&i, 'The ohairujan o! in.. MuFt muâu e, ba h lbaunut f raporti O! tbt.I Ou l rilndsuhtIyInlàtblo vn Mr; Tromayi tàted hs had no t 'bie Inod the reed of he'lbCWI te!priotiu. dutot182,on -~tnué, 'hatbaoud hotobe:the m ut ofspoftltiug &sCoui. piitt.ct a14018mI4 thait gvote bl.Coun. ,ln théo tuforînýtlen wIe. ,theyvr p poInýtOd to Proura. f uitea1hui> îlm thSt bihe oloil hobatoa iva.probed bt éblea usmIc quité Irnrrlaut.for Nie coitsdomaUon cf Focormttoeu appo ut'îi*, -h ,inluis #àto i hahask d 'lu d ru11 tu Du!rnhIaa libfoue the Côutscil. The' point wu wviithor, our Ocolis ouil toptuuchl, or wtsotiià tise Tevu gotëlà6lfée rwhshiL f'pays. ' ;i jà ioly toit aifa?.or, Ils'. ,Tromayns 9ftW tqIboh Committoi had ne ,data up- On motlqn s oi ee*tub 1cOhiilftea reportp teonluire into th# ar4onofqf.%a rd- tet/o c, *Cus 6r ' 4n et, ta. thd. È~ That tise, amousut o!fuais pald ltis.h 'T.Oneursdh raI vbloh mut 'nid bc Âsuount pald b>' J,» Town Tteauirulu 1857, S'ai £11 si id. Amouiut ii1'b' 1 kuus,'OL Apil..f£ 12 6, SWo!fltnd onofvn.ebrhuuu Lie p Kr., teul KOis' rus to luio tipt. of hathi bîad be i. Su 'ren dssiomor ln itis malter $ ,wharavar lbariýwu'déubtin lu aueu rnukiug--auofft o l tar hluaitl, hat suhstaurai? vii>, 'i.ho vt' eslliîrly bold hhs eommultlo.. liaIho'd, "Il ake 48s ovu cuveonuce *0 nothe bsmat. tar" aud inov viioro ha aiheuid buthe finitj ana meut anabxous-' laiuif l e uoasui&i evu repqtttini 9m tisa "acmi Cîiiuïï;~ brought Asa pot- hlm, io qeski for: uro- imuetl Wentd au>' mnâtn, -vîh t b.eaut oseocf houer, dola>' a moment> ' Wcicar husisol!if h o coul t 1 1 "douetftour chatr. tuofueor ranaue baug ;ovar ilbiaud p N » t th ' e ra yohad au obeeqt la nviw; h. 'waatod te creatO àa iYM. patby lu hlsJaver. ;Fer 'cisc meuth aisdd eoIoiouduys ho krsow Ihut t11> 1 OIvS gelng on ; 1hoknev tii, objecte!olisenoniu. r>f ' sl ho could net suy twét i t ubta tf tU hh itau uample lIme W dafond jsme. soir!. "Whuh vould b. ourosrsMr, Obaîr'îugotsi,-said Mr. Ferry , Ilor tuaI ohQ ,auy othor honest truauiplaed lufi1hedame posItion ? W ould yosu restday 4r uîghb Sir, 'n1ýn-% yIsl' os iad yuu hïWW oI iraa i'rem - uch a stigmua? Yo lis RiU#o ofo! Whibyahovod 1 h. ýwhola ot! lb. îi ic g pou ava C sd ii oarebi etand lu.j p eaodufora thoa publie I l', Stufr, ut éboula haroeon broutajilfovurd he'aiu ao littioencerncdttli, a lto 4not couéldori h vrtflîh vile oattend tha Metingofe! thoe tf i ffia '(lie Mayer) vouid uuy1 eue 'thisg,tbst, 1ud sucia ommuttcoeeca appoe -to t1e nvoutîgata 1i bis chAroct anl foui btâl îild'io .bl'e ttod out. The re. EMbIév-utUr Hodgsen éd «. làio , seiWOk11o (tbc Mayor) vauleul tq1 d14 oqqwsrtweomidjtbao *È#teW-thdo non&aï bs'O piart of, lia oha s in'n lheoorh son CO uainîlàtbo eRooveofo!Whitfry, saoed lima: pron.r Thé Raoad akuovledged undori l. aî a o vu baud t o bav a rocé ev dc <a ii' fla u i bis ratuius niadé o Ïla icr thl. eau.,Ro nd' bui ihhéa came roturni he doucribed hal,p. lh ine ua aviug bhori pafd oor' ho thé g ia Tovu,%Trosaurer.,T ha cotpmitoofound: flauatl 0hà liéfis'hdnde houitd '"Could compi tia couid, wtuuro wus lisa dlffluulty'luItut.- suuiý d ola satonc?- ÃŽ 'Rioui * r.lodgon.tho flues sigihtolgI tu heCo otior-Muulcfpaltei hesiclosa 1hoTown. muiâdl Thea Mayor-Very wval thon, the -qulokov' ufticle va got Ahthe truith thé laMtr,à bat-, Brt 't lau. ýth Tia oroorned them ss pstd by ae hlm *0 thé Town Trouuiar, sud vo i wÃ"vIL l.I ihat lia pallai susldèd wvlll4n lb.Tovu, olsit bui tustsid 'c o! Iiaayriaag upsuad s* obud uusing hiruself by sa lthe ,s. -might be..'i ' long -ssse oir 'Munle1psllaý thi eand If to ',l 6,an wat alekal. yuups of & RIeo o'e nd not ho #truck *vît ls bonôgofetmaktlgheru lu tWibalulp o! UN &0hwulb Malabratoi dut>' "., der solomu oasle omaku 'a fulIltue, sud' 'cerrol t ru, bus h aiMr.i. HO fflu dèfié îoI What fi 'lis ampun O! fluafinesthe gtve bau racolircd iisa' - bas hé rburnad hseu ? g o-, lh o M ayor) had n e bjaulton *0 pot oeus hetlsur , l ný reaicuabla tuso, -if Mr. lloiou I&ouu pl.d, imisf '0 h roA>'lien te meet h.chargea. -Bath fou' Mr. -HodgOn'f ôivn'aâko,ïudîho uhàar otoi otrlv, would It net, bebettr *0gu aiSU lie lu. formallen hewo euidat oce Mr.! H4gaou vould givaunp pledg,* but wouxtd , be- prepared vhan- theaiii s<, se; Dri HituthoughteItilb.tmebs4sn.rivd. * Mr'. Toeslsavu-alatteitan tû- * the wiat au3 vol oh Te "tai; ,Tbaboio And firât Thoa mooli -Ilko lrasd,c!goe a AMr ovr"ua iveru, AN. Ou otobtarOlh wo'li Nor with thair puae Of Lolo anA 'Jhatity- - a 'C osvor afu#e sà Wlth a6n 1Airthon Auresu,0 As musela a mesy-4 i nt ai ébloi adîtor tissu B uua s t l a ' t sIf otheat l'ar luli b ti l a. se U ' ti oi#, mid, sud lOi' i504 y 11h.be 1

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