Whitby Chronicle, 16 Dec 1858, p. 1

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De 0#UWETT, RN. AIDN2 T2RLX1VÇt W. PAXTOIVO4., tse BER, OIWE 'AT THE. COUXT teL je C»~EL L Awg" )46 it o14MK O1FMIHBCOVTT onof &0ntth ou Roi. 'JQIttW illR, EKIMEN-OJi lAT TÀU mz I IT.0Y1l<JE EHuz AT L r. ' 10Ido do JOUX BILLN , W, OKÂNIJZIIY & OONVEYANOIXG 006e, r~iaa Albert$. j .O -A.,IAIliJI. À., )IIMEY AT LAW, BO4T, L 1 11<X *6a naert, O0»Of'ilovJ., Mtu Ssie t4ae.o 908 Is-,SI , o of I J .o, ïq. . ff ewEoa Us >tiA.D 81. .FRÂNICLIN HOZYSE. Li1W5AY~ O, W. fl-Y. JBWZTT, I'NOYIIIETOE. c .U~ tabla isauommodetioa bon-Travî WlîItby, Jais. 91, 1857. etr,. ostri>!li je W-,Wei ELL Tý-»E'XON b . f oia l y l e .S bug ýoEmCKER Id MU Il ~ roui mms mdau knda ,of VogStia In lbeuw8mpvoparod $0 À. , 1ILSfl, 16k ai p~~( A~ E AZI à ADlPAPRE- 01 or isle,1, ilw a g and' Ps- Wriby, Jai, 19 , 17. oit~ MPEL. 61 I s. TBEICT XS) e52 &N O~I~SEEwoot~t in. Men Dus&agutv si?.e oim conctu, iow mm*@ nx thEbv o teIlàla ii ISkimtadt a mata m 'WoordpGoâli0f4hTwu, oa1ll a onoa. Ja~a O Hs N d4o 0 , -t rorieto*ri4 À,AMONER'OE h .làd- î.isciti14ttite rrovîén Iîaolo bt 'ýtravah pur Pral~ := bte nom. b uhiat . Tlis 2 RPOEOp'TIIS WELL W. Ilsi, I aolire ASoi$opaupatlotssot W, hb QýO4 lsuis liC arM id, rrousto ÃŽtm&duplta:twfirmI style. E Crurarble >Juron. *ro pfesasttad i .enter EAIT KAIKET -SQUAR1I, -TORONTO.- ETho pootber aowoooîph. 4hbu aboya old tn o t bll.h n oslel, w nilo jsacibit h expa ni0mutwlth a mharo of pub. se JAUES BLACK. Fmi EOVIIIII'.OLAU1JITELIo nov Ilewlyjrrged or thie auoimodadion of iirli. to.Tife@lotlbi Avlng hbein forinorly kopt pommnolrluolplq.--a spitLiomame bu ýo ery lleshlonpuldtb travel. laami 4h.el oonodîosprovlded for man su bo~17 AisOmnba~a tta4a. 0.~<fo lb. .rfle Ànahrge. . A aSON. IJEAYÈLLE e& AfDVSTO c t e the Aa. 1t7eotQuabeo wlIl ud apev1o élmoai oadtoan o ittieab Poer o e!.vslone.,eaîIyuîîo w p4Waatn4oà p4Id'tt roailbrt as oonvonlenoeaiid every latormmîtloïraad dîreotion me Wthe urrs>tndtqglaaIlmpiopîpae piopriItor. T ùn udoiiionod Ilim qaalu reeumod poom oW t h e a boy e w att k n o w n , l ot i h h v i ha oonuaod mfoser7wlh slo. mrioWt 4pro. enaof ofîepîla Tihe gioprfetovMUS&ueabis massy friond hat m 10 mugl sode raid &0 llsmerly Wte r. c e B' I 91 BROOK Whil4',' Moada1~j~a. AN» r i W 1fflo j tov Pi"saea lVs as olimrs lby Tallow and Lard. CASM Fou WHUAT 4 10 1 8 atop urobasuai Whitby,, oMàhugiut, 1jus. Bi~~ u ;*ri and tlb Pl> 5SéKin aUrtast - jcammis Ci si T- IElIbx sgprIiwll o lb a la us imsh .a"tleisdrilnedCentreéetrait,(neur LI,& remldeaaa of Jamme*ilo, e Olie Wlbyoo0tolmoî, labo.8, O Y OINVEST ON MOIGAGI J.orW.IOR, Wlsitby , ct L, 85. fliE uaderx.!gaed takeai e loinirsts filiabltats. f'Wbitby sasdittîseisabloth ho ms nov manuluitufinea 1'd qualily whmahho là peaolomup iy lieu. coklo i ai ~ ohan s. u 0 -4 gî e m ir a y î'rlqoo.4"TIse Trade lorslly doait w%41s. AI' ody ynso1 suiotiaulyîuAf dad 40. NATILINMILLER Angsî, ld uTouE d LU oK 1OR 117toi l i h. hi tte opuie4¶I >' (We isovo and VSasîho raroa l b.i iad o.acvdr -Cflo 1ae, on Itp hlm outo-, ierste o beortoÀ'undti o. 1ppoitsofista, lrq lIts, wasatad. Y] bToMnts> illnarogulirly'reoolî,d IL O'DIIISOOL. othiioa, Apriit,1938. Naéw Tauesths en ie Me are,7ou 1 't.»,Ju pt donaya rt 1*MY& Mo and ho q4le gita a.,e1gr,Itàýdown P7$4,h i& ilep Iegqrosed, anwiab at me, T i c L v y c î' S b o y o i d o l a h l e 1 tr led t Sri t b . ta k e ..th e . m e a u re o f The awrrtuficry r aRolts «ti',,hlui fi 4 whuadllzig oonfdaatialway; but' - itaanoood.I akd il na, , eýotl LONTNE»]oui amiliagmanav,'ow ha bad got >,holà "A laer faoueliaI," ma t,puttlg cftisa JetterI 1Ha onl ld me lanangea l l.th latter labo iuy privatà ks'awer. *that lia ha bien t.th ofleîaias MOic ra i M. Frank, Il"hao uit PIayazent Of 1h.'wrltcr ofIf4. that'hi had !~ta;b h omewhlpped vîthîn -an ti c -f bis. aiw.yo beau faoug #Ince bilny for aà oseîlîfe. 1 wouid hie doaa" iÏeymlf; býut shap t.7eta ila ovn l ntorasjs.!1 paldJ I incd mcýPromI.c, bafore abs -toÃŽd mé himbomecomplimpsnto; but ba wac lot to - Q? if wr o! 'lb altai, te coi$ tralgisî'ta be fiatt.ed&. Z trIMd a alke hlm-loeblh!. lé701. tempri but bu; kept It-lu mp!..of îae. lo "T h aî v s ieont . v Out proan ui 0 e nded l o rl l g m e te m- in . «ù you c eaa," saym I,"Wi oan't a!. soCrceý-Z -mada* attempt te fghtonn ford 4e baly tiIsiblew, haavr is hm,C -may'do vith hlm. ,Doy7011thiak 1 auNa>. "Dofora va se> a Word- about the mon., lng aaYtlslOg llbelloUe agalam§t '7Jourex- ay," 1 hogan, ellot tina put a caae< Mv. olliat latharWo èbaracter whan Zissert Dàvagar. Tii pull yoîu hajve on Ur. 7 tisaI If haiea* the latter ho, would certai -ne ialfll hot yoti Casbludr hie. inav- 1> a is t on y ou î m n a 5. b al ag pu t, a l r a a u W d a da ."à, u p s At tha Tory otaart t" ava got a maglst4ta'm1 warrant to,:appîe. "PFoalng as my fathor doua about my bonid you lu mypoaket? Sppos Épiha 1 a s arl o , ic vo u ld l o tu aI ,o n Ibm h e in g a c o n sita b i, t e o ut Iol l . n e tr o n droppod aitogaîhor, If ha u&w défsislattai.,"SuqpoeaZ brinsg 7011uup to'morrow. 1 hé. s aye Mr.. Frank,> wit5îAgrooý/ à"àut aveu day,,bafora 1he. larnlg.oharge 7011 onlyç that l# not'tieosa 'ltýTe isgerowm, ganaraity with an sttempttoaogtot saona,c noble, girl homoif mal», Q4 flt he latter spi Mil apply ,for a daye romand, ta comploe peau,ila Ilulipaper, wlth ail tbauuaaser. tse offl t Supposa, s a susplolous ahi. f~tnat iî'$doou eal'Wèul4hcstang# ,you Ço'I: gî« bail lnl tlt~ sura $0 i~d te 14 &miseWould vatblsr iaSupposae- *titan hou! u ose y aug4g4luaul...yea If Stop, à bit,"says Mv. Danager i "Swup. >rny fathar would lot mu keop itf" poser shouli! ual h ie greast rool tsIra À s4haocal!tis1'lîlits sSate wale. cicr stood lna cooo f SupposaeZ1'ehould i ktltva a-eak YoUngfoliowian! rdoiau. no$ oarry t4o latter about me? upsII * uoi> fond of har. Z birougist hlm haak' b shouldiabve glven à certain envelope tu àa humlnaiswltisanotscr FQ o! the paper. certain foind of, mIinéa certain plac.lain 4 kalfo. *ttiiîs lovai' Supposa th* lette abould b Modup, Mr. lrankiI ,# yL 1 Zin#lda Ihal envalopa direoted ta oid Ott: has a quostion or two more. , Did,7011 115h, aide hls Ide -ili a opy of the latter * tilnk of sella; thje youug, lady, whathert dlreoted ta tic editar of, tisa local ,paper . toe i st of ler knowledg., thifs ln<araaiilSupposa my friand sbould b atuldt latter wu th'Zsy vrIti"n 0vldeaac'obUs. open lisc-envulope, and! tak tle.ttonais idge -ovla .s *t " ier rlght addrcee, If 1 4on't appear te " ,! d 4thnk dire4 Yý of asida ber daIm thom &inoa him lm h. î aul ! liaI," aya ha; IanS she told me h. vas shortmy diar ir, supposa yois wenehomj quit*_aer"in thatthoras aanovik Yçotmday, ansd auppoc Jwsat1 m ton avldano .1 lh forgerexo thatone , .Dayveg, and wwîusi mc agalo. lit -.,*.i H dd' af me a b>'surprise, fôp Z i "WiII You give ,ML 'ýDavageria prlç acier expécle4Isat b the oteth about 1' for ICI'says L tlm rZi&sd& aea bc.bbangvery w, "Yeu," aya 1ftr. Panlu, qut. -p.alaima akata, b oei, vlbh melon aski in ls uoi a quomîon.- edyt ief i , W. sled ou ai uaI noa wuasan c@MY youag Ch iap rl y-one>'. cu bout, doer telo .ltt* and bani!d maltera, and ballai! cf buadn*dsas- most lits cia. blêmomi> la 'ha 0inî ' ls. 10Ot mcaln etala ipencas, ,dnaw out & document vIlci hoavas té 46Mv. ,Franki," maya Il fiyou came hbes. g.Ho, kaew1tii document vas #tuef te get my halp and %adialalnthlsii.eandi! asào ~.uawaat4iand tlda tremel>' tichlîis buoiuois,and! you arat l as, oply pi'opoalg - I * wt l *01my i.eaiy, s i ,kaow ,wilhout asoln&, ta na.ilant'a his' Sharp sa hé va, ha vas munaral. eaefor al andalsy ofmyarices vohgticia, AZis deoumailI vasnet o 40 attia.uualprofogtlona r ,to;,Nov, rie ýbu- draj nt ui'o, sain snoey ftoazmv midi up ns>' mmd tuabuot oldly-!epen. Frank, itt, -i ~n tlae rom Ur. Dagyr. atelyJfyouliIko-on lhe hit or misaf-lq. Ilsarii! e4 as a-n eoiosa o put, fftW ie all.or.tomo.aîî prlnolple-.4n doaling; vîwti paymentýof lsd ira iubdred' poun.da tli tis mâlter. Hae!.fnsmyproposai. ,raz thîeolàomk Ont tise. Tiumdaaftrnon. - m gelnsat tt I> f! can'tdoiNr, Davagei ouI ,Tisa Tuaida>' mornin 1fr. D&vg aîle;Pu, ofh1W iettai..If I'doaý't suocai! 'be *forae'ï. ehboui!: 1-dévot tQ510 hi& amlusement, anS maiiowiaftcrnioon, you, hand, hlm tie sa sd!ma vhatulghta vera ta ha suen lu mîoe n 'l dcharge you nàothiniWfor pro. 1h. ualghhorhae-d of 'titau Wia leiil srvioca. fr Z de amsoeed, 1Iband! bai! bld iim, ha pltaise&isls ýtâothpio ln l. 'oa lise latter mutes! of! Mv. Dsaemtu ;ad oi. ý mn> peYWOancd sd nt ouI. : yqu g i me tie m o aylnoteado!' giv n ; I , lrang lise hll on c- vallai! Uit ha hai! hi #ba blin.biapmiî*:wous rnik, for oi ~but pasai! lie vîadow-..ni! thonaloo'ked aitor rm, rbe>' bran i L. Tôtimuat Paý >*auv ýTomi, . Tisera va&&mL jà7 evel Of!àsbolon.m a it bu d e n ' a ' V a l do sa te lie o ppo sie id a t 'lisati e t'ju t naethlus ho mypln lI Ya4%.Frank--or;7o?" bhis bppagia nlie nsotîplayful mùanner thé your qu estions 1 il, ésrie& possi bie1I.Mi. Davaganwaled avay up ciel Tiaijlâmping up; "you kmcv If# u Isýbct aar! hmvit.l.Tçm 1hé t.n lisousaui! imes orer. Oinly you caruisvppe! hitop up tisa streeôt-towardathe tie aoeyan,~" ' mnkt.lactoo. * Mal vliure-1 rAL, Aime LoVitiD W15 wygjoci!.Nt ,éoua;lady- i lab aquarenlc(lbour -ho Z ait.d tilt TOM ceme hoe', lokia; ve0ryý pub!1r aad billons about tise "a; but «s t4 blg lnbelloate, Il 'anythlag iplier slsarýcr bhaa aver, Hie TépoWvs Uln- aoazuonly short and plesant. Thé-~ Ina ývas shuttîn; up; Mr. Davagar wuasgoin; to bei larather 4 drankan condition; Mr. Doàvagor's frind'bai! navor appauvd. 1 seat Tom (proper>' lastruolo aboutkecp. is; oui. manIalnaiw ail thcnezI morann1g) ta hl&s sakedown baiu!the i. oeedeak 'vier. 1 beud' im icoupping haitlfthe algsI, as «eo 1hohit, boys will, *bea oîaî.ý toIed anSdltoc fultf avI. -Atî isalf pait'umon naxî movnlag,1 ilip. pai! 4Uýotly Imb JJeotis aahiy. ý,ýDâva tam. tise cothos. $6pookete ln CostIP004w, à Il oinothing ln I(hum- Plil baadkorcnîaf. secouicly, bmnois o! kpysý; tiidly, cigav:oma;fouiîly,isookat. book, ,O'OfcoîstuI waan'î suai abol as tam azaItof-ani!thlso ttoÈ thon,but ' opaud lis. pookal'hookwths certain cui. oatlty i hetw o pbhat oftheboo ' "'mA mA'. £.. out out of ura llimehé ro aavaýaPcnA;é 'ulýo~f bain lIed round vllw ' T.t., a iIvy placé 6 ibb, a otrasm'lar lettor abou t a 10an go îalty au! so'me'copie§ o!f vcie k ot 11 ta duitîny cmnyiliaI TLÀIIT i =ms norô an oktremel>' frnsa!4ay Sa. -W flott oti cmiion. On lie leaves of lb. pocke I. vîiott a .asis hock pelaai!reesesscravled lapcaailalantîfia entisu ad r 4a tte11!davaa sl a i. Ou na ichyion ofanLu i bat v ,yltmlf,tlis queer f-,rlplloa; vsli vl cn IUlderstoo! caitllg but tbosa vends ha hamu more ,ad figures, se of course!1 copie! tham la. for lhmmaor fo rt t âÏavooIk. Tien'I vallei! ln'tha bave hean a paun, 1111 Boots bai! brui.! tise alothes man, but, mtud sud' lien thon up cugIra.' Bis report ovn adrautage,1 bhn'e cama dova vau, tis M. D. ha! h» onlt>if thi sààa t u ab fine mornlng BaIn; toi! pe nsion <rom,&ai bai! &ý o "ordured breakfast t- Wbosvcr aa40us nines,4ad asaddle.iorde ta ha ut the door 'pie min, hcw'v st ton, 10 lao' iehm o, grimvîth 'Ahhay- *vtdeutbat hi i na,ïc *f, tisd lgsta ia ourigal bood unvi'mea, a ' wblch 1 l'ai!told hlm, o! tise voalag heoi% wvicinsaye ZIlhe hore 1 c o min;'lu ýb>' th. bacc Subazarlue Tolag Ay, ~ t ha Iýpast tan."e maya Z ttheisésâ cf Ibosa. Sa roc isaI~bamatd ' aw ou hietable ~~t fe g aym ahe, wareI.t bplace! c < I)takothe roaponmlibîlity o! maia;i l@oaf 14o r1) ýr. fljagam' 'b. of u bnda for tSig Tatagiapis Coin soran; ouàl'," sgays Z,.-du0#ce t$0l "Ms1>h more ordars' s ays misa. logrspih îvai# "Ouýa mora," maàys Z. "Iwnat te hîra' itilout 'ujçabi a4r, tls Ib iis mng, Put ltdown a ina a olisto mlmply c rdom' ýme o, lhst hoto, hc hiougst 'round . pýn paimdé iMy!1 ofico:e l." ooppar plýtia, tl la >ýsa 0 Y o aoulthi u wu à 4as !ti gconisealai an, i butter ýparbapa tait 7ou'h e wu, a baller>',a.Ilfis ,a7.~ ~ ~~~~~~wao I' uu î ldtmtl~s1~ iad acç mbaefloW i to Tpm's in t, ifr ~ w he n aa ots, If i ol. k àcoastltutlonasl alr[ak'on ateordinary n '10ar0 i tl leilîaoue hat thé copporj auneont In, thé cir ýiÂ":îybbinj aléa, #&y& the hw as in a. causa Z 'ad't loi my soamnbla; anS thInkIagl Ihe gimosî of anoliser Si agloag"-vh.rc' coul!'l tirooa, 'ln any Part 01o Net. onisa paper, . iladoea ast i 15 ýw victai obsout on p sh is sad abamber. JéÃ"ST. ~ IWlby, Nova W.

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