Whitby Chronicle, 9 Dec 1858, p. 2

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* h ê f r a s l d , a h . " ! O U *1 w n t Y , a u i s h v o . u a i g . , A lM g e w p a w w < . a a m u t i n s o r t h . e q d l a t o a u n C h ( b > i T . a w o e , s o 1 4 n ~~m I w a g t e bh it, a o n a i u t n ejo,. n ec aiw 4l e & " f~ % u W b t 1 PO U W o n - t h e B r a n t imo k ae -UW11vent ofDber uberegonsr o boadingos ro g Chu term e t PrUaagtlih4c 8n lnmnC ot Ch 9 uiqu heleoon Ofail'UI -anOC d boIuI!the liou1dor., I uin4i ingoftman bingsbpéiot~" oroPo"" eCourt. Wellington, Front aand 6!d*U03 bIOià8Vtheiiréquisiitons pPrdOetsoan aCh. mitne e o o@ n ahad eOgth it would havae b nte w t h HM ig. o ag a pned t e b. Q UOueo S re t , an d li t eh.Jan" e ln th éev i. atap ro od utyIf apnri . ti s v,,à m odI a . < ., n o, n th yIif u tiUXeirJe Qéec eeaonerry - honm&Mo irnwedla el o biturC'ntng Che.,Mdrset tedwlC 50, lii C. hul OInIIy, 8are the lauoiICo htau fthoïe do. 4 few of Cth# tiadins P@ColcensWhu ihoi0<tirtin abeod3r Fr y n 4 o<1" tue.I *414 *anld îi><i tu.di ioiondnagênerajollilotuatlu, gradoti oeuree andth eir namse l.leglun. oSPI Iii C_* Io $,8i81 11 101 olicted ta bocote a ondidtle~r h.e Mvufrtuehiaortrd ÊRSr o. lvr oag'time hati patiod )orer, Spitutof h.efforts outh Police ta sup. Iecing uftChir surplus ". tom ltan su '1u. théeebodyapprî. uhe > 0 g, andions ofth g1rla, namoti AnuepiCnumnis Ci rauraClao lni meeting," aller h.init approv. at av 'application oft'bot iane)si, bottl. or blad; 1P4,, brougbt UCh ,t he. mous>andi weht out, and* voie moetChat oer, andi thee appétit& but lit. Od Clear Grit - ehlbon,. ÀC4 cof, the . enleo.luhl-a esCh7».dorse ut bot waWoý hcated brickd, h. C kl t ltot tolowed by h whoie Party, An tUs hopeiot getiug rit fILu ~. dantoneo4 and umployqd mon, wbu ":lire m o fa ~Ci et t us av h pit of te C oh h e gr-Iýlé kofng Clupr ton tog place botweon FleOming Dro. Uafloweîî andi Ootiter oe C gu;.i>oia Ctbr&WIDth# QCh. oIt lh mub. u- tClowouour, hihroCurn, Toand ta h arn.lwuo, tehé~~îye isut' a dollar, Fleming "teinpetCh ld, n . oue culilivoen goi 1no fardier. WhIat lte Lte. u Cigl; ati oCh soos<t'C.a taou inpt h lianalitre old Wr cO0hetdl ogtherby,3fr. M. A. thon Chat oei# for the oenotle n'ia.,iylo p ont, Chat an ai bof uft tealng IttrAous, hlpbut oh"'rendertno assistance. l'h.>' wIll 11<>ieverPJgmodone'ntiUrMv, Dunba Wi, a;Cboardosf 1 rape"NDOclOCAI NDrU71, enrsfiisà nt oh@ Wai nut4 hoedrow a dlrk bolti an lsusouethe bîuudy affiîr Chis tbu ofaail Chfr grierancesdotalled' t,2 NfU!OEOLTW AD iMMN end toors roi 9- D i In 3 he w bol o tim o do n iDo 0 0 i d h i v ioordlag tu- the' itatomeat, et hisuîCurnom las te. Av<>lo Mottl;» on t by$bhOs, POILC4iolbIt&j mi Che% '.du~ ta rab Che limbe upwartia, wilsh irum gvàape'. sresulC, hous omflpani..-andti hmut i cerner ut Young And WeIIngton, Stret. s. mien>' and doestittin f hai.whilà, theyopt, fII.lng rveandi wlC onorsy, uelng, band- 00~ Sho ruse obw hnda 'he T t le viii ti>at &o îîny materlil itameete City Io sut.iag, th. pour.deladod mon -krho. hnlk as IL shows the, a wè ôi vastandl nt close byt 81< and aebeenirr.seqc, anti oruditi>., lu tbi,'n. worotold wOTO hargeable o te h. 'AWARLIKB MANIUESTO. 1o-Let tholimb , Chue wavuioti.'antid Chi;~. apeil a blow whleh ,mlght probibîy etance, cortaill'dueotte iiPoic refoUnraor»tllgl fietie-dioi ni hneotoiCh yt noers it Mr, Dr ultoti ssas s yýt heoaftei C'he prompt'as liolont minutai ln wbloh Mmubers OttChO ucnei"rw.oîn Ts roiin pul ogauaîgmupyîgCrqllegrine lhon Tho efurBrer nDoioment ofu* ty sermenis, i.rt unmoutC rIen h~oitfor CtintiCw of ihoyhae 4 Crgdhoir dut>'. A4m1lfreI4oa. -, ' XMadojaldOrtiü th r>coun h. contrast of te ,agitation CAUTIONSey nloan in, Matidigan and 0eott, t'uvu Uplie lu or ,--t leus*o,lltehe dvthé wlPhofsCanoiuKnayetwi naw ýràlhad fr. S ethillefo 1odlilassstnceint ohmunle no nt h. rore of Mr. Ifîwkt - I'The Groat eotorattv p Feveraad Aa DiOS.ve> laa. li~,~Ch ec t ue t wh lbDO oaiL nfrdy'l monehe migo, wboi arut'Dystee, pvbci't 1 Cuoidby Dr, lift'oo,]Llver Piîj.. ,Ctrsig p pCery pvus;iàil.th ity-an r Lu 4i is poiton teuonn.Aolt a îogb eathati'usi5the IMoue. 114 nu ,o fBYSretpwihtoýfor Qaubnhme t bolng solmnti o*l'thei potio n:1 u> o iebody 'on tho hck. ' couuntry, Maei e»for a short diotaic,-Scott boing iJnà'a oglmn 1 VtUinof Ciovq ýmont,-and 4 'No li Ho Cli*e nth4 IftKansas bati beot aidmit. 8. Under ufib circumetmnces holti up teCli.f h'a îIp han ?4Mdga. Tho abject of Park Ooonty, -IlUlo ,yrrit t'th. pro. vAllroad sut laplg ,buIli WeentCuCtwC 1I& oslulnî hsnquiet body-' by Ch, oot êlCh -blu1n. obmài In' up hu lune would appeav from i DM' of Pttbuarg, chst enough ioýed C ienlof tCh.eolt aie .No ti h. botdy on 'cashs, uiivas' 'àù ieont uf Sett.not ta ho for any h. b&d'sutW0br p 1t m fre' feiyçsant i uy.rlu e Bolg i wlljng Cotqqtul. 1V;5.:Nor rub'tisebody wwlh sait oriopivito. si w"t iraâ purpose,,- Delors h two ywzzag prWCab"Ï4MLOIguJFi aranti Asil., anti boter r tfQ4ob; oeMut Crtain 1îy. Wbat iétherof46 qt, hJo 6. Nor Injoct tubaco.smokeor« Infuealon eed±ia bon lotig lu tise an., Scot par. wagwopi.Coyree iod,"lth, by Cth e 1b 1 laia'cîib actt signe KrM, Efigliâh's-bll, anti i0si jroW .oftobacco. Ch.LIrs' Illi aono TleeeF11. Cie brasut dsntivol homexciai<4 blohait whien Kanese aspin applu for ad. q.Aot h otîuu embcî sort of souffle botwossaiâdW1iasuse.f M L ' do&InThï Ple hFe-'-'ocotauuwâmba1ý t o ruis ôetang a &inot;&i ov mission, ae. yul b',have «o T.8 epatclry aetlta rin pr ddtrl-# bing-Cha lotter hiitnig entoroil. unqieotona1>îy pouces got tenlo proper.eroranti a laiesry, visuaitise>'vere ouainv.8 i atlwal atlCpiece.pluîîdong irle.w bjr hia Cime' Scott laamilaeeoly Cos, tand 1 ahwlbdctui>i' .0iiaibrigiethsnbeapnhi uieil hajll eouet e ongela Inte usevwîg ruit io ><>' &base iite tho stwQos> h. a i dho thon s age fui manjt isum i quiring'luviows. cie>'. msfît Bot .eo indu 2moihat subjoc4 and 1rcommei C.( 0 puoA OusséAflOÏL so"oane" arebolng1 1 d ukkit, lunCt'éband otf louas. tint romeédîe jbtote.Llvvr, ie stand. a mtngpou ,raegoui Saodemetoq ' liv, 50 thatno StaLe ihail b. On îeatoeitîoa ut ,, ' ci n the a(lr à ééal4,sCh.-o itabi i dhovil, assuolatth !ltissg crléd out, l "làhat yàu pvoinui aa &tus o rstotrlng i ýdis..of à 41Mllet7, utifor Chu ro41 om istot noniimh oplton11.0f warns wâtor should h. glicin;andt hou, of Pub. IVBloottu '. ahi iht." > Stt e4tio hatorgmiidLilrir lu aheaitbyael . noa Gvro, l ureat Coesleon lntt utLe e e n tpootav.If Chpuor of swrallihi b ave icCuu, 8. Macdlonalti'(m Ivod nuahs mo mruntil ho'iaw h.gpont celobrity Ch.>' haire attainitiîve IesýotI, alnti Woldb, .,à Il. oengvacuîat Congrus on tbo eottbrand i &U on he..ground boside 111w, Theshumevoutrvfornîldabie diimaus cAting gaen nte btCi> osaat ont outh. Utahi affaîr vithout teeffsion siali quan,,coiut eTh, o ad nti Polnl>' Drlnai a I'nrb wa 'drunk ho endeavoroti(rom'à disuasi4evriwhloh sa locg baC. an4 i Mv.M . PlaMuton vAs spplaaUad t ietani omla bts iseoander ot dise patientàouloop lamslute in5 fi, buL'bbody Wvasmutionlme. fSud th. Msfl or theuC mimtphs.t Chskies fore»ng v ta~ he avmnY, anti expressjensiatintactlon wlth icuagt.Brown'i union' rle saut Chtnihugmre can rsonuw ?yàIen- vas h qmnlote oreo 0vro qimnad norgd dn h4htlu srîdth at 'lau fthe Untted Stm#otare ut Ch, doslý. Ch curoutGoerorClala d Tise Croatrent-reomnmendod'e»houltisb.cabal, wblch tises> 1 t hai4 ovoroome thé wrctidderod beasy utoursn, ehanks CerClie stady Colugt ob hIlylaI> luauaiymniniClnl u.10pevseveine<j la fo onsîdevablo 'Cime, a os * gvmLt list, os lit C holrututipersteanthetC tiatiguluotih GorgiB l thee ati,). jisk rtea anCh. mpotane u Ch.treinion s anthâteos oinin Cht prloe ae A Mrt Mv Brai' l frh, Rrldget Grenuan, who b>' s'iolan whoso noms chie gruast io 'in Ig toe o f theoeutgs 'oollun tcigotedth*h adJao,'Irrucuvorablo lbeunIteodo. s-ou»0f!utors., Now<d tus o n -boub ody hock ,er'.anaine v:hlcliUldmdd taopue. der Chat Ch. malti" nsi-ndo7.k isaprne ce-bvný^'m IeffsrAst "ot. At what 'a picturo tuliti oasdeimeigoutgv'ttudé, This auftîLer hle hobeaJe lii u vitl'plo>.Hocn Thonv i thuaï bV uv hat' laaluabl, metiie heonld always bo kept indugalupaCn.asa h.' aulatasur cestyonCh.abadonontiluselytétt te osvrn to Z>'ulb ta Sn ifthilgt of Mr> b>' Droit 'BrîtSIl, adTolalgpraileu teaoel(or popular impie V8lfIk anti nut alono- lite- wvîhilu rioa; and tioh' aisaaceu ntuimod W ddilet C1O < ml»' ureone enrlAmrc, eiChtstitosovnsoo ttselC DM0s1, uEînniCoko oouvorsie ihClhé bloti,'wbcîs' the sarlitet syuptome of dleeaied Livor, ment an ed., feolala aest rï,gysln atihi al ot.rsoalnuteapvnî T codadsu longîreeii frm t Clvund.L-. Itau bc .a sud uafiêeliy.adminslsee.i This leoCthe coursesof "' ïeii n oc-Lisabitutinotiai hpIlfscTes 'a~ cdt dssl isti beun givon his on , eloft Purchaaors wlll bc careful t aeuk for -pursîsedt hruughouc hb' h amialaus4 fi ha no yt e voiat . stteuîi hu deat!from druwnlng. i I5iflf ma brout, entiweat rightthough Dr-;M' 'L4NB'S CELEIJBÀTED -yEJ. thé exietlug ÂdminiâtratoisTbs. true d union b cua wcuii'nitod n. iglps " oMflf Ealasiti. thon1fty. ,ItIJ5o sotbat--ln h. opinion ut ,Dr. .IFUUEa, mînuteuroti b>' F:LEIG 'à' tteutfthlngs l Claqtis$th. bock.goni o h ujust utchoe[sismlirouta accord,- m aan- coulti onue a. elau DM08. otLburgia,'i.Alil oChor Ver- or caratuil' osbaed-arefie isesas Aisheples:erttoeanonctybB' tvie prCh urp, obanoyatpyahî .o eSo ah cahvsuvvtan'iîuolaconparWti ar. orthîois. Dr, brouglisibefors the peopla. lvii>' Câami- rSortayci E cir >' it r. Brown icaîl>' tie «oe' The appeanaceof.utChe M' Lan-i sgonlni Vermifugeo, lla i'eel.. Cy. lid out Che door outh. Mlnistr>', anti Il Sebeisy ,o Cat h. arl t ooasmtt t vsas Mv. Cîr the i, topioet $hW tim Cîns o ta&motshock., *braa'jLlvoî Pilleeu o 1ehaaii.tse«neuorweal ndadepraWp- e îhierutsoon.aimktnhehranihi ologuewnlhmet ngtitth utmussg i~~~~~ ~~ frneraeiC.wteebsgg,< fnf4f p ' on > tostlin.au tdmgg 11vlesh orthUnatnStates t, unt ho lnt'ntio 10tAtbt h isteait&oLof-A .0 110;'atid d rü g oti m r nd ý ui " I ,P ý W e lik th s of Q ti b oc là & t b th an ti er um m o na i il , and' ralsedtrib~ilbhullibi' k U.Pamnoconsent liCat tisey shah hbo losedti hroungsCanada viiib aorai'atvnei hr.OtC4t yI>, &c. al ng h. bol ulghuihud >'FLEXING us, h M.Plmo4'.tishmbcît fContsvuveîtio 1by. M.'Gtbiti tiefoersiiitidapartuire'Brown, hov'ruay r. botwaudyois Ut TMi Plamondono-t 'viilbe remembirei, near h...roe, o, îIlHo.retatChat Ch. for afin,'d;.o, In Uh. cOurseouf viicis ime ceittul Partof 'a Ii F ustîan> Sn.e purti f.A TAîc ey,Âyug~vus One'ui. O detotti candiltatos for h iaau ot.bsbe îsoi 0"Ospett oeeaboit rn uLfi tu 'it>' oole Chat Co ity' oQueoe, stLbe leut éecotion, Mv. sek tCe oesthotefrig ourChranti prubahl>1 deflîsto Ifraln arts WellIngon Strue0t e Pa>trick lMn> Who > w's oUme mobock uhrRuspa b.lt ulotrGn.eÂiagaofteta Mca. ofe alltigeOuL h iw lle sJaysGvrmn,'ToTrnes a-turdo>'. l'or- <al>' an.4ur .Oi-pWoed lu drs5Chin al cntluChe aor.Boou *Canada, v isuvaiotgrQiw>tenMoicaplstaoddCo utcivivar, roa'suhi liwo ofHms couit ,mlon an ýTh ' onirjornto lan cnà«nateyung man had townf aundvau suhsequen,ýl>'iuthoempioyNe,0 'n êitoofcvlw&io,'oà,é,îsî1nd'-oaokon a umn d o n, ýà,91Ur M. 1Mthorilngton, ,Nurth .oelaa urii.unCi pgo ~c tM. Mos. *i'tlutiiPoof ou Ch. pal ta oopntl~~ tth Caogll"Cta.Hostior et Lwîtishlituon, Man. oiss.uot anti Evas>tureh voie hlkovi. lhsaro> u' sp t etvior#oiPînLtalntt.îong bis Co.rollgion wpta h.et iboc oe a atna Pteroo.'oaempig" iseppuintcandiaesfor tise repréemna eate, vmnet- a plre Fan 'IWî:v-T promis-occ.u-tfloatilng IrsoChu suttheduan! 'ibmiot,, o, ani.shaY lulghetpoot halte b>' etiCon, ofQuébec., Mr. Tblbadoau, Cthe chair. Luiéeofour d4îumaceTealnavts htp!ed b> Mv. Lewis Huuck la A*tannlQg orangililals-, calit Ifltant iîged, piment- kltsg IL againit bsChlgh, is baud slip in, 15 Ch. brothnr ut Mi'WeiloOf'irMinis. i ni trmn wpimntmnuietr>,lovC.eceapo p tI evclAgriculture, andt hue vobaieCe t uuatry, a t hra. vlit oiMIiter uato ln $vuck stroot vine tostoy.dby hio dufotnoa p loan î'i erome his. tt ruLfr _v hà"ytia'ugiat lait, ThésE oulhovoeà oT aoy on bed4tedeat in Julso t4on hait an bour"pie oîv uthheratIdIntIn li oe tol of u l tcehm h.II>.aniLaierCmps', n4'mm>ees> ortofrvn'ice ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ uuietinie' eL Quebe.'W. Oaor 'hao nu al pîêyvistsompanyC . h.Vi. I a nd vro n C.soPoh r tInoBownmiticet Ia4 dm'lng'uuls metiocampot eeac mt tiot1 uI Imoebdifflesaît> lnd1viing Cýthumtlvoeuftsuait. Proaobing te power l in à h fe h r v.ln ubCle,'n.ts> st ioshm 1 Party, mato W op.on afi Ch.igad- drsignothespottihortliappola of a1 Plooîdent oudLs Flo flcat hat icueatlalsseaàol ie T iiiselss Tluq shouiti rooommati is tLuetier niuuh assistance, Tise Dut nov 1 bunosti ré-' t doèsd -vas a, stoady andutipromfâuplntj ae Ta ie> i lO ur lut ngpossession ufa Portion of -Mesdcosuff.huis hihvs Èto: rmb.vutihv u tC viiomisofthetrltli. Co taianaparoeng oleati>'largo te ltiomnlfy 'thé bîii n 1v.uoilod otyf fami lnu aTrnesc .C ils~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~O fi.fre~t o-fpst '0~ ni~~vf,~ aTi Zo>, ~oureseb a lm igruit919«S'"toi <dr afilour damani grievngln Tnronttanouufily, i"u ut>heîugii. -H io ll ~be n m4rrl*ti but a fev usunthi, taOBII nr ieocson ninvtieaanthir h rsiet"eos ta tnouland burin-n' vti Lie h.-MffGes alliance' * a d a uocstn , o k ép i;i l Is lt e .- O i t o p U rd n c e ta i of u oa ,o fo rw h il ne - l0 t p o rtio n uf N u v h ern M ex l ,> w h l. h e u m of C d r. T i la e lp p o y nt r i e r a ê o md Iront et~~Lkopt b>' Kv o o ~ . Ver l Word 14 AOi l thi&t le0 irtirs on ouis-Teritoles, anduai hoesa o nthae Ti 'mes, d ouk a$ fo0' tirhvijm «sen rapnd ' onqirn f llit a 'Di io uep-howt tTho. patriotic aRed sstimsble. go vo 50., 'are coaidmtlusvicsdImoiaLn Urti& eus ssa rsiei 00o-; accoul ari ntsh b 0 -asn b w inatoseums.MOpej vasfrIgistanet to dcath on 0 ilouChieh. WavovalusedorA i ua n os u.Meiu-s-h.o ovio,tog se vus lntèa*à\tbtltho vis Woduesd ninght, b>'th. Oirs, viicisvsh eorTspzs..À odn. nIteeet en u . ii £L ' éo;, hoveir>., 4 mt asqmit the mosi her dvllilng ' W'bon LbhelOre broke Weduo.sday lait, h. enthi suil , ut Ci. nehhorbiL The.lawte 'dntls The buidingo ae h ceestRti Ob b. Md Mrooov.tiand wvile cut thévau standing lu the: slask m'rof ithé, Grand tIiLL.t..- - WaCiOi5ttiset aý---~14so.: captal Rlov Ch. appoîntenl Centre Southi1 xxiX O thl u ov 1- TA'. .il1i otit ft.r ' Dy. Main,' be vuro sittid, Uat'isu ati Eug.ýlýio th1 0 prmMm1m) had rue mîgna I A: <i ;J1

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