Whitby Chronicle, 25 Nov 1858, p. 2

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his~lretmspoot d 4iunoean Influence té *prevant ià repeatad "fauhs.whidh ln the a rmny &Mount t ocjirns, boing brouglit te Iighit, and nevitabia punlAlimont. Philip undor this constant apprabansio:î boc equite a different balng from what- ho0 was whon Fra nl tirst came frein Europe, hoe wûs now aulion and morose, aootietws lirnost savàsge ln the mannoe' with~ whlch lie sp)oke to Frank whon alone tri thefr tanlt, thiii unfortuns.tly only Aggra vatad the cvii, as tho yotinge b-rbtitr Joiisted IiUseecking the sooetaof those who raptur- ously hpli ii9ded hbil, f lhe nging, as tho7 * n fmscu around the runi bottia, under tho jlolou slçky of an Indian nigbt. Wo w çill spare the render tho furtbor de.ý talla of bis dcsoant, nearly a year bad elupsed hinco the troop loft Dum Duni 'un. tt hifsa1 day wlsn the unhh:py lad for oye oiault1ztity wbilo Stàggeriwfg home' in tho early nlng from, a ntgbts ýdo. banch. Soe.geaât 1{rbrV' trOOP lad beauawey rur St'yeral days onl a recoiitoi'ng pry o&' ivIiclî Frank would hava formed one, * bad lio net been Ieftlin th e iospitai tant sufferlng frein llnesa-froin this bospita ho lbad bcoaudia>hargad 'as oored, the eveên- hig before ha orteountod bis rate. 66 > . onclucZei i Our nut.) *A 64 Omart Womau" it teWartl '-ýýne WaEY ta IJUya ShuiI. Last ÙellingAn ologintly7draee wo. gcine shawlSi Àfter oAstitng9and -66 jiaring, t4ho nt Iongth mnado a soloctien, the * price bail>g b.uKled dollars,(Iraeo thuliy'prodtucing her'portaemonnalje, ahe2 tan. - 4 - erd.tholorka two thouaand ý dollar 1,111 * it-payment. IHo te>;kâxitbiIùiatOly te th c Asher, whý,ixsmùio'Pdît arotilly, and * ~thitri teulo k hmalpri sure, sent a clerk o2.t wjit to seeadah xpert sud 1oh_. * tain bis oà'lnon. « Nlanwvhilodthe lady bo. caine.vary indigni4nt,,and .resented tho af.ý front which islîo said bad beau'put -uponl- her. Sowsnt hrcet eev * '.or pass ofe ad curreqcy, and would nererý * como cgains te StowedUs, th do anysbp ping. Pregohtlytha iaeîIssengor raturPed %vitlr the intelligence that theo bill was good. She e .«,li.It ..ro hMideclariýg th at abe itouldavmtaUO thé Shawl. Aftor a ùittlo lihila, boweverl saliesoamed to relent, sud-1 syinethit abs half becà , tý, àalarge ruum.ý ber of eatabflslmenta md~ the ahA W'I wusthe only one that ad alitod brho! h romarkàd thiat the wonld take Iti, adding lier dterminatlis n nt'ta expose ýhersoif again, to a similar affirout. The clark vas jvrofua sO apologia u a8 dup, ti artic'ie,'Àn1d thea two thousand dollar bill was taken by tlb.' àasiaerand' lifte huný. cred dollars promptty pald baclc te her,ý whon, without biddlng good night, 'bs took býr lenva. Tho.bil this tisua proyod' eobc" a eountarfuit. 8h. -had pald the. -c atrk.a differont ona frmteintI ne first ex-* * . eises of the, Liver., Vhan« the celebra eac M. Rusih declare4 *iabdrufikeiisfsasa dlsoab, ha anun. clàtemfafsutIl hscrtlaax.1 n ud obsrvation of dedfreu ln' Wlà aftry' daY aanftrnsing. Thernlmwy,apq4ras>tliaisan çxcoosos of tbosa who indulga la ý' piritous. *liquars, May' tho ba' acooad ~or, 'Xh? tri>. cause of conduot, lsicil la kakou for Iiifatuation,'lIm ery (roueant1y a disessed %tate of the. Livar.1 N4 orgus>, i the. bu. mina ytqû, vIien desin>god, pioduoaa a mOrO irlgbtful cataloglnabf1lisoases, And' If, iiiatad oUàpplyinq femteditaste ýthe mon-' Lord&s- used to i~ tion. Bi, te 08517 l they tara Funny ph nama -frel ticket vas wam iu ti a sort odf1 ininded tâ L.d 401 be a De of -po tetrap af the member thuiy pre. hbrrd',.-Ther patriotie digits were then and thora detaimed,- tilI the. trap, clerkl 1elowi (who wu,/aware, by inOans ,of a wire,ý when tboy were eaugbt,) imarked the. vote pailled tha Caon .B>' the bye, thlspostof 'trap.' clerk" would, make a 'apecial flné op. pointmcànt 'fbr Darcy medGet if "the ero*ii-Dorions should gt up a Cana. iian* uioumetrap 1 But te pro1eed, Englundf to our thifiking, wlIU ýsoout spcb rat ik11a bsrditi;. Am riCaj loudfly prectiis. îi digroeu ovidojices thw'utter wo Mtlcuess of s uch terrifi« sliýi.1n ýàrrle soroly for-har llbeoi,.ex4ubits the. naaaly, aud prodigiously'uisn'ùdlîug charactor. istiosýofsBach-. allaclous trnnpery., ,t in ý Positive &fueL--that smore'votes by -ono (hrd fefthe 'entiÊêe adul, popula'- tion were aetMIY'pbletd, luiihbvor ef * the "nèebW of "Miruem>ie,tbàail France conld uhrly muster rPh a." lot-box for uaa$oa aleotiojns, l< o ur oyuai tge osruptr ,.iyy anî principle.. Nor, has k oven thé quas.] men ef ~lcoy' lunotaiang the de- ,ired reeult.--A man masygo tothe edge of'tthe' bo-, ândsa>','Ivote f«s À;'but who kniows tîsat bis bal wUil notbe p-ut in, fo,. B? Thora mut a, *t elear,lu eve.ry- arrangeFpent'ýof the balot a at~ef -opOU, for talllngan undiscoverablo ifs"rthe. whole- lu. ventloou lu uatfmai end. The. ineun> r«vw. of trWA ell thus be offaetualJy s'emoved from hiuman, transactions.. As an 211ýe ierremarks,1 titis de. gradatio '3hîiiivd, z4ay w not hope for' more aintil M'rse 'hlnes, teabolsh the othorrosdînai -virtuies." rIl s werd, th.elbafio t to eus mmnd simpl>' obyter ho maues, ",bc base, sud you wWil miot be despised, b. virtuoups, and you wiilnot, 4>»nored.e" ýle Abj, we, would nsk Mr'. Brig4hth. way ini ,which he wauld foster 'the, opiinA of a beld, blunt sud 'indomitable people? ;Was the iborty of Enilaud,, stab1ish- ýdidates (Withe i.exception: of 1Mr. Perry) ocoming forward at t ensunn election. Tha sefitlmnertss'epnned by Mî, Masoeell accord with our own,, and ns a private citizen, 'a wostbypub-, lic ôflcer, and s professionail snMs'. Macdenell ha.e arned Our fulI ýconifi- donce. That ho would offectiv.ly.flll thie po<fChi6f -Magi4trate d <the. Town, ai is sets hithentoi lbave Do roin xto.doubt.; and Aer. 1u littI. masons tofear that M.Mgtx1onell's bon. onalle amnbition will notbo gratilfied at. a fýtnre day. 'Atpr.usentwajoin»witb a miajerit' of the elootors oftble Town,' inpir.forrlng -Ms'. Ferry. He l. osir choice, and Mr. MitedonelI or any' e elso, wil acarcel>' atteMtpt ta don>' ms' Perryfié decided cbàit.y find-ftne ààtoà -Ml the. civie chair, ivith houer te hlm-l self sud great service to tho,Town c f 'Whitby. Atleout threefourts.cf ti>. ilecors areunuanîmous in favor 'of M'. PeiT7.-Tbea-sgnatures te the numer- ouslsgned requie 'ition presented to hii eorstiime to enornase aven>' day,- cf tbis Ms'. Macdonoll 1':10 ponîbetlyl t aýe-adh. mqet e. ehoyruttenl>' i1' n'hspart orAbat of* an>'othas' ean.didate al attempts arü 'ai "oves A shadow of suegas. In privat. liete-h. dtractar la'.Îrqorly rgar4d dwitb posAat ver sion. , u blie lite It ebosld b he i. ame, nayIn laa ger: degres, becausee Asamtnt of miseblef cotuitted Is r rotr-&ud ,h lnury, doué li>' much logi sli' epalred. W. ha+s long beau disgustsd witb' theý fliaations ia à sheet pubhiabd at Osa. wa, yeleped the "Oshsawa Pennuy bistle," osoblsImue of whicb rogularly coutdins sanie outrageouu Insuli, abuse, or-or animadvar. 9I on upan Atsebaractar of the fe*ow Cdli. se besotted, and iMr.Beorwus dooeod' te and out Ï0bis coot Abat bhobam tri- Abo 'point of endurance. Fonrmorne day. ive bave had a re- Port outrent At àtOie Grisinténd te adreat e i contînùand'ofetGovenui. ement lu TononAo fos'.,au9ther, tenm of Pour yorothon te: b. rauioved pan.: mafinntly te Montreal-and it is suipposed tbst thus dodge'wili[secnsr'the voi es Ofaà1lh,. meinbers mest of Ringsto, -aud thes.et the Moutreal District, but Aho>' are,' itak'n ifAbhis lu:their. CAÏoulatdon foi " g odoipo~rtion ef the. Western meuiborswill not go that ticket, neither %ill--theé OAawamen, non yet ahI Abe Montr e al moibers.- And tison'tisê$ole'ef the Lamer Cou- adîas-Withs tthe exeeption-ef -s felir" Rouossm 8 or_10 penhawi-,Wig go dëad agolusitii.-r dogisô1 xn T bifoeohand Venitura tapreaiet Abat'ý Ifi b red it ill igaly fil- Thara is an .yident 'dispossuibnou the. part otfthe MoGeo p'art>' te pîtce Brown ova'boasd -sud--D'Ar >' miii fid Abat unie8 bo breuaks "h" ' zufamona compact with ubs, wbjlgim datractôr sud h. slaudares' Ofbléjeoplehe him- selfWill bceuent-of11ke su cld tboe. t is édean te Mo tîbat o9-e et Abores Wataerôrser el, UÀ firc' becîr purobal coat monoy. posod. W. triokery fact that tn.sch t oratien, à ibeen x- r sieak. As yeti 'nsrut ation> tu Of tb. eau kn l al the fOrtbC4 pefon l t Po udiagainsdM,ô shil.. liunge a n fous' pence the p!reý14iiu ycarý and Ihat the' total arnouttfor ail pur. poes te, be cohleed tbf. yoar', f. but *76 gisat$l3,el78 for-:J.850, AiÛR corý taxes ýouglt nover bo higiier thon the- promeut-rate, (8. cAs. on h. *1) but if poýssible, for our ewn- weIfàre und' prçosperiAy,'thý rate sbould still fartber lbe reduoad in 1859. As lA is, wo be- liete Abat Wbitb y, i. ase,,soçi at a, boirs'fire thonan>' nTownluinu ada, wbuI os the. otiier handi-'be Cosinty -bf Onhtarie stands No., i fer higb assesmont. -Tbf. subjeot oflTown aad Count>' taxes we's hali pursiïé fur- ther a Aa future day. . Captain Walia.g~1 ?Psy ýThf. conipany was lnspeoted on londa>" lauti, b> "Lieut, Col -lkoD'ou. gi the. Goverument Inspectas'. The ,uu4uahiuld'usatf&ln-*eu eése'by- the 'iuapeotig offices' t7-ti itas'y appearacOoet tho ýMoPn, and tbio disci- pliued 'mannes"le mmcwii' they meut hrough the _varieàus 'militas'> evalu. ieons, muet beb-igiily gratitying io' ,Gaptain Wae, ana .,the ,meo.-o, oeompany. ,W. heard Colonlel ê- Dougall. exp es .is appr'obatio>n -in thé bugrhe st tqri%.and Bay in ous'r a' tlnliad*unLilliser doatli,'Ai Mr. OeDay's Varrespomiolsosa wblêh, 'beik àdvisqdb, - gave ber -whst hoai .ld w 2la5U~OO,18 UP5rAIandod 4~E. of laudanuit n, a sspoon, itualsi, telljnia, my darlînt-tell il h tiala i>wolv, eeÀ yl ih ' Blua lssa sa tIa otwnof Wh]bbnd yeot - ' wourd net dissolve,. and h 'lis It tIs that Hedg-dsughter-tiaelshuokie- bisl inger, very shtly-ai baud tiof; ' .. ' the decpase& s.ppearod. Whoerobb'd farmeramd 'ali,-of whesi perd- hon huaband desinad' Abo 'weoId' dbef- r' ' (on Il It ibrueSir, 1 nak,sueh a bnIlli"edod clown h. gltqmynts la isaR.s*e su spîrs e h Mot i" .,ber if necessary. lab the 1 ! nesi saw the daceued, W -L It thnss a tth oknfu~complote'state of stupos', - eoa.,te roàua.bean fail@sd,--,andt Froni thismuàbbloa and jeals'as' t town' LUa thtaistâtê untilShe died i la tthmsa'tl.itlsa hsspassud~~ip boingA. he'wish of tbý - ~ ~ ~ e ' wth ' ' ithe decesed,-tb&t su examin. irbo Iisrk- prï1ng and $soeklng. aicaýj"b ta sbould* tà1i- ýpteé,it WC catch 1 '1- ' ing Abat t as thae eN aié t thrsu hsat two frIêdeoda'u scarco tallk te-' deoeased that it sheuld nc gaierhLe bedy'sooc ordingly Over ~ ~ ~ ~ ay ttshr woatWr, r tse ta o :: t] > "'e bowall rdng'th?t uadeÂt ne gls, qu>ijyusuld ta6 Pl'ace, t sCL aedg-dssghtot Da ha bcfoundnoar amised on Monday. evenli **tbi. spt; ' - healthy âpeamtseaof ti 'rosmake out sainc aonAplrsey, effanes oi plot 1 ' pearsuce .of thse s tousach 'Là tise at â, that-ao puaila tIe mokami for Iaw~,-' - ~ ,susptiiof !foul play. wae ~of on wn.dtrais a'aeves- sud ýW. Il. Toronto. 20 ls Meir

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