Ius'tb 'T' Nli y - -, N ,ocYANlN '8Pp j SOLiCTO â an teev 17A IN BRACOUOIE, 1, NUS,' AIÇD eARL IN G ST. -ï-'tOOT AND I)U tKR RO Vi c> ôot, WJltby i(muaêxt< doort1WT, om.>c~it ' a tiirena illotal.) Eo amlr% uèattly abats, auîd ork 'of nlkmdoé~dl gcod »tylo, andiail a w-orkmnnloùanr l MM rJ . srO'VezLi, 952.'Q o$nD.ô1o 8 igro Q4 UlISRlIC8T-, HAS WIDaoR HOUsE, IVrnTIy3 rrnIlE aboya tiote » stuaitoadl lmiùaplinonut andi JAIXU]l" RxeL;. NX thée ln odlngfrôin airokîbu Grioin- NY0Jwed. Gocp t4tbid accornolopi 1 E lCUWDB]tlQGNED hAVE ENTERED 1nto Psrtneroltip Ps UCIONEIIS,' utdor' Ule Ioaainnfep troadra W.lb ltoné o A MctIon' Bli je liavts' s roc stueittvmankor rrl:mssly are mnoit averse, but tanaier lob b thoy wll ind edb inaoin'hotl CUNTii RJOTzi., xCeN U1iiUZ1. 'WUt TD'. SE VAN STLlCERôPRETOB. -The M muscrihe 'ba Reataè îo cslnc theabovo "Il! known hoti, anai kos. Ja.t tîilt .oaatlfaQýlou mad ccaa0r4t. lIetruïtb tilt 'lit» prvouttscitaritoar bqfore tue'publiaes tieLa _ul.esper ay hie oieom-étent a recm- nianttlonta te publIc flivoir Fveryattention CaIdttho nCemfrt cf tra4blirg. Gocô ta JPISE VtiqLYL, ~ma a i l iateudnc QtYZNNt'b- OTEL, LOWER TOWN QUEEEC. qMAVIýLEtS'AND NVMTQIC8to te'An.; comm enti c et 6 t9 lin~ro 'V ~ dln4ryve7 tt»anti9aa'pisid tW thoir comufortud ýOjI.AN.N tuf i rLeothe d ve well knitoown o~tl l oiveçd- once friende tuai oveývt 14 mae- ond anlty tq etter- tiuthem t tth lofooiat'tltLcwilii ho parÀà ogi -pre».ntýtoÇglve hn san. r ce lonme.was itis Wôat. 'ho-bo itaabeon leogay apr pal tl anid runov -ated, andta i u*tedup p evory ïew lichc a muinori . to erWatlcfiac4 ta. -The bar and4 table scaiPlie4 nfulrerly wftit the. hast catatbio4 atddiabjès.Cii lana JAMES B*. IKILDOENt, In3EG8 teoinform luIs friands andi theoPublieo 'tlint le eizm redto'doumlikitida of PihN 145.0ô w ri1tmaao kfka ornanatalwer'lnE~'omarnUPer. "Ao1, k Whit y 9y 7, 1858., 1 c. P. I»9NOVÂNt qtitAG2a4IGýA"n onil3k,t. ?Âi<Ta bary Strect, Whitby-.<1ato N.;'r'u Gar- r4o k' actory., _Mà caaarnclw< hu sa ttw0egoniçe, ýprliâtor4 S -joux 1fAMEREu DPART3UIN-T. !ljlî Fi fth R W a6 fu wiélDýri'otli conS~ f'TalMyB ET 8,-&oÙ. 1Rit, TeRNoe b i, TliÃ&hot Antibernowo ne'ntW a boVà o whcn ile homoto uà o.ý yend ti ran chilà or a ndom0?fthpuli ila2g wlt h #tm lat.M, omI by W c. iwiTo$JE ?LUÇ%2NOWUOVUE I età k otiIIgEà âr ldtib w nd't te hiel lmooe vuajloOae*t notimta,' or lpueiellune o a(l o I.: ol -Witabdl*tpOp>edlp7CW4ý4, Kelle XQ T 13. 1rpit Li& T~OEHÉ AV- lundrew Storcy,. vkerin J immlem oUin po,ïli oti ct . i. soi .paua*abô tr., one tmile wèlt of te Town a f imrowi !oa1owSfh na cfis bled** ,narglit H0m,;Or ilalarge 1rowdn ti;two lit" l coc i tc. ,Any .ir fria.a lue, à ocrIgte will eotitankthIly re-ý cove&by NTHà NIEL RAt Whitb,~No. 9, 053.Wfltby.42 DRE. * O. 3ROIM': try' that9,o l10 nýW proparcd W aiéperato fl'ail' braehoséreatimrAo - prfaeo.Evory dea- mritià poieofAildal ti thIîsertod on (*old Loes' &P1owo)lla $tore,, MiEjNC N-8 . Peçk, D. D. S., New- tYa~t r., Ilà okatNownatrket * Dr Mar ,ilrodferd; Ur.'W'are, 1Prideo, 5' 41 Tt lnodurgigpod, ttis dsy dlsoltvod.ly, QEO.11H. D.&RTZIELL,, WhitlbY, o.1, 1858. 4 . 1 lNc.4j84 A LotlnoDeT. 48 I EOCTU R >Uý NEdANI .51,INSTITT1 ý'rOgalanIe forw nteorf18 1859. sent' Wutcr, nest1lowà l. N ov, tii"elov,. i. Blaett, Purt liopu. Stb,- joct-.îL Popular fahio. Nov. 0th-~ov.E E7esSiper n tondant gres."o p, WAI Dec. lOlh-'!on. B.O. ot, PP. Bby.eo ja et f'iié oorln an' hmtct-"A ghePoltio a t ta , oSLc~ .&roul* 64,11 bot enaicl ofo n n4t~ F04lluuary 9lt-ievtr. o h rdm iltô B'nt ljà ct '. PaaInai7lb D. IAatitCurg.s ho ct ;pub. logpotiîe baaEH louont o, Wthy.-..e !a t1î' orâof tli f ria Cto, tefib ourg of12 uct1 Tottk'aEcai Maqtrch 18tti-r.1m. eitlWhlthe hlui,. Mâeti Tîo i oovorj aind üEary oftheOcfIE. coi ti.1ottue Fclio fa CautryJupa Lite (Auimretr pfîl Migha ur To.3tzis 1,outltts titul anpr a IRRY. >f ChuriroStreet. alW "RUJSSELL, 49 Watohimakor and 3ewllsr, M IMS TO INFO1lfTIIE, M11ABTMT6 ehiehesnoetido4 W te b,ùsln*ç iitoly oarried 6n iýyjMv. Tiîoiniu (lalidI1or, and liopoe tlmt W~ roccive a %brTo of putblic patronaige. A, w.il sd1otcd Stock of Jeweiiry on baudl, dETEÀP FOR. CASH!! OREPTRS ÀTtEtIJ T.- MMI~CAMPI3EL]à t ,mon et the Town. 8 0W T IO E (111r ubclier hatô I 1rihn alipartlo4 thlat atre lindebtecti t t ibY Sonk -cbuti, Note% or ý4or aen, ~thet ý1Q rq u1re1Ptipay*n nVt of thî o. c, tllg esbc 1 h'ope.t tbpallwý%Oul4 liak éver ' 1ý«ôrt1Onýto pay hlm tti»al, butt seé 1fà r suthhjtû noe>wbbdn ihb Oo. H ,fad ,rd tow1 ýdato'pnid thie 15t Nov. aacxt, will bo p1aeed flr' oollaatlopwitlà ot tait, £ýathoér noitice. w litby",Oct .M 680 i qW , AN4 that Mr. Horbeît waôu1d et oncté Ã" uider' 1dm li that light. .At the same timo, ho coifflued, itlmad hâd slwaye beeau hie' bellef that mon whô *&-â wortlià nything, opd mâh helr *t',' uÃœaiised afbertlle flriret atrI'ô"'éêr 't1Ãœ .ýOlM alitioum of lfe *F'rank hese'ated no longer,. but ut ,once toId,'Juge W- bio poeitiont aud prospects. Bcli was Iigendto ôwhti evident in'. ter-eet, but liiauditar comlilnot don. bé- ot â eau. oniliebnt At 1ieà ring the deolarâtion 'tlit hofiutendled torthwitli enlisting as a solaliei li the,- rôop oft aredleryinu whichhMe brother wu di Corpol' rcjilîd, thet etio1 a coure u nfot 10 bothought ô0itut ï4ro woeo othor openings for a 'ôung itian of edu<,ation, te b>e prefele u ,thelhýnùrabl but humble posauo0à 81" Aguainr failMy l4à lifatet, ho *83ild OI{aI,é hnlsf ithFrnklsefq'.- turc fortune, anmd that if ho founn4 Phi-' lip u e dciribed, ho would ?ut 1i1 ' à leêîî&n a position Moro in acooî4a0' tut. oduet Lp11Tou fltcq ixbr1I 41 lckr-he would dauit of a ~4j~ETO INVE$T ON MORTGAGE wkié mig AplTe, or.JW. KOVIS ýYhltbyi Oct, 20, 1858-j a ides, the JTAXL T 4emS Th flitorA 'nolsnuo d ylos bai, lmiir 1Whitby, .JuJy 7i WR. 'T 11k