Whitby Chronicle, 21 Oct 1858, p. 4

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ý,dÉ*e" Ak- W Fer i rit -lit %MI HOUSE and LOT 1 1Gý0Us_8w k'Ti Ne, M'a f4vle, -Le I* Il àüd. tic, kinil- Coulay. Ti Id-du, -lq*ktlybijp ),utter ma t i,'.' BEKLY 1ýRE mira d kn >, uti (1pý lie lengthened evenîn IL4 WC3 Y 6itle)iç N ORPORATRI) under un £let oi the ThIra b lval 111M 7 m p rit ce Ï br -1 LL "e ut b nd of th f; 4 7il fe ý« 3 f de î iweii ty ii ïm- -F-AM ILY C1APIT.ýL NEWSMA En j' eI,(1léâXý#e l'yq yquý a-»ew4lg tu 1 7th, 1157. tionedî in the Cormty of Oeitariû- Inâteffrance effe cd 011 lîltllllg.ýi and ýhcir FW YOU WÈEX et BI chpýS riqw thât.t1w_ýýàq4r ng la e the IlirgIest and beleit 1 IN TýU etc lifferillitt il Il id Ië, Jap 'ait arge p; ýw 'TY nýit t t elli crAiLi (111, titi ti j lýli;)- , WHITDI certiii lie i ..ql file 9 .8, or sixty limw un 1 tliâ 1-posky r ter, aixlýELIýGANTLY Il STR services art1,eý àïieau sel whe bas rottdzi Ný-itliiîi tlie comity or ontario, :effet it JOIIN ACxNEýVt a, Ni-îll tecquire the sain of three inivelUnir Agent, Byrou 'Street, whitby and 2ý_). T littii(ýIreti pý)tititt.t to 1to rai.,Led aliMi. li.',,neeicird- L ated on Strue mie litindred and tel t th im, to lie( TEÏ-04 URNM vl'!Il"fitýl U 1 J b ZI ciel j lipo'n fhc,'ý1iuçk de #it&ýHpî i0n Application to be malle tel and Îort>--iiiiie, ills IL mlýeei:t rate t'ter th(- pavinelit or caulil Udime'iit, ýcoIIecting,,j&awedust f fille and the WESTIERN 'ASWUANCE COMP.1NY, z ýW . ANGEL] in c1tvý en 1,,*Iiielitllisl)v-làwzfL1ýI 1 Lot 13, sth colli t'l'Il and forest leaÎes, as,ý'absoil)ietits. j, 2 QQý e w IA iloin thui'l Oac«ýidti' or b"QàdI0»ý4 q- é-, m >îffý on& N«Ifqmd 5.. ....... 8 00 m1sci bc aàtléd', v.speéîaIIý, to'thé coineou f: thereoli: itild lierea,; flic wholo riItutl)le pro- X.ýnÀ1NCE àlceJýýîÙ1Ài1lîs ifýnYtüicr im onr ýcefLr, lèlid 10 gifts ........ 15 FARIM FOR w in the lioli yardst'tiii-01ý1ing- in âl-.Iittl(,.tý,C,,r!ýý,if.tlie Collitityof 011tieio, according to cmiieot.-ý. Eyery (là, Und el gîftaý Ao mien Linélit fêtertim 1ýrt1ié vent ofonr't.,nrd f vfAL E ÈftAtE-ý f rý OR Slilê, Ille Miýf 1 ýl),neh tû iùdùêe rooting gr, t 1 1,,57, itiiiouiited tu -JL,488,1t. id 8, te, file grnin i in addition te, theitI«+%-e rate- mv file Ille lZtil Coli. 41 Travelling Agent, Bvrýeii'*Ireoly WhA ieyelîeeumiem, cly-èr, of the illaà. 'in 1 e- - aud ilà, a g1floll ýt;bL, ait animal rute of the Pound e i&tiëlem to -be tiîý;tribi 1. are eoîhal& rcýýitirv - ýîe ite( il BEAVERTON. is MAI wf1'teLletýl. -Mùck;4.àavtrýaý 1Rfeý quintity reat 0, Il the followi t - - 1 [ail Ytd V__ ùipo. 1IL, list..- I T 'e th, and hor liq ej LTllitcýI N-Ittý _X àt'4boiýý the cf5w 1 e l*y'l 1" ", b le lue,"Ue .1 1 1 : eFOR IRALE CRE.Iý P. Tiýire are (Io '40 ý - ý litill bicif enmy ', 'V fi iiiile:tild il littlt' et* Ireheiitiires to er fiels I)N--law, atid î1,1ý all'l their 5 el.) (ttý, ï 121,V bIe L.ti LOTs w14t4tý hogýpei)à and privi àýý.sî dçs t o- 1-e t!ý>ttell fil. ND en)% 1 8ellool al the 1,01.1lur ùt tf) fille Ue:tvertft; WIerf. A '-oo' re- Everv information sitililit,(i on 10 d', d-, d-n lo) teil etit , -res ot' -r iteili4m. -(Ieoýloizer, it w'111 inake a yalu- froi 1 the 10 Iý.teilt leuct 1111litirlz C:I.lt.Il lie dolle a ing ý dut-instich dnhonturefe Velitis il rs fâd "'e linll IJý4tillile Nii!lil!L Ulya e 1 titlIo illi, hý -le&%%- 41all ee'illu ilite-1 - force, As Il crû - .......... 1710 ne, (en .,iure. Favorable tertii- mai- bc. inalle witli th, ýcV w -i icid y ýl ,,,Psùrbient and firC 111.11ter Tretivellitig Aý,yotit and Sitretl3-tirýof RiAý.-I Iyroti ÎO Gý'I(I 'roprielor hya l'rat 1 xbridee ..Z\*ill;t,,(. Ft-,r fi 14aint building and fences, a ......... *.e... ý)Q 1, Il $' 211,11. lit, il c-iiztete,ýl and i î:I liereby ciiiietel by 'Street, joi) du 51, 0-l Cacli ÎS AP -e gradually and luis longeï tIý1e -mulLieipal q'i-illie41of II 01et'ario, 1 - ........... 311t J.1.ýIr erllvtýs in moi 1, 1 1. -ilk) 2, oo encil N. B.-There i,ý, et fi r-t-r:lte 0 ll*kll,-, lit Bua- ilbili, ývjjej Ilut 01, in Spl.ît*,,,l beSideS avoi( der Ille imtliority of file Çorpora- eLIFE AND HEALTU ASS-VRAX crtojk CE. ench for lieu E Or tn tilon Aets thlit it lawfnl for the W w > ...... QQ Il) z.,,) el e elleh and.dtiý%t. ý - - le; in- Pr eüàly Èociety - Il" ' 1 ý - 'The,,»rlti-.h Americi by WPUN 01:,Iuitril ut a talc ot"ilàt.(!rc.ýt not-exceed 111 oil te, nfi 10 110 stIff or clavey soils, ilqning the Beeivertoij, 28 inz ztix 'Iïêt (-Mit, pet alitititil fre-fiti 1111,11V Pothon Or ofiCanada, CIl jou , i îr.1-J l. 11- .%11 tif) Zo I, oe) V.jew ý lip til the action of ait- and Winter frosts. I body corpe'rate or mlko iillav hé Fi Fier Pro L 1 V E R P 0 0 L i %%iliiiiir loeidvailee the ;fille tillon the cre(Èit ot' E Iil*(. liend liteetttli. Ilice- II.N Pim', ('113 Iliv I)el,4-iiiiirti if A ct of l'itriiibriieiit, 1,si V ie., Cille. G4. ut tilewholle the tstilli of FOIL N wlieti eoii%,etiîeiit put in lîtiie barruls, ff 'ri > ý,tIicr m ,i-ttt & aggomnakers ýjjops lirly Tlli'uýallIl 1 buâtie*'faild l'e imn.-txý themille CAPITAIL STocli, %109,000. ej!ý') 1_4 ' .uIt a IîttIc-drý, lime anintig thoseof %Vil ý1'tô l'W pa'iII iiýto 1 lie litinde oft he ilir or'tile On rece ptý'1 il v iii !ie- - For 1.44p or ta Ërt at Liverpool, T OWN LOTS t %Vi, i t ter liere rot, is fenred. Try t! 1 t c, silln i1Iýo Villiège Uj ,;il 1)(id ILad olucu lit, te rIr \VF NTY M 11, F_1ý oF TOW >XTO (A INTO (A Voi t J'el r%. ,i-,L Pw it thttlier enaeted,'twl it ý,e e1IýiicteI a! potato digger el-al acres I Al-1-1) Io pIn w livre se% h% th(. -iiitli(IritN that the W 111-eleil of ith Il? mie flet t. E:-h-ý;Ii"le t ;Li te 1 fi 41 iiartur mmoceth grolitid tare to lie harveste(l. tfflos«À is milli re- ENFRAL AGENT FORC Wý-j J A- Il V M. : lil(;fi. tû il lyn, ý-Y M iii mi ,illltri-t The" prvTiii,çý fi.%% t> il, l' -Uc 111», Ilivulber of. D t-lt-til;irvi fý,r 'ri rri- !Li ii,-i- i:,i !, (.,'il IiL!ý I.ý w ith- PoýItry rcqtiire, a greâter supply of illeat mer, Brý lec.%L AoE. J 1101),isoie) latt)V. tien Il tx)%. and iqoiie - j ime 16. 1 7. ws tlicir iný,(!t;t food dim itliesh tijuwleéli tlte- .41lilý ,t'l'jîirty* 1jloi)ý 1'unuHl>, ! V,ý- ai the 1,.ILilv;l ' V ih l'telle rI; ri, tel, persIi mit Clemise Oieir roomts cl"en, and barrel thte 1l«s fin %- Pr 'es, r, or R.W. Clark lM.ý"D., Medical lieffi.ree., th. ý1, 1 fnVii a linci el -oet wurk 1-1itio, .;&itil iL4rrt-t- to on thu credit of' W t il, tIle 'lib- ilieti. 100 .%,cres of Land Fur fiii-1ier i Il ýoiitent the liotue lýtilitio. Pack aitva t ý, 1) 1 .111 il re, wilieil tin- ;,fi! tict tliat woj 1 zo id th(, ngelit ";o f Sua] ofthie.,etiel. Unuiý-il-lit Cuiîliud ter lipon Iloaltli rIr mid i'l tiqeiti% 1111jjýjrt,,j tivre. of Lot -quatitity in sitlý or pickle il 'rre*a- let. mit, by ilie W arduii of 1*.,,IIe-idI,,, mille a Mille 1 l'Ir t1ilil fortil 28 .1ilreer, and mà-je (Ilit ill il(eh IL J111v 12q, IQ57. wurle:i1g 01-jer'. use the mark 1, D.V\ L 1 aild le.kltilt! lit -lit-il ileri- ls filet 1 i 1 - Pull before ;t> Ille ,:LI 1 \%*.krlt.ll >11etIl deviii Park Lm No I)k i l'ils -G atli . ur . and house !0 22l"I ),VrÀ-. oit I)ijijej:,ýi si 1,1-"\ i.1v.1 13 FOR S-A-LE, cýmitaillitf,, Ève il heavy frcýsts. Expose îli a cool place un- i 'I - MMESîmmm ; Ille m:ùý1 ,hillf flot be iliaile payable C dér cýovcr to as mueli wind and air as pus- rinNý 1 !fi, b% -lizi%- lerovides for'raiA- Provincial Insurance Comp'n , -A 'elle fert-ýiIv V. - liili:.% ýi mIl fllt)lle.v fortlicir and that said' OFTORONTO, C. 1V. CARRIAGES', &0. anfl ûnlv ivmovo to a cool dry cellar 0 rit 91 Dolit-iiturv> niay bc 'Payable in the 4'nrrf-ýtit 1 whai in actual, dan-er of freeziii,-ý j N1ImQý çpt'tiiis l'ioviiice, or in ý;turlilig Motieilot SUBSCRRED CAPITALi $1,987,7,8,0. e 4 '1 ra i i (I r i i i i V f 11 c S tr 0 111 Te)- 'Fil i'r et Britain, tend al, the timies tcýi)-.Supply %vîtll salt, and sec their .;et; --,,"ed with 4ntq-n,ýt ervui titeir rt- Cottllze con*ai!lin:z Nine R S'IL ýqypr c ru P.III) UT CAPITAL, V20, is - fluictit. Keep the buck frfri PaYable 11-1W 'k-tea"l% -kt lie te ri rlej et fel .1 1; let' six jeûr cent per alitillin, find iici uIvrte,.kti4.,ý tý alid stable at1e4ý;kL-d, il I tbual ut ilrL!ýscljt, except ut the South.- 0liit né lfel)ùllttlll. Illiall liewimiied 'ttiadter titis Eý4"-. J- 0 , 1ýîw-jrî-Viý1c1e/ ter; the (;ý(1iilidx aie, tttgteAll'lv Li'l -c. and l -- -- Larubs shoý'jld not cotiie-.in until %varin aet- for illan lias l*-'ýli-id#..'['rttý,g;.at4o,' Ivii t)flawltll tneney -ell -,tt),ekcd vritit Fritit Trme; t: wiI.-ic (-v 100 Actes of Land tlel wcather in Spyin,--. Aitil be,- it fitfflierl cititutel, aile] il is 1 4th of W E.'-; T 1);kIf Lot l-,, i.,t Ston,;- Funces or 'Walls-Build along lion. WA1. lý(j3ilisoi Wî-tbelnnr I's ell)(1 to t1,tý 1!ýeiI Li%. Tt rloýi nill 1111-lui w.ith a I'viii annu* 1 m rate of Iq. (ko'rýQ' F', house, baril miel 'table mids: afil1*4 Off' -;Wým'j iii the ilotitàl (elvil. Jr, 'Yýs lý, tý4Isy4 t., Ille Jic %,cry bie uffility. tlle I)rupuii%ý ot tbý'jýomtý' YýIrle;viliv 1 te> )e 1 - 'Îlite S. II ard, Feq. J4C. Ir. iV;:1iýimLl tirly eq. À M (À k- where chant 'nct required. 11esides MOjfetkarÎý,' hict-oretineý1o flic îtgst:"itient>TettirtÎs 'W- I- l' th- mixed %ýith tIm ven i,(.,t oi'pi 'nziaur(>ýi L %vý Il. e 'itaate, tailc- thl, Tow ainial fcaceâ you are elcaring 5or theýyelfLr of (-tir r,)rti 1 ý57, tiliail - bc levied Ilote. .1. IL C 1, Lýýq' ('11 170 RI i Jet litnds 'ftý1, the prf)lý;, inowilig machine and iid raisell, anuivilly fur i Ili, pcl-iç>tt of twe ý,ears, l'or 17 ' ry, atitl eolivelliviit U, tili the plit-pose ut the iuterest' Zj ne 4 I;dcrdare h;e J,, le:i-nd6r qtnrr. -on 'If el , imtrk, is. horserake ti'l)nii tlijpktii(j D.Ikwt4iitpsi mita ceaitipg *et U>ýJAV lliouiiz, fur ttrill: and z 'ri illiber if oinitted till novr, should bc 1 là" .z-T&lrontfý-Ciy Jiank of MqWruut.-' Farm for Sale. eut titres Io Ilo kssiloif mider this by-la*l within Lof the 1 -etitve venrà froin, thii, finie tU« b#4&* . sliail ES off, raffier than leaving ît till %Vinter. ]AN41). L()T 1 conte ihte loree, ilà beruÏýatier tAejitionodý Ille fil 1 q il 9 '£vql.s-Put away in a dry place u er 1 Ni-hieh mpecialýnite %hall lie oYer and above, -I H«d Ofeïe, Toronto StreettTotouto. Actes Farlil is ,iiie:ttt-il with* or tel -pective of &JI other tailles misca or evied, eo%,ei, any jvhich art-' ' o longer vrar e, ed, four mil- ý,f' I»,e-ýI,. il- i, -,ii i1w tritvi-1 roid t1l, n a o- te) lie raL"d, of- ln bç le vied, br the pityl)Iýses kaýe andýM.nritie bue-luegatmukileted fIrAL cýJusnitig apil oilîqg, or, r. atitig qjeel oe the sitid Iiiiiiicipel eorporation, &jàd Ir-, 1),it, thim atitI Marie, the hâte 1 i.%; -)f Iiie 1 ' ' s %' irîoite Ageijeleif, nýs weil the e4:11t rt let .1 a riLapL-etie ofany (if tLe ntte.tble . 0 and mîtli lard and rositi. pieopertii, ot'the suid Connty, and irreýiptteeil c,01 ;d the Méa(l q jýh-,c, -Ut 4Li loive rittei amf- i il ally 11;iii T:ev,ý Illant for ornatrient, and shade, all ltlwnýtiti) bû derived t'rom the tvireporlir%, bzI. 1-! 4. iri 1jýi- Ji-Ili A-N EXCELLENT FA inz'e timout of sucli siiikirIýg fuild, or atty, puit Sion Brokem and otIter8 allo"d a c"týlwion of abýýiit the dwelli'ngï, along the avenues, th-irè0t. tell per mit. ml al 1 lié w 1) l I.-li ncstý brolighttolbe whieli lov titifi leil til A Rivi iii the psturwý. lbueltel, ficeler àli 11. Y ' ',th. And bc it furthür eiinet4>d, and it Ils- - Ilcad OfliS wlicru the z-, i beilig the North ltllll* liere NOTICES. i>,ii:tý!..ýi- iý-0 hv !,V t!i*c-:%Iltlilrit% t1t.1 tl", (uttioI] niay L'. had. Î1 cl)[loes:4illill et]141 flic W'V W;iiteregrain s4hould all bc groNving finely i fi- îý, i, i i e 1 LI k v te flect i ) 11, NOTIC i. 01 PART neige. Keep alaîumLý of all kinds trom feed- J'I'Vlu atitt aller Ille VI No 1214,4t.1 'l'e,%%,?I-ý'. 1 N. Zl%«e notice tl,:It the fui-Ili hItý lai tlle, Atiel lia ite.!iac-ted..,ILnd il T the thi: ied iyàto Part, e r> 11 , -(,Il il-à Oet f 0,ýte)bcr 1ý a busy month witIl the mar-: Le- L'y the fttitlio.irit% ett, .1. teint filé BÀ tu Fo'. 1 le1.1 P. ket ,:irdeiýer,,%vho Ms his, remainin- .-i rllirt% Thousail d l'vUlplý b, lai 1 l'lit un 1.11U l'ý,II4)wiii r roud,, 13AK-EltY AND CONirL;C'1710NARY. tlic btý;;e of t1ik; Firiii of Al,,)" to liarve4t, and store, or dispoâe of; and iz: --i) ro OT No.27. il t1ic 'iý :i t:i(- road front Iliv l-urth eoii- r V:ý! ';i le whitby, âme El, ot, \ý*11i;]) . lleiir 1'lierrillý.-4 tel - " ! M le If thit lic mayl ëoinmonce his opýmtions as JOIIN F. ALBLO. Whilim. t ýiý% 1boitsuitel to 1,ete SI.)rîii& lie now pre- t*,,iiI,%ýý:-()iic. tilc",-iithi tell WIIOLMiýE AND EETAU- S. VINDIX Septeililler 121, or to VALUA]ILIE PROPERT pali'es cold fi-aines and f1I1sýthem %vitl, t1je lit, r,*ý,*l front Ille Villeteti of Uxbrillge, tel flic é II p-litids froin Irr iiiiler.-iziied, 1, il V. it: more lýarjý' plants sown lust illonth; lie file file rear of the 're)m-if- Tand Cilillitrv culti, l e ýrMitlL ý,L-rN Coillec- IN PRFrRENR TO TIIE -A JL tited in flic T4 looks after lus compost. drains %va lands, Z41l'l toc reulaiuitiz seule ut" two nary kitide, oî i lie. le, >t qualit We lie,ý tù itifti-11) leur friendt; an.ijthe pIlI)licý lI 1 y. on Broch- fItreet. diruvtiv 1. 1, tIio:lýLmcI front t'le rearof the TownieIllip 2VM) 1110 V ISI ()Nq t1lat %ve havc ()PûtteÎ ail (lit" liere for Jiily 15, lS57. le liatii',4 rvýîdeiicf,, ëarts'nitieli or 1, Io t1il, :ai'l it'artit Iý g T_ýqîî- a lerme aied fall t4toeh. L-ek Lit it:tii(ýl cimilliii bliceilleille; eatrusted tl, lis aie ý7î liýLU)d tu U'Id next VPCIIig, and spreaILstraw F 0 R .1 A L E Mun'. foiffat's Life Érô M* ait rftE GREAT PO'PUtAhPýY '*Il fýft ÜOF nt dilè-d -Ilï ý.oiiàc;pieliýcc of t1jeektp&Ordîwyý_rc.s by tlitýilý tie(i, renders it tinueedrz#ârv for enter intô Fi mýrniëdlé1liii1 virtues'or pr j1ay I.Mf who lave beelq ý4î)ru!1jt» *e ýV**.h min, it is 4liL-ve( tliat the ý:st %ýegýetable me-dieine jbüblie fui e iii t1)ý tllerc urQ iffli Who ýB:re ý1Mtîiâtwet.,y él11iýiee ii Y:Vlcovlllg _ýýatùf1 4 d 441 %-îi.ýg W t1le!whole, stem rWowed thd .kin, thee opemtWil »f t4 14 Ale- triliv emoviii- in à Drepvi ail.1 -Mo on '1(ltý tileir t thelli, as tý tl)cir titriely u;ù uluch he xaved. Pr(3poretl,,by .-Wt i raxâ McsTý&tï y.: New [EALTII 4ND.,, SIC=<$$ 1 WOOSE, 1_011L Q WAYIS KLÈS t4c limterial ùf -,ý%-ery bone, _-kind i11ý(1 fibre !Il t1le Illimail alle. Whelipnre itge(,5lit(i,4 ean ; wljeu cîerrlj!ýt, it accommrily 111ILLOWAY'S readi of Hfet rilli" * lie ritit-it- e gd lzjr!g t iJLýeaýýe. iuid thus Imi y w4rille t ýe in tlie liver the bowel.ýr, th tile br.àl) 'or wy fAlicir - rt of ille Ifsed Throngliout the Worid l' PILLS arc c"Iliriloil tu the. IV-11of4l 1 Mail rQ(ýe Alarming Disorder1q. b-ýpcpý!a, iLI141 dërai)ýeew'ùfit"M the liver, the yi(Adjfjý1 cil ratives acting ne a'ý' d re- il ri'y t i('. t1m ëtin>tittitifýili nt-elle ý,uluc 4-.-ý-Nerrous Comphtints Vlieillia Ftkn(fl;a1fý4 fliii; thé ciij;,, Piiis fiu silak-ÎL14 ner%-üý5' of ;m victim DeUcate Females. irregitiarities ioý7hielit )rea[14 (if tilt; Viit îli i or iwalth silon 14 fuit to have in witiiiii lier reaeh. scientific .Luiul,,ii lauctýt,"ýtlie (Iri-tit awl jj.,ve Oit; or lisna [i.luiil-â f =d weak- c r 1. rt, p-Y Verà-rill Aý_1 or il[ ri K-M'tlâ ýF-SO1l1 af the týQ Maifiell Live N'eur -Yerk hud 1.0),n(lun4 hvi.111 I)rn.), - wember. Avoîd-coverîng, the crown of the line of limk-,, froui the said Colint-.,v "Itp*e là td 1 , l , , , 011 ni hilu t.) the Centre rend. AVING plireliasod the 'eûtire t;t-ock ci JL planL L'all, 14, and put ln C H & Co., wich au ad-lition of (ýéiinty--Of 0. 1 are éf Oh sitf1coý street, couillipnein t the Coulev thé »M ýqu&4teîýý*d > il a owth Une, SoLitltïý-ât-d tu the Town Elle of Whitl,%*l a ze- AI New StOýek, -z4Éý-2 ated ',w * fi 'rtoli oil* threc tlitiiý;iiid pounds, of, which the Stilli ýf , bd Wü fwttLr i)tll*,c-,,%'U-,ý that Cali entire sitti- Lak-e $îlneoe-a 'IlýtÎl-ishing Village having 'twoý11loilsamialid tive litindred poundâ to, bc f--ýtiol1 to till %v J i Q i j l il v t1i v ý kr i u4 %vit 1 t a call. jqj jjj,ý,CKjNS C;P *teffl and le4sv;,,y. =d ln 240 0-tliof Prin Albti-taudthere-. fe the e6ursè, ore %ýc'lît cre long ilustiuëd tîý-W maid Simi- November 1-si,57. 43 1,%dY's"" JîtieWY. brow." cauglit à severe _eo 'PriAce Albert te the Town lino 1iý -,C 'w Acteit. cold iX ', .ý, P ý« il M X con. 1: rot, W6., .......... L in Bri)ckrond j)etween Lots nýinbcr cig lêý' c at th', $ton roadt ....... 01) Tllcl!LdY llspark". in-hereye a îjiýthe T W ýklp ýpt, td the Town line, " XTRAITS. L. Il. is li jý#cjj in ý1'Ux1) dil timti.-atýil, Pofill %*0 front and leilce along ttie sald Towa lin' Imler)rtc.rs CiLi'l G,,ýllend DL.'aleris in the other. e,ý-tû the allow-ý, _Li .... 200 cë'for ruad between the, third and fourth con PORTRAM M Dry Goods, Grocerîet,,, Crotkél-î9 200 ioiis ot the Ttl hip'..,6f Uxbridge, d ............. an GlabsWare, &V. eàtldtn- in WhoWtýs il evýô, uýiro"d'w'ïth Leu UV al c'O ilowanco to the- _Lýig Portrà1t yithe 'st 1 roild a -ER tRôm CôÊlîolt'-',F, sý& Cott hreý thonâand Pounds. CORN. liôVe's fial'ile rceoverd, whezi the lady 'Oil tlie-roiýd allowanee betw7ecu the third 4nd A G R E E W'q lKt, éb= 1 l ri- i tlirciv cold irater'du, his proposals." ùýth coneesmions of the Township of Séotti te 8TýExT, wlirmy, N 0 TI C E- ;ý 1 Towil liiie- of Georgiiia,,one thonsand and inhabitants of Ili 004 W trv - that ùver Uemr8--,Düna41ýýn'8 Hard W-a ril. Store. rolindi m V*'ê'4itIndried"l)otiiidt4,,ýthroè'litiudtýed yýuiids 44 Agoverness al1Veýtisîn- fora sittiati'on ýT(ýlIowûÜée botween the thirdiiiid - il 47 sed m the ro _ rý --ý AU persons havin,-,ý âïlilils agaitist us, and intendâto, «wrf on AU fi ïCs muât 'bc perfect, Likepemscs 8ýys she is a perfect mistress of h4f, qWn il culleà>bioi-te uft$oqtt, on the i4de lino bc ry rie befuît will pTege-nLtheir accoutits -for pay- «con IILIIII*r.s five niid 'kix, te the lino çjýroa a or-Zt. ebeo,4en ýhe samdj» be &'C-t pletâÎes lu overy 8%vlt. atlie )ýj-upe-n-_th-e Mi, an4.âlxtji eoncessions, and the t 1 lý .1 - Alao in the Tow M ýr84 COUnty Unàecl eounds on the rond çs- q T M L extreil - > bbliàhùd by By-law-of the Towns hip Colincà of in, to si] itthe times Love iâ botter thaaý>pe 1. : , 28-tf July un 'ýor the huit ýSc6bi, btvoý Lotý Wéiit>-two and twenty A. A.,Gl'.EEN. 1o rnike e"ry thi ng P;11 Ër8,18,58. Messm. Gcorgoý_ il, C'hénèY seëm gré threc, on the third cùiiee,§.Ion of the said Town- 1 by, A 15 URTII NOTICE.; t in stý t)m e,11î_ trit4tud te m ill-U i-î'hc 7,.ALL- persons in.ýkbtcd to P/4,, *fbp Provide1always, thut before the filial passng NOW 18 THE TINE. ed. thut WM i entire motWzwtioii. V- av, it 81141 e C e a P vale ; i I-Ydt-l'âere't s'-eern tokhow'hb'(,'w t6'tàýýè inlo 1 er,3 of t 0 [Il b V U 0 li LI Betier hindsthautlipl4dyrer AgrienItural pur, Z r 4 1 11, b e 1 r i eh i 1 àù -rich County Of I-n J. t t paid a ý4ç14 fellov tu q alt n t i t or 0 the 1 y SaVe, ýCo8t8 0 T4ecentiiil ffid 1hrpn-ý4 t4 ÇoU4 y r q'al qýf q'a t 'IL Il SCHOFIELD 1 É t1y thxnlý,-t 1154 s0ted. Yen -1 reco t Vt nst a et eý;cr1pt1 rie. - 0 nýii, Co. Ofontlerie raus NÇ --law in any Municipillit éqhall inàý type, Cameotype, LettergmÈh, or Lent or ly ist, J6mlý, Application to, Wrttd6ýW ihglfiai'by the ýnoýe. vour 4f the ýÉy-lam,, such glintaillom m 1 or a. Uketitas in a kot, Broaeh or C 0 P P EýKý1ý1W1lO _.tbat for d lie t -FIN-IÈL--NOTZCZ- TO' C WTORSI At 'rude to order. Thé litidirms'have e à Mm t W id cc a Wb th ii liq the OR TO-,ýý-- BY virtue or a DeéA-of r ý,P Lo rd,",, id g diàiappoig Cý ni-%' - ity pq ÎC ý, j ZZ y se t1k %mw 71 îhd,ý4 red agaiDât the 13$-Iaý And hall bc conjide 44h 1 iiave stre ebmiglighýtOsIrM4n to thee ootb 'that the Beeve or Deput), ve [y?, meeting lip4i 91 Il V îm 1 1 a N N ffl k'G a irta iy time -proviens t lmýrE ei1rA61ttr+A yý f ýTowiaýliip of WJý on«nd ------- - -- - - itbyïjn,ýý ,.eoveinb,ýgiathe ýý,çfour1or4ûnetb f iQwxox CmxsuiciL -AU meà ýrho do ghtlhlàïi&ea-,ànil. X-Ë t '39 ()"tar'6 yéoýla'Ï"for t46' r13 as Mi 77,77 T, puty Reeve mq d-étormine. te ty becoin6jyqrtiýs ýb rb notice ishereby,. 92ir -Front Street, Toronto. creditors as corne dIrtwhich thecha e1ý1 - 1 P_ in and 8 1 d igu the Fai de Jauuary 1859 1 --ýtitlc& a4_-beileffý >. LÉ 14- cri 4 thcreu e. f Ass nment now rrRE above ig a truc copy of a proposed B ýEG to infortu tho publio that H h to, tg e X law te bc takou;ipto considçmt oft ýcxtenâive premif3es cri Whitby, a f 1 partica in- al Conneil of the Countv et iL the Ontario, telomted ti ýe the à" ýWTE[E WXLY $TATE who areLneinberà of %he'-jt6vl 90 Ot*SurgeOll,;, liOli(lor4, pmy be coimuliend «ê'dcý* in the inornirig, üntil e at iiIghtý symptola (if DjqejiýQ4, tljo;iésult Of iýpI to ensei-of lit nuture in L) or in Th6 eny-e ', itiwelrivithô , lit é,ýý 'Zit odmuqe frwn b"iùeë4.- lima ýbfivi: ÉAýXR, aTii to 'au But re ormed ne -no '17- e4 1 JA.1eth ecrion.6 obstade to là but 1 a im-ries long- awAým of tS ,n mmd tt en.ý M-, eý '7 LSL4 zte %p6i rjýIi Iellt t ]MU BROCK STRn ý;r,ý;Wext Door te fl Sl', artwiicL-ý and lities, tirni di2ýc-D nt ïC Othere 0f11iý, Pliper h'.Lý D'tile C'(ýuDIy1 paper will be d ages wre Iraîd ai hg the -BOOK PRlNTING Es p*lic that Ty- The V-1 L ES' e ruý Pl' rj,ýe., aud Ut monnom oV Tf'; JQHN Pl LERK OF JO y _Z ci WABDES. T il. J COxkr-t Ilou- Cat the ,é-e

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