's' - I __________ ÂraiI'aI oi' tue "North Braton New Advefle1nenVýt8 tut week. liament <*u mort than JuÃt~ificd M îeec' maÃ" t-ickeniag teo corne near hlm-.4hat bao)n~En ~eilter, _ohn MloIrDiplo. lugMa. Bow'aGevrneit. Tht Logis.-lie ias.soramencapcrflctly derangeti nt ma . lir 1e J TwEwe ,ainbs ,Dit List tcf aîtln-I.J. MatdonelI. lat-ure, by ils firvaness anditatfen iprosrae osto bsdalipîia w iie 0 Netice.---IL J. bMacaoncîl. aîopoetc rs m~~W«s mometaffly expecteti, that untier thte itaScuthow eaa,' DPM <ircumstancea liehldgivon inetructiontS te do. los. ateio,' ry. enWa an e Ioo ftsrimpositiaonh îu Jo Sma.tDC. Adjourneti Court of Quâiter Sessions.- tecuty - oa'a1o ftrtemn, ntâ Tare *» out .iju pnoDpo 11. J. Mactionell.We hâve noir gete throuh MQ.Al4*î'$0 jns ob as anytting but aunagrtf e Dpesiti».li Steamer Maple Leaf-Provinelal Fen'-- atidress, anti o& the wholt, ire 41 coalfit-ah.le - HAt 0eM ayor)ithýthoWee FutE .'-r-.o SmIXpo'-, h# u t7aptaiai Schofleld, tient, thet il lW sncb as will bu t i 8da nt ligu Wliu r - " Faa eper t,"ry «îifor thelr trouble. In the Fat oRouI. -John Wtlah. tht groat bnlk of tht electans. -Mr. A11à ti' meen it' would bo- the botter way te- Boart William liodasS, Diploma; Thomas AdIdre&.-O. W. Allen. personally,,we believe te bt in every res- shlow ithe arcouait te lay over-anal ho PSrowTomsPe10,D5.m; loko Tht Poler.-Geo. Yule. Jr. peo moà t worthy cf, filling, t- ih honer- would, walt arrangements the noxtlcUiy Noe- 2 ltia Centre Houe.-Jeee Van SyL- with Cameron for thse ceriug oftht% nfor- Bctpag cf 18&8, John S1pencer, Diplonas; -J. t Sîk. aud ebilit-, the highest office te which hise uae in C. Ft'eaer 5o. Intrnaioal Itak-asBlak. fellow citizens cen devatbitai. ComperealD r.Hn ugsc tea aeo s 15w Pig cf 185" Josephi Plerme, Diplomll; JY Scb~ITecbtr Wntti.D.McKOy wit-h hie oppenent, Mr. Reniai», the latter a peer man ana lbail alreedyexpeititi . ieeo lm andi ethers. siakikantaiÊiuaguificaice. While Mr. Allen somte $10 te upyT nbi k-e e Pler 1c', J= 1101 & Alen Dip1ea ;o ~.Queens caaisi rua ool rprnteJh eaoSs Collee. -Jolin Stewart. is a gentfeman -etùnublemîlseticharacter co. 1TuW Dil JalCisytea »)Iloma; do. los. liew Sîetlonay anal Muste Store.-Gco. tadcf 4 nl part cf t4o, Conial te lot bina have sone îapDrws Jlinsn Allen'Dpîcins. _pmssuosok tlnsad d£4 or £5 -on'accoua-at.'This suggestionu uigMuLe sBeack Diaploasas. Te Jrý ablity-hviaag great influence, arti mueli wua toptet, anti a neselutacra grantiug, Tu ,-,iatlicer- Jus. Cîsas IhDiplema; Me- gehoul Books.-do. tignity li bisperson-Ma.Ronîhin is du- Camaeron $20 on account iras passed un- we, & Dorhutià SIs.p Intumetsroi a.~uaco iîaacunîsics ani metCheese Presa. lMlWaiai &DerlaitiDiploaa. %&fusical ItuetClocks, &c.-Gee. v-illcf al heechratritis;ad ue anxnously. staaicutter, Geo. Itobson iploma ;James0 Yule, Jr. foünal bis chief daim'te the houer et a 1eaiND RoOCÂIIiI.1 SCIIOOL TrIUSvEn. Clavion 5s. LegalaiveCeancllo cfCaada ouetlen On motion cf Ma-. Treincyne a teaof et lley Tua-l, Ocliia Mainf*tirigJo., Di- I LeitlaCve ognillr ofCandam oherbondta-cm t-be GUnmarn Bhool Trustees, 1l"iliiii grunds than these of bigîs cèhanacten, sn- conaitionual te convey the Gremmer biel lices, Osliaw' aUfaatutrhaig Ce., Di- tlhinca,-talenitcor publie vh*t < School property te the Towni on peymen iuta. ataTasoe# __________of £44 te eltch cf t-be taustets ras adopteil; B-sttea- R. Faller 13s - lohnMicîsaes :d;. I Ontario Faîl A.slzts. andaemetion te pay Dr. R. W. Clark ont B. ri.wliialos 78Wileni-6dl. Whltby, Tliîîrsday, Sepfember 23, 1858. ofthtle Taustees lissaiaro was grant-cil. clite3t, Iar1. Il. Bettes 15!4 do l2s d; W.V Tht Court of Assize of. Oyer andi CEPOIT N cx Teci &NDa txn iîarateN"ir -s. Smati ci RIa. IN. ý 0 d Mr.Alie'.Adire.. erulaerana gnenl gelticivey, n.Maclouîlsecondeti by Mn. %Watson 1Fal Wlieat 2 brislail, Go. lligginbevtiioia -TerminereanealeIhat ilauicacauinstructirn te thteil Daniiel Trllot)11 t-,;*C. Wilston $1. WVe havo be favoroti witb Mr. G. W. iniandrti 'iis tCounty, wats openait t umitea o tots aiinalrucpio emtelis 1'iaWlicat 2 iishell A,~Iarper 8$-; Thes. I Allan'sa atdresai 10 the electors'cf the York tWhitby on Tuesdythe 2lst inst.- t rprtaecdans -e$2n - nRns wob. Fai u-l $. dli plt$;W Division, for pubhlcation ;. it appeara ini our hî-r. Justice Maclean presitiing. The ucre compîttea i and lit-hein report te jPiiirel t2; T!i's. Montglumer? $1.: ailvcrtising columais this-sveek. Ms. Allen fllcwiug gentlenrea et the Grand Jury s win dtilj Paeet fte otacs int 2 J'Fu i $1.nJonliaiie 2 . at the cutbt inforis thu electers t-bat ho ret-la prrcos, how cossipleteal, the petitetaS Twu huiielm data, Johii Ritacai $2; W. iehmseil te 91 t e"'~~ les 1 oiwertite iaaas. n ca it oabo d iny c tUýt ~ , Pateb lhlstht righî cf giving au ALLCOLM t.LnspipE q, Foneman. ipoeinsl acWr a i st 1 .W 1 hpt-tes ote ain Woi ofEsqhe forth, lineamay t-hast the ratupayers conahl1 11lias.4-Strcediali Turip Su*d, John Thomp- iaitpedet rte n a~o cfth anasues John Ande'rson, Ehngh Canîniehael, oesily undorstand thelaine. Ma- Mac - 1suao$;Jae8Bs-s11 anti pelicY hest calculateti te preanote thie1 Matthow Ernro,'WlimGdsby, doncîl stastec iei reason for minithOe re- iu~rY Interesta ufthIle country. WVith respect te Samunel Iloldea, Themas b solution, t-bat parties complalaed of laoirw ,~ Yard FowIs, A. Wilson $1 W the late Minstprial cll.Iuges, lie muchlruent- GeorpeaJoneeimt--MePreremiiaadoreanil'airmenf were ruadeinel'aibrrofloartltF. $ aF. -fatt.0e. thelet Miiatnia chnge, le fanky S-un, Gorte Jues SYi. erbr-t-ho North anal Soultt-ban in the Cenatreo iPair of lnJas. btorey $i. States bisecopinion t-hat Mn. Bz*cwu shotîla son, Itobei-t YNernison, Thomas Paxton Wartl, anal lit wvished t-he ratopayers te un-. ac-ai e.uaaree have met wiIh mca-o liberal lracament anal Charles Roberts, Wm.. Taylor, John densenal bow tlic matter stood. 1 ai ulluI ieidMs l- ihe tsecnuhthohav bumgirn in ~ Tisdale, Jolie Warren, Luther ilarenl- Thie Mayor statoalthat il iras the in atiliitla.Ji1,h Micell$1SO;Missi- the flouse te declare bis pclicy, betone dei Chas. Pithie. tention et the Cemmittece te do pa-ociseoî, f1,' Thurmit11u .( îlnaa u 1S u$ passing a vot3 et ivant etfcau'fldence '11 his teMrn. Juice Macea n chai-gin sbtM.Mciitl elicelfr Son itisl.'(iluh aato-aGeMdla th Gan Jry satt-That bie tiâ D. lamn, 'Tisalal done for buncombe! 1 i mo ari. aiti t ,honie-nude, Matliewsun* Administr-ation.Tuathon that ie dues net ~mr samle fetbilei Tht motion passeal. laliit&Co., I)i loia.L ao oreasa Iater f etalisedi l, tof lFlan 'el hinît-tit-, Mies lira-ilt eproo f It cuauc e tt iustryluiu.'agc, than fr-om eny neeessty for do- iaITN SATi.1iltla; bla--h TlanTraîtui i'el is.; Jusepl L availasg theanatelves cf the provisions cf iasg se ina the preseu ntance.Vjth~ On motion et Ma-. Macalcaeli secondeal by Mitîlu.'il $1. Act 18 Vie. chap. 86, l tle iasôflco writh-thieLgeaitiemen aqsembleti as G Mari . a- hodgsou tîis inuIt-enr as placedeai t-bh e h) & u., Dariil fcora; d. Niatew as., eut ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rn gigbctetccotitcsfr cJuosttis sszbuagîi<-papen as the first orden cf t-litday forthie Slif & u., )llii; ot C r.J otgi-a Mn. Biren-n nalhlcilun u cag ues pes wthissit n u blie etigteis- ~next ameetinsg (4t1îOctober), then t-teuc t'yadsWomlenCa-ýet lla$1-a.hDil 0 elcltion, a r rw n i olaus1pns t t o eblee b nfiially desposeal cf, anal t-hoClurk iras iin- n; lIn...Stii; trere cotupelleît u (do. On tho elaig- -cvery respect, te be highly capable of structeal te notify aIl cf thteaiembt-rs cf it) yaris lia; Carpt:t, W. Iiitia Duîploma;c ltical questions cf t-ho day. MnI. Allen penfbnaing the dut-les. laying nretea-- t-be Coundil t-o bcenn luatenasce. a-WolnlînkaueiaMthiD- gives hi.s opinions very explicitly, andl, iv re t t thie power- formenly possesseti Tht Council thon nrjourned. plîmia. e. l S;*0 Miss hi, nill. 1. thnkeeiseee-iy.Whih ep bisbu Shenifs cf saummoning persomas as -- _ Coverl. Niar-. ti. Dilpita:; Ur,. dainesd fitn- conviction thel lite continuation cf Grand Jurs, and tdh e change ini Coaty Fair 155"8. aNhre pair> Woole ock,, C. W'ilscma Diplo- tht Iaw, a,4 il stood et prose b fh 1 i; - iie Totio the nion betireen Uppon aand Loerr ey %vere aecteal by - balot;His Thlacsact-lannuel Exhmiiion oet-e Agna C-be u-lwokMra. '- soBrtt, $1 .50, Miss Cana a je desirablo-ana t-bat it cen oraly Houer referredt thte important part culture societyof South Ontario %vas bld in Mlu y Bittei,. i Mssla-Sctt*15 4 - rili M01, MssolSot,,i5 b. ce tintied by acccrding te tht peoppltcf whlc.h Jitioa-a grand andi petit, bad Whit-by, on Wuthnesd;îy lest. The weatber lin'. Mary Lîac,,$1. both neavinces equel poiticalniglatessald te dischiaige i the admiainistration eof wase xceeding-IYfine. Tise tosvn wusa il.th-lita Wol, Miess JaaiForuits$150,h pnivilegs;-ho alat-es thal that perfect justice, andi how much the pure anid crowirda it-I peuple during tae d'ay, anal a Nîaauentnl'eeimvua-k, lias Jae F iorbes eqnaity- dots net t escrit exist, anal thatJ prelter admnistration cf the law de- lange anieunt- ut businsmo u ncst haae beon $ > ui .a er-t 1 Seitn imiet c 1aaiding, Misa Charlotte Rowe, ho la preparedte - use all constitutloîal penaud on theasa. He nîso eferrudte 10trns.-cîed in t-hic stores. Thie tain shned eal 1I W, du $1. means te obtain for Uppea- Canada laer jus thie riglît giv'en. by t-be Legisîntitre te ir a liracat t--cry cîass an imrprovomeait upon . 'tcîimidllof Quîltine,, MissA Ilaqiaelitsici- Bitantetfreprescîtaninluthe unit-tiIPar- parties tïto a.in a new trial lenuflifi- the exhibition cf prcviuus-yea-s. Thueeni- SecMa-a.t Jîitta Mn -kû * 1 0 liamont. Oat tht quaestion cf a Fedeaal al, as w-cIl as civil cases. 11,e iext tries irahermes and al tle wer ervy, nuien- du 41. Unonetth Povncs a- Ale oîîosesrefera-ca te thae SlaenifW' caleadar, Waxt Fa-tit, Miss Maray Stricllnd, $1 5o, Me-V Uino tihgessovnesMr ltexprtesses hdshoeibu ecrmnl aeeua,-and tise qnality of t-he stock shovr i lin îîd Donl.ndt $1. whih dsclse bu fie cimnalcassWax T!uwea-, %LttaStriclaaid $1 .50, lrs. G. to wlla ns, or-îh~11bidingul]cac tegry eeua-onpoartcenyîguit iveli conapelo ivithu Lha1t fany other yr. Suait-la,$1. ,plan having frisobjecî atihereetisasaui. 1edwet ueaCcunty in Canada. Thora îrere altogethoa- ParrtrFlower, Mis$:liasy Atleat Sricklanal, cf a great British Northb Ainca-icen comfeal- 'h eaesîsc îa-ne ot' aracas'15 entraies ln herses, araongst theasa somne 81 5 , M S ,ive . ~racy, rhieh shoulti ultinsately ombrace anal explarauti te t-buGrand Jury irbat- splendid s1,ocimeis ut t-he noble animael. Ilu cyleniqiNr, Mm. RFei-bsa, 15. I Flu aneyLensOsrWa-, Mas. Rsi, $1 50. net- esly thie irole ut the present Ba-itisb caistit-utea tIse crimîe of forgery, antinat-ho there ivere 50 entnies. Tht toua- in- Fe C Ftda INa-avM-. capa, 15 Provinacies, but t-le oea-a-boa-y utthtelual- tlhc cuber înistleieataeroflanceuy andi pontetibulîs shewva by Messr-s. John Doir, diiîPainting, îE. hiara--l, 81 50, do $1. ton Comapaniy: "Anal ut-ha-espct te thse :-aeîl That t-le assaîtîts vich titi Thaoîapsen, anal Barnet mighî 1ivell takle Watoa- Coior numtng, Thos.Declil, $1 50, Scioolqtes*ion M. Alanbeiei c'ît-bat q mielappear 1t e hocf' auy serions euea-.prendarmas ahorig ide eiîy toua-similiar ttni - (MI.C.lairard, $1. edu atin r lig- Iactlet, l y o er n c nse uen e o th irl'n-il D raimmg, Mià ssC. l uisard, $1 50, do .ticatons uil b u tndeal cilce Sa og.iate' u ---r i osqec fermals lu any part of the countury. Thoetire 84. oua besis-anal is convinctt-at itlihs peau,- not be-iuoe stifficient lime te ta-y tiena fat haifas shownraby John Dom, -"Blanche C-?eiDramriima,IL.-. uiMay MeDermott, si b50 at he Qarerth'Jdg -, - ll i>eai ieuah, . Sel $ 0 hie to establish such e systuin si'îtout do-. tt . . 1ae esirsttJug ad Je.,sy 'tiie"were genttly admirtal, O0a1uuta Ieu-hlan, %V. td$1w ing violence te t-laureligions opinionscf ar.y having se nîy other duties t-o at- irkiettrteth APl, 1Ms . owl *15,MbI. secton f thiecoamuailytend te lis bouton conelnded bt'Ill--'Blanchie particulanly, bciî sso ' -t~-P ib iC. Hwd is ia 1 that 'icb ormaigtiseGrad Jry inhMr.colebrateal 'Suovball."' sola by Mn. Dow -coileoi-masor Dagueorrouypes, Jai. ,A. CLark,t natioal siâteu %véla lniteall casse andformng th Grad Juy flit Mr Mr.D1% e0,ibA- 8 A.0,A..À%. Grcit,$$1. natonl ysema roldtarit al lase aalHector Camrnu, who attcnded on bit Chiristmias for $200.-. erelabt clecetif Stairl f-Btadat1 walwJ. de awsay iiiîhi Ibose diatincti"-sawlicbbehntll\-4t Uirc %Cvw il, w u1- 5L bsy ~ ~~ L-11t -i.a., ..a- 'à *1 tetr h siito eîaigisa .>nimosity. te't-ire tht-neves-y assisit-iaceei hie i btifer a t t-le Provincial Pair. Tht Mil- lde'lats las or 2 Ma. Allsî's czpositioaa.of lis sentiments poiwer te aid t-heinlutIse disebarge o c loa'cf lickering's stock aIse excitc a . (eiiltklssi'i at, Miss Jane Guadon$2; Ms- on L oloadhisg peltieul tquestions, inuit, lieir duties. i tcd dueal ef attention, anti as usuel canrical Mary Loue si 5o; Mras. R. -Fuller- $1.t on t-Cio Ladies UBonuet, Mas. Ruche $2; do $1 50; dot think 'nîet- uth the-ht tnty appa-oval cf t-be Granidit-l vs. flV7ittaker.-Va-die.t offi'paizes. There ire net ovca--mneny $1. electers cf Tuark eectonial Division -Ihey ton plaintiff for £ 109 4s. W'. H. Tre-. Fatmiran apoet ttgreaa, l>k-ce Woa-l, Ma-s. L. Blondi $2; do si. aretheb opinions of nilisteei-tmentieths of masyne, for plaintif; N. G. Hanm, for dbtsc asrr hoa~ieo eygol t , uaey Nettîig, Miss Jais. Forbis $1 50; Mis dutufèndant.sow wrevey Storieklata't81.. .1 [Fer thse cIa±eiicho.] Theîaghts for lieMillion., avili das-o t-o t-hec t-he t-sInlge tbiattheu.labertt to know.2' Look arounti yen, anti behelt inluaIl trithin tht gs-esp et your compruhensien- a -perfect systens et caust anti cflect; f§t ters chance anti phenomena wil tnike yen as expressive et somet-hing net yet mate cloan but uhicli ioulal prove strietly in accortianoe uth universel entier. This tomivictiongoverna the ignorant as uchl as tht iris4. T bus tht hushantiman commits his-grain te tht cantb mechaaiicaly, but ulîli confidence, knowing. experiacentaît>' that nattunt mill in a mystorioas manaier perfect irIai hebelas givon with, trust-ho ta qutiras ne funther, kuowing that ira spite of tht labsfs cfence the gaies cf mcmi- letige art stilI closeal, that the secrets cf nattant trou in the- cenpass cf a nut a7lell are toc vat for tht grasp et craticx's boasteti lord.' Others sua-vo>' adore or donbi-beiding under tht w-eight cf igno- rance perhaps inu hocldiug tho beantif nI werkaaship sublime in its simplicit>' sud ca-don, ho me>' he led te acinoulelgo the existence cf a Snpremo Powrruoso iris dom ir-ects b>' cearing laus thec deep myctenies thet saur-coud lim slu> a convie- tien beppier than thuat of t-ho gc-rt bus. hanciman revealng te bis nnertnting ina>' unit>' anal catuai'pervade, nocoueiling inconasistcncies and protiucing that ber- monlons irbole, uhich an eaihoascnibeti cil>' te proeien'ce. a To the Ethitor cf t-be Wbitby Clia-onicle. DitAn Sue: muet., 1 obseari-al thtea-oply cf %Ir. Ewers te a lutte- w'lich 1 ir-tô sonie lime Cge,ai uhics Mr. Ewcrs acens to, <lh nchj upon t-ho subjeet of m> ignorance aboutj Municipal mat-tors.t Now, Sir, lie denies t-bal beno iras a a-e- solution pessoal in tht Township Coni j Cga-coing te psy hum fer hais lise aedtroj ble, in getting e Special Sessio ofth CeunI>' Conîneil. But, Sir, il is ta-tc that, 1 te net spenti aIl my timoe t the Village et Manchester mica-e t-le pubîlic adocumients ofet T ownuvship are kepî, 1 mmill give hlm ai> authonit>' fon the st2atunt- Mn. Paxton sttea tht fact ptsblicly at t-hie meeting aI Eiascm, siald A. B. Waaad aise, mside t-be sanie statement ho mysoît anal to evmral et-lera. Thais wmli not ho den' dl.Mm* Emvr a-slthough hi spokie fiar hIanbaur et the lmeeting et Epsonm, dlii net don>' thal sttetnsent. Anda, Sir-, Messrs. Warad lPxtou beiug boîh Cotmacillors, in îrlomrat-htpeople oet Punch have as mnîcb confidence as the>' bvav etast resasoîs le haro bu Ma-. Ewea-s, I heal neheaulteticîsin making t-bat st-atcment in ma> lutter. If t-ho gentlemean harteomadttaIse at-atemonts about their tulloi ceuracilman, il la tht>' alone uho arc respensibie. Autother item wbich Mn. Emvcrs durcIs mujeh upen, le that "4e irce elecetîd in pr-- ference te ame". I do maot Jeu>, but, t-bat, 1 v'as defeatta t tht hast ciection, uI, Sir, I de Ihîrai t-belMr. E%-crs slacuhldhave beera.tlie ast man in tise whohe Ceont>' of Onttarie te mention thet subjeet, as ho must hbcirelI sequainteal; living as hoc dots et Manchester with a cea-taina gentleman, who et the Iast geaucral electicai set hiîaasulf up ton panlîsmentany hucuirs, and wias suc- cosfl in plliug six votes lu t-be mrboie North titing et t-beCoraut>' etOnt-arie ! Anot-ber item reterual te in Mn. Ewîrs' letton, is Itai îam"-iislnuîing the- Rute- payens," but lie ver>' inagenionus fongets lia st-el i bat way 1 arn taO doirag. Sir, I nul tell hlm t-bat lie is tbe oman irbu tua s050 yee15 past hiesslacen isieaaiug thtan anal rauiuig t-le ca-y t-bat lilth ist iideofe t-be 'Ioirnshaip, iras ii truatiug ltho West, anoI-that, lae (Mn. En-ta-s) iras t-heoorl>' t-he Tcunship; antib>' thet cry ho bas heou succeciful lu misleeding men>' against their ciu interests te support hlm. Noir, thon the question lai, nho is maisleading the public, myseit or Ma-. Ewcrs ? Ho la t-li an-can represontatire, cf the*interests cf tise -uhwe Township, anal yet connes fenuia-ti siald uses bis irbolo influence to rnnasrondu trom Epsom te Manchesterca, analLta-oui>' alestro>' t-hoB-rock Roed-a rosaiubichis l not second le iimportance te an>' in tIhe Cont>'; anal net ouI>' se, but Mn. Ewers hiruselt Ct a peons session cf tht Ceuin- i>' Council =oe for an appropriatieoi t-o improve tht ver>'* roati ho nom uishes te, test-o>'. Anti fer uhat reason 1 slstisaI gentîemeai? Was itefr the pumapose cf irastia tht mont>', or mas iltua-r tht pur- pose of~ obtaining the votes et the rate- paye-s ou tIsaIliait f roati? 11hse es- questions n-hich I il expeot the irth>'gentleman te enswer. Yonrs Saen>' Trul>', J. B. CAMPBELL Reach, Sept. 18, 1858. Te t-be Editar oethtie WhitbY Chroasiece DEic isil:-! eam sorny'to interna you of tht bal neus that tht Orange Hll bo- longing te Loyal Orange Lotige No. 764, of ibis p lace, irastetal>'tiestroyeti b>'-tire on- Wtdnada>', thse 151h imst., et tieheur ef il P. M. Loas, $1000; mnsuce ex- pireti a fou ireka previeus. I'Vaiae mnowr destitute of a ýroem te meet lu,, an t ibe la.- $600 siar duie on tseý purchase of said Ha ll thes-efore ue are cospeller te- appeal to ise liboralit> of tise breihartri anti ro- testant friends tliroughout Osuada. - n>' person- wiahlng te maie an>' contribution tan do se b>' remiîttlng tieseamc by mail,ý wlich wilh bu thanlfully recelveti b> thse untiersignd at IlNeastle Post office, Dus-- hsan ceunI>', C. W. JOHN JIODGE, D. K . . O. '(674. ., Agrîculttiffl periodictl5îCCnI3 f JR ILN TC S the Fri- ""yé&i'trate.of Soda-itSHR.eryTUMBL7S yod tOii tiFrmatiOn cf Soilis,and th Ve«gble Ccinpoufld Catn!W.-Ba didconitins pon vhich their FertiitY d-12 U.LT' iliedidcondtios - intgieulurc" Veotale otiip*uoe»Cure-s Wesk Bides, 8) Ilpeds; '5se cf Lim Dn gicltr ; VgTsl MBLTEIS "Thtphlolopeands;emitry of Milk, ecebjý>Mpound ti cer bore Cbeitis The hisI09 andCýhmIsDiR. Tt3BLtTY'S Buter atiClcco " The Turnili FIYtp paly;~Cempouifld Coures Palpitationsi t-.8. OntheRoatoî utCrps" Iluprove* DRt. 1UMBLETY*S )L 8 onthe RottiOi OfVegetabi Ccîpcoud 0cures Chili Paver.- eterment cf WaMÇL"l ý .1.11 0 DR. TUMBLrrY'S traIe, AS a flrticiiltflrist, we nlay ntion tht "e tae napeunt i iueS ChIea My. following nu1U(ber-s of te neW edti n of ?orsiiie a à t i$1(M ver i Ln' teEmt e, and "hme' î frtePcgple," Toronto'3r, e 0 ent aal19le18Ut;t.1 * nd Ias iformnationi urnturMa the58 215 23 edîte4and a ilu reat -ibrt- WýWritteUtby ---- re 2d3 ia 'Vgtbe byilY;"S5 To FAnîvc a." oMOmsizas.' ouko JO ,w te zieB tay;" "Tht iele ladn" aaOTSIitlor your cili!rei tlaat vuu hu.ld temaie Btan Tig Kithon tardn;" rcep goda health. ilow freequently do wrese 1ow 312s ai Th -The t Gardu*" 'Gar.. t>"ble wadresseal 'eanourieg onu socint er Th Fruit i Gatd cf thethaf thecirl)elovedeohildree. Wbaî a er40don." rtrtotePiy t.is, e. yPr rcmreandl rouaiir, 1'ste _As au Arborieultiirl$t ô efr o heWhu ltt&1 honbereattoroal to thae relà îan sd icrican r.uifiber cf the saine periedical, stylet ire " rinâ t ie hildi' Lture tie est-cru " yhtafhcf teUic e wdyou ubi>ate thenecceâ- C2sCd ArboricultXr âî ?t>yof paragorie, Uodfreyls Cordkdalnsd ether 62 d Dr. Lewrsen ià aIse a'higly gftOl anarnoas nrcotics for oryu>gcidii. t ca rls 34s pop larlecturer. Il I bayo attendeti ome tret ye, as we deire lu inprove the coudition Is 34s popula i arrace te procure Dr. Morsce» A.uinwsc sud cf lais public lectures delivered in E din- react 1mw âisesteard cured in sorln With ý.21 brg,"writcs Mcr. ÂRose, Lecturer on Miin- natnrc'a4 Iswt§witiiinuctRooda and Plantq. hurgh," Pazei<GT. -Dflri>r titiscritical pc.rloa ihiver- oralogy, Ilandi can beai' testimony to tbe î31V. ceIde ut Pills wil! bc requsred, be- ist., ar- eccurae.y cf bis descr'iptions' tht cleai'ntS u e tlaey eeais te ic dy frein tiios,- anorbial havn- ý-pce f, hi i ang litiors. andl tiorouglîly drivee u aiyitas avganal siniplo laanec li egage, and and give ee anc. cwft», * uoder. Hu by th' is plain anal eiictiv.- delivry, by which one îc flire of thbuso 1>111, taken two or tua-ce heitrssanal carrnes is bearers long tiet a week dluri prgaancy, will enu.'c tie n, fr h iteesS otiaur a sai atioa -delbery, andl will be the 7th with hlm>" sure to give a stout- and bealthy constitution te the obilal.t To mental gîfts anal acquýiromentS Da-> Dr. moffl ,s ýlaS ùIl Piut uare sola by ait he Atr..~, ieti Crsin~rcs Ii dealers iu Medicmnee. ami abedicotrisan gres.mlily de- A lettes- ta-m lHong Kong states t-haI t-le Chinese inderunit>'te fEnglaual te bc 2,200,000, sud France 1,209,00, anothea lutter places it at 2 millions sterling. Tht Niagara arriveti ai Liverpool 41h, Une-t la-items 71h. 'iat Nortîîern Light trous Southamipton for Nutti'Yonres aà t-eleneusaint day as Northb haitou. Politis'iuniiportia-tt. - Archl, Monîgoosci> & Cia., Australien mecaitas Lont-ois usîîonteu for about G olt iras fleming lut-elte Bank cf En- The Deil> ' eta*s ays, tonds Nire strengtlaed on Tueida>' b>'t-lacextaon- tinaril>' napit risc ira Paris Bourse, couple Flouar ma-icIiras vuit; wboat du11, buyens alcmantiing redractiora. Fr-ench mmc andl brandy mariots lied a tineeping toraden ie>' n A u t a s o Detgils cf nalcentfa-siAuts or iliat 121 lieuses anti Il quays covoredti il timînea as iroil as a groat nunaber of boats ivere destroyeti. - Religions contoats coutinedti t preveil ln tht Est. At Aleppo a perfect panie pre- vai'od, At Mtine there iras s simihar peuic wbchmas cul>'dispelleti b>'tht arrivai cf a man oet irn ithe pont !nalien tforime Yen Division of the Logis latire Conneil, la announced le taie place ai York-ville, on tht 27th ïnat., et 1 o'cîock iri tht aterracon. Polling wIll commence on thteSt-h prozimio. ie EreDirisiens, the nomnaation taies place on the-Pih Octoeos, andthéb polling on tIse 18th à ud lbtls. Tbnpmi nation iiGataraqul takes place on Meontis>, Octoher 4tlî. lt-la Repos-ted tisaI -Mn. Drammouti bas, Zenn te Lothiniere as as a cantildate for i tiaI. patially diafranchiseti çonistitneney. medkal »eýpà nment or theqseuQsco' Clêllege.-- - A notice of tise come necttnist 'ofise fifissession of-thtemédilcal dtpartment 6f Quee's Coflege apPears in cur advtrtisins colunins' this- wekI. WCe8à à ourselves of an vrticle in -thse Kingston DaIis Xenas fer a more exttndtd notice of thse Ituatitu- tien.I A notice cf tht commencement of thse flfth session oftihe Medicai Dtpsrtitenu t' the Queeiws«Oollege app0hrs in eus- stvaer- vertising colus-o f te-daY.' We have ois Cueecn MARKET, Wedaday Sept.22, 1858. EAu. Waur, U dit 0 Ose >d per bebel. BPRaINeWn&4s"6d'o sOd per bushel. Faces 22S 6M @ 25â 6d p«r bairel. B2e@2e6 dper bhel. Oà s Is 6d @i1 s8d ptr bashel 'BEE 5 e6 per cwt. PueaTrs S2s 6d4 @ 3aperbueliel.. Berna 6d @ 7Sd per b. EGOes5d per dez. Woc 1 < (l dper lb. Qutla, ;Sept. The steamshlp North . Briton arni citron o'clock this mcrnieg, 'bri1gil cebin anti 98 à Strage pu senger5. SI net sec the Sakon, Hlarlequin, offK rasha. LIVRPOOL MARKETS. LîrticrooL, Sepl flreadstuffs unsottled. The w, causes miacla firmessiluthe whcat and fresh parcels art fully as doar. Fleur in gooti condition very scarc tending upwards. Westeorni anal 22 I;Philaeophia anal Baltiaucar to,25s. White Wheat 3a i0d to' rel 5Is 6d te 69 6d per 70 lbs. Corný-White 83s te 84s Gal; YeUl Gd te 939e; Mixcia- 42s Gtitte3s Pl "k with imprcving demanti for ycll( Provisions-Beef-Prinle Mess, 1 105s ; Ordidery 85s te f92 (d. Amr Pork-Thc iitocks are snal; Wt Mess 75s te 77s Od. Lard 6ia te1 per 112 luis. Ashes-Pots 32s GId te :8s; Pear te 34s Cd. Iioth gorts dulI ut sala. QUZuEC, Sept. The steamshlp YNorth Briton, frein pool cii Wudncsday, thethOe Sîla ini rivedal t ibis port Ibis mcreing,1 been detaieicd below over niglat IL Storma. Tht serey steamer Great Britain New York-, arrived ti eLiverpool on t instant. The cessation ofsignals through t lantie cable was aianeunccd ini Lent the 6th iat., but rne particalars liha mrviiile-t the public. It iras believec çvii', Iroiu wfat 1aluaied eout, thi difficulty ires near the shore. Th, woerking cf the cable hati causeal a ( in the shares a îîninal qotatiotl 400 te 500 pounls on e pal' value oi pounid. lIa addition te the ahove ire areV ted te state that the New York hoi Directors cf thse Atlantic Colaipal)y to-day rec(,ired a iluîaateli freint-he inteandant jin 'ewtoundlatad, irbe that thelauuctricians have beeon unel coîaîmtauicate with the VahintiaË since the It September, bott the vît 1maniactations are such tlat ne dot ists hero tîtat the dilficulties arce t c near an end. A grand banquet in honî,r cf the tic Cable wns given aI Kilkenny ont ut september. Claurles T1. Brighat, tht engineeri Telegraph C'omplany, had been Kai 1hy the Lord Lieutenant of Irelanti. Qiacen Victoria Isal opetical the Hall et Leeds. Tht procudîhige tentlcd with ,reat ccitt. iTht adcannity frein China te Freni Eîsghand, for tht expenses cf tht m believeal te bt considerably greatea ires reported ra-a Russie. Thteireather heal buttasfavorable1 eropa, but tht mearket for bredstul generaîly steacly. The London Money Market iras s easied-. Thle adrices frorn Manchesten are1 blc. Envoloees, ,~A T'n1r~ portment," writes Mr. Syme, Lecturer on Botai13 ut Cliaririg Cross ,ad Westminster llospitals, London, Ilarc sure te givebim a personal influence ovr r is students."- And Dr. MeLetchie, Minister cf High Church, Edinburgh, writing frein Edin- butgh in January last, thus says: " From hlis talents, bis alcquirementi bis carnestness tof purposo, bis vigor cf perse- verance, and bis big conscientiousness, 1 arn persuadeid he will cern a reputation for zu anîd efilciency in any âtituation te which hoe may bc appointed." We congratulnte the. country generally, and Queen's College in particular, on the acquisition cf the talents, the attainmenits, and the enorgies of such a man. Desotructiie lire jin Newcastle.-Los over $8,000. [FrouitcYwcatl Iecorder, Extra.] On %Vcdnesday uight, shortly after cleven, a tIre broke out on North-strect, Newcastrc, wlîich destroyeti property that cannot bu estituatoal at mnuch less than eight or nine thousand dollars. It was first discovored inj Mr' Charles Allin's cainet buildings, which were soon corn- -plecly envelopeti in flanies. The' fie sprcad norîli, threugh out-buildings, te Mr. Thomnas AIlin's dwelling, which wvas aiso soon ln ablaze. To the south, ac;osa the strect, stocal a dwclling-house, owned' by Mrs. Melntosh, and occupied by R. Fairbairn, Esq. It seon becaine' evident that tbis building cculd net bc'saved, the -furniture waCs therefore hastily reîneved, and only in time te savo it from e struction. Thetlire spreading wvest frein the cabinet buildings cauight in the Orange Hall, which was aIse burnt. It was oenly by the utinost exertions cf the citizens, that ,-r. Chas. Allin's dwellng-, te the west f the hall, could bc saveal frein the fate cf the others, it having been oni ire several times, and the furiture aIl remioved.- We regret to adal that -thtre was ne insurance Fairbairu saved -the mest cf bis furniture, but we fear, that--ii the haste, mclo f it was inj ureal. Mr. Thomas Afin lest -the mâst valuable cf bis bedding, clotbing, &c. In the cabinet-shops, lathes, teuls, luinher, ini fasot everythiug, was lest. Seme vcry valuable furniture %vas in course cf corepletien for the. Exhibition, whicla, we- believe, for workmanship-could net b. ex- celled iu the I]Prvince. Il la net as yet knowo hew the fir-e erginatèd. Rogers" Pooket and Pen Kuivos; Ob.essmnen from -a one dollar a set; Isussue te dieuse.Wel1sat- aintf. N.for oth ~cîta~ ~ Pau 9Dea-r, MI Pà M. Ier'a-$1 50 do $1. mtot feel caloti upentoAisus e a plaKis-e drhoffer, f -rpaintiff; Ipraised o atceaeinh gsti. înalewSa4l, 'sjoa-î aper $1 50; do 81. isfied wronld ire it with au>' systena of Wilson & B4fine for defendasit. tiegret creditable to the mechanical genlus Wiiudow BlInda,à îjrHeps- 1»t d 1 education that ireulti give satisfaction te ifamer va8. Daky.-Verdiet fer et thetiraclasen cf Wlsituiy. "thureMcJm& J daaQuec8 aIl parties andi do away uilli religions ami- plaintiffby consent. W.lLTremii't itnea e tt er-h hilii e tIon pro"a>itn,1gis selo~ nmky-bnut sn mcb fear that tht mitro- for plaintiff; Wilson and Bilhings for 71r1re h le f n , et aed; dot a .uction cf religions teaching, li tht seheela defendant. aepoue h sto rzs rvns Wasiii5gMaoaie, Mjreraper 76 4a apoaeiThis coacludeti th irs ea ys -pro- otanônticitsg maà n>'articles -as'ire sheulti a pair VWoen Mitte, LBa-qV11 ilo ppi ted laipas-i secular instruction, c 's )n uiea een h usl tla "" oi eku as. A. Wllsois5.Dpima lnsta.d f alayig, aboti ray, oartc -kely to b. conclutietion Thurs- sabeR b. ablo toi extenti 'thieunthat notice BeiJasBasipm; tisa itucuti end e prpouat ~ ay. We shall publish thse reauainder tbsey dteserre. - 5 505i5l~»PO5id anmoit M. lln' -of the proceedingi tu oui' uext. - - ' REMIUMS: l£ATZT n . osu. 12 Table'.Bplua, iý Lmsr,,iar 7sO4,fd- W.e eM.Alnaindependeace ie TowanCoueaciL, Stallion forBSaddle or Cas-dage, J. Pies-1son, 'rW. uim 4pls, wl. er5 lia Broýps-. -8i z-fuslng te give an ezefeaive support to Mnd>'-i>ploma, R. Ramadae, £1, T hone. Down -2g blh arAser, Jaeloqm 1e 84 MaremwitbFodat IfootTise. love, Diplomal 12B.tkAl - oiery7aîd; an>' cf tise presont political parties. At ESiu4%SetuO,188. iS. LAP¶5fq>fl) bothi aides there la mueh more preteauion Tht Couacil utet aI 17 efoclc Ris Wor- D~a 1Hum»a& 150. IHre 'Sihâd than prireple-the diesign of pas-t>'being pete MayonHa,.tMurschair Ieitei4 TrCh".o', OelJaes il, i m o4a. appanently witb thens, more a means ef Mapherson, Trumayae, Wateisn and UIIt>4.. 12sP.&cney, eserJosephIfUa0; ae proruoting pensenal' atiantage Lhuimei- son. Otyti I ot hs aaiaa12 Ca-alis AJpîe Ma-s. B.PailIer ft; James Samesoftpublic polie>'. Thse man 'iro PuiTioNs. - - P. 106.Dlona .rt2s Z-cmOeks;as:. One yeer ohd F h~nc. Lawoo12n, DiplemaCok fs;Mr%-I Yul. lotus bindl i>'ulhibis party, uhether Of-Wiain Blair andi othurs pi-a ing for Geo. Jggibdtto10$ - DUp 5 M-e $&in5s-Wid. rigIsI- or urong,- muet do se sometimus h otiieueAg 2ù4 P "ù o158,e!5hýe.LÃove, clplems, &1r. p - i i-.8i b;W agaizstthie boasintetrests of bis-country' doîseIL çnpai»~ir ôor aied res-su, ltaymes--, Pl Cliu0eooek 5a ;J 8 IL;Wil- aa4dto the violence of hie o owns"inc. a 18 1 los', S1irauitBroneiM Di -om' c- z sU ad. DIV1310Nor W£»SIIUBKBM Single iHorne, John Dow, Diplonas, Ntbant-il Muk RltMa geMGlim b-d s Thee mat uhe gires an intiepoadeuitvote The order et thse day for the discussion Blew, 10e., W. rdly4». tBasisoohb saa :sTo, ISaii ris,2s 6 oonuoienutously' caittlateti te suvante tise et se rsolaien n tuj A T .W4Iaen4 heîadCa- abb 1n9«"ie thtie country', is infnitçly prefRR- beun called, Mr. Trueayne 4, h" 2twa "bi5gpS, w »rloaitu able to n anu-e eParty mm.is. ah Ivuefro thétse ukewaiiirm hkhs imoW hce Ferdon .l8s Dais. O'Conneor,">'o'. boliers, la tue position elsimeti b>' rÀ- d eionts be<t8aIth~e disoustoaa j (les, V.MWr,3i$e nos - on lan. With Mi, Alla idsapproi'al of the sd otrd.tOn a e rbtwoldb a M 'W. r, eou. 1 s ' - eeuitable division h. would: sk leariztu a _' Surewpuraneti b>'thse Minants-y, la avail- wltisdrsv tiseruselutelL Lu ingthaemaelves of tise provision of tie'Âct and r ra es-4?w l, 4 ipont. -- l8 Vie, Qbap. 86, t. are constraned to e t -À Â "MsB55WT. gr.,. fWimtever ma> b. tise legal con- Tise fou rthrp f theesndigCoin- 4:55 a Mmttloù pttupon ttes tatute, (and W unitte. 'cýiedite> ~~~ pay gçta-eftkwÃŽ, 2w a- ~ sSaI$ ~ ~ ~ umeou4W5 r »m1 s - u Ifl . '- et tihe oe non- lecline a- frein f 1,000 prmnit- norary y ave Sutper- States tbla te station cetnical abt cx- r vory Atlan- tac -th of the ii-hted Town re nI- ice anal mer, is rthen for the fs was ightly farera- Cojpy ]Booksy,- à t 2d each; Blank Deeda and Memoriais - of ail sorts; Cardse Ink Stands; - NEW À>ETSMWS Credit Sale of Yarm Stock HEousehold Furnituiret &C_ qit Susoibe wil di yPublie Aneticru Awithc'uotr,eervZýe n y*lo o28, tla BI cnes,:In utPickerig, On TuesdaY, the 5th day October next, the following property belcnging W M. Cu1R N îz.-1 qpiceof eam llcdrgeà r 6 year old; l Mure 7 y ara cold, lu foal by the. iniportedhome" Bay N 1 a 31=e; 8iMa e ar ol nfoal bi- de-, 61111db Covrà lu catit;2two- yuar old Steer ; 2 one year oId Stee½u; 2 one- year old 1leiferà ; 2 Spring Calves; 124).heep;- 16i hogw; 1 Wagon; lpair of Bcb Steighs; 1 Bug.y1i (utter; I set double-fHarneà s; 1 set sîngek; 1 Ire» l'lbugh -ipair llarrows il -Trurnip bdr]]; 1iScuMller; ý Cutiing Box'2 Sa- uiug MNils; 1 i BdînÃgaddlý i (ncrud lStoe; 20 Ilos; tý crsoSri; a quanity of Gai- lag Kitehan 'ffbh,-a'Z, Chi,,Eden,&. M. nt yof rlir articles toc numtWo* to mntioni. -SAtle ammencs e " o'claek, -ma. . UtEIIMS :-AII ttiri.-inuder $10, cash; ove? that swg i! incuti eredit wifl be gixe» by turnieing approved joint notes, without inter- est, if paid whein mine, if oct intere-st fruna dati JAMES GOUI, .&ectioueer. 1. Pickering, Sept. 22, l8ý5.- U QUEEN'S COLLEGE.- MEDICÂL T I L E F if h i S o s to n o f t h Oe M e di c a lD e p e t n n cf thtg Univcrsityof Qreeneo llego will commence on tt Firet w4kinuutay or QV EMBEII next, andt trmiate thi5 end <of tefui- lewing April. For jourt-chl.rà regarding the. course of 6tudy, Fes,&c., refureuce la macle.ý te the I"Anal Anunoaent," là .opy et- whloh may be had u apKIuI-tli ntue 36 Seeretary-to the -Medicut al tyt -NEW 8STATIONARY -AND -MU$IC >STORE near the poat Office. GEORGE YULE, Jr., bep to -inform b ie cu*tomers andl the pui hat. as re-ï ceived aatcot Stock cf Writing, Foolocap, ad Note Papems