Whitby Chronicle, 22 Jul 1858, p. 4

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-_____ESS I rg vu eiiurtti iNEW ,'ORK WEEKLY PRESS) àA AIMWt5LLIY iI IUS T R ATED VAMILV NEWSPAPER. rT'ÇJI EW YORK WEEKLY PRESS lA ono J. othelampes ud bestiter, arns f tlie er lxtoermîîn ftertl îlng met- Iss aai LIGANLYILLUSTRATED overy A 50C. orie>emSt', e$1000 00 toill ## sent tomM gi sdm.rilrer on receipi of TERMS: Oecopy fron yr,and 1grft.... 8 2 00 iwocopies osmeer, anti3i ifts ...... 0 00veopesne year, And 5logstâ...800 'nopis ue vear, anud 10 girta ....... 5o ?vny.ouae opies one yeer, anti 21 gifts, 10 00 Canlada Sttbseribere muai senti 26 cents euch lu addition t ta above rates, te paýy the A mer- lu* postage, vhicht muet be pre-paici. l'h. articles tri bu distribattetiare cotnprised a the following liai- 1 Unitedl Stâtes Treaury Note $1000 00 2 do du do 5NO00Oeacls &S do do do Mt4000eacls 10 do du do 100O0Oescis le PatentIsilvr iunting oed Watchos ............... 100 00 oeeh 10 Galdî Watehesa...à.......... V5 00<eeh 50 do .......... J6 0 eacii 100 do ......... 5 0 ach M00 I*dhIsgold *atchss..... 55 00> each M BUIrer mtingsroued vatches, 8000 ecch 600Shirer Watcties,,...$10 00 te 20 00 oais 100( Ued uarti vernianu feoba!ns,4......... 1000 to,000 each lm 0 ol i pans anti peneila. 5 40 W 15 00 eâcli "doim okta Braclets, Broocho, Par Dropa, Breat pins, Cul! pins, Sieuce Battons, Rings, SligêStiada, W"*ois Ravi old' sud Silver ~i~ih>'uIlt avafet i'other articles vortis ftoas 80 et$. te131I00 eaob. Oirolto Iesub.%cnptiopmt t e snb soeibr's nme a-Ii b. eitvroti upeou r books oppoite a nursaber,, andi Che glftcocrresponding th rthac usbet'wviii oruredti ithin one wokto'blusl Sp ,"ma or arpreas, poil petit. 'Vh4e fa neltier humbug or hottery about tht abovo &Asevery aubsrîben la sure of à urlse cfrQle. We preferW malte ttsliberai aW&riutiousnong Ibensinsteeti of givinga Iaecoulsiion to-agellts,iving t tise suis- scébertis amoun tht wu Ldgote the agent Ai omasalns sonîti bo adtressed tW DANIEL ADEFI, PUxmLrsuîai, 18 211 Qentre Street, N'w Yrk. TOI SAUEOR TO LUT. 11OUSE dr LOTS FOR SALE. L (MI Nos.l and 2, Ilenry Street, for Sae.- They are Corner Lois. Thoelouse l aa gýod 176M onee, as 51r>'aian alf iigli, con- Udsîiig 1apaatUneutà,. h la in gooti repar, sud WU pploit. There lintiso esecond FR AMXE JUIL DINa 8ilugid, butiiot encloseti. The it nation imi a DigtAs one. For tanna and furtiser partieulurs, apply to ALEX. CAMERON, () o Chie! Costable. eotben 28, 1857. GEO. WALLAOE, Wltb1y. ]ROUSE and LOT P'OR SALE. )RSLÉ [N THE VILLAGE OF BROO)K. liu, a flouse andi Lot second We noue in tise âekuowu as the nsidonee cf the lâteWim. lolon. o., vitlta Wgootilehof wastar, stb, $440And WrYtood.lOuse, &e., titereon For ftiher pirtienlansaspply to JOIIN HODOSON, Whltby, C. W. 'Whltby, Apnýi1 7tIý, 1857. 12-tf. 11¶fWQlargainoas wl adoptati for ooie, .1. aboeers misa nberibem IHardware Store, lu Chldval'a nov Buiildings, Brook Strot, South end.. Mont, moderato. Appfy on stisa promaises tW J. S. DONALDSON & Co. Wbltby, Desi. 2ad, 1857. 46 Brick lieuse [o Seit« ou et. T I T oecmnôdious Brick( Iottage vitit Brick àkitahan, Stable andi Shetii ue pre- muthy Xr. Jsopis 0. Sterling, and aitutdo HW Street, Town o! Whitby. ThisI-Cottage constista of 4 Booms in the imain lvstldiu.«, andi 2 Bodrooms off aihe Kiteien.- ?ieoLi aiso etthe isaKteien tisai couit b. made Into hotinooms. An eocelent Garden o! ariôUt 3j &= of lantd, a gooti Weil, sud a Coller fun latoLUX0.anio oi JOSEPH C. STERILING, 91. f-eto Ww*iy, mare J»MSWALLACE h otb, 18a8. MTOLES 10 LET. s tal>' oepboby ni ht* obents, lun thasbot W-Wk part o! tIsaTovuof Whi[-. Prvssthea ommmrbsBehhd. Po..o .sinadlsiy. pply W W&L KOPHERSON%. WhI['by, àpU 14th, 1M5, A A OOTAGE N yEliST. .imaMIoN &ROBM~& S~U TO LEf IN- WIITBY. ~~1 ~ ~ mu b*t~hapu isasim ef NOTICEL NOTICE 0F rPàXTNEMSIPW. alc Une homy ve otioe tbu± a,,,~ùds &Luaa rohank, Genaurl Aymm &o., undor thée style of the FIrua of Albro Vindin. JOHN P. ALBLO. E. S. VINDIN. September 12, 1857. IN REFERENCE TO TH E ABOVE, W. bog to inforni our friandis sud ils publicg- nersily, tIret wc bave opoed nct nOffce herefor thse transaction of ail busincas entrusiedta us as Commission, Shipping, Forwsrding sud General Agns lsoainboer Yard for the reaeipt anti sale of Lumber fur Local or other purposes sud vo trust by prompt attention We aIl msttera piaSoo lu our haiidx, tW ment anti obtein theii confidence andi support. ALBRo & V1Nt>IN. Port Hope, Dec. 22, 1857. 49 NOTICE. ge- To Mercisauts and Farmers. _Me Je GristMi hi friandth % EN T MILL S, anti fortnerly occupieti by Mfr. F, Iloare, near Brookiin, snd from bis long anti well known experience in the basinesn iu Whitby, bope by stict atientiou sud punnstalty, to mnent a %hwre of Public itronage. Particular attention paid gW- Merchants, Farmmtrs anti others wisbinj Wa get tbeir Wbc.ît Flonreti, will bc deal ith 1 llbarally. A cai will obl lf N. NEVILLE. Whitby, Novemiser 9th, 1857. 43 NO0TI1CE. Onsiiilbte t te-F»tteofL.H. niediato paymouI tàiereoio l I111 .oedt, m~eittise Store laId>' oeeupWadb>' L. il. JOHN BOWLES5 JV. HAM, so(iiWofor Asue Oetober 20tis, 1857. i NOTICE. 40-If. I AVING purhaseet the ctir. stock of H. Denjels & Coi., with an addition of Pe A New Stock, fflI we flatter nurmelveur titwurecari ive entire &,dis- fiction te ail wl.o n tmy favor us witm a cal. iOSEPH 1-11CKINS & Co. Brooklin, November loth, 1857. lu CIRCULAR. T 1119 Subseriber, on retiring from thea Mer- cantile linsiness, begs tW return thanks to lis numnerous custinennrrfr ie nnda for the 11h- cral support givon tw 1dm vîsile in bsns. Ho bas te infortu ail parties inciebtedto i th by Book Accounts, Notes. or Mortgngeoi, Nov due anti past due, that ho hra large pay- monta W insot at euriy dates, anti that ewving te thopressure lis Money mattcrg, it la neSsary for himWte ment the sasteî andtut entéble h lm Wo do s, lie in obligedt insiat on immediate pay-. nient of is insounta due tu hinri, othervise ho will be obliguti to band 1the sanie tu, hih Attor- ney fur collection Wfthout Tuither Notice, wlèlh it la not bis trish te do, aMd difflerent froua visaI ho bas bitierto doue; but fromt the premet appearauees of paysnents, ho tmust aay, that no fer ho secs, no ther course lis left bimi tW purttue. lie trusLqtshtisU il ii"ae.the ne- aesailty of attending t tis andi savo coats. - WILLIAM LAING. Whutby, October 27, 1857. 41 NOTICE TO CJREDILTUEN. Y virtue of a Deeti of Assignmoent, beeriu I3 date Marci the 8rd ,1858,the undersiget was dnly appointeti Asaguee or tho-estate of JOHN MAGEE, 0f the Tovnisip5of Whibby, in thse Couuty of Ontario, Yeoman, for the benefit of aab cretil- tor as may beeome parties thereto under the conditions therein solfeortit, before t'he tret day of Juzie, 1858. Said Deeti of >saimnnov lies attise ofliameof N. G.- Ham, in theê Tovn of Wbitby, for signature, of vi aal parties in- terestai anr rquiroti W ta k. notice. J. S. SPROWLE, N. 0. HMS, Aarignes. Solicitor, . Whitby, Marais tub, 1858.S ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. A LL pensons indebte t Wtise Estete of John Msgee, eltier on note, rau;, bond or Mort- gage, muaI satile tise same fontisaitis. Andi ail pensons having cdaims a¶ainst saiti ataw i. ii pless baud lu aceounte y the fiant day of mInus nai. MIRAS! HOWI BroitAent for the Assigne, Brookilu. BokiApnil, 1858. 12 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. T A"Enoticetisai Stephen FulIer, lately'car- A ry'ing on thse business o! Merebsut, asÎa-ail tais ai o! manufacturer o! anti deeler lu Furni une sud othen tlsings, lu tisa Town -o! Wbltby, bas Ibis d matie suasalgment to me (thé undersigneWilliam MaPiserson, s Merchanti ini iei Tow-n of W itby aforeaiti) for tise boe- fît of bis ereditona a-ho are roquoated Wo couac in and execute tise wasasigumreat, visiah la nov utn t>' officefor tisaIpurpme .vtinlusixl menthe frou tise date tisoreef olsrvlae tise> vii h. exladoti froua ail beiofo, or *av"s-a tage andor tise saine. Dated Ibis let day o! Marais, 1858. W2mL MoPHERSON, BAJWRY n (2asresas DPà.am, Toronuto, lits Jut, 1358 on ýtise ou2i oat]» ,î DapetmanWl iraula o! lise Cuattoma Depantuasut, daîtd 29tisApril, 1858, b>' ahIieaI mprttns of ods, in et'ery euse, aallovoto doduct the discouni actuail>' maodetfor euhti, or tisaI a-blu, ai.conig -10 tise Castom s o Truie, i la iovoîlfor assi, bss beau Pea5od rescludth ierainue, anti te direct tIsai no seois domlatlonxcao ieehreafter, sud tisai tise dallas b. collecieti upon tis asmant of tise ins-olce vitisout regard> W suchol uet ; Anti uotie la bérebygion tisat suais Order sppbies tu gouda tison [nad, as wval!asagoudasimportoti Aince the 1 aasing of thea Ortlerin question. -Bp Comnmand a S. îf BoTic-1ETT 23 Conmisa4ionor of Custtounas. INSPECTOR GENERAL S OFFICE, CumrouaDZPAZTVEO, ' Toronto, aliai May', 1858. tLheGos-rnr jouarslht-boou pe db an ordailu Conohl, bamlg liis ti'à date, tu1 urden snd direct tist tisa stonageofet' lourin tise shedi staih[lLaiino CAnalBitas al, ontreal bc uuul tâ trvise oreaIgovorod b>' thé fellowing regslaona, 'riz:-, 1-Fleur îsMsuh l alowtd te resnbunlbe shed i ttao viioba tiys freacharg» ; 8-If kapi theo bayoud tw a- iys or48 s onrË, sAuch tour te be liabre te a chsarge of one cent par day pen barrai, for tisa ,fur tesdapmataler te "xIton cf tise 48 o! exeption; S-=suld tisa flous be k,%pl l tise alsoos ho- yond four days atone cent partis>' pot bémol, it bal h ls abl o psy ta- e nta per daY Par barrai tfores-vi7de> aynboeaatmnl%>tisa expira. tion of mach jbn.daâya. . 4AiVputof dqte bc eeusidoredamscri day. ByC m d - N OTICE18iIF.EREBY GIVEN, tubai"Miue Broughaem -St-oais Millsesd Furnisii Coupânu>' Wb. conducteti unden iePo- siens oftan Ac[ ci tho Parliaa.ntu et titis Pt* vilae, iSti aud 141h Vitorie, Cisapter, 28, lu- titnImio, IlAu Act W provlde for tise infonins- Itien oe hiscorporateti Joint Stock Companica tfor Mauufsatuning, MininMeehanbcaior tmChexiMiini urposes," ant i.1b0 of anotiser Act o! Ibis Province letis Victonin, Chaptrn172, in- tituisil, 11AÂ 4at Wamendt he A tfontise Sforniatiun oh' lisrporateti Joint Stock Cotn- pansfoan nssauftatunilgsund oIson purposo, for lise purpoaeo! manmthacturtng Lumnber Biib- ing inatàWlsi, &c., et lime Vilaqeofoh Brougliani, iii tho Tewnslipof Pickuering, n [ho Conusi>' et Ontanlo, sud Province cf Cansuti, lias-a tini compliot viltisa I onaaitibs presenbet in lu ad Act. By Cousiant, T. J. J. LORANOER, 18 Secretar'._ Cireudlsr to Heszds of1 unicipal Csuneili unè Cs4eeandcoustiee in Upper 0<snnda. Department of!]Public Instruc- tion for UpperCanada. Sut.-! bas-e tise bhor t transmit yen bore- vitis an advortisomoui of the opensng and course et instruction tW hepumused ithée Iodel Gramnmr School for Uppor Caissda. As it la s ProvineWansd net s local, Institu- tion, tise Counaili ofPublie lustretion bas-e nu- sols-e toteapportion tise pupila W hbea smittedt escis Count>' and Ciy un Upper Canada. Tise obj" lof[thisCirculaî la W bring 1h. aab- ject uidar tise notIce f tise Couisli orer viic you ps-acde, lu order thât if the Couinail aboulti think propor et'the presentos-au>'ttureperloti, te select b>' examlnatiof ore a Committce or Board of iixmbaera ppoluteti fer tisaipurpos, [hnee o! tise most meitorioua pupilis aitlin ise V .riadiction anti asaist -i otbs- acholaniao bunsarlea Wo attend Modal Gramra Seisof:, tiser preforence vonîtd ho giron b tisniom er ail otior spplcations frin tise sieCount>'. in lU uI'add tisaI il la intondedti ta tise scisool aulbe lu reality wa-at itt amsse imports, --aMoa Grasumar ScisoO for Upper Canad. i bas-e tise honor Wo be, Your ootient serrant F. RYE1&ON. Toronto, Jane 8,1858. MODEL CORAMMAR SCHOOL FOR !UP- PEU CANADA. Tieobeeof theModel GrsnnsaSeioolia Wo axeus fytise hast otiuode of toscingtise branchea-reqiured b>' laa-"te bo teugitmthse Ciassicâansd Mlsuas a-e amodal t'onr[e Gamar8eShool of the Countr, asla tise Model Common Sehool & a p.temfor lt.e Coin- mon SoisoolS. Il la alolntendedtisut the liodel Grammiar Soisool sa» asfanras possie, eure thesa dratlagscfa lIta mi m nst Sboiolt candidates for mnasanhsps sud t«erai sinl [he Grammar Scisools; bat affte c cnot ho gis-en ote Iia objee onrlise Modal Gratmar Scisool during tha tirat tisa-menthe o! its opera- tdona.Tisaeusoat cae bam een l.keu te sabot dulyquaeitteti sudablé M"atrs. Tisa -mpils wilboard lu pris-aie bouses sanctionedthe Condilt u atI prieeiaoIl>'tho parente e! th. papils ai ha -oopsef ,bo ies. A 1 il viii b. ailoveci toboard. Insus- pris-ate 1>' lyaI tha roquent o! Ida parente. Tise fol- loa-lng are tho regalatlons visicish avse been adoptid lu regard to theaon*,agothSoJmssc .fr Orà 00tsoiwtw Qnuclo sSt ar Orir! .That tisa ModliGraum SeW bool hai h.oponeti for tise amsin puasilaon thé eeezsi Moday in Auuat, 1858 r.Tiad thea qullloutfor adm2isin shah ho itho sanieta si-eeroquirati for admisalouin- te tishe unI>' Gsswusa-Snihool, as !u>loa- Papis lu enden tôe aadui4latte thse Qismar Sehool, muait. be 1le. 1. To risd intéligibly atIWJ 1mrety pieas frett A su' ommets raêadbasgbock. 2. IpII orracti>' isa end ef an ordinar>' sentencea.. To *rite a tiirà baod.t To wotk ýra4ty questions la tise mapanamoussn i mies tlîmetlcsu Parm for Sale. 2 0ACRES OF SPLENDID LAND. LOT 20 0, nloti Uencemesin eftirlorahi; l5 Acres CI=re. This Parrn is situated within four miles of Baetn on the travel rasd te Mas; thela2rdrisofie bot o q 1tand insin the centre ofagood settleMQnt, ýW&thàasehool, andta 8n Swill convenient. Alsto North haif e o 4 nthea lOtitConees. sion oï Thorh, S ansting of, go &« s 12 of whielîare elesred, sMd foti ou ithe 'orta Reeti, nmarneron's leMUW STEINSLIIEaL. , Ampy tW D CAMERO. Beaverton, lOIs .uly, 1857 2 FOIR SALE CIAP. LOT No. 27, in thse lrd Concin of Whitby (the WiLtima Fàauasajolning th8 Townf Whlt y. Apply Wo the Ilont. R ,WLt Carrylgi'laoe, Cnss. Wn.xvis, Esq., Belleville: or-to J. V. HAM4 Barriatert July 15, 1857. 26lby VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE Trris PRopERtTY IS PtEA8ANTLY SITU- X tnd in the fiourighing Town 0of Whiîhy, on Brock street, tiirectly opposlite Jutige Bnn- bains *8residenceCOntbig w lfthrr of an acre of Lunti,with sho t Ifot frutag., on ivhich 1 er(ecte3 COMFQRTABLE BRICK COTTAGE, vith suitabie ont Biling-s, an excellent Well of Water, and a o (jeteris. together with à n0cm- berof valinabte Frsrit Trees F~or furiher parti- culars apply to W. SHAW, on the promises. Wbitbv, Eeb. 10, 1857. 4 -O AE[N TUE TOWN OP WI.ITIJY. L OTNOS., an2-2. TURV ARE SITU Coebrane's anti Lynti&s Creek. W TFJtMS LIliSitA. Application -to be madje ta MRS. ANGEL[NE WEST, Lot 3,,th concesion Darlington. "Christian OfferiWr' piese eopy until fobid. FOR SALE,9 A VERN STAND vith Driving Bouse A ,ltlargo Sliedsq. There is slso at- tactret un acre cf lji, llplanted vwith choice Fruit Trpes. There is a gooti Weil of Water, witb Puinp1 &ô, on the promismes. It is iritnat- eoýiA LoNo. 1. lstCou Marpa. nthe leaci- iug rond to theTown ofWh a lîds nd Boaverton, whieh property yl .solti on libe- rliterua. For terus anai partiou larsa Ply te the owner et Neil Mcflrnriis, Brock, Disttrîct Line) noarCarruiebaells Tvero. JOHN MeDOtTGALL, carpenter. Brock, Deember 16, 1857. 48 K SCOTTON AND LINN Store of tise undernge JOHN BRYAN. Witbby, Ma>' 19, 1858. 18 Stovoo, T$nj, (opper, an4 Shoot Iron WMr. bulsabluanta ofWhttb>'srm.sthsaut. reantiug countrtba ha bauaraba- sMe itsok oftM. Tismu *laeec -I astiintelada W crs-pou the obunsslu ail Il. brancha., ou the auin sls pro th 1 «ans tli ja à - -I -5< -', ---'~--- '-n.---. ' - - - - -- REL TIAT&. POR SALIR CONEAP, AMflL PEIVILEE AND TOWN4;TS Acontigious tite Beaserton Wharf. A a p~JAMS&RMSTP.ON(;, N. B.-Tore làa a ir»t-raie, 0eln i tBoa- Boas-rlon, J*2yl, 187. - 29 LV ERPO0O0L. Bhl~kDlth & Waggonmakers Sliops Fer Sale o e i Lverpool, T WENTY MiLE8 EABT 0F TOROINTO( A JLDepotanti Station of tisa Grand Tnunk Ral- va>'). RassisSisop lias àCotage sud s quarter of nil Acre of lâat sscsp. Tise.preutises bas-e bien latel>' erecteti vitiî. lu a aboni diaunio o! the KW tugiuMm u [ho Balla-s oai.A.goùd bueinuea libath lutines can Odoua b>' ste ansd gooti vork- men. For funtiser particulars 1 to~ URY Lis-orpool. Je]>'0.8, 1857. 2 FPORLSALE, A Comsforuabe Famil>' Resitianos situatet lns tise Villagecof Liverpool, Tow-nshsip of Piek- onsug, atijoinitîg tise Frehschtats's8 i3s Statin of tise Gumuti TrunIt Bailas, 18 imiles frons To- rmate, consistimg of a Cottage contangNîa. Rooms, a-ith es-or>coiss'nience nequbsite; à Ianrgeo Ber and Stable uittahet; anerer feilng a-clof va. ton; thse Grotinds are tabteftily tid cuit, amud plaitedthsShamde Trocis; -uo, :£Large Osmn a-eU stocitaîl vus Fruit irLes; tise a-Iole ouccra ta-m acres tof G<mmd, andi canriamu iresurpmsot is tho Townalsip of Pickerems, or tscolivoîsi- once sud reuse a-%tatà lihtiivway. Termns nade easy. lon frrtlter peartienulitru apply to tise suisseniber, Yorkvlie; or tx> Mn. Williani Pmrdy tupon thse pnemuim.cs.. Piraeiotu given forth;- vush. GEORGE BOSTIVICK. Yonks-iIie, May', 1858. 171 Ainidoi tise many anti varions sysqttor irefi Amtsm.asce prepentedto th ie pubtic notice, tisai tsf tise LifeAsse%.cimtion -oh' Scotiant ist undeîîbt- adi;aWeil muiie t Wthe3circuiuea of h'ie inn- junmi>' of pensons a-li effect Assurances, as is erident froin tise nsîtit anti mnexamploti incroase of tisa Pliiy boîtiers. Dnning tisem lutire yetara alone thera bave been npvartiu cf Threo Thoumanti ýea Entrants, asauning their ls-es for nearly Ta-o Millon PoundaSterling. The l>olicy-hoiters of tise Assaociation lueur nsone of tise rimikg of partnersip. Tise> are free froru ail responsibility, andtihie suint Assureti arc guaranteeti in au>' erext. itVtEpor aT 18Tm &M<i<.S.L mxrTuÇo: LIVES ASSURED te tise number of. ..10,M0 SUbiS ASSURED .......... £43lf,7ui0St'g. ANNUAL INCOME froin preminnie sud intureat.............. £124,3188i'g. CAPITAL [iu addition W aceumu- lateti premieus). ... ...... £4000OSi'g. The Asaoctatloia laâ nov isaulug Poliebsfmsfrom serral Ra- atnlctiona.commouly imposoti on Amisred Lises sud bonferring most aud Important f4clitien anti pnivilegm, a-biaisare grantod b> no oihen AsxsurenceOffic in Canada. DIRECTOUS AT MONTREAL J. G. MlaasLlz, Eaq. G.Q Morris, Ja. Esq., DA&VIDToxAsK'oEsq1 Ax. lmos aq. Sou.cmaou-Mesara.Torraisce & Morris. Xtoica Orrwca-R.?almerlovàrd, ~qL Sszruszs.-Jarnoa Gsant. BowsAivm."-M4r. D. Pieler Ontoago Bankr Ngvcasvug-t3Amuel WilhotMsuk of Toronto QsAa-.il iinpe solcitor. PorMsnM.JmeEk wai¶rIteveîsass. Provincial Imnsxnce Compny OF TORON"O, C. W. crnscssarui ua on sr.as eo'r -on I AT-As. O'N OUK5;I WD Prou tet , t« To t,. CHARLES VA & Co. BOQ to inforn ttisap ubiet the ise>' r% ~ Ig onstue tofhs x. peuso Dreyer>', ini isa ma oinio» 4style fon carry- TiinVite Inspection of tdr nnmerousiPal- aIssa o! Ornanseutal mron ,Fnci"" one Verndeis VaulI Doorè, PILii~uiOntnn Ouat-ron doinnau, ..Windoa- i=, Suis aîsid ARCHITECTUJRAj WRC cf aven>' de#pnipton-; (Ooking, alor anti Bmx Stors; Grinsà, Ciroc MoUia~nldnenA, Suga XçttUO4 Plain Castinga sud onngga, aun ot a-iais he>' oféar ltIse Trae id thers ountii- "Mut g eOiS[ra.,, , utî r w>'o eirpane tuU> éoé te. Tgoto c o lm. 1857. CAPITAL £125,00f. contente. Every informnation supplieti on appiltou to the underoigneti. 1P. KELLER% G.Merai 7k»dwllnAgnfor the 0. Ofqflswo, Office - Victoria Buildings Brock Strsdti WhitY, under thle Chronie l fe. 18 British Ametica Assurance C mýpa, NOORP'ORATED under an Act of teTitird nient of Upper Cana4a. CAPITAL £100. Insurance efl'ected on Buildings and their, Cotents. Every information suppiied on sp- plication te ti e ndesnio. Marine Rlml& for the Smaon or for Prirta. JOHN AGNEW, Traveilling Aget,,Byron street, WhiU>y Protection against Loss and Damage by Pire. WE~R ASSURANCE COMPAnY ICAPITAL £100tOOO. INSUR.&NOE effecteti on BuldIcngs andti tier contenta. Every luforrmation supplieti on application to enndersigned. JOHN AGNEW, Traelling Agent, Byron Street, Whitby. Times and Beacon Assurance comp'y. INSIIRANCE cfecteti on Buildings and thefr contents. Every information supplied ou application to the aideraiNEW, Travelli gtsnt andi Snrvdyor of Risks, Byron Street",b htby. LIFE AND REALTH ASSURANCE. The Brltixh Anseriea Firiendly Soelety .1 Canada, ILITA BLI8llEI)FOILTU LAtISURANCE OF E12 Lille sud Jlealth, inon--r;ated by Spccia Act Of Parlismeut, t3vie., c4p.6. CAPITAL STOCK, BiOO0,OOO. IleatiOffice et NtontrWs., GEXEAItL A5 FOR C. W., JAS. BURL1II. LOC. A AL.r, J>s ioeoWhitby. R.W. Clark M. D., Medical Refiereo, $tUPoicien iffeeted cither tupon Hoalth or Ilite (or botb) andi everviformaâtion affordeti by theLoa Agent at hfs Office. Mareh 25. 1857. 1 TUE SCIIE3E FOR THE CMURENT ycar wiil renuain opien ton nw Ettant,4 only nlitil MUNDAY, trit Ai'ItI. nexi. On that day the Boûk4 will ho madie ip for the i9th AnunitaIBaance, andi l4th Divison of Profits. AIl inclwdedtherein eifl rani, en q one Ycar's loner sfanding tAn leter En. rante, and will particapate Onit Year earlier est the Divigions of Profit. L IFE ASSOCIATION <OF SrOTLAND- foundeti 1,,141, end oinpowcrotl by Royal Charter sint Act of Perliament. MON,*TRFAL-9 Great St. James Street. EDINBURGIi-As.ockiatin'z Buildings, Prin- eesq 9-treet. LONDON-20 Kitng William Street., City. Lrpresaly coatittted on thes prineiple o] redrucing the Expensd of Life Assurance as lo#c (,8 s lecOnsisnt wltls p8rmanen t #ecerit7/. Jtiuel$, 1857. U.il. VARCI'N L SuhcitoF &. Brsxk .Sssd, VS.ftp W AN'rE D. T O purchase or rent, about rf)a sre, cf gooti Laund, vithin fit.e vîileî of tihe Tow-n of Whitby. Purchame witls or witisont Buildings, on casay ternis jrefenreti. Afddress IJ. MACDONELL, Esq., hf.by letier post pai. Februaryz 2,1l8-5. Times to (Copy. 100 Acres of Land for sale. W PSThbalf of tot No 7,in-tise 2nti Con. of Uxbridge, with e gootisa r mill ln gool vorkiug order. 30 acres cf tise landi are cloareti There la a g ced hanse antibaem. Il4o Park Lot No 78 on Duntias street, in the Toa'is of Wiiby, contaiuing lire acres, vus a ooti house eoutaloelnsen epartuacuts; utable,bsu outffces AV KELLER, Tho Pwnen -Unionviliei P. o. Mankham. or F. KEILLER, 22 Whitby. 100 Acres 6f Lasad-for Saieà-- W EST balf Lot 17, lI Con. Uxhridgre, 60 aresolosrod and uiirirgorsd crlri;-4tirsn,i withsabouse, baun anti stables; Tho latndla tof1 the vairy bai-ijysslty. The a-oelnd is i inilsl *Ult hé ratp ieat of pine and hlarntwcod. Miueto 23 mlhpifroi ho Tosmi cf Whitby, anti1 wItIhil 8 ilesu of tounli le, liiia gpoistetiled 1 county, ml t t)iils, manufactures For tanna anti partlcularts, Appiy to the iWier, 'lJA ES ELLER, SUnionville P. o. Markhamn. !or to FM KELLER, Whitby. PAID 1UP CAPITAL, $420,256. SPsW.a-. 8.Heaard, Eeq. Fo~Pak.u lneu J. H. Causeron, FHou. W. B. EoQb!nseu1 I L.Wiitteore q Oco. Duggi, Jr., y». 4.4i"a-lbi«d J. 8. flovardj Làq. - JOuseErff W. L. Ponin, *4aq, i .ILMClrk, EAq M.D. «On. J. I. Ciaren, Bank 0e3Mont Nea uY ettba Republie. sdiodor-mnsarDoais Bona ire"L ORp, Tomoa. te -efr ,Toronto. pYB A LIMTED NUMItER OF Y]CARS, being thoiNonthý WesmtFUst!of Lot No 94 8nd couceuion, sd tise Sousth West 50 acres of Lot No, M 4 Mnscoeualcn, Teownship cf WhUtby- 120 acr e -il ecultirataid--a lane Proportion ef ltba tAri bas beau pestase Im or ten Yomr peatjl5oaeqou glou in Qetober. AP t.-JORN D0W, G. W. IASY 914-1y Soie Pneprietmtr, Now York A 'N OLD INDIAIN DOCTOR W110 IAS muatiebis fortune anti retineti from busineag w-i spenti the remnainder of lie dave in curing that <reatIil tics-OSMilI>-sa or Citiastir; is carnetat desire boing te commu- nicate toe he ved bis remettes that liave pro- s-ad auccSaful in more t harea estîica- ses. Hoe requires eaoh appfieSuît teseufl sitne mninute decription et tis ymtomis, a-ith tsa-o $tam, <6 cttapauy tiseretants biter, .iii whiols ho will retarn thotn is acivice prescrihi- tion, a-it directions for pre poing theanrndl Tho 0'141 Dctor hopesa tisuhicsafflicti wili not, on account of deticacy, refrain frin consnltimg hlm becmisRe ho niakes No Ciare. blil sole abject in edcortkuing la b do i, ise god ho mn beforo ho tiuslie fotils tîat lic isjusqtly celelsrted for tIse cure o«Consomnption, Athmea,ironchtte, errousAffoctions,Cought;, Colts, &c. Atdrout 2DOCTOR UINCAS BRANT, 2 Box 3531. P. O. Now York. D R. MORSE, [he ins-eMro of Morse'.s Indisu Root Pilla, bas spent thse 5roterpart of hL4 lie iutravelling, banvisittiEZ Asln-and Afnice, as volasu Norths Atnrncas spont three yemarssuong the ludîsus of oua Western ceunyilît va lu titis va>' [bat tise Intian. Itoot Pilla woe re nt tilacoree. Dr. tisaI ail diseuses ari se mfionpunity-etttse blootl --tsai our strength, liesîthisndle dopendeti upon thus vital dii. Whou th. rartous p&, ews1e e loggel, antido dote[Inpefbtaulù .wi5[dit- PIJUIFY THE 1JWO». Mqoffgtl'S Lire ] lkoai ad Phoeaix flalietl Frae firoa ait minerai Fi»s. TLE (UIAT POPULAITY WMCI -VOY fai'sLIte Pilla sud Phoenix ittonr»iaveaÊt talued-lu uonsequeuee oftheoxtnaondina iasce- etfected. [)y ihreirjrendor e mi nneqfor tenprleWor toenter noàpitelirAa '1 ofitheir medicisi virtisas or propontiaSt. ifar ing beeunsmorcthan tweuty jeans bcflne tliq pub lie, andti avp tise nUitt et lntllon> ofmors tissu three millions cf pensons a-bo IMOs-ebee restm tethtee0 'yen orIierfct hesthb> thens, It la believ ror ziai tisur nwuat44tlrsiestisa beast vegetabieerdiclaio noiv betore thepImbhl Village in tho Uxnted States8, tiserga rcssanY wlo are neady totsi't oUlOfr effictcy lin rei>OiitE dusoase, and gîrbi9 to te[holohcya8st iewtOd vigor ane1hsatis. -uncases o! Sro aarSe->'or zuip- tiens of thskiu, t e -oe nor t isp -M. 1 ev tisys, ese 4e 0 otbce elousthiaoxu* tii Ssses, b'tisei luifvng effea-on tlib blooci Feovr an& dAgue DgpeSla5 Dpsy, Pilas, andi lu aimont, ma l iees moldttier cearative propeIe ~ liil 9 shoild Iso 'itis- eut tisent. nm by tbaiiWcly lgeusa muais sinig sud exponsa ua>'bc sas-ad. Prepaneti b>'rUAX MorAi-, M. D., Nev York, anti for Sale b~y A 1kBDICAL ]REVOLUTION THE:-WORLDIJ UN1ANIMOUSI âtosteiu bc tb" b d for thse Coat>' -cOo, P£ 1 rtw shlio the -V -i UM D Rus A»--MEDICI. fyIE Subseniher returns ii sincere thanks to J. bis customers aistipatronis; ant in lu icieli v ontlnuance -o01thbe liberal patronage ýitis biaislieébasbeau famroreci, alic 1onnt hai nes ou tisapromises formerlyoccupie d yMn J,,IL. Gersîe-wonid as>' that bis§ Store is supe Pliao it itthe langeaI sud mosi comicto STOCK OPF PUIRE DRUGâ, O! es-en> description, yul offerati for sal in tise- Townu of Whltb~rtn dbi efsie Chomaical is, n e Oic1e ,eutry BaesPeintsOuâ, Dye*Stuiffa, &e., &a. Physîicians sud Famil>'Presenipiiotia srcftubby priprcet. Horse and Cattie Mediciiies cfali kintis, sauratai>' comp&!ýndd amording te tise letest improvoineiite lu Pharmaey. surgeons Instrumlents. - 0. A. BANN[STER, - Dnsgglat &e., Wbltby, April 14,1858. oot *istis? MEDICAL HALL, W. H. DOEL9 Druggst andi Apothecar, Brock-St.. Whltby. 'DEGS 10 inforin biiacustomtorsandthétsepublic .L'enenably, ihat lie la mov doimg hîlues lu Éis NeW Storeviseralite la alaaapreparedte 1 sens-e thos a-ho heliase erepfore favoneti hlm witis tieir custoin, andtisot ail etuera a-ho vishbto obteln io Gennine Druge and Medicines, And at Primesto Suit the Times. Patent Medicine%, Comba anti Brusises Indis Rtibber Gooda§ Tontolse Sisell Combs, ipainta Colons, Oila for%~urnina anti mechinery, Alcoio and BurI' i Fluiti, Varsilahes for Woodi sud bren , &c. c A fine assorlanent of Parfumer>' anti Toilet articles, Steak afCoiorv, dm-y ant b.,, brusimes Tin, Coppr ant ilur Poils, Fou or Tiistil Psiper.of mdl Colora. A fea- Pieturos for Grecian, Oi I anti Oriental Ptaintinmg. lie Condition l'oa-tens, Whsite anti Black Ouas, are prepareti front Englisi lioleia Pkuricitr irePrescriptions anid Faniity Receipte csrefmlty prepared. Cab1 anti gel an AJJfAiNAC for 1858, snt piesse nomember lte, SIGN à&=HElmD NORTARM.1 EU..Petiersanti Counnu>' tores rpplieti vitti Lei»c,Ss, Castor OH, luth (il, '&c. Wbitby, May>'26, 1858. lu-Sin HALSEY'M.q Forest Wine and Pille, FOiR TUB RPERiIÀlEI(T etttiOr is, (atieneaaLons of Ayp"ti, Droa, Eýc Jinadice, , YouS esd 1Fer, OsU, btgh, a/ b Mxs lmr Anti al cotnpaiuts onlginimtingfronmure blooti andi habit of lise systom, lancrai Debility, ait facise s"at of tise constitution. For Latiis in ea-eakiy stete of bealthi thias Wino le a tcligiitful remet>'. witoiesebe Agentas in r.tront>-Lynwîn Brom. C o., andtiUnn1uhart. Kins!-ton-E. W.V.IPal- nier. Reail Agents et Wbitby-W. Sl. Rohinsti, Oshawa eW. J. Suttrti; Prince Aihrt--';utten & To:nlinson; Markharn Vil bme-.LC.Dtniam; Lindisay'-Tionset C. Pamtrick -. Uxbridge-A. JD. Weeks; Caiton-J. Bothaell, 1'. M. -Brougis- arn-La-sois & Hluteliiesoti; Port l'rrr-Ji. aut-S. G. Boit; EvanssilhaJ'W. Joothus, anti for sale b>' ail Drnggista andi Medicine Dca- Ions in Canada. 1 HfOLLOWAY'a U INTIfNT Tise Grest Cotantes Irritant 1 T IE VîIRUS OF.DISEiASE OÎTN maRes ità va y Wtis the rna o 1 thnongIi tIse porcs offtise akîi Tuser> lx ingOiîtnient,uscitin nsdasr tishIa l t u ruibctin,issbzorlsodthromgis.te 5 eiIk- no lsanreaelming tise seat o!isttlitiont, nulsj adins-arialy>'-amubtnea i ié%ehi l~ctea il tise kitineysq, tise lis-en, tir rngner or an>'otiser important morgall, Il Pen L teelse surfac e Wtiseintonior, thoixgis tisdouies tubes; tha cemnmunieate wItth ie a as» O tiser min passes lis te ofevenoe on ,IWIfuta its cool anti regeneratiug imitirince. e Skin 1>isesse andi Classdular .4weflifl¶4 XEt-r> apecies oh'oaxtenior irritation ln quiçkl>' remioceci b>' the mtitifltinmatory aioli of llit Oitnent. Angry Eruptimns. stîci>sas Si Rtsenn4 Erysipelas Tetter Ringws Scalfl iseati, 7ettle lItais, cbies,(n, I r lt c d éc-ýie cmut, to retnu no more, unteielupp ai< tlispital expenianlce n ail pirt. of h'eisOýlr, pros-os its infailisbits- in duoasies oethe skiR, ib muscles, lise joimits itasmitheglada. lbers, Mores anti Tmsor Tise otet of tItis unnivaHlOd oxtenisalrainons upon Serofula, antI otimer dtolent, n1aert s sms sones, i,4 almost inimscmlons. 1ý,t4 i-msrgn tise poison qiiptrioce pereinaii-nni» Iles, a"ntilï theis îrca -s ha9kÙh iiseic pro - pennes aftem-rti omloere safa au a-olfa permntrent. ,Wounda, Esmisea*, Iuni anti Scaîdma lu Casese! tishe tire o! tise bottes, iluies caullemib>' aflstexplosions, Bruises, BuMrn SSlts, Mbnfwilm, stillisesut>;O! tise Jifuc cOntract of eh' ie sinew.%, il la enployerl anti amly reaumrnendscb b>' ise feht>'. Ii% mrs-ehona remet>' buis beon inrtmtceti l>y itt ifmiienton lut pensoi lioal tise mng Iospliaist oh' Europe; anti nospris-ai. ioushold Aiouldhob witsott it. - Untienlable '1 estImonays Tise Machiensi Staff of thse Freisci sud English Amunies lu tie Cmriser hase l lc-maly emnned tiroir ap rval(orlloUswa'dUittaent,as'tise inosi talotvoundsb. ~ eas ueib'ts tniau the Ahhieti Sas-le. Boi TnHEOnNiStUXNT %IPinP, *qilot tzmozn. ic ss mhibrima r ore -2oe C Zw I mi.sn, seend iç Curhapetiliants, ore al kigme , ýiser,-W Sat o Ifs usI s2 PilastSlas-lJonts, Rtisutiss Tte, Rinmrwen TeUCe 0r, m uisrso, Wennts eti l klaus zgffSoldaet lise.nnftoisePrese Hett.oa-&'r, 80 Maitten J.ane, Noiv Yeno, bsud 2"4 Stat oto~b'aIrsetbeDrujegiéts andi Dtalers lu Mecixcine ttînonghomiît tte U siten Sia"esanti the cis-ibzati vo1(1litp, pti24- cents, 62 conta, anti 81 oaci . £W-'Thoem la a aensiderab a sav-isp isytaking tise teamer sizea. N. B.-Dnections ton tise guitiace of patient% iti-es-ry tilsorder aire ffixed te osai box. W CAUTON It--Noua -ire gcxninuIeïl tisa vords ti ou.o-à'n, Nov "£oux & L 1mes, are discernable as a tàagir-markin u -es-y lest et tise bookt ofiincollong aronti dt pot orbox-,, tishme n ia>'bu plain1>' seau b' les lseqý to Mri NIAIS A isautisre r war4 vwiii1 b-e te su yeuenerndanimigsuasinî;>rasticu as me>' leati te eh deleation of!any party or pan lies oounnlrfaiting tise uodielues or véndlng Ûha saut, knoving thoratu 10 ho pumous. Jane Ird, 1857. 20 IÇUPFFALO NEJbICAL DISPENSARY - USTAnLISIÎID FORt TIs E iaOr- DR. AMOS & SON~, (ceIrait or7UmAcr ansQUa ,& susBvrw , x~~ . y.) Rplendid Parus anti Promises tfoi Sale lu Whîtbr. T HIT axeellent t'anti tIseproponts' et Mr. William Hylant boiîîg camnposef cof parts oh' bote 16, 16 sud 17, In tIse d Con. of WhIîby, ootinin*160 acres, nan'al Hecaret asni free ftsn siempa. Thmore is a goomidss-elling hism, barna, stables andi out-Isoume on tise prenm%»~. A180 a go oncisarti and garden. TIserç are about %1>aceso! excellent>a-co on tIseeout part. The lamdit in lua bigi satate of cultis-isii, tisera ix a gooti stream in ttiing th rmurgl No 16 tise premnises are a-cl vwatared atndthl-imttiatia,:' uns.unpesed, tise place l i ithiri I utles of h'îe Toviof WViilmy and 3 in misof!(>sltmu--nti eltogetmer s mirc e eirahie nvestennt Lenelton otieret for sale. Frr mrtictmltmr s 1 lt IMusss & BI '; C, -qi Ma>' 19, M588.1 SAW MKILJL ANI) LAND. TO BE SOLD Oie REYTEID, A SAW MILL WITII ',ou ACRES cf l.AND 150 acres clearati, aI Dmsfit-,'m-ek, iii tIse Tua-nsisip tof Pickeninsc, front nu' tic ltifth conu- esion. Tisoeeacmn 4aem-, f GOOD> lARD WOOD AND CEDARý, anti about 5~0 acres o!f PINE. TIhe wtloblç obhe Solti on Rentod, togethumîr Smbsl-am-trcy, lusimuit purchasens. Ur The pomseare rtitumtmet I eltit 1 mles Sontu fth ie Villai ,tf(lttîa. Application te ho mamie lta GEJRGE BALLARD, Greenvooti1'. r>., Pickerng. (>eioban 24, 1857. ______41 FOR MALE. OWN LOTS ins Wiitbv cam- tise %y.a> TtIro VIIIag0mtoLt I>min's Cmeek, Freisci- Am* ý'upi> W m -. 1 1 oulk-3vn4Dziu uarll:A4 -- 1 1 AN EXCELLENT PARM TO LET.

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