BUILDInq XAT EILS. 0', OS TA NT LY ON 1,AND IRN u ellailn )iluep g alaSîmui r esh l3urnt Lme whieh iwll lbu old Ir Ceuh only, at gis 6d ~or ~at*1. MAT11EW CARL, port Wlciy. LUiBIItRYARD, SMIN LES, &c. lfiorm th ilit» L t i',rf4 Ou9fhana a gtons1 aaciortlnuf L 1unaber c 'y',escriptioti sOUdI s now redv to take Conita ~te frnleh Niaterlail tor hîrgu or nrnal l uildîia . 6 Green Streiat Whitby T-- RESS. I, -l LI FO EVERYBODYI NEW ýVYORK, WBEY PRESS, 1 L L U T LA T E1) FAMILY NEWSPAPER. ,l ~ Anrguîljjz l ;,r i, os . 1 a E , r g e piti e ,n ist I O tita p a - " fl t h eI tor, sud1C ELFG.<NTLY ILLUSTILIA'EI) eycr% ln~wnt to eck subsee'de oot00cceit tues4phnuYlioibe the!M NOTICES. NOTICE 0F PARTNERS1IIP. rT [IF' eda 4 eru'tny giu e notice tinatt ...theuy lhavu iue eî'eut 'r rship j,îufu'uud mT, uuur Jleire7uanM,. ;eivrai Al ACd &c'., îîuîler tue rldyle oh' the Firni of Aibro & ~lhXF. ALBLO. E. S. ViNI>IN. IN REFERENCr, To TUE ABOVE, lierallv, it t a' , l ' ,' u au ll liu' erol'or the trîtr ftCitt ' il bu 1 <'utr iiitelt4 i ;<ousa. CcwN ILum sDuÂAwsmà lT. Tocrmsto lth JUOa, 1858. N OTICE ila luebuy gven that then nderunon. Ntiolued lanîdsilxxihe ctownship of' Eldon. bl (jounty cf Vitonla, U. C, will ha cffured for Sale by Ancticnt thL<le upsel prices stated) by WA&L- vasI csÂ'wYQÊat, Esqtuire, at Chowen' i Motel, ilndsoay on tine FMRME TII Or NEXT MUNT'I t NOO N. <l. acla Onceait o f tinopurcbase ibncey à bpade the tiinuof Sale, and <bu reinainder in fodir oqul annunal ntaîmntts witb intencst, ifat cou. E 18, w 1, <$(si50 er acre) 14 6l ' l4 17- 1819, 1E4,-0 'Y 22 3i 2'un p ti 1. -1, 8 Au%. e p. rm. (si11, 'wu 21 28 or N. pt. 1, 2,8, 4,5, 6 11f.oý-rd., 29, go (si 0) 2îîd Coin. W 18,8si(s1 25). Brd "32 (81). 4th. " WJ 22 ($1 12é). " S 1918%17 (utLk120 (81 50), Ex e 1, 3.), 1k st. rd. (81). 7th " i17 (Il 4)", ï'l10, l8, E), le, Ek 32 «$$). Qtla 23, 12 (100 acres cadi>, $1. lotit 21 t ii 0), 25 ($1). lîti 19 (90) $1 25, 22 (90), 24 (30), $1 60. 11ingostilt cf l'artage rond. 59 17, $1 îper'avre. lIbtuge n" I et«l'ortnge ronad. 8 lit 7 (nid>, s lit S i 1') pt t'G12 $l; N1ts A.'7&S ud lor in Iutd t,]coitf<10, 10 0-M), S t Il (111>,S Ptil, 12 lu), n Pt 18 N pt 14 (12) $1, E and N huIs 21(100 0. 1s; $1 50l4 , il pn 140, 1xi }41'i4tut N Pt 413 17 cach),t$1, 44 1't50; N 1u 13iS> 61111147 1t21i, 49-(13Y), 50(133); 51m) ;-'2.l 2nS. 5(m)il, 54 (1163),.57 (Ilu,; i u t ii 0t 71, $1. e e r s Oucep'for cite veair, and 1gil..... (1 CaAexuts ls. AI-tu luiicr fir t'tiie nî'eeuî j 1ie w it - -1 R1, EL 1iîreqeçri c ite. uu've'ir, tiîd ,il -t..à u'O "ixi mt(,ofut' iîthntir L-"icaun u otir XDRîV RUSSELL. Fivo coine ar,' andi 5 gis ...... 8 0 atii wtut btai l iu'1t ti'il l)i lu itiitt'rs 4 22 Jimushtan o 'uxiiueioaer. Toiu Oo u e x e 'r,nl 10 guif-4.> .... 15 no) pluacul in umti iauml.i , i <ut t umd ouut-'iltit-i e __ ___ Twclty-oýiic euuipies oie ycinn , anxd 21gille, "10 Ucottideiute it' ie, itrit. ',> Isuu'ae' CîîadaSals'uiu'r unltsetl263etiucaiA~LBRO S-, 'INDIN. Torouto, lth June, 183S5. Iu à dditioiu ta luiuiratev, <o î<'y te icr Port h lr',ive' 22, I1349 teaatn poshugei, uvhie.îtl t be lir(Irepnl' X_--'_ _ ý - _ _ TîI'E ilurelîv givexa Ihat litîx ixucl ruîcu- Tlionrtits to lic ulitribiftud mine otuuhrise'l NO ICE i tioied lots ini licvihlageotfcorttuil Nui i tle fNî0uuTia l'aE Stirven. i ii lue Coutity of Lomnultou, V.O(. wil luec 1 lxaitoul States Trcanutry Su(itr 810klouoo MloMec nt udFrer.~ ol'eil for Sillo bvAuetion (utt<heo upélet rcecsC 8doi diu do 5Ou)1ho cdi -'Ti -rhnt n Frer._Ls--tumiît>-bru the t'uis'itdnAgen &L 6~~~~~~~~~ ~ dÃ" <u d 0 ) aî anti lPort 'aru _ aT<un lit d odo u I d u 1 0 0 o 0 1 > ta r i i , n t c ' O 10 Pa eltler i dut ad10 0ou eu i lEE Seicrbe he.,lu tîcluuiit Ilus fiends cf N EXT3LONTII. .Vuuîuu............. 1i enuuteGia îeiî:w-1î1 )<' uthe lnN os. 1, 2, 3, [$23cami], 5, 6, 7, 38 cais1 ...u. atiicm...... '.' 75 0(0-telb IK E N 7' 31MIL L S , 10. 11, 12225 caccii.a bii do ..... fl) 01 tteiiÂAI freulst. WCt sie. lu'li don .......... 5'. ' i t'alt tnd ferr.uiriv oc.'uxîied hy 7dr. E, ilimru', tunt' "os. 1, 2, 3, 4 [5 6muu'î , 1,7 t[110 ecadi], 9, g 8(0 'tlai ol xt'm .. 0 0 ") t Ot ,B. alla iifr'n lis> hum uînah tecil kouvu l),il e.5.î','eb<I 2W Siivtur lituititunt c ant uuele- . (IX) eti'li CXIcUrieiue miiti C u'-i mWlii,>,hmts i b' kFrà itI. &;tt sie. 5ci'Silven neue,... 100 t<0-1)>(O0U cfetdtnriet îîeîito ini1îuiitultto t;erit e ibariit' os. 1, 2. 3, [$-25 esel', 5 [1<,9, 10, 11, 12 1000 Golt gtt'od vet 5im il îuluu e*rumai2. l'at'liiuir atîcîîîioîî iîtaitl$2t esei. fl 'utu........... l 1) t a ii) O00<'ueli tuu(1CÀIbu fibcrt Et. West File. (10 Gt1o jni-s t ut]ecils 5 ot L5u00 ùOUclc "-:0- Itrelutîtuts, F.amvur'u tallaCt5i nlullre N os. 1, 2, 8, 4 [ *251cucul, 5, fi, 7, S[80caI. Gund i 4kects, Mt'RUuluts, Br,îoele, 11t' lrup4, < to Ztteir MuImai r l"b'eul, l% i Iilu.. deult witli 1,10n, il. 1 15eiei]. 4rstPn, Cujj*i'Uns, SCecce luttuiu', liiigs', liluct'iliy. A <'titiitill i>u1 A îrt St. RitlSide. Sbirt Sttidn, Matulx Ne vu, tiuld sud Silvirl.N NrLL. Nos. 1, 12. 3,4 [$--J5 etl 5,6, 7, s8 eO eacin), Tioliilus, aild xa u"rity 0cf tblenuuticeiu uunl' W'lithey. Nuvembher l1i,. 1 j57. 431 ,10, 11, 12 [8,25 eaoIal. ' fnexuu501 etc. tiu $15 Oo<lci. - -- ueen St. IVest aile. r Quit'ctiptut ta <itt5t'tofl uOiu'y t te sîlu l Rt'[A .Noz. 1. 2., 4 [el>' ecl,5d, 6, 300i7, 11ýmà e wll bc entred$25po ouch- 14 5, 817,IL, [$25eoalluj opa iaitxibcr, iîlte gift (uSpidti(T't Sî,< '11 ~ fusiihe Mer-Q'tec St. l'aît aide. wcl<< hxtlt îaf r uptns tuit<ti. lt>i ut" ti 'amil eu'ît.ntuli(la -ND EW RUSSELL, There luiiislien' lu tir on' tmtery Élilutt uruta sx 1u tziv'e it iiiîuî ut bila iiliiA tîîu. tlovc, is cnert' tbseriber i'm itre if a I li n. iiriim al lpartit.> iubttl tu liiii lut 22 Assistant Comnsaicner. prizeorf \%'te eprelen' <o tuike t1iti> ulliral IIokAou',Niso lrgnc, rO I~ .. A Â S .,ltri bttiontt thoug t1iii lî>td or giiug a Bo con*-,ctsorMrgtgs ltn'tu ottl LeSOi l u.î'tt, Livinc ltlî th îlub- INow ucvdcc tî tî 1vtrtilalîtt Iiilit s large pay- P O I CA A A S berilucr tlîe uuuutiitt lxt sutild igu <o <liccgunt tîxîtts <toiuu'ki'î it "uIv' uli' amitst os ito and inut cmu>can i ltuî'eil foUlmuore. ttîiL t"sit'enMmt'iv"tuni-'t is îteceiZaur'r Redaucin ocf TolIs on the Veltud& A111 eilluitoicutiouu'> sold bu suidreisid to for hiu tc lititi tti rw1 aanodi> efiabile Iiti t'o St. Luswreabe Canais. di) wo, lue is ollllt 11 it l' Iimi îmnuite i l v ~- 13 211 ('eutfeSfrcet, N.Vval "ork'. nilh i uilll.l' ia u.d tilîe atuie Io10 L- .ttor- Tituuiluu.i)tlinMiy, 18!ÃŽ8. ne>' foruiuletîli 'fU13îLI C NOTICE 15ISIitEBI G(IVEN ~"~~'t Furhor Nt' p ltaI lii's tue li be CGoverunon Generil Witou Futhr otice, luin'Cxxudî liams-becu ulenisuelteonrder sud direct PJR SA.LE OR TO LET. tulticli il is ni l I' 'eh tuu u it, aullamdifférent <iI îtnfui after <bhc - - - - ~ SALE. iiti aut lue 'L1,, .ut' ; bluit feuuîut'iu" Eighteenth day of May Inst., 11lOUSE &LOrS ~FUR1SAE. jreutiut tIle -li. l l u t.u il ts.i>, ltÃŽolunlol e idi b E I Iluat "i lar i' l'e au i- i ' t t i 'tit i ., e il iefI hbcuîuîx i heWE L C.% N<L, vilun <lue uatices-acomiun tite 4tim aT "izý nil 2,11 irt> iy St, for Samît te pLlniltI. ILt u1 i, t "!iuI iete i n- xu tu'a~"tt~eto rr l',î i "uî'uî 31.1.\ProvinciaGl Cinalui. ndauu < olql rie îre sailli't ,ul'ý't" its ,tud piit uiluid lt- ý l1 7 1 iatmen iu'u lu e îviu'dou tuie ST.LAW - ttihun 13s~'rtuxeitn Itin t g>td n1unar~tuî Whuib:., ' ' 4 îENI'R CANAL, on atilvo'mposdhng Classes putitsui ~Nos. 3, 4,J5, alil 6,1ii th e aid Trrif', Fuîut'bTollt% FRAi .-IIe I"" n 1111 tîD "X> Cr teine îunhlctu of ili i t.uetiicnuteu l <muthe aid îu ('uu~~~iahreil aits I u."itht' Articles cîiimmon- kSh.nulilic, Ilitt iot cît2ltscd. Thetu tîaaton ho a t 'i' ti ued 'n ltoe Lts-r, dûlixc'1utttluile' - S t" c t ýi t "'c'ti- W IADCNL fur tcuîeUîîîad firtlcr pirticuulii. ipý 0iii't uîhl!lu' , lah.IlLCANDsCNo. . ALEX. CAMIERON, ~ iti'. Upus ti llartieles ii<his Ctttisn 23 cents pet' Ton Otu Ciiief Counâtaibi. JO HiN i: 5V L ES, ieiglit, 'tnatutsiucf 13 cetnts. Or l À.GE, i e.Ca.%FuS uNO. 5. t~lO. ALLGE, J_ Y HUpui n clArticle ica tLu .kClass, 30 centtS per 1kt,,r2S, 1'r7. Wlu17' -Sol f, t'-;;.rTan wvilt, insteiLd (4f45 cett. 110115E sund LUT FOR SALE. S I. NTilE VILLAGE 0F lîumi)'i- ~Lt lh ou$e ond .a ic'ut iti l u t li le Cauni>'. T'rctîhîlu' îmîuîulienbcaittmft'ily <itit giuad, knoîu'îîne tlie residece ci'orthe nte 'W In. lîtiiaiuet., mitîn ta guod mou of wut aer, 1 or furtier iurticttlai' apply to Whitby, C. W., STORES TO LET. trllT rce atny oe"a y NVu> . Il. Deel, "Mra ' stou Broouk Streot, kmîcwun as coin- ttg~Alsu> the saloontu Iutel>' Ou- pied by Jeü V wItIh<uliehi, nu itb ver>' little aleatuit dulue c iivrn 'aut uGrocor>' Store. cf tine Stores. P gas ian uuiltuiiidititely.- W"Reunt mnuaeu<. Appyt JAMES WALLACE, Acigie Hencury Couinor. 'Wluitb>, 'thjuA1ril, 'i.2 TO LET. ll\"V O lirgtu rucuts el adopteti fur offices, -Lalova Lite ubseibers tHardwvare Store, in (Jaldwel'W 1mute Bîditugs, Brook Street, Southi tid. RInot, moderîîte. Ajuply' J. S. DOXIALDSON & Ce. Whitbi, DueO. 2nti 18e3. 46 Brick Iluse <o Seli or itent. H'AUT cotunidions 1Brick Cottage teithi Brick Tteetile, Stable sud Shedis, ocempicd ti Iro sent b>' M. JçssphaC. Sterling, anti situatet on 11111 Streot, Towvu cf Whltluy, Tis. Cottage coxiists cf 4 Ruiuus l inte main building, ai 2 Iletrinus off chueIitche.- ThmeIasoseatties tote KitlIeto<hat counîlueb =-uale luto edtiooma. An exueoheut Gardonu oi' about 3)ý acre cf landt, ra good Weil, andis Celer ful aie ot Ilouse. Itis pnoperty ivilI ina soid choap, and on gooti t arss of payunent. Appi>' to JOSEPH C. STERLING, 1 JAMES WALLACE, 'Whitt.y, Marc thmtGl, 1858. STORES TOI LET* HE TOES late]>' ceeu ph'd b>' 1-an Icn& ]lobertu, in tM bunt I bmuiooss) part cf tIno Totencf, Whil- s s y, knowas 'th e Atnc'aaldBuld- - Poasossicu gîvon immedlawyl>.- AppI>' te - Wm. MOPHERSON., 'w4itby, April 144h, 1858. -la NOTI Z~A New Stockt~ J<iSEhito al l l itw; tft ea& . Broollin, Ne çituur luti, -)- 43 NOTICE TO UREDITORS. B Yvir ttie if s Douc] I or ~:enbeiriug date Mancli tueZlrd, 1-ss, Ù<l ie ndsiguaned tees tiI> ly uittetid m'au for thoesetate of JOHN MAGEE, 0f the Touvunstiiu tif Wlhtby, itu <hie Cout>' Of tîntuio, Ycotuant, for the hexialit cf stu credi- tors as mtîxu>' hite 1urtiei <henct, tndon tho conilutis thîcreint setfotuii, before thie firbt day ofdîue, 1385'î. Saut Deeîloflesi',!ntitiont noue lien lit the uuîhee of N. G. itamni'u t eToîwn cf Whitby, kor signature, cf inhicli aIl parties in- toeuteti arec ettird <o take nitice. tJ- S. SPROWLE, N. G. HIA M, Angie solicitot', &e. Wbithy, Murcli thIî,185. ASS1GlNEEIS NOTICE. A Magnýe, eitîian on note, reint, bh"xu or Mort- gagie, maust settie the saute formhu.'itin. Anti ah persous hanuîtg elunfisuLîuitntt aiietEtate uilI pluss4e baud'init'cOtltS bylie ist iti'of June HIRAM 10W, Agent fmor the Asîgnoc, Broekl'an. Broukîhu, Atiril'l 18. 12 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. T SAKE notice <bat Stepheacululer, ut.e>' cr- ryiu oi thfie lusixuosa of Mercisaut, as wel a i at o' manufaturer cf anti dealer in Furni-- turc sud oCher <linga, lu tIne Townu of Whilluy, bus <his day miade au assgumant to me (<ho t nantersigneel William MoPhurson, a Mrobant lu the Towvn cf Wliatby aforesaiti) for ne bon.- fit cf bis <rditora tebo are noquestedti o ome lu sud oxeeite <lue said à asigumont, winichle l notel in>' officefor tuaI purpose, uitinU montha froini<ho date there o theriniso <bey teilI b lezexludod frein ail beinolh. of, ôn sdvau- lago tndon tho vaine. Datodt Uis lut day ef>Mardià , 1858. 'VI MoPHERSON, 8 herab1y gien tisa h i rtnera iti ly Carpenter and>IaBrown p ue, pin basanes lan tineTown . 0t Iii Maufts $u1,.udart im t &" i Brüu,5e.'> - È mu Il tnUý s U7poiti al Articles ilu this 'cws, 16 cent> pevrlI lion of 20 cents. To'ni uciglit up .... Authe %leaille ruile 10%,11j CLM3s No. 4. UpQn slArticles ia <is1 Clans, 5ceints per Ton Iu lieu of 3oceuts. 'I t u p .... . .. . . . .. . I Athtno uinie ateooumV1 U1uou allArticles inttitisj Clas. 30 cexts perT' lon' lIn lieu of 35 cents. unigltuîp .............. Upýon utl Articles lu .hicý iasa, 25 cents per Ton I'n lien cf 30 cents. ueight, deuuul.......-.... No. 6 f'ful Good a n ul enatiertei, 80 cents pur ton ieguup-inste.ocf $1. Upon _il Gu8 oti ncunnerateti, 30 conta pet' Ton ucigt ov-inutteat cf 17)4 cents. Wbnat. Floun sud Corn ,cntintue <c b'. ex- empt fronu Toîl through thie St. Lainrence anti Cinambi>' <niaIs oter having passedti irongin andprald full Toila uon SVé-liaud Canal .and Iron of all k-inde sund SUt puisa as ssal fr6e <hrotngb Wellanud Canai, aften bayxng passed' througlu sud paiti full Toila ou Une St. Lawenco C'anal. 0f nil teicla Colletlora cf Provinial Canal Toils, muid al uthens conoeruetl5 arc hirehy duiy iufctnned and niotidiot. B>' commanti, B.S. MK BOUCHETTE, Conin'ssioner cf Custotms May 28,1858. 2Q KI1N G'S PO 8T S, N O T i ~ E. wTHlRESOTE 26TH DAY O1JU LY isa y cetainLetters Patent issueti instar tino dreat Seaot fim Provluce, ail tInat oucrtain Irnotorreel cf UneDemnain Landi situ- ste, Iying sud beinng.on tinonoonti id. cf <ho River St. Lawrencee, u<lie Province cf Canada, oommouiv caileti sud kuowthetioDaine cf Une "Knga 'oun'~<tgtflr i i alanti venytin teharvesamud bulditaga thereon ereeteid ina- ing, anti aitanti orer>' tino s1pnnteilaitcos, Wm lossed. te tIn o Gvetuer and C.omany cf Aduan- trera cf Engln=taud ln¶tt lldaoussRoy, and tieirsutheeasOtdate0twety,ý?o ý1et pst, on the condition, amntg oUnon, tinat ifhier .jesi y, ler Hein; and Suoooarabtcsl lu. deairoas cf titerminig,1ho ""id terni tiero- b>' rntet i, u od for <hat pqsey adi- veno nI in thoeCinnîda <lWWt, te bs pub.. liinhetifour sucessive iiosj gham;,'< en& m nthe tisorvicilnticeCOr' iu&5O r ndi BEAVERT:ON« F-'OR SALIE cIIEAP, A MILL PRIVIFýEG AND I0WWLIOT8e tostiglon& 8tua vri "W A bore. -'lavorable terms taay be mado wlth thé Propnietor hy a Prautical Miller. - lajtJNR ARMSTRONG, N. B.-There is a frst-rate opeun. t Boa- vcrtou for the Estulbliiulinflt a -0111dry. J. A. Beavorton, iJuly 28, 185)7. LIV ERPO OL. Blacksniiths & Waggonmakeîs Shops F07 Sale or to Let t ierpool, rWENTY igILES'- EAST 0F TORONTO (A ~Ihpotalltu 515luof tjieeo0rlunk Rail- wavý. * xicinShop ifla acottage ad a quarter cf à li Acre uo' Laud attxxleid. The» preutisca liave been latelv arooted ith- ian a short distue of tie King;toul Rond, and theo Railw' Dupot. A goodi busineess n'bottu trades canUbeoiu by steauiY and pood work- For farther partitul&m' apply to M4- S. PURDY, Lirerpoci. F-- OR SALE, . tii.' v ullage uf .ive'rpiul, Tott'iihip of Piek- tptf, il joiuiuîgthe oii"ru'uehit'e Bav Station of thti G irat'T il - H i> 11) i ituuali froxu To- ronto, eotim'tiii4 ta Colla-ge contahiflg Niue Roonis, ritn rivcry cn"' i nîiiti' n Inlrge Bomn and Stalle fiît'uiluil i atu"0%<er fail 9g tetIl 1of tes- or, the L4ruii:. ire ,wtl'i1v uid ont, aid uIataucî ohla140, ru i. aLarlzi Gurdun wel uiel.ul tu 1 r ec-,the uuhuuie covcx' two acres '-t' I r,' ' I ii nd emu"l lbesurpnuiuuod in the '1" n% ti..luii ".1. for its euetl ere andulveau>tu 's l. le luioi.Ternis made e1na>' 1".-l I i ltira uxuîil ithe YokilMa>,',' 17 Farm for Sale. SACRE-S OF SPLENDID LAND. LOT 2010,.il lOCluioncessidot of Thorax; 1m Aceres ecared. Tli4 Exin imis ituate ti itin 'utir milem of Beavertdti, oxin e <avet toad lu Ntara; the land is of lin. heat qxoality, and la in lhe centre of it gool settleùient, wîth a Sehacl, and a Sa-xiiii cuutnueietlt., North huif of Lent 4, luntino lotn Conces- itou of Thorahx, c oiuilu f 95 acres ,12 cf altici are clesncd, anuI fronuting on the ýormuge Round, neur Canierniu', bh11. STIIRMS LIBERAL. _. Aplîlti>t D. CAMERO-N. Beavertou, lottt iy , 18537 26 FOR SALE CUEAP. T OT No. 27, lu the 8rd Concsiudocf WIitlxy Li VatileR) dothe h Tw Carrying Plaie,, aq., BeleviRe, or to . HNT Wlit y. Jttly 15, 18537. 2 VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE aTe abin thL, ilourisluiug Tuwu cf hitby, n Brook strcet. direciY ly oplsite JudRO Burn- acre of Land, -th 11," ut Pmue' t'e.rottae, onu CONMFORTABLE BlJÇCOTTAGE, wtlt imthabe out IulI uiu excellent WeU. of Water, aniti nCIaîtern, 1unguthe(r witlî a nunu- ber oif valuuuilltin ruitT'rt'enEur furiher parti- c,îlars apply to W. IA ,uthIreuss whitby, Eu-1u) *. 4 FOR SALE LNTR'IE TOWN 0F IV Il ITBY. T O~ OS , uan TIIEY ARE SITU L atpd oun1>iultlta' Strevt, betweu Mr. S Cochamae's andI dnCuk Application tu ha uu'h a1p 1111-. ANGELINE WEST, L 1t 51"hcncsi Darliingtofl. "Chistnu îTriu' 1iesc copy t outil forbid. F 0 i S A L E, A TAVFR' STAND' with >riving ouseo aud îwv 1large SiteuL. Theru la also et" taced auneare £ ' aid, tatlwith choie Fruit Treun*. Thtrv. b nagoI IVeli of Watcr, with Pain n, l&C.. 01ux hue pr'uu1isCs. 1< las itnaI- cd ail Lot 1No. 1. letColui. Nkaripolsi, on thîe Icad- i lg rodol To%'u r f WitbL, Liinsand Bonc r111.= .hich prcperty wtt] aold on libe- rai toninb. For <sroît xuttd Ypartieulara apply <o the Owner aI t Me Re1', Brook, (District Uine) nei ar M1diae"sTâieeni. JOHN McDOUGALL,4 ca,ý"nter. Brook, Decumbnr 1II5. 48 TINSMIITHS. is*Cppen, Bas, CiltsIn,atdlkld cf pr netta-on in e o etu in htW&M Store cf tInheitsînd OH BA Wii<y, Mayl19, 18M8 1 $Sto'eos, Ooer,'and phet HÈBb#oriW t bga<cinfoun thse i in hnalita tsta f leW ndthessu rt- Provincial'Asruf e CAPITAL £125,00, IN~SUINACE ef4oo Buildngs mud thoir Jcontent. Every inforlation uppliod on application to the nragnod. F . KELLER, Gens7)er lalang 4gealfr (1w 00.of Qa2ariO. office - Victoria Bauldiig, Brook Street, 'Whitby, unecr tihe Çhronicle Offic..: Brtih Auieriea* AssUraiO Coispy INCORPOR ATED ndor im Aet of -heThird Seasicà of thW Elevontin Provinelal ?rus- ýnèent oflippr mLaaid2 CIAPITAL. £100,000. R. PW. ciakcM.'e.,tedir pnHaltb oer Lite ~ ~ te (o ua)sd et'imuornsî-n affhoru b>' tltu Lcuteîd A ent ut huas Office Punteb 21.c1e7.10 1 DRUG~AND~'MEDlQIN~' ~W~BT~AL. CABTLNGS5' &o. Splendid Fanin and Prenulses in lIiltby. fer tinie William. Il> hitiut bexg uunyuutt f parle of iot s 1,1 6 sud 1 ,n tn r o i f X h ty con<ainiuug 1u( a -ri , a-> iller1t1 and î'nc fronn atlmup. Tlir s o ldoligIotse, Ibarnna, stables at u -hu , ulm ritss there is a gouud ctnatuxxur uiiitiiC' u O lno1, Lho promises art' utuil unwtevl taItitîtu'itiatiott inannpasd, 11 i e imîne I',î'iIl iiit iutlcs îuf the Townu cf WhiItîu't'uîîl 3 mu)io' 0 iînîiantd1 îit4<uglîct'a sortîxu.c'uii it liitiI' 'ld Mcuîe t Ar ae. FX I (u1 &'hr:l.'N4 lità ly 141s1mates. ba tSAlI 2111141j AND) LAND). ) THE SCIIEX1E FOR THE CURRENT A S.tW SIILT.W'T1OP,)1>' f ND) vcar wuil estm in open < nte wE ttra ntu l y > t 1> e i l"t"1 t 1 h i 'u . x u 'nutil MuiNliAV, le Stia APRII. uext. Town'shuli'i'of l'iLeLorinci- te luth le ht ii o- On thst day tino hooke inilIlub e iiup for Une cessioni. Tîxerettt'c ida uiee5 mi I'tiî Aunuai Balaunce, and GOOD 11ARD WVOID AI CEI)AR l4th Divison of Profits. anti.e") teres -f 1'l NE. The unîtule teu lu Solci or I<utd, toge'tter 'an seiuarulY, tut sstit A l jn u c leel the n wi r an k a 8 f on te punci t r . i Il 1 Yesr's longer .»Itending tharn lciter En . -e'nuie pt'tiLttut. u t u"î" uuu (cont a oued cr11 p rtiep te O ne a r A, pl. ic t io l'ttu' Viil t ' tf ii'cit.e î calir at tAc Dirision cf Profit. GEORG11E iALLARD, G rewi nu i 1'. (u., 1Pice ng. TIFE ASSOCIATION 0F SVOTLAND- octeuler 2c3, 813. -4 L. fonti i mSS83, sud ettîpoinemd blu>'RoyalFO SAE Charter anti Act of Pnn'iamett. ISAE MIONTRF.A-l Grat S. James Street.OW LTS h<b nantsBe- RDINBUIG11-Aa;scciutiuu'5 Buildinugs, Prin- OANLsOTS ienolitnsr eu'ev.- cesStreet. T ui'"*Lota usgrekFeà h LIISDON-ilo King W'illiant Street., City'. MIa Bayand-Port Pent>'. E.uueelyciusituutrt on te pncicle o.p Ap'ad G . H.ARTNELL, rediseýiqthe Eu'jet'use f Lmfe Assurance toiio,&. oecurWkitb22 A.ssuramtoe prcset»tt e ýi uhite notice, <bat 'if tIno Lii'u Asusoeitiou of Scothand is mndout- etlx teoi suitoul to <ho circ.unnstancés of theo ma- juet,%t>'of persous inîo elfect Aseirance-s, as la evideail from thle ra1ulanti unozamplo i mure of <lie Polie>'1171i"'..-Dtnt<hal tditre. veara sienne, tbcre have been upuvatti cf Throo 'frhousaud Newv Rntraînts, asshung thîcir lives fo r n ea nl ' i n ow M illio nttP o u n d s S te rli g . . The Polic','-holdet's cf the Annsociatiotn lueur nuoue of thue riait> of partncrnhip. Thun> are fnac fron ail rpniin t>' thed<busuma Asauteti are guarantee namly evottt. ax'o'T'EiU AT ISTU ANNUAL MEMITtGO LIVES ASSURED <o theo numnber cf.... 10,21)3 SUMS ASSUERD .......... £4,81917608t'g. ANNUAL INCOME frein premununs anti interet ..........-.... £124,Bl8SS'à Z. CAPITAL [in adiditicon to accumu- hateti preuims.)......... £400.000 S'g. The Associailoil la note issuing Pollcies/ft'uefeu several Re-. strictions comrnî> loxposeti ou Asumnured Lives snd conferîite unosaîndl important facilities sudptnllc'ulix are granteti by no oUner Aaaurmne Udlm in Cauads. DIREÇTORS AT. MONTREAL J. G. MAcs auezez,'sF . I 0 MOITÂT, Ja., Eq., DÂvtu Toasakçoz, Esq., 1I Ai.x. MonkisEsq. Bouum-Mm55t5'Torrauee & Morris. Szoas'r±a.-Janies Grant. AGENTS: WasravT-mr. J. Hame Ferry. BOW)aU-viLL-Mr: D. Fisinçi, Ontuario Bank. Nà gwcoTLE-snutOiWilmoliailk cf Toronto Osa.&'sA-W.IL Bifinge Solioitet. Mrat PoalloIýisMt. JamesE ahMecut Hon. J. CAPFI. T à d La wtituain iveu miies-uf tne Toten of Whthy. Pcrolusue iithiontiiotoul odinga, ou easy termsprefctned. Atidres iJ. MACDONELL< Emq., 1If by lettet post 'aitd. Tinmes <o-Ccp>'. 100 Acres of Laud forSuie., w EST nsîf of Lui No 7, 'au the 2nd Con. cf Ux1urid;ge, v.itb a guoot sain uallinl goc.i torkiîîg unîlen. gl'ai>nt'us of tla und'at' clennod. 'more is a irumuti butt.cand barn. !ilo Park Lot No 78 oti Dinaitîrxutinluthu Towsn cf 'litby, contaixiing live acresi, titht a goocl inouse reutainingauvein nprtments;i atabhe,barn, ont ciller,. Appl1v tii C. . KELLER, Thc Oner er Y. IKELLERt' 22 Whitby. 100 Acres cf Landt fur 24h10. WEST haifTALo 17, VIt Con. Uxhid(ge, 60 vitin aibeuse, hai: atuiaîl.and 'hie landtilaof <n. tory bant qaait>'. 'tht' uootiei Iland igl anlned teitin tihover>' tent ut puno umîll brdwood. Situate 23 miles fromeux iti>'t'uf Whitlu' , axud wtin n3Smiles cf Stotuilvitie. iu a cgocu) tettieti ceuntry, and conu'cuetctira ihiriianuflw'ticts ant iuarketa. For ternis sud punt'auars, Appi>' toIlite uelvuti'n, JAMES KELLER, [i o Markbauî 1. -F. KELLER, 2 2 ht < Y . - I.N EXCELLENT FARM TO LET. -VOR &LIMITM NITMIER 0F 1VEAS,' A LIMITE!ACRESt u2, n t ino heNorthn Wet'baltf LtN 4 r concssion, andt tino uthWecnt 50 acres cf Lot Ne 244Us conces;sion, ,rýfWnship cf Whitb- 120 ioren ineil celtivated-a larg roportion of lte forain basbeen pastoro la.ntI fr luityears, puat. losaoingivean aOctober.-. -JOHN DW Wbitby. ( mu 1 DIRUOS ANID IWEDICI"(S. IFS4bdberyotli.qis aîero tianks 10 cint.luuauîctoerscf trons;cand' p ntro e t n hic h ia entfavorud,1sinco op,ý1 n buai- j 3» on tbuepromises formuerlyocouipiod ly Mr. ..rrouid afy tha. lesStore ho sup 'île d'W'th t , Inrgemt sud troaI eompîlote STOCK 0F PRE DRVGS, 0f uverv description, yct cfl'ercd for sale in theo Toinu (f Whitbv.f (thcimuicals, PÇ'st 1 Miclues, Psrfaimery", Brusîtesq Paiuts, Oils, Dye StuII's, &c., &e. Physiciaus sud Fauuily Preicrip)tions carcfuly pnepare<l. Horse and Cattie Kedicinefi of ai kinds, acceurxttcly compounded according to the latuat irprovemeuts in Plhanmacy. S urgeons Instrumnfts@ G. A. BANNISTER, Dindas Street, bhi Whitby, April 14, 1858. 18-y MEDICAL HALL, EÇTAIILISHED 1852. W. H. DOEL, Druggast and Apothecary, Brook-St.. Whitby. ti 0j if li ti y( ti v ti d PLTRWY TL~ ULOOD. <ofata IE PllanFX TO BE 1,79Thes ACOTTAGE IN -BYRON ST. <boraz Appi>' <cby Dth HA&MILTON &RI»ERTS. '10 LET IN WHIITBY. t*rt : egreat bhiasa trool cf arlà mofious a snd]haudantuuly, t. q :erg_ v -l w &TLÂAS IROXWORXSP W Front Street, Toronto@ J"~ CHARLES VALE-& 00., flEG te Infornn the publie tîxat they have ru- coiiatructedti hose extensive premis;es on Front Street, (foruicrly )octipied as the Outarlo Browery, lu <bheiuiost couiplete style for carry- ing on the hualuesg of Irou Foundiug& Smith's work lnn ail its brancs. They invite inspection of thedr xtninnoîî'u Pst- torns of Ornatnental Iroi Fenoces Baleoniûs Verandai Vatult Do-rs, Pliani:îd lruîsxnefital Cat Iron Ltlnxn nixduw Caps, )illà anla ARCH'JITECTURAL WOJ.?K, of every de,,eriptr'n;Cooking, Parlor andBox Stoves; Grates, Cveu Mtouth'îï, (urn, Sugar Ketties, Plain Castîngas ftd Frngluga, ail of whicl4 they offer t o uTrade axnd others ou sd- vmntagoua torni. j" tCountry ordens putte tually attunded to_-_ Toronto, Octobun 2", 1M7, 40-tf ]BEER! BEER!!1 '. >' M > 'l'îlE GREAT PO1>ULAIITY WIIICHM IOF _j falta LifçP illis 4ud 1'hoerix Eittersbave at tained tli onauquencc of the extraordioary oenr'el effeced b; <huir nse, tendors it ,nxuneëeesaay for, the propnieter <o enter irîto a partictir aiinal-iS of tbeir medicittal . 'irtueo or propertits. Ilay hg een innqrethautWeity yara ore taptib. liand havùng.t bu nînitud toatimouy of -more luin <brou millions cf persons wbc bave been restcred t thoe ajcyuue t f -perfect bealth by ',bem, iLbt iov he rteirrpu otsk as the- best vegetablo niodicîno now bel'ore the pblie, admita cf no dis cUt. - I lu uotuoverycit.n vWlag ln tne tJn'ltc&States, <bers are may'who, are roady tc txtufyto thuir effficac in tennovci dicso, and givtng te <liiiwholo systounrenewe v'tgor and hsalth.- ln cassf Scrof4l;,Ulcens, Scur%,y or Ern*p- tions cf the akin, the operation of tno Lifa Me. diclues ia trnly astonimhîbg , often reuaoving ina foin days, every vestige of' tiese lontxsonneai @casc&, bY their parifyting efl'ects on the hlood Fever and Agu Dyspepaia I)ropsy, Plias, atxd lu short, mos.t âa iî ease, sac c 'atto, thoir cuaiepropentica. No fkinly sà hcùld bu initn- oint lîxeni, as by thein tinnoly use lnchin teiug and oxpense may ho sînvod. Prepared by Wnaa.£x Mor.; rM. D., !<ew York, and for Sale by HEALTH AN]) SICKWNESS!1 CHUOOSE.BETW11WY THElb7 5/ j: il v LEI e' A leen in the ("QU mtue$s tuai bi rncte Lotters ho rtsb C t, conteints. Every inforinalicin suplOd on ap- Marine Riaka for the=Be o r forPnu'ts. Joux AONE'W, Travelling AgonI, Byron Ëtret, Wlitb protection agaiast Lons and Dam*~e by lFare. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPAN, CAPITAL £100,000. T NSt'1{. tNCE effecteci on Buildinis sud itiler J. onteints. Every informiation émapllad on appliextiou <o Ihelinderigntd' JOHN AGNEW, Traîvelliung Agent, Byron tiSreet. Wbitby. Times and Beacon Assurance Comp9y. INSURANCE effected ou Buildings and tineir coulenuta«. 'very inîformnation mnpplied on application <tInheundersigne&t JO1N AGNEW, Travelling Agent sud Survdyor cf Riaks, Bjyron Stree t,W bithy. LIFE AND IIEALTU ASSURANCE, Tino British American Friendly Society of Canada, E TABLISHEL Foi( TUIEtSSURANCEOF life and Iitlî. Ic':se by Specia Act cf 1arlaxuent, 18 Vie., &hip. 64. CAPITAL STOCK, 9100,000. Ilcsd Offie at Moutreul. GENaRAL AcET FORt C. W., JAS. BuIuuLEtxon. LocAL AarixTr, JAMES IîODiuaoyr Wbitby. 1! 'Puhu TmJ-,' et eil 1 is Note Store, tehere lue is aljvvaa 4pruPlined le >rvu those *nlie have lieretooru favored hitu tin tîxcir ustoni, sud aise ail otxura Who eIah te obtuun 'onuine Drugs and1Medicinesy And at iPrices to Suit thue Timnes. Patent MdcieCombs suad Brunlues lundia inhîxen Gooîs, Trtui-sc Sliill Cnxnh'x 'aiuts ilors;, (ils for tuxniuaxxad uxîchineury,AlcolýIl id Biriitig Ehuit, Vitruinbxua for wood sud it, &c., &c. A fie assortnicut cf Pcrfuuucry sud Toîit ticle.n, Stock oi'Col0rý, drv ndutubes, brou-ies, 'in, Cijupen und Siîl'r Poils, Foil on' Tsil , ornet uîlh Iehi A fete Pietatres for Greciso, l'is Conutioux Poivdera, Whtite xnxul ack ils, are prepancti froîîîExîglinîni Recciue. 'hysîsicitiîs3 Pt-esriipii3 nd2 Fumily Jjeceità p'Ituly)repereul. fali anîd gc't an ALMf.h AC Gfor 1858, sud cluill ricxuitlber thie ;IGN " THE RED'MORTAR." ii"Pdesusxd Countr' Stores, snpplted itx FÀ-4ao;cei;, Castor Oil,' Rau 01, &e. Whhtny, May 263, 1a138. 11 orest Wine and Pis,8 FOR TUFR PERMANEN'T CtICE 0F uà "npepian> Oetiwu,n, cs f ete, Drucmi 1 nl',ut8 nfeI r ~>uLiu' 1uerta ld 'SInrhJnuuelue.Ag n ud 1eer, (hida, (nu~hin, d Censl Jkel?, ~RqelnfnectEuiL4xof thue kin, And aIl cuxuphaiuts ori",intttinq. fron imupure blounulsu ndhabit ot <lu-s- -mxn dbierai 1Debility, in t'eeblsi state uf the econsttutionx. For Ladies in s wvenkly state of inesiti, thie wine is s deligîxiful renxcd(y. Wlxulesal cAzents1ni T. 'routo-tymus Brn. &i Co., anîd tiriuhart. Khtigton-E. W.-Pl'a- 'i<itcil Atcula antWhiitby-W. 9. Robinson, )auan-' J. Stxttoit; Prinlce Alhcnt-Satton c ruiiinu;Sarkhsrxi Villaex~...Onha.1 udsv-r.'uniuC. IPatrick; UxbýIridizc-A_ D. W(rek.-s; Ctuiton-J. Boîtelil, 1'. M..~ Brough- am-Lwsun & lîIntehienà on; P>ort Perry-J. Bi"eluwblelaî-P. Matc'bett; Mlount Plexus- nt-S. G.. Bent; EanvlcJ W. Jootharu, anti for sale by ail Drugg.'utâ sud Medioine Des- lers ini Canada. - G. W. IIALSEY, 34-ly Sole Proprittor, Noe York AN OLU INDIAN flOCTOIl WHO IIAS Amacle bt fortune sud retircul front business rili spoud ftxe re'uîn<hcdr of hlus dclui uri oir Cii,%oxur; bis cuirnt entuiire heixng to contnxu- ninte to the oeorld hii noxnedix, thuat have pro- veil itneuuul'n mure thinîtîhrce thoiîiaîtd os. 'ue. *Ic e -% tScatit n1uplhesnt to send Itini a minute cuseilt ioni of thee vuotoxnts, wlth line Stitnpuu,, <1lit'.)tii pua'Ititi'reltirtletton',.ir whicin lxi vli rcturnttilt uhiu xdtitO prurrup- tutu, with diretionis fur prepantg t-hettiui' cille's &c.. Th'. i id Docton hontes that those affixolue teili nlt.ou uîe'uci of dclieucv, refrain fruit cons'uliixxi Iiilul u limsoe liexiac No Charge - Iliu ouh bject in uivcnti-4ir 'aLio de sîllthu good hae cati, hefore, hiedieý. lUc feda <t bu h isjuu.tly celcurateid for <he anre of Consuonptieii A.atlnna,mroiiOiiitig, Nervuns AI'ectiuns,Coughs colas, &o. Aduireq.4 D)OCTOR UNCAS BRUANT, 2 Box ,3511. P. 0S Now Yonlt i'R.,,UORSE, nalvotrc D 'IRoot PHil, hbas ajxnt tinh et rtr bis lifo in ra avellinug, hayivi 'sitad ropc Asis and Afnicu, as NteIl as Northn Annnica-ia spent threu yoara anoIng the.-Indiana of ou Wes4tern eounti*:Y-< tees tu.'<luiway that Lin Iudau Rot p*tlla wçre finare ovre.Di Morse W"a th in ia fin <o oetabli"inthe flac tinat ail diJieases grise fren huapcnity cfhe bleu -<batur aînuungtb, healt n d lfe depeude nupou ttis -vital fluid. .SVben tlue vantou a pssages bocome cloggeè 'and do net set lu erfcet barmnony- with.<thé dii 1feront fuanetionis olÃŽtIi body, line bîod lses il action, bîxounos thick, onptçd aud, diasaed tho" causing all paria sîckneaas sud, disressa 'cvery wame;our stninuglin la exhaustaledý .0 hoaltn teare dopnived, of, sud 'if niuru ta uu nen'îsted lu thrcwtug off the stegnatumer.non thc blood will beccuaé ehoked and tesse te ne sud thus et i'ulgla cf lif. inili broyer b. blow. ount., Ilote important t thoo<e w. sinuld kec <: ho various pansages cf tn o dy freeandcope Andbhow plsslnt te<osa at 'wXebt-.iealt î 1he vmre's Indinu Root PilIlemuutfaelu rod fre planta and rota wbioi groly; arend thte mt taillns acliIs lu Nature's gardoen fcn tinhe he a ud dl»uaed annin. bu.of tinoroc fretn inluloIthose PUI i'te M ide la a Sedconifi 1wiecinopns lthe poes of thu siti, nd assis ,Nature tua throtetng ou3 <bu fluor parte cf il vocrroulio1wtbi2. Thut a.onuis a plant wii la a xpeto]an4tlat open$ aruelogrs t] Lpassa oi cthe îuaund 'thintas n, tuaosetnl niannot, pel rmanista dn<y'by tinrowîng s IIOLLOWAY'S I>ILLS TfEbiood frirnilalios tino material cf ever>' Tbouc nu.îscle, gland and fibre in <the bumn frame. tWIloupure it, soures heulh- te every' ongaxi; nhuen corrupt, il ntieeasarily produiceus diseuso. 11011,01VAY'S PILU oponratwsi. rectly upon the elements cf the atreani of ',Iifu neutraiizing tîxe pinci p1e f <lnse, and <bus radicali>' cùning t4uumauîuuy, thether Ioomted in the nervo*, tht, stoxuachti<ha liver, the boweo, theu muscles, <lue skln, d15Lu rudu, or auy olinér part of thie systeni LUsed Týhronglaout thie World 1 IIOLLOWAY1S PILI.S are elually eftloacious 'au complaluts cocunnuo thelic tole)unnrace, sud lu disorders pecxular toe ertdm iti iaes aud localitios. Alarnming Disouders. Dysperin an sd derngemttftflIteliver,- tine source ofiulrzniIv sucd sufeieng, *andl the caruse oif imnunierable d;thyiuid <o thebee uratvas, 'au aIl cuses, Inoweu'cr xggavated, actîiug as a toult prgative, ah terative sud tonie; îluey re-w hieoue wboela, ptarif>'thluIit ansd invugon- ste tne syst n d tino coiatitntion St theo aune tinte. Gour'l WelikueasaNerrous iComplalute Whon ail stimulants« fail, tino reuovating sud rnscing p'ojuertie'a of tîese Pilla give firnine,.îs lu thxu shiktug mrves snd euféebhed muscles of the vietiua of gonenai daibiliîy. Deticate Femaleq. Ail irtegtlmnn'tie.n sud ailxuenho iicident te the, dolieste andi sensitive orgaun cf <ho sex, but in- fuxlibie altenativeï. No motlnerwiho reg-,indxhnr, own or has-ohildteuns lucalti bonitt fail tei have <hem teithin ber nain: Scientiflo Endorsementa., Thxe Lontdon "Lanoot,"- <buLondon iaMedi*%1 ei ncte," andti heie lzst mnct tof the acltly Lu Great Britaiiî, Frnce, auni Gerunuv,Lave cinloguzedthe<buPua andt hein' Ixî,.ntcir. Hoilowav'-. Pillât are thue bc-nt nenîdy lunttne teorîti fon thu IoUowing disenuies: Asîlinua [plaints!llen'dscbea, plin1 , SBoinl Com- neieu<on le, -Cotigins, Cola, Ilttna tn u o Choat lisuase, llnuru- [Gnravoh, SCc<tivanff, f [ tio. Secondnrv Dyses utadweaak-1 jSymup<t DCaberpy -[ esslle reail Af Doiiiv, Rover, I Loinnessa cf - [tbctions. nuaecoplaLnnts1Liver - -W'fernua i Igsola tia. tho -Mauitafbtcies ut Profesuior HoLL0owAT, <0Msidau7Luune. Noe Vcn*, sud M44Strand, London, b>' al respectable Dr * te and Degters lu Medicline throughout tLeULnited Skates anid'the civilhued tee la, lu pcut I24 jcent,62 cent,and $1ead. Carf Tinere ho a oonâildabs e savlnng b>' ak'ang tino liuger aires. -. f N. B.-Di'octi6osfor tins guidanceocf patients in evenIT dlsorden'are affxd e nc -ooabx. ta- n t A TQ -eeaegunnkoels oe <bu inonda "HO2.dWÂT, Nrw Yona&Loooit r* are discernable as a> seten-nuer.Sin every lquf of t theoek of dir.ctibnea oênnd ettehuot crbcs«; dtheosame may bcplaany see4 by UdinCsuteqtJ gog Ntî gà t. A inandacune rewnrdwiili b.given <c an y oe, e -ndering - auchin nformaution 1, s may lead tth je deteeten cf unay part>' or par ~'tien oosntarfeiting thoeniodicin., or vending the tâ saine, knewing < teb. spusiens. >1 ; - . - rca-m wM. whiub for Sale 3. JL- : Mt ti u TINSMITHS.