place lu liais, wlt ie - u U9ob noua "s chers wMshdhim W plsce oi te l Uw%." T. Coimaiouarr.-Vlndox m tçq &te (grIbis iapruion, Toroutè SprluiEsçffs. kt Xr- dan. 4but et rII ltat nsud7s, k tuer-5 bisv. Thdcotoralo Sdir Races came off on -Tue$daj, Jra th, ontlia.Newmarkel ousbTho day wax' rae for ruarnirag, andt hiicoaarse lI excellent ordea'. The ta-~ çîng wwes,,on tihewiaole, ggoa. The firet race wu . tto'îe PCuavva UaIso $150, wih an tasde,îtako of $50 andi $20 forteil, open toalal horAea; 2 mile heats lib weights.. 'Theainrner to psy haif a basket af champaigne. For liis race there was *ttrod the aiNewe&matle Muid," owraei by Adam iBeat- tyt Il Mfaà wtII" anal aa ennt,Ii Yaîkee lieles. ,On te- frsVlîest, -Neu'c-atbe - 2iuîist" 1usd on. thre tart anad kept irate wbole cours, ',I nging third l'an r about one qiairter, on the haf course uic canie up Cisé a-e la Kt t enntuC' fur In a tI0 rean, Il earcastie §ad tiltiicaaing. On the tlrt quarter of the hbame istretcli Mlaxwell" gaI up dose and kept tat po- sition 10 the wîhnin rpost; 6aa Newcaatle à Mall" wiiinirag hy ha arack Time 3.49. On he asecondi Ieat they al mtated well, ai.Nexwcagtlo Maid " tuking theleati, cinmîly ioliavaed lby Il lMsxweli," *1 Kenneth " -bu- ing dîstsinced on the first hRlfumile. Turn- Ing niu the homrestre" l uaNecuitle Ma.l" Mill1 kept the tend, and came in a heai of aI Maxwell" 5t0 Yard?;. Tiue 345. On ' eWasieMid " wirnng ithei race, bMn. White, M. P. P., whu acted as jtaige, offered $1,090 foearo,but .asareliseal. Theb-tCing befonu tho race %waý\ I0 la 1 againstthCeare inaa lur OfaIlaMaX,ýOtkt --or ty Iuptsu_ ' rcado b The econiilnalion 0orIiigredients Lni tlbe pIil anO the iesuh of a long and xterisive iigS Thoy &te uullii lather opeu. MeorW. la tions, rýnsoving di 04tsQuoi , hb.? rfrom cold or othtwlobuAdace .aulni the. ide, ý Palptation of lhe beart, *&Mf-*""ou& à fitoshpei %M tPali ln the baok and 1mb, &., 6tu b lse"P, *wh lol 1 lb javu Ladv,-D. CommablaPillaore lrwahiable A thoy will brlag 0on lb. aionthly nriod with regular!tY. Ladies wlîo have been %*pinjdin the use of other lPille oeu ~ace the tltmnosk confidence in Dr. (,hmouese slî dulng %U1 thev rePre-it ta do. Warrntedpure] vegle , anad frefrom :1nY ilbjitrloti. ixplleît diretions whkeh Sont by "aI on el'OIOiag $1 euEIL1B. llirmu~- INGOs, lîox. 4,581, Past Office, New York clity, or the authaorized Agent. &4UL 1 ie I)raa9pà in use" Townb i*s du Undw d4W« a d aki. . li. B. ll11ro$Iliass. General Agent for the Uni. tedj ftttes nan jl~a@l 16S Cliatnherst., New Yaarkl to wlaasn al Wht>lenaie areers ehould ho tIr Fur Sale by G. A. Banister. nû W. H Duel, WIitkby LyiiaflBro-- Co. Toronato. TO THE LADIES. Lwa&POWELL are in rercipt thia day of a qnalalit'. a'f eIaaice eaaaial,, conaaitiîîg ina pairt of' mna.ll'vit aat e's Silke inPlaid C liee, Chenc Bari, ('taifltfellti S tripe, Irisli Ptpi ina, Plaid black andai colorei Freiiîrh littcgAg, FrenehlI1)a Laaea li iid ilzread Silk liresit GoOd4. ellen1b. I ssrgeSawls. 1iadie,4 Moi Atiqatu catp, iaParasols BWugieteR libblis, I arecid,: utces, acweýtli ManlinilGoolm, G(yveSilk and- Corton lloirerv. Vie tisrbr nd more piarticnlariy cai atteutivon theira.tack of! ;,lko. ae they feel onift- dent tisait tlîey are tiic riche,'t unîd liest .godâ of the kind hetýti laMicntra a nd Tsaroati, having len aehctud wlîh greai cure by ur Agent in Ne"' York. Ait ua-n I1 theiratocit of Stiapîca, are barge, weatt aalcadaalgoond siabetatthil coud. Partie waaîting tret chu.oc.- l. and Gnd,. (if eîeryvaricty aire reap'ca.ttcd to cadi and judge tfor tlîeniaalv'et. Tie usal d tock of Ornomrica, Liquors, CriekeriPatid Gwwr on hand. LOWES & POWELL. 20 Broek Srtect, WVhithv. TiROTTINGO MATCH. NEW ADVERTISEXENTS. The next race wau for a trnting ýUrse of!----- " -- ---------- --------- $bu, witia sa itiîda of $25 cadi, $10 for- FOUND. talC; openi ta alliomses ir aCinada ah Clus date; taiiheats, 3 ta 5, ta go as îiuey ONSthe promises of Cie Suhacribor, a pletute. For thbi aumatch three htormes wree . GIILD PENCIL CASE, aith a snaal entureul, Gittes' broîrti pony, Ilanrîs bmownnPiece aI chuai attached. horsue, antd -ai telbtin." The race arasJ.I. ER . areti coateted, Oates' pony keejing the June -10 1858. 24 le;tdaîîtd winairag thefirsthectby 50 yards, DO OT.-bAD 'Whitebird' camui~is snecond. Tiane2.45. DGLS..E A D On hei seconid héat au Whitubird " tank the O-cS-ron Suida-'-iiaat a bluet Iuad, Gales' pony being left halia mile in %liae rua',natl canue ini Urà t, à liais' hrown ite l1, a1'te. uaialetee itou-subeiîig &0 yards Wi* himli. On Cthe the Sin leeta-anauenstut tile5- r thmil lient, 1Wiu'tabîhrd' tank theiuend againnilulne tif tani. Aiuypersna 'frthe first'quarter, buît Ciacai ost. lier posab t'e11ur"n u, u Scuidrtnadwlaat tion, Gales' poay taking 1h. iead,-ctabaîg D. FORD. ini easy about 30 yards aheuad of Il Whste- (lurie Makzer, Whithy. tird." 'Vinie 2-46. Tisitli '. ha e Si, W-. 2 IIIITBY MARKETS. * Wçdtà uesituy .une 30, 1858. S A B T I G The. rece')USta cfaeat h, put t .orngitî lING weru unustil3' onge., anal atill curtinue tato iiîNl4TItESU 'M FRIIETL'IN TIC'K- be sa. - ' - l ets wiIl be soîd ai tOc pin jutil Stations od FAts %.UWaiT, 4s 61 a S'a 4d peu- busel. tie SPRacutua WULAu.a'âîsd lier Isisbel. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, ,FLi-mi17s 6,d au 22.4aid pn airnel. Tu BQATS tÉ i fai&1pli tîti. *PORTLAND) AND BACK, is i-v *4 p îer eet. Ai veryv rchuîc.uuRatva. ciluIiig puates tn riadt Pur'.u.t 2es ad tSa per busliel. ti e WIhua Il iititaiiia 'utaulalttiii faUvain- llrrm n ad a 7,14d pur lulbit e miu lai te Cii iui of aiie .?.îIunt.c. -.Lcuaiu )dMrius %senges'n holding tliese tickets '.'.'ll be ai. W onu. idai laî11aner1%. on' u-d t ui Vatvn ýQil ttin n i -_________the.v ilIl bL-iz'a>d lu Nu% euiber Lit. BIRTII. On Friday, the 25th inst.. t> wifc or NI-. bci'aiai Campbell, of LiasTown, a'f a 4iaugiîLun. MARRI ET'. In U7bridge, at. MnI. B. Plank's Ilotel, on ua cl>,thîe 8othiat, by tue Ru'.' À-irii~ udekranMr. MAlnze Pelsuk ta Mi' iaaSîasah Elixa Weekrs, daughter of Mr. G~. B. Weeks, furinerly of tub i'.,own, both of Uxbridge. o t thC'u tae day, at the saine place, by the sanie,ý Mr. Ar chelan D. Weeks, Drug- git.t, to Nisa Sarah Ann Plank, graud dngiter of Mr. J. P. Plaiîk, both of Ux- The happy pair are enjoïinig the honey SPECIÂL NOTICES. " ad 4#9t aith* .'rJ Alothorâ are ncre tuaii- taà tioias, an i» laaal t la oeided, if' yuià wih to eaatipe r'saolL.l Gtru, ,abs'i or 2aîtg JT4M )yl ataatlç toas leiiîituliiisçt. Natatritilrown or lBlack, wisUaut ina loamat ajîry tu tiie ludr or rikii. U«isa te hatD udLip4aasaali ave been award- f d toiMWîia. A. liatcîunr lice 1889, sud ovv'r st0,dw10 taplicaittcnt have been mnade to the Itair ot laýlpaaqraaaa fit ufl ain.nnîsaD>C Wý ni.. 4. Batcielur's Itair 1)>'. prollacesaa coltar iittolu hodiditii6lîed fro ai»ture, and tkirr""t »u?. te iuunre lu tIse Iea*4 ,lîulèlaicr longj it aaav b. uoitanued, and the iii effecesof' X8.d IDyeireinedieit ; thaeliaix invlgurutud l&#r 'LiUe bv ttis Splendid ODye. Madle, eod or apîled (in 9 priv.ate reeaas at thui i g Luetary, e 3 lirbad'.raiy, New York. L)ilaa laiatiuitieaiitaîwus u tnt Uaiied States sud Caniada, by Draggîtdasud falley Guuda The Genaaîne lias the naine and sddress upon a eecd plate entrravn nainfir alalca of oaci liçi, of JLL4 . Bfl'CJILLR, M3 B1uaid way, New York. WIV[S-WliUS-WIGS. Ba&iesora Wigsoa. Toupeoa srpsas aal.- Tli tre elogaitnt, ligbât, ea.ysad dutabie. Fittig toaceliairn-i-aotnrain np beltind-no aIîlirin g ait fthe taad; Indeathiaal% Is niy . IC& Eta'.,limiutoi? whoestie hete tuinga are pro- poyrW uaderstood sud amade. 288 Broadcway 't Y W For aile by 17,A.,llaiaiater, isud 'aV.*1l: ocW ty; and Lytan Brus. & tCo., Toemta. 2e0-1> *- alley's 3Magical Pain Extasetor. lna al dLeese l aan:iin more or ];mas pre. doitiinatcs-.iuw tWallay lfina Itrikes at the roamt ofdi hsIi.qc n iaaediate cure. l>aliq'aMhistPa&o a tdtor, mund nothag gis.lay laltainistion at once, snd makesa esatiuin cure. . DalUUq, A agW alPuis &*imr i wliecue te ' alewrg mliolg Ciaecatalogue 'of dIscasea- bu i I%lg t"eut, ubafa, -*re aspple, cora, buint, bsa, @trai*a, bItes, potasse lia.- blalai, bit"s, serDtlO4îs niois, f0ver arO14, hios.' ear &ue, pile%, serai eyaaa, gout, swelln*s, rhue inatlan, iaald hba ftsat ribea, bdduess_' ery- bipebbtm.>ri1woriD, barberahita, uneitpo, To son;a;i I a aurineredalons ht .0 Mawy dkts rsaloI euaeed by onearticle; pao suan ie wtll vailah %r hen reeficrion p: inCa tô the lut, Ithâtte salve aoa tmnalon ot' l- un seiol mhandl avsry eue applyliag a pur. PMI" adaarder. P"4<iulimi a i rorafoSr lnl'fet iLnm«co,, b m lehetins. la "oshort Iatwe9wn Tugntort onun d bacit, ...... 20 <0 C'1hlasti oued r It o! ge, hlai fsa;uedr tl.rae 3a'iî, rÀ. tiss T I7RISTS' TICKETS. Tirooin 'ickeatus ililihe issned i'rom Mon. treuil ta a.beba-C. the tW'hite M'.aina,tortaiaai auaI igtcaaUI %. lOIciaetuo stay ovenutait.1 usu afil iitancst. Il'. iLsiis'sy ihiatig ..os ........$12 00 11>' Rallia-av g)t', Pat-Iuud, snd tlîoîucc by z5tcauilîcuat .............ý ..$11l 0 W. SiANLY, Miontreal, Jane '24, 1858. 24 Cirauulor <o Ileads "f Muinicipal CIousuoile in Citie anai Coatties ins UsPer Canadïs. Dopartmcnt of Publie Istru'o- tion for Upper Canada. Sas-I bavai the hîntor to traiunit veut hen.- with an adv,,.rtîs4eretit of the oupenisag, aîd cirusuecfîtigtruction ta 0e Iaruued un tilîe M el Graninuar Schiaoil'our Upuiar Canaada. A t li. a 1Prviiiansd tînt a lati nutitr tiotu, the Conîaiil ut l'îîblic Iuatrutiuuia lave n.- solvoul Co apiîuution thea1ipiia taebu aclînitteel Cu leaca' Couaity aniu (Âty int uper<ataa. The gtuoct t'tlis Cirelar ia obrnag the scia jeet aindari. st ctif th tuuiitl a'vcr wlaicil vian Trecucle, iii uiden thait il'the Voti'uscil atiuirld tiiu t pniperlif' tuai rttituia- aau futrie îiariaad, tai mulect lu'.' xuaniuuittira lacfine a'CttauuittSor Boatard oaits!'tiiiiurma îîpuitued l'ar thaI?.pirps, tiarcetfthV atmenit.uniiuus pnîiia s itaîua its juru.'udîes'ut u ald iasi-tch.e 'On iuoul0arsli'pa or Ittrarieaa ta attenad idel (GraJinauaa Sr 'eio, th prufairetuce irouirtd Oc given t, tiietaovate ail otîsor ilpltcutioraa fruatiCie aautun Cinie Ia'ilu ouînadi tat it ieii iteuded tluut ctue Selanil oaliI e in neality m'.a't its niiîm <oats, --a Model 4itiuinz eîoiifor U apeunuaada. I liit." tthe una tinto, e Your oileint ttervan.î, OFI" E. ILYEIISON. Tocronito, J niue8,IS. MOi)EL (i'RANIMAR SCIIOOL FOR UP- UER CANADA. Tise objet etftthe Moeal Graimair Selaooi ia toe-xempi ify tmhuai uuuiethods of teamucling the tannchasq reqcired by Ina ta bu tiult an tue G r nitaa- chola-epe tall tlîualcnatary Ci~suis uidMalaeuaicsisa unodel ton tne G taminar dehoal* of tige ininta- a âlthbe Moalel Commatori tiehooi a patternt for tlie Coin- mon tichoalm. I It i 190intatoded ibtîhe CaoMou Granar Sclioli alal as Sr ait poss.ible, sectine thie aivantuges oaf auaoraal Cltsem iiabtaý canadidates fan nuiouerslipt% anal telieruhips la thu Grainiir ilehoatis but ffect catnait le giron ta titis abject or tlie Model Ganmr tchool duu-ung Ctu, irt fear mouCha ofitls opêraL tien. TIientmos1 cire lis been tuiken te solect dula'qetsbified and able Matem rs. ' lpaplî wil! busrd un pnivate hota. sebied bU."Chu Conecil atpuos gos peuttyChaiparents of the pUi4lm andîthekeeperg ôaithei hanses. A, gui iihoal*dtobw c e~ v r"ral lewing arethle regulatlons whlch have iaceu ado0ptait ia rrud lia h&opemîig att4htè Eiae Me 1 a basuUr ar.anaas- oratrd 4 aThat the Model Onammar gcÊool shahl b.ocpned for-lte, adanuuasicta 7 Tust Chai qealifieaulnio-fun aliisaalouushall b. the sainie methaos e quireal for adnîbstu ti- toi teCouxty Graman éin ooëat fllowue- Papilm le ordsr Ca ho eduùied ta> the. <;raniutna I Sulicol, Seiet lbc able. I. T6 > esd lntüIigib1i- Iand careecty any'-ege from n ~y eQaunttui. rit raiubok. - . o spettcoorr.dlly tuae woido, of sas oretitsry : selae. 3. To- iwriuê Wsfrf fumhLad. To - u-ort reuuWsy qsteshloi niate 7~NK -eguiaraianth aeet of No. Uno TRook andalLatder (iunîy of te.Town of Whlîby, will b. lielc st T. Ccowntnz's Hotel, on Weduta~aii1 eveainlg ite Tth d'ay of Jnly ah lh lîc,çaf 8 o clocktrcsl' .. 1 E WAItDOAL.'fWELLý, 'w hlthy, Stne 80, 18538 soetary.* HIORSE FOR SALE. A nenE large Ba~'y Horse 7 yeuxra nid, goad IL.single or doutble hainiiea H.QJ. MACDONELL. aurt Jlimes. fI.Gleyof lte undersigned id5&tiItiu ale)l ne or te largesa, mon t 'venaiot, sund te~as haianit spaouan sd beat fitted- tapin ii.Proeiaee. separuai elect epatanetts for ladies. Potritfivm 5o eaU tarde. Whlity, Jane 8<, 1858. 24 DAILT'STAGE BETWEFEN wtIrny ivA»,) LTNDsAY .A!4'D WHIBY AND BE.AV'EATON. TAMIIN4M Scan trarelt tlrouagh from J. .'eItflsrPlaceCtsesainTe clair. Thse Stages froin Liindsav tandl Boverton ar- tira, in l*i iae for thu carsgaing east sud -eet. * N. RAY. J 3e 0 878. 24 STRAI13AT EXCURSION. Fourth of July Excursion to RO H ESTE R. I N ORDER TO E'N tiLE TIIOSE WISTI- îrag to vî.it the United' etaates on ilîcir brreit Naionid Da v.. tue 4th if .lul'.. wlîeis I.tohe eelrl>ratced luiRîheaîr on Mnda, J.lil.%St, býa Grand itilitary )iaply, sand r-oksi t4~ evening, the dteuiînur' K&PLE ILEAF.--Captain GEO. ECHOFIELD9 will md n ýl e'n"iai trip to)Rche,.ler, takinst pua.îeîCer a ai fthte .'nraatet of J"ore, anad '.il bave -the following porta on Su* --lay, J niy 4tb. P-« folowl§: whiitby, s A. Ni. I ort flope, 1 P. M. D.rlinston, laa Calbsiii, 4 a Bonad lla'ad. i rizionn. 6 Au Excellent fBand of Sluiic will ur heon ardithie Wint rliinig the trip, afford- inà r an apportnisitv to. thotie mihinf to thae M.'rry Daiaea. <on the bu." waters of 'Laite Ontt- trio. ieniig letsnrwl aeRce ter Monda.'.etciiaiig, ut I1 k< c 'cloek atî' a li arrive uithe abtve porta earîy Tueità asy moru. GEORGE DARLING, Agent. Lumber! Lumbor! L UNIIER of ail kioda, gond sooid and Nier- clianrtadle for sol Cle epicta5to sait Urnes, ut atjitîev's <nid sfw Mil, '.n Lot N (,. 28, lu thie. ofPicerig.Apply to W ni. CO W A N. WANTED. '%ZlFt)RUATION astaithe snereauuoutg Of j.DANIEL RIGKLIIY, lacee f the Paa'akIt ai 'l'eaniibeniîrtinl, lieur liaudo4n, 3îatv if Gant. lie as soppos-4l t a hoatInetient' i C'piter cti. rtil nasiter, M.o&UGaasr Oi ailNse l sIit a greuit favon. Dinret tui AuRà - SM Bateau,8 Laq., isgliaiog, GOsaity Oint. or taut the aOf tuis ba'.aîer. 2 D AILY STAGE. X M-y Station, oi tOi Granid rout iiaulroad, ea.nnectiaigz with the ge MornIing. anad Eveaiaag Trains. _M.~ JAMES HUBiARI). Naoieinber rd, 1,î57.4! JOSEPHI HIMSELV AGAIN I AT TUEi Old Xcorwool Ilotel, Greenwoud. J C. STERLING hues to infon iails naimer eTs afirieii'bs. antt~ri naluie. thait lie lias reatuanoal te bhîs-ant ait lnd Ibtel, Grecta- woa.I,ýwbier ll wli -ivei'l ira tt mîtdineetioîi, yle b tîrute tafini g'rOod treutineai jt ailsbq da The hommec liai laen nu'wly reiinvatcd anid mv- jêaired, ua aotlti.'g tiMI unattLon'lùd to kstpph' icaxd aeaaiiastiti aaîfuir daiys. u A TLAPGEStock ni VarniaLlîca, conisting of .1LNo. 1 Copal, Saiperior Furniture, ILtacit anud Br.îwn Japan, Cooeh, White Dour, c. Bnr.iing Fluid, Laanp Oita,-Cuinpiene, Alco-. hla, &o. G.A. BNITR >undîas Stîieet, Wbitby. 6- X NKENOINSTORE' 110DEY's FOR JULY, j lCEtXSID AU(,1 . ONEER, WHITBy. 15 é8 tIroparedtote mid s5in auParmt ofhe' Vouas mv. Aucian beatetats of evary kind Emromt'iy arrsu ad s]atteaadd ta. Rusidenco Dunadmasta'eet, Etasl Windsor, Vhitby. Mîktion (jommaion wredelnIra acordalie ertIt thai depreel onditIon ot Che Initie. Ail eider fornsalua received ntuthI lar<i1~ ?rintîng ufco wh,re a iplios&te boot k autk sud dsys anal lerans of salesappolnted. î8 T E LUJCKNOW IIOt'SE I iliE suuhacrilicn wn"ldheg Zto appu lte lii f&T arleniiu s ti thc puia'ic relierauly, tisa, lie liai-.openca i it OLOTHIKG STO'RE, un the 'atatiaiIuiau4ly aceuipuidbv Wtii A. Kellit pl»a st ataisd tan -.ulah) wiclie aaal hc founci ta tato oudatra fuir Ulotuiinm, and fit up hua cusito- ruera on tthe ahontest auitiie. Ali cîrdes-ni-net tî,alysttendcd to, lmmd no di- M. O'l>RISCOT.. WATCII-.MAKING ANI)JEWELit W. lI iloirsdhava opened lu-tea i tiýc nec'. buildingt Ituly - ed-- hi M. John i i- . - 'isontii Bouk t stnct, wbiure Watchez, Clocks & Jewol.ry, eau bucuîlit:silid. Repazirg of aU kLiaed, ezecîecd toith1 cars andai 1raamptnt55. A large stock oi F.aigli*îi Anietiesma (lerusan ands Gcactîcrai a'tclies, <iituua and slcweury an rivut c ven'l. i. iWbLKi'NSON & SNITI?, Watthuauatenaý, .ewelerst, &c., liruckt Streot, Whlitby. Whitby. Jtaaî 2, iSIt. 20 Strayed Cowa.---Roward. - TR %FD fonithe remitesor 'Cho a ub- scrivel riutittwoweesiicen taro coaa, nae spAttec il ~bsad Whiite, white £&.ae-4 roars o141 :îLieuler blackt enlou'.tbelly sIsite, 3 yans nil. >Ativ person bringing tItan o thé sulucactber or utiaitjziifarnuutioui ut the sanie will ha suit- abyro(e.WALTER IHOWARD, Dundsa Street, lîitby. LADIES' SELECT SOHEOOL [RS. MACKE".ZIE, 1S8i'IEPAREI) TO n retciea lauited numbuer ofa! lotut bac r".aidence, THE HOME FARMi EltIior ais baardera or îuny sehours. Tams- taaade tnowti an appl ie.ution. Wluithy Aluril 2Q, îî:î 15 bELEGT SOHOOL. RtISS CMRL, r,!zetftiliânnne an MONDAY Next, May Brd. at Snxrt's Eau, Byron Street, WItby. Pupils flrnm four te ixteen vears oid recoe'd. Reading, Wrtîn&, Aithrnctk li~EgilihGrar- mur, Iistor3ya Geography, andl (to Icuaite',) nec clework. Ternis par Qnartcr ................25 ,Exchisiveo< Wnit4ng and A£rithanetie. .$200 aRE F E U E N cE S. J.V.fliam, Ea4q., i.. . Wý. 1Tretnayoe, Eaq. Be,,ister. Waia. MeCcahe4 Fe%, PrinciaWldht- by, County Grastanar icehooL Wiutbs tpit2SIdeS 1.5 WOOLy WOOL. ]PÂID OR ANf QUÂNTT. IIAMILTON -&- ROBEIRT9,1 WHITBY. Wtîitby, lune 9,1- 18& 9 q EX ENT ONTHEI 1 il-AMILION & IIOBElITS, BEG TO ANNOUXCE THE ARRIVAL 0P TIIEIR ST ~COIMPRTSU-*( -G OLtÈSIHANfl Al[CA111 Rd TR .1 B OJwE TS JXD IMTN, EIoxS, PAR&SQLseSu£SLKCAPES,. A BEXUTIFU ASSOMTMENT OP DRESISS(OODS, 6i2OVES AND) HOSTKRYY A FEW CASES 0? GE-NT S1LK 'AND FELT 'HATS, BokSreWWiutbv, ÀeIL 1c. '58. -SPIýIING :IMPOIRIATIOINS"'58. IN DRX GOGO1S, IJA»IESDRESS GOUDSI )MAXTILLUAS EOSXM, GLOVES, SN&LL WÂRES>pPARASOLS, &c.- HEStst~ibehaajaîl rcea-cIfroin *>aîtreab, an nnusuaflylargerntack of DryGooad,! which DurabllitY, Style, Finenes of Texture, s4 dacheapuoss, ~tbey cannot b. .quzdle i n this market The taual Stok of Sohool ]Books, Stationery, ]Rooni - Paper, Groo&ries, &o., &ô.a, of tihu rovîîas'e, 1 îtiaivht,ýie, Cloîpter 172, lu- titraicF -c-Att Acr tn ieieni ti-e cte' trtIti formaion oa i ic"rpiratud -hitt .ock Caîaa ptiîe aifor aitutiatîrt t"ter ;noe l'or tle piirpr,:el f tt'jtîretnito ittaieBtild tîag tt êzteIa,&.. u il- Viliît if llronizltintaa. in the itnI~ot lcie:i -iii tic Ctt:iîit.-ci Ontari t". itace i.? 'Cati d. lave lui%- eCî11),Uiîieth tt i orin.liteai pre-cribftI in sali Acta. lly Cîîîinimà d T. J.. J% LORAN-CEPs. shedlaSsale of Lands. Cotta r ' V0%?uo, T YVITUE 0F A To WÎt >W it of fier! Faiiiî- is'aued ont e ie ait"'.', i oitaf Qtie.n'-. B.'nuih, a?. 'oroaito'. anc directcd. agîai-i the buiiad. anîl teaacuaiitta of Biiel Goodsit WIuit- Cuiter. defenidïit, ait thte sait of Tiima Piîxton, plaitiff.- i haie aéizcd anc titea ini emention fblI tIhe citite arir itere-t of the salai Buci code- lait WV tit#ker ini that certtaitn partoxr place nI' landI, hein! eanùpý.4eclof Village Lots ainhet .dart v-anonc i ',xtv-t'vo on the Soatla aide ai Qaîeieîatreetuaad d ig umber sevoaty-tine and :4eveatv-4we on thie North xida (if M rYn sîrcet, lit tic villaige noflPort, Vterry las the Toul'P. car Reac'ti, Uiithe Coîaîty or Onataio. Alil w ki baandnd <fencweuit.'a, arthe aiaid de"edana'm at in Office, in the ýCouirt fleanse, nt the Townoet whffby, 'in the 'oûnty- of Oitiio, On Siturday the Eighbteenth day of sept."- NLEUI,SQiG. REYNOLDS, Sherlfi'a'OslloWhuebyC. O. TO AGRWiYLTURISTS- T IIE Saaiscriba.ra hire.jitat receivud tdirect taun the inuttiatoers a fine ass-ortmeail J ni t4 euaidcaieatiuned artcles vat parcs a suit Chu turines: SU SCYTHES# Propetty on Brock, Stree-Fer Sale or tg Lasse. Idt.No. f; formerly uceaiuiod by Allan'ai Lirer! ecais,1iarm Cfr, easii si a l Sot 8. aur liu<îea iacstitose ots lare eqrAal iD ah> li ucte apilswurni* ereet goed Stout er Brick Buiags an titaîni S'To 'Leaise. 0-,z jIcrar= Emia F riT u aae-c on Broca Streeet directly opastite a.BYoa Ifs te," te.- a treta or, 14, oi2 eu, bu pneals of-20 fecà fonta'ge Apply tà Whit':'y, Srd - TOSET L%'R a te rn of Seven or N<-le Il! Lo)ts o! LSti iOf 1 'ONE ËUNDRFD ACRE iin the Tawraslp et NARA, Cue uie, Lamiai la of thaifiret a1uality .ihi?. Mono>' t-1ihaad'aueo if fim-m heildiga, sud if r2qital -ain luive tue ri-baC tu pnrchssent, oaf the Losse. ~T. S. JQEL 'Whitbyi .&pii 141h, 185&. *EW 'IAR -1kt Take tlas method of applîtting tlaetr many fruends an- Towncl Whitby and ln lte ~* ,$0.*0,*0 (Çeun* Segonurafly, North, Emit and West, ltatInl consequitene do the rapua disposai TOWN M'ilLA, AND PARK LOTSi of 1h, Latafor Bniaresa#nrpoacs, and LOTS ]FOER PJiIVA4Tn RitfMNCPSý LAME U OCI 0F 000on luit sLlITiti JsX19 Town: ofTHEXlINTO WKITBYs TofIS SPmNG, lhey ave ecraoblIed l mak - TOT!9 Na.14 anal 181. ELi- of Brack Sfrcct thy ae ecaobipltaisk ;nul sto "ollaira% losIetçla sa~ rpryexteniling frani B o FtaPary 11XTf- N SIVE AB)TflONAI> PU'REASEk 10'41o.y17. ianallà t)<. F*staide of Broclx direct, Nocrthi of Pcalrd'loIatal. Pitrtie-11,4ir- I poet ntho prindipal ês:tin te, ýWý now deay arriving from New York, Boston anal Montreal ' wil l'anti theae Lo)ts woul aatiateab Lots 1.0.3 aind 2o4, -a cornier bliockc on 34apl tind TIIEIR STOCK 0F STAPLES 1I mmENSE. Loerytr7172, . Inr, 74e Mirîit lots areé lnaone Bble, tuunducUbZ Ierry auna Chesnut andal Nla -treets r OD I AI910 3 *INSPECTIR GE2IERAL'S OFFICE, Lot 11L, e"t o l'n-vSt-roctt anai diréedtyop.M- posiCe Cm th ua ltu I The aubscritcm-a would cadi the attention af the T.adies te thse Stock af Superbt<VT»a Lots aio,8364 r.7 82 83 84,and 81 '.Ma,'fe Sut., wîuiciu are uueqîatlatdia tItis auity. lu coassuquerace out he great inoreaiac ln their Toronto,, utn .Ine, 1858. Iseniy Streetanul a~IiAïîùit Ègestease asitprô 15 Ecat.ivca-Till (lva'trea G~~iaa. ~ 'erty an tdiu Norrti4 C :ni, hetv'n ila titiller couatitloraitioi Lot-4 No. 810. K-s1f'er îreaThis Li u Chu2d ttltiu,tteDeipà rtiatttl Clrculair ti we11 folîcan uda tertaisei haprotveda LiQ UO R BIJS1N E .SS, Ioftcixtoi înéntitt di29th Apnil. WEST O 0F STET 1853, uuy wlîich iiioýév f o&,i vr the subow-aemueahaine beun obligeai te order largo additional supplies, grmu aoamcait are off ered ai se, ire aUovwcdlto tcae3i d-euun ctualb - Lots 104, 1011. Mr, anmd 119, lsoaatded y Cen- ta Whuloà aua purchiaeu'sblinadu foir caiah, or tIs-atit 'ntdlu, >eeornug ta the' tee, Wailnmît anti Rint Strecita. Tiiese Ioti are The usual Stock of Groceries on Rand, lea-dreecitid th ioîne, autd todirectdt lit, athmeiesdu, areweIaaipted tuttitugp-pu- 'auttedl iauctiotua bai alluiwed'er, anud thlîa tiia CÂSI PÂT) F R AN QIJ NTIY 0F WOV . ties bceulleddupaus tîe anount of'thi Lots 124 sud 125, -corner of Knand Jsud uunicela ieetc atne tîautauca mndr ult lnLt No, 13à : Eeat-ôiKent Street, amabut a LO'WES &POWELL, to gouda tîttiiibootai, "ai s il OS Iotsirnuirten fcew radia Nortlt ofDundss Streeit. Brocok Stxeet,.Whftby, Jnne 9, 855. 21 5iucetIs e t saaîg of* Chuica-darn iqne'.ttun. TefuwonualcéLtwme lcedrm y R. . M. OUC-FETT1,lange iiiiber., oii la iew ai holdingtiea .21 P. S.M,. BUGHETEi an investinent, but ine now affereclfi)r Sale te '21 Ctî,uiaaiîtîenof Cntaatna. iiaaly waîd epa lange tr&satsslsu Lot.ý214, . ... . .. . Pimc ......... INSPECTOR GENERAL'S OFFICE, aaet 0 - roronto, sast May4ls5q Lot 28n,... nuie ............... $190> N OTICE Iherëb'vt ilu Éait Ili Exceclien.' ii 3...... i........ 160 the ;ui-urdr iaieni hai hoaIplu.....a..1- . 'aa.............o uin orden tua Concîl, leficiitCiii duv's date. fi.... l........ ....... tuairdu atîl( direct ti tue strauu.e of gour in tii rÀLAcT TciT sheila ai the Luichitie Canxi.îdlisiria tt M'ntreîa Lot 29q,.... I'iee.............. #200O baintil o3Q3 . a. . . .Sot) gveiid y he iolw grcgîilaiticuaa, viz- a *î a-Fnrslaili 'e ailowed to utnainin letue ai301!, .... a..... aioda l'antwro wlîole days frac cîtnie; ..... i g................~aa RTI ~ ~~2-lf btept there bcyontmd ra<aya oir 49 uours. 5.. ....................1. Aîaclu futur to ho li;uble un a charge of (bite con' inM T I MILpeN QB -pehurrel, fun tîae firmt Sitar daiysafte. Trtheexjîr.uiiin ofthe 49aof exemtuiotn; ..Lot ....Pricit...........~0 - 3-iioulci the iloium bu itpt irathe sbiec]a 'c- i. . au.. ............ crn ou rd u Lysa t onu cettplen dîuy peir barruI. 802 . ai....... È........ .. 4 t uhull tce ihable te a p.- twocenit-%îpen dityJe- aa367, ..... ....... .24 4aurnci afor evcry day sà shequaint ta Chu exlier-a- i 378 ....... ............ -0 ti- oua of Snell four duas. ai1879,..... ......... 250 4-Aai) part ufta day te, ha cansidereai as.ont day.13 otnnLots 349, 35n, P51. M2, C51 aunai 54, containIni R. S. i. 13')UCIETTE.teaiv oaie Acre andl a bal!, will bc sold 23 C:oaaui-rniioir of Customs.. lap unclok rsaicortittir, 4OrFFaC, Onc-fffth ;lpayable ntuîct Decmbýer, andl thù Tournto, IncMaiy, 1858. Vaneo exteudeai aversa teran offroua fla'e tocaleu N OTICE IS TIElIEBI GtVEN, tuat«Tit a T e;or. Brtratnsna Stear iita lianti Fnribîii1. Versions who wlli ercet huilclinpm lt'hiosemnt Ummuanpasiay" F.ubat ondnc*cd tnden the Proni- vcar, the tirst: paynieut Wiil at btSeu ae till con nf anAe1o1tauPa liut of tlis Pro Man15. C k b'W*pID vinem-, lOt anud l4tlu Vieturite, Ciaipter, 28, lii- tor plans anad pairticabanstaipply t ibnecu At o t ruedulu ta1iinai-J. HilFRrY, ita auf I Aoii Actuted Jovint tor theominîu- WitLIa-h Ci.m5 ionof n.o..,r a-t., Joint tck-aiuimPweor l'r Nl:iicaieiaroia(.1i"n niso ofaia r A . 1 J. IIAMIPI ý'ew&ys on bah ct- 1 0