Whitby Chronicle, 1 Jul 1858, p. 2

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_I 1~~ ticea, Juin. 28, 188. aaz, hli lett Ltr«epWe m 16th, arilvedbet'I aet 10 6o- ranittR. 8h. came ia bt annieu t aIsouthâmuptcon te EIaùbungliahGiagow- k reacled Liverpool on lte utte ~ q.#siîî1 - beema* ppelIe Mtinter of tIietorie, thuw !i*ftof l*ugem«ha*lI ,0%hO la *atatom 10elisoniila ,The Awralt. -Aatrit Tue ýWim* cîta1unlpg th~e articles oh I Wuanch asmamnits WU atenneWiin tie.. nf Kinlyre la a dense fog on tle nigbt cf UeWn&had b.. uitcoesaftlly muùbnergeti. tbbc IIh 8h. tasud ho bebreaking uip. The ggyp4an,'uila'ni e Worthe. ycar la tha. iliesefaiConmonsutLard Stani>- l Mon rend letterg ahcwlng thtlthe pacification -T4o mpQrounf Iiîasla limaI nvibeutthe cf Oune wua proeeeing rery sastiafactenil>-, French ainbà&isadoi-to c,ompsuy him on lanciioidct'5andti blookutar s givýng Ilahem lbis jotreiO n Iti Sôut1iern Provinces cf muhniKin. bite 'minre, Tiie debate resu<nud on te remahulionst u Ti. & 0 eî~xpense - coflime fortifica. relattivetolte cGôvernmeitb of Tnd'ta. Lord î lam Buplswa tti t6opic Of comment Staner More thle Stit reschnti'n wbichit itePrmas.., lprovideçta tneaportion of tic Council samait Tiie rnitea Bltes altea ,fi gato Poa-- fclected by boîtiers da'> tu tock. hattmnax kt î 1ôný_go Lord John Rummell morcutin amendaient It a-s rumoredaai Canton <tit e Cli- tlat the Council le appoiitted ent-eh>- b>- none Intend ta esltrcy th. Etropeun utael te Queuta. inga on the ilynan ide ohftthe river. Aterm long debate, the amendment wa-ms L4kalma neporleu thLat Nankiin batl been n.ju'teA l lin 15mitjority and tiieoriginal cpuctfoalt eueb-lt npra propeailioti carnicth '. 1 troops. O (n the 111h, in lie Hansqe of Lords the - *Ltvpnu-Ot, Junte 16. riri oh Mahntnebtrv qaiti ho apprelbendetI The acennols from the Untteti St.-tea, nol~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~e th hgts hfluiyiite ann u-eamsbip Nincars, lad a*depressinz the fleet-aufficienthy to deiending lie chuan- ceff'rt unnn om oenttn market, andl inuiem ne] tt the aherteat notic. ibir infiuuienice prices haro alihabeli - "the blii ibohisbingIte pnnperty qomii- ecfri hn1ahi doacnîptîons± The decine is ge- cation for tmembeme ci pariament hastlinally neralhV caileih *0 per lb. The market boa '0 1otiFe ofCntnmsa tîben qîile flat-tîle sles nithtIcilrpe la <ho luee Cmos. rFitzter- tiareenv rearhinz 14,000 baies, aifa-hic-b 814 exiilalnedth le settemet oithe Cagliari à,000eacli wuas seldt tspecuhators ach ex- affa r, nt i d t11mbtbbcSarlinian repre- porte. meniltinevelIn London haut expresseui salis- 'l'h. mnthta maktansm tiei facib!on at the ivt'iuit. atb tht oah- Liverpnon. andthebbcec-ounts The Lonon Titties continuecs ils argu- tîcreînm are tiprniin -iole.-; nning tnettsa in ýfiror ofiii thne in regard ta ieten elffcted aIat a llghb declino on ail de-' searchinirof vegsads andtii disconlinnance seiptions of god. of tlb. prurtiee. - qu irt y~oriita a-q on t vistulta Va- Arrai of,<the Anabla. ,e fie oy e ptiposen nagv.u. P, purîb i t sul au13muscarntu tBirmiinghnam. - 'Vmolent tbunder salarm, ad prevailei inr Rnahntidoiog Set-ioniamiaige.h L4TEST. t Il> telugrapb froua Londoen, 1Ithbi.tle City Article of the Tiunea reorta imnts dul. On 'T'esday p:una in demnul on ztock exchanp nt 12 fper cent. Mome on.- q îiry alan in discount muarket. One lîtun- ch emiantid ift>-thouisanti poutis oi goîmi taken ramn the Bank fan the continent. A nea-mail lineofo!steamers bot-veen LFreyponoland tigttrahit u nden heanaspices * <a <le Cunarti Company, is projecteul. A Comapany bas been formeti ion con- necting the Clantieil sland% t h En4,I-nd b>- sitarine eegraph. Thegrc -nen gaanantes interest aut the lune s tobcb ,ciapletid by AtglsI. The Secnetary ai thte Conmmuercial Docks, L nýonan,"basbeen sentencedtoi asix rears f pnn srvtude f)r eiahezzlingseme £4.,O0 ofille Con nys uns FRANCE T'he Mon.itur>ur enie' te Passertion ai lbe Enghitu pipera that France a-as makziog gretit wnhke Ipreparationsl, ant isra Iat tbheotilitary anti navntiforcss tmifisheti a Zceur sinc'e ion tb. Bitgel ofi1,97 hlire 001 teona ncreisotu. Th'e denial produiccula favorable eiYect on the P tris botume, hut - bas looperative bu Eitgland, the beihef be- l-vu- h-t thceiIeniteur ase ot cîphicil enougia. .'-T-ÃŽ oo A lether from P&rari srbA.-th oa ions tinttheicMediîlenunean sqi-udron bas recenti>- been sigmenteti ront eight 10 ha-cire reanèbas; Itt fort>- thousnstiextra recnuita werè cahiet.i oit biis apring; anti immense arnomiienls, fuar boyonti wiat tbe dehinees o! tle conutmy require. an. going on, vnet enivtt Checrbouîrg but in erer>- mitary port aillhe emîpire. Il la qaidth lIaIhie Rissiiun tpretenbaatine at tle Paris Couuerence a-as crcaling utii- ruflttiahu tretto aprolong te meet- lng ta-o oc i tre. montht.- l'h. principie of non-union o! the Princi- pailea haut been atimibteu thbbcConfer- ences. An cxtrnruioany meeting ai Conicreace Iuîd been iteId. * Tîte Lade ai France goneraîl>-, isaititout Improvenient. - Vepiéass haa-ers hadt been exp.crienced, mnd te avance in breadtiauffhuin Pariesa-as lui Itte Provision mnarket a general ad- TSflcO ina-hou isareporbeti. The Lotien Pose's l'aria Correpodecnt lietieves liat Prince Napolcna-ut retire from te propoçeti govcrnanumip oh Ahgeria. Re lq saidt tehave insiebtd on fre rade in the Coloay. Frencht in!anlrv recimtnLa -are to be anm- eutIvit ridles, anti ai-mtai-e ae een issueti for 40n,00. Gent-al Rapinase regigneul lie %inisbry oh trio Internr. De Gan.13e, Presideot ai tie Court of Paris, blitppointeti suucSsr *o toEpin ase, and nccirca a seat la île ITALY. The sxbisfâctimn granIeyt h -le Kin-, ai XNuples < c, olisi etmntais is egardeti in Pirs as lb. procurAor tu e«,simntiuo of diplnatuic relations Iota-cen Naplea andt te wesitern poeqm. TE'RKEY. Thc attic'c on the E-tgidi ContiaiutIBel- praio, precnuuiy roperledeti, k sdtâ have taken a more'seni.îis luîun, anome soVtierg -hnving nuuseqint!y att-tcketi bis houuse. Tht.>'a-e e ptacr b>- tle SualtuiSauanut - sont o lia prôýection. the IniisHouse, gvex fuldeMalle of <heo news per Permin. .Tic garrnon -nt 8mba Jeitunpor lha% bon n eleotib>-Brigadier Jouies, The rebeba b-4u1 stormeul anti n.- taken Chiîn-Iauoc a-hidi lad been left in chiargenciScinian trcaptc. he rebets aa sixe uoal utr'ore anti Titabut. Shitame da to 1911< April, 5 duys laber, receiveti. Exobtunge recetied bo six shillings anti Ste peîuary. -- Loutera Tu-cm fong Koag simule titat Commsm4lncu- Recdu a aelhas al thooblon hbrelgn plenipoteuuisniei lad gne nnrti. Eamors wore cunu-nt t Citen *bithîe: Ohneae prneseti1ng*an Attempiteo ~detroy ailt<ho da-elling oeuietib>- foraibgntereon te Boit at d, a-heu- e c wctait meet lie rcsLaueeTite foriga. ens baul been warnedfte dange. ,,I1t s rptebd tait the Ciity ofNankin b;gben taen>-yImperiai Irnpa, hui t he rumorl@kd confirmation. - .b iah of the Ariel. Tic Ariî'a fmuumn Liverpoal. .Tnne 19. tas juiot urriti-ai titis 5!Sfliflu. Shé puas.refl theore fuon lthe 1tl bti unid oaa. zand ,n te 2-Si. tl, tnon, p-is.qiîtl'A qai iohfa-ar smpoxeci <n bu> atueonithe 'I'eecrunb expe- hitinn s<ouring a-est, in lut. 5i-ntCe. lotit. 1008.a-bit-h n4glit r vaihe tle l;itRg- -a. Frou bu-r positintilt ouil p".ar bunt tbc spot for uniting tle c-mlle hati na< yet heen renrleti. The A raGu ru-noria a cale frnm lte W. S. W. on thc 25tb, andi ienther on the whole not sgo moaterteOas uwtamain Jutnc. Tii. steamer IndiarklP.nipireas 10 lite loft aliron <lue i8th. bmît s she as enteminng ibat barbon aie s<ritc* a aunken rnýk a-hch, thoitglt nt injuirinuz ber, cana- edber theteotion îînthl h <e lOtIinut. -'iho steamer New- York as geiog te Tic Citv ni Wàsbhinu-tnn mand Northt Anuericuu turniveri nul on te 17th. Tic King oh Belgium waas niaiting Quteen Virtoria. Prusaha, ib ias rumoreti, aste increaso ber armn. lThe Croura Pnirces oiSa-caen hati giv- on iurtb In a son. Tht' finish Ehectionq las rectulteti infi-t- vnrnif<bhe îainiqlnv. anti against the cdaimus ni the Germman Diet. The Insurnection in Canula haut codot penccubhi. Baa.%t)%TCFrs-W'ea-ther unhaverale, lut no real timmage 10 cropç. Flnîîn rerv tînll anti nominahir* v Tnchung- eti-neil Wýesuurn 5% 2d a 5,qS5d. Coarn rer>- diuîhi-a'uhna-nonminal ut 349 6ti a -34s 9d~ ,wtrle nifereti aI.33s hon prime, luit no sales. Bcdt quiet and ti aa>. Park quiet. Arhes qiiiet aI .378. Londion Bireatttiffs dîmîl. Englial irboat la a 2g ina-en. American unchanget.- Cnr.aoha choset iut 951 ion accnunt. Tic Buulhhn nhoecBank cf Engiand lad decreaueti£101 ,atOO. GREAT BRITAIN. Tn te flouse ohLoruds nthîe ITth it.t, the Bislîop of Oxford cailed attention 10 the Spanish sh-tv. braie. lHe conbendeul Ibat bIe preseat îbrenateing aff4irs in the 1>est a-s occasioneti by itaving se long permit-. bcd Spain breaking ber treat>- engagement. Lord Brouughm s tangi>- apposedth Le polie>- ofSrumin. Earh Malnexbuîu-y tieeply negnette t t lte efforts ci EnghaI.n t auppreezs tle slave brade lad not boen secondloti ivotiter nabions. lHe batiadmit- etu ta he .Amoerican Govommeolttalas a quiestion ni Tntmnationai lia-. Eoghanti a-a ont ontilecit6 migbl aifriiît or mîglît ot search ; burt ho Raidi aise thal ho aboulal put if atrongl>- la the American (lover- mont, a-ciller île>- irenînicontinue 10 per- *mit bleir fi % te hc pmoçtituted ta thcea-orsI of piirpaaes, anti hadutagedth e necesft> al an oceani police, andutLhaL somc untio- standinz aboniti le corne 10 buta-ea differ, ont maritime nabicn&t wbicl unoubtiensIle tbc nationahit>- ni vestels tanb le an>- reri- Qied a-itit n an> truer oi a bresel of To- teu-natinnalh ia-. lHe hautever>- rea.set la hehiero matan a conversation a-ith the Amer- <tan Minisici- tuat son- a sud arnîtngcmeat womîhd be cno h o a-Rh regrd te Spain. lb Nv-us natloios lIat hither&o lhc moral support ofiEngianti hadmatenial>- aided lier in resishing the wisies oh the Utet States tbanner Cuba;-,but uIfse abih per- aitbeth Ia supnming ch. slave Imatie, il aa bighhypràobauic thaL the presenLnunxiety o Oreat Bribian acuit! le excitanget! for in Ear-z Gre>- anti Aberdeen tasconte t t tnrd.-Mautncsbuurny's utefinabion oT. Interna 1 ional iaa-. Darýing Robbery.uiàtorhiI1. A ver>- impudent robber>- teck place b.- -ta-cen itabTpaaî four andià o'clect on Mon- da>- aftcrnaon, atlte ions. ci Mn. Etey, buder, Titemolili. Mu. Eut.>- lad 'cotimîè t L Toronto on buginemand mt he hans. ap- peau-eut<o lare becn ofItoprotecteti iran sbnt hune t!uriag tIe ahleracon, lteofront dean firom Yeun stthaing, been iefL open. Dra e t eoPorry abece oh tle flmily, a tiifenter.A tin rà ic anti pa4saitit <inônglah %lA niui.t-r nto the bed-rocm, 'ranssoketi te tua1enîtanti binait>-matie hi&eàec&pe-a-ilhu a ash box contlinnurpreinmay>notes lelte value cf about' £M 0bosieips ,a dollan-' and ti uf a-bicit a-O 1>ing lit lb. raner, and, a iweql- ulingr0na ot ai~rewrdioshat hati dauriter sav! a' an, au. ving ha ppar Neyr ÂdvîrtLsomtsthswe Spewia1 Netlee-Tmou»aHolhoway. partiinutcfPubl1ie Instruction. Ilodel Gimman -Seh'oi olu1. C.-Depart- tument of Publie Instruction. Meeting of No. 1 Union Hook and Latider 1-ompany-Edwand ColdW£L Honme for Sale-H. J. Mmcdonell. Dog Lot-Reward-D. Ford. Daiiy Stage-N. Ru>-. Plitognapit Galery-J. A. Clark. Ses Bathing-G. T. PK-W. Bitante>-. Vegetabie Compouiad-Dr. Tumblet>-. Spedi Ncticus-Sundny Adrtitens Gotut Peixcil Case Found-J. H. perry. Whitby, Thurday, Jaly l-st, 18m. Mr. P-awis Keller is our Travel- ling' Agent, and is aethorized to re- ceive BWscriptiom sandadrtmn>I andf grant reccipts jfrr »oneyy duc thds office. - Flowers of Uhetoric-oir 46Now, Who told <lie Lie" f Il cannai but le a subject oh deep regret,1 ho alla-ho appreciate lte ameniLics ci civi- 1 liseti iTe, andi bei auxiet>- for the respecta- hlit>- ci Our Repneumaitatii'O Systeni, that expressions oh se o oeing a. chamaclor as, baro r'econtly* mankedth be debates cf the present session, (more espechalby during lime lash fea- dsys,) shouu.ibave boen iter- chinngei. -Titilse.prqv&.catiènç liane been suih, as flesi ati blooti coulai acarcel>- en-. alune, wa-edmit -non la 1h in <lui mere spirht a! parby, or Uo a fIred anti foregone conclu- sion, biMitfy te au-:tain thaL part>-, thuul a-e impeac tIhie Opposition, anti espoohaihy thle ader oi thab Opposition ; as the hoati andu fi-nt oh iis ofl'ending. Wliolben this aimoal intiastyleof oI -aar., Ibis polit1. cal scahphng ln iac<, has booti auIteti rota the opeless anti almrict despen. te candi- olfily suggesteti b>-tte unembur for Carle- hi ton, anti curmeobh>- whhsporç4l in cii-des ti lcitonmiiy quici totaascertain auch partit.- ara,,) cm, irbether it originatea In a eIespe- a rate dtiermtinitlicn t-, grmap the reins ofCi power, s a moins of ro-atijusting îlot dis- p -truered sate oi priv 1ate finanuce, a-e siaillt riot attempl ta aietermino. Rither esson iroutidsuhulco lc account for lte detd n aiioiy a-il a-hic-h the Ministn>- luiep been assaiheu; anti, in some moasure ac- d couit for the charges a-hicb lave beene reckiessi>- hturlettIlihrconduct,dharatem.c ttonesLy anti motirest. On bbc presettoc- casion, a-e refen more ospecially ta lIc on. venomeut pontinacity waiti a-hichithIn.l- speclor General, la purticuhar, bas boent tiogieulout 1>-tle leader ofithe Opposition, k anti by te journal wvîici ihat leadler con-a trots ; anti, ilfin a moment ai ungoverabie ati exi'usable exciletoont, a-itth <e epithet "Liar," or ifs equivaent, ringing in bi% cars, thie Hon. Mr. Cayiey-, didte run nr. G. Broa-n " infameus sooundrel," a-o cannot ,refuse ta extonti oui synupath>-,wirbiit a-e r regret tle momontar-e çrtinahihbled ta so painful a sceno in te commitbee on Public accoants. Reiyi>ng possib>-1 on tle supposeti eeu-ity ai îlot commmttee recrn; andi, arra>-ing 1b oa- 1>p. ai ceun- <enance ha the sneers ofia mere fanciful rucceasQ, the unguandoti leader of the Op-i position peints cnl.imaioushy atlie lien. Mn. Cayley, aut trib u nprulieled eli'ron. tofy, at! in unînalcitable nul,-ari>- ex- dlai ms alouti, " uea- aho las taiti the leé"? WIal feiioweul IL is titnocss>- <o rocapihu- luite. Tic flagnancy of bte offonce, noubra- lises thc violence cf te ruitart, nom can a-e forget tie axions eT aur carl>- uT., blat thc squitur of he .lie directL. ase l ie instanter. Il je a conoliar>- a-icteh earc b>- no uncana preparea toledispute, tie'. muidh the resomite oit tm>- bu negretteti. Puîilosaphy nia>- boa riy goal borso in the stalle, but she toc often p-res an 'arnant jade on ajourne-. W. canoot, a-itboit Ibir. somemnlal painful subject forbear imom narnting an anecdlote, a-hidl botter Ilan anytiting wtt couiti say, eioiuplih'ies the botunings ai île case beoe us. A *onîlîy disciple eT Penn a-as gahtmntly essaying te .enfonce the ChrisLian chut>- cf iorbearancc, ntoer er> formi of aggravation. Floa-? excîtuimed Isis opponeont, as t10theleimit a-bore sulimission soulmi cesse, antiresis- 1tance bccome a virbue, a-culti you enduire tie inchignit>- ci tho -lie,oanofai ablovui? Wel!ays tle a-ort>- disciple ai Pesce, somea-hat abaggered 1>- Ibis inbcegalery, .anti flhngag his upper gar-nent on tle .groand. ,"HoWightitt ic«i«c; but, cml> lot lia <r>- il on a second timç." Here le .pauseci, but <ho energy uof bis iplifetiarma, prelby ply iIdicalcul unitsort of a recep. Sien itisatmgouaiat miglit aspect. -Anti jtItis about lte aise ofi lb building, anti, wat an>- oh us a-cuit!de. Ncverlieloas, we a >dmit*ltatit l ii lver>- ahpiciabie, andt-eit 1,more speedl ulicit~h bipaoaae, r the more cnecltabie fc aUpf4aa-i î Let teOpposition fitflt hein part#a-lut 1vigIlance, but *ititout violence. S6dit-on 1muai teiitter. b. reonaientiet Inuthoin temue.Abore 911, ét- iuah Offe#hlre interrogatons, es, si New,.$0 bo od -,te Lie r, b. mîtenI>- roputilabLat Ai reeuurrence te mucltfigusOf SPeoh~ uan Sùîy lipthe emlpllorduagutt h oeîutiyand 44 o¶ q,,ui- boumuteti Myse ofhp.aenaMvi(3ut*i~,lUP1 OfÃ"- ~êel tôw- The Couine-il resurnet in oommittee eh he a-lolo on tbe re*port ofthe Standing "oninttee on Fine andti iLr. -Mr. itodg- unn h the chuair. Clause hal aLabeu t hat application bah coen madtthe b.-dîffetent 4nsumfunce eT- ices, hâvhngniskç u inte totvn for midte - -ard& tho purcha-ze onia oea-v ire Engitie- tut oril>-ta-o replies haut b<on reciedru rhidi were unnraui>le The Mayor atated.hat a coînînîtinieatior iad also boen recciveti frein tl>. Provincial rtsurtunce Companoy fbtalIý eiu-4ing tI ive anc penny. li e Maor regi-ettet ,at the coînmnnicatiq .9 t oe Iur-ince :ffic-es a buti obee r rpiied 4to liii ýri ni iner a-lich iR was eÙçjcted Ibey woulti ho. - 1Clause 2nul ecommcaaed-the purch.ism 3fa coaL, cap and'helt îbi ascii aiflthe mciii ens o! the Fine Brigade aid Hoek anm Laduler Co)mpsuny, <homeihers of aieci eîaîîaîy nflot oeeceti Et) Ù4 the cost et aicb suit $5. 1Captutin Roa-o spoke le titis chatîsé, nad egretted that tho prescrnt atato et the finances eoflthe Ton, aoulti notyWarnant iie Cotuocil in tiis expcnditnre-tOO0. Ih wulîd,ihis opinhoît, b. itproridoolih tho Coumiil te appropriate titis large auru at preoent. Alîlîougb be va-sone of tii Céommittee. ho couli ual, in jtlatatLe people ofithe Tow-ngo fuir iticlause nc lhe reporltuat t e preeoL tiniý. Hemu-aiter, whlen the i-taLceTo the hlnancts ai thme Tea-i wtînîtilook tup scinea-tiat botter, bh o-uliJ net refuse toa show tho auaount te lbe ap propniatet!, but tut present, isiti ever>- en teavor, the>- (the Ceuncil> a-ere însking i( economize the Tow-n nts, anut kcep dowr bhe laies,, iLa-onid neiblier.be a-ise o conistent in then4ute la>- out 300)ion titi ripose. Tii. Mayor a-as in faror oi tho clause it n-s oni> jîlat le the nienthers of Lie Fîti Comtpaniy unîo g-tie up thitor Uie te savi tbeir neigimbons propent>-, tuaItLime>- shoîli be provideut witha fatigue dresîi As ii determiuiation ow uaever, a-as te- kecp uioa- the ta-xes Ibis year ho 9 cents-li tetiolla in Tact 8 ceaIe a-as île Ihaut tirst agneet uîpon, l ut toy v ere obligedtietaencreasei <o 9 cents-il a-auuld pembapa bu botter t aitoir tle malter te- sband over Tuo i te prt sent, untif Lley aw oa- Ibeir fiance aLood. Laying bthe utter crer Tor tt-itigi unoulut nal prevent uts being bmoughî ol lie noît nîghî of meeting, if il iras Lhougl desirabie te do so. lie again said, tii iboe ieast tle Toa-n coulti do, wetntd b. supt>-lte Fine Brigade a-iîl a cott ca uanti bell, but as il a-as chesineu, ho a-oit agree toeliave.tic amtler lui>-orer b-aigui Mmr. Mactitnoit cansidereut the dem-toutc Lime Pire Brîgadé a very reagauuabtc oui tbat il a-as flot nighlta oask l theuimber of te Fire Comipany- te turt cuit upu crer>- occasion oh tire a-ithout psy au a-e-un thIb own cloîtes. OLluer corpeti tions iurîuisbe t lir tIre omîpaiesa-it daçttes,mat! even as a nuatten of healthbh consiuid it riecessr>- todo so..-. Ho ha ne objection te lte Comiitoee isig i pamiog progresach obbaînîn- isave to s agaIn. tm. Tremaync (a-ho broughl jn the r pont) sMidtiheoani>- quesition na- a unhethen il wouid bu adnitiablu ta go tla b expense at te preseo Uie. Ait appeart tbie us ffl of c te jus.neuusanti meas: abiences o! pocnriag lb. dresses fun i men. On motion cf Mn. Mactionaiti second( b>- Iu- Tenyn,Ilt, omit.thon ni nepoiteti progree nti baincibuane1 sit -again. , s-LAW- Te LWSIXK zty SE T ËLX8, CÀ TERS, iC5Eaiancshd Titis 'hy-la- came up on the or>tcsof i day beimg caîlecl, anti ou motion cïfId iMaMtineti Lite <outucut reiuenîn e a ting ili ComuriLteu ci île wa-ltothurea IMn. lodggoii in thee aïr-beingàîïtin h ma at Lie pu erions sibig.- Mr.n.isahýonehilbronghî fora-art! the b laun, because i a-asheLIai dut>- i <lin m cîpalibyto eereas lb' 1eveno b>-cru icwiliuiate means lanciso lessen thec buati oif lte taxes cif<be ra<epa>-ci-s. He. ba ducecIlhis- by-aa- likea-is., auaà-ot" te thé tirer>- sbtable-k-cepcirbô aler goï te a lieay expeuise ihifiting Up,&,Llvo eshubiialmont-'had a competibo- in en- nv(Atiogmua-le l appened<c ca-wn a hit mat bugy ad t hid im Outon:li.e-th tkinglb. breaut ont ef Il.- Llneu'j sub -1keoe noh.li i!o<t c are how, i M I I ~ r * Ciket. ~arn~g aU QjIaKul Uit!. on., limii i trivattoaaira nd laut t Rpeahea fian the décision ni the. chair when Ain- ntt eange tl6a àrana-be Ihmwritl- tbe Spakr a-as atistalineul 8to 1-1 forget ed, as hoe itniself îtated, for 15 yeani under l i. iureg, but knoa- thal Messin.- b-.- a sens. of utîmoited cenure ehlcutt 1e se izan, J S. MeDonalti, Moritt ant'dI i> ,i- resut 1 accuze üchers of malfoamnutead tbink a couiple ef other Opposition mon un>- ta torture hlcte susceptible cf faitr inter- a-eu-o of thie mojoiy very mnucli te .dis. benf prtatioâintthi e I >in<îsi, aslouing gut'ôtchei.appehiant. The Houue <lien t-o- crimes il?1Ye u eneis e ite $ '1f>- roTM n. a- n joe omtùitec and sat 42 heurs, !OlI Brown, andi i coifese tht if'nythhngeuag- riz - ram Tbuirud.my te Satuarday mpornin- ' 4às gesuba a do'btôf the è iýiis<ohhà o n ing which bi ime henot vile Inushu asa ,y- self rinicatiopi. and tb*t4oi fathuris, it spolcuin mgainFsb haie b>- sevoral orators of er>-i j>, s: r4offelnà Iii'mr mtoting otiter the stauaap cf Mesera.Jesoîi lui u ir mnaas iiwindiers and cniiiÃœptioniti pcn uneil, Walhbiidgc, MicKeniiZi, &z., 4 -bus och roijn, dh bU8-ieaccuisationis. Varions mu)tions i fadjo)unrnnnt a-creof-~ ~4 lte ha& becii most. 6ukccnàSltio- fecdt heintg the determiliatit)ti ot2tMe iQWr lent auid rea1!'.it "Sa- sas -Ir -hé Oppositioni ta preveat thie voing cf lt.e After >viuig, letuI<hît rsut ai t e ae 4cwenetuh'1e1U04 t't46 Mil~~11<0< ei $Çàsci la0, 4, du y Pbprl4 4 exainonity. god, momaber of the 'o t2>uete ofpUbl0iuc - - C01qN tË colints, he bu died t e4 igtàmon- lie opohiso i.th iifcIeht1iý -yîy; r j c'Ws1o Io whviruten it - r m lu Tii. omncil met ai lite Tcown Hall, an Monday erening atth7 o'chock. Bis Wonship tbe Mayornt <e obair. Tii. t'-r ment- bers prèert ÃŽnere Mm s,, 1 ' dsn, Macutonell, McBrien, i7cPienson, Boae, antd Tnemayne.- -- - pETrmoys, Of Joih ile, George McGill anti ethens slatiapi liaI tbe pebhitionena bail aiubscibed. $67, fer making a sea-er on -Dundita Sti-eet, on tb. Tiaindyke prope#y>, ppeuite Mn. Win. Blair's, iant praying for the asssance »fT tic Council.-Ur. Hoagdpow 0f John Arnahi, pnaying tbencr.tumaofia quartera - laxes, portion ai a y'eîun taxes paiti b> him in 1837, on bis brick building in Dundas streel, on te grouindti at the ,ame lad net been eccupieut -uniilte iuon<h of Apnil in tiat >ear.-Mr. Tre- ina ne. Bo<b peitiona a-ere reati andi sent te bhc preper cominittec.- PInS ter RtIEF0VTUEE AY. Coonîhitte o!fbtheabohe on tîte report of the Standing Camrnilbee on Finance andi Asi'tuent., The chairmnan obtaiuted one a-eck's furtber tisne Le subsuil bis report. KVJICAL BILL ficanit hint that he was thén., tô whilihthe The Mayor infornued tihe Counctil that ian cfof rey sad hewouid make good his -he had recolved fronu Mr. Mowatt, a coy words in any way agi'eeahle tu thatgeotie. ëf tii. new Municipal Bill as re-printed. and <ii. "Hie dont corne, not ho, frma racI t6~t Manof tiuoauggeatioi cad by bim- thatskulkedàny retponsibility,"l-&c., soubad ~n adopted , n'tobu. Âs>Tua was very grand, and te --gatherer of Fni 14t. hte at wbicli the bill was to corne. cher mena ituhFshook hiecurie tua a lion by) Into force wu aitered to thie lit of Decem,. ahïkes hif i ane, but in a moment or two: un b"r. l e4wua ai a lamentable discount, fur, Mir- Vso=Tcno,. s n,&na h&OIiàAmENT ts. eus Tibot gV.,e hin a cdose b. did not ne-9( Mn. Maedonoil obtained le.ve to intro- cver from ail nirght and which as thiogs 1he duce -a bill on titis aubjeet, whlch was read look ho is tuot iikety bo gel over in in a hur- rie a final lime. ry. As ho was an fond of demoIimhin5 luir NEW- POUIND Bly-LAW. Repoiversu enenai, Talbot thonght hewoi bbc perbaps iikc ta, hear of a man waho liad On motion o! 1Mr. Tremuuyne, secondeti offerec ta oei bis pohiticai influence te a Oit by Capbaiin Rowe, 50 copies of titui, by-iaw certain Receiver Generai for a wood con. the were ordered to bo publisbhed ad, posted. tract. HerelHogan gasped nulthathh ad oni PROTECTION TO vowI.4PeI(na. ictbotes how that il wa.s aise and ho de. MOT Mr.. lfacdon.l -oblaiuied, le ave ta minro- manded T.aibol'g-authnnity. The qt-ene dtuc2.a bill on ýtiti subjeel wiih wau read bore is reported as dranalic in the higbest T a firt t imne. îe degtee. Taibot was quito re.-udy to give Tii. qounieil jornd ntil Mon- nAmea rni cnnliy Proe.eeded te stâte that 1fr. R.I day #vening; .fuly &hLl. John Roqsathe fresent Receiver Goeraim,for R.4 a Grand Triink wood contniet in connec- lion wilh McGaffuty, 1he hank robher,' the '~Â TSI X~T RY. consideration b h6W paid for the preferenee R. heiog the poittictul vintue of the said Mr. T. vit NOTES W OiETiPiAtn Flo i'n. As ta 1h. anthnrity il a-as Mn. jý D aniet Mfonruson, lute editor of the Leiider, E. Tg£ WflhlBT CiiaONiCLI. iand preserut co-proprietor of the C'al-miut., j. a noie very gond, and verv nospnsiltie. 'r. MY DR SIR, Toronto, 20th June, 1858. flere Mr. Bronwn sneëred, butT'aîbot a-as J. chnrged with a round for him, antd remincl- The t'ebellion, of a-bicb 1 adviqed yOilnd hlm that îhenc wau a timne when lho bad litI eek, progresses, for 1 understaod a-e deeîed that naine very gond, anit wb.* ho are <o tutre a monsteor meeting, aI ahidi ltheiîad heen gladti toseektand get 'the bell' ni subtjct of- artned esistannce to the conezt!- the man a-lt> wore it. This sfettied l Mn. erel, anti tes G/oribcaoleunnly cor.mnl- Buow'sbash, and os te the chnrgeîahn cred an th Gl.,Ie vry gavey iforus ingseen'bv tZ', Golouist tho peaple thtene art' thousanti besides thuut the pr-ofs ore to tbe fore, and a-Hi lei the one Dura-cIl, rcady to shouider arias pnoduced a-hen îhey art wanted. Rathen f ad shed hiood to muiko 1fr. George Brown a tad hnaj.iness for the memben for Grey, tirsl Consul of the :Nea Canadian Reptibltit 1 i nominare, anti il a-hi he, deiightfil bore- on aometbing of Ibuit kind. Oniy tink ol affen, 10 hear lîim tiilk cf corruiption, ;nd, J.j thonuxands of uina-elis in the fieldl! Wlîy, ail Ibal snt of bhing. Ton sue %ve are lêa .1 1it uvouhI bc oniy necestiary to t<uitt king grent pragreas, and tiitte liv lile, ifG feuv scluonisof urcluins b di-vethiereliacgo nal Ib is rate. a-e shah ltrech tb <ho into te Ontario. But, nonsense auide, is Americaîn standard cf party exeltene-ior E il ont a littie too muîch to have to stiblunt nf cnuîr>e. the next thinga a-ili ho caties il ita stuctLins-olence? Wbt t!are -et0lu u boa-je knives anct revolvers, for ail nf which a civil a-ar hecats. Mr. Brown cufinot confl we shali ho indehteil ta, the gnot Provi- J tinue to make the înainrity of lhe peojule.4 dc"ce ofi 'uicb uistiiuîguuisbed rioralisti as T. J repre.sent-itivc-s lelievc Luit be -oiltuilONezqoerq. Iltira-ehl, Brow-n and Iliogan. o!a twich butter Minister Ilian John A. Mact- on r'i'hrzd." evening. the inspecter Go. ,IDonald? TeemuIhnnm euoî e-yorai imovedtihat theoFliousego inUCin- ehe continuiex int heo-coiîi siî:iý of Oppo . inittee of supplz, to whicb Mn. Bown's % ition,"o nîa-iîh-4taninig the ituore <hait lin- nnovinu-ly proîiosed atmehdttïd1, thattn- ian effants ho nikois, anti bas millie for flouse do ont go loto supl t untii the pro- lon- ycans, 1e obtaho the prize ni office. - po,,d changes in the T'rna &c., waa in SSnrely if ho were aili b prolè*sto nbc, a o-r - tisccrnins; people votl'i have friand it out MNr. McGu-o thon marveu an ameod.men t Ibefutre tibis, buit it is nuoiiazuntouis ventune to tahat amtmcnteltlat before going lot n j. ceetIcflinin, ta ingbho uniuay hae ite-. 0pplv. <he Qieen's crhoice of a site for the J. ceeued u ginig to cnftInco-iftheSe-ut ôf Gnvrnnent, shoiilti ho consid-neit. G. fuvour of the nuibtle uuaY be colfêtl Conti-' This give the motter an nppnntiitity to% Idenc-nilte Mo hes, ic iiuantts. andi imake une ai bis pnetty andia-et stîtuli. J te sîucb peuple, lie bas yctto learn iuoa- t> se- et-t speeches, in wbieh a gond mns[,F Itcure titt of the etiicateti anti neflectio n, riiçilq satita-eh trneri cnm-non - -pla-ces E. itclasses. Yutî kriowua--usut-ii as i tIn, tbuut enteneti. Mn. iWclîe thon madeo one Of lus J. n> the <est cilizuns are net those a-lin tire the chanateri.qtie orations. huit thotigh <bore P' m mos easily iniovedl, afidtît<at, inifilet, lite v-tut anme funin th l u.fiiriIte<oetitortain il. leiuoral, thie weltliy. antilte infitientiai, theo Flouse, aniti Icaards the endi he bc,-T le trc the. innsb <serveti and retirnîg. Thbe -'ame very <edinu. fMr. Gmvaan ansuvened ofsctiin rises first ta bbcu top, andti Mr. Browli %In. MeGée, all after a(droiutiig O<b-wa r, tuas, no doubt. sucq:#eeu-ied aI viviotit4 îhInu, , t e most pujtauble site on grouînd.c olten ,n in-sirnlng 1-.usionaiid pre:jtdice atnong the i beon. pre-uoitti, ho îlonied the . otiîndnesp muaises buit lie bar gainlet! l :ioîlg tuy t. oni b in-jor uargumnît Vit a stmii tn 1 %vth tie nid cf a lob of rowdies and îbniit- comîhit nol exont the amouint or puhii n- lesaî baodics, lie nuanagod, aI lis etectuon fon opinion nece-ttrv to keep the Lo-zislattire Tno , to1 gel a cotisidenubie sbire of igIjt. T.hsria hcitiesexu'rbeciton n Oi-angesupport, but hua- is il humv? NVhyu1 t mch politicah power antibc h tluiihut tho un lb. institution is astîn-it edof ihin, anti oi noiiîtnv a-ouîld lie tincli boler gorernedt if ,is itseli, fuir bmving tifted biîn tip, andt IerL tb. o, ntny gare i.ta- b the. urb Li pptit- 2 is not the shadoîv oh a douîht, Ihat ifsa 0w 1ihonia intead. le lieu a-eut on te unoot e;ct tae uero te, tako lal-ce, lie a-ouîld have the clîmLrw,,esMr. Brown h.îd previoiuiyD -et ae refuigo in North Oxford, wbiciu con lînotighb aguinat the Inspector Goneral nif -e sîitueîîcy, il suurtpi:; Isis defatner, bîuing ineca.sed tie tk-bt of the Province Ii Wi. McDtînp Il. ntenely keeps arani for 1<, an enormotis extent. InstîcatiofaibVinz P je iîim, in cause of suicit an enier-ency. su-ehiedthe unntiai ciige innîn £300,00 n imlking ai McUoupeatl andi lis siandens fintîeresl in 1854 bo £800000 in 1858 - br, of te Bronoa fanuily for bis vetiom reacheil lic four vears bh ail hecon b ffice-the LA thie a-bote giouiip, hma), asavil telli yaîti'fibbbail in ii ct only itudeti £22.001ttt ho it thal Mr. Brownu tank occasion on Friday anniuuil'interest. 'Tbis ho iirguoul irontl the to la-at tL e pel the vile tatints of lis quaiidouu Puîhlie Accommntut leire- him buit lue was rt, accuser anti preseot fluîîkey. Powuel ai intî±nruîtei by Mr. Broa-n. a-ho sài4 Lhey t Oetttawva. a-!o is a inost inexorablie enieniv had icoenuls4bified. Goa- un hourover per- ýt ai the setior ineiner for'roro!ito, anti a-li.tbed. anti decloîtdho piaceut more Tel!- p gela abundince of eompliaitont-i in lte anc. ho thaeucenuut Ibm in %Ir. $rawn's bt Globe ai the ieft-band kini, a-as reatiiît word. The indirect dobi iof er 1 ,ai e xtracLs irni the so fuLinnus YVorthA Amei- <00)%vas cre!%tedt for Mn. CâvIoý 4 2ha- to an3 abeo Mn. lBrow-n intcnposc.i anti a-ih- paseut berho camie in pn# ra- in l- cd) ti t offer explanations of the uiegtd niai- -,tance biIicro.bo ~G~~o id feasa&nce of bis futther. 'T'e Iloi'se beturitand alie Rilwîy th Miàiv ,Iý. éan il. bita rei.pectrinliy ant lie sacce ted lu liii- Fuxot Adt and ti îbeu"anthat auUýtIW in- f r cssýiiîg i w th bb fctfu l h-it M n M tAou- spe olr G ener l had t ot do w 'ta t ." p ide e;g:tlihatacteti a rost iuiiaioi.qpmnit to- <ho maney. Late n l teevea g Mn. rs a-rdsbzitz (Broan'm) ather ant iiselEi.le -Rose tnok uîp bbe saune orgument andi reryo Ohm! dii ýoa hear o a ilapectueculCeveu Whc a-ai tiýlobnsbre.t- withital Lookbuteolur a y, Iniite munt olfhi% eye tIeuit lte soeu-f mu a it ed o We are paimîcul teoseoso tanci lad feeing disphuveti beta-een eîtr cotemporaries at <lie iront-the Chroniele antdl'irnu . Ti pasi. fea-' wecke, ouclioh tlite.Joormis cant.îiîs an unlitnîted auuituitt of a;use, anti bringmveq>-severe charges againit - tle ailier. hTit imes tînetendu 10 bha-o dis- cororeti errrulte -C/uruuucleg -taic'tinta fir 'loaii 1unitffi-,. ThLï the-Oluzoicld ver>- intliýi.ttntiy titenie7s, andi nauk*eouittl conuluctors aftbe Timaes tea c-piiitps' at! tuis"W. have crer haut thue bit,et opinion ofcu ii i- f the U/ <raftl e 4 sîtoulbre ver>-.iotv te tu.ke ite Timeai- - egatînOm ii 1h. mlater ut ïmsue; for it ut *g ne fo Trgolen that "TrfL ies it nta'-n, Àre, tu ttie je ulo)u4,,)e.utmitQni, stron;g A-u pruaufà u i-ttoi mu," IL is impassible tht -theTimes conîti 0cs-melte 'ole saderuenieaLs c.#r', [y., iuustuucbas the- udtitseiitnts ho IhoLlih puuper ai-e set in dChlrent -ti- thôse of tle (/1< mnicle un miction gnd the. lit imai bu-eur, muid te Tîmes a-oare a-are dots înot paxuses--A qnsud cf lbe foi-- mon icîter. The whoio otatf is fa fraz dig~i:ad slaews an u:aaorîly motive on the part cf tii. Timaesin piedilta; vith the CitrenacZc's acconni. PrniaInt &are toi> latil>- pahi 10 cuit tt be unouher limua fashjuin, antheu CJrne'nicIe imugIt retajiate b>- s4ewin.- ap tii. errons iiite Tipies'ac- conthou- Countiy.p?'inting. but a-e believe the Ckruiticle te bc tn spirite1to descenid te titttents.Banno e VeetIng cf <lie Dineéutors ci boNhrtk Uitarit, Agricutaiiin aSciety. - The, Directens of lthe Nantt Ontariou Electoral Divi.sion Agricuitunal Asooucat on, mnet at B. Pisak's ltel, Uxliriugeý ont Suturda>-, the 26<1 aIlt, fuir thie paspo f r>raking arranigempents fer- ibe' nnual Sheow., Tîcrowere pe-esen fnmllxbridg. Sanutiei Widdifitld, lsai Vice President; Mr. Robent Speans anti joe1 Goua2 hEq. From Broc-Ge;orge Brabazon, Esq-, 2nd' Vice Pu-esideni, anti Mr.- -Keuer. Pt-cma 1 Thte nec aveme untu boits. FÀxL vrW rspuG i. Rutr: <JA" elai EiaLï Fê On Tri( 3. Benia G.. Ku 139I bi k ONITARIO t. oCUAWA. This -matchl-wuas îmyt I'O.bamra on ia> the 25th inst., bbe Ontario (%Vh-it- C lub. wlnaing in one inniogs witi 25 natc spane, The day as glenious. A odl>- numben cillhe fair saxoil hed b egronnd during bbc day, but the Onta- >club finisheti up blair wonk la auch aa -r- thalt toy alloa-ed hibîlo lime thtare eir excellent play ulmirod. The Obaaa il in yeuuug yet, but il gives evidence of t night matenials for geou phi<yersj If the>- iy laith îe trouble tb practice a ltlle nre frequentl>-. The folhoa-iog is tihe score: oS;TÂtIo-FlitST INSX09. L. Wmhtoo - 8 - a Dtvidson,bfEutinga Clark--...22 ..-b Barlowv. - W. Brown. 1". .b ilastings. ,Nourgeo-...12 . . b Barlow. J. Yarnold. 6 -..a Davitison, b Barlow. Luîwier--... 2 - nuun ont. - Kiliip--14 - b Barlow. - Brns ..... 1b iLisîhoga. 0. Brawn... 0) - run ont. Sînitb-..... 0..-.b Ilust.tings. Scott,--...3 ..not eut Byeq 7 Leg Byces 1 Total 104 Ovrs 19. 79 Le&s Oshawa score. 25 J. T>ridsn. 6 - bNourse c Nonne. B ua r i n a - 2 b- I t n n c W a lt t en . r. fastine.a. 3 ..b Nouirse. LWarren ... 1 -.b W>lton. LFarea-cil ... 0 -mn out. 1.%Vrren - - . - b WVa1ton. V.J. Suton.. 8 - b NWalbn. .Warren .... 0 b No,,,rue. 7Ritter- O -..-0 b 'NSourse. L Hudn.huu. .. 0 b Nourse. - .McEtroy.... 0O- -net eut., 20 Bycq 8 Leg Byca 3 On Monday, 213t uit., the good people of Quaker itili'wére roijsed froin their *obtid quiet by the announcement tht Mr. EHi flibor, TacbrUXIridge's'ebwlSetion, No. 2,lisd ledto, the Hymenai sitar. Sah,;; daughter of Wm. Widdifleld Whitferc4IF Ebq. The offclisi r mnan Upop the happy ocgeÇow as Revd . clean Scotc irh, àSctt msud bidgdt Iii: delightd'dyoubhiful pair on being unit- ed in the hloy bondi; of înatrimlofy st.arted off in a splendid carniage, acýcompnied by their airs'o a pleasure drive tbrugh the beautiful townships f Brok and Reacli. Such a "turrsot " being rallier unusuai in the back wood.s of thuc part of the country, the atention of the iutis on their route was pleasahtly attroted& to- war-& the cortege as it drove along undèr the scorchlng heat of a Canadian sununer un. 1nvîng~spent ajoens day, the lip- py party returned 1te the Ilili euriy in, the evening, when tbey werý 'inost cord. Iiy weicniued by a large circie of anxou'Siy awaiting friends.* We are sorry to be in- formed that a r unber of Ignornt oitâten had the rudcness to pîlace sonie obstruc- ions in he watt of the carna e at i o ne p oint of the drive. What is it rami wiii flot do? The hnidegrooîteu mfSing te- pny the- tofl"ý ustia4iy demande&. by' sucli drouthil boýys in watm weather, was the- cause tif ail Ibis intenfereisce. lnwever, tiîrough the per:everin- exertions of ýtho driver, the obstacle was9 overcoie and'ail allowred to pansue tiïir lisppy course home. ward. Mr. i. rt'suined the duties ëf e achonol on Monday bust, wheni he was greet. edI by the iusqi c'heers- of his asscubled o.Stihoccurreticesure-ple&sunt. 1Mr. -1l. bas set angond ex;àîle befun.-t hiu ,ba..bfilyoungttioent" of Uxlriedge. Tlhe newly inarrieti couple liaeunr bet Wisbee forthi ppns'n pocry.('m Portraits of Members of the Eoutr Witb the greatest goed wiil we hasten la suppIy the drission made by u%in ii ear- ing out the respecte-! Reeve of Mara and Rtam. ilwas perbaps becaus«e MNrjewett aas Warden tat we omitted hik pôOriat s Co~cilan. WC supply it wî.h the gre'alesl piefsure as drawn by the truthiul pen of our conteu>porryý thée Beavrton 1108t. 'Ouir cntcmpor.-ry hn altogethr ig- nored the existence of the gcntletianly andi intelliigent reprtesentuttive of the munîcipaUi- ty fMrsanti Ruina. Wyi h43r liewitt while on the fluo*r ef the Countcil chainben was notqsurpassçeti <q any one irw the Couiicil in bis kiuwlïd d t<tb genier'- ai wants orfthe Cotanty; a-bile i&i ur!.anity of manner won the esteeni of hît fellow ,uorî,hers; and n0w, when occtpyiri-,f he- lîih po-sition of W',rden of tho Coutity, ire heel sure Ihat the saine inteiligetceatin coinrtesy a-ut characteise bim-a.The. "t-'bnonidie" should make the. amendd ia not gir«t, fere44 ifteuie, ftij lIte Putirenm place li huit place on the i Tomo The flTùTron*t J Tuesday, Jun Cours. 'The and <t.ecourse cing-wa, ti race ira f« t $150, a-itiu $20 forteiteop club a-eigh'. bamsket ol cita Fuor-titis r mi Soe-r-cale bo ies. On a-bluoua came -1P oie- On the firnl sitlon <o lth( Mair wimnii On thbsc ftihloaed b>- ing utistxnes tnon oîthe b atlbikep t ha X M.-White offièred t-1. 1 M Tiie bo-ttint agaiList the i - ~The next $5t:, a-ith ai let; open te date; mile k P piease- F« enteredi, G. hmse, andi lesdansiwiîr On thltme e ah. rea,. an ho~uebein* tien, Gales' -"esy ab x lsird7' Tiuu J. i)ivitL-4o.i. 4 J. Ii.usiti gq ... 3 M. Ji SuLion. .8 1. %Varron. -. I 1' Whil<- -.O.. 9.Fitreveii -.. 3 J. MeElruiy - -2 R. %Vaî-reu. 4 l. Warren -.... 0 Iitter--. 1 Byca 13 Le- Byes 1 48 lsL inoinga 31 Total '79 .hAVA SCOiitwiei . *.c S mihl b L l.a - r. -.b Nourso, b -' Notin-e. .1 haw b Neurso. b . awler. *-b Ntime. - .00 ont. --b Noure. .b Laa-iei. -Ovu-rq 19. 1 Ont-rio club- a-on in one lutaings anti C5 rua-s te spire. OsjAs A--Cptuuin, J. Barlow. Unupîme, D. Simton. - C. aus. t- On<nsî<o.-Captain, C ore m pire, R. I. Lia-dem., Sconer, J..Clark. Young Ontario C. C- of Whitby, vo. Osii.taaJuàIior C. C. On Salurdmy Lth ii-t ,rmatch ci tho son- son cime o art O.bta-wa, beta-eea <lyse La-a clubs; Yoaog tOntario -inttin- b>- the barge nucubur ai 141 ruas.- Ynceg Otar.uio. 10.uha-a. tsI. Ifluin.u-...94 iI. Innings. .- -.86 2nti. do- ..104-f 2nd. do ... 21, The boys ci lotI clubs--playeti. ver-g spiritodl>- anal sopi' e-cf Iose oiflte Young Otntario wiîh te pluct, Toi-ce, anti caution, ai expemientced orickteer. D. I. - G.uigc maaelthlbarge score oci'72 ini tl. iwo Itttiiog-S. Young Jemîn>-Laing epred, 27 thle 2nd Inninge,; aîi< Jianny Ham mankoti 20 on the score theo finsi Inaings, a-hen hle aanboa-led eut by bMashet- .NoEiroy of Osla a. T he langeaI gere mdc b>- an>- memnle cf 'tle Oshaai lub a-a- 12; scare th lirt ninning g 1>-. lVar. mon. Afe rtimavicery-. lthe impyof lthe Young Ontelio club sa>- o tA- iit e>-aale to iiek bbuir ig bretîaurs at home. Mnr. O'»ay'a CorrepoadCuces T ninuei bte -inclnteed, ani gel Mn. àliçk ApO the Solpai Masa;her to corekt it. Tis a4 1 an givyou ths wcehL Your.<ru. frind, T[U O'DÂY. Total si Overs 12.

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