'-'e -~a~ ienîe'u-,- LIME FOU SALE. en &W Faie reslitBurat um wulkahM "10là fo Ouholy, a 8 lad MATBRW CARL, tlUuoxit YAitD),, SHINGLES, &CO rTnfnu tepublu htt btin. on band à tond sasQtu O4pf i1Lýiiýb*r QfqvePJdoacriptioni viLsIlal for large or suial l uildi4ga. S;WA large dlseont allowed for Cati. T. C. LACE, Gi reen Streot, Wlitby 'r Tm PRESSI 'VHOBSBIClIDU S 5>00TUE NWYORX WYEEKLY PRESS, I ILLUSTRATED IF AMILY NEWSPAPEý. T liE NnW YORK WEEKLl>-yirEss is ne Xofitoltrgestud lýeït litenry japers eft lie le à A largo quarto eutimig TWFNTY LE or sixty coliîtînîts of ectertai1n guit ter, sud BERANTLY ILLUSTRATD vr weok. A GIFIT orth .rom 30c. Lu $1000 00 will bd, miut t<, aech sab,,criber vit receipe or' - TE(MS: Usuccparorone year, Iid I glft.'... rkreo OcPO8 Oie yeu and3 ils .... 5 0o Five copies one yecar, antd a gifls .... S 00 'feu copies onc e yer, andîl10 iife....... 1;- 0 Twevnty-nue coî)ties 4nue yetir, îîîîd 21 giftai, 30 10 Canada Sîîbteribons nînsa eîîd 261 cents etet lu addition toute above ratew, to pi~v te A tuer- lesn puotr,"'le ieliinîutibctPr-Paîd,. The articlles te b li.itributed aru euttijri.cd kastte folloveiug ult: 1 Unted Stateï 'rrcaury Note fltOuS 0o 1«o du du î>ti i>)o'>0 ca (Iîe o du 2001 00t caci le do du du l100 00eaeli 10 i'ttet lover hlitiîtg cwsed lVntellos......... ..*'*« 100 01) cd 20 Gald Watclits,............. 75 -i e aei 100 do ......... oà 0'eaeit #00 Ladios gld waelies, ..... 35 1>0 caei 900 Si1cr lumtingised waîelie, .30 o> eeci> NSUSver Watelites, ... ffl tLu 20 l0 Cce 1000 Gnid gtard v'est and rot)etisitit..........10 (0 la 30 0 o i>ce 100 014ldpeamud petîcils I5 uu 1la00 e.mli Brest 1iu, Cit' Pinta, tleove Buttons, Iliriga, Shi1rt SLd,, Waleli Keya4, (,"Ild sud SUver Thisnblos, sud a vaicly of otîter articles wortli fromu60 t.,Lcfli$15 mcach. On reenlîft uIsbAcriprtouuutoncy t te sut'- sesorls uani'wili bcetered tipon otîr books epesite a udtuber, anmi te gt correaýpoiding 'witlî tht nibîomer wlli lue forwmrded witiuiutn wock tu i, by "Ma lor erprese#, Mplaiul. - Tisera la nother huntibg or lottery about te aobo, as em very aubiserîber is sure of s pie nf value. We refer lu ittalothis libersI diatrilsutiots stuoug theu iistei uf gcî~a large cuiuiiotssou agiotai, iciîîg to te suIs- sm uiuîny cascesa blînîîjfldorjj AIl coiîinicattitnqs s-)%ld bu s.ldrussed to DAXNIEL ui)FF Puai aicu, 1s 211 <7în ttrect N Sc i 1011r PùR SALE OR TO LET. t .flUSE. & LOTS FOR SALE. LTOPS Nos. l sud 2, ileuiry Striiet, for Sae.- j.Tltay mmCo(rner Lotst. TIt i tuise is a etdFraîteun ie, a slory antdu a hlfhijtii, Ciii.- Le niug >1 eptîrtinetits. It ii in gouod reptur, sud voll pltio. Theunt8lalso a second FI? A hIE B UI L D ING éiniglod, but not ealoscd. Titi ituation leaa 4li gtiol nue. For ternis sud further partictîlstrs, uppîy lu ALXCAMERON, i Clîlet' Cusâauble. Or lu QAR3IA~4*~S, *0. NOTICE 0FPÂRTNERS71UP. rîHE Uudersigned ltnraibv give notice tduat ..LLley libye this day entcred loto lPart. ersii as Gbnîi iei &téLLum,>ir Merchd nt*, <herai A!Iestq &c., nter te style of the Finicof.lbro & JOHIN F. ALBLO. E. S. VINIIIN. Seltenîber 12, 1857. IN IIEFERIIENCE 'lO "ilE ABOVF., We beg lu iîitirniounr friettlsi. ii e publie go- terall v, tht %we liaveu îrclv n ii (lliveelivre fit tile trntînnctiv1i if aIl buelntzeeeet riiteîl t,. tI- a: l2n îskiilippîiîr I'.ir r andi it.fe ieraI Aîe.'. I.o a 1.1101er l'unI tir the reevilît antuttI ,'l -f i- l.utier tr lîîoîr ut lier itrpee sudt nve trust tic lruinhî ttletit tii î ll iuitterb îlaced iii On tu adm, toiiitert tel îl taîîltlue-it conidence aind tiliporl. ALBRO .li)N Port 1101o, Dec. 22, 1857. 49 NOTICE. ~T To Mleirehamats anti Farmers. .2 ÇI~ ~ ~~be 1E (t.irlir tieg lcquaiut tin friendu; an,the Il i v ieguner.illy, tliat lie ]as teken tle U jeit Mii, ktîîwuams le and foruterlv otcu1ied by Mr. F, iloore, near Birookln and frein hia long and m-cel kuown experien4te iin tie luîslîess ilu iity>, Itopes by Strict attcîîlionî sud )nucttuailyto nienit as stre of pubi1e, treuftge. 'larticolar attention paid rjU- M.erelta, Farniî nr îd Iliers wixlilng te gteL hiîr Wlîeat Flîînrud, wil hc deaît wt .f iberally. A eaul wil oblire il. N. NEVIIL. NVill-y, Noveiuier Vtîl, 1557. 43 CIRCU LAR, T IIE tulîsriber, oit ratiring froin te Mer- cenile Buianess, bute Lu r lîîruLitka L tit nuieroua eîîatoinurs 61td trieîîds for the lit- erai tsîîpçîorl givccote it wlîile iIlîsiness.- lie lias te inforîti ail partiues iidutbted le titu by Book A>'ccouais, Notes or Morîgages, Now dite tii] patildite, thai lie lire large îîay- ttent tili tiee tut .ezirl% dien,,atnd thaI owilig to thue1pmre in uMo1à e%"ututters, it taneear fu mtc 't tesainie i ud te ensIle 1lut (Io 'o, lie te uîlu'l iito iaie1,t ttiItiiCij ite i,- mîentt il iltan.t-i' uitt' u ) ., Liiî,mii ira C e t n i li e qibI titlî atd Lite sanie tui lite Attîr- iey for cîlleetiuit Without Further Notice, whtichit Ii-5 nuL lis wish toldo, ont tiltîvresît i ruuiwa lite tutus Iittîenîîu hue ; huitt'rnni te preseutt, uiiemtiiui iiipu weuinlte, lie uueýLy>, tîthtu tur lie ucea, ii tit-ri'utreizs ltItiti tut putrmuîn.lit:Ltrast tuitait Il sd ec lte ne- ccL4âitý f t>nttcfitlitttIis otil avce cstiq. W ILIAAM LAING. WliitltI-, <itobîn 27, 1î-57. 41 Stu'u.'iiulutIiJol i' v-u thonItiuuufu-LIt- ni>' Atr'ut, ut l h It QrcuneIitol. ueî.'u'th.% iL. Il. JOHi ISILES, GEO. WALLAGR . , 1i W iitîr . V. i1A,r Oc 0 t-tit-r 21, 1 I57. HOUSE anal LOT FOR SALE. 1?ORSALE IN T11E VILLAGE OF BBC' l- N liai, as u nd Lut acouttitehnte linle <loomty. Thte -ait,,.,olisen la bîamîîtu'llv s.15- a.Ld, kown las te reidetice of'bIte late W'io. ilcîldonosou., iit tilagîud wclitof wxttit, Stable, Sueti anti Wood-hutue, c., teregu. For fairtIuît parrtilurs atpjly tu joli OUSN - wititby, C. WV. Whitby, April 711u. 1857. 1-f -STORES TO LET. TflsLT.SLuraliteiy oceupieti ly W. Il. Dcci, TDmoraiou Brock Street, known las Coun- nûiiorCai elaat. Alîn tecKnnltelvoc>eu- pied by Josse Iauislykcî, wtiet, with %ery ittle stuertlai, eau te couvertt inlto a Groeery Store. Ar eimnt!rtale Dw'cliiog wililiec lut witt itter ýttm ére. Pousasucu ngis'cu intiedistcy.-. jw'#eULmoderato. Apply te JAMES WALLACE, Assignee for lilcry Conucîr. 'Whltby, SLls April, 1855. TO LET. T 'WO largo rone 'wetl aduptedfironfftices, abusa te itbsenilsers lI-ardwatre Stre, it Veidwoll's ew Buildiugs, Brook Street, Southl sud. RouI, modernte. Apply unuthe pnmusos la J. S. DONALOSON & Co. Witty, Doc. 2lui r.7 46 Brick flouse tas Sou or Rent. Teà mnuodilouis Brick Cottage vit Brickt Kiee.Stable and Stede, OCeoUpiest r Txent r. JdeCi . Sterling, andtiiuatitd on 11111Street, Towu f Wiitby. TiisCottagoeconiesaofi4 Rouîns in tlrcitî oi huilding, sud 2 Bnulmnois offl' ue Kitelen.- Thorela la taibLu te Kitceni that eouidthc isade lote botimcoins. 'Au oxcolluat Gardit ofa aboutl3i acre nf lauti, a gond Wel , anti a Ceilutr ful "uaieoLfiBouse. TItis popety will ho aold cheap, and ouguond fte o aspayoicut. Appty lu JOSEPH C. STERLING, Proprietor Orte. JAMES WALLACE, 'Wlsîlm, Mmct luh',xsie . Wkitby. STORES TO LET. T 15 STORES bwoleyceepieti1 Hotntu & Reterta, iunte be tusaess part oif te Townf Wli by, kuown as lite Coumercial Buil pcssaaloua given lnsmeflteiy. Appîy to Wl!.. McI>IERSON. Whitby, ipfil 141h, 1858. 13 TO nie LET, COrrAGe IN BYRON 8 Aýply te f AHAMILTON &ROBERT CI¶ONAI1 55745. IBIONS andl ooi b>' )est tIi- adi- 'n-tf. HA'I.NG punctissedt tue etire stock ni 1H. iHalIti&lCo., '.itIli hi.uî atditi'uti tf î-ýù" A New St-ock,, , factiontutu ull Nhia'nziy f ta'onus %%a litt cali. 11>UIl iICKINS & Ce. Diluioînof niCu-Parînership. T IIE co- llnerIip ittunytofcne exli .ng te- Lwecn thu idenigiet as Merelmnthmlra tUsdti hîiers, mt tlâCiticiy, nutîr ie urniof GIBB & Co., vas dissalîcd Ti effiorion ni timte ont mutuumaien, onu Lite Iwenly-eiglitttday cf Fetrtuury lott put,(18. AIl delta3 due lu or by td ttsitd firin, includiug lte debt-4 due Lu te Toronttuolirantcluthereol, tlu bc onletet undt pit b>'BENAIAH GIBB, who b>' Deet ni Agrecitent ad Diiasoluulion ni Co-. partoenrsîi, beurini> date sut execuiteforc J. J.BB lBand lus colleagne, NoUtanies P'ublie, i wl sevelt> ,iititday cfJa.tnury ltaIpoot, is slotii>'autteizut, itttcr'itiividtusliy on b>' lus titl>' eonsîitiutet attormie>' lu colleet d an yu> lte sauta. Wltitutas aur hSuns, attheLit IIof Monîneatli titi Pruiinece nCaimada (u-t>te kFIiSP tic>' of MAItl, iSue rthoueaud EigitiLlîttudret ami (Sgst)jBEN Li VitGIBB ItAMli.N IBEA-IJIELII, JAMEýS D. GIRlS. W ITUi ret'ereuee LuLte he eu'e notice of Dia- Sallutu t>fco-îIanlstii1,1te businms villi ututite le curi omst'b une D. Gib tînt Rainoit Beafilt, unutîer Lhe inmof niGIBB &Ct.., iinlte saule pmeunitca ii Iis ilc, icio '.iIl Relu Coun.itl - lonîîd, as tenetofene t- er>' orti n tiir hue, oaiLIe test qmaitc. iJAMES UNANGIBB. RAMON BBAUFIELD. NOTICE. A LL penaons indebLte ite ale fins cGibli A & (ho., of Montninl, ot iot abrouet aI Toromutis,'l ileuepytein aco.tints tbMr. JAMES D. GLBt,wtoyis tsi>' utiltonizc. te e- oee te sîmne,, sut v itoll romain lu Tononto titu te lst ofaiMa>' next, for te express abject nf clluc tinglthe sait avocounts. Motreal, Manctu 25,1858. 11-12W. -NOTICE TO CREDITORS. BY virtue ni a Deet of Asigntnoul, bosl date -Mareit tte rd 1818 Use uutiemsigue vas dol>' appointit Ass§eigne urLi te asIate of JOHN MAGEEl O! te Toavnsitip cf'Wtity, in the (tount> cf Ontarilo, Yeomni, for thc benoîit of sucis croti- Lou as ns>' tecoune parties taereo, lnuder te conditions toerein neflortis, bhocre Use irai day GOVERMNT NoTWEBS OFFICIAL NOTICE. Toronto, lIaI Mareli:s, 85. W MIEA8ý 111~natmotcns tw C,,lictors "ai W other Offloeri of CuLti5t5" dsed eb- ruary tîvlftl onue thounsti aigu itIiimdred sand fi\ce'Is, ~v-baolasime iroins LiuTu'catsury l)pomeit nifItie Unied States preacribii g certain FEnuis and Ilegolatin t 0o U obscrvi- mili eu imiiporttionm littO thal counstm' frot lte Britis Northt Amricen Province-s, nI goeds citioimic exemption faut tulty unden tite stipu- ltionsfti tce lteci proeiiy Troiîly-Puiei Neticr la teeoy i' g ut f io saine, 1l'on ttc informaltoni amui.giiiico nial penons ajxportitg articles ut ttc gmnvt sud proe e o oanodsto ttceLUnited StateatsilteicRociproeiLy becalt.,ý Tte fornts ant Regulatinus af*uresuit Ieiug ni lte tonor following, v'it CIIICULAR tINSTRUCTIONS TO COI.iECTOII8 ANI) OTitER COLLECrRS OF THSE CUM'Svn . - TRLIBLuty Dun..muRxurî'-, 12t1i Febr1ianyj, 1858 Culectantuand ti ter officens oniheLue ansoiius'ui lte frundier pota arc imitructd, tisat, ou ait im- P rtation.% r<'ri te Nantt AiuerieausBritisit Proviuies laisiuitsg exeuiltian fruti dtity imitter Lhe stipuilattis of te recipnîncity trenty. Lthe 1opr ecilied in section 3, article 8 ite gninw or tir ineti0tcof a te muettitlmtute, is ne- quiret in lual cas-es wiiere tie adetit5lvailute ut te îue-Ctîtîdise ttali execdet aile o nste hits- min"1 udollars, anti "ture tre is n Cotsittar Cîticun ut or iseuthLIe pont ior expintistiut, thte ounih Iu iI lutsed i tîrm s. u'i.28S anT274 9uiuy lue takei tui m'oe s lueai uiaglîtnute, dutly auîtluîs- zeit1tut'uhe tawsofailtlu enctautrv t" ilituiicte'i oixlis wth, iitilt, su t.ukeut, sitali be iîcî'uiitjta- tilcîl livaaCoîtîtti ur tilicute iiLtmatin t it forit: 1 ct'utii)'Ltht - -,lt pesn i ri- the aluac cetificatp, aOea uiigistrmte i:4i(111 Vaiuit ihiuizcd to aiduuuiuielc tutti1,ote 'aaî'e t I i..l Puro% htice, uvit Liait 1telicce tit intcinelitcuti- uîiieîd lunlte ittîue certilittie luluetrît.' i)jitte.) - - - , 1'.S. Cifueuuu. te ottlitaprcesritil mntufurnîîaNus. '2S&)sand 281 are aitti dhi-cncte. but case ,oft'am'inls or p1uacages iiîîrtsuîa ufi ti tietnt exedtiiientle hiiureil ditIlare. the saine ma'.' le uliiiitîcýd ta muttry wittîuutIlIte atîeoil1 riu puvided tLie 'itletu unle isuttig- lied t] ut ,l ey arcelte growttu an 1n'udee utfte saiuI jrirlicte. ,LCotistitar cnttifiuae lcite otnirn ouItter- Iuiinute i tIi' t'uoni>fî ucîiwitutu l-.' lru-- raie cdh' "ule Lusaz suitllci'tut eiie ' .itrigiustu t tititte teclinudie ii cuter ititute tllue eccirociuy ot: Ie cerîify t1itîîlte gueis or niercitudi'ei te- ser'utd iii tItis iitvoicc are ai thue groîctîlioruo - .S. Lus/ ,ecruary if h. Treastiry. Smn.-nioai3nîl. Prno,.ýpg neid9î<aemmry 9'ff ie/es eto1imiag i'exnp- ltiuifriae tuf» uai/enf/mReciprociyTrtmit>. .4rt.92.-On importations from thse Sortît Atuiciean Brillith Provinoccliriug exemuptionu frein duly untier testipulatinsanifte mci- prociti' treaty lte alfdavit of ttc owîîen is mc- quinn) as tai thieplmauf growtit or proucteioni of te nereindte; sud ite» te uoie is lin- porleul fromu a place wîuire LIera is(t auil ViceConsul. o to ummerisimgmnt of ttce Uited Su thesc aim ust ho aCespaulet b y a uer- hi-utu ofisocitofficer li eue nifte iislnowimtg titniut, as theimeae msy raquime, soilg te pluce ni growîtor production. FoRx No. 278. Ftuuega Oier'a OtJA eutl vra g a v e eli aa- tigüulypt uimuadg, Lu tAea s fere ao Ou#lur Cetteenoft/Me UsiW dStetaiinthe B Jrif l i. A. B., do aeletriuly- and Iruir aear, titat tue gantas, vares uosenrdmitsdlaeeited ini te ina'uice nowproduoed sud hereunto annexet. were actuaily purchasedtIon my accotnt, orl'an utc>mt of iuvelf tînt portuers in thete saRI pur chu-e;,and tftut sait invoice eonutaina a truc sud fiîitful acenutoftLIsetctuacsLtteresi, antd tu1 chargea thereo -andt LtInoedi-sconla, iuitutiue, or dîlntbacltiiare contitlied iste sait invaicut but sncb ts have lieeni acîutullit aiuaed oms ti cumue; oant dit suuld oods are ttegrowtit or Itrodut o f tie P'rovince nf (S'mget) A. B. Sworn lu sud subseiht horo me nt lte day of A. ii. I mu th itiidepetience cf te Unitedi Statua of Americatisa Andti1Ido furtlter certif>' taI I an s aaiufid tthu,1 uiitu uu8eciitcs te fure- gîuîtuOg oatît, ig îuhe iersen te reitrescuta uittîselu' e- li'and tîsi lie lia acroîiilable pt-rmoui; sut tutu Lute stateunenta muade by ititunuur ait nîttt l ur atffinuatiu,as the case utay ble) ont truie. 1 L.t.1 Uo S.7idia ,F!reujî nOîi'er'd acth, in S«cAse eue 9goads tam iuîuî bee,î actai//tpuirlieedu,a lfn/e takes /sfcare a 6,"iUlî/aîî 0)1-e-esof g, LUniL ted fes itAnth J>ril Provcseem Il A. B, tif ,do eooamnly sud truly siwenr, ttthttcinv',ioe 150w protinced, and tere- unito atitexeti, coittainta a truie asud huiLlil se- coint oultme gonds LIeroinsdescnibeti aIt iir market volite at , at tisa titue lte sanie were t producetior usanufactonet as Ltte case may bel) and ni ail te etaries ttereun; sut ltat salim ioice comtaua n duscointâ, boun- ie, or drawtackit, but ute' as have lacen sletu- ally allowed; andt Ltaidi good(Isaretlue grnwth or poduet o!fte Province nf (Signet>A. B. Sworn to andi sutscibed beoor te, aI te day of A. D.18 anti of thse indfpendeni of te Uuitod Status cf Amnenica the Aii 1do ionIser cartlfy tIsaI I arn osîlufied tat , wito anhocribea the foregoing nth, is tIse persnon te mresents tuntacif le ho; andtiLit hii uascreditabie pemaun, sudtat lte tteuen.natie by hluio tider sastioati (on a!- llinwti<i,.a te case uusy te,) are truc. L.S.] , im kt. Clsu. By Cornunont, R. S. M. BOUCIIETT, (Sîîieor-f Clutmst. CLERK'S OFFICE, lýzxo"isL'vE As5exBiT, Toronto, 21ut Jan., 1858. T IIE tlune for neceiviug Puitions for Pricate or Local Bilai will expire on the Twcluît Manclu, une tousauti ciglit hundreti ansd fifty- ciglitIV. B. LINDSAY, Clark kserntly. TO MASTERS OR OWNERS 0F STEÂM VESSELS.: O%~TICE!shereby iveuLbaLcu audafter Use :'opeOlOgnfLbheIfsvigatin lu e spring of te precut yeam, s strict enraplance wîlb Lita ro- quirerneuts cf lte seveual At-a rret l lte inpeti0u cf utteutVesaswillbe iluîted ou apdall'V--euslties for sny infraclin ltwont' rigid- ly enlitroati By Commuand, fores Leasa&u th ffce of N. G. Haut, inuthe TownofPriles WIsitbiv, for signature, ut' viici ail parties un- Dopa tere»tae o qulrod totuake unotce. - eletiî J. 0. SPROWLER, Ml N. G. RIAM, uae.% ST. Boicit or, &o. Wtitty, Manot -tht, 1858.- TS. 14 l~. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. __ o, lhe n ita RntaIsond o ot - gage, mnug astle the ut e Ètitvit d' ne. t îUst Boolil, uAMil 858. AI~185 .@wn "NOTICE'I TO CÉflQ O ea -'(IAKE notice tlItIStephitFler, bu 1 ' Àryin, ethtie bushmneeofaxrbP« Ms wU-th &th ait niaufaLturer of!and d - ltt -U p pars and eifiller tlinga, lu the Town#ss-ofWtb r u or t olis cufdayiters ta £s gmat rem et Âpri.utm ad @U tIcs. '1TIGE in hereby gfra, tatnlitu liote ray .Amucidrï* aeialogatto seuillbe- Lte TenUs day Of Msy Delt, satisasetcY Te- L itoe ciren,>a tdreaseao t Uent by tItis wmntosulu Janurluan sd alan thosa So- is wieht $hallunot bva oomplied wit thtIe ittith and iStisVie. Csp.St i viiot bte m- nendeti for lt ,asakod alItve Grant cf Lia yeor. WILLIAM HUTTON. Toronto, 1111h ApiU, 188. PIC£E lauebyg'vmnthatuaExotaLu ieaed bïQ Jrder ed tluul iteumU to,@U*Péý th Eleen cause of 'the I~LESTÂT.Z BEAVERTON. FpOR»4.mE CIIEAP, AMILL pRIVILEO-E AND) TOWN LMr A C91istgitste toe Beavenlon Wlîanrf. A larg ant profitable Miling buisineiis cote doua te Favorable tartninîav te iuu th LthUe Propruebor tv a b'raeliitnb lilIu. Aplv1 M.JAMES ARMSTRONG, N. B.-TIscre las a l-rate Pnimîg et Boa- verton fer Lhe Eslsbbismunu of s Fuudrv. Beaventon, JUIyl8, 1857. 2 LIV E RPOOL. BlacksmitlIs & Waggonmakers Shops Fa,? Sale or to etot 1Liverpool, rqi WENTY VIILFS EAST CF TORONTo fA J.. Depit anti Sttion of the (G nanti Trîunk itail- wsy). Fa,tle Sitop-iasia Cottage and s quarter ouf su Acreoai Land attacîe. Tlitoe pneimlses bave bteu latoly aeetet witis. in a shtort distance Oifte Kingatun Roeat. sud tlie Rtilway Depot. A gooti bu-4litoin u bott trades caunbû done by oîcarly mmd gond iwork- men. F'or fortter particulali - tj1l Liverpool. JuIy 29, lq.t7. 28 FOR SALE, A Caîinotui a titl 811111v msee stîtotet liu lt, eV il lute tu' i en lT iti.-fiiifpick- ernug, auîj'iiitîr tichenetuiBac Statioîn oi thu' itraîit'rtti]-. Ruila -u%, l'ttica Tru o i- rntto, u' -f e. i ti> 'fi cottage eontanisng Nîne Rooms. I ___________________________ I Provincial Assurance Company. CAPITAL £125,000. I NSI5.NACFecffected on ]BuileUings aud their contentaà . Every infonation supplied on application to the undoralgned. F. KELLER, Ge4trai Travdklng A"eMe h Cb. of OaLario. Office - Victori Buildings Brodlt Street, 'Whithy, under te Chronicle ôffice. 13 flrhhah America Autsae Compas!, INCORPORATED under an Act of the Third Sesioni ite Eleventh Provincial Paria- uieut nf Upper Canada. CAPITAL £1001000. luanrance effected on Buildings, and their contenta. Every information sapplied on ap- plièntion theUicuudersigned. tirine Rià ks fur te Senson or for Pnrts. -r JOHN AGNEW, Travelling Agent, Byron Street, WhitlaY Protection against Lossa ana Damage by Pire. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, CAPITAL £100,000. INSI'l-AN('F ctetid on IBuildingsansd tnler coitt. Everv intî,rnution snpplied onu aplietiuîî lu the uîîderisged. withu cicr> cu% it 'tu> "t'ri-u iiite sutI.'i tinia-ti ia aitul stablle a tuuli"utl.'"' tuututu>a tI tf i-t- bnacchliiug Agent, lByrn tStreûl, Wldtby. îîlaîsteul anthzI>inue'l'i-'.,s:als", a l.ar;re (tiardeut Times andt Beacca Assurance Comppy. wetl stv.iieai nui" ruit 'nc-e: tliti' a'itîue caner- - twsi etu f iruttl iii.ui'i 'l utpisilTNSUtRANt'E eIu-cleul ounBBuiludingis adthoIte lu lte Toiiemlii iiuOf f*lelciuît,fur Ie it. O u% nit- icuteut. îeny itîliurîîîîîtitun stiplillCtun ,tticrtc, turt'i 1.: '>r ti., Sîr. Viilliziiti l'îrty Truaellinsg 'zeuit ond Stinud5or nf Riaks, Byrnu P1thpu Ie priiîe.l.ittt ftu i'iltt witl.Strct, W'iiithv. i'lt eF tR(; E BosnI' wI Yuîvcîle. uia 1-."-17 1.11E AND IIEALTII ASSURANCE. ACRES OF Si'L-NID I AND. LtuT 200j'J lu>.iiilotith otc.iti f 'fli'nrtlu t1, Acrtes eli-tru-u TItis t'unit "],.î tuu it] ilti foumr miii i eut> citti, titithle ir.nuerndstit Muara; te lmlin s ti th1)bu-,t .iisii'iant1 i., ii tue ceuttrei-f a tou' n-iieîu'u , a-liaScîttutl, mui a sawuut littietttt Al >o,. N,-i Iltitltfu.fIt' t -1t. in tlil1ut îli 'cs alun of'1>-ralit, eutavttu u urt"': 12 uof wii are 'leurî-ut .tid tîtiitti i linthe P'ortamge- RotaI, tu-tr i'aMrn' i'II. Tk.il!dSqLiiSrAit.%L Appîly tut 1I.taverto ons, ll'îm tî lv,îy. S!7 FOR SALE (11 EA,%P- L 0 T Na.27, in tme rd (onuese»of ' bilv (tihe gtisAti> toit( gtitZon tf W'titliy. Appir 4)te lt ua. . .Wu.aNes, t"arn'ling Pla&ce, 'ias. WîLt uS, Esq., Belleville, or t& . u Bmrier, Juiy 15,15721 VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE T IIIS PROPEI<TY 15l',ASNTYSITU- ated in te lounistiuti>Toîwn of% a i ht.h, on Brook streot, dire-ctiy yp iîite Jun r îm- haiu'5 'esiieiii'i , ia, tsuuuut wie ths nifion acre nfi Lanul, wtt about liAil feet fmouLage, ou aw'icieh buecctud'ý COMFORTABLE BRICK COTTAGE, witl imsitable ouni Buildiiig'-. su excellent WeIl of Waler. aud s (Ituern, tugetiier wîth s nuit- tam ai vainable Fruit Tracs. Fur further parti- euîlaru 51p1y tn W. SHAW, on tepremîses. Whti1y. l'il. 1),laW.4 FOR SALE EN TRE TOWN 0F WHITUY. L OTW NOS. 2, andi 22. TH EY ARE SITU st-i eutIindas 4 trcu't, be-twecu Mr. S Coetranc'a andi Lynuiî&sUreek. :--TEllES LiiFUiAi. _4 Appliicastionitol bc e te l MRS. ANGELINE WEST, Luot 38, th eiîuccsitiu Iarliugtott. "Cîtniaian Oil'ering" pinsie ceîpy ,întil fonli. FOR SALE,- ATAVEEN STAND, with Dnivinig Bouse sund lwo large Sheds. Thure la alan ai,- tacheti an aseaf niditi, plitntedtwitt chioce Fruit Trees. Thene la a gond Wcli cf Waler, witb Punp, &c., on thtelîreimimes. It l6 situat- cd oni Loi'14 n. 1, lot (;Ou. inpes ou lte lesi- lugm ute Towns of W hitby, Ltidsýav and L9Beaeton1, whi -a propenty will tea muId ou lite- ml tarots. For tenus sud partieniarsa uppiy to the owuer ut Neil Mec-tiall's, Brock, (District Lino> near Cartictacis 4Taceru. JOHN McDOIJGALL, ci1?peuuter. Bmcek, Deectber 16, 1857. 48 I1FPKNCOTTON ANDLINEN C3as peBrasa, Cuat Iron, and it kiida niPoî eolke ii eschunîgo at thse Min Ware Store cfteunodersigned. JOHN' BRYAN. 'Whitb>, Ma& 9M.1858. 1 Stoven, Tinu, Copper, and Sheot Iron 'Ware roundirg eountry, tIsai ho bas _percha- sea te stock of"Mm. Tiontas allace, md inLends tLu carry onulte busines l aI&l rnchas, on lte ssmaereum., bnpth 1 expentca Lu Lbil"ooun-sry as a pC 0mA L W0R"KHA -ff, and, as Forentan, for Lise laut savon year for mm.Geomge Il. Cheney, & Co., cf Torcnto, hf"cnflesslnastatlng ità I slwork su- truated te hlm,,wilU ho pémraied lu a munner Lblilgv ntire mastlofation. Auee meîaortmtnoL COOK, PARLOR AND, 'BOXSTOVES, abra a on msd Alsau lkinda cf t dShotIton Wmre. Ewery de$Wrptlncf c 0'PIrx R w 0 , mado te or&le. carpaaz ude antispoid toLJobaS ý.,O J'OHN TROTTER. CEEb, aP TIN 1W AR- E 1 of Canada, F S T A B îIA S I E lu l -tu T kii EA S SI-'R A N U E 1 F Act tuf l'arliatuetît, 18 Vie., iCapî. 44. CAPITAL STOCK, 9:100,000. lies'1 lttie ut Mniîtreud. GENEuA L AGENT FoutU . W., JAS. BUsuLEIc.mî Lott Aurx'r . sas liiîouW'hitby. R. W. Clark MI. D., Medical Referee, FPiicaeffectet chter tîpan TicealLh or Lie, i-.n luth>ud evenu i4ftiinuticn affrtet by thue LiemlAent at h%5158v Marche), IM157. 10 THE SCIIEME FOR THE CURRENT veon wili reminain open te nov Entranu only iintil MONIAY, te U511 APRIL neit. On taI day lte Iookq vilib t e ata p for tIse it Antuul Balanonu, sot - l4th Divison of Profits. A Il aeu tUreim seul ,'eek a4 of mie Yiars loeiqer 8andîuinq t/mecsle fer En. trants, and toill participeete Oua Yar marliar et the Dit'iaivuuu of Profit. L IFE ASSfflATIIN OF F SOTLND- foîutdet 1,38, sud emupowemed b>' Rcyal Charnter sot Act ut Panliamnent. MCNKTRF.AIiQ Great St. Jaunes Street- EDINBURGII-AsociUo's a Bldiugs, Prin- casa Street. LONDON-20 Kinsg William Street., City. En>irealy cosfifuted on the prileiple o] redmceimg Lthe Empeiuuof Lifé Asauranà e ai loir as ta eondWsent theua prmltleut 8eeurit7/. Aidt Llte insu>' anti curionus gtern.nf ic Asatiroice preaet luti te public notice, tat ofitîue iiiAssoctitionm ai eotiani amndoubt- edly weii cititeul 1 lte circitmistançà of thni iimu j"ajNu>ofaipen.",sîtusai-it>ciect £n'utr.unces, as us% ecident fn;Iun t sidt ont unexunplet i iîreime of lthe Polie>'btr.Durng thte lat îre ý.-ear% utone. Litera have been upwasnofniThree Pitunsantt New Emtrant.,ls, utin ni their lices ionuearhy l'en Millionu lotiîimiaSterling. bie oicy-hnldens cf Uic Assaclaîlun lueur nonue ai the ikas of pumlnemship. Ttcy are froc iront ail responaîtuilily, aud lte sonuAssureti are guaranteed in su>' evetil. a-taiteratAT 18'TmsU &XCCAvn EtaaOce LTVF.ES ASSUJREI) lte nuterof..10,20 SUNIS ASSUî(ED ............ E,l9,7fflt'g. &NN UAL INCOME iroinspretuniat ansd intereat ................ £24,318SVIt. CAPITAL Fiu sddiitionu w accoîno- let preminua] . .........£4,000nSt'g. The Assoclatloas las now kissiog Poîiciesfree.from several Re- fatrictions coiinl>'imitosed ou. AssurcalLives suit coeing niitst dimportant fisclities sud pniviltlea, viticlu are grantet by neocter Aaauîance OfIRce in Canada. DIRECTORS AT MONTREAL: J1. G. MACoxtaziz, Eaq. 1 G. Mor., Ji. Esq., D.D eTmtcue. sEsq., 1 AtL=. MusaIs, *q. soucrreas-MosaraTormaue& ' Morris. MxIaCAu omrczs-R.atnli oward, Enq.,M.D SEcaEÂat.-sueaGrant. - AGENTS:9 Woiuvsxr-Mr. J. liain Perri. Bnwts.svit.ua-Mr. D. Fishair Ontario Bank. Nsvearrîz-gastmtel WiîuoI,Èiank of Toronto OlwÂW LBil . asoicitour. por Hoarx-Iir. Jmmne* E. WalsIs, Marchant. Provincial Insiirauce Oomp'nY OF TORtONTO, C. W. SUBSORIBED CAPITAL, $1,987,780. PAID UP CAPITAL, $420,256. PraeJe-J. S. Howart, Esq. Fits-PraUisWa lion J. H. Cimneron. Gen. Dîtgga, Jr., Esq.I George Cravforti,Es J. S Ilwari~ sq. J.UsBmrousE4M Ho.j . anueon DuncanMadiei.a Caplalu P. Wailace. Bankars.-Teronto.-cluy-Bantk cf, Mtrw.l. Nov York Bank of Use iRepublia. SoW,9«8.rs.-Mee;rs Duggsn MBera iy t à om x d . a l s at . t uw i e s b m A O 0in o satst w u t0 as aI lte lfis,iMll'a Mt -aIes ln- ' ay proipiy 1"v, SFront Stroot, Taoonto,..~ C-HAR LES VALE & 00.9 BEG te inin nte public thaita>' have e B coitînittiattimota extensiv e promises- on Front Streel, (fonîtieni>' ccipied as te Ontanio Brevery, lu th ot c si euste style inn carry- lng ou thie business oi Iron Founding & Smith's work ln ail ia branches. Tbev invite insipection ni tlîeir nuinerouis Pal- toma of Onatental Iron Feucie, Baleonues, Verandalim, Vatiît Do..rs, Plain and Ornnientul CasL iron Coutann, Winduw Caps, Sis ialla ARCHITECTURAL 1WORJs oftevory dcseripton;1-cooking, Parlor and Box Stoves; Grates, Cvee u uthas, Cauldrens, Stigar Ketties, Plain Caat.lngian Forgingo, ail of which titey oller to the Trado and othorà on ad- vantageonst ternis. qý Country ordera pune tuafly attended toi Tt;ronlo, IJtoher 20, 1857. 40-tf BEER! BEER!! à n'~ RELESAE Splendid Fanin and Prentie for 1 ci WtVitby'. Salie IT~ AT exc-ellentt t-nît tît0 rijiertc i MNr. Nvilltii I l " l rin , llei* parîe ue t s it otl"ots b15. t1, titI 17, i 1t , u'ti tii.. t' uuîi c-,itlîlurttîî'~. iu.itainiit1 i t a n d fî?îiire frotît mt1111ip'a. 'lItre i-, it1 lutlialiîîC AlIo-,otoîuld u i.îuitid teu Iv'î.'ii'art' about 3t) acre,, i>i , exi'lliid wîuuu ontit Uic iti part. Thle landîli- iii ialîgl i tte oficl it iitlti, tlîeie lem a good itreitt nîiiniug tliruitigli No iii, tte pretîiee are tiel wattii-r-i d oulte sliitaton ttiIsiu aseed, the pice 'ta iL- tiin 4 tiles af the Town ni Whitlîy sandl. tuiles ou4îit i htwî-atid altogetiier a mir ilesirable lîtcettttetit imlaicdoit ot'ered for sale.* F r Ciiîî(îîlîîr. ai ,1il, ti IVaa. I'N & li i J NGS O:euiwa. May 19, t58. 1 T ME Subseriber metrns Mas aincere tbianks te 'tis cuâtnlfersand pattrons; andtini sollcitlmi ouiistntnce of Lte ,llbas'apatronage witb wiritci lie huabacon ivonoal, silice opeuiiný,btîti ness out thse prniiteééioruseriy occtupied yMm. J1. lI.-Gerrue-wntad Say tIsaI bsstore is sou> iplied wils lIse largest ini not compjloe STOCK Of' PUIRE DRIJGS, 0f every descripion, yai offeret for sale lu tIse <hricls ý lmient Medicinees, Perfttmnoiy, Brosites loints, Oila, Dye Sînifs, &c., &c. Pltiimiesand Fsuoily Presceriptions§ careuully prey>ereui. i HELrse and Cattie Xedicines ni ali kinda, aacîtrsteiy compounded aceortlig lu teLitest iiuprovciieuts il Ptanucy. Surgeonsa Instrumaents. G. A. BANNISTER,- Druggiot, &o., Dnaé~ Street, Wititby 'Wl)iby, Ap i 415.18- j MEDICAL HALL, ESTABLISHED 1852. W. Ha DOEL, Drusggiai anal Apolhecary, 'Brooks St.. Wulhiîby. B ESte infern n is cuslouer sud te publie B eKuienoiraly, Ltat lie is ncw doiuug busimmesa lui lus New Store, wiemc ha is alwuNvsapnepured Lu serve tiiose witn tave ieretufure fovoret lîiun wîith tieir eusteun, sud alsn ailletuers wto visti te obtalti - Genuine Drùigs and Medicines, And at. Prices to Suit the- Times. Patent Medicines, Comba sund Brusites, Initia Rulber Guedt, Tortolse ieiil Comita4 Paints Colons, Cils for buinzu ant uactuuery, Alcslo aînd Btnitiig Fîtuit, Vaumulae for wood sud mron, &c., &o. A ite assornuient of Perfiamern' uitlet articlesi, Stock otiColorg, dry oaud limbes, brusites Aiew Pictuinuafor Grectau, aut1)(1COientalt Putiutiîîg. Clleituuotition Powders, Whiute aîtd Black I ils, ire lîrepîtued muni Emugliait lieciies. P/t pici 'us Prescriptinsta nd Fassil1î Iiuîepscmrefully prelpnred. - Cali zui' Izuelasu LALfN.IC for 1858, ont reai -ibutr titi SIGN &'THEE RED MORTAR." :ý9- efllursanuîd Country Stotres, stuppliet wt ill anci, cs tier Cil, littl t/ , &c. W thv, %May ,18.lt- Forest Win nd Pil, FOiR TUSE ERMA. ENT CURtE OF tfA idîi.qes, Liee, iicuurt Cai 1t/, ,'fi mtce, Vite amtd k'errr, (.blul,btueg1u, aimd Coruumplie Derins, &rcfula, Eryeipelaai, ,SîU J'Aum, Afrfi~s c Anti al ceniplainla enigimiating frîmn iuujiin bloud suid habt ni Lte ayatem, General Debîiily, andt feebte gltate of tite constitutin. ' For Ladleinca oweakly statu cf Isealti, tLis Wiul s a sdeligtful rmedy. Wliule.4ale' Agenta lu Tt-ronto-Lynon Brus. & Co., andUi Ttmhart. bKingston-B. W. Pl'a- SAW MILL AND> LANID. user."ate tesyâtem and thecoiLsîitu t te saine Itetail Agents nL Wlitby-W. S. Robinson, lme TO J/E SOLD 01/I.- E'TED, "' hawa-WV. J. Sotton;j Prince %.Irwt--t"Sutton tme & lToiilin4oit; Mankîsmît Vilee-J.C.Dutamu; Genr'Il Weakness-Nervons Complaints A SuluW MILL 1VI'TIli 300ACIRE-S of LAN D Lnuti> -Thousas C. Patrick; Uxtitge-1. D. ena]siuntfa-ilorn,.iigad 1A5I0 acres letredt iil>tiit'.,l'reek, l iten k theCantxu-..Botbhwtll, Il.o*M .Browu- boalsinlat al it rnv goa lowuouhi1t of Pickerngi, init nofltefiluticou- aiu-Ltwaçsai& & utelmisoi; lPrt Tcnrv--ýj. tain>popiivefues uLsg firumuictas ceasmti.Ithere are 1tilt])auren i>oflligeuîuîc; Melcut-Pl. Matceîtt; Moutit l"ions- lleslrmî erces, auJ L"euficluid nioscles nf sut-S. G. Bet-,Evtcile-J. W. .otluarul, lte iîunfcurldilt GOOD HAttI) XV1)() A-ND CEDAR, tilndAr isale b i>'ilI Dnîigghzsis andtil tticiuc Des- elteF aes andt about M0 oure.siii PiN E. lTe ctola Lu tc Icr.e in Canada. G . 1LE, eiae eels Soit or Iteitet, tugetir or ecl)atiotuly, 3-1tool Gsuit ASE, Ail innegîisnuitieiqsuit ailitient&ilimcident le- lîmo purctmsere. -y oePrupricion, NowYork tieliente anti sensitive ongius othe îîîcs, but Ilu- The Iremines are sýitutateci aboiut 1,1,1 NujINSA D(t>RwIi7f fslîiile alterittives. Na fuoîtea.lia ltregards hem m.mge ouh fth nihc fGrecua-oîi . mdoiiîrmu at oioimn Imstcsci n rlier eltiidrct's htalth aitonît ilte-ha-r. Appivtluîto ci . oA md i otutnoline ucîed frntlu .-qt.ed thu ittu sllmu ierredi. GERE ALRD iilI stscthe remainter lof ins des s i coni>glrra GEnsOGEP.OBLLAReDg.thaitnetuu IauieCNU PO-oo Scieutific, Enelorsements. GrSuwod 1' 0., ickernorimAnGe; Iia caniosltinsîire teintsgLuconuuttu: (lettie 26,185. - nieute te lIse vumît iis remeeties that'lie pro- " TimeLUnitton Il Laucet,teI, imeadoit u.iedical ________ - ____- -vedtsimeaS*4fihin utore titmi titre. timomsamin Ci- R. ýimuid lte muait euîimeît ofth e focisly FOR SALE. ses. île nt1uires cach appliesimita scnd hinu mu in Great Iiritmim, Fronîce, unît t;erlnauy, bavc msintute ddeacupiion ni ttc synuluimua, 'etthtwLv o uingizaî-dth lt illa andtirmlîîvmutor. TiWN L~OTS inu V'lîitiv ucur titi Iay- Stiitfps, t6 dts.> 10 psy tte reiuii lutter, in A i 'lla'te Loîte t 1l>îuWti* utie, frle'hcu- a'îicÉ hliewill rcînrn îteni'ad i e ee-su l lielloway':s'1'illsare tlîe but trenicte nth uUe titauLs tiiv, autîlI'unrt i'err%. tiou, sitlitdirections for pmtpaini, ugtuneu-wnrld ion lta 1lloaving>distuin-s: Ahulul>ta cilicea, &C. G. Il. DARTNELL h bitelditDactor huttes ltaI liose alffiiee AËstitn in îsîuitlu., pans ylmet, atm sceounut of delicacy, ref'rain froin B-wtt Coin- jintigvcsii?'tu, l'u Sîlcio,&d tuintsltiiig Suinbetutuse ta.utakes No C1am.- i'oluglma., Cobuta, luflIittîmts, Sînont Jumneî, 1a57 Beaut treel, u' I ILt>. i-soie ojcet lu advertiaiug la ta dn au 1te ClItt- IYsease, tiufillùina- IGravel, JimeIf',_IS5- ----22 uod iedai tbefure holic is. lic fiels tuatlue Costicîsueits, i ftion ecoeor'.'an 1i18jumtiy eieltaet fer the cure of Consumptioti, Dyspe1îsia, i nwitral.%,eLki [Syiuptoust, W A N T E D .Asîlmiia. imoucitiu, Nervoug Allèmous,omtgiia, IiortuoaDnops i LtcaVitrlAi'- - -Clts, &o. Adtitius1 Dibiity Fevern,'Lovnetas uof.- [fec>liaua. O prclînse or ramat, about 5o acres oif go.>'1 DOCTOR UINCAS BRANT, anu irt g, le-1 iSuiitaîl Wbnss niofmil T id Lo itaiuu luve miles ai tise Tavunif MBox-luluil, P. O , 6ew Yurk. .nille CompiintauîLit'en Cat it- Findu, 'W tit. lnucîiccit rîtolBuiugI3odaLte anfcoi.scPrfso un =y.>'tenumte'errt. Att rasa IJ.- MACT)ONELL, Esq., If b>' lutter poat paît. Fetmoan>' 2, 1508.l Titus te Cep>'. FOR SAILE ON EA&SY TERMS, Ya medicul mautlIaa'.ing lmis part eai tu .cîntry, a gîodtwLaetorNyliuse, 30 b>' 40, eeilar sue as, xeltLsabe, olms, &cë, aliaeited, gocti votèr, gnudsn eli laid-eut, ant stuiched wvit fruit atdnal maetaltrees, sbrubâs, ffleverocts,bulbe, uCe., aoutaiung juIf attasro. TItis propertis slttediuthiùt r ie of te oirliiimg TOWN- OF WHITBY-, fronlimsg on te pman roaileTorounto, vilis a populona neiglshsrlwç<l, sud combiue& aIl tte aguod oponegfbra pmufbîsaînualosm= Litepreseint propnltor haVslig Sa prtitiLie nifnearly 20 yeams atntg-.ppy (If bv bltter, 'dto le KM.,D., WlmiI1sy1 M9s81858 - 17 'rnNITUREe &o. DR.MOSEUs iuhZ tr of Momses Jndisn v t Illa ba ajent tispoab ror c hia~ ~ ~ ~_hvýn if utvllnaVin tied roe Asie sud Af ries, as woll as 7North AnArieia-fi"a Wpet hreceyogs &U tOng he.-Inians f Our Western cou tr-it wa» u'intis way tht±thse lundion Root Pillis won, firât diaeovirnd. Dr. Morsewax te iretImnisto establish the fuel thaL aIl diseasettarise frou Impurity of the blond -that car tmrengrth, healih sud lii. dopended tîpomu ttis vital fluid 1 Wliien Zienrons passages boetelciged,' simd do tnt ct lun-perfcet harznuy with the dif- fereut fittuailona cof the body, te blond lbies it4 action, btconeis tltiek, eorropted and disoesed, lia canisitgail parts alelenema sud dirstroes of everystte; om alrength. la exhsu.uted1 or Itealti we tire dcprlvëdd cf, sud if usitmta inet re.isted in throwiug off the-'el net thumioral tise blond wiU become choked mni cesse Ltesêt and Lima om ligiti cf lufe will foover b. blown ont. llow importanitthonthat we shoota keop- thevaon poatuees of thee hody 'free and 4îpen. Ansd low pieâsant to usLit we have it imiiom ~u tPuut a nediemse ini yonrreach namely, aIde otPilla, tnonufluclred froin 'plantý'and routa wtieéhgm ro soud théi aucun- tinous clifI' in Nature's gsrdeuor tIse Itealtit sud eeovery of diaseei mon., ne of the. ots froiniwltmeit tleâe Pillaare inide ýlas dorife,1 wbricit0 oe epres Of te ski-%-, sut! st Nature untiltowlgouttheflner pafthfe oorrustoiwitî. Th-isaeeud lsà iplant whiels nanExpoeýtorut,- tb*t openfan su celoga teé passage te the longs sud thoî n lus' oothinff mamtner, perfortus'ta'duty 'by -tbrowing cof pitg ien ud ther'umoré froni the- lunga Coptots spltnz. T%*It1rdiaa Dluretlc, whi gives ease sud doubletreeg]s,h ite ekidue.ys; tio ëmoimgd, tbey "IargeaTuctt ýimsnmliuy front tIse bloodtwhich laiL>fan throwu ou boaniftdly hheurnary or waterpsage, sud whictt could'nct have been disebtmrd ln uyotLlsr-way. :Thea fourti ia.Cathartue, nt accotupauies theî<uotites prpertiesnI'flte Pila whlle engoein pal4g ebcd b cm 244 Stmanî, London iyoUnaet.il rirgiauaf uidl Deeers in Metteuse thltriimt itt.riiied Statesasud the clvilized wo Id, lu p..:s, nt 25 cents, 612X cents, sud $1 oaci. , 9W' Tbora las consaidoraboesavlng by'.lakitg lte lamresaits N. B,-Diroctioaa for the igoidance nI platienta in evcry disorder are aMlxedIe osncitboz. IW" CAUTION I-Noue areogeuine msa lte womes la Hota.ouà ', NE'W Yêix &Loao, are discernable as santwer-îark in very les! ot ttc bock cf directions amonti ecdhptor bX; thse smue uiay,-te plaînly sanu by li4 ii Ltto eigit. A litdooe re wsr l Ibgiron to an ynue- reudemijsg socit Jnomutien' aà mylentito the detecliof na srtyr pr. tics countenfcitig lte mdic!nca or vaasdirrmtheu suie, kuosving lst l tea purions. Jae rd, 15.2 0 BUFFALO 1WEIICAJ, ISPENSARY' ESTÂBLISUED FORt Tm clmîtuor Dy 'pua, eso MyIfij, Fllr nd Éqm uSe kmui, dt( Gr < uiopurityqLOf 40a'. ai tepé"kà r, FW ) ae, Pue#, Md"q Débiue, I OsU f gomkarioIauage, &-ie DR. AMOS & SON, (enmnan o M.t ~À?n OttT 025, ~t1AeX,,'s. + A-r' ......... Moffat'ajLIre -Pill and PitoAýx J3tter Pfrai -o.m ail Mioerai POý0S6a T MTE GREAT POPULARITY WIGIMP fifl t'sLe Pilanmd Piutix Bittera hauve at tainod iu cuusequexsce niflte eCxlriordiuorva,.unca effectei ty their usai, rnsels il mîrîiLce.sari, for tteumopnfetor tu coter In a patnieular tunutivuIs of titeir imédicitnal virtuca or îunîîenties. lamr lig beeui mure tha itanIitrcuu e butiore te ptub lie, ontdluavitg lte nni,* tatitn i mf ur limon ttreo millions ni ptrnsuuîs scito 'houebe-an restorodti u tee n yut5>f perfect lîcallt y tem, Il la beve lt'fit their nttutinti as thé beol veagetable nuediethe nuw .beziure tic pubiec odmil ofnuodispote. lu almoal cveny City ona village i heiïlastiel8 tes, there are uuouy who are reety to testiIf' tu t in efficacy iii retuioviu diseuse, ont glvint w b whlmysteni rcnewed iigor ont heahîli. iu ca$sesniSrtffala, Ulece, curvy onEnnp lions e! thée skie, lte oPerâtionorithe Liree- dicinea à taluy estonisiuîug, oftu rusovlug iut a icw doys, ovcry vestige oet' tîte alaltil t seasos, hy lImemr puiifying elfect.mnus lte bliol' Foyer sud AgnoDîe iesiDrapai', Ple, ami iii Short, mcst l miaitease, ,sauta > elitu 0tîteir curative pueperties. Noa stiiy lmuuli lie witl- nut thoera, as by Ibeir timeiy 050 amuaiatieiiuig Rud expensenmay bhoauveti. Preýitred by WiLLisuui oai*s.,jMD, é York, anti for gale by HREALTH AND) SICKNISS!ý CHO OSE BETTYEN 771EN1ÉM llOll[OWAY'S IPILLS- V I E b l o u t t i i r i s l e s t e i it e n a i o f e v e y Tbovnusctle, glat nd tnfibre in thse humaut fraue.îuen pure it sectîreà a lalt Ju eveny ti.sse. 1LttlLOWYS'- PI LLS uperte di- rectiy upnmi lue eleietetsoa nict strearnof liii ntîu t he ttiprinetle. feiuusoutti radicauil' turing lte iià ld aî'.-ltebtti octed lu lte uccrlte toumaclu, lite licer, thie hoiies, te unutaclutesIaiii, lte bni, -or any citer part' uthtcsyenri. Ilseut Througitoul the IVorbl IIOLLOWAY'S 1'i LLS arcefeiuailly etllcacieus lu coutpiaints conmmunLuthue vltule luiittn race ant in diaurders pecullan tu certa In clstutcdan inclties. Alarmning Disorders. Dyspepia, and derongetuicul oflte liver, ltae soer0.ou nity aantismfierng~, anud lte cange, of imnuamerable desîlîu, yieldPtu tltue curativesà , in al eues, boveî'er a1çgravimîed, oetung ns a mîi turgative, alteratuce and tLaicte em- zý;u--e froin CHEAP TIN WAILE. April, 1858.