-. - - ~ -- ~ ~ '-'---o ~ - 4~k ~ !RE wHITY ORNI 18 l'UIILIWIIIEO VLXV THURSDAY MORNINQ, mc*UGINs & MAY I3RQCK STIUT, IIrY, t~rNext kor Ith Isteglosuy QOfcee WimTýr-i3m, F SUIISInPToIro OHE payablekrualnet Abovit t vn Iil-.... 0 8 rvery 0b uu îaetoierIa).O2 nther, uidvertLalîag by th,0 year. Tt. &iaper bite ,roAidy saneicroltu l1. theIimp'~utt, bii~abeixijiroud'b y evcry 'bu- miet111,358 t li a Wbitby ana ilIai ellnlty, a baller -dve!rtisig ii ,teal nl~d net ba ,kecuireilIn thlt iouaiity. 'iwlio advetigeor thilikwelletfdo- ugo;wili plgo eloe ne tla u orw.ring No piir wiil Io 'W dieontinuod Mnil atl arrer- Ikg0b nre pikiiuli. Lettür1a elllusiîîeiwl,flrerd, st-ll bc at lie riaIt of t1wo Pnm!l*l;oN sw euaddressed Whitby, C. IV BOOK AND JOB IRtNT1Tt.ESTABLISHMENT- liaietaa h vate procureut anie or lite inost tuodatr ,tvlva f proinNe% XYork lu addi- ot)t ikoad are prepiarfal tu e ciutt. BOOK AND JOB 'PRIN ING ni etera ke.ittat.tal i ttaruttlctt ait %atrk 10111 bu .1 tiia tsa nerlaîrsty>le ut thu Iowost Tuei'aaîiatoa uve Ptlu'3atiedoune of le WLE'(-1 RD PJUL;S$S-ES 1 wtulc oiat1îl~~ ttitt. turtu tt Cw-d ltanalCIr' ou hbttiaud e lrýe Stoek at' luhitin îndFutaaeyt'airt6, Wta-114:11 & .. rin î'ig baaaîgt at very loir (iqlîia ýar 'ttl b tfit'l Itl ut the liacît YUL. 2.0_ _ __ _ _ _ 'Me P. aG. YEti5, D. &oc., TRENTON, Ciatana CâAlLES PAYNVE. AUCTrIONELJC, MANCIIESTE)>,1 Cout> ty fOatario. W»us. BIEACH, 241 ALBERT SPRING, UCTONEl &.,&o, PSMTOWN- MWhîtby: TAILOR;- BROCK STRtEET, *1 THOMAS DEVERELL, B V 1IL D E , &C. &C., GREENSTE, INTERNATIONAL JIOTEL, E AST MARKET StQUARE, Tolia).NTO.- Jantle:s Malttîtei rs,1oprietor.- 42 MANILLA JIOTEL, MARIPOSA, L.ATE COULTHARDIS COR- M uera. Jeliiî artin. 1'roprictor. 26 OAKWOOD IIOTELp 0XlKWOOî, W. BANKS, PROl5RIETOR. O (ood avtn fodîîa Xr triavllers 18 ONTARIO HOTEL, C.EARTo, XW. CRYSTAL SALOON, BEVANS & DIXON Toronto, Jul>' 15, 1857. ï NATIONAL HOTEL, PI'0T alTaiT. T l uirslned bega i e orax h6s Monde anal lutit e public, thetolaite t owlu possessioa et the aboýe Ilote!, lte business et vhtch, bu gril in ftuore carry on, on lus omît sceesu.- GoodLiqaors, WisiaesanalBrandies. Excellent Stabling. Cartul attentionnfor mianandl honme. EI)WARD RAY. lrhith', Pia>' StI, 18:57. 16 WESTERN fBOUSE, DU 41c4t8 s sTaXT, maiTsy. rrBE ABOVE PREMISES HÂVE BERS ..Ljaaî tîpaned .1»' ltae undaraigneal miera trame IIa en nir Ad gule aeaoîmocatîoft- Tha Ilume 1iscliftruisîteal, mcli kcîat, aîndthe sleapiag apartiunts rraemv aîî al ar>. Thon les good coîatrartable Stitbi ue thle hAst alliai- tiran lapalaid ti an ad hume. Ttîe har-rutmn la leLrgetéatial cuaveniomtana l cl 'applical-mitta vricmlv1as tte Id t olteml-t ttoti'e. PRO5 VIFil'taIIIETR. Catritagea to thae bliat %Wiitees. 1iqias anal Cigar,. liant- e~, & MYEIIIB)FFEli, .. alaFol heBotIFrea' of Ciarge. attuel> tieal op mittitg routais l'or jrivaitt par- (att mittlca', Wilitlîy, t.W. ticsi. 1 HURON 11017SE, MICHAEL McCAULEV, i.a.suavataaa tri..il H. Ota. P 0aIil T W au î T a Y , C . .W17 JPraaza.4akr. E a'aGo t'daiat. lRAILROÂI> flOUSE, RAILR c INEI OF llItlCK ANI) INDAIS Stai., 1-)UtîWNING.lt l, I ul.IROCK ST. -ot-tlat- l'ors taa liîimelia tluî' iltttlittîitai of - i ~~eýlVitttir. Uuiud Staliitg îîallaatteantiv e Os- a IithiadtI îtt-aaravelllig voatîtu ni:N aItiat lae ZACILES ilRNlins u.4ilZe itabats iraetalusa Ilouat iai ite aiE >E î'uî: ' ulN'ro& SIIIlGAT it ited up iii a mtem, andal eiilit îîaneîr. J ('arî i atujat lwutt atrt laaIùSa. I ONTARIlO IIOTEL, A irst-rto ttt u-i iaiatt-si.alt titis Ihatel. I)iit- - . -- - w IMY AN, .Ir., 1-bu ulRIE-fIZ lt, lIu aa1 nters, i.utieicaum,&c., eu cta ita iititot NEI~ON G 1~lYNOIDS, .St-nî' a 'halta>.Gaaad Stbiiig maîd ttela-nottice. Ail Liaiaatt-keptt ait tti- j't-oîi> are a- vj eCWuT true îvel% odStbii d Li- rratttcd tt u rn , atce. Chimie '('tr4. kJlatuio i - ESPLANADE JIIOTÈL, lVti t hi, 11atreha lit11, 1 s7.S FOI FMPRtIZONT STIZEET, TORaONTtO. --IW - - î'lî",U.(>lrli'(,E ON IMOC~K ST., 'P'lmer't, lanîri a sat uf the Market, ROB!60N'S IOTEL, i <~.-.. - i aa~topposite te vd ue l ai- illdiatt4a.) S Aiiaist%, Ptii v WHasIas Tarru, ~ 5aItittt. ___________________ . ' NTii ELEAII)INO .STAG ;E itAl) IIALF Il. J. DMAUDONELL. COKES lOTL, rai htweeî tailatoý.tal lxbnidice. Thais 11Kt t "îl lEAC.OFFICE-AT (<A.Tt mAr.safi, t lIt iz; liashui relttted ala'Iftirnishemi in au ex- ci "aCort ila'tt-e. 1 I N 11)N1S C '. Coattfortatttoaccotnaoda- eeohlit stY le far the acuaîiatîaaalitiaaaa tf t-ra-t-- 14 toit e,rar l ert... - - lems. Evm-m uttaaaiaan pala i taiaelr.,ei. i)1.sFîs îE"lE îlOUNTY eatUIT. ANI) DR. A-.1W. GAMDLE, itt-a. A ateady Os§tlct'à lmaays ili attend- U îab'aaîaaa it- it'nagaaCouat. Uhuli id N4 iMiICI - TIECLLEGEOuF ImIS.ttC.4 thue Wa'str% afi a-jj., Bli-a-k Streat. il.ciatMatlSi.g-ais NVP 'vnil-. ENELON FALLS JIOTEL. - . - I ~ct-tatit ulisi8 urget-y and didwifur-s, &c. la .iiEW'ETT, lîît-alîi, C. iW. s15 TLIl-MMARITIN, Plt'tEO. ~-"\1I~ 1lSIiENI, ATIELLEV - ______-_________ ilStis i:ia rraaigo.l iii e.\-teoi mt syle 'VVU aî:i AMIERICAN IIOTEL. I ut'aaveatitinittaate Visitors cidTatlrista.. It in si- I it.tivteal trituiui a félî t-ta'lo f ftaeFalis. lu thae M' AXTj'Ni ,J r., -j.sA K EIZ & l».VlTEhISo NlitaOPRIE- titait l"taaî-t m ala (1ltitf v'arv rt si t)1-llt '. .11 l'îE tor-, t- rta r o "illatîg aad Fo t TreL taý, ilzon aaaiat o Iniasida ATltO~' Tat-atat". t.rm Vi.e ald î"ktI il. j. iMAcI>ONE.LLP 15LON ~11! tU 1, & i- L (Wili '1'i F I UNTY ! >' IIAil. 1.ATEO F TII E "Yi-UN(; JOHIN SIIIER, i vioats at mlitatirs. 15 (~uU NY NCINEEI.OFFICE AT TVIE Ucaatilu- JOhIN METCALF, - -. - - fILFRK OF TIIE FiI"rlIii VISI)N COURlT, 1. 8'lRlINKS, 1) oiupriaýiiurthe Towntaiip I5traek. Ad- (1L 1Ki I' tVt-aNC OUi.tFFlaIC ta I 'anitai.14 ~,attI.-a'..' tI-~ i GEORGE HIODI)ER, * IIJER('IIANT TAILOII 151) OUTFITTER ViKiîig Street F.ait, Ciltt a . W. .$ 11tCIO'1FRANKLIN flOUSE. 1.l.'TlltE.L tYF., .lN.4îi, C. Wv. ,1 S'Ila i ' 1 i l 'N i , IU ,,<lIa) B F.-I1EWETf, Pl hREiîli IM aal ai a 1Wýa-lt Atýall»» Nt%%'Ilt-ÃŽtk 0 talaomnaiiitdaitian for Trias llet s Jii~at~.-..3i aaaaai Iia'at - - 1" VIlitbv i, .hîi.121, 1857. « J. V. JLAM., . ARMER'PS IOTEL, tai. \l 1A. EEtEiiltaK 4at AT .Wllsit aiui. 1 uinitasr. t ~à a. W. , <,'d <t ýl.N itiASI-S, S Ib ie ToRET ~'t. Il. UAbtIIANKS, taeuitauadatiaaifofileai Yavoliafin p blie.1 Exicoleta-iiStaabltiut, and aulattentive oitlta-. 4> ~aa.l '~t a;. t T 'y Pl .t la,&e. etc. a- - Ct -ta.t'. '. t RAIl ROAD IIOTEL, JOhII ILLINGS, ' FA IRMER, PRÇOPRIEToR. î-«TIVis . ti1.-. l 'aittaa' t ktt. h'r aY-ý-('IN )s"hlm'. î t- aio d aceuanaiclmaian lut- -- - - -à :-IR 0 ru.. staailig cadattitivu Ost- A. ,à 1A1 tS, -B. .A., ___- ________ A (0ils EV AT LA W, INiI'l t sADELPHIe &iîttat.-e. %Ltlt 6rct . 37 C ECI] STREET, AD- IISR.WILSON & 1 1 N sTurt-o, C. W. Laxurt-losesrvel c~îli'iîau~,at-.&c. WIIITIIV, C' - 4 FRANK A'NDERIION. t.? iac-avr aiia titru & Robertsi. Robent jWilsonî, wlitly; W. Il. Billinizi Oshtasai MISS F. BRYAN, N. - G. HAM, ".'0\117TNUES Tu GîVE IN- TRt1T11A ND1) ATTUlN EY-.%T-IXv tAW.o n a J>tiv-aaath te Store oaf'.J. iiolEaq., W-*PIANO FORTE,_ÉIEI oppîpaito Ilto it-':ia-Sty <>t'thi, 11t-aak s'l ub ber Faallaee t-'itcdeu.e, ByronStrect, Whiimat Camea, IIcaoueIl&-11ioelÃœJG 11 FEËLITZ, ARRl'l'ERS & A'ITu>RNEVS AT LAIX."ECE N.MSI H J.>tlulicitalrý o b lac Ctiv (axuci.!tefi L Organ, Piano Forte Iharinon>' et tiXaeIIt'ta lot-tae-Su)utf W'îtg. 0111 ouhotans . ttrroaîgia Bruistaandaliah kinals et front 10 ititi 5. - -- - 48 tta uîaaaI apeaelt - reecivc a tom u<oro 'uliiu at their JOiI ieNAIi, "r hlis teehdeitnc.49 I UAttISTER t <X1lTtlNEY, f&0. ittlee- - .---________ B Cut-tart('ia -4amat.laatrtSttets, .aualta i HENRY J. PIIILLIPS, - eitth îe ' 1aatt ,) i ltttt. 8 - )IANO FOUîT'E MANUFAC- ILIMPOWNON, - P turor, TIoronto. 1ienitot c.iay. EV.tF MANCILESTER, aIkia.fnahcioudrAl ,î... -, &ca&c.,Instrnîaate a rniaavk-d. SoliI Cheaili tor Cashl V)lîoaiett or alaproved credit. PiaaioaiTainvL-atalRapair- 'W. 0. EASaTW(>QD, A. I. l. 3 *D. * For Sae Cttcaîi, soute betauhitful 6%j oets, ft> uN Il'il V l'A ,$'lio ,&c. miale iietallie lluieo. 17 C)t.aaciaaaIi ol ucelcui îy Jua. ladg- _ _ -----_ - ---- -___ % bona, ESt1tttrt'i. 431 FRANCIS KELLER. - - - - - --T NSURANCE ANI) GENERAL AGEN'I, Dr. IL. W. CLARK, .£ Wlittty. Agi.ut for tflnurvlneiail itaîfr- T1l«;IWE< N ACttl't'lEUE, & CORONER, j aitce Conp*any iin îtetaiitty ut Ontario. faurtit tatitty aft>ttat-ia. 1 thi~tl1e-.Victuri.1 Buildings, Braîck Street. DrUt. CI.IýCKLEY, -iUiotcCauil Iio~~____ 'iSlNui, uta ~<STIJCaTOWN OF A. C. WILSON, CLWlata,Ç'aattty of <>ttarmaa. A INTER, (ILAZIER, AND PAPER- - - I - - ~ -- 1 Haiaet-. Paîai, tils, Glass, Paît>'.l'a- WILLIAM TEIIPEST, M. D. pet--hîaiigitg. fut-Sale.-iitmaaiin anl;Q- YI N G( ST E ET, OSI1AW A, CANADA lorilng tluutlaaStreet, Wbitby. ..L XVît.17 W ilitIt>, Je.. lb, 1?357. J. N. ANW M. D. B. CAMPBELL, p iVI(IA, UREO ,ACCýOUCHIER, IdlDOOT AND SlIOE MAKEh,,B4OCR foc Raictco-ttlit~sCnaek, lPieker- ru, B13Street, W'hilby (next door te T. ug. ______ l1~oiiag'a RutiilroamIlotei.i Repaire J.* S. JONES, nuatl>'donta, anlork et mul] kinal excutealin OCL )EýTIST.-t)FFICE IX gK oial style, and in a mo-knulike uann., D L..i'treeî, , orr l. Bigaio'. Store, anal opposlite J. W. CALDWELL BROWVN, thaRciglîstry (f!u Ioperalions marrenteal. diC,»YA(I.:,& E AISINE AmVos W. CRON, &tc. Offic-eue door "North et A. D. Weeks' A UCIITCT,~îv. EGINERANDDrug Store, Uxhnialge, C. W. M5 AVmtt Age t, Wlîitby. RTE1aOD&ATNES J. FROVD BEAVEN,, (LATà . 5. SOVIIL) AILTIIECTAND CIVIL ENGINEER, T A 1 L 0 R 8S, & o e DA dt îet Lty 5lnIe nd AND 54, ING STREET W&ST TO d l knao tauigmt- seel'atu-52 ut.a.ose8 Ring Street Wes,ilinl- te. . I ton. ro --PiUILANflER M. (LRPARtTNEIWRIP. 5 GICONTAJLECOUNTY ONT unE2UDIIIGEDBVEEITEE tytie Tuinal pao t cexie u heMIplrJjte aterhpAUCTIONEES, analer t1 ehe eIe anToms ut'PatWlsoilax s.* aP. M. CLARK, L4TJI (tiiul & o. ~AUlorulars lot Atthe ao>cePrintlgOho' B>1ECTIANT TAILUII, Ne. 74, KING BT. abieudi d t -Aucln31h Wes.Torono. 10peu M ozT n tri dPim "RUGLTa DRUGS AND CREMICALS TOA RBNO' RJUtII-.ry DS- lCloaONABLE HIE ÇuTTIN<* AND jjpotL9mfiùîdasOStrissColor Srftuy.- >ANEGL.AZIEE, PAPU 5 BANG" laigi püe owihgaim u GER, iiaelý' t.kp teWM oitinbk WELLIN('TOM qÃHOTEL. T IIE precnt pôreorrfthae ahave Weil- kiiiru li olel, begte oantireucce te îpub- lie tiaut the sanle juaha» eoi nemi>' prepa4red, pain tiad miittcd np ia the beat style W au it public taule anad eouvetuniee.Travellers uad raaitaara ai fiîîd thîe aery boit aecoania'daîioan aaat- tenationa, nt charges utitiaDy moieriaue. An )aaiibits froe. toemuid fra,îith u<ara. Gaaalud andtaStablitg, maid atîtntive o tllrs. JUIINSTON tdiPAli.iA, -ALMA HOTEL, IlEAD)E IOTEýisnom T iewvlvarttaiiitr the aeoniýi:tion o vt.ito~re. 'tii Ilutel tuaiiig ben forturly ke1aî a'a r:iaperaia'i(,e îivsaSpirit Liie ttsU taaiObtaiitl. Evr'rv attenttionî Iai i to trai ci- lors, unalthie blavaecuoiuîînudiatiora provideal for moun andlar. t4 Ait Onsitnias luatteîadance te aud froin thei Cara,f*reo of charge. TA- 17 H N'SIOT EL, l.OWEII TOWN QUEBEC. :.' twae to e Ac,Çtaiyà JyaejLasaatinj îîad u/pa*te CleiaBtii,,m Aa,'ican a Lpres(et1ae.jzn SlIA VELLERS AND VISITORS 1teIth An- dLcent 41' t o ebec mIl Siimd supenirai a- comniodation at Paoderete charges et thae abova liotel. Thhouel la aery contaenieuîly aiînntoed -neiar the Bluks,Steaulxiaat wberveai, anal prin- cipial busainessa places of the City. Dite table and bar et-e suplleal wîtb uvery procureble eatalule and driiikeble. Vitors mili dena ear attention paid 1teiair conifort andl conveaienceaud overy iîtoranatiranîd direction as to the surroundiug localities, principal places ofruiont, acener>', &c. ____proprlstor. GLO13E JOTEL, BROOKLIN. JOBi WILKIN»UN mBAC£ TTU1MIS OLO iiOL'511AUAIN! 1ilE underalgneal Las ugiain rcenianeal poamea.. Tof rflte aboya melI known lhott, mach ail bo eonducted a. fornionl>' mith the gtrîcte:et pro priet>' and regard for the coînfort andl conveni- cneae ofthe public. TVie proprietoar assuma, Itia man>' friend lIhant at.erytling l xnade readv as fnritierly 10 enter- tain thoîn et the Globe Iote, aiid tl;at lie %vil bc personâ.lIy preieit 10 girat ttoîni sucba re- ce tioi) a.sira.lis mont. 11?te Loaue ha. been tlîorougltly papemd, paiinted andl ranovateal, andl la itteal p np luerr respect in itocti a inenner as toelutie tifa;- tioît. The bar anal table sujiplical, as frrinerly w-ith the becat entables and driukahlas. CalI anà I $e6. Jt>SEII IWILKINSON. Brooklin,:Mlay 26, 1888.lI JAIME R. KILBOUN, PLÂSTERER, BRtCKLAYEIi, &r, DUNLOP-ST., B EG'3 to inforan ha friends ati the publc Cthat ha is prepared te do aHlkindaof Pla» lercr'and Brlcklyr'awork-elsoathin,&., lu a g. ual orkxnan-iiku imnlier. AU kanda rof oruatuental work lu Brick und Plauter likowisu executeal. Ail orders loft at LIs m.sldene Dunlop street, Whitby, mili meet with peinetual Attaudeaice. JAMES I. KILBORN; W hilbyt May' 27, 1868. 18 WANTED9 1IVE or Six intell net younq men as Book .UAgeuts. Frotforly te ktfty- dollarspe mnntl axa>' be earned. A pplt e a I3ERGE <RAWFORtD. 1557. iowil 1841867 P .-oebtpensons etistrletI>' moralý habite noed appI'. ]PARtLEPYS 1EST JBLACK INK. yERY beât article li use. whoiewà e anal Whlîby, DeC. 9,'18b7. ROSS JOUNSTON, 41 Esehi Cashi! ia4utrv,'vo.MvoatePeso, ~ Knewledge, Brotherhoc WLITBY, C. Wi, 'I-HUItSIAY,-JTJNE!1ý;4 s, VIENNA. PLÂBTER. trIE uuderslgcdhavlug beau appolntea J Agent for hie sale oethîe aboya Planter, g rounda tîLe extensilve MIII. et MosrsRanklii Ce.,ý Ontanlo Conut>, N. Y., meuld beg e as>' It Lais nov prepmrod te furnleh Marchants and Rutalura ganerali>' at rate. quile a. loirnas It eau buformeirdualforgtrm Omego. TliePLas- ter vii bc albveroil ut Charlotte, (lenos..river, or at an>' et the uorth &hors Porte, as the pur- chasr suite. The llewiag sualysis eft Iis Plaater prepar ed b>' îLre otI emineut Chuini2aha lu the City' et Neir York, is proof ofthle amperior quuitiea et tbis article ovor any otiter nom an use. Ilhavea aelysedal secinen oetI"Vienne Planter or Gypaimi," audal»ais pecimena et "Cayuga " andal Onala lastet-,',andal fid Ilim um o ;Icd respoctivuly a. tolloira VIEiiNA PLASTEIt. Sulphate ut Linte............. 70,92 C'arbuonatearatLima............. 4,45 Carbonate uf Magieia ..........1,50 Aluine ...................... 2,46 - SilIe ....................... 1,84 Priatoxide uoflt-on ................ 21 Watur .......................1. s13 1 "toas......... ,................. 2 Nem York, Mamt-li 19thi, 195Y. JAMIES I. CIIILTON%, M. D., (.hemust. ONOINDAoA PLASTEIL SaîllalateofailLiae ............... 63,21) Stalphluret ai L.iîîîa..............i "tb (aheae(f Ltime............. Carbontatea of tatagitesii...........i a Aqtaitmilia .....................t2'. Siliena......... .......... ..... 2.463 Water......................2 --,1i) Lusôb ........ .................. t4t i l ltIiaieu...............50,40 Saîiliit-t.t...... .................24,40a - r'atat 1 ra.a I................tu Watva......................... Oaai Loris ............... NomwVYork. April 2, lutTa?. JAMES I. CIIILTONý, M. D)., C/ienii*." lta spian frein the above aiaaisaiis ltn tIa- Vicit]i lnter" li suIKerior taor faaad w Oinataot thu a oaara"ar -)nuidg," iîaauia'lil is il ennitaInistiaclargt ersi crtzrear tofv.siliiasle "f Ltit,' 1til i-s the unoat bnfci rlet ini landtall1astert. - hufet aoin> CHESTER I)RAPER Whîitiay, Alaril 14,15.1-ui STORE TO LET IN WJIITBY. Redakçiiom of Toilwesmthe Welland St. Lawrence camuls. a 1. o. o. Ceavm DnPAUmuw, Toronte 15tL Ms>', 1858. DUBLIO NOTICE 18 ÃŽlEREBY GIVEN pLtiat 116 ÉEtiena>'the Qovernor Generai lu Cotune£lm a.been pieaaat order anal direct thal , upoU,trom and aftur lte EigOhtaeoth day of Kay magt, the I'olloiug Toile ho Iovted on the W ELLAND CANAL, upon t1ae artieles eomapoingý the 4tL anal 5tItClasasà ofîlae exlatlng Taitrof Tolaon te Provincial Canais, anal thal the Toislauhre- iuaafter meni.ioned ho Iavied on tue ST. LAW- RENCE CANAL, on articles coinposing Clues No%. 3, 4 5, anal 6,1In tbae seald Tariff, such Toia baag inalien ut thoose nove oîlected on the salal Canaal., rvapeetiveiy opon ItheArticle ettner- atel !fi tbo«À, Claeaca.i, iz: IVELLAND CANAL. C3LAM5 No. 4. L'prn al] articles iu this Cia.. 25 cents por Toma weiglit, instead of 30 conta. CLasai No. 5. Upon ail Articles Lai thîs (las. 180 cents îaer Ton irciglit, instesmi nf 45 cents. ST. LAWRENCE CANAL. Ca."as No. 5. 17pan ail Artik.s in' thi. Citas, f'i e nialier >mluletutf 20 cents. Toan welt-t aîp ... Anal thîesaina rate altîvu Ci-tu 1iýîa. 4. UloauialArticles iutchie 'h-a. t25 cents lier Ton l iuo 0cns aeigit op ....... .. inloof'0cts And tlii sanie rate, dami. ('rAN NO. ri. Ujaon &Ml Articles in titisj I-i30a renatspoer Toma 111 ita iaf 35rentai. l.eIl25cenuts peon Inalulieu et 80 cents. ircigiat, daimn... ...... Cî.AMB No. il. Upon ai]lGGnous itIenlîmeratcd, 80 cents jper toi moiglat nup-its-ad et $1. l'iaui ail Gtoals not cnuaoraterl, 10 celat&par Ton weiglît, dain-iriitead of 37!j< cents. Wheait, Fleur tandl Curacontinumiic bétue.x- nilt ru Toîl tlirotiglrthe St. Lawroce naeîd ,,rmaim1 anaIs afler having passoalthrough amîil la l tl 'raulîs on the Welland Centai: a7i lt-n rfaia kiîîds anda Sait p.emaa s taual frac tlirougla Wetlaîid Canial after laving pascal ttrugli anal puecaid fiToila on tte St.Lit-oe Cantal. Oif ail wii Cla loector maif Proncia aléiail Toilai, aand ail utîterst concerueui, et-o hreby dol>' a1binc ndatifirl R. S. M. IlOMCIET'rE, Coninaaýiiia.er uofCatatiis. PMay 9-1, 1558. 2u: K 1NG'YS P0SMT fi O N Braack ot-cet (tue greul baisiatosa strict of1 the owsmaa a caimuiit.aiiioi atii haudsiaiely NN O T IC E. fitta-aed hitreuttlîe taptemtid iiembrick hlaaek laIderectealb>' Mn. J. Wilklisnsi, Jaîv-elen' IITI[REASONTIIE26T]I DAY 0FKJLY mitc."Titimswiare is fifi, ftl îlu detî-reri' V 3 532, b>' certainu Lotte-ta Patet i isui lott>'. and is Iiitiilaioiiad--v iliucalI. Couattrs ander tle GreAit SBiaorf this lProvince, aIl timat t-ia the murale lengtlu i fIhe batild.ing lit îactlicertain tract aor p 1mo<f the Dtuùain Laudl situ- aide.; anal latla.o'ne cots-emii'uallialv". andl mte, lYiig nllon nhe un iee h caias et-a c-,uetrncted froni the Saaor te the oeil- Rivet- se Lamrenee, in thie Pt-us-itre ot Canada, img. Tliere are t.vo large shop rnîîi-eveQiiiniîl l%&icl cad know b y the naine outhîe I:aittully fittra- wnl iaurtauged fa- auitaa.'italasa"tagethîer tall alanal vert-vlIe (iii' latta,. Tia c oxztileît't î'au'îoser thetet--'itan suîatiai.it thereon erceel eacltice- suitaible for tite reiîlenre rof a geitîco fauffly- "1( anaai anal e%-on>' 3lie apumirtuliaiices, wet-e or trn aimawvnxons,-cun atîso bc eto. Tu'rc ifescat l t lii iavernr anal Uoinpaany ut Adven- is extensaive mcll-ilraitaetl cellorage, the entire turere iaf Etiglitua trading bto tu lialon's -Bay, lemaftIt of lte btuildinxg. Front and t-et-euci- caithier ,îtcesto-t, for btLe lrmt aenu ty-oua tretiai Abt auliien gaaan lat-t-,'forLie virstroin tîte Second de>' oft Itoben, thon tik--tiaîu i ttat-r tiiugtifnauin ceal Ttie lest Jiast, on the voua in îong others, Ihe hl-iulck aotpnam'd tftour-alun>' buildingi (lu- Iiflit- Majest>', 11crlileirs ead Suri-essors alîoulcl cîtltits bauaaaouà it ti tue li.ti' u appcaraiui~ tibc deo«iroas e et eiotiniia. the aiid teran there- tae towîî ata-l is sittietedin l thc e bt business by graintomi, anud ahouil o ltin taI>~trposethy aad- '111tYY. lte b srLmsetin tl>e Ceaaa 4Gteto te ho 1tub- W'ILK MNON & SNIITRI, a lsîtealtur sicnaivelnes2give cigliheieuii- Waatbuaeing nalJeamîr>'Stoe oduar nonths pruvions iotîcuof ut a.1i Ilier or B thikn udk teertoreb'.Thair dramri, itcnlimeallael>'aft.s lte ex- Whîitlh>', JaînStee1,858.t2y 1iaton et the 41d e igltean anoimlia, the, sud . 1 1 i ne , 1S58.120 enuseaiSI cicr" thing_ thierelat conaulîmeidaluulal - - -_____ ' cesa,4 le aaohtelyi Grand Trutnk Raiiway. pturpoaioa shatoavrr Noturte ta lîcrehy given ~~ ~oMh O<tnaer laasaca hi>'th eda the tldà ay ut'Ma>' hi 1 E M IMM = sire rat the Ct-omui hea, t: ah h luc toninedanda utelcitea mmthé tinOm SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS 0F TRAINS. siïl cou anlMO asl O Nanda etet - M'da>' next, Mav 24th. Traisafnal Purposes mitts(xcver, Wil I bave Bayi>neet, a. unuler yull enter into posissior Toronto lime. m a ad appurteneucei Day Exprei&s Trai te Mnntral .... 8 7 jM aii eases sglaalI then be Niglat M ail Train ............... 537 1'. M.goed ai pronrepir Pasaa-ur anda Freiglît Trzliui for the atforeaet LettonsaPe Kingmrtain anîd mai> Station:i.... .12 7 l». M. I, V.- SICOT'] *This Train mil tut ga fardiuer tha iîn gston, t oenxansiou oun Saîmrde>' iiglt. CatomatLAins Dxr.auxa -TRuAaINS aoitG eaia. Toronto, Mn>' 28, 18-58. Trainu tor Guaelphi, Brin, Stratturd, . ...A........T Trulaor d de o do 4 631'. M.Tu Froià rlxt Truiuîi miii leueu the Don Station asal OTICE IS iiEREBI Quecu i Whiar-f dail>'.-L'N BouhiaraSteaum Correct titua troni Toronto Obmers-etet->, te ha Coupen>,', te ho coua iad of J.»'i. Joieephi & Co. njouan mAct et titoPl For turtber pet-ticiuears &ce Coutpan's Tume vimuce, 1StL anal 141h Viel Bill tituleal, ".AAc teOp W. SIIANLY, ttien of Iacorpora±ed J General Manager. aafor Maneilatunng, M Moattral, Me>' 18, 1858. 1.1 Cemà dpuroe7a ert tlis Province Im 1VI NO IC .titul bdIlaan là tkch J lereby given tiate Leartuerali i initel>' for thetaprposeofnnanutfs sabsistiaag bhedn ltaeunalonigned Willutlanalig nnîrlslts , t tht ýCarentr ad tit BownCarent r yng on lfae Tovnship etPicke Bri,titen" mas this day di.sâolved b>' muliua1 Acts. B>' Coqî>an consent.- T. J. il The busineaietuthîesasit partaaarship mli ha 18 carrieti ou b>' Ira Brown 'an p enter, irbo l ana- hhorized tl orl lootandl iettie ail dattsduc tueaId 02aa b>' the bête fit-ni. TON Dae hia4ti ay of Meay, A. D., 1858. NOTICE la lueret> giv WILLIAM CARPENTER, etaIl pâities depo IRA BROWN GARPENTER. credit of th6 Dpntnîamat GEO. H. DAIITNELL, Wituasa. 19-tf. or, hheln'Ar t~des,1 - Dapeait li Triplicata.( -furwancleal buthis Office. SAPES 1 SAPES II Of tule Parenut Ilsik ain pATENT SALAýMANDER PJE ItROOF ttrlt ortielb £W'MADE IN CANÂ1),..j aixt--( of saperior qeelit>', anal ena kiata Toi OHEAPER THAN ANY IMIPOIRTbl OTICEB m erchy gi', matie et a i izua, anal fitteal apte suit lte par- the eredtofTtlts u caer.P <t irois Clerg>' UmsrvausE Primesvar>'ng froat $Msupmnrs. iitbuted anad paylttm For Salé b>' tLe Sole ÀuAgeng.' IbIsor 110 er ore TU RICE LEWIS & sôol, Frs 4>seo i Torono, Mrc -King58 84w4, Toeto the ivrtiros Suwddcp"*tl LAW 1 LA.W 1'tLAWIII f J' W.-CALDM C car, cm-ota VIs"o Court Aput tuats of EpsMnt»a bhda ltaI iabâ, EIglhs2 aa P--epr>au W'edna Vol t al iiitent a nd a, nndvr theat utlorita lie Goveritor iaiCoîtuci, ýitat, tliet it ib the de- Ie tarin of the aid louae rd tliutt ntte e.'pirutioa iaiis date tliewstidîcase te voailal latents wereiipn the Crama imýottleterrtory, buildl- lu in est-tion. irbich the o helal to deliver uj in ,as atiptilalcal Ma and by dent. TE, Imers of Crown Landa. 20 )rnte, 8rd hia>, 1558. IY GIVEN, that «"The LMille and Furnishiig .cted mander the Provi- parlient etofiaisPro ttorile, Chaptar, 28, in- Sovde, for the Iaformaa- Joint Stock Companioa Mining, Mecbauicalor uald aIse of another Act rctorlie, Cliiapter 172, lu- uteumi tLe Aet ton Chu %ted Joint Stock Coma- inganal othar purp-onea,"1 fatmang Lumaber Bîtilal leVillaie et Bromagîin, keringIanthe Colnt - mf of Canda, hava doUl>' alitieaar-Wcibe nlusalal J.LOR.ANGER, Secrelar>'. r ENOestA'Orr, ,ente, 211h Mia>, 1858. ivan Ilat lb le requrel a3illing umono"t te the it mlihnun o)f licBanks rucçive *Certilfttes v (Oue oft miilà is tabc ýandl olle te the Office ,mnltaneoesly., and tite DHgrty ne depomdig. rROSS, Iaciver Genera. ,aeasu.tOrne;h aIen that îLemoncy a Bt maes> for lSS7-wu ie Itumade, on appieaion te LIRTI ETR'iU JUNE net Mn.sd CetîfOehtu 7 . à - %.Fe ÂTTACTVESALE Farmlng Lands, Town Lota" AND MILL PRIVILEGE.. et thaesteqta etfB FPan>'r T "pie %Oôiothefoleming vaîniablo an Eâtata, At suela priemSltat miii prove out, factoy te parchaarti: 100 Acres, l6at Lob 15, 4th Concession Colimgvue<. 100 Acres, Soutîh Lot 8, laI Coucenalon ef Kuphritra. *00 Acres, Lot 10, 2nd Concessioan Eupiira.la. Thte. Tîreo Lots, in the Cunt>' et Gre>', ware parsonall Iv mîîectad anal seleeteal on ac- cont eft fle AgrieuItmaral Loil, anal eay accema to Market. 200 4fres No 1l, Itît Con. Mar, Cont>' et 200Acres, Ne. 1, 1131h iCon.Suinniervllle. 107 ual k7 1 ronat range d p1 'rart 18, lOth Comcasin Morray. 1 Acre pet 15, Otiî Coiicczirit Murray'. X< ofan acre, lpartInlu, lst eicaoa Clarkl 1 Acre, part t, lait Concessioni 01 illie. MILL PRIVILEGE. Tiant meil knowt MiII I'rivilege aituatet là t the village et Hfaui1uîon, Towiishhlî of Darlinag- ton, eoilîprimiuîig - acres. Thae lieeeary ex- caivatioma for aihe Wmter Race and Mliii, aîad the Lomer ator"> f ataaii irtk, cooaîleted. The si' tiietiainof 1i.ibrlt-aii.rtm ha ra01te Main Ue ni Rond IliCtireemll oviniiville anallte Nortlieri Tuîviiualips. ïFor- 'ulite (if muot-, Itight ut tail, and ituindig Jyo 4tioîa tai cattral tho trade of tiau vieili%,t rvlgo lies nu sopee norn a taI laîlit>'. TO1VN LOTS-TOWN 0F SARNIA.. Lots 2.3l'2.12, Sot-i i tîron Striet 2QlI, 2:13, Sati ittigiit do. BOWMANVILLE. Town Lot 1, Illaak Il. oîie-tlftlt ofian acre. HIAMPTON. 24 Townt Lots iii Hlamptona, coatainiug aach froîr one-tiltitrofaît acre aîad upavaitdai. BROIKLIN. Town Lots 34 andi 35: Perry'a Plain ut Brook Uin. "ci"r li o CalorItr vlslandudb lanc o^ ti bc.uî y h rra g d GE( IT. ALL, WhlbyFeh la. 158. Agent, Wlîitby. riano-Forte'. made Tuned and re.- paired. rpîiIEUNDERSIGN EU) BEG To INFORX J.thet inlaiaîtaints of Wlîitby anal the vicitlity~ ,.nd tho publie litanen-dly finit tlîey have opa.uoeI a itei brndi rof bulncts ln the Town of W hjthy~, which enibraaeos the iauaautfaaauriug, tunuiauad re 'aring utfnttsical iustr-aîîents. 1'ianra-Fortes niatnfaetured tb ordler. Alan, Accordeons, M\elodotta, ad aU kiuds of striaag iubtruinenta. The attention ef partics lu the Town la parti- calarily rcqucaatod to the coaaveient facility 110w within thoir reaicl, of laaring tlivir Piaxioà , à e- lodeoîaa Accordeoni, kept properly tuned and rupairis: iet their own roasdenices und mithott troubl or anoyantee 1 thetnacveg. Thte objeet of *e ondcralgned Ila W ive fuil publc astin- tiactlon which tlaoj cxpect te do in ail titeirdeal- ing.j . FEL1TZ & RAINERI l'luino anakeraanal Music Teaeliers, iHoward Oottaae-îear the lleury istrect eohool. W Leaaîîuaand aund inistruetioîaa given ln muiiee as heretofaare. Whitby, Maiy 1.j, 1858. 18 OPENING 0F TIIE PORT ROPE & PETERBORO' RAILWAY. O"N Moîadwy the '.thî Jane, the Port Hope "aind 'ctcrboro'*Eailwav, miii bc opeued fer rue.TÙRADaS WILL EV2I AM FOLLOWS: Mail Train - Il leave Port Hope at 11:830 o'elock, A. ILafiter the, arrIvaI of the Grand Trunk Train from Toronto and Montreel, ar- rivein uPittertioro' et 1 P. M IIIl]cave Peterhoro nt 5 P. If., and arrive in Port Hope et 6:30, lu tiîne for the trains 8out andl weAt on the Grand Triank. Passeugera eau procure tieketa any of the Grand Trunk Stations tbrough. to Petorboro', or et Poerboro' to au>' rf the Stationsâ on the Grand Trutk IR. R. J. S. SMITH, Preaidant. Port Hope, May 27, 1958. 21 WATCR-MKAKING AND JEWELRY. buiesT nen e w uidi kinaien, ln Brook atroat, *here Watches, Clocke & Zewefry, eau be obtained. Repirs of all kind5 e2euted eoWt4care ad Promnptnmu. A-large stock of Engliab Amorletan, German andl Geneva Watches, Clocit and Jcwelry ar- rivkag e'.mry day. WILKINSON & SMITH, Watkhunakera Jawelena, &o., / Brocl Street, Whitby. Whitby, Juný 2, 1858. 20 A LARGE Stockoef Vaishes, conasimg of No. 1 Copal, Staparior l0uriitnr, Black anad Brawn Jupon, Coach, Whaite Duanar, "e Bur.alng Flutal, Lainp OU&, Cauphene, Alco- baol, &tC. Apnil le, 1858. G. A. BANNISTER, Dunan Street, Wbitby. TUE LUCKNOW fLOUSE:9 THREil becriber moll beg toapplsabit A ien&ana the publice eny, lia, lih..a. openeal lisi i'! the stand la1y oeeil ed b>' Wa. A. Kable>' <~. abovtn tii ho M erelîe wilbcfonfid, te tub orilors for Clouatî*, audlit ujibMA ustQe- mers on the shortest aetli-e. AUl orders punny atenddt,andno dis appouueas Obdit*srrated. --PERMI'S- k.COL1IMN. $60098500i8*m0,"00,8200, TOWN, VILLA, AND PARK LOTSt Lots ton Bousa Putposas, anal' LOT FOR PRIVATE RESIDENCES VOIt SALE IX Imm Towa or whtbyq Count>' et Ontaro EAST er'Iitocm STRtEEr. L OTS No. 14 and 38. Enat oet Brook Street anal Somab t ho lard'sIbloteI, a valuablu mriperty axtenaling froin Brok to Pery nîreets. Lots Ne. 177 ad 180. F.ast shie oet rook Street, Nrarthi otPoîiard*à ; Ilotet. Partlesdeair- iîm 4pria arty o thie principali streetin lte To.va mUi 1 iiethese Lots ;mdl aituateal Lots 20,3 and 204, a corner block on Mapie and "Pennry Strets. Lots 71, 72, 73, 74, 75 77 anal 78. Tboe Eighî lots arc linrone Blt;ýk, Louîded'b>' l'rt-y anal Chieaîtît and AsL Streels: Lot 87, W'est of Penny Street, anad diracti>' op. pesite lue Steani Floîîr Mill. Lots% 614, 65, 68. e,7,82> 8, 84, anu 8 5, East 0f Perry Street, eand mujoiîung the teani Mill pro- part oit lte Natti. Lots No. 6ra, Eaast etf erry St-eet. TItis Lot is mcAli tetncalaid tlitermise imuproromi. WLB* OF 0110CR STREET. Lorts 104, 105 1181 aund 119, hatundeul b>'Con- itre, Waliaitt aminalit streetai. Tiaie b ots ara delight tfli Iv iitoiit'ed, maid lîavlît ta atreet on t1iree, Bide;t, are meIl atiaptoti te buîilinîg par- liom(. s. Lots 124 anal 125, cerner et Kenat anal John Streuts. Lot No 1315Est of uait Street, anal but a fem rodai K;rtI of Dundas Strcet. Tlie foregoiiag clîoie Lots mena nebectoal troru a large iaaiibor, with theu mur of laading theîn no an auvestmacut, but are nom oefforeai for Sala te mlail>'wmuid op a large transaction. -ALSO,- KEN<T STIlET. Lot 214......Prioe ............. $275 215,....." ........ .275 22,... .. ........ 200 E'L)sTiIEET. Loat 2w,.... rice ............. $160 22,........... ...............6 aa 270,. . . . Il --.. . . . .. . Lot'29S ......Prive ..... ..........$200 ..... ...... o ............. .00i 341,....." ......... 20U 345,....." ........16 i11011 STUaET-. Lot ?6u1,..... rive .... ... ....... t210o .1100 a' 412 a,..............2à 0 "879,. a. 6................ Lots .34q,3530, 841. 852, 853 and 3,54, contelning nearly ene Acre and a haIt, will bu sola elacap lu oua blo-k. One-fifth payable amuit Decettîber, and the balance extoîtaloa over a terîn of froun fi ire 10 tan yeari&. Pur.ions ibo mil erect buildin a the present vcar, tlae irat îsayanîent will liot Feconie due tilI Matï, iSS.î. F or laans andl partienlars a y te Whitby, March 11,, 18U8. Property on Ifrock Street-For Sale or to, Lase. r]OWN LOT No. 3,East aide et Rroek Street, _Lleing the fira Vacant lot north eftIhe Regis. ti y Officec, 40 feut front and 1198 feel deep io a Liue. Lot Nu. 6 forrnerly ocemapiet? b> Allen'. Liver Stables, 1loek mmtrea, satne être as No. 8. For BtasiuessStands those Lots -are euel ta an>' lu Town, and miii bu' aold on motit ruamonable tenus teoprrtita mlao will ereet good Stone or Brick Buildings on ilium. To Las. ONE li)itxD tuFm Frontaîgo on Brock Street, direeti>' opposite I"Bryau'ahIlotal," for a bran of 7, 14, or 21 yeana, lu parcela ef 20 tact froutage andl upwardg. Appi>' te J. HAMl PERRY. Whlt'y, Bra Mareb, 1858. 7 -TO SETTLERS-TO LEASE. F OR a tarin of Savon or Ninu Yomr, Seven LotsOf Landl of ONE HUNDRED ACRES EÂCH, ln the Townshaip of MARA, County et Ontario. The Land la of the firat qualit y lu thet Town.- shie. Moeu>' lii h a mvaucealfor the ureclion of tern building., andl if required, teIaulee ent havethe rightl te pmrcLse ut the taruduatln' ofe LeLuae. 'W laitby, ltMarolio- i fJ. Al PERRY, N. YORK ADVERTISIING AGENCY, BILAS L FORCE, 1roprletor. 0Offlce-No. 48 Hudson Street iew Y ork. ADVERTISING DIONE ini aul parts ef the Usxzo STAMI8AndOM CAxx. PEITING BILLS COI4LEOTE,, ahal prompt reant"ace sade. gWPRINTING JR,.e ofth taVpAiou mMnafseret-, coustantly ou-hanal PrmtUag MattriaI. farstash - on sitort notice. EgmIçers,-NwYork Tribune, New York, -New York News, Noew'York; Nasea Bak, 'New York.a4 flARER'SFOR JUNE, 6YANKEER.NOTION ~STORE Righl of Searcb.-Esgjish Cruisers 'andl Aiseria Taertio IVo furniah our resaler with-the follew-, ing extrada, sahewing the prosasd ccens, ln titis ticklish---and et present, excitiug' quostion. BrItImh Outrages-Whist 'vil the result (Fremthe Nw ork » lm, Ma'y2r).) W. shah haveno wsar with Engbandjùst vt preseat. Whatevêr znsy la#eys *ûI ed- tho aunoying interferenco, wit ý shipping oý the part ef British cruisers, it Is ste te ssnune-we are, indead, cotnpl- led by all the circuxnstances of our inter- national intsrcourso te believe - that no in- Suit or injury ha. baca inteudeà tb>' to Britisha Govorninent, and' thet our coin- plaints wlll bc promptly and -feirly niet in a spirit.ot amicablea ajuetanant. The irri- tation et the moment miii pas8 awey(. 1if la hardly a nupposeable case tbat for audit a cause two great powera of kindred blo.od and cominon ian g age eau becoine serions- 1>' embroileal. TLe idea le preposteroua. Il is possible, na>', probable, thet more or leas ut exuggeration is involved ilu lie re- ports froan the Gl&in whch case, timoe wII do mach tb*férate the record 'of wrong. Be thie as it may, however, nou onae with truc Auterican, feelinags cen con.- templatf, otherwise than withi approbation, thaîjeabous spirit u aioaof 1-sepet wici watches, over the welfà re ôÇ our elîpai, andl resents cvery aMet.. put uponl our flag. We have nu. ore carriced' Ibis feeling too fer; rryenv error bans laina'ia the Pçêtio1x~.* A besson in regard te, aur dut>' nny ii aLe learîaod frein England, wbich bas never feilcalto protect hon salons andl It cross of St. George on cvcry sea eaîd in every clirne. \Ve repent, tlaat the recent conduct ef Great Britalia towerd this country, leavetu ne reoni to boubt that we shaill obtaIn in- denanit>' for taie patut and suacurity for the future, sn aQen as tho ropresentations of~ our Governinent ere brougbt to the, notice ot the English Ministry. ,It vould bu inost unfaîrtunate for boîla countriota, sbould. their triendly relations beeven teîuprrrI~y dislurbed. The prosperit>' of the oui itu intiînateby connected with the proî,sperity. of the othmr.; Their joint misesionît l-fl0ot une et mer but of commxerce and lte artso( puace.- War with Englmuud. *- (Fa'om Me .Bostork Iravear.) The occurrence et anything to Ca use 111- blood bctwee tbe LUnited States anal Great Brituin, et titis lime, if ga-ewing 0111t et govrernuxenî action, .affords a sin.guler contraslte the numeoetinstances offriata- ship thet Aîaaericens have experiencoal at lte beaidaef Eugîiaslinen dnrîng tha lest tour or tiva yeart.. The manner in whîch the siclc-crew of the Snequebannah 'wcre treatei, ,;pontancously, by Englisia naval authorlýies, inm cii w ellaoeeal o offset a dozen exhiibitîtans of pow-er b>'. ignoranat men acting under entiers .mhielt the>' do net tul>' nîaderstenui. The cenductofte HereforaLtuhire temard the Jolan sliniî l another noble instance of tnglish huimeni- t>' developing itse!tfefr the benefit ef Anienicans. IVhen the San Francisco ires a wareck, anal an .American re-iuaenî m"a in danger ef being bost i mt er, it mas s Britisht aliip lthat tonalby lier, anal gava- that moral encourngaîniientnand active assis- ance thait morkcci te the sa1viaa>fgot numny Ame.tican lives. It l6 a short tiuiu siaca the commander ot a Britisha an-of-ivar thneatened tb hring isiaguns to bear, tupon a toma in Sait* Domiage, If the athorities et il alloveci any injury -te lia dona te Amacricaus. - Other instances inigllite nameal of tue sains kinti, aIl sbomýing Ita the English do nul bear themnsclves be*- lilci>' tomards- us, but as 'bretheren. Vo~ think-these things should bcs talintoa> the tmua when Anicricana a-e op thier accouait 'vtiaEnglibUueîr4 nd at il is silI> on our part te o okl ny at the lilacli sidao ot tings, andl te couve>' the impressiuton that Engiand l ooku upon us, witli alihor- ronce. Reasonswhy he TInlted Statos ehoulal gote vl wth Eaagland. (Fm~ni flu arwYaaark &raue4 .ay iJ254 The resolntions intro<luced lie uttheSen- ste yesterday, te conter power upon ' the.- Prasident te proiect the hoor et the ro-, bubliu whea dols>' woulId bè inootuplatible mt is 4igiaity, wmlimeet thé approbation ofthe country. The ocourenco of a'inava1' msr mith Engi Ãand ut the Pm' onittimo, un- der the provocation causeal by the rceatg fiagitieuisoutrages upon our commerce in, the ports'anal matera of Cube, in ra4t only a ting not fir-beyonth te beùmds â5f Pro- babiluty, but is lookediùpon by mauyiner.;' esta here as à tiga mnniydsiùýn te vesent junctnr a- ,ý1 ,;, of years past,- aud 'viii nôo-kbeiflo v inu'te ceae, *beiimuch, a ôtaj- fluettupon us solittinijrj ii mucit benafit as new. 3rOéecM marco bËa-s elinalleal dowvirif4 ts mnfin point, andl our deineslloIn*rde in 'stig& titrong thtbe elffects ofthe laie flaal-' valsien. Under the' outCimnCe our commerce mith;.fore âiwanniis..a ii If WeE EROWN, Cenveys*a-I rIta O.P., &o., ai8d a ta iafrn,,a tus imsh. em ,mgest pS WUIb. psd lu Cash b sec 4oond door senittth 'Batauir oot and BIte. Store,) Lor -l WU alm peinte& Word$, great thouagb.ss ad unirinz . » di wM»J-vTa 1 1 1- 1 . 1- ipro 1 . 'NI a. 220 m