% Sýý 1. ifpartientookthe tiý,oubIe. It wu better New AdvertWrmjlts tb4 -'.Wee4. to defèr the matter until the next meut. On Saturday- nexi, p., stand adjourned sine kenzi die. eý performed Pie buffooner3 Die Sinking, &cý--J. W. »m*n, moigiA'Y BYB?îllîn, MAY 81. SPECIAL- SESSIOX,. Burwell tried andsu*cceeded in The Couticil met slinrtly after 7 o'cIoà ,ý Dr. Hametated his recollection of the Mr. Brabazon opposed the motion, re- stupi&ý Varioué-other big and Klog,â pogt&ý-Crown Land Departmont Present-ilis Worghip the Mayor, Meurs. amount paid Mr. Scripture, out of the late Tu«Dà t, June jst, 1858. minding the Council thiti situilar resolu. did virhat they could te enliven ti tien huit been passed lut Juli and that lieurs, but alter midnight the provincial catiole,--It & lé. Bouchette. Paul, Hod-qon, Macdonell, McPlm-son, Mr. Perry's estate, as hi& share of the ha- The Couneil met at the court House, nothing bai been gained by itl the Court- mischief got the'better of the spii card'ýýp. Cf. rwguit, Rowe,.'frem"ityne said Wason. lance due, further than that ho could net Whibty, on Tuesday the first inst., at 2 cil bail t menibers Il He o'cleck p. m. Pregent D. G. Hewett, F te rescind it, ho saine sSsion. No tics and the Frencli Jewelery, &c.-Wilkinson PrMTIÃ"-Z& ýspeak as te the terms of the contract. i good could come front passing such a rose- come-musical, the performances 1 è Smith. Of Edward Ray, and ather rxtepayers of agreed in the adýiubility of allowing the Wardon; lifeum Bartiett, Brabazon, lution, and it would 4 infra dig of the ed with.soný--irisinanndwglaenetseand marti matter te, lai oner. 1 Boynton, Campbell, Dryden, Ewers,, Gam- colincil te pass it. The Oppos d te adj Store to Let.-Wilk-itit4nn & Smith. the South Ward, praying W the improvoi The Committee then rwe, reported pro- ble, Galloway, Hodgson, MeDougall, Rat- Mr. 4McDougalý front his last ears ex- whonover a motion te put the qu Tô the Ladîe&-Low« & Pavrell. ment of Brock Strect, boin Welsh'a old grossi, and obtained louve te sit again. cliffe, Spalding, Smith, Treinayne, Wide- perience, had good r4ason ta bc y 1 store ta the National hotel, which, they al- lieve that fore the Ilouse was il ade, they tr or*eries, Wines and Liquors.-Lowes & loged to bc inï4a, impusable state.-Mr. TOWN 17ROPIEWYd man and White. pusing such a resoltition, would answer the always in orderone of adj( Powell. Watson. Dr. liain brought up the 2nd report of Absent.-Spears, and Thompson. no good puirpose. llethought, lfrom the What between reading the moti( (Iltà xx" AND CASIL The Warden on taking the chair remind- qUantitY Of b - M usitiessbufgre the. Council, through and through, with comn Xair Dyo.-W. A. Batchelor. this Cônmlitteef and on motion, the (;Oun ed the members of the Council that they . rough Grit, what with stalejok-es and lffg*-Wfg&- W. A. Batchelor. Mr. Ilodgqo&brotight up the 2nd report cil %te»t inta dommittec of the whole there- Wel-e asqemIfIed in Special SeWion, and by Safurday. The résolution, would only bowlings, hootings, prosings, of the Standing'Committec on Finance and on, boi ' lfeylit Pain Extractor.-C. F. Chace.- assessilient. -00 bir. MePherson in the Chair. that if waç titinecessary for him te advert cause confusion. Ilitiisélf, and every snorings and every conceWeable pulportant te Females. _-G. A. Bannsster, The report' wmmending te the reason for calling them together member of the Couneil, were anxious te tic tom-foolery, the nigght was put tffliiinenâed payment of the The report was adopted re il having already donc se in hi% correspon' their hest te get through the business as and two thirds of the day, the in W. 11. Doel. amount (e,450 te the G rditirtmt' School the removal of the belfry, and the repair of , c with the different Reeves # Building Col ' * nà LI)cpu- speedity as possible, without 'being driven most of them looking very r Groceries and Pravisiop&-J, Mari kt' ssltincrs, out of the Town the Town Hall ut the East side, te prevent nenc DriedApple&-J. Mansfieldi. Funds. FaVOÇAWy on thé petition of Oeo. the rain coming throtigli the roof. Aise ties. hY theyrhip of the Recve of Pickering. cheap cottong with the colours wi McGill, reconl'ïtleawling that a s uni of £5 bc the purchase of 8 more arm chairs, drug- Mr. Thonipson, Rteve of Brock entered When the inexorable hand of tim iffl paid te hint for tdditional salary as collée- get for the Mayor's platform, and an office The followilig communications were then and took his sent. the hour of thrce, the high prie tor. Unfavor-ably upon the pet;tion of stool. rend ta the Couneil by the Warden. Nfr. Camphell supported the motion.- Opposition stmiFhtened himself a Ileurs MeInt-osh Jackson, wssessors, and A subsequent résolution atithorized the Froin Il. J. Macdonell, F-sq., Clork of He considered it would have a good effect himself out te his most extensiv declining ta recommend any additional sa- the clerk ta pý0cure the articles recom- the Pence, enclosing presentment of the in expidiating the business. If the Colin- siens, for in his apprehension, th lurY te thetn,, inaonnwh as there were no mended te be puýchased in the report. Grand Jury made ut the last spring Assizs. cil did net get through by Sattirday they had been won by a patient contir could do as they did before, rescind the re- evil doing! Yes, the Bsirwellq ft ft, Thiirsday, hine 3, 1858. additional duties te be performed, from Yrom B. J. Macdonell, Esq , enelosing what these gentlemen were aware of at the PRI"No. presentment of the Grand Jury made nt solution. Diggars, the Il Aikins void," the Mr. MePherson bronglit iip the report of the Wst Quarter Sessions of the Peace for Mr. Hodgson would vote fer the resolu- and the WalIbridge's were about time they accepted the appointment. tien if bc thought it would facilitate the warded with a glorious tritimpi Jyr. .173-anci8 Keuer is Our Tra"vel- On motion of Mr. Ilodeson, the Council the Standing Committee, recommending the County. business of the Council. lie could net Speaker" quoth the high-priest, gent, U,,îd to ý.e_ went into Committec of the whole on the payment of James Bealys accoun-t reduced From the Clerk of the United Counties rcpnrt. froru $96.80 to $40. Report adopted. Council of York and Peel, enclosing, ex- think it would have that effect, and as lie to-day or to-marrow ?" "No Sir «ive subscriptiotts-aiè(lediertiseý)îetits tract (rom the report af the committýc an was tint desposed te tminmel the Couneil swer(th the sonorious voice of Mr. Watson in the chair. SCROOL EXPE.qSF-Q- he should vote againt the motion. developed Speaker, - this is ye and grýnt nveijA& for Piýoiteyg due On motion for the adoption of the first On motion of Mr. Ilodgson, seconded by Roads and I;ridM. of that Couiteil, and a clause, rffllution Passed bY Sâid Couneil, author- Mr. Ctalloway, was in favor of such a And then, 01 Mornus. te henr titi Mr. Tremayne, a special committec consist- izing certain proccedings ta bc taken in reqcAution twe'Ive, niovths ago-it worked peuls of laughter which folle) Captain Rowe, before votin- wished ta in" of Messrs. Watson, Tremayne, and the % M connection with the Cotinty of Ontario, well in the Unitel C oiintics Council-but rinswer, and to sec the utter asto know front the chairman of dieè Coitimittee mover was appointeil tý examine into the towards expediting the constructing of the 1 tlic, eue was different lit this Cotincil.- depîcted in the couritentinces of t IlYaiduf Action in the Premises. of Finance, hov lie had ascertained the - Black River Bridge, aud appeinting a coin- school expenses for'55, '56, and l57, shew 1 lie chargeil the confusion of last year in fui; but the occasion tmnqcends 'Bravo 1 Messieurs les Ministerm 1 en amount due to the Building Commissioners ing the receipts and exponditure, the numi mittec te confer with a cominittec te bc ap- rescinding the re.solution to lie owing te of my (Mott, ý(lequately te desci of the Gramniar Seboolf lie thought tbat bel of children in attendance, and general pointed by the - Warden of the County of r. %Icl)oug.%Il and other gentlemen who --lesve it to yoiir fertile imaginati avant 1 Yeu have at last criiul out garni. thin more than a snerç stýqkeuent stîtistim The mover declarcd the motion Ontario te carry out the inatten were determined not ta finish the business ing you that no ocrurrance in the ,raborditi and gonein'aliffwon like men. should be Uught bef(;re the Councili il' te have been made' with the view of cur The Warden infornied the Council that on Saturday. Legisliiturt ever otl'ëregl a richer Yeu have adoptA the riglit course of ac- (Captain Rowe) was awarý (bat a cmitract tail i the heavy bills of expense connect- lie had appointed the Reeve and Deputy The motion was then put and declared- the illustrators of the ridictilnt field been ]et for building the (tramrnar tien, and grappiling with, file bonsting Op- .choolý ed wi lost. Brown had vaitil * v imagined that 111 tll'gth the school management. Reeve of llrock,"stieli committee, to act 111 and that there1Was a subscription I.NtPROVFXENT OF BROCX STREET. in si, "ition, and its grîm Goliath, you have raiscil, out of w'liieli &Ije,,contractor was te concert with th*entiemen ap::ointe(l by delock the Le-i. ative day won the resolution of the United Counties, alwi 1 %fr. NteDotigalt enquired of the 'ýVarden nate and that the orderq for the Citron theni a throw, they wili Iong remiein- bepaid. Iledesîredto'inowwhatwasthe A resolution was moved by Captain ting would have ta he c.iU4:xl tip; that lie had wr tten ta the Clerk of the 9 1 whether lie had reccived any commiinica- Ut 1* A pretty Session they would liave aniotint of the contract, 1ndAiow much the Rowe, fer leave to bring in à bý -law giving common gense sternly points out ,tnade of it--vapouring and chattering like contractor received. This could bc easily power te the Road Company te tercet a toll- United Counties Couricil, informing Iiiiii tion as ta the resignation of the Inspecter ait adjourriment has taken place û ascertained by the gentleman who brought gate within the limits of the corporation of such appointment. 'of weighth and measures. TheWardenre- andthesubjeetwliicliis then il iigy Daws, in their conifortable rookery; Communication frolui the Provincial 1 plied in the negatîve. in the repori, and lie considered it only on Brock-st. Captain Rowe stated that ctl.c;.slon, niti.« continue. Aftervn tilt Sirius and the dog-days should have right that the Council sbould have the fui- the resolution was brought up by bien in Secretary's Office, acknowIedging reccipt The Brabazon enquired whether the ut brow-beating the Speaker, the p rendered thein almost as dangerous in1 of thp report cont-tining suggestions fur Warden liait received any ]est information on ttre matter, beforc vot-; that terni, with the view of eliciting dis- had te give waoy and the motion 1 in- avay go large a surit of nioney. mission on the stâte of Brock Street, and amending the new Municipal Bill. in relation ta the Nonquon bill and Bridge. thoir bark, as in tlicir bîte! We heartily M 1 Front ilhe Cour;ty Citrks office apprising The %Varden repfied nane. ried, tvro ta one. With this vic 1 Mr. Ilodý",.n informed the CaptRin, that the menus which should be taken to put hopes of the Oppo-qition ta ocrupj comniend the tardy energy with which the information was had from Judge Burn- that important thoroughfare in repair. IlcF- the Warden of the resignation of elle Bev. Mr. Galloway enqtiiretl m-hether the three months more of the time of i you have cut the matter short, and secured bain, that tilere wu £2iio due, exclusive of explained the difficulty between the Town Mr. Pentland, of the office of Local Sclinot Warden ha(l received any arrouitit of the 1 try and ta pocket their $11 a day tArm days, ut le&st,ýfor usefui publie men- interest The amourit was due ta the gen- and the Rond Co., as ta which belonged Superintendent, and that the duty of ap- expenditure on the TIL-tel, River Bridge. n of the Building ('otitmittre fur a the duty of reparîng that part of Breck pointing a successor, lay with the Village, The Warden replied that lie kiiew of none. They will of course nbstruct the stti front six of Foley's " gabble," and tleme ment as much as possible, for 1 Mackenzie's "platitudes," ta say nothin Pe.riod of nine years, and lie considered it Street within the corporation, and pending of Oshawa and net with tbe County Court- Mr. Thoni arose ta state that the accidently but at the saine titnevi 9 oiilv art act of bare justice that they should.1 ýhe decision of the Judges upon the ques- cil. Conlinittee appointed bythe Warden ta ly stated the-other evening that of the very s;erinu-.% ainouiit of outlay which be imid ýtm ta the contract. for the build- tion which could net be had until A ugust, The Warden alsa inforined file Catincil confer with the (ommittec appoitited by 1 object, of his party was ta do thim. protracted, session, fur the ventilating of in-, or* týe ailloillit ta be paill, lie (.Nfr. he I;ropose(l that an unders of his hniring receivesl tçvo applications for the United ('oiiiitie-; of York and Peel o'n 1 0 0' tanding be had, 1 1 the country, he asserted, sent thý Inere factious questions, wollid have flung lloglgson) had no information; but, how. that the. Company repair the rond, and the 1 the office of inspector of WeighLs and the subject, of the Black- River lit idge would for the express purpose, and Istq upon the country. ever. th-it iiiight have been, il could in rio Cotincil enter into an agreement ta repny y wli he, did tiot coîisÃŽder lie- be able ta make their report ta the Court- nothingelse.enflthattite haveL way interfere with the rights of these geri the amount expended by the Company in cessary ta rea4t. l'lie applications were cil toinorrow. ta t1icir mission; wîtness three Away with theîr pattry prà ttle about lie ru Cil.-irle-s Pavne, of Beach, and Wm. In replv in Mr. Calloway, the ClerK t1einen, Who had put their hailds iR tlici. doing sa, provided the decision of t if ni spent in sheer talk, usclessi and w : Irons, of the Tovn of %Vhithy; lie believed stated tha't all the ".isessiiient rolls were private bills 1" Whowantsjustri po(-k-cLs, and wlvanced the monev, Jud-ills was agaitist the Town. use ess. b S. in his h 1 1 After the passage of flic lýgisIa1tc on thuir atrocious1y al),sura mares Captain Rmve relused ta accept the ex- Dr. Ilam likewise expinined the difficul- the7e were srveral other applicant il S. e business was proceeded wid 6 0 ilests The cbutitry has dislionered bills plau tib - fti Iteeveasatnllsntisfactory, tyintheuse, and subsequently on ilm- Two reportsofthe Courity auditors&s ot*oii et Mr. Tremaync tlie Council s'lm a ""' n c you may well stippo,-.e the bon. bel etiough of theirs afloat just noi-.' These and ontUied th.t the gentleman should tien of Mr. ilodirson, a resoliitînn passeil. f0Ilo1vý' then adjourned- wure all too s1cepy to continu have con)eýdo%Çn to the Cotincil with the that the Couneil desired the Roit(I Compaiýy ( Týe repo-rt* are omi(fed (hiý îtcek-.fQr rntich Ionger. --Saine were stupid mny be lrtwft.llv 'Il bh - be- te put thnr part of, Nrock Street within the Ird, t of el (l ]PARMAbRNTARY. of rest, soine frnm another Lause, t1iýliwn into-the sam shallow stream, an ing the report to the V lhe»ýVartien nilentiotied that the Town fb ý1 louneil. Municipality in repair. The Rond Coin derstand the restaurant down e mai well float together towards the sanle NIr. M-ne(loncli quite agroed witliasotite of pany ta bc repaid by the Town, file cost councii of the *ro%,vit of %Vli.tby having tb ' FliEF IÇOM% AND rRFPÀFtFD Fait donc a strinshing business during t ses of nlike unregretted. And the reinarks made by Captain Rowe-But of so doing-on the production of proper generousIv resolved te rotistruet a sidewalk i and accordingly when an adjoure doubted whetlier, even if the ainotint, were vourherq - provided the décision of the te the 0nirt 11nuse, lie on the part of the il THF WHITUY CHhONIC1,F. e then thý vulgar insolence of puttinr, their 1 the next day w&s proposed, it wai quite correct and proper, the inunicipality Judges was in laver of the Company. Cotitity Cotincil desired te meet them half. 8. i a large majority, thou-h Mr. Il intestines into the seule, and bidding for could be made liable for it. In tact lie way, and had directed the County Engi- Toronto, Ist June, 185 succuss, by a challenge to Il phy, 17017NI)KUPEUS UT-LAW. neer te have a sit-nilar passage laid down î; liv DF-ýit -gin, S ow his pluck, voted against i el . Sical endu. i dotibted whether the Vouricil could appro- 1 y-ou will see, two eveiiingà were 1 rance," in which otir belcapiered Premier priate the fonds of the Town for the pay- lir. Macdonell carried his by-law on this before flic Court lieuse, which lie trusted We lind a right royal jolly tîme te the dertion of faction, and the 0 ment of the debt. île ut ali eventq âgre-ed matter through the Council; 100 copies welli(j meet with the approbation of the of it in the Iegi,.4latire Aýzqembly during waq fèpoiled of tour or-five thousar and,-hÃŽ,s foc long badgered and enduring of whieh were ordered t,) bc printed,, dis- Colincil. lie had likewise commenced with Captan Rowe, that before voting the last week. iýfoi)dav as nu know was ta humour the wishes ofMessrs. 1 Majority have, by their pluck, nevertheless molli the Couneil should have the fülleït tributed, and posted. One of the provisions planting izonie trees ta nrii.inient the build. y blank. Tuesday the 25th May being the Gould. cotueofrtrititiiph:ititi Fine tactics these, k-nomledge of the laces; aRd for himsèlf bc of the by-law is that pouritikoellers shall ing. which lie expected ta be able ta carry 1 first day of the fotirth month of theSession DISCOVERY 'OF COAL V- DOWMAN' use printed instSd of written notices, in out with prison-labor, but there %,çere ç e Il le e al est brought ul) indeed 1 So forsooth, becillise the Opposi should like to know front the chairmati th Attor ey C il r W whcther he exainîned ail the vouchers, bc- future. The constables of the Town are fcçý prisoners in the gaol, and the Cotinty the motion of which ho had given timely Tvo stit)jectq of -a non-politicul i -tien hall lie chanve with they cal- ta receive notices from the relayer la lire. Engineer having inforineil Ilint that these y 1 have invoked a gocid deal of atu forerccominending payment of thcamount- notice for setting liside threc days in the culated on the of their atIversaries! Mr. liodgson could'not sec what himself vent animais ruaning ut large. work-ed --o badly, that the work would bc week, instead of two, te the bivtincss of laie ; the first in point of importa 1 aile.,ed discovery of coal nt Ilow et set of politicil lh lig.q onlv, cotild or the cominittec ha(t te do with examin- ALrf.*RATInN' IN AMESSMENT LAW. never finished, and that it would bc neces- (;overnment, for as vou are aware thnugh 1 have deviget1a campaign, îii which , gas. ing the vonchers, the simple question wu, sary te employ othrrs for the purpose, lie the 4rest and usefui menstires of the Ad- whieh the scientifle world of Catie was the amourit dite to the gentlemen of The mayor iiitimated ta the Council Vint ' -k deliermineil te prove an error, ai trýc jÃŽlicb" W&M -ta have been the. test, and (the Warden) did t onsider hiniself inipi-stration were introduceil in the early i the Building Corritnittee, and whether the something was lîk-ely to bc done in the justified, in iinelirrillei,(,',e expen.w without partof the session arlierindc---d than is the unecientific are resolved to Legitilative Assembly the présent Session ý il tkinine or surrender, the vantlxi war-cry 1 building cost £500, or £5,00(t ; it would flrst obtaining the so tittion of the Couneil, usitely done-tl)pv have net prog-ressed 1 facti Now lit seenis ta tue that boi Épîti, we confratulate file country, and 1 net (listurb their right towards altering the Assomment Law, and arc wrong in being se positivc - M ta bc paid lier i6ter- and had therefore slepped the work. 11 c bi:yond their 2nd rýMding, excepting in one appl&ud the Xilinîstry for the soiiiewliat fere with the justice of' their deniatià . l'lie brouglit the matter under the notice of the inay bc something in Mr. Bales e should aise make gome remaries. in reg-ird or two of the lese important cAses, owing, Ceuneil with the view of their taking soute ta the observariee the bottom, which if net cent wil saine atnobiit was granted bv the Council of the rules of the Court- as you are aise aware, ta the extraordinary al, the purl)oses of cO&lý an(, W tà rdY, but dccisive step, which lias carriet: action. cil, and trusteil that they would not bc factiousness of the 0 ulr clenr of the «'Si-ýrbonian bog," throufs,11 f last t Ir, provided tlie County Couricil On mütion of Mr. Tremayne, seconded pposition,-who have million will be content ta call :ccepiteýý 'the building and aggreed ta k ' taken amis.,;, making thern ai; he did in the used -Il every Constitutional means" as Mr. Whfch, for three mortal months, we hýa ""I' by Dr, Ilam, a rlësoltition passed appoint- uch more Foley admitted, and cycry unSnstittitional ve it in repair, which'thât body refused te (Io, , presence of those whe wheïre ni warmg them and cati their pra Uen doomed tri pitinge and wade, in dis- n1leging that other places would bc glati ta g the Mayor, and Messrs Rowe, and experienced than himsell. He recommen" theti, itmust be there in sufficion 0 Ilodgson, à select cOmmittee- te suggest ded that the rules of the Council should menus too they could devise of interrupt- ty te make the digeovery f aluabli inal and diurnal doubt, as te ever obtaining have the Countv Grimmar Scticol and te bc inir them, wâsting the timo and trensure of aggrec ta build the school bouse and keep amendisients. in the agsi--,s mýent law, and their -uide in their proceedings. 1 t and bringing discredit upon a little time will determine the fat 4L better Il locus standi. report ut the next meeting of the Council. ýVard le, ( he the country case, why not suspend the decisi it in repair ut their own expen.-e. en) had remarkel that invariably on the ]Ionise. Well, lis there seemed to bc little whîte, tilt proof positiveforc l'lie mayor also mentionéd the receipt the introduction of a Bill the 34th rule WM We are foreed te the conclusion (by a Mr. Macdonell could not understand the by the clerk, of a letter from. à 1r. Mowattý little hope of a cessation of these digered't' is produced ? For the Geologists tetrospect of the time wuted by the ob-. argument Jhat beraitse the money had snspended, and the Bill passed throtigh all able trickq, a 1 nd as ample time had been :.. -. -ing the rtceipt of the îtbi raniiinim thaciania dav xvhar-anQ îf chnsitil . that there -cannot be any cent in fi- -i--& - i--- haon nnir] iliu, M. P. P., acknowledý 1 If- The Cricketer9a à ongs Iricket (1 il h4 are btisy now, murifig for die gaine, Illui or Inte Acq ilired a great well-doïtrviiig faine. ,t4 tO youth alid, nifitiliood t'flQ, eedoin und a grace, lay ts Ule glotwiià g laies ofhoaltit n tacli ro.4y face. ce the nolole mqnl.v gaine, !n liii,.Av 4;itre.4 nre () . i, r, ve V) ce the Cricket fleid fwe IL ire .%port in %tore. iiiian fbrm is tiiere dispLyed very varied phase, t ierry jzroili.,4 %ve ofteil flud Mgrlit alid, guiijiy days. A '11EMBEil or Tilt (,).nTAitio - - 11.0 *__ I'r, dge Gooù Templars. tbridge, ro*rre.qpondpnt infonns us xbridge Lodge of Gond Templers 18 now, avA new accessions are t every Saturday eveninl-. od-c ranks anion-,st thr. foremost y Lodges. jat the Qtieen'.-3 birth dny vnis 1 in Uxbridge with spiriL All intil late at night, the explosion would rentind one of the siege lpol. ývening several patriatic- qr)eeéhes -ered- The day passed off with- cciilent of any kind. The-com. rateil at a late hour, in ethe, best, naginable humour. Dy Tit,%vFL"ýS.-ýrhe following ýtrited by two lonfirig priliters, thr ugli Whitby sonie weý-k.,i M rý,J'acob Bryan. the pr.,oprýnor à rio Ilotel. After pnrtaking of linner, one of the typos-a loose 'ig fellow, haïling troin Munilton, carpetbag to Sir. Bryan, wîth rges ag to its sare custody. Sup. d-punch qtiaffed--ci,,,mrs puffi-ýç4 chums re-tired tflorious1y to a le bed. Breakfast had the next th-e pair Érolled otit to exainine- es of the f-tined Town of Whitbiv ive ne-lertef] to retiirn since'!' r-ýn the iiieantLnie, has openeil iiq enrl)etl) agy which wis cramineil ;nown valuables ; lie has foiind i do our readers fancy ? The ther pilioiv in the Ontario Ilotel 1 irp or RL,.4ca.-The financial af. lis Township, do not bear thce factoryaspect in the worK At cetinm of the Township Council, tor held an unaccounted b-.1ance rid the Treaqurer wns upmards ôf nd hand in hi-, acco'unt,,4. at the present time due by the for Cotinty amscssrnent, a qurn of 1 not a cent in tiie Treasury to the amolint. ýcrtain that Frederick Cyraham,' f as been appointeil Township and that NIr. Powson has rcsign. ,e of Clerk and Treasurer. itario Cricket Club.-Oflîcert or the ennuing quarter. ,at.-Clarlog Nourse, Esq. leiùlent.-W, IL Iligogins Fsqe 'Y.-J. V. Ham, JnT. ,er.-W. Wilson. V. Harn, ourse, Esq. W. IlVilson, Dýý IL Gage, -e adverti.ïed to let in this iKsue Wilkinson & Stnith is a chance inny wighinl- to open ý businffl ng presperous kx.mlity wôtjld be ujre. Such a chance does not ýy da-v in Wliitbyý-the first bu- n in Canado. ----------- French Domination. ebec )TeraU complainin on this a union of all Lower Cana. 'King English îo insist upon fair. ýqual rights." are'scund and üseful measures. The., pairing the building, who could deny the der 1 ber a Alone, arc worth all the right of the COUnCil tO PILY for the same ut4mym, mong bij acquaintances some, êd of -with-holdiiig interest upo double majority" The Warden--Mr. Brabazon bu the nuin building, There wà Ls no doubt yr veritable Gritp, hugwd reagon to know moneys placed in bis bandx, and absurdities; and as'to Representation by hatOver, A resolution moved by Mr. ilodgson, floor. that it would be nute for the Opposition if daily papers here are down upon that the Couricil had a perfect right to pay seconded by Mr. Nacdonell, was carried- Mr. Brabawn w,-uld reserve bis remarks their factiousness could knock the whole while'l opine that ho -did err, ]Population, it in premature. The country the money. For himself whatever personal that the Couneil meet in future on Mon- until à more fitting opportunity, in nearly unanimot),% on these pointm' interest ho had in the inatter, ho shoul political machine into smithereens and fir from regading bis explan we d day evening in each week, until further Mr. exeloway hâd as gooda, right to the present the F4-ovince to the worid in, wholly destitute or weight. It on earnestly pray Ministers to precis the taxation of the T6%,rn this year. notice. floor as sny member present, sûdWould go a state of hopeless bankraptcy ; for then exonerate blini entirely - from blau He The Couneil then &djourned. on. Either himself or the Wmmden WOM in was determined to keep th '-taxes dbwn, îf with their constitutional love of truth, they thiùk thât in the minds of the ý1brw0d these bills, to atrange the esti. s.: 'Mates, and to dismîss the patriot,# te the por h error. The Cqmmittee on Roads and Brid- would undoubtedly trace the blame to the Upper Cinadâ, it will, very grenu ,sible, and for that purpose t ey should kr more genial and practical empleyment do with less improlvements, and if they it'HELP 0142 ANOTZER.I' ges dia not bring hi a, By-law. lut smion, powers that be, and wîth - cries as Worth y- luate hâ fault. He kept the mon -BUY y0ur goods it was a report they brought in,'and it was of beljef as the no poperv howl ot the lut - Of')b" g after the essentials of commerce at home-we bave stores in Whitby sup- quite competent, in fà ct the only proper truei but lie did not conceal the 1 ahould walk through the mud, they had it rept liusbantby and lumbering, in the latter of good strongboots for the purpose. The generâl electîon they i;ould endeavor to, the contrary he plied with ai large, good and cheap Dry course for the C<mncîl go 1th i--M* li'ters and eir to int»Smmiuee convulse Upper Catnhaedip.ublNioinntoèrnuiWtà the'vý e - tinnmbig fetentio' kas aý taxes for 1858 would not exc i nnvoofked - th eed Is 6d in oUehe whole thereon. -There' no irre- care nôt *one pin if ce= whîch occupationi, these brutus-es and the Pound, unletis the County came u Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Bôots and gulirit ne matter. to the 6vil providiiig theW r tO RuPPIen»nt a cOnfý8MOMY, in Ilmibtless immortalise them with somek monster gravel road îte &rose to a question èf ord«. pémonai aggmndiïiemont adT ce, ý'Wlà t SabSY- HO statim hO w&% read thomselves, earniiig, in mattersiu ,_ ;Ob( schem(ý of Toronto Di elsewhem Why then Had theVAM of _1ýS# !%, right to stand up ilien uit ýfW their grief w1jen ôn the firit time te acSuni lot tho sums Bo ty ? daý.of the fourteenth week the first Mii !maited the decisior to their cAPacities, a distinction which nofie er aboula not the familim-ri-laiding in this "a rend them A IWUM- n., aga only £20,000 for gr. '-rtéT.un à r. çwaltà way .. îm q1eaking - to a ques- tffçct Govemment on his-application Town purchasë their poils at home Instead . inter of the Crown ways to théât W irill; be ditiposed to âny, or to dispute. The Mayor-payable by the issue of de- dg ho 4oes notýezhîbit' of goint, to tioùl of orderý and *ill appeal to'the Coun- 44,look here frien *e bave indulé4 thOn, the-C bentures in 20 years, there will none of it a straDge place to make their Cil b«M 1, am gilenS& il - yüùýqùIte 'enougX ini,,fad,à liweý tooý' isties of* îshônestlpublilýc -^oMder ',RzxovAL or rHx-4;&o*îTiag.4L TELrritAp bec6me payable in tlfty-eighL Re would- Purchaffl? ZYM.jionRyt*kqn elstru y remalim embezzling the lundi$ 'committc out of the btr,.,Ze e y: Orriem-This office in now renwred next rathèr let the matter,,I&y over unitil after Wown mt&lpoatba Town comum-poorw mue4, but v teuru U,2 rather n oppottouttylm-U sa - y tir, truat,- -but ne the sitting of the County Couneil, 'ime ï a money, with the know'ledge ofthi d0«, e"ý1 of the Post 0111ce, in this Town. and un- lessens our ability to pay»the Town 7, chair. 84 The new -building la very, neatly titted up, fil they ascertained the amount.required taxes in Mr. Cllalloway »tained the floor, 'and Project$"to state ait your objections and to' tics, in the hepe thst it- would bc for school purposes this year. The Mayor the amount taken aways Wo. have Tailors oarry on jour intrigues te# &,,ouccmfui- and convO ilnished bis Tmarks by'atat-.nr, it would a.biië élaps. hime as &'dueý niently situated. issue and now as three month Ur. George !Iule, the Operator, has explaisied as to thé > 41tle deed-of the Gram- shops, Painters sbops, Boot à nd Shoe. be n'ecessary to suspend the'rtà ý,,to pass _ ed'witýout you doing anything for. your- -,'l jintiex.'the Résolutions of Mr. mà rSchool prcýPU.ty,ýý,*.hkb Mr. Macdoneil makers shops, Ramena and Cabinèt Ware transient-By,41&wx the xame dayý-thëy were selves or the country? wo cant let' i.tb*çt.otidaktn,»"e Opened a new Stationary, Book and fancy alleged te have biéâ possession as aholm% Marble',' Wodi;à ' Féunderie introducod,.and that none would be more lou r, but must insist upon Pro-ý arasffl ygù ý will - à gree ith me 71 es, and to reSive , suggWions 'y eu, go plouc take notjceý ir . 1 1 ý , z - , W Clerk of the County Council. The Mayor jewelry it res self W ang to store, In the saine bhuilding, Thesame happy than.hîut flusin and every, other kind o lissa, ýà nd acýtè1 deniedeuch to be thoeaseandisaid f from the,'ch&Iiý fer the Th agreciableness of manner, the ýregu1sting "t we at least want to work- three daye' on.- and willingness to document in Mr. Mt" nell'a Possession store, where all noceaury milcies for the déliberations; of the CouneiL in ýthe: week, to get through our measures oblige the publie, which)4r.Yule bualways was-an unexecuted instrument, which was ir"ng, sleeping and esting can be had' ý en motion if Mv»,Brabazon georn-led by th w JXk Dawwn's t-&ïolutià ou ok&ùU and with et o other days if you 1 e , - q", saü -md abewn In the Telegraph OfRce, will, we furnished the County Couna, 1 with the as gpoil and u chesp and as jubion- Mr- Smith, it um*orà «ýed iJ;à the Treas' -the private bus.iness befom the Ilouse can, 1 had pur MOI satisfied, secure Wim lots of of custom- proposition of the Town tor thèdebrt able as in any large city-yet nom rer furaisil the ý4joundI with " amôuotg be t throu h in five or six woë4 whichl pomd woçbintupn- upon the Graninm Seboct an tL Cou ty 0 âf- OUà 0 fellow, titiseds Who . make the in ice ail %At vreintendto, allôw r-un *ÃŽ11 Couneil not bà ving-aecÃptéd it, of course, ý:m0ney pâlitieo-fer the year 185Y, and the datÃiof , sa thé, 1 nofImttýërs on -ru -111911J 8citoloi, Tà zze AND TRu3Tm.-At thedeed,,mentionedby. Mr. Macdonel4.was U»r*t ut, WiR Mort to the',ýoity te buy payment, andi the kinoclnts now ýdue by the afternooni. at balf-put fotir dolock. bat only so mueb waste paper. The, title wu their goods and those in *rreùý où the -s»ýtW --y le-th - :'..; d meting of the Town Comcil-we baard tu MoMbr M6jný iû- "dý _Ire vested in che'buîldin "a Onemotionofmr wmastbet m resoluti6iiýim"fest'in bis X stâtelà that £200 had sir«dy been paid they coula d!epôee.ofl tbe XI; ki«d of 1.09ving: the money atýhnme, Thls "Y is ueither good èitizerýhi nor good policy. çd-to Me ýBrowW the-,à =rw 4Ng y1wy (Or "11001 Parpoges, and that time for o&tW&cdonet Pl the Wp*n-wvé,theo r Ywere W If the inoney bespent at home, the butcher' Captain Rowe thoùght the debt-côtild J -CÃœO'mcm wOuld be required. . TÈis la tou-pw-is eclo&', IL oertainly avery extravagant item. ()Ur be legally pila by the Cauncil, out of the and the baker will get ýpaid from. the »34,"ch dwyI duri nOt do to yield withouta stri cwü,l&eùl.ve money. ý,He (iaptain %we tailor and shoemaker-the money wl-0 cir. -_seýmdèd-- bjý Mr." school exponoeu appear to be ener"'s' 1 cViaté &mon t e e -S-*Yed, tbat là k, th coùaa chimge- ing, believed ýthât the gramnjar school propeil tg th rù ichants, file 4ý year after year-the achool tax the past W fer icommittee, X,110= O%Ã"W sa Côanty propert and was held printer: -a spècial 0 get pay 411là ,the Whý1e commîýà i M-KP Riai!g--ooods-- -ysar vrould, we believe amount to nô léga trust by the Commiserolnem Had he been uïnsUie tbé isleument"ý*&, tion t6,hoP04lxuôcm% Our- _vý4î orits Will 'be, ben-in" IÀ$t,,Ug hcar of the 'The whiçb lailot n 911M*'d 1,4ý ý _t4ýljghtfi Om lire pen" In the potina. We trut swaxe of, the fut ou outoý by thi ùayorl i dejiý , 'n", ý tîýwld'oU-à îîe i6.trà t': i6 die that-they beld the property - in their own _1Mý , , , e ch ter *re now exposed at Meoëz& Lowe Mà t the en4uiry of the select committee next D" Who gom'-ubrmd-to lipend 1U',îýentîý riet ho obepu rx4 bave ivotel Aýp MùXièy,'ýWtUO hë mmi -Sêt,4r --bu A iiiaW - baiýèn,> ot ýýà èât# eW*-Dry ecôd Stem Brock stn MwbdtorbjrXr. Rodpon, will be p thé ductieg dame good effi i4w i E tma sufflt - »U Ba écts, to the Town. to Wà 4l 1; -- Ire el 09 pou bla Tike a look st Twaffl balti entofdre met et the Ori P Mill, t ab. 'Thé nally,' Üîdý ,là to OXAgqe chatrou'd'ogffa& In gw Court Bouge,-the bu djà «ý-aýj nýAt ÃŽ2 say xnere is. a aetermina tien to Il pamt diiTerenm-in a uniteil quality à nd against French ag- Anditistime., LookattheCity 1 enléloy-mât& The Moior is e City Clerk is French, the City 1; French, the City Trensurer is e City Book Keeper iB French, itY Mmenger in French. Even mm although tvro Assesson ed ppnn exprmiy to give an al)- equal justice ta the two nation- both French, while the bulk of n is paid b the old countrymen. instance 07îlin-1;tice is in the or- of thenewPolim The new )Iiee hag certainly nGthing to re- ýifn for such a pOS4 except that neh Canadiaià , and was a City and in adopting a By-Law for Lien of the Police, it wm expnul- 1 that one half at tout iboula b no VWI ifim thot talf ahon 4 be Engiieb, 1ziýh or Lud as te the E1oýirýmcpt, of tiae 1y shoffld there, 4 fmm Freucb qinisters'in thé- Ç4binet wheu ,propo lonýîa-tbreeOn1 ?' wby. re 4 ont of fýUr in es. Bèneh' Préýnch --C!ýEs? ffiing lm rao re 91wiT 4oy- unimt ýe appointments 'Of S> =--a and M'*," lem but two oigof tm m Yý ý ýk . .1 ' r ap ft *tthe cam dýtbeý the Onk. î of -là W cieliit of tbe 1 ôr the jýrý ioldk&l the p1tÀwý *vUe, up- in t the lit 09 a up thie, P" IL whee, 41 Hay per tr'r Pd. -Beef ri -2s6d, per Ti 10d 4J4 1 per ton, --SPE Ti; lÀîn", f'hene Cotton- The dent 1 ýi1,ý the kinii,ý. becn se-'é:ý *4, New Yfrk. solected wýý! crever-, viir., 71 f.,r t4ci . n- *1 1 -ýý The G:- 20 Wit. A. and Mrt in the rr-4 tations, ftnd *1 ý o!ý, t eewpe riýlit-lilt-« Grty, Pffî for l", beantifill ali'l the leuà ý,t iru-- lift,,u ed U) Wrn- so'o."M) ap 1 ilica, lonL, it la"Iv 1ý IkfI Dves Ufe bý thh W iz f;i in ali Citi- nnd Canada, DuJerb. The Gerafine :ccel Brend wýýV, Ný- )i W rC Thev u-e t; , -r"! perIv Toronto. Dalleves -Mai In all diýCjtý4-S il aCTninaz*e-- *- the rwf* ü'f will M1L-ý isA errt- rgill wing gi-i'z bu' bui if, brL iý car aeiie To mr-mc it lit r" 'c No patîn Ext- h» upoit it a iýt, nmue Of Henry )-: For -udu b% &H z rrilicipffl Pep- York. -C. F. For 'eaic L Impol Dxý CaimtuA lim U Cheeýclu are tbe re*nk of Tbey art mild à eon,*,,n4 aýl ir tious, removmz ,rold'or otherwi pulpiWion or 1 iffttgioli«, hy lit Md limb., &-r-. -ho= interrullù, abvarri-J La hivaluable m È riod With 'eg isppmnted in -the utnwît coni doie ail thev r, > M*mntý4 ', boy ilýjunûus_ Se t b mail 0 ZZ Vol, Zmi the Autholized by o,ýe DM4 me D