Whitby Chronicle, 29 Apr 1858, p. 2

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quiring titions prësented'sIioufàSý ý'ànâÏhýÎwàhî lstài!tý1n« -can-ýot occuri Andý 411 la pcao& i ýtive growth. notorietty, re&ý.d te the respective Comtnitiocs hav. 19 oui 0 Har«s aniendment. the bloom ot out4,,-,ýýbro- Dttrisigttiothirtyorfortyyeanoftheir gffl no'*@ AIÇD spffl ENTS PRzpànzo roR 1 his premises ri ing controi of them, whicli viras not dette *hftt lie (Mr. Macdon ljxisr. lndependenc% they have donc absolutely TUE WnIW 'tgltOn.ICLF. by the soldie with the petitions to repeal Market by-law. *6uid f - um his learne( dislodjp thel j Ând that many persons who signed the h6sélf --- W would 'tes an en'aled, aviercouse hy ber nothing for the sciences, for the a for ýTorÃŽ;lnýý_,2lrth Apn tike. Étal » Mît ons h ay , j, ilslUff 1, ado U*w-ir, -ad declared to him-,tlmtàll th 'ý àl*ayg fiolftli fi se literature, or even for the Sta(" 041ke DEiir'gii,- Lest oeil ït6uýh ttkôn up a lituxm - the but- mi - - cisimplainéd of-boing t _ýJà1àL_ - ed liétiended bysigninz was fo of the Lleut., and the studios of politics or political econc y,- in groat pnrt with the huinbug busîhess e the motiOC4. biby, sunt Nqn Confining ourselves te our own country, huineug e" inatlont intû htini'bui, wh6ný thi ils obèrs to peddle. l'lie thîrd réalion vesý tWilar @pot. 'Sth Inc ithlit the petition, lie un4éýstoOà,was the ý,ÇaptAiný,Rowe aros( nïý grotind work r (the tilt witàlim, în ýà t'1east: weýe doictaring te go uporï to reffinve die ted tn, know' fi Oh, the man: "à casMered for ai te the period that bas ý1npsedi siqice 1 con mate humbugs, and the qùýstioners qum convicted ïï ri. market altogütlier. -few day m whether they could thAt _%frai with tbedortor, butbe followed thoy had an independent existence, we net much botter, was net unproductive of Thi-, Act wi 0 ing ago that Mr. Trenvityne took Min inittec on Mr. Ilani's Miù Lu." woulduk where are-their Foxe&, their gomefruit. Stiveral useful biRs weroin- the attainder toi CaptAin) into his office, and showed hissai a flrst doing away in moi ou notzeebint, and sworc that Burkes, thoir Sheridans, thoir Wind ; gy qu"onst - Ù4 hams, trQduced,, and a, great- ma to pay his disb, j, Jn M-An of laid by-lay bufore the Cot o ririvelous ind veÏitidui4, to o poqse ion Id 1 th ad out and marked for a market, ýsiating,'at stood the rides and %lýq0dilLuLu tet well, hi would sue for their llqrnçiý%.thçjX Som others im-, d t Iliiif Thàf-ýësié thé 'place for -Courte 11l'he tbought If _WilbçrfQrcçol Where pt)rtit ere put - an& àn--_ lîeËiffiè-l*tWïF, n't'ulîe-tô th,ê-pottîtl,* , ýa niarkot, that ho (.Vr. Tremayne) lvis JElut Uibu Lu "ver knew this. thoîr Arkwrighta, their Watts, their. Da- swered in both 1amble tteri * - 't t favèr-of îý and th A, rio Mr. Pxice the And became uni ' 1 Ill 4 di§" 1,ro were oblipd tg keep strict watcli for vys? ýý tlisir 'Roýertsons, Blairs, SmithIt, member for Chicoutimi, brought'n" a bIll LUng but & Un at it could be had fer ý Tho Mayor was c fur ho ýwquld steal the child, but Mr. C. Stowartpi,ý Paleyll and- Maithuses?,- thelr for-the protection-of Enniwhieh wili, bc an -£2,000.- ý fflh had thrici, Mec em from citizene-in the body Ajnendment was quit had te &[va lt.up At last,, and perbaps lt lis Scott», Rogersý Campbells, Byrons àfooros Ilouse" was, jý1rfd of the hall.) Such was the case, More amendrnent is crirried excellent counterpart te that for the pro- 'thil ofla, a feyl' law would stand in the M, ý îÉor thnn thati the Iterve of this Te tection of fisti, introduced, and ffl ed last Mille te the 1 e- days ago,4n antîeipaèt' i Of rentoYing the repealiqg.the 7 Claùtq or Cmbbes, theïr Siddons, Kembleg, Keans sien by the àà il on thiw, bogt m- ses, finistry. 1 fin lie might sui well trarket, ex-pressed hinnis'ell to a gentleman Dot the ý4SUppo3c, ho will bc as crazy as his or 0'.Xkeils? their Wilkie,% Lawrences, subject sème excellent remarks in the cor- Ftone, nr music to, whole, of the bl Chantrtyq, or theie paralleli to the hund- re.qpondence of the Montrëal Oazare, Mr. Patton 'answ\ no in this Town, -'we have cm. now in th o captain Rowe coul, sa pet triglit place, and we'Il b(rCing Vint mark which et should not bc given 1 'Oh, =laser, it grisives mo te know that red otber naines that have sproad themi otherwise have made. petitionwas an iji J 44nd ill bviate the necesti of My offéring favor te show te corTýl o the North ýN'ard!" teers front out- cali a meeting and ec Qbrigian motbers give up theîr daugliters selves over the world, frons our lîtil. Ils. 'L"ÃŽ'telpro'v'ilý'ilons are nt once coin relienive, the felons dischn r9c! lui ho siders.) ents. lie was prepare The Mnvor intitnated te the «çpe(ýtators titionq tx the M. topiyoi to miiri ho aré really wicked. 1 hear land, in the course of the last thirty yeRrit, col Inises Xl of tbe la- penitenfiaries È r for that rio cxpressions cither f approbation ciý4c alla stimple. It opito hbd - *oret, ït te 0 sitisficIl Or IvItat, the' U i ýe1v tholos !say,,Many better tliiugs of tiaose who and blest or dolightipd mankind by thiei ac1 eciýtinlz arnencituent--% to varions lzindreci cerne hêré and de ' ', 'pnce or (lisý,tpl)i-ol)sttion could ho alloved from niectin- tc't. ; and U]tOzetller it formî a coiriplete and eir libel as going - tc the oss of th have no- #hame, yet thley never sel k to worq, inventions or exisrniples ? ln the tiiiicitie comliftninnttd the Important ý i4lerv l'ist, 3 voting fi any person while any risember of the ic:istire f,,r which le entintrv iq iudpbte(l fo %vas on, Coun- wotiiii o 'nqcertaitieil know tWebabite of the man te wbOm thev four quarters of the globe, who rends an the preticii; A(tiiiini,.4trIitioti. rer tho mort pirt In the A.l;setnl)lyl t cil was fiddressing the chair. i c"Illil rneet signin dits conaîgiR their cliîld's hitppine.;s-is ho weil Amorican book ? or gnes te an American li-ZisIntom are apt to he iaipatient of enactitiélits havinz alinwed the derf 1 Il 1 r. odgson arose te si, question of or- 'Idjoitrntnent until th relutive to the pi-e.-qervatoiti and the protection inenfiment bill te go es 1 an 1 jstrited that lie contradicted nioszt frranted, partictilarly Ufff-îs ait their concern. Such uiothç- play? or looks nt vin Amerienn picture ôr of gaine, fidi, ficý%h or fi wl. "And it lias hapt'on - w ýàd pledged hunscif lûLislýl thouglit they hall dnn ripliatically the stateniçnt made by Cap- wçll , deservie sorrow and shame. The statue? Whist dnes the wnrid et ome te enillitrie (Il ier titan Ciinaria, iliat In tain Rowe. Saturday te -keep ho y i tive indifférenee abont and iiierm4- the couritry they did et chrofficlar subscribes to Nanny's ban." Arreriran phyýicians or surgeons ? What iliff ganie, lias speedilv hy peri- fflerui legisiation, and m t CapLaiti IloNi-e ni.iintained that Ile there winild bc another 1 porceive thv moral contnined in your nevr substances have their chemigts di.4ti idý ofseurcitv and up for the plirllo.,;(' of n'as perfect] in order anil r(-I)(ý:it- Mr. Hodgson vould ri jjac1ancholyýstorv, aunt Nanny," said Cora, vered? or what old oncs have they nnaly- o ave to a Publie ivant. The wiser polit,.v therefore is mittce of tilt, wh le the. m tain Rowe, ý and exprcý o- 1 ed tlle- %tatement, Nvhich lie alle-ed t', il prectiatiurniry one. lu Callada there liavc ýYs zhich _ 1 Il. ý boeil madu t,,) li -Ilv a regpectable the Capttiri's ignor-iiic,( Ill wiE lie guided by your experience, and 1 sed ? What noiv constellations have beén ny vears past siieli practipeg or lay of four do o citizen-thnt Mr. lindgson ;aid - Noiv we Ca ptain Itowe dersiei witittonnegs. and dicer sisted. have'eni in the right place and %ve,11 put frntil hiin ivhirh could lzii the kýrna1 ýncLt the shtli. Te me, discovered by the teleçcopeq of tire Ameri- s gpccics, of 6rauw cour. pF foi!v, in flic 'z f which hard th ien his ignorance of the by death. woulA bu tenfold more welcome, clins ? Wlint have thev donc in the Ma- "m thoge eir %vhieh 'nviny Fiirorrfiii Pravinee, on hnth silles, but the jikas 1 the iiiark-rt ozi the - biirnt Il eli." alla tiot a few North Ainerienti sIiiteý, are nf,.vw ýpd %Fr. lloil,,siiii. 1 demand the naine of die the petitions. thl u rings of poor Lulu, and al- thematies? Who drick out of Arnerican titiýierg,)irig the ju-t -privation.- qt hy a vote of 76 na aptaitl's authoritysu, the 6 'ýe 1 L e titîort,;;-tlint parties Si though ou case ils net at ail parallet, a 1 glasses ? or cal; trom American plates lis or TnrniiiL, to snnit, of the ildopt ol bl' thf' «e- the bill was put intO,'ý Captdin Rove ready to give th arase Milite I"islattirvs of the nd.bieciit*l-* Ilion, 1 tho eliaein of . th ébat mloUkë maý,oinke, it go." Wenr Americin conU; or gowns ? orsleep Lnd tlint, the wýlilcr Mort- of Zaine havilllz t)C(,-Il et narne nt the proper titre. At the last on the understandin- reader, on some future dây Adieu, ý, L in' Arnerican blinkets ? Whon theqe apprar te mucli advant eavll coiiinitinity septivi to bo re niecting Offilo ('1111ricil, il, ivaS stated tliftt allow the butchers te daveil to the tiv,-perate resort of prayitig fr the, tg they i file Gouncillor,; of the when lie saw a very ir ainy' relate the sequel of Cora's lifte. questions are fairly and favorably answer- pasation oflaws to presorve the br;-e ls of v il nn Thursdav last. IL lit iytbllltl not (taire te face thisquestion-lbut hîS cr)ultll,)nl-t liïfleMoiiý 1hirdý, whieliThiri, 'a1 JACOBA. 1 edtheir laundatory claîthets inay bc fli ar 1 thev were rendv te fave it iictw. Ind lie he liad Siý ned, lie -1)(Ilie the s'itriner'm feneffl, and enliveil th2 1--li a queý;tion of privilege. rit ed, buttill thist cari bc done, we would se. iii-1,1b e,ýro es ý Forsyth ille CoIIectOr1ý At mm v ftlie N,-%v Ettizlaiil hoine ould ask Mr. Tre- fur oi)jDct difl tionq wore signed undei An if' %% e c,ýll«idrr the ÃŽnil-rýllirivt%' (If rnaync propose te reloove the market two and that other 1 New, Advertisemegt-i Ibis mwek advise thern te krecp clear of infik IV liait, - in£z rý býbd of creatisreï; nt sefflai- hen Port Sarnia, bill perleitirej." May t g7aves of Our fatherq thi-y are -iti(li-r iiiiiiiences IvIlieil calliv-t ccilsist iniproper and lie 1 it .1%rav froin where it.,sto,)fI ? livi,111.1 qiniil,ýir poQition fi) Mr. coinitifiniliv lit showing A letter writtert tolii, r. theti titan il i, Nir. lfodeon fr-yplairi orThoq. Beall. I)e deffied, but thze are bitter wordq, and tipon iheir represýýtl1- G enri ro nov ? Ile (Calitail, wanted thfit Dr. ilarn. thait the dAct< Select Schnoi.-.ýlisi; Carroll. of a veritr, on the renders of 1820, these tieý lit Pariiiiiiielit il,%- Pro Vid ilig f.-Stlrç, ta Ftieh a ristc. tisat he (Mr. Canieron) Il ad every niwi shoulil conte forward Ltildy atàd,ý the ivii(Ile hy-law, but ï )ýahkee Notions. -J. J. Ottc. phrases must have hid mnst Senti in LItid tý, p..ti that th, ,%Pt ahove Ilo- or ilis dissuissal, for that honesllY. find staie %viiat lie aiid i lie cotild not (Io Sn ho W ntt ta trv atid 1.)Iiàidlùid and ciri--tiiri%-eilt )Fr. mac4lorieil, regrel -hewn, (nnd our t ic- 1 -ý1tr1.r1ie- SI rillizont tý, (-h.qýL lnsjector Gerteral hall to il NqwPuMîcations for May. Otto. effeti But, as vire have , ) %V;Imte rfbl.ll(.rN7 Cf\vilýl foNvl'. ec-,-, %Vhich lins riot, another inzrti Union>-Hook and IAddei-Cc,.-rý- Caldwell. Counsinq cati enlir,,Ie flic Est. twen cari ied oïs' in t lie Iower St. I.«iterelio(-. Mr. Cayley snifil he enuld not ri Denied that the bv-liw Reeve of Ilvllithy who 1 CarJ.-Dr. A. ýt. Ganible. thoir enparitv te entrir tlk gor,,-,eniis pa- Cript4iiii il- :11- the "f il S Fi-%heripsý hil- un_'od thi. nt)llr IIJ)I)tl the notice 'Ir or contsilleil otie %voril about rellioving t1w plain hi.,; ow Ti, be let;-Ffqmiltoii il Roberts. laces and -olèmn temples" ofgeniiiti, is pro- Il is titated lit the fýýrnirr to write, or whether ho bad eh market tri(] cliargril Captain Atnerimn Notel.-U'-.tiker & Patterson. on. Thât dollar,4 a-d dark-Wz. have ton t(.it1etiinnýe rt-pim.ý thst this vilo l)tiSinv,ýM ut a letter. il liavin- iw) riglit fi) gtfiriýl Ill) and 'iri.Lk(ý Dr. flatrit. No cwi-asi, toniiiiz the 1-irds' eLe4 il.-% ftt.«t lis liiid, tlr.,tiLli - ýt - kiril nia1ý_-by Iiiiii. Ilis Nfr. Nfa- nell. Removal.-J. A. Clark. rnuch ninnopoli-ed thrin, we rritist perhaps Mr. Brown admitted bc liait s en S »fitcniùrit.-ý of tilt ' (do ýzüâe, -n, 111Lq fZone on in-ît h ont let ni 'ailt-iiri Rowe's) rt-iïtar)ç-,ý est lit(- -o- ('oiirirille)r" "lit i lie ont 7 - ri, -ards of tivuntý ril, and ftirther stated Mr. CiTley ta rrri' (U li'vo f%ý Great, Exti-temen t. -J., A. Clark. admil ; bill t1ieiý;p will -ill fit-il their 1 1 il l'titi riiiiov Ar tipii to Ile etïtiruly out of ol ellot ýqg-(.tnt iiIcreýIihIf,, vol therc is no cil Iiiii, ofttiefiteL,; ho bail cainTuli sied Ward to Ay vrItat one -il Peru'Sittoon.-J. Fâeji Som, dav, One final querv flev 'l'lie by-law orily, ititerlured ý%vith flic sale of Nir. [Io 1-grIn Ii gý rtasý,i, to liouin itl #%ceuriivy. '.Sýinail woiider. 1 tn Mir. Forsyth Thcreupoii Mr. PorCrait,;.-A. A. Green. toi] ill the list M iriterro-.ttn* enipd the trtith of what %tr. Iliro Aseg- ries of file ail. therefýre, tliat, illl, , 1 th(. lolicht-I-S t1iktit illiv and 4-ol1ýiderVfI his own 'LiRmbèr.-IV Cowan. thor froni whoin vire qqinte, and in the alito Mt-fit in Ril PArre invriads 1 ed 1e had never said this, nor an 1 LýU1I l'le- Il-loil as Nfr. Maf-lortel are riý'W 'Nor 1 , AL I)Iltcller.,) the riglit to 11ý Dry Goods.ý-H. Campbell. 1 glnwinq langiiige of a ne-1 -e lotii-rer Illar% vi ai nod roil- 1 ail like it. Nfr. Brown lind *in ï sides tue lrtarkùtý That wa-s tilt, suris and MaedortEll was a le4nil - 4equelit dewarileme in otir mnrký-tl% oYtýach ntitri- hirsa what had been dnne in the en substance of the lev-lain. .ý%nd Il(- strlod Mr. M. s ri SpWngOoodý,.-'R- Cistmpbell. tor, in this out- Cin-lidn, that is this:-Fi- tiolt. and viluatilu Forr-,vtll, when lie m hi there te say that the iloopic of ille Toivri #Itieýtinn now, and nsf Ladiow8choolý.-blrs., NfclÇenzie. nallv, iindee which, of the'old tvrannical In the Leg-Lslative Cotincil, -Mr. Doiiltnn r of wotild give fin unanimous opinion in ils the written inatter hefnt- Auetiôn C.ýSte'rIîng. Gorernments of Europe, iç every fenth npi brouglit ni), for a secý-)lId reàding, bis bill ports, but Ilfr. Cameron (liciýni*ot"g-v4e low itivor. ' Ind further ho would WII Captaîn Dr. TTanI',ý irnenltn(ýti te amortit the Common Law PrnetAtire Rovre, that the public setitiiii(nt of the rarried by tlic, slave, whorn his fýIlow men n;ay bily and n ) the yeaýq - S, Curé. -Dr.-Tùrnblet,ý. Act of le6, in as far as it repeaied Fiji - of this r the fi al 99 Town wotild conipel hini (Captain Rotve and nais hei Mr. Brown waq cnrrv In and other Colineilnien toitet iipon it lie Ilý)#lgson, Nlardonell and Special Nofite. Thos. flollowa kell, and torture ý" Alm! to tilt.; eli action on proruissorv notc.s, and oth- S diflicrâlit to eire, -9. S. Bloli e-en in the yenr of grnce, V358, - we muqt or S'Uch Obligutions. The lav of 18-56, how Ill, looked lapon the iiieetingofSatunlty even- Nayq, %IcBrien, McV die and mak-e no gign." %Ve cin enter no which w.ts, nf)t fo conte i.lito operati-n un- grave a ch'tracter. llt,)wever, it )ut ing as an index of the opinion of the rate- Treinavne.--4. (efence, but grieve that an Iligh spirîted fil the ist or.JIilv proximo, eiiacted, thit tht on further coistroversy w iit Ir. payer-i-of tlie Centre iLs being The siniendnipnt Pq iý ývithiil a foitiiitilt ailler the misturity of -si id * nid Fi& totally nt variance with the sentiments of origirifil rcsolistion os -si who cannot endure the slîglite.qt prouiis>g)iy not should issu' rneron hart been consulted as to theil ,Iev, thit gentleman h t in 4p- e severally put and carriei station, v, process e, and C,' their repreSentatives. For what iverc th* act of foreign ng-gression, and who revoit nt Ile brouglit under exé- r# pointaient 4>f a Ruccessor to Mr. Forsý#hý racts-this meeting 'Was enliefi-pil»rlc no- ivent ilito Conimittec 01 the very stiailov of doniestîe tvr.ýnny. ctlti(),, to t;,%tiý,iy the démand, li lie in .1-fr. BAý,w-n ticO Of itg!ve"-an(l -SO Ilttie intcrust did '.%frRrien in thechair. and On this Sionder fnundatil slintild best xvith rart-tchip.*, and bind with %vere able t qw"ý"r th»t 'le "ad net malle thouglit proper to cqintroct a story wâre- tyersof the Centre Ward Loth Mere..; the note, or declared that ho had good with to damne the Old Conn. wi 1 it,-having already exifre.îse(l thrir senti- ýheiI to read the vrhol( 1Và1týV,- Thunday, April 29, -1858. chaine, fttift inifriier, for the t trifles, ments in their ýùtitions-thot notii Mr. Mactioneil woulf1v grounds for rvsistin- prtymenL-. lis the Inore ivretcheil human bçîn->:, Who arc of a more latter case lie was te ndepoàit in the Court, y The Usury Bill prolniffl ail imbroglio 'tepayers attenfled. - in- to Pit-li;ttiieriLirv wýi n for A IRrgO numW ýnf Lower Cunadians ýM than twent m j1r. »ancis liéller it our Travel- dpt4y rolour thon tt)em-;elves! Of this the alytourit of the Obligation, and be lui-lit tenfl Io vcito agniust.it, and the UpMr ùâ- Dr. liani, 14 elector.,; an(] tire Chai-rinan. ('o"mniittee carry out the ling- .4yeW, and is aiîthorÃŽzed 10 M- grent blot, it is iiiipos-iblé to Fpeak- witi, then ti the iistial ine-iri-, of derçnellig Mr. Enti yes U lie looked tipon i Colincil wilhout cetive itiibscript-loets aïlul aJvertiý1emc»M too njuch -indignation alla coriteilipt, and, hiniself. Mr. BrItilitin on iiitroflacing the jjoin thons. thougil tllee-higlly Approve of that nicetisig ho luid "il as tli the Vr. Porry. Knew titi an(l gï,«.ý,ît receil.)ts, for ninneys duC but foi. ir, vtý shoulil look fbrwrird %vith the getieral principle ýf the asure. X bill, c()ýrItenfIed the lav about te come in Me , ow (Illesti0t) Of tlle OPilliOn Of the ratel)-'Yers vrere ribliged te obév LI force, was too arbitrary for auch a country a more rotsrally piocmding thon ýtWw it of the Centre %Var(L As Ln. aile--i.ig thal. the Couneil, ý but -thore tinqualified to such a land et free- ry prec etilttnimâgine. Theiète. li peltion lit Sn -net shev dis ileis ofice. as Cansi(la. and that suinnia eedifi-es é%ts the signers of di could tiot dom, nnd sudh a nisit-nificent spectacle of at a finie lik-c this, when through recent i would bc iliffi' d, k-no-ving what they did-he(Mr. flodgson) 'ter in Coititnittee. B*6ther Jonathan fils 182D, or a liard ii human happiness, as"Anierira prescrits. comili disasters, niost men who hall abrogation of the VÇU wght it was casting insult upon the in- Captain Ri)%ve rose te Niat ta Crack. notes ont ivere unable to pay them',would such a modifi lit gentlemen of the Cent liVai d M r* Perry by giving h issue in livide spread ruin. Mr. Valikou- o hiid silpieil thstit potition. Ile be- oui(] net allow the titi %'ViýIIout any envert- intentÃŽon what Hoitsr -We lat week talled net, h maintainisis, the cotreencu 01 Ir induce h è4iL ' ri 0 t weck, and he (lâcttin Ro or W'011?1(lî 1 ri.- the ls<ii!,ýcaptifiiii tic* of our at en ion té the advertiqement the prinvijrk fil the Act c4 1856, 'l asý;eu!î flynes, pf Pregeott, in reference te Ra y s ln the ract of distre ýï= __ coust4is en flic ()tirer ý,irlQ of l'11,04 Muý*, ilvu ave nItujiX,'U tu %M, with Lbe profmnd«bt'MpectýIbr yowý- Impérial NRjèstjý PELICE ORSINL P»uoxýoF LA Itoqt;imTp,,ýUarch IL Tlfý ioll6wiýli' is tixtor the . WHI: F-xoee«E Pamx er;,LÀ RoQrMz, The end of my dayg being reari 1 write the, folliDwiag dispositions with, my owà hand, it being my dosîrer Vint they be -punctually carriéd- intni effei-ti as an &et of my free and independcnt.will. 1. 1 direct that Vonrico Cemusehi, of Milan, shall -withdraw the monoy geized tipon me the moment of my wTest, now in the hands or the Procureur-(,*icnerai gr the î previoualy discbarging my share of t é le coiitsi of the judicial - procecdings. 2. 1 desire Iiiin to dispose of the money which inay, then reniait! in the tc)joývj ng A. lie shali purchase -a gold %vatch, and chain to, bc prusentc-d U) M, jule.'i Favre, the advocate who undertook ruy defénce, the %Vhole to cost 80QU nt lenst. On the %vatch ho shall have the followhig wçrrd8 engr.iyeti.-,"Fel;ce Orsini à Favre, séuvenir." R 1. ivisli my body to be Placed in an ordînary wooden coffin and sent to Ion. d on ; being desirous ni bf-iîig buried there by the qide of the Italîan patriot, (7go F(js. colo. M. Cernuschi will pay the necessapy expenmem in the iilutter, C. The money then remaining 1 desire to besent to my uncle. Orso Orsini, or to my brother, Leonida Orsini, bothresidiug at fmola, in the r#,omàn States, and the.;%il will dL,ýpoge of it for the bencrit of iny tçro little il.tu7,bter-r., Erneitlna ajal 1(là orsîni, resîdiii, at Nice, in the Sardinian States. 1 authorize J. D. P.- liod- of (,'las- toubury, near Bath, Eng- lan4 to Lake char- 01 Illy eldest datigliter, ErnestinaOrsini, horn at Nice.' .1. 1 with0rý7-,' %fr. Pt-ter Stuart, of Ligr. crpool, to ta-ke charge of ntyssecý-)nd daugli- tel-, Ma (.)rý,ini, 1),,)rii'at Nice on the 1,2th or Nfarcli, and residing with the elder in the sâme tovrn. . . 5. 1 recernmend. witli ali my heart, te iny intirriate frien&.4, J. D. P. I'foilge, Glaýý;. torlbury, and Peter Stuart, of Iiverpool, iny tivo girk above narned, iin order that the ciluca(ýon they may rectivc should be in perfect conformity with the priricipleg of uprightnes.z, trite_ virtue, mndesty and «Siti(.Cre love for their conntry. ei. 1 d(t4re that all iny clothi' booksi in the bands of M. (le La,,ýalle, di. rertor cif La bc sent to Eli7zi Chency. reýifling at Lonil,)n, 2 Grigf. ton sircet Mand roid, gentîsh town. - Cliene * y will diepase of them accord- iiig ta her frue and independent will, as %vell a-, of soint ether art i4-1el already left with her before my arre.it and dn'ri-i- m'y ýinprisdnrnertt. Ail that 1 have* done for ter is but a verv humble anij triffing re. - urn for the e,',xtrerne kindness and (levot- ýdnrss which she llaq evinced toivards me indcr every rircratustarim - 1 recommend hi-ýi hol1*ýt arxI virlwam. young lady te all riy friends in Englantl. T. 1 lastly elesire tha ' t the said If. !ernu.ýtclii be the, exetteutor of. the abore ientioned an-angenlents in P.tris;-anfl thatý -ith respect to those ivhich are to be-exë. uted in England bc 'shall have the co- perâtion -'df ý -ýÉ Vinr-enzo' Caldezi, of aenza, Ilonian St ates, residing' in London.. he, whole or this haî been iy, ol.wo hud. OP.SL%;i_ coldly p!antý une iliot ou the Atlantic, and wiLu estner.-- show 1 the rerlability et the Of.A..C. Wilson and others, praying f , tion'and over thin- ýpjopo-rt «tçlnpterl- ions, are or bru 'lit in bYY hi-, 110de= moved the t'UtJier un the- P.icific, witli the uvidept in- We request attention te the advertise- fill te be stated. For want of suelà infor- certain àtnprovemer)t-,;.-Mr. 31cPherson. wag said nothing in' the world abo"t,ýt- the by-law. mation in an office easijy accessible, it is COMMUNICATION distûrbin- the tntirket. tentîon (which %ve, by rio nicans, mean te ment of Carroll, in pur advertîsing often found very diflicult te negociate de- It was rilllrl3 a Mr. Macdonell in amer c or Imcjýsrs. 1,11,ggins £- Nfayerhoffer, Town by-law te allow butchers te -el] tuent in the insertion of a clansc ine dispute) of making turbületitý lazy, but colunln& Miý,s Carroll bas obtained a bentures. Lawyers have te b ý emploved 'n Pririt£rs, complaining of unfair treatmont the Town. Hîs learnefl friend' (Mr. JVacý that any batchers aYin, iiptendid Ceatral Amcrica, take a pronie- Ont claý;s certificate, and we can, in ove te ferret out the character of tire securiiies ê' donell) told him, (Dr. Ham) that hed go law .34 ry lit the bands of the Couneil. beï pçrthÃŽtte(l te sol nade iý,Àî4fàvair bi--twoonsaid soven lea. respect, recommend lier for the duties and brolicers are put in requisition te dis- NEXV UrNECIPAL BELL. for what tbe people wanted-noty the peo- their own convenience with gu"4 bpotsýan,4 that ore long. whîch she undertakes, as a female teacher. The 'Nfayor read a report prep V pose Of thent Delay.-,, long corresponden ple wanted the by-law-'re Wed and 'hiq pýlity, but that no stalls- sh ces and heavy commissions and tee--,, are 'rd by leamed friend backed 't 'ent of the Speakingof America (in 1820) the Au- charged, se that in the end, the niunicipa- hirnszelf, suggesting some important amend. ou Be- ý without the conq 0 cause bis learned, friend,'(Mr. Mamonell). After indulging in a scet EtncTio,.% '.Nrws.-Ogie R. Gowan, we lities whicli,ý of course, pay âil the costg, tncnts te bc made in the provisions tif this had since got his iristructious frein LI thor,ý froS whotu we quole, thus writes-- are told, bas the best possible lippes of be. have te submit te a series deductions bill. head play of Il nquirminw' niiil such of Jonathan,* and thus ing elected for North Leeds and Grenville. from the full amount of their issues. The At a subscquent stage of the proceedin' quarters, how he should go. which, wc cannot find roof (aftet,, an janalysis of its institutions gene- bill will pwis in the Upper Ilou.se with of the Couneîl, the report of' thé,'3f&yer ýi -9 Xr.1eýfacdo'nè1l. From whorn ment was CarTied on, a vote IfÃŽ. Morrison, we are assured, is sure te 1 Ntrho jw ý 9 ralkyy bas ÃŽLbeen governee' In bis bon- 0 modifications, perhaps, and 1 trust jt was, on motion of Captain Rnwe,'re*rýed - M 'Trernayne with Ilar triumph. over the high-horse Cloar grit 8 1 te a Committee consisting of -the-" yor, 'ne - Dt.ý,, Ham. l'Il nam him ;when it is re. makin,,,,, up the:thrçé dissent estýepdûavgrs Le, botter, bis situation, md, will nlso ko through the Assembly coin- , qu i re(L The -original motion as humbug âlcDougall, for North Oxford. Nfr. Macdonell and the mQvýcr,, ýîn_ in hi&, maèly purpose of resisting injury fortably. 9r. U&ýàôneil. ' it is required, now, 4nd Lfien put and carried; and th On %Vednesday aftemoon,, the 1-lon. Mr. strnctiops te take such action th. ýAs 1 cill upprî tho, t o* také dow'n the of the by-law as amended aý and ÃŽUS4 e most cordially sympathise. Arrival of the 66 Canada.yy DeBlaquiere propoundpd the questions of they deemed adeisable. or Mr. Itud son Weýhapé b,6,will a!.Wayg continue te %ratch wlsich ho had given notice te ministâs, re BY-LAW Te REPEIL MARK" B T-heïre is rn necesMty,'tornîv ý ài r. lfacd and ouspim't bis, ýùàV0rnmen4 as ho now. R.&Lw.Ax, April 23. lative te their intentions on the Seat of The'llayor called the first 0 f the &roýy!ug ï'Whgt 1 have- maU -ý 1 kno,,wiand sý, thîeýpostponement of the thi does- in Goyernment 1 have, before remarked in: îý1 that ît is the constant Thie Canada, CapL Lang, from Liver. day, béinà the geèond' iëadïn ý by. nes every, pneelse that Mr. Mac.4onell ig- 141 the next meeting which tondoncy of th ' entrusted with power, pool, Saturdry, 10th inst. arrivedat tÈis on the assumed extra - loyalty of this'vene- law. 7 ýiiot 'rincere on this'qýues'tio>ni.' ý 'Ho ?iffl ýa division of atoý2i -the Nc tho"-ý rablq gentleman, and rpust say, that tintil , Mr6 Hodpon moved the, Di." !hg Nay. mocnïqW dkuL Xacdohe * 11)'haît said àà 'in"ùéh tô'h'tià tu nt heyýenjoy.ýi4 by thetr, port qhnrtly before noon io day. Her ad- his recent e8capade, when ho outgritted the Vaal,) ontsfde. ' Out9idè the - êoiatiëilý do6m ownýWerito. and for' their own us,!, and net vices are three days later tfian those by Grits .,the Mr. î6in ýr osmýýTna 'c mselves, in ýpreÊentin-tliePro arftw.&-LK 1tý 1 be, Xr,,Xudonelligai ;J. Rowýç,,fflycd in amendm 'as Olçrý oftbe Mri Ilacdonell brought u liy «elc,,ation, and for the benctit of oth- the City of Wiuhington, at New yerk. vince, &% in a sWe èÇ hepeless,î" vency çqU.Qýy, , ýcan le andas poverty smitten, almost be ond'th cond reading be posýpçrkred ex Ïci Ïgain and È«cýeded in' ers. , Thus fer, *èý ire frionde and adtni. The steamship Sorth Ainer' y 6, - wali frQ ter te the dourity Counçi -",Çlët-k of the lippe of recovery, behad Mways a d 1 àm ýdj the CophèR, a . îesblutioù toý olîlttbln., But ho must net gr-ow Portland, arrived'on the Sth inst %,ântýd'týë ë £eaôi% sp Ã" against w at he, 18 fèetý,Wide , Ê;ide'wâlk» ôpËm ret* éf J' -te me a"great stickler for the Roya preo- vain and ambitinus; or alrow himmelt te be The g eneral nows, brought by this air- gative and ý[0iÏe ah ele4'tîéil- e:iýÃ"under in the àmendrnent% - f ââsit There was a gond dazaledeýby thatplaxy- of epithets, by rival is net of mu' . y . ý ýTh0 ýby lavr wu -gallo, CouneiBOT ýýMacdouelL. It -ivaW ôtily ý at fancemade dnthd part of, A eh itnportan-ce, exceritinir cbnsërmtive ÉsPeët Of 4he ffidigt the cqune d ý#iM Xrîý M*ddoneilezw which, his oratdri and newspaper scribblers wllàti-' ' ontained înthe advices frozný ndrL en tional submission te the 1abitsý of ýthPe 8, - last.naeeting,.Of,ý ý4èr- répresenting the Centre Wal pressed Nuise favorable te the ýTere1 Yeu know how ;his. î ïo hie '(Ur Ti itý la > Tt ,gn rigmarole ema endeavor te :persuade' their supporters, The datés frotrit îm bay'4re,'tý,' hô1m Vras lëft ovef fdè 'the se ndi. erâc . ýy-." arnountpaià outiÊ4hë'gén imotion wgs treated by the Cêuncil--<Uài. ý» ' ' , ' -priations, but the resolut ýéy are the greatet. the tnost refined, -of March. Previous te, that àaÃŽta thé Bri- mis"d, 8(yto 5. ýWeIj, net it àll rélishiriï eftnin. (3fr. à(, dwoiôà of ttlë 2 the riays -that tbere w,»ýý Mr. w.hat.? the raost enlîghtenad, and the m t moral tish trcops liad made'ilieir 'gmnd *ttack' 'this sn3zbbation' the worthy gentlem'in putt ý,Hodg%=) Dr.,,Uam.ý. *,,Ifitbéýpeoffleý'Wuùt- a marke4, people upen est th. The effect of thîs,, le uPon L ëknow, and the',citý lied f thst "111 Inembe for u .tbat heý -woftW -the P&Jt Of PPtl,, D,-"f SAir, '"CALEB. whyP in t#e.nau inquir.e whether the GQyernment intend- ]et-therp keep JL unspeakably ladierous on this sîde of the dewith'hèr Ma' *41ré Dot ex The rebéls'fled from their atrdnk',-holds in He býw'ed to the Will pe majori t-r- ed te ibi jesty, the Queens t Y ré 'èrt e f f- à am . endment, bank t'a put &W-ri ti k0üIdýýi ' fi drdër ýý-ffiâVe Atlantie, and even on the otheri vre should the, greýte9t disiorde and'éoýÉýsion, and decisiôn, -and'it'plani had béên ý n'roic'uýffl 3fr. 1men te the îm-èftdmën't'ý Ãœiôý'èîd' Tre4 - The Couricil acljôurlned ýi imagîhe, niast bë mther humiliat ing te, the were hotly puràued by the 4ritish cavaley' or w'ould soon bé aditrtîeed 4bé, & whièh for -the Wàrd, !Wishéý, nTmt bý- Mie: reamonable"p«lt of' the, population. The and artiUety. There wu net much harà' tý erect thé SnteMplaed Pul)lio.Buildine the ý speaker, 'by ý iaorming, Y>: it he Uis ',wéuld y t , ýý- , tesb. bis ýfurnedý 'eveùing-nexýý-May the 3rd, friend (Ur. MAcdonell'a) aiuçerity.. Aniericanm are à brave, Industrîous, and fighting et the capture, and the losses Furtheý.hp wantedtaknow what cours gapcýouell) had seil n vid- th* qi The ayor. n mondment Wo'uid p f, ý tçý the Acute people; bný they have bitberto, giv. were light, the Ïebels tRaVjnt but'a fééble jrig temeýxr ficeffl mýô&tîèn, te CÏ _Xw 14 T men men is in order. ,y wisbecl-.t* Si en no indications of goniui, and made no rosistance. ' At thé litest aàviees, 'the à ','a Dr.-ËÏrn'-îfiéý 'eslature,-aftd thé'PubIièDépirtmeýtý urî. oixis an w oing. lie ut. ý1 n, môved 'thit i an in- rememW&zýremark" M" approaches te the Adraie, either in their WhOle ci y was lnýposusMeâýof theBrîîîàh.' til, the buildings nt tbe new'sem ojý - for rite, bbery had beewý,Smmitte strocticTi> tý6--thé 06mmittéê of the W, hom iGolrçm- Rëé*é's Théré had bSn, quite a p"ic -in -Cal- 1 entwere ýep- ' ' a - Çouncil that theI ýCliiu»ýof býllàçý 84 be rp »Torality or charactir. lbey are but a re- in 4v- in -ýýAt-4W1à«t cieeni cuttain consequence.of,&-Ïidetpmdlear -rePegçd,,*Pd-itbat',thei rembinder --af,,the rqad, Rmsa-, týe,. 4*1% 89 sent offset from England, and should rnak "b -retuming;f s"eere.ýepti. M*yne),, 1»"d -fer, a, PO ôf an,.Wt-break jamong the natives, but W diated the Ch ni .7r. lracd&iýýft tiat jâ ;h in Snsçquenr. 4weý to,, i emain,, Iin fQrce. it tWr oblet bout,, for ages perbaps te turned out to have been n'nfôunded. ýpliêdon thM tj' w et Ã" m" Yjz: thâtbebla ';gén e Cotinefilà Con for tb C n qj "Me îe ques -'ons matterî ý th"lâ ýý"h the. I+ffl ors e Çe _7 P, corne; that they &Po sprung froin the saine former occ&Àiëû., i, 1- hëà la*'W'as ts;blndlng tbén"a tàwinÏ hàI th' thi race- with Bëa»nSb,*kÂpeAn and Newton. A FzàuruL Gaies.-70n Frida lant on the éxecu tive as, on all , other subjeètg,, tbi pésitioti, 1 16Y 'hg Y, - - 0 z-, , , -i, , Prl Consideringthoir nutabvs indesçý And tbe théolâ, and.wguld ofcr,)tXriié.be c=iedýotit wjth #il butéherla- eetitiort te Ilou lXiSre Keefer, &q. convenient despatch. N' had 6eýn' Tbat. meeting ÇavorgbIsý cucumtanceàý In whieh they 0 plans eso,,a"i-ëo thè.Èursui êbe in thià ViUgo now oedupîéd by N.. B. pfep&rçd but'thè GÃ"veýrqrûent'had thme and ras 4 ore Me, XX40 f '&F=' ;b a-after aýbre#hirý have hissé phteed, theybave. ýU -YO4 dOnIQ Moere. Esq. fell down from t whieh be il6-oe Ãœ,1"6 hà&'bèený pýroétired" whéti it:W'« in anèiý eý ";Ztlg 0 of' M 'r»arTiotio4gly littie te assert tht honor oi Bt4ildin -tmWalýd- iù Med b;el storisq , bigh, in;&,-huge héère si'ênë': and Contemplation toi emetPublte' 1 Med q'=' lâj fox hùnt n oueb a, dmen 4 or to i6hew -thàt their, Eng- < r,4bbiab.,.,', TWerath woo &:fiièrfnl:«eý and -Tmnto, and a4,theyýý4adýýcost, et Rfs zqro U e,ýo règùlb êt 01wns, wherelnoi à 6ûîwgýrè lish blood. bu beeti camlted or ý reansd by was beard et a long distancei fror4,tbelnU4, wat'àe duty of the, enistry to sce wbç, tqqn rl »MNOMUL 'fdtýut4el'y, there vu no perse, of lwtp P! tuffl théirJkp'041imn triining and in"utÂonll6 end 6ribe Mîll &t n near tbat, ther t4y might nôt, with "' me mod fièà yý4e),wjýhç4-to g the timë, aindas the éntr tioris bè used et Otta*âý was bôW't',o &çý Vq lue prese t bebre, Their WàmbingtOng,,,4ndgll will feil o9-à1Aà'ý there, "but -'litffe 'tinder,ýoon4id*rwtion eà , the"Su Cý - è4 the oth« auges apd. heroes of the ýReval«. . dacpa temp«àry- 1i!iýï .44gQ4Îý,,,AW ,Se dans to tlia -muJ>inM.. Vils ace6m4u"*ç» ýb-e -.,-would 1ci- betw Co fTj4.ý 'Id tha verdict of the jury Lion,; w«o bora and bred subieuts oi the the, c wp açcident is a zonsidombie ý JO" tô_ the 'W next yegir ithe-wer 8-11 iÃŽ4 jik 06 dorent rie r an wilj'c*àýe - à ÙtÃŽ14 j Pb" K-ýýg jfEngý ma ; ziwi sinca the period el ýv9rthy PrÙP'ý te' d , rn i zecf rown. 1 ont inconvenience fo ý 14n' Mbore Who biù bèÏn ýwhë*W*."DaI - ufeio*M>7r'o" Luie e Proportion j doing a good Wusinc-îw in this UùU for '9W gbaie le r.1ýthh* noci of tbW4W~ op4 'Von 01 jffi«&ý,andýp"çaI,1 lut two yo4m-r-eT»r ft«ýr inded low and'1 tteraulous nt first, until ast it ended in a, loir, wild yelj. Itwms nalin& >çv.ý+j_)efûre Ad suchancise Lmyears. I îhoughtit mûre than mor- so fierce, and amidsuch an unbroken tude it s,,ý-eràed:aS thouýh from the tread onm brute animal, and the blood rusb- )ack te rnv forehead wjýb a bôund that le My SL- in'buriý and 1 fýttrérlevëd that td to, ëolitend with thinp earthlyand Spiritffli. M-y energies Mturned, and iked*arourid me for some means of es- IdSee tivo dark objecta tUshing through utiderbiish,'iii a pýS ý.b nearly- au le in KI te My Omm - ýýy this raýjjjty,, and ,týhort yelLs they occaMýon,,.Ily gave, 1 w nt ouce (hat jhese, were, the Much- Z ,ded'gray wolves. . had never.met %v-ith du*e-anlima,4, but L the description givenof tberný 1 bad,, - lime Pleisnre in tnaking tbtn'r ié- ntance. Their untainable flçrSness,' end qrtne put ir Z.4;0 _:'t, il te every )ere :was ne time for, thon 80 ,My hud dd zùàdt, or"r,& me tumýd Me flakes The, >- 5 Iron n, and; WM from My Lhdir rzp-tiv> èeý nèt Mçj a xy, ér, MMïr if il* j 'Y oi bod «Wrted fer iloine, on -thq y goo - d' zkops, jý«qr- ut, M fett patteritij on lm nearer fe wld as m Blipw a ftwr tOZ4 tdiks gis .ýý'the;r eyea glarl The th4 near; for feetý are il 'At one lonr, My I nmr that : my dress, j lof a roy-trà Rad co *Ad 1 tripf în a fîjLsUný telming W( 1 though where thev 1 thouzht died; ý d au for the NYJ out &Il the enly tho-6t. original ca-i But ron My holinfls- Iroused rrOýý ý*ns ratti, break tbemji tectors that' denîzcn-î of ing the bint ped their Ment s crn,,i watched tht-, 4ýppeared oý, lakine, ogiri.., the howzc, v agined thari Inever see i,ý 6hine, lw-ittin-j breath, âjil t Jollowéd me nebec Knowled,-c Theloting li been put toget ý, IIOOPS tO Prévî_-i ;accident. .%Omý the hundredandeiý marrîed. Ccfii led die wiU Bec-atr-e be 1 was abolit to t cqu';h a caught a 'Uttlid «Il my -draw my brt.-tý Iny bed fdr te-o încessarffly, ma, _61eep an hqpr. and lie fore it MIS iKi of Êaîi, a ý til .4 rý by the couglet. 1-fflt the-nse ut fecti; -of, a P" and powerless. trom Dn Tauï strength, and ii it was. 1 shall -for the mîracuL in my éaqe. Corner of 1 the IW 1417-A fffý Toronto, ira On the 2 -,th -of Mr. Georg, Town, aged 2 ý On Tuesdiv prederick-, s- yeam WH[ Wheat, 4, Ray per toi Id.- Beef p per b

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