-~-~-~ t' NOTICE. 8Shereby givan, that tae MAYOR wiii bold a ICourt et lia TOW N IALL, cii *I'.oaday Morning, at the hour ori11 a.-m lu aach wyack, f4r ltltheirîtîse itîdisposittg of ail toplaitAafaliitiaîrtiîs foir thae ttraventioia of -ôn D il Wý. B. VARNOLI), Clerki, Poie Coutr. '%VlltIby, ttiMare],, uitR. NO0TI1C E FOR SALE OR TO LET. IIOUSE & LOTS FOR SALE. Ir OTS Ns.Iaud 2, llcnry Street for Sale.- -I-jTlay are Corner Lots: VPie iloit.4e is ai god Fraîtît ona, a story and a lialf highi, cou- taiuiuig I apartînaixta. It ta lu-gond repair, and wcll puiiuted. Thera la also a second F-1?A JE B UIL DIN G Slîiugled bat 'lot anclosad. Tuae situation Lîaa For ternis and furtlier particulars, apply te ALEX. CAMERON, ChiaI'Conistable. Or te (tOetohar 28, I1,57. GEO. IWALLACE, fCeOa1tt- et' tNTAIttu, ~1 ShIertIv givan,thit II]OTE L TO LET. To IVit: t-tt- tA~ Wlt-h ha iitiil gI ttlite t att loui -Il i thottt ut i i-est tthte I-asîîîî th bf Wilithy, ouk 'Fuesda>', thc4t4 dny of«May, A.D. 185.8I "North Aineriean Hotel," IZ15aAIjL ESATh. VÂLUABLE POEt OtSL POiRT WHITBY.' w {ILL BE 8011) 1W PRIVATE SALE, ta kutif, 1 Three Story Brick Building, coNTAININe THUiITY APARTXENS,- situated ou the Nortît Side of FIrst Sîrcet, knuuwu asSalsnr' Brick lHommc, witii three-ei,,iîtlîs of an Acro of baud attaoltvd. 'Pliç-ea la--i good laru aunl scitable OQtýbUilîlinIgq 0onthe Preiîîi- sfes. Alanlitaîf Acre Lot on ~ît iio<f Firmi Street, iitit a splciîdid (lardmu, Slîrtibhery, &c., on it. Ail will ho Sold titgthcr, or lu suit putr- cliaserm, ou reasouahie ternis. For lartienlars spjtly te the uîaider4igîîcdi. THlOMAS SATLSBURY, O n the l'remises. Port Whit}b3, J.l' 27, a2 W, <cliv t,io ,,,,,*t ti Ifori, BEAVERTON. &1-EAL ESTA&TE, SAW MILL AIiD L&KDÃ" TO BE SOLD OR RENTED, S.&W MILL WITII où ACRES of LAND A1-50 acres elaeared, at l)utiin'-s Crack, luthe Township of PÃŽckeritig, front of thea Th con- cession. Tliero arc lot acres of GOOD lIARD WOOD) AND CEDAR, and about 50 acres ofl>INE. The whoîe to 1)e SodI or Reuted, togetlier or seaa.teîy, te sunit T _V ro ilsara smitnatcdaotl uMies Sut- oftc lla t of ireoîîwoed. Ap1tlieution u t inal.to GEORlGE BALLARD, (,reîwood 1'. t0., Pickcring. oetobar 29, 1857. 41 FOR SALE. rT OWN LOTS lu Wbitîv, ntleur theliprai.- IAIs', Villagle Lots ii It Ci'îree, Friie,- clatis 11t, alij 'îrFt 1'cry. ..- - -...,.", - - - l rires, tii&tcmttFOR SALE CIIEAP, Stiio.&. 1, % i 1t k lti- l i , . J O H N r l , a iý i i tl, les i t Iq e A D itr . li r iti e l rtt tire - l v e ti tii l 'W h l iarf. - - rtîîîrictîî iv e lraeuetti Millt-. FURNIT RE, &stett rablt-s lit-matt-lt h-t,50 tiili, t J! ts 9 tl, Pot-.l teNov.t'tltt5 . 43Mft.t/sE w h: tby ' Fi Il. 1- 1 ,.1>rN -ttt.a1 5 t it 1- - ,, - -< - - < B__kn-ilus & WC A B IN ETacrs ShO N ___________ W î I Ttve tf e11 ttiti-rt --r tL -ti ,t t t ..- . For A le r m the . , < ---- t t t- a 0o-uniusiaaitttoI lI,'iq il Pt I.i, livi c l e. le Ft i'7j-il'y in&at- l;taiJ t-ti a._ru._le ~~' * T o ~ I n e r l a a n t s ii d F a r i n r a . ~ - - iM ttt-a;if -iA r e 0 1 L i n - f ti t o e î î t - n i t y a a i i Wobt;,, o inilirn -i til, l"bli' ge o r$E Satleo T 'o1I Le. r tt-e t-t i a gtt-- attitt. - id i,, siiî ai-.S m 1- T il (ýnrai, lIE îl rsrit -r Iha-go t-t t e- i ti fria- f T aIkî:I hIE'-iIL'a.E a- s~< -t t (itta-ttt t anI ti tii et-uu s , liit 113t'- h , tke u I i,, eît..n t i c a ntttPult'mc n ttl.A stN rrt ta t cf L-r 4 t c 10 h C.r :- T < ii- ri o filet).t ftrt, tt, itîa Broisagl , ar iýl frti i l i ti l Imit i t tu>t- rir I- cri 4 !î,i-îîî saî1îî'tt otix ellriania ii i,- p1t-111,1 atIit, t as' it l 17I N ltSt - î;ii luW - - t- s t 5aiaa tîe ci -s i i ia t el lai<î 1tt-i lieitNlfiiiulhi%,cfa llfttrîtr rztý-i fit- p l c Pd i tn rm it a i l V t rtt er. ttt i <'l t-t-t il ,i t lt -if F O S L E I I E A - r h e u b e t - h e a t e n s t-d er is t e s o te ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tl ge tter tt-ttFiotoî,'ii icdott ir B AC SiTI 1i WAN eD. - ali>x M J1. N N VILLE.IN. EL"f 't a" a'rg--ttîsteals' ol i t CIeWt'at" ilt't ra'j-ttiit'\îleTor' î N O IR C E R " taî î -us. ta-rtti-1it heatiitrr. ho 1ýiAW it-' ily'l ,57 Tl;ti( lan i',iel ltti- îtAireI. s R E N lI Blt%,aileis Ili bu. Muua rîtt a e tstuia' a ndirra. l'r ttiii_71 «iii udL T F RiAL.thecetr titi'ILC O F I S orls îîîtaîsit ln îJii a iiti-iit i ts i ati5iatit it- it-o-tit' îatrti ai d lat i frit liblic gitira ia ie -,Ih t lm'iidt- A1OZ A EINTI IL ( E(FBý R L ethlar) o ,i ie1t (ý-AJI E RO I ITY FO S LE----' - ýý oifotl h nfai Fu'linduoau-ipuintdttititttita'1 -t-ulai-go iais tnrthe ion itT lIiI'Enlti"a'151 l 'l)aS'NT!i' ST2 , T tit ofdm5 ladetrriiiiiL n cstir tte tM 'i ie% iI. tl; at i atttd tîtîTi<<rit-' J. Gl'lace i IrwL ielti r la i' i- and.i tiaî g I lle, <i W ir t-,lt u s tele . lt Ii l th paaite tMtt,' ttt-r.iae,- Wîi 1ith e, t te km ii' nce t' t-- ta Ro. iieCrnxlii-i Mll Stand, B~ru Firt la ofse u roo-i n, mcf t l îî îo t is i î, <ndt wl t it-ail'o f 0 er a T .vd r p y teAlI .tih v ivlih eiigilu tt i n ca1litito i, tt <tc-nii rit is rtttidc îî)IN Il tat îî l-etiztofaît e t. A RO . li fr strct tt nti n iaaiatiitali t-t-, tt-'ttri'Ia 5< l i'i t l f rN î' -, W . tr aiiii-lt itltlik', aa -xiltiii I -muîA î,î , z ai t ir ,fwiate vur hin Without Fuî0h -illt17e2 « Publitittt-cmage. uiitv ,At h i tl 7t lîeraI laittiva 1 --c i f. Ther-.attia 'a tritttt r wah c îuu î W I L oNtiatirel'iieiittliiaas ic-aI iretSouît iercf aiualtt-Fr(t'Tacsioefnrslr prti Wlilo-,mlvS, 857 2 prasgui;teittatr F -rireC t1' inta Ltec uitt atTI, J. S. l>ONI I )5 & Ce . iiiy al.1< oI E . )SAM OIL lIti ) mu lut-A cit in- -ti -t-r ---j<t ar-e l7,in tre n v0 oitittil) te h;lrnit'. île r t htat aaî 'aia-- 'lie t- \ili-' tii-. 1 -37. 4<1 -11. 1-11 Il-C oasit eatctdiig th, ttiOae iail. FRt- l SPAuc L JN TILI E TOWN 0F I IMLA NG. Bii ltricke- o Si or Ret. WIITII1 W Ihity ec!tr < i-tir. 41 - -IhN O-W1.i '.v.N T 'rLlei -L t'l)th'se 1ist BruI I . p os .at- f TiE RE1TJ N O mIn E uJrtolizit 5h li li t -~~ t- lp--iu ltat. tti. btvcu M- eal 8lo t ti vv triu,.ta..h lu'l Il - -iIlli tin 'itaîlo W itii m tat-r n Celrea~ aiE ir o k U1I0sE,&c., at Mr. TitI'., Furniture Store- (Ou aeu ct of HB zQtea& Roberti.) -%,I'11 ASS ES, of ail klndrr, Spring-beds -UI fîîrnished to order, Pitt Up anid rcplaired. will0w Uurtauiu and other hnugiuga iput Up in an artistic manncr. Cerlssts laid, and ail kinds of UplioLstir ig aeeuted in the buat style. Aise PÂIýER HANGING, &c. A stock of well-made Mattrasses Remeinher the addrw4s, at' Mr. Til'ys Furaiture Store. whiîby, March, 1858. ]PISE! FISHI ,o4 jýýmsllltai t,tieLtaitte citaLI tat-Cittae ecîmîitna<fs a-msialt îea . elîoitiitî&il io., ae -t r te l tii r u.. tlta eitut-tbuildiing, ara!]2 lk-rnîîoaua al' îau Kicaei >notltc îa>'aaeîîlitratifIt Wiliarttl citofilitTii-rn iî îuso atties t- thîe iîetli att c-iti,] le hay -Ageait, itllite Store litldy îîOmîied hy L. Il.l ia--lisieroiu. i seehîu ît-to sclolil ý.CU. L tout >,k as-t- uitid3 a garoti WetiI, aid aCî JOIHN BOWLES, - ~iz ie-ot Ilouno. -s* .îiagsee PTlis ut-opa-ttv w 111 ha soid baIIp,anid on gool J V. IIAM, It-ruiat olut>aittiat. I4pd tu TRIG u% li itp ifi r A 8iguî ce.JO CSTRIG Oclaîber - - Or leProp'rbcbor. NO0TIC E. JAMES WALLACE, - IVW/iitby. "IiAVING îitntar.]te cetire stieckol. Wlaîîy, Maeci lii, 1858. D., iamiiola a&tCti, 'sitît:&iladtaa,]iîi<ncfr Zýe-A Ne4.n Stock, -7 ASSIGNMNTS. ýe flattert-oiacevo liilit %cmin ti eti arr atia'- - -- - fiettol tu 0afi l iîtit.%î,> taor taLis ilIttai1SO IE OC E IO S JtSEII1M.- "KINýS & Ce. N TC OC EIO Broolilin, Nîru'eîr laina, lt'a 4 T- AKE notico thit Stelien Fuller, Iatte!st Car- NOTIC t t-~~5inali ae Iottdit as iisidmet-cialitit, ai:steil NOas tiatut ulfuufaîîrer of andi de»uer lin-uruii- 1titreandîuthierttiga, lilte Tes'-n cf Mwlautb>-1 JIlhLe'IEilY tmrijaîthaur>-pet-sun et- parmoas Eiv- ;ihumtiis dat' îmadeahamiti t-iguaiieat tai mae (it it- e -e t a ii li'st it titinsaatî,uidersieued IVilîitiaMeohoremoit, a Mat-citn withiotit> 'tl rait i r. Isohala i> trl i i lii0 i lor fW'itbs- afoit-aid) fer iUe bette-- perceurbuyiuu iigai tt ma> lrt<pirtý, lt-cut aaaîsfitocf lis ct-cllrs<viteare tuueraîad te cona parstairexoruinyserf, t rmite Uit 'illierua - hunad axecute titsia il sgcumaieiiî, vitel i WILLIAM BOWEN. fracîinlu aof icflî -r tluaI plut-p<iîc stina six Brook.Maueit S, isas. 8-1 i îaîîulîs efrotta tte datre uiereourtîrr iathev -- -'-e-- -----~ seI le excoutird fr-tua ail baîtetit cf, or aalvai- Applietation Cc Parliameut. tîtgc titidart-hie satue. I)aîcd IbislI dia>'of Mtircit, 1.q5q 'KtFPICEid ir-b"e'ictimuit lis-intendedl iS ae>IE$N k tapa1t th laa tîtsecaiwftîtiflte ht-ti-7 -rlsgîîee. lature 1<u <is-faittarTttts lîsiil <f liehîet-itt1, iliit th (lait tanttit ttro, tît taao t-al taa-iéte Ilaii- eIltle,1-ritnwii, au div isiona iîî fr-omît $outil NOTICE TO CREDITORN. te Net-tht, iii thte Cýîtr t re it stam Ioitiilt, ati l'or otelhurinrses cietiim l] îîrewati. BY irtieetfau Ieard oe1Assigîtunt, hcariuug Pieku-iuag, Nos. etii, ht-aT. 431 B oltiNtualrclili t,'(3r,,1/3-,dule uiutderà igtaa-dâ ______ - usaSiluy eîtpttilîd A-aSt-ie fur lte abalaet'f Appllcatjou le parliaunt. JO HN MA G EE, 1 Fnpj<E litt'îi >vctu, t1ittt itLsl inlenîled ()f tire Tosenatii of W'ithy, inu thie Couity of SIN'oappai3lit tilt' i nxL Ses-datai cf limt Lais- otairiti, 'teoaaia, foc thte hotactit och t;ec ct-coa latitie 1 te atiacittiltia-"trd tîîîd 41Ia t a tot-a is tutiy beîo i arrics tiiereo, aimder te Ai-t ptîssc1 hn i le IÀîlatet --Aît, tr3lîl lijes- cstlt itîc eiteta)rîh, lefo-c lte firt im t * tign. cnitilial "An Aut l e ti ttîtparate the cfâ<ite, IStis. Said Ileeti cf Assigu(nuaeî îow Trissai cf Whiîato ,lti ttel ic iltuitm thlu-- ,ýliastilte dflie t NG atî,luteTftac cf'," by altarhtrg.dtid nadtioingtbli uituua mt ouri- 'a'iiîîi, lot-r g nr, tr 'a ciI-artîes iu- daraus etfcmitl Toise, atill'o tler put-potses Iariis>î t-e -et-put-at, ttaue mnotice. couuiieted ttit-eiiti.' .S SR W Wlit4y, AuguaI 1, 185M.J .SR WE ____________ 52 N. G. Ii-AM, Asçee ATi15 1tIE< (>OR UNYNES 0F STEAMq VESSELS. NOICEila ierebs-t-isen lta oitandtier etlc X oîtiring o e Iaiigation lunlte spring of' Cthelacesent yeec, a strict cuîaîlieuîeewvillthue ro- quircucen t hre several Acte relu te ttue lus ectielu of hearu veseltîs vii ha îSigtedon o anlai peuitltias for any infraction thereof ri-gid- ly atrenf cd. E A. MIEREDITH, -Cl Asssltuanî Sect-tary. lIRI!Co.parnerslp liratofora exiohiy bli- t o h naiagnd as 3farchant aior. Vid Clothlrr, aitliâ lciv undan thelai et GtIBB &iiiCe., wue diiâolvcd by cfltuxien cf tigne 's anti ututconsent, on te Tvcity-aighth day ot Fciruery litipasl, (18<58.) ,A1ldebtidue te or.byldeaialirlc, including thc debts eto rte .Toronto lt-suchthermol, te bda ceileetet i auîdpaiel by BENAIAlI I]3f,'hei by Deeti ot Agreemenut ati D I)selatlon et Ce- pà artîaarship, baariarg date anti excuteti bera J.' J. GJBB, ant i iScelleegue, Netaniot Publia, the lseaîty -tivenîl daY ot Jannsirz hart pat, !. aloune duiy aullea-rzeol, cther Indit'tduaiuy or hy Iris dîly couistitaîled attorney te cuilect antij>ay Wiînesa ut- banda, et the eitl etMenti-cal lu the Provrince et Canada, <Em8t.) the FIIIST ay et MAC, Oa Tlaaa tit Iluî dan 'Yiity -it. -tntias tBENA&IAR GlUS IlA INBEAUFIELD, jAMS .GIhul. < IOTICEC. laie bt-a Wltty, Maurci-lal, 18581. NOTICE TO CREIJ TORS. B TVirtua of a Dcii of Assigniment, beasing B date Jciaitau-y I l, 1858, tulendr-gac vas dulY appointati Asaigurea cf tIr easiate of BU iJAMIN FAIRFIELD* PERY, 0f tILue Towu ef WhitbY, Gentleman, fur thc bc- nefit oet sud Criditora as buceme parties hiere- to, ondartheIua onditiene Unarelu set jLarti, bc-- fora tire laI day ef April, 1858. Saiti ,Deeti cf 8essîgumaut 1novliasSaIthie office et Mn. John Iliun erry1 u intae Town et Wbltby, for signa- tacet fehrcl ail parties inlerastet anc requireti te ake notice. J. HAM PERRY, N. G. RAM,- sjne Sclcitor. lVhitby, Fel. 18, 1858. ô Ontarioe Timen, Oshava Vindicator, anti Beu' villa Stateanuan lu gi vue four insertions. NOTICE TO CREDITrOR. DT «Vitueof afleeof et tbani £1date isti Janue>'y, 188 a n=esrr vas duly appointi Assigné. of the. Eà ate etf G E,)R-GE 0A RR, 0f the Townshlo±WIrtlYouriarifor Une bsuefitotandicrreclitoraas beme parties thora.- te, rudar teecownditions tirerein oC forth, ire fore the let d#of Âpnsj, 1858. Saiti deetiof asalinment now lBas-a tthra ofIce etfMuJmLPOi! ry, ruth, Towne ef Whiftby, fo «' ntar o f whieh ailprte #Xrsot je roqa»toQtu"e J. EUX PERRY, Dated ilobr. 18M. N. G. *>UMai. -shv nadicaier te Aîîîlieaîituiontttcîîaaîîls l MES. ANGEINIE WEST, Lot 33, Sîli cotecsion Dnrliuugtou. Cltlaîit >rîng" plant-c eps'ut-tti fut-btId BUILING LOTS FOR SALE Bv PRIVATE CONTRACT. A Lb the reniainder cf Iliose 'aaluahie Lots cf Luitti aitateo on tite NotIland So asides bf îleoý WIHIÃŽT]Y PA IL WA' Y ,ÇTA TIONV! Tie sluuatiiît la net1uaaOllvd ita Canada fer sale- lrîr futclîtîtute; il liLaiaso a eoiriianuding s'iew cfLaIle 0 tiuri and WIlithy lat-ho-t-ihi ar- ber is aduitti-,] ta ha tItr, l.es thLiakae: il nana haenuicred in aray wenîîaer. The 1l0'l' WHîTBY & LAKE HURON RAILWAY isilI runt troughi the ire o f lte Estate, thora- by ereatiiag stinoautf the lest Busiiuais'Sle itestat can ha smel eted inlutue Prouinca. Apicîaation to e hmrade tb THO0MAS VDODD!, Solicitor, Toronato. Port Wbitby, 18t Jan., 1S8. hf IN ADDITION To THE ABOVE, THIOMAS P1)01)) ge to sur tha ite ilaprapay- ed t re te lehiargs ou teIc lai-t enaatîed. To te cerise oet-re-d Mat-citantcf 'Toronte, 'wtt, is auttuat/tra le cbtuîim a eliîap caitrv rosi- demîce, ilîls is a ucoat ftavorablhe tpportnfts'. Whtet a Lat is medeteti, anti a p)ieu doerriiiaud Il on <whieli, if îiteferred eau L I*i ftshed by lite stthooriiier) the whIoîi shaH hiLe eried bute efiteet toetîcilte tishces of gentlemienî givluag tliaiir otdrr-liairehy tsas-mg tllautstl-,eô île iiuucuee et the bti-laertt-cacrpeaitcrecon- tinua svanls. THOMAS DODD, .ER, Port Whltiy. FOR SALE , TERN>3TAND s'itl invhngIBouse A ani vo largc e hil. 'Phare le also aI- taiea u acre cf Land, piaitteti ailthcice Fruit 'rtes. Thlare is a god IehI cf Water, viii reuia), &c., ou the pnentîs. It us aslitâI- cd on Lut'4o. 1, lt Con. Maariîuoea, on thleudat- tug t-ceci, tiie Tovn of WIîit-y, Liîdsiy anti lie'atou, hich pt-operly vull te muid onIlba- raI taras. Fer taras andi iaticulars apply te thec ovuter at Ndil MoDon a', lBt-ok, (District bine> ucar Canniebiaei s aau JOHN McDOUGALL, Brook, Decamber 16, 156 48 LAND FOR AsIMBFOA 'jjiEnntaraiue 'Illl ot OINo2O, inu tli cu ,ofmaniposaoonar 2m0 acrfs, 100 re cleareti andinl a goi tare of culisainad.îs upon wiich la eraeeà i aooti FRAME BARN9 85 N 56. and'Slid 20 >1 50,a'g Bara805>4 6 with Gt-au.r attached a goodIeg Houc à e neyer dlý gWell et ced Water. use ani alao a.yoîuxg Oreirard eof ZObearulng trees, lan&di quaniyo PumM anti Cher tree. Thi erai ns veli foutiati iti th Co char Trails, sud lilemt la yat ou tié re rpenry as tulfecnt qunrltt Of cear te bulclnewseuan e n reqirireti. t knrm s oeudira~1l ià fro>m TaVlJrys .Steav- Kiltso, and sixariles freinLindsay viara thareifa a de- t of the Port Hlope, Lludsay anti Bçaverton TI L J IN D IS P Lt- A B L 'Pnim M atie kao'n upon application, if by HENROGERS, proprieto., OaInood ZP. O. IMlpssOct ~0C, 157.- - 40' L woo 1h. Fi neaet Lo ts tathe Townr of Whittbyfoi, Oa-k. 0 T 3mt 2nStrtsiarKn8ieî 1 r t r î 0 q u le CÀ fi FMRESE ÂUIAL. .JUS2' REOBIÃŽrED B XRS A QUtA7iTITY OYstertyFreaJi CodRaddo"k&aIb«Lt Wiit'by, Mardhit, 185s. i LAK~E flhJON--ROEIT LOCH FINE, Blritish Anuerîca Assurance !Company, TNCORI'ORATED trrdar au Act of lIte Thind ISession of thae livettI Provincial Par-lia- CAPITAL £100,oo>0. Ihaulcanea affeted ou Butildings and their rotta1t.Evry information uîpiiad ou ap- licilitO,î le îleiîdL-rsigied. merne tisks for thc Satisoit or fnt Pits. JOIIN AU NEW, Travallinîg Agent, Byronx Street, Whiîhy Protection against Leosandi Damage :by Fire. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, CAPITAL £100,û0o, TN8171A NCF effected ou Buildlings ;anti thier ,i tittis. vcry iiafîrmttionu ttlllied on aipllicaun rte c iudarignedt JOHN AGNËW, Travelling Agent, Byrtu Streot, Wiithby. Tlmeis and fleacon Assurance Comp'y, 1 NS'RACE ffclcdon lttld01, , Jcntentsi. Eliery iufcrni:ttiti,i aj-i.ilid tii aplplication to lte undetlerirt-, JOHiN AGNEW, Tr-is 'tIiing Agnt anti Stars t1%or otfl h0k, lt> rui Provincial Assumirance Company*. CAPlITAL £125~,09Q. 1;-It*Rt Ni C ifîtodn lit iin] fir Je 'îttelii. Es-ery if-rtit itti i cil vicl H ieuiot .luthe t;l-s., Trat eliýiitt. 'it,-t', il; ',Stri-i.t, W titi,5 L 'IttE t ADi-n iLt. 12 IyNCE Theai British Amerieun Fnicudly sacîcîty of(7umi, aalalviIt ii i-iCa.a'uî0;j.t:ti rit-ý - à -,et-jl sii'riuirt'rr ittlr eiijitlriitmidtolat-iiI-lIti slttrld Eiil t>' -ta-- CAPITAL ST(><'K 10,00 thL, > t*1u ,ii t i ittt îuesl aSlnee, Wiithy. hciautific Endorsemauts. liiti >1kvutSiîl-nil . aci- --- t iis. - Jitly1, 1-57. 21-tf: Tttu'itîn au-t'tteîttltleacl T1i Lndn é yt-,Porhe.oldrg"Ml -a lENEC'Al. AGiENT tFtaRtC. W., Jis BVILE iu.r y dJa>~.js Lie f tuea- tus f ýit- t uurctir;d(frro,1tiniie.. Cri Biaue rac, utIhs ~a-acrîu <' fia ofa ii s tua-I ue rriiaiaalrtr<f ia tait imut-~ 'e ciligilcdtice'iis mrul titeir lurtzritî- G rt/N S i'( ,Ihi GtIat)dFild f ill a tîliiw a v 'szb ii a r i î l e h eî. t r -ltc tîy in tîle 1,I î'aaL izn n-t iuittAtA ----------, <' in titld 'r (u. t-ttiii,. errr't dc'l!rn lrniig tii v'fnaînt-- wterd l'ot-flic ttîlotwilg diserric 0 od lh ;i ttiiî- t :~îra in,î-t- ivtro.) 1- îe w'trldl iiarerindieî thia a t -ni-c R.W. Clark M. D., Medical RePerce, iurg Cased Wlatnelîs.......- l nvealu ved tacencssittil ilut ultraitaun tt-c hto c e-Attuuiaaua îtuahs te;îs W iiB - e t .. .. . . ._ 7.5 64 sas îîtreqîira-s enca l taliwlamt tir seudi ii, ii it<at - I iitthigcstia, nu a, G5(oi,] Ivatclhs------------... 6o até utinîttede-terilîtiiîîîîetilite vilotewitl twi I Ce olts,'ll,<Iîlemn, itu ad ~Polt-i- cfceod -lbertrmer la-aîl tr i-i ~ . - - - - téau t-taltt>ar. 0'ets.) I) jay tr ei utue, lilîtheat lin-case, - lliirm-i il hi i rse ciAgeii t is Oice. 100 silver ueC1z .4 -t -~ n tict, usIthdirections fr pepaniu :e ne -lo.e.s -Iwtriui-I~tr~tt' t", i-i Vrt anti iturirtiurîd t-bTire 111<1Doctir -hopes lIant Ilacc aftieteil tDeilit, -ir Ll'eaî THE SCIEME FOR 'IE CURRET %-5,0 4 t iii noetoaua atarîti ît'delihcs-y, t7rlia frumu and.-tiue Fe< frauts asttu, et Il RENI .....-......t4)10au" eiimeiiraiz tghaut itentite he uiîcs 4NIu>er&u.- mnie Ciaphahnes §,Lis-ar('t Yaar sil rituait o t n-w Rtrante cuir Gol tii< . I rs , îîttie. I i5 ale h.-jct in airtisig is t o . tit 3111 h' 111. iexi ItrriatlitaStat. lii' lt-.,i gitri ai--u, lettre lie 'lia-a. IaItecîs thuat îulit oiat !ua Mauiuf ael-Yt1Pr-,ct On ta djii>the eB-s'ils ili hc adeiuuhup fot-rte e Sîctrs îrit<r.t '. & r. a-. uî t sjttl cifrotl t lt ea5 i('Ilsai1it,1t .0Mîhln at' i--. -tmaa ]ia iiiiu<îei Balance, cd ilu fiti tir<a I lmhttaaiiiiai uon Atii.ittîi1,4w dé-buit, bicaougtsv4 Snanl .iîcluî 1 aI cîo<îailririr't uiî >ad Ilcilers ilu Motli;t i trt<t tit î rhe LhîliCd us'tthh t- a inue iusiiIl q t,- ieîr-tilI upu i Ctîl4, &C.. Aîiltess jdc5aittecvlz- vv ,i l4th Divison of Profits. t>&c stîîat-il<î-îiil,, tpaaaea iutruiran ita BDCOX TCS RN tatsaniîeeiiia.dw.ul r rîs- - lh~~~~ie gi coro ir %%iith tiatl îîîît,-br u-ihl ic 2 -,le_1,. Box 35 ,OW *Na- v-. ntatit 6y eun-t, e d 'aid cuisit. Al isulurd therei,a aili rok- tos f oniC ruaraii<h t ,io r 1-r '[j _______;F Z' thera aco ' l<aî ear'g longer standing than lte. 'n Adthe'>. Itl 'P ttEta hi&î0l., l. IILSEYe'S it ler -~t - . l evtg >ta ecdsu pîtepît i. 4, andti4.) Moih(aît'.a Bitiiiilag.Nesv N'orlz. ,I F orof etiu crerut t& im Jlbioa if Prqfit. î o it.(et-att-e for FOILTHE PERM NENT CURE OF , tamila f ta itas .ath, ,ine -o nd CUTION -N--- rairentine rie.sa TINSMITHSON O sotasui/a, Jiiuaeia'*î'e, tita n Oms Rcr, îu wordsaoem.LOWxv. NuaW Ta-ait a&Le-moto" L f'muîuiEdad 183-1, andral cnîîîwercd hy Bayai G-bis, s.arati ruîi as aaui-rin v fo MONTIEAI-9uGrcat St. Jaîues Street. Arrah ML*;treas mast step 1ettu,,ioua<.Eaya c, tue hsaitnetMay bc îuinlsicerirarut,,i-s'the & EDINBIJIBdI-.Asbuoci-itioue t; ,tildingi, Pt-- Lookinte uv shîop ? '.utothe/asa,4lncios f-li aie ta hoIlnis t-ie-ceru s htiip taiE l%,Ùr ecos S'etrcet, At ahi the acce hhings Cake a blnk Ior !And ail ceurpilit ts oriiatine froru hupîrre at ayura e der-tnrg stuel invtinnuaatpar" LO)NDON-20 Kinig 'aWilliamu Straet.. ('ils-. If thaise yen dont llkc, hiîoeansd ha.bitat I1thaseiaa(je-iet-auI îbii- suuyledt haeetia atr'pai u a. E.prtsls staeUoselonhi ~rmîî'lep A- bar1gain yeu'hi munIke sdfcaead fIi -rsirtîrtics eoonlerteitÃŽng tti dieiiirq îor seniglt redein tie Erpecaecf ~li jauraa~e If you buÃtCake a pcep autie Tinker. Focel étae a ttukiîs- atttle iaiilutl saune, knnving thul tot tech asart0us. (t8 low a8 iele cnriatenî acith ei-crnsîcreia Wiua la a deiigatfi rI tciedy. Jtmne Ird, i857. NEWV' 'IN S}IOP. Whoicsuila Agents-aira T-'rrntt--L%'mân Bt->. securit. ~~ WurTn. &Ce., antI Ur-1nlaat. -King.qtotur- .W- Pal- BUFFALO MEDICAL -DISPEN8AILY Ainidpl lie manv a r at-louti sclma eof Life (lBeamn t-a'oItSorad a- B-btail Attenta ut WilyW.S. Bîrhinséon, ETBIHDtOcvecreo Assurance pt-iaauted te lte îîîtic fBtiee, tnt'vaeSie>Oshraw-W. J. Stuetn; Prince Aîtîenî-Sittlorn Dyt#pqsiua, tat-auera1 Debi41, Feer tg of lie Lite Asséociation cf Sccutlatid litundoubt- JOliN BRYAN-Piouarror. & Tum1dint4on;Mairîlinil e-.l.C.IDuuhiam; irrqtAfdar, (OUd leri#, areiîJt a;yn L-r/ edIy weU s3nltod te lta ireurusntaneûs cf lhetua- T E UWIGRBE-P W'OiJI) ANNOUNCE Liuud.ay .-Tliti C. l'atrick ;_ Vxbridgii-A. 1). -Stz etR/ur, PMplut9r istu/, i>' ,r11î C joruty of pacsons vlan d-clAssuirances, as ila tte inlahitarits f ttis Town oald Ceuni)'Wt-ekcs; Cantkn-J. Bothlcl, P. M. -Dro'a Lilîîy, firinauit4a.of youai lla id cge, ste evidant Item the rapimiand id ruranplad lueaauc tîtatiho lies cpeucd theae hov re tauiste. AH aui-uwsor & Ilntleie.îi;IPott t-P of the Poliey holdtrs. Duriug lthe liai thue idutal c in-vuire muide uaud repire]. Bt-arera Bî1gelio r Mtcul-h1'. MatchaeOt- Moaruit Ple N0 M Enirmy rax.D.ý vear aluna, lIera have buen upwards of-plt-ca work of ovcry dasccriîou(loue on itia orernises, Gu-. (iBhst; Evanst-ile--J' W. Jouîhiuaru,DRAOS&iO, Piehueand New Entrantsl, assuriug th&i livocs The Proprieter i» a workinf,-nieclanio.-A and for maie y ail Drugglits and Medicine Des-c for nearly Two Million PonnebiSterling, c lehý wrsathé t tau i nt.]rtlinCanada. ORROTÂLatnet.-s-e.r-ar TEPRESS. LOW FRIG'ES ! UNCTUKLITY!!1 AND GENERAL SATISFACTION! IE POETrRY F B11SNE89 MAY TR- Tï e it aaid te cosifit lua e net Card a tst- fui Circuler or Slîowhlll. If lu briglît Colore thie mreaeblcmaîic of teste anîd beants-. And wlîe despisi thesec graces of civitirod lÇ'fal(Go Ilîcu to tt.e (hronicle Job iPower Press Offce, VICTORIA BUILDING;S, BROOK STREET, WHITJLBY, Ad haw our apprecition of tha bautifil by orderiiE solue kaucv Pîîiugnj, eiîbclljslied aind aderiieifwit ol o the a uy apprpritte En- EropiettaAof thea( Yronie.4Ofle emploi' noue îtit te 'fas-test" worki-it, aundara practical t'rinters tiitqes, e't--îi.tsthîav eaudo l'riutiug ucater, elu-aj)cr, liettîr,aud qtickar, thiuaiiy utiior âsimilur .tabislauîct in the tÀjTroe-sfroîn tha euutitry execnud with the greatem e1tIc 'îtl. Ailction Ssî le lliIb I Printet! nt au houiranotice. THE WHITBY CHRONIOLE Me Publielied every Tbnrday, by HIGGINS & MAYERHOFFER A'r'Pilîl-t tiI-(Fît-F Victoria uildings, Brock St. Whitby. TFnvMs-2 pr atnnumiii strietiy ini atîsace. TIIE GOLDEN PRIZE 1 Te Nw York WVeckly oldn Prie, NE f tt- ýLtrittt-taitdi Il,t ihrr ~îr t Mi davigi tttts t tif 'lttttttts utviî ttIra- iiiet na erM-. VSttaii m . it "i> t -itvru T'at-i tatIi i e r xt o r i) , is-it HEALTE ANMSICKNESOI - CIIOom DE BTWVEL'N -rffL'- DRUGS AND XEDICINS. W. IL DOEL, Druggist & Aputhecary, W- MEDICAL HALL, 13ROÃ"~K ST., WHITBY, B EGS te inforin hu cstomers, and th public gencally, tliat lic initendzi REMOVING HIS BUSINESS, Ou or about thi lt Merda îîext, frein the Store lie Diow 0ocelipies $lulte Cuuciel Bieildiriga, te his e w Stre Corner of Breck and Dnulop gtrllets, and iunuîcdinlely Sontla uf thc Row of Brick Bouidin m tately er-ected ulpimi île groud ichere hae %vas uriiad ont lu April lest. The business will bu earried ou as liaratefora, giviug Satir4factima tu aIl wlîo hava favored liiu wlttlicir ctîstoîîî, ina providing a place wtacre thie public Cen have tiacir P/îpstciaen Pregerip,- tiusnqadmiReï oes f ail kîîrds mnade up, aud Genuine Drugs & Medicines, Aud at the lowesl reiuauuratiug price.;, and aise wliara an aatortuîit cf. avcry'article generally te ho pureluused il, a Drug Storc,ý eau ha obtaini- cd. W. IL. D., aise begs te aaIy, that holias always ou laud a coîîplaîc assortmeut ef PATEËN1 MEDICINES, Anîd laviug tixan direct (as Agent) fron tte Manufactutrm, caîî warraut tîta naiulitai TVieIPatent Stafety Fltîid Larupa 'toutlibc l n(uîwt C,îtl'rico, for iîah. Bttrtalng Fîtii(lti,,Ih tWiuts Vrîsts u Jîîparus for Wood anad Ircu wcrk,-Colora &c., aIlsay.-iou laid. ltt-utrctttctatir lte aigu cf Zý- The Large Red Mortar.", And.eal) and gel an dMin.iiac lYe6, gratis, for notîtin"' Tan per Cent wiiI bc allowcd opon ai Cash purchuas overOuae I>olur, Until the rirst day of M1ardi nait. Agent foîr theîCe<lchrated Dr. rtiiiicty's Ma- liýtl>s rury A LARlGE tock of V airisîti, eirsig u IIOLLOWAY'S IPILLS, T lbood fitruishes lie materiai of as-ery houa uiiosllucle, gland andi fibre in te Ihui frîîme. \li pure il secuires iteaiti -toesery orJgtatr ; wlcei rrupt, l neeeauily prodtacea disease. ItILL<JX AY'S PILL$ eperate di- reetly îîpo ellie claments ofthe -treu oflirc! lictttreiizitig 'the gpncipla cf disease and thueI rtdmtilyerig ierady, hchirInaadh the nervea, tle alonciaa heliver lte howeL«,ý thc iticias, the akin, dia brai, or auiy ether part OftlIra ysteni. lseit 'threugiuoutthe lVorldI IIOLLOWAIY'S I5[ILLS arec qtutilytlikeueu lu etfiliIaitit.- i uiiorîtuelle wuiltîftialîtltat - und in.disordbrs pleculliar td OCertauin climnatea aixil J)y.pertiat suld derangenient cf lth- liver, lite (if rc iiufintilty auîd ,tulerilug, andatl (l tnsu tif iiutttioer:îitble -rtits, 'tiet-itIt-thes-c Irtativecu, iii ail enies, Ihowever aorittct. etiîtg uas e finuit pttrtutirc, alterattive andti onîi- tliay re- ,as t ue -selpttytcttheit, aiimd hiîsgc uit,> thi 5c sreiu ai.tht con.stittitmi nt tle stmL britle. Gcnrel W'eakness...Nerveus Complamnte 'aV(Ia i-ualstiîuîrants fuihi. literte-t-r nard hrat-iuitt r--jt- rtiî-s '<f t vrl'a i H11-. ,6î a ri,iis t', thte slak i ervis ait,] t rfci lIud tItt-eýi-of tIre s'ltiuu cfireral dclhîijîv'. flalicate vernales. - Mi 1irri-,ottiririti-s iuand ailntttuîsttlu elit ote deilit-alteat-i s.tNttî ) ug itts-f i-tt.m i r ashineil ef it. Alenolars for werk excuted ln a dsman-like nanur andhio iiidespatci. E se ty d esc rption of so k nid e and i re i t-col anti guarantacl ui,]amuIsount. Aikinds of je«-ct-ok dortccheapar andi bot- te tlu tilcan a douai hy auy otiar Thaker lu testn. tir~ Olti copper, cast ircu, cotten and lunen rage, Sieap Skina, <&tc., tlin ein exchan4e. Wiîby April Stlî 18i-7e. 12-t. STOVE PIPES, WHOLbESAL.E A"D RETAIL. Js repared te aupply Corutry Marchants wlat eoePipes on Eod ternis. N. B-As thee ad w eathir bas conamenced,; thua underaigncd wyUl attend tu cails for pdtlng u p Stovas and Pipes, &c.JO NBY e Whtby, September 28) 1857. 8 Stoveis, Tîn, Copper, and Sheet 'lhoraol,.u-hoirari5aofCa tit ,oiataion tueur noria of the riassîof parluaeshp. Tliey at-e frac from ail responsibility, and lte suttus Aasureti ara gUanteed ila aîy es-dut. ICERTeraiAT 18TuH ASOSAL ERTUOO: LIVES ASSURED te lire nurubur of,-1.0 in203 SICUS ASSURE!)........... £4,19,76O9t'g. ANN UAL INÇOME frour premiuîmns andtinlterest ............... i'2 4,38Stg. CAPITAL [in addition te accuunar- latoti pramianis]. S .... 40, St'g. The Association la nov iaauiug Policesjreefromrn seral lRe- strictions eouimuouly irnposed on Aaaurcd Lit-es anid coufarrng mont and importait facilitie andi pris-ilegesl, wiici ara graruteti by no other Assurance Office lu Canada. DmRECTORS AT MONTREAL: J. G. U.Aeiammzra, Eq. G. MOi'ÀrJie Eueq. 'DÂvor>TuaReenee, EsqI 1AL=c. Mustais, kaq. BoLnomm'oa-Meaarg. Torraric & Morris. M»wirAaraOrnosna-R.Palmer iHoward, Esq.,M.D SZeaxià .v-JauesGrant. AGÉXNTS: 9 Wulrrra-3r. ..Hamu Parry. BowrAuvn.t-Mr. tD. Fisher, Ontarite uI. -Nsvoaz.-Sanual WIinotBaukofToronto. OaeÂ&W-W. H. Billings Solicitar. BUIDING MTRAS. LIME FOYR SALE. Ç ONSTANTLY ON RIAND DURING THE Lensuing spriug and Sui'uer Freali Burnit Lime, wlileli WilIbe sold for Cash only, et 2sa Cd PC MATIIEW CARL, 7 Port IVkitby. ]BRICKS!1 BICKS!!1 OoBRICKSfoir Salaent Port Wliitby 24,00 for Cauh or on approecd credit, HuýeiRAIDEN, Port ky 13 Or at the C7ron4cle Office. DRAIN TILES. ripUM subaeiibers a, ali~been plited X. jéuta haro, for the sal0 of Sm#rtsDri ea .p0wsnanvil ey are ne#, prepared toffer at PIIP' 4Np JZOR42tZ8w14É rt*LE, -For Id and 0 d iu miigpes3 e JIAiIUTO k RCWERTSI rcStetWhitqy-. September h~78 'and la ucu' ready te -ta"ko COtruactdl 19 tla Kaellfor large ôo eiU ild WÂ argo discounxt aowed for Cmh.I Wbtb l ES b erib r bgm t o infurm the. -iq t uiEbaitantsi of Wh-itby and the sur- roundig country that haoas purcha. %cd the sock efh .Nr. Tho nias Valla ,, Mad intcnds te carry on the businesialW ail 1ts braénches4, on the gamépretnises. Prom teI experieuca in this couîntry as a -P.R A0A LW0R T Y and as Fereman for tihe lia seven years for Messi,.m George R. Chnny & Co., of Toronto, he féela confident lu statng liaI eil* work en- trusted te him will be partormed lu a inanncr lhut-will giva entire satifation. An excellent astortment of COOK, PARLOR AN'1D BO-X S'OVES, alwayfa On bud. Also ail kindâ of Tinuand Shoet Iron Ware. SEvar deecription of c O0P P E Ri ý'w OR K , rnade te ordcrý Iw1>cr.eaJar autioa pid (0 Job iworL.-M JOHN TROTTER. CRZAP, TIN WAR.E. E seeurg e "mmCheap puroiaa of bae ave tiou a chance te do se.- Thi WAe0 everydesexiption, wlilli Ub. l ow, SEIJ3INGt OGIN, ,GO AND SEO.URE BRGAINS I1 G. W. HALSEY,C 84Y Sole PIepriator, Naew TonI D l M O S E , e in v e n te r - e t M ,rà o e's I n d a n -Roo»t Pilla, bas spant. the grcîtertrart of his lifa in travelling, linving vusitaiEttrupa Asic ed rrolAIe, as seu as North Aueriea_atl spjent thîrea years aunong aire Indiana etfeîur WesternaoUttryii as ln tua uvay ihuat lie Indian Root PUIsla worelirst discevcred, Dr. Morse vasticefit-st muan toesctabhILli thcef&et taI ahI discases arise froma iapnlty of the blood -traI oui streugtb, licalli anti lifadependati upon Chia vital ltti.- WVhen the. varions passages becoeachoggecl, Mni do net act lu PefCt harmony With tite dif- feont fbunulons of lire body. the blood hases ils actton, booomes thîck, corncpted anrd diseaseol- tinsa auslng ail parts saleheea andi cistres. of' 'es-eryname; ut- strngtha la exhaimteur h wIhea a depras-eti of andi if nature anet !eî%t inreseingdoffthe staugnant huniers, the bleeci willieooiiie ehoked aurd cearme to-at,1 anti tins eut ligit ofulife seui foras-ar be blovu eut, o lieumportantthrenthat sec shenld kep tlîe varions passages of lira body free andi opena &Anti w lepcsant to.us that se hava il lui 0cr toear te put aà unediclue ln your reaci, rremnehy, Mlors's Intian Root Pilla, mauhcircud frei plants anti retas'VInai gnou'aroitih-lie menu-t tîrinous ehilfa lunNature's gardenfor ticeirciatir andi racoeiy et diseasoti mar. Urnaefuthe nooes from vlwc ic teePilla ara ruaide la a Suidorilie, sehieli opens thc pores efthCe sîlu, anti assista Nature in tliroseîg cunt tIre linon -paru t e corruption seithIn, 'Pliaisecond la a pirirtsehichli la an E-xpectornt, tbat ope ns and ýunclegti th passagette cunugs, andtit Inlua- eeetlua mariner, pet-tonna its dnty by ithroiis-n H plagin, andother laimors fri-uthe, urigs copions sitthnThahr . laei vo uedouhile straurgil te the kidircys litas aucoruTagoti, tliey rou' large aujoants oi t imnpurity frein the bloot icoi thon thuo"u', out bouni'ially by ticéutParyor valet-passage, ' andtie aacotilti net hlieaheau dL'seha1getinl any other u'ay. 'Plie fourtWlse aartiant itacompaniaa the ollier proiepertcoe the Pilla. while acd lupurrywg' (W-fU* Ir hocirut puas byp tire other oit ta" u nTpnCoh cd oùlin 'great quatrebyt heea a bow51denvoy 1Froni the aboie, i las hosen that Dr. Morse'n ludiau Root PIla fot only entai thtleatoma le.i buat bewomuiteti vitir tireb lfrthrey'fiftde meyt vr par, anti aho¶sletel7 Tout 0ont sud e en"tesyt fironia mptlrîr lir fe otire body, sPil i7 C. bl',îb=ooe lmerfeetlLhaitlY; conseuenthlishl ýé-u aan i for<hirycannot i remln hehthb~~ s n», n .40- A R E 'IE ONLY P IIyýsIANL iN ir15T hRF.. A STAýiTE selueara meabeýrs of' tua koi-ai ft-cm 'iýs 'elock iuntti mnorrig, outil taout tighat, hua avocY etete anolsyinptonu cfliese TIc tt-aatiiît tbey adep lib heeitof rip vendofs et80 eai-s' exten.sive ammd Ietcsaaprc lice in Londorn. The oest ii-eMar cauaet IDiseice radicatedtin IS onr1vdaye, anti c-%es et a eligîit nature ira 2 or 8 daysluatac nuiilet-nte ex-ý ~-pense. Tira cueutcetreceai <itiout t letuiaeeî or haint-ranea frôin business, ,YOUNCG XUN TAKE AIITICL'LAR N:OTICE; 'Pliera la an cvil habit sometimes luduiged ina iy beysâ, lu soilunde, efteu grow'ig uly- with thea le inatlood; anul shiel, if net refonunet in due âneti not enîy begets Se-tmeo lta btacles tel efprolracî Ký ousan ctl-ea tt-isol eLdaei Feu' ef thosq Who gi-a wayte thia Irerniieu practide areawaare of tire cnsoqucces rnrl thby flId tihereervons system saittered, fel strnzeandun tboaonsaaodnact-age- A MOST 8CSm'Çrsc LNYT1OIN. Au instrument fortira cure fejtairDsbility- or Neeturnal Enragtions, moe propcnly kuiori-i a sSenintol Waaknass, &c. ene a lu ýrtriainit curedin frem in htptera tôlventy daysi, b'tt the ueo of lis instrument, shen usurd eorjoiiiuiy vill NEW RUMIMs A-ND QItC!K CURS Dr. Âmes &Son tako-pleasura lu anunniief- thattlieyblare arventetia mrisuimporttnl strumeul for the-cure ofthea abc ve dracas.it lias beeu snbjocted tb ateaîib< tie iostteruluient phyârciu isn Lonn, ",p t~ Pilelija andi Lieu York; t iesbten t-dlîedbb heouily nueflul instrumuent aven yet disicovered fotr tire cureof SeminalWaakaiss, oraay &dioif thie gaent orguii, cauaod by tne seret habits of Dr. Âmes &Sonir, aorder te satLsfy tire iurst skZael as to the. nianits eftuhir iuîturuupst,- vo temers Chat in anyisac ec tiay May prov ntstt fe ri a airr'biar tire nroucy wl c fne b eaun b Instrumentluiltoderb. atuiiS li P e n s o n s u 'l a i dn g l tr e a b o r u c'a an e l l will observe Ibat te1ir8 e, uih-te h"ipn ing drectio eely pae-i~ l ad seutbyre IBmfEaPiriBO anItiuner. efsy le! vire attempt canas buntaer silo Dr. Amos iiion a.aa..i-,rr-- foa rmeioa ~: j -le L SeMET B gril-lm a offl- 1 IPVAT 9VOMAMIM 1 ý--. 0 ý 1 1-1 1