Whitby Chronicle, 25 Mar 1858, p. 3

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yeuws Rico Lewis At on, obtain tlieir col- ,3brated Salamnîler-sates, the gruater pûrt Lf teir stock of Faruiing uimplenenit, aud &Il otiser articles in thie trtide, thýat can be procured roui the Canada uîuînfticturers, The work i in cvery respect bbtter and cheapor than the saie description wltîlcl hs brought acrogg thehUe sud aold by oth- cr Hardware îuis -~ t i Once Kusôwni*et >ôogn If 'ôu readers wolild tiare a pstielnxurv fbr t$b Toilette, lse Brîdgett'i'es,î BALV:' Feotii 'leaiilg, 'tnunOoing, Bat1 1 BeaitNiliff ug the Con1ip ex*1.1u, reîçî PTsîlimpies, Frecklets'Ili un rks, hIt îî i is ealtlî bal Dreres fîm M.Ui . ll1).V'Ï hP &t(Co.,Pro1 rietors, Jt 'îuibnrghj, .Y.TRv Tlla <4livr IlOuaLtxry For Wae in ii tlh by W. S. Ilobln1son, Brock, sîreeOt' i . . Nuister, Dunîlas Strect; W. il DOCI, Irock Street. sAdjourausen tof ctie Leuisiatave Auuatembly.To FvrATaH .-uMnaraei-Xo i aîw how the fouseki'cp ggoid lietiti. îltt trctueitlý* 110 tee Set adë'tois &Vorncd on Monda-r over t'ctilc lpairientsi.dre-zeul iiiigiriiit,(4it-n t'itî th ttetceCs3, itfl the th of April. ni lte il ti "t lîîr tîciov A ciilqlrcuî. Wh1it pi' it i-. -le i ow 'r~içre andrtîn'i,. The atVjoiîrininaît, thus carl',, w-as . tsd ii]tee t1-lIs atid'trtîtîîsZ i oa% ojdd. - tîy (lie staddillness orf'r.Speak-er Snmith. WtiiItalt cuit te resîorcd to ithe varcttl iiiîid utc antiitpitrt " iiil illt-trli heattli "îlcîî' irattl.it( îm'(tt telt Iti' ni-t-t' EEi'a ALErîî'.-A îiecting of No. 1 Union sl'mi' 'r~rîis tt-s ' i jtittiil ter Ilook anti Ladder Cîpu~,of titis ton'n. ijtr in :à- tti'sitte c rs :ttîltlt'î i. ,' - %,t-ilb l ield at T1. I)ouningig' t b , nit "t'loir it* ,t: îrot rît 1Pr. Mu-t', Alitetî'antI WVetnexd&y 'ev'euiuîg, t1ie îst day 0o' .tprii, rend hjsyi.t- ailt-et-iýpc n nell O ,%vtIlt a<'o'clot-k preci,', l'nt' t'-.- II lItîîIlt~ liS t- -itivid îserittd Turkish u','T-ronrtit li-s ut îtfîrtlî aî rop- tti'- -tt.ttI -t t lin l o tit' ,'ttltr. IFrctili omVionwern i'z e ciîtiuîg Nomeattenition iii g e t-I îîî?,,-.t ' ll"c illit, taketlt'i, or thrc,' -~îîope'. Hte'o[i tramît tf' tiit" ilh t"k îlîdutt* rgliiîiucî', -illcauise'te citifit'îhiicctc to tlî~I 'îitcdSttuetsuire,- ' ire u stïltllaî lialtty ttiistitttttîtta Cannla, fltl Atlutrtlia, btnttht' Sialtan liijiasM br. lm-lan 1l,,tîPilla are sold b' ail ai lengtli hîeointi ettîcandidte'fôrounr siu- Iduiere iiM'liîs Aîtrtut Clristtifi t> lit', domtjininst. ld' arc tfi,,in a lettt-r flîu 'tnsaaLituul' otat 'Atiotitty voftîlmtt 10,111tiigt-ugî-api fristtti-rî tmile.'-. toiuîtuisiîîg Sotitc ttf lite firucat anti no'.t lhtile st-ot îte glotbe, witlî ut u o iii)ltîii-h sptics-t of ou-î, Archiînibgt, ltlack - Itli ed Sv-ts, amilthi, Vcrsaîî i ti ftî cu it's la f l-sope'tt to cîtigral ittî, îtti îliî',gIatis-, land tu tliosi t',ho Shiottl ho b ut-d tg) b -lui- tt tiet East- -'uoni tlit-jr 4ttpirîure, the' chaurge tii te ii' tis. EI u-euie tus-jr týa'tivi iil',iîi' ttttîls otlit Il, plts sof "'rhtg il Itis lî-zito uti lt'-î iii . s', it'] iiit amtit (ttai iii a tîîttf*tîL-10;tt'Ii'lutv tijil as ît-t-î t l f itli f t ritiitt'îttt m . g tîti i t'b tultiti t ils î-'. Fui',are- e'setîttI irot'ý tiaailtît'or six i-tarti. if The fretet t\ttr-'nItlîîir 1rîligitoîî is as:îî- etoifîetatsttmttmet sttiu il; pr711o e(inllto litet tot-- au-it- - ,pris r ffee titi-t ý,t iiit' it. -i ýl C!N ist i tîc'îîttîat- -t %I,ýI thitaît îtîle.nt' tttîr-t-,ltmizo: ust %1.-t-I ' li iree )ti'lttytti tiet i', ii -- ] tîtau - î i I - PA s. L Aetuttit 1\TkNe. -IFTH£ 1AoTe FA- -~~~~~~~I h t-t( .,-al t'tN'îtIi'îîo.N.- ttit-.t tc ,If lePlot1. 'a -rltllte ' ftic alie ' M- AmîîiiiNi1 ilsili' Dr W.t'k iftis-ettseî t0ttl flr o l i t-sltt st- îtraî ' lt, it r it l iertt hI.lu-e tit tý- e -ffresttiî tX tt'>t', St' l ai tic-t -I ýd teiilf ,' ii - -i it-littar', a]- t 'Isc i tt]litem ttlitt 1' i-AtI tIntiT u i M-~;- t- Welî'îtpte Sttî ii tt livi %o lt W - .xpvtv'ttà. a t-o i11q " ttd. tl it l'e' ' î t . t H toli Sets Y vrk. tititt/ t' ft'- t,>-i'; ltî îî tl- li"lt--ilit -îîflte t t i..e.ît: P.îhî-î' tlttitl-ia.iete.t i' Plio MIJNICIPALITY OF 111E TOWN 0F WIIITBY, a. MW o x a m Ak =L mgesvRI Jan 'y 1. ro batanct on hand frot i1856 ............ To Amiont rh16el, fôt O Lynde, beiri' balince's -u'i" "y'ation nl"spenti. e d, ..................... s 4 Aunount reccived on acc't ofarrears of taxis for'56, .208 8 do Poil Tax,. . 35 10 0 Arrears o! School Focs.. 50 8 11* do Poundage Feeu, 7 Y 14 LICEX<5E. To Amo'ut for Tarera Liconsas for 1857 ............... 120 O00 dou 4'ucpa do 40 0 0 do Saloon do 100 0 O do Aucti6i£tt. . --12 0 0 sBCîîons ",en.. Tô atsmut froni Govcrnuxueut. b8] ' do on account School fces for 1887........... 112 5 To antut frsm Gco. McGiII ('ollector, on account of Taýxes foir 87 ...... do froue Clegy Iteserve Fond..... . .......... do for Renta of Market Stalis ................. 25 7 do froni Fines, &c.... 15 12 6 (Io-for old plank sud nails, and on account of extra iniprovaitntisý-...7Te By Cash paid for sundry accoun*ts 594 19 1 ' duc Siat December, 1856,.. .. 1à 4 4C. Ellsworthî, Inspector of Li. 4ceuses for 1856, ...... 2 0 O Geo. McGill, Oollcctor,... 25 0(O Accotint for Printing, &c., . 1 5 o Schtool Teachers, balances of Salarieq ................... 113 15 0 By C&ash, County Treasurer, County ' Tax, ............... 45SO0 O0 "do-------do Asylum, 88 4 8 - ýy Vtau,sa Werden, Debenture No I 'dure lat .Tsnîary, 1857, 83 G 8 r8~ine of Itterest on do 0 16 8 do do half yearg intcrcst 272 0 0 'on Market Ilceetureà duc lat Julv, 1957, .............16 13 4 do Mary %Vright** àÃ" 16 13 4 By cash paIîMontrezulBank,dricauul ~t3 i 3 ' ounoýtes,.. . . . . . ... TAXES FIEuaTED. BRy cash rcmitted to Thos.Soùthwell, a3 7 'e 2047 f Il 'do do John Arual,. 1 0 4-1 do do John ~Duids,. O 8 2 "04 t5 9 do do N. Il. Davis,. 3 15 10 i'do do W. Il.r>e 3 2 2 I'do (Io Ceo. Palmner- . 1 4 6 ào Il. N. Neville, on accotant t Saloon License,...............5 O 0 48 *2 274 14 8 b88 4 8 84 8 4 39, 6 8 2a. 0 9 14 18 01 SAZARIES AND l7CclDENTAL EXPENSMS Ùy Cash, Clerk and Treasîirer's Saf- ary, 9 unonthîs, cnding 30th Septcmtîcr,.............. j'James Norris, As.tcssor, iru ful John lîcigough, Street Inspcc- t-r. Sa'lsry in fuIl]........... John Lyne, lall-keeper, salary 9 montlus ending «iIffth Sept.. . A. Caîneron. ('lief Constable, 6 mon ths, lttiime,... i'Returning f ficers' accouuits, Municipal Elections, 185-4,... -. do for zelcctitînut' Juurottm, I'L C. Thomas sud W. MuÉCabe, Auditorit ........... ...... Amios W. Cron, SurIr'evt*, for t'services, ........ .....»'... Dr. R. W". Clarke, Coroner, Inquesît on Fine.......... Printers Acroants, ........ Stationa.ry, Ildoles, Ioolbind- i.&C ................... - Cordwood, Catîdle!t. Postagre, .7 10 0 30 0 O 10 0 21 3 9 4 15 0 300ô 10 0 *0 ,- n ( 91 12 ý, 14 5 7 in iim i tîmttcr .îii ltt i tlt:îi-l îu'tti eît îî~ tt ititîj tt iiti o tl'.u11tttii - 1Py cash paid for stanni-ie-s for nsat'- incites îi l 't.ît'I tit c-ltt ii'. l",t-tt'lsre il t t t t ' ria] sud labor sE iMarket, 1Pro- b ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ol hit'tt îîlîtî fîi ii e-j i Settt b id tiit it t or Towsn Hall, anîd Fîre Insu- nnuy'uie:tittî,.1'kt J ~ ~f-î.C, ~.~ ; .rance on Building aud Furni-23 604 KugtC-, 1itt' in/et f)r-cxoienltrt'- u f tit --~--t'~,w",îI'Siin-àr*.ç on account Fire s tie irst î ia' s )t-, atle t ;1it lit-ut' o 1..ttti.i'tetit5 tIol ' -t ' Water Departuncut, for appara- vl t z-- î,7jPI;îaLiteý- I , l- hin it.eal'-tu.frPire Brigade and rêpr iVa StO tifo -eli/o til 4ttur ex- At Wlli, t i it -s.tt f f %Ir 1 sud otter materitti,.abor, &c., petitses. Ilitti t t. .-f ttusi î fI. for imroyeîuieti:t'fStret'tf'i. . 2s8 10 - ti' îtt'-'I'i' îtth' At iîtî '-e'îtîn'iltr i ) roirtte !ii'uioi i EDUCITIONC. wtt i lle 1' tI til ýtiGîIvm itwl t 'l O Mh . -àLWiNEWi' 1, ý1 lBy cath paid Mis R'niay, Salany Ceci], it-e -te a- -t-o Oth Setpt., Ilettry Strcet tg of e4i ýoio nta'1-itj ithe NEW .ADVERTISEMEN". I do Mis.. ine,.l.... ..1«,... l750 uthitti doittiss iitn I- silllt.TREl ý 11J 8 o(attîy' ,. ulsf Niit ttte 1 iItiiT5.1 'IlilStl, RA Nili du\' do T. Kirkisnd, lu fîull, 1 U- It17 Il ihultI îti lmuiltietBthA -tttt-Rî 1 t 1 ý T -' 1,1 t N'i---- l )1- x rtî(I kNt BNi o G. Y. Smnitls, to 4*Oth ;wen site' iniit u'ae;tttîttt- i iîi Septéenber, John Street...... 97 10 O I ~'tuug utaî litNIti-tt-rl ttiii '.-iiui"'.i tte ~ ' do W«'ni 'lro',,inufui!, An- anul tiîýgtte tII"', it-00tMesStsrt' ..------------88 6 8 lier, ans]î l eli t ,- 'tctiii lober, ...............t....t. 13 6 8 tmore rap1iîi. "ilte w tIt-:Iiti Rev. John <;errte,Superiuteituî- IPoserty, 1t'<tl t t a tlie iilit-er quiarter i l iient, in fuîll .. .. . .. .. . . 1 O a lot-r i o ll iu tit tjtutjrti t 'îgra zI t-ti .-ir.Chec.,-dcv, daiihalf yeanend- wthere s:itestais Nttjtctl s î the 11(ttt ling 301th unc------------------5 O dissgoîtulcteo ' isi es. "aul l n lIo - I ' .J. 1IL Greeriwood. do do 2 10 ô for souiet l---d. lt it--tjî' h 'us 'laIt' yesr's uterest on Deben- truct:h ftîtr httlî'nt uc-s etc-ce nc-c-evture$ Nos. 3 tô 10, ou School 'SectonNo.7,--.-.-..---------24 (ô directionu Co 'ii,er lier t-tiesreabutus, bot c- t iu vain. unuil nu uort'heîctiheniot ' turc No. 3, sud Interest lier heit-mlitîI lii' tuls lic e qellltî i c- ' 'to 14th September, on Sehool diately tliticr, luit -tlibittg infortnvd u'of . I'Section No. 7,.............. 124 O0O0 bis approttch ficti ho Lutis cf iystiere ,ulje --'Amoes Pake, repairs at G ammar ok p ae iurtu laiouse t i-i i-itittc. t' Schoo4 ........... ........21126ô tc r muntein ie In-use1î aîd- - . -I-Sundies, fer repairs, cîeaning 'deceased-, antI abîtîtîoitet] iyheu- se siutt s, f'esnd cipenses, by oruiers et was~~~ >îre tto lcrr-ra, u ivtSchooî Trustees ... .........106 18 1 no otlîcr résoîîa'ue %via; seni tt t' te *Pl8 'Couty oollIiîm.~. uc s d-scih~uss t-_____________________Cash du hand, Isut Jaua5 1858, te balasnce% ô very besutaful girl, wtet ieitetl, uandîinlu.M. ('LA R 1<t 4two shtort uuachthis hlascast licratlt' ieadtlî'itII£30213 8k the greatesCt ic1ithis ot' cuiutîc. Ycsîcruuay West,. 74, KINe.il i We, the under.signed,i-Auditors of the Town of Whitb- do héieB*Y' 'éliy that the abôve an oficer fu'om M onCreal ahrntte tii Iltilalo in -îs_ - -rec AbtratoftheAc_-t-f te T scanda ut' luer, and tîftcr uîahiîg sote mi- St.FE1, sàtere' btrc f h ccutofte easurer of the uicpfi oth Twn f 2'e1,o'fflcer Baculs thoight liehad seat ber .¶îi-AFESî t a u it Mi(Ladiality of hô Townuo te 1'torHcue coaizd I TENT SAL1ý'MA'.tDElZ FIllE IROOF htvb 8ho was inli ed t the tintme, anit]rfuscd to ROBERT I WDE1ý }Audti et d ups accotutpaa-yt he .Mîontre ian. e.' AD1E IN OANADA,5.E: Whitby, Mardi lSth, 1M~. ROB3ERT 1J. WLSOW flart'isfrialy indtume lier to go wst itb. i î:eriuo~iltttaud oute i.kud lie sent hu -to the 'United SLttsliotel, CIIF,.-tPE1 R NI~ ANY IMPORTEDI last ~ ~ Oi niht tîceîlremained until thmej-Mdeutai sirt, d uI. p to suit the pur- tioruiug, i tsite N-dî va. ]put atuoard the Ni I diter.ST A TE M E N T 0 AS I T S A N D L A DlL T E S .agara-Fals train, lun cimany with the oft 'ce vitryiutg fruin $5 i.iloaýerdq"S A E E O S i.S N D L A I I IE fleer. aud left for tue honte site lins reittltu- For Sale by thie'Soe- Agentfl. ed desolate, aud the arum audtellve shc haeRIE ing 'ý Str uONo0 H 6e intdelibly uisgraced. Tortuito, MaruToronto..OF0-Ss THE Ca-'.sIiiT'ruts('a'rrr eFCîw-,itG.- WELLING.TON HOTEL. i Al. 1 =~w Wlue glean i - Cble Iiil':,"'miscelianeo-utu, notes froîn the t îlvî>i rcnlq China l -" 1>unita[he o hnbandunut of the city the &ctermincd mutucriu which the' 'unwashedt looteel aud gutteulthe w~eic tas niott-eurah-to illustrations ot' the djistressu of thc lôwcr classes. Occast'onalYy a recket wouîsl take a lower range ù=l.iu suas îutendcd, aute #sieep hait a dozcn ofC'tern te eteruity at s rush.- The street, which\ ruinistrom 1.avi's .tolumnu, or anchi, to t 1-a East Gate, iii cr6*ded ai] day Nvsitltý beggars, blitsdi ,women, sud chihdreu. Colonel Grahuam biashis iaemtdquartertu at te rst slaop withlza 4e ac te, asudas we passeel w& a iiusty as a under, aidiug mwith bis «nu ,hiudâ, to clear the place of s lot Ot'rice, a qusntity of whichh c isas ltuuaaely doling tout ho the starviugcrowd outside. Au old manu cballing hiruscf after his abode,Men- fais refuses ho s ae*te the tenîplebelow thea i-&anooig (headquartcrs.) Ie is sev- enty yearof age, lue gas, sud So long as ise cn obtain a litt]c rice, tobseco and tes, ,iliereheaSaUaR remain. He was tolel that ~~ going to lea'e ho miglît Mt '-,efia4 the, lneomerisXthe Royal Artillery) &4Seta*odating as the were ; to which éjiu~ fpho.re.lueshe uestbad ~U~d urbilw otabrdinntbut a WHIXT1W JLRKES. Wedns'ay, -M*rtih24,1858. _£LAT£I LEOsNOa'S',) KttiO-ST. 08tlAWA, 'l5E1 present propnietor efthSIe abos'e wel]- .Lkuown Itotel begs to a-nxnce to, the pîîb- lie tat the sanie IliiCben a>dl'1','pnepared,paiuu tcd anîd tuted sp inithej be~t style [o fsuit public tsste and.] es'aence. Tnaîélei's az-d visitors wi] und te veny beatt ae(bmînodation and at- tentiotn, ut cuharges auAulaly nocerate. Auts)tiiuibust;rete, to 'sud front the Cars. iGood Shed8ansd uftbling, end] attentive Oistlers. JCIINSTON GRAHAM., STRAY IfIEEE TRPIYED to te premishac c<ith lqmsSubseniber, about lwo zx*stlus - 'Oànce, a ltEl) IEIFEII, rieiug two yeara old ; laawiîttmork onthe lbink, Owas- er eau take hlm asy on payuueut of expenaca MOSES MITCHELL, 10WACy l7wo Of tise Pinsat Lôts ia the ToWnu of Whitby for Sale. T 122 Zand 1913, siteated on Ktt Stresit Li O ful parieularsapply (if by Istter "ot paid) to V- C. MAYERROFFER. Wlitby, Marels 24, 1858. 10 CIUAND TRUNK IRAI[LwAyl, ALTERÂT1IO2 0F TRAINS. - 0N AND APFTER MONDAY, EMBRUAIt? 'J22u1 a &DVEipresTrain wM llattaeh Meartreal ela addatiea lu ,theno ighî mal, Item Bey &mret StalLs, as tolows: ToroutoTisa.. DsE~atran tomatrmd .. 7'7,a. . Table. montreal Feb. il', [8]' -W A IfT -D, - w w w ~w ww ~ *~ ~, amui, JANUARY lut, 1858. à Cgt8 $ r. $ . 1858. - 16,68t 10,500 '00 1,888*8 tt~ ~e8s59 I,~88*8 LIÂ~tums. - DEBBNTURK AIXOUNTs. 'a 13 Market Debentureç f $83,gg payable Jan. 15st,-1859 te 1871. 4,833 83 ScolDobenttarS ofS4$m «Ch Nos. 4 tol10iuclusiv., Ayble sept. l4th, 1858 ho184. . 80 ~Market Debetature No. 2. sud in-. teeSt te Au Wirden, (-ale. Mm MsWright, intereetom market-> Debestuarso ho 1i tJanuary 1857 csue paid.).......... 0 LasdHenry stte hool "due - "Lices npet<-M ........... oun Nx 161f,(siDý epanc) - . et fî -- À o . .ý............... " Diuslaries Town Offices 1857.. t - t Sc><>l Te2àci'>.. ilDC SuAmom« acotts - -a 's c. 1858. MARKe FPROPERTYa M#rket Buildings ........... 1f - One Âcre' of Lamd occpied l.y Market .................... 4,)4> "One Acre sottofnaarketsodat Ahuction, 1856. Deodamot y comÈleted .................8,4821 «Market and Town Hall Furnituere f50 SCHOOL PROPERTY "l earsvtmet 8eheo1BuildinagsaaMd M= o Lue...........,000 Joh oteetSchel uildings and 5One-fourth s*L&Md ........2,200 Andmron itreet 1%hoo1 Buildings anad one.foli!'tKM LUAt ~. 0 schol Uritàcý.. %ý. ý.. 1000 PMRE DtCPARTUM. "Pire Engffne, Uo., La&et, hooke HM cQart, ,.... * ..... DEBENTURES UNSOLU 'F ouriMt ebenure $4e, TÀXE&. UNOOLLBOTEDý It Uncect.dTmxr,1867 ....... ; Nloun*ieInt ta, 85...:., N tXs6soi4 rn "LNTGOFF SELLINGOF AT- COST PRICE! REU N THAK' TO TIIEIR NUMEIZOUS CUSTOMERS AND TIT PUBLIC K~LAND WITER DIRSY GOOBSf Ut1 ol ôn li1d, sad. whilîithev are il 'teruttued tlu sali fniflt a rrii'n'mrefie fcr Cashi. Ti£-goek cuit ,sts oft' lî late-it andi lit-oest style of Dres Goods, ShaWls, Nanties, Purs, Plannels, Blankets, Fttctnrys, Tickings, Skî ttttc, Cnrpet'i, Damaaks,-Fur Capq and fliCs, BRO4D CÉÃ"THIS, CASSIMERÉS, FULL CLOTHS, SÂTINETTS. We %%ould tail pc- eiattntion lu unr Stnck uof (boînz matie np on1lte pr vMi o h ltl t i- e nt',sd inn l, best. .: iiî tll h pft i irch-lîasz c ,ls,'wliîrpt. it cecitetBargîiins wilI lie given for Cas],. . . l>eleslitviiiîc tieir ateitiits overvItît-, are touiestelto cal] sud settle immediately, TO SAVEC 6. Whitb ,2tid Jtsîuary, 1iS,-. 5c1 BROCK STREET, WIIITBY, I: i;l'II HAIîK-i T".'I*l'li'l,i. Ua'T) Its 17f ITOW'N AND (OUNT1IY, FOR TuEP t "L.it l u erýt la l i u%*lise foto al r i n , i e exte! eii'ie uni D'V GOODS, CLOTH1NG, 131 PE',s RÉAi --E$TATE COLLTMNO DEMIRABfLE INVESTMENT. $800,t 8500t $400, $300, $200, TOWN, VILLA, AND PARK LOTS, Lots for BOsineSa perVuns, and -LOTS FORt PRIVATE RSIDENCES FOR 8SALE 1EN TME Town of Whitby; County of Ontario EASTIOrF BRICKSTR'PET. L ùlT'Na. 14 and M -. Eutt of Brock Street and .Sotiti ut' *'ollar&es note] smn-al1abIo pruperty extending frouî Brovl- to 1'errýz Lotm No. 177 sud 180. Eutt aida of Brook Street, Northîuf Pollard's Untel. Parties-dcbir- inir pruperty on the principal etreetin theTowu wil] incit] ieme Lots weil aitnsted. LoIs 24 ansd 204, a corner block on Mapla ni Ferry Streets. Lt, -71, 770 ' 7 4. 75,77sund lit.Theso Eigit lots uire in une Block,bUunded by Perry ain] C'iesnut aid Atsh Streets: Lut 117, Weest ut' Perry Street, and-directly op- pusite thie Stecam Flaîîr Mili. Lu. 4 1fi] 67 62 S3g, 8, andS , Ent t Perrv $teeet,an< d'onn the Stesa Mill pro- pcrtv iý the i'urtr. Lota Nu. À 4tnf Pèî+y Q tm-et This 1Lot inb well fenîied andt therwise improVédt. IT OP iuidi 7ekatâ. Lot- 1414, 14)5, 118, and 119,houndod by con- trc, Walniît sud Kent Streetat.- Theii4o ots are duliglit'îily sittîatedi, snd having a tatreet on Ilîrc sidles, arc well adspted to building pur- Poibes' Lois 124 auà 125, corner of Kent sud Johfi 1Sîreels. Lot No 1115 East of Kent Street, and but a few rode I ;orf Dttondas Stree<t. Tie t'orcgolng chice Lots iv? ôetdfo a large nunthei, with thé. V]ew utof tW te' as atn-invesînieut, but are now otfel rn 'r 3fo finally wind up a large transsctiou. -ALSO- KENT STREXT. TIot 214.,....Price............. $7 221.1. . .. ** 9 . . . . .. . . .206 22r) .. ..... . ... ...160 Lot 20....Price............. $160 .. .. .. .. .. .160. Lut 298, ....Price.............206 Il1031 . .. . & . .. ..... .. .s Il 06 t' .... .... Lot 160 I'rlee..........$o Il061,..... l204 - ....". ..... ...2o Lotsq .149, 35011 31 M M'a sud 3u4, eoutsai nesrliy one Acre a-'a haîf, will b. Poli ch4i ne block. TIERMS: fýeffh pnyable next 1)eeember, sud lhe bslazkýu e.xteîîded oa'er a tenu of frons Ive to tes ycars. Jk-rsons wvhttt ý1 ereet buîildings the laresent %-ear, tfitrst paymWînt wHi not beeoune due tili É6r plans sud particulars sta 3 1 .7 Y (' r.wi4. GROCERJES, SEELiDS, Propcrty on Brook Streetý-Fo9r sale -*r to .ease. 1 i OT NT o. S,East aid tl ôcke t rf 38 T S iuv te flt vacant luntrth o the Bdw tvofilce, 4'J feet -front sud 1113 (et eif7 Inte-i eSorslteiy eetdby Mr. Wiliaxr Tl'al-, n. Lot No. 6, formnt'ly occuîcd sl v Ail Ilf Iver~ ?II~ '1 RIC BL CK OUT l 'tablcs, I1rock strèe , saine sai1Qe:'a~-."t For FI >1 T R CK EL CK OUT 1Bnîiît,'is tands t]uoee Lotis ame Jquàct i-bin l j Town, antd Wil]]bc sodon uu4~oal OF IIER LD TA.LýDéte tenba ti tes iplid ilt bcmItKeaodStone 6f- Brick Bu IdIngm en thena. :11TIER.L SADR.rctvaieT OFFER THIE RFNMAI-XI4ER 0F THE.IR s0-.F. inr.u>Fmr Fot n~~te 'iT r I tG 9 ,4 n, or 2l1yer, lu parceha ot 20 eet flutffàt W I U!CN T E P t S U«' CtO F 'oD R Y C Ily o 18 ; Prcpart'n- v)t-t eei i:î tht-j r ilport'siiûoi,i J. HAM FERRY-., rock S meet, W hiibs. Fe'h. l1-j'15.4 O ___ -_______ 'RatermA. yu o-,NinsearSv jrl ONE IITNDRED A.CRE-S ACBf., E[.W TU__i in the Towtnshiip of MARA, Conntv ot Onuiti. The Land la ni' the erilt quidity n thaï; Town- res wýhich t India Bar, smathaà To th Ott nt Sunil Proper saituate ]And, iouse. 1 5 Yt. lt. scliuield &Co.wîha nete nit splen «di toc k utfSl suad Ilcs-yarder e y are tetcrumiued to ee ù i p iêes to s u éit Irintes. T ltey wouuld insie pa a'uls.r a îtn t Rubber - eltixag, Orou-Out, bircular anid MMII aws, op attdBaiad Iron, &c Pîdit.4 0il, Glass, Putty &e., Cat-pentera', Joiuce'a udBlack- roola, PLated Ware,'Table sud Peeket Cutlery, &c. &'- elaue et thein BURNT STOCK tey aire selling aI sty pnice. J. S. DONAISOX& Ceo, ,Jsn. b, itscr. 52 -- - l= et71dbn Sur. Moaaïed -M11ent Sp2culato:s and crs, iii theCounaty*of Ontuir;o. atiti-iitton ufthelIte rble les dicected Co theo ï181 Sale, ou idAyMarch 29th, 1858, h'i3 Tateru in RIeacli, of thàt Vaîtqable y, formorly knotrn aéýASLING'S Iidla an lte loti Cou. ot' iLétalu, ons!st¶ug of :;nifit Mill, Stemun-Ecagite, sud Dts'diling 'ie o o m ence a h 1 o9clocki P . M . & CHARLES PYE Ic 1,c 11 cr Bcachî, March, 1856. 8 ot tise deliver sueis il h7l1&;, irtd 919 severl clerka oet4:e Dvisiou courts bai tuas CoutYot Ontario, snd flac Clork tOe snob stîou rt$a nd'retuirlu1 3dttda e s as they ,have heretof*aru, ben beauie t dottho b4Tiigwürer ofthe snidcllat ý te cpint for. sud psy ut-ver to e ancai Wesaa adaeoatys recesltable b>" thean as ma provided b> tIn satute, 2o Vie. 5 WANTED, in Dry Goods or geutersi Store; eithcr in giegood refereucca. Addreels (post-paid) CLE BOX -89, Ï-4l FIttim)3J 1 ., U.- IV. jPARLEY'S JDEST BLACK INK. TERT1er-t article in u*e, Wbo"eal Aîd wlaitby, Dèe. e, 1857. 4 iLttOtR STOLEN. ,OEor htnud dateel l hai J 5ftd i85,41 A"àý'nby saus4I I'oll? l a'diu*sturo/hs Bovdeuor 5, pale12 inonthbfter da.te.ý ,11 pahe s arune y s tii gue ed n ta~ohern, tefordersigxed hs retved . CIHARLES 130WlEN. - rice inM 1858,R 84y w,- -Wh ihy, 9th MsIit b, Il Bous-e sud Lot ,ôa B1 pie b oe qartr - - 82 1y8aIià-betI~,rSaI ,ATTfRACTIVE OF Farming Landg, T( AND MILL PRIVI Patae, a uucies tbat wml Iq - aog, p çpy. iii t- uit lit ',vati i lust,- îîe'lt t it-tttt i I ti~it t'tt' inîtllm; Itt't.'tt - lrltttt tii-titi f tit Ititi il tilt'-' ttîîi'e'il t~tth I lit-ts- s' tIti' It t t: itt '-i ti titîti tut tllt i uit' .~.ttih thîcti ut, ct-tint jnlûiti t I-t> uts', îu. îunr'e-il istîtîsi- n ý ý .- 1- - . .- 1 ý . - - "-- MMI qb

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