yeuws Rico Lewis At on, obtain tlieir col- ,3brated Salamnîler-sates, the gruater pûrt Lf teir stock of Faruiing uimplenenit, aud &Il otiser articles in thie trtide, thýat can be procured roui the Canada uîuînfticturers, The work i in cvery respect bbtter and cheapor than the saie description wltîlcl hs brought acrogg thehUe sud aold by oth- cr Hardware îuis -~ t i Once Kusôwni*et >ôogn If 'ôu readers wolild tiare a pstielnxurv fbr t$b Toilette, lse Brîdgett'i'es,î BALV:' Feotii 'leaiilg, 'tnunOoing, Bat1 1 BeaitNiliff ug the Con1ip ex*1.1u, reîçî PTsîlimpies, Frecklets'Ili un rks, hIt îî i is ealtlî bal Dreres fîm M.Ui . ll1).V'à hP &t(Co.,Pro1 rietors, Jt 'îuibnrghj, .Y.TRv Tlla <4livr IlOuaLtxry For Wae in ii tlh by W. S. Ilobln1son, Brock, sîreeOt' i . . Nuister, Dunîlas Strect; W. il DOCI, Irock Street. sAdjourausen tof ctie Leuisiatave Auuatembly.To FvrATaH .-uMnaraei-Xo i aîw how the fouseki'cp ggoid lietiti. îltt trctueitlý* 110 tee Set adë'tois &Vorncd on Monda-r over t'ctilc lpairientsi.dre-zeul iiiigiriiit,(4it-n t'itî th ttetceCs3, itfl the th of April. ni lte il ti "t lîîr tîciov A ciilqlrcuî. Wh1it pi' it i-. -le i ow 'r~içre andrtîn'i,. The atVjoiîrininaît, thus carl',, w-as . tsd ii]tee t1-lIs atid'trtîtîîsZ i oa% ojdd. - tîy (lie staddillness orf'r.Speak-er Snmith. WtiiItalt cuit te resîorcd to ithe varcttl iiiîid utc antiitpitrt " iiil illt-trli heattli "îlcîî' îm'(tt telt Iti' ni-t-t' EEi'a ALErîî'.-A îiecting of No. 1 Union sl'mi' 'r~rîis tt-s ' i jtittiil ter Ilook anti Ladder Cîpu~,of titis ton'n. ijtr in :à - tti'sitte c rs :ttîltlt'î i. ,' - %,t-ilb l ield at T1. I)ouningig' t b , nit "t'loir it* ,t: îrot rît 1Pr. Mu-t', Alitetî'antI WVetnexd&y 'ev'euiuîg, t1ie îst day 0o' .tprii, rend hjsyi.t- ailt-et-iýpc n nell O ,%vtIlt a<'o'clot-k preci,', l'nt' t'-.- II lItîîIlt~ liS t- -itivid îserittd Turkish u','T-ronrtit li-s ut îtfîrtlî aî rop- tti'- -tt.ttI -t t lin l o tit' ,'ttltr. IFrctili omVionwern i'z e ciîtiuîg Nomeattenition iii g e t-I îîî?,,-.t ' ll"c illit, taketlt'i, or thrc,' -~îîope'. Hte'o[i tramît tf' tiit" ilh t"k îlîdutt* rgliiîiucî', -illcauise'te citifit'îhiicctc to tlî~I 'îitcdSttuetsuire,- ' ire u stïltllaî lialtty ttiistitttttîtta Cannla, fltl Atlutrtlia, btnttht' Sialtan liijiasM br. lm-lan 1l,,tîPilla are sold b' ail ai lengtli hîeointi ettîcandidte'fôrounr siu- Iduiere iiM'liîs Aîtrtut Clristtifi t> lit', domtjininst. ld' arc tfi,,in a lettt-r flîu 'tnsaaLituul' otat 'Atiotitty voftîlmtt 10,111tiigt-ugî-api fristtti-rî tmile.'-. toiuîtuisiîîg Sotitc ttf lite firucat anti no'.t lhtile st-ot îte glotbe, witlî ut u o iii)ltîii-h sptics-t of ou-î, Archiînibgt, ltlack - Itli ed Sv-ts, amilthi, Vcrsaîî i ti ftî cu it's la f l-sope'tt to cîtigral ittî, îtti îliî',gIatis-, land tu tliosi t',ho Shiottl ho b ut-d tg) b -lui- tt tiet East- -'uoni tlit-jr 4ttpirîure, the' chaurge tii te ii' tis. EI u-euie tus-jr týa'tivi iil',iîi' ttttîls otlit Il, plts sof "'rhtg il Itis lî-zito uti lt'-î iii . s', it'] iiit amtit (ttai iii a tîîttf*tîL-10;tt'Ii'lutv tijil as ît-t-î t l f itli f t ritiitt'îttt m . g tîti i t'b tultiti t ils î-'. Fui',are- e'setîttI irot'ý tiaailtît'or six i-tarti. if The fretet t\ttr-'nItlîîir 1rîligitoîî is as:îî- etoifîetatsttmttmet sttiu il; pr711o e(inllto litet tot-- au-it- - ,pris r ffee titi-t ý,t iiit' it. -i ýl C!N ist i tîc'îîttîat- -t %I,ýI thitaît îtîle.nt' tttîr-t-,ltmizo: ust %1.-t-I ' li iree )ti'lttytti tiet i', ii -- ] tîtau - î i I - PA s. L Aetuttit 1\TkNe. -IFTH£ 1AoTe FA- -~~~~~~~I h t-t( .,-al t'tN'îtIi'îîo.N.- ttit-.t tc ,If lePlot1. 'a -rltllte ' ftic alie ' M- AmîîiiiNi1 ilsili' Dr W.t'k iftis-ettseî t0ttl flr o l i t-sltt st- îtraî ' lt, it r it l iertt tit tý- e -ffresttiî tX tt'>t', St' l ai tic-t -I ýd teiilf ,' ii - -i it-littar', a]- t 'Isc i tt]litem ttlitt 1' i-AtI tIntiT u i M-~;- t- Welî'îtpte Sttî ii tt livi %o lt W - .xpvtv'ttà . a t-o i11q " ttd. tl it l'e' ' î t . t H toli Sets Y vrk. tititt/ t' ft'- t,>-i'; ltî îî tl- li"lt--ilit -îîflte t t i..e.ît: P.îhî-î' tlttitl-ia.iete.t i' Plio MIJNICIPALITY OF 111E TOWN 0F WIIITBY, a. MW o x a m Ak =L mgesvRI Jan 'y 1. ro batanct on hand frot i1856 ............ To Amiont rh16el, fôt O Lynde, beiri' balince's -u'i" "y'ation nl"spenti. e d, ..................... s 4 Aunount reccived on acc't ofarrears of taxis for'56, .208 8 do Poil Tax,. . 35 10 0 Arrears o! School Focs.. 50 8 11* do Poundage Feeu, 7 Y 14 LICEX<5E. To Amo'ut for Tarera Liconsas for 1857 ............... 120 O00 dou 4'ucpa do 40 0 0 do Saloon do 100 0 O do Aucti6i£tt. . --12 0 0 sBCîîons ",en.. Tô atsmut froni Govcrnuxueut. b8] ' do on account School fces for 1887........... 112 5 To antut frsm Gco. McGiII ('ollector, on account of Taýxes foir 87 ...... do froue Clegy Iteserve Fond..... . .......... do for Renta of Market Stalis ................. 25 7 do froni Fines, &c.... 15 12 6 (Io-for old plank sud nails, and on account of extra iniprovaitntisý-...7Te By Cash paid for sundry accoun*ts 594 19 1 ' duc Siat December, 1856,.. .. 1à 4 4C. Ellsworthî, Inspector of Li. 4ceuses for 1856, ...... 2 0 O Geo. McGill, Oollcctor,... 25 0(O Accotint for Printing, &c., . 1 5 o Schtool Teachers, balances of Salarieq ................... 113 15 0 By C&ash, County Treasurer, County ' Tax, ............... 45SO0 O0 "do-------do Asylum, 88 4 8 - ýy Vtau,sa Werden, Debenture No I 'dure lat .Tsnîary, 1857, 83 G 8 r8~ine of Itterest on do 0 16 8 do do half yearg intcrcst 272 0 0 'on Market Ilceetureà duc lat Julv, 1957, .............16 13 4 do Mary %Vright** à Ã" 16 13 4 By cash paIîMontrezulBank,dricauul ~t3 i 3 ' ounoýtes,.. . . . . . ... TAXES FIEuaTED. BRy cash rcmitted to Thos.Soùthwell, a3 7 'e 2047 f Il 'do do John Arual,. 1 0 4-1 do do John ~Duids,. O 8 2 "04 t5 9 do do N. Il. Davis,. 3 15 10 i'do do W. Il.r>e 3 2 2 I'do (Io Ceo. Palmner- . 1 4 6 à o Il. N. Neville, on accotant t Saloon License,...............5 O 0 48 *2 274 14 8 b88 4 8 84 8 4 39, 6 8 2a. 0 9 14 18 01 SAZARIES AND l7CclDENTAL EXPENSMS Ùy Cash, Clerk and Treasîirer's Saf- ary, 9 unonthîs, cnding 30th Septcmtîcr,.............. j'James Norris, As.tcssor, iru ful John lîcigough, Street Inspcc- t-r. Sa'lsry in fuIl]........... John Lyne, lall-keeper, salary 9 montlus ending «iIffth Sept.. . A. Caîneron. ('lief Constable, 6 mon ths, lttiime,... i'Returning f ficers' accouuits, Municipal Elections, 185-4,... -. do for zelcctitînut' Juurottm, I'L C. Thomas sud W. MuÉCabe, Auditorit ........... ...... Amios W. Cron, SurIr'evt*, for t'services, ........ .....»'... Dr. R. W". Clarke, Coroner, Inquesît on Fine.......... Printers Acroants, ........ Stationa.ry, Ildoles, Ioolbind- i.&C ................... - Cordwood, Catîdle!t. Postagre, .7 10 0 30 0 O 10 0 21 3 9 4 15 0 300ô 10 0 *0 ,- n ( 91 12 ý, 14 5 7 in iim i tîmttcr .îii ltt i tlt:îi-l îu'tti eît îî~ tt ititîj tt iiti o tl'.u11tttii - 1Py cash paid for stanni-ie-s for nsat'- incites îi l 't.ît'I tit c-ltt ii'. l",t-tt'lsre il t t t t ' ria] sud labor sE iMarket, 1Pro- b ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ol hit'tt îîlîtî fîi ii e-j i Settt b id tiit it t or Towsn Hall, anîd Fîre Insu- nnuy'uie:tittî,.1'kt J ~ ~f-î.C, ~.~ ; .rance on Building aud Furni-23 604 KugtC-, 1itt' in/et f)r-cxoienltrt'- u f tit --~--t'~,w",îI'Siin-à r*.ç on account Fire s tie irst î ia' s )t-, atle t ;1it lit-ut' o 1..ttti.i'tetit5 tIol ' -t ' Water Departuncut, for appara- vl t z-- î,7jPI;îaLiteý- I , l- hin it.eal'-tu.frPire Brigade and rêpr iVa StO tifo -eli/o til 4ttur ex- At Wlli, t i it f f %Ir 1 sud otter materitti,.abor, &c., petitses. Ilitti t t. .-f ttusi î fI. for imroyeîuieti:t'fStret'tf'i. . 2s8 10 - ti' îtt'-'I'i' îtth' At iîtî '-e'îtîn'iltr i ) roirtte !ii'uioi i EDUCITIONC. wtt i lle 1' tI til ýtiGîIvm itwl t 'l O Mh . -à LWiNEWi' 1, ý1 lBy cath paid Mis R'niay, Salany Ceci], it-e -te a- -t-o Oth Setpt., Ilettry Strcet tg of e4i ýoio nta'1-itj ithe NEW .ADVERTISEMEN". I do Mis.. ine,.l.... ..1«,... l750 uthitti doittiss iitn I- silllt.TREl ý 11J 8 o(attîy' ,. ulsf Niit ttte 1 iItiiT5.1 'IlilStl, RA Nili du\' do T. Kirkisnd, lu fîull, 1 U- It17 Il ihultI îti lmuiltietBthA -tttt-Rî 1 t 1 ý T -' 1,1 t N'i---- l )1- x rtî(I kNt BNi o G. Y. Smnitls, to 4*Oth ;wen site' iniit u'ae;tttîttt- i iîi Septéenber, John Street...... 97 10 O I ~'tuug utaî litNIti-tt-rl ttiii '.-iiui"'.i tte ~ ' do W«'ni 'lro',,inufui!, An- anul tiîýgtte tII"', it-00tMesStsrt' ..------------88 6 8 lier, ans]î l eli t ,- 'tctiii lober, ...............t....t. 13 6 8 tmore rap1iîi. "ilte w tIt-:Iiti Rev. John <;errte,Superiuteituî- IPoserty, 1t'<tl t t a tlie iilit-er quiarter i l iient, in fuîll .. .. . .. .. . . 1 O a lot-r i o ll iu tit tjtutjrti t 'îgra zI t-ti .-ir.Chec.,-dcv, daiihalf yeanend- wthere s:itestais Nttjtctl s î the 11(ttt ling 301th unc------------------5 O dissgoîtulcteo ' isi es. "aul l n lIo - I ' .J. 1IL Greeriwood. do do 2 10 ô for souiet l---d. lt it--tjî' h 'us 'laIt' yesr's uterest on Deben- truct:h ftîtr httlî'nt uc-s etc-ce nc-c-evture$ Nos. 3 tô 10, ou School 'SectonNo.7,--.-.-..---------24 (ô directionu Co 'ii,er lier t-tiesreabutus, bot c- t iu vain. unuil nu uort'heîctiheniot ' turc No. 3, sud Interest lier heit-mlitîI lii' tuls lic e qellltî i c- ' 'to 14th September, on Sehool diately tliticr, luit -tlibittg infortnvd u'of . I'Section No. 7,.............. 124 O0O0 bis approttch ficti ho Lutis cf iystiere ,ulje --'Amoes Pake, repairs at G ammar ok p ae iurtu laiouse t i-i i-itittc. t' Schoo4 ........... ........21126ô tc r muntein ie In-use1î aîd- - . -I-Sundies, fer repairs, cîeaning 'deceased-, antI abîtîtîoitet] iyheu- se siutt s, f'esnd cipenses, by oruiers et was~~~ >îre tto lcrr-ra, u ivtSchooî Trustees ... .........106 18 1 no otlîcr résoîîa'ue %via; seni tt t' te *Pl8 'Couty oollIiîm.~. uc s d-scih~uss t-_____________________Cash du hand, Isut Jaua5 1858, te balasnce% ô very besutaful girl, wtet ieitetl, uandîinlu.M. ('LA R 1<t 4two shtort uuachthis hlascast licratlt' ieadtlî'itII£30213 8k the greatesCt ic1ithis ot' cuiutîc. Ycsîcruuay West,. 74, i We, the under.signed,i-Auditors of the Town of Whitb- do héieB*Y' 'éliy that the abôve an oficer fu'om M onCreal ahrntte tii Iltilalo in -îs_ - -rec AbtratoftheAc_-t-f te T scanda ut' luer, and tîftcr uîahiîg sote mi- St.FE1, sà tere' btrc f h ccutofte easurer of the uicpfi oth Twn f 2'e1,o'fflcer Baculs thoight liehad seat ber .¶îi-AFESî t a u it Mi(Ladiality of hô Townuo te 1'torHcue coaizd I TENT SAL1ý'MA'.tDElZ FIllE IROOF htvb 8ho was inli ed t the tintme, anit]rfuscd to ROBERT I WDE1ý }Audti et d ups accotutpaa-yt he .Mîontre ian. e.' AD1E IN OANADA,5.E: Whitby, Mardi lSth, 1M~. ROB3ERT 1J. WLSOW flart'isfrialy indtume lier to go wst itb. i î:eriuo~iltttaud oute i.kud lie sent hu -to the 'United SLttsliotel, CIIF,.-tPE1 R NI~ ANY IMPORTEDI last ~ ~ Oi niht tîceîlremained until thmej-Mdeutai sirt, d uI. p to suit the pur- tioruiug, i tsite N-dî va. ]put atuoard the Ni I diter.ST A TE M E N T 0 AS I T S A N D L A DlL T E S .agara-Fals train, lun cimany with the oft 'ce vitryiutg fruin $5 i.iloaýerdq"S A E E O S i.S N D L A I I IE fleer. aud left for tue honte site lins reittltu- For Sale by thie'Soe- Agentfl. ed desolate, aud the arum audtellve shc haeRIE ing 'ý Str uONo0 H 6e intdelibly uisgraced. Tortuito, MaruToronto..OF0-Ss THE Ca-'.sIiiT'ruts('a'rrr eFCîw-,itG.- WELLING.TON HOTEL. i Al. 1 =~w Wlue glean i - Cble Iiil':,"'miscelianeo-utu, notes froîn the t îlvî>i rcnlq China l -" 1>unita[he o hnbandunut of the city the &ctermincd mutucriu which the' 'unwashedt looteel aud gutteulthe w~eic tas niott-eurah-to illustrations ot' the djistressu of thc lôwcr classes. Occast'onalYy a recket wouîsl take a lower range ù=l.iu suas îutendcd, aute #sieep hait a dozcn ofC'tern te eteruity at s rush.- The street, which\ ruinistrom 1.avi's .tolumnu, or anchi, to t 1-a East Gate, iii cr6*ded ai] day Nvsitltý beggars, blitsdi ,women, sud chihdreu. Colonel Grahuam biashis iaemtdquartertu at te rst slaop withlza 4e ac te, asudas we passeel w& a iiusty as a under, aidiug mwith bis «nu ,hiudâ, to clear the place of s lot Ot'rice, a qusntity of whichh c isas ltuuaaely doling tout ho the starviugcrowd outside. Au old manu cballing hiruscf after his abode,Men- fais refuses ho s ae*te the tenîplebelow thea i-&anooig (headquartcrs.) Ie is sev- enty yearof age, lue gas, sud So long as ise cn obtain a litt]c rice, tobseco and tes, ,iliereheaSaUaR remain. He was tolel that ~~ going to lea'e ho miglît Mt '-,efia4 the, lneomerisXthe Royal Artillery) &4Seta*odating as the were ; to which éjiu~ uestbad ~U~d urbilw otabrdinntbut a WHIXT1W JLRKES. Wedns'ay, -M*rtih24,1858. _£LAT£I LEOsNOa'S',) KttiO-ST. 08tlAWA, 'l5E1 present propnietor efthSIe abos'e wel]- .Lkuown Itotel begs to a-nxnce to, the pîîb- lie tat the sanie IliiCben a>dl'1','pnepared,paiuu tcd anîd tuted sp inithej be~t style [o fsuit public tsste and.] es'aence. Tnaîélei's az-d visitors wi] und te veny beatt ae(bmînodation and at- tentiotn, ut cuharges auAulaly nocerate. Auts)tiiuibust;rete, to 'sud front the Cars. iGood Shed8ansd uftbling, end] attentive Oistlers. JCIINSTON GRAHAM., STRAY IfIEEE TRPIYED to te premishac c<ith lqmsSubseniber, about lwo zx*stlus - 'Oà nce, a ltEl) IEIFEII, rieiug two yeara old ; laawiîttmork onthe lbink, Owas- er eau take hlm asy on payuueut of expenaca MOSES MITCHELL, 10WACy l7wo Of tise Pinsat Lôts ia the ToWnu of Whitby for Sale. T 122 Zand 1913, siteated on Ktt Stresit Li O ful parieularsapply (if by Istter "ot paid) to V- C. MAYERROFFER. Wlitby, Marels 24, 1858. 10 CIUAND TRUNK IRAI[LwAyl, ALTERÂT1IO2 0F TRAINS. - 0N AND APFTER MONDAY, EMBRUAIt? 'J22u1 a &DVEipresTrain wM llattaeh Meartreal ela addatiea lu ,theno ighî mal, Item Bey &mret StalLs, as tolows: ToroutoTisa.. DsE~atran tomatrmd .. 7'7,a. . Table. montreal Feb. il', [8]' -W A IfT -D, - w w w ~w ww ~ *~ ~, amui, JANUARY lut, 1858. à Cgt8 $ r. $ . 1858. - 16,68t 10,500 '00 1,888*8 tt~ ~e8s59 I,~88*8 LIÂ~tums. - DEBBNTURK AIXOUNTs. 'a 13 Market Debentureç f $83,gg payable Jan. 15st,-1859 te 1871. 4,833 83 ScolDobenttarS ofS4$m «Ch Nos. 4 tol10iuclusiv., Ayble sept. l4th, 1858 ho184. . 80 ~Market Debetature No. 2. sud in-. teeSt te Au Wirden, (-ale. Mm MsWright, intereetom market-> Debestuarso ho 1i tJanuary 1857 csue paid.).......... 0 LasdHenry stte hool "due - "Lices npet<-M ........... oun Nx 161f,(siDý epanc) - . et fî -- À o . .ý............... " Diuslaries Town Offices 1857.. t - t Sc><>l Te2à ci'>.. ilDC SuAmom« acotts - -a 's c. 1858. MARKe FPROPERTYa M#rket Buildings ........... 1f - One Âcre' of Lamd occpied l.y Market .................... 4,)4> "One Acre sottofnaarketsodat Ahuction, 1856. Deodamot y comÈleted .................8,4821 «Market and Town Hall Furnituere f50 SCHOOL PROPERTY "l earsvtmet 8eheo1BuildinagsaaMd M= o Lue...........,000 Joh oteetSchel uildings and 5One-fourth s*L&Md ........2,200 Andmron itreet 1%hoo1 Buildings anad one.foli!'tKM LUAt ~. 0 schol Urità cý.. %ý. ý.. 1000 PMRE DtCPARTUM. "Pire Engffne, Uo., La&et, hooke HM cQart, ,.... * ..... DEBENTURES UNSOLU 'F ouriMt ebenure $4e, TÀXE&. UNOOLLBOTEDý It Uncect.dTmxr,1867 ....... ; Nloun*ieInt ta, 85...:., N tXs6soi4 rn "LNTGOFF SELLINGOF AT- COST PRICE! REU N THAK' TO TIIEIR NUMEIZOUS CUSTOMERS AND TIT PUBLIC K~LAND WITER DIRSY GOOBSf Ut1 ol ôn li1d, sad. whilîithev are il 'teruttued tlu sali fniflt a rrii'n'mrefie fcr Cashi. Ti£-goek cuit ,sts oft' lî late-it andi lit-oest style of Dres Goods, ShaWls, Nanties, Purs, Plannels, Blankets, Fttctnrys, Tickings, Skî ttttc, Cnrpet'i, Damaaks,-Fur Capq and fliCs, BRO4D CÉÃ"THIS, CASSIMERÉS, FULL CLOTHS, SÂTINETTS. We %%ould tail pc- eiattntion lu unr Stnck uof (boînz matie np on1lte pr vMi o h ltl t i- e nt',sd inn l, best. .: iiî tll h pft i irch-lîasz c ,ls,'wliîrpt. it cecitetBargîiins wilI lie given for Cas],. . . l>eleslitviiiîc tieir ateitiits overvItît-, are touiestelto cal] sud settle immediately, TO SAVEC 6. Whitb ,2tid Jtsîuary, 1iS,-. 5c1 BROCK STREET, WIIITBY, I: i;l'II HAIîK-i T".'I*l'li'l,i. Ua'T) Its 17f ITOW'N AND (OUNT1IY, FOR TuEP t " l u erýt la l i u%*lise foto al r i n , i e exte! eii'ie uni D'V GOODS, CLOTH1NG, 131 PE',s RÉAi --E$TATE COLLTMNO DEMIRABfLE INVESTMENT. $800,t 8500t $400, $300, $200, TOWN, VILLA, AND PARK LOTS, Lots for BOsineSa perVuns, and -LOTS FORt PRIVATE RSIDENCES FOR 8SALE 1EN TME Town of Whitby; County of Ontario EASTIOrF BRICKSTR'PET. L ùlT'Na. 14 and M -. Eutt of Brock Street and .Sotiti ut' *'ollar&es note] smn-al1abIo pruperty extending frouî Brovl- to 1'errýz Lotm No. 177 sud 180. Eutt aida of Brook Street, Northîuf Pollard's Untel. Parties-dcbir- inir pruperty on the principal etreetin theTowu wil] incit] ieme Lots weil aitnsted. LoIs 24 ansd 204, a corner block on Mapla ni Ferry Streets. Lt, -71, 770 ' 7 4. 75,77sund lit.Theso Eigit lots uire in une Block,bUunded by Perry ain] C'iesnut aid Atsh Streets: Lut 117, Weest ut' Perry Street, and-directly op- pusite thie Stecam Flaîîr Mili. Lu. 4 1fi] 67 62 S3g, 8, andS , Ent t Perrv $teeet,an< d'onn the Stesa Mill pro- pcrtv iý the i'urtr. Lota Nu. À 4tnf Pèî+y Q tm-et This 1Lot inb well fenîied andt therwise improVédt. IT OP iuidi 7ekatâ. Lot- 1414, 14)5, 118, and 119,houndod by con- trc, Walniît sud Kent Streetat.- Theii4o ots are duliglit'îily sittîatedi, snd having a tatreet on Ilîrc sidles, arc well adspted to building pur- Poibes' Lois 124 auà 125, corner of Kent sud Johfi 1Sîreels. Lot No 1115 East of Kent Street, and but a few rode I ;orf Dttondas Stree<t. Tie t'orcgolng chice Lots iv? ôetdfo a large nunthei, with thé. V]ew utof tW te' as atn-invesînieut, but are now otfel rn 'r 3fo finally wind up a large transsctiou. -ALSO- KENT STREXT. TIot 214.,....Price............. $7 221.1. . .. ** 9 . . . . .. . . .206 22r) .. ..... . ... ...160 Lot 20....Price............. $160 .. .. .. .. .. .160. Lut 298, ....Price.............206 Il1031 . .. . & . .. ..... .. .s Il 06 t' .... .... Lot 160 I'rlee..........$o Il061,..... l204 - ....". ..... ...2o Lotsq .149, 35011 31 M M'a sud 3u4, eoutsai nesrliy one Acre a-'a haîf, will b. Poli ch4i ne block. TIERMS: fýeffh pnyable next 1)eeember, sud lhe bslazkýu e.xteîîded oa'er a tenu of frons Ive to tes ycars. Jk-rsons wvhttt ý1 ereet buîildings the laresent %-ear, tfitrst paymWînt wHi not beeoune due tili É6r plans sud particulars sta 3 1 .7 Y (' r.wi4. GROCERJES, SEELiDS, Propcrty on Brook Streetý-Fo9r sale -*r to .ease. 1 i OT NT o. S,East aid tl ôcke t rf 38 T S iuv te flt vacant luntrth o the Bdw tvofilce, 4'J feet -front sud 1113 (et eif7 Inte-i eSorslteiy eetdby Mr. Wiliaxr Tl'al-, n. Lot No. 6, formnt'ly occuîcd sl v Ail Ilf Iver~ ?II~ '1 RIC BL CK OUT l 'tablcs, I1rock strèe , saine sai1Qe:'a~-."t For FI >1 T R CK EL CK OUT 1Bnîiît,'is tands t]uoee Lotis ame Jquà ct i-bin l j Town, antd Wil]]bc sodon uu4~oal OF IIER LD TA.LýDéte tenba ti tes iplid ilt bcmItKeaodStone 6f- Brick Bu IdIngm en thena. :11TIER.L SADR.rctvaieT OFFER THIE RFNMAI-XI4ER 0F THE.IR s0-.F. inr.u>Fmr Fot n~~te 'iT r I tG 9 ,4 n, or 2l1yer, lu parceha ot 20 eet flutffà t W I U!CN T E P t S U«' CtO F 'oD R Y C Ily o 18 ; Prcpart'n- v)t-t eei i:î tht-j r ilport'siiûoi,i J. HAM FERRY-., rock S meet, W hiibs. Fe'h. l1-j'15.4 O ___ -_______ 'RatermA. yu o-,NinsearSv jrl ONE IITNDRED A.CRE-S ACBf., E[.W TU__i in the Towtnshiip of MARA, Conntv ot Onuiti. The Land la ni' the erilt quidity n thaï; Town- res wýhich t India Bar, smathaà To th Ott nt Sunil Proper saituate ]And, iouse. 1 5 Yt. lt. scliuield &Co.wîha nete nit splen «di toc k utfSl suad Ilcs-yarder e y are tetcrumiued to ee ù i p iêes to s u éit Irintes. T ltey wouuld insie pa a'uls.r a îtn t Rubber - eltixag, Orou-Out, bircular anid MMII aws, op attdBaiad Iron, &c Pîdit.4 0il, Glass, Putty &e., Cat-pentera', Joiuce'a udBlack- roola, PLated Ware,'Table sud Peeket Cutlery, &c. &'- elaue et thein BURNT STOCK tey aire selling aI sty pnice. J. S. DONAISOX& Ceo, ,Jsn. b, itscr. 52 -- - l= et71dbn Sur. Moaaïed -M11ent Sp2culato:s and crs, iii theCounaty*of Ontuir;o. atiti-iitton ufthelIte rble les dicected Co theo ï181 Sale, ou idAyMarch 29th, 1858, h'i3 Tateru in RIeacli, of thà t Vaîtqable y, formorly knotrn aéýASLING'S Iidla an lte loti Cou. ot' iLétalu, ons!st¶ug of :;nifit Mill, Stemun-Ecagite, sud Dts'diling 'ie o o m ence a h 1 o9clocki P . M . & CHARLES PYE Ic 1,c 11 cr Bcachî, March, 1856. 8 ot tise deliver sueis il h7l1&;, irtd 919 severl clerka oet4:e Dvisiou courts bai tuas CoutYot Ontario, snd flac Clork tOe snob stîou rt$a nd'retuirlu1 3dttda e s as they ,have heretof*aru, ben beauie t dottho b4Tiigwürer ofthe snidcllat ý te cpint for. sud psy ut-ver to e ancai Wesaa adaeoatys recesltable b>" thean as ma provided b> tIn satute, 2o Vie. 5 WANTED, in Dry Goods or geutersi Store; eithcr in giegood refereucca. Addreels (post-paid) CLE BOX -89, Ã-4l FIttim)3J 1 ., U.- IV. jPARLEY'S JDEST BLACK INK. TERT1er-t article in u*e, Wbo"eal Aîd wlaitby, Dèe. e, 1857. 4 iLttOtR STOLEN. ,OEor htnud dateel l hai J 5ftd i85,41 A"à ý'nby saus4I I'oll? l a'diu*sturo/hs Bovdeuor 5, pale12 inonthbfter da.te.ý ,11 pahe s arune y s tii gue ed n ta~ohern, tefordersigxed hs retved . CIHARLES 130WlEN. - rice inM 1858,R 84y w,- -Wh ihy, 9th MsIit b, Il Bous-e sud Lot ,ôa B1 pie b oe qartr - - 82 1y8aIià -betI~,rSaI ,ATTfRACTIVE OF Farming Landg, T( AND MILL PRIVI Patae, a uucies tbat wml Iq - aog, p çpy. iii t- uit lit ',vati i lust,- îîe'lt t it-tttt i I ti~it t'tt' inîtllm; Itt't.'tt - lrltttt tii-titi f tit Ititi il tilt'-' ttîîi'e'il t~tth I lit-ts- s' tIti' It t t: itt '-i ti titîti tut tllt i uit' .~.ttih thîcti ut, ct-tint jnlûiti t I-t> uts', îu. îunr'e-il istîtîsi- n ý ý .- 1- - . .- 1 ý . - - "-- MMI qb