Whitby Chronicle, 11 Mar 1858, p. 2

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I C ùot el or en -Jas Wm Osirt" e h C T>. Tunbloty. odn-W0ta*t.LSri.05 ol is.pr «wke STkurs4ay, Marck' il, 1858. lithe raven himièlt iwý hose; that *osk the eitnnlof-«l, ,, &o.--PMAo- Stili.»p r.bgwlà.theii.Aeurbly ~ Stj ntin utidâe fioSn>horable lùeiqçb«s LI Ne çonmittetu truck I No ru bsnesa4vncing l-and siixdollars per ýd*y, one, hnndred and thirty times »dtfpÎfd-besides ail the attendant ex- ppes ofthe Sittng uor the Assenibly ,qoadering, while la factious exhibition o4 peurile platitudes, and nonsensical niai- Mies, inpe*orxed before the couniryý- bés the raI ýof Liverpool. once endoried iputhe, Marquisof LondondeMr's appli- cation for soute un-cariecLaitu-" T/i,,ià Wbat. a,réokhans fietfal creature mnust1 this leader of t4e(Grits beY Ever vatici- q&t4ne 'ýlevi and darknes.-," he invents a sbom grieÏance for every hour of the %mr-mad-twenty. 'lie net only vexes his opunbutttrinent; his ckwr' party with bIs eter.àal absurdities and everlast- logbligotry. Like the Runic bird of old, "al political-raven doaî nothîng but ulap hiesonatorial wings and spread around iii- .e n ad diianty! He puts us horribly laniumina of "C0rvaker" lui Goldsmith's *'Man of the World," of whotn Mms. C. remarked (when she observed any one par- tleuary down ai the mouth)-"1 Oh!1 hi aloes a dose of uay hnsand 1" In ",thtéi old adage of "Brown-8ttdy" was ecarly a foreshadowing of the cooring 4lar Grit leader, as ln our day fearfully ýW. vory heartily desiderate that as gruM*g proved so highly officacious in the oas .f 1h. ptdffed-up Assyrian of old, that 0. B would becallowed to take a run in Uwý appronching Sprlng. For what say- Raf dibîaa: , "For Nebuchlad-nezzar was an ass Ustiltbey turned hlm oi4 to grass." S w.-would not on these conditions, hold th & dadly dollars te be badly invested. >n t as! 1to carp, to rail, to, abuse, appears Wq be1hus ovly pûstine. Ilis political 11bo. qae, m"4u5nly one odotir. It in a vernta- blogathoerng of netties and dandelions.- It am lle vory "fade," indeed. No doubt wtoti. liberal interuaixture of the Itteryellowillorals,,whkrh, (if aur aclaool- day ýr«oollections bc correct) have some ,liiuvtie.detition. Wonder it docs n sçuatim.escoccurto'Mr. Brown that i il d6al day ehoud ever arrive, which abould usher hi bis six feet of bad >tu [Y as the. eateial out of wih the Uod should bseqqsstruoted wbercwitlî Canada bhould beiruled,,that thi.vuigar venom of bis vi- tuporati an aibo as eaily reiprocatod, by tluSe who ,would thon consitute tho Op- p«é6tkxrm. uniM rutrained by their better lu eadng and acholmhip P slhcr.is the tourtoenth day ince the mnng rof the, Houae.,and somne paltry Whpat çan thoOlgarQrit leader propose ball » pr&ctical u that the Speech propounds1 le it th at lie will not give his prescription until after-he is regitlarly calltd in and pSassioually foed ? If su the political p. thait wjll lhave but a pour chanee of rwve YuYyv: fr the country wouldjpal em sooz sel44pnDw% Tumblety or Morrison of ti VillaM)r, Rrown'e strivings can bave nc etber efr'eçt than ta unhinge, the notions o mwi .>nd aubâtitute a wild desire of indefl ~naýbo latitude, and extravaganîce, for tbi plitical wvancement olî h4mnelf and hi taL J, IL la t'O beg. a contenaptible diigus of zll that 6, and ta perd , ade peoplé ths ,s.thijlWes4êoUgUtale.>Lè is inflac to aperate a «pueeral diebrgc et everý - ,n-ftnw'ev«y - WihIleiaLaw and 1loca %apO.hooýohabito linposuon soci ety Il ito set thou about' doing wha tnliklle e, An th.y likeand'm they lik witl8ôI-any retoreace . o.0any làa bu thoir own will, or' any consideratlon as t hei tÉ ommuh it$ýy uayb. affectéd 1> tmwrbdm3t Ba~t caca fo~ i,&l we tel! h1r thbÎý ivli harenDoWagof tiIs. W %euhd If t h tram * vofai oclty !I -4* ojdýIf we d18eomo oIts parts,, if m tW~lW~W chiaents fighting or *g#<hê*hher; if wa put up cvor>y mi feppt'Vad gaitDthe remtaiflderof h ap sa, wes stali veap the wil-ujfidv u #*hà b àý1w4-the ator,. This Ëmi bo tW Bd à aecordin9tO Ih6 Clés Q40d oë;,iuStie U yitj 'taA niwn a pr$ ef sur rqpwS vu .~aoJo out lut eau. Dr. Haua, seccmed b>'Rn]f 1enll tnoed fer Lbe appipnt o f a spocai c.umlLLee te conlat ofUitU. Macoeall, Trimayase,sund thes tOr aexamine mb thie question egthbe Elective Franchise as at peea.tt cotgtut&4d, su ehoreport an>' &meiadmnmsanmd altrtiauilbcyfll. tuai& propot sud expediont ta lie council, M'*b.ét L&eriewof iaying thec mm.befir eb ai the question vas nov undéngolsagpimhl gornerai discusalicnalal over tie ceuntry', sud bad been froquemaly> brouglat under the consideratipa of tie govoe ut Cr Lie purpmofa amendaient tisai Lb. Coun- cil uigtbt ae ais opportuait>' aof mak- ingmsousuettens A tee- Yem mga he> ' bat wllat e-as knoe-x as tue IbtY sthiilingfro&e-bhotd qualification. lu 1852 that Ise- e-u amended, sud- , awe-paased b>' vhich tenamnts vero outitled- Le vot-e. At or about te sautetimte, a lue- providing fer a propen negistraifon cf votensaad tuak- iug the quzalification £50, e-as likevise pasîrd.- ta the working eft iis iL w-a t'omnd tiat ha diIlcretit parts efthtie country> webe.tLb.assessors vene meoft'straag political t'eeing-tlîcy asscssed their op- pouenîs at £49, disqualiitying thetu fruin the exorcise et' Lb. franchise, and thîir t'ieuds Le>' put due-a at £50, giviag thetu the ightt10voe. Thecoasoqucaceweas- that time lbebame inoperative, and vol- iîîg under Lb. systemn impracicabe-and tic gevernment fouad IL necesaary ta ro- pool it. He e loieved that theirweai nbe obc- ion heid unule; Limailae-_' MH& (Dr. Ramu) rometubervid tlat vîth a t'içnd ut' bis in a 1ceaistiLueiacy near Kingston tb.y uadortook i no evise Lb. votiag lisIs and tic>' agreed la ndoiug sot that tuboei.tlîing'e-s aa perfect buîubug. The Legisiature thon pasIeda ne- be- vithout Lie registration clauses, sud LiaIe-sute present leclien le-. Eveny anc admitted lie inadequacy ut' tiallem. IL vas indocd dravur up sud passed in a very loose inamnen. Ne te-o lavyers coud gr.. upon, tie t.adûagiof scavely aclause of IL; a.mwaa* eofthe clauses eoe ceutrsliohoiy of- oaci ether. Daniel O'Cenmiol-once aaid Ibat ho could drive a coach sud six tbrough an>' Act et' Paliansent passed b>'tb. British Gavera- nient, but ho (Dr. LHàr,) could have ne difficult>', blms'uI, in driving a coach and te-elve Lrougb Lie pi-sent elotion be-. - t vas ne unusurl tliug te fiad haIt' a dozea i<r liaIt' a score young men, t'armers boys, i vtiug upon tii. saie tanin; Lbey drîl se- because Lie> could savoar lb.>' anre timon occupants sud expectod Lu become os-cors, aud swaliowed thie nocessory oathî vithont compunction. The hie- requirod amen àdînent -utîd the question haviug noîv Corne before the Goverument, lie betieved Lbey were anxioui te procure aIt the information they could geL ounlime sulject. This e-ai is (Dr. fIiui's) reason for meving for Lime coin- mnitte-lhat lhoy couid snggest some use- tut improeomeuts hanLie pi-usent 1mw La lime Legislature. IL e-sdmitted on ait bauds that the lav e-sa uselesiad impracticabie ias IL slood.-It e-as, ha fact, verse Liau- universal suffrage. île (Dr. Ham) did ,not know aa-ether lime peuple eft he Coun- try anec yet preparcd t'on universal suffr- age, but he believed univenial suffrage te b. preferable te Lie pressaI be-. CouL. Roav,-l do net tbank the are pro- pared. Dr. Ham, weo, I1e-ouid prefer it le lbe pi-osent systena et faise îsvosng, and false returas. Look te the cSe of tire.Quebec cold net soe. vat Lb. malter bad ta do eith Lthe basinçu fset bCeuncil. SCapt. Rave, dld not Mn. Maedeneti un- d denîtand thaL wee vd unden a nesponaiblu -goverument, and~ iat utuggestions or a- mendia&gtte L.e-might originate e-lU tepeopleto beeies, er H» am iad indeed n. Iuatructitons from thie gavrnmeat, :but tls. govovamSeat he t' e-as sure e-ould not abject La neeeivfag 1-a« f tormation, ne malLer froua e-at quarter it Scame. Nia friend-frouate Centre WaH is via expectod la bu Inu parliameat bitmel st some day, sbould net objeelt t a littie dit. It cussion on political matons. Itlavin r, brangit the matiçi- befone te Council ht e- oald withdrae- lhe nesolutioa e-it cori jsest*of tise membera premut as geaitemer j- aliow.d iodiapositioaa ta taise fUp Lie at L 0 The. Urbtadga Tespeuamue SoIreo. M. Curtis., e-be la i'eporhsln lua we.ksi iu.eft hI. Joirrasalto a lreuaid I bis 'addtesi-hbt t'Li presumbg01en ment e-as r.timed ta pov*j on %çmlghil mare ot drainkeanm.,» oelled u'pon ti inake a correction an, bis speech. Wh& r. Curgtuiint ta s»Ywas i Auu%6lo ben. toomrs rtmdi t/ai 4#Preow fa Pm liasassnuss4msgAswià of isteaima Welhkee-se badralvwut frein thé oied oi tioi>tlncesAlbet Band, tc eÎts'dit Lie statsnsentc-tb^isat Op= 1 PMI jpy"ultl JalloasiAI Ceunty Court. TerssuÂv, Manci 0.: -Te Court e-as opeued b>' liii Haner Judge Burabana, aItireu o'cbeck. Thene wer. îltogethor tbirty-eigbt records on the dockot t'en trial. The gi-caLer numben boy- cver,vere settlcd b>' cousents forjudgemeat being given. FAIM ioS Ii ei1 WýA5 lof Dcii 8sa,-ÉW bav9gaIon t Ste Of le-o sinco I lait vitLe, sud ail bings con- sidered, tue prospWbtsfor the CaseuOf Or- dor and good gevernuacat as oppOsed te tb. Grint taclon &Tae cfute as prouising as lie boit Mfondieofthe .Admllsrtralion couid wisi. The CourI t G(enoval Quarter Smossis et tispe Ps.for bis eCeuni>' e-asop.med eus Tiaoaday last, jmidge Brairnt Pres1d- ing.. étesthsoE*,Ee e i. Tw of Whitby, mILE. ErW4 tsq., ee likewia. on theienmcb. ?Tae lat ofet' rsId juroft we-a sd overvjMthe is rasd JAry avaria.Nemi Batea, Esquire, Pore- man.- The crimiam catendar titis session la very ligit, oeulstitgfag et a mmof Palty isroay, sd oese cf sslL.gbaue coin. Jiidge urubans, lu is charge h ie. Grand Jury, rouaarked tapon tise Impor- Lance of lte nov appointuaentai tounty Attornsey fir c onnecionvwftlr the Court sud te ciminal business of tS. Gunty. 0f the gro utsitanue b Grad Jury e-ould derîve rontabi% servImsln dlseiafglng thoir dulles, tie a& idsttals ouldfind in lias, aid tLitaI aogether ln lie sifting and brb4btg forvsrd proper e'videace, te public voald b. mici benefitted, Lie ad- ministration afjuatice served and cnminals prouaptl>' punished. On Wedt.iesday only one case cf petit iarceny e-satried. Tii. prîsoncr e-as convicted. On Titursday the Sessions w-iil conclude. W. shaîl furnish repart uext vcek. hntaluaet un prontissai-> note. No de-. tic lion. Johin A. M.acdonald rcplied, lin. fonce Verdict t'en plaintiff for £27 Os 6ld. Ra a itvctdla fieadM N. G. Iam, solicitu or npiaintiff. Ruse iad nover helO Lime othen. Sm ith vs. Steilig.-Action for recovorv M4. Talbot, niember fer East Middlesex, ut' ameunt et' promissor>' auto. Undet'end- movcd the resoluîtion eeon la base an cd, verdict t'on £41 4s 7d. W. Il. Treinsyne, Addnoss te liii Excellone>' iu anser te soliitor fui- plaintiff.L.SpehfenheTiusdiLhbt &Smnels es. Sutton & lTomlinon-.c. tsimpe jsce fomthe Thojnor memben ta bu> ion on proasôr)'note sinsilan totehi e-o imljutc oteunrmmb os pneceediug cases. Verdict for $200 &5c. t hob acquhtcd bimscîf e-lb siraplicit>', S. B. Fairbanks, sollciter for the îlaintiff. gcee, h. et As r Lb. varns mene Keller «..- Joyntea-Sitnilar action on IL ecomuae end e m tegverartin enaud promissor>' note. Verdict fan plaiatiff fr t'on mexa nator' cmenta, au:petLiecnclu-d £67 2s 9d. S. B. Fairbanks, selicîtor Ianrseln Las evideut me-hand asade-hicomai-k plaintif.so twséieth-a aehemr H7land ve.. Stecenmn-Sinailar actieu ouLie lieuse. Talbot is sume 24 years et' oa pomis«y nte.Verdict for plaintifi mgo, m good looking fellue-, ad lthe edileir fon p$404i85c. So. B arakeoiio fthie -Pro totype, viichisla aver>' eol t' ai tt 448e .B arakslctrconducted and influential consenvative pa- fokw Pbainiioe igC.,V o pa pr oat Lb.libonal sebeel. The seconder oetaha -A aact o risa mCss.sontp-e- as Mn. Marin, member for Terroboane, Verdict fon plaintif t'on $182 68c. S. B. weeh utieeetdb clmto Fairbanks, solicitor fer plaintiff. j i-first, last year, aften Mn. Prevost hsd Bisnv.Luke.-Adtioiou on poi- iresigued iis seat, but toe bte for bis suc- isonte. Vriè o pan i 0ini$95 cesser Ici tahie ittbenatathe i-ceont election. soi- not. 1i-~~ autcitr fo thtI14 give hlm ne undue pi-aise vlten t1s>' that 40e. S. fB. le d-ivored hbimacîf et'a sDuecci e-lich Tal- , plini. P v8.aaaneo not ould bave licou an boiser toL, vtera.- Tayl ns Punis-Batnc ou uotSir, ie-ns given witha beautiful fi tiency and igage. Verdict for plaintiff fon £55 8. 10d. echie -aia'togladbed S. B. Fairbanks, solicitor foi- plaintif. ýet'piieda pnncipof tnet ofiend fouad u 3Ic Coy, vs. Bmps.-Actieis on proinssary scef oi rts. Tie fi-tnsofe ung i note. Verdict t'on pbaithff b>' consent.L P efrs Tefied fth on J. Wilson, solicitor fan plaintif,. gentleman ec perîodtly deligited viti Fullr e alvs-Lighh.-erdct or iirn, sud Ilîcir rtiterated applause must piaintiff for £44 19aS3d. R. J. Wilson, solî-haendngr bstostv Yumy citor or plintifhbcaune tuaL Liere is a brigit future ha citert'onplaitif.stor-et'on Mn. Moil if lio cultivates his op- Butin v8. Alla-n et ai-Verdict fui-plain- portunities. Hoe was about ce dluding tf hi- consent £28 12s. R. J. Wilson, whlen Lie ciaock marked 6-Lie dianen solicblo r for plaintiff. bour-aud ho asked oul>' five minutes W;aliace vs. Bengoagh. - Verdict for mre, but Lb. apposition weie tee gbad te plaintif b>' ceusent t'on £45. I. J. Wilson, stop hum, se Lie>' ciameured ad tiebeuse solicitor for plaintif, rose. After thie inteninisaien h. nesumcd Dewey vs. Tomison.-Vordict for pain- and tok novenge forthb. aut of courtes>' tiff b>' tombent fer $0 60c. R. J. Wilson, exhibited b>' givirîg the Rouges auothtn solicitor fan plaintif, hait' heurs torture. Dmoacet. Ssttn.-Verdict ton plaintiff Mn. Brava tien rose te asit ministerial by consent for $198 25c. R. J. Wilson, explanations vuaich, b. fauches hme bas ak solicitor for piaiuLninii eai vr' abu ieAlen> O'Yeal s. Wite.-Vondiel for plantiff raiyod coovery>' i utothelAore -b>' ceusent t'on £27 l1. 1. R.J. Wilson, lions. vui pvoced it odebamteu soliior for olaltif. pemapid pig Lscoursit e duve and p Wkitirag cs. )uller et al.-Ve-dicL for perbtuuitiuing iht lecouen egnifng p plaintiff b>'consent for $148 52c. S. B. pbitnitb s nt c aulifbating Fairbanks, solicitor for plaintif. . vaipanoti>' ela dscoasatonho ae Pr-att et al es. Besll.-Verdict for plain- sdw saeutt sy tinalu m gsoaeai va>' tiff s b>' co nt fan £11r 8e S ain- fidon'L gang ex ictl>' as Le G ri L C hi ot' eou ad banka solcitert'onptainitt visla theni. The next speaker asr. Haydeon v8. Pay, et aL-Verdict b>' Waliridge, e-ho as yow/ knov bubeaon consnt, £5 attrn . W H Toay cracked up in Lime "Globe" as equal 'loaa Plainifa en e >. le.& K le. V r it double ea and a beise te spare. T at biraconsnt£82 17s e . KeNe.-V.rHamt i.deemed lhinself another Ciciten, I ain- b> cosent, £3 17sattoN.r.nHoucerel>' belieae, for Lb. ver>' oxordiuua of pioitiffs sLai-ey.bis enatanical effort vas supenlativel>' ego- SDcmrill ca. Beall.-Vei-dict for plaiqtiff, tistiec. Witb a ver>' formidable se-aggen -£31 Os 4d,liy consent. Racdonell and Dartacti. sol icnters for piaintiff. ho rau bis tance ut once m ti e speech, Lainag vs. Perry.-Verdict t'on plaintif e-iich, vitIt a sucer hc consigned Le dis- b>' consent, £31 2s 4id. grace ats une-anti>'of' a scbool-bey. Potin Bostse/ -S. BedsoIa.-Vei-dict t'on plain- t'elloe-, ho litie lhought ho-w soon bis stiff b>' cousent, £98 lis 8S1. Cort WaDNxeasoa, Mai-cii 10. caek-a-doe-dle-dee e-ould tapeon"ea banst open at 9:30, A. M.-Judga Bun,î- viti a mere cocitie, but au iLi, t'on weh banpresidiug. or he geL bevildeneul or frigbten.d,en faint, SmithA vs. Hicle et. al.-Treuaa>'e for iL is certain ho almost braite dae-n. For -plaintif ; Beatty for defendaut. Verdict awielesrgldi afcnue efor plaintIff, £60 16s 2d, a anhheho sLmgi ed u ianibaîfincos Duif va. Moody, et. aL-Macdoeehtformannbrnigetnniesi ot plitf; &R. J Wilson for'defendal.--- barbai-oua Eaagliah, anramtier in utter defi- i Verdict for plaintiff b>' consent, £$# 7L suce et al Lie rules et' lauquage; but bo Cael i. Pedlar.-R. J. WiIso0a, fer bas boots fait'ully daguemroLyped b>'tbe vipaintif; 1 W. IL Treuasyue, for défendant. Mostreasl Gazette correspondent, bhat 1 Verdiel for plaintiff. prefer giviug yen bis remanks te uIhiin J. [Rema-inde-r of thse coseinezmtseeek] fmow Redadgi ______a __an>'e'uy en oaadgn MarvUsz oN or vira Fis BiiGAuL-Tho AfLaîn golssg on a little e-a>' i said ýd membens oallie Engin. andileoit and Lad- "lTien s a great commercial criisS on Sidon Campanies nmet uathlic'revu Haill, ou bahid2 Thesewee. is von>'weond&, -E 8' Monda>' oveniug lut, toelct EL ngineors erate iheu do en cthLe spot Au expres- tg for the, présent year, ln punsusuce efthte sien se infeoiteus bath lun matter anid ie power latet>' granted Le o éFine Brigade manner r oM uasudslagreal 0an,et ceaira" Sfor thah purpoob'leCenî.<aau" tittrlg. e-liehbrbnkqout ihalase- npf b*fUa y gothe ptn veteicd; ts!sagtr h l amJvmntsa tatIielâe. hM dd-Det pr pemut Tgrittiost et thetu-the gi-est George-sud gackenzie. I1ueut lite feliaviug notice andl pretta Rta peougss ih -ud ietesa iproper sudailvotd L. mtomt, pico fane- ime of e-hiei liemust -be alloved b b.' iwihlihe exception cf HRaaLe-li promises )f' bis oratica froua the FHamilton ,Spectator gant lji-aa>', andit is quito plain tbhuL if th judge.Thntcpolbalpro4 fair, and tua)'yet becomo a valumble mena- hicb tiongla sotuewhat sevore, is ntctun- cnriyl b-teHnecoi net fLl.po etheii strobye.had tlng hua- ber, itho eschev" nabid radicalisua in goed just: Ieegnlmn Iud do.-dittOeté ha n Iinstyse- -retig 'hu imte, I deuil vietier an>'oeeamong Lie McGee's tthoules eoe soIt, and pti-- otir-cass et eateted eectio nTu newovtp et lie-yens vitis e this lea- aps a little tremulous ; ce-ever, sncb e-ouîdduce lis 11 i o , eaaati; al oeuay ion bas recruiLed ils ranka, tanecompare wus Lie désire Le hein bina, uaL b.e Ina et'its legaiunnhnhna1coai.Non. J. S. Macdonald e-anted Wtêkfow- ;t bithbiua. Give lie devil bis due and Fo- kiaese congréogatioesagit o-word i eh o ue tilt Lb., iLhtmon. cf tlie'43titnesjpeliey 0ss 1t îey'sabaliîlîes canuot ho ignored. 0f ceuns tie o enttrdstrugib>' - et ections, vheacaioacis ev flJd. Micisd .Les ~oia- ho'mTii.edmotiond pentasi the ôver-ver>' long speech te apswMd 4.e h. infid b.god oitsluLi. avr-Uid bis voice. incveased la volume as. lie cdààth i t attempt aI Lynei Ijaw ever altenatéIl p6 ,Oe nona speech, and magnified thc importance toced. ,Befon. naany minei bad lnried han Csngda- aud e-Itou lie votae-wasyààg ba s of et'is aleged amissions. lunconcludlng, ho ë assed, i.olWad L. Oppositon sido lu a, xiîie-s egtiedb> 8pYas t u'arned lb.héVparev Canada memibers liaI - ,,audit muet.,be, concdcd..tust i. na1,; 8tel Lies.et'f licuae-be suppoà te s Adres ibited, ina bigi dégrée, ite- aiility etf-slietd lhave!,ine.mïlwe i ý wovuld Liereby 'déclare agàÎustReprosea amga a wilt*ism te11 eut mii Ibat ~i nil. oura ~i* ~ ~ Kn~i tinbie u ouatobu i>'eod acot uf s firý god bita, iauglu ta ise u >'provicus notes bave brougisi dowa -thiât b zandêa gSd Wêy,îb.. - bé dé se utlhe-péril 1-I Iclisenvebat tlaksc ýà&au tshast ie speechs e-as oer l inte precedinguntsscmblyho Titan.- ofthie Opposwleooo1&l,-ic Gniti retetrible tiblovu fer threatenin& . ratialueaunL 40Mirottos day evenirig, snd iu lie.Legi.siative, Coun, with th.elage LWýOBda t ôwe li, s sot Lme a ver>'excep- braima, wibcibad "a plentifut isck of cil tW WOedad'y..lu-the,-1olIa*r Ré s ettthÜ tiocab1e1mëdode a pr ee. -if a snrQ atter in i t- Now, Lie quetatlxrnissbeeaa the adead etnudmnd ý dêb*tîý ist& n Aý iJs>w i sgoodsýèure> L xolnen)bjeû nd~Lesu ie i. a~ ndinthe latter noling bas bedone at bid fôoameealle anycueslld iil 'pope ar1host' but suob vs. Lie dispositca otseule al4, save disposag of a maloti ytbe', on.. BrSurt ti.u.*C. * lydWsioeuof dlig eutLis1leal and tlie whal ceed <ppositim ~te lotize p'Arcy. Mr. Oroks,*to onpnw ndIfr rýýat iwd zdtl g ri~hiywiesi ao~ but I àubnl mi I~mtaa e S3mehuadounto-a USiGonreWà* te, asupposed- aegooWloo sutIued lb. tUt thprae f hUlouDnlnnbefNW imswve.wy lGritiain, 4hat tb.Jak.bhad. wluà ba lo*verP o uad tiqIuMPWtI- out m"lmc. h"ni n- lindsitai lutoM èand of frying taeoapl mgr Mn. Yoam veold liay! iuppoaeo Governimtt; for wdeml .,iý cfau h1 0 JS*mtewýJjj tiens under pain cf belng iseld up ln thé halit W-s p~u nd a~to bo BJriLlak4OM dO ii, Nrth "im t-,4 - 40ptr Z n !i5es5theý ýrWiy houait" d o aaj$lr," ahe aHcsst i 'Mr. Va*liunet whiadmittinga â&ik ofue rjan 1à oio~lb d etuÉ-*o*ti, Fol6y &<Co.;tha% ,-ofnésaaIbolet thlie td h w a=un mbhbuinesso,,anIfu8s ptu augv ~n lt for the- tlit Omkxi not'4Ow WU*,étql eiIus m hitoueiatwB 10 pinjaoolhug~tilofhCà"La îptg is - pj , tihsfBroa n s hob.bad a a hIo1W '* pn,.h ssm .-iîï t * up nxe la h e t a a r,_ he . u a , polW hioeqal aiwaeit Âmha- mlé& tun -i Oatarf o '~Obeor~ To tic E-iitŽi- f tX r" I Mea>'as ell 4iýia the prsecdlmge of lie LegW&llI Couuu 1 dua-g iti onda>' Tuesdmyasid W.dn.s ata once, befove I lake te thse lsav>' bustnsof t hie Assem- lily. With tie exeel o f uitinco f mottons ai-M tie IntroductIon cf a ee-buis, one of e-hich is fort.e protection ef mai-- rieti wamcn's propert> riglits, anoîbor for Lb. Registration ot Debentures'issued b>' Municipaittîes and other Corporation@, and anotber for tie modificationoet hie Usuny Lawes, nctbiug ver>'netieable bas occur- red, but && eyou il perecive frcua thein ti- tLes, Lb. buils 1 bave naxned are mît et' a scund practicat nature, and indicilo the good disposition efthlie "Lards" la occupy lbtliselves eith mottera mare useful uban politîcal aquables. Anpter to thas Spech fu-om the T/a ruas. i should have soid thot lieforo tiub l- jodt was taken np, varions petitiouà againsI membri-. settiug eoe pre.'ucted and or- dored ta lie laid on the table, nud tint on î the inquir> et' nI. Canchioxaas te vimoîher Lime lihon. dehn Rosa hsd -vacatod Lime ffice jof Presideut oethie Grand Trunk Ruile-a>' aud uof M.- Rose timaL et Vice-President be- ôta igfzvï sudflss(luI i t *Wai ut atioea ï hIbflouse deeidedt o ve .the if we Wa jualge frouathii ufous devi- .omnwnotd doiug, lnatead ef a c e ocfaMr. Buttani I esil iL suesful not, niÀto tàacouuitt.0*mit -, f i <bat ikë eno with whiçh tboy caruied a portion of doiwumd Iwill mu a *hoits CUet, go, I1beeme ethon. wM i't arhumelnlai4,but ail previffl, atiempta, lé yul eoeMý-tu the laut elections in IUppuv Canaa. But 1buMsM < nmy proponsîty. botause ît again excited the ttatrrlment of hiotbiing- Bý' ibis systein et UÉprmsng Lth. to~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ reaat C.Wl5g, i issoe 1kYtrc pndiubl~tnd dia as the Giis ho were disposed just at that frenvhý speoes;teoulf g~~~ oxhlbiting hims.IE;andas lh. expatlated wellW b.ecoul4'l'"Bliiesa.at tus.rho Lim e ta go into fiLs with very elender pro: trSdM t lYn CLI£bâth. tLaver Canàdiani on the fortlle theme cf voprntatioân by dont! uxpeet mucbe, for -thb.ey kW niit Ukely 'vocation. He representcd youn anember wha tordcthem n ay cejmmon justice, re by population bie addreEmedhe b flouse wvith -ta 1ýo disappint.d"a beattd wàih ss mucb absorbed la finance "as ta fa't the best speakers and debaterns athet 'gentlemen." 'II say gentemen," "ttell hadlItS happiest fulfilusent in Lb. efeiz bave gat yorfden ln the corner"!! NVas Hadise, are a pacel cf noodls who ofily #ay you, gentlemen," &c. encel of tbuse who listened ta the respecta- 11115 not a treniendons joke Y Weil, Foley ",oui" or "1non" as the case "aY lie., Ifa As ho coritinuod ta do go, bis neighbor, ble OMeifltn's delîterance. According Atut ent affI rtx, convlsioris af the. Mirror of Parliarnent could bo produced irr r. Hogai, whe »w the Roua. wus lasagli- ta h l'*çIbm Romans were at fault for the iaanitY. which'Lb. trench speeches were tnanslated ing ln iLs aleove, nýudgod hlm, and whls- " 001 PoperY howl M" Ris next àMd Yas -Tbê neit original play of the patniot's haLo eaglish with any dégtee of 4ithfulnea pered to address thé Speaker. "Oh yes," stTO o in au that Lb. Governaient was fancy weas at Mr. Cayloy's expoese, and tb. eyes af Upper Csv*lans wouldie mon said Mn.ý Walbridge, I h ad fogot-! am 0Mjijpt. This e-at a VËYy new and origi- but for is-profane flippàtncy in regurd ot' apeaed- W the finer aMiliLleiof isE gentie-'. Dot us.d ta addr.sslng the- Speaker." -- ýE'ýiareas it natf t'ai lteliandaof lhe SacredSériptures' I wonld have givea mon e-ho nepresent Lowt- a*sataand Upon Liis Lb.he-isole Uouo bauat into ai clevér men, the commoneat thinga frequent- hlm credit, not for exuberace;if humeor, e-ho I have no, hesitatlon in, Stying, vii shou o! augltorsud . wa ovreei"a~unie the aspect of noveity, and pe>- but for a moderato pleasaatry in illustrýa- on the whof<ftiepeto incîo u saluted with cries "go on," "go on," "[t'a hapà Mn. Patrick intended ho invrmt the thon. -la addition ta bis otber duties he courteoous-beffing ccn1PafM tery' vonabiy, ail the. sane." I have notes ofhaf-a-daaen subject e-ith intorest enough taeanake it (the laefln Gosiena) lad turned mis- with aur ewirrepresent4tîve.és more expressions quite as gauche, but I attractive, but ho don't succeed penhaps. sional'y' dleolportetf r, g! vitug Bibles a*azy The debato on the. address* thea cameq fear ta make this letton too long by narrat.- Yon tMay judge af the felicitous nature cf La varins institutions -in Huron and Bruce on agaa *iOT W& flin- Mr. Cayley, wboi ing them. Mr. Attorney LieneralMacdo- hlis ýtteMPt, when I tell you that ho based Tho peopleo had atudied tb. holy precejits bail netu"ned i tu Renfre1w, with fiyiîg naid and oaers look.d an the e-bol. scene the accusation upon the LMdW# "g anfèr, ell, for e-hile tlaey aceepted the gospsi coîors delitred a speech e-hich dhd bina e-itb an intenseiy camical expression of abo(t!iLb.hessne eith whicb an)' nuraben efthLey rejectod Lb. missionary." The ani- credit, and viadigated bis policy froua .-h face; ad Mn. Hogan, bis neighbor, 1 - .Grit~ that raiglit be requined, couid hc mas of this fliag ait Bible distribution, at aspesie"a of Lb. snsall mon - ho with 1ouat ad iatenseiy diagusted. Tisse te-o n- baukbt np if the OoVerament should fia-d aissionairy enterprise and domiciliary visi- belnt abYt2UcOmpfobead tue vast interesta, tlemen ttit together ia Lb. seats form ri yitseilinh an Upper Canada miaority, if taions by colporteur8, is too manifest ta*!ttb whihblu bas ta deal, have talent accupled by Mesa Hillyard Cameran and Mn. Patrick e-ouid but hold bis peace, or escape notice, y«t the punitanical Browa- enough te; d'y and cavilanthini. 1 cannat -< Gambe, and they are ini a pantieular mn- Cnfno bis oratory ta aquiet snigger, be iLOs, the decply oxerdisd ieiCt;a'th(p3eid va a lyze sbis speeoch, wichl non the rej'resentati-vc8of t theolad Conser- woulld serre bis friends rnuch mare effec- broad protestant scbool aÉtualiy applatddic vetrs îwo olabuhoccusvy vative party ln oppotqition. Fi-om the elo- tnaiyf than by talking such pl1atitudes as this injurions mocker ut' unr 1h,,t religýi- pi'oved thet hie pulicy ww, the onfly truc quneiuce of Mr. Cameron ta the dnivlling heo gve on Wednosdiy. ans unganizathun to the echu, and nut satis- o ne for the country> unden present cincutu- af Mr. Walbridgp, the steps arc, indeed, MýT. Dor-ion, the Rouge leader, thon came tled whth une round ut' greceitgas thoY Wenit stanc!es, ani 1 believe no one bad -the cou.- down, due-n, down. Fan my part 1 bave up, and if he had had goud topics, wouid at it a second ime, in which, they were rage to attack bis arguments. After Lb. been an laduçtnicn watclaer of the pro- have made a good speech, for ho i% qulte joinod by maay ofMrMGo Roman Cath- i terissin- ditner- Mn. Piche, the ceedingm of the Canadian Paliame t forthe conmpetenLtao the task, but ho lacked fis olle friends in lte gaîîecries, su true iii it l'rich gentleman e-ho bad gaiàed a amne bu.t ton v'ears and I have nover seen sncb usu&l energy. Possibly hie himscit' e- Lthat extremnes meet. le thenlWC iint0 by bis speech on LbeSpeakership, Looik tbe a melanchoiy exhibition ot'nesuit t'rum 50s fanrl'romn being cunvinced of the sonr.dneqes talkin- af the necessity of a milit-any force floor aad announced bis intention et' sup- muehet'pnomse.My aeigbbor says :- of th. views lho had been appointed(4oapro- la Canada, ut' theo daims e'of Poic uprigteGoenîn~1ebdbe "If I bad sncb a reputation, and had made M4 nt d wben tbis is the ceue, a 4peakor the 11j lson's Bayi Tenitory t'f teflion. ciaimed by tue Opposition, and ho bd e sud, a speech, 1 wotuld go and bang mv- ha neyer convinciag-. lie attacked the Ta- Chiot'J,,.mice Drapcr'sq mission, anîd bis i- senved bluaself until'be bad an opportuaity selL" 0f course Mn. Walhiidge is as mncb niff,:lnslîtlng tupon lbe propriety ut' substi- noranceorut'unr hotndan' linos, and oethie- (Xlieaning bath sides. 1e bad aow, hoard ot'a laugbing-stock to-day as Mn. Mobin is tuti4g cd valorem fer «pecitte dulies, e.<if etu oenmn.H hnaddncýised jthem and confessed bis judganent e-a con- pnased th Taif -er an enircy iadeup t'limself Le the vilidicatiortof the -Roman vinced that tic polieyof' the Administra.' After an excoriation frein Mn, Ferres, the ilatter. He thon cbarged corruption an Catholies cdaims for separate seos, and thon was by far the best. an n utheurh pon Walbridge e-as doomed Lu geL yeî tle1 Administration, bocause soine error hainveny__emphatio; terias entercd a solema spolie in the bappiest and mtuai nate style another dose, t'on the t'oos hunter uft he had been committed by the Hincks, Morin protest against the GriL doctrine ut' Coin- t'roquontly elciting burstsof applause ind Wabash, ivhoso hsvock ut' the yuung ani- Cal4inct, in relation Lu an isue ai £13,0()otaon Schools. Witb gne-at buldneýss ho 1 oniy du him justice wen 1 say that hie mals bas procnrcd him the nick-nomen eft' Lu py certain debentures twice. Mr, defendod Bisbup Charbonnels puîicy ha urotion e-as ancet'f the best delivored this 'Old Coan" treed bita. Su fan frutu agi-ce- Carjîier repliod and proved Lt ît o Tariff relation to this motter, and poued ont a Session. ing in opinion eith that gentleman e-ho e-a based upea the ad vaioi-ern principl, I -StreamOfnt invective og-%iL- thuse Who lhad Mn. Brown wanted explonatiaus of tb. held the speech to ho a more school-boy a vn inconsidenoble portion uft' h ee saled iim. Nuxt ho foul foui ufthLe lion changes that haît thakea place la Lie Ca- production, ho Lbougbt iL e-ortby uof a nue behng derived frotu specifir, duties, and John A. Macdonald t'on bis Oraugoism, aud binet.1 scoh-smatr; but une thlng had licou berýe ho emphaticaliy stated iL e-as the ha- reorded bis determinatiua e-heu the Bill Mn. Win. Pciecll suad ho e-as net justi- made veny c<ban to tu bouse, aud it e-as ton ion ufthLb Ministny, at Lb. eanliest pro for the Incorporation of the Institution- fied ha deinaadiiig them. that Lb. hion. membens ce-a speech e-as a ic4ble moment, to tae off tbe duties ai- vbicb Mn. Brava is, 1 believo, pledged La Mn. Short thon delivered hiusefoîf a a - decidedly schoo4-bo) hal adir. About that togftber tram tLn. and sugar. As La the ai- introduice-vas under coni§îderation, ta terrible long and Iodions speech ia vhicliv thon. could b.e handly a difference et opin. legéi errer, this Ministry wero net respon- prove that first anmd lbt, and ail thnougb ho cuademned the Ministry ont and eut. - han. Malcolma thon fasteaed. upen the sibýLe foy iL, but for iLs discovcrv! lie thin iLs hstory, Orangeisin had been an agency Tboyweon bad ass bad canld ho, ad he great Clear GriL ichoolmaster binaseit' and sh<>ved Liat under any cincuxustances Lbet'f Satan, a prooo t tie ill-blood, vould appose tbem te the dtath, but. his dopicted bis paîkticai, chanacten viLh a issie oeth Ie £18,000 rould lie atteuided ravi, niots, bloodshed aud murdes.- talk mode littie Impression. Hiii manner master hand. To b. sure ho used a ieavy e-iýh no lp[Sorne one ber. asked, . 11ev de yon liko indeed e-os seasingulan, bis language 30 bruai md vs ne ps-tiulaly nce Mbou . Buchanan foll&*ed, and advocate~ that, Broya "] Fiually, b.e lectured the quaint, and bis attitudes se absurd, t t giving abhigb ifinish, but lte likenesi e-ai thý repesi et'the Usnry Laws. Ile applau- Mnistry on thein duties. the uta membens ho invokod an nninturmitted tilLer almost slnhkingly faithtul. WViat bad that hon. de 1ldMn. Cayiey's mode of dLaling with theonLisdcoeseeduinrcthealtelm. member donc for the country? WbaL Tjniff, sud frauly acL-uowledged ho had n weemn boy Lu bebave Lbemselves, wind- Afier hm caine 11n. Fergussen of Senth « useful measures had hi-oraiginated and cn,etained4n psttdînes prejudîces agpillst ding up witii o mery boid docioration ufthIe, Si.neoe,-wlo -putLbitself forçýard as an bo- carried Lrongh ? Wberc, througbont the tbtit Minister, weh ich oser stndy et' bis course ho inteuded ta pursuc as a thor6u- uest straigbtfovard man. He iiuc Statule book could any evidences et' bis fiî4ncial poiicy hmd dissipaied. This cern- ghiy indepoudent member, and warning Mni. Hogan, sud pnonvuuiced Mn. -Short a services be discovered ? Net a ti-ace of bis i#~ froua a merebant M. P. P. et' Buchan- ail aud sundry that Thomas D'Arcy MV cGee sbaky member- this ha allusion ta a cer- great mmnd vould that record show-, but nqn'a emînence and neputatian as an su- e-as "thon." You sbould bave secu GriL- tain singular motion e-h that geatlemaw Lb. dissensions ha the country) gave îesti Llheity on suci matons, e-os ne amati huan as ponrtrayed in Lb. Brawa aud Peley kept up ail lbe time be e-s speking- many ta bis benevolent and energetho plaise, and miht ee be taken os a suffi- figur.ehead!., e-bile D'Arcy e-as pitchlag Mn. Fergusson repudialed George Brava agene)'. Ho had succeeded teme exteut ci' nt anse-er to MnP. Dorien, e-be, as -o be-- bis ned-bot boUls lie t. Bitterly did they sud bis Globe, and the Giis genenally, but ta croating a cry t'on a mensure e-hich hoe y9en, con hardly lie supposed le ho very rue their fmlyl iighmterapas.Ifarta asenntoseu e Ma (Camenon) sipproved, but did hoie-wie or iX1li conversant e-itb trade and fi-atnd deeply did îbcy curie the day wen echo in the ministenial ranks. Aftera te oxpetlehae i crredunlssli "cre n#unce. titeir -natunat, allPos" eELhe siartet stripe, words frani other momboe-s Lb. Roud&*&d exetthv tcare nesleha n ce uh a I ioosvrnn -oré ihu oin qa cin carricd eitb iL tu the Treasury Bouches ?Y 1The member for Grey foît iL incunibent bdititdsc toosvnnn"jundvtotcnhgL n cIn Net lbe, and the very fad t'fhs-ntràducing an hlm ta folloe- np bis early offert, and upan them. The gi-est lof ret'ribuîtion Monday, 8ti Manch. iL ta Lb. Legislalune as an amendanent La fýr an boeut or go, kept on bi% legq. H-e is vorking out ils rosuits, Ior they have Nothing donc iu tbe Legisiative Gour,. the speech sbae-ed t h is hd ne athen voanted a Miitry sncb os described by b.itchcd the ogg, sud nov the ceekatrice cil avhose aîembers'are gotting mcariait intention but that iL should bc docked, t'onrL4duund Burke frein ehoe honed, but t1 ag t0 ell tn teu ndeetdoaiî by a nul. adaptcd tast Session Lhe saie. 4ncy Mn. Ilegan munst take jîîst sucb any tbing aise. Mn. Piche brougitt ta Lienotice fýetb,, subjeet ceuld net lie lwice talien up. Was a Ministny as Lb.elieuse cou t'urnisb.* But Mn. Lanangen uudentook tu reply, sudfloeuse an insult on taise accustion brcught it not thon apparent thalis sole abject 4a bitter iven)' is Liiis demand ha viev thougi bhae-as hardly reiarded ai campe- agaiuat huua by lhe Gloe, 1ta e-t: bhat ho l poklng ha that pafJshovva~ o iequality cf tie Oppositie9,froua lenit, iL is aduitted on &U bands tbat leho ad beau brouigit up krid moied tbat iL emmras le4-nsly.d1ethodei h'i li! t nd IMr- Brava puirpase Laforua did IL in a amastoriy vay. Nov iL e-s veny vus a breaci of the privleges oet' ls ea SMa-The Éýiitrr - êCmrii'5 peerli -- ýnCae Sobree at ILiL.; a.nd givt es v ,P»tioa n thel .Vftap1-aiei he but IL at'*n-1' - ~~-side ortb( ridicule -lte i t ucb> lat g-1 garblod foot of t!hu dent otohheCitnr- *iiland tla ii. taadience i ha ah speaker, ei-eahi- ; TMiityLto suit l",' mdd, iL is le -tt -tareport aSi-- sud nul ta o-.- suit bis owrà 1p - - semlsnarn 1m one 1Ibaeet i S tUrnod t oîJ r naipîf"' 't i - 4 taxes, gie-:- e)hanged ik m.ilYtI- iudnulged luin . rautable ntt7uck,5 Iaws sud r-I:1 mit, LiaI suci r- 'plai'e Ot a tomD>ý thlat Limoee «:t Ceuntissses- h Las n>unprj! serrer ta prove panliauent e-as -b- assertion tth ie Mi-. CurtisW. Ilan ïntelligence, isud e-ho returned lun tri', and tbis iha to palilte liy div sepeecb, to Tho r-: bad, muîst h e - edefend. -lieun -ebarge 1I prt-ft -speaker ; liit ta ýme, sud tit-e Bultii. Obse-rrier - repart cf iL; and part of lie spete lb. Cotmoents shows bis -ereÀ S bve ulred la u~loudas ho r iuaeif le an>' -TemperianeSo intthe place- - creeds, on îa give and part>' batre >âded the '-baltn -asti. 'uiuieç jpartýsllyjandf c an,"sd intt Tempýerac, e b an empt>' alsa an d e-bal iL sire -eas l te spècbi Ibaei;tosemy'Lo b 1

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