M 1 IMM Lui urr le tl&'vERBOrFER' 'T "17 'Ci 15 xext Door ta thé rbýcýj;iistry office. lie 81!11S,(-IltltýTll)N TO TUE M T 1lhilbi G1iriiii,ýele, ivill býe2 lier aiýn!lull ml.flIdc MtrIctly In-advalléé. rintei,, Word# ý,«eatý th9g»tsj ýB"jý mîtrtpgi ilwitistry, we advocatt Peace, ?rq -Iren lineii tln(l ivntirr... 111-ivri1ý11,* (per 0 el 'S ÃŽD IL5 1111111 1 ý e -- , ý- ý -jý ; %, - .ý w Sle A Y 1 e L_ ,Iý li4rill Lti-ILI)IUt U11oý,rWý to M d VOL. 2. -HIT ms a ten ytýn uni li-t-v bu- 1 LUERT IS j; eî mirr ýc%»1i1tv, Lx_-Sideý bel tw rent ý -iy eV PRING? liad its i,îeinltvý a hetter a ,,ý,ma.7; il, Mid à dvcrtiý4tig rnealqktit Afflanilt bè in illis Ili TOWN ..rite waterin 1-Ways ,,.erowded el, fitilip tif Foieb. le IYSTAL lulirýg ýhýseas0n-and lehevé 31r*,ÇýM, d re4ilet], in ý1h!ý ilig mo, Nvili lile'aLzo lose nt) tinte in lorwarding DON of SI, 4 vimr Metive. PETER (:-ARMICIIEýÂL., bc ;nere,,a-rich as ZYorness- 4y»ýyýlqý, IF Le the lot'A*hïle# cuizon.: coula jqj.ný4iS fa mil any estimable qu iteiesii No iintil all tirrear- WICK, TOW.NSIIII' lave arr lield ni)._ ut, rioN in 1q N 35?, Wallate Buildings, vie 'evýry 7eek, and, inhale a.breath of A ef 13rock, ISt f2t, feroiito, Qoýce Liquorti, ('" 1 le'ave tlipe for iwýile, .111y love;ý lcave thec bust healt4 ýshe had abseutq t -wItIl a S'i 5 e fi r a, ÃŽhoxt sçmon belli qnero ho risk of the l'fi 1 jike tl)eComberingres., 't. ritiNG14E BEVANS &DI Xo NL,;, 1t, if, EET, 26 %va-n-a fussy fulljDt a4surif.preten- al ild in herdear îéndýandao sil lýUt)eK STR Torantof Jal I;ý, _U ýt 1- 'e . 1 '. C. 'ýv - . - - ýi NATIONU siens, and with. a .,wealcnesq forýforming se illilit ari4o4taiýpe(j 110TEL, -quiet anlil- Zi do not blitxii tk)owmtiiete.%T étltlýtittone1i PORT WnITS1. ilky ellecki. Rristocratic ucqti&int,,tnce, whý,li,,I.nil-inori BOOK",ý.<ND JOB 13 , 1 -C. >TRUT, And what iiiy lip liufiýled to tell, tliat-citoli tl*n oncelpti lier iviLo exýi.%va-,tince, end- I's lig a sinileý&t 13ab's tue T 1 là tttý'tnai.'Qd- M*Iiitl)%. C. W- Tir pereliatiee ijiui spoi&L isappoiiitipent aýd mortification. aliti the public. thilit he ig ri g, in d- eîturesi. but ii; eïk, IIE OV TITE WUIT11Y Mnvourni-cn Nv lie apu'tilseek iny green ile ý(" lih,1ýe Ilot(.!, the Ibusiness of levIlieli. fie The L1ý%seà , î1ileir 1?r *ô .ýjatO conveil Ne-otild vi-pvuýfnlly ililoril) the INTERNATJONAL UOTE-L, 1 will in future eiirr,ý oiý. (iii Tiiý, o%ýll Rooolilit. ', in pnld)lle th:ei tii,,v proiiii-cli', 'niile (et, Te)uý).Nro.- (ýocK1 Likiii(ir,, 'liVii I r.nl Qet titi mamma7r. thoy were con cly a iloilssi, wliich, plie. uru;ýll AST ÃŽNIAI , il% vervI liiýtlldif,,t. Exeellent y pX1 :Tno er;i ltvle-% of1ý e 11*0111, N'ev Vork il, n(t(li- rieI,,,r 4:, '-tiibliii clani-ellil, and expertatA sharers of papais ci these traits of -iiitiiç-ý ýi;, , r 1 , - 1 1 t g. 1 , lil ut telli;un fr iiiiiii atiei h(jree. U re -0 týe v - lieart ut r(,,.,t. i t t lçIIý ii4livtý, %ILL ai NtIlitt -- EDWýlîRD RAY. w-aith, who Nvis I-very (en vilitlier refreshing ihà n ot-ilerw 1 1 le-ave ii;riý f.,r tivIiile, iiivlovc !,ni tvcr-ý liour BOOIÉ AM JOB PRIN fING, Iviioni lie Iii2; Bell %tird was I C OZNEIZ 0F FHONT ANI) (;FteIZ(;E nt eçut" ile-leription, vl1ýI 1101SI9, '11ýIl mid Lucv liad licen -kt school %vith Barbara e iiipnge drove iip to Mr. Norm will di)ne iii.ti -t %IL, lit 01l- Unellp",(i ali-1 Innuiv till the relie t1lai liling, Ill VNT11111% 11 OT 11AVIZ, rui a ltroiig friend.ïh4p-a sellool a. d that 1-ir,,c lltdi,,mith lier (lait 1 file to thoe. ';orn-lati' Ir le- étoprietors vit-in-il Onç 't lV LT 11 A 1, DIS, C', ilist opc-11c'l 'l'iv lier, lui -where 1 1 cý, tc. toake lit\ ricliee inoré : but %vi),.re i., mail been ýitrtiek ul)aw viii d by - Ur., Newton,- veLlI ILI fili'l Vie trio, the Frencli du,,ticing IL: LI S ES lier-. Ji-lin ej ViRy tel) Rt#iirq ta vîý Norniaeî %cils of Sil ricle and pure aýý tieut 1 1 1 - have 110Tfflo. I "" elenomittated "tlie GractS.' 2%nd novv Vilitn fi, 1ý1?1, "lit t'lil'tl I111,1 1-îý t1ill-tillent, roflnIý aile. airv. Illere > 1 etilara hin Lee tI1ý 1-ýt llttý il- 13,2rbara hall reccivwl an invitat,ý-ir. ta slay IlýiirIdIn0y 0l'ard tà ndý ýat4hi: K MI ith the. for ri fj)rLnigjjtý a privntu pûqtý r bonored Cary with rh' ou 11-111(l il ltil..Ir tel' Card $tut-Ion wlit'-il I'vilic lit lio'. : « 1 1ý 1.ýi-ge ziiiiII eoit% eilient, and well FIIPI)Iieýi witli vr -ri 'm, lit - t*tt,-iiiýl,,,ýl lit file ln%%,est -'t w 1lirs. lIiqtiof.4 iitid il diartiond nést, -1 1 rittr P J'liq l'titi lit file II, Tili ileilou m-ciiltl-et i3hare anl tnake iýwnn-. tlý!iI c pi being,.in.w:rte(i lfy Nliss Bell, to the 1 berrtit-ýte liked ta ellil upon faikq.. pricc?; miel et lit£- ilctiov. ONTARIO 110-VEL, voinely *tvii Ili) ýittIIl1x moins e-sr privalo T-ear- ri licart wotil,1 1,now nu re>tý dèiiArnÃŽnfLtc-d irifýte aflect tbat 'A11b. toi conleveT-Y (Ille Corringest te 1 iverv smArt, for there were inost elogint NýitIl an triVerwhelming !&à of 1 17 Pri-priffor. j 1 tlire rir il-,Vllll,.. ,il- el, 1.-tt , : in% clicick i, cold-1 and wliiie, people Liiere, and â1iý-h aillite. ettîît en the çimple miii RAILROAD 1101SIe, Ill, RON 110v.4r., 1;111 tell, 1 Stali'l lvithil, 1 Irv 0niwe Eai) feoinel Mr,. Coiribermete and the L*ýrv. this litiiior,. *as Icmtý 'Ille r l, a T ýç- ri 1 T 1; y C Wilitl) . %. ilAte- Wilicpeksc:n's.ý The girls iii the full enving of sei-sitie (Ji Nvýtli surit corripnenire «ýnd uncor ýcribvr1b(IgS lie te' tiie iulýflbiItIl1t, (If W livil P' NI 1 !4- k 01-1 Eritt'à Filiure, div step ;ýSlpa- Wliitlev. nwi thr tlIivý,WtiL, 0iiit Il(. , . . -Lion-qliitt, otleli-lintilzeikept, frre-and-easy ct"ity ; on Bab it ýProdnced, i r..& r .11S ili'TtNIIA31, Gonll déçired effect il 1[il 1 E Il" tn.;i fi ilkle aliove firet elite,4 Il lit niaplieri whif-1) nt, home wotild not, have ut whether il ej)(ýýE ()F ilti171-Ty & , t5i, cri- %% ili sIt-il) the. litis tiueil 11IL in a uuw nili', rolivelliviit 11121111le.r. Coinbermere's louil talkinc, uni )tiice A Di-i- ekv n DI bave rTiýr,. 1, literi tolieraieil. Btit 4 cIfine mille onrIr a. "4)41rte4, lit tite Colart liowi. 110TEir, 1(lo. IN Il I E. ET. Ni A 1, rie ne-m-, l'Il neheoi ts, ela I-e, lialet Ili ý:1 rnorn(Itiis 1irýi à iA ci,ýmrest loveil, yeur, find tlà ey could afford it. Qiiite es. ai,, Msy 'neà liçmr ý<ex iiotiecv. AU liiltqtet, kept ou iliv preilii>es nne Nrts :tliýi tucfltive ebýtieým l; wurr:titeil t lie iý(Li il ltoi. fý1uà sI!ilic in tr.N tffinizing hirs, that calised lier t ý')k Fit'El AT TII E coullIT 1 ar, Le ti%!)Iisheltl a.,; an intimate, wâsý a tall yonng LI 1191111IFF. 1 F NN ilt ,liatre ut.f future lot, a-id ,et tIjiý 1 llesitâté, it il; lint enq.sible-to (Il Si liouse. 1 glentiernali, Ilrith delicate moustache, who el,11,110Ã.D 110TEL, ll'iiitliy. Mareli Iltii. P54W . 1i-jIrý jet rt-ýLt, I*n(,ipiE*r4)i,. B11(iVIZ ST. Nvhg net hers*e1fý and she be Di seeiiieîl to be on terrils of friendly familiar- T .ý :lit ' 1 1 Q!!ý _ __ r w4liamell of -- lieîn- -in Pention b%. l.,otie.1 ý,>laWiug titi-1 attentive os- 1 B E H 0 Il* - . 1 ___ - e ity Ille 0 EGISTRAIL IIN ST., Ç4 W4 -ith hall tlie nristocrary of the nation. wt(lllï t;Pnké of Bel# %Vhilby. ý 1 Mm Coniberniere virhispered te)-.ýBab, that OX'rAI110 110TEL, Wstiýtl *he had rèttirhe(l Wottr'h Il. J. IIA(.',I)ONI,.Ià L. x loi4vxii titi-! t1w Mr. Newton ivae, a mu,,st ,paLrici-in per, 311ROCK tlie fitot ita woliM Lx-L' tl, lokile tliatit Ivill be licri 0ded into tifé room LERIZ 0F'TIjj, ý 0I.FIý hY A N. qo.i," of Lhe "higIi(-,ýL connections ;- thev ýd atten- ait il Nr:%2; In his iii ilie %ei«ý Iwý1 in, the raîddle, of. -déqeriptil)tl 1 tlie colirt If 1 1 stv'lc,, Iiiiii ýitIi Ille v;,,iýý hall -tuet witli-liini on fliesaiteils, where lie venienve, eorilort fini 1114prition tu Tt evrt 1 Witibeen of signal use in rsqistiii- %IrF, ti-toiiifîrent Pl- (ý00KWS 110TEL, 1 coliuýiul-ùt% Iliai eiili a ingtait iinprolj«%Ijle tn a I»Fl'lý OF T111. 0IUET. AN Goiuberitiere ove- the Blillie-les on a st&mv 1 cle;n stiving, crie lie had the i -t. ( I.Ai 1 U ýý lý-:. ý , event s1tonid 0 1 r, . -, c il- 411, t lie ç ",,Ill Bronkl*sli, Mity iý5. 19 C' dayieý lie ivag so gentIenlanlie and. ngreea- ci] vul-Y Llie tlie Iccîtr% \v. Y r of bein- ýre,-«rded, te ROBSION's Tr'OTi4i;. bleie tlint tIjcý irould imt di hevilivise tlian IIENVETT, 9-1, en ttr-.Qr of Ilf.e which: Ilr. and Mréi. Nor- "Yoý'ir flel.;erlption is a grapli .4-im: 1?.Ç. 4l'Il mail in the holy statu of illatsi- a4jh-i)ý,iiii !il lie liad rom.iin(j(l tri tM and i GEORGE ll()DIbi"lt, STAý ,;nid IVnra N 1 since then lie litid becti a regulir T Tý\ llt.t\%e-eli Wý1i1L ' % nifiny. The% were yoting folkis -thev liad i effioe. cle.;qe in hîSý car; "but ho' il tif forl'i4w(rin fin vi trcated C. W. Sliol, Iloifil IM'vil rtif1It-ýI 1 il..,.rriei Mr. Newton Il,#(] been nt ,i2 t-eII4-iit *%le for ilie aveoititumiation (if trii%(!I- froin atrection and, 'intirenver, gr(,rt cAoltieq-ý Ill- Mr. Conilermere h+re-in thi.ï company r' ItEA!zt*lý']-'lý. AT TIU'. (lyl ýT I"v* i'l T'e aleil union Ivid heen a striculy prudent witli !Johri Tllootnfleld, atire ïTol- FRANKLIN 1101SE. thp besl ee 011(I. for t1il'it, inrome vres mon tll.l!l &;ulll- (Ile L tfer dia flot 'Nke St ýrt(ýfi 9 ýe- A attenll- alla alwilvs or) il moustache wffli s if an alider hall bitit C. cient for lill their untzparing %vatith atid g.Ize(l ftnntically linon tite intrt Il. J. 1 «iéýpicinn. Btit %Ir. 'Nevtoii wli., sa defer. iIlF.Iiý (IF Tif -)I-',Tý- Ct ý\I l t:istcý5; ftnd it was a îtýard, mada'm, he exclainied in S cnlInciIý Ill'i', Colirt tl,-i irF,-N171À)N F211LS 110TEL. , 1 ', ential, fn in 4IL'portinetit. r 114LIA.Ni NIAUTIN. "f)91l in tilese days of biioculatiosi "don't Siv Tricitand vil r'n'il, x lillir and pritripnt in li;s --plicral ýTf, Iiii(l i-oilli,ý .111çad., charlüs 2\01-plan htlil "Then'go," rolitintied Mils CIFFICE AT gavernimirit situation, with a Sinall but rmiv ici%-neatin- Mr. Conibernieye's Po- tel IL il mil, a r,,.I- 14 tiv- Fall>. iii ttit. c \v, ý_i.\iýav 1 tîcally pointing ta the -dater q 19 liticil opinii)nr,.that lie hiid Pl hevron Mnlileil. Pr. iclot'. in, d"Il r iileoille S-.&I-.;y -, Lis 1- Jhn 13loomfieId how yon dur T!-ýt\ eý jojo Ji-. lit- the gy)od opinion erpn of the fAthéi. of thé LI. 1 '1-;I1*1;I4ý .1rI-i (itýIIC(l %vas ut Petitoriville; and liiý; dames- family. Bcsideý,, he i aid no p-irticul.-ir ftt- 1,tiffleinan's, houge, uAuthoriz 1 tic cir, Io ciat fli. -IWhit flocs thiq meurt, main il j RAAI ROAV 110-1-EL, il Al r, M fi.lIi 1 SU LI meck lielp inatic, and tiio IiLtle eltildren. tention 'ta t1iii Ofiniberniere -, Iliere rs. Coniberniere, very red in vrai, ne flinger of hi -ý inà king tip ta thenil rilqýll,'. Ille an onIv sister, çr)iuc years Clviries't; jtt- ùhing terribly friglitened- _ thal v'-as Nlrr,. T' a1 ly ix.plieil Misiii ýV ýý "I. , ilinr- indeed, Bab Norman liad not verv ibis 'il me." MwaMý" il tilt- chvail. Iloti-e inç)llller.lik-e, fvit a little niortirjed and ch,%- len r ý ar(l. wlýr Jtlckitvý,, l)-ý- lf)n- (Illititý,l zi boarding-schoul. Bab and ri 1,7, rvil ti,, I.,Il I-*i*illed et sticil r-lln«,!',Ie 1 orpbalis, a'nd had r.() nviir -wher prettv 1,.tl) Ntrman t1ne lI 1'l'ils lit( 111 Il, W'110 calais bliri iu die world , therefore Bal) cattie tbn, and wlioge conver 2%, -rririt lier brurielle c-imp1cx- 1 , ivas iiitf, !1",l 'týS "il 1 -1 lie apartvient, eV -Ji%, Lit lier dicar brathet and his afLer enterni _t pr. Tllat'O t'Y Fï te ri t1ýl. Iloi; !et* Le irk-lim- (hrk evrs e1icited mark- ,le r,'i loul 1 iLf and sp qI 1 tu of lwi, own-a rrm Ille, Up N:ý%q- D»-Wlqrm liq Tnr,-XiDDLB oz il m Coroner 'Hillik:yatudCy - hè*4-M Qy of 11.10nLas, ýapjp' e -Sti"t t volt Streetiý-ýxbýiut 8 ,,,ývW[te by, o&lèéiýi Déckeï ià xi ea ve re a of New ý'4ve , rithê-.ffl. ýI and correct reports êt iâ,4'W tà itw;t» New ycà 4ý;- 4th 4i6ýp' prienèed y> tbeIà ih'Ishý-,ýý"'%4* Cg ingi GU-,,-Orn, ýaýer's of §à tttr&f 13t.hinst., which containà a-" ,Ar adVices ftlomlAnd6ne ror:money andaccount, ;ondon Advettiset9 ---P&Tit 6«tW writes t.hat.AIL-zoppwho wà »Îrl ,y rocently, ýfÈs fiigiýned'Away- n-énat« ci hh confederatu--wW, cd tor take his life bocause ho tid -Mubts re'spéc.1iitré,ýtM dful enterpýri-s-e. Ho has wâà " scapeil-to America. it iý xggià schamyl has giveiîhis submà ùà n> Leainer from wtoil èn thIe--13th.<-!'ý she'brine *d- artion-of the Austmliari Ãœmilm,ý'aibë 0ýin gold. fiolyhead. on Saturday foiýerÀom î ndià h6ifse 'had,*teSi#ed ' -&ýiong île-F but it-lusercly 8" someeuni'MpWL-, irimen epports1heJùdW-leý, m& 7y lvclrl and Heraid have adéW ýg iL, I)aily Xewf;.IliL4,iW iriýligWînt lërýW. ,reatment of theEnglisfi Sü'fmêýW- Nreapolitan )f the Britit-à ginistry ýTimes' Is glail W- Wr Mr., Ècoibbek nat -the vaporin,,-Frtuebý Woneig. usti a'«.Wnst-sýme of, -hîg:-- expç«F i oenai dé iranifwi iWU *à & thiï-, rcial trisis in>'.St. P-.eteýà burà -cà it". failùres with liýbilitjcsm'nging-kùm ý to 0,00,000 gileér rublég.-- - -G. ý Lets; nie iýpbrted w1avé- IC-9t" bwey--*ý! , way ýof comiiensation It is said tbi ®r has permffl thà n-tWeXPOIý -cýW-' , f gôId irnp-eziitl&ý' The 10 per mnù duty haw bSn sm#wn&dý-in tbeir'ý' It- e involM grea-t.cianiratiOd: l_1'Yý1 AT I.Aw. ; riv W 90cietv nll tG leWtIf -.tri a' her is liereliv e.:Lt ii 1« intendeti hile hile il l«lstvd. Wniefe, Offlor yourte- fýp-n'tle- sollritorýe tn Ili V ILSON, t') i da ug-t ers Ilowever, B I 1.1,1% ýA tlt3 llý of 01c tfi (.iiiiLe hotirs A. Ce. M Of course she iileant to, mar ,neck.là lwl nt th" "i)ýirt latili- týý ANI) PAVER- til.AZIE,111 rl)ara foi- pèh ion to pay andible esi-h frotn, ËýillÃama tlc OntAma, îlita ttve M,!tni- man, asked Ba day,*' slie gýid with a (lomtire smille, -but -irheii he rêturried to %Vl'il vu his re-specte; to lier' burst forth 'y dia mi l to N-qq Il, iýl tii, e,ýlli v'. ot sî:iýj it would take a Ioný time to make up lier y tor getlier the nietropolis; this harlIgern accordea b n explalnation. 4-33 1, wlio, on lier rý_-tiirn Io Penton- - --- quitc., doted on IliFý pretty sistvr. tremed acidýbâwildered là diè.- liENIJAIIIN, YARNOLDge j, je, W. (,,tioDWELL 1RHOW» v e for thè fimt titille fourid iliat, V LADIES' SCIIOOL. had eintrusted the!5ý;-ew-là us ind often could not find it in his heart to table home 41insufférably duil niýd 1.4 - -ivil 1111ri Airelit rebuke, lier, becattà c slie was jÇ e ýe t 0 n W-h ô li' 1 'T'ý'è ý1, t h 1 1 i. R., L:L[Lit. 1); NI IiRVAN \V')LýTI) AtilU à ' to t hav-,týýÎný -ý>li( ilt")r N 'l tli of A. 1). Ve,(-1.Zý 1*g1:1% aillicallict. to tlit, ildiahitapi's et* Wilit- Edvard Leslie, toà --mihowl ndýi;iüpîd W 0 e re- e Ux4riýl,,e, C. W'. 25 ili! ýicinity, oint and hiad, walv him -and Gary to look ' « t.,,,'Rfter thé ýygg 0& BAIM YO01), A- IL & 31- T even, hcý wi-i*R(;T., () N. &C tilte them ýIitulWf to, L"4d.Y, conoNii"r,. l1ilýs. le*(.,t,,f.-li;,(,', fýbr tlie.,iiistr gel* ftTidcar«y,ýýoffiç!2ýwýL% ýnot to mbuk-le any loiingei-,gofthu ely,;ium litige .1-aq'IlInd-":ý RUTHERFORD & SAUNDERSO, Vie Stliool will oleti mi the first (if',Iýintiirv 1 , All the Etiýrlil,ýli %ki, one. mille h býý lier dear.little sister-in-Lw, ovrn jevelIeri;ý'jç, il arst-iatt (LATF J. , %vith Failev Neegife Nvoi-h- týiiti Mu..,ic, ww ie So Barbara was -spOiIgcdý aixd humqrf,-,d - Yet Edward was never conitdoreil ètthér', worked onl y for theý î;ristýcr T A 1 L 0 R ïï , & le 1 dull or ,tupid by comI ctënt jtidéoi-es'-'but Dr. Tt. CLARK, while the c.iildreiiýwem kept in high or. &&Thl.ay iùýn,ýttïot bé,in aýhi A'N'Ill 51. K17NOI, eTl'%FrT WEST, TO- quille the contrftrý__â -ER der n g'ýjd, f«the Ërstrîte ('ORO:, roiito. AIso 48 Kinir Wcst, ll:tmil-' ling to 52 proper diýcipIinc bi formed, géntie"nly Persoi ni--iÉ Éutý thon,, in the nursery, as I)ecitwr,,A we tFo te-,pieco 4ykdtjçýesffl - --- MVERY Or. CIFECKLE' andnic.? -ýe,9ulatedh0.u-m _Çary thou.,Ile he had no -,Ééà t frîend4, thrti' ew ilethin- alangui racin"èp ý ne '"IDrscE. srnEFT, TOWN 0F E S T Àý B 1, 1 H 3f F Y T,' nesseq; hé k-ii triffing à ýaëi ADI)LER AN]) 11.1liNFri-, MAKER, laa be-%uty,ý lad SOdid 0bajýjçf, ;_t 1 1 luive openea a Directly 0, pygosîte Utchlinié",, 1". titute battinri or or -ýRldhg> îne,'ge.,' yPQng-lý(Iy hen tendedýl:o.» n 4t, ail X 1 %V n neral. 1 n s ho r t, Sé* ýe4èè a -ft -1 diiii lnà iý' J. N. AG M. D. gell tiw blisiiie" ward i e ti Iler. ava. cliatlils aftà , PÀ pin ta haà b ril éêft*Ted. tu, t large etock- oià hawl, moid ý 1- . ;,jý, ý13_UIA4,911 11î1ýlUTA-N, FýUR(-,E 1 LUI its tlie saine a% ai wy estubli,;b tilirly, t at Y. 5j rrHE stýeseninEp. BEGýs1 ôu ro IN il. was PL pity. to see tl ('reek-, l'icker- nient ut Bngokiiii. to thé inlià ýîtýuirý if NVIAtkv dtid the - blié beautiful"Là dyýMitý,,Mari#ëft, Ify thé ý%oft pli edb à fTecýjça,,for. tlutt lie l'tas e)peuc-da Stable ât dit âiïd J. C-. STERLING, place lie M-ill ellèleavor to and an Opate4ispos,41iqr4ý', on, ëoo'd tà stë*t DUPLICATE 11, V.- ?__ý; Il . wardl, sî-n'îiîn'gý; "r'(S f " hi OOK all ith thpir WÈýen Çýarlcý retpf ne.d.,, h mee, a ft vee's: deur. fi4end;-- IteL-' fil fiëf Ëeêw, 1 S.s ýFFICE 1N BROi' K Mr. Sterlitig*ti Auletion sallus, is kept ut, opeil cend covere(I 0cmjih1j4"ý a nô Storu, niii-1 opilosite tiii-t olfiee,. AU .,rklet-8 ILft ut tlie l)fH(X- Capable 0fý èârîý Ing' ýigjitçci1 Per,404, Riad %-Cr - ness, _hours were over, Bah .1lew 'towar.£1sý 1 gs. > op t'le IM9, trv 0&ë. All operittioi)8 wurratited. willhe attendeti tg, with the M1rÃŽgctèý;t plltwtliali- EdgHrd Lefflè. Ejfgrûnee, ýi fair trial. hipi m-ith an uti.usuliay. anima , ted çquqW-. hire. - ý e1ýý11ý . ý1ý Il e, 1 1 - ý 1 ý ; , - - L.-Yeq;u thdo ,%tékîèýw -LLr Ille Cgart Whitby liâY * an oplen tter incherhangj, your ."ýil reil 4tréet, ÃŽw nance, 41d- î à nd ex bost by, tW iri' ütdiýici:t% , - ý'h b ii(1ýh ti 37., -, , , i ' - ', >ý . ý ý 'I'f AMOS W. enoiýq, WIdtb:ý, hl '7 ; rà à ýù,1à »2M çlaiiqin,-,, c dear f»iAr -hitý ý, "thé' IDICT, OIVIL, EN(JINHER, A341) WYATTes. 110THL, EDITORS., ket mç nd 7qOTlCÈ"TO, ÙR ATF, ÉýC1tiVTUHKS, WILIT»V»._ý T411w er. (.tà t> îiev-ee, was ýt! a In, 1 ;;rliiffïif gui;' withitinto*itîlýïýhoiýà iui lf:RO'%ýfD ITX;tVEX,ý M0 Y viffilil of il, Dètd > of' 'at- le ý$c1q1eý_W1 tion knoç>-,; ýný, it wilL Dot Ëà f à ýrt el titby, Stoprilit thls B tilte jupliary, . ý1ý ý CIVIL EN 'lNEER,ý irigeau tu 0stlýri8 alwaysin aü1ý ý Poor Ba ow t - ; 1 1 1 -, _ '. - lqid-te stj4et, titi endance. wà k. or. 1 lin o?ýiiea4iirin ý,rol-V enreflill v iti t il- 1 D.' P.11v' ýi EO R, fi 1%, Lb 'Illike-Edvedtd VeAWL eË1tý" ris rai e "ýve1 witv4 and 44>, th 1'ý Q Ù& Yýýï, car Ofrthe T-jefi1-ý ilp -e i h 1?c Il y ohQoiq, **ÀË 4fâté, m ltIr. CLARK, à i >et Io Il >- to'*ÃŽiidý'i týè coticliti,ýlim t lel-el l Ãl 1 '110ry- 'efflyý _ . 1'()N E COUNTY t le i ed b'l wf' ý-ej Ifilt TI)IIN;Irý,l l) âegujjpt(bWet îJ1à fý,ý C711T 1.7M rva %VL;th3-, t T e1i r4w"ýn il-, Wall Êïrt7 P4 ibliblie gel leWly,,t4e, 4e lac-i- M eý neà s iii tiie abovgà preinises hp truste that lild, t,>-.,N(»tmý, i ci s LI, r inode of' doing alla attentif>à W1116 je ilur ýït to r1e*ý 'Il F-R R Y, r fb efLinilLr%- Pve Shiffs, (Iolors, &-0., al bý guests, wi rità share Qf publio patroýiggow it 1 21 n kreet; htÉ Feb, w)8. ô AL31A Hoer,14 Hà hf"ý itÉNRY HANNAin, aw-h nib Fà on,, and'Êdward Leslie w, M, ý (11AZ11.111P., PAIsR HÀ-Iqà En, EfflRs. MAISON là - PRILIPS HAVE Aeased, the ilbo% lirhjo &0., wilitby. M : -0 Notel ------- --r fýr the Qcerà mi Ilew y ar beeà Ltteil t pà d to tra r Atifidavitm in the queen'b ý! 1 i d i nn 4do te) Wi k, .3v. aile, vil tw 4,4". %PP *Qr ý - - fýý6 6f et le. MLJp,ýf t Yul,.oth collarl, . gel _A_ ù ;.. _ t JAMES G0ULDý moi q V00_1) L,4ti - _è, - . ý1 »«_ dnli à *wd EË" MW, GREYNI 1 rv «-.. - -- 1_ -, -and 1111111qWM y ý an ng- singing 0 nt ln. là r -IN able to the'Britishifi RW mhéïd ee iq Titi laur-néws fîbui lchjnm;L,4ýiý ldtà ,-tg ý6f- thà né*i whifte qKà s,(piotédilt lù q 04