Whitby Chronicle, 18 Feb 1858, p. 4

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HARDWARE. FURNITURE, &o. CABINET WAREHOUS GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY ALTERATION OP TRAINS. 'N AND AFM ;ÃŽÃ"NDAY', DECEN ýai;jt nýdu__ 41h eDa, Thr,,ý TrainfoêXoi as tole Il b' lu LheWiutoÏma ind Trains will run-as tol ows: Miud Train and Fïtj«bl Kingston sud inà=,S"oràs *iD Toronto TRE PRESS. LOW PR1CEýý 1 1111M.'TUALITY 11 AND XIERAL SATISFACTION! M N V T R l' - 4 ard ta:te- l'heil to Ille 'Toi) lowý,r l' ýROCK STREET, WHITBY, ivii)l -olm (lt liolir, q hi, and ire jýr:wtieaI IlliLli ai% 1*.,Iitilli.illt"llt ia tbo G c 0\17,0114-4 %vitli THE WHITBY CHRONICLE IIIGGINS &- MAYERROFFER A V Vil 1111 1 iVl ICE, Bfflldîlll-ý, 131-wh Si. Whitilly., Ti v"ý 1 "-Iý ý Iii ati ce. T 11111 G L 1) E N p il IZE 1 l'ho ýlifw Voi-li <.olden prizr, v! i... rûad- T i ýý,l T n 1) l: ozs l'lit y rý,ýn REAL ESTATIE. 1 VALUABLE PROPERTY FOII SALE 1 -AT- PORTRAITS. RYAL ESTATIEL LANMO POU qAI.rý. IN MAn][POýSA- T RF ull(lo>igned wM sell Lot NAI), ln tlié, !Ç'th Cf)nee-tsi-,n of Mari containing 2(0 arme, 1 M acrim eloar(td Jr(ýod Fatat'e ot'cultivatinn, roid tipon whieh is erceted a good . FRA ME BA RNq 35 W, P,. nud Shed 20 P, «%a, a 1,ýc il-irti-io >-. ';() with Graliary attu(--Iied. a gooti Le Ilo"e, and a never fiiiliijiz Well of gomj 'W.-iter. Tliere if; a1t'o a :10"," 'ýrchard of 50 boaenit trpetè, and a quiaviit - n end Cherrv irces. The farin Is wel, ",!th Tnffl. fi>, railm, nud there is vet Dit , lie property a griffleient quantitv of e.eàar to b 11ild Ilew foice.4 wheil rçý,illired. 'The farm im oue mi 1 a hnif inilept frmn TnYl()r's Stearn Millit, nnd sic mileg froin fitiiinv wlif re t1wre iý a de- f.'t nf the Port Ilope, and lienverton T I 7'L F IàV 1) 1 S P 1- T A T) L E. TEnug tipnti if by lutter, J'n't pnid ta IIENRYROGERS, Prnprie(or, ýSA LWO ýON ý,'1& o. OYSTER CRYSTAL SALOONI 0 135 Wallace Building,.%, Vonge TRVANS Tümntý,*,.Tiily 15. Icýý,7. 26 NATIONAL IIOTEL, PORT %VTITTJIT. Illllorql!,11(,rl 1,Prr- tý ilif.,rrn Iiis frionds Titrill *f' pliblii., thfit 1w l-ý liý'w lit pn-ýý.-tsion ni t1w Rhn%'fý -DI-11-TGS AND MEDICrM. DRUGS AIND MEDICINM rmurii,4 lii,4 ý,iticûrn tharik-« to This etistntiters find ln*,ri)nq: and in solici in p ft of the libertil patmiiiiLre wit whieli lie lins been fiavorüd. siiiýe openiniz humi- flesf; on the premi-P, oPýnpieci by Mr. J. IL (;errip-woiiil sity thnt hiq Stf;r- is wi*,)i tbc, litrfic-,t jind nà,);it STOCK OP PURE »RfGSý Of everv vet n1fered for ý-i1e in t1ic Modieines, rerftimtýrr, * N e-tuffs, &v.. 1'li ' ysiviiitis imil 1'tirnily J'rcscriptimi, vitrefiffly Horse and Cattle iXodicfnes A NEDICAI. PEVOLII-TIO-,f t TUE \VOULD A. A. C, n EF. N, Ambrotype Artisý amnoivive. tliat lie ham P 0 R T W H IT BY . W iii New Ilriek ILL BF SOI 1) BY PRIVATE SALE, 't reet, where lie 1.ý lir-t-pnreil to W th-a Bentitifi 1 Photographie LikcneÉses,ý Three Story Brick Building, Ili the verv lito:.t tvlo (4 the art. Il0 hàLq laie- co'4TAt%*Mo vimy Ar.ýmÀrNw, lv mode important iinjýro%,Qtll.,Itg in Ili,.% 5kitusted 011 the North sî(IC, nf F'irst Street, knAvrn ý'f"q 9PIelltli(l m Brick tlireê,-eighthm r-ýsii1ti4 ar,- of an Acru *of lAnd nttaclied. Tiiere ih a g"t rire fi'lislie'l In mlleh a Itrn nm' siiitithle ()iit-*h,.iil(iiiig-4 nu the Prenii- imer thnt vali lieN er fwle. M UNIATUTRI-K itet4. Alsn, linIf Acre Let oii Kmith OfFirst Street, a splendid q1milibèn.. &C., (%il it. M1 wM lie Sold t-ýeother, ir tf, sn'it ptir- Chasrrs, on rf-ým-ontible ternis. Dir partictihirm tl'ê vieftl'-t immtwr. apply to the iiiiýlersigiie(i. llý.i1rs of openilive frnm 9 ii.m., till 4 p.- MIO'MAS SAILSBURY, tri %ýifh '111 reLpird ()fi the Prrtiliseq. .Ïlail lind soo whel lier Vi itor', M-ish Port Whitl-ýv, Jnlv 12 .-r Ni Ili ai fill limrý be fiarpy to iliviii. Ghhe r,ýjy till forliid. li'liittv, Nc)%eiiilber !ýt!;, 1- 7- 4.1 BEAVERTON. lie MMUNCE. M- British Ame'rien -4-8,.9nranee Companve 1 NCORPORATEID llljdiýr un Art nf tlis, Tli'ii-d eý'qRiolI iif Ilip Flevolth ProvilieLLI f>ltrlia- CA-PITAI, £loooro. Ingurance effes-tea m Bqpýi&lzS and t1leir coiit--its. Firèry Ifflent ieili tii t lit. Marine Risks fiir the (,r f,ýr -IMIN AGNEW, Travelling Azent, li% rrin Strq,(,t, W Ilithy Protection a.-ainst Loqs a n d Damage :by Fire. IVESTERN ASSURANCE COMP.-ý'NY' CAPITAL al, pliclition to the .101IN- AGNEW, Tme-4 and Dencon A-urance Comply. 11ppIiý-:IG'll Io the 1111(ler>iLril -'i- IMIN TriývI;'nL, Acelit f FROM 50c., TO $6.001. t. flFT 1IE -1lýncri1Ifr liegm to infortil tlie itlllolii- tarit.s; týf W li 1-rBý and colin- trY, ilI:Lt il, jjný i3rock-st., 1 lit' Il(, m ,iv 1be t'-iiii.1 rc:iý1 ivait iii-bii tit(ý-Re whi, in-iv 1o -, hilli N% ith a , il li t'ý,r a 1 I>rtrait of Ai n1;i-t-ý p-. pimý A di., 1.ot, rkI'rillýl;> illid L 'atil . FIT 1111, P P 'Il',' , , imý !ýI the art Cili, .11 -ilIllrý -ilrrv On. ('11 hi. ,wti lfali kitils, to the latest improvemetits iii Phartrim. Surg,îlons Instruments. ElAVARD RAY. G. A. BASÇISTER, WESTERN 1101TSE, Pundas Street, Whithy. i Wliilbv, -hile 1, 1q.717. 24-t f M T It F 1. T , W Il 1 T il V . T IIF ABOVE PREMISFS MEN A N 01,1) INDIAIN 1)(X-170R, Wll(,) HAS jii4t 1-pened Ilv t1ili £' IL ilindr hil; forturiç, niid reCreil froin btisiiiess nill silvivi flic, r-tuminder of ýi-4 dayý1 in ýilrili,- The Ilomt is weil fiiriii.ýliel, m-ell imil t1il- thiit ýre:iiIfLii l N'S U MI 'TIO N -I'PFR oltýe Il . rfTtif-lit,ý rootliy and airv. Pliere i- ('il Ain i, ; hi,& e:truest depire heing to coininu- cý>nifortable SUiblinz, and tI%ý belli urte-ri- t;i(ýftte il) the wot-1.1 his rénielliés thâit 1 1 five r The haremmi i, 1-l slirres-ftil iii itié)re thmi tii-t-P t1il , i -lait tion ig riiiil to iii-Lii gnil )ifrsp. I iPI(l large gitid conveniviit, fuid gilllilir.fi witil i (,s. Ilv reytirem eaeh applic-unt i,, Qpiýd him file Ný>t IJ-pv>rý and ciLptim lign'l- j llliflylt-- C't tili! with two g(initýly tittefi up ýittiiLiz r4mm is fir priyâte par- Stitintim, o', ts.ý il) peil.- t1iv rutit7ti letter, in ti". 1w viU tlif-tii hi- fl-Iý1kýe pr(ýScr MTC11AEL MCCAVLEY, tiý,ii, uith direl-tion, flc prýq the meji- rilv om i,ý 'iq1i.-tr il R A 1 Litit A 1) 1101 S F, lj,,t, nn acmint. (,t* d(dicavy, relrit'n fnill'l ORN ETZ 1 )F IMP )CK A)N 1) DI-N, DAS 1ý llti lIL" hini ýeeliqe Il(. timkéý No Charge.- c Whitl, v, i I'fitc , ! A . ire in nder*iiiig im ta (in nit the he lie ruti, Il(! dic-. Ill, fpel,4 tiiiit lie 'L's 1. fillilitiTir(. to Ille "t and Iiiv travellinz eoillinimitv. Omt lie, vv!e-býat(,d t,ýr t1w Pqiri- ifg lui., t:iýen Ille tbfv(- tirs; li')Il"p"w ili"ll lit, lins titieil up !Il a ni-V :m'i e-111, lit 1,1911yu.r. 4s À fîrýt -mite Tiilbie i,4 ýt rveil ýtt Ill i,, 1 Diti- DOCTOIL 1 N S, 1 t R N T, tiers, Lil &r- i-liti lw Imd at il iiiitýi(.Ilts P. New York. li-tiep. All lct-t-t fin thi, j-roini- . lire --- - ---- 1 warraliteil the "etwie. 11.4 ll44 L Y "S viom.,,,; DOWNING. Forest W ine and Pitlls, l' lit TITF PSICM CURF OF AIlxWIW' f. I)rnngýl G L 0 B r Il 0 T E li litzý)CIV, IAIII C. W. Sl"W P rr TTE iliidoriý-riipil lois leL" ri iiir- ell'ovc well- ; fili'l' kii(ýwn mid ivit-orniiiiii the, piwic lit, 1 tlw fart lie m ýý1M 1".f: t') .tqtfý thist il m-111 Ix, kept Rhe,111i, Air-eli'me of as it %vrtà 1,-v his il, tiie vi-r-v -heýt i tl'e t!!,ý -t*atl'ýr-lî,lc ILII ti;i. Anii lill fi-in imýjtire mli'l i 1el-dand habitoft1w corniminitl; t1iffl rail 1't. ýi\ pil, Rild St. fý r>ftII4,ý F-,r I.-tllivý i.n a %voýqklý- State of livaltli, t1ii-ml Bri-,r)kliii, Nfirl- 2-1. -.-,7. W ine i,ý a '11-IiIf!Iff,11 ALzviit, in T. T,ý uriii TýrA,. Wili'rily BOW ['IN(. SA i tÇ: and L'rýlittiiLrt. Pal- 11,. U.ý S E A S F OF 17EN T 1-itikr-ý ',tý ta the internai f)r-,ýans 1 h, j-rvý t,É tlie This if)#* 'l.tiII4.r t1wler tl-.e luin mm itis i,,, i-m thromph 'the gttrtie t-han. riels, tuid, rc--leilitiz the nt' inflaratnatifwi, fnCatýn,1 in tite iiie livûr, the ilirie. , or- -ther iTI)rýC>rtiiiit orLrItn. lit penêtratrý.,4 the .4liriii(ýf, to t1w ittitýrif>r, though, the et.,tititlege.l tube,; tlint eoýininunii-C(! with ilio skin ax Snin iner "in intît the fevered enrth, ditrui§ing its 1 Prid reýrt-I lerati 1 tir influence. Skin Diseasfý amil C'landular Xwellincs Fverv r-f (,xtëritr irritiitiot. i,, fiiiiekly red i , iced by the 'tiititýlilliliritorY actioli gif thië Arizr-y- mii(:Ii as Sait Tutter l'iii£rivarTýi, Senld 7 liewl. Nettle lia,11, ,Icabieg, (or ltch), &-e.. aie tý, rettirti is,, virere, initier it., application. lié,4,ftitý1 experit-iire -ýii mll- parts oif the word proveg it,& itifitlibili'y in di-seaees of the mkin, the Tuliseles, t1w J-ilit. illi'l the Ký:1i1dS. Uleprs, Soreq and Tumorg. Tlip (,tl*;ý--f -f t!iiý nnrivnlleýl external ro.inedv tilpý,ii itnel other violent uleers arà is giiinieulous. It 1!ir:ýt di-4týliarg(,A tho 1-ison ý% hivii produrr, gbper:itîon anil pr6ud fl" li. iiiid t:itiý tlie vitres %viiii-li il,4 liculintr riro- jKrtie, uttenvard are srtfe as M.4 VLS Wounds, Briiisr%, Burnm, nud Seaiditil, lit of tlif-- fricture rbf the banes, injiiriem I)v 'te,11111 Burnm f the -Tcýint%,nlalà contructi',ti of the sinew-4, it 1..4 eniployed and bv the f.t4L.1tit;. Th,,, rt.!ýiV4y hjus 4en întritduSilýpvitis iti%-Plitc)r in person into ail the lea(iitgp fiý>-tliital4 -f E ', r(,ý-e. ittil no private hou,4eliold xhould ho Undcniable Te'4timony. T'te Mefieul ot ilie French and Ensrlloh in 1 lit- ý 'riinen have siý-rtie(l *Pir ;)ititttietit, iis the n>,>-At rt ý1ia1e1e- t,-r -t- titre cats, stabs, and krilit- sfic-t woiiiils. lt is hy the Aur,-Pfnip of tJiù Allit-d Navie-t. lý(iT11 Til k. 1 ';-rl ENT AN 1) PULLq Slt"t'Lf BY tPED 1 TilEFI)LLïjlrfN(k CASF-4: Cxlandt., a Sore leLL,ý. ai Sýyre fir(-;Lst.j;, k'i:ýtiiliè, sore llende, Golit, Sore Vinnitéi, iltillib,-tff-, S'ires ýifftl. kitd-qi lition Tetter, C-alt P Verierial ,Sorceý. Skin Woti fitis nf ail kîn& lit ttif, nf Profc-situy 'ý") M 1iý1CI1 1-111e, NeW YeT111 um 1 S'rand. Lo-all resvectable Druggistà and l)eýilers in thron-zhout, -týe United States and -'i;û c- ilizi'd wf'r1d, in potia, ât, 25 re2,1,' cents, atA %A1 e4i'li. saving by taLq -c is a die kirzr sizeq. k. B. fe the lit patients in everv are aflixed to uauh hox. C.1& 1_7TION 1 nre genuine unlegir the wýtrd.- yonk & lj)xnoxýe w_- a ?rater-Mark- in everv JeO4 the ly),;I, fironnd coeh Cor bw14 the saine initv 4 plailliv Scen hy À" . the 1ho 1;j.ilit. A hawl é re -cl will -tý,q!vve to gui-V rtýntierinz tweh. iirfoilràtîc* .4 111w. Icad t', Iiii- (leicttil" a. ',n of any 1-oirty #-,r par tic-s cýtiyitcrfi-itiiiz the rrirdieiîuýs ic veiidjng the :§aine, thein to bc spurious. - - .1nne !',r(l, 20 BUFFALO MEDICAL DISPÉNSARY D'ýTABLISHED FOR THr Cr.ËE or-, Debiliby. -Fev-i-ý-ând d-c. DR. AMOS & SON QU.%'Y CrkrAto, y. ETIIE 0'-IZLY 1111YSWIANS 1'21; TUE tilio*iire ineinfbere of the lZn%ýd 9 làt-tnélon, IlLay 1)4--. con-s ii lied frýili s 4jM-,-ýk in Cie 1ufèr1ài1ýgP. iiiitii>v at night, every tiIiý1 ýY.-,jpt0111 (#f Týie tre-aliapii, týývv wl-,ma i-, t1ie reýgtIt of ap aild prge- t ce in Theý-ruf.,,,t iLivetera ca."S of ertili4--.-ttt:d iir 9 or 9 (14.vsý and M a-glight nature iii 2 (Pr 3 G1ny4ý nt a inoder:ge'ex- pense. The cure etf£-ctedwit"llt ConfInerntât or hindrafive froiii business. vou,çr. 1 itrN- Ttrz.. P.£RTIcr.LAR içcee, Therê, is tin evil habit iýf.imetitne% indffleed in hy boys, in Itolinide, often growîng up wilà ýýein to Manhood ; ail 1 ivliieh,!f not rofonnedl.' in due tinte. not (inly 4--ets menous ob,,4L-wlesto- matritnenial bappiness but *Ves -rL*e tu a seYtes Few of those %-ho trive-way to, thîS pernicione i P tifice are aireare ýf the consç neTiký', until î y r,.l the nervous svAte .1 ýatterâ, feel stranZe and imaccoantablé gensations, and uffl ficars in the mina. A »ST SCIF-NTIFIC INVENTION. An instruiiie-it- for the cure of genital Debility oflNecturnai ' EiaL",iong, morte proparly. knowt as Sernilin] 1tVeak-netm,, &e. i=n bie pen=nently cared in from fift.-en to twenty dap, by the nm of tiiiii imstrument, when nud conjointly with LVOR- SALE Oal-trood P. ý,111,L l'IZiVI1,F(ýF AND TONVX 40 ectitigiliits tA thn Ik-avet-tnn Wliitrl. A Imrge and lýr(ifitûl)le 'Milling çýIj lie gl(,rie HAW MILL ANI) LA N 1). blire.. Favorable tenns nuiv tif! litý,iýle %% MI tligL Priqirietor I)v a Prnetival Miller. Kpply to To lIr ;()LI-) OR REYTEI), Mil. JAMFS AMISTRONC., ý- NIIH, WITII .ýi*RFS,,f IýAND- Tià(»re i4 n firl riit(, T ýl . t Il eil-r-1 nt J)iofiu'ý Crevk-, in Ille 11119 n 't'a- vert(ili lýýr the J. A. 28 GOOD JIARD WOOD AND CEDAR, m- Pi'.N r. rie he L 1 V E R P 0 0 L f'r Thé pr,-inisý4 ire, 1 l, Blacksmilhs & W-aggonmalkers Shops '11117,1-1101 -f tiýe\*ill.,tkr(, ('f Provinçial Asýýnrance Company. glipplio'l (Pli appliçmtion to tlie Trnv -Tiýc 11,vrail Street, Whi 1 l'v. LIFE ANI) IMALTIl ASSURANCE. T-he Briti.qhAmerienn Friendly 'Society of Canada, E ý'TABlU AS Lire and lit-itiiii. by Aut of Parli olient, 1 ý N'ir., 9 'ap. 44. CAPIT.&L STOCK, Ç:100,0(X). 0lEý, rit CYE-%rit,%t. A(;F.N-t FOR C. W , Ilt-niýrir.li. F07, Sale or to Let nt Liverpool, JIC t', 1 E.\,.ýýr 9 iF Ti ilt eN*ri) GEORGE BAJJ-miri, wný '. Kw1ý Sl-p Illi- a 41 1 of ali Aorp ý'f 1 Those lil,\. in F 0 R S K a shilm iliýtarwg- üd. and Ille Itititu-at- Depot. Ir-xl '%-ALT-ABLE FAI'NI CONTAINING 1 ci, A trudes e4iii*l)e done by fiewiv ali'l 1 %J 'r - i A Avr(,ý. ni-reor les s vimirrd. beitig Mell. 1 1.,,t Nil m, :li, jivre T l'or fartlier particulars lip iv in - 13- il, Ille 41ll of Bvý)ck.- E ! Tliere ie a good mit: S. Pl-RDV, 1 1 1 1,()(; 11MSE, GARDEN- & ORCHARD, Li \ erli(.)ol. J illy 2cý. i ý;r.7, il n iif viýr f ,f 3 the Fr.,tÃŽl.c Baril, ,;t;lll!e and (lut Loi don Farm for Sale. -oue wili 4 reqtiirl ACPZE--ý ()F SPLEN-MI) LOT .% SON. 200 io.' in 1ýýth of Uý,ralý ; U, cleuroil. Titig Fann i, sitimted withiii liant Apply 1 RICIfAlti) M-111TING, Ille tra%(.! rýýrti ti, Mara; the hmýI i, ,f the 1wýt and ÃŽS the those til'. e(,Iltr(, (-fn go.,11 --ttietiictit, witil IL pýýf paid, atid a Saviiiill 41; Alý, N.ý-I)i linlf(,f ],(,t 4, in Ille 11-11)] Concf, SON. 'S 1 lion of '114-rali, c,-timiýtiiiL, iýf 1.4re tteri»,-; U of FOR SA LE, i m hicli are zmi fr,,uititig im the Partage T-%\*FIZN STAND, wirli I)riý1nL Mill. i A find 1- lum- s:iedý. 'I'tirre i, ! lache-1 loi nore ýt' Land, l"1011-1 -mots 1-IlerRAI. ruil Tr(-e-. TýiAre i. ii Apply to itti Viiiiii', qI thù D. CAMERON' pd nn l'-t Ný'. 1. 1ý.«t c fi. on the ilig t1w T,ýwii 'l"f IN'I)it aild ilith .1 tàl% 1 R-57d n* rat ternis. F,ýr termý liild InCtivi iar,, tO THE BEST INVENTIMENT YET thp owner iit Neil istrict OFFERED. Liiii, ý near EICE LEWIS 1 ! lin.r. L- M'Ilitl'y. il ýl V Tý F TO AuPrifý lit Wliit;,v-W. S. 1) i t,,'l t 1 t \V 1 a il, 1 1 rr, li 11. 1 - -W . .1. -,ýnt1nti ; R.W. Clark M. 1)., Mediral Iteféree, Se ý,midry, 010 W w pas, d ty'. B-V Týnii:iw1,ýii. Mark-1po i linz ',iinfik 1'.,r ow lmd 1tý'pes b%. Lind.4al; f '. Patrirk t., in-rif a id'ýlirtrr, ýf T!, W e, - *, 1 ';11 il t ý i i- - - 1 . ! , ý t 11 w p 11, 1 '. M . z 1 >, b AlLevs haveuli hont titwd up in u0, à- Perr v witli* ncv pins, &c. opril tr4nie 61 a. ni., till In Biý-'rI-w; J'leas- 1-th , owl et-rN p. 111. - ; F' -an, ai't- ý- G. Kýýt -% by 1),t- Aý,-nt at hi-ý ()lEve, Ir. KISNEY Pmp&qnr i mu 11W My h% si lmawks aml Memène Dea- 10 1crý ili Calladit. 0. W. Insurance Policies, ROBSONIS IIO'ri..[,, Prnprimor, New Yebriz. r 1 T'T Y, 9vt wttrrp.v, Coni 114)îiN and Purdon i iý.T- 'ait. LEWIS Trn vs Fra 1 11CE Aut ICES. 1-,,l 'tilt tl W-W M-M Par- 1 rt lit. !1q tIll lie plil, (Ilit'rcil- ild in prit W--4 Z, P4 9,; (1 Sil - lit, ;i.ito- Cd i, lit ý vý% ell, 'Ã" GC JOHN MCDOUGALI', 310RE VATA-ABLE' IN Tllr F1,01-RISIIING Tt (IF WIIIT- Nz TiiE LF.\ I)INii Ks Ves ir 1 iý AN"11 0 %%. lt)*, istý,it-f,%iilýli!'*I f tltat ' 'nY ýVllitý,v aller U xhrilive. This li %%,,Il ktiiwti Broek, Deçýetiil)(,r lii--s li retitt(-.l art-I iti an ex- I1ý t lie l r I:Lý l' 4 ',ý 1 IN 1; 1.,() 1,G E Nearly Abqolute 'ï;eouritieî, for Dèbtq or eellent style for 014- a--ý l, latielit of travel )g M TIIEN'. and réew l,,r ale 1-% his Éýxeeil- Advances, and Proviqionq iinder iMar- lers. F%*'t-rý 1-trid te, traveller., ilwi 1 "el, ria.-r Settiemeiitq, &ce, &C. the hest fýr tirait e -W 917ei Irifty-T-.Vo' Art". of Leind, harlee. .1 steady aiv eï a cn ilir, a'-s in atteild- 'itivite-il ;n Ille 4s IL tlieýiti%-e,.itar of Nle-,reý«s Indian 1 1) 1".(),,t l'ills, litt- gr,(-nt tire part of Iiý.rt il ý.f pile fý,Lýq- arf on T i, fle'w FENELON FALLS . 1 - 1 OTE in tra%,illinc. haviiir vi4ter.1 Eilrelpc, tire- 'l', vet aller E-t't si-ic- .-w il >fil. llIIIIdrtýej ai,(] li,,ilfgf Iwt No. ii the 4ti, iii Ille is tlv tilt. erf Imt it v,(,!l In (-il A,ýýiireçl 1 W lILIAýNI M.U 'TIN, i an-1 Afrioa, a.m wl-il 1.,4 Norili H .(Is oP tilt, it 1 1 , -eý. ftliel (."Ilre-rriliz alid iln/>,ritairel fil- '1'ori M'iniby ii-r water frolittige and j'Ille, ririel siitwji(ýeI o; - Thi, Ilatel iý arratigred il) ýtvIe (-rit thrce vrarq ati%ýnz the Iiiliaiiý of our W itivr, af . Ti 1il;î-ý tend l'Ti% 1 lliti>l ýo,,n ittill' ' e nýü1V lis frnn luil- ýA 1-indsay, the i'l>tintN- Tiwn, -in-1 tvrriii- No Foi-Fvir-nz Iv t1il, Aý,iirid to accornituminte Visitons aný 1 Tati riýts. 1 t iet'si- r-tern wa.- in thiý;' ivivy that the _2 lî )le 1 Tilt- of thc l'ort, and L'inid-ali, trutell within-a firi rods nf the in tire Inilial, rt#,--t l'âb; Wero fli-st tire izt-e!ttl.N- inere-t-iliz ira,](, (,t* il](, Port, t the limits of ert,41. Dr. iil%% in iiseý will \ ery --xil bL.ýIilte tri- wili mell fin fil-erni te-mis, or Ir tll('l'ol'ev 's 'l'cl" bl' ini(Ist ofthe inost iielie)itftl Tim, fi h- NT--ýe ivas tire firt tuait ta estal4ish tire flet il -ed prope a tli,,rll ivrýeii igrilorfilit M, Ille (-iroti -n tw ile. 'tv f ftle'iunie to titi. r(-ý qIlrvq)eTltý f Ille ex('II:Lllze for inirroI. ri%. in tilo of Na M-w%-rF:vî_.ý on r or ilig an tII4 Lakes i. ariýe ittiptiri the bl r terin.-% of -,ale, -ne pIV lit titis Tackle and Rbatg at,'l titis fr,,otuer \%%tli vi-ry he quite inade- W hitliv. Fo et --that -)il,- lie;tltii and iife drý-peiidciI â1,1104. te, tilt- re jiiýrvtii,-yite lit t lit briminelits, and 1 )ffioc, or to the owner, if bv le ter t9'b,ýý Ilost- ife)rditxurý are riot cxoeederi diinlig liptren, thig % iL-11 iliiid. t is fr ntage wi i; % cr.ý mi-ii be wnTovii fý,rNý,arti- fit-ilit fivc yeurs. NOItIVOOD 1101-Elle, lien the Variuili p&s4w(i-4; beeff a ,ça ar WITArEI-En aller (LATE STERL ilir, sliip-biiildiii4y, and ('ther IIUGII FFLTTZ. hf.;IlLrtllfý,i piid tlle not avt in lionnativ wit-h the dit- IF-/, if ity. férent fuiv-tions -f the thý blo-il lose,, its la plîvtnoit of' the and being 1-,wP" IIE lia- lintely f*,:tc-il il the Ili'l nz det ertn ine, 1 ulAn M'hitl, 1 gli Dec_ 1;;57. 4M T abave well-kwwii old the riTARI.F. thils (»1111«iit,.! ill partiie ýie lý ne&tý,r itiiel .1i.-ktrren of whole y in on, lot, and rerei,.«èrpýl t-ý Fý)r le, elleup, 1 do . il 'TAGD )1-.ý Ieeý,; N F-r,-n-nF 1,Y of tire Tre- with the view gffille-rýlitig DV A N SP.LENDID INVESTMENT. niiýilp irt thr IlraiTer -ini,-- f atter p-tyrneut of five 9od e'Invêliierit ta tire pTil;lieý, - everv iiIiiiie; is iliati linit tri(, ainotiiii which il li lireduele, if r . ins;) but týiý,- %vil' renirrin 1,'reulfaRt-4. Dinni-r-, llrf,,,arel nt stll l;aurý. hefilili ivr I,,privý1 eof and if nuttire i laid ont in siliall I.,ts. in ferro. eýii jlayiiient wîthin a % ..car W arin 'ýtabIing and re-lemiv shf-iis. A lit- qtf ;ýir- -tjîpilarit î: For prire arid ftjrt!jer applv ro 0 N T A R 10 H 0 T lv, te-, ne E L Kjst ,-ci V. II). a siliall fille pe, Iiýo1IIl. tentive 0401-r illwavs i- i and thITý 1-lir i;ýrht cýt7 iiiv ý% III i,,r,ý,%-ç,r ýir I)Inwii, ýVitw-, nrifi Liqilors 'ttil% I lia* we- 'hotild Ize BROCK STREFT, WIIITIZY. Tlicý. lire thiil ne-tr'w ;n îý nrrjingernefflý; liave bron malle .1 ýNI m ý .ý I. i _,i, 'li ( T,' 1,11t 11, W, - holaers 1jeingr prot'ert- 1, el, Williýl.\.Nt TUE SUeSCRIBER OFFETIS FOR SALE çej fri,,rTi &-c. nffiýriJ ample and nc,* tire variouït tel' tilt, boelv frec aile! opén. WLithv. Tan. Iý,. 11ý--l7. T l' Et 4 _I_ ta tl, thRi ave ir in our larit popitlir IIOTEI, neeri Iý,ei bv Tri(- iiieur wltic ofthe of visitors ut Cie if in pli, il mrliciii4. iii yalir rf-ý;ich, iiiiiiielv, -e(r's likilfian front FOR SALE CIIEAP. 1.%(N)l BIIZVkN, Illivili'r a frolitage 01 BrO1ý : l'itrtnêrsliip' Eý- ilARRISON. ,rs lit' Gri feet. A share of Pr(lfit is azin rifi to eve- Greetiwood, Janirriry 1 anil re7 -4 --rhieli ar,ýiiii,1 tire inemn- ROBERT Il. LAWDER. ry rnrtît.,il-ittiiig Policy-Ilolilier of five vear,' pIant,ý . -' tailliais viiir,; in Na! gardicii, f-,r the henith OT 'N ,. 127, lit t'ir 7ýrd 4 - '-ne of Whitl)y -Laniling, and ilit liande(l to hint in ml)yje,!I'tit the TINSMITRS. ased. inatan. (),le tif the roots L (thf, %Vti.stN-Ftt:m, ttciieliiiiiiir the Tolvn (;f ýVilithi-, Jan 20. 1957. of hie next preinitini, which le th erebv Iiiid ree,,vory Ir)fdis(ý. i - __ frout which tficrée 1 111% are ni ide ÃŽs a Siiderifle, 1! Apply 1ý-, the- lion. lz. C. Wilrrx>4, -- _re.ýý rcýl il eefl . and lintil lie. participates ini whivb opetiî tIffl jeor(--ý of tire skin. and assists Carrving ' WILKI.'Ç.lq, F«fl., Belleville, r Arrah Ifjstrexq juiiit Rtop 1 Vial:4 - of £1offl Sterling or iip- or t,«) iv. N-tnrf! . in il ont the finer parts of' the t ^rdý r.i and halt of the prenihinis, _011 M., BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE a 1 pay iii1p Look inter my shop At ali thenice t1singstake a blink 'for , L allin. Tlî- Lý a piant which i 3. V. IIAM, n il ý!/ ri per ce*. ùâýrc,,t being charged on trio If thelqe yon dont like s an, ï xpectorant. thrit opens artel uiidn!z.ý the Barrister, otite, 1 nlf. A bargaint yon"Il strike p-i;týIa2e ta tire Iiiiilzý, and thns, in a sontliiiii i PRIVATE CONTRACT.- r 1 Tnz LirF Am,-)-tÀTioýç OF S(MTLA'ýrD (fonnded If vou but tak-e a peep nt týe tinker. July 15, 11157. 26' in is oné of the m"t extensive and q1ic- -1 Other Iiiiiiifir-l, front trio longs ilie reinsinder of those V.%ltinhlle Lots I)IIIC!E!11, Rite rz- 1 --- - - ---- ---- ---- - - - ni Assurance Offices in Gmnt Britain. Dur- iM 1 of L-ind sitnated on the North and Sonth ceýsf c-opieii,3sl)itting. Tir FOR SALE 15 TOWN LOTN.. - rie, the venir ending 5th April, 1857, the new cives case anti doiihI,ý ýtrvii-fi ta, tire kielliey.; sides of tlIý tranýâetïOnï thnsn of fuiv Ot4r Brititrit, KR4,>CK-ý.ÃŽT., WIJETFIV. thilis enconragcd, they llt-î%v lame lrno;int_ý ot N TIIE ToW',\- OF WIIITBY, IN TII E TFHITB 1- Jt>ýj IL lirA j- ST. 1 TION ! Life Aqsnr.,tnee Company, and thcý incorne il; now (In Benjainin BrvIin*,ý old Store and Tin- froirri tite b1reod. whieli is then throlvii vieînilIV of tire Nint-l'e.t. upivards (if £125,fflo stýr ing per annnm. Wàre .1;1:10 slu- IntondinZ A.qstirer,-, vrill have everv linform JOIT9 BRYAN-ýitorrirToR. 0 Il hauntififfly b)ý the iirinary or water paesitze, 11-,i-'rfiRFE WArk.-iz Ille sil nation let unequalled in Canada for q 1 a- and which eoiil(I-jiot have 4en en' tion given thern, and facilities affarcleà 111 'UR For ftirther particulars and ternis apply tn britv ofeliinate it bas aise, accmmanding vi ýr etrect- Il E S SCRIBER WOUI.1) A*,'NtiCNCE any other waY. The tâýliirih ii a Clathartic, tind of like Ontario and Whitby flarbor-thp Il fir- ine their Alatitrances, On application al an%- of tri tlieinlitifiit-tintq ofthir; Toivii and Collintv F. KELLE R_ tir(. otinýr propertkis of the l'Ille Wilitbv, Juiv R. hor is adinitted tg) lie tire best vit tire lý:lk't: it the OfUtý-,.s or Ageucieýi of the Association. » - thut lie fins repeyied the a4ovc All while enzn-,,ecl in pIIriý-.-ing Ille blood ; the cour- -d in any weather. Trio -ivare can bc enterc kinds oflin made and rejaired. Bm7.i(ýrs HEA'D OFFICES.- ii -ter particles nfitiilitiritý, livIiieh ewinot 1,n.ý;Isby WILD LANDS. P07 WIIITBY & LAKE HURON RAILWAY S('OTLA.7D-Edinbiircli, 2 llailol.*er work ofevery description df-xie on tire Ivi remises. the other onth:is, are tfins Liken up and eq)rivey- no ýtrcet- The Propiietor is a workiniz-"I(ý cd off in grear eitiitntitie.:4 hy the bi>%velq. ' SE. 10 0 0 Acres Wild Land for sale on liboiral will run throtiz!i the centre of the Fstate, there- Fi\(il.AND-Innd -on, King WHJùiyý SC. 0»'itY tinker whe) works ut hie; tradu' and is not Froin the above, it 14 shoirri that Dr. Morse's by cirent le of the best Bu.-;ines%-Sit". tlint CANADA-Milntrml, ;Great St. James Street. ternie. . $ hanned or it 111 ordcrs for %veek e-xeenteil Indian Roft l"ills trot only eiâter the ëtontrach, F. KFLLFR. eau bc in the Province. DIRECTORS AT MONTRE4L: in CL trtüieginan-ýike trinnner and with de'-,pttch- -but beroine uniteil with tl;- blood, for thev find Whitby, Jiily S, IS-57. 25 Application te be madiq tin Everv d(-.,§eriTtioii of Ii made imd repaired: wnv to'ûvery rart, and c-tinpletely ront Otit and THOMAS DODD, 6. MArirxizir,, Ziq. 1 (T. MoFrAT Jý Eëq., nnAFnýrantcû gond and sound. elcunec, tiiesy.steti froin tri bit 'trity and the TWO GOOD LOTS FOR SALE. Civil Engweer Port %Viiitb-,-; or AVID ToRitAxcz, Esq., 1 ALxx. Moi' kinds of work done cheaper and bet- life Ofth, whieh is the UO(il becomes *0ýfA.S GA1ýT, & Mýrris. ter titrait, it eau doue by any other Tinker in pe!fectl hcaltliý-; couse wentlyallsickness and Solieitor, Toronto. Szca=àmr.-J aines Gr=-it. town. in Li Liven front tile s%-qteni, for they cannot OR Sale, Two excellent Lots in tire Town of Port Whitby, 1 St Jan., 19.5 9. Itf i Ila F Wltitbi-, on Dundas Stacet Fast. The AGENTS: 4 Lýr 01(l capper, e--zst iron, cotton and linen mniiain wl)eii tire bady 'heconie5 se pure 'and ttbnve Lot24'are Fenced in, and beautifully situa- WL;rT-ýtr-%Ir. J. Tlam Perrv. rags Sheop Skins, rii taken in cxviiange. cleur. , ted. IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVEt 9-wuANrttjt-Mr. 1). JOIIN BRYAN. The renson wh v people are so when' F'tqÉer Ontaliiio Bank. Whitby April Sth Isr,7. 12-tf. TnlltMS LIBERAT- E. W Ish, erchant. sick, and wliv lý int-Lnv die, is thev do TTIOMAS DODD begg ta say that be is prepar- not get a niedicine wilic,11 wi'.l pass to the adlict- For further parficulars apply to a te) ercet Ditrelliri_ on the Lots nie.zitioiied. STOVE PIPES %VHOLENALE AND cd parts, and which M 1 the natural pas- X FARQ'UTHARSO%;, 1 co the active or retired Morehitnt of TI-rrontý, BUILDING MATERIA1 LS. METU L. sites for the helice, a who is ulixions tu obtain a cheup, countrv roi lii nantity of food and other matter L Or to Port Ilope, this Ili, a rnost faverable s lodg- le- rC JOJIY -BR YA IV .11 and intestines arc litemll J. WOIFE."IZDEN. wilen s Tot il, seleeted, and a Plan deternillied LIME F.0111 SALE. cd, an the stornsch. k and i overflowing with the borrupted mains; thug Iiý- tics tel, 1rhîtby. Ilpoil i liviiieli, if preferred can bc farnished bv repared, to supply Cotintry Merchante with dervoing dkuRrocable, J'aniiitntation, Switantly 1 rylir IA, 1 i;5.. 2:1 tire mtlbgeril)er) the whole shall bc c-trried inûe ONSTANTLY ON HAND DVRING 111,, isetove Pipes on good terins: inixi.ng with the blood, which throws the cet- ýMf - - c 13T, ý. B.-As the cold weather bas commenceil, .1;kf ---- etfert to incet the wishes of gentlemen Izivinir en-ell'ing epring and Sain ner Fralti rnt rtipteti matter thrÃ"ngtt every voin nnil artery, their orders-ther(-,I)ý- savinz titre Liiiip, which will ho. sold for Cash 01,11, ut 2-1 6d the UIdcrOi.L-ned will uttOnd to calla for VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE putting unCil Ille is taken from- thebody by diriem.,- "0 aroirirance of the bric«klayerand carpent rs con- Barrel. i np Stoves and Pipes, &c. Dr. Morso's Pills have addeïl, to tlieni.4elvoiq vie-, si= per JOII.X BRYAN. try upon victom HIS PROPFRTY IS PLEASANTLY SITU- tiptial wants. MATIIEW 0 y, by restoring niiilii>na,, of the Apply as above, cîther by letter or personally, Whitby, September 23, 1857. ag sicit te Wooinhig heil and b pineas. Yés of this T atcd in the flonrishiiij; Town of' M'iiitbi,, I'OrAt% itby. 11, 1. . thonstinds who finve been mekelý or tormontýj on Brock street. direct1v oppoirite Jii 1 e Burn- to with sickneu pain and anquisb and whose hain's re.,tideiiep, eontàiti!nL, two of an THOMAS DODD, C. E., BRICKS 9 BRICKS 1 Ir Stoves, Tin, Copper, and Sheet feeble franies llave belon scorched ity the bürn- acre of Land, with abolit Iýo fect rrontage, on P,,rt- Whitbv. 1 ing féver, and who have been, 2s ivhieh is ert BRICKS for Sale ut Po4,%vllitl)V rought, m if it were, within a steip of the silent CONIFORTABLE BRICK COTTAGE 2410010 for Cash or ou, approvla crodiît Subscriber bê$M te, laforTri the grave, now stand ready te, testify tbat tbZe  Iv to inhabitants of Whitby and the sur- would have beeu tiiiinbaïýed with the Ae% ATTRACTIV E SALE on nuas.nable tonne. âna TlE ad witii suitable ont Build*lllzs, Rit excellent Weil ý@! BRAID N, retinding countrv, that ho it; notbeen forthiagmntand %-ondortaiiÎý'dicine f Water, and a CL,;terri, twether with a HU hag purcha- iiiliabi- (b>eýr Of valitable Fruit Trceâ For further parti- OF Port iti'y sied the ëtock of Mr. Thomas Wallau, Morse's Indian Boot Pills. After one or two 1 doses liad been takon the tâ lit ed an f ýnntrV etilars apply to Or nt the Chroniýc Office. and intendrit te carr:y on the business in ymorettà n h , d e lis Olà W. SHAW, on the premLs* all lits branche#%, en the qat illwolutely suyrised, in witncssing their charnu- FarMing Lands, Town Lot£j From the 10171-experience in this countrv as a ing effects. et only do they give imtnediate W' hithy, Feh. 10, 19.W. 4 hand take away all'-sickne F, TS, AND MILL PRMLECAFý DRAIN TILES. PRA C T 0A L IV 0 RKXA N eue and stroue, WnndalignL-%h uttlieyatonoègotoworkàt n band FOR SALE IN TZIE TOWN yjr and m Foreman for the Jast seven yurs for the foundation of the diftaise, whichis the blood a es, fit r - [IF subscribers having beren appointeld. Messrs. George Il. Cheuey & Co., of nj, kind WIIITBY. r Il E Assignec of the Pstate of B. F. Perry Tor' Therefora, it will bc mhown, eliv ' Il by those le ej Agents bere, for the sale of 1 lie féels confilent in stating thut al] wlork T offitrs for sale the follewing valuilb T who uBe these Pills, that they wili IsO Zlanse alla '08. 2, and 22. Etittate, ut such prices that. will prove satiefactoy trosted to him wjà bc periormed ÃŽzî a manner 1 ry, that dtsease-that 'Jeadly enerny-wilIl portion OTS IN TIIEY ARE 1, SmwVs Drain Tüe thut will give entire mtiifmtion. p 'ta flîg ated on Dundas Stroct, botween to purchmers:- Bowmam%-ille, they an uow preparod offer at Au excellent assortutent of ue 1 _ lit, and the flush of yotith and boatL-ý 100 Acres, Fast 1,Lot 15, 4th Concession, Low prieesl all,,Izes of ty will again return, and the prospect of a Iougýý l shown Coctimue"ft and Lynde*s Creek. Collingwood. COOK, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES, and happy Ille will cheitah and br4litten -your ýr TrRMS LlBrUAT- 100 Acres, South 14 Lot 8, Int Concession of PIPE A-VD HORSE SIJ'OE ýTLE,% always on band. Application to be made te Eliplimin. For Land and Cellar Drainin' sain Abo all' kinda- of Tia and Shoot 1ron Wam dit, .=os-.-Bowate of a counterfeit aigned AL MRS. ANGELMS WEST, 200 Acres, Lot 10, 2ndConcusion Faipliruia. and prices aacertnined on appliliadon p B.Moore. AU genuine have ýthe naine of A_ J. t ,dewdeption of White & Co. en catch box. A1W the signature Lot 38, Sth concession Darlington. il RTS, ÇOPPBR wýoýityr. The." Threc Lots, in the County of Grey, HA111LTON lik- ROI of A. J. White & Co. AU othéra are spurious., Christian Offoring" pieute copy until forbid. wore pmonally in$ ý,cted and wèrted on Re- Nos. 1 aïd 2 Comme ildin made to order. A. J. NVEITE & Co., Sole Proprietors. celant of fine AgrieTttm-âi belli, and reaby acSu JîCi gt'reet hitby. iarpap"kr a««Uon pai4 to ýj0b Work--M 1 - 60 Loi &IV84 ydu York- FOR SALE, to Market. September 1'1857. 33 JOHN TROTTM Dr. Morse's Indian Boot Pilla are zold by »M NUMBER OF CIIOICE LOTS IN TIIE 200 Acres No 11, 9th Con.Xam, County of Whitby, gay l2th, 1857. dede",in godicines. A Town of Whitb - bc tif Il situated in Ontario. LUMBER TARD 81112qGLICI ta"wânted 'in - every toi village ùùd WITII the vieinity of the 31rizeun Ttelrmys Liberal.- 200 Acres, No. Il 13th Con. Suminerville. y 1 4 - C.MBAP TIN WARE. haAmm et là the'lahd. , Par" (leshing the âgency Apply to 107 Acres, No. 1 Front range do Uli.%-DERSIG2;(ED -ý RUSPW. 'IM LLY will. addrelas as aboya for terras. JORN SHAW, Goed f1nrdwýI2 and sortie oftlie best ffl in Pz1eoý 25 conte poir boit; ilve boxes, wM be sont T informe the publié thist fio"lïIë ýàed the ROSX wîshin tarif rj. tosecure Chesp purchuxez, of on, reçoilit « 49 Byron Streetl Whitby. those Townships, LumbeT Yard latély keet liy la Gui - -Mn Wim, have Bow wehanéé,.tô do s0ý 18, 1lLp1_ý which iribitby, kilebrnry 1857. à tt. 20 Aortes, part 18, l0th Concession Murray. gher Gteeýàgtmtt W *tbL;wh lie in con-, 'ne nuderalgried bas on band, a large stockof The.Great EnQ% h Reined 1 Acre, part là, 6th Concession uurmv. etéuýysùpptlîed with"LIUM "ý ofey 4eeMp- "11% Ware, ofeveryde."ription,,whieh ho la now Y. notice. ron SALE. V4 of an. acre, part 16, lot Concestricit tion, sémoi and green. -11amblor, lien li Acre, pot 2, lot Clincettâtion 01 !Ille. 2 iu,,lý , lit rIrOWN LOTS in Whitby near the Bay.- Sqnâtre 1' bei'h'ërn 8to eh . 1 ý ý nt 8 - 1 Ch Il Prices. Alae StovoPipm JL Also, Village Lots nt MILL PRIM E« , W- Building- iürWmbed- en the &0., 0&-- 1)ýt7in'a Creek, French- mm'i4 Bay, and Port Perry, That wofi known, MM aituated in 8hUà&t n0tS- A. LOGAN. Apply te th Village offlam ' T hi- f SIR petoütl owns ip o Dar1lngý G. R. DARTNELI, tOnT cOmPrisi nocassury ex- Green Street, 'WMtby ]PEDLARS SUPIPLIED. REP A ption o ir Jase, Solliciter &e., cavations forze -Water Fàm and 3fill, and the front, a DMCri f Si, BrSl à4vi, whâî;. Lower stM of atone work, corinploted. The si- JL_ Clarke, M. Der: Physic"; Xit=rdinary te June 16, 1857. 22 tuation oftbo'pzmlMrty ia on the Main Une of the Quelon. Tbia invaluable moqEcine iâýunâiIý- %wman,. ille and the Northern ing in le Oum or im those pwâfnI, sàd IýaqeTQ_ Rosd betwooli rIMR Subscriber boge te add that -having be- ous disordeveým" nt tu tbefd'h'We cSstitution. LAND IN SCUGOG IPOR SALFý Townships. For volume of water, beigbt of - ém 1 1 ý alf oblit -IL eowed à grcat part Oithis timon n"deratffl aU exe6P-lE4 rémolfea uito- MU,'and cormutanding position to eontTol tbe &T-LAS ý 1 y Z ý V&h reg _ pSthamonthJy od BEING LOT No. 3, 7m CON - trule oftbt -,jeinitY, thiâ ýrhi4 o ha' no $upe jýr'Fr0at Street, Torc .... Zaye-Troughing, and ýThjéýe%,shqa!d Part of the IM Je' ri*riu th" locanty. W ý ;for jtw0 XS work, lie prapired to undertake rtlnRM -laIt 'desr ;"kàà uw ,HardwoodI&udthe renuC-»der la liviiurv r èwork afthatnaturA. T" a 1 GOVERNIeylWiT NOTP C ro ý.v )l 1 ait 41 s 1 pa rt ni v il 11w AýI- r 4« t 'w T i. o4l ,Il in.1 vharC-ýý fi rýt ' veir, illiti Ilý llýl l'e ndlier- 1. ÃŽ (ý lac proteý & I'l 0le V, il tilt- f swi s Our preul 1 N ýý PE UTO IZ N Eý 1 1> A US 0 F F 1 C E. N T(l Jjý F 1 ilf. by jtlý i ilist., Iris & E:iýl L;11ýl w t- llý of t lle ni- ol Y,-ýK. l)!a:Lri,ý lo).1 Peel. and ESTABLISIFED IN 18115, Eý-jllire. Ilispre- 1 - rýr tý., ouiltredi\ tý,, --w T W, ý,ulirriber 1zw, sinee tiie Inte fire ; 1 di % i>i, s dur- h.iilt his prerniseg, Corner of I;ro(c-k whért! Il(-- still eintinm fieAerilitifii-4 iif l,1ltieý wid tri Mr. Mc- Phnirâ, Tildew, Piii-eaum, S DorifnIl illitil 1 "11,1 ýpi1 n sCil itirger senle thait ever, rind 1 by striel titt(,iLtiçlii tri t-) merit a i 40 -lier t4 1 e iw weil kwivii Ly the inliùl)itantè; o _ . - - - - ! Reetion of tlie emintrv. 1 Xc 14, 1 il, 1 'i'.t. (',ip. S., . ý , 1 te-Ail orders atiended nAt tiallv. _fi GFXERAUS OFFICE. W11M. TflL. July S, 1957. lembrr, 1857. COFFIN S. rpi: Al'm !T'F ;iil)sr-ilier brgrs to inforni the in lilk. 1 ; % IN T tantý of Wliithv uni siirrounding cc) c! )rder, biarhý- Cle Cle Of ( ),tc, tlint he lins recoin iiieiieed bubiiless nt hi jo.italit, 10 îIlT,(ývt tfiat Aiio Prin S, ' ' cl. torjivr of Pri'oi-iz Ildz rit11 Im rý1,. Is oft ai _'B'le 0 CA7 é C 0 L R 0 Pi YE S TREF, 1041 l%1ýllittc 1 t, enirv 1"t>t- M, (11,1V in fie- 1 Wliré lie will Mamifitt-ture and 1,cep on J, llic, Ac4 ls Vict. qý1 diseriptions ofGdlins of différent sizeq materi:îJ8 and iiislieýl with Brellilst Plates, tir of wliatever cififfl kilids t'i-,iiii (ILitty. or&-re(l. I;v Collillýfilid. l ý.jr The oubscrîber ai tends FunemIx E, M. BOUCHETTE, IN"M. TrLL 4 (,il-,,NER.\I,'S OFFICZ lj the of the mider the atitilfiritý.. finijorteil flmii Grvu Britaim, tu)w rharge(J with E 1 1-1 ý IAS ALSO I N CONNECTION il (Itltv r f fiftec.11 P&r errétum a,/ IL,; a lhe abc)ve a iilti Artiele. ýe in thr list f LV1,112 Li (.ýitv (il Firfit Class Reaxi;e!! gýiýjds 1 two awl a hexIi por cen- toien (1rTý I'r*,,tti nwi tiflur this date, arof manufactiired hy Il. Uvingbton, Whitby, v H4glI be rate 1 is made ni) in the best %4VIO. l'y Cmillfl1l1-lý *,* FuneraIs attendect ât the shortest u, IL S. M. BOUCHETTE, t-&-ciiAiir.rs XODEIL4TE..Jgýj 40 Commixxioner of Cýiitomg WM. TILL wwltljy, jtily S, 1837. CLERICS OFFICE, S. "espa' Add Qnay j Torniitô. 914t Jan., 1858. time for rr.rcîviuil llt,,titiý)118 fur Private Dbeal Bills expire on the Twelith one tIioimand ulght haudred and flfty- W. B. LINDSAY, 4 Clerk Assembly. TO MASTERS OR OWNER$ OF STEAM N OTICE Is liercby given that on andafwr the opeinug-of tAie Navigation inthe apring of. lâle rrente-year, a etrW complianoe with the re- quîre illenteq of the @eV" het& relatinq to the 5 liticetÃŽoll of Steatn Vosatils will be ioaisted on and 01 penalties foT uny infraction tfiereof r4ýd- Jy çuifotüed. DY command, E A. IMREDITH, Assistant seý"etary. Bay Street st .......................... 8 09 Milit Mail Train tor Montreul, Md' Principal Stationa st , ....... . 1 ý TRAM àý5ïwd wâàÏ. -TminforGtW Berlin, Moritmal Decý 8, l8b7. 19OLLOWAYIS OINrrUM*' The Great Counter Irritant 1 CROWN LANDS DÉPARTMEÃŽÃŽT-.,. Toronto, 4th Febru IBU. ýNrOTICZ lgýherby ýiven that tbeewea )Wf 01 Lot No 0, in 8t Coucumion of Verolm Ç in the connty orVietoin, U C. will be offer;â ile;ident AW esr Sale by -Auction, bY the _t, l ,%VALTsn CitAwro", Eàiqui c nt Peterbôrou h, atý,*ýOON, on the TENITIII ï NEXT-xo;M]H# V'rgel Éýke, be. per acre.

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