Whitby Chronicle, 18 Feb 1858, p. 1

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THE CIMONICLE THURSDAY MORNMGI Elv IIIGGINS&IUAYERIIOFFER' BROCK STREET, 'ÇVIIITIýY, Le" 1ýext Door to the RegistrY Ofricv- 4 TO TIIE ITE TERNIS OP ISU Blý('rIrTl()N 1 ll*hitby lvill lie $2 l'let atintitil, -::7= RATES OF Al)'rrlTISINC thoughts and untiring industry, litre Rdvocate Peace, Progress, B With calni Printed words, great Knowledge, rothoi 1m e.ý and iiiicler, .................. 11, Xlven qcquent iiiýorti.Iti, ýper litieý.. lit)ý-ral diseninit liliolired Vl Merchants ard VoLé -90 Y, C. W., TRURSDAY., FEBRUARY 18., 18;)8à, other -ti.-iii4z by the ve:ir. NN 111TB Tlil% paper lýit.q iilr(ýiiiiv lui iltinieiist, virviilation ln the Cimittv, i,.Ný evoryliii- PETE.11 C.,£RillIÇIlEAL, Mr. flalford had never declared himself respectability, wbo wili jet ne bav te in e el f t sinems iiiitl'i;i imil ;iý ý i'-illitN, il botter 1 1; ri C 0 hose acce,ýs( uýt T0WN.ýýI il* n k wel 1 1,ýr I l as a lever etherwise titan by attentions in lier bouge Some poopleI whom 1 knew tom a, t A e nriur- nalcalIllut loctilitv. All lviio ndlverilsv i'r titi Il ( d itigo; pleuse lose 1141 finie in fierwtirglillir sufficient te hfnd a man of a nice senSc Of in n'Y fatlleto-1; lifetime, and whoadmired ail other deprivation.- ViCir notives. lionor; but ý,ý.ué5usL-1 lad long nc4;0t'nte(l my singing, will, 1 date say, ]lave no Ob. keen air, the open (Il: No palier M-ill lie iiiitil ail kýucilAN-f TAILOR, STREET, A STICK OF TYPE. agee; tire paid tili. hitn as itueli. It would have been hard te jection te my teaching their children ; 1 7ons Of lier native ce, Letteril -asýi, U will lle nt BY rilATUIEN il. BTUAnT. sny what lind attracted Iiiin to ber. Ile Shall '191, nothin- else from thein, Yoli "Oh for a ton<, de lie risk tif tiie lýddýl 11110.11.1% DEVERELL, -1kers Niien :idd 1) F R'. &-v. &e-, GIZEEN STREET, A Stick of Type 1 xlirliat 0iot or slIýê1I vras a man . of good fortune, much courteil have a large circle of ffiends, will you bilartiting air! a mot M, %là,bithy, 4 . %V. Froin n-itr*g griiii camp hatil lialf the power? in gne.iety, and know«n as one of the mot gpeak for me ? But 1 forget ; yoti have free, ()I)en landscalle A qtiek of Tylle i wli-it tiiis one tilotigilit, eceqýsftil reviewers of the day. never heard me ring.*' INTERNATIONAL IIOTEI., qubtle and su perpetivilly the upi BOOK AND JOB IST -JVARE, TORONTO~ Vint FreeflOili's ulin's God-.1ven dower? lie Ileitt guch a literRry reputation very she was Inovin- toward tbe piano n-ý ber soul, thnt it thi PRIXTING EST.,%IllýIS1131ENT. 42 Tlint Stiek of T% 1 lligli - liglitiv: seine men en les,,, vrould have de- once ; site had spokeen with giieli lireathles% compte,* malheur de, Thnii Nvarrior linstIl d-ir fortress T% Ir and a %Latuc. Augusta ongerne-,.R, bc hall net been aille to inter- rënt:.q find -,ense.,tnfl oF THE, M111111Y IIOTEL, -allg, inrinded latire (),I: N F IZ F 1 able, to hini ; rupt lier; now bc sugl(lenly dittretched forth the evil in hék JL Wit itiiN tg woulei infliriii t1iv ANI) c EL) Il,(,, F Alici. it sliall baller down in (Illýt wasvery pretty, very ami r c public tlllt t1leN liro.v lif tl-v 111-t Tlint langli nt fditýý4, niiil cannon site sang well and lies hall a prqiuqlice, lie lits bard, anil intercepted ber intention. mental fati, le of Il luindeni st 1 1-1, ý rrolit N*,ý%v york Il 1 1 said, a Moreover, lie yon t 31AINILLA IIOTEL, Tlint Stitll, (If Tv, 1 see il lirval, gaingt clever wolten. would stoop te thiq!" bc exclaim- things te 'Milirent, 1 Vie eldWn Ilithe liloodi iiiiiit il% %vanteql a wife: tbý,tt lie csteemed lier livor- c(7i,;, Il you wnlllçl tcach rtltl(.q, ivhere yon are which were likely tc, BOOK 'AND JOB - PRI rING' )l Nlnrtiýii, And lifl t1x, voke fi-,im liiiiii.,n. 1 tliv of the honor, hi.-I attentirnq hail -cent kro%%*n 1 yoi, wollid play for my approlia- hy them. lier hezili nt every il-1 giiIi-:Lllt"d, illidt liv riz 0«Vr dend bleticlied belles. lie still paid Iti,,q court to i', 1- >( \ Il ", - - __ --()AKWOOI) 11 OT E 1 ed to prove. On! àMiliçeiit - l" lie broke Off ab- hall never bcen cartA W itt 11(I (1,11le în.1% -tiper tial 1 ý ti renoineratinc 11METOR. TIIfit stlek lit Tpcý ' rýirc-I-rin2 fledits lier, Lut it %vas in linguid form. Eveil ruptly, and tnnk- a turn througli the room. ver, flic long wallci Befrù it idiv tinli ilieir wiiiL-, Milicent gazed nt hiiTi in surprise. from One hois-,c te ai T t'r,ýirtet,-r, liný-o piro-iam,' viic (.f 0 (i""(,L 1 while talking to worse, ttiTning R V'G CI L EISI Ir 1 là, 1) 1 1 là ds "4; E s ON 1 , 'ARIO 1 1 OT - EL, And I)nllllereil a-luies the elàaff- over the Icavets of Iiis favorite songs-his If I am proi,ý(1," site said coldly, Id it i., best relief te lier i etiables larn Grown tieitiL,-. i eyes were continually engrossed in watch efflart; illit 1,11r\ lltle net the pride that unifits me te submit te minil. Theh-irdest :N 'I' PEU to Tiint Stick- rif ;0il the Fali't intr Milicent. It was not al)soltltelý' .1 a nocessitv. Teaching music doci; not. with gentlenemq and wiJ l'i-mii 1 l", 91darg . Th-it wrdliiglit' il in his cý,iiqueriUL1 lrtiiià! ratel lit tilv limest grariotis scrutiny, but it seemed rIli 111- seým te nie n. degmdation. I or of 1 l Tlial Stick of Tylle i (;d)d the Hile I;ri"m lind dit tim- HV 1110N 11OUSF, seattere' Iorbin- one; and Augusta trembled, not she atIdud, hindling. l' If 1 have oniy pu- torture te ber quicli (I il about lilie rain.- r Il IL T W Il 1 T rý y 1 OnIv lest the unexceptionable match shoulil pil-R ent-ligh te provide what niv sister sitive car. Ilad th, tlie Preýs tlie inýz thilliglit, escape lie.r-slie was ait lieiress il% lier tiirn. needs, 1 mýl)nll be happier than 1 have Leen eye te marl, a;d np Ily stenn) and liglitrninz spend abroud, and luitzlit have looked hilher-but lest the since -rince long--2' lier natural icmpct SlIn Ife ýl)qiier yet, aticl l.ring to inan ou il t il Cr 5 G( Tlie Fi man he loved in lier degree shoulil tlisap- 1 t is Arudgcry of the Nvorst k i net ; i t is ililpable reward te I -cettinti. L"\ Il find Trntli of God' iýI1l nTl(1 ntteiitive 0ýl1crs. 6 point the hope: lie bi(ijustiv excited. glavery of mind and 1)(yiv; it vrouhl lie icent could net havi Mr. llalf%)rtl was net a man of ZACHEVIS 11111M IA31, IIOTEL, denth to votl!" interjected Mr. Ililford, ind tintiringly. Li ionshonor: lie siid te hirnsef, no m-ord hurrieilly. 11.1ilicent, yeu Rsk-ed my sur- bitter legsong«: in t iiiiii te Aumuste ; the girl w.,Lg the vires; mine is the place of itupplian't_ 1 rati, prosperity, it 1 veriegt butterflv, incapribleof love, She business to seel, afl scarcely 1 loved voit fil] titi,; me- NELSOIN (il. IZEYNOLUS. 1011LICENT6 was, rich novil. and could look higlirr -, and, atience o ITHIZI FF. AT '1*11 1-ý cOVIZZT ment; 1 féel it now in everv puise of my pride, imil. 2, in truth, ýin(,: accept my love; command me lis estecin, which liqlttso. 1 - gr) attractive a womari as Nfilicent bL - - -bad il. Tyrrell liait never before croissed his path. r Joli N IIAII PEAMY. of mv wife tion- of lier lover, 1 , il K >, TIOTEL, Vi-t- do net rare te go into flic detaîls lie diil not sec ne-tri v lis intich of lier as buithe nneertior, of 017FICE ON 1,1ýi F. i lielladbegilnin doubt, witlio,,Itrnoliri- the warfare tliat inevitably raged between b e L, d Te W Ilit Ilv. vuli attentive (Iý- bealth livas very deli- i in- te go so far; but, -L.,; slie st(>O#l erect, Sinre then, in so ýIili(,ent -ind ber relations. l'lie oppres- LI 1 H. 3. IIA(ý11)()NIý,ýillý. cate; and if tliv wcather wa- fille, Niiiicent lonelv linurs of un! ! beýititiftil beyonil nnv other ,ed and oidpressor rail iiot qýrih-c bands vi-alking with lier in ttic ad ONTARIO IIOTEL, 1 WOUI(l lie out woman lie knew, his passion 11-9d k-ilv - lied. i strille of flic crowdc C tiie'('iiirt 1 ' the former is worthy of bis faîte ; jacent parli, ; otherwise, ýngage(l in t4-ýýrb- ilt, -,polle lit last ferventiv ; lie wislied lie 1 cd a humbled and JOHN V. and rio considernt'on could lirevent t'le ing lier -fd)r slicliad tiiillertakeii -wliât hall the power and cloquence of a -od te heart, and HA 01ý' 111J.- ( i)i ý, l'ý l i,, 1.'r. ANI) C ù I-11 - d, r, prand veliement girl from betlm ving lier cation wad: pricticable -in ftnother rý-m. 1i coný;train or Witt lier. holier motive. Sh, fwgistrtir,,îtliù svri--L,,ý'. i Iilli,-e Lit fecliigg at iiiiies. For lier sistr's Fake The scason wis a(II-incing into stiniiii,,r ý i (il -ý-, M 1,ý ý 1 1 .. NIr. saiýl Nl*licellt, coi(lly, 1 her pte..;etit-life ; 1, site controled such rýiFli ag the î and both sister- williii-ly avniled tt.ciii- 4 %V. 1 -i1I*,t1.ýiýU sel;cs in the inner, G. il EW Eý.rr, vou arc carried awav by an impulse 0 one whicli lind cxasperated ber tincle's tielves of the seclusion of their buflrooin- but it wotild have i geiiernsitv, for which 1 lu l'lit thatik- you, lM.*ý,;I'oLNý V,, ATHEIMEY, aversion on the niglit of lier arrivai ; Init î 1, the onlv privary sectire ti) thein -and herc. (Icpenilent tipon ri if 1 coutil -sec you in any other liglit titan --- --- Viýd*1L\N1' 'I'M1.01Z NND (II'Ti--ITTER lier profoiind ý;cotn for his character and the were perpetualiy spent. suitor. p n , indeed, tilv cousin s Let lis forget what %V. PAXTON, 3r., )i i t 1., 1-1. (1,111ol il. 4'. W. con-luct coulil bc mail in toiles and gus- Nlilicent luit nothing untried te soften te : hall proved ber po, ii:ýr lit \l dive have !Mid te one another: 1 sFaIl bc titres which she did not try te propitiatc. IÀ11v the change in Lher lot ; silo tired lier ",Ir. al-le te çirrv ont my plan «ilotie." Milicent scheek wi JL lidnise. Il. J. 31ACDONELL, 17 Ji Il 1 N IIOVSE. c ýn tredfoi-tlie girllie hall il in, weavin- stories for lier She turnéd Rway- nac tarv tears MI hi:r i injured grev morloid under the-de lirovor-t- C s as stately and i ces- 1) S.A. 'd'. C. W. amusement, sanm in iiiiiiertoncs flic son- Il dors LvE love r rii vý r'. , El sible as on a former occasion ; but there 's leil. lit tj4e ý "'Irt J Vv Vi, 1'. 1'1'% il,111 F'*i'(ýIZ. ('().NI 17M. lions ; the -lance of lier eves, if thev 11111- wbicli bail a stin- in every note, and talk- ed, was no undercurrent of feteling now te l a" worthier of his peiied toi fait tipon his fare-and ail the te pjeaýz, the tender elronping chifil et it!" A new serre JoIIN SIIIEIZ, more, it seemedI, becatise of their Leautv- litisli the paie check or sliine in the avert- CI FARIIER*S IIOTIII., excileil in him an uncaziy emotion of aver- Ilo-,cne.ith, and the agonizing past, till licr ed eyes. Milicent. l'illy, Id )UNTY AT l«IlE Cottri ýTi' Li checked, licart was ready te seriously ill, and tl STRE, T, Mr. 11alforil, convincef] of lier sir.cerit, c >,J' ýi 1 zion. 'l'lie tonesof lier civar ricli voire 1 L. FAIRBANKS, burst. fêlt animated by only one (lesire-to con- ed ber gave small iý.i, fý,r t'w 'rr;i\ e1itii: jrrated on li;s car -, lie followed every little But 1 am alinost a,, lialipy now %vÃŽtit 1 féar she woi wý liitt-iiti,, di.,tiel. 41 ! quer lier iniligerence. She liras more de- )kit the Court fiolise i and gracefui motion vrith a f;Lscln ed te- 'Illi'ls vou, Nlilly, as 1 then," the vouiiger 1 wom.inhood," bc i Fýral)Ii te him than ever. IVith illore fil'an- AIT11,11t tn the sume %vould sav, 1)res;ylig wminst lier siste ------- D VN PA> Vlý, V 1 - 1 M r' don than lie livould have con-cived pnsý,il)Ie nir, and sticti indi but ri-om a différent cause, Atigusta shared side, and railing ht.ý lieavv eves te the ouly give, miglit 1 M an hotir ago, lie renewed protestations and i lier fat1wr's ft-eling-. 'l'lie henuty (if Jter anxiotis ev" that watched ber only 1 If Lilly (lies? 1 entreaties; lie even thrcw hitrselfat ber i 'SAMULI, l"I -IGII, 24 oni-in, ilie charin of lier ardent conversa- never want te go down stairs." lielp me then 1 Jýt lion li-litelied I)v the fire of a crude lent XVIi-it liant- Nfilîr.entna-.;,.ged vrhen Lillv charm il" The Pr.e.,i(lent of the Port Ilopo, Lindsaý- and Beaverton offers the above revrard for thcappr&herision of the pllowk, bird or birds, who lîlacetà an obstruction on the trâck on,,Montl;ty. everin(p last, for the purpose of throwing the. train off into Cottingham'q ' mill pond, a short distance south of Ornemee Station. Tlieroadcrosý- es the dain or an embank-inent elcvated %rid the mi.qcre.tnts sclected the entire forthare experimprit. A tic was placed acro5zs the rails and (lowri, and ivas tartheÉ secured by braceý,. When tlie locomotivcg reached the obstructinn, the point of the eiiow-plow forluinately enterc4J iindef it- and (Ilshed it aside. Had the snow-plow n- t 'ocen attached to the engine the wholOr- train *ould, hi all pr(jb,,tljlity, ha*e beert precîttit-ited off -the em.b-tnlcmént into thâ pend. Several iniglit have been lost and a large amonnt of property woujà certainly have been (lestroyed; ShoTtIý hefore (lark on the saine day, somâ ëm-t ployees on the rond cliscovered five or six other ,irnîlàr obsWtictions and removeil them. 'rhe spirit that atiim-iteýç;'the lfali ians who litirl infei-n-il machines, nt thé Empcror Napolcon whil, ho is by crow(ls of men, woemen and childreni scems ta have t;àlrcn pose.qsion of somebody t livin- in the vicinity of Oinemee. Tt is ta he- hoped that tlip P00 reward will engurd the capture of thf,ý fiend or fiende, that take such a cowtrully way of wreakihg ven- geance upon some persan conneeted with the rail wny for real or imaginaq eev- d ance.-("Uit7e. A %Io\-Kry Rnnixyý:;-r.-Ahout tvro miled froni the btirigi.lotv to which we were proceedinz, we overtnoIk -a trîbe of largé Monkeyq. 1 shro.-M sny thera w--rë &q manv wq félir hundmI, ard cach cn--ýrietI ,r a gtic-1, of uniforni length and shalic. They in rar.ýk-q Pr cnmpanies, just. le in sliort, as thotigh they ore- imitating a wing of ýf-Lntr:,r. At the ., S bond of the tribe wa-sý on al d and ver"ow: in erfili monicey, who was no dnnht the -.-hîcf. ýr, Tt wii a very odd siglit, and 1. becanie le greaLy intcrested in the movènients of ùm ly creatitreq., There ci.uld bc no,- qiiestiol ,le they hzt,,.l cither or plcasure- on band, and -the faci, of each carryin- a stick le M es led uq to concluje it waq the fermer upori er which, they werc bent. Their d*c4titiation was, like ours, evidcntly beobund, wherd there are some haricIreils of monkeys fed a by a miniber of Brahmins, who live near sa a ffiriiloo temple therc, and pei-form Teli.; (thir monkey re- ýhe "îous è(,-.rernonies. They an giment), would not got o.ut of the rond art- Ilis our account, nor disturbAhein.ielves in any -way ; and my friend was nfraid te drive throngh their rank-s, or over any of thenif )o,- fur wlien assailerl they are' most ferocinu.9 brutes, and ,trmecl ns they were, andý iri sucli n-umbers, they could have annihilated his us, with the greatest case. There was n'a help for us, thercrore, but to lot the marie nse procced at a walk- in the rear of thti biboi- the members, of which, now that we were her nearing Dcobund, beg-an to chatter fright- ing fullý,. Just-before we came te the bunga-- lowl they left the rond; and tock the direc. M tion ofthe temple. Fain, would we have ,k'r followed thoin, but të do se in the buggy mes 1 would have bee-n impeissible, for thév N V E % A N ('Ek, M M lSý,l ()N F»I', 1 3-sêlf to-night. 1 found it pleasant to tor ever fluctuating on lier cheek, the light so involunt&rv and uneared-for. certain what-to, WILLIAM POWSON, & I)j% isi,,ii (-'otirt Agent M :rtii of A. 1). Wceke' prove duit 1 liad not lost everything with for ever - eatiiing in the eyes, showed a mrg. Rivington judged îndifferently: 11(iood heaven Drug store, W. C my fortune." heurt never ut rest. il e lind soen lier in jqhe had not a doubt that the whole affair you ?" cried Mr 19ENJAXIN VARNOLD. - 1 Rt7TjIjýàtroRD & SAIINDERS,. blrs. Rivington sntered: "Omnipotent rare moments of abstraction, with lier eyes was the result of t1ic, arts of the girl they proaching lier rj %ow S . 411,E11K AND OF- (LATE J. é;TOVEL,) in charins 1 1 like vour modesty. It 'n'Itl 1 fixed as if looking beyond present thi 'tice-Town liai]. ngs, had fostered; she had complained of lier is this the proof T A 1 1, 0 H 8 , & c a pity they have not always been so pow- with an eager yearning expression, and position, had secretly disparaged lier cou- lifèr' Ile apok, 'U ST. TO- ANI) ',I. KING ' 'EET W F. erful 1', W. 0. Eý%11%117%%"()01), A. Il-& il. 1). A!,l.) 4s Kiiilý,',truut Weýt, liainil- then softened into tears. It was strange sin ; it wu a tissue Of ingratitude and de- thât Milicent wa 1111YS . ICIAN, It was impossible not to detect some in- how this moved him: lie longed to draw ccit 1 licÉ fice flushod ; Nvord-s of vitupe- 'l My lifé and sult in the implication.' 'l'O have let it but Mr. Ha!ford ther, Mr. Ilartfo soli, 4:; CEORGE NOTT, nearaiýdspeak gently and soothingly to ration Tushed to lier lips; M..% KErý, &c., pass would have been wisdom an lier; lie.longed to meet that asking look, interpose& giving him lier 1 Dr. R. W. CLARK, but it would liave been impossible to Mili- i and sec the satisfieii glatice fail on himscIL You have surprised me at an unhappY ill It is anxiet Çz (-*()I")NER F:psaiii, %vliere 1 keell cent. With tlie keen iiituitîoti of lier sex, ' am lie said, with heightened me look ill, if ù larre 1,11 liaitil. nild earry ou the bti.,iiie.Aý Ile hall niany a time been conscious of an sfor tile 011tario. ; , !l 'il moment mad ,,, a -aiiie iuý al ujy cet8bli-1 - slie felt the blow was aitued where it would entirely new emotion, wlien lie had mark- color. 1, your nicce is not happy in your witb. When I inent at linm)kliii. "eu bc sacrilege to let it fall. ed the tender passion with which she ca- home; I w&q besecching lier to become the approachinig the TOWN OF E LEISER, What (Io you mean?" she demanded, ressed the timid Lilly, or heard it vibrat- mistress of mine, but in vain." over it, *1 1 shall lit% "f 011tario. ()F 'l'ilh "LARGE '%VATCII," scarSly conscious of the imperiousness of Halford-such effrontery I sympathy." F M'ATCII & J FW ELERY, the tone, lier whole lorrn dilatin- and ing in the tones of lier voice. «S sir 1-mr. i J. N. A(.NEW, MI. 1). Viotoria Ilitildings, Kilig Street, Buwinan- 111 be-in to fear 1 am in love," hethonght; neverheard-Au ý tal" inteiiected Mm check and eye kindling together. 46 C glus Il They shall i il aildjewelery promptly and with a woman,,with a temper!" Rivington -, but lit. lialford bowed and was 4't-celi I'îulcr N. B. --W lit elles, Mr. Ila Look lit the girl 1" crîed Mrs. Riving- Circumstances precipitated this convic. gonél and a moineint after Augusta ran out rtford, ing. - close atmosphc ton, excited in lier turn. ".Are we lier tion. One evening, on goin- to the house, of the room. S. JONES, J. C. STERLING, slaees, thit she dares to tak*o such a tone ? CI would nip the -10 OCl DENTIST-011FICE IN- 13HO 'TIONEER. A 1300K lie found MiFeent alonc in the drawin-- lhd the interiti0ýn of leaving lier uiiele'r, much more a t 1 t* Mr ilii Sales, im kept lit LStrýt-tý, over J. St-ýre, aud A' sterling's Aujl You seem to defy me, madaui4 to tell my room 7 she was lying en the sofa, ber lace bouse not been îoýmed in MilicenVs'mind, Give ber back- 1 t4 ReiZîzýtrý- OtfiCký. Ail warriaited. tflisollice. Ail ortler: lefl at 1 lie tliroiiir-Id Office meaning. 1 allude to what the world buried in the cushions, and lier whole that hm wOuld have giatured it. The eujoyments tov fair trial. will be atieildt, d been ber refusal 'that you were jilted ly knowg, y Luke For- tomed and is pi tN. Pays 1 frame tremblin- with excitement. He di- late CaUS13 Of dispute ha S-treLt, lieur tiie Court llousc, 'ýN'hitbý - 0 AIIOS W. CRON, resterl" pan eni to Roseneath, whither M"ITITEOT ('IVIL ENGINEER, ANI) WYATT98 IIOTEL, Because 1 was no long r an heiress ?' vined thore had been strife among the wo- to acSm Y th A urge you to Bay 7 men; lie knew what would bc the -chief the âmily were about to procce& part levery thing froi Estatm Agent, Ivilitbv. ýng "S re* ATE SCRIPTUREIS, WIIITBY. T II E Thewords were spoken very softly. M"'- weapons employed by the one aide, and bc from the agOniz ociations and with you te ref s liaýstsiiig North Iý2wt and M'ek thro É ite, she could not jstuge covered lier flushed face with lier relt a powerftil emotion of indignation. grets the place wbuld eu for having thro, J. PROWD BEAVEN, liitby, Ftop ut ÙIÃŽS Iloîeï Every information cnt had A RCIIITE4,'T ANI) ('IVII. EN(;INEER, g-1, el, t.ýl r6. CarkI ostler'a alwayts in bands; the tears were falltng uncheck-ed , siMiss Tyrreil, forgive m3 intrusion,; he bear to go'to Luýe Forrestees immediate of ber salvation JI.Diijt(luài Street, WIjitbv. K-411,111tes Malle atimdance. e to,. through lier fingers. d. -ehe bail begged to remain stid all Idiide of iiicasiiriiig,ýork wrcfully atten- 1 1). P. W Y ATT, Proprio said; Il 1 thought the room was empty." neighborboo for mine-I jov d0à to. Let them think it 1" abc said to ber- Milicent- opmng up precipitately, ber mamit, home Ufiýer any deprivations ; had Milicent tore! PHILANDER M. CLARK, NORTH AMERICAN HOTEL. sel£ "Te defend bis chracter to these checks burnin- w-fth shame. IlThat You humbled hersoif 1 to ý expostulation ; but in had.seized ; 'sb 11011T IIOPE. She was etaunts audaneors.berý IGII CONST ABLI, (ýOUNTY ONTARIO, ould bc to humiliate him." abould sec me yaini- Now tolth mbling with unieîl'al- TOIIN IIEAD, PROIRIETOR, TAKES TIIIS w thus 1" she beÉan warmly; and tre li-impect(ýr of lýiceitïe-i in the M refusal, bad ej inethodof iiift-riifuu hià fric" and the- dwelling on the recollectiou of bis worth: buther listener was gazing at lier ' relactance, ai .10neh, lier This before Ity of the Town of publie gencrally, that lie hm conunodoed busi . with excitedi waàq t lowered ber pride to the dust; it exalt- addâ.,Mm Rivingtoda-abuse G. A. BANXISTER, illiâs in the above preiniscs; lie trastL% that hie 1 such compassion, that it melted her pride, mode of doing business, and attention to his ed it anew to, think lie liad loyed lier.- of lier tffl- c il &uguta. all that "Oh, crue 1" .11 and abc burst again into tears. am hery tô.war RUGGlST. DRUGS guests, wM merit a share of publie patronage 1 ID Memories et low words, scarcely board, but overcome with what bas just pMedý" she a coarse and vaigu mind. could suggest in .11.8he doleinl Perfutitury, Dyo Stuffs Colors &c., al ways on Imu(l. Dundm Street, Whiti-)Y. ]LAMBeS ROTEL, never forgotten ; kmes dearer with each resumed, atruggling successfully again.st the first Outburit'Of wrath, was pôulileil sleep. On myý K ING 'TREET WMT, TORON'rO. TI.IE reiteration; golden plans frtistmted; lifé's lier tears, and tuming a -little away it forth witýoÛt j L' 'Milicent listened you Dr. CWye scorn, tùl ý Borné eplthet moré. bc saved il HENRY HANNAM, above Finit Class Rotel, situated one min- ute's walk ftoin the Railway Depet and Steatn- happiness gacrificed to, the resentment of with Bilent AINTIM, GLAZLER, PAPER RANGER, boat Landing, has been refitted with New Fur- shall bc the last dispute ive have. lf 1 1 mý 11&o., Whitby. an hour-possesSed and moved her beyond lived here much longer, Cod knoWS wh&t opprobriouà; tba* the.fflte atung lier senst sible to love niture, Carpeted and Painted. The Slec 9 1 Apartwents are large and well veudlated. C control. Even bis friendship rejectedl lm bilit.y to the -quiok- 7 in his arma, -bu ight become, 1 Iciù bear no znpr on hand on the offer it tome again, Luke, and I _medalà. 1 can bear ne taCM" withheldhim. GEORGE BRABAZON, Uit)usgcs always 41-rival Of the '-101;VËYANC'Elt. COMMISSIONER FOR Cars tibd. lstcainboats. ouàt.,to beir no mOreý' You have shown etor. take it humbly. Come and teach me what friendly feeling toward us, Mr. liai lit, tojdg Affidavit, 1, th, 4,een'd Bench, &c. THOMAS LAMB, Propri ford she cried, in. an agünY- if the alterna You would Il bc ýled were death, I -could ngt Il ck, Bjý)ék Ct W. 1 Toronto, March, 1857. 9 now what I ought to do, and I wi pass another said Milicent, 1 ,wjýj you heip us te get a living?», She tive conje tome,, and 1 will confesa My faulta; erý your rooc" WILLIAM THOXPSON, am she'spoke, and tried to throw a nig:hýt und you a man and THOMAS ROBINSON% iled as àl)DLIE, IIARNES 8, COLLAR & TRUNK ASRIONABLE NAIR CUTTING A come-_«, rather, never come back, ]est 1 tone of Zayety into the words, but her car. , Milicent did pot bel ie theconfidence sheý such argurneffi F ghavi Roo ns Broek£tree% Whitby.- 'b, out my love at your féeLl' Halford in lier capa- do t" ; She p MiLker. 8 ii.of the Matianoth. Collart', f fint Mt :3Lýglieh' îLZ and Hair Dremr, of so. had1professeil tOMr. 13nwk Street, WWtbY. long eta di re iný livelihSd, as teacher of, heightened by in leÏve this house", Élie puTBuedý intenuétý bili 0 earn mg. * the buiiueoo, wW îlways bc - 66 if 1 bad lost a loven I would never und in ruadiacisa to aueud on gentIçmený éry fer him," said 'Augusta7s voiice, break- ing Mr. ýýalfords disclÏmier, 'Il and' eqw&- but . brou- t nobly all ber enèr&es,. pStulations. JAMES GOULD, Shiving 1» a process to whieh gentlemen -for IUMONEFAZ &C,. &o., UBBFNWOOD, zood remous, are much averse, but undér ly resoleed not to bc dependent-elsewhe: m--, An& bOdY'tO the task ' WithOut IlNever -nie band thov will find t1le operation. Mili raised lier tearful âce with a Itis in your Éo- tan « obeobtaitte lanything r, Tonwahip of 1'iekerýng- 26 infkon's, t2h rig up the lo*"Team wer to belp me ;ý à à not Éýoudîmile. "Différent prinéiples inove your power tô -dissuade me, --j 'not out ý&s , -m'anl, pupilS âs 84 wý-khea boà, àfio ALBERT SPRINGl, ALMA ÃœOTE -7. Us, ypu I seldom shed tem;: but of my sens e"-tçlp, pot sance ýyo1 LO know. es when 1 talk of gettin liv UCTIONEU, &e., &0., GREENBANX therle axe ervant left raeÀn Inalien - h lier desertI fixe& Yes able; *=ordi -4ut, some taunts a wOman c&D nOt ing. An Old a ' Po-y-,Vày" ý'EURS. MLASON PHILMPS CAV Dg tQ,ý] annuity of twIé ty._ pourida; ;l have, gooe atw-ýbad leffld the ùbéýe ÉpglqlLg. TROMP80N igurrits newly à leh no g' rjed fur the'accorûmodation of visi'. 5 . ýý1 , a- W> A& ton. 'Tne tocs wu nota th ughly bid na. àfjÏýýîons, and proin Mo foi ber iindtrebM" etel httý' ormerly kept on Augus SCARBOB(>ITGUI - pe ice prmeil _mlg ý been f Oro cru làceu»8 b" ture; and if -she hated ber cousin, andtor- 1 Sn-É# daily pupW4 1 ý1ý the bom rtii and-luxuries that W iii- ÈlAin1yý_. lbi bomobtaino&. Evèry attentioupold tç travel- one - Young W &Ïi,éîsýy4ýzk lenw and the boat en y omun can but povërty,.. '», , , , z , , - , , - - ' ý ;ý brýeÏn1héréfinènwnt ëf ý*éalth scioniâodatWu provided for. in W -her as OUI ý,-Mwed man and liorlle t0ýment an&ler, Over and abo*e &H, wM Whiçh 1 weld riot mdnùt wAy1ý-8w.«.' -ehe- bIbpawu ben ]KAN =ACH A dfrom -friendýt lly' ilm ÃœM , ffl of b., jealousy.- A county or O#WW. were somany monk-cys in the world if 1 had not visitea Bonaffl,. and heard of the CPOS- tribes at Gibraltar. Their stie U. whîch ýze4te weje thrown together in a licap, formed à The yery large beap of wood. "WhetiqtliîàY' my friend said - to one of the Braholns -, - forsince his appôiýtment hehad:never Our heard of this gathering of apm Il It is a S the fýsti-va1 of theirs, Sahîb 1' was--the rèply. I fo r 4'Just as HindOOs, at Bâteil times, go ta is a 'Hurd.war, Hagîpore, and other place@4 so do thexle monkeys cbme to this boly plne&'§ been "And how long dothey sta.ý;?"-11Two« Globe. three days; then they go away to t4ir -e he jhoines in diMrent Wts ot the country; ý the then attend to their 1 busin.ess for four or ached five yeaxa Îýý tWen . Come asain and do festi- val, and so on, sir, to the end of all time. bave Yon sce that very tal] monkey thereý with -,d by two smallëroùes on tither side of him.?f'- elieve ell, sir, there iu a Very old iati6n monkey, Hin age is moto than 'tmenty . 1 think. 1 first saw bim Ilfteen hOPE yeurs êgz. lie was thon fullýgrowTh lEs trust- nRtive place is Meerut. He lives with the -ation Brahmins at, the Soori K han, liear à1eerut. Say The smallest ones are his sons, sir. They iblish have noyer been here hefore; and you sue he is sho-ving them nll about the place, ý9ue-% iiiie. & very good father." Having seén xhom enough of tbese 11,sacred, animals" we re- rdi- turned to thebungalow Dic1ý ouu Press leold Am,&uLT.-A man named Matthias 'aPers Voght, a German, who resides somç four )roper miles frôm Elora, was assulted in thFs rillage on the, eveffing of Satu las4 lected owardly misomreaant. t was. 1 1 = home at the timéý dl w» 91 >ýon overtaken by some unknown - Who ý* -have felled him w . ith à bluidgeoiiý4 and. Co t ued . g my to beat Éim till his cries attrActed tke ne ý of attention of the neighbôurhoo,& - -The igreed vagabond thon fied, throwing away the bludgeon that itL t not ituede his flight Voght was in en- bouse, and surgicil -nui statice PiÃ"càrc& 4tion, ThéInjuire8 he.-bad r"ved, were i, iviýý fbund-tobeýv«yzcvere andst*owý'timw ,hià life was 1 diLi)gi.red'oC'- -He-e'-ïeported- patch- t be à rîlceàwe, làà j ana 9 a irery givini Cali' he, a4igne, floe. thç,ý béé ý VîCtiMýý hm n- ùw jU Y, t6ýiiàa îW the idefit'i L éâtion of là$ has _Yeti&ý%L cpw*&rdl assailant as mat4on and brçh"llýp ý1 ïï of ty ik ow- ah- lx 'w Pii l tà , eï ÃŽ, iv hme or Un UP mulit Ip sdswg %weHogm - sut dio Cle uot-il ILL' skili, tlio ýr11q. 1l'd f*,'Mýý,1V I'r l'i E11-.ýi4f 10t.! 1.ý1M- LIJ' ILL lýKfP eqcqiel al i,-titm 2mu" !fqnwtb Pir polo

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