Whitby Chronicle, 28 Jan 1858, p. 1

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TI4UR8DAY,-MORNING, Iligeis, IN3yerhofer & Coq 111RETF-RUS 0F7F4IJSCRIPTION TO TIIE Msable strictly la advenait. Titns lnes sel iiulçr,..,.~.ss- -0 Evers obseqtesit instrtion, (Per lhua).. 0t)2 - à-libasa clieiittalaulto Merchlasits ua '6biarssuÏdî'rtlaiig by the Yi-Ir.- - ThIýýi>pises-lisaalresuls- atituietiie cir-clation In thîeîotîs,ie,due le rieadlytu-e'erNs bu- minemisimam ln W'iith afsd ts vielitteftf advusrýing is iediessi tcotil ot bsee sréad ithim 'iciait>'. AilWlsaerstisa or tut ekwioe la- Ins, wiillploaae losa sictissie ïhfni urlissg So, paper wItIlI bc dbucotiotiîîden sutul arrasir- %go. are palet up. - Léttersu ancloaig is, If ntrederci, li aul ho Aslk cf tise Pusbbi.siiasr iîtit naddrotii'ot BOOK AND JOB T IIE PRO>RtIiTO31lSr-OF 111E WIlT13Ys "Csif,Nowueta," wî',Iuinu1urem efiîliiy nfustu he is p4biluitmisusy IlsèuepI ured lé Ietf the moitI modesirn ttyle fI'>) c froo New Yoas-kin asidi- tît tùiseoffetmi artu-tpnopasel te exeessie "BOOK AND JOfl P IfNG W oi ver>'descriptions eil guaraista t Iwork Wahltlit iimi t uuisr srtyloe t the bawout reseauserstlug pril-s. Tise traprietot-uiliais' pus-iattii'.uneataof .R UG(LE,NI CARI) P1)ZESS whioh eaeblea LIîtt o tau out (lard adsimdt.t- 'i icîsla Isrge $rock tf liîtiî it1"smey l'amis, 'Btatiersv, mte.., %iîiehii eho ttt at e -uv lai nite, i'rsit, ti bu')e tiititiedlut tise howem Priecg iasIt Ki th t4t iIiuullt'e. - IIOU11 GINS, MAYsERIIOFFETt & ( C'7icsueiiic lubie, W'ittby, 0 W. 'y ZACIIEUS IIURNUIIM, T UlJ(E OF ' 11E csWNTY & SURROtGATE 'cOurtis. Ottilce sît n tuh- Cautu ii-- NELIUN (G. REY'NOLDS, i;CItllF -jsu' tFFbIC.EAfTTiEClt-. -JOIHN JIÂM ltLRRY, R F(ISTRUt.olEt'E rIS Bluot.'K sT., (sT.KiIK 0F TitiEIcE. ts-i t- flouse- . nu eF'i O.F Rs ti,,'lîE <'(11N'iY U'lRT .NM) J. IL TIIOMPJSON, W"PAXTON, Jný. b- IW. J. M.ACDONELL i SQOLICITOuR, & 'Lt-1K vFTiU'lE UCT c,~loptseih. I 'tiltesat heuît lit t iuto. I JOIIN 'tiR,GOINTY ENGINEIii.C!FICE/ 1.1 111IE ,FILERCK FI1181DIVt'l-UîN uxU<T. OFFICEi Wb aTf% 'rREMt.I'Ne, IM A til 1, 1) F . F1F, E\1 II\ i S tBic1iiut-~tc-i, -UI i I J.oPLai., forOldlYanC.Mr... liasie, fo PETER G. tM.CWErburton, ftrre rwec, fMr.tf3tn i LIh&n rne ouu ra hiet --an -e purpe.that wc dosinistnrlivotgi. ki Wiw hein4 tethisa pbds*repr.igâtsut tth rse *0*. l Ub I fi - - ___ _ __ __ inoreeeurexeiten-irîol, plucountdllas alost f aother Taylor, brde PI enu o silmr.Etinlinusty, e PeceProtea, KuwieeBrolîerood stry s thtonSiidayuienninelIiie PElTER CÂ1 l'IEand -t-xes.g and ol e us f itbfua sntdlant h viitandyth mea0 be-d dd - . ._______ from Father Taylota yous, settinsula aurIh Unoee ofr UfNE1,&, WTWNIIl ÏOnre e ine ur wreeary, l< oNCe id iemre éd.siaiidtioetakeninthat hd The prisorier w>uldthonfess ta nothhe VNV*'V bliveyo, IbOu,,alitrepor ea tea, d ntstintotn eîevngit (iSSerclyknw hit o ay bt lsiig .ssy t he sthit os vemolmetentiui-)'o cptna 9 A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ii ufl®k HEo r LY ;hII Ushly kven iligy liWil hy nytia o--ddollars ail ll Ts et f booa i erard. abuilradto jeolh TRJA P INLEEIL, -tttllpu yt urfit li renii oe belyie for atel or.?" n intercmtpoure ieretido e i Ivil ownaens in a atyleli of fore-castie oqùn011,andco U11 L R G AIttB«)' U JRIST IZknoThepeuoe,1 a Ybolha rtour tn' loctO d tba e sadot ivllliePic oi u i rm proichd * scasofok eFine his teltatsaeteprte ldd oelrte 8TRve, 1171h1[lcarcely ber'mian 'o ers; a Tnorh a fl ih y tuaody- xpandiof taill o praubuflawértio h n e hisuc fwii. Tl, ai i,"bottep Whith~i, < w. O' tise0 wem . iîî alte usreosîsiduiration fot the peoile" twodo11arsslipt quietly intu his hand I onte play. or aws iNTERNATIONAt, HOTEL, O IIwrt. oiurRoyail lighncess aks nitk 5 gnO ue- maéItatdsy aIl waesreally il, fauitor-t, anuprosr a ge;adFahrTyo aa Thtros cnfltidihytiLorgirl," Iandsearddrif&trideeoyandowbolghcriThs icfu liatcls, TkwaI tsireligion. The lie ait] boho Oisideoand hed rceîof - EAST M.RRE'T PLUARF., TO.RONT4__ Th roaw , . acon~é~addte rfarnc fye w rgt.Ti s eh nlps rage broke forth.pK 1 ti irhn tt ksis irWîc "gtfnnthn;adfspoetts1 rs James Mitsttwa, Pireprietor. 4 ea iîted moarchy, with bouses cf Lords anti rît throttle o, ô dd-- gin , hs io naesymrnis " 'Ile oicmnrlhd u.'n n edfr"ts ittrdblbu fiLcul a uI ___~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~â wdatom ra h lakterh witr onssnione. TirehpupleI1serve is the'ing lFa 1 If 1 don't ..ep that garde,,er "Oh not th ht-tsar ail the gold in the minittes the lield-Marshaî enteraie c-Jc iltw htta itlewsn TIu ýài , helirld wi-eniýtoprcaii n te ort Tecountry is bis privete frons Epilîng your sport? Leeve tue ta. warlst if asy" wrenot iny oW'n, si ear tic cCam'p& setlhy saine liIte.u.al ets ide's(rcf h' yiWk CO Il N hEU t> 1"F MONT ADadvi elornt A île i rcarv d-prolgerty, and the people are atly usefui tf0 SeUle thât Iflatter. lI e iskdaso erPii i lii,[1 o hn îrapilda hlpY'ln h atainof the uadset Iîy hr r i I agiptisae vr V~. Srete Triî '. ~ EOsu. ~' ofrev~ i sriè'iihl as incre.isims tte value of bis land and sent. te the arnsy tu ight fijke ai, lho- Adhwi algynyt i ht r nthe scoundrc ýel idtteMr wes lcaacttrulyw iM'-ILAÛTÉL, Ia2 é fL iiiivi t-- m l Bit tItisjs iito finie te discisss tIse interest nest Mian for Ilus king and co'.stry. In tise mn",and yîsow ia e n yots ail thri, p Binig tu thseraI ship tiers, Jliii Mariii. M O hope, vhieh ciitice(j bee, Iný bir(lto emoneytu allylrypositors. netlyI hrvewn, tyour shal, poiadeting nimdthee d orila1ilult ôlnoItirelsrse at t.r fortahcbiteosetppoorcrJandk.oThcy ARII'OSA.(I..\T~vf~1.t1e.\bIJS oTt. e.îr< " pr'sscîîr, antI wîosn t.îîy lîtîl thesslorallbut theyteck cari ta 'shed ()AKW<)t l>. BANK , Wseiwe ie ie~.iessdebt.goti the aboyé specîifel candi- take Whinhand, snd giber soma Olas- froin ycu," siRtose, overjo3's,"r a"snngigtsywuî sk wt i athrot-ar IIOTEL, '~~' tilu u rillt tsos's""sens fliF enl anners, an thon- I suspoting hatuPsilitwitti utobearisg. niliw"aexyaitasl tned ieofpolcsAreowthe he cull efedôussylikeaorse Gea seîi'umîlti'ntb tav-Iesa pt ta de.,ttu Il Atîewter,- O -ii'5eor, nover! nt the est. "V koëk yeur heaà eh" Atboriôw Opessel ; the liglit streamisd -'lhIave,ùu" rm-eal psuiiabieil forlsi-Gt olsul!to atdeab OYrROMTL leuto'tlk ieyîsh iegap~ pen.se tif hiisnuretisand theesiansof 'starv--"Tu li$eqs is teso goal. A word oùt.1nd tise veicos of te perty wlthin i fainous verses,"î saidthe Marsbaî, somi"mrl t arlgosaheas hi l 0sÇte010ELi 1To hurt l ath ti,i; I làis g fasiilies." frotn Yodi wotsld geLina tire ('hemberiln's wore beard.. Rose sîipt sîiselessly away, 1witls snger.jknwo ilhbterppaetenda stAvltun, ar~aeste Wlscse tn uka ý)la ekîvabmg lst yenr Royal ilighncss, if ln addi- Key, amui shîtîl bsasîlgulfo s or hnern 'orextollencny," exclaisneîl thowchIsrvioiitotrwlîgrtobig TsN'YDI, PROPUIlpTuih. Cnoon: eltotien te the clearance cf yeur debts, the vices ta yen'ugr es.May 1I be for Intshaif anitsotîr, dear, ihilip, et St. ,ss,î-rtt tts iuttuno Iegettoswtblwut! a mm ad Fr-ii sle Bout I i'r.,î' urge. tor the lad W ope ttit lsr,, ad ouse cf Abrauhans Levi present9 yon With i yonir recammendation 1.0 tise l>st " Gregôýy's." Site trrpt up the stops, Ieav- niati, "ieaven iâ usy witnless I noer ue "ts rtir! re ahrTyr HUR(>N BOISE, IJz-eteutit.t'aci>znitg't oi sng hitvtlotîsaîldPrince inh lhepottYheleseré s is" ig hel3rne nth deknsq Dico. vaseverse botstîys"nietth te c he iîn i a i5îtyO ]r"UT Wl »T11r, v1., boedsni'rreigts. tliiiîsk il, slay afl'ord yeti that sutu. The l'"Oh, bn't flatter tue, your flîglnes'.. certe hby tire sutlileîsness cf the' pArting, "Silence ,'illaisî," ruiarei tiseMasî.euesp t ryfoth gain s muchby ri liad1 onl ktàoi sp.you dyugt s.1ud ab 1' 711' t n -rhrlilk ht- outt beauty et the wesîcîi slie hould of he anaine ef bis sîcu- acquaititatîce, anti you cerstrade ieaatli ttynt ipenr.Cm lt h odi i E Ingiî ANuitiu,odisi. î2 î'îtior h u Il. , u" Pcrh.zipt; iL may hi.'able t) give yùraeise isave hicon yxr ogtg. itca ai'gafslve > irfcle lee u ieso. 'O PiLJ<EV'S IOTEL, i litek i.s a't rsgett, asuit li,,ikit'.myisî,;amak'fil eail"Nta odmre i". esle smsefiî ts oîbzosetS.i'Ieplcetfierr'sdefIyabevl 'Ieuoalwyr asnnptuo frana MN TRh1<f MAi<iAM' W.GOD ~ ~~ ~~ ~~' ' ' tu ilgltsos ~ te~ î~th "~ ~11i a alelor ?NNtore, rooryse s('crsoi,-. hisiîei1ooivl t tie 4ioti-arsi's Thistthelieîss haI ncut bo tuy asts>îseîs. Wtltutnak tIs utîriiii' ' c L oitais tise protectinof IYSincerity. 1taecîirgo te a -tedres hcilaben uto e n iino hc id be rtgi LL'ONARD'S ITOTEL S 1 tt i stwigtî'rer vYt i tilt Stt"' v'ogitt iuuai Igliiieui. Os ersandy t akae unh wo ote Iin wa itncdfrIisÉci he% th-liiwti iels urer fa 'tut i lI arc % î'ry oleiuuî' lirete gît the siiether eut of ftise say, and tîsesi ran-, ta ccisel of thesaine chance et fiuiotst rih iahe er l,%te, *Lil LL:Ittsi -Ifei.! Cosatit, 1 iî li lii tny duîy, d o u ut i httrevtl ii tise deltIgstof Ice. Ms solcr t iiebil c ac'es"s aui litM llai, ssc i ssyî ui h ovrino shi rVKITR.NIA 5LOOillt-,t -ot.-t'-F. ue" cis" etaVANth tstcreattire 1 hav e ei'er ftengticraolecIof tcoatîrel refisses te coIc5;, itiviii alrlitef hh orl a B Y< . 's'uusutuu.t. 1 sI iall I'MAbfahrham. sund t5Sir, if yu venîture W h-YttiO th wrd f isato-d I'1ý1 i',iiý lrlý- %vee irlbroie anxpain. taewrrbt'eutreuswiehshorn. cflbie atre- irusilibe! ly et! tiseie Ylucf rinceybsentence.n aack RAILRI>AD MOTEL, i; u.ltsî'îwtt iu -us'ud ie srtîîuet~'t l.I "leupa nuy<u- ccoltssît voirîîIc ieyug rne ~>Let thetu be written duwn whilé yt tlicooib îigueteeaeî ra a t iî'î~'iiutsiilOit uCiu! ae tu5ie5ii -hial l liss'ftise lîtio r te u l c 'ot y tit N'al refise sme the C ai u riî...t.l.'. ,....e ... ver unccotaisgtiti seesmtiyc lettet otw )cr l i>t>WNISU.i'Itîi'iCETî,i, 13h>, 1' Li g i' vitherîs fi lor aI Ã" delIti youer i~ .. ~ "fc ho biailt sstît. St.svnuiiîg àtifdta re lettlr.C istt ar sytIos ' prIof slu.tin bltCu Iii hiCs tise ècti1it a~I yOtil' essruspect'i o ly gse 'lie ofFscer cf police wrote tsi thlict A h ls htasctu ahrT 'litu . ui 'tslulisig t"lsd titi istix<t0, tii i li t %- s i r bi r dr iCh t .iî ro-e-iut. Ht la ' ti c ie siall ufi cf hiptopteoosunil dol- îiisofosherabie it bure-, hre 'o jewsa uip, nhiiuîui cfth sitet flots t h rgetle en,%Ii ) 1 W(Il %îiilcriiîsg tu isope, tîrgi iu l .t.Piipwt i-u ilgut efatédtfn hbe s ttly o iS hm tse h is l l 'etesî>rd 1r acJckeknîl i i Iarii lyii ihgadfcytewhleeverses butweesi t:sst. rneks," iIyntsrJc "Jc ONTA RIOlMO'TEL, (tir1 '> t ltln! f it." open iobLnre-. Ife cliiteheîlthe armesorthe 1i neighboring wirsîows werc soouilcrowdedl .<,akaide h et u tvraLr lttt'î i\. -r., PRt'O5rI 1? 1 ist U itkt h iu,.t tuc dtr t, Ou. ut,tu Aund u-t tutyos- itvaiIlighness will honir >utchiiiut.wltbthe forcea uf'avice, astîlsiiî witb tenriiiesi somen, wh expected no e bos Ce cgpty litati ia fcathieSVUwin, w r poei h eh IlStsi.Cit1, V>stu% G ît 'asbliiig antd tai i uhiliti' (: tire ti.usdi sous'.fa\sori? Forîtsîiivss utIalsin ila cosupressed Voic.- than thsst th ise csy îssd bucî tkei b3' as- Adlttwi the Iusck a long crise taili tie t Ils. vitllit Li ttu, this iart i ilieIrisî tt'Milsrys liîh Lacui omet e ersastIH hn hueusa tefilpd Sîs îatcc idlîi i'attdhrvv dth(iiai letrl'éiiotA d ('OK'SHOUL -ui,1AIlyu Cunr g tta grl I'Titese are thse isîts oh'the eiïm, (VOU-ES tZi0T it5viths .\haiati Le-i :ott - u i il sliheser), berie isu euebody." 0f It lOngs--z nI-aisfiddiiIitnads i . TE.W ""t. -II ishl tolienve -oit anutd Voirii iiits- f 100d, 900d," 5 crsî elP a1ined the Dutchnsars -The trade in ossr bceir delCity , dsiihitig a leo,- c ltrl oity uN ituA '. iC. uii NV li euaittiis 4î~is.A Irsianti ereap seiet tcsît aerasiàl- tiîîemau-e'n itieepseypain,1fetrsosa tis Mersbal's saff is iSftt aîxlsîle meting watt bed ttteJanaa' [j tîuuîî tu'r'j eSutili r. 5rite de tu. il ! 1I tetItil sou what, unilesa you te, groir tightcr cutd tiglster. I"urily let go "rvîygrs ou lskaslpl,'Dut yetis bovY, eo uscal," croh he Tvr, ro ,on atr ybsfo th (~~I:ORGE ODIIER, ~~~litît utli iît (iuf cti. tl'as'way fisciDy ai"'Cat inow te 10longer tlsd a sasle; Istiet'iiidwîcsanproefetitiigesArésllss ~rEi'.tti's1'T iSat'Nt t't1"rt N'V EAI'S Nit.11T. suîf"i rons thiat itfaste iî.isw usl ld "Ilyou wirhin tîsîf ae-mile of Milk Thsey furbisi op ther rchagrns . sitts cure, 1-"1tDo you dbOy titat ou lil.tsang th t Assc.tit e heNrhRdu, il ~1j hi uit STutt Lit 'uituuss. W, 5111 -st liuiburîhcîî5' tut these ulîoîît, 1l11go tisiisro i istm'i . ' s Bhtùisseous "" w'ame"' was contint, tifl y fO tre h hi a t5Xtiîuit Qt t is1 ie rstsoee l>îiu tit , qes , u'. W, treet,, I st) 5tShsulisse u>matî ail ... t u ooi lO sto he mttsi. uuisy w liext 1lh) î't.apveits'J'ttrrvlsresstiosLu> tis;2 s iefuireIE 'euicentihout afor merey. our anseait h tueti"e<'e'ledvouever*lhfet orembouse ?" liyanJ. 9L'I'bem!" rrnedEsev., the=lWardan4cf ÏIIÂNKLIN 110 USE. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Kiigauld -e t Voir sund.'brutlitn feii The btchmsasstood writhitig wtpaîn. -oices et the end cf this cînpsunentitry et'- " "-t toCutyC.Pissjbnp- [('ts it ii ilfu t!iîstouit.niulied fioit] tise s ý5tntr 6, le to iL "May it PIeasa yaum- IIigillioss, 1 sunl fuisiorn, îviicb, however, si-usrewrîeî -witîî oh iu ttl îotLt lsu;'psît p . cr~ay fi~ at c.tt$V . w. --.Il .kcop sus>' 'WcrdiI' lilip ttei ot tie usgirse you really leved LIse girl as it a toudlalugî fs'otutise smon. "~Bravo, watcus-lI 'tbrf fW3'tii> wîn ltésa dfhéln'ieoetab ie o T) .tW FI'.l'toh'ottTiî. îMFtt - . .aiva-'t' a rage. aidproeded Juite, tise teenîs Viii (1o." mn"e-c oie;' ucç éér'YoIu fair il(-?"~tenetn omucr, h rcei j>C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ agi" isthiislit'hojutSr rileu.uugi Luieip. 1retiwetssa s Fniutr fJ" tébev'r! rill ow~n itbefore tflic tedothers . tIl uwfl"ow. - aotieŽî ate ppontaentoinIt w'istîus .îssî. î. i~: I aitis," tuittglu b>bihiî. "ians t'tlstg ihuu'iss-rtittt eavng lve ssoutl yos, yn s1,î1hé1tIlffceis*hbliedisac..'.,aryehthé-r te onbet th arrnge PARIERs - Lttth nysiîusuhmy intstîutojîîuO emasussisune itttottesuas e uuumnsty anud bîctri shole i rotur- soient floli-w, fo insuit tise lubies in the _ &'hb Wih tls otJ oal s..M .2,1.~ae l ohlyetailtvsusiueiiecae ied suit1 inzitsszenuerst. "Ilu oenstee ! gowed ycn leuenntt.h.ine rtsuwymeît u' he ocet',.Auog huerru Iso sEL, i-i ilfinI liard te ge onut'. lBut bord, Auael di eunoe Ftet"goldaytn iueatWore yots meL aut-of breuthwe AT SNI 4 lrd wata utofthng; redoc nVi 1. Thuî'assassC a f yeur business. Noyer 1engriby-vitls a young lady eus hi8 ursu. w .1iIl ich f y<>u~ Pr'v5,ptr ~ i 'itET u sr bta'tlii M~~IRtys entions bernaine te nie agein. 1Leuivolhem 1","dr. Lieutenant," ansivomel ajull> mil- ' ,u tsa ~tîfi~i teseoEqBok GIaîu' ~~.sde court-; andupalaces Unit ntutuuenfut tnto r.il'ivusr'l'itiJia. .ltîsatenesrst Ilstersitbtt " whsi'îtiilfei-,our - u.flt nài6 llbxinditnrbcd. Ncw yoc kunosu whet _1 -tlînk. 1cm I the wetebtsseî sisngs tsuthing but theSct;esr.WStihaî Wud- liiclttt u 'tnd atut îtl!t:iiui .i.r. . 4 s s' hleail wsti a uasstîs'sms andstl i, tW or i.uî'ctie crthe i. Y Tleue roîsusea wof td- st 1y t > r i [tact froieu.i etake. yati ronbin ye fei, 1rile;4V Pnlellsa W.Dois S i stisîtsg witis spasie asnld sc." Iht i uîis tlru.Nseti to lip sas lse tîstiauicdlu ita uay ePoff!" ,wirîol the thefladylitî.iîs tsigle.i .,asi oriees-y ltsiiih. tn snIcc,&. e fs ai " BI'RIEI -l<'S SA,09 N, i es-crie watt ittets-itîtesl Li'a wîispcr. tîncugti tihe <rossI. by i putsclsy little Il- l Iltiî.LofIi. ssu!e'otîîsumssa, ic yn .uu.n ia1 1-Nit \utiShht ilTIS iSTIt, "Searaisci>',PrinelI1Ifuel hsappy te gure mitesud.i ai e )iîchrsseit. ussutsliait way 'orsund aushe a tgo bis arse', do yen ktîow siliatas usi i'tfo r -h ise iditte lishaupl-I' Lt elstuIsprîrisuosYscsh h 24IsiIip loskel t te ascker; sssl; asngr e isclouSitewili tire cf - tvî.ituv'oîiî nrot os't ynas iyf1-eeielstsblsltewob rdotJh - esl~er os'~ed eshaveitl gohntauumort- teut.ôiistha y- I ssssfoJ yo;'GCANAp..8¾IALOON, - - ît ver w imtas h" sandsi - k is. ltt 'ob lezthat's plitstilî!" - - - -- -r i c twa -teCun>.hopèi B' ~ s NA. ~?ThsuoîLiifls Preshsinig, and da.y 'lc viue <PrO rtacsvtlmuntc "h' is-dlier lfie ,an us tdgas~u J.t.1,îe&,I e outu. Tis trbzaiOZO'xA'U .."'t'tu ~7 lyou V5e tb o - 'vstissgslow-W oîfAK,~~Ci1ls)s, Use uiniator. of F- kgolden Oppoftsnlixyoui aebe~i1ii e' y S. ne uiniTREET, ', sweçd he sisq.jdlifttelbis snack, la>', tsciosisîdit di - ITO)R, NOT4II'sPUBLICaj ~ t.ac. 4'Ilt tisn, ,iAlor, wiva-ey u okcevbos. ,O'ése4u iiaws, < ~,,~ s htssik ui' Tartutu.- tens taisa -x - - -.Qeîs ýsitt5itareif. uflseutw ' n-su lu aw ýs 42 FRNI< .'NIRSON. vomsr Royal /hghness thrice. isl -si,( " Tisait is ta>'buos>itiesâ ,usî y 'aid the doI b &RLStii tNiSI Tit'st tJ ]l- - - - -~ - ever altUtxui t t L e sosotit cf safait- Plisiip. ssy th iil.usritiiture il ,t Ilîgebuus, hs is NAIONt5"ALIIlOrEL. chance ; ad yetl Hasn isxuy su- atirs, io "But i loie sr omilers to joiss yoaet luisis,au« ta Lte Iegst r tuts t lîrtai Si I t' ht W AR> lLY, 'i~ tiais i n «tîuis courthis a dücsitr iitercat hua'tf-bsssm vlests. Perîasutuyou ihave otîter 'boiuse. lr-lir. Fi trutI ls,0e teulîi iiitý)it it-i et Ilutlegtgiuci MIESSRS4. WIL'401 & BILINGS, îuîit-iI.s1ti u slrcttihsl~Iiis-eus- aoyas Âusghnueiksthasu i have"-'The Pris- 1~0b ')P, s 1iu &.W ihtlii' W etonjea seumfrtl~ tsut - as gresîti'ly ilto voit," repliel , -Illj;lbehuu ."-ansd fsllowe SIl bert J., Vs lsi, %Wîitby s W. b 3Il iià;'c - i Phlip; -but whîat is yenr bimili s s nt i"ptki uttîrr vitîs the Countcosslis-st Y grapedl hi ~"Waw------------------4P IA% C. W'ILSON% i uesv ? Be as shor-t sayou cati " 'noo~ tt pre.sest Iere etrictxtl sctiog itll whisi-reti- -- I Ai\lE5t. uIA7IiiS. ANiDt'5i'EO iay en'Istture te slteakcortibuenorf tise suaka I eas't trace Iber Out. I shoubî l -1w di ,Cameroit, 1acdomeilI lDartueol, t I isî,seer. Paisîtu, i'.Glasl, Pattv '.als iAbrahstu nLevi Y"ksîusv em sossong e thausar.l b>'hem graçe' tisat nobod ARtSES T . V is i t aàsVuliefnl sralk, andol Lite bosndljtst sù-sa [tous- aes te>rmO StBitriutiit'uutviiiii.îiithrbgiltssmtt.tWtt. 'fThey have uppliel tô me about the cii-cesdîl u.gant, yau kmscuu-of hem liseul tespeak tei --t theCot't..-,, Mi 11011- J il_19_1_C,_-i tlfty thonusamsîdollars the aduvancel tu cu, P-te "happy t,0-8i -- f - J iWli. (AI,l)WEIL It0*N1 esriucMlIlgios-am lmetsedt V'.lb bust if it ss'cso, tliere oull ho Blcst a II.AM P»jWN0N%,tisîot',1t<-tu.NI-oi 1ibiNiapptu tehie King. Anlyou remiiisher 1nu necessit>' for iikLiigyoa m nfid uxslent, tha coul t'it ttitaL-tuti. titur tdtvtt i A. e. 'tec', lIe'l - bîst ttu-& .i.itiiur. t-L 'ilpesA. -1). Mtobte" " l, s d it wid in that qîarter? Ah! I1 r 11ENJAMIS Y1AJINuLD. RUTIIE1RFORD & SA4,%UNDERS, ' Nonsurothan the Brother-, golîsiiniis, et auîy raste suldto dt Sigssora tu lut lier morrow-b fi -T is-us ) îî55îî. t111:1 oy- ii 1 sJ. î5:%-h'lo detuanesdltiroir 5esvontiL tis-e s sasl kusloîs sou ais-oust cosing V",uk you, ~rIî>W tiuE .1 Nl TIli1.i 1111 u?'-i '~ k ~L ~R ,d~luars.',"If i bave sigliselfor hIem ,fôr f t-o tosths, "For tht ,w. . EAs'rWObJ.A. l. &III.1). .u> Ai1,L.K0NiRsb8L't'WEC Ti ,It is atileetomeIuo f thé peopleuouit site baulbs'tter sigît a imordiit ou-te for lête s yôs s -f'sIIC5 FRi'i iis \ . > b ) ,' N. &c,i itîl.AI,l,ý t'Kiig r %vetltsliiait fortisoir nisone>', tsas1- ortimusas'tg îarbf"getiér tili Resilt'seebssîly icsiii lt .itu. bii~ tuti.IlNou hustf>'resoîctien, 1 bcg. 1 liea iL " ill yon break sitîsliser etitiroiy f' ho a-lifa ft 41 - - Esqure.-1inle ms'power te- make ever>titilîiugectfar- "Thore ls îîîstliisî.betwecn us tut break, "4LisltaI, - - i GEORIGE 310TTi, table, htif . that Ikueit cf" bléat St. Gi Dr.- R. Wbt.4LRK, 0DDE!A.NI) IlitAiSs NI AKEL .&1. Wteill if îs'het Y " ' siI héuiaîne VÃ"sssjsek go plaîttl>', -th >re. Yc CORON -.1z, tut1tsîy tututid 1nlotEluuit,1iraera I eut SURGE(,N Aîoî'îu,& cuîg Butk.s îîit.lst1 iuu pitti If yanuu'otb hunorte by listeubng tYj 1 uaa tetl you soussetiissg. Vouir love to Waitlng I« taCousîty ai Uttai'y r1 tu- u iîsttlcryatttiisueu u n oet hliesto have ao 11111- 'the Signos-a lmu hitherto kept nie sient, gether. 1 O Dr. CIIECKLEYlint ili. t lrîîi sa ie tuui ait ts tîy eutabist- cuIt>' in covei'ing aui yasr dehts. 'Theo but nOw that yonhave altos-el yoxîr mindSîl ýtrIal t Dr. )NtIiCbtOE1CS'iEE'1, niet tN (>1 - iii auhonse of Abrahams Levi lies touglit up imîs- about ber, I can no langes- koep dtseacru-t adths'q R - - - - -- _TOWN O- menso quamtities of caris, so tht thse prica froisî-yoi. Voit au-c daceivetL' -"ht SWi1sitby, toast>fosthttsriuu. SuKLEISERp ta ver>' M cinSl est gia By eshiomthoai- Je N. At.NEW, X. De SiN tiF filE "LARtGE W',.1CI," iniportatioti iili raiso iL threcoreufour sucnes "' ythe ustful singer'. She divides bar lips. ~VHi~1îAN hSItGit>, A2( 1.1uU~t Tu51 itIhi(t)F NVATtIIFS & JiiWElýERt't', lier. B>' giving AbralitzasiLes-i tis ar btetweeii yuur Royal Higinsi aund a Rosé 11 &ellsiicsc-l>iiit Uces lmcori ieotii utldng, Ktt trettopal>', the buaisseswil (te rmanuco' Jeu' " boid1iess ft N.3~uscesî~skauducauryurtssityTisehanse arases yens'debt, and pays o5ff' "A Jewt .r a é - - - I rsipîsri.'Ii yonr sevontî'.flu'cthe-uasîldollars te tise iThetsnof Àbrehai tLeoti. 1 anî>'s-s eu-sef 3. -î OA '*JONES,-, I ---- - - sm t tandiesto yetiue'h w ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ hoN'ui-ntbh NBIl's 'CiSrRi(, ~ dmtu u ieyt or r a ---ct tu tlink lt'tls seth I~ ~ ~ ~~I .gicaet.1lgii's0itut.at uuoC,ttjbtOEC. A £LI'..(AE 10Kcospts. Bist overy>'thing depends e-uitii> "Odof'I meutionatlat. Idan't regret mittintoo (ua Ntuit tttti h pratts suritul iMs-.ties-isir's AuctiinSùi isitu.,;ukejtit ti cnttnntng fer ua ther >'ear et theo baude-f' ift aIL BuTIt, Yuhia lht5're <rc, -i artis- tlus. 1 itilll itibev. AAhi rtes-s leiN at tise titroieMicîte .thafinance. If Baron Griefe-nseck succeels 'Plie jade doses-vos the tread-milI," siail mate.ý - - - ibb Su ttitittlCu vo s lu bu tsriett jtn i ntti- s jocting tme froni the Miistry, I eus in- tise I>stebuuan. t a t-i RtCIIITE',,îtîr. v ExGiNEER, ANI r8re1, ithe u Court liou.e, WhitTb3. ness as I itusl wish. If yons- htighusesa *veu'fecI Philip. tl&itatoeAgetWltîtby. I- WIYATT'PS 1HTËL, wiu lebove the party of Usieferaack, ouFi 1 "Tea truettoa true, yous RayalHigh. "JÈ4t t1il .FRW--- ATE SRPLR',WILITBW. T Il.E palsut- lagainel. For msait lieha a ttes cf Inéoe. Fôs inîstace, I have' discutraI1 lÇ~aî 3.FO D BAVBN4 Ijstageussing Nak, umiEst andI West tismeperfeCt indilffereace -whtetl ea'saiir luin girl o~>icthe s ulant suds tusoùther if aotlslng A CHITECT AND C('VIL EN(,INEER , i titby, stopputthtis ltu5tCis Euers- mfrusitîoxi office or not. I sigh-for reposa 'Buit for l ic hëwérld ISheise ttashy enkeuui - asdmi --.aDeua 1-treet, W Eitby Etimatisaîstude 'e leà adi îc* wasinyuRo îneu tsamteofrtbatfl - Il kiziba ut us sittsirtt somk earehssîiy ticit- 1I octssco yur oyl id hssa s 'atrffet batflass igîçe jetrsucar " o * delte. DtI ~ 1. P. WYATT, Ps-eps-boe-usin.If 1 hava Dot tihe misiag uofthe li uite-ishottiesjte Yikrw t ~-.u---------------- - L - --- -peck, I hase thse gaine." ueature 1 oves' behiel. A'ouÏ conu - "0t mu PUILÂNDER X. (tt.Àfti1' NORTH! ÂMERICAN HOTIRIL. Phiipfrsm ta u i tknw-h t bcuano the qbscnrîty uf a ct s.utu.iro iGRCONÇSTAý,BLE, COUNTY ONT.,RIO, rcra 'a.esertâek atepr npos. t lt, icn eusn g--'Iebasehmcs* 1oe tvohml'fs- 1' - d .JItIdlspeettur Of UeLdin a atiserse ) tui- TOSI EAD, PROPRiEToR. tIP.ES 'l!IIs while thée 'tuance Mri3â -,bs xotahn e c1s." - - Phie 'oIs e i f Wbtb.i > tetlisatiof iiifuss-nsiuic itis frîetds -al tlsss fi -el aPic ut fbeauf Apeshsc, ôl J - G. . BANN~IICR, publie geaes-iiy, that hhse asemii-ned bliita- li 'îE sukapnhoa fii utf A mpeestc ir utl ?n ou tt l- stfr iilhtb GeA uN11£t esin the aheve rem"s tle trusi~ ~ bxst iswih ubI, - '4aAmarerisê jfibut h -n ou I t1ss ~~t "RUGGIST. JIRUGII AND CIFMICAI$, iid fdiigbsnsasiatninh is - o1" I Tiar thymue, cuntral litl tig. tuh# wsrsehf cuidenptsîuie aoqto. ujh JParfuiuau-, Oe tffColors e dcai guesta, will isirit a alias-o of publie patrstaigs tynwudaet iavlst"~tti aig r~~ Mi< e '"Yn oui attt Dumdiiî is-et.,'Visti>'. -________________-,i-;in, os'der to,,puy' sy-debts. <1onsido', air, lmessu, lier untauglut grace, hen bashfùuiwsi*et,!bc 1J.NRYIINNA5 IN EST IEtW'EST, TORONTO. lItE Adiltu.incçsç %tue1mut .ter and M*Mi fi »lITlGLAZRRI, PAPER IIÂNGEFR, ratuIs walk f*oxe thse ltai1waYDepot-nd i tem a- -mi r OfCIwlaa~e~o o 'sursat s~hnte&lsi àehufrch sue a,", i ,4cl iib.boet Lainbig, hb ts u iiîlîed w tw i-4 al. -Wbesa tisa priSe -c emriseai,,tise aintIhaN aasiîer-fs uy8.unduydidý4wlii nitue, Carpel-el an~d POlitodu , O. aKitig wil4ofiourse1 ±hiuk tif psoitngi fltj etsilas 4 ovng ifeio"&. pr. u"dà.LI * - - À~~Arcuneacisa bas-goeald wévoit V ,tII ýbsaxalways ou basa i ethe s-rvalettls pctaton aIO pitiu5sI0 tedu oi damgs, Afflias itl imeQueen'a Bo , -e- luitruduce us little us h a or àýs--Oke s 1é"lwtêý O léts ~, G. ~. BenihuTHIOMAS LMM, ftjiotor. they hy- 'romotcu-k,,8 09.kt1Iib W. £1 tlOdQBtlOI PS 0t1JP ~ ~; 'nLLI t ire, 4OIAM 116Qelu - luassn7 a oO ýf&ifnàô 1usnd tb*-â oïr àm - AUOLE. go a lào vI1w 'orhoinâ4 Slk e 4d thsayou toof' kiiLDD1E, t AIN, iCQt.LAJI uilav' ReUgA roK îGTTLh,-, >'KDbeobied 'aattend bk, -daAhP A Rke te, WI0D ufeisosin 01re-s1se 64'ovee 'P -wspolikeai05 founioi'a, baus talthtndauèa~ oh *usu ~ ~ J~ A4-&i ip- of 1IkrýWell .)6 inso's, han£ ligyItend, uy "Hotsbotighus ÂLDfflI miuisr, ALTA OTELMin'J- t5<amth' , 4 e :J4 NEEJI dxc, dx., GEENHome Biiiglhnes i -frai iîg.lfa1 "' 1tiieifl -r, 1 {~8R. MASN dx *tW.~I'HM1~ON &SIfl~i#, >swyarsisuecit'o-gss oe~sc,~e< ~mange l hie s'ute' 'al i ý hi* EIS, dl., un BOB0'gh takia M&Ufeëi4oYan T kMgfliv *à F, e> iulbe5yatE~clpI.Jy~.s ~ Ii '<~LêtÉgAY~~ ~ 5 ~ 14 hs' » ô f O~iUIeqRm'I' 1tÂCII4a-l-&â OsÏeii W « 4 ý- .î~P'l e ya1<nI sobi r - 4 the public wislu nbymes or 1T o fr su -At es, oi ~ stogt±atiage ises 1 eisrn tu-a stout taiu'essses lirtel tisair linge iaor-ts u'ie »,Jluniçste tisc e hiulilo, u leueh( sae-vatsabu o ia t-titlso sfoaiiIgîha-thu 'ligsts, 4-hnuse besido hisu upenedt, - -, wbhe0 un o hn ro- ofa tisa cîîîrcia'wereby n en euin -rsipeduiî grlbekonl a imake a>'moeaftusa ebosît tise pieeoef inlîowbof e-'atucu isnr m wrisnk tll gist l tîîe aoet ts oalsîasiisyot--she astis Lworth iL - 1ow bt ovews o ha C ieniller's eae-ad folow ; unI the umatch-rish lTlp uoht sss11tso, -e icft bis stauza hidi' finihbnd sia' eugie u rcecg-ptApen~. 't"MenascIye usaIé ILie apparitbôn. A sft hund tYd.iuuucsabs-lthesusctaes in Lice darness and a terce tout; thise ronesu'shtadg ore ail t tns'edb>' gos orThe ffr a Ides- sst ofsevreu the seldiers. mis no nechance for 'toaipwhte. The Muffsu es takolcet Woves>' 'i los- bbip? pae to sf us, wlsu a rel-coat .s4tassInsustIse sray : awheîe. Tishe'a iianf olie ofst tic d, derPilpseklwDawuwith tihe las>' vemintés." f à t cas rIssititie m, vu sney beau- us. I have eni>' got fce aàs"-oned - onéo Lsc iseinuretion auloug the uvetchien, au lue cnpay feir oenoment, poesw, an hjeoniby sote sasu. an5a- pr-O ofet'i, Borne of tise versos wcre Yent as yen passeI. Are yen ptmsfamI v;'th osasme nub oa >'YPgiven Lui sit in, writin-. lis, Mejesty e iseY"e ?ut'ar-t.,hab yb'way of"'Ps-o- bauiihad vor eriyi he og l n luds ta the engagement, atuisolthera- , syha-h> tts og i u ia eimmertal 9god as-nge. eles' ainol lys-fsowblb o lorel the nsietil abc tchtebai tiso àbc ottscu-isc Ltihlappy b eve lluobe>ao irathî should hatakén.ta hb coglat liefôe hics. ycsi gdat b" h tcoteis pstics. One of'thesu-,11,cbraite - upithea -carl:tubl ,fôle a' euhagods isstiles i teiruta lieutenant itflutise - -0 s ve saine guiel ews for you. force oiea twelvc-poindor o thé nosel and that theo Ministar af Police bol lest bis ea must dine ut aur housu tsi- . .' godlun. i t>' uother lias alboutes me te lue, cosssidenistg this - thse qoniehunoenent of v ïon'il coul ractive oo-tinIat nefusse, inibeistoNy'ig - s'iôéle',uI e s -doog.~tiiedt fist, mn the rigbt oye ao' tise milles-iy fr 185- sh. WVsttiv tetnigélît ha te- - soend ot tise worltI i 'Twelld min'e fout mouîonta the hattle becaine j)uth jmis Isen score flhais'dinas'il fo-gda1, - genou-ai.y foibi;gludait a1 bu"isaTho Prncuu, yho hl agheisam nazi..gly Ists>' "aeg Ltce titledl orlons dluiîng the Phi ip; i. hlf n bur shll . a th ilst ommnc entof heprei,,yeas'wi h sjust couse;toa a lésè-: Thé e-y's. I shah xetluttetus cinciauéte'té pusbitua-y for, 1857 cohtaicti Ee ie meo ano Srant t ail nue? Don't kea 'e b al btusi "msoh f n'ethoIn gîm t s »istiA î 22 niemberis -ofthie peoraga 'of ig--we shah ha" éà watl, ô. furs f iLu s cameeblots. lathe tise United; Kitgdonu.,>Th islt.li, u fol;, now-we may ha diacovereul." . cour bi sands< .tiecm a ielw-7Ts uoie uîsan dalo go,,but.Jsilianheld ber 'backpFiaceui Coit B wodeýs lip Lb. isclaaof- s'ugljs isl Mi4sis fEt' Yi te' s-lu Of 3ts arma aaun is snce it hcs sPhip e 150.BtulAn-Atb.QC-aqaçàultuart, Rilesufene, will 'u leeve m ocîil "trI tteu;c«ssuê 0élttOéj' onington, Fitae'lig,:FLwl YI tde sos sa ~ sot eyi the beàt'tema-g.: *TheCTaýiiteas hlue5 ener a rtýs. ,l'ublen, whe-e 1poticàel ' lss.a'Wld sdJecs;Vaei mie lcow hlttOitisek ffbs wastlt ii uibforo, lanaI iuaelf DoitieLiastortu unIdStssagford, tIse Bi- eet ho*,lÃŽott6 hinkof tis p,-sîsopa et' Cork 'Cloyne ad Rots;ald r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pb.pmvfvnue ssYs~at u idw, tallw eu91' Lords Atvenley, Douglas; Milferd, Rad- efereu. ~ àee -be tri;glti hi-- - Bvsstsi #s gktas ân ~ad'iNirdw. -G0-fthIe tise peeregésg - Jibu hal .se~mn~, iltuttomisaM tthesnise, Openo tise wiadoy, , ojt l~etyDulsvlM~o- 11,utnt~l nel inc tago.eut.your Christusea verse,- aùd a dollar i-,uissi~opepsiu ts sloil This- ionvtation rou'l. - eeaccssons,eumbcrs ofthue ssrpnétae have paid tha g?-Osid Bgida ecreutane itr Th PmittUtsr l r"thsîvcasiou ,e6t et' naturne:-Iluh PL sRHoara, Sis- î'raa ~ ~ ~ ~ o esi ac~as -'e- Cftlaouàrtessl' parný ttusvnl:u'm itîul Filmuer, Sis- Races-t Barluas,Gon,. ~~t1ôtufbdeImtâ ëall' héo h t7d~~r ~ ~ ~ lts ru ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i J.nite'teoel bsk'n' its~ Au. ,-, gsàe'- ai & a"Si AfLer thieelcîétbn0r0'5 sGn1tyceýjf, 4Mtïeor',i A I.L2îassc L. Deuioôn, and J ireapptîinted as mapreseatflre tise vacesiit,i A bthe Board &Arieultr. Tise nejýt saetihg ai thse Dis-actai-s will liayh iii S naitou, eswilibe at- i%& und otherimîportant bosiasestraautaota. b-Oacio olssîn ther 'e, OBSCATED LEISO. - EsOry surgaeon ksdià lW1 .sores deepby seted iu.tis uscular fibre of tise le- det>' ail ordinury ts'etra enti but tiléefa t'fiahis ç008,hoiteves' obstinaté -and Virulent, invaRbl5rhêhîi uisde'the l>aiéc action at'Boilow&ys (Yisltment. TMÉjgfè- parution loes nat drive -th6 vis-us' of thé 8cre fracs one partofflue system toantithes'l iL curses nuf b>' repreasion; but expulsiuôn.- - Ifnce, thésr is no tear of the re-Qppui ut' un>' emuption, tumo', awllitag, -orsgosa t het has once yielled Ici tisheuiissg po pomtieddtf tilis thmtegh cerative. Ilucasé al' eier isigtmai,, ,,eiiatistvài ifnuUa - rubln lbq ôif exc iî May ho taue wuh tzh- es 'ih o dni L - Il as s Élu -m ith , i lu- a d vas'> 5vell wet5Siau'ti'y sd'- 55.5-as - EhlIIp1.-~wh$ - M55 "TInt Iltteiy i--boue ti'i 't 'liait let

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