t - -&ý ý ý - ý M ý- ýri - -- i - SAIS (OM)R'TÃ" rxr. A a MICES, -XIAL tiormic & ImTs FOR MALÉ. NOTICE TO Ci RUDITOM- VALUABLIe OPURTYPORSALE LAND POR SALE IN MARIPOSA- 011SNnm. 1 end % ftenry, Street, fhr Saleý- y virtue of a deed of .Issignmont, bearing #4 L Thev are Curuér'Lots. The Iloilse is a date Noveiiiber 1 ith, 1,M7, th(f undersign- P 0 RT W HITBY . T 10tNý001qmitira-cf M»ýîpi*ft, wutniïliý09 Icoud Friuue one, a story ftnti a hair high, con- ed were dnly appointed Assiogruces for the ea- - gëýtil eeared and in a d stdé %Oning 6 apartinfaitë. it is in good reWr, and tate of 7 W ILL BE SOI D I$Y YRIVATE SALE) Of cultivatiournçl npon whichisemoteagood ýTR1NQLEi DA2NIFI& &ý'1C(% tb#t pý.6ïtltut 1 FRAME BARN, FR A -ilf I,," le 1 ' 1- L 1) r Y Gr carrv t the of U-xbyidize, l'hree' St0rSr- Btick BUi1qj31gý 85 wý 56. Rila sllç(l 21) MI, 250, a Log Barn 30 X -50 Ilefit (If.-Ileh 11ersi, - wNT.AININ'G InJIRIT &PAItTME."'E4 tu, ni; as triilv beeonie with 'G'ninary ïÀtRel4bd à goixi Log Wilse, lind Elli l ' led, but not The situatiôli is a liarties thercto, %tuder the ý"nf1itiOn-ý thercla à î1 iný Well oý gond doli'glitnil one. set furth, bafere the fimt duy of February, A.D. p4titttted on tlie North 5'deof First.';treet,,,kii ow a nt, ' never fa Water. Tliere is Fur terniit and fiti-ther particularm, apply tri w5s. sadd deed of Assigilinent notiv lios fit the fi,& Sailshury's Ili-lek flouse, iNritli three-cighthR 0180 a ý*01inF Orellard bearing trces, aliti a A L E ('.ý M E R 6 N, office of Messrs. ý'tkinergii, Nfavdoncil &- Dartnell of un Acrt, of Land tittnelied. 'nom is il j£00d quantitv 01 l'huit tnd Cherr yý trece. The farm i1iief Vonstétble. iSolieit-ors, Whitbv, for >i,%znatnre, of i ellýencj-.(l witii , wixiel, td Barn an-i J5uîtll)lu Out-bitildings on the 1'ý 1111- le w p nostly üedar rails, nnd thore Or to pairties interestefare re( tiesteit to tRke natiee. ses. Alïe lialfUre, Lot oit South Izide Of pQ is ývet on the rOT*-rtv a auffleient qttaiititv of (;E(-). WALLAGE, MMFS PRING-LF, '-,trett, wÃŽ1 Gardvi). Shrtib1)eé,ý, " r to biiild new fel;ces wlien rcqitired. Ybe F: 1 fann is one rui(l a J)alf inil(ý,% whitbv. NOA11 11UCKINS, onit. intplir- . front 41* eliaitereon rSuonable canis, Fur particulars T4ýjôr1s-1 Ateam 31ills, apply tu the tindersigneil. and six iniim *Mn Liý* HOTEL TO LET. DART-MA., lidtav whore. thêre i-.; a ÃŽle- Soiicitors. THOMAS SAILSBURY, t Of the Port Ilope, Lihdsay fuid Lýk,,avei-toti November 16, 1857. 44 Mil tile Preulises. lipimr ilesiroi1e of retiving froin Port Wbithy, July 27, 1547. , - PITLE I.,VDIqPUTA-RLF,. the lie 1% iiiild disposo (if his inter- NOTICE TO CREDITORS. copy tilt forbid. eatinthe Tr6Rd-q -Nfltilo'kilf)wli i1pýn applieution, if by Y virttie of n d(-el ýt gtssîL BEAVERTON letter, post paid to "North American Rotel," IB date Oùtober 31si tlie undemigned Rocus, Proprietcr, sitiiiite if, (,r iort i!nlip, with Furni- %vere duly rippointéd for the Estate turc liçttitt-s ttýo. it i, to (roui au(f personal) of 1) T0W N Mari 1 i(ýgrt, Oct., sav îf.)r aiÀ a *1ilore duttirable AN 1 4vl W-wse vai111ý,1, *br Henry D-aniels to tlie Wlint-i'. A - - ---- - 1 Fvr 1, ýýf 11mok-lin. irkerrhant, fr tli, larett aiid Nlilliiii-, -11 lie dont, '4ý%W AND Lý1ND- J()IIN benefitofstici ere ilsil, ýl1all lveome parties i lii-rû. Fa%ý,raýjio terilis iiizi% lit- illatie with the 1'l-, ri i, t-, \, rtij tiieret.), nudell, iliert-411 set forth 11ropriotor b.v il Pi-activul Miller. To ],'il' op, RFs,7,1ý-p, 43 belore tlie 91st jay of 'Atiblilv to M -G, SAW I&ILL \VIT11 :ý-,û A(-'RF-,ý,.f LAND d,.,,l (,il now livý u the M it. J ý RS ARMSTRON N1itvdý,iivll & Darinell, >Mieilors, A 14"li rirre-.4 (de-trPd, fit Vre-k. in iliv 11OUSE, Foil N.41LE. . 1 N. is n firt-rnt(ý çTeliine rit Bea- Tt)%%-nr<il) (if týpjjt jf the fitlh von- si-ýn1Lw re, 1.f %% Ilicli tilt partie., lit- verton for ilie id a Foiq iidry. M S. I*iierfý are 11,0 of 1 terc.-ted tire reylvItvd 11-tit'e. t %% v >torv 111 iel, lit , J., A. G001) 11ARD WOW) AND Cl,-I).ýR, À W'111- I., Niffliiii t1je .1. S. M. WILLCOX, plenvert-11, Wbit Sold or Rent,,d. toLetIiL.i- or ejýof-,.f -ÛÃSMIANCE. SAIMNO, DP»UGS A» iperfumery, liait oiug &o. LrTiox 0YSTEît 7ýX1RýDTcAILI ý1tEV0ýý_ý ODORS6 EXTRAC irs. TIIE WORLD 'CRYSTAL fJAW0Ë'ý" Brida1wr«th, Queen of Perfumes British America Assirance Ûoiüp"y, 'Opcnlng Floeers, J -ick Club' INCIOJCPQRATED roder an Act of the Third 0. 135,_Wnllace Buildings, Yonge., -Bà y.Rtim. Sexpionof tte Eleventh Provincial Parlia- N Strect, Toronto. Choice IÀquore, Ciga.r*,' -Mtisk, Rose and Mnligk, ruent uf Upper CançAn. &c. Jockey Cltibi Violet and Boquet,, BEVANS & DIXOIKt OILS, &cît Sweet BrIeri Toronto, J iil y 15,1851. Ben" 011, Variiation, CAPITAL £L100,û00ý 26 Fluid 'lvig, Flora, NATIONAL HOTEL, Kathairoll' ispring Flowers, Insurance effvotel on lIiiilcliniz,; and their l Otto of R080. contents. Every itifollirintion gopplied onap FORT ivulTm PERFUMES. an Iffication to t lie qinderî- Marine Riýsl,-, for the'ý' Scazicin or for Purti. rpigned begs to Inform his friends Falide . Colope, Our Katon Favorite; JOHN AGNEW, thaihe i-iÇnow 'in n Bonqnct d'O- rient HOLLOW AIP5 0 Ilavender Water, 1jotticý1i choice, Travelling A-trent, Byrlbn. Strect, Wilithy, of the above otoi, the hlittinestr etf whieh, ho Boquet de Il Vert, will in fitttift cilrry on, on his own accourit'- 1 Tableau of Floveurs, Winter Blo"om, The Great Conn'ter imtant 1 Protection againgt Loss and Damage (lood Liqltar,&, and Brandiei. 1,xeellent by Pire. Stabling. (,areful attention for mati and horse. Sachet%, Cut (Ilms Srnelliniz Bottieik indian 'Rubber and Tortoise Sliell Conibs, ýorte Mo- IIE VIRUS OP DISEASE OPTIà i EU)WARD. RAY. naieiq Reiticules, &e. T inakes ItA wa>, to the internai orgaffl WTSTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, Thitby,,Ntay 6th, 1857. 16 W. Il. DOEL througli the Wes of the skin. This penetrat.ý Whithv, JnIv 1, 19-57. ý4-tf« ing Ointment, Melting titiller the hand u it îg CAPITAL £100,000, WESTERN HOUREll ibbed in, im abliorbed-throngh tile saine cilgin. - DUXDAA 8TRFET, 'WIIITBV- VAR:91SHES. ne114, and, reaciiing the sent of iliflwnnistio%- roilliotly and invà riabiv e cifill"Iril on Lliiêr IIF ABOVE JIRE.NIISF,13 IIAVS BFZW ubdile., il, n-lit.thf-j l',.;l - foelited in, Ille k-id Iýý%vrv iiiforination b;iiplilied on IT Ilist ýopellê(I I)v Ille utideraigtif-d m-lien neYs, (lie Ilver. tlic Iiings, ùf POPAL, Fnrnitnre. nýý. otlier lin-portant otcan. Ilenetratýs t e tilil)li(iktIoli to lit(. iiiitlersigiied. V'ller-l (%in now find zood h tra r N'i Japan, Black and Brown-, '3t'rfiice to the iliterior,- tlinti.,It the eolintleà , .1o1w The Jloiisic il well rnfili-31leil, %vell 1"ej)t, and the Durnar, 1 1 le ing apartilielits ri,ýnly atill airv. Therc Coaeh D)dý-, the citirim inicate vritit 'lie, skin as _%urn. 'I'niv Iling Alzetit, ffi, ron Si revi, Whi JA i Cartiage iiier nain lla,«e int,(> the fevered earth, ditf ltalý,litILr, and the be.-t attvil- 1.4-ftu4er, U its lind regrentrating initlelicq% Times and Utuzcoit Assurance compgy. tion is pili.1 tý, in-iii and horse. Tlit, bar-rooin îît NV. Il. DOFýL. çikin 'Disease and Clandular . 15%vellingg larire and e-liiN Il -eniviit, grill well titti>lslietl %vit W liithy. .1 ilv 1, Iýý:,7. f extcrkir irritation is iiiiieklv IN',I'R.\ \('l" (4 -tuil ln 11-1ildinz- and tlicir the hest Willes, and Cigars. Hand- erv "p( fý .4 0 elenrAylle. * soinely fitted Ill) ilittili..r roolii:4 fi)r. I)riy.Lte par- redneeil 'hy tilt, aiitîflztltlellatr)rv action of il,' infnrtiifiliott or, FISHING TACKLE. id totlic tics. Ointiiient. Ailgry Fruptî.,n_ý, -,ntii as $;lit Illiémin. T4.ýttér Ring-w-orni, 'Seaki IN E, Tront. IkL id otller hetixl, N'ettki, £sh a. P - Seabic-..;, (or Iteli), rrave'ilitig Azelit and Siirvcl,;tjr of leiskî 17 - : 1 e dîe t Byrüll p (;lit, Iteelým, and Joiriteil lzofls, &e. 0)11t, to retiirii rio inore, un( 'Street, Whitby. 1 ler it. UARD.--.CENTRE HOTEL. W. il. DOEil Ill ail ptrtr of Ille Provincia 1 Whithv. Jfflv 1, IM57. L'4-t*f. it.- itilalibi!itv in ef the skiný tho 1 A"Urnnee Company. It muscles, the joints ind the glaridA. L MineralWater. lrileetp, Sorésând Tumor.q. Al"ITAL fi e);111 the ý,1iblii- tili-1 il," Mililitv Ililit 14, h,,1ý leased the aim've, mell- The ûtreet linrivalletl leA-,r-ryhgl r(.me,-Ir Nviit-re lie wili- carry on I'ST Reuf-ived. asnpply of "Tlle Plantagenet iillé-ln, Ser,,ttilit. and othèr violent tileërý§ al;d the Minerai %Vitter," freqÈ frrm 0je sprin". on ha.,i 4-ft lindr'ile hv him, tn t thelpoison whiuli prndnee snj-,ýriitîorj aloi liroýîj,1?lÃŽ4 render the iloiim, and jtLYi-éenlllpý W. Il. DOËL. 11e-ý 1, and tliils t1w eorc'; it.,; liipalirlg 1 whithv, Itilv 1, 24-tf. -rr(» .illitity :iii.1 attention, letlpiii,,: si romI i Ixýrtles -ard coniplete are Frtfe ftb2 Well a'.% nors, pcrinantliit. t ahleý and noil'e hut the hest Witlew and IÀ-1 ILILSE VIS 12 Iv 1 lie fiopcq to inerita >f* Iliiblie porojince. Woundm,- Bruiçes, Burniw, and SSldm% Fortst Wine and Pills' L. A. PIERCE. 9 In rýfoéï of the frivi iire of the LIFE ý1ND 1ll,'ýA1.T11 ANSURANC r, i rOft TITE PER31ANEN-T CI-RE OF calised I)v flurnç Rlietilnafîîý là , Sti fuel,, The Briti-ýh Ainerirlin Friendly societ rt;R8of .41petite, Dro .1 ýý, of the y RAILROAD 11OUSF, PP 71 )iitraction of* the .4iieývs, jtý 't.ýt einl.,Ioye(j of canada, of the Aidii-eýld, Lir and vlarinly ree-miniended liv the Bij:11 FI) Fi il, ANI) DUNDAS 9tý., 'Ae£(ý .7n Tilt- 1,iill' inarveloils rt-»-Ine(t.ý- bas ljeen introdliéedbvits iiivetitor lis j>ersoii inio) leildinz lli)lelta Aut ,t il' 111171-1111 tl, the ifilleil . litilits l'f .,f En mpe, and 110 private hoi, is W hitb%. stit-I the %-"Iiillilillit%, thal. lie tý(jL1 should lie 41 iners, -Hl Ur or L 1 V E R P 0 0 L pIIrcI1aýc". File lireniiý-e,- nrc allait. s S C4 of 0't, BI-ýt(-ksniiilis & IVaIfro,,tma'kcrs silop's Fo? Sale or te Let nt là verpool, %ÃT(l , A ill'ritsil, I'ai! 1rý 41 -ti-iigtý ý.j nn Arre if 1 .9y V A B.11 FOR T Ilt-ýv !ý;r%, il ýI1 . -rt oi ti.c Il' lion M"A 11U.F', FAI-M m% A Iq1sijJeýs 01v ' in ,, A'r-11. trndt- (,:,Il b, dow lý.\ and NO T-ICE. r To ýllerchantýi und Paru and a ilever-fièiiiiig Waler wl the a Fr.i!,ýf. lk-rii, St.-tble atill TERNIS ýmif of wili J)v re a T1ý1EFwo1yT1S11ý1111yo ON rrItil 0% ML eltr'im's, l'il'. mil ýL, UVN ()V >P)NES, ULI K E Y 7' .11 1 L 1, S, w 1 m-'t (if the Lroni-ilig for the 1 Nlili lais doM. ilvw , lol sllivl ititt :old 1 !il, rit :1 pti livre i-l %Viti, th'. M111. Apply ÃŽr by pist paid, 1, 1, T N( Pl-RT)Y, Farm for Sale. tnki-li f',.; 1:1o lé t- te, 1 t1T,-îi' 1 -e. te) lie I,41i.; l') ilit- 1 t P IT A 1. SI Port I'VM 111,t t IL ThIlimh Itl !Tt Rlm mai firmt-riiie Table ll", 'lit ille N . N I., V 11 Il iý -;itti;itt-Al w itjilli l'ort 1:,"% 1 ý 4, lieud 41illitil :et %lýIittreiil. Liiiivlleolisý eIl 4:1 ivtieir MI bc-t 110l"SE and 1A)T VOR S is- ici.Elt;ll. warr-.ttiti.,(i '14,14 lit ri- I fi !l"', e il, ill:( aiid a iiiiil v.,11% 'ikielli. A 1, IF: THOM AS IX 111). le 'li', t Fil th (. ('Itllit illil P. ç- stn,ýl, ot Il. Al.,(l, Nortli half Of Lot 4. il, the 1 a, ù ('onreý A Is le :Il f. vo Clark M. D., "ýle4tilrai GLO B E fi 0 el 4 1. lit, ýf iA 1: New Stock, 1 ýi âil 1 ý ' . -,. W w i i;ý . 1 1'. W l'je ri ý , lé,*, .. et !ý0 T I 1 1 Fil P I., ré il f iý: e -ýi A N 1. %lit l'i f--4. 11 tl 1, il, i iyon licaltli or ri W liitl,%, C. îïV. iag rý'ad toth'. .tïIrv t 1, 1 enC fiéI x%, lTý,1 IvIiich pré p4ýrtY %%-ill by Il J.- -ni Rire it ivaeï, liv ll:s 7. 1 l f. l I' A - lit il, lliý4 Ilcw 0 rtiýli, 1 f i ýýI - , . stylo, .91Il willi t1il. N ýtlI 'Ill) . tri j N 0 T 1 c E lire, W . le V UE 1) 1 - File -u Ii.,I- IiI )i"tl. M IE BENT IN% 17, N T.11 E N T Y ET itv that vail lýo 11, L 11. *0 Lille lie-fti- Life Assodation of Seotland. fi ll-,Itý4p ol, JOIIN File > !lýý AIre Tt the 1, j. . BY. WIIITBY BO'%%*IýIN(. Il, ('l' ý.T- Pï il\ -,il fi 67eorte.- ond Aeî tf l- . 1",,t 1 qu'..e, lié. -', t ý '. I*M IT.\INý G F0Iýl1E lI 'W IqýI l,ý\ ýrjiFw, .,il, rni tor Pair. hy hi,., î-,\ýt li- sale. ; il TýFill-, ri) A 1 Aý4 e,!,71ÃŽ eI1ý l ethe. ilihabitilitý of ýViiitl fi y -1 'lit -IlSi'RI13F[) CIVITAL, £400,0Ù0 Stgï j intr tliiit il(' l'eL'ý -o Acres of Laud, fil il%(. Si ANTED. SI, r i; i r 11calitifillIv si'ni-ired, ITIVIfý l'i-tIntlgu î 1 the stg. If Ly! 'Nu. t4,lltiIli, te) rittri> il titir Ili il -'l ;1.4, Ii;I(l I R talil 'M iu the 4!!, F jj., ;jl 1 iii. T Alleys liaveaitil I-ûil litt.,i illï i cil. t 1 e e %V ret al id l'! S t tý iý Ieý, vieil - i 1 o 11 U 1 bdiréed lui tl F ', 'S 't', -I Viol.,rm. is %\t'Il ITE AD O FFICES il;i fiiF.1 ilitie, nlll itjI;tteýj witiIili witl; w-W &-c- lr,)l A 'lait 'J'l NOTIC E.-. four IZt,,l,ý cal t1le SlItlt il ;I ii hliýét-ilig 4lild 'Init 7 k %ý0j4jj do 8 Waler, ý,1' )éVi IlIil-ýO' fit 1-ilTI1-PN - tli(I l'oilliteï To',vil, Fin,, te,,Ii- Sqrottand---F.(Iinbu'rgil--*-, Hanover st. in. affiý Fille- lýf t1ii. 11,11t ltlIf,,4I mi"i I:infl-:t%- rEngland- Lois d'on-20 )iingwilliain qt. 'CATAI AT ANI) E q'0ýýTl,- l'Il Il ll()b-1-slgbQd WHI -,011 ri Ill'oral terins, or Canitda-310atreai-9 Great St.james tit il NovI PÛT, 1-s-7,7. for iiiiprfý,vvl in t1w T'ré ili li't u ill lit (illite ili- 4 eute of fille Il L l'ire Ies,)Cilttioli of ýýQotlan(j w1de (Il It J;,' N T 11, riilie itTirti,ýt- T tcrIlls of fit this h T ri ed tliv i q ýýa . iiilfýllaii-l- f Io Ille oIN-lif-r' if, 1,V Ic t te tc, ' Iw pý.! T iLý (4 r_. f- fil' 1w quitec ilu),de- TIet-a*zion-i to )3rititçli lzr. r 1', ri, i North Aiiit;j-ica ' à 'Iliv ILV L-1ýete,, IlUf;lýl FELIT7, l AIf ýr iii the N' TilE si . aciiiiiii iI enatletl ta t)tl'týr 0 N'l t,érlvï-éýii ILII-1 (éther i 1 by. i to IUý8ide1%t> tlieri-,. 1 110tel hý'L- boeil rcfit*o.l atid fil il N' 14tli Dée., le 01Ie of th%; extensive Ivellent ,tle fe tliv , elerillilic iiinongst the Briiý,Ii .%,4.stiraiice Ivrit. Every attetiti.iii pnid 1 j. I,ýt, SPLEINIDID 1YVESTNENT. Arricri- ilt dit Briti4i the best prov TLhNIý, fil i- Il t il 1 fi t f t 1 -tezidy ()zýtIcr a in (tréat BrjjÀýjtl alkl tlifI ainple find e-ýlllýýtýilitlv 1't-cliToli- lr ýri ýi-i firi itr i,ýirii,-tilII tillily tel STREET, WIJITRY. IIENELON FAILS Iii: iiiiiiivi-l'ile l,-!*ý -ill'i il il TI.1ý II'r Flic !:le- 1'. ý W 1 F-E. 1 Z. ftr', ii)ýt 1 r 1 j 1 ])Ili-illg HTO M A RT IN I 1 ý .1 . W ' T HE 9)FFERS FOR SA LE % oeil- 1,rt of the eral upport il%, FI t'. b,1171 w ii ilià WhIt-in,ý-s- AAMFIS MOA1.1 AN, ý , Il 4ý,0 TiiiIe Ilote' is 1 wIi.mý\N1 'Ulil. 1 no-w ITrrâiiýçed j1el hils to iieCoriii tili; partie s ; fi, tWed to Iiiii: b% J le' P (1ko'e (If ftIXY e,ýller éréfirece in Lurolke. File 1 1 BRVAx, bli é iitjr a fialit-Lee 011 lirec'k- Stm.t RIK U.. 1-5-- -iitýrie 4) NEW 11100k ACCOIFFUIS, N!4rý or Mort-gages. of et; tcet. Thil Poliryh iiieur l' the rLi>ls (if tilliteél witiiiii li fêlv rf)d7ý4,oî,t Ow clil'd-ulilj leile, lit. I- ý lanre jaý- FOU SALE CIl E A 1'. ROBERIT Ir. LAWDER. l'artiter>Iliii Thx, frov ail remi ýw Artiili. Il ' 1 bilhN, rtied the LIAýslll-e4i are guaralitted inc fou tac L-i.Iceý4 i...% itntitirl o1r1g Uic-tits te*-ýqeêtli at early flatü..ý, :ï1Itl thil, ý-n ilitf tI 7 -fan 2il. Ci . A I4'tlie Prolît- Tâtekle and BoW4 provided. Tl "e the. prtý4.-ture iu y inui t.Trý. it i., flIT N, .. 27, in the grd VOne4-,mion ea te l;1ýï 'UtI 1!i- i- lier 1 tell étr'r'l filtit rýçettllv, yçéite to ail fir Iiiin te ineet 1 tliei >n L foie Towit (;f POR tirs If fi, P veiri-4 st4iligi-i112, and il, iki-plità in re- alid l4n- Ili'. i'ý ýnr ý,9* tIliv othcr 111 týp: awi te, 'Ilabli. 11îlle il, Io so lie la oblil T-(j ta rinsi't toi itflilledititt lI11% - irleplile- Iliýn. W ILKINS, ... ....... dnt-ing tituir itext preiiiijuils. A larLre rediletion i inýýîÃalI uttii,,tiiit,, dlic il, Ii;ii. IlV ('jjrrýý- IRA MW AI pli, t2 iu Il, Let %%-il), the . Iiig 1) 0 il "Ný ai the i, tliert-Ibv The i will 4 olilîeeIî te) lialid th U1ýa!oe tIý 111, -%tt,,r- or te') ciýItiojI 11:14 allocuted jrï'f1Iý ai s lui) t' r1L.ý 1 h rè, 1. ncv for J. V. JIAM ;&outils) and the retiario of' pro- FI N- Anibrotype Artist, fit te, telo -t;ee, lias W ithout Further j oti 1 of the tinst >IL fi N'i ýIj FIT'. IL LI) rt-_! ilt ittiil % thitýlip luis To, 1*1-;IC!at-d r>" I.vr e-e--ti (4, the ý%: ailti 1 1 K _11 U. do, Ro 'in- ;Il Brick, 1 e Pol il! Il i l' li i.t %, ý,ff ]FIT il litre ý',t rect, .1111N 1 '. 1 ders are rtý,(Iiiirc-d tel pay ou lroiii NN*IlElt Iit Ila, 111illivrio Ilý,lie btil luo SI tor,ý- 1 on %%;ivre kt ispmpart;d te) ler îl -Ili srf their pritri itr(I-Iiii -f jïqý tncrit-, lie innsi « FO Il SALE--- 15 TOWN LOTS. exil 13 Il .. , 10 '.A RNNA L L. jý, _1j. r k., ý le() FE [(:Fý,*re pli -ýNL40I)treai-9 (-,reut Whitbv. oetl'iler '2ïý, 41 Photographie Likià nësses si. jallice, street. FI, joirnil Ile triists, thut til wili FetI Ille lie t> 'N TIFF %\ 111,1 13Y. EN Til E Ili Ille ven- iUtt-ý4 stýlr of t -Inte- (fi. Mackenzie, q.. (If J. G. le' %lackeuzie 4k, Cv., -N!ercitaittï ; David Tormiieu, S TO 1. V, T. 1 \iý IV malle s4ille i!111);)rtitikt iinù -ctaents in fil.-% j M'bilby, (ý,rtol)týr 1_17, 1-357. 41 yýIr flirther 1,-.trt;eiiliir, tt:j.l tet-os fli ta ir., of ý;illefrpie,, bitilittt ivoil a-Iý.ptcd for offiresi rer are obtitine F. KELLER. N.E.-Mielikènelégil,ý srù in sileil a F1-il., Advocate. A V, F.Iýy ,dplelljitl aseorti T n]iIl(, tý,o Iwrs ILtrIlvare Store, in N '0 T 1 C E NVhItI)ý, .1,11V ilýagintýrtliattliev mu never falle. 1IINIATURIýS OFFICYtt.-I)r. Rolm-rt 1'. Iloward. Cltib and otiler 'à ý'Fw p,&ý1 lirý,ek Street, sutith litit lit, ill juitt r-.Ceive(tanil formule ýqnïI. Relit. llt,),i 'r'sie. Aliply ou the ANIE iiiýatli(ý ciii-lo-nire ilf the Sitle- -WILD LANDS. L(-ýC.KFTS, BROACHES Aý_ÇD C lécrilwr, oit L.,i: 1;I, it Gon. vf fît-ork Atï'Fzm-tVhith%--Mr. J. Ilain Perry. Ikw- CO. on the 2!ltli il' !a,,. il LIGIIT in the nianvilleMr. 1). Èi-dicr, Ontario Hnýk. Port Plaie Warme 44 IZ E. Y i 9ooo Acrý,.4 Wild Lind fier -lule on libienil :ýM IIouný of i>icrat'ýtig froin 9 1.11111 walAi, Merchalit. .5 1 The owlier cin have nei iv, proving lrý)li(.rlv rn-, withont regiard ta the %ýe-tther. VARIFFY (if flalidétorne and jiLýiiw IF. 1 JI A Very lisefal artivlfi Wliltbv, July Qý 1la"57. 0-51, 1 - JtisiCre(-eived hv 111ISCELLANEOUS. pit-turee or notÃŽ he -will nt ail tiiùe» bc happy to FOR SAI, ttiem. Jkock, N,,v. 57. 44 1 TWO GOOD LOTS : CABINET W.AREHOUSE. ýM0NE'Y TO INVEST. Whitby, Noetiiber littli, 11357. 4-3 NOTICE OF PARTNERS111P. Coal Vasis, Rods and S ici. Two expellent, Lots in thýýýown of seleetion of the l:, leV IN I),ýz 0R (;I')(ýD NF F orl-I)IIiitiiug '-tacot II:Uet. The FROIX 500, TO $6.00H gocialjit, Fil give natice tllat abilvc Dýts'arçé in, and beatitirtilly Pittia- nxIèd and llaii&oiiie Fi : T l ltrliuv litive tLîý (Là % (.11". iiito l'art e"lllp ý.1t recciveà and for sale C. COOKE, as ri ted T IIE saliscriber bégre to infonn the inhabi- Offle-13 If B. Veýliiirr, BTirrîst.t-r nt TFICUS LIRER.412 I;ý Itfcr, IéFý% if- Lýti?,her JI'.-i-rhîlniR, ; . tants (if WIIITBY. and sur;ouuditig catin- 82 For fortlier particulariti apIlIy to i try, that he,,isits taken Ù)c Réjori on ertK-ýk-sL, Ulider tile btýI(. of ir ays 1 Trayi tlie F' inpf Albr- fornierly J. IÉ Th tais. m Tr PARLEY9S 1111.14T-Ili-LACK INK. Vitidiii.- & M. FARQUHARISON-, ai (41 REATvarietv Port U,()Pe. ýe- DAO IýERRI A-N' A RTIST, Travs. V Y.M' host article in lise. Wholemale and willM be nuiv lie fonnel reillIv ta, -'Wait U >ln those 1 foi $ale îSiIigIe and in Set, Retait by 1 septeniber 12, 1 357. it l'Y. Nvho illay lkv'ç;r bilai aéýfi11 for a ' liertrait of LHV JOHNSTON, 1 wav oftýe tstltoçving 'Ilille Ire, 1857. ENTABIolSlIrED IN Iffl é, 41 King 'Rrert, conter « To TIIE ABOVE, i Àmbrotý'Poit, Cainentyrsèq' -reptype% Ain- Janriary, 195S. Brori- Street. IN R1,FFRFNCý, brc«mpli-, fiegtter,&raplià tin'a fi*ýmght&. Te *%Vllithy, 47 V AL U A Ili L IL> PROPM IrY SALE it, ý;iiIxcriher las, mince thie, late Ore, ru l We hegr to înforin our frieiiel., and the publie Ke- Alpto, LeRther filin Papor Trilitidèm nerally, that we litiveI gl)etieel lui, (l, 1 , etinal te) T111t; his Corner of Brook and IIENRY J. PHILLIPS, illice here for i any in the art. U and fiee. Strec.tit, whem- lie t4tillzýemtinties te i the trà bnctiosi of *Il butreltiefrirs elitritsteIl ta lis ag 1 MIS PROPERTY 'l'é, PLEASANTLY SITU- , DIRM S A" ME t)izrE MANUFAC- T uteil in tho Town of Neliltby, 1 J AMM 'X, CL ARKý -turo all descriptionm, of 0 Siiil)iliii,,, Fonvat-Ilin, aiall (itneral ou Brook street, direetly opposite Ilitidge Btirh- P 'tntIt (i.iélf.ýwa. Pianos of Agnts. Also a4LItiliber Yard for the rece t Sýfa81 DRÉGS AND-MED All and sale ni flim4ipr f>r Local or ntlii,>r Urlifé, two - fltth*- of un 1 41 ait a still IaM Çash soli acre of lAtti(l, with uhoitt 14 1 moi 1 m or geale than ever, and hopes Ipstritnieu> welrautell. Sold Clie-ap l'or atid ive trurit by pronipt att'elitiola to alrinatters feeU frofitage, 011 4; by strict attentionio busiucot%, toirnerit a @%bue Pianos Ttiiiedaii(I'Repair plueliel iii our hands, to iiierit and obtain their wilich im ereeted a 1 SALES. 1 ne' liblie patrniingp.. ed. i ýý il; lyell know _ il by the inliÀbitants of this T his eustorners and patrons Fier Selle (ilkeiiiT, soille beautiftil 68 octave.-, eoitfidenee and support. COMFORTABLE BRICK COTT.,ýNIGE, section of the eoiintrvý woondunmS of the liberal ,Wbole 111(,'týItllie plate. 14, ALBRO et VINDIN. with sultable olit Bi1ùà Iýe, ý4ý" iscituellit W il gýjrAII Ordors aftéendod punetnallv.-jO uhleh Iw ballibeen fuvorod, Ari Port Ilope, Dec. 24 1>ýtT7. 413 of Water' and a Cilétern, together with s'rifain- Joas ou the promîmes ft)rtxjçrýy lier (if vahiable Fruit Trees Fur further pard- 1 ffl f. TIILL erri,-woiii say thât h »AKERV AND CONFECTIONARY, Dissolutition of Part July 8, 1857. 2,5 lille Il. 0 1 uership. etilars apply to 1 ed with the largest liýd mýnim WIIITBYi W. SITAW, on the premi 1 ses. C 0 1? Y IN S. sIrOCK OF, ýPURB N'rHOLVISALE AND YtETAI" OTICE 6 liereby ý,1ven thüt the Partiteri-hip '%Vliitliv, Feb.,, 10, 18157, 4 gliEnipres SALE OF LAND. Of' every detýeriptiôniyet offen lieretotore exi.,éttiig between the under- Town of Whitby. IIE un lersigiteil 1-4 prepair to stipply Town ied as Grocers in the Town of Wijitbv an- FOR SALE IN TH&TOWN OF& C-OntItY Of Ontalio, SATURD , AýY. TII E gtil)eriler bègs to ù1fîjrni tliellnhà bi- chemieslsj tPatet Madkil and et» 121111 the iffrm of J. Nourite & Co., lum beillui Te wrr 1 ; ' Twe dgy of; T 'E tintry existainerle %vith Bakery ilonfec- 1 . th!,& 1 wu liTiffy. 1 S l; rrtv-third tant,; of Whitbyz and. garroandiiig coantrà IklubïBiý paints; Oi1âý Dre-,SttLt daydimsolvec1by mutual consent. Jfpufiýr 'r -,t, at'tbd liotir o tu1èIvoý o'cloýtk that lié Jiltils relomninenSd. b'Llà !llcs:4 à Ilie 01 tionary I)f all k e pkWielang and FaM1jý l'triose -1ads, of the best quality. Dated this 7th day of Jannary, IS58. 6ilin dnhe stand$ corner of OTSNOS. 2, and 22. TIIEY ARE S7P GROCËRIES AND PROVISIONS, JOS. NOURSE. Town of M'hitby* the, audernmtioned lands BROOK &_ CObP>ORYB L ate - ý1 on band large. atid foll etock. IýOokatitandcomPare 52 H. J. BOSWELL Cochranc's and LyùiWiCiêèký - with the teneinentt.theraon, seized bY virtue of Wherè lie will Mmufaetur«,.aM keep. > aùclc the I)rjcei-. W-rits of ed -ont of _Uer all dlM-.rîýtions of Conins, ýOf. diffèrent sue,%, in r- of ill kilida, "aeciýmtely campc Coüntvi a lier au TERMS 1 LMUAIý JH *1 Ùd G» A R S ÃŽh û1t, 9114- 1, nisbed,%vith Breast Platesl,« efwhate _JçJîtI4ý - tel the latest iinprovomtTrts Ã[w t -MM P-RIà LS. Application to bd niade to ing gDjt» 'ujý - joliti iffilai I'forry, Plalri e. 1 6ydored. BUIL Darliel 1. Îýýk e1cf.ndéfuit If ail k»tiitl,ý4, elold wholesule by the box, or MING -mRS. XNot.LT", 1VFSý Plià iitie, m. 3,luiliel. T_ i iUv. Lot, Ziii: etwôbbe" ou Darlingtnn. W3L THI.. Y>8 TER ýs LIME 'Xola SA94. intereut i ýa to 'Cliiietiail Offêiing"ý1eaà copy until forbid. aU f4t cartaiu à 1ýOr tract Of1alia alitl Iwe- of 0,yste, Whftbý'juIy 1, IM7. .,Veelal Agent for the sale rs, wholeilialle -D DURIN.-G TITE! MeQA»iinate in tre 1Tôýiîîm,4âbip of Reach Cortats the euti or k-eg. nONSTANTLY ON IIAN èd f art ofiýt Xi, JAMES BATRS U ensuitif lépritig sud "'ý[ILLItUer FrasIL Bilriit FOR SALE, of Ontario, being compw o p Conouièsion of saitl Ton-iiislilp c;f y i Linne w i will bc mold for Cash Only, nt 2s Gd 1 NEMBER OF 117,71101CE LOTS IN TIR by adituelafinrevient balf -an Port Whitby. per Irrel. A Town of Whitbv, beautifially taituateil in ý8@pteraber 1 6th, 1857. iý1nd may ýý oiliarwisre kbown à 6 follows, neVarniii MKATHEW 7 C ART,, fthevîçinîty'of the ke&, trins Liberal.- A LARIffl , ['Apply: te, à t w1wre a poi,4t hail F, -t]6, No. 1 Onpal, Sape Uniteniable Te!%timony. tite Frý-1t(-h find Fýngli4h iciq i fi the (*rit Il ea 111lVe th -ir ovni (If ()';Iittliciit. zî_ý th,. 11j'illlit. ble ' z ffIr-s.tl)rc- ents. stabý' artfl rniti- It is al"4, luýzéd I)Vth Mlig-d of Iixiv;.NT IN' TiiK Fý)I Invins, Sort,.,, (if j.ýji jjjj(j%ý eretirîztl >;r fit tl,(, SOT 1.0le-1 V. -J YOI-1- -und the U k d iltifi tfie î;ý"' Thure iS Il saviii, b' tak-In sizes. y &ejtjon.î f-r the gn;d.Liiee of patieutj, ven.- discder areýufri\e(l t,) elle], b4jx. NýFwyojK ç7lox trýtter-mirk in every Jexr'ý'f tz-c-1 or x mav b'! pLiiilly seert it'q le e d anv one rendtring h infuraittim iav lewl to rite detftti6ii-of any party or pu cjýwjtc-rt ýi1 iiig the riieiieine.e. Or vei;à iný the e, knt)%viit-i, thtnx to bc. sienrieus. 20 ýj--î4î10 eNÉI)IC.4.1, DISPENSARY FSTABLISIIED FOP ME CunE OF ;enerlil PeN, kr-er and 0151 Ampurity of 'it Pilex, È_j,.1ncrý - aýjQU age, le DR., AMOM & Sox, >N Er OF MAIN AINP X. r. IN arc of Le Il eloe'. Il tilf'. ln-imîn,, mitil 9 at Ilighýý ý:un. state and symptoni gi I)L,4eum'. he t.re-1t:iit-lit tiley iviapt L-i tbe m-ait-à 4Wý de of 60 Veurs, e11eeez-ýfLI1 % in Lýoric[oit. Tite imest-invete S'm érafflcate:ýI in 8 iri 9 e1m d casm ý_-ht imtitre in 2 or :, davý,-nt'a n c e ge. Tite lente etfeetetfwithont TAXE PARTICUtAR NOTIM hëré ig un evîl'liabrt goutôtinleis ilà solitude, often growuxr- up irith n te manhond -, atil whieh, if nilt Wformed',--, ýne fluie not ojily beg-ets serions obstiSW 4,oe uw of those Who give wýv to, thi> penlicieir tice - aré swâre, &r the una , thifl the nervons fystein -etiattcred, he-- mi: and unaeeon&ab1ý and vaitu MOSIr SCIEXTIFIC m m. mmsTIO, n instrument for the cum of genhal, Debirq uecturnal mo» proFerlv kDffl L-Mitill weak)le"* &c. ean be pelýnanentll. J in front fifteea to twolity &vm. by, the ud -eymirent, when u.qï%dcýnjoiiitIy wiW- ltitle.,4. XEIV ltC34Ft)YF-,; AND QUICK CUBES n AmO-3 & Son take pleasnre in itrinouneing- thev liave inventL-ýl a ilinst 1:1 rtant la iticA for the eure of the above dî",Z" it beùn stibje«ed.te a te.,t by the m-ýt emiurd la uti(ign, Pari;, lIli lmlCII)IIia W Yoik; it bits beel, doclitretl to bethe 0* ni. instrument ever yet dLýeovcred for dî of Senillial uny disemse of 66 W orgms, cawý-_d by the sécret habitz'il- 'Linos & Son, in ordèr to satistý- the to the meriU of their inAtrnmi«4* ze tiiew8elvem, that in anv iià ý,tancù wbies 1nýy provo aiter a &ir tri4 iloUey W111,11-le reftinded by returning » .ýuinent in good order. rsonz; xishiriR the above-useffil ine4l&niM observe that the price, with tbe wwà %o> limetions Pecurely pocked and mnt-&40'i 4, îý ton doiiam »EWÀýRE Or brPOSMON. 9-Beware of Empiries aýd itinerant seirmovl- - 'rofenorwwho attemptcur« but nover 80-, 4LImag Son 'V'eforal ,an lù. 1 y *ho la fwe ýt0 cure -ons in any part of the-W.. add mjç,7ý am eïr case, ýçý 'or T1ý A-,:- t 8ý l' wmtbyoj , lýby, it Th( ;ýný! 14ý lon re 119 joi exovIlciii ,rhe LOt IUýr0' TYR %l.--i bil, ý!i1 ý1 d"Q Il. Cic Igtlail ce to Flût, tilt, pà ,myén obi a largo ripp 1