-4 * 'rB ITEY URRONIe TrHUfiUDAY MORNiNGs fils », 0 8CRION TO TflE Ib = vill be 81 ptr aituni, * 5vzs~ibesqu*~ oId. À libral imooeu"*owdtthiats amd Kms In D- se ud 15 01 l idq 1 Lt rist- lt-aS t-f - us-six le luit gissis listintu htibi Lbiez:~i& Wt 08155Priftted irords, gi-caL ihongistaanti umtIniug iudsstr-, us advrec eo Progreas, Ks.lsdieg Dretlerhýo&d VOL, le WHII z te Uîryread be esies-y u- luse t risl uiW s- ti te nieinsuy, saisses- r PETER CARMICUA.EL, Te ah. eEllecton rs ethLie sentis iing 0# ulve *itud nos be»eou-s In this AthN.â.,WCTWNiI ie Ccnnty of Ontar-io. verts ortisukiril ade- oIBuock.Oassauvs-e-Panliament lsaving busen dim- 6hes (illpleel..ss in l asiadus l aveti, yaum m'lli ostliebe aIed usparute cxei-- eN Impber .m. dacntiulunl l armA. PRINGLE, tie your ighe ai fttmlnclim,astid eeea meniber wiesrWd buiaot1msîusll arei- ERu lIANT TÂILtji, BRu 5<K STREET, te i-Epres.msî your luteresta u insthLeglalèf hu MI ~'IAxembly; leteen milasineaslm, If r i %trtlvil le et ho i-tek ofthie FPsu Ifswr* w eîunld-'ss - lviusg hoeu soliomti by ma=y nIdta-lnda, THOMZ 0Y19RL14 astis nuniher Oai inlnntil i mum Inuthis Ridîsîgi îî1GIooîS MAV'iEIIIOFFII&<'uO. 1 TRNA IeVgc% RMI,,1 te alow mrself te lie Pût lu9 nomiation as a - ~ ~ ~ Whty '(1.DE, c.&iORENSTIe" Gla"d"dm -t'-Orsmurefi-agmaI tees iL my duty f Wistbyt. W Whitbr, Q'.W, tow ti "ser r asi ýBOOK AND JOB INTZURNAtiOIAL t10,rtL, tt5actiftty-fobe ra-, the ote% piche IPRIwTzwG E9T4SLIUMUNNT. TEAST MAR'EpI' SQ4A'I<, TORONT, ii-mch 1Ihaveid and ce and thme ussime Janms asthess, i-opieto>i. 42i ihielhahve Pns-eed ams-e mlkniawn te y'u lmintPROI'RIETOS-0opTMM Wm1T -- - _&IL___ Mi l fwdene and thse lierittiuil suake j'iCsacmt,l, "ouiîd rMPeetaill ntermtise RAtIÉ9q5 nOT191, wh1h oamot, Yen, ai- t îutimsut gisaaii publie LisM Llsey havè rýi4 ie rd-maceni ftié ses t .~ORNER OF FRONT À1A<"t<mn È ee 4 tieniaI u sc--witm whipsh, wimetis-i Modrnatle o T pefrinNe Y rk iiià - un Pelrîlaunseuit ir cutlist it, I1ssaîl tiîiszu'ti'.- isn'.imnt$euolyp f-ars -to Y rk ii C)d- . St-muts, Tosrsomto.-tris m- u-' îmnnusîe tise Jsrsgreu- susli s-r- o6,t La thlt uroffie, suimd aciml515r5tito etiit-mtt' '---ý - *»- - - t- - elfi'aniisl~nastiutis ]BOOK ANhi) JOB PBI'd'l'GI- MANILIAs IIOTEI, ~I 1ss.m0ilhae-the tise lus-munir-,s-'s~'- of emerv 'sieuriptls-, simnd gui smtete irt s-c -r k _ 1 iurt-Su. I'lsi Marimui s 'n ists ,- :v- ut as the- thmtk andi tiin s 'î.-'.rs nsi 1 ipea-îor-syl t ti ImO sss-'.s-t - -uss Isrr. but&itmsmn, ms;.'u/suts-s5 ' a-- s î1o lae s' IwvA neto sfgiuun aft'eefIisni tht - rs'xis-.ir i'isn-u ll s Pt 17(V A (A 1?!) P T~I-YSii'S ! 0usdGo"lxI sistirstiiras î'IIerlt su-. îrrt-sçpt-tti'se Of ts"rsonor i--'--1' t o-itltvfs ' 'raleitîseuvit, mý imrmissmrut c rd end i<'r- -- tlercsn lus th ii, msmnsis stlus-ilu, s ,nîii- uam'i-ui5s-îitiss.snismuisi' tn's haseON~TARLO IO TEL, - ney einiu le nis rieis h-ts-s-li- :s sluitisuei-, &,..mmi'lii s ii gt t v er> lira i (il' î'aiull:îsmt s'srsreu s- 5us mli qnmeitissUsèiusf aea i-. isttrs-,1 imil -t imte. Iliiii. m i nîi l'us imrrm-4i- l nt s thI l sr-I f j S-s '-,%vSIe ie5 -r--'ts'iss-' -sI i r iivrüufibu'numsî j tu-n 'siimfs'rimn usIsl, s-i -- 1ui-lt-C55P1 muid ut tront thes'f's'5tris-ss-s' - -- urss-f wmuintetliutstot-eet notice. ;I 'if Mi s,-'- nof th"-.ls-i t' l mttîî,MAIIiIi il-FIl & u-sHUIRON Niiss.aî'qtîîilustt>tuu -ss t.-',s- t7î'ssm fl- lii', w lslit , i .W . r- ilsT- n i i 'S rtti 'sl widptmduu 'sf~ --s-iî5sr-' - tilt,'Pi s-%'Vilittus- ausl4l Inkt Ihîi-sslsi s-ss-ss juini ise nutiflel lscIsle votes'Ii " lu rtuî1îî 1 (M arKE4 'S IlOTE., u-udlidtei -iu-s-tsr. s-Ith, 'ise 5 s 1 1, #A3IEU lt-t~ItM, ~ LA t-sis"INiuss-T.EM I ails-su - (;001)r.. C Ilt fn mulise î,v- u-.1_ U 11rl (ttîsEI s' 'l'îlE m tN IY & SUIROGIATEtsiuss-ssssssss si 01ic a 'stna tui'tit tls'.<'suirtlots-se, .O R ) I TE .ls Sitt NES) RC1E'NOIfl'-5 î, sfl il.l \~-~ ,îu .n-.ss s-nît s"t u i t-s' t- usi YCi K I "u'it'rON BlA> is-fr UT wir u-is-ussiit s luri;'tA . DOW NI Ni. l' it ETs sI, MhEu KSu . 5f s-isu siI'r'ist -mu ulo-the 'si sut' -of - 'is'Il', Ill1C, J. oli MAiiW;1DONELIsoth .i1t . i:I T-1 JsOUXN Vil HAM, ' ONT)RIt) IlOT CI uu suîs snsssss-'s--uî, i,ts's-u! ' ' usNN sl tI'A . I. 115s'hl1s iCiI -- K iisut17u ts i s'.i-stu s ' - u- (' ,îEli< OFTsi"ý4' Il 'sL i' 51f.%Il iis-t ' tis r ':m-s.iiu 'r ,s-- C hiesi-sti-ur or th Ii'- 'err-ss-gite Cl'ssus-i. it ntu-. u .'r-si W - 5.ii55 sssi i-i ' -u t qs- ' rst-n,- 5sss îu. I u-s fis 4t- hu.-5iiss Of<fice, lBrMl t'usS t-55.i-" 55 ss ssta u- ms' usss' u s-. - I 5 iS "ns t' ~ îlli ;its l mt-i'ssuin' mtis"-teu,'s-- J. IltIe 'V113t'titN, - C<E Rc E 1[Ol)IEi, .i-s"--s- -r-nsuîettJoisl. 1 it-l t t st,s-Us s-m 'uIlst:N.IiE IliS:'s 15,"uN INIsuN i F EI l I -NT TI'utlil Vs\NI)"5li'TTiI sa-s 'f tise C t'ssîisi , t .f'-strsubis- li iii-r 1 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~la Vî--sî.1.ii's-s -us'u-ts sî'i.it ssl uuttissism--iis.s- lsuus sull fud I issu' -î -- --- - - - issiims-su 1'um ls it-.t--i susms 1is i %V. PAXTO<N, Jr., FRANKIN MOIsSE. f"-'.'t s isiim' ls-fi.sultim, arnd shliil lusi- lit- ir-lus F-AT i)Iit agi ïulE SiT 'itîlEosuextuT s-iis- lit.,T e f-i IV' Ili H. J. L~ (iI.I ITs uî . iLElil-.01, l - i>s"VNT W. IITDBAN, J. W . IL R MYI, 1 ARUISTEI %1% VFI',) F-AL T ' New Bis-lck fie, rck Stli. i &c. &s.Ns-sus-. 4w . - CitmermD, iacdouel & Dartnell, t-onulii m0 i 41 W LIMPOWSON, (lONVETANII-t &e,&di, MANCIESTEIt, r)WY<ll.Kf <AND TREASURER.OF- W. 0. EAKTWO()D, A*. . &X. D. * -- »R-.I. W. CLARK, ~- l3ROlt.ON A(i'(s-s)l't Il I-Wit, & C U I S for thu Céft.'uutsf smtsm' Dr., CIlECKLEYt ýr.>SIDENC, BROCK STREET, TOWN-OF liW 11it1)býs-fflty ai Ontucie- - D-OVL]ENTliT-OEFICE SN I ROCE (4Stee ,k-tr- J. liig(.IoluW's5Store, sud opposite f - Ifgittyu.ftl.At ouujeratiouis warmmntt-d- E sisi-one, aisfuir ti-al.1 AMOS W. CRON, 4q£CiIITEUýT, CIVIL ENGINEER, AND 4Estate Agent, s-hilstbY.___ -J.- FJOWD BEAVEN, ' finT-cr AND CIVIL ENGINEER, Du>milme s ltreuut, Wbltby. Etaatitîatos ussti SU, Il irids ot*f mmiurisig work carcatillrstteu- 51J4.4IÇPE C ORO, or of 5 f nl in thOwi ia Y VWST ut.,BROCK 8TRWI, i IPAPER RANGER. WFE M'Y, C. Wb, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 241 1 love thme Ladies, eneri orne. I lov-e tise ladieq, cm-ci-y on@- The lanighing, ripe brunettei Times dark-eyed damgliters îsà tise mas, With tresses black as jet. W 'lmat mat ui-e in i -r garces glow It Ricbis ai ts Liseur choekeseoe .And ini tli lettie dtnp1tt tht-ie, Younmg enmfliug Loi-e repose. i1love the Ladies, os-r ne. Thse blondes tsa staind fmr, With 'ooks so rmitd snd lan4iimmsillig, Ahd Ti-igtt smd golden lttsir. 11I'i- l' li>re-t-e iii, -'lli tiitforume, i1-ss-the -1if" -V 'u.. .Us-'-hc i.i 'lis- ,is -i-m1s-'llt s e 1"' aius -s rmsrr'su mplaceu i S s- 1 ,V - --~ iuts iîi si Aled uss-ithe l-ssri-- Liî.I - 1iist't i,5555-1-oi- î5ss~i.~ ,sssIi-- i - s s -i - -s' jSivlilasiumerl-s sud Fsusuhî. lt cn sus-t partiu' of c'evîicswlsîcm sosiety impsssv-. e Iis. u1i-mmnlive ilsuis ti yinia>' ,lc as Us-y Ilise-slrt-ss in amy ihahit or iri tiris-I -itmi hamem-reiy tiseir oit-n uisies an-dii guta cts'it. TBut as' Soors W uuens lice tugerhser, tht-v are under fiserie- o-fssiy i rsulting c-mcimotisei's cpi- rions-tissy isaue ta i-retri-in thermisci ves imn cc'rLùin tsn-,ansi t obsenve ct-itamn isuges srescrli'.bis-the tîmir bitman lue- ilx [)S% vV. i . 1 N5 - lmsiu u u p 1-illtsu(s~ i f ils s 11 'u1i rsus i ,uu mît sut titim. 1 enlsc itiunturs, and -Et'f. its 'i ii tti . iuiFflI slussd 1li'.'r-tit isi. :1- '5s u sisis. s. .H ~ utu!s l"susu B el» ssE-.ss.s -L - - lr i ui-. .15 Sssi siss-s-'* i. unrý 1. s.'s- .sis ',' > IL-, t' - ru s wLl, i Si rr in ms-sas-h' 'utun i C.ws-,s itussu.r int (ifNil.ol % STEUid l'SS tN"Es~il'f iuit>ltsus : rL '- ru-mu-u-o-Assl 1m. At fsrst uigit it ~~~~~~~~~~W s:0..Y.i N ll su N'mli'i. ft's- -. 't 7, ~s 's 1- 7. 4'7 uuîsi: - s us'ir i iipo-itle l u fi-muce limc rils' tîi-iiui--<-smissstusifsor tisw Trss.Jiss.i î-p",s- s-.cf eti'1sss'te. ANrste a 'mrliarumtf auss Ex.-'lsi s.tmslss msulms m i-ui s'-5's-f' Nt-ort'hOntaio. i-i-i'-fSTelrtht-e evlogume, ta tîme ame cotarison cf NorIs Ouarlo.soure; -anti yet re liaise aîmîy 10 gp sntifi- 1 N1ijST'fEl'FTW11.1IVii\- I\s'El ('l ...IX2s¶EN, - HF] Nt; 01.-ZtTSII ciertîs'far bat-k te ascertainthsuthir- r'i- i-t- . e -t- s s - t.) '----- ir5a fr - cý;ien ial. Iru early sgt-sç, amunms aiti sAM El~uîutv,:îYî -thse1 I'iiliit peoipol, tie ut-oi Dcuty, ('iief, andilas- ItlI4 fia -;tea lvi- ý11 e o tise Ceremîisnnicss-, asidemsttal. flie 'A - t - i-'mis-'t. I sIt'n ilu us-mu ru-~--tfmii 5alssnuu-i -lt ii-il nations nbtaiuied aif(led, item-" cf Ile ______________ - t-ans- ic Lt.mmt msus,ýi c rs- l î%téliU>-s- a yotUN(dI AN.&AflA mAtsOOfq, t(imîm'î.lî'mis' si- m vur Itruir-u-udest kiusl. F:uii tribe 1usd it- ast-u STEEWITIi'u. lV N. A. T-'im. tt- Iy i s' slu' sprin m1,1-" .,I ises-I dtetbe; ei tehbto m'%,reiw tt, FeI-til l ,1L.i. nir, - ti -ubrsastiumg fthat I lrgns s r i-ater thscr i.u sslki'sat' i i ' -.s-tle.' - - trie v tais- jtvitnalivirmi utrmbodîmcis-o t is iu -ý- fgreastuet, iencoe s ms i ADBI.I'fl, un-- s;tsy, 'ciin"i .,s 'ts lx s ises-à 0' îs ja i emstt'iyer, a 'as-niai-, stro!'u,- ansi s-sss-si'sst-r-iss-l-i-s --u-s-sr".s-"ussi' irauer-fuL lise originiahofitis gs.i uni-s i : s. -t -'is' ams-i.sis. ss mcdsu lisu i-s---i -lt- R.-s- li inmst cases a nemi chisef or kircg ilic liai] Ts's't".s.'u-sLausuiee , ssrrd .i 1.uslts'(-uerniutt ulus it--yRî-mrýrs,. t1se be-en fanions iri battIs. Tiieall tise ean aeassmm. s .s~eiutnîI feriuresý. imel-eusîm- Loisims kirigs tii'ehfield duscPidaitf ai thse gode, 4:! j'liAN EANDMliERt N. 1i',suureil, andsl ,tlîes esicny tntd t'iltteri-d tts5sit-s - hoas thse diri 'ig ii d iiilgs yet - -- _______ fatn ,'.-i nusî51-si ls-m -t-tt-it"iil-'l. t-iiii5' altuu-ctler dismiont fi-t-manièn&sSt usý. In NAT'IIONAL IIOTEL, Lt- mstsp- igei'-uii's issm-nctstsail tise Eastern ratiouis, as mi-t-ll s.,;msan- pir s1.utiflY l'uuA -I I l'UN ' ' PRO î'.fc'v ailier s1irsU-.' i.ii steiv bs-eu dent ',l.W R Ilià tIL-im its-eli tise krg.naris iere ru,' -i- ist usus eeimunsfai'iumaiitis-di-srs-trl ~P-t~ - ai-..>'u S-s exs---formnei ont oi tise isaieu onitise gade siss)ýe lluut-I. Rsls i Mele- ill fintsiira litel to e s-iliv iw. s---tîat is, af theleeIip fapei euunnisut itiid '.-,umnitmble loiius. 2 I Tîsa tZuiicii -'f tlme lBr-lîi'it 'sr-'icuu Ir-as-iuî- ie her-c g' ais p va -- -- - - - - ~ --j t-Ces-1 ttv N.tY sAti s~'ss - eus niieh glmf % -isai Lie people had defieti. A. c. WILSON, - s-st-k s-i'-PlCI titi l u'esJs-s' I '.s-u-iieit-1uen, b> Tius gavesrsment iras originally Lisat ai A.C IIES Il APq-ss s m ml su sut1 wria r-l---ils-;t'lit '1i-s ercuilis hem-ts toi P xIluss tn îssi -iu 'tsilu-s itt:trt.u--s s-- us,,ui thee,- s- imari, irisa terivard8 litcamus ug.Pmiutm, )1etias-5. uity.la j'1; lm d-,ssuî f- Mt-mier. siwihsire-fetisih, anti -as citetias a god-hscde- pei-limmiri.us ci Siit. u'uimtewsiit. a-s ifr-sut-misi riutniu, and tîsuuste ezt-ulîlsh tise Aiiits- scendautq rIgning in lis steati, andtinr- is.mIit al-u tt. 1 s ,5-Vliî-.s~n~u~sn ilu 'inlamm-sum- i"ptm.iili geance in Su poprt ai hie nutlority. And - - -- e~Ifniv nietiiuteumssi s tti i 'rci 'tisas law anti i-eligion irere onssnaliy cm- J. '%V. C.1LDWELL IBROWN, iisunà Mfuuemdy, andsisle lwsu>s. eftive.-k-niuor.the ,çsltNVEANSEJIss.,'IsMI$Sts-NRIN Tis a Reçuaicf the le lutiticusUnion, i sa-s-bodieti in tise cisc ie hegoti-knot t -i '. P. & Il. Il. [iu, iiissn(,urit Agenti NAT. I'à ruu u et-roi aq rt-il bi-fuirt-the- Fi--itlgoti-tescentietior god-appaintcsl king, Lise &Ci. (Mcfle-mus-dus-rs-rtii mflA . ILWceks' t'nruIlhInps-ue «i'siic I fi-t-d usnit tiuii- emtunti- Las-d's anunairtetiandtihie niccregerit ci h>iusg Soe ibIl<. W. M lv, Itnhu'eItaigy deur fuel- eliper anis'ty. is eavcu downte Lise msodcirn fumer by di- - nueeil ino Yankee liaIlot-'hX ox ta5trt-ei filue traire r vine right. Law anti religion esaie te ho misa seekI forshsusu iisre-4pset-ibiSirm te li ct-assi RUTHERFORD & SAUNDERS, n-y, iumder tisetecicurd elsultai.fmuuiv tc-I'issus--s régisdeti by tlise people as equaaly sacreti, (Lune J. avarEs,) Tu> Rep-eeucti-ar h Puv 1litsa%- ciiYEA. anti legl andtiuitgai iree eltias sîmuost T AI L OR S, & C-* But it is-it nuit stand i; L ua uurs tuImIn«siliit-su'- ryiioiiytuous iitis riglmL anti unong. A M-)ANID 7j4. KING STREIET' WL13T, W-ing ,eesre--ow, nuikel andui uis-re. 'erritsru sepms'itiom iets-cen tise civil anti spiritual @1-- icP. 4 Kn treWerttla iîî nst issuaduhet. muid lii-u afgirl-bu.u-'gi-- ictionss al tise uiing pôwer gs-dualhy i-smmtt-iS' 4~iîiui Ait-l 1C, ts-stisun aniditmt'liu'sus-sis-suiuid. - took hplace ; priets exerciset tise latter, - s-u siX5~ît-ttflic î- Criisestn~eses-i» santi kirig, aussif Ieis-agentesLime former,- uit E<)R~ E MOTTiun assr.es-sunimuselinst-is -lent sthe iuTt lIc thiislu- tîme civil pao-en gmanully Iieeoumn-ncoi-e A'l>1ilIZ .ANI) ll11l-SMAImE-, &C., eiance of ail l'irissiaurit-i,-.uufl tit-li h-secuisîr :tisdSgii t-vsn in Ps-alestent Es;- mur-uslu "1 sîs'stsss--isC--uuit Esusomm, aiure I ilet-luhlm LmaI landustaef, amd Vals, rshe, ailif s--j regrdeti y tis mu isrgo -5 ii it5i. sand us-usr% t-hrmeis, Muss-in lfii' aur " irmsttsmt-ii iii iu 1s-r-rifus," itisi 1mwiLs dchier fîmiea- ocate b ai ftise ui i a i l i l . r a i ' . i s t -, t h es a u e m i t u y e b lD 5 ha - , g l a d bW t ! l u t f e I i b r u i n y o a i -e t - y I e i t u a d i î î i i s u u t s l . imus-st ut Itrioklii 9flue lisashd*cf ccr i->' r.Then ont ai lai anti rehigioni arase Mas- N. KLE1ER WlEu t crh U,,OA;ll551â is.tt t- ) l s-s-sîfi uiue IM fi-st fbris oai ' tgobservici-n U pii Si(NN OF IIE u. LARGE WATts-f," thei fcamsaiv stc isreisieeLC in ieiri Mi5ihl1TE1 F s W il"NATCIIES 5& JWLR, To sefi!il; c id ert elleustIf tii Li s-astesîcln tote mestroer' i; an-tmc gnd.kirig. Ivictoria Bujildingt, Kingg Street, Iloitan_ _Immisiiuof titeu'iontrsiyLemîaisici, Isy YEA ITlie peopliti uspeakimg of or te lhius-kin ville. .. Isula5iomn *il] gmt-e us 8 i'iugth atîrný u ls-usi 5510f tîh everne ecmig N.I.-Wtt'mm~- isuks iudewtlnryli'OislIyweainii nt house. Luts-I il-u t h ii; fic-,au-'aurst-t l 'ti -itrnd eomn replire-iu. surely isuefenable ta te trearc miJdeiu; ivitligoti. " OnurLaid Lime King" le a phr-ase _____________ vies» aistibeenu'for ilsiihsin iotnis- sud is-itîs stililusescrred mi ion, us,-ncw a uses- J. C. STERLING, iue pent op uilt-en, ant i uleaittiviy mhes, sî- formai ai spes-ci, but oiginalîy a livngi UmiTIO RER.A I>U>LiîJAR 510K gesdeinmg monwtsfm a pohîtute ciii- simospliere. fiLlm osf Mr. sterlirntusueuio ults ake pt ii-Menmberao sseiPs-fimu.m- spimiutve ages ebuiredi in tisaise ho ibis otfice, uyQshtealu hu MtmtnnSense, noure, iad sîre aise hiletias I"Lords," st-tU ho ati-eruied i t the tritest p ual e-'n4oumtsCent- ni .bs-asiAt--em,oi-Ioimge-- belongiri as Lhiey didi'te tise divine race ty. lau tiir ltt u.Rsdst-tmf- cd Aeses*,hbut broelAbility simd loung. uidisity.('rdm-b tjtt*eet, s;,cr the (cout ie Russe, Wiitby. To ititif-ads andtirai' Iimprovciieiïius, I G - >ll, airers, t1flef; weie aliplicti W smy EA, e rea rmei~ssi-eptepc.flc very tut-n ai power ; smd nowirbumodesrn s WYATT'S JIOTDL, Divine Bu'ug whisa nled ffl trto this vwos-Id.ci Limes, tilles are giren as mnent maLtessol 'AU t3U'IhfTURE'S, WIIITBY. T IlE bmypste nve utide ist-ie ni-ile omplitment. Thse title oai'esueclire" il, ~ pssbm Nns Enu atiWeaLtimom smcle,-letcnds iLieiid'wscsconcae te eyoy n yIih it iby, stoP t tis latel. Every infos-uationisia ebuutilhsoeit-panmul, ehuussulste «en eryb o an4am tepri. giS etpüsegere-mi(isreimi Oethoi'salmusys ln pu hOhiuit ndes- a beeshel"Tise adtaud-i§tlll m i> i att~~ ueu mnu-"Lc s- tti ~stisiscc ~ . YAT1, ~ olly la exeisudedu anti ie muset mat-e cumard snmise gis-es hinu naisah-pesny. lThe D. .WATPorc ou ie trucrgonaci t sll u koltiecmplimnentas-y word IlSîr,"# seoften tissu set liber and îimprneentmIt h asl#emdy An as a woerd of courteýsY,le but thse worm sueLlieuluo am 1 a Miuteiaitor un Op- Ii t or" Lord," is an abbri-eiale r TOoHN *todà iTothi-sj1yIîh nldpndn O 's ortis 1uJioi-""Don," "Sig toNIE-A», PEOPRIETO TAXIS 1118 f botlu. 1maasn rMs e yasOjt ineumu- nién" uSeigneur,»anti >Sene', msedot0 mShyo, nt)ritlx ie fi eanbte, pIse -Wises ey arerees-r , elit ansd wisn tise emauiment in tise saie esrgin Pitulic ytht e coniiueied i-tIrir usemumanti piuilpl ImAlh fuidy ho- meant'- Lori-n uthe sasse ay. In - 11km nomis l im e abare p"onm ie trus<ts Limaihi& fore the oautsv,Imiltb e nAbleti toexprf mmanne thtie mords IL Lady" anti Damei' modeet'deig wMsan aststentinste iban>u opinsionm ujon tiien. Tise <pp4.4ti itV gilasm rimet a siseroai psriopstnomige. Il ll'.rougihy dsergmniz euh- h lb <nýoistotiandti ioagh rnoir cammonly-usmd,Wm LAW U0~Lbs-kea 1abel of mesfwffltito#ua, ,mitlu- origimllIy appled te momen of exalisi STEE w'S,-OENTu '~ r w~eh= 1 S U idé - ,'lanc > ô <tIti i ' 6AJIDIS -41de ot oasru- ae mi - ueaies f-loaiser,- @allet'g o _ ibf r o a oosliatlva'd-atb p,.156, "Yourmf ithfully, " whicb originally nient, ways of t1w oeuil tdeii own "your slave," or, in the Eiasteiii phraseot ideag of r, iorp lin of mure legy,I Ali 1 have in yonve" Somcetimea *h1m fclsirfer he ak we canclude wlth -,IlYour moot obedient of change, otfanonesilati frein êtlier servant," which le only another way of extreme to the. otber-a reign -cf UMages, saying the, saine thing,-little as we =aY witbout inceningi times without f1tneee, 0 tnean if. The wordi, though now niere <fflS*itiiouttaaite. And tbm, life, a la 'w barren forma weré once livingfacts. Theq' si4ts lnstesd ofbetig life conducted in th.Uic originated in complets submieeion te tht IlbSet rational manner, isle-eregulated by w lord, the sir, or master. Afte.-#éi'dsý thëy épend-thiftes nI ,X4Iors, milliners and taï- were need as terme osf projpitaten ; Edllm a~ie nislywmu now they hare become nkere innmean- -1.---- ing f orme cof pôlinés%. he uf of the Trhe Prefdem's Message. word "yod," as a igila±propomin,ièe the sane suprenme power on the part cf Lthe rom the Ne* Vork lôild, Dte~ 9. individual addressed,-being equivaIent te 11-e resident's Message is riow befre the imperial II we" assunsed by them- Dur readers.It la a catin, clear-headed, Il relve,-though tihe Ilwe" je now .uitd by Éïffiible and statesmanlike documiltt.Thé t edi tort; andl many aLlier small lry, and the varidhs leading subjgmcts, inteilestÉ,a, i lyen" le addrcssed toe veryhady. The tiens and issuéè* atIdeting fthe nationaln Quakersin thoer revoit againet estafmlishod vWeiarc art, eacli in itc Lui-b, careially ex-n forme, dLé;carded thle I"Sir," tiée 'you," and mmined and discusscd, and thse resuiltingr and thic " yotre, faitbiully," in addreesing Meôcnlendatiônt-ý with scas-ccly an excep-N thecir correseorderits an d others ; sad it tien, as e.ethinefitiy practical, judici4u5 andb n-ili be observed fi-rn 'shat wu have said seasenable. Reducing thse message to a1 that there was sone cerise ins Lisir proceed. brief recapitulation, Mr. Buchanan's âd-s ing. 'Ni minitxatve pelicy le as iollows:-. The 'ime differencee wiil be found te Pirst (énthe tinancial criais) he gilie usr exst if onie pr4wcids te arisînyze tha e bw " instrmlctive and comprehensible reviews ni salmtion and the familiar nod which of thse cs.rrency 4d~titon and oifLthe e4le fi-ietndLg now ordinary throw te each other cf a loase snd Irresponilh banking sys-c acrose lthe et.eet, -atihe traces thîii i ~lk em. H-e recemmends gaverriment re- nianrier ta enrlv religious pactice. ficTercsntpedthncesyaim on Easterni forum of ermîitiar isj to tmmlcc the 1 stron.gly objerû;ts t a ntational bank, and shoes froni oir the fet, a msark of reverence1 urges a general bankrupt law agninst ail origîialiv pain te a ged or k-ing. but now banlçp, involving the îarfeitte of thse barik1 extcnded tu ali persons, and becemne an charter with its suspension ai specie pay-i ordinary formfsu rclution. Oui- foi-m of mentt. obelearice as deri 'ed iraîn tihs Romanis, wmo Ourrelatioris with foreign goverriments in wcn.,hipiugiiý their gode mnoed their ai-e, upaîs tis whole, in a satisfactoly con-1 niglit baud te Lisir lips, and then, l'casting dto "btue eta -ein 1 it. as if thev had cast kisees." te us;e the faire tihe President frankly confesses thati n nrd. ci elden 'thc turnd Li e b uli a had enough i the double coristrue-1 round on theseamne rde." This son be- tions of tise Claytcn Ilulwer Ilondares1 came min ordinary foit of salutation to treaties, and preicrs beginning de ner-o,i emrperarre. rulemi persoae in powci-, and upon a bacus cf etraightfarward a.»nd hu-1 firially te urdinary peeple. Tlir. farta ai nest international stipulation. That'e reverence wc hava imherited. The village Iright. scholho irse wkwrdl r-ise hi bad îNeit, a very significant hit or Lwirl te hie forehead, and describee a stemicircle gyen te, Smain, enibracing a suggestive ai- with his farearsu, la net aiare timat ho is lsa e~eiln fCb.Nrael emplcving a Roman forin ai reverence and we be esrprised if the plain spoken aud worship, and yet it lese. And sa, in like significaut paragraph teuchirig Our unea- miarner, was aur irave ai a hand te a friend tisllictory relations with the Spauilal go- acrose the street originally a devotienal venment irere te requit in a vety belige- act. rent sensation at Madrid, and pro#e souce- TIse inclination af tise body in a bow uiswat perplexing even temy Lord Palmer- a foriun o oisconce (lcrived from Lthe East. ston. In refereuce te Lise Isthimmus 'f Panjanal, Eritire prostration le Lise aboriginal eign ai an &et of Cangres le aked- Ilautharizing suismission. The Lssyrian sculptures show the Preaident, in case cf necessity te lem- that it was the practice ai the god-kings.aoîf ielnd n aa oce its nt that nation ta pi;ce their heel uponeen . 4 ti s t carryinte effeet tihe guaran- neckis of tise ceriquered. And te kiss tiie tee ai neuttaîty anti protection." kirige fcet 'vas au act ai total subinission, Tie i-idttiscrctyppcdt ns iLhetilisî'-etnkmis flicetocai tise Pope. The Re siari i- i stlhenâs of he hdpoir-f'mbustcring, catis earrsestly fer measures Tae tu ron r stirm pr ene a lii s hers te co upprel -sncb Outrages," andi subetan- bo th-on in r uoeene ofhve ver muc tiaily charges tise late escaýpe af Walker te brtindgý- ternmu irpe-wine have r uhtise judicial authesities ai Newr Orleans, abrigcd he et o prstraion Wu aveand *'-Lhje lisufficiont aus ai tirathou- shorte-sed iL into a bomv, which, lsowever, sarid dollars bail" âlloWed ln bis ee ire genrilv suake lows in proportion te tise - e have had sdiit ti-olubl6 sitm the dignity cfitise party stidresseti: and we Peieto aauy n h esg havte;tilt iurthcr alsridgcd if into Lime ndiam o threedn-o amuay, eatoi ts messag- af familiar recognition. Ths e bw I lso ais ck o ie eust0uhu ~t rn still pi-eci-ed as a religious act, and iqIS M- Bucslli rekt discueseti at Iaéngti tuade v y Ctliolie before their mitai-s, asthe Kansas i lllroglie-ple4ds-thse lesMlity ail crais b' Ptsu-tans teenunemiatson cnithLe comptori Coiivcntioriandi argues of crtai wiodt,.that, wit itus sinstructions nto (overnor 'l'hcrt.-,, ,or céiuitegy, *as origlttallY, WVal}rle ovetee tise subussion af the foc, an sut of reverence or irorsbip. It irisai constitution te tiie people, the Le.- si ;nifice s; ,e falling dlown upori anc kree - comption programmue, under tise ci-cui- ans-le a (r "utmon beismnce ai suhjects te stances, %viii etlîl auswer tise parpoe, ini- 1ricre.'Therrtsy ai a village girl is 50 esmucis as iL dcces referLtoise ptiople tise loir tha lirthet alnst as if don-n upon orsiy really' important party issdë. involveti 1 bo'h kiiens be5i-e she riscs agan. What in ise constitution-ime slaWe' kuesion. we cali tise Ilbuirandi Sciape," sncb as tise This is Our vnoir'ai tise rrctUk Iandi ie stage sailor iuakes, andth ie scicolbcy cannot percelive iriai t Oi Srjicy thme sametimes tries, is aise an abritigeti act 0f President coîmiti iive.adopted.witbout in- kneciri arsin iiitis ane wy. A radiai tise domains cf thse ludicial or tho muotion ca ung-airjy," coulti never b ave legisiative brancis of tise goï-élllbî!. been inteetionslly introduced, evn f Ltme We appreiseuti, iowever, that 1Mr. Bit. artificisi introductionm of obeisancesirere cbanan's interpretatiom ai "tihe donestic ipossible. lence ire uet regard iL as the intstitutions" of a. Territory, wili meet rumnant ofieometising antecedent; andt Lat witli some resistadde aemong tise- Kansas f this something aritecedent iras bumiliating expounders oi tise Senaté. We sîtiepset may be inferreti fram tise phrase "scrping timat even Mr-. Douglas *111 rontend that --an a-zquaintance," whicis being usedti t de- "'domestc institutions,' in tise senseof tise .note Ltme gain; of titrer by obsequions- Xebrgska, bill, mcii, net thse family i-cIa- . nom;s, iisplies that Lise sci-ape iras coneider- tions as between time unitei andi blacice, 1ed a mark ai scrvility-tbat is ofierf-iîity. but ail tise local organic institutionse of In lifting tise hat te a frelenti, acquain- tihe TeIWitôry ttc ils transition. te a state, etanmce, or lady, ire rIsa uncousciously per- in ragard te- banis,,baukrupte, crincinai Bfarni an net origsnally of reverenos.'lie offeuces, courts, internai.mmproements, rf uncover in cîurciies ani befee thé mon- slaves,ý free iiggeis, andi oem!ytling ecIe. ,, ai-dm,unin; tisesaune ceremony i ignifi- This bit of special pleading& isoiever, la D cationm ai aur submissiou before the deity net emeential te tise'postion saaîined by muid tise king. But at the saine tireththse ~prident., h a&-a&poà dtiom wWmcl l 4 copyeu iesfetl people, imumue"intgst se 5 ar-ris, frMainesa f to, eatyÙ0 a ul - potp, from slaae adatapowdere4ie sWa.~eU - I» elc teeth,-and atAinet is ato belt- an ogi-tues, peaked sbos, at brSes lotuffp4e y s- . d i uth brase, it m us1et Lsbe oonckdedtiM" T eue, hme m strormg men, -the muiofuiemea, bise a meof Mwil4 intcllgmee ad % u4 t i - ihse haie got tobtop, o v>Mad<4ý:pr lu- sage,,aelikey#UIsew lgwt n$hr idbtaa ii,, t*s-iilk Propietor.. ext NO. 49, s 04dm a"d %&a. Or' WoKASI s---Dr. Sapphir Baya: IlWe-. U=iauatise hon,7 cf l'oe; tise sugar p«a vritisin th*~ potiof ou- existance; thse gmain of Sald among the graysand of enth ; the reonderful, metive-pi-in; ulsic sets iluac. tin tisat nast englue knoirua the ý wri-d."'t Thse Abbse Beri-ml, Cardinal andi French l Emba&qador attseCourt cf Veule s id,P in anamer ta tise amse qestion,' IlEtre i )iîe. qu bille, baille, et deuia- t Or Oa»MAmir:-Ag4n Dr. Smppbir Says:- "lieu mnje, he i-il anti ieai-tîeus 1 tbe'yworld temard tise oldl maiti i Receiing its fanai- Uic bachelor, Ih iles thse-spi- Étei- ta tboui upon ber 'forlorn self cul- muluoteti mil tb fcihlerles cf single cursed- nm -Yet in the hleit florsi-y aid uiar- rieti womn ileai a deép, ungplkn tZgdy, WhiaL tria1i wisa±afflictions, unAt soi-rame have net. stidoledti iat noir qulibà hegrt! WhaLsüidllil, Ülnoirn, uncýompieh.miaed eefsc-fcéehans been needet inutise paut te prodlcce tise silent résignation cf tise- prtsent, misa hll veènture te say ? Wituin suds a.iseurt Liseré inburieti a Lragedy ai fate, fuIllof endless melancholy anti smnun ciatiei;li -ailloftranqnil pains andi inaudi- bIc plaints; fill ai deceirei, disappai Led, deridei, andi,mimati lesiorse, ai nevercous- preisendeti longings. "'Bqtt isri an aoid bathôllii's isart, théi-e ls found iinenghm:bat he me t-dff rdrobe of domestie comedies fsa's-éi play- cd" WHÂT m3 Lava :-Aritetle cali iL tihe soul ai tira odi*LtPleto, a wal('siunger, devoum-flng lamisbs. Nlcslae V-iétti, a morn ing star fallen fro eilsaven.R a ntied in dlay. Augustin Nipiss, Lise bridge be- Luccn heaven anti c.'rtls;' anti again, a magic-swin;,c raising tse mental ta tIse alti- tude ofithe lusmortal - On Lise contra-y, ahi Michael Montaigne !esys, "Love le a passion, mnaking ai a usan a beast" ToemmihLice Marquis de Lai- bei-t replies, IIt ils a talisman mnich maltes of eantis a Panmdiae- " Jacques Ferranti calle lave a sîclcu; muile 'Vimnczo Fabricius tl"minkt a pisy- sician. LOO Abarbanel, a learse, Rabbin cf Lime sienth tscontas-y, t'a hismo-k, "'bil- osePii Amenas," tisés accounts for tise existence ai tise paÉaioc ou love:- The tiret man, Adam, mas createti mitis Lira eads, fou- sarms,anti four lieg% $tvý as be wira mantieting ahane th'oag-h tise (JaMedr long. igvainly for eeeiety, sud mach desirln-g te hear tise voie ai some atsen, Cad dîiit- eti hlm, ant ims cremeten Eve. But Oaci af tiseLire parts retainei a rehement deiro' tc$ward tise other;- anthuiss arrise iove- A <ici-mari philosopher askas: "Who cari mcasi-e Lime lseightf ilove!-wbo explore ifs deptis? WMho cousprehum ils amui, potence ? Whoe cen. analyze &Nlis traits? Whso cari exhanet tise peculiarities of ifs manifestations ? Love ls gentie as tise dore, yet fierce as tise Numidias lias.;îit la simple as thé Loi-d'e Praye, y et intratie as Lise mazs o f tise Egyptian labyi-inth ; gen- dIe as Lb. tnmmer breeze, yei milti as tise ,wintry gm e ; timid as iLs frnt coniession, anti yet in boîdres equal to Lhe utumoât -danger." A Thongm fer Ltse Tlea.* It in bard for you, isa- madUl4 té fore- go your munter fui-s -but the isnsbqucd le inexorable. It le beart«rndlng fibm'yen dear Laur, te have mcno nwdi-esa for tIme furet -bail Luils season Ih le emd 1111- yen, isard morking YMm t11~li hé lllksd id u*b-- harder à 4 y6a gdW 0or 1gut thimk for a momedt -tluire &tgs se- f en Brsiaih îwremen in.fiisk. Tiséir uauseij their eomsdtlouc, the>r mgo ire dd t; ê~kin* A y$fumg dfficer ien- tif hi mbtétemly LImai tlby are tuent. rend of Utira wlittie cifs lds et feunc> ueésa the romd -you bave ses» thMa' aine- lesuaca e=,,t *oman' i-itln& "Ma)Lnia dici, Juiy"12, Aie dieti, JnIy 9. 'George tiieti, June 27. Entered tLimebiar-act, Ma~ 21. Cavai-y left, Jfte 5. Pi-st sisot fred Juns 0.. Unche Wil#dfeiJne1& Amn Lui7 <ied, June M7tLefebenasJn 27.' Mades plisoersassoon asme more ai the ri-Y r Ioum kto6* wbat fooeti- 1iftery miteH i t anti "p 'ohwr itefr ar&i-od, atiyo u d ifeeling itan lu. fiate belleoi. - on bs<emmbo* j, feit ai tist ip4thÇmry sauge e<yoar - , M b don'tdé*m * o betler nature, ci>-pooh stamd, 0 ove% of yonir ciümiubut hn. staglve &Il tise yousg foIts of jets- cli- cie the bemefitseof jour expereace., A CAstnm u à acom.-Deacon IL wma mm homeat olti cotiger, a tini obliglng'nelgs- boni-, andaà get chaich çoing Chritian, belininlutisePresbte-mis eneeté iitise fullesi extent; but alactadadt th4 pillar. of tise chai-ci mae, at thuceï a littl say' -la tact; thi e "à *sIcocaidl jI t *xeedingI y "Imelloir;" asimd sitery Bunday at dinier he woul4 Intalge in his favorite eider brandy to -ssielek an extent tisa it lims mitissoie diffiuityho reacheti [mis pou, #hWîbi was jintse IlIib.tiaisîs, near tise pulpit nantisa llti i 8 L1ftinistera sud the village 'squire's. brie Sanday. momiug tise pai-son tod bis fiocktstat h sonîtipi-eea a sei-mostein l tUe af- semoio, toucising maey glaring "istisat tise grieve t ià 88cous4lcuos &mnmesg issaem; andihoiseped tat teympQ 1uld Iaten attenltlvely, anti net flnch if ha à hz&mld bap- pnto b. evee. Tiseafteiosaaamuià tiehoua.us full- Tbody tu=- o ut te hear tiseir neighboris'dg seddmis '6b tise minuster, miso, atter -fs-e epeaing hmd =er o crixièned upi chb ttaeiresso-d lualot-voie, mit tise quesfibis-'ýWhere is the di-unkai-ti? A goIsin panse suc ceedet is, inquii-y; irsesup aseD e )L, bis &e radai-oui oplon a nght t ba farci-t. iiuk-at i i >oni euai, anti steading hixaself as refl aa s e could by- tise Peir-rail loket up to the parson anti repliedi&, apipimg anti trernulona voies- I'il aâxu' ,0f course, - a consternation aunfonget iho congregation iras tse recuit cf tis e est deacon's repe-nse, imuwever, 'ilie parson mient os mwithis eremares as lie had mittets tin, etimentisi; ererly an tse drumakard, ind witndiug ap by -iriing, hlm te forskeat once suci es-il habit& if he maulti seek saivation andi fiee Lisé comiug irrats. me'Ileacn tissu matie a bow anti Sated iself agais. 'Anti nawj' ont Speke 111e preacser,£ad in hie loudest tefles.'iscre l is e hypo- crite ? A Paus-but ne anc respondeti. Eyes ire tus-ret upen thie anti that man ; bat tise mèUtglauces ïemecitirerteotu L [tLie 'aqnirs's peu, ant i ldeedth ie pas-son. seèmet te quaint isard in tisat direétion. -Tise deacon sau mie thLIe - shasft iras lélt;td,- iriere iL sîsqulti be aimed mmnc rising once imoFe, hleani à .vificl e;î_-a' Le tise 'squire, wmia e tapeti an tise jsoulder, andti iss addressed,Cone Iuim-c, sy dori't you get up; I titi hert lie .:alled an me. MÀmAitAo le beccing a luxury iiu th1s jUnitetiState&,- me cutsiepoisimmetiïu- w ages ofilabor, the i-ena t ululnathé coat cf neessames anti Imiie,4atidedti t thLie unreemsting pressure upomi jieole i-t respectable soctety; -Wc'649d- h e' it of a family fai oot-of eseliof the. nIarieg andi incanes ai tise young. 0f-tise efisuct o n the niarsi anti character ai a Stafas, in' miciswedlock le proiitetitisi unueces-' sary toenlas-.By neading or hy sceiri; ire are faîuiliarwith IL lu France andi Aus' tria. Prudence anti cus'tis iiarbiti Mar- niage Ini tise fafuier-cdtntljr.- *fitidS iUU ie notaasuniet ineurse '.UiciCnt id main- tain itè inde *e<an nti social pretenuiona: In the latter tIsé miusd lau holcsa asundti frai lime relations aifisusbarsd ant ife; couples iris do net possese property'gua-' rantees timat tisei cisiltiren sha not bec7om. a burtsen s te eStmte. Ihs auiranks cf scciety incarne le Lthe msariage cernenit td love. -Marrlagemay b. aseffectualîy pm'ohibited by Uic experiese of miilinery mars mmnd bouse farumiing, as by a police e";mJtionsw If tise.modem sAtheuhan will stand mli hiiier note bocks bedide tueur marriage alLer t tsyems* teorn»e; Limey mill bave ta ricirdaieadllydimiab.i mumg mcnmimip aithe à shn-e, tôii umitien heoti be, as nsay, an evil, tse penalty Of eiCd repcclitie of cottotd-es .o&adi imm'si cf glmmgiamn i so pa«r every huté *l tft. are - dau s Dos hit M iffikh I#6the"s'Rg00 umotiers--to niae id dtatif miot lu concert, tise iie condact- of thï algo iromé r fBlruesl upper-tèrmdiw ? Thse Retreucisment Soaciety lias becu formz cd id uîake- eoinmy fasiiomable. i flimatiiapé"tsodwtç fSd ».l.-uesih ýr - -i