Whitby Chronicle, 17 Dec 1857, p. 1

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?Tmm cSa imotl.oN ýTOTU pqeyUms4r.lt $9lu t 5iaum. À liberai ditteoutulqwed 10 ihanta Md Utàwn advert1aing by te .year. P"~r h= ! atyiinmenedreuatouiý I ftatn h«1des e l epgrmssIbýevery bu- vIlntya beuter willplm le tatime inu Lwaraing NPpr will be dlaentinued antil ail arrear- l'~fSelosngeab, If tygstered, w1il b.at 13*tbk'f the >Ubi»ibr. vwen addrem.d I~IGfl~, AYEIIÇFEE& e.w 1300K AND JOB tÉ ?%rO1NGEoS T ATUE IRIITBYr "C~scs"would etIllithe i pusIeliqsmŽî, hoy have procared »Orne cf tberno.t im*eonmiIemof T ~eftom, iew York lnaddI- BW01 amI1)JOB--ININ et overy desedrption, muid guarantec that work jwlbudun n.% ma uptarior style aMte lowest Thie Pruprietors have piiroae4 ue of R ý BG GLEe ~CARI? PRESSES!1 whlekeiu&bies (hein te turmiont Card and' Cir- calai naverv expeditiomas nner. 'rhev have ni a atd a large Stock of Plain and Fancy Corde, Statloaerv, &e, nwblrh beinq bougl in very loir se*.ePÃŽintîne cti ube tet-rîmphed at the iowest jtgeo sud et the mlrrtecst noticte. (t'i ffice, Whuîby, C.W. ZACIIELtI BURNJIA3i, Ot < F TUE CM > NTY A- tWRROGATE NELSON GO. REYNOLDS, s f(ERIFF. L- OFFICE AT TU1E COURT JOHÃŽN HAM PERRY, oGs'A1 FFICE o2N'BROt" ST., îîtt 'o 'rUE l:ACE. O(FFlcE,ý-AT t4Colirit i11-, JOHN V. IIAM1, rLERK OF TUIE 4CoUNTY c OUIiT,.&ND itleistrar oftle .rrsneC(urt. office nt w TARI)EN, tESIiDENCE&XXNNINGTON, B lrocli. W. PAXTON%,Jr. jtXA-sljUiW. (OFFICE AT ,r11E COURIT il. J. MACDONELLq,' OLÃŽCITOlI.jt meUIC s'Tl E cot'NT jFIR FIIIS'ItI\ vlýý1, N tord T. OFFICE W. Il. TREMA NI'. S trtrl, Whithy, C. W.i S. n.. FAlRjlANW4, S OLICÉI'OR, NOTAIZ PIC~ 11, &o. &». 0..W. N. G~. Il 4.3, ~AIIRI~lK I)tiATTOIINEYA-LAW. fflitéé--.%er lihe Store Qf J. iEtsjIq., vppoelte i le Rvgistry ttii' 3,lr4x-k "'t. 1 ~ARUISTER & 4OILNEYAT LAW, J~Soici t~ r~.Nolry PlIblic, covealictuée., Wlijt . W' 1 Uameron, Macdomlil & Dartuelî, B ARRISTElS & ATTOtRNEYS AT LAW. soiiost le t'jîuutv 4 ouîecil. t4roffiee -rhbe Coort 11oe-istut1; ig.office hue - tn1 10 utîtil -. 48 WILLIAM POWSON, nONVEYANCER, &.,c,3ANCIIESTER, C RBeach. IIENJ.AMiN VROD rru4W N CLIRK AND> TREASURER. 0F- ..L oe-T*vrn Hat.e W. 0. 1EASTW.1MOOD, A. B. & M. D. fOtON-ER, PIIYSîCIAN, SURGEON, &c. c Ie14tcjldéeé-lte1y oecipiéd by Jas. Hodg- - - iquire. 43 Bm . W. CLAUK, $URGEON ACCOUCHEUR, & CORONER, Stthe ti.Ccciii> ef Ontario. 1 Dr. CUECKLEY, jlýIDENCE, BROCK STREET, TOWN OF <Jihy utnty et Ontario.i - J. se JONES, v- OCQML DENTU$T.-OFFICE IN BROCK Il o4Ste.evr J, Btgelow's Stere, scd oppoite t.regieItry Office. 1 âl operatieus watrnted. A29O87W. CRWN, TELC, CIVIL ENGINEPR, AND ate Agent, Whiîby. - 1 A RCHIEWT AIbýI¶VIL ENGINEER, ""ýDdAaà Street, Whltby. Esanatés ,ude tu*lkins'o f meaauring work caretutly atten- IFUMIANPEU M. CLARK, COd ÇNSTABLE, LOU'NTY ONTARIO, Ikt*puctom of Licences iu the. Municipal- T 9HUMT, "e, BROOCK STREET, z1'IST DRUGS AND CIIEMCALS, j nm P1PE RAKG ai LEEpipi ýàxGçI w-PaorQuen-àBnb î -- -~ - - .1j~ - . t 1 j ~ ~ - -- WIL~ ~alm Pluted word,, great tkoughmîs anti uutlrtusa Imidnmlvv. ~s n~T... 152.. ~.- - ffiL - - --~~'2-- - ~ - -- - - - - - ~~~7 u uoale vece Tg ,KlWUae f~rq ~YC'~Y 4 - -.OMM',.- Y '.JL.. I. t ~W±tBY, e W, I JR~SAY~DEGFfl~ktM 1857. Peo~y ~ &oa-aha<. a N'TéEù# vwaUt1îÂtt, Tu Ii* h continue to dome, belieiting as 1 do, (bat It A IDTWSU>- infi sd ujuattowards thé people of Gwqmmmx is-Parliem*nt bh.ving beau di-t<h.èIo Malties 1 have mentioned. soWaid, Yeu"len sioxUil ésfed upon t n '4 it;timmng inygeif tebelieve (bat thé -PEINGE, oeyoéýr IIit r"bsde aileot a ri ue r i iisRdng a-culd fie far Limb, Ra Prs frasanRi MI~~1~ TALoEBEKiK B~ ~ttly. en " u ersats lite Leoltatheir own Intereats is te voté in hlvngbenalifss y ld.GY8 fayot- of thée Ualw'ay Itye-Iaa-noe sutnit- sada nusebermetinliumi malk o imi nds ted to thern for approvek SolL nba . te#04Z tý alow i f'tobc ut n elqpintiam unwished for evcn(b owever tmtke placé, m h4b ,~Caniâ tw-o nf îges, I tact it my 1dnî y néxtdmty, cf course, a-cud bé te tise Iari t» tl Býett m lqu Ridng ur my efforts un seoking (o lighten thiébur- titamutbmfnrametô hlb uiimu or orethen (hum imposed upon (hein, sud toe n-1 MmQUK&R TeJEONTO irt- rïai h olticantI hécouredeaver tp proteet (hem (rom fturwe impo- atsMathewai Proptiétur. 4 ià have panied are wehtll 0now teyen itions for thé same ebject.. - atMjIon' msie nmud the jeroJ estuiIam - ~Q~~tSJ~TELwih hcam yonresm suilteunt gr4nstGentlement ~OENXER O F FE014T AND G1BOkGEF tees et-thé rosi and.energy witii whmol,, whetber Y1s ut atfly lçSLe6t iParlament or ontut ril, 1 lmei l iligestlv YuS. B. tFAItRANKS. - fre%.tite e opt-ondé ethe ptogrems. sd prowperty i etB AIBiK -lwNÀ%IllLA n IXO iTE, t(l s irelthy aud Important Coiintyv Oshatea, Dlc. 1, 1857. 46 1 ARP A LT IUrAt"O- If I ,hrmîd îhave thé htlojrt'O ttc elected, 1______ M »61111%,Jcun Marin, pruprîtator. 26 "1raI n to Partiament. deliéroiiud te set sud TO YHE REE AND INDIEP- tvote, ntam thje thiek jand tttiu supporter of DENT ICLECTORS Or NORru OÂKWOÃ"I> UOTBL, nv piti, but e. au iidependimîit utmber utf Oi wo u OT TL eîcratime Asstemblv, ci cîtaîdl give to aver' O TRO OAXWODIW. BNNKS, PkIQPRIETOE. nestion affectng thé Province geetuihîv,-4n7 toe bmmodalon Air travéllet-,. 88 ,iîtest and muai, impartial coniiieration, sttd G LE , BEING OONSTANTLY = t-cseé of - e pr.ils or patt-y, 0.113,11sole preau e teulrenîyeétf a Ctdk.for ONT 110 1OT Ltheeo u thé Maurier whjich i;ny jirdstjeot thé Rtpresoutatiozi ofyou; Riding in Iarliainent ZAevmuvos-. C.iW. inas' conviice nie is beau calculat.ed te 'mitote and.lapprélihenasivedtsi net tenral Elecion là not 19XYDEIt, lROPIFTOR. Oarriagemate thé inttetm of the ceOtre. i distanti. 1 deoma i ot réspet t ellesoio ede- eL and For tlie Boit Frée oc harge. Ou alt qîlestions ifatt Icil mnatre, I ishall eon- chat-ct î nitéotlîo of prosemtng mutsélrVAas ____M idler uryfelf bouimd te cronforut teIUt opinions% Candidate for yetir r smîtragea. ensaitwishés et the mnirtjaiîs' oftheé dictor, ut tire To mryIoliiml or Religietmsprinct.i e!41 éee HUR nRoIYSE, Iliditimut, #al lmeioe.v endettser to cirrv ot ui thte; ttey are mnffient;y éeferc the PU sR W n i r s y, C . -, cuii (heur viewq iiidepndulrt of perannal toteme-t world té> be kmown rtt IIencn. fine has net LIl)T SPROWIE, t réuiemu ta>1 ctiolo cîiîm-chant-éd tlterrm: mid 1 think 1I=y amiLt GodAccommodntion, h VL.p lace catioteiiétile, ujr power oveaaa-thon,. _____ tshomld Ile Bavllw miitharizingr Ile MNutkpBijd ilSupreimry lias evet- gtii.idoty pablier lits jiftIlle Cjmrtitly of Onitarioj, te tilke Stock i- iiéttrr-lt mris;t continue tu eibe ioeduo PILKEV'S JIOTEL, tidi Port Witbv tard Tek, Huron -tiwa Ceiri- an>'ttMaatard undèr înhich 1 .'alli consent o de M I TE.TMARRIl A, C. W. GOtO)pane hé ratifiedi livthé voeo f aa 'rtv of th astlS. lAccouioinç>titjuatîtid atentive Oilees. 6C tialifted eléctors o e col s ; Cd 1f.. atil Thé grést r ef«uo hcteconniri _________ -- nv dtiit' nusé evem-y cng i i poswerteajie tsýruierî>'divideotihave héen olved. lte--_ LtoNAk»'s OTELthtin fi thé Gyoverîtineni sote a&saistitîce iuibte (ùjverijent, thé Clergy Reu-erves, tIre tICtwrdtNcacomJ-Si IIutOtiiauiierîiio Signorisi Tentures, te Erstve t.ezi-jIaîive I-NG STREt- T, OSHAW A, C. W. -G001) by aecatilto the (oinpahis' ttf P rt efthie crouwiîCunil , andi otlior r- and smoittered topici KAdi -' lt h lçýh-utfMmand bave bécn éthM-timCYremt etmld vtot V- W IC T O PuRI TA O O , w- h lns lfli r e C4i t i t t I i ' pofl w no w teir uasies. u on w ,c h -ROCK STF'I'RE'. WITIIY, J I*E V AN - public Revoeue adhat,-ase '. céalmetinou lq-Seimé lèse ther qtîeu4tion" have lat-h bt-en B.IiiYKE, Proiurittor. 2- *,4tttîne fotc htsA&litoprevcuiemit> lu rétorît, icon- disatssed, opon setieh, pomhaps, ye nin ye"x- ___________________ ______ thaitt eeîrtinin -11i clteerffully he-.tînw, e. tkiew nv ieitw. RAluROAD litTthe voatlitpiated t RjthiLy, a grant of' To a Unioto oU (tilriih Amreén Pt-ovin RAIL OAD IOTE, lads pl,,rioiite osiijilar grajuté * rtercriscts I say'NAY Au improvidcrîî,,an îilii ix>- EORBitîJalST. rindit r t her (e 1îptîos blit-ve thit suclit eek tmu 'eplenish an exlîtitsteji exchequric, h> T*Wit>y. Cood Sitaliog and tei ttéiive Os- Gorérmotuit a ait ie4 hmcoldet)relied upon ait union with a rient bridé; but 'hist coitain lier i~~~~~~~ s.t --o -- 5tt reis'et. the- ar%,irîchetfjustice, but hé dowt-oulriînot ljie iermed sotihhie aliance. - mince itl wilî tend lu the pnbîfe infntansd ad- To lte demnd tf-.e iniber*téri-e tl"rW ONTARIO IIO'IEL, alart. The Railiway, weo mpléîéd, will froteîîPurianient, andthugr, iasttthe liAine- J'BRYANZ, .Ir., PROPIRIETt>l, iIROCK 1he Viti ,tîble ftot ('111v le itieCtility uf tntaiut, ricin e peu lte rrjiîîacfdlte litLi St v.etu. 1 e sireci, Whitlmy. Geud Stahliig aed attan- -us ahuit of cotmniitîetm bctwen te Northri -av. NA S. -1ilike htrirémc rsotidi t~'.~0etIera. îandi Sîtaterru townstîips, but it eMilltc monare Il mni e é tmtimnem aftsel, li t ila getïenthl>' _______ - - - - va tte Pt-irovinice nt lttrge, es ihe ,itsrtestaî ttîd prd'. art-i i-t ,lwavu effective. . GEORC.E IODDER, ati be-t ttiorttrtgîrfarc e h en,-îLzjkés itron ITe a thepeal -t lteîsLu. aite unitit, Isa GE R E H D E , anti Ontio nsus tte-ase-tnetv whieh enjj- INA %'. t amo oct 1'tj ilt quiti t-e h It-éi 1rfERCIIANT TAILOR t.NI) 0OUTFITTER t-ration wililfinl t iss was' iuiethe vaut, tbat n".a (i't.sians hI Ife-i .,î ierequieli- IYiîîg Sireets-t . tiMlnsh ea.<. W. Stelviol o lllýt Gstveninaeiim l'antd" % ll'tOijt-heîjéNeotlt-t'-. 1Ilîîilieiiitalîujrv dene tti ir fsmpe rit trit V. %W tîox tiet-tTtulirîa <utrrrr-i.uorrr. 82ésit ut the t' ijirnl-. anid ever lieh lte timoet r t-eji nt, Yankehil-'e ert-ot-l-itr FRANKLIN flOUSE, est laid st-uItttranstit. eCitrr, titidtihe lIé osard éis'ak etsatiin>' sel- 1,15MA, C Iy 1cliali s-frit îvon. nj lotir sîtea 'aI itij-s, bh- fîcltet. j LttsDSAY ~ a-j for the taîay cçf î-elinîçansidthali bh pp- t- To Ieî-stttinhv P0priIriuitn, 1 anc TEA. Fl F.JEWET'tlRfI, E B ÇîMOI have :un criortittmity t(I es'ptcmig more riaiVon- Bttil mritelnom stand ss a -tinted snd ihiver- L3 ietbe wccî,njmradtlotî tor Tratrèllers. vira-a oithie î.roniiimet î jmîstiumis utthé dse. «îug ecar-crow, luaked antd ais. Teeritorv whilh3, Jan. 1., l$57. I Stié-olt I4-tc etnrned as >our mionlec, I @hall mil lit be addrd, antd propcraaxfceuiar-etbv rIýs- BUREN IISsAuON - endeavorrile dischlym evsue-y duty of thé ufflicé trailen atd httelliireuce emhilemd. UR E lLt8LO , wimb fidltlanti r-a.-Tt titerîpturat Edmtcmat-tn. 1i atv1E A. Itie D 'U'.%'A$LiTItEET, WIllTIî-x , 1 1 hvé tr, l,nnrste tebe nt ajleuijmate (lie inculcatioet cf-.etarsn tréef-det L)Lsbtnse, $itrdinqs. &r. ltiio 'Umr- ,etts tj-ttretlctmimuunn scicols butîilte IBILEUthe ut- j SArT-9g BLEnIGH, i otir ehesiietit Sj-rvantt -heritaccofi al l tistL iaî Iîc, âtld b'-thé ha- JAMEl'S ROWE. gs-i fal('ht-iMtimn iostrmistlttii. Ihislahie iftojt 24 Pote- Wh-~uit --tiîy-,~4., imnethtat maude ilandi Whe rtlc al-lt tees YOUNG 1CANAIIA SALOON, - -- --- nst- rroir -- ititrni-ti-.u int leulusi," sud 1 h ei in Ile hitrair,m"fécot-y !teltul, tuttinit lt(-)K STEET.WillrliY BY . A.TO the leree sud hindepéslent Elletemas tejitl a nieit-rv ai-.ltt-là. K STIofEToutthTOntario. M1', I> treetîseoctt. Fre-.- 'cIeitict Hti i Ovet ent1Oat7,,- the Aiutv.-ttitie f thé te ltlj,umî iv yTerei- lt- ,ard-iies. &--.. i s, 2--t.i " -",, - !'ý 14telrv.s-.i te EA ; ltt-iitt ipm-r-fîttci1viise bruiids cif W iii-tt.re j q jî,ât'. 1 rj" te- I bue l îtmrac tI- Intentlillter etlé- 1c.&1, ir &ittt .ttttisi-e l hhi ttl 6t--u SurIIle,<PttlrAis-41 jcomamîg a catdidatc Ufrr(tié rep'reccittiodn (oPcfetoitl ADELPYI ~ - t eio vur Rîiig ahtte approachîig n- Ta efillliitg tilt indtiseutlement ef tht-.seate .iti, rt Bft- -t.tt.raîKîlection. opitteotts et-c sîréatvive os -tre .tla cf lite C.eid'and ('i 17 Ci'Rtt TREETA). M oiici pnon iealed Yw elhi oe tiMhamve 1,-nu ; the ir jtýiiil, ll latk ,fTtrýnt,,tsi mnfv oUim As a progrîIsSive RHot- t aurely pire-firabte id thes deeary ilsressiîl TutotteC.W -I utrcetee é ii it~mrI io o rnu an. in mv arxious de- 1wolves aid bs-es fer-,im. ilaaditauiuj, andiwith 42 [IN IIISt. sire for a thorrrîgh rotruatiosiaf utmch e t 5i rprvnoft îttoîi utisis n 'K tzmr-'.ixp roenîmta te pullule uer attniouplasre. _______________- or public affaire; as roquiré aniendnicnt, I't- ht boltiia o f Peopeel'. <ýiiaificatîa or t ,NA$TION»AL IIOTEL, Illpily filr Canada, the final setile Mtmbohes<f A~m .IeaygA. Partlamuon- -D ORT WIiITBY', FîmVAîtD R,L% hî Rtitmrntt tththat fertile!tourteods utuli-sjent #tUtU1net coualinauti tstit t- b o Acres, r lui JL pîtor. Finit clam%- r mtdtîot, ai ltle disuniosi-th la('ergy Reset-ses qsioa.n- 1 ocrition Cetiss b it s bhrwlAcmuid orng01% 1 coanvenientm d oijrtttrtmiilR ouse- g - ed naauy a-ho were betore osran- ei d Aaf, u utv.ilt ndln-Aii conenentah coifitali hoile. dnosix ta nte wa-lt-h me progressive 1'f.;Ruliro#su ndlintermid Intpto-eruenits%, A. <. ~VLsON, Reornièrs oftCariada iran spprting libéral ue'v A We areéa ,i-reeroemve people. The A. A ,'. WLA SOE. N APU ittit-surrDivine eRing sebe e Ulk aus tmhisi worhd of I NT R GAI ER. ANI PAP__ Thée questioen oU Représentation by l'o- bsy u 4ifsnevr tedledt'bttai enrizlic r-11-îî f, r8ae Nhiies-ashfng adC-pulatîon, la une of sucb deep iuterem te thé He ha. se bon t!lly beistowed ipun us, should I M-g1 , , dair, *Wiitty. people that 1 trust nu coostitucncy IluUp- lié:1"bld cadet-e a buhelt 'Tii. ott i taud-letilh Vttb, Jau. 19,1857 ipet- Cantadla uill hé founîil élcting a e- 1poio- is excladed, sud.ie muetmove onward ______________ - - sntatve aho my le opoaédtti riju the uidyaoéiiî«mat-eh ocf skilj and knuwte4o~ J. W. CALDWEL1L BROWN,, anti recssary a mep.-eure.d¶e uift ahama4sd 1ONVEyA,4CEit&c., t'OMMISSIONER IN The cnbject oU Genêt-ah Educathon le cime -linavlmé eehtd atiaI,& imeraismbrnuOf &B. R., LuntdiDivisiont Couart Agenttdeen ,OffiSe.eedmrNrho A. D. W eeks' cf dè-p ltiporténce te thé peuple otCanad& ~t~;msVTiTetis i ytty %à tiinepndn Drng StoLre, Uxbriduîe, C. W. 2â (uît5 ctaaéipepén elgte- 1 plots W hefi' Cy t-ôt-guni ,sind ïhen ______________________________ édGoverromeut ému exist; iL ought tèere- 1 thîluei.aum*re.4 and pruiteiplssehil héfait-tv hé- RUTRERFOIW kSAUNDERS, - fore te bo upoti a huais sn!Mcieatly a-ie te tore tîne counnirvy,yre, i "--- (I i? . roat,)pet-lit the advatîtages oe t ito bhé i-vetiun opinionU ù ILntlim. lj~e Ooitin rea T A îL R3. &< by ail claýsséis oU (hopeople. i an u there-tlnoroughly dittu aizeti. It ils d-joiuteti uud AND 54, KING S-RIEET %WEST To- fore opposed te sny légitilative cnactmnin t lt-oei;sb ocon*. uide tgngués, e'til Alo -iKig ilée Wstllunl-(at a-uel rasarua- detn thé i.sefulnéss oU or liu-OPPOSITI.N'i ,-- Aln. i the Public Scitooli cf the countr-y. which A edéÎt irt od'on bhmenlaism.7 rpon are nea- ira sîch sucessttih uperation. naue- h -ptiti G.EORG E MOTT, Being long convînced et the injurions et- 'Itîtoiasthtt ADDLER ÀANi) IIARN E'StiMA KER, &e., tectu t o a peuple frote a -IgsateIpreeentuhl1vc ofeuv çwsr uopîuipua- oalys- Issu cf istic poem~pt~ uhre Srel,-ia the tollca-ing. Onecf the Froch kingain" thé mînddle 0i' sumwteii-hile hunti*ng, -is set zei witha niortal S'icknesa. lie istaken to bis pala'çç, a-lie bis doctorm erdors adlre te b. haatiiy kindlod te warrn one vitoir already strickeu with the chili of desut. The. abs rc&' ry. suggestive.- ' e kit,- dles the ôtront fb-et wikh stage papeme; -anti letters ides éeciiestitus saving nany by destroyinglhe évidence, who voulti other- ivise bave been put te deeth, since they reflocted uusn the Mklng's son n d sucçessor. The fb-st verse-jes the picture, the, second the doctoe rétetrons as be stands look- ing -a the dying kiii- now- inscusîble from tue offerts ot poi:eon mdnfiistrçd at the instigation et the, prince. Thei en- trance of thé huir la most artimî ically done, 7 *-hile the lino"I witt, just such a- son tu murder you," revemi his coînpl iv in the pIlt The King le Cold. Lako tho embersblow the ecous, Kindie at once a roaring ire; llere's corne i:prtnothuty. Sire- Light it (they s4tvod a thousant? souls'> Run for taigote you scut-vy knav', Thereare pliénîy ont in the public square« Youi know the), fry the hereti<es théro',' (But God remSiýhm their inameicmes u-ves) Fly, fly, or the king ruay die I Ugh I1lit royal (oct areliko snow, And the colti la monnting up ]to bis beart (Bkit thet a-sA frozé-n lUig go!) Rascal&, valets; do as vou tare old- The King isâccil [lis bcd of statc Ik a grand aflîtir, %ith sheéts uf.éatbîtit $i lowS otduan; Andi clame bemide it stànss the cràrnu But that wont keep him (rom dying there..i His Itands are wrirtkled, btis haïr is gray4 Anti his ancient blood i s elugisliand thisi; WVher, hé was yntunglit was not with siu; But that ix over imusnv a dxv 1 Untter tkmerr Sheets ut satin andi las' Hie slcpt in te arriso i l concubines; Now, they 'ronce 'w5tlî the prince inigtesti, leDriril.cing te maddet, mýnerrietwiesi Mhat rshall 1do a-ith bis Tmajest - note? For thanks te uîy portion, the man is dead, Suppose I bolster-,1dm up lu bcdL ind fax the cr.wu rgain on bis broie? 'ruai wnild bcé merci-, but theu the Prince Woukdtitumble itdowu, 1 kuow i atrice 'Tieunti puzzle the devil te name-vice, That wouid niakc lBis Excellent RIighness Hark!hc's mtniîg ; i know bis step; lle's etealing t e cifbu is hes are (rue;, Sirenuitv vour tattier's end-be y Ouro With j us C sncb ason ta mu-der you ?) Peace Lu tlié deAd iLotlime bell18e é oud, Thé King la colt Il To the Ejfltoï.r u' du "lt'oioe Ogle R. C..o0wauapd, lt4P(ipponeuts. Dir TSîr--Iwuamuch pIçusc4iminook-L mImIe, libéril, àmd_& entletunly - .manue, .ini *hiCh you deended (hoeciacter eof r Oetirio, ai; aeandIdote,-for rli*"entïiÙ d uos Ltsptl$ o f your e 9m4j on" 'rio 7iuasèrtions nmdelè -lot* MId~alngltl~1~COfilivihivthslith ( inead mte.prpý~rhof rbt4 ~theàaàelvetit tA te tge dei -atîtot-an hiôUtlh l è 61LÏ ! M astý*y' by'tie f4ite re'por of unprincpl 'dOged~~amd'és id 10 fWRtfiireaIpsy idiaIt1eêPÇ -tt - A TrH HA PIOPRIETOR TAKËB ýIIS .u$efflI >y t dltoethe weakth m0»4.lepori- ,qý Tuî'CcOU.r or e> methot i t u-rniiot- bis fendesud (ho pAA% of t#oeuuetmy; b :--j '- stathiç Onllrgêf(lee h publié generally, that b. bas countmied eri- fUe,l~, tere. Ztî 'tflt om*,tenrhkntý h ý u sllb th e ovc preinise; inétroîtt't a là i-ttt ItII'I55~O0 Rer-làlLetyliWrlii mode et doiugbuness u aete i n4~( httr!itn-i lspr--nl ~i Ie guesvhle-i-a bt-opU1bicp*fattes.i I. i> eI ld y lte lHudson- t By or fl',dae l h Q0pe FÉNELON ALTA' R ' an4I tuwtaumo t i t en aopwllots symse'~- qtt~ ILLI.IXMARTI$, ROTÉER. t wî ors~_ y'!Titis ottI t1 at-rai44 itn eltemutisýet me subjec$5vt it$4&ainleto the til: t-oiâlpÃœ to acmmmPdateVisiit6'm adTotMsta, - It Wid 1 ajct~gaito~t«srlIu'hT hect6t~y çfoïl httiwitainte w ioda pt t' ïalsj In tihe> .4etetmble iopý . midât efth(e éacst dc1ahIgittScte.7.V TI é ta- ro conclusion, gentlemen,, I:bmay q»j In Oul th* m--' ",UtmotàiL~ . ài L.* .a1ý- bs. touer ~ nrivilere'-Wi tey thenelvés nunhéatatingly énjoy, if ,confuermd upon1 them lan ycause, (bey beceme outrmgeous W theby ses -chers honred, and- (bey takttptmn lathefflelvethe; responsibility -of tmint- ail heir, endeavors te keép ethers fronu oijtsing a-bat th"y hava no itgiti- - Iatemrigh(te, or chance of obtainint-. Thûs îL has been with Mr,- Govan.' lis' t-bi1lUleWehie Protestant predîleetio -- - 11good servicsplmced him i h est position in Lin Orange Insti u a po.tin -hidi liué occupiosi aith muct-é-e dit to luimeaftnd'thoss> a-ho(lins dkâltcd him. No smnner a-a hé raiséd te tik dig- nified andi distinguisheti position thari jea- ious und dasigning men s«eL awatch ever hie action,a-itb (ho viea-oet' diàcovering someth!ng -*ang lu his motives muid beba-. 4îu1 tlcereby hwýe an-eeuSt t 0taire Ut-cm him Lteboom r adi esteuninvesitÏd în ii. ChuGlôily Itmwethey watched' in, and, at-ist, tlniding-notluin vêt-y fiag-rat in ?hùs àtbone, teyset np t ne ct-y tbhfe .is leagtd wltb Ppeyandti ailsehi ihe Cause, hih heébasespousetinlto the bande ,o Ronau'ls&" Agmiandti (bt iately, hé vascondemned mos uriionsly lft- en- déavcring to croate geed-will bets-een Ro- manies anti Protestants-for sellirng the PatriOî't-Uuir léndirag his influence ir atart oU a certain gentlemant, thon a candidate for a certain cfuntituéncy, &c., anti a louti torrm-cntof abuse a-msheapéti upon bis- Ia dé- veteti heact" hy Protestants from Kingston lài théeÏCt te Gedericli anti London- in thé Wetst. Volley aULer volley et siander as fit-éd mt hlm (brougi t(ho Pres-enoýugb, -one *b'uld (hlnk, tc make a man vtith- ira- huxslffronu an>' causé anti ive (ho ésclnded 1Il& of a botait, b y mvidine thé cociety,ôc' fiahnii. But Mr. Goa-an lilée a mari po&eeseîing cain iedoniandi unueer- "*tnn-, kétev- toc natich uf humar a oto-e Lu trouble Itirscif ay turtiier about sîîch nîatem- t tin thé met-e refutation cf thé tîllsc>y et thé charges, laid against his cha- vtactet-; and hi hiliké a trié hèt-o, etooti unchanget iniii is Poffestant principle, b. nov has shoiun te (he oretIt, anti te his efeinlepaaticmlsr, (bat svhcu a man le honérît ant iichshgeahle in bis- noes, hé ,cames bt LlittIe waut people rm>' thnket- sa>' about hlm. Witli regard te, oneolijéciion against Mr. Geaei andti oa-bich 1 have alludeti, naué- 1>', thé saléetf(die Pastiojt, 1 make thèse Uèew etuat-ke:-AII thé noise matie on (bis ebarge han bera othing more (han noise. I sditi Orangemnnexpeét that Mr. G. - totidcontinue (e, publish a papér for hoit- benelît. andti îmirs only, ansd îhilo eluing ,eo sacriee Lus (îmé. otone', and propcrty ira ôrder to keep IL ira circulation? W4s ut incumbeuit upon Mr. Gowmn n ticdoce, -when lis o-n, interests a-et-e endiauge-eti? ,N'n-, sit-, Ihave been r liilyiforiueti, (lest a short fime pt-loi-te Mm. Govnts salé [of tire Pat neot hé wasactuaUy >'compelléti t-o dispeose oU sanieuofbis rosI estaté t-ocri- eble hni ta uvipe aies>'hein>' experîses inm- cuu-m-d.b>' thé publication ut .sid joturnal. [Te did loeé neiî, sind ould continue (o luse, it, unilcîs Oratogeic becanié mot-eI-. tïsi' yde#erohaéti te support. their ouvu (Csîcumis,OQOcrepnenét'tTle. Ktge.Wy diii nuL Orarigéuien support The native bélief hat thia aidé- al bu iL t a man, if (bey aishéd te sée iL pros- thé e peys' begins ý ,eérya-hmrte wave. - pet- -Ot-a-la> tidti Ilsc Orangemén Delhi fbas t-cal! yfidlun, sud. titougbthé mc- *-ho> hadth de litst'effet- made (tem as ré- eunisa-bch a'v'e meacheti'Calcutta are g.atdsitsderpotheu pbcase it-a>iýtiîey fév-mimd-tneïgïr-e. .aomgb t-ename te aboie pnroiinsél'-anttlaerebt- proect, iLt-uon hthîbt-the rotestieýcmpÉltWt- fiIlosmot hautds et prties neot holding, vietes in amc- thé Bitia sitbs m'iey,1OkIl s~ardace kh thpseutOangenien? Bt eç and wodndeo imakug )0, s ince the 1tûiiis( it. ùot"d w lon chargea "-hcÃœhàhvé conamencémnter(he sèg.- 'bo Lt-ceops tie- taioncebeà àahi>. ' epiid o by-te are saïdtu bâve heliuavëi driad l.- r eu1jecîËtËf * Iiéir taék -- -Béropmiisied (iéthge ,i.e, blouen Mr-. Geaan neyer a-as a violent ma in lu Op, ,yltm llthy aR thé aus oU m~nelsr-he~i.~- aIflhd su a cheer, (bat,,t,,mutldmé~pp thecaee of;uai o oa Ctuli dytn.ïas hfïi~~rptt~e 'bé éteantu-tuo w<eoato ma Oditics -abàftshtol à ie'a cht F-11wa audWe m.emadled auidtgvéw -Up, In-thIàRa- , ïti1isWdadd-btméft~-t-dc uman ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ýî44£ot faIQl-thrktlt-atRns ni ~ i, atidssimil.répôrtèd speeljeaarechlsaetrlat~-o'thespht'e Tt 'if tCeIa4uNq wetehe&lfa I ol. -ihwehlty-,wÏtilh dhho 1amvoStoti'tho 'hi,.- te Ita-as 1 bewhg, Aýter on1trihlt1iný causé cf Protestantis nt antiopjoèed L h's ý t-a h ýdéîweé ié,h fWéy9tut net bel ieve ui{udberde 1), speaklni-g - rit ý f uadd14ieiel-g yésý,tj huiowt fl , .ra~hprohmhlitï sepétç.. Ode, (rue t. i M 1 u Xind ÀV4QCKts R4.11? eFCs GW ituséfrbrOvaliî- a-may oheaT;.. j' ejre Gotual IIoveloe4h ba.xecuted a 4IItimaak ~ nianwh~*i1l slahdtùp bm-fI attîimlib ant'i uàc mieyýT tmckoow. sud shea te the a-orld luna-bat a-ayat-Ur, ' b f -t h 9tiSmîrbe1_i-eàoÏ-éd the ri- whicb _XÃ"vern mL Orimneaocf;Ctmida. 4 >Itrsm-i t -I1otMblhuLg- &ee rffikat aithmbnds i*hile noety srr4.in týt-omamnd j i lu oppositiua!on à lé' à , im-atd bbp r'n4tà. Re himself c mman149 -Ltia~h~ itS R~Éanatoleatien- L ifuIi~~ il, -a-Bwhî a6ut- # seîmwA't ahboar a-itness-toI-hia frt ,1He laundred,-Uave ettd*vn?.tl lia .tehtsliwaaath. prineiplai cf' Or- x6 ejt.adH Ibwtama he , -bi ausgeisÏot dictiLes te, every omao-toeshow ifual u~th)o t4-f,"W -~ ~ ~ ~ ~~n mhfitIijrfoe euatter .bLlae M'àý fuliom- a-bat ilay .é their cir"d- Btt.heqau. h0 0ey ooi4itmMy uak ng loud âmngûes .7Wis.4iaé, ërffhth 4g.iwt lipo 'ea* 1hêope, uamyi wemie eef i ikhs);, ttad sAùaimèe 40nZ dUnilwe limte t- MgqÇ%-J j9ml4i *FW4p al cet-e. Note, I gve Mrt. Gowaatiýror. yfepve4 h - 1> bag& 44,igt fuir no;ȍ 4gucat& sçPse,!or u* bu>'-' in oemyY DgJ noy4t~dtett m4féa4 .à' not. Qbmil- --h-fvetJifflaionh -'re~rC~ AQ LN~J. 'fou orilwInitY. Tott e polisj ail loyal men and true, an,« vote for one wlio b" been slandered withcut auificient cause. * Yor*vty repectfuly A ilfïuâm or -L O 79. December, IStb,,1857. At a meeting cf the Orangeinen of the I*feymore District, Couoty Londondèrry, 4MIId4. eld in;their Lodge Room,,on the let d*y cf,-Octoberi ML, alter the naa 1,burrtness.ofthe todge i concluded, -the "Ibllowing tesoltons- * erè unaniriu sly Aged to:~ 1. "I.That we -have, ýwith wu7h anuxiety, wu 0&e the unlenant prceedings wbich have taken p lce in B eI f a, inc e the lest Twelftb of july; and we are much gratified that such-a baciï"ng "investigation has been darieé outlby the. Government both A&rqpgai,the ann.îperaary .Ç, te, j3gttIe of thIe . one, open aIFr preachng, tnd tiie 2. "ITht'w fully Concur wlth thé hzeiid and strait forward satements made byc.ýur worthy Grand Master, -the Rari of Ennis- killen, and W.- . Gweyne, Esq., of An- tritn, in exp 0in te foundâtion and working of the Lodges in -our District car- ry dut ths miles and regulations, as stated by t1-e above named gentlemen.", 8. " That the proccedings of the Roman CathoIic arty in Belfastý have proven-to téor«htPopery isunchaigeable and unchanged; and we -believe, as le ,fully borne out by the present investigation, that Lte Churcli of Rome le stili actuated by the ame spirit ot persecution as ah. hiurbetn in al] se; and that-the teàchinùgs orthat ChurcÉ arq only calculated to'-en- -slave-the mind and peril theu soul, anid unfit her niembers, for the enjoyment cfcivil and religiouis liberty, thems4elves, or to be the repositories of it for others. And we regret te tlnd iukewarn Protestants of any denomnination, a*isting the votaries f that Chureh in carryYfng-out their designe. ins»Piàgýthe foundation of our giori'ous ConàsÉitutîonand in opemlyan m antonl.y lnsuitig theministers of our holy religion~ in the public 41ischarge ofcor solemn i duties. We trust the proceedings ofthe,. Romaniste of Beifast wilI act as a sahita ry wsrning; to ail Protestants againat any comipromis e with Romàe." 4i "'Thàt we congratalate ourPlortestant fellow-aubjecls. in Belfâst, ocn tihe noble stand made by them in support of, their daà-bought peivileges, botl, civil and reli- gionis' and aleo those clergymen who hive hazarded their lives in proclaîaing to sin- ners the, glati tidings of salvation ; and aise te those Orangemen who have flung back on Lite sthoulders oft UicPopish Party the ac- cusation that.(bey were thége sr, and have denionsîratei to the vorîid that a deply ltid plot and conspiracy have been hatchiaig in Bqitast for the destruction of Porestant liberty andi themdvanceerer P-opery.1'-Bfe4t Yewa LLater. { The War in lad.~- AItDITIOZNAL'PAtiTICrLÂtîS orfliIE LI. OF Natire' SaetyValvSs. ASHIOI!AIIL A irai lotit- atsamd1ngl~ Sitawtamg la a pi-et ire ahtî roisbl.amamiple~ ----j L&U -- 1 t' l t ugeoniît E 1p theV a,sd CINN t-c PCqr ý i f i àm '1ý ý Krn À Q 1 0, lut'mnitwimichief hagt beori dorje, k iel'r daily, by a clites of prac4ititîîters a-hzxisay, with truith, bc eailed eic% Itiflikj-s- Thèse gentlemen are content to patch up thé diseased (rae, instead of 'menùvatUug (ho, svstero. 'Vheir aMin i t(o s'i "rees rathir than toe emalitate. 'Pmofeesôrt Bo)l - loa-ay belonga to x différent sehool- lie cures are' not adperficîal mimd cmpyrnry', but comploté and pernjrmnent T{isrth-cory ex«ternalAdeasfoundedoi eMrn attaigy. lesr, ulcerti. and - m àt«4n as qiety ivy"à bid nater.Io elopen the -dischazgo -withotit-feinoving1thé aute, hé wouldffn- aider ata s , ,rationalas te- tie dowii 'the Vilgye.cf a stéate hOileil *hlle steam- 'a-as rapldly ,generauimg a-itlîin.A (e ce engineer puis omitthé lire lu thé ue a-hon ho would stop th.e roci'nn et stéaro, se olo y unhstéisiflamîna- tory -prlucétplhinhich inatd 9ùlîiq:riion, before hé mttemptA tn close the orifice tlirougb which the lischarge thos .ace. 1Hiéîceth4ixtiýordinary eur-st *legs, open wottndiz, abscessés, sure bre estc,-e, fit ruent and Pille , Titese extexior amiçtioua are U(-ie in di 'ces et internal. corruption, anmud thé e feetothle ille is te disîinfeetanmu- ritfyttti nittal inids ut whrch (bat corrup- tion euistc - 1The poison câiied ty te 14oo4 vefflls te thé surface la met mand neuitralizod'by the Oîintffentj antd thus te difiesse la -quencht.d-tt itssourgand- iL the saffie lime. The resuIt- is ti no reitpsoi -* curs;,-for the. poisonous leients beinggau- nibuIated, themo e raothing Ieft, e!thur ii -te receeses of te syksteni or in '.hè et- ardintegultien tsl, wbich cen rekîindié'_tu- ffttdim The.disease le dIcaiIý paetÉlt resiredtîoj. Te fha croer a viruer îc ýaî- cer. witlýctit de&troying. its.cauise lq ~to (bruie baci" inflaînation upon thé vitalîr eaa. h loty naino (bat cari hé- giv Wi te srrch tremtméAt le professiona heomicirle, Hlolîoway- mtterlyT, ignores 511 - #Un-;do practice, thec c-es wmougbt by, his- rmmt- dies ai-e tirougit md fu damenta.-NXY SutyHerciry QusWcatomaof Votera. Evér'y' maie pet-son entèerti-cu thé 'the n hast Asseesmenit Rol, reviSeti, correctéfd-rk ini tercé lin any Parish, Toa-nshiýïTest1%-n Villagre or Place, net beingaithn aÇirr Toii, entitieti (o send a M'.mlier.or .Mlw bore to thé Légisýlative- As.4-mbI-y' f (bits Province, as the omiuer, tenant, or ocepanat ofrcai property ofthe Assfseed actolavalüe ot £50 or upa-ards, or the yearly assedW valunc of £5,or upa-ards -,shah hoe entitled Le vote nt eny élection c a member o r mem- bers (or - the EEkctoral Division i, hitli %ncb Pa-rish, Tosrnship, Toien4 Village -ô Place, is irncIuted; &ubject te thé followlùî NO prsýon shah ho éentitled to vote. athts (ceant or occupant of any moéal property uni- letsIs h(ten lease théreof a-as> orikiriâffy- fuer a térïn ef net less tlimn eue yetr;- sud .mmitno person shall-be dcemed tlméoeécupant ut roi puprywt -thé meaimiîîg out (h Act, ntiles héshaH oeczupythé samne vjt'h thé cors-et: of thé Croivn, or oftthe ow nerofe sncb property, and with.thé irtont thiatite. shahl, on, thé peromanceofetcertain ewýii- tiottetibtalit thé titie te anti becoe.,e e mear cmfsuch property. Wýheeor two or'more ptsn 1t tlieýtim sbe:ng --partm)crc in busineès*,_ joint henantir, or tenants lu conmnma patr indiavà behéthe ,oteners of- nov réal 1pi'-uprrty, or the tenants. or ocvupaTits t!ireot,- tc ,ch Ã"frib pet-sens Atsbe é ci titILd fo vote'iti respectofut-scb propertir, if thé actuel or ytsrly vralué othis patt ý;d shant %wuuld bc Sufficient (o eéntitILie uitd vote 'if. sucha share a-ère -b10d vby izja Sepa - el eee t (bithe Litepop6èr hé hel'J by aý body 'corpdrma-te, -n&ddne5 M the ixeumbers thereoLshai ha itherd»bY--ýt Jtitied te vote ig respect (lieront or f&i s ehmue therein. . Ne renants or -occrzp4lçi of rosI -property bolooügiug tme ~eCrow on- whlchii i istineut oet' ase wbieh hbpmay, haveudertaken on le-yta the Crown, titaîlhe --oxrdaoes.uun aider, a-rho m'y eccmxpi eiich prupertyjjâj due aullioiti , li Ile h5ëhld quamfler'i -vote. - - -À Tiaone-Our reademis doubd lmynil a ftW .dmiys bàck,.t tÂcnu k s-

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