of R. Il. rilitt,(, il, the q jili (leiotz. uliti (hie 0w M( )ODY, 414by, mliv 27th. AqOne. T,'Llir, NOTICF. î in the *1lnlerei,,tied atid JIL_ uti1):Ai.l 't' [),C,,Tider imxt. will lie ll-ilid,ýd over ta m% Attoriiev ee y ý'tion. T.W MAS C. \OV. MOI, 4 3 CIRCULAR. IIE Subsolliber, Ali rêtiring from the Mpr- lIlisitlcs^. bver, to rtýtlir*ii thaiik, to 1ji, jjjj.1 tri(,.Ililqf-,r the lib- giveu to ilitri iv!lile il, 1 Ile luis tû partj(!ý, jjjÉjcýhtLý,j tç, hirii by Book ýlccoun*@, Notes or Mortgagem, Na%- dlie ftnci llatt due, thlit he lirs large pay- nientm tn iiieet, lit enrly dateR, and that owing to the rùssure il, Money matters, ît is ileee%4&r%; for rd'in tc Tileet the, raine ; ilriçl to etiable hîm tý do %'J' he is obliged tu ilislet on imiliediate'pnv- moit of all ainemints t1ile to hhii, otherivise fie will Ix oblîge-1 to hand the mine to bia Attor- ney fier eç)lJimilen Without Further Notice, whi0h it i4 ilot ilis %V1611 to do, alid différent froiii'whrtt lie hum hîthert(b Jolie -, but from the Promit api:enrallees of pnvrnenti, ho illu:t Rav. that mo fkr he botn4, ilo ither colirite ls loft hfiý tw,)- par , stio. lie trtits tlutt &H will sce the ne- eeftity of attendiiig to this and suve enti;. WILLIAM LAING. %Irhitl)y, Octvber 2dï 1857. 41 'AUCTIONURS. U r Tl 0 _N E ER,. apprizes bis numerous tX friends, thut lis the ýmenson of Motion galeg i. titit npprouching, hip unlituited elorvices- -mill bo nt their% dispomt. Services ren- déred at Sales in aüy part of the Çonutrz. ' Te preveut lueonvohionS Md tn»'.#t in Mr. ýaterling'ît, abeence, am 4"eywnte haýe hmin rnuto tn tranuet all b«SIOMS -!*tîng to A vetion Diattem, ut thé CHRONICLE PRINTIXG ýOFFICR An parties wi.-ibing to been're ÉIR bervioe , fi, will pave thoin!wl%ýe.,4 time, tr(Ditl7le and 4ioà jppoint- ment, by going there directp where (laye of âme te;lný,t, &-c., mill ait be tted lapon agiefae- toli, y whother Mr. Sterling bc mhsent oir ýP.TC- mnt. All reluting to t)qlsiii&sm slieuld bc addre8açd' to the Cowixtelà ilitiN-rir4a Orrics, Whitby, Ãnd will be prenMtty AUCTION BILU 1 Priatmâl nt IZRà dmà %mà I»wi-- "TATZ 48 SALES." STFJMUA'i TS « NOTICE TO ÇUDITOPe», ý4Iï18, AND POItENTS. B y vIrtue dL*ý of AsMgnMe1itý, GKAND TRUN K RAILWAY. bçâýng ll#alldè Dèpartmente ed 4u'Y 4PçýÎukd -Aâdigî ee for the et- Towx"y September is, lori. -PO R T H'l TI Y . à ne W tateof OTIC'E 13 ller"bY giveu that Iiis Excellen op ILA» .r ÃŽ>RlNS4l&,. ço. the. A4uà ilth4mt£S".Qf"tbo Gov '"M IU BE 901 D Uà IVATE S7AL4 crament, by Drktl*hý Amerten Assaimuce NOORPORITED under ifi-Aet ckrvitig on budtieu at the village of tyxbtidge, Ordei, lu ÇQUUbU, dated the PQ Couaty of OfýtadaII O N SATURDAY TIM ALTËÈATIOè oF'TRAINS. i Sesqi0n of tlo Eloventh, Provi for thé boncfit of auch- pemitius Ra truly b4coine han b"Ù Plentied to à 4ili , letl n MI Ãollo iniz tautt B" , ]Builfflngy Te wry: Tn'entv-third da of ment of Upper Cwinda. 'Qurteont'h MI r 1 1 héýiou» fur the Sale of Timbe St 4anuary next, at e bour of 0'iLk AN*D AFTRÈ M0«ND.ý,Y, NýIOVFN113EH partiès tberetQ, ituder the conditioià »4, thertin Mslülim terrjt0rvý te bc beld r ý noon, w 10thi Trains will lerive the Station in Front CAPITAL £100,000 bet 1(4n (If Febrtlnr%., À.D. I.Hif!11;ionhth,ý,ç oltuatod on the NorthiSide efFimt£treet, known Town sold lit the Court House in the ber proxiuio, ut 'Élirec Rivers: of Whitbyî the undermentioned Inndst .1853. $Ma Ã1604 ut AJ44ign&4"t uow liÃœ At the $ailsburvs=ek 1jouee, wlth threc-eiÉhthg% with the teneme Street, the foot of Ilay Street, as follows: 'Égi nrot-The &rths cotitaining et nies of âbýout geoiti nu thercon,,aeimd byvirtuo of Toronto Time. 41t ru ylà 7 nature, of ýWhieh square mi e tac à in - %npýrfieies, to bc put tuuà W.] ýgüîtà bl 0nt-UuîId1ý où thé Pi - 9 os tfg &PrtmitTMn forMontrcml,>Qnobee, ftftv 1 .11 1 . ý writs of ýeri1aci48 hlstiýed out of Her Ma Insurance effected on Buildingi n0tý a re( ne ted to take noticei up ut Publie A tictiou, and adjudged te the pa> lies. Abo half Am Lot on South Side of Mnt 'têt, uîz: John liani Perr Portland, &c., ................ nt 7 85 A. M. PI' tio to flic iinderaiglied. Couhtv urt and4 4lMen's Beneh in the ollow- contentd. Evory inforinationt sup, tie.,% bidding nt Ingoui ; PlEintiff, w- È' lit Mail Train fbr Montreal, &c nt 4 20 P M. n wjih spieudiâ Garden, Ehrubbeyl, ". M üÙ PRINGLE, the Iiigliest wnouut of aitintial re stree wi a DÃŽniel 'r- Eck deftndaut- Aý Farewell, = ine Riaka for the Seanon or loi over the oiýdiuary ëronnd rent charge, and mak- on ît. 1 wil] be Sold toptber, or to nuit Put- Plaintiff, «. Danie T. auf e. euýbmt. The B.-The Xiglit Mail Trains eavingMon- JOHN A NOAH HUCKINS, ing Iminediste pnyment ofthe flrst year'is rient. chaxcm, an reasouable terms. Fer pýartîctïlara defetidiuit'a rightt, title. and %interest in and tOr teeal and Toronto on Satarday e%-ehirip, wîll hq- Travelling Agent, Bvroii.Str eçx)iid-Tlie lýertht4 ta bc occuled In-the fLill apply to the undeu' d 1 ôt'tract of land and pre- oirer nt Kingston, and proeeé'd nt tional haut C&XX»n-4, ýUCDOXILTý & 1)"TX£Ll" ofthe gencral recIRtions, Irint the first - eMo aIl thnt certain r on Mondav rnoriiii 'On the P .7 mises situat wmsllip Of Ranch County solleitors. a U:ÃŽg;!S SAILSBURY e in t ME ri, T4AINý GOING WFIST. î;îeteîti a against Les agid 44 nemaculand non-comp * nce with this condition of Ontan*o bel 'orapSed of PR rets/ t'O invo rt 0f1ýt NO- llao@èiigerTrniii forGilpIphBt-rlin, by Pi November 16, 1857. ve the forfçiture of all claini to reiiewai Port whithy, enty 27 1857., 28 18, in tà e 01 Zcuocézion of said Townsliî ý-ëur. y Roach, containing bu nameiatirerneli P .............. 8 05 A. M. NOTICE TO -CREDITORS Third-A,11 the Bertiis'dil osed of, to be sub- dore, and mav bi otlerwioe kfflwm am follower. mocriger rain *.* 'M, eekly Glübe copy till forbid. t half an T » for do do 4 ob P. M. WMTERN ASSURANCE CO ject to lui artinual charge ofion Pounde clirmn- that is to sa' Frelelit Trnitis will lea-.,e Kli %tien and 'Yý %,Irtiio of a deeci o nadictiment bêýrInjc çy, for every fitly superflicial miles (and, in pro- BEAVER-170N. y--eoinniencing where a polit bas Qrkeiýn Wlierfd.iiiv. hotu planted 8 74oWest fréta the interection: CAPITAL £100,000. B 'date Oetýuber .1tIst. 11857, the tiudersigned portion fur kher areaslI for the beneflt of the SL of tho Wegterly Ilue of S'imene strut, with the S. P. BIDDER.- were affly Isppoletted Assignets fur thé'leitate htaurileelto.adFuudthiâatiioniktbeinl I'rreopt,-.- POU ý. SALB CREAPI. Southerly lille for the aliPwalice of rond in the aenertd -vanoq". on Bui1dîn Il VI' of l1ro ýeason, A MILL 11RIVII-9GE (reul audpemonal) tif und rept, and Iii be 11,11id Mis ND TOWN LOTS, rear of ille said 4 chaing, 38 lin s, contente. Every information t and each 2wueding seisoil before the iâsue of eotl4,lous toi ,the Buverton Wharf- A theii S 7t)i)W"t. 2 chainq, thon Sont-Il 16n. 80 j - - application to tlie niffler8igned. Henry Daniels, licen,§e. 1 1 min. E 2 chains 50 links, tu the place el' hegili- , arge anot profitable Millinébusiness can be dons 18511. 8CVG0ýG NAVIGATION. 1857. ,klle to file slleftiqs iere. Favorable terms inay be inade with the nîng. JOHN .11 Of the Villnice of Broolilin, inerchant, for the Futirtli--nie Travelling Agent, Bvron Si roi benefit of siieli exons tir. tilinll becorne partie#4 Ail comjý_titors, withiti otie nionth frola file date Proprictor hy a l'motion] Miter. NELSONI G. REYNOLDS, $lit-reto, ittideé tt *'Iltlitioils therein %et forth of ý,,, litti nnd privileg", eonve% ed AýpIV te beforc the aira day of Deceinber 1857 said and the conditions and reýtri.tion-4 Irnposeà Mit. JAMES ARMSTRONG, 9h&rilr, C. 0. 1 Times and Beacon Assuranci det-d ot amIdiznirient nov lied at the 0ilige, of per J. iabaii,41 14neh heenses, to he lit ýeterv S t, except Qý 'N. B.-There is a liNt-rato orningrat Be&- on Buildiup à Solicit-êt, rogird@ the 1iitvý Izoa ni lit vfa 01111 d the condition of (,ci of' retit' thý cýiarie ,rton for the Establish e V. 1VhiI)ý ,et. 1-., 18à .-_ contents. Everv information à Whitbv, for sienature, j partien iii- ri, , -illýitii)ii the first ve;r. appliuation to the ilý(lordigne(L fieren ea art reýiLie8te(l to tak-e n--tieeý. ýuhject to ench gener;d Tiniber liegiflali J.,;i. M. WILLCOX now fire, or heýeà ftor niny be In foreé. on8 118 Beaverton, julý 28. IS57. ATTACHMENT. TI1Fý STEA MF,14 j 0 1 UN CANIII13Eýl, ;ý __ ___ __ - - - 1 - 0 6 w Trave-IlitiKAueiitatidStirv(lyorofIZ -The third rffle ii; inteiided to be adher- . ý B y IIIRTt7E OF 'ÇoT-. L 1 V E R P 0 0 L COUSTY OF oNýTARl0. 0 0 D M A ?(,'e Street. Whithy. cd tc) in ftitiii-I, Sitieý, Iii the St. _ýIrIiiriet. 36 a writ of At- tuellitie-it b3ýqi1ûd out nt Iler Ma ojjjjtý. jo$týc,6 (ý i B W Il 1 T T A K F, li , M&ste Provincial Assurance Cor jr xrivember Icith, ido-Ã. 4X, 21 Il 1 1 & Court. datrd of ziiietist, t, ilkîu -,rb, ENSPECToR 1-j Reti1rîiiiig lenveA Lindsay nt p.rn., 1 FeT Sale or to Let at Liverpool, t tliiItl>itpit (,iitlit butiirkl and to nie ily, 0,1111dio ý c\ov. CAPITAL £125,000 ÇTO 4A 1 direvIed, Pzaiii>t the eMate, rvtil 'a,; well au per- ' e\*(ýr% ' '! 'Ied 1 WENNTY MILE.; FAST OF i , the "1 4 ai 'Fýnf-lcit FnIls, nfid *11ling nt NOTICE. Ttirontoj loth ot-tober, % pot and etation of titi! Grand r peil- I)q-t.tt - r fqt flir m1Iît of I)aVid the ditig-rt-rtt j-rý, Qii t lit. Lfili-e. T De 'T illik s-risil, -i'fin,,h 1, atiabseonding or vnn- ; : c.ff(ý1rtûd on Buildinu I. Fach Shop ha,ý a (,,,ttýné-e and a iltinrte, ri 1 Th' thorotiglilv 'ri-liaireçl cotitentm. Eerv iiif,,r.natioii si OTICE i-i lipreli% ffiveri flint Ilie of titi Aere of Lniid tittaehe'fl. ilobert, for flic stun of t'aiirtv-tw;i i pýjd 4,11 tjIe rippliention to t lie II . idersigned. wýM To nerchauls and flarmers. _el N tlin Atliqiniýtt,;tor of the Coverntll(,nt. lelllii4l--% thirteun ýIiiIIinjzs, 1 havr svizcd âl the 1-ptiritizdate the loth iiit:, In a short d4lanee of the Ri-utd. anl estête. real siswicli iii; persolial. of thes-qid Ilugli Lqke %%.I!i f0fE'1ý At r )ýidstIb-cril)ýr bczz; Io n-ýqi-iint Iiie frieiicht th(. frmi dijty of3,le-rs the 1)(,Iioi. A gond bie-inc!8 in both Liviniz-iton, and i1nIesýe t1je said Ilugh Liviiiptton Aliril ',4, 10-W. part of tbe qlle ip in 4.,..ftQ- rc-ý TritvellinLr Àgetit, Byron Streg ;in the Imlylii: I;,ýnerall %* , thet lie bu ralien John Ense Petoir in he dont by Ftcjèdy and gilod work- 1 e mairie In, t1ýl" Morgan, iatif, Ineîùý- trIid,-.ý, e retrirrici ý% itiiiii the iliriediction of trie said Court, peiZI, .. 1 momt eoinfortaPr bicar. and ad- ule IzIiivkl ab tl;" in bail t,,tlirartioli, (Orculi.-e-4 til rs ÃŽli F E Ji Vr4 fr tl aild Wcl Il,- It ne und ýa1;4cII9e 17 X 7r 11 1- L 1, C.-11! I't Ont:Lri', alid Peel. and Fý,r fiirtIýer particillam In n 1 I'U # d igs to f, Illirged vvithhi threc (-'tOet)é.itr niniitho% lI£Iý-e lipen wC11 xiid prov ic ed for in t Lsquire ReNefille Ili'pec- M ù: S. PVRDY lill thé rtItl A_ý wi,11 fLý nnal. of t lie -n;ý itýd forinorlv bv ýIr.l?,11ohrenonr t,ýr t,,r the ocutric diN ,f ihe .11111-ties Li Freizlit ofIM bilien lit, tind and of C hada, inaLine the lire-(>;il 1 The Diriti-ih Aifteiri.cau Friendl TirL)fjklý.n, front hià Io1Iýe iLnd well kwwn hf, will be field liableforthe l'encfit, Ilav- , 'T.%B].I>IIFD Fi a s experiýnIQci in ibr, 1111silif-sm ili lyffltbv, Ilopes II%- mont or Kati, action of thé said claitn, or tile r, Ttil% 12q. .4t' a ge, k i-ýi re piiîwtiw;irý to nierit a ý f.,I 1;1.ëTlqt" find pu% ineIif.ý "f 'till t:].iiItis --f-sneh ut-hur plaintiffor plaintiffs. si- diall ('tittaÃŽli Wl j lire afia Ilealth. list'orporit'ed ef 1-'liblic trQI1aK0ý Attofflou paij d1ý tif,,1 -,Nil rv to hf, iii;cd, to Mr. NIv- Farm for Sale. a.ý m ell ii,; hi> Ai,-t of Parlianient, 1 q Vir., Cal). 64. te G RI ST1ý1ýý1; Poiieil mail I«w-ýivror.'lt:re. offt,4 uf il](- sail LiN iligiqIon, witillil 'ix. Fiiririer,ý titi 1 o*h(,rý 900 t OF SPLF.IÇDID T_,li ND. PiT nionths oftlie ý,t'tI1QAI)IVe writ und wil] find this aile- CAPITAL STOCK, 91(X to gat Ihtir Whi-at Flonrod. %%il] be -le:iýt wit1ý ici, in loth Conew-sion of Thorah; 15 NELSON G. RE DS liberally. A caii will t1!,1îýjv 40 11(111red. Thim Yaria iit situated vrithil, 1-lieriff c I) IlLail office tir Niontrealq !,,zir miles of ik-avertý>t), on the travel rond In il. lier J. L B R. Noveilil>ýer 91,11, 4.1 1 Nizira; the land is of' the Imýst qntilitv, and is lit 1 Slieritl"m Offiee. GF.NFR.i1ý AfwýNT Foit C. IV., Jtq. 1 . -_ - - __ 1 OFFICE, tlie cittre ý-fv -,tileinetit. wiiii a seliool, IK57. N 0 il 1 C C. I)d a 1',Bwlltill FURNITURE, &c. I'USTI 1111- PLPARTVLNT. North ligtif-ýf L4 C in Ilié 10th C-,tirüt- i ,,Iiin of Thorah, toii>iting iýf M acreis; 12 ý,I FOR SAlE OR TO LET. wliîf-,h are elenred, and rr..rit.ing on the Portnge Ille et-tire T,,r7,titiý, uith octol-,r, CABINET W AREHOUSEII, ÃŽR.W. Clark .11. D., illetittal L)AtIii,4,ý5 wi0j ait wi-lil i,,11 ,t* 'OTI(T i 1 r 11% j!ýven ilint Ilis; Ex ll.I.IFNi-Y Rond, Nlill. r a IF A*Il rifi 9; 110UNE & 110TS Floit s2ILLE. A -Now Stock, _4M Col Il im- I-111 T, 1 and 2, lleist-% for Sile- ,OSE XEI T- -JIL '10 S PIILLS, oiond fnm es the mathrw or , Innscle, gland and fibri in thý Fî#amsu il ben pare it omr'u beaith to avery ,rhen corrupt'-it necagarily prcglticwý iloiýLOWAY'S Pll4<,PP«Mte li- en the elcments , fi' ing the principle of dj6etwe n", 3 the, curing the nialady, *hdther til -S.the et4)mnebtlleliver, thebowele-id le.%, the ï4kin, the brain, or any (th,- le ýd Throughout the Worid 9 >UTý,£Y-S PILLs 'r Usil ýmtâ common to theew à unmn race. lorders pectiliar to eertain elimates Alqrming Disorderg, sý and derang nent 6f Ù"vë, ingrmity and ýe1 rificring, and'the !mble dontim, Yield to thes, =.'le*.# !-çý however nt4Mvnted, Mtin à lburifv -the luîdjq, and.invigot, etom and thý constitution nt tbeO«Mg Fcakdes 9-*Nervoumç Comp4int., stillitilantA fail, the renoveng ma >(TertieA ofthese Pillg give firmane» k-:Ijg nerve.4 and ejjfüchhýd musa orgeneral debilitv. es -of Delicate Femaleg. zand iiiiiic!nt,4 itjcident-ýjo the ýýIjve OrgAlis of the mlex Jùt in. ernrives. Xfb mother Whot. r e!li1drcr1*tý hcalth hs^u in lier reach. rientiric End the LOnd0n 6;.NlediW and.,the snoýt enjinent týfthelf,,,dt, ;rItain. and ilemmUr, have lie Pille and t1ýP!rAf1ventor. y g Pili-- are thp beýt rern5jy in the le pýý,ntm, n- 4 Mains, m TZR)" 07 JL , a,.. P*J"w iitnctly ÙR À RAM 0 AUX ]ton £Bd un& 9ffery &ubmqueat i ý '& lib" diecoui tn= Iý "Wh] advnrtwnK "beffion 1pSuty. JU Who li Douces. be ar e Imid ep. Li'"em einclc,«i ne lip rà k of the Pal 'BOOK T-IMMP7 t thý - b, It- of Tv to r 0 an, AU irM be d A)e in a rimneming j-riý -mble« t1le-Ir in hmnd tinz Mn Irw" and ut the Kh ZACHEt JE-1)(;E OF T1117 Courte. fiffiri;n NEUýON sitzuF.F fflisTRArý a. J. m c LEUR t bF TH the court C411M rýF TIII J. Iff. 1 WARDEN. U&I tSOT firIT(bR. Cin" L. r C LET, Iý FI P-zT 1) at the Court Ild 4.1 ('f' (Jtlt% cordû 1 rais "f' t lie Avt 1'ý RE'W ARD. 5, eNettil-ijikg -%141,vriiLls' ii>iýj Implem;-Illfý -A friii tiillt%.. (Ir Ilkýt î&11,r1iý j jij,ý 40. C" e?, la Z i a CýWCIefj viiiier iilviii Ilenitil rr -ek Tilt, lione is ta infýýrili:&tir.rn air,,t-ded Iii,; Stc, ï1yU jvL-IIfý Fraine -ne, a tinçi a ha] f Il i2 11. [le L'w lit lit hf,4 tIfle.f.. Genuine Dtuga and Médi la taining al), apartiriclits. 1 in Z4."l rej'ilir, nuit Marvh I11ýý in __ cined ])Ijtrlto-tt, DrmpAy, Weil paillied. 1 hert, i. Ji î Combs and ltriliql)eg, Bremit Piiiiepm, J-)el)iflt - -e r ITUE BEWr INVENTMENT VE à itther "ait Mlti final every 1-01 LISC. (Irtili ý f --i-1 Airne FV_ OFPERED. A A Jl E B UI L 1) 1 X G PORTRAITS. i mental, týa) lae foýI ad in a Dru- Store. 'V, 1, -rv ar- anale Gnit 14:1 i lits Liver é(jjjj.I 1,lit n,,t encIvýtý,I. The situuzimi i- a ticlv jmrv!in,ýùiI ti'Iiiin is; wwî e:e-ýSoItl at the Maniifûûtoritýjq N TUF 17114IT-IMIHING TOWN OF WIIIT- deli,;btrlll (Ini, l C. 1 aVIA 1) 0 T[eýS. i Ph ysiviatiali Pre.-ivriptinn-4 and Family BY. i> t,ý be fý-mid iii the jaurachlise -f thilat Ftlr Icrniýi itil,2l flirilior J'al-tivillarq, npply Vý 1 prepareai. bt Maiden , TAne Nev : 124-1 Strind. Lonfioli, hy ait r" %nlunide jrýI;.ý,rtN ,fi tilt. ILsaý l'Ille. wi-Il ESTABLISITE*D IN 1-q4.j. A . G lit E E N A tribrotype Artist, IlOùgv, & C,%TTI Y, ilEinc er* peetait lý Ille F-Late d' Ille 1:!*ý- CAPTAIN GEOUIIE ALF.X. , ; laid Dealers in 1 Ilirf u1molitirc, that. lie lias k ttiroligilotil 'ri IEW. and riovi- 1-ýr b.liale lb% hie Exevti IIF Si0ý,lrî4cr thé, Iftic. fire. re- 'treet. m-liervý lie i.-i prepired te -ilifL,4 ahva% s on Imitai. States on(i'tite world, in Tfiiý pri ier1% e-ltiistm ýlf Or t') w on peiied RY,ýin,. lit Brirk ma a ilde 1?,,l -Vorfeir, be- e'-flt"' nl'xll ec"týs' and *1 LM-cý T boilt Iiiý promi,-, 1 .ýiiwr and 111--lk, Fiftp;ýïVv0î Ac"s of Laild, CFO. IVALLACF., c"I 1 i '4e- There is a ci)flý;iitlmhie Anvir P»(»:Irltifiiili- Nit 119N-ilig thé t exeaýiittý s Ir. IMEL t la; lit rzer Lille (If , Lghtv Lods ftiffl l'il 0,1-1-vr '2Q. l4ý:,7. 41' :iH Photographie Likenesse Il 'iViiitii ' v,.Ftil. v a. 1 ý.-,7. 24-tf. > in N .- Il.- Dirtniomç 9),- the gnidýntý lie Wvm Rital East tîd(ýs. (tult 01« lilinà rcýl and the, Verv Inl"t stvle of the art. Ile hSs liste- chairx, Illeil-efrafle, 1, _. - - - - - Lavery t-ILsurder are FýýwrJZ-Im, ,il the il i-e lmýiititlvd 1.% th. 0 on IL sli!l svlit ever. matif hopes le 110TEL 7'0 LET. Iv made imp'-i-t-int linprt)vemrnt,4 fil hl* of Port Whitbv. This water frniItLge 1 bv mi rivt lit celitiin Io to merit a shitre. Inofle r)f Il%- %i-liiL-Il the molst splendial Illust mooli bevoille înl.iilelisciv valuable, n-.ý fr-in Il E Proprietor 1-aving demirmil% of r(-t;rlllz frol 1 0t1;týf.)iic rveiiIfs are 10PAL, the %vorils the iii(-rettitiL, trwl;ý of the l'art. tý" T tlle blieilivls, Il-- %vould dispose of hi:, ilit aer- e &- weil lz il,,%% il 1).ý Ille inii:tl)itarttmoftilie are finished inýmTeII 1 are 4list-ûnial)l(-ttq a v Mollit be allaite in- est in t lie of t iio ; r, e ction of tlie nimiiiiertimit theventi MINIA rtRi- Lie in lime will Ver Naek Dit(] 13rowni the 1>.>(ýk ordi-eetioli's ý0unaJ encli f0ýýqI1:1I4- tlý flie ri-quirements of the bli>irliýgm. l'lit tir, lit "North American ]Elotel,'9 Ller- Carriage. i . y t1le maille Illay Ixt Illahily seen I)v h04 tit-id thi, mili Net-Y Z..,m l- quite ilL.Idt-- 1 _M. Tima. LOCKETS, BROACHES AND 1 1, me 1;ýx/u. -'l haudIamncý rew;rd tÀ. to tile of the business, and situtite in the Town of Port Ilope, m illi Fili to nnv one runderinir à 4neh i, fr-titntt- %vill very be watite(l f-t-ward- tnre, ilxiures, tte. Il i- sa r -IV in the tripatpst manlier. i -:a et eee-,sarý It) W. 11. DOEL 1 1 As fila%- Icad ta) t'lie dçteaitin Af auY pý flic. iiiinuftic-tiiriiir Laud uther îny f-r and a 'Ulore :ýîr ll,,tirs front fill 4 t-If. inotli be fý,i1lId. C OFF I N S il).. ;vitItý,ut retcrti tri thi, wentfior, einelI or T ýl(»t,-?-Yiin(ýI ut-n svIlinz For lýarli(ýiiLnrý; al-p1% In Cull and see',peeinirus ; wlit-t!itcr Visitorg wisli 1 i - ---- - - mittlit-ý kilowiliz treln tala lie -tptirioü.4'. the wf ùrtý in "Ilv 1-t. 'Ind to ar Ilûcr, Il) iFifrin the p--i igrei. or tint, lie mil] nt aIl timeý be happy ta) JUST RECEIVED, Jime Zrd, 18.57. S, lit 1 -'s North Arrivri(un 'M tant of mid Nee tiItý;i;. lavorin- Extract«. ille alli(tl-,Ilt which it wýqI1aI il' 1 Port Ilopt,, N,-v. 14.1, 43 1 that lie imi 01Lsi!1esý Lit lais olà whithv, blid Iolt ýll saliall Ilat- m 50C., TO 86.00M 1wý,s to itlf,)rm the inhabi- its ot' W111 Tl' i7,itid sTirrorinding, eonn- Wi' l' Mal Cinnarimn. ýt lie lins tak-en the mi limek-st., Il.,DOPF,. I)v .1. Il. TI'imn:iý4, Z49 W llîtl)V, 24-tf 'DAGUE.111RIAN AqTIST.ýý ie rimv he f-)iini rvady to m-ait ii ry f.-tv(,r Iiiin ivith a cýilI l'or a Il )(bil thoiie Perfumer'y, Hair Oils, &c. lie, fiilr)-,ring deserijniom; ortrait of ODORS& EXTRAC lS. 11q. ,Iettergrzarlif& aiio 1 lintenr;tkhs. Bridal Wre-ath, ýýtýi1ecn ef Perruin", lientlier mid Pirm-r Trawifters, eqttttl to CIA lie art. 1 *aIl isri-i 'See. JAMES A. CLARK, Whitbv. (Iiib, \'Iolet and D)qnetý er 2q, 1 R7.7. 41 OILS, &C. ,4ivceMBrit-r Flqtid M'ig, Seotin Ylora, Kathair0h, Spring Flowm ------ - . ..... .......... .... .... . liair Glose, :Otto of Rose. 'Trah 41rigtregs.lust stop 1 PB Rr lumEs. ý ook into My *hop f Y-inde Colope, Our Katci'x Favorite, Il the nice thincs take a blink t or Bou qnet d'Oriept, 'the4e'you doit like, Lavender Wùter, choice, . bargain yon9li etrike 1 Ik)quc!* de li Vert, u but take a peep nt tee Tinker. Tableait of Flowem, Winter Bloworn, Snrhets, Cut (,*W" Sinelling %tries, lndiau NEW TIN SHOP- Riibber and Torroise Sheil Comb.4, rorte MQ-j ON WiliTry. naieA, 11elticulem, &C- ain Brvaij's fAd c and Tin- W; IL DOET, ware silop.) Whitby, July 1, M"M 24-tf. AIN DRYA N-Pitoricirmi. RUB.SCRIBER WOULD ANNOUNCE 1 FISUING TACKLE. he inhabihuifis of this Ttiwii and Conià v 1 - ha-4 operied the above I)rcmiee-ç. AFI 1 PIJýE, Troiitý B"s nad cither Ilooka -1 1 Lineà ,., 'Tia-ware made nncl reputred. Brazier-; 1 Cut, Reels, CÙue and Jointed Rode., &o. every deeeription done nit the e . -ýlee* W. il. DOFIL 'rnprie q a Whitk'F, july 1, 18,578. 244f. q-ho works nt Mit traâe and im not of it. All ordem for work executed csnuin-like inantier and vrith despritch. lUneral-Water. de-ver tion of u-oýk ninele and relmired = cid and xonnd. T17ST Roc-êii-ocl, a silp The Mantagenet ebworkclotie 0 Minerai Water," ids of "Il the tz i it =n dciio bv any ether' Tinker in H. DOEL. lvbitby, Jilly 1, 18rý. 24-tf. fla enpper, cast. iron; cotton and ]!tien ýeP skirm, %te., taken in pxe-liaii o 'ý IM-x >y April gth 1M 12-ti: VOft TUE P£8X.Aý,çM,;T CUlig op, S, TÃn. Copper, 949 of iM Xt'dney,#, Liver, Jaimdi«, ý Avair and ew, 'eaeý* ana to infonn'ille T înlkal;ttoùteof ýl'fiitbv and the snr- rounding- con ntryý- titat lié hua pu're.ha- sed the svick-,of . ïfr. Thommi Wallace, And n1l complaint 1 s originating from iinlinre and inteudg to carry on the busilless in blood nnd.habitotthe t3vètem, Gc=r&l Debility, melee'si on the fame premiocs. and feeble Btate of the 1cýPn3tjtutjon bc long experieuciý in this eountry R-,% a - g6y LMieà in.a ýwe4klv etate heaith, tlu'» T 1 Cý4_L W 0 -R KMÀ N, Wine is a delightfu,,l reîýedy. ýoýînan for the lut pteven yenn for ':' Wholèsale'Agents 1uýfTýronin Ã-Tmnn.13;rcm. ;Onrge H.,Cbeney -iN.- Co4 of TorojitQ,,, ý&, Cý.4ï -ý&Ud, urqahwt._- 9i"gà teçi-ý4 N' Pal- ýo»1fdent in tttat!Ùg thar, ail werk ow; FýSTtULISIfFD FOR oir ý'MZ Rheum. I>tllfplë#, jýx of Y'ex DR. AýIq0ý.q & s, ON. (Cop.ýrrr. OF m.%.TN- IZETRE ON-LY IN TII A'STATE who à re ineïnizr-e -Çf, the College of Stirgeons, ionilon, n-m- be co!ùýigh front -$ (jý(Aoek iit the ni(miine, illitil 9 ittliiý'ht, in everv >tote and Tlie treQtment they %(iopt iq the rt,ýIlt7nf Lotilon. The nj(,)st inveternte Ca*" &f I)i8e"ee eraidýie-ntetl in a or i (i.-iv,4, and eïxex ot &,.;Iight nature in 2 or a days nt - 0dérate -ex. pen.4ýe- The cure elfecte(f ;ýjjh n In or hindrancre from ýbuejn,,., (nit eonffâtizneus 'lThe illlielloiuellono? fornikle, m.'mspilier. 1ý,r N . dotto-rs l'Ir fýý)o the wikhiirof ti', view (Il' NVbitlY, No-miiber 1 44 NOTICE. tatt Iii the ýltti. JAMES TWEEDIE,, Vi lIr lhe Tivu DIF., ar'. i.ý joli% jjjIýj.*t 'j 0. Xa. 1 C ý 1 -ý 1 tp. Il EUP )I , ý t OFFICE. 4_ý 1 om.. i i bal 1 Pý Ille ýWliiîiÀýtr;it,,r titi, od %,,-ith mr tîiýfelj IIIII,,reen, as il i!, tl', 1iýt I'f (i lit) il it imll per ral-! 4(1 t J)J)j ical toil to 1. 11 o.1 t 1 ýý%d fi ërý Il l r vori.cr --i ?ý'trt!cnIar, tr) Ilé \! ý . 1 011 SALE. lý"" 0 r'117 ff' ST1?h7ETý FROà l'-%, ili A M F:; LLA N 1 Whûre he %vil] nil.1 k-vtýjfn twe ýtlr%- Brick ilouse RI RI, hand -NI ýl ni TIILW A East Wiiii>,'r. %viihin tiie lvliatel c-r kind i IIF nished Il with I;r(" M ord, 4 t(' liý1 Tou Iislil,. iiiid Ie.ý. Il ý-t,î T FOR SALE CREAP. ain- s iq)artrnentý %viti, Vie j-rrýon tTý" t"!Lt 4 ý3 a eo-1 l'cllar jold B pull) fil 1 N is al'o re ffrii-terl%. Ir.- - - wherc hc OT N*l). t)'.. in Cw, Ir#-' (If Whitl- 1 The lialf -ni avr(i. 1 ýtIni Ille balance In M1.1. TILL. l r,,,r &n] _t BUILDING MAYE. RIALS. ýjqlv tl) ilie is si Tit Etrîlme*,(ý--,)-ti) vite tini, nienee ýf Carr% ilig Nvig.KlNà , EMI., Appli t., un (If, t il or to IANE 11,01t SALE. F, () iz c; E mlelm, l fe pýr,1î- ietwr on th-e Preîlniees INT NTIA' ().N IIANI) 1 I1-IZIN(; TU li any in th and wu ii,ýr lý*r,-ýii lurnt U., For Sale or to Let, il u'ill 1,ýi "(Ild for Czi.-Il ut Lis ýk1 THE WlielTBY STE,*->l lMILL.Sl' pr Barre!. FOR TOWN LOTS. ITII TU'O 1ZUN OF STO.NF.;, ALL bi.%*rilEýV CARL, w eviliplete, and most of the irearing far the E IIAN A LSO IN CON N ECTI 0 Wl 1 7 lcr 1 t 1rh ithy. IN TIIF TOWN OF IN TUE third riiii, is propelleil by a t.Itirtý hormdc. poliver the siblive :1 of Ille Marlef. Engine. The Mill lias donc a ýood biisitlt-l;ÈL BRICKS 1 BRICKS 1 WATER LOT:. 'inet il was in operation luet Septenil)er. The First Clasa Rearse!! i ............ For further particulars and tt-riti4 apply In -Mill ils new, and in -<xld ordur. Tliere is four mallur Air acturet, hN. H. 1,,vngýston W htllv Lo F. RELLEIL fiftlis nf an acre of whieli ei.)4oý000 fnr 4 >ttli, -,r -,il Fijq)r-ý% (A crütli L"d w'th tle '%""' ý'PP1y 1 6 made up lit the bfst Style AtalI WhitIl R, if L'y letttr' "t paid, to . e. WILLIAM ROSS, Fnnerals attended nt theshortest notiec. ici WILD LANDS. Port Ile I'ort If-ht'tby i Or on the Preinises. %VM. TILL. Ir jou Or at the (liriiii4-le ()In whithy, filly ce. Aereg IVild Land for liale on liberai Port Perry, Febritary 25,1857. ,il iý pre t,. malie anl flir- iii,11. Ill 1ý;,, Brieh- ýj. ' N ý Il zl r F. ]ZELLYR. "OUSE and LOT FOR SALE. SALOONS, &o. 1 Ber tiele (If 13rick. tf, il:trti(,s wiý1,iitL, t-- 4-ontract tý,r Whithy, July rk. 11;.r. ea ALE EN THE VILLAG E OF 111109IZ- n th-ý manie, in ýiieh iiiaiiiiiie-ri., ma.v Ile vcntraet- -1 En, a and Lotgeeond to nonc in the OYSTER JO ed for. TW 0 GOOD LOTS FOR SALE. ýlInntv. The nbove plw-c is beautifiilly eitu- 12 nted. knr)wn as the resîdence of the Iatý Wim 1 T 'Çrrý, n,-ýl 1btol, Pickering, -NR Stile, Tiv-o exSllent LIts in the Town of Modeson, sen.. uith a Rffld U-ell of water, CRYSTAL SAW ON t' t A Iso to Whithy, on Dandas Stvelct Enit. The Stade, S'hed and Wood--hotise, &o., thereý,n. t 1, that lie Il: Lots are Fenoed in, and beautifillly ilitua- For ftirthar particulan aý kinds of 1 Pýýrt Wbitby. M The Pr tell. I)GSOIN 35 Wallace Busidings, Yonge work of ci à I-ýÊF_ TER31S 1 LIBERAI, whitby, C. iv. et, formitli. Choilre Iiqiiorm, Cipra, tinker wl il And at the Chroni.-14 Office. April 74th, 1657. 112-tf. __ - __ - ___ __ _ _ 1 For further païtieukwâ apply to ý «iC. Z DRAAN TILEN. FARQUHARSON. - BEVA-NS & DRON, in a tmdL-- WANTEU TO RENT. Toronto. Jiily 15, 1857. 2 1; Or te Port Ho-pe. 1 Every d suh er;h rl 1111%17 beetl al-Ioilltt-d J. W 0 L F EN D F, N. a--q EFORE the Winter, a 11on". of NATIONAL 110TEL,, and %rilani Ml kiné 9 6 or 71 Roonnq, in or rient the 1 POICT NI-IIITliV.1 ter than it 4-9-3- MI Smart's Drain Tiles, 22 * 1 o . 1 3tine Ir" 18.57. Il ; Il 11, '17own of Whitbvý. town. 1 ou 4 Addrerigt evililL partictiturg as te IIF r,,der.,tzneti t-r) inform hix frîends te- 1)], Bownianville, the * v are now to offer nt VALITABLE PROPEIRTY FOR SALE j sizle. reil x 108, post office T -lie, thathe lm now in Po" rapt -,hee rmslon j Whitbv. leh, lie i pipli ilxi) IIISPRO'PFýRTYISPLEAr-.&NTLYSTTTY-! -Aujrý,419th.18S7. nt the above Ilotdi the hu.4ness of whi whithly will lit future earry on, on his owit aSouiit- F,-r-lýittid toid CvIlar Praininz samplesi shown T alled in the flotirishinir Town of Whithx- 1 (,t)ôdLiquori;, Urii;eg and Brandies. Fxçf-Ilent and price.,l itýýýcerutinêd on applâ.,ation to on Brock Ftreet, dircetiv olipngite Judge Burik-' SPLENDID INVMTRENT, Stabling. C.-xtýfuI attention for manand bons. 11:1lMILTON &- ROBERTS, ha"I'q resillenép, eontiillltlf,' tVo fifthm of fin EDWARD RAY. acre of Ltuid, with abont I(Xe font ftontagît on 0 NTA RIO HOTE Li TT-hitIýy, Mxýy Gth, isrd. 16 Nos. 1 and 2, crected a Br(lck ýStreet M'Ilitb". BROCK STREET, WHITRY. WESTER COMPORTABLE BRICK COTTAGE, 8 CRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE witil t41iitQble ont BnildinL,@, an exeellent Weil that popular HOTEL now ce ied by 1 rrll£ ABOVE PREMISES RAVY, BEFX- LU.11 BE, R YARD, SHINGLES, &c. of Water, and a Cistem, togetlier with a nom- ha lig rontag ID B si Fýmit1Treês. Tor fuither pard- o 66" a f o 11 ýjL jkist opened by -the - mhder4igned whe Cilla" apply to ROBERT Il. LAWDM lm%'C"er* ean nw Énd gond ncMMmý1ation tu T 'inEforing the j_ýtibIic that lin has opened the W. SHAW, on the premise& Whitby. Jan. 2Q. IM7. The Bouse îs well ftirliiîlke(l, woll kept, and thc ali;ts bMn Lninber Yard latftly kept hy Mr. Thornal; GnIla Whithy, Feh. 10, 1857. 4 Blocmg a artInents "inv and airv. ý Then - là Frein th glièr, Green Street* w1lere be is con- BLACK$ZKITU WANTED. g= darnibortablo. stab];UÃŽ" and illi, Wt atten-_ PR A rstantly supplied with Loin - ber of evvrv de",Pip- FOR SALE IN THR "WN OF tion le Païd te men and borse. The bar-ýroom; la and es F-o tion, ;eaizotier] and grrcen. Lumber of ail Ieiiýths. lame au eonviinient, and well sitpëlied with Mesgrg. Gt 2 in., 1 lz in. 14 in. 1 in., Laths, &c. Also, e beat Winos, Mquors and Cigim Rand- ho recIR oc Square !ýiu1ber froin A to 10 fixhes. OT5; NOS. 2, and 22. TREY ARE SITUe tndy:ùtted np *itting moins for, p . dîntà Par- trusted to U- liuilcýliiig(, Material furiiislied on the -4 ated on Dundas Street, between Mr. à ! thatwill 1 gi ebortest notice. 1 . MOCAun a, T. C. LACF, Çochrano's and Lynde's Crock. 1 - LIBERAL TO RENT9, COOKI 1 7 Green Street, IVIitby; aïs A T BELLS C-oRKM, a blackxmltbls Shop Application te bc made te £-X furnished, will bc lAt te the - BlaekËmith --CENTRE, HOTEL. Aise aRý, amwëring the foregoine-roquimmentiý. A,,,PIERCE-BEGS LEAVE TO IN- REAL ]ESTATE. ikt MI 8th conctssien Ditrtit;qtôm 'Api;ly. tu, L ill"f, th ublie and the- travelling oom- _CA "ChristianDge ' PIMM eopy until flWhid. BEL4 -------- #ne Min ükýi, rtUt L has lem-sed the aboyo well- LAND FOR SALE rN IVARrPOSA. Or tà estlbffsked lIotel, where ho will 1 ' mrry on FOR- SAILe, ibè biiiinè*eii fntlircý IIE tilidemigiièd M-ill sel] Lot N02i), lu the NUMBFX. OÈ,CIIOICE LOIS IN TIIE Lot No. 28, ýth Con. pjek Nothing luis heon left iindone bv hhui to 'I& toù4brtho 11Z., eoinfortable and agt:eeablo- T IOth CAiie(*ýsÀ.i%)n of Mziriposa, containin(p A Town of Whithy, beautiffilly aituated ýin Wbitby, September 1, 1&57- ind attention, Whltb Y' 200 acrex, loi) ilerem elearcd and in a good @ltaiý the vieinity of the 16r1rit. Terms Liberalý --------- e- th, bet; Wmeq anýdn Liqnorx, ý of cultivation, ai i J il pon w1j icli là erecied a g9od ApPly te TO Ià ET. swyz #JORN SHAW, glinrq blie 'F R A M E B AR N, -MlYronStrStýWhitby.- >A. ',Xtl)e;bestbudnma patt.of the 35 >o, 86, and Shed 120;< 50, a Log Barn 80'x 50 Ill itby, February 18, 18s7. 5 tt. Town of _Whithy, the whiýby, May 51 ivith Grunary attaelied, a gÃ"bd L<W Relise, and ses* a never fai1j 'Wull of good Wâterý- Thue is NEW BRICK STORE, R-AILROAD HOUSIR dise a yoün rchard of 50 bearing tr"$4 and, a ercr-tod. le J. Aim BROCK Al istïl t quantity oyPInm and (hýrrv trees. The fanu rVOIMNIOTiS in Whitbv near the Whitbv, Q-- ùtj ýrMZýg.nt in thé occupatio "of Mr.ý éoè iii well fenced with mostlyýSà ar rails, and thore Lots nt Dà n, CreekFreüch- Thom" Bed; JL Algo, Villa Èhop la, large and roorny, Kriber In t on the pro qnntititv of man's Balî.?, an Port Perry. and bas the hand»Omest frÃ"tit of any other in Wbîýby, t4é tmvë community, thû 0 Up StýVQ$ f Sgr to build ne vpueneeý% when reqqiired, Inje Apply te thiý -1 à wn. ; Thero'. am (10*VO ra. Zty a ýn1ffic!eftt e above first ,oonnte Uketh4 2U Homie, whichý farm la, o-ne and a half miles frotn G. ]IL DARTNETJ,, auper part, ýf ý the building clan bc Let; k, u^ a ek-new un a-«mvofflçm- Igilis, 1 roqu an& six miles fý»m îýi.dsay,Èhore there lm à de- "Bj;ceà rea, ehittr'. vot of the Port jw» i sL _ N 0 TI L'i lo lit V f t v JIMN tor Ille 1 4 2 -It , 't, N 0 ï, c 1 to tlip Estate nt Ptre tq)tnillp iin- 0j(,r,ýnt to WiNiain sellfffleld. Int, 1021Y lyý-cullic#l I.. H. BOWLES, A B P. R ISTE T()U.';G MYN TAKE P.&RTrel There is an ovil habit sorneti byl)(j3-», in eoffitide, often g them to umnllçKd ; nni vý-ideli in due tin !C, ligtoaly becets om, atrimoiumd happillusB but of Ivi Few ot'hQýe y reellce 'Ir A XDST SCIILN-ririe nr An ineirurnent, for tlie cure ci -Or Nécturnal Enii--sionfq, more nâ seminâl wùftk'l)es0ýý &C. OUSI enred in front Ilfteen tý> twenty et wlien tiffl, XFW RF3f£Dlzs AND Qin Dr. Amo-s &- Son takO-pjeaýUj tlmt ther have hiventbd a m(,it ttVUrneýt for the carc of -the Sb NOTICE. 4A if. eut -pb r. Ainc )ttcd ai 'BOX STOýV&c eýbeetlrm Wm. Llui tim vort itope, Lindmy ana Beverlon way. TITLE JYýDISPUTABLE. Tram -M*je 94own upon appileation, if by .le tter,'post'pald- to IIF4NRY ROGBRS, Pr"rieýw,,- Qai-»ýd p. 0. maeposa. Oet. 20th, 185t, AND L&ND. Te P)E SOLD OR -jýï-VJýý S.kW A ýftÉ 'TN LA» IN SCrUGoG pop. fjAL]E. on ýTR CON- illt * d 1 miled good Ceder.