BEW ADV, 'r'o the rrpe d coming P of ynur Riding ,it rd Flertion. y polîtî-'Il (,pi-ý te man ' v, or VOLI, mer 1 y idd ta nn i orire fora thnrtiýg1L Gur publie atfF-1ýirs a Ilappily f--ýr C, ment uf that Pýtiit Itel. Orincrç cf inenstires. - Tite questi-i pulation, is ône m ple tr-t!-' per >f'ntitive and nvreý;9-1rV Witmut ar.- 1 ed Iq, ermit t'tic lv sill thRt wi-jill - the pul'Er are noVr i!ý vqhall the ilininç t (-f Une or tilî- 1- the fir'gt ' "I'q' the edlvli('-ýit the will or the Si), lie p v r thne hv Publie- in crerýe mad- in t'r- !:ýn! -the r-ýpeii5ùz f pte*.g rvprr-o-i7i,,1ý-v tile lan& lie 1, 11, tn rrnri.. to bë rnpiýr1vý and anre of t',1ý, the riýz1!t m- erly . 1 . ielil and 1 -wili not po r t 1 lait t,ürr;t,,>7.% - i 'Vsn(-cý :ind of a in thst 1 litiv,-- for Inan v eute the t gti- .of the perFow; etnanettel 1 opinion VV1fW!ý-,ý- game tmai. The B -amot'nt "f il lgç«gà n Biiv l' Ndin- and it whetllnc*r Imm M elliseilictils this iveck. Provincial Secrotary-Ron, T. J. J. CalLdidat« for 8out1ý Ontario. ut ehthùâium J'omuf, - ' - prë'Vole ý1itk;thD Itailway Te the RAteptiyers of the Couaty lot îhelf Catinty, and if 10ý the Notice-N,', çXý nevitoldji, ýfnçndâ in thin sSt' of James Howe, Esq., Mayor of Whitby. Ontario. eMuge of £2 an acre The abOvU gentlemen compose the new eux Mlinuractar.-r-11. J. John Il. W4een# dmellite estimate con! Fur rale clieni). """Pa' Miniltry. A Proclamation published In FA1qý1 00hawa. ha#e donc thrnirgh do 1 ý_" ' , e ýDy-li* for taking GlucnMw6oD XrrMT;,ý G z".Lryr.,i-Th would add £929,41e 8 B, Fairbanks, Es, Oshawa. -WNS bild at Ort, mood 0 stock in the Railwney is niow 011ge, iladti,ýti. q.tlurduv's Official, Gazette dlà olved the Wi,1 tain Laing, Esq., Whitby. A zne«ing n and you vrîll bc Zleâ upon on the six. before Yeu, County thai Partit Parliament. A second Proclamation or- Tucs4q evetdn& 'Robert Gwynne, Esq., Toronto. ing teenth and flow itu, a lkiir bold C4 et, ders the issuilig of the IVrits for the new -m -thë ronds Reventeenth.ét this nionthto, k"-; ýilpcrýi, Y*tttjl,çýt Nation t,ýIerû. elections, returnable on the 18th of Janu. Lutweek our etithee !-sue was pente determine whether you will or net. The owning 200 acres, a -state, the attendaice was firgt objection which more than ho now if 1 Iling alid Papçr Ituliti,,-Yallh-ce off before we discovered that the nanties of in a vretche n many of voler urge is open up 1 the iinci x0tion Store. arýr nexL And by a third, Parliament is -the parliamentary candidates fer the South vçry limited. that the rond colinot bc Iiiiilt for the Cotinty, bring 6ur m called to-ether to meet on the 13tù Janu- amourit of money the Directorm of the rond nnd many an acre tic Allftil. Riding of Ontare had belon omitted. E ' Birrell! Esqil Yru nppointed chair. gay it coin be.;--that if voir vote for thig y Stables f0rý,'ýiIv J. il. hoivever for the despatch of bu- bc Madc te ndd iLs q The above arc the names of the gentle- ni By-lau, it, vrill only bel 'a bcgining, and the - omner and the L Mivrc,ý Brvan. siness. lfr. _E;hapýman or Piëkering and' sieveritl" thaf voir 'M-ill bc called upon for further 'Reý nolds. mon noir spokert-of with flic grentqFt de-- sand rordq of wond lâfr. liacionftld lias united in his Gov- oth« 'entiemýn ià faýqé,of ttwItailvray ý stock 0il advances. Tho next objection is, )Wilwa (Ife du. grec of certainty, as likely to comte fortrard t6f thiç ie net the Tîýopur fi stitne(l in clérenning In To Let orniiient the friends of liber and order I for this Fiding. ad ressed the ïnecii!lg., - 1ýo res -for building U-roa&, me te tn'.'z vou Townships, that woi sive cljst.ý;-J- S, Douililson. in both sections of the Province. Ilc bas Ãie approval, o"-f ' t'hôse pr'-e--- ket if ve had a ra To tlie Ell'ictors tel south 0ntrLi-iQ-sý Il. stirrounded himself witli mçn who wili sent, We underits. that lt is the inten t ' e stat Tire only one of the above gentleman nd Thé firs )býec1iôn is .qâti.qraetn'rity ân- Mould gire a gtiMuIjý F: & i t 1, >. s9el, to carry on thè Sovern ment or the lie has corne upon the stage air yet, is Illr. swered b th istics publiglied by the in", and milling - op Ilîllain. tion tel hold a daY meeting ýof the - Rate- Directom Those stâtifItics -hem t1ýât.qe- wê«iltil, brin- setth courlis-% by a pdlicy nt once moderate, li-, Fairbanks, whose. address te the electors payera of Pickering rit Greenwood nt an verni rgiirondg have been built thienugli In. -Notice- jolni Prritielfoot .1 . will bc folind in this issue. 1 makre our streains W. lialsev. hernie, and concillatory-men of talent nnd oarly day te fnlly discuss the Railvray By,- 'T't"I net go favorable aq our Coutritv, for available for millinfa, Of Afr. Gývynne, and his chances of sue- I*ç-; than £5,00Oýper mile, ivhich is Ifi e es. crente character whose purpose wili bc te bar- lair. vast amotint monize the differences of nationality nnd il,, --------- 416*_ cess ive kt;ow nothing, and we believe timate put on our rend. The inliti)itïtntS and wealth. Tbc-ger ni feew of of the County of Simcoe agrec t religion between the population of United the ellecteiles k-novr more. Town Ceuneil. n b"ild the rnilrn-id Trould difi ilie rond frnrn the Narrows te Lake fleuron. ty, w, Captain Rowe, wu belleve, would give )uld paie, um tenr Catiada. Under their idzninistratîon w The distance wi shotild harc te huild expend in it-4. constru eNi ect te sec Clear Ciyitisin and its sen le. place te Mr. Warren, in case the latter would be 60 miles, and nt £5,000 per Mile paiti a penny. l'lier gentleman -decide3 upon coming forward. An ordintry meeting of the members of the cast livotild bc prerisely Iv,ýs rieillicrents scattered tc. flic winds, niffl If grniindi; for beliovin.i the Couiity tak-cs £Iof),oi)o we Filail bive This the Captaîn would bc ready te (In, in the Council took pince at the Town Hall, yenrs, bc as ý:r«I n, 4 mon or patriotic purpose take the place of £200,000, and the reuiairiing £100,000 the continent of Ani order in consolidate the railrond interest. on Tuesday evening- could bc ensily 1>,-Irrowe(l on thé rond, for In conclucion 1 %v Mr. Fairbank; tour would, live believe, re- Prescnt. Ilis Worship tbe Mavor, and the seciirity would bc ample. The Di mots in the North. Wcl hail the neiv (,'overnnient as the on- 3- ohe of governîng the country in tire before Mr. Warren, but 1 lfegqm-. Brown, Frascle,, Iledgson, - Wallace, rectors have receired an ofrer from Jo,;(,pli pny for won we Ill- rite a lqi.,ý ili t'ýiis issile Io rent renson. Se that iipon Mr. Warren's and Watqon. Iforrell & Co.. te buil4l the rond for £400.- ta the-farmérs in Wli the present crisis. Il is a fusion of ]iller. decision ta come forierard the f 000, and nccept in pivment the private ynil do nof M-ant ta firti, and il!i1toillu:1!ý, te) the P;l îi1l-ý als front flic ranks of IýPforiiier.q nnd Con- t'il ("ltintv Patrie ta piv nver twc ield would Ille, old pt.lilw-.Iy Ily-law nuthorizing the stek, and the ]'(.)ývn a' -ý,atireçz he-tth whiéli ave f lie su p- &,Il).Rcriptioli of 4, tore Rail vav. Most likely bc left te bc contested betweer, was répeaIed. nt par, for flic Municipal siork, and ns, 1 vill lu .4eF,;ment, in.,trad The "I TI 1 ov i, ild- tir Mr. Warren and 1fr. Lging. l'lie chances A repnrt defining the duties of flic Ilai the:i Companvs tirs( mortga-t- Ilond,; nt the rii1rond, Noth Port of ever% moderate and thinking Thr rand te lie coin- valicing, ili1.1 nýitç,. . c mai' 1 of the latter gentlctnan's rucre-,;g d(Tenq-le; lZeepri- iras -tdnpted. ýpar for file laIniice. you. A rnrefui ex-ti in ther, coiniiilinity. A new phrase in poli- ; - rpleted nnd put iii runniii- enriler. %vith sin in a preat incasure tipoii his Iioýeti On iiiillon of«Mr. rra.ý;cr. q t' 1 and which and liis I)t-,rs' renniled hv tiens, &c., for that suin. If thp ('nrnt)ýin3- are Inid b-fore viiii, . y the railroad enterprise, onni NI r. ýV.111.«tcc. flic Br-law far file preveiltin* agitation iituzt giv( place to the consolida- tilin ,ýiîi( '(,:tel -:e:l 4- n colinot do better Pnd arcept thi, offer.' vi-lil nnqi(lerieion erd the forr Ii n l lo,ý 'l. ue 1 ýn 1 influence. 31r. %V.-ir-reri's persnnal infili- !of fires, which vras rçati a sccond time will -ectire a ra-id e ticci of clir Provincid interests. Clear- i i tisficd, ni.-ike everr i kewise that 0 iip,)n for annther ptrini.. %Vifli rcý- rel t ai ence iq vri-Y grent, iLs is fi r T on the r-cond of AuÃŽtiqt last. received a t 1.1 n in rite Colintva r «ýIr(i Gritiezni ni its last sLige of deriiiie Ille lendin- railvray men, wlinge bearty third rraglinz Tinil wns, passer]. The By- the nther obiertinn, 1-rni mltzt benir in Yoiir hum i- mind tlint . zli 1 b . 1 Yoti are fr) qui>- --%% -11 îf-, 'fi(- of (1(-fiinrt Torvit.-in, and e support lie vrould le cert..-titi of receivîng. law i, a very important one, every hall scribe the estork- nim-, voil vrill firit rail%% .1\ - is per- holder in il' -Z Io 1 Derember 2e. , I?4,aýon the plier or Fartion. in Ille i Alto-lether we belie7e NFr. Warren le miinicipality should be made Lax for it tintil next fall, iviiv'l et i _)e hall- rotinfi-v' fenil ili file parliaillent, U.,z Müll as iliez ed the pro-ent lierri thne 1 hapq the strongest man. residin- in the ricillirtinted vrith its- provisions. ror t iZiflinfr. flint cntild bc broii- t form-2rfl.- porpose the Couticil slà ould have it pub- -"%vaY- ý9 ivill live i.", a 1 1 j-(I In i1ý ýh itilQt ilot expect tir nv(-ý)itl tix-1- andanti-railway feeling, nlike, ip- i tion for real hittrItié) te qiieý;t: n ta bp vour vI)t,ý iý,, only iý,ý 'l'lie George Brovn-Orangesiten. [)car ta centre in him. If Ntr. Warren de- Il Rtitli(iriz(ýý; Ille nppnintment ofan Tri- i et-helher ym irill hare, if ' (1ý' (-In blit il] consort itý;rIfvith clines corning forwardCaptain Rnvre is the spertar of chirnnevsý Of one cir innrc, 4 rýire1 Vie Tt;tili-otil. 'De Ille of, t!IîT, fair i;, Iéýv:i"(v, l'lie strang "('xt mari flint wotilfl bc supporteil by thp eliininev svvvrpers. Re-fflâtes the fce, the nr3-t Cellinvil will piý, il zraivi s'.11rnie, ('ý 7'Ti-cl SI;,,-It has aIVavý Te il- -oiu 1. Iv', ýf th-ý, lait(r. its prin(ý: railroad interc-,zt. 17ev ni-n in the ]nriliti p-kyable. Cives power to Inspector to et, ' plens . 1. « *,).ýt Ille ConjitY ný; iiiiicli as.11w rail- urr tr) observe î!l joy a larg-er share of personal popularity ter on premises. 1-111, iri. inuch for the c arizc- 1 . . ])Oflnc-, tlin minner i rý.il. And sTlppoýin, vo'l II,1vý (r) r),Iv en Il el, allie- riviiiiier the '11I 1-1-inz 1,71(lical, The loval Oranc-pina . thon James Rolive. vi stave pipes and flises sil-111 he c.-irried n-ilv o-i- luilfas iiiuch, s' *, 1 thf, c fi «, :erit iii iitl)llnlqler nf clztnl)lislieel inqtitIItiot.ý;_ Il e corrvin- or liglits. ÃŽt ne) . , lliii-on 1 Mr. lânirl).-tnk-.q relies iiiion hiq -ticce,-, thriiii-h litiiiilin,-q. Th te) fin", - PelleOft Ijjr-rr4ý i, Thr llcýing a pr , , ive ee, lier, (IC,'ýiroilç -arryin, tif tire, ând the burnin, of, grecs R ri l'lie ( . 7 and h.,n e a r:iilrtý)ifl will flot finit quite tivit'a %! _Iý or alt,,g,.Iller a 1ý 1 tend mer Of rectrenchinent in t1je Govvrnnient rects hv Bla c(%ti1rartor.ýz thrit Il ill. tikr liner, ll;llf xviF il, et, r4ývnt::iIIv lire in ilir.çt" or othem. ' - t'ýe iýs : ptv iii gravrI roid tivirterage Ný, ter( nfilv- Cotin(v c epoi.-itian the 1 Ife I)vcoin(ýz a nf' 0.e ni-ml tipon hi,; clieriglied ni in,- oflof fîretrnis, one in Ilis qenz(-, %vill oý;,;4ýrt fil, Order. no! Alit "f love ffler Omn to the* railiroriel. The raîli-nad inte-.eý;t will rrirIýrr.-, fircivorks, &c. il. tierce, rond.; vrill npý,n iii) flic ilIl pltit,(l Par?, ni ge priiiri- 1 have mille rift the arm lent fýIr:I go dend agniwt him, -il, irt Trili in like niRri- flia; bc provi.1ed M'ith the thé wilil latifb; into mar. le -vrve il To k-et, II.sývn !he rast of bri, - (1,_ trIf rach i ' ef tir(.- four ner lie (lirecte4l !the rcttirn of IlIr. lirklers. Liroits tile illiantiti of giinpfIw- (Itire inter, Vit r v in tiii., respect lie wIiýifi '*"'-g- '.%Ir. Laing h,%ý not Yet - quite der to Itc kept nt ý,t4lr(.g, nnd flic finie for Innel throiigh tlieCo-ýintv, and il)(, LI t c o v i ý ý !! « a 1 , mille III) hi:ý mind,-and ý ppenrs te lie very sellin,- of the sanie. Fine for contravention v:IIufý of vour brins nn'e quarter a.: tnuch lit, R 1Y Int1iýZll1, ýI* elle iniiffc»r(,nt ta liarli.iii(,rit-tr%- lionorý;. lie :1 of Ilir and os a raili' -le]. 1 f %vol i ý il I)p le) Iýe. ,otild tin(l,)iiiittell%- Fectire Valr.- j A e 11.1ve s--tid, tIliýZ tIV.111%V j N ject a railroTild at £100,0fici pny £.-ol - ]le leur '11v - l, 1 00oif un iiillirejor grav,ý'I r0ýLqý, Ille Tti-,;.h. - 2 of po'e, Il ivolild lie difficuit at present Io pickotir onrf- Ic tlie rite-payers inforr ' I we'l r..M:I. itiral n- laiter wolilil iniprove the Colitlh- one la Ille nein unfil the other - ntIenien spoken of ed of its cnntent:z. Froni the above t-IM hiin tel %,xtretiics, and lo. 'e as much nq the railroad. 1,rt th'e f-irtiter.ýý , Mr. lirmig-son nio%-efl. second 0'.1t whilr the Annivil t ',,nee le(- t,,\pt-rtý Ir, -itiliiire iiifl;i fiffloiv Mr. Fairtinnk-'r example, hy placing residire, nnrili r'f and Vic,- %Vllf,)Ie land tir the-éniln ed by Nir. .1 el'In, thrir srntime-it,ý bc-forc file clectorq. t!"It the i.Iliiin of £2--, 4 paie] t cnl"zÃŽ('('r 'n'h't t' X il et Ivy 'noV pay foi- is ý,readf:Ist a 13rnrý- will olnIr 1 Il;ý; l'i-inrilel liVi,111 r.s reli- r on accouwt. Ca Il. Another -entleinan litanie we tliv -Sti-vet Inspecte vi-î-int of a or pay if thel- tnvn,,hil) 11, i hail a gond gravel ranfl. ýýithr)ijt nientioned tiprin a flernier occasion, (Jolin ;1 1 Ind dita il 4 bitr arpi or-ler on 1 ail Ili - ,Pd a hý-.javr op- : pod rond file f.trti,-r liv; introdur and Mira oriel lZar-la 1 l I z a IieýiIur let Mriiili,ýziilireinari- T i Z diý linm PerrN, Fçq.,) will Tint, iv( of tveljtv raililot errt t,) rire atitlitir- ! j)(ii1iti:ýg the ll(,*,tiriiirie, (,.Ç. re-,ziilt ;s a min fitvriing 0 Officers, for IS5.1ý, in lirn,1, vrill linre to izrd tir, statc. l'e a C.-Inaldate the prr-ýr-it 1 whirh rrceîvl-ý(I Il] tire reidingî;4«and passeci alf i rept in siininivr and wintr'r. %1 4 a new Im ri-e tax of .......... Noittier iviii T. S. E-9., .1 Inad. In thv rail %vlivri %vlicat -olivr.111%. jlI,ý - ri le Ir (e(ý)rge Brown elect'oll- -crrs roit brings the hest pri,,e. the rain fend or 200 irres in 11roi-h-, 'P p 1 (--I,-ý- 1, 11 rire w r i - t v 1 v a r 0 ra,. ign i n i n take the ficId. Abrahain l'arewell, ilan). 'Çarth ýVIiril. iý. Y,-irn,)1(1, rands prevcnt Iiiiii fil* "rain ta in rhorili the anniifil t. 1 ýZ 1 - 2 * iii 1'-' i - li ri'z 11, 1 frililifil: ri,,ztr(l far Orange lir:iii- en N% arr(es of land nt - tel has long sinre gi %en up toile hope of eniai Centre %Varel, Thornas Satith n..irlet ; ont] cv ith a gravel rail] '1100 Il-ive itif, theconfidence of tho electorsof the Ward. no lamier living tm-(.rlty IniIeý aiffl 111). t, In Srofit th- in,,iiial ti Il ltlidirrg of Ontario. Mr. Fra"r iritrMtieel a m,,tioi t 1 ivards fi-om flic 111.1rkvt (.111 make illore ofl-titel a[ A 1. . invinher of a K iinn -N ,- fi. 0 than one tri!) a il Iv ; tré-te, voilliting '110 irr,.i (11)* in tle of bxes piid thi-z vrar I)Y M tails, board. ref hip il alid- - fil '17ira nwl 11:t-na tliv a For the TIV-law. J,1n .ýrii-ilt on the huilling 0-waed ber lime, ivill cost liiiii tioet I-ý1ý fliýtn 2't,, - 'Itlli 1 ou -S at 1 fi) liiin I)ýir:ie(I (lovn, reftindeil. if his avera-e eai-li t le .......... in 1 fil Trola;vl. Ille Ný-ittidr.ivii for the pril.ýeit tipon"' %& rifiST Votiol* Ilit-Il is lis tilitrh as il will l"I' Ir %vil! (-,Kt acnZý dii .... Oran- A lar-e :tnd iiiiltieritial 1nQetiiiý of the eN-l'lallation. him four liciit-o il ljiýýtvI ta brinz ve-hent The foreain- raleula lentan îz a ta inarket. 111V i1w tikiii,, the C ime Mr. Ilorig-fflii Malle etiqteil-y r Cotintv bas of. 'l'lie of >t1ic-Il ratepiyers of tlie To 1 ivnship of lench was TIR te, Ille firrent winfer 'L-tritl'oi the G. 1'. I,1ýtilro-I and intere,,t held nt the Town Hill, Manchester, on Sa- petition of Nir. N. Davis for a reinis- as .1 gliidr, it xvoià l-l cost bien re-Iý' jetfltly a turday laszt, to consider the -iiýjcct of the eion of taxcs. l'lie Finance Committele l'oshel ; here is a sinving, of thrvC llfflce a tinc penny lit recturn froi te) tiî-In(ý illier Iliali Canadiaii snî]. 9 le dividc.1ids on the Cellini lt*"'%viv llv-lav. C'harles liai -;(i., h-ili not vet reported on the matter. -ný, E i 4usliel, vrhich 011 Il).')O hu-huls Nvould be the mnet tinfavorible vil Wc ri,,unif, thi-; I)ositi,)n in cons4.-fiii(,nee £12 las., More thon double what lie vrould : ken on' belialfor tl:c Cc F, ect( Ir. F coort of the p. malle iii)n.l ()zic P,. Grnvan, -a -C,-ide as Chairman, and 1ý raser ajýlî-ed for the r .1 -sult? Why thit ý0 of tit, %i, s e ý(l to Pl tnnu-.illy for the railronti if it riever ljýe rc R. Lijiid, F,;tl.. waQ appointeil Sei-ret.,irv. rit Ilaiil a p( I.,,- rlli,- i»tafIicýil of ilio 'ý,tr,ýetq and Improvements Commjttewili -nity ; and-it ro',ts flint c(prilly as 1 - i inticli tu brin- otlier pý.oditre ta market for a e-ir,.iier in P,;ocl, cet Gtorge Curric, Thoron- Puxton, Nfr. TInelgçýî-en s.tid %vould bc fnrflienTnirg a il Me-Ci0w anl G'reeii%ý nl-jýI - 1 To the fà nýPrs'iIf I1ic1;cri-iý .11111 il %vould tel the E q., rI;ýer-, N. G. RevriillIs, at the noxt nice in of il le couricil. is it naît. For a fariner % tiwir allegiance in the Ortler and Shcriff, C. 0. ligie R. (ýoivaii, l- 01) motion or M lot the, M0 0 1 nie. J,>Yîpepit bY of bis wori. ýçe' i. ; the Ft-omach ana cpigastriiirn, tiie tillolr. fl- in is n the IMC rem.'irkable., Edward h s , Rged 5I,,ý,,rWdîng nt illigemon Md.- luid bpen for eleven ycarq a etfte;4 - 11rorn indiXW*oný and its painfui'concora. ititnt-Q. Ilis appetite was irrepihi; hi, trame emfteilted, hfs glin of. a livK heulthy listè, nnd- hp liad a enn-txnt , Éýêjing of consteicCon nt the of t1je sfornacb , ý5 if a cord were hein- dr-twn fightIv Arnund is it. Ile was enntȈ nà .%Ilv in aqtjtte of grnt 1 mental nq well lu bôdiIý dietress, gg to 1 use Il is own expre.ýqor, Il lire hnd bêceme irk.qnmetr) him." In Vie filh of Derm. her last he roinmenced taTknoing ;0 Pills. W ithin threc iref,.kç theregfter id, ýc the aI)oiýo symptons had vanislied. %;ý d retape lins mence nretiréd, atifi Ix, is noir ns -rol;tt.qt ind active ng any rnin, of his yenrç in all Maryland. For dis'orderr of the Storrinch.liver and boniels, the Pîlls ire the only reliable reinedy in existence. For Sharln;r. IVet vour brtish ïn nater, pur on- it tvro, or threo drorw of PeRý iÀ,,,; lIALX and apply-10 the face. -It forffilt a fül lather, softms Vie beard, initig1tC_ýq tjj. btirning gen-cintion left by tlLe razor, and lenves tl1cý fiéce F.-f)ft and - lleýtitliv. NO person cnn liave a more or chapred fiLC: and use Che Persian ealni for Sfiâvjn;ý c OMMERCIAL. W[IITIIIý' 3fiU-KErs. Wli(-nt-Fitll, 4s 9(j*45g; 1ýlytin 15 (Jd; oats, -2s. TORONTO MARKETS. el, a e2l ; Straw, 1.; 11). i t. 3-, 9CI 1 lis '. Ontc, !s Hai per At lvhitl)v, on Ille 27th -tilt., by fheRey. laines T. Bi rne, EVA,.ç to SAPAff ILnyn. hntii of Pi(ýk-erinjr. At Pickering, on t1ie'-jýýth ult, bý tile 11VV. James '17.7ilvrrie, nt.-t'ie * bride's of jather, Fçq, Trei.4urrr of the Cotinty of OrqLtrio4,-> ý ij. ingat ýý-hithr, to N1iý;l; ýTTA 1,fý0rrF clirpcn. w.i.. of the Township of Pîrk-erin- SPEÇIAL NOTICES. TUE NEW WT0RE*,ý BIZOCK STIRKT, TOIVX oi- ',VIIITPï. Il. DA %1S has nn'v cnM- pIrtexl bi4 FaIl litid Iyâ1ter i-llif!ll is, in ov- nwi rielié4. ever yet în- fnri!ltiel nnet Plain) IZAb 1cfiv Brnrhen nt everý pri-e. ITI a ircril, « , anev and ;tjiple -itork ýf and Lndieig, E'ilb"an nlièt I* t- ho e.111V api;rt-viatert. Fv(.rv !nilv of MWe Pw <Iisllnqr tf*lýonijet# fleafi alld Tý1fnMinjr1g This di-partruplit-of Mr. iiieler the nf a lad,, cNjý,riviirc in cie flrst ýtjjjinerv ltïbn4e»t "1ý1 " v 4 Pftt4tlt!!' to «ay, tout hý -tn,,k tha pri.-À: for Drë-4.4 1 'nt* nt ttir Vair I"t- fisli. and ril.11 f>r -z vli. eut. lî» rind qnalitv or ti!r l'rnt-inef-* Mr. Davis ling a riûr, iriltelp 0 1;. fat. in the» ,teiling Pir his Gotl'(is nt a srtmlt feront 4)r.,ten pçr aflvfincý(t for ýec-1I1 nt once rkt tlie'INt-W Store. Onec !Cnol%'Ii Never poreý,6tten. If ýiir Ai t lie Toiletto ii-e Fýrr ('it-linsiilz ilio Bea Ille TU ii ýnl ali cl;.ýUZ ec-nl>]C e*1? fr 'In anu ine - - - i .. richuiring LU ue , ...... M tho ariel tbat- 'Mr. Gowal, is supported Lnc-rurtEs -r nvera rn ; Roach sanie year 0 YOU-NO ýNimi--Next Sabbath e value in the nOrthe - Township' r Ck- do ........... Dr. J. Foote was called to the chair, and £4, Whitby and PIY 0111Y- Thnrah, do ........... Cotlritv, "!Iý, V:oý1ld tli:ýt ZJI 1,V il, iý, pitifillly nie-Ili alit] cýeltemptibIc. eve ing, the Vastor of the Congregational 13500 in. R. T. Harrison appointed Secretary. n j i stend of DW1,10. jýut îf jýfpra and Ramn, do ... as now Civ T lie (-ý)urse of ilie sinee îts fir.;;t Soine explanatory remarks being malle Chtireh w Wlint a le.-mnn the 1hreý *11 commence a brief series of 7the milroad raiges the value of land in the But iiii, i,ý, 11,t existellec. givei tlie liL tc the brazen as- Lectures te, youn IÃŽ men. Topîc :_Theý northorw townsblp$ of this COtlntF in the liere in Brook, average w by the Chairman of the Iloard of Direr- Glvltýjmqf ýVan*É Aq the lecture samé proportion- as ý 'the '-N-ýoýthern ftiilway acre, £1 Il& 81, eà ch th(" cý;zo. MM (llý vii , ilit! q,ýrtiun. But if Roinan Catholics sup- t-briz, in reforence ýtrl the position oi the asses, all are in- didý in.thp Téwnships north of Tor',Orito--,. acre, or nearly thr., tim of tl le 5! 141 ('l' ir«I M P ý'trlfl poried Mr. Gawan, i.; that a reaon why will 4 adapted te all cl a4dwe hiive-"ey reason for'believirÃg $Uch Brork, Thei conFider 1 tf) iiiLtoagi. his bro'filer oragemen sl ci Id ke ît an ýii nia v will-bé tlie èas"q the land in oýs-nôrth- , Messrsý A. W. Etvera J. H. Porry, Thos. fimt settled long before R Thi,, is rird iiic j)r(ýbj-r 1p, treiit the exciozeto oppoe hini ? The ýradiea1 Tinzes Dicy GoclDs Àx Gùoc£itizr,--ilre re- cim townships -are f4r snperior to'thât th re ruany.ycar-g ego, the whole qutstion- Nor dý) beli-c- it n (,iliirSo, aye yp e ; but Nve venture te affirril that whieh the Northern ý'Railwayýiinq ;;thon Paxton, and A. Farewell. D ofBrock witli the frontma MF.- H. Daniels, seconded hy S. M. comment! an, ipspe"n ý et bfessm 11amil- the proportie' -i*rf'the ý-Wà b of -land north Iteach boinÉ' suê (ýf w1dr'h 01- iti11ýý!U 111 Ilig. ratepý,o loyill Orangenian devoted to Orange'Thomas, moved, That in view of the facts ton &- Roberts' large stock. The goods are and.south, winil be threc-fourtlip, that is, f *=,Il 7swampy -and wild 1 lic i)riticipl-is, atid respectin, his alle.ienre te land in Whitby and Pickering is £8, land gn toWhitby prelzented te this meeting, shewing that al] 0. K7; the gentlemen of the firmcivil wiil be £6 in the northera Townshi ",wevorcobli the order, will agrer in its assertion. On Ro* idoffl. i this Cotinty requires the proposed Rail. and obliging-and they are excellent pa- Mý: by Torý6ntd- _,' sil, thvir c1:)iý, wi-l bis o,.ý-n merîts, and regardilig only the in- :hitby ind,,Picke6ngýinstead of pay- no1ý since,-",IÃeach has bwl road to insure its future prosperity, this th,- terest.4 nt the North Ridin- of Ontario, trônt;-of the ph'üdiig ing orer tteo-thirdâ of the ameuniont ai aîý g-ood, roeAs with-t[iÃŽ fî'ýont meeting pledges its best exertions te se- ue accor un te itit plý!li0y ruI 1ý-,aýîlV the Mr. Gowan is perbaps, the most fitting 1iWill. pay -*ý6-w di 9 t4 eqz cure the passage of the %ilway By-law. jf we, XQ the £ýj,40 IV e roqqe$t 4téntion, to, the adver, Pw 0 for, the railroad, to 18ý6- Mt(q,:ý 11 nc iiiiiii that cotild be fonnil ta represent that > theý pJ The resolution was carried unanimously, mentof the aKqmment it *iII inake £19:- -Rçach was .......... Vients Iiieýiiil-. and in the absence of a botter 000, the. fourth of thst is £4,750, which 1S Brook same year....-... nà iîà ingle hand being held up in opposi- Ladies' School. jeýg tjýân th . e townships of Whitby Reach haçi occupants of lap qualilied e.tni-liýlý-ite in the libeml interest, sessment tien. The Chiiiri'nan left the Chair, and and Pioken',ug.,tjoyv pay. Therailroad*ýtit lie Fliall have our good word. Arrivait bir the steamer,49" wcrc ý71'ý1 in S0iw.ý q esl Jolin Campbell, Es was, appoifited W, therefom havi: the effect of decreasing ýk ............... the saine. T#tzpAiýy,, Nlcw"tx 1 DÉANi "NOv, s& I&Mr instead of Increasing the-M désý The population of Reach in surli Gv, e:iýc Oraitge and Green.-A Good Effect of ad."Inýtagpî -whiQhý it wi#1ý con« Brock samé yealr in Aftef the usual vote9ý of thanks te the The ' steaiiýér'$' Fulton," fer. Gravel roads will not do this, ùb Rench bas acre8 asses3ed, Chiirmýn and Secretary, the meeting ad- -Cape Race' tè d tbeNçýrs matterhow sùperior.they inay be, Brock' Co.' Out of evil gr)od sometimes rornes, upzýn journed. Yachi an espatcho, #ý44ù)pd, 'gheyelpà lçeýyoii aîny rcturn individ'eiÃý,ï for - Reach'resideni. acres,.' the muney expended upçnttf=.-ý Butthe BN 'Ao ....... lis. The violence of (Ilear Gritism bas Considering the wretched. state ofther , The ý,ý FuËtý'n- Ictt Havre on the 17th t.jý'y li't'l Il-? à --,L Ir__ railroadmav 1)robaUv vield 8,ner effig thë Tood effi!ets Where religious anti i041. *-- some g wcather, themeetini: was well attendM and tire charter, tI,ý,tof ýV - ý,*ln vouât, Ibr we týn4L tjial. Gvery nue Wh(jý%e Mkýfijth thé least linpuireà . ,,ili ic,;à j»ý-ý ùýýy , 9 v0rti-ýen)0nt, whielà -w4*11 be found inéar ce- ni: tfJ-dà ý.4 wxl avail theuieeh-es of tbe- rem- mle Agent« in KingAtdMýF_,W, élt retail in W Ilithy hy W, S. Pob;nwa and b"' gin$' '90 MW turer, of all kInds fhrnubed to Or4erý Ail for Cuh ippýmved eý6dit., T For sme chéap, go' MoSeautife ole pnYYý 46 to have all Our wco a ntà -cour Our itl'y "L'ipttliieýýg hâve lieictefore keptthôLiberalý9 'Ly and lhuc)n iý' iivi ' veoiiipariv - i amongst the Orangernen and Catholies in y it Mililiç'i'pal aliti Ille inLerests of 1 this Gounty apart ; they now unite as one 010 GMntvý are tint offly lirotveLed, litit the mari in opposing the outrageons liollow- whole ulLii.irs hf thýi nre subjected hypocrisy of Clear Gritism. ý In the North lifflings of Ontario we have the Ca'th'olles at, the 1Lýi11Vay We ask the rate- i of Brock, Thorah, and ?4aný acting with payers to'-ireiii(-nikr this and to f6rivard the Orange electors of theItToîWýnf;h'1PS.. the cauqc of progre,4r, prosperity and ad- in orcler to secure the elecâlom of j . Er. vanceinent, IV voting for ýtb; Rail "'ay Ogle R. Govran. Every Catholie in, the Ridin- knows who Govran is Tbn New Cabinet. tlint lie. is'-a leading Orangemân ; and ai- though averse to, Mr. Goýmn'â religicus Atiýirnev for, Upper Canada princîples,, they support him in thoir de-, testation of Olcar Gritism, andin ërder to, Kn4-Preinier--li,ýn». J. A. 'Mardonà 1d. 1"pertor Cay. assist' in its overthrow. This is, as 'W ley, ghould be. We are glad of it. - It'isý what Postmaster Gencral--Hon. RoUSpenc,,,, welmont ardently à eâiýre. When moderato Atwrncy 6'encrai f)r Lower Canada-- and liberal men of extreme parties unite Hod. Geo. P. carffi'r. in th is inannê,i, itý_ onýn1 Receiver Geiièral-Hon!, J. C. ýforrison. futOtclIs au à Prirsitient of Coiiiicil and Minister of. upo« bothý for t4» "F;*'nioment ýof ýheir Vunk-oughnêt. 0oWB1"ýPeà ce "d-Ppompuity4ý lt"i$ 1 'K. tec to theni f4lT IlnwýQIkIL,-' lare next c,'Iltr, Cr 4 =y ell't-r:s in ý theu thils inir AcaTor, to prot sifioneIor Ille Il- "ÇJLL ubtenucl% 1()0 mtePaýer9 pmenL STILÉ AnOMM itâlLVr*Y OVIt -iltou -PORT PERRY. A mStîng of the inhabitantg of Part P«ry' fftM, Port, Per On moli Iast iday bdorc the t"rsfor, thob. approvaL Wm R gext*n, Ssq., çras -appoîùw, Chairman. The rà ceting wu addý by > Ogle P. Gowan, Zsq., 'and several iWftd by the Coumany. ana Lsouthampton on the IM instant for The fi uropa rom Béston arrived at Liiorp')'Pl en the loth., T he M oney Market wu flrmcrý and de... 'insu orýÈà oééi atlhe' " 'of*znSland,*I'