Whitby Chronicle, 1 Oct 1857, p. 2

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&M, a OÇ the qcýqAtffl. 41100404% MW xà"&,nva or piaÂxjr %,'Joi -tlw-»fiip ttîiî' eft ou *kp ïâd, mâlog mfti'or #mîna Il 5, Thon dwewu Mf. Pratik A. Jones, et saèratneu4, fur. MTY ont Our pro. hattch- atockholdeu notice- J). Clarb** ici me"k-w OU. Wd on Bat" , la look& a hisboi followigg uni '114tY iO" aüd Other sïuft It was aý î4 7, 0 I.41nton tilgo, a more, portera - 0 Our, r*-, dàrk wh&n 1 get on the brig "Marine." 1 Once lnItidi Toin% thie week or et 4,06t b ýýz& Cam ben 1 > -5 of. terrific 98,111i'commenced on the night f le 0( or orrai fOlInd Etigineer Ashby on ber. Ûç, Ndd th# Most, ÏonvonldÃœt di Oro î1îat his boat's crew haddeserted. hW" aù urllrlît dty out froin Havana, and min' ' - a o.w pu@Mthroue T tinued, with uhabatéd 1hî bda, however reW-nodto the a This in an " au -lare &Pd «0 fur at lie staid on the brig. After Lgèt tkS le ef havins Octogonal u 1 - :w z ý 1 11:ýe ipg Orday. lit wu a geniairw West 1 &ëdeavoured to te y 'Of the £25 -ped 1 bui We elàimmy piticésii of el India'hurricane, the: wind.btoulng front' induce his mîý to 1îiý thé' .090 ppxivlýe *Mding 40 feet above ÙW ýwaterÈ edge frOm' h boat, but they would net He offered the of Gnod Lr«rdýàood (10 U7P; l'ho amont of pi _otock now on it in fifteen feet in diiuneter, in1bo: base and sb"P neiw1y evéry poiwt of the compiius kt oncaI ni' and Co. In this buildin Ot* ship wë through'the Storm beautifal., $100 each but stili they refuse Thon h. livered) for whieh euh wia be the booksV lm £Iw(t - -iteatup are to be-, sevec et the toIx The light in the lantern ýeId thr ront e ,m4& P,&t4Mt a vestibule at thp ly, andevery one fülly expected thât she . tried te force them, into the boatit but could paÙi, no , . o6dL 'MM - ý of ýwhic not. &Dcimes ne m aiprok , -P*W-pj4ç - tçnjlý,-md 04P would weather the jale. About noon on, the Joie Mr, Année, lbûù"- -étât The, lqst booat came back to the brig t2 *0 *tlýà ' ; r - ewK ve ce of ftm twelve to iliteen miles, l: Friday, however, the machinety 9" out, about, 10, o QIýck 4n Saturday night. Mr. 0 A #WpOiD iýwzýoli Miètib t4w basementi, an and the s'hip fell into the trough of the se& Black who was ný1 îi*mý, ý tais - k if th tu indu= L11L ý--th-Olen-b=S tô-,th-e hubor? and the lan. j" éoýof a coinfortablý, -1ý -- - ted fi- wu lx $lit, was now leak ing frein thesevere Étain. in char&-o,.tried, MU IL him in the boa tern m go heu-""' his mon to go with t to pick cýDnotructed that t ilitshows ing Rho had endured In 'the storni, and it St,«GOL-IUASTIRýIr - - up. aýny of the passengers who mightýbe %ve no front as, IFell landwayà do sesways. Of a dark chanics o( tbe, Town «'ý so gaine4 On the piimps ns to put out the the hidiction of floiin'g about. They iýttCrly refUSedý àà à perdaûtic scribler nig]Èi, it eveî to, Bengough'; »Wi iàtnkbh ires, Ail liand.,, passengers and crew,' the làner buin of thé jumped ab"I'd, 0 but one min, David Wwbyt, TharAay, odwt ist, 18"57. our last we gave a Spécimen of thé stym et harbor a'bm work-under Mr. Hodgs d McCabe & Ço*, 'héar th *en In, in- - 1, , , utiful i1lunii APPUMM tendence. were ordered te go te work bailing, as none Raymond, Who staîd in the boat at the lu ý The bulI" ý-is fi thS? blà h ËùbKtantW and, at* the oCthe steain pumps would work. , We The 'Ontario Bank. Thé 13i&nclt. deavouring' îý explafý rigge(l [niBi over the hatchways, and risk of his lite, and tried te, iriduce his mates Look out fe tatil wlritîng? S&me time light anà hindsorn'e structure, Sm te de the saine, lie Utt.erly ItM ýê à ýbuiIt of wooL It *as This strut presonts qt elurig bàrrels, wli' Il were «filled, hoisted refýBed. te go Although an Agency may lie est&bU#hed ing in- the labo" of the designed 'by Mr. ' e 011 board the brig -whilellis tellow Crus- in Oshawa in Jaavary neit,, and anoth say UeDeim6tt flità ýII-eftnt Har- with the building opera alid emptied "fast nq possible. l'lie pulley Cr if they conveft their eMeait ropes %vote manned Ilky Lvnngs tif fifty meni turcs, were, I)erislàing, without making an. in Whithy as soon d» em"'M'ent- We en- into leMong IllAI thoir pupils, produotions ber in ' aster, (a pràéCiéal fdéàànie) by through its length. Be other effort to sa * th' Whotù îtg érection was àtilSeYlntënde& Mr. the destructive fire took t4% thé donkey etigilies were tiqeless. -Rail. ve em. They, howeyer. tertain.Zbut little doubt that eventuAlly- refused te risk thei fau d1ený of ffiù Jý+ ïéýAt10n 11àg ýài- pairties wiere orp ined th r lives further-having and the perlod cannot be very remcwý ý $ex cfiishoImý wu thé' bâilder and we bave hfr. Wm, Till pt g. tiizeql, who 1 been in the boat aver eight hours-and Ray- branch of the Ontario Bard lau fi 'it'thê wis, dom « of d6loiîiqiï when Xe 0Onêmctýý, and most éfèditably lias lie ex. utory brick block 44 ir mnd le;isveql the water iip in 1 4 with half the ga5 there il n0fliitig ne* under the Sun." as û%-eniýalIv dragged on board tile capital 'stock of the -institution will be Alé cost or the into two Stores--one int, liiirket4. IVe wûrc, hy these metins, illift- menu NIVI l1r this ive tinderstan ectited his contradt bii- d a the pieserlit ereètion of the Ligtit-hdtise iriiourited te Goods, and the other as i bied to k-rij) t4k, Oemtl r nflorlt. Ail J. l- located ýin the Town of Whitby. The di- generation existeil and 0. liq 4 ed dt'ih-c'tîme £COO. La'ti(l as the cdtnplaints against The building is after the ýIr. , Joues refurný; bis herirty thanks te rectors are toc, far-seciiig men of btit-sii)eýis wlien Solornon %ai à the Calitain Iiiii-k-, à'll(l Captain Nfc(;owan, for te overlook, the advantagï>, fmd the inter. re a th-e Road and Ilaibor Company have beeni ceedingly tient in design ('ive wifIl a wili Wc rýin fle had lost al] lie liad est& which, would aecnie te themskelves and With this mania of dîsenverý out very we are glad' flint the . constiuétion of this in construction. Its eý-,ti tiiiiieil lIki1i1iýz u,ýfiI t1p. noxt 1'ir, ýsrftir- carrenied friend of tâc Chronièle ha8 been Light-bouse is no sinall item in tificir ta. little under £2,000. flitv,ý nt noon. The zhip W-IQ theu N'i ith Ili-, invInditig elothes, lie hall rig- the sW'klàolden3, frein the ejïtabli.,ihmeti t of posMe-,srdý ver When sonie five or six years ago the Next te, ýIr. ý Till's block zed Iiiiii,ülf up in %,pair of old pant., and a a branch il% this Town. Notwithstanding te speak in the M ell ovei- on t!ie with lier 1 . Company purchased the Harbor frein the son, Watchmaker, lias in c red for bailing di tN ; and this was there may be soute of the directors who inay prescrit Itlhne, but use, thé past. port holes iii lit.- %vatei% Ik- thi,; time the M . . 1 Goverriment there was only a smali ticket- two three story brick bul !111 lie lirul o1i %xlien lie reached Port ves- bear a prejudice' against Whitby, and who A illuid _% l 1 %rater kvilýý iiii t') flit, calon fl.i turd3v, W of hig own hemight have hall. ti, Utuililltlg Cn the p!er 6f ýonic ten or, 50, and the other 14 x 5( Ili-t'i rill 1,11i"x 0. lïý Viatit thi-z noie 1 nt 0 vrelry and is servant, a colored bov nanied can &Iy look upon the location of branches ne time, blit itince he commenerd edit tended as a je u as. %11-. Jone-, wlien and agencies through thé medium of theît i ing the (74rolliècle Ale bas bWn e6 actustoli- twelVd fect in height. It lèaS et little or tir.rli, hove in >i,,Iit no use. Dry G oods Store. This k g bitilitiV, gave his goldwatch, own locality- eventually, we skythe claims ïs'lutt(i)fi"""' tlie mindi of othe Siri then the directors of th ( lot ta that hîs Own est in de-,ý;in, wi It wili be Rild %vo fi.-ed -wi.; to .0traut lier attention. t for use-" Company each vear in-tended bdilding a site t'le lit tiot hear Ille ri valiviltle itite) the care of -Ntr,. of this Tov7ný., the interests of the sto&-- the Iian&,;omest store yet p -,f tIi,ý lady passengers. lie holders, and their own interests, will fume How elegant and correct for Gmmmftri- lillit-house, but until the directors of the I^i7l)iirt, 1 t., storni, alid 411aile il ly lier oit the brig, ivllen the 1Iýrertors torogard the Town of Whitlliv ans verped in the " construc D tien el an. prescrit year were electeil ridthinc practi- It is in the composite st., ý,Ike liýiiilý,41 it to lâitn afé. '0., cal had bcen (lotie, when John Watson, windows, and hns an e f',ir kiýzý Shi, rano, neýir thaf M-e Tiliiýlit Tliat :i, the most eligible locality fur the location ftont. ILs estimated cost i a ii-i Lyarl ; Iblit lier Esq_ becaine President of the tIi,ý rlri;ý-le ef vaItiùý except Iiis of a brancli of the- Il Ontario Bank-" Ile- What was te bu donc Jm the CR!.C-he ! Çompany Caldwell's block whirl !IaI rvi-v litfl(. contili'.1wl or, r I1f-rý : triust of course-at it ht goes.11 i this vear, lie iminediately brouglit the ntib- l lil'u, %% Ihivii lie c(l. NIr. Toi-es grive our fore we put fortivard Reine re&qons for coin- 1 n'z sl1,1ý W1,l-ý W-rl 11-it-ti:il- i whonl 1 , le k-rlev ing to this conclusion, WC Shall "e ocra- t il -the r(leffti ject of a nevv light-house before the direc- Ltores comes iiext. This 1 Iv di>Iwl1ýteI. -ý>ýi,ý jl:lýse(I 111111(q. 4,111- 1 tors, and continued to urge the matter il - into two double h-,jiIding on, iii ri 41,trt till!ý, ri iiii 1 k-1 01, Il (il . lie 011 boalil rus oabiià 'iVe si--bn, however, reiterate our utý,c-ontr,,I.- i and-is estimated te cost £i-J We conld give a scnre of extrueLq from lqint uiil,ýr the liewl. fii(-(td statement, thüt accoriling te the the preriotis prospectus of %feCabe & en., on (hem with defermination and vl,,,otr buildings are ail being Cric loil', anI ri IiMffîý,ý 1.1t 11urriflon Ml landifig ýuýterqUl%_, 3ilr. Jories wetit to lionorable Jolin Simpson, the location of a but we carknot afford Io devote our time or until there was an tinanimous resolution Qrdoro 1 thi, bcritý in lit, liiiwered, alttioiiý--li 1 passed te have a light-hou.se built. j Devereil, Bui](ler, and will his fîieTil1ý oit Spring street, in tlii,, cj*ti'. branch in ýï'liitby-(Township,) was to bc spare te thie sort of thing. Ce.. frorti tlii, roktgl1iiUý,, of the iliil rint -1 t1illik- thrit tfiet- oçoild livf-. Threp hoats il and the It eeiné thitt lie its an old traveller te Cali- determine.d by the sharcholders in the- appear te lie groi ignomnt of the firait building Committec was appointu his character high in publi lti)rnia, h-ivirim- bren wrcckek] oit the Yankee Township. The agency te lie optened at rule.s of co,,nlffl- ition, boit perhapq some result is the preseDt handscime light-Ilouse 'a capable tradesman. àfr. %vere 1-ovorcil .111(l lond"'I %,i-i ' Il i November 1s'.54. Ile lias been (Viaiva on the fir-.,t of January, was fixed pmctice ait newspaper wrîting, and a lmqon nt the entrance of the Whitby Harbor tect, lias, we believe, furrii Cie lý-c-iiiç,ii and 1 oliildren. Captain litýr.1- Blade iii . out the slightest j at our hands now and agftiný (when we i alike creditable te Mr. Watson and the ing% of sonne of . the buildini 'buk an(] fortît on business eight or niue upon by the directors with inn iri,_- M'Iiile thev were : Road Company, the desIgner, builder, and Further çouth en Brock finies. tillie tic iiicrit out the 5th of reforeince te, the wishe-q of the Whitb have leLqure to feel In the humour) tnay iýuttii'1- rto t1w lti:ttz there wni flic t,ýtt-nki,.qt 1 y ! aU cortrerried. gory, Baker, is putting tir, flic Julï. Bart, and \Ir. Raymond's son. stockholders. Thése were the facts pre- ' serve te improve thera. THE .ýZEw MritciL buildinc, Xear the market IMili -C lirto the flells*3-.ýi tihýý,Mj. Ilivmond did not return viously put forth, by this journal, and in- -------- a. by 14W 'team fýr týc next, -qtead nf the Bowmanville papers, (assisted Coroners laquest.---mhkd effeets of in. The Sc&ch Kirk the building of which r 'cOttâge put up by '.Nfr. Rh lýiiiriu.. i'7ilit. _ýmje order, oint lut- temper»ee. William Laing, Fýqq-, 90 Munificiently sub- the railway bridge, a neat ti el IIho i lIýl reportçryýràsfeque.-,tedtoýinquirv about by the defunet Commonwealth,) casting scribed the sumof £50o, is progressing put up this Sprinc, hy Capt got itito the bnats, all'l lit, w;lý to t lie NIr. - Dait-id M. Tobip, of Sacraniento, witu thuir abuse upon the eVitor of the On Ilonday rnorning last, Dr. K 'W- fa.4t. The baisement story and fou-ridations now occupied by the railwe , .1 -ritteii -te his brother in Williams- cle, these are tlie simple " which, the), Clark, Coroner, and the following - Iv t t u r. woulcri afid tiventv-six 11 'd %ý gentle- bave beén boilt up. About £400 have ter. burgh that lie inteiided te conie on iii this were callt4i upon te contradict. In addi- trien, aIi a jury, hefil an inquest u i BYRON STRkET. ili dit, boats wilhout Pou the been alr«d.y expended upon the building. Tliý, boat, %vvre iri.ititiiý,] 1, sýea1llq-r. NIr. F-riiil that lie lineilv ti(m ive tirge the prc.5ent rcasens given in bol] of ôtiseley Nàle, 'Výatè'htnaker, or! This Chttreh is to, bu 76 by 66 feet, and to The liandsouie range of 1 111,11 ilui 111,>I,-;Ç, QýJarIVrî111.,tste-r 1 this article. Bank- Directors are like the liiiii sav hüti in on the this Town. Thé nern-s ofthe Jurorý, were- 1 ; have aspire 1 ýiO in height, put up by P, -E. Perry, Esq alvl l!itil, ali'l t:.ýt)eztud hilm Io coule oit ili this Trtisteu.,;Uany c)tljtr iiiàù-tution, eIectedý %fr. Joel Digelnw, Forernan, and Messrs. RffliDrNICP or JEUN HAX Fr6filitr, ÉýQ. te the appearance of this ha VJ-ýzeI1 hut Tobin inforitied to protect and pronioti: the içiteresis of Il. Fnser, T. C. Lace, S. Burleigh, A_ Lind- The appearance e range ransist:I; of five io charge of tfioiii- Il, Mr- of thim handsôme new Th wore svve-,i ladies :C11 rhildreii, an'l ii%; btiI;ities, prevented iiiiii front their trusth. If is their duty -te invest the 1 "Msicin *from any poînt of view, is im- zý Iiiiii Ili, t 1 - Say, Jesse Vanglyke, Joseph -1lieune G. !.hotise.-, built two storeys iL mooll. furids of the >tuckholtfers, w the Lu,.it ad- A. Batinister, Thomas Robinson, Thomas with out-offlices, &c. ii L!11ý ýsýIfillr riiititkii'i. l In v posing and commanding. Ifith that out- 1 tuent, ' lit rogard to the specie, NIr. Jones sayst vantage. In the judicious sclectitin of Downing, ý-%- K. Rice, J. Bengough, jr., Ilorit thi. were priiivi . t side look wbich reraînilq one of the bere- 1 enst over £3,000. -Ne-e te 1 tliat it %vas stou ed êway in the rtin, right places for the establishment of agencies and * 4 crected a hands The firýý two boats b-li-k and James Bain. ditary mtelated Sent of the gentlemen of X. Ray ha. -ýis of the branches,, the, prosperity of the alon,- the keeIs -shipand before titrent The deceamerd wits à yoi tuan, Aged thé djtt cou mkd tool, lowl. Aýkhb diil Tiot anythin colild bu (lune to got it ut) (even if; batik mai ina gréai meuure deptud. ntry, It " esses aU the im- brick dwelling 24 X 36 witl lefliril iýl0l lli; linat fira 1,,it z . 1, lit àppeared thaIt provein oi .,Architecture and: daband platform in front- 21. Fiom the evidence i ents of titure lipl Iwtýit a clialict., ofeaviiig it, j it %%-as Uranclàes and agencies sliould bc loi Ille -Rs' of intemperate'halàs, and that art, and is hqÉlt dvelling AIr. Ray ha% 1 Ille borkt 1;,I, Ili Ilr- ",!kt %v:Jý tIiv with nu those, requis te titiler mater. %ehtre the gre-atebt number of the stock- drink produced lits whieh overcarne him. ýiôr 1 lieuses ând coffifortable 'stal holderscould bc accummodateid, and the converliencies, which the etenc nt comfort > Justes Co.*b Liver), StabI6 interest and adrantage of the bank would Ille Mr. George Crawford stated that ýglI the the weaithy Of tile, present day requires. covering an area of nearly,,h lIc ,-lt %vithin two hoiel and tavern keepers in the Toi The building is very spaciolus-52 x 68 1 land, for the purpSè ofr cw 1 Burut Down. bc liéest proinotud. To gain those ends and knew the dcceasel, and thât they wýere feet,, and à wing extonding nerth 50 feet livery establishment, which Iloopl'. crIlleil olit to Thi> inornin;ý rit a quarter to a, lock, a(Ivânct the institution the Townot Whit, by 20. The height, from the foundatioti to familiar with tliese factýn. gether removed to this street rtilil Nvolild Ive %vere alarried by the soiiiid of the fire b.%, above ail other places, would lie the On Sunday evenîng decema (who, had the corftice' ià 33 fètrt, and the height to DnDIS SSItEeT. ),(-Il: and on rûlshing te the localiity 1 - indi- inost favorable place for I=Cing a bmuch -irvar bcén drînking days previcïusývý) came intO the top of the observatory which sur- The new front and l'te shall just coin. i \,,ont 'lit NIr. cilte(t, cerner UL (Jeorge and Ntelieu uf the ontario Bank. NTrý Samuel Poi tavern, had some raounts the building 60feeL Thehouse Croc d by Mr -týtts, we foim4 à firer:q)idlv devouring j pareitwitti Oshawa, which is the oui lýi vif, ili 1,kýt Uiý 0lat lull t1ie !Iill. o apartni nial,, exclu- dence, has completely aiten 1 1 : drink there, vrais allowed toi remaih in îbe contains týrenty-tw lit it ý%as liv bar-rooffi ail fflghý il was foi the- mâtenals Co.,s live- plu-c that could attempt a rivalry in the aû und dead on si ve the luement story ; ît is built of ancoof thatbuilding, and im ruplaindci- if tli(l>e stel in were compse(L There wasl as matter. In 185f) the value et gouda enter- the floor In th-C, tagrnine . Thii was. 411 in pressed"brick which présents a Iîght band- yond all beli it wlfre ii .1 -ail on erv tl,;tlaliv the Case- no SUPPIV ý&,i e,, ed at the Port of Whitby, tras £23 896 19 reality that ibe evidenco arüouýtýèd to. sorne appearânee, andis, we m told, very and graSful App«rance4,az S4 1 Rftqrý% ' ri iiii v and the duty àùnounted to £2,484,3 and 5kî iL The style of archittetiltp rplendi(t. vemudah whieh ig onsequently, the tire went idieâ The juy Stifter ettting from nine o'cloc ,.durabk t!'ý(' !ast tl'ip, as lits burrit down the'xvhole quadrangle of build- The value of Soods enteraid at, dit A -V, Mut En D. Thorment- às , Thr ,%on, Jobàsoh ÏtAllin, lie; M bon Aow, déo Proiltit, tu: .wooden rioolr ýJéha" & Àema, se; Ji Keboeil Jos. Taimip Drffi", Jà aa-,Y-tO'C4 i és ; do 10,, Set of H."Wt, -rOh«»Qýq à Ani%' 10; Co" 10*ý ILice a- Gso Pm, is,_ 103. '7 Turriip gliST,.î MeWaiza, iw. Cliarn, J B Way, ion. l' hcese Prêt», 8 someriý1je, IN U" fFaîn, Stmvr Catur, Cg. loi. , LADrw Gentleman's Shirt Mm W Xajor, 10%; jt6t (ýordon, 7â 4d; kt; Foreman, Se. LwIfs Bonnet, )ýr». o5s. 1 , ý ý ý i __ pieeé wM* quîlt4 ";,j BlAek, _10w; 'edlcr, le. cyotchet Work Quilt Xri Blimett, lut. Éancy Netting, Miso Irirrell, 1g &L Fanev Knitting, Min Mitlebày, 7* 6d; itn Pem, 58. Embr(gdery, on M, 7d od; *Xiss Birrell, 5tfý Crotchêt Work, '.%fîes 11(>dgson, 7g gd -- do 5m,. Rai.sed Berlin W(Y)1, Mis* Bowis, îg ad; )ru& ,t 'i' i5s. Plat Berlin Word, N(r% Trem", 74 6; Miss ;pteimen of Braiding, Miss Thôruton 7s 4d. ipecirnen of 'rütting, if rs p PeMi 78. 6,F. .x. Ftiller, 5%. Mûx Fruit, George McW.tin, 71î. ýVax Fl(,tvers" Mi- Strîw'klAndý la sd. -MUS Strickland, apèr PowerA. Mii.4 TILornton 7it 6d. .11, cy L-ather ýVork, Cli"ter Ca -,s 6j )il Painting, F-benezer BirreU, 7 a i3d ; do iz e Pelleil ýrày-)n Dmving, 31t*5 Gair, 73 61;, xiâèý olored Gaige, 7i 4.1 do 54. ýrchiteetiiral Drawinz. J.F. Bevan, 7lq. gd. î ullectiou of A. A. Green. 'icture Frame, Ebenezer Birrell, 7s 6d. welve Table A lee, Stiminer, Robt cxtnp., 7s f, d C. Fîgwell, se Jmes Drýdeî, -cive Table Appleg Winter varietsçt, Aen, 7e @a, Mr$. BarelAY, 54; Robt. ipbeil, 2-1 .6d. ? ý. ý. ý - çfelve Bakinz Appleo, Alexander Onten, d ; Jamee Dryden, e4q ; Dr. cjqrký, 2s Sd. -el ve Table Peam, z Dr. Cjarki Ta 6d ; Mr&. 3oyxi, 5e ; do, 24 6dý, Weive Plums fflesort) jamS jehnot«, ju, D Bover 2â 8d. welve Tomatoel John White, eâ D. Clay 28 6d. wo Aiezn de'É' Opton, 5,; arnCochrane, ?à5ý 4d. , , 11 i %ter Nic-lon-4, Abram Cochmile, Z;î. )rtr 11cade (.4bbagee$ Sheriff Rev. 12, aei. . mr (winter) Siloriit ad. H )dr Ilouck, 'eserved Goosebeni"t Dr. G=14 53, Xrî, er, '-"'q 6d. ied Fruït, '14 M, r of Picklea, -Mrs Füller, Si ; do 2i 6d.- et and gffltet variety of kmnien veratabl ès, White, 74» ed. Lple Sitzar. Richsrd'11atpýr, jo,.4 ; jan5-es ett, -d s. f3d., ,Ïý6f ilorie %rman 4,7% 6d.; John Blackburn ÀU,ýn;. Shoeing, Saaml BàrSatlf- ltichard ARoir, : Bd; John Nackbarâ mp Makerri Worlç, Ch"ter Cm,& loi; de (f .eeT-kq, George Criffin, 1Mý , of Axeg, George Crimtl,,7n 6d; Llark' l'ime, Se, 111v'e, 40bige Mo wail4 ci lèr Pre- Printing, %iffl ind lia.verboe 7es- 74 ad; do53. a of Çalf 14aibey, Oitza wrkht u ad as Lurv 1 of farmerï produce, a d excee& mature death-or sobilety, indëpendence mentrýrigittand.le& ()n' Tiki.,; just rt'rç)mlýelire horiorýý Loth îhe that this-floorthere ShQÇý'ýÇr, off Mary Street, the cýty and bonor, domestile ha whicil lias contc a-s a Wheat market, The entire trade of PP ness' ove of Our 's alsO a billiard room The staircase and ând, and a long î d mpéctable life balustrades are riehly carved- and ortie- Oshawa would be C014p&,;$Gd bysme half an ço»tY of Ontario pa>11, 110, after having served 1 dozen miles in frontý by twelve in tbe rere. mented. Théwindows areal of plate ys befrre getting ýit,) til t in tll(.'IlouseofContiiotis, will Itoad,ý, wc the of New y ()riý It is only eight and a lialf mil* The Cýwnnjontma4g, itapainV' -fýort-h_ glass, having double The Fali 'AsÊ!zeý-of thiiý'- find in the 1-Litlec of Lqrdj a theatre more 1 liccabe & CIP., now,ýàw Ë"D;ià. frioximl bMuonideâmYýtintil Yhursdq es trom Bow. Mhès for the winter. sui j,1iC(j manville'and fkyur from Whitby e summêr geb»n can be talien ili conrorii)ity %vith the elevation or his ta- &na could corruption ana rotteness. it doors are alUbun pel last. week the i TI ây of nu ïï ' As mentio tis with brewl, p0tàtoqt,,, 'File certainly*scarcelyclaim haif the :le WhitbY COmmd9n'ttaltà--bas gone Ont and venetiati bli' àoiebnstituted, The lentarld the Ph tween both these places. An agetarcayde be- g onndaislrer plated-hingês. ilosephic:0 character of his may il twhaeswtinie. aTnhe (soo1t1:ni,0ý-f the ='e«s'. výer-y, Recently nominated a foreig 1 ts e xis t en ce w as a - 1 i vTinô g' na ne f- rFirdociru &&f Isi Mghatl 12steempsîtl «t1dî - te d ý oif " cor. laclied on boal"d lýad niosi of thC-ý1 t-ý, ýîe(-p elo jueneU. j ker in the body, ëOlrpoirate. Otthe on the 1).irt, in the open air. with be necessary at Oshaw, but lookîng et ail eýcîri1 cases diýPos o£ thë Observe 1 - g cotnpriÉé:, the- ri these facts we do not think that the direc- -1 to CoVe of the Amdeniv of -Moral * and P l Whitby. >Mr."Pmýer' bas shevrn himself tory. The.View of the"'lake fraii 'th!$ vç-ry fittle clothin- r their pet-sons, lit ical Scimnces of Franc tors (rio matter how prejudiced) can coule e,ýIr. MacauLay nay «. . Lien scareelv anv bedding whatever. C!nPt- bc cons1dered a.abelongiii-toletteied the shréwd bu'tiiiién nen, we ys took spot and of the surroundiligcounttyýtor Verdict for-defpndap en pleaý 1 131,1rt, liove,,rer, %vrus a troe-hearted îailor, L":iropc, as well as taEngland. His account mil set û;àt. Verdict for the pliiii to any other conclusion than that the town him te bc, In disposiri -of the press and es is'ferY'Vftbn&ý Ili* *Mterüýiwînx arti did nrn spire im thing fliat would of Whitby would be the proper and ruost' type to 'MèCabe &'Co. It mrû a seil, and contains the servants apartments, . Érst Issue as to ber title to dom of the Revolution of . 1689, which fs so exact desirable location for' a brancb çf the Oný those inerperienced yonüg men have yet store-rooza, -bath-roomiý è*7ýý the trimizter to our conifort. Ilis tilne and and so eloqueii t, so precise in details and In tario Bank, with half the capital stock.' Wat« ý riag' attention were, however. com;tantly occu-' thestudy of character, and so philosophical to learn the full exteùt ofthéir bàrqrtýin- -both bot and cold can be ýapp&iied 1 'pied in cnrin,ý for hîs vessel, whilch was and elevated in thougýhtis averitable course Meqsm "ý_i3su the Verdictfor deténdant. kcCabe ha ed, throùgwîý. pipe& which convey thè.'Water to Chetterlle VaIedict-ory. prospectu s ôta. newpaper to be called the the rdot-af'tJI0 WIding'at pleagane, Hârd rrîppled in her spars and nearly w-«iter-lo,-. of' constitutional poticy by whieli all those atiw Ti gt 'wýCh lis déàý,ined to taiée' or àoft ýirý Rî al3w, be 7,aupplîed il% ew gea,-Her cabin floor was all the tirme Nyho interest themselves In tho. good go- 0 îèer4 dict- eoý,» tilm ý'b4Lý '_ la. covered with orielor two feet of water. On verment of naÃŽtiô'ns ought to profit. This ll'fvrere. properer that 1 týh1ýp14 -yon, e the, place of ne C&=onwmltb. tMe, X'à t1w Pa 8, 0 e pris -Thtiridâ,,,v Rftcrnonn, as we were becalmed , or ità incs, 'âlýetieve the founa &ÏUty ie&Ë Ùàýaies, 4pe noble interpreter ôQh ' - il; ppliriai susi pËýglÃŽsh corisfitution Il Por'when wîth yotir*conictit Ids doue, Pol *nN*ý tU bliiiidinig kr au in Hampton Roa&s. ive saw the propeller this friend of liberfy-l "o has become by 41 The act là really-your OVU." w"*,di -be made.,oà tW spot--.*,Sa& y an sentencS té,cý,dsàand1ý .Al'orfolk goin- up and hailed her for a tow. î forP0 Of clearness and of interèst, a popular Brimful «ý,eY*r- of fiJS assertions differint, house, Aýr-jýbàJdne,-beem -crecW on th0Mîè'fý11 Her Captain demanded $500 for the ser- historiail, has done in- his country and be jtwe4&Aýý ow ,, '. , Tý egotiari4 ýappeaiýàý the lSt Comm t try le in purfode. - vîce. %Ve flnally comprornL-ed on $300. *ith MnýD2apwz Ttjedictw7. âftý »ra. ne bii», ho*éiýr, f&4t bé ex yond his country all the good tliat talent In ý theý p 'lidpall- drà»10jý W 'dih4i reo um-m and il * htness ýz&n pi;oàuceiý in this ri On our way.up we-met the Empire OitY4 world.' per 'bu learted tow obserre& Captain ý MeGawan, and were taken on mg tovhis t0fxIt1ý ààd lueffljîlo hièmle sàbàlîty and experiebW *bd ARMT oe FARxp -,&4».DieBL IW= m&bàeý "d Mb" ýrý, board. To otirjojr we learned that a lUge -1ýeý-my-be émgWyedý!,;in; big, Occupation ý of "edîtOýÎ*1 Mâttei-rý ý î 4 number of cnir fellow passengers had been , ýf -The Woods" ýVýv«tte &nnouîw,«-1heý .7,xpresamau, thm,înstt«2pting te j"the Jienýy'ýËeâzbt, m b6&.idWt,'T &tatý _ «ý% pw men à Raveli 1-ky tÈe:b&rk Ellim, and were on arrest Of the" parties by the aptholiue-cfnew.spajýer_«jjtOr. ý,->The IL bourd the steamer. Woosdtock, on a charge of 'been-,wirýu-.1ènr M: ît, or. AU *eÈy yôun- »4.lltlki èm'l -defraud the town. The Reeve of tbe t«W,4, without < DrAper 'bo, In a subsequent c*nversation 9ý., Jones be, knoym ùtw à nt, Thomas J. Clark laid thé informa- tbqF" stnted' that after the. ladlesand children "tý_ tbe Aw ý,j. n ý., jý - -j- ý 1 - ý., ,want of the 'Co -wertr-prédlic 21ýjý ' - _- Y", !tl scî. 1 tîon. ' The pai:tiw arrested sieH. D~ M& A11, haj left the - Central AwëriiWý' 1 di' wbetwr Mr.:-])raper'w«e &«à meDýý wrfttng of I*effltbrw dom' 117heï tOw:ýeO0L111;d the quiere, FAq., and ArthurA. Farnie4 etqu bar, Pline was nt an end, as the fate of the ghip Mity oirý,Mv«W piqw, against- the editor i0ý âm. wmoie .60, The information la a lengt4y wasrapidIvapproaching. TW6.otherboatu OAranick Or ttat Onuellnu ne""Ow *etiàg hià ýUI26pomm" tf it ii tïv> boï*mpkbd lu which *e town was the gentWýý à»d WU " ýMtj4>ý W,: details the nimn r__71 J_ xý4udq4- were iowered, but they were instaltitkir ndled,ý,by, « thé Wood stove againjit the ship's side. 'ýVbeý thé: awl that the ediW ôUýthi aWàu*k M* uumt of thelà-4ô the èùw.eý *be t. ý Xià lewint sto& and lâke ]Crie eýthý ý4Mý; i bouts rtftmed. thëy wouldjustpm un;ýCer 94rèmeyindifférent. Mr. Drap«'. be, 1Ã" à«" î awqý %ýh" the îtem, ardthe inen wGuld thrOw th=- 'týÃ" the labored aftmpts lu-tW" effitorlai depart- «Alpé" eW, We y1s' Cýý tir, )%ý1 v*IW U.î that the presont action bu boeu selves over iboard tiks obeep, filling tbem 'il use". àgàýeew*dwoow in an instant dfd net sucSed ed- 'BY &or'e ý ýeenw«%z ý it, is q he bO&LO wen h&uled whethtr our prSnt lw" an àcdl= ;ý in gatting into t' on îý RF.Itx;cr. _WM retires from binfineuon- ionth.- For fourte«,3rj!lm î ho nied on the the,-tOw'n of %Vhîtby and dulriu- C> à theTown, gtaodbigb= mte than, J", &r. Laing, All served weaith, an ,9ood',wîshes of re hiwi, and l tak4 ;e m -Yeoman, *a btý- fi tu -The me ,or*, sud lit two workme àm Of Urli ý Md a0iý w'w audýubd they dfi té bý he there, about 14 i lu 4esath, and 2 neü- * with a kiiot r iL u will c piéS which 1 sez petmiaction-W m te gi Ve Ut -In 'leverlastin- hillý uncouutea Xge', )býý -or Me wboaw,« depo"it pl&ceý we have no only it îf, soffiew! thatthe lý tes , i fâmed Fý"pt-i. l -ly modern to »ý, has lain belov't ýj the bear Sir,- 1 Kinçl',y inf,ýrn, r' your frîend. "Ir. J f;uý4rribeI f,;r whitbv do atýtýe Centre Ward. Ini0ýy sept. 2 I* * 31r. IVaýIaI toýý0-so-as vet; ý be presented to Uý Po-ça 'We-takc great 1 tices or the n4anly Shan àwy, b. gli To the- Editer of the Sir,-On ZI Cricket Match v)o Cricket ground. , Cricket Club of»Y Club, [Éerfect greé în favor-of the latt Enclosed-is a mi inninIgs, which. in you being an im wîth an "ertion, And obb The Ti -This extmoffii a close -)n Sattir unabýl.e to agTee for fi nding ùie -1 for acquitt&I, th whether the P" erid or noL W credibility swom, mer, while Ot swore positively ffltýthe MUL Bru ,ther h the sv

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