Whitby Chronicle, 17 Sep 1857, p. 4

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N~Y1'!CEL ea.*a I*~h Depsrlmeuta Quity r#.ui~*wrua I1lt*us.. 1,,0 £6eaC), 2, 22 104 eal), 23 to xSi l tue 8 c5 os e 1 5ï),Q) lI Noil.to8lne.ll) 1 eh~sA No o14 Ilue. 16 to 20,use. £ cdi), 21, 122 (0 euhe), U 8te 31 lise. (£5 epc ý). ALSSiVs-stem, Wu"esv um. o t2ô [W, 29 to Uto831 !ne. (£e ah.) ALItmm n vr, ICA" wm. o.1 tg 13 lu. 17, 18, 19, 20, 2o, 23 to 31 lue. (£5w» sasS xo-ta ESI lue.(Et ci.) tionoOSOetitEET, 555? atls. 1Wo, W19 lue. (£5 caci.) Lortu W TEE, W55?Smm. ro, tO19 lac, (£5 OMSei.) NO. il Cc 2Ï inn. <£5 cvii. 1ZiWâiUD wlaKE, Wve5S tSt XI, O 1 ulue. (e5 ecdi . P'ARK LOTS~. aiiwAin V'Ruar, a.s.T st'- N;o. 8 te 17 Ile. (£16 1Q's. rtsehs, IR, 12 (£13 o.29, 27 (£1,icuici,) 2";, 2q,10 (ZE1.51soai. Nl(£516 10..) CfoWn Liandq Department. Tuiu,.-o, 20ti îAugu-st,15. FOI SALE ROUIE , h e eaTh e L o t 7 to Appiy tW ITO LaT.1 iII~ eigbt iarttntà,pa u ~sfor a Mo- derao sisuotiFamîily it 3tanda ou 3 Ibeiealg Street, 'West sie, be t,,rècn tise Tpwýn liai sund Ralway Bridge. Apply to ROE ]For Bae or tA> Lets TAIE WHITBY STEAU MILLS, W ITII TWO RITN )? STONES, AUL VIcnuPietee-sud atogt of tis egn- for thse thid ruin %71*dby a thlny ors power ~~nssPr 111 bu donc a go sans mine It valunoreradon, lasi September. Tise Mill'lu neir, and in fo ë,r;,,1héve Lafour fiftits ofr ame arr.tA Wbborro toin . > LIVERPOOL. WILLIAM ]ROS, Baeslt-& IaggnatrSlp s- Port Penny, suie tts Let i Livrpoolp OroPte1remises. Pozsl r oLtn Lvrol mn Pr,.sti-y 25, 1857i. 6i sV ENTY MILIEA .ST 0F TORONTO <A J I .1 S5 Dpotanul Station of the Cranti Trîînk Bail- f I waii . E set p . .ts.1 a Cottatge andi a quarter 1 111ud LOT FORt SALE. of un Atcsrof Lîuî<i. tsittsi. OR itAl.EIN TlblFVIU.AGE 0F B ' li'hse-lriiieshait. licen llatel 'tii itIs- t01~~~~~ ~~~~~ -st«ietis st<ests s l1Iin{. la sho.,urt disî.tace of thec Kinurutmi Uissa ni1 F intimiin<t l t i. lih 1silîsav )- t A goo<l h itu n-s , st;i (<usitt. Tise ul«titabo e is. leais jy- fv iti- rade-s cn be <dsnc 1i, tenad gsidu.sod vu ktul, ai s tssi a ti. siiaenee of.!tht.le 1t; Win. litnn I sigt< ut-. Smi t t. Et goodi uebl ( f wter, îFs- fsrtbssr il.rie.istrss si-Pi>- tla iStal, l ss Vsus <u, Sh ad&c.,,bhers-t..ii Mt S RDY, For fusi le tir ýl r îppjLisermit- S. oPl Ilby . W. ,is<l7.2 WlîiioAlui 7is,1ih. 1-bCFarin for Sale. BE 1 .1) » PRY ÂTE ALE> toal Brick 3Building, Siîce orthSdoofM&etkown es Saboury's Brick Houa., wi*three-elgbtIs Ah  aSmetmWmthldeofyn Mit, AUlwflbIe&ithéror to aù1?yn,: ohanora, on reanonable terms. For particlonar appiy W tIse nndseswm. SISUY Port Whitby, Jue 1, O tse >rin28s ~'*Weekly Globe copy tili forbid. BEAVERTON. FoRa SALE CHEfrAPI, Ao4ln otb Ie Beaverton Wharf. A larO M PoûteMMflng busineabcdou. bero. Favorable terme aj bcinode wlth the Proprietor by a PracticalIur Lm o ÂflMTRONG, N. B.-Tbero la s frêt-rate o.nqngatBoa- Verten fori the %tablehinent or ots y J. A. OTICE i4-i ieretis-îe« tissutti. le -"~ ~ To AENT. itinei Village tit.) htsrlciuLtMto îf 'T Iistriî- FI Itn, itise Towe1a..sihl s-f t.ii9vos. iit* Eltu li t- 5>iuts-r, sIa-ts bf <)s-s.-s , P.I', a iii liui, fi-re. f-r salei. n(, Xtu- or7.hoiutis. , es-nts- tue lion, iiy-the 1leuilenttAgisuil.Wîliutui.as<k..oti g elle; Ts.-iî f M5> tits Es lirliîtns, inii te 1suoýiiîu iif Betutiuiek< 5 fidres il,, 55s u.pursiliaursas 10 austi aller) titi ize, relit, &8C, Box is u, Psst.t <fite Bay 8 ts-eet, Soitli West alule, 11, te14lu.,40<14 ii-.£7lu..caris.) NAW AND) GIIIST MALLS TO LET Iliîssoni s-oNostii Eastb Suis.,A (o. lte4n.o4nÇ7os's)s. P ENE LON FAL LS. Uuron Street, Southi West Sidi. No. te14 c. 4,4142,1 (5 10.' sulscier, inteu>aing ta retire froin bu-- No.2 t 1 !n. 0, 1, 2,4,5(£ 1 mcaçi., a. ineis, sril s-cnt iii.. Psyanti Ost milI.. for KinsgStreet, Noirtis Enat Ride. i>uîjs terni.. itti nuis- ic1 gred uposueTendesm 3 tc 14 linc. 41, 41., 45, 46(£7 (W7 uacel), i-hIl NrsIe lf~s i;'te Mll together or ilpa f7 (58 lu0%). ratt-iY, nutil tise 2lst P-eîsbrnsbes- nil King Street, tSiouthi We4tdeI.. TisemeMillis aire sîbuatta-t t eneloît Falls lu tule Ceiuty of Victofria, C. W on the Ris-en la Nuo. 4 to 14 lue. 40i tu 47 ite. (£7 1lutrsi.>, ls£îi n('uiunes-ou sanul5tiFeonU*kes, tis ei.dof (£8 heu..) vains- l a aistt 24 fot, vîtis au unilil upp As-hus-Stret, NostItIllm. Sils-. being fît) frisin itundreis cf miles of U-kes ana Xo. 5 tri14 ilut, 4,,11 hlie, 57 i1-1,muuiF. treami.. Limber ucm be shipped idIraetn Arilr Street, SuuthbliW.-ot siue. te'iIt o. 6te14 lue 4eY te 495 lut. <£7 lis. cadi. 1, 5nPort Hope & Lindisay Railway, No. 7to 1uil.s, Il11 i, 4--) to 5 his- (£' a.10. . iî suaisa ,oiti-in Stres-i,,t,tîl Wtside. tiu< in illIsie tit ieruits suatslo Lumitss N.n..91.1tise >Is£141isn-liuuto tstise aLu, lb,. aaies N... 2u l. l (Lt steiuM< ~s tuut fr---1'.suiStaiiag, c.,larried ou Alie Sirl-.Nsur i s t Iu. liil teslnessbuer No.10<ti>,il, 1 13 1p ticiul.) The- i<aw -MiiiliM. tii 'Gangs, Muiles-andi tir- Ali-s ts-e , S Suithii W-t.t Si-i-. siiar Stan-s. Tliueu, u lil.ewtsu a Laihing Ma- o,12, 13 (-.sîi(ttThetsti-uiMilliw lots i stsmn sof Stonce,,5witi, a PA.'RK LOiTS. Ias- couuttl anit . 1,011iiiastrev,-t, Suai1t 1Wet-uR i-le. For ftistics laurtieuliarsàsptpîy to thse pnoprc-- No' 12 olS, lite, 2 stt-e-s utueis t£12 1-sl os- - 4 (ilb 1<) L>£7 lt's. JAM S ALLIS, AliieStre<-t, Nus-isF.m.i Siie, 'LIPE isu-snFailso-tus t Ne, Il (23)4> £12 U i, 2te 16 ilite l2) 'e«I). ILSIWHITro&, n.' . Alice Sbs-cut, suiithssîl aeiido. -ol P . ALBRO, 2-. 2(lT ) £&8 t,léiilsu, l21 aii,> 10 1<2)>> Cmni-sis anti tiotural Ageut, Port ilopa>. £12 10.., Il tii £7 lus, lu' tu 17 ilis-, j~ uit<issî u vule f.W -Inlrf i la£10 etuis. sIn hy PiilleAsth fion, fous 6tMr. . 8QiQacs-sm fo Aifteul Street, ?Nostii Ea.sîSiisîr. of! .i.iîii sundunti Tisber Landidise Town- 2o.21,î] £1Li'1),i 15 jusen. î2) esil £Lits hipi. of FetiuciinVes-ctiits sus)Souimieeltoanti M h l[li£15 1<2 tis51I,) b3 to 4ita. 2-o'ixley, Tý,su 1oi.in the. Village o! Feuiclît eQcli l i est-h, il'(4[41 j l. FîdIsa ouithP 0 qst 1111l in ts-o-ukuow-t Aifyedsts-eet, Souths West Plite.. tatise letss-hsss-o Milli.s-ita einof atone. Kio.i1 (4) £10,2 te Il lue. (53<oaachl £15 16 euh Autgust 20,1837. 82-4w. 12 (4%)Li l 3 l £14 14 7)Ç'l £22. 15.16 01111111111 (i)'eaeh) US là%eaoei (103p; £17 los. Napies- Street, NonthEaset ide, No. I ('1.5£10,2P to 12 lIn. (eteiss £1,2Vis il3 i5ai £151541,1412) Eut4,î.m<I£12 1los CABINET W AREHOUSE la Mr ts-et, Somith Wsîst Stuc. N 1(2,V).55M to 5 lue (Iui)ieaei) £25 eca, 7 h)nuu n Streect, Nostii Etst'Sido. 3o Ss< 1, .,4, 5, ÇO~î5s5 22.Iltc, , L)incuiu $îreett, Sotuti WesutSiOde. crowa Lande Departencu, Tonoiro, 2011 Aunat, 1857. ESTABLISII' iq 111843., N (OTICE la berebv grIvea that thendermen- tionfed lots lu the County d lenfre, 1U.", Wnill bo ofWeeu for sale,'by AUetiosi, isy tIse RV i- dent Agent, 'Whiiiuîss larrim, Esqiire, at Ad- lîlatols, near Eet0freý ea Noon, on tbie TwcuRty.fonrtli of 1'eîi Meulqh. Upsot PrimS e prr e. Townt.lIip eof lorton, 6th Con E 1 , N5 Troualipf MeNaim, <2 ft o 4No 2 - 'bsubpor We-tincatli, du cou E 1/ 8 Crown Lands Depariment. TuiiNosrsi, 2of iiti îîst, 1.857. NTOTIU'E i4leret, vntitthelît suth lhuIt jor lot No. 17, ià ttise lus ('îsoncess.li ti f titi T otsiiptfIltrforsl. i lihecoîsrtv of Osifori, lJC ~i lnoitfered'fis- Sale liv Àoicon, isy tise IsieetAizot, John Carr&I,;llE.qire, at B<rrs, it Noos, où tii TWenty-tottrth of Next DMonth. INSPECTOR GENERAL'S OFFICE,- ' Toronto, Ist Atigust, 1857. 1=OtElxIlreb-v gis-en tît t nxcelilenry .hthe AdndiiistWritotof the (vos-ernmictita bee'n leaced b y an Order iu t'onncil bearitig d ate tlie Twenty-flrmt tilt. te dirttitttise resent Rognlnti4on in refe4ne te the sheds at lhe ImhlnÃ" ca"a Baainis, Montreal, whereby Vioîr li nerw kept forty-oiatltonrs in the isheds ba t'ru ccharge, anti 4r ont romoved thereaftor Pavs twn peisce per barrel per we.sk, sha1l be, &d i. bdrobv atereti as foine-s, vîz.a aler te expiration if t48 lotirate 2d' pesrro i î.or Wook nov ebarsed sali be coati uned te ho col- Yeted for the 11tirs vk but that ou@ penny per irrel shall h be îgea for ever)e day tbs±tishe tout s& kept W îthe shedas *Aar tia rt v.ek. By Commiand p- B. ik BOUCHETTE, Cossîualonor ot Catonse. .]ÂGUIAN ÂIUTIMT. PlIOTOGRAPH GAXLLT. ne; çý im l a a latalldor- manufsctitnu eh vCecnptIone ut' Cca i74b4 , kd.oad,,Bus-eaut, Sofas1, &le-, an a stil larges- Reale tissues-endu- hopea h y trict attention tO h&ussn, tue mont na han .fiutsl.te Patrunage. [le lu aceil katuac by tise iubabi.austs 0ftis mellion ut' tise canir>. 1,e Us-tiders atteutie) ç1unctuli1 COFFINS. T lIE Silusibes- lt-gs tss iufu-mnthte irilitl- tatsiofWhiby and surs-uudliig cotuntry> BROCW c,ê COLP RLE STPEETS;ý Wiscs-oho wbil Manqifatture anti kccp on luand all disonl1tiotig o!f Coffi.s o!dif3sneut simca, fus-- ulahed i wtu- 1retst lamtes, or of ishîatev ci- lîîd ffl-TVie subacrihen attende Fanerai-i peutox ally. i Firt blass H7arte Il msnuàetured hblU. UlI uaeW itb, IscI 4isudo up lnu tisebaàsye ,*Funeraaate.ddAt tise hoteattice.ý A ~ ~ ~ W TIINER i LLa E PRisnTNG, 2 u10, inls1001.tt-e-su.i,t dTitorust; la A cîs leturoi. Tihis F.iruini.- u.ittsbai twitlin filitrîîmilestufiBui ss-lt. -umi the-tr, is-sii MaIirii; bte lu.nuimlu (if .lis uest >tti ~tu. s tj'itui liii ecltre tuf a gns.d i"tilititnt, %su tiia 8uebt)tei, ansi a Sawuiiill cons-entt. Alun, Nos-rths ittuf <f TA 4, u inti-s lotit(oh s su-us of Thnt-ui, con..isintgi-f 95 asu-e..-12 of wisicis arr c1ieuud, and frsunlixig onbeicrg- Intel, ncersunmeron'. Mil]. TrussistitsttL D. CA'MERON. Ilcavos-ten.5 lotis .iusl- M. 26 Valuable Property for Sale in Beaverton. rrII mthmerberoffert for sale Tbisty-eigist .& cre oflan, xtaanding fsrs o-s-ton tu IlAh Simca., Ou Wblcii t bas a fl'ntage of isahf a mie, sud isunv-undlng tise Port Ilope Lindsay anti %aenvoston taiIway Station Gaonuaj, and la te imnidusabo viiuity of tise Beaverton Whiarf. If net tii<.poscd o! ai p ris-aie sale hefire te I.t Of Sepktembor, it viil becol lu TouuLots, ut Piulie Sale, t4! aie tici ue soe viii hegivecu. T'. 51 Lluttt. AuERluSL U PI L êR Ibeasestoni, Ju]is 7tis. hi. aAIERO'N TOWN -M"D PAR LOS FOR SALE IN BEAVERTON, LARE SIMCOE. P ilSAIE4 ,S bss- lo..,iii thue hussinemmi -tsftiasrhun.aico, 40 Pas-k Lotsq, fs-tnt ueW two -e es cril, joiniusc tht. villag, ah..u Tise Wharf and Steamboat Lanallu; ut Pc(,itut Mua-, simd 3 arres us!goust landi. Tile i. in fe te l tatuinni.t. fv us nna lu Chu t*lsaceonts-s. .Apply tu D. C IR do B-eveton t)fàle. fleaserton, Juanet vs-u ot2 FOR SALE CIIEAP. TOT No. 27, lu tiseanti Conessinof Whiîbs. (" theWaaus A«as) sdjoinlog tise Towia cf Wbhibbv. Apply un tuie lon. Rb. C. WtII.48u<, eCMrnigPiaoe, OtAa. Wn.xix iEq, Belle-ic, J. V. HAM, Whitbs-. Jul>' 15, 1857. 25 A 'eluIabIe ibuilding L4s in tse %Villas-e o! PrincI-e AiberL t. sl eithuitLil dis-culs t- "iste'ur Ms -. ryitin'.. lotel, aud t i im*eulIy te beataitututiosi 15.s-buànsinos utise uctalits.- It la tiheLot fusuncrx-rly oý,cnpWedb>' 3gr. Touiil- s' Drasg Store. App>' tt P. 3. ONTL t9 Youtr Street Toronoto. P. A. IIUR>, or o llint JOHN Mt-GuaRm CeinmsrelaTraeller, Internatil Htel, Toronto. Prince Albent, Jahy 15,18lm. 24 FOR SALE-Isb TOWN LOTS. I N. TUETOWN 01? WUTBY,rN TUE rcisth-tf ie Maricii. A<-TIEEWATEII LOTS. Fo-r fut-ths-r î'artic-,slasrs antidns apply te W'hiits-, .jily 8, 1851'. 25 WILD LANDSi 1,ý000 eeiaWld Lýau feus-imule on ea P. KELLEII. Wltby, Juuy 8,1857. 2 TWO GOOD LOTS FOR SALE., ioxýUn Os ae wSchsîLots lu tish oao L5lVhitis-,ouk st totmat. Tise laloti.eaui 'ita J"TEENS LihiEttAL. -, - For furtier partilulars appi>' W .--1 If. FARQUILARMÃ" Or to Part Uolpe Juusl6,b57.22 VALUABLE PROFET'y FOR SALE Sauna onleaui î<,tvo f au OOMFORTÀDLE BRICK COITAGE, vUit ltble <uniBedinga, suexcelent Well of Watersuds a tera geiieuvLSa nuss- enie- spy te FOR SBALE AN ?E TowN-0 Dids reet, beiveen Ms-. 8. 0f Wiltby. Thorlaàa dWel à-a5 o s on tIse prmaea. UAle eASIE, sMd SOAP AND CAMDE MuFACToRY, Tismectage la tftulyltasteti and tise tApply o * Mbtby, Augusil9, lut te Pz m a Weckly Globe cpesI nottisandi mud couai P0ot SALE. TU.SUBSORIBERnF"Itg FOR SALE tefoiloviu Poporty situit he tsVil- lag o!tios, Tovnmhîp cf Reacb viz, A Store wci ifitted up vitis large baek 8Ïuop, sud gond Cellar. DWeliiuE 'Ouse conbaiuiug liv. Booms, Kitcen sud Wcod ouse..A Pusap or fis-t- rate Water on dise pronme.*Alsoý, Ia tise ame bbocka lreShqpveia aptdfor itler Sh;Z)keým ell m akPýerns, 7btnt aes 11siso itu e, fo all of hieh e aeraos ame firât-rate opnmnoan bing neu% A t1es 3ory Store , Ose,itb jyof an acre of Laattacise. above lx a very desirabie ropot, and tutan parties vlsblug t,*te it ts bosiasnessý, ?aay cf tise ab-ove Mcs nispresatî u noeportunaiy rmernetactith. Oy£50 wli bu 1uqixei dovu. Thte balance ona fi- equ aiulabaiente vitIs Intcreat. Apiy(iby lette 1postpai>ta Apl 1 JOHN A.McILLA.N, Or to - THOÙAS PAX/ONýX, Eq., 10Port 1cr.y Rmel TUE DEAST INiVr,.TME2NT VET OFFEREA). TN THIE Ffrnsl.GTOIwN tiF WiIIT- IBY, i-4 te. us-fsîn.il intheba< tsreiue-of titat s-liiatilc prs;irty -oanîthe- velits- ue, <'e knua-n tl e tsi «f tlt usC AlPTAI N G uh TIIEW. anid nusw oifireutl fis- <aIe by hie. Emeci- - Vifty-']wio Acres of Land, Beatluiifitiisv iitutttl, uas-bue a Frontase.. osnbt usortîs o)f Visc Pusu.cLint.(o! Eiseiîy B-ad,..anî isu. 11t,- %Vvt a .nd Vas-st <ile, e.. ,at.s iselluniir,-d und Fttosis oit ntise Suliuis It ixu bouusleci us titi W*atcrs < f "u s-i Whitiis. Tub1'suais-r fr-tstsot m-t-i au-cit iesusissi ituinseiy miablehît. as fn.uîî lt. usru-.tiy inu-ri.is..striade o! thet. Pet,thue s I-sf.rs uss iin-e a-ll 5ery s-son b. qiie is- ait,.i i I.-rurthe etio f ttelsiitcoes, audtti s ii.frnitage a-ilI svs-y s<on ho quise inte.- e suatu lttisesr-siiscicuaîeis ofthue lîtsintscs. sud t uie frosniag-t.wii ses-y son be 'anteel fos-vard- ie, ,itip-beaildl.min nnfacturing andsti tier PtT le S,,xectîos-, ltavng dctîcrncsupon ieiiu tise violo imopertsuilu on. lot4 "dsucpusp-cul b, do, satmi A1VASNTXG VOUS TERNIS taIi, tissu bal! tise anotnut wbîeh t wonld pnoduSs if lad out le in ah io0t3. For prire, nd asutshm- stIis-aplt WJ LAM 'TuîEW' N Execaters. Whtby, Jlan. 19, 1867. 1 FOR SALE, T ET ARE SITUATED IN TUE TOWN- ilsips of Buron, llowick, Mo)rris, fGrey, 0monsgton, inîto, Nontnanby, Tiscrah, Ratas Mars, Sotaerville, &c. For pertietîlams su borins, kptlvti Aims mW. cdON, Arcl-1i, Civil 'et ainîrsd EgLte msAgelt 'Broo,,k Streect, whiîby. i n lte Tv)n i f W litby, a nonîbor of Town Lot.. foîr sait.. WhÃŽtbY, 1marh 4, 1857. 7-tf. LAND AN SCUGOG VOR SALE. Ç>~ ~ACR1I, REINQ MOT No. 'i, 7nCN 200,J' cession Part of the Lot le good lilwoo In te remaiîtder 1, nsixcd with salusubbe titister, 811-1 a flew acres of gondl Ceduir. Wbttbv, Jais520, 1857 1 SPLENDm AINVESTXBNTb ONTARIOÀ9T E L, BROCIK PTEET, W ~RY. r l UBSCRIBR OFE FOR SALE iL i t*popelar HOTEL a? aconpidby 11O1EUT IM LAWDER. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. .bLTERIOi Or ttBsb (W DA FrT IURSDAY, TUE 2&Mr its.taust, Trains vill bave the Station lu Front Stroot, foot orf Bay Str~eet, sfa ollowa. Tureuto Tinie. Tlsrougb Zipi-esaTrain for Mon- trasoAotu ud.:ai 7 10 A.'MX Nightalntseln a,~ i4 25 P. M. LocalTrain toaândTtm traia w luv Cý oen Mcumdy mn& ve- ~day st 7,30 A. M.-lofr Tonui.> caiing ai N.flTe1fiiut~!aII anInonnet iPres- co qîI s xru TWanleavin udnenni for New York sud Boeton resohuog isotis Cube tihe urneevening. TRAINS GOINO WEST. I5sssangerTnin forGulps,Benlin) straifrd, 41o.... ý... ... . 8 10 A. M. il>asseWerTraiss for do do,. 40 P. M. Freiglut Trahmin wiim ave Dots Station and Qusesu' S. P.ari' daEiv Torontin, June 24, 1857M; s 23 G=an<Trnnk Railway., Sea -Batlting and Excursion- Ticket$* F011 ischeomumo4aion <of tse psb1llý dtt ,Vthe Sanunr Seae»is, Tiekets viii h la TORONITO TOI PORTLAI< wrITE MOUNI wimeve t.'0stoa up to h Uslt lity é tnder Tet - B r i t Ih A a w e n a a e c q a y 'INCORPOATD adeanAetoftIe hrd Sualn f tI Evnth rProvicil aia CAPITAL £10%MO Jiau an fum» téd on Baimda u s a tbir contenta.4 Every infornstion nppfted on ap- plication to thse underpgM Marine Riake for tbeo an or for Parts. JOHN AG;NEW, TvýaveIlng Agent, Bron Stree.t, Wbftby Protection aguluat Loan and Damage bW' Pire. WESTEN ASSURANCE COMPAnY CAPrýIL £100,OOQ. INSURA2NCE cffected on Buildings snd thier contents. Every information su.ppled on application tW thse nderalgned. JOIIN AGNEW Tiavefling Agfent, Byron Birzut, Whii17. Times »d Besson Asuran c omp'y. TNSUEANCE effected on Bnildlngs aud their cotents. EverY InIbrtation supplied on1 appllvato to the nnderagned. JOHIN AGNEW, Provincial Assurance Company. CAPITÂ%L £125,000: I' 1T-R A NE etTeete.l on Btiiltliti£rs anaI their <'.MItét. Elverv înf.rî,sntinn sîî.idon api'li uli n t tl c.utdermi.tgne.. PI ,IJOHN AGNEÈ~, Travellingz Agent, lvii .Sî treet, Wilîihy. LIrE AND) AEA LTII ASSURtANCE. The Britials American Priondiy Soiety of Canada, EF-7TA BÃŽIASIEî FOlR TII E ASSUR~ AN('E 0F 1i adll.dUtil. Iîuprldby SIpCOia Act Lf l'irlianaon-,t, 1 S Vie, (at.64. CAPITAL STOCK, £100,000. Ilend Offlioont IJoutreoul. GxEreRAL Arr\-r F oui C. W., J.B.IURLEI<slt. LOCAL Aov.rr, JA5LE.',Ii.>î,, Whithy. R. W. Clark M. D., Medical Reibree, WutTUr. W~PoIit.ies effecte<I ctier npon Illalth or lite (or bot1i) "id evcry inforniatibn asffbrded by the Local Agent at bi& Office. Marcb 25. 1857. 10 CARIÂGES, LIVERY, &o. Carener & SRipture, MANUPACTUaanU or Carrnages "l d ofall kinds Lumber W laggons, J lort Sloeing and sepairiisg uit short notic. Agents fus- C. IL. MeDos-mic ,nisîned motses- anti hlopen. us I'OPsrs "Ms ns sxw Ii.eREaT vai- RAT98S % LAVERY ES TA JBI, ISH>?VEN7', Directiyo'pposite Mechanls' nstitut., 13TU014 aTîuMET, vsIi-ssi. Place, wbceele viii cuuievtCoaeot,(iimodat il] vWhoMay favor hlm 'titIs their orties-a. W~ Splendid tupen and cos-erdOti Onuibtisises capable of cas-ying olgisteemuI perousansd vers- velladapteti for carnyulug pleasun, parties, fjr bire. N. RAY Whitby, Jan-i. 1h57. h A Cool) CHANCE. t'oR SALE TPE TooLS AND STOCK BE .JL' long' uo jay'g arilagFatry. Ternis làbei. rue resej onotu cesepy culd ho takess in vas-lait iuiirea imes te suit àspur- cisies-. -SALOONS, &c. OYSTER GRYSAL *SALOON, BEVANS & DIXON, Toronto, July 15, 1867~. WI1TBY BOWLING SALOON. cngountr3e, tIsai lie hm leaaod tise above Bow- ling Balcon-forSem mad hoq)eby-slt at- tentionta nir s o atoag.Tise AlesNeall been fltted upniîfret-ratestyle, vu e sn,&o. Opets frosîs a. n i., 1o p.uA. R BMBCO)CK, Pré:pietor WbitbY, April 2nud, 185. il NATIONAL HÃ"TEL, -POlRT Wurm8V. - rrR nnem* toinforin li..friema JLandthe p ile, t eis . anov in possession of thse abovo ilote!, tho business of -wbicie, lie wilin lafuture .osîry o4 n, nhiâ owts.n-ssout.- Gond Liquors, Winew and Brabidos. Excellent Stabliug. Carefl stttuionforsmunand honte, Jflsitly eay EDWVARP RAY. rrim xw ErùmISESHAVi BÛEN> TJoýutupene by the undesign%î,v-Iero travîer emnnov Iluai oôômsn6bùsodtion. ThiHon» swel fe - l'elkptand tise ;1 i ' * i.benfrSmnd ai sy. Tiserela Z onle ptab intau hoas..th estroosn large sud eonvpxleu4 Md -w11 sRupplied 'vith -thi best Wiaie lqeora and Cigirs. Rend- sosssey ttea up Sitng toomIbsAr i»dto jpar- ties. rai àt altemc mppk a blluk tor' V eu but taesa Peep at MeTAnker. NEW TIN SAlOP., ON 5UOO-or., WItITEy. (ln Benjamin Bryn'e old tor6 and lini Ware $hop.) JOEHN BRYAN-Popnmwou -Týj SBSCIM WOULD ANNOUNCE tIIthé nh.bitAnts of ibisI'a and Counn tIsi lhe bus openod lbheabove prenîient. Ail kinds ofTin-W.r nude audrepaîred. Braiars work of every description donc on tie preinLgse TIse Proprietor ii a workug-necianîoq>A tinkor wbo works xt bis tradu snd Li fnot aabasned of it. AI, cfder.foef work executed lu a tradassssa-like martner and with despatch. Evary deaspton of work nmade and repaired- anti gamuter ad sonud. Al kisîdil et jobwotk.-dnnechvesper and bet- ter than it van iho dolle by any ttiter Tlinker ini town. te-OMI copper, crat iron, cotton and liiin t5«gSho Sbp8kins. &W-, taken 16exeiange. Whitby April Sth 1857. 12-tf. E AVE-T RO0UVGIff 9. N V ils b. time for thon. requiring Eave- NTroughe, to bave tbem itt up before the cold weatler oommnce. TIe nndersignd en- JOHIN I3RYAN. B. Bs-van', Olti fibre--opposite tise Store o! I. HL Ilohofialai & Co.., Brook Stric, Wbibby. Whltby, Augs 5, 1857. 29 Stoves, Tin, Copper, and Sheet 1Vsuthsoriber h.n.. to info.rm tIîu ni.. te tak fntr.Wiîys!tt sr su111iinfendi 1<. carry OTIttI.iîrtî.. al iti rawsi., on tho e îrîîu. M ýFronîl the onutg xporielle. il ti.. cîînîstrv w PIkICTICAL WORKJrî -l, sîi w; Foretouit for tike hst ie-e tuarksfoîr hie fet.Is cs.itidelnt ili .t.utiiýi thai -.11q wurk els- trii..t,.slti5luts vin i i l.îh, ers.îo l i iii a llîîîus.r t h u t w i ll g i v e c o t i t r i .P l ~ a t s , An exeî-s[Icn 155.rtrnt tof COOIZ, PARLOR %%N* b OX STOVES, tUîwas , i hatifi. Aisso ail kindti f 'titi ttol helseîir. nWare. Ev..rv dt.eril,.îiîî.f cO0P P E U WOR K, mau toborîler. J'ddiarWttar attOmtî in ;.aidl ojobJI>1. JOhEN TROTTER. W îlty, lsy l2tlt, 18.17. 17 THIOMAS 1AEALL. IFVA T CIIAND CLO0CK MA -REI, - IIDNIs raI I5, Witn's. ntibàe.q o te eoleof Wbitby and sur- Watches, Clocke and JewellerY. of cvery udescription. Evocry artielo warraiited te thet, .taton of lUi.etutonor. A .îhar-s of public patroyingc i ss!icited. Wlîhy us 0ts s57, 18 MR. JOHN WILKIANSON, Mthse Puiblicarîl litn frlP1tud..in n./ parictîflar, fsrttlrvinahle 5cr- wiesi svng i eflc-t* frotu tise Algo, lie wishom to inforin the Public iliat ho haa uow erectd..tmp l.op ou dsc arse prornmswhoeo seube Zunul rceMy te erve tbonsin la is business %capacity As. WATCHMARER & JEW1VT.LER, &C., HTaduîg a large sto)ck of WATCIIES AND) JEWELRY on bandi, lie will eetso.tîtersfor Building OUT STON, IME, &o. LIME f'Oit SALE., Q ONSTANTrLY ON;IIANI) BIiRI!%'o TUE i sl e t ps- t i iuuauu.unr Fr<..hBaut par wherreIIV" urus-Cash otuly, ai 2.. 6d MATIIEW CARI.4 7 - lFor-t Ifitby. CIT'STONE ANi) FRESH LAME. L INýDP"AY, FARIQUHIAR & Co., ARE NOW prepared.te asappi>' Contsa-sotorand tibuilti- es- ýa u beisifi arti le of Cnt Buil dling Si e fromth ie Ro&'daie Stone sud Lime Workal, E.aqaeiung, ant i iiib. deivis-ed aItishe Stations on bthe Grand Trutik WRaiouad 4meieen Darling- to tan sd Touante, -At Toronto Prics. S tafo e h tf thb u t osqu slity, and! la capable if being bigbly lBaisheti. Tis Lime leaeekàuiledged to be equai-ifuoet supesor-to any oteti lu th. ovine at il be dahveredaaitise Stations. uem ued for Two Shilli n d Six Pentue per Barrel AluO.-Waler Lime eanbu supplieel at sa 9ed per bamlc. aile Bcwsuil;Ms-. IH ehesi t Port ai- on, Dfi! Li-ok mild roniian's8 Bay; jas. FaqIaSerboromatiYork ;andi - l- N. NEVILLE, Wlsitby. WVhitby,>25t Mas1is,14 lfl10 T,;hbeun«««ml«r randnpotsinso-'"sthanks te a 5 onStiîsance of tise libernl patronàaleIy wlseh l' Isabee fvoeai lave openmgbita- flam on thse promises ftmn'steny occupseib 3fr. J. H. Gerie:-wonid eay tit li. Store la sup- plied vils the largoat and Most complote .STOCK OF PURE DRUGS, Of every deascnption, yet offered for sae in thei Tovu of Wbtb. Cliomicals, Paent Medicinlu e riftsnery, »MoiiiesPeints4u, Is, ye Saas,&0.4" lyimnauansily prescription, vaînllly - Hors. and CattIe Kedicines of ai kintis, aiccrately eompoitid'ed coording te te latest ituprovementa lu Phansay. Drttggit &o, A LA ROFStock of Vanshee conasitiof Bnraling Flîud, L.atnp 018, Cenxpbene,.Alco- hol, &o. MEICALHAL Commercial lUldisîgi, Brock Street, T IIF Subscriber boga tO cai tIe attention of J. is Customners, snd the publie generlly, to bis§ 8tocý of Genuixie Drug and Medicines ('ombà nspd Brusse,, 4yringeg, llreffltI 'nmnpi, and evcry other artic-lehoth ns4eful .and ,,rna- menal tohofoud n a1)ug toe.Everyatr- t: itgprcnmed of hitu h wirrantod genstiin. 1i.vicius Ircseripions and Fbtiiily iooit rareftil1v prcpare'l. IIORliSE & CATTI E MiEDICINES of ail kindsi. avïion lbaud. LA. BANNISTER, . DOEL. Wiiiy Jîv A5,1.4 » 1tf. c <(AIAL, Juui.s W. H. DOEL. Wiithly, July 1, 1857.. 4t Frurniussrp, Btlack uauel Brownt, (rriage~ Perfumery, Hair Ob, &c.- ODORS. I4XTRAC fIL Bridai Wreath, Quen of Perfunea, ()pening Flowers, JockyClub, Ikty Itou,. - Ptto M nskR o e and k n ak , ,Joek-ov Club, Violdt an&floqueî, Iktars Oi, <uî~în Fîuid wig, tleutià Flora, ICa h airo iis, j S rint F l w er , - unoir iooot tto bf Ruse. Eassdo Colopo, <Onr ICate'a Fîo orite, Bouquet XOrient, Lavender Wtor, Lottle Clsr.ice, Talauo Iunt de l 'tJrtý Tablau o Floers, Wanter BIos.sem, Sachets, eut Gls"s SmelliilBtlsIde Rtibber aud Tortoiso Shel ( .otts, Porte-Mo I.LH.DOEL. Whitby, July 1, t957. 2-f ING TACULBe pTK1ETront, Boss aad oth1r looks; LUnea, Gu. es Canle sUd Jol sjtod ItOÇJ &e W hitby, July 1, 1857. Hr DÃ"L. -t BRXCIL8 1 BRICKSI" -ýBRIC1S fos-Sale aLPort Wbitby 24000 for Ca.hs, or u appros-et credit, oun rsoniabie ternus. A ppi>' to O r a i th e C r ei l eO ff ice eti for. 0 II N Y COULTO N, I u IKUGII J3RAD EN. - T PST Receh-d, a aunppu>' o!0The MPisttagenet Minierai W ater," frcala!rothtie , in Wiuiuby, Julyl, 185%7. 24-tut W. S. ROBINSON, FAMIL.Y CHEMI8T ,S&0 ESoxati, SLAi, BROCK STRE-ET, WlilITIIT, ' MMdS o B t . IH.sde'. R UPECTrFULLY R ETU BNS t1PS SIN oee and gatfüli bhiask#3 C oIsià Friendas sud Publie for t.e very liboai pa = sud support be bas enjoyed %Ince sutéiàotfn , 1N. Gasaaia anti iega ta assuré ihmeuli bstis>ma S e l y uP O n t le m oe t s tr ic t si d p ý s - s n a tt e t i o n t to i l u r c o t u a i d a , r u d tin g , t e e th e n vA i t lm ua sermaosqahiiy cf las 1 - De-agi «d Cheipl, To gain asu mrea sti tnnaeo! thISi kiîu support vlsicI lue lus now thse pleuse.ne kisavietige.i lut iok cf Perfuiuery, Tpùfet Soalpa, Unir BainahesCemia, PatentMdli1,Druga -and Cheu" al& r ute ( Whlby-Ja. 2, r, ; VROM thse Foantain vitisav echoiee ssort «JUMent offiynape, ai WML . S. RBIN11SONsS, Wisitby, May 2a,18jS. s 19t Forest Wine an Û Pilus, M R TRE PIIIÂNE T Cr r0 54 ~ie U'#etac em CHfO BEr 1LE1v&ifTeif ?f HiE bloodt furulabes'tse tteniai of every Aboue muscl gland aud fBmrela th# h husa s'îuc. Wlseupure it seceres s bealtis toeoves )rgan; whsa rupi 0ffaisprdc etly up-on tise elensents o! tho streaus of lire* atatrlizig ii pinipo !dseae nd Clth adically cngte iay htiser iocZeu "3 se nerves, tihe atomaeb tse iver, bÇoie, Uaed Tkbieht the Woirld 1I H1OLLOWÀYVS PILLI r salhy ema" , lu complaite oruison C t. whoehnmans-c . and lut diawiders pecuhliar Wo certain climates andi 5 antiderauîmgement9,1 tise flve,, of'fnn mera7sud osuin*ngand tise aue Masd taae tr> yle wld i,-e ertives l es- bie tivlprify tIse luitis, auihiîgr ste tise i thtuan io counitnitiun ut tise saine tine. Genr'l WeaknessesNers-ons Conaplaints. Whou il smul NfsIl, tht.eunaiga brtaeiuistpropjertie tfthe" ite 11..gis-e irls-s, tm ths auing nerve..s ud enfotti'ld meacles of bhe vietini ut' ganerýai debiiby. ne a ti AIl]r-gisrta. ant ialimentsLieidient, te tihe ilienatnsd usenmiîivê<mrgsins o! the. sex, but tii- oe-ii uus lies-ehidren's liscutbtshhe) dfi@i tu e q iueun withIu lier zetueis. Scientifle Endoreiements The lAndon Ialaucnet," te Cisc ons"MoulinaIt îls ans,'sd tise mont suntîietst of tise Satutt-r lnen ;stB iritsutt, France, aise)(kt-ruutiy, have Citloglzee tie pulli md thoîr Ituvézttr. IIAota'.Pilla; are tise beRt rernedy lu thie vos-h i)r tise followisg discuaeà: IluuiCotai- Indigestion, [Pl". (oiî.'it..Coltis, influnza isStone sud Iy.plia, j lova-e) eak [Spynpa,ssu. mis-oa, l>ropiçy i [eas, Voes-caàl Af- Deisility, Forer, I ov ,n l- [&nesfous. sud Agis., le- Il JSiplIn*, RnSi Of &al maie Complainte' Livar Com- 11 [kl, 'Sld aitishe. maufacorlcecf Irofessr Hnat.ov.e,& 80 Matiden la, New York, &U4 244 Straqd0London,.ballrtspeeiable Ir g anal theers lunM xdl ametiir uost thse Usiheti Staies sud the cîilled vonldin pots, ait 2 ce-lits, 623ýe oul., sud 81 eefh. tw -There le acousldenlible se-ing by tasg tie lager iee. as-o dhice.rnalbio as a sct.r-mark luieeur 4a!ni bite boeok et!dis-tuion%ua aro ati ussp.otfor but; thue sanu<, sîtas-bts pialsy "anIsy4 iàiu f."jou tg M fl ig/t. A Ismuuirsol-ue revrd viji gis-en ho - 'atsyone s-oulng tiisinforusatiesi as tnuay leuid ta thedeltton o! eny parby tir exar- tics counterfi tiug tise oditames or voeding tise isalue, knovlng tlesu tebesperlo.. Janie srd, 1857. -2 JAFFLOEDACAL DISENeART ESTABLIIIEIsPOit-TUS CLr1bsor Djpps, towm.eZ W >,»ArémW ftrj erlUm, Obl 7uemue,«ui e~prt~iug W - Xi O x E 2 C m M DR T j DU. ANOS & SO'N,' (oCahiamior xx m "DAsti>QATmv Lrm U), , i.y.) TisUe iesîsct oni7 don, la tise rus-tilitk l tien8 lu odnthe moing Invetexat csahto peeTsenuire effotdvk-îitemt i t ,WTses-e a nevil hsasivsoue la..uogal ru tise-n i. susanIo auj vt surae aunieof a l u ime atr' o&y begnt a rodroatneseto thernte mhood- a aBuaah î t us loa1ag in du tmOSne oClv egots selNTus obta" - ?TJ ~ h Nopapes-'w *(Ls art paiw ruoua As. e pubic tissiti ti e-eand at ZA TCDGE oi -NEL ~IIERIFT. JO CLERK bt. CoGurl C LEe1K Fil li te-on - oewss ]r M 1857, j4 July 1, 180-7. 1 1 1 1 RAY. -Mamh sist, IM7. il ý -1

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