A ut tîl-tutute, unit s ltiinhuet' lues' lue hi-ut, lite bu n bruit, ut- auy tut the Wuorhl i 1 fn . r 'i tv fliecciatu Di %o rutîr. - omtn t the lis-et, %< ll ' li ut iikte Ilît'Ie i îd,,î fiiu iot i uu~tiuiu t caum - I erai îCmh~Ulg ij ut t' tulurt'mcua. tu -r 'uIluuZienîe. -,rt i%, 1 ttt ILOOhD. - hna.'tiU.Ia. rut; WIITISY UHRUNIULE <rHUJRSDAY MORNING, bgis ayerhofer Bro's,, BR0(OCISTTIFEE'T, WIITTBY,- AF Néxt Doot tb the flegistry office. [MET ~I MS 0l'S Ii"lPTItuN "o rTUE IrAh q,,'IWill-be e2 r tnm ,yljý,rltky lit tidvanuv. Ixlillues a$ nd ir...............i.(d -very. mid) qq n uitiîi pr iE I id. A lilberil dsnut tllh(io~li lu ýMreht]tî nId i e Uoittn , d (, i-vird 1,% eery It- IneIv litruns dtîl eu t i oiluitîulli ia l alîy iiîtîvu l rl Irt it iiiutdu ag so, will 'cI le u e tu lt t ie lu "und le r uv t1ts No ptper wiIl Ixileîîtîî ma. U il 11ni i ar I»tteri î'uii r enshib 'i .. illI)lui t he i i' the libli,-hor m' lin ai dv e BOOK AND JO 'RlrN~ESTI' AilB I 'II .11ý'T. P Iuttlî 0tti luesv itou ep rî'uîuîî't tutur t'.- ,ýtI t !11ý iuitderuîst%-tti '. '% 'l'ît s' lttt Nt "t i ' it dd ta) pirt,îi it uit I i dti BOOK< AND JOB PRINTIN( will cit -ytithteiti atII l i i ti li i 'tu C "Iouti eth u tiulrýtii's uit-uti- i nit li t 0t!ttI. itlu' tue îtu îi' l- u îîîi-' i , ly1 lie *~ ~ ~ ~ i 1!,gET il URN I , 1 NELS~ON G. HEVN(>LI)S. JOHN ]ril U T>EItv, Il .MAC(I)(NEII,. tiLlitC ii i i N'~ iit l the Br-i.t~<'E h t i H. J. lMtA<'DO)(NI[r,, 3011N siiflhlt, I* :S~lN 1.1. 'lJ1,E AJ Tilt ltl 1 - I'it ELM 1 YIN1. .. I.lîu Nik un o, 'n -W . il. BIl 1,11, tei 't-ie l tht i frmle ii . 1. ll.Ilil 1j AluIt' i n l t' . i n-'U . SToriitc u tt '-tt, 'i ti I . w< 1 '11A31NP&ISiuON~î.î. J3 r AIte Cq>L111I -e't j lu it I - n D ttutr t"i- t -iuU JelhI4.hh BEAtI)N CNl ctVjiS tI t S ivilI, ~ r-: Dadu$teNJAMIIVtl% f4t!N(li>,ts laft TAS - w> PIIILANDER M. CAK ited ti' tiuborfet itiib>'. an g iietty exteeitîd. St.om'-A fi%,tctlirs of Pullanubs IlToll, liructreîet, Wliuttitr <FtuuO iM I, FNUi'LANDl,'i ,11LY- CIEMUST, &o., BROJCK STIiEET, 0.- A. ]BANNISTER, UGQWT, »IUGIS A4.ND CHEMICAL-, ertnqry ýe cenrs &,u., al- HE~NRY H4NIVNaUe GhEORtGE I»I4AZONy VY'M(ER. OMbMISSIOIiER FOR Ing -ffid~a 1w1 i th een'BiBonoh, &c. D'IÎTEtS ANl»D DEALERS IN tqùq Vlelt Spris sd BitsliBeem. "'i IVitit calai Prunled wmai VOL.i P'ET'ER (AIMI('lAEL, - VîfTî>NEl~itt~, ,i-l.EENiANKPriuîen'S Addret,,.. A, FUI NC.LE. MyâmrI mdmenI wdut utsemiiiIm-t,' tîuîK i ny luf i u,l,1lie eîttpt ami-n n, %Vsp On~~l'~~~ <î b'l'm'q (itin vaste ra utemi hitrd 1-,1ut W) 1, Pl tt F U -. o- -_ it JýN sTli FT, Nt'r ient lubreîv, uettd in t, tif t ruw,, - Tittttai vn b t a n, etî tulu it luof 110) -'i's IOTEI,. lirudit tue btî--, tui I me*e tu i utut ti, (-lit ~ ~ AN INLIl-Fiut uî îuluElî~t uuu*p'~ty evry > leed 1;tw 31 -4.NI.m. IOTEt,, I'î, deutu lin ton-l, ityc, ae nultu lamtottnn. ~~~~ FFt t11,11- in \ t l i C; S i id til'uIILtu ttikild hit antult u ta'îart, ON RT W 11 1 1; v w1, i itî ri- - -, lu t'ititutu1sonImm lu a mr- Tis tut 1i1i mi, it-itîcîccr tuty condtuion, ITutt tutn1,,,polen u tctiisettu, u',Qj - lVulu -ttltîî iuei, u' irivýdl' îeln 'iif - I11 mtulit) ritrlu i5îuij i t Ira. u,.. uid u'ln---t ,1 cit tunh . t i ti V i. _\ . M e.ut ILION 4.R )'s !1<)I'Ih., nfitutil, Un' liles bu-ci ii ls' "( lau1,00-1 elss4.i.O N'AnuI 'iiia uiiîl/'t tuentutinit e -nt. K, 1'. \ V'ttI 1X i lt1t 1 i .,,, S lu A N_ A iati/iy slnue faru r uui itî-,ru u1'%( vn. T " IN un . > 15.i:iî:I t t iit T ie 'zsi, ,uîti tu/I tu-tiJltî, ýe('11 l-' 't- t 'r ~il' i il i til t îlie s ii te ~ t - t (IVN'f .11')loturlut.it'ti ut - ' m %er r, v i ',II ' N, tr. it ' Ita! iîlt!,1 ti i uU ' i 'q'tues t i ti li t ir et ir Ii t n ti nut: n-i tit' Bi lit i i 'Oit- u't---1 lu-si1totn-- - - , P - 'i'-'î.nliJ Ii -i! , t 't l \V 'q' iX i î 't i l1tutt ui' l itrui i- lit'l ý,ii, Y i v. . > Y ll' -and "v - le- o f-t, t C r el t -lu, i it iîîit'tI l i u tst I .rltuî'îî' sv y-lt nitu-- i tut i il- FI -/-teitui-\ iir t'trt-tîud -lu ;lu l-te-n, il ti. u, ii i ut îiuîu t ltl lL .S F t III 11111 ! Vi utup itl it . z it' ut utuidi î,iu lliuit inl' etIl t\llveII>/«t'ilnm' XX ii si'.il i ttl-ilstîu i ln"i îî. tii~il 'let 1Vufi'iiiJ- i t i e til J, 'il 'sNiTit0 N 0A.1. ut t'- I I lttc--i 't i til- e r -l m :i M i1 , iik p e n l id u -f litl'. I li A. <C. W 1i SOiNî, iJ tii c-'ek J i 1 aSi As . 1;i1 J.,N ) ( ) 1 u'tI y Ni I-itN ' N Thc Laaun iui Skaute. t S --~t i -, i. v 1t huaticon]rite niiniv' lfe Ltowon-auu e i 1,-t- - 'u tu' ' pIeopeni>- sugo ctua t. lIn lte dais J. 'tIL iltOlit n len i carnicul a nalu-itu un itue binE-stif Z1e;- Ae.'i tit "ti , J'- , Me. I H t htw -luan-lsee t n ircr nhe, tîtîlvrti ci --- -ir - el S'~ti it tt t t 'O t 'l itil -abott uy le«ur), I.ai-i-y Wynu aitl iuisi) lUTHEI iRFtORDl)'& SAVI'NDERs, tutere tite faniluesî lu oci-tt is friomuselucot,but i(u tTE a.ti iti'tI, ia sotitarv>' lari- i ose 011 tueeg-tie of a taise T A 1h. litRS, &c nuin Vs il aE St; I; PE XofST saTitmiles clulecat]ed b lut' miteuuitt,- V - lu 1" u, ' i-iI Nis,: t î- fiedt m îtî' bileof bPontpes Pond. .%It ott ie't ii9 gi-o, w-ho w-as belieî'eti lthie beys lu ,. Ifh.EsleaiI, bai-o t'ouucriver nilli Ctiris.topIien 2otuîm- l 1, 1lNt E'l 1E ' , 'lt AfI" bus, ivas tte omly uumacu beiCg imn i rPîI1î'L V il- XT'lt1 -J EXWXFLEI, ai- ting like c neighitîorltood of tme lakeu ut-. (iL butE ils unuine fromma hit), au]dte ouly i, -tp' u-1lîistîtcc-dlittuIiyappunoachtu Luils waters, gil-det as iL wasby -- ami almost impeuctrabte forent, ivertelite t liFI "'ilit lu il'lI - uTE~ ~ pathi hbnotgli d Pump's ctearmmg, anti 11.t 'u i-r ,- 'ttit il~u"t.luen1tîltt htibv oui- oîuuduor, Omit of seinool uit tiii, .Xltt cil c' iitlteiiutte t ulfe Lai-ni'andl I iere imuueparabie. bI'eiras mà - i , u,I- ule lîîuuc-ettre pâle, cati-laccU boy, anti, iii the fimnut day of "tiiun, tIls uite-ttttu o--unr iutiiaey te liîd comafitieuta secret bu fic W'l'A'T',~ lt>'h'E.. iricti, fi-ont ILs unuoîtmiîon nature,cutidlte I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~H A" tltllIt'.XliY "lecxcessiv-e caution aitit îiuihlite kept jt --t-tu t e. !"- kt l!À? ;'ý~friuti cr'ne ui cse, boumatinlit lu iin iiitm ýz., ll Ii mûr tha uhecorumron ics ou sehool-fel-t 'ut 'uit. lu . XX'AT'f, Iu;ittu on- abtacmunemt.- IVu .it ijî îigiuteb- NORI~l -.3EHiINMOTL - etimei-buintevooda, heU oui' loiualtaw,ksIl Il. t I utl matie of lte sanie fastbon, umîtet oui-pi'o- TJfilN 11Ex.),11iI111'1ED)l it, tfLKili ,TIltS t perhy iii fox t-eps, antdiplayeti Intians îvblth itruii f infii-riiitu lisi-3titdn mudthu erfecontentment in ahoerspr- Itîltie ggeiiuruulýtji lnilie tutus upîîîîeîcrbui f--ccietic' apu iunî l t'iun l iu' iu- i tise lie nssilîîu mt liii tOn mode et, Whliini t ut lue >ulutstti,,ilti lui,J I lid ionnd ont, soomi abhe'r uny crriî'ai PORT ERU .'(TE'MOAT OTELaI scutool, limatI.Lia-ny nus-un siept on a MI ASON & iIhlitIi<ilI'tIS.moonligiti nigit, Witb lte firasi enderih . llcg' lu 'tîtîsir it î;litai se limtute Il-tiuu , hum htaltiroopeti ils ailveci'anti gtaceul ei-inttuuuîuu,ltl I'uitiii(ulauitng 1;shape eutnd hint lte his, bisuesbness t N"ttuiIvtil ind t I i etur - yrctsjie ccitt- hcommenmi ,.. ., .'the Lne ils ful anti fitaiuîtc. uomuu. Gooti Stuubtiiý toituîd cut tecntive pem'lecb o ritpont-et c floodi ai ratiance ovuer FENLONFALIIIITEL saie ad ota tiitu e- as lia neitaunt- FENELON FALLS HOTEL. et by a parsuing dmn tery w-a "\Til].lAIb MAECTIN, PIZOPRIET.OlI- dmn iunyli Tibiielotl.;arruniget iii ns\etstyleliglîl he closet te shubteu-s,..sbufflueni, tri tmeotutiidtuua 'iiioniuîtTounîiît.i il is i--evica tIcauttiadtabl c ray ; andt ben tiîîncul itiii a feivr nids ô thde in'tittthe tc- - a nmy atlsa ucti _0.1-t i -l ,lttt1dtiJetcfi.1 Sue1. . The - t- gîtu u 'tcutjuiuiianstu .p tla.. ~ t -- ' "~' c iriie n 1stt <twn ay tmm, amie, as il mas teasentoolo llenbe nilt ari oatac h agDs flefmP1ienau'y termxg. W. l lie~~~ %rceatvhe qbe i as besbis q, j lte ta remormarale on ttc injustice ho mas lut palpable anti glilluning cold. --- I euntuti lite uraing lgotsa-,ma foum Wc~ uSan - cotonuel of nmillîis., chucit-wartien anti ce- 1cemmittbnog tomard iter, 1 asket i ho, hom ,îIhurnieti home t i isas, luit uluvun. cd beween'me antilte fie-I abruck, a oti h' -s nci corntniusiouir; appuintmnots miicit ha carne la appoint c nigbt of afuîl mnoon 'o'cback-; andi, Itaping uplhe odltîefutp1 tceanlt ro;aniIrma-te bave takeI upuak volumes for theu prospects of II'ris- for tua metiding. Ho gave up bis reservu large, f 11replacu, I toglk c volume ofi 14îan.. ber ne more. uusa-tnigà ýnýbs ïn young men" lu oui' flourisbismg ne' calme] iimseti, antitaîkut oflb t last as hoe," mbbibcd >juat Ihen appeanu,, anti 'Theusun sYas-dartnitueu public. if bu et-cr relieveti )y lte communication.' endeavoredtot rit myseif of my unplea- through -the brees itenaawoke. b"gn, teeWo Lau-ny mas glati te sou maiedry 1 mas Nuvs-ehuait - I forget the doonautipalan, sautthouglats. I ead on tilt nibtniglit;,genial wcrmth of a lange b lembr u 4tod raYwt nord gladti lusuc-talut. Iliavea sofi iteartlte stlaining eye, cuit fèeaisit band, dfm Tandtihobn, inicpuea lestrIrs apayda ycta lhick' býlnei ia- k L_ yoiig tutU fu-gbve a wroug geneaahy, if 1h touches pour frien utdiringltatIfimeuir. bot i pon lte migiti, Iopiug o orvuaepmutileuchm l~alW~~ r, Verno nîihei' my vcni±y aur nîy love. 1 forgoî Since be lmatibf elee1ubdsirvnLarry'ssa, ltai Iemoon-mac burnlcd bisoft tcusia 1miertlnss.O bfW a.Il is negleet, anti catieti iimn "Litry.t'By ut the wmleu cngy afbis sotul-agaimiatWciétns, The ihouse was na ieugo pptoslte si'of-the 'fire lay fiut !dîias fÇs te ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~te sanlae etl u cime"ki.'l.H tdpugeiiiebsucsIea ie h; and, as I îoakedtioîs-n uponte !wrappet in thleïr bIankets; at tthbe Titenu are very fui ltaIlove mie gonîle kept bis lerslllymillatb iî,gas mse pdnig cmay' frpuuina- heati onih-ik s,' iernaid1 ecten bu ltos mta athus hitesIcl ihis bt-cm seemet an a phrenzy-uit.h Iand, I saws lte iak figure of a man kteet- os-en- er cùkles, Bat anlEl diaulas. ué nea thébJ ny pleasanînarne of Philip. I mas cailedth le uffort-be Ilicutaken Qpbtuii ta aucune ing tiireotly luthept 'fbion oh'eay ïsdi~rctiy , Iften the Indien sachemnu-of tlit anme, to hamsch aniirtificiaî s1eep ; but Lhat aattsr netheoeodeuI nimtî»T#tr" ' ritose bootimois lunttis tawny ban].) neyer ditre to itnflde' il ie an>' one, and the taisligttif iamy ppor ieattiwas fs she»llu aofr ýéA,]mn arry looked umpon me as a m. I look.bh eti d'no fatîeu&to s stain hiin hahis fcar- tiistinctly vielle, aa, uuit blnand lIpOWer« to, a b'ight bneér.Le je#ailt td on him, mibWit8lb bis aignities ai d fuI anduioney hours; anad it gruwimpqun hiýuai t' us, sped awy'amný is sktes. 4ro-I~ee<¶ t tange, ltrougli lte sîcelvista ai me- ratur tlan'diminîshê]-Lietsnt.t lngIlo - nped ùnê , b 'là u*moena jhïuet naiy-asca boy., lis mouihba c uir- nme, wlitte aast totachingpath~os, iow 'To fakte my oamRui H dImi pqtsepla~r ~ e ~ # d te pincitet cornera of caution cant mis- bu at coneealed il fan years-now bc had of fur' anount'd my. 4ot burr-vhafter I'anoltea'efilee 'ual cornin 1W tiose -wha knolteir sbolen ont ibI-te hli* t i- etl i' tn lt oka ut aaabue' ta oYpr lia-moen; litiJi-nuen rsaw it,, unles i-nsane ièstlessneM ea s iestretof' Sti8-J Wtets IqPfasitend-iundfo avig abut lien sýpeualaing aui I cmnom. He 'vas theis tyà diha nthemuor sisint in h-mrlsfte hapios4ttetp D me te pîle-imcèti Atttieead ofriend solitudes iof thie ft~t~1#hoiad pray' of y optI gaie'ift in iabott ~ <f rrny liy-haot ; -ani I catiWi bae ai St e , ifed d it tô meti avi' 9gon -01 I-e tace tado, mtuiy arm a reuntisietnelly, how bhe laad;cOmee <ibeuevetat.-l'"nfcctyt6ýhu incwt-,'.ý,ý,.1-1-1 ý_ý ck, and fprd tstr lst1should wake thee wu no bagefeièr )w Ju(ieuyuz~em~~ i. Riadimy lest Bitbly hope 1li a ss ind~~p4 9~ma~ M aryL1 te pat, in ai n'ytsi, I catalihavre-gs--n me wha'tis-eliIêev_ c4bu*a t» hi nloyo f,£ ' leve hua btia ma i a.4.i _ __ - Sasii onith ail LAMB, wili sérean and ahe saw n lay deati on bis bridai lied The AtiauUec£abIts The British stan~ 'Cyclopa" hati re- turnedte toValetit% wtth Mi' YField on board -that gcnitt'inn mmedatély repaired to 'dqý great tho-dghts anti nnUrine- industry, we advocate Ptece, Progresii, Londonsone, Brotlierb<rod .TBY, Cie W.,TIIURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3~ 1857. 0N .83rtbat thecAtantc able*as Idit at aqut grdoue bcd Ikilow not why, our rorrespon- Larry, one ilorning, with a lîatf-smilco, The ho#îke resoundeil with their shunits tif but incÉeasing bis qpeed with in energy the 11ith inst, alter lia%,ing payed oui sucess. Sduehddropp.cd, and the four years haU "and shail be goomnsman te nme. 1 aam lutghter. and strength of whieli I did ndt think bis fuily 335 nauticaf miles. One htîndrud Icoule to tlteir successive death, ami We pgo..ngà to be imarried." In athe midst f Our neige in tue'smalaeîe rs aal*h ea rdal miles was bast in water cier two miles iii had eye mu. I riend ver t; or "Mariu ~'itier room, cntered Larry. f started brick t)o ottstrip n1e. Trêeu, lcssd usled debtb, and the greater paît of these rniieg- bel jeveti with a schooiboy's fautuity, Id int'riet." l'or bo hookeel more hkl eo psesdbcikekemagi (lyeibaeg' o-ro oing at the rate of rather moi'c than tiré "Tluaî twuor unt,, ti litot m-lit ticy it'e(ill, irepeaftti the iWord aller hitn, forIWItnacrisian man.e1liaitd Walked te numb; 'my fneshatilest ail feeling, but -miles pcr hour. At the tume there was a t ati lucdLary Wyrt, s iblotŽ ilCystîpriee. le hstnever opeued his tilts 1the Ibouse atone in rhe-moon-liglît; net dar- a strontg nortia-e4stwind was behini' heavy swell. The " Niagara" wasgin abolit lis lunhappy ltray, sinernmy arni- itîg to trusat hinisuif in company. Itre niteic monrta nirr aî~ t the rate of'l'our knots an li', and ag. neyer lod end0theico Kmo0t1er thaaaamirr-r; tii a pain et niy hearL I1 wrote orieno' two re- val, anul t fuit Ihtîrt at this apparent 'unwit- ont the turbulent troop abottniu, and tri- sMrnck out my feot Înecbtwiaiîy, andi stili lic ciiginer founti the calle was running proîichfl Jettes in mi' senior ycirq, but lonn to retîe!ý' ur aticient confidlenco~e, tet disput bis glooni, for a face liku his at -;poil on. out In th gréat a- prdportion i t the speed t lis ausîersivuere over-str;iîneel, andt too tbIut ind feit ia reptîgnauc lu any l'ording that umomenit, vold have pu oigthe orwobrgîebalepdegtc ftesipbe o.seedncay fuit~~~~~~~ ol1rtsain yhif nlstîgo tetpicton it, antI( coîîld only ruîlest pridal party ever assembld on holy' uthore. Vhe branchesof' the trucs were te-t direct -the breaks te bu -applied anoré thaN1 absezice tuaitl one ils isitai wvork ou, hope taIlie bcd otgrrown or overrorne it, grotinti. lie seized on te bowl of strong fleteted iu the polishet iche, andi the hli5s flrrtily, whcn the cabie parted nome distanced * lini, I gave il up, aundliTote an opitapit on 1 1ai'guoi, imnmetliiaeîy on thte inf'ornmation !',pirits% which 1 haut mixed l'or a set ol' bar- seonaed Ilangingin thi.e air, at latn tfironi the ship." depaîcdfniuttsttp. donotkiuw. Y 1of bi-, iutended 1narriage, that it nîtînt bu dy farinons, antI hboreI t Lfrom us viitiithe velocity of stormcod Fa Te"A miuo, Nigr s-i Ille wav, w'luy 1in tti 'tiiu yoit w iL ll iis. n ai, in bis $crises, 1 thotîglit, bis lips, lied drank a quantity wilcl, in an hoeeteegirn reman th- o l usntin 0d)%vt yndo-ra thé lak-e ovvr teegim roman ashort t ewhere, the cablùe tiisf'î'iltus toiin l tn .iitmyiotild littk an tnpeiîding inuduesto lte t ordinary mooti, NIoultl have intoxicateel thejiist vis;ible light ol' a tre, and 1 was partei, te tiy soiflexperimnt indeep wat strý ;lutit, tet il p s ii un vitlouce titat faite of n eonfltling antI loi'ly woman. h I himu ina er.letonstt'-'g ol htw"'r pooby p tofta aro h«,Aliýiwic ti t i a trtii' î4, 'l'bie-liu)a,.i of îirsn lie look me into ik, steigli, andI we dro'e clown witbbs aebnidin bis hantis, 1hooacbniug some bdtrnnibc osuceorvlueutetheo my reat 11f tuas îoti ln her'eiidaîprocesiou cuof b lier f-ithier'aliouse. Sho was a floîî'em candin eai'ew ointîte. rose, bis eves spark-. orrh rtelit ~-erabCompany, snd thon algo te IllCitt'iis n n taruit. luthe ittlrnes. (u a nfigiie suddenly arega Solintwoorth re n teNvidenes. adelicate foin, aU iing ivith excitoînent, and the whole .cba- Led off tu the loft, andimalde, BsWift than molltb ilglant. The experiencenow ob- Sttioti-oo Iireyears afler NVQ bail ail my cotintrYWI)menuare, and bovely, las riatero'lîimucsttclie)oofL gtrégbtbefrutowati ta cntreoftb i takeiu '-theiirr'vocaeîeoke"o'lte- pnrqut l 'eti1-refoln vd tft ».:;dter i eu Wild. OgeL thu h oto!wbi thfeeUntr rti mn tea ay.tl neatoita h ietr min itAnîlriao oriî noifenaiug, 5it inlu cernin e bs Lmtitant'fwPhl"Oh u Gfouay noifi!! 'fow njo; o wi teid hehr ebaemoecal uls, e r o u'cuý rre d o fii , t' it mo ney -l kini r ' s g - f ld n n s s u ' i u a.01h s t t e br d ' nt , w b t au u b c m ieiv t b c - i l t f b u nce o st as in th d b a t e a di t r y a g ain i m ed- a t t e y n û c t ba iu-sn1i~itiey cail il lu Luglallil. (Iltf inuteluotv lulier sinile, ciniglit pur- lho threw openthnIe doot, andi wont hall' atmost inshantly sîith oui'tremendotîs euinc'tiab gales, or waiit titi asWtlèr sà un: sncb t ttiee lte Ainerican w'orldîl l ail itaps, with Lie"rc sdte" ron dancing into the rooinswhere the friends speeti, wc ponrisheti, wîthont a psiiiyo aitroal, t'ithi' for bulsines or îtlnuîre. luinscoll'. nî L aPatriu'ian tuightuesn 0f ru- wtere atready assemobledte h witness tîhe ce- relief. that another triai wibi take place in Octo-, 'lite i-oais are' tia.ilîe ret at*ti- rate otf've- serve, or pihe. whici nature Ronîitigileq remony.. lie *ias -fiti' beyond my voice, Iand toe ber. to'iby of t' îtit a torse Î, c-p'-11,1e tsmoathitnluvcry unotikery of ii i iirth, buches I1l'ollowed witb foar and oxcitement- 1overtak Ilium %,vas thé onty bîopo. I sum. h udl sae as ; "ati/ t/'î.c îli ant AS iE- pool tier unodzt cliîflildchil-the bride del I 1k book bis place by lte sideofo the fair noneti my lest nervo l'or the effort, ati. fotr toIS; and a itiiud(red tuilis (in.uîi- 1thbve saiel before, a flowe i 111e 'crentitra ounI'lîoin ho bad plael hisIluopes keoping hlm lu my oye, struck across at a MMS. DFOtAMOtCLA11ED NOT TO BÈ TIIÀ isitb i i e nility of locomotion. wiidcrnesq. Site waS Onu Of Ibose iîomen of lite, andl, titongh sohereti sonaewliat by sharper angle, wtîb lthe adirantage ol' the wiS'Cou'ou. iÉ URDFLL Th'lt hirtîttr lriigs down Ilu.; vetiino ttjt) %e sighIo l ook lpon as ihey panSSl'y -as lte iunpressiveness of theo scene, the wild wind fullinbmy back. I liedtaken note of LIt tiîu' ih îv'te'n ratti'taies isif Ibere nt flice fragrant of lte wreck of sparie stili dencei b imbueyes, and' I coulti the roonttains, arid knew thà t wc Ns-cru ai- Foaii c ur Iri b lmedi 't-e lueusedu'tanctr t tat :tguesce oreohel'tiwoan catià , fattuili cous nou'tC lten-ued utreanu sou litaI ?Ner-'nrve in bis franie was ex- ready l'orty miles front home, a distance itfiet olroapasi orewper aujd lruct:, antd hual-Ils ol' al kijtis titolr Thle day airniveil forIlite wedtlin, andti d e the lest pitch ol' tensiona. If bae wotld ie impossib e-1etac aailtl ed go L re spant x ootaîes rpandr lut' Io retracenktig unuleu iin at it ssil t uring tepeetya ois P n tel-11ivnan th lit'iells.in-ugic nîeirii ilulte s'il- bcd l'alleu a gibbering maniai' on te floor, u-liat i iettub ffutstgt etteobe"ush sld te atrt c "fi;' nI lik îg bi er u1t Ii o l'île naornitq a as soft andl as ge- I about not have iteen tastoniilîcîl.evitn 'if i cotiIU ovurtake iun, foreet iLiself liii tir trucs w-it ble riflgiltg of Illîîir l naiaisP..; ue, andtli,t " noNvon thbu Thoeceî'emouy proceeieti, andti ftbi st appablingty upota me. usrice oBiraillortl, deiereti thu judgs borns' ehi. ~mitî ivultllitnk uaI Iu~titsi f l'lte ike îîîolted, antd lay on tliteLne of bis voice lu the redsponses startlcd Away I fllw, tiespair cgiviÎÎg new force tomn ia a et oln etedn andt sor-itowcru lîurieti u inte suowîiitiîlureat lol'lte solid ce beneatit, giving il even lte bride. Il' itl iaîl rimnwfroni the my imbs,.andh and n orlu iecs o r.Cni grnaapbtealin, t' l ofit- 4Ille last t'îliiiini. the e ctciol'ont w-hile milver Inminri-oueîî l acscu Lcnî o aeien ni;wîs fonr sedn thflagginglud-oretheaof mr.Cinr apliation hest I((inot Enfn:ýwliv i uttdertott a uu t-eetiagbtu îg o it orzo. sinr spberlI okeiathleitffoeit.rtsacdihi Aohe trgge o it bl Hr fltran- wos ito limea joii'nv 1' iii Wes c'erauiuv îlt w a oxtîtistela cantfîmt and tn'e stad-nsiutîhr.vels lis wee cuted iititan tcoandbaverropeti dsî-nwhof I dm sit ducaret erseffote. eTh Surogat fttr~ ~ ~ ~ - a e'îrmrhl vcrll Of wtling etrit e w'ndow b inte afternoon, look- Iexulini- expression, mixcd isitit an intiefi. anti slept, if tuere were Ueatb l hi tefirst of course decides against theclisnof the fui aMn off uipon lte sbining expeonu, wben nabbo .ear; and aIlli teblootiin bus face minute, so sîiff and drqwsy was every mnus. presumeti widow. Hie bas 1not thé- least ttot"undîitltîie ieuttiltes, 'Vite eew-cru Iarrv atîproaciud, anti laid bis band l'ami- sËemed setîleti aboutibis e-yen, is-hicit sset'uclu in uîy fraunu. snpeiituiigltIlt OrLm lic iteiltw-it 'lowi, andtihue itotusstiarty on nay shotîitlr. tsu- blootisiot adfeytutIhv ver id'au! Inos-ori 1 . iveanti flerhethatnIhaael-ably!ieI sn olean.doLarry ." nage n t iti take place, and btat' n~~~~~~~~~~ cr tnctt nl al trell l ni What giorions skating- wu shîcl l ilve,l' silnce ivouicret ie owas flot, at te frine Hc starteti e t he souni, anid I coultid fs unnlu oe rsbt 'leo tlîc~~~~~~ ~~ matgiùii ni utcswc- iE Aesii Il i smOOtb w-cIcr freezun hte-I tlancc anuspecteti ol'insanitjv. But oh!- beaur a sni.tboi'ed anti reathlessa ieas orinae i' ait ttiîitaite n, onu i i t o "Ithe beavetîly sweetmacss witit cw iehtat itit supoi'ualtstrengtHalrsrageyen l uudl enlfvcs.itsteibse ,oithits sfrosta' foam t inte wiidst boni- of 1 lurne th ie nextinonient to look it lovcliist ofl'aue rmsdt oeade p i ednfgrad eii hlm; lor4s-eIaulfltl'litieogoboySmce lceasr pomietpeooveanr c*u bi 0ntig fguegnt; banng erW'dtiw a as prsuuctaîasqetýd~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i e m p r s T e e v l o I t e p î r l u g a z - i i o w i d n t k t d t p h r s n e c i t r s i h m , i n s i c k u e s s a n t i i a h é a t h - w a t d g a i n 1 up e d à a s a y lÉ r o m u e , 11 2Le t w i h t i i d c s i n a f ot , r t b o n , a iu oi LTte"stll'brî" iaIspea 1 %'eut ont, athbis carnest uotrualy, at mid' i ee ot rta bti afbek ypaahmo h ls. -fnt hdeet is eitingan atpui. e a atiestimale' lte'Itttaavelli ie bcsn lever front ibirain, tur ielgto nm~I elmhtiscoun cno nm kts tt u n rapitily leeobject l'or whtcb site madeat roughaiî l ti inustiomaitte fettithîw-trt vetaoer 'feac auti1 booked tierbo, 'îsitha lipslte mini], andtitid te ocok after himn,bultciei on oee.B th eii tthel tui f e e"ii lLi u iepictu faftlnncattu aud eyes moisteneti, vosvbng a love the frost bcd stiffentimy eyes, cndthIere baat4 miten>me corne toe emine tlea. ece pair tuf gruemu goggios le renienibered it, andi seoditi 1; and 1 n'iich 1 kneis-toe cstronger titan tuat, es a misI beoetmai byfîbke l'îiticmo nlecirg.Iibcs81 lit tuiecourse pf a w-cuis or bn-o, att-ar Ipul tit -aruitelîlnd liio, l'or Lime colon flodte oue irbo, 1far , 0a tefngpit las oli t masviibannt e lik tlomstads ceuiseo ntihlehe. of quiieh sli fcuuutt irlime tmnriecl scellcr 'v ofre a ll' fro0ni 'bis f.we, andl i tiougit blie oulU cuti sorrow loto ber bosoni, tty cyes moonlight ant irie, an dtaly andti sowby, wlietiîer l. Surra~te Bradfctrd may nu&t a uloacît States, caci an large as Gi-ual Dri- thave sii l h fur mrel ii irpesil easatiIIitra t ercelt ailt ahofsm- aehlpt o ui brbeirurdlc îuuiui (More or lue, î I fotînd otyseif il, ut 'ie umoon is ftl'îlto-tiigitl," sait hoe, wivu p n4t oltfuor.Ilm seiufit - av he l no m icuslyoirh nu a charg tituahl ~ ~ On boviutiîo '-u- foeof oui' rucoen'r~ iu, snt' 1 a colol seif-posses' T ho stir in lte rooni ag- thecler'gyman mork, Titi mmd seemodte bdivide lt u f rYn r lepu t rdc wuste-rru luikes, ittusosinetyvnv ete lu- cuti- "corateipn t Pouc -ilice Itun iteuit's uuauî ~ - 'ai-s shrt. closed bis; praver, sceed to awake him ny fibres of bhe akin upon tty faie. i apsîotsbiimîivewfudln> c; otigli fuir ticirrpoei d ltbiui ittcol btouEolitol' bf is tîil dfirunli'anti, lunliront a trance. Ile bookoti &rounti wiît a lent exercise no longerVsarmet my lady te in!ecp ieiieitneOhl±Ruu but ies aîî on b oî-as lida loie as 1 couultisummon, spoke toîio ae o >moel attttfx adIfi ie c h-tsîrpym It exrept. thëif arisea n telatie wbmJ 'Ili1 tîtulesî immaceiforalmoment';taud(buenIon-o, lnda for thu freeotaihooketi il' ho baU - cba' of ur ary fiensii,., ad polgiznginghiseys o hi bie osutitenly loins, anti hinti across my breast like a 0ow lrey Burdl, ne child of e-. 111(les inhalltant, bl", in he town thus fr the feedoniasked i hooua lierdhs rhsaou o, and ,straiuin- hi fie ngih h totsrnt ivas a rouîhi nnrtybu ' Wtbî tie luislasati is aîhse5boso mm I mycommnto e l r u ~ d y l u s t f l t m O r i 1 ' t î i t e o v r t l & t n e h i s n e a n c i o l v i s e a e . I e r 'd ' o l e n t l y eb e o i , b r uk eI t m a n o ' o f i c a nt i c m mt n dlIt e . m s t e g l b h h i u p s t a ~ r e a i m a - q m m n j 4 i i t - usue îîeentty f ten-suilentnte lbItîis1eface norkcti viit emulbon, antdbauiet ystenical passiolof toms anti lauiter.- tigt the terrible inclination lte tio wn antia iecidmut es 6ermw* tutad iosl of' lte peetiaritîcs of an ou1(intiedte hoiitcttir h is baud from muyÎ Then sîîdtienly resumbug bis self-cern- sleop. 1 fegt poor Lari'y. Lf-ei Ieman u itn fb a,.W~u nietroplei. Thte burritstumps st sbutO-Ilciep, anti cvidenty w'bslued to as-oltiamantIeaolgzc1'o ieoerect-lu -a om y ul itou iti Sar el- tmecii w adpineofel, ta* I. andit a'rbito ve' i'uadlt nturo Çaia]r ub' ed u rekn vo iandi-e sizdfr h v x itorlie, -at hiuoiïîno ycacn uets etdfneIitw1 Tioneômahealteaseseiensite glooniioasrasreading il indu for ttgt -ci' my lowi efr iet iat Lem!oto Sa i eAt~