Whitby Chronicle, 27 Aug 1857, p. 2

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tbattheii. ew kbt Court hadatouîh te d.cla m e h. i l a ian elpition n haP £ o h t uR i -ve1d, adthIbi kpaopow dto fix the 1là1 of Augmt~ ibrteiiaeeotions. ne . iâjýMpeoo! Remuaireturne t tS. Petemburg ORt the loutiat.fter his visit te G.rmsiy. Ibm l6 nothing laher frlont Irdia. The pifpera cotfnue te publiais details cf tis atr-eIlle emimtte by the insurgeraIs. The Ytsnafag Pogt publlsheà lte feilow- b% gdeipabet - C05TA~al0r EAusat 6h. Tise Porte havieag refusoti te amerth i labo electioca ira Moldavia, the Ministers co France, Russie, Ps-ussa, andi Sardinia, have broken cff diplomsatie relationis iil Tus- Asrital et thse <n Saxon."1 Quebec, Augusb 2.il. The "Anglo-Saxon" atsriveti bore about .8o'cleck hala ruos-iug. The I"Nos-lt America*"ararireti at Liverpool about 2 teclovk oth ie l2tlî. The IlAuglo-Saxots" repots hsving experieraceti thick wealher anti heat windi uearîy al the lime. - Iles course beîug tue fas-rîorbh, sîse saw- notb. iug ef the Aines-jean enhie fielt. TuIE ATLANTIC CABlLE. Valentin, Idîli Augusl, 4 p.mn. Tihe worlk e! lyiug doiru bbc Ahiauti loljegrapis câble la *going on up to tIse ps-e- ent lime as atisfactorily as ils bcdt fricuti can des3is--uariy ths-ee nuntiroti uile hav lu bien succesmfullv laid lu tbc sea. Tise tepîb au waber iîsbo wiiel i is being ubmerged in about 1700 fathoins, or abou 9 miles. Tie tramnsiion fs-om the shah- Iow to the grestes- iepti w-as atlbcteti wib- cut difflcuity. The signais are everything tisat su ciectriciau eould desire-Ihe ships are sailing nilîs'a nîoderatelY fais- brecze, anti payiug oul nh bbe rate o! fire miles an jourer. i!sges are b(inig consbantly in telchangoti hetw-een the shipa andtihb ghorr-af are w-cil on huard anti in oxcol lent apirits, anti lourly becuesing more sud more rustful f utaccess. The Emperos-ant i Enîress lianrireturneti te France. Nolhiug nemv friitri iai. Tue non-s-e- celptthe blI"îa elegrapti lests us to an umpre&ssion that Ihe steamer froua Calcutt msay agait bave been detainuttiby os-des- u tue <'overuor General. The last aud ps-e- eecding steamers n'es-e detaineti respective- ?y fous- tiys anti eue lay. The tbs-lio! Spullen loseti yesterday. The verdict was Ilnot gîîilty-." John Bright bas lîcen reburneti fus- Bir- adugsan wibheuat opposition. Iu thelIlouse of ('ommon, Lord Palmier- aton, un repiy Il sorie reitars by Ms-. flissel, statUai tîat it wss qiit srie there bait been a 1.diffée-ece o! opinion belwcen thceGtss'erumncnls o!f Eglauti anti France, net, however, witb reg5stçtee bcnion ti non-union of the lwo provinces o! Moli <vis sud W'sliaclsia, itit msibis regardl bebts s-cgmlarity or irs-egrlasily ef bue s-ceeu electiomis. The Ti.,s.tihîstibeen condtient s fine-o! bel, tîtousanti reals for pnbiisbiia an article offiensive tethie Goerfihneut. Somne mes-e of te parties condemîseti foi- partiialon lu tbe receut insurrection ini XArîa as bilbeen pas-uoned. Tlaes-c hati been isuudersaaudiugs a Cimstsitiuople, and ip1lomnatie relations Provisions inactive. Breadtiffia anmode. sately active. Weatber continuie bre -ens. At Tuosdatys market transactions ùa whieat tt>ok pItres at s decline cf tMtiin 70 lbs. ?icsup s. 5iw a sfais- rquest ah sates-1iowc raîtn 1'itiaw Cos-n declinet lai, witb littie dcing. 'White Canadian Wbeat, lDs to, 9s Ni1 per 70 its ; soulbern 9s a Os 4d ;s-ed W«etn 8& a SB 4di; rs-astuhera 8s Od 8w; westes-n canal fleur 80sa lus Phila. tibnphia 3lela s 2if; Ohieol30s a 338s; St. Iksdiîn Corn-Yellow at 86% a 368 « i cifxed 6w84haSEs; - imte 40s a 44s. Primes mess pock, seitabaf00@m 05s per bei. -Lard acliing slew-iy at 70s a 71s. Taliow- tedy att 608.-, Coi.*ohs for mceiey 901-ac. 001. New Yerk, August 241h. Sus-sopte Ps-adford to-day sendçreda deciien on taie BurtJoli eate. Tise de- chsien Ï s 'ey labonhe asudi lengey, a nt corirlisdoi by declaiaag tisaI s, Cunmning- baimeltihe widow of Dr. Bairieli, sud by irodneting tue ýlette-m cfadsraono lsued to ber nexteofiin. me$ A. &" r OÂuc.-Otsthe StIs Of JU i*e ebr5td -16oskut Plpiahwt, ne BhMtuanbM dowit w-Eha tlisd 1k clasé. bavlig show» a few uays New Adverlements tiisweok< rotand Lstgeat Bw UnMe- w and Griot hila to Let at Penelon- Jamnes Wallis. oney to Invest-G. C. Cooke. Attachment-Nelson G. Reynolds, erchant Talor-John Kioier. Nticeto Oe1gmeai sd Ministers--H. J. Macdoneit ubliicNotice-B. Tarnoîd. Magazinies forESeptember-4J. J. Oito. ~e of Lots M tTonbritlge-Crown Lands Departanent. ronLands Departmnt-WilliamRn arris Crowu Lands Depatmont-William Jack- son. ýWhitby, Thutrsday, August 27th, 1857. Deth ofr Ezra Ainses, BEq.,lette Mayoir of wVIitby. The dcînke of this suuch lamented gen- tleman tok place at bis residence, in the rown of Whitby, on Tuesdav last. Mr. Annes had been ailing for a considerable tlune, Before his election to the office et ý9ayor of the Town, cig4bt nonths mgo, hL 1lie-ilth wua impared. .Sirice that timno, lus tiecline altlîotghi graduai, w-as visibly suire, sud day by day, one could aliuost sec itu siînking int the grave. WVit.hin the past thrcc wceks bis franue becamie more enice- bled so that he was unale 1 leave bis roomi oncc turing the tirne. On Monday nighit his physical powers appearet to 1) prostrated-alihoug lie retained mill posses. sion ot bis mental faculties t0 the last. Dr. Lhînn the miedical attendant, considüled it necessary to reesain al' nighm., andi the lneuhersof decca-Seu's fainily aiso w-nIcied in anxious attendancc--shortly after five o'cIock ini tbe mornin.- the vital spark hiat fled, and poor Mr. Annes %ras a oorpse. Nir. Atines's age w-as sixty-one years andi even nnhs. Ilicscarceir looked quite o bld-even in bis Iast ilîness. Mr. Mtine.s was a resident uftheb Towni of W liiby for nasrly forty years.,,- having couic lier@ iu 811). lie w-as born at Verniont ini thc Uniýed States iu the year 17968;lic catue to Canada in early youth, set.llcd don-n in Vhitbv-married in li22-Maa-ia Lse whos0e father w-as one of the tii-st, if flot tbe erv tir>t setler in the twvu of Wbitby. At that tinie'old Mr. Losie owned îîearlv half the land wihin the liijîs of lthe town - The present Worden property - the Perry property,i and the farna owuçd by Mir. Aunes ai hitt dealh, ail formt-d part 0t te Losie estte. Mr. Aunes in settling down nhati toencouniter ail bbheliardlsbips anl incouvt-uiences nhîicha:wait thse settler ni a new couintry. Iitti a pow-erful mviii aud prèýerviwg industry lie overroine thei obstacles ,inIis'ipatb-froin tbe depîb or he foresit lie secureti axtoine 10 lits ftiisilyý -a pretly large -one'by the w ay, whiclî zre'v ycarly aroitd hies-anti in the lier- formance of the dnties of a parent, a good citizen, ajuvst nàagistrate, and an lîoriest nain, the years of Ezra Aunes wt-re devo tedly spet-in ail which relations there ar~ ire %viii ve,îture bo say buit few gone befor him w-ho, can rentier a mort- just accoun ýf the discharge ofthIe sanie iinportii utris. Mr. Anes qeas always ainongs-ý the forernost in aIl nmatters whichi concern ed the interest of the ton-n of Whilby. At hie time of setting off the County of Ointa- rio, hîis efforts bo oeffd that objeet, and biave Whilby made the Couiity Tow-n, were ndefatigable. lie was. the first eleeteil rustcd theirproperties sud iberties int ho bauds o! Mr. Aunes, and sought fo rth )enefît of bis good cousel-they 'vototi and houted at the hustings for his mnore easy -mannered and popular rivais, lu poli ecs Mr. Aunes w-as a lieforner-stauncli nd traie to his priciples, aud honest sud ýonsistexat in te support of thei. Ili roted and worked for the reèturn of W. L. leKenatie at an eloction a quarter of a cen- ýury ago ; lie was also one o! tIhe jurors Yho persisted in firding a verdict- for Ilac. ienzie att tihe lime of the destruction o! is pressansd type.. Oid Mac never forgot 4r. Annes's, conduct on those occaions nd las appeared freqmeudy to take pies- lire ina reforring te 4)aem ira bis>V"sgo, > Mr. -Aunes had a faaniy. cf ton c4dren », whom ho wus gaty attach 'e d-Q.f th ne, th& eldcst dxpglter' is_ desd-tree laughters are marriedî anrd four unmnarri suglaters sud twosou cis are living wit beir nacîher-AII of wbcm sresrrived a n age to take cave of "th.m.ies.Altliough Jr. Aunes might have speculatçd and nade weath as others did who, came iu ho Township tvazting thse saine opportun. iea ; ho prefèrredliving ona bis farm su vinginguphbis ffaaliyinecurity and in epéadence., fr.. Ànneg wua à nensber o .-un rçof Fângbnctd Up to tihe1 noment )qw qa attndedhy -tihe ey1fr. ~emtan4 JI did *liyreconeiled lestk and Ai»o -cndcui ec be ej#ylqoot9abgs4cq ftuma Auisort tinsinm a. -bIt eJalk uon oemntranlypon âe qpjtimri' rWogke t ±hatve reeiveduýgl fle h lr jM9.,ýýisewg'a l h is- ogý s ,ngavqote et llmatity l- chda eü,ýwlbbnaae1fand fiznly.* 1l%*i Fuiera1 taises plae this day, Thurs ywheu the semnsaof tise deceaseti w-b aa Royal As-ch Mason, mil ho inters- itis àasonie honora. May his usheas ms Thse Atliantio Telegritpi. Befos-santler issue of tlisspapes- ho pis e ore eus- restiors, ir aai human pro ~ ilityv, an es-eut w-il bave heen Consun. ted, w-hich w-nu inauguralca e snorsa iî te hibos-y et tis oas-lb ef eus-s, the lay. ~ng o! tise Telegraph cable acroba te bs-eau [Atlantic. Lot us hope that il mil ho bul lise fisst it o! s chain destiued 10 jula toelises- ny nations iinlte bonds oi bsotlerhood andi love. A clustes- o!figbty vessela arc slowI: battliug uhoir w-ay' &crosase s-ast ex. panse o! olti occan. Tise w-ar sbips o!fbisa -Mitrss o!flte Sema3," antioo!lber citesi danglutes-. las-c laid aside- those w-apon-, fornes-Iy ahas! useti wibi ssno letisci effori againat each otites-,sud are beatring in thci: dcep hlpda, net tise anans anti mulpianme o! a feda ti> ssifc lui thlie cous zo! a litl c codt, mItose ciecerie tisrobs are boutri> an« nouncing b ltse nations o! tise Eat, tIti day tanso! Ibeir-union wîltte West - lise cotites--anti liaLs sent fus-bit on bise ci' rast one of<lber Leviablan u bl-maarkis, sun latciy tise cIosest unîthe itemals o!, xnti bus-iing ber fs-on stuases- against theu sîrungesî furs-scs of tise w-oriel, andti he Nonng sud viguorous West, luestinauglater, repubes bbe Irinmpli -or lies- naIalsItili t,, 'it the eff'ort asalas-e bbcglus-v. Let bluie oidt ncl mords -' Sisannun antiCisesa- pIle" Con.$titinlion amnd GCiererie" lai rsgotten, anatdamay tise tamo nations ir uhs-bucnontha tbcy w-es-e nords o!ftis-e and tlsi!c, bcans le a.sociabe grenter glorieq in- lic frieudi>' rivaIs-y o! liseIl Agamnenon andi Niagaran.', The mostai ken o!feman cannut mibi: ise -penets-abe irabo ltesisba of !n- triby, but lise bantbscpcs o!fte mns bat arlIsù teecdim1>'fore-siadowed ali oms tIse e mmiblisproassis;es o! a nos-o tistinsct realixation. When thtC firsI aula-sasine eable o! amsy.jenglis a laid in thue ltcam-bcd, bhie taisob mmoslt wa %rapt ina-tbc contemsplation o! a strifé so -ast bIsaI the talc, chichi day by day fla.s il along ts lerîglis ut delerastiatatacli mnt of stuibul)ru resislatcc-of dectis of uceroisit in tise trenaches, anti in thée battit fel, andl ai-ta f Ila-e ant iuse-v te liie ful ais ies-oic. aînorsg bhe sick atît ti- in.- eclipsedtihe monder invoiveti in the aaans o! transition. Sta-ange tisat thsi s-rire aud les-sosso! w-nrs- oulti!selo- aud es-eu originale, su ides,!or bbc safe cosn- pletion o! w-icbntions as-o iookiug for- rcsrd mmis hepeful cmos, snd mu-iose lien-bs seat wils auxieba- for fans- an unIon-ard avent aboutît muas-ita sut-cess. Andti bi bccansse bbc sligitl -cable wirtlulies huiried iiauy fatbems belon- the suasface o! -- lt higrmm-%ay o! nabions" miii, tlaey litpe, neeri Ccir aiong iLs leriihithue aeuva o!fusistn fles-audings, tcontentiou, was or rainr o! w-as-, but glati tidinga o!fIseacui us -astii andtgout i mmii mmong ieuî." Ail itonor bu bise spirit awhlichs bas ai- tuaîc thebb preusubers o! thils greante- prise. Ail bonus- lui bie Ino nations- -cues-ous ris-cls ira commierce s-ut civilixa- tioma, w-buas-c su casnesU>' cugage ilisibthe rest m-os-k nowin i progresa, anti maythti itishes aud isoes w-ieb nen fi11 thic besoisa horealizet wlieu ih is foundt Ia: bhis noir lie n-lut-b ilI hinti together lthe )ld w-on-id u IleNcas, imsbtad o! super- sediug theoluIt nes cf race, frienulship, ,h interchauge o! tlsuugbts amat feelings; topes anti fears ; and ail tise social inter- murse w-niuh make a peophe'a gresmîness, eii tond te kuit toetebenluoee s-aastfitin- ly th bise tadiverse aiouso!fteoas-lb. It ha but sayiug1hoo lihbîe ho prodiet bhia y biis entes-prise su auspicicual>' begnu, -onnisorce miii ho preincteti; science adi- anced; misunderstaasdiuga anti jeaiousies tbated ;friendships establisiteti; know-- atige increaseti; anti religien difl'used bal as liimk aftes- liuk is atiteti teatthe bain destinedti t bindth ie w-ble cas-lista. rter, nation siter- nation miii ho atided ýo te confetiorse> cf civiization, anti thsat bis generahiora miii ho conacieus apecba- ;ors cf tise irigbtonmsg dam o! that day n mnicIl t"bieoas-lisshah ho fàli of the enowieulge cf tise Lord as tise w-atess as-r Since w-riblng tlsaaboveo w-o have beets in- otsbueti by blegrapis that Ibe Toronteoity iuascil have dccidod ta prela-n ule oliday w-hon s-rle infos-nabio is - ýeiveti of 1the issuccesafial-,lartimtg aia wcrking of tise Ablatt'Te segrapi Gable. Im oultibo welci'l i u-Towns Gounil and ho otiîes- Municipal authosities tsrouaghuu ho Ps-osince prodalmnet a holiday enthe sasse occasion te commemorale the Cvs tsated eset W.trust tc, ueo theint tati miielaest4tm1bs-'tise -stpohe -Tise alliuazsWotheCointyof On A proclamation.-of the, eturnrg Offie bsmIeen issaed,, appoiuting Montsy, titi .31mb Ïnstant, forele1cting a Coonclman ln tise place o! Ezs-aAunes, ]Isq., dcceased .is intieccncy cf pubiisbing atddresmes la te electors before tise. romains cf lte latc 4ayos- haibeon cenveyedt te t 1mb bas os tiouabt, prevemsbed everal aspirants for ci haoeor oing forwatd rtc-e this. ]:. Gun, Ms-. Nieisolmq Brownz, sud. Ms-.)W W. Caldw-ell, as-e spoken of. 1s-. Laing rfuses point blauk ta bave anytbing te, say osb de cfficiauly w-iitIste TownriConucil- sd ne doubC bhe first-narueti genblemenc ouldit bavesuaînussing littie contest of tiis- oivn, w-os- it net thabt Mr. Jatnc Wallace stops lu anti aya bisat hewill go ho bhe pol.-Tlac Tow-n is baking £5,000 stock, lu the rails-oàd, anal lur. Wallace anys Ibat ho w-aîts ho bave an oppoi-hunabî lu look- aftcr fbictenioney. Ms-. Wmlincc Fs not joking-neitlîer are we -o.lc ias beer promîneob in sekiug 10 have tbItazailamai Bylaw mm endet, ant i laving hr9Visiont, irses-lti in ilte protoch tIse Ratejpanycrsof hue Tuwn--and !oliowiug bbat up hoe cou- sitesa ta obew-iel is a bettes- position, as n otineilesan. te carry out lus rient than lac noulil ho in w-eo- a pris-aIe cibi- zen. W7c &gain say Ibat ms-othink s oo ani commncu thto stop ho bas tauken. No: but ave beliceebhtat eus- otites- Counetimen wil do al lbchy can td cas-o forbîse inteiests o! tise rahepayora, but letontt have Ms- Wallae lu assist thena Ms-. Wallace bat baid cxisriencc as a Councilman andi as a Rails-oati lireclor, and bis assist:nce will be as-os-tIi aebling. When Ms-. Wallnce, intention te " stand" ns nancle kunomar, Mlr. W. NV. Caldwnell amati tîthe obber genlemen tiankera of, miii, mme apprelienti, stand asile. Wc (Io asot expect îbcy noul aitbae bhee ririty 10 s-un 10 a poil. IMs-. Laing, la lier- tapa, lime only mnin luhebCentre IVard Ilsat ioulaisut-ceed in anuoctinscontest v-s- Ms-. James Wallace-autd doubtal, ,%meilïl bai bbc resuit of bbc slruggl c-o tw-cen Ihues. Tise election of Mayor will take place lac next day, att the imeeting o! bbc Coun- Cil' aller busc election o! a Councilmau for thie Centre IVar-t, andîtbises-c any sus- talise. a-br to biste "coeig mata" is t te. 'Opinions aphîcar tobuhodividcd ho- at-een Caltibaul ow-o ant Nr. lcisu bmt o! bhe election o! tue fermer geuble- man-if lie consentbi toact, wo bavec 1111h tlrsb.Ms-. hi.oan is ainaeshor o! tht Ct'ouitb Comaicil, anti if a ien- ment- ber aies-e sent t10dit botiyW-ho coubl not Lake up Ms-. bodgso's ioie, w-bore bit gentlemsen icfh off, it rsigis bhoint-otue- nienat anti aonitnot likely serve bbe jute- rests o!fîuhe Townu, nos- those o! tise rail- in-a' las-uict ina w-iich lte Ton-n is su deep- y intes-esteil. Caplain Rowe, is w-e believo, thse only oth ite sebes o!fte Council mvbost îcqtuainounc ira Counîy Council anableri ivusiiroutier hies adesirabie rcprcsentativi to .tperqe(ei s. Hotgson, in case bbc lattem taes-c clecee Mayor-. As unatters starnd thera. ('ýpbsin iloae is lte mogt iikely, as tue an-uldl o bc emusî desis-abie iterson to MItitilie office of Mayor. IVe wiii tut, jutis cit this particular tinte, say iieher te li trest.a;o!fbthe Town w-cuit have becu bel- tes- ser-eti, w-eoCaptains Ron-o clectedt h flli te saare office in Januars lut .Wa wses-e thsen o! opiniois-niblsout auy,,tispar- ageesent te the anan tsat's gone-ltaI Uiey uýV oult, sund w-c have-o tsince cisanieul oui uifi. Captlain Rowo mas in guot i hialth, uvas ncli acqutainteti witb al bbc us-sIanad us-des-a, anti aes-pr missed ti neding a mccl. in'. The Captain ooks like a Mayor-bc -a oee 9cfore, andt thetiigniîy becamue hies ma-cii. weaith «-anti pupulation, becosue pom ers un idrancine bise progress cf tbe nabiera. )ther advanttgés aredes-is-e th ie in- nediabe lucabibies w-bore mannfactnites art tdlalaiissd. Tise _cltapuoas anti super!- îrily o! houte-mnufltctpcred-articles (wises- boey exisl)i adtnittedti. h ras ouly last weoIt an as-icle appcas-cd ira the Chumaîictc f that issue ou thte sutbject cf t4be119m, il- ýon Locomotive Maciuiftry-wihisw-s smn refes- te inprof of tiis. TiseMar- moaçsa Iran woru WC omight a iraita 'raý sire ceulti al>o thçr asilair entes-pises n lte Province, ireoCasissians witlh teaon d meatsha theti* Cous-age l tab isit thoïn. But ilt l; n o t alo:"e hintsur"abo ai benetsnor - ciaousal ipqrtarweùs.blaU age a -comunity; thýrcAU *_oùnip Ïdeuabibnefi ts denîved frhem5by the W tb&aaselves sud farnies..ý-at- once pirdist, fat-tr ansd asbizan, pd h p1otsli, Say w-e. Tie Storm--Grnd Trunk Rilway. TIse violeut wiuti anti min cf hast w-eek, in addition bo effectiug oue or more bs-aches lubbc liaud et Tornto Bn'yj catiseti ses-iotas injus-y toe tisrb-ck o!fiset (l d tiTs-unk Raulmaay Company, att thse point about Ilasce miles cash cf Port IIçsoe w-hs-e thoebine skirs-bshbe shore. Thefracýk anti superstructure, te bIse extent o! abutn vie plates, vw-as c tel~Iey Wàt41ed nwny, uasimag muscb det~ntion. IIuwever, by isurgv, tise ine w-as agnin froc for uninber- upteti traffie by Mforitlny eveniug. While on thbbc nhjî-o! the Grand Ttmuk, w-e may mention an net o! cous-lesv anti iibc-. s-aity on thie part o! the Company, -fos- whiel) the tirks o!flIse public arc duc,J îsaneîy, bbe extension of tino aitlorded bo~ boltier.s o!rerctirsion tickets te anti fronitheuî laIe cricket match in Toronto, by w-liebj visiturs w-es-e enahîcdti busecthe final s-e-I u o! bbc game. Sucb aets tend toin-j e-cote cpoptarily ot amy Couupany, and rse in utark-ed ceesshstî hbe geternI coun- luct lu sncb maltes-s o! anoblies- mell knuwî Canadian Railn-ay Corporation.I Thse lcatlhcs-The Crops. Ivebiha-c heeri fit(i-ci wibhisnle w-catîtes mamce Stunili last, anii the lsiagt brougit ha- il bu bbc fas-uers are immense. [t las resciseil Vie cul w-beat fsonnies-I rucion, wliieh lay nt thbiter-y e! tise pitile.-s uînreicnbîug rautu. Aguoti tirai of lue whcstl, cut before thics-sn canie on,bad ýbeen Isousol; luit by farts-bb groater part reusaineti on lte fieli. Thtis lias beeun more or lest, injus-et4, but in a fas lesit legrec tItan i-m gcne--.uhivstippotuel. The c fuil mlte-ilin luit otiaitvy biis yens--a-J isoughit i n ot nil th ie w-Iole ho qmite lae gro uti laif' of Ihat o! inst yens-, w-il be a îuuch mure ahtsdntiîb s-p. The tpriig mltent neveos gave msore favorable tromise-cîniltise w-enliser looks propibi- 'ta-. T'ise bs-eath o! oats and batrhey this Scas- is large, anti looksalal thal could'ho lesis-et. 'The greal cs-op o! roots o! oves-y cii. isas iteen oaly matie more valtiable hv- the usoist weablier. AIl oves- bbc Court- a-, esi- ofua ut es-cikiaare sabituîct bhofas- atiov bbe aiveaue.I Sîtuni l't-ic.Tbee il ha apuîb ice nieetiug Isclîlab bhlllcnry Street Schsîol nu Friday oveuing, bbc 28tblinistanb, atil1I 3 dock, fus- bbc prspose o! taking steps bo- trards eutertniniug the cisildi-cu of bbc dis- trict ntaitsSelool Pic-uic. Tise inembers of1 te Buard o! Schtooi Trtsabes arcecxpectc4 te ho preseut, As aliotehIe Clergymen, fîeachers, anti fricutis o! edueabîoît genrsal-1 y lu buis Towns. Social coiutiitigîiig.s outhtie cita-acter o! mschunol prui- 1w-nys bave n gouti cffeci aId andi yomang cau participabe att siucli 1uebings -ibis edibication anti njoyineuL. ilseu arc tieligliteti ; aind ms-at feelings iriieheaîîtifîîl andi totiltaciÎve 10 cas-bll lapiiass citai bhe leritedti tîsn iose ci -atiiatiorn andi dcligIt. The gooti cf- lutets wlic lowten-froinsuds entebrtainnets arc ie enduîriug. Feelingso! pont-e lutti gond %mm:l: whidispriîag Irom htientper- mado an cutis-e cosnrtunity. The toubb os- or elereubla c! Septernber w-outidbe aveu ebosen for.sucit am occa-sion; bhc ps-osent fiue %vealiser i rnosl psopitiuîs-autipro- mises (we ban-c consuibeti soute avenîber %rise people ounte siabject) to bo fair anti ceas at hbsat ite. As usucti tli e rigit Part o? bbc afl'air aili Isave ta hocbus-no by bit 1ue,1. d1hei.. gotikirt.nsse . c- igisiy ineonvenient. We shouli have ome place ln w-bich te confine offentiers of tho cinasw-ho I et isigit," or quairrelsomle over-nigisb. 1h h enly ne Sssary for bis pcopie theiselves te move in bbc mater, and bites-on, bb Coînil-put"tIse serew on 1 ià-tho-b cccmplimsý b bbobject. L'biais a noi pas-ody on tise ttSnake Stes-y" tut.uniliko tisai tceti hon;, thee so n ,pas-i]e cfa pin enirbicis to hanig thse aarperaîion. No sueh tiuing as a "sessi- reekiy' Reposr," oves- lmsexistèati'r, sr l iiteiy tgi bave, bis-li i thseTown of 'Wl!t ay. Thse new-spapes- geulus w-ho advrtis or, a pas-tues- w-is medesate spia & P"n'jcst.-Thoeo"are thcussxitlloc _ tii.teeth .sand moutb ; btunti w-e ;tsýn(dothènature et deëày cf Pecth, >ni4 i f acIds ee shuidlie caefUlin cursiection. lu selaiting aDentriflce we should aiways have some alk-ai bo coun- teraet the aciéq cf tbc moutis, anti ut the saule lime reunder, the breatîs pure. > T ÈW Per as Baim i psepared by a D n- iat of experience, anti tested nsost thor- omaghiy. Titis heautifui preparation bas met with-tise wwsmest coanmentation frein unir best Deubisbs, ani most flattcring notices front cur usedicalJuri. FATAL ACCMEnuT.-A fiue youug mn useet Biazedeli ilartiett, agoti 19, nepbcav o! h bbc Mssrs. Bartîcto! Ibis Tow-nship, auners, mol with a suddçen ad men- clioly death ou Tuesdny last. Deceascd w-as eugaged couvcying nîmeal fruinthIe fieldto btlie batrn. Inthbe afternoon w-lel on a loati the horsegstaarted, off suddcuîy, young Baiblcbt fell, droppiug before bbc whecl, w-hich passeti riglait over bis ueck so thaI lie instazatiy expireti. Ouar thanks are due Il. J. Macdlonnell 1Esquire, nd IV. Il. Billings, Esquaire, for~ te staite tbaltue above gentlemen have tir- sreil home froin te sea-side ia recruiteti bealîb. Mr. G. C. Coo4ke, formcrly couductor on tIhe Grand Trunk Rairoat, bebwcî To- ronto anti Cobourg' haýg openel a rmoney broker's office un Toronto, and is'prepareti te invest $li,.0 unsortgage,,s, bonds, inotes, &r. The business >-appcars to ho a better îîayiug one, tisan the G~rand TIrunk office. OrE;N Au, isîiîiî.-N are reqttest« cd to inliesate taIbite Rer. Jas. T. Byrne, o! titis Townu, w-iil preach îtcxt Sutnay gf ernoon, at 1isalf past 2 o'clo-, in Dundats Sîreet, near ho tic resideuce o!fMs.P. Iacrry. 11-e public generally are i.ivitcd te attend. Tise Mot-cli-îs- -it ofL-essoi lanve private inîforaionurfromeslngland i 1 refereuce b bbhe Seat of Goverumerat. It says blinI Muatreal bas been selecleti as bIse favoreti ciby, but that the officiaI arn- riotu-eeu uofthIe facl nillnI lie nadti ýi1 osîr Provincial Parlianieul agaiîs as-1 ýeîatiae. - 4 Wc- bave rceivedth be flrst nunaherof bbh JIes.eîýtpr, a nc%,v palier pubhlished ntI Miii- brook,. lb is n good-sizet 213 -oltiinu paper, mvoil printeti and gob up. Ils 1ýoli- tics arc stateti to lie Lilacri Coriserr-a- tire." The pote rot lias nade iLs appearanci- in lise district o! Moisîroal. It is iot, luowever, tboîsgbto be gellerai. Ms.Jatnses, Waliace's Auction Sale of ~Park, Lots, lakes place buis tay-Tturs- Slay. Claie! Jus..tice Draper, o! the iluitsori Bay maissionlias ara-imet by tise lasstea er froîn Eaupc. To lte Eîitîîr of thme Cliîr(itiele.t" DPAR Sui-l' lle(îruaoiecU set-rns o hsave a vn.rieby of contributors; but ot un ixmatuy %ould-be-polbiciaias Civis' angs bbc lot. My cusiosity w-s nsmuds ex- -iteti in rcadiug lais commuricalion pub. lisliot in the Comnoîitveoltk cf bbetith uistaut. I ounti il eîsireiy beyont îny .omprehetasion bu understansiw-batlie o.vishîesite corne ai. u sh îtist havsanaked Wailkor andt Webster te mko a s-aise of sucit a vocahuIary cf scuir- rilousat.aud.busive, language. llow- WC would likeo te ec Cii ace te flmce wilh those ho. revuies Att siscis narnte t-vouit ha theîinimakeuse o! hi8sepilliets "iiar,4' f tn. MethinkÏe 'ho uld bho meek mAs =ab 1 Whsilo-vpuriug eut iasvcctica sgsinust our iaiw maakers it woul.d bcll1 uifor lim ct ,s1,,,thA P *5,.i ion WNtl 's metlta exteuti oves- au ces- MOM0 squaxeraeim, w-hife titose o!f(ir1- Bsiain Sccupfy an es-a o! ouly 5,000 aquarE miles. Tise iules cf vegotable renîaisc rotund in tlsi ceai1 kaves no toubbtiscut it is o! vegotable erigits; anti asauîuiug tisai to be a fach1 a geologlal bas calcuinîti tite length ofutlime bisaI asoulti ho roquais-eta egelate anti groduce sncb s-ast mass of as-bon ns-c déposiheti in bots o! ceai! I l îaa heen esîlmateti, iy observabionsa en prowing plants, ltat it w-ouiti requis-e 2.5 qns-e feel of surfacé te prouluce eue pon t ens-bon ; anti suppoasing blinI tie plaints p-ew on bbc spol, il aouiti occupy 6,09-9 retira to make g bcd cf ceai tbs-ee foot. in hicknes. cAs tise bots of cuai in South Walesarase 120 fe thick, il w-oultl, accord. îg lu bis calcnîlathiou, bave roquired 22- 80ý ycars for bbc tepositesent o! tise w-hole if te coal tabsisa. Thuis !mîcb snaggost ,iomu usions refleebionsas bo thbe period at mabici hoi foresstion o! the oas-lb book place. A ticlugeofo concesfeit money w-as shsows- ,rui tontia tpon 'New York City on Tues- iv eveningr last. Ib is smppset R10'000 f cotiaterfei t 5's enlise Lee Baunkt o! Massa- ,hîmsebts mses-e pasacti off in diffes-ouI parla A thue cti . Tise lins keeper ah tbe St. Nicha- astoouk $40, that being afavons-ile spot, o domîbt, for the financlal oIies-nions of tht as, antd nlucre blsey consides-et tht-y guI lieis- rnumtey's ma-rtb. 'lite fis-st anr-st ma-ci ,Iact o! a avuriaan w-ho utlered abltn cncy btore ini Canal s-et. Telcgraplaic comni ticculion w-as opencti mitb bise police staibions ill oses- thIccil', anti cigit persoasma-ecais- -estet dt-tng the es-ening having titis matou ýy about t iees. It is supposed that liac ;nali partta!fte gang wwstecet. "lie os-omirs a Jasay in the casentf Marý pire t l>îul, a culNo Jesey, broscglit in a ca-nu-rt hlicat btae nececuseti Carne bu lacr catis fronmatliea of bise litagaamibs-tai is-ob:ubly brustencullaIbte cres-ndcuI mui nan trea-nmeul o! Ms-. anti Ms-s. Conos-er, nil seves-eiy cen-uring bbc contncl of Dr. ýoroves- i urmy ing, cxbntng and rein. esring. the- body 'o!ftieceaset ais ho liai toue. Fs-n testimnnos' eli.cleit happeas-ed bat Ms-. antiMs-s. Coiteses-w-es-o in liie tabit o! hbx iug amat pulliag %Margaret trotînîl andti reatungliser- in a cs-uel esanuet u(t iaI tIse Doctes- bat on une os-r atf s-casions w-hile OuRtte -xcursion, lires-mai tu liac-ical, avitippeul lier w-ibis a sick, nil ki-edliber avib lais boot. Tise Doc. uso ltest sons, n ladt1Fî or 18 yens-s ouij teslifloti thit lie neves- kuewa until aten uer tiena that sîse n-as a reilive o!fluis, a .nd hanl tliey treabet iber ouI>' ns a servant. Itua.LOWÂY*$ PLS AND OusrTiMEaa.- GUARito AIXNST IiPuisý'Tl7tE.-To do titis, lok ma-cl us-rlise mmater-mark " Ioilow-ay, "ewr Vos-k anti Londion," %vhicim exists ir cs-ry icar f ît hook o!diections euveopa ig tlac medicirses. Titis bradeusaris tn sn!aclus-cd in the h~plie itsel!, ant idi'dis. coruible on lueing bhllnsp 10 bbc liglst.MOr. ificatiot caunot cossue as-ere flolluw-ay' 0liiateent is applicî in lime to a avound, îm-c os- nices-. Il>' psei-ettinginfiansatiotu. il xs-cvenba pain. Fus- imdigestion, livrs coin-t tlainl,and tisos-ters of lsh on-cIa, bbc ['ilI, are a s-re -emeiy. t Sorne counts->'%oavapapors prof;Lýs not to )1 lue ah h iuderctand eus- exphncuioî ibouit thse orders reccireti fron Englandtab irosecute thue santi Trnnk extensions tb spesi> cOmpletion. They- are asuxiûutI te knoas vîtetlser ltes-e is to be -a lino fs-on 'L. Marys te 'Sas-nia. We do net sec bonW mmi don6t coulti have arisera cmi thia poinîl sisu -tûpub ai endti teahi speulatbion w4j tasv as w-cii stahe that a-lino w-ls certain1ja ho s-un fs-oit S. Mas-v's te Lon, don. At A youuý,gars, kDowing, tlsi$ a, jî*un lady, cf w-hom le rrnmagined hii( ! mesored, nndcrsboçd thse languap of flow.!a sent bof a be*autff(il rose, as adselanteof love, nttacllilug a slip cf papei4 ona wbich' WLIs wrýlietf"Irnotac«I>ted IpNceed to bbc w-ar." iu rottrlaO eforwarsd a pilei jar, containiugba single mi5 iasigo ] It is saidIhal Tom'Moore, one n ight while etopping at an Inn iScolanas Wconinut- mly trotub1ed bythe lUidiltiY nit a reqi«es hIéat te should Yirite ber eitsph,.According- 1y at uiglbhegavet, ixupronaptt4 as foiiows: "oued Susan .Blake i royal stae, Arriffd at last at Hea'ven's ogste-P tad- stopping, promising to flni$h in tihe roruing. The good lady wa in'tamspoats t this inscription, atnd treatd Nr.iklooreý ing how-as about lcaviug ,w-heu the ldy rm- mindeti bim thaI lo ac btnet.flnislied tbceop- itaph. "Thât isgo, nsih,*" mii ately atidet-- .4But Poter met ber- *lthia club, And knccket ber dow-u tke elzebuis.t lb i said-thal .1f. ore's hess were ira mnotion j ust as, ho fluishethebbclîsbdine. ii1mnk, whcre. have ycu beer" 1 I ave ibeeru playiugat au oId games, cbasing a hoop n CliestnuulSrb'ct." WIr op DOCoLAs JPpjtoD."1n oeeof ioglws Jcrroid's phays, aii oid sailor try- irlîg 10 sunltels a Iciss froin a pretty girl got sbox on the car.-" I There," exoliiasd lie, 'llike niy luck ; always wreciced ona the ce- rai ref T"'1he msanrager net iiing'able bo -ce the. jokO, it-w-scut out by tse author. GEIuq.--Tlitc tlents grntcd te atsingle iudividîiai tic0niaibenefit iiself alêne, bu~t rc gifIs 10 tue ,ýw-îrid; e,ýery oue s5anres them.s for emerY n'le -stîfers or bc-ieftts by hi ae. tioris. Getnrus is a igblisouse meaut b give Iigbt froni afar; the man who beatre ib is but: tse rock lipon w-bicb the ligbtbonse is bufit.- COMMERCIA&L. -W -- -- --T - - - -- ----- ------ -- W liiîby-, Atsagu*t 2s, 7. Little doing iu Wheat-tbe sanspîca pro- serituct are r.îthcr of inferior quality, sndl biîycrs arc indiffereut. ' «ccd sampieç, homvet-er, are bouglît np vith avidity.- Prics ranage froua Ss 9d lu se 16w as 5g 6di per bmslel. TOTIQN\TO MARKETS. WeiriodayA ngu,-t 205, 1 M7. Wlieat sîmpply encreasing. P rices veryý vring nccordin- tg the differentqqi- tics. Sampies have been purchsaed froaas s a sd per busheL- At te iectory, orlaimn the Ist i at, latt:zlter of'tire laite Colonel 1111, Newakel,. (.W., agotU 5î} yenre. BIRTU, On lte 2-bd iiatnat lte btoneio wI.ir o~ f lVhîiîbythe nife of Mrits-. Rber rZaitîsîtai, of'a son.* Once IKnowatno-fver Forgotten. tIl If our raîdtlr woriid bave n positive Incri- for tIwTi' lette. use Blodgett"s, passi%-e As xa.' For i ie-tisinic Uie Teethi, gitsvirs (11iianponi-g, Ikttoiîg, Beaitifviig tllëi Complexion,, riîiigTaitî, Pîîtpîèsj, }Yeýkles, Su lsi çe; ns'l ti]iditîagreeîîble ippearaaces ,frein tis kiai. it htas ait equai. 801d 4by.ail Prtlggito.s. . S. BL(1DGETT & Cg., PrpuitqsOdetîsburgh, NN. Y. T.tty Tuas GaSST IlUit lxev, Formualé irn Wltlabv b v W. ýRotsiaion, Brcek ret; G. A. liamùitLr, Mu ida8 Street; W. Hl Dotel. iloek Street. - GE~ORGE UOD»E1R, ' NTTAILOR %ND OUTXýL7TER iKiujr Street REUL sawa .W.So * ATTACUM1ENT. ý'ot7NTY tiF ONTABRIO, Y VIETUE o tbeaisaud eight hnnidréd a &yôvej cireeetd, gaïnst th isae , rtal ;s *en m cetaied %lbter at thsu tit f Daffl * Itobe-rt Camnpbell, for' thse ian e f-h gtwo ontsbastouqbillings, I1bahe reate rosi as eflsaemonal, 0-t .i 5SIAND pGRII FEN EL 4 bi nset obil-trnt SAtes- h4 tŽ4 f bemi - fut h tu , 7iire gîs-escus. Lai ber,-7.i bhe Mail l -PotifHope& w- s. rcna-e. dne Lîtl',ni t!j -TaniaiMI ps-e i die. ts-se.ani Then-imuj lb w e w- ]the entt~s- fitai &hîm. a te -JAE lign 2r'l1 7 JuETH. ('tlAt-titirtm - 5ut1emmnt5,u >sINeBOPWl- Nmt Tuownbai, ,n tiei- Tuesday, EI sasi an od -tie the dSel" îr, TWENI tif Rieaa i ]*ke, adjiiitasg tise OF A BOUCT ONI Tisuae ututetbo yes-.msta~îr. qu;r ll It uisuse-u7 luttes tt i a itun inlrl iaia. ez alffnIisullosl dat(t%*l- iieým. c Grand Tr ns-mt Te lcwmaaaîlie, - Crown , li1exauder, Simpson, a As-mer, fgea 4, s-as atttaecd w-hile ira bcd, by th'rsec rs-ns! lass, and 'Snosbbrutlly mus-doee Ani

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