Whitby Chronicle, 6 Aug 1857, p. 1

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Coalnter Irritîat 1 lt1] li -s T !!iPtlu; t .t atg. ill Il:--. -îo t - flîilituitttatuî ia oitisl ut tusis ldf'ittniu .Suacilling 't t - ~-~ .ittiti i t iti~ tt i -- s ,t t it t - /u 544', - t -->-: - - il1 t i.rat .:;' h s ut lue] '-t ' .' (t -t - i i f titi. t ~. il~.rcî-~ - t t It.. t..c~ 'e of t ~tf - tt 't i lîlu tti..'it.i lit u~t'sviIla - if îî.î t-i tutusuti en . ttiititiiheatO - t - tut uit-ira i t - ' - 'lu titIs t'ti5,ua~ t - t' I "i -- tii-tii) iu 's-I frit] ut i-.~., ~t a 1-ituguto t' t -te- t ' '.l' o-i h (tIr iii' - i t. - t t - - tietttly - -t-t. t il.. tutu t - ' - t tl~~ stilli u'itt uit tt I t i tut-~ - t '-Tu. -~ ~ lut ~ titi tîteiog l'tlîîu tht t' ih;eî.aeîîs ~î, - tu si (s ti.- îîtuu"î î'uitîiîe-uîl ~ut- i u!îî îhî;ithuî anti] srt l <'u'sti tI fttt- tut "--i ' t-uttut ititt'it(i -if lits lu~ ttc '-i utri t ]îtuihl'î of t ~.. ' 'tut, ut tue no-st ttui t t -- - lii te tu.tt-ttti~.~i-~~ - 's ut t. i~ -' sîlutcc .e .u' I su~ Gir triai, t -lut G- t-tii TutitF Iit~ --t' t itu-îeutntirns t - O t; titt'ttci rnis-s'. t î.î'eîîu~ reli-els-- 5ît i ui'îerau~t. ît.r i t ts '-~ rVu',ti t' i'rîtt-s a' i~ t t. u'îl~, lite t - tietui titI af'g t 'ut,- tutus ui.utstt - - I ~ - "'l'ut- ciitlaat. I 4li"ilu'iitait- t ~ tuiiutttai~ - '-C ru.. ru lLîinand- t t: ~ tu-mol poîfien,. f lI'1'Y Vî'Ihl/'IiM ttfli5 itiltustat havi e s~st tu~ ut ihit~t-s- et BEWBITBY GRRONIQLX trHURSDAY VMOFR: Go ggn&idayerho~O8 llRfb'.K STREE'r, WIIIT Next Door to the, Rcgisitry Offce, rI[E TEliMS OF s.dltct'lPTl(lN TO TIIE 111 , ,jmf i]] bc $1.)ter auluati, oaal tr tiy it 5itn sucry etRt tu i rut tiaer iîu t...... r lit..... 28- Id. A 1'l'tia ,il'll t 5 lwe lu tO Meciv ittaand tthloi le r i lti zliv the vüar. Tit.pt'lt ti't'iitl> tit hh 'itteecirculation litu î iîi ltettelattt t it]h'ý.ev'ry îiti- mi l e o îi î W'hilv ir titiq 'e't'î'a botter VOL. lé Aulsortisittit- Iirhieditiitll i e 1wsî"lolii Ibis JAMES GOULU, îttocjitî'. Alî w)w ailierîltisor îtbtka-ti tti ('- AU bNuut'e,&. GtEwon si), Il Pltît'le I teloelmtailihoIII foraa'ttAi Taat-is]ui1i iof9i'ie4ia-g. 2 iNi jqper tvi]lie d'uectîuuiuuted uIll al art-car- PETER CAUmicIIÂEL, el trauttlinettireiittaiie c .AUMt'ONEER, &c., WICK, TOW'NSIIP the t-isk off(t' l'Puulilers w' tn addr"e.teIflf-îk 11 lîGtNi&MEl1llFFEh1 BItos, ALBJERT SPR1NG, -' --.----..2Y~LS2 A~ION ER,&c,, &c., GIIEENBANt t BOOK AND JOB- 1PRINTING ESTABLISII1wENT. . PRINGLfl, Nvudre*lpeeliills- nfonnu te 5fE pffiitii'tit tltit'yhaeItitit']retiît conilite inoîf TIIOMAS DE.VERELIL, tutupr lt-r IP4 ofT efrîttni olot-k in.citii- 11, 1L) Eut, A&e.,A&., GRlEEN STREET, to 01W mý11",arcpreparedtomt-taxeetule j l,>.,>. W BOOK ANM JOB FRINTING - -- - - lti i ru u itio lt.u it.] t- nut- i'e 1hlil ao-rk i.(I'~B T L DIANILLA IIOTEI, Pt (TO-GflJv, SI .I-RD flJiJ?,pt S,'4 IXlltl4..A't r titt llt u'îiit'e le 5 tr e1îil otttu- qtstîir 'uit, s i-s titi huttitl]arcr1e ortfl'hi 11t11.lFttiait rIs. i ONT ARIO IIOTEhL, stîtiolery, li a-iuts'ui utIs s li arus-4'wti .t. a fritesiitel ut it Il ' rlqst- l oi isi t-',f.* utJ F--iilt -e ;1 '.' -f4 <'ii-î ",t tt,J.A.NlA' It ci1.IlluloN T1<)t'-I t iIt; r il tt'4'N, 11 DU E Fi1E:<' l)"lE AT li E tl t'. --rOT w5 m15 i l't yt f- w55 G X TN -itt -',ilî WiAt i. x'. W. aui VICTORI.A.SALOO(N. JOHIN IIAM iPERRhS, .I; tvtF uin ~ji< r'~IttI. ui-îl E S tîi tK T~ R-h ILR() hiIIOTEL, L"tERK tiiOTi E PEAu E.til t'F]'B-- the litet"irl tiie JOIIN V. 1 i31, tiîiYxs u "~t u s;t ( TtC i FTIlE iC eN'i' llU.A] iti- J. It:ý ozl suI'ivie PI-ON W'. PAXT~ON, Jr., Il. J. 3IAC1)ON ELL., C tn il. O e id tike ('oil it Wm,î. itWUN'1Y lN lH.OFFICE, AT THE i (u ('th ri ' une ("llî It.s'] il\ItS N A lT N;:", WIV 1"1 . i. O'FIE, N A:1AJ . J.V. Il AM, t'i mti't, C. W'. N. G..11A.11, - '> i tttti ie t i -rie M' .1. 1 eurle. AllI1TU&AT'I'ItfNEY ATi 1..W,. &tîte.-utt t-.,., w'tultlv, c' W'. 1 CAIMEION & MACDONELL, -ARflhSTI'uS & ATTOINEYS AT I.AW'. I tit' to t tutie '-u1ttttt C utncil. I- Ofutwe ut flite(itir l iilutec-Sttt itWiig. . oitice Ituuut-si Irtîr1t ) i-t tîtil5.i CAMERON & DARTNELL, BAiiItltTERlS, S iIIT SA NI) 'S B s-es-iiusts, lt (ek nret iext tistr ta the Itegisiu"1 Office, W'hithiy, C. W. IloittutosCAtIt] -,t, GEUaoisIl. i)A.t-Ž;Estt, WILLIAM-POWSON, I CiNEY.NtEui &.,&.,MANCIIESIER, BE NJAMIN -YARNOLD, - W rrî 5- LEIZ AND silTREAtuUiEit. 0F- Dr. R. W. CLARK, -SURtlGEO>N AC('t)ItEIJlt &CORONER, ]~itrthe ('ottitv ai'Ontrilo.i Dm. ('B7ECKLEY, p SIENE ill>'I STREET, TOWN OF l W iilty, &sitntyta imo. I J. S. JONES, IOCAL iJENTtST.-i)FFlt E 1IN ROI-K A,"trei-t, ces-r-f. Birt'ia ' re tetit a1-pisile te lieuoastuNer. AUl ojiertioie as stratiteti. It]re ic.'fair' trial.i AMUOS W. CUON, SRCIIhTlEtT, (JIVIL ENGINEER, AND .iU'stitîr Agemt,, Wbifby. 1 J. FROWJ) BEAVEN, 4 JCiITECT AND CIVIL ENGINEER, -JIDîtndtîs Street, Wîiithii, sîtimteîs made ni-d al kintis et]' easui ng u-rk crefaîlly atten- de.] la.a PUILArXDER M. CLARK, IW 3'GtCONSTABLE, uotsNTY ONTARIO, ÃŽai isatnspeter ai LIO'tuses in tht Municipa- ity'-of'te Town-ofaiWliiby.1 N XE MAXR. AXES' JUMPED AND RIE- paireti aI Ihteohat-tenttitce, Suiaeinglaaad - ittignct'executted. St-r-A fine doce N1ottisf Pollat-d't; Huil, Brook fStreet, Whitlly. - WX8 .S.UOISt< A'IYCHEMTS, &", BROOK STIIEET, GA. 'BANNISTER, D "RUGGIST. DRUGWSAND CHEMCAL8,, JUPeafir>'r, Dyt Bluffs, Caloui, &e.i aI- %vet lihand, DuîsduSBteet, Whiîiuy. 1 - UENRY IIfANNÂJI, )ANFGLAZIER, PAPER RANGER; i&o.,Whitby, 1 tGEORLGE B1.A.AzOxei, ,tIONVYANCER, CMîBOE O - % uakhig Allidagvit» in tise qiiraeuievb, d&c. ick, Brock, C. W,i GRAN1fl B1IOT0U1RS, RPOURRS ND DIEALERS IN iii lilîlus.. 'RAN INKuN 110 ' E. W ET . PIt s 1'Ot.NG C'hN MiA S.11.00-, hlt'Ri.EI ~lh'si et hl.IION, 'NI t -'--iluFîn. W'lli n;vu't'1 I ) i. .i..~. t - "-'t t-t. - .5'.-. - - . - t ' - - i !'t t t -N A'l'itrs hi. hiOhE I.. lu']' V.'lî"t BS - t luit Si. t' t: A i'tC' - i ;.~. t r. l'e-t i hi. Bf'i)l)Ei,, ~ \is~ji t ~ ut - i \l t 'c' 'E Wltht taim Puinted ivords, great thoîaghta and uuainag indde WIIITBY, . ., THE]J A Loyer", Fancy. Saveet Heas-en 11ludt'los-ta maidni, Radietat, rarej anti beaaty-lnden : 'Wben she's near nie, Rets-en le round elm lie-r dent- pt-astuce dti oseboind trie! 1 could ariaRi îaîyheRrt ofglaiesa, 3ligiat it fretelier lteartotf uadues- Gis-e tho ew-atlui, autd ail ltiitta lun il', .]tisl to ript-as lier baud n tminîute l'et she aucutii lt--t I los-e lier, Nrmrr do I tcll te e seert Tle. Ibut le tire tur.t .eloo'eeber. Andîth ie floacra tutat tisal-r feei. lier der.,heurt--lieýr s "t'. t .~reshritlut,'n 1 îtIli e and liiiirr om ih-1r, A n4 in tt'arfuin îo'oîîroî -. sr (tir; ( r, in fragrtire likeabie". 4 tive tai'life n i er ho.' e A"l i7%'se îol From the Late Euglish Papers. The Revoit of Troops in Iidia. l'ht' iiportant lima sba,; ut lenigi htar- rirei. l'edates tn-efîtoCalcutta to .lunte é: froun Bomtbav to jur 15 : front Mttlr0 uJulin' 1l : z11(1froul Iionig holng tri ,Jim 2,.. lîùt'. Le PXi fii v ' Tiftes. The great Brauiu. t oiifiorat'v of'lte flengal zînîv lias île laie] il st-f o p.ilsv e'tî-t ii'(.; o l cimntart'] lithe' lite cers of tt ' lslut e ,ani l sarnii- tlg, lt'ttteli 2lttiti nti 3o0 tol(ler, of the uiireLe it sanîsiîi' frot. the' î'inks of t1ter ats' in lite LNiîtitn. Ulis" usa ti îliiuiut.Ii ilutare ii'vîhii utuer sttutt î"t(illIltof ( i i :u t l.i zr ' i -'l n i tut'- iii îhîî rattks ofi-tf u tuh r. Ilil hu tî-~ht- of liie -m-pOCs. 'Flige stltti (tf N.sl t,,ieitt litt. iilajislu l. tîiig I ir rti- itit luY tas o rcginîî'îitts of]'ltî'igtl iufîar' Iitruttght therdrain îit.ttour ft-e )ft It e tiltt1- 1'sa l. t'su.î stiti t' u 4 Ioii[t4it u îîî.î't,' -î'îttît] ît lastht uiepetedt altiitttuta Ihr trh-olis Ittisic-t îîssiîîi tutn gti-ttt- f îe. siti lun îîttîîub'io 5ti Regimeril LigisI Ca-alry-Disarmeti ah Prcshawot-; Ma>' 2a. lUth Regiîiaert Native Iufatry-Disarnaed at Mecan Meer. 261is Regiment 'Aiive Iluantt-y-Disarmeti aI Meeau tr, 49tia Regimen I Native Infantt-y-Distneti at Mecan Meer. jlThe Englis puitic arecialti> '-n pas- session o]' tisefac4a connecten]d fiwihte dislîsudîaacnîo]' lie 1111h Natire ritfanît-> cf Barrack1îure, ialluaaed iîy that o]' srven conipanies aiflte 341h Native Itifttatt ther sanie station ;anth le disaadutart o]' the t- 71 Reginietat Onde .rrgu arsa Luîcknoaw hy Sir lie-uty Lais-t-c-t. lise fit-st ai Ihesr reginuenutipon beiug requtir. edti lutisethie fleurcartritige, d rin-le - ititedt lu(Io Fau ant]the men cailet]ansunt- tlress paradlt'ijnîotg tlemaselves aI t-t-bain- pîot-e, a-itre flics- t--rs tatiouard, antas-icb the tao-.t unutîntuss peechiestantI cauduelt avere openis- naniiesteti. Ibis v-a lu Mardi., PT', regimtiari sas ortirredti l mtarciîto uBat-tai-ktorc. ai-id Ettt-opena opa; biuiîg tist-tiffed on lte lpaae grotnî at tîri nt oti ,t-les- asere ilisuatudeti li- tttt]m i-i flhe (tus-not--Cirnet-zi Cii t cî'ttonutahIe uio]' Apltu. 'The sepoys sho'eil ttîuîe t'snu'r-tandtiti itii'i flta tIdeepltntrt-ion, anit ti c' ;iru ilbthalte exuintîte a'otti t-liesk fitittîet- .tvptiîis on i tieffetiîn.- Ili li h cett-r-fl'. -d titi n tiîîv sure iideli' ionnas ar lias- s it i-eu nimait' cutr. ant iciniie ut'O itApt-ii. the'.tIli (uile ltrt'- gîtiars flics'-ol' tte mx:iuiile tif tîte I fii, andl pei ntutii-el a] Lni'tnosr. Sit- lit-rt-' bîîsrî'nclout.a-it ia brigadle la- t-t-lt'on tue I ot. andîtht' it.tincers iîeirîg lt-ssuîw ] Oliilsu'tlie r tiliî-t-s, whott s.ooii aboutt ble dîttitu1l te rps, 55 lieut lit'C lt- 4'lpiîateil ss--t i ito the' t' VL' h -1'ut- ng pt'i tu nstt its'paut-dt'g uciît' n- onpîn t sut ltcit. r u: itt Bufttcre u n-- its 't'eý tltt lîttirnu' asu ttt-titI. sa lit-n I .l.'tttellits,! ait]ltltIw ut opetuls' Vuttiutoulti ritht' ouaid'grttttd ut hl;trtX ir.I a t-~- s-t Be 2 f]îRegi- miet î; tt.ie s misar of ut-e iril îrbt-î uiî~tho mnen iit-r Uibtt at-t-st,(uctht-jr outrcer. ttIittîud of'l'tshelî sîpoe itnu- onts -uluitrtt uît.n"'r'sh'-'testi- Ihr't-ai. T tie J.iott;tt-i.t- a re lî-th tit- -"o]' îie rt-ieit'tdh t-mot- th test-' I mn -ai--t-' tisbanrlddha' getueruti orîert-of i s 6-set-Qintir u onitil. Tlese '-iatitîs at-e i n luie imutttîiutle eigl*iit-lio-l ru]'cuti' outtus. and tti set-ui ros'citnslais Ns îltîs'et ,---s t;ethe lurcell -seti' Ž 11t,'I'a ' -tt t.o tr, tt.-, 1-111zititi the l mîu- i iirucoCti- Oit tut' tttttt-ti'agT o]' Mottas', lte Illu su t~tut ~fattioi liuaii' ii 'e u rit t~uî'ut.tjuiei'r Mias-e t-elacda tt:r.iplui rmn Agra lu f i 1..x I-sN lr-'.-.'t tu m ifets- of it]'i mupor' l1ite' tle-t thta-.I " Mruts'eus li apenti itiî- l)1~YTî.sî.ky ~%NI) 'PAPItano t-s-a ut lit statioltt. Tht' iii ttinlt-t-s nIlvandtat ll - iightitg itall.tak-ia elt'-tu-ut, 1 pîdei and .i îîtis' fcrs as-re inartlsi't-t Wtt'-. rit.,- .1 ur trop ialym-rid ,,adula e eepays,." 'Meer'tit eiig one o]' lie rt-si-ciîueil\ts,'-c-utuuiL ittîtrii>.iitn ar lut-gastations l in îi, anti gcrrisanesiby J. W. <' h hIWEI.L IIIoW'N. Nila- or 'aot-.tîtlCcîrîîet Neus- "at i ' \ut l i'iM '-. I I i tso a'ituer.f luteta-;~ pois-erftil Kuropeutuiforce,aur tidviccs C. P.&skb.lt'î. 0îirlsi- et-e itardlîs'cî'eîIiîetib>' tht Gos-errinieul, S.. IlN t01 f t.A. I.kV ( .ia ilt.EA. I a ndi t FelLt-i. -. A. E. or, inutied, la>'utrirles ; bal a fins' titi- ltrt~ t55. ata nac auou-'sttht is-undti.bronght us lise ittlest confirmnaliin o]' lieir J. STURlROC.K, W e ntatt, ituaver, pass os-ert- iis cpi- cet-ters. Ihiere avoniti set haba- îli r. l 1-il li tl,".rl y, oi e aibapyont-nlu urîim"ilt1cyfa imn a strange. is-ant aiflise muaI t-dinar>' &r-t. týrAditdjur-is ltu' 1,t.n 'l relate te pt-agressaiftise mutin>' inBngl pruatence on tise part o]'tise autisorilies at tStoare, lJnlý trl.et-i iiil l. IanijtIhe Noth-wtest ;antI tri nake Otan tei'ltae station, andtihIe moitI strict accoanit RUTHIERFORD & SAUNDERS, - ters untirrainth ie iislt-y ai Ibis nauvo- aili bas-e ta lbc exactrd o]'tise malter. Tht {',TEraJ. Sras'E,l nient, andthelitlncidierttshics lias-rchia- ï- etatiouw-as garrisonei th ie iaooing T AI L OR S; & oC. racterizeti if, ibela dirt-l teit- atte'nlio- tuais-e roupa :-The St-t Regiment LigisI -9~ ANDt> 4, KINu; TlifIIV WEStt-Tii- to heollos'mn.e isît o eiet h t-uuto4 Kti'îetilr hati- ] eiuenss-acttCas-ait-y,and tise 111h aund 201h Iegimerils irton.bave nintinieti, been disbantitiet-ordis- o]'natis-e iinfulntry, Our resters ay 'pas- t ~armedi - citaI>' einetunisr taI82aieanaiflte cas-ait-> 8G . 0F L E RE WT4l '- lla I1t'iiiteitt'Nalive Infantty-Dis' Iîad been sertenced lu long terns oai in M TilPttTER (-)F WATi'IILS & .lEIt'ELBP.Y. l banded at Barrackuote, April 3. prisoument for reinsing fa bite tht car- IItiime 1rs tite ilof theîte outtîtcaiBattk, Kitg î7ths Regintcnî Onde Ttreglat-Mutinied ah tridges, and ti s imen w-et-elt-oued on Stt-cet, Wriua'ni e.'L N.I.-A'fcuetIiekanJereety îrînîtiaLtucknoa, May' i. parade, anti placet luntise gaal, prepat-ato-> epureul. i- 34ttis Reinicut Naîi've lniaiitry-;es-en t t udergaiug Ibeir» sentence. Not a pt-e- .,. ~ .5TRLIN~, t conapanica mutinird aI Luc-knows, caution ofai u> kint w-bates-r seenas t A UCIONFEI. A ltt'Pi.l1ATE B(OK Muay 5. thas-e been taken ta prai-ide agaiast a noes- ofMr. Siteuiiuts Aitiion Saies, is kep't at ! ird Regitincut Liglit Cas'lry-Mutinied aI cuir or an ontbneak, anti an thse es-eîîng o]' hislb ifite-leu's fI iith r truitttt t ceMa 1 Stunday, tise 101h ulluma, iast as people titre s.i- t tsîî' iuio., iV(ilthi Naivelniauty-Mutinied wrept-epating for chat-ch, tisest-iole tht-e at l eerut, Ma>' I0. regimeats rase en mu-isse, joiietib>'aili tise 1 VYATT'S MIOTEL, 201h Regiruent Natis-e Infantr>'-Mutininti bueimashes anti blackguaris ai tise bazans, YA TE S'IPIIl',WIlllli.T l E aI Menerut, 'Ma>' 10. anti maniet-etitheir officerit antiburtu J~~~~~~~Fs 'Sae i...iu tttt. a nd Xi'est tîtro1 il Iitbis, stop at iu11.uhîînet. Es-ry ' itfi.rîation 381h Regluacul -Natis-e Infcntry-Mulinied dos-n Iheit- hues. Tise jai w-as broken gî,et r at. opaeiger- ael!tt' fe ~ltr'Etalasins at D - iMa>' Il. open anti al l teise - "lbet- c nt t D. P. WYAT, Preprietaor. 54th Regluarut Native Iniantrty-Muliirdthliesconnes anti ttrocigus teeda tisat erisucti at Delhsi, May' i1. tbiancis tis eckwifshart-or. B>' some NORTH IlAqERICÂN M 11OTEL. T4lii RegimnrulNative Infatry-Mutiuiet Iunaccountablet aant ai cnet-g>', tise Eut- PORitiTIliiiOPE. atli , My 1.t pean t-caps looket on aI a couaple ai miles OHN II), Pl1OPIRElTORTARFS TITIS D «i M> 1 Jruanethod o ti îî]îrunine li frrends atnd lteSt-t Companîy 7tis Batalion Atillety-Mu- distance,'w-hile tht blooti>'woatk w-as being pniblie generally, thutl ie 111L; canaineneeni bruît- tinied st Delhi, Ma>' 11. donc, anti cal>'moe-e doavu in biue tua fiat auras un 'atie abîî'crtitisais tt s thnt bisq1t jmode oi dî'lnig bitrineas, an-I attenation tt hie Sappena and Minets-About hall tise corps lise blaekened raineat tise houases, anti tht guetl, will met-lt e share ni putblic patronuage. Il mutiîaied at Meerut. Ma>' 13. chat-tet bodies cf Iiseirilshonored anti mur- PORT PERRY STE'1WBOAT MOTEL 451h Regimenl Native Infantry-nautinied j eet coantrymen, woanc anti cisltren.- AqON- & PHILLIPS, PROPRIRIORS, at Fet-osspore. 1Tise came fatal inacsil>ty'slhew-edlise -rab. t izt sI1 tr a tue tahies luie -s-e iltet up lthe S7tb RegimntlNative'Infaulry->Ituieti bic matineers te aiarch uripursne<] spon - abus-r we h-kawn firt-tLase llotnl, in a nes' sad st Ferozepare. Delhi, w-tire thre scene now- les.. IVas il t.litlabie mariner. VîIiloarendi lte travelling commult! a'ii l ind tii ut e'rres-rpet a itout- 9th Regyiment Native Iîatantry-Mahinied slapidit>'? Whatw-as ilttbat mate ilpou. foi-tablie hýiiatr. Gooti Sfuhîhig antdi an attentiv-e aI Allygaur. sibie fer 1w- osasd Eurt-pean t-caps, 0.11cm. 4-6m _________________________ ti Regiment Native Infantry>-Mutinied tise gallant 601h Rifles anti the BIh Dragacu NORtWOOD HOTEL- at Umballais.Oiarti amongit tiseni, ta hait in thisat anii ~E5Tzswo a , it- i z a i 601h Regiment Native Infantt->-Mutinied put-suit cf lise biot>' Tiscrtants iscie, fiENET COULTON RESECTFULLY IN- a tbla.arcte uthv nprd- ha H ferme thte publl i ,tishait bahi*taken îtbe Uubic.atoais as ae npries-et-y' t,. abis-ove el-kuairu Iletel whidi lic bualèmed fils Regiment Native Iaflatty-Mutinied ailis a tist fer vengeance? îWe await and iMpros-tul t» suit the publie nneaits- Ris tabetandhl& Licaors vIli eut bm aun-pissti at'Matdaun. tise solutioni cf Ibis att-age., Ibis saceoUt-- li- n> ehe' al] a is P-ame. ao ~ 45 egmnatNaiv 4fnt~ary-Matinied table ination.. At :Delhi--tiemutinseer hling. -' ' - .aI Agra, Ma>' 81. ' arrived,,en. thtue ortaung et o nta>'; tise. 7is.,Regimerit ,Native inafntry-Mutinied lt:ntn à h aii-rf,ûý T1IO)iIA ROBJINSON'S. - '-'-t- - 11 nIsaaalts aiv usIt>it shaý "21&' lroc'tte-tWitbI -3, egmetNaiv Intanlry'-Mutinîèd Isern. Tbey wtt-e thé 38tha'54th and 4thia lon en inlatht blasiatk, iti U aIwaygbc aPfItrMy2. - ' regimerits.Thte rilr (8'4cm~t fonnd la reineal tfrdatgeteea-' 7tbh 1gisaent Light C'avairy-M-1ftinied t' . 7th Beagal, Nativ-e 'irday emd od ressens, are111tavr seC' ,uut t uderlRob- -iikneir-(tw-c trÃ"ela9), May 80. bave joiattd 'n-themoCi-ement nuottrelue- sonia, lueid tiieywa'lln the o üo bt"~h Re ntmebu ive nfattry (pattt iii>) antly, but évanulally coen tl toà $ sgretb]ttjtipiul5tf.- 4fthne tu ~lLunkow Xa>'80. -with thenu. Tht psip1iot Klg iîàà tiae LAMBI HOTELe 4Mt keginint Natv1v n I ry-uMutiiéà set up, and the searéh ]>epn fo r r jýén lq T M WEST, TORO)NTO. THE Lucaatw, May 8S. lt.Vr'a> oefttn* uae wanr li-om tég aIexýftýIs2l_7s egvetNtv nnrti'yt-4iiiied escape ffêt ttIeihil4u-* . IeeI9ôue Dro$,l 8~itb ~rn- bal ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C aee -weMay' he, parttncu loi' ofiering trie tol- ii (s gratlying ta .know Iliat sevr(pe.ri-' _ On> ýto SiË,Hilty Ibi*Iè%tubêW> 61st mess-house anti a tozeri bungalolws loaving, lisougli somewviât late luntioing so. sans sap posed ta h av eile auictiraiaiia' è, iWPtIpiiiu, 4ô0dba bu er riaen eut oethtie station.anti dis. It us fromtt e fah'ttwt~s: aesi t~ett ~anI, bi1,e'ab.m1~r,4*b pe-et is ex a>.Mari> ettheite men 'On tise aornuag 'cf'tise 11th of Mfay,"a. ginlia Mm -""~'- have since relut-net to amp n~givinuaUPpa>'o"ie8tLgs'Caiyvaas' 'h l1 4,.s- - Iheir at-maiand satin .liseur ail iu"'resa e' to 5tý,cutl biti., la b -sia.1t spî1ai1 'O staîrd at from 251e' 250,'matie'tiser 1p- 1 :, * e"-,-_'îe&t<uIa the temiIcfpearahice at Delhai. Tht>' hail come over attieimtf9ibon"~s suh enruà"eciô t ntie helo eaciv'i tewor fdvsttion, Housçs. U16I8aseîîiu sacs gutat]tasffctan e ntic tse ayfrana Meeraut <turing tise niglit, andtw - - weȏ5bui ; - 'cfe - ,4 ,ro ýt1 ý --su dbIti t5lI:(*i suI]'avli aiscr tt.01 Rgi 1 Lglt evitentl>' prepared to' perp'ilrate ttm(ost si~i -a lciu~ ~no~ Ca-ar> eiavsiii iasmuin' e asa-aisfnl crimes, as th>' were fullr. arm'ctatined 3îi- n<jj' à» picoasatfchiig a acta o w-elsw.h und'pparen tyiyild ayitla rage and e tit6'n- aui11 lipêbtr arc reporeti thoroagsi> ructw-ertisy. ment. Tht>' 1ittered "tise Clcato Webas-w -etreturn te- tiseneiglabor. Wilhouùt oppositiôn frean'an>'fth oie s trre a avdy for U haood ai Delisi toi' osa'ri extepisoela.-te cIbisanti 'ride thtù s'ay- t4irectiy f o erIaerasn4w4ta4 r-1,egufi, floù eetu tr>.. Tise 9t.iregiment Native Deirow-gangé, shactingdbwn ili eilpi.u m' semas' Inart,> laitidt Allygur.wasbelier. d-grss &H EtIoe ;Ie ýnrie _ met il' lisereugiat> loyal 1usd gis-en strong puiofof Aaîcngt tbeehgs'iribtirms iérelft-. Simon ita Y i~û~'~wna'ig, . the sinerit>' of tbor prefeulieu. ,Que'cf F!u "Mcthe.9cv>mqr ' 9elnezal'f. 4gtunt -- >,er;s~ an- thiser emlssiuanarigs of treason'l"ays- it' CaPtait tDOuglas, -lis asistant.; e M ' los lsMr.tIt~i Frien4d <f Isu4ka," ]tad.fattd bis wsy'-itato.IL-INixon;Ohief Cltrk in tlheir ffitt Nt6' ats'évérr euas t onast4 QM the fort and iwas tsmpei'ipg avis t'te mntice wasimne41.14 y'seot 4i>the BrigiWier,-btbw'éiith1iélàk or -sè ÃŽ0i Q38- tai urtce flum ftj<uaiser~ankof the mana. rd a rg _ f (ho4tlav>NX.T) iith ti ' h veez4nto tpvi -tç nrasDlwhctubVurasseized b>' the guris from, 4eTt-me'uais.b4tte'y, was zen aub' lno ~i t1 corîntoilt #c.paty - antd laasiletdowaa.sTike- 54than.e'ehod-tis aglis the - - --. Mabai oQiapceda- 91 atiye:,uifflîters ewià gaproýi4 - feç41ýa. o t5 "" kt-iIfil' in' iseW avbi hcomW eptlhist" deaUtiàdýa 1poyii nu iaueny Mte.11W side.folb 1 1 1 1 1 A i 1 sacre, wirih poe. bts.te 1i by only a few ficurs. In both statlorW'M people' cf 'thecity suard;' bata4s-., tu have bom- vn.y aetIvefxnd, te ItêJ the mnutirleers in their bloadv~j The ingurgents in Ik»ei hsem-çPoift# Lai Khan, a 44dar 'of -the ara tlýeir gcnréa-in-chief, wlth &IdMôrfià,- a subadar of' the -20th 'ai~ U~ secor«I iin conmand-6a&tWt fki'&, istryi w0 fdvocatr, peace, pi rffsq, Knowiedge, Erotherhood. DII)R'.4O 0TÊI1 IÙELS b*W'ORX m~i RSDAY, AUJGjST 6,- 1857. N O.' 29.0 rtt heT,ç orepdn The soldiery are representedtob th letter trom the piace says:-'t To-day, Ian effort fa car.uy of thie --" '--e- - uta eaer btbtutr jwMe r54 -Wednesday some fifttrea P, y optanweroIla th le olccrs of the 2Étli, S4th, and that, they have .cle<ted to thýe, 9gJM-V it *Weneda, Smefuty ie Eropan wa dfetei.74th Native Ihfantry been 'armied with r e- second ia- comrnand'two r1atLi4afi 9eft-4 hati secreteti thetnseiyes were killeti, They Passing down the Iilat wo notw corne to Volvers, they mniglit haàve shot sane aof the lird Light G'avalry. Ijader this or oth«' are hurting for Morle, andi if any be found the 5th atnd 80tOla Regimeîits, at Umibellah, thein ; huni1 they done sol it is stlii.a doulit- leadership they ihadt.lrc teýariZy, toa8d4 they will be kilieti. Tf they have escapei We are arith-out detailed account of the dis- ful question whcther their own men wouid vance from the city and 'attak & Pttion 01 co much the better. It je like the atroci- affection in these corps but they are re- mît bave bayonueted therm.Tho 54th made,~ th& force coliected ta crush th'ein. On tie8 of Nadir Shah. On Tiîesday the King ported ta have rrflised ta march on Delhi "ome show of flring tlicir muskets, but the ýthe 3Oth of May, a !4tchmeint oft< tb. rode through the streets, and cncouraged -then ordercd to dIo so by iogs tinieý-s slituEs s'eut, tif course, over the heads of Euiropean forcemit Meerut the c*rý)4ipffI the People to throw open their shops. But they were aliowed tin go as a body. Their the troopers, who had evidruîly fait confi- 60îh RfeadAtley, unde the coi- the peuple wauid flot bit eomforted. Many mutinous state lias litera wei kliowît for dieuce in the -rect'plion tlîry set-e to ineet aiand of Brigadier Wilson, took u ad- shups have heem deserîd. The civilis-ati orne ltit ntindfit-eshave been o]' nighly witil. Theirplansîîs aebe el acdpsto 1 h ilg ~z. of 53 years has been destrayoti in tht-et occurrence in tlh.estation. AtM'iti mattreti. Meanwvîile thei peuple of th ennue,.whe h ygtaL1' X hi haut-s! good men have heen pluindercîl, lt- the Pitijatila t1wi 55th, Regimuent Native citY wte cl]utii for iichief, cr-trai costen-nngge r ier of anti -countirelsnrhe.Argenhs crselie11erieofLn4 Y . 8 nice. 4 rgmet Ta nfuntry hroke intt open uunltiny of tie f;ite buingalosutIDerio Ilg hati been firetl pension bridge, Som@ 5mls~ couic fran Ailygur. 'fhey have tuot epar- of thu'ir offlcers a-t are tîncerta'n. A d-' 'and, as te day advanceti, the Gonjnrs u f capital. That same.afternoaa the enen ed tîteir oîmccrs. Tht-c reginueuts tianc netachaient of theF4uaropeans froua Pc-Bics" the villagres ar-otînt ibecame i" eto appeared, in ac ih ve à pionwti hattcrv of artillery of Delhi, fao regi-ents are on tfinir ltck anîave ia-alrealy .Bahinthue ch fdes ]' bt, anti wttcre rels- far ftîrtler site of the stîream, a nÙ n e anti 300( truoperm from Meerut, anti a regi- manv of' themn and talion i]GO prisouters il, action. The w'holit of the city v-as uip in i gageaient falawved. The brigadir~~ ment froîn Aiiygtîr ar linluDeliii. Ail lu Prea't- tAgate4t nt T7l ms se- urpan rsitnc ias i rilv lIte ' ir.At gntthe44t ans luiharmartiileruop reanti dragoans across th.ir- maaielc rnpae]l lcfr.Ntieiîaîyaeciueiîuvti s'cearclîed, the troopsîleciuîring that tlaey tid 1 ver lty aford, -thile the rifles pàd~ The' King hLs stîmmoncti different pri-i e-J tpun news ai thc dtefeclion of tht-jr de- iu atîrpdeu 1f u]whnbrd.Thvatkeiaoie-tnfaa pal men af Delhil fa rake arrangmens.- tachmieult tMufawlo bldseizeatlhte tiuoyliaad letireti, the'rabbie rished inl. ant ifront --the mutinergs wére iloihec Thry have pieatk'd siekuessacnd itîcompe- trcastîry flîcir and i turcliel ta Delib, anti and matie a dlean uua-cp frona tht puankalis up and driven back with ou IÃ"'2 tracy, and sawarq hîave been det.îatciird 1a the rarasture wsas dtluieuss iînipcralia'c for to the' fluor lattS. Il ils difficult la 'forai their 5gtns-part jut a-b a -ýiliï Ulwsar and Jaipaur. It retnaiiis ta be'fure'.shaveheu-n uore'onsttt oCercnlne an tt4tntae aihe nîinher killet ; nMast, of, whiuiitheytlietnseiveslha.dfl*êý» an& sccu s-bats'il] coulie of it. The IDelhi lucre algo. Tht 2(l Reglnult Inel- tht lists already publisheti arc incorrect. lhey perisheul miserahi ~ a~Inh peuple have fallen înto ifflu-ilties. God's fanlrv nt Plaillotîr arc repartedti t hav llaîîîly, severai pet-sons sali-Ita ha kilil'. plain, as'here they were cuit ;U 1Yý t11,ï sr'll bc noune. This tnsbas'eem cunipos- iinut lort-)tstation antd Opeilîy nîuîtil- iare stili in existence, anti came wilo car-up- bres uf the draguons. LUntiunutelI7ýtfi etd saitlî tarc ant inlua spirit of lel~' il. 'lte ipoirî i-s iarnrer situcecor,îr cd ai-cu ititdus'n tt ail, r vere chitnk, Ibera turuitt atlW4Gd Thtdat ti Ih peplcis ul u tc dc-dicetisa hatfla ut] 1r l indouî. As soon as lte oxtetlor'tht onîtbra on the following day, and wore- agïI1Ihfi criheti. 'lhey tre cliva hbut they deSpair tWe await fîîrfliî'ri llîigeture fruuatt ltence. ata ns-nil hecamitece r-for lic.hepul3et]. On the ict of Jinethe biSer of l ýrilves. 'lhere is no cure for sioli a The otitbtrak at Nste-hdaaINec- re-itîtints tua seck came place ai .aiet' whose los n the- orst day badbeenabo. cntse Tu ~s'sar iithuta ladr.' mehha' hrlaitipndi ~- ~ liC -ani]niot aiIhetun Made their wa I ,ta the 40 kilci and wouindid (thaten, thêie Eau-luregimeul iqsa uti] uhlas-e pucssession tuew-s eof tit De-li iintiuiv rceied Ithuse Fl"tsgfl'Towvot, s'here ltg n is itrd dyl sytukesn sa eiftd o]' une o]' the Dit:liirat ant intof ] it t -elheil'allsA eiil)inofaithet Native ný-tadnofrh tem as.bnna » Sîibcfidttt-andti tirs re jirunaledto au plat-es. a.8oftîiely-i c nfl.tî co nt a this attitruipl h eeatosna4uî Jamadrs (lt' st; as uhu f 'the' Enrupa a',itanid ta-a gins w-et-estationeti here, aur] a i cnl.esl b is pasac a no of lcbufýý generals anti fitdiunurs]alsa-bil.,ttes- ttin ohI, ig nw ftecrlarge party o]' ladies anti gentlemen, inclut- r. Teauier ae edut poyï atre recels-mg. ant ira-t alsv.ivq to con- tinîtil% adtt.At'unsid'taale force t ig lhe bit-gaee- brigade-major. &c., tirîîc lt-t'ueive, 14t-npeu'us a moth.' To froua l})etsa mrutlnos lie i Nu..%erbalsv ere itere a-ci tuard, s'itb the intentionatoyulacigatnlthmfo the' ttt'nv auxiot. itp itýirie.wlt'-ich ilIlit' anttîihe m tnluto r adt oI have mauait i efrutîlu omîenls-es against thet roop- tballait, for, although Ihere are rm -r miade at htomerfor thete afut of rt'lative'; anti cd away a-ta tte Six gutîts ina heir p s ecrs. Thet' baer 1.-truiiri, ai] i tld Ieeîsfi-onaDelhi, tise>'hai tba â frîiiis lu hese lavo stations s; vûregt'ret sion ilutîle dircti o ]'iiliui-Tiiey tai htickari, (ld vas avrl adupletifor tht t lbeci nuinorous,,orth 1 t51l lluît ire cannul 3et ft-ni0i ufi]i re;ilv.bhttdoutu-s te. joineti ly the' 72til t-gimnnîpîirpq)aa, botter iu fact. than cny other iScindia, ai the Rajahs, of BnrtpseaxMM se huave prrmareil eat-t'ftls- ftutiappnl too Nuetitinchlbuit that tht'v will ecst-itilld in lul)hir Ih.lusc'îeîing titis spotUs-ar, nual laqspeak of Agra v»1te lucretu hie recuit o]' preseut iufirniattoitt. t-t'alla iMii bq a intîttet- o]' erit' nplike- ic_ d izii- iplayeticotusiderablo juelg. would have hall thuir -tale tl l of fu Tite Strppers caili Mit raeortierlâti 'ifil 'ahoit o l.ip-o nteta tuir, buît ho dlt] nulttu knov- (he ex 1Lis-es interccpted and dQstroyed., iitl Mecr-nfrottai l'oirkke itts'iael'cena lOuca elttnu'bandti he nttineers t-trI i lte c«tîa-str'-pihc ; for aititigi thte OFFICIAI. upîn lue Mutiiuy la'tigttausliretl. Th1t' ssiilitna.111ît-obtlity bliliatet-scepteti ant gnriital idrineanor aifltet-oups w-as after ttit-at-riru]al atportion of ihietaaboui 1t cil1îP î'SOM--o]' the conlitîg-ut forcies uaiyîliitg but siabardintle, the actuai stfe foîut- liinuirt'B iitijiitiai sîizhtltiteit-coint- oi'ltoSeStatÙ~. o]' tht case a-as itrknus'u. Many o]'thet-Iiehoc rniMen~eteS4~ tiuiltt'.i, o uii"r Fra-er. Thev thii maade it las satisfacît-ry iu conclusion a lastate officers aifte 81hsîliIuti cnienel1tal ofu-hralic 4 0 4 *n~ ofi titoa-irlliit. but aCre pursuLil by ta-t ullat in no ipart of lte coutt' ;t o~ uioantirnyavttr l racu cb Ie uineThn i e silol. hf14.4e sqtui;tisofai Le Ciutabitacr sîthoo ttrtltik -.;'itptotaa' s'iiiittteiet' be-eta sutli'iartf ymaare uien a'ltiîtlac citit-d o] lu-uli tiittaaitîtt ( ttila al' arti ijcîl47 f it i sitltîtis movecntent. The tijsaflctli' ot-dinatiuation tint on Colonel Graves-, tînesa- eotut eiaei)e~r Ih(Nin. lite cd lte carabiuc'srs wira;kihîcîl is coiinied et'titel'elutia te at-v n d' ts] uha-ugngliecouiatceioel I gra u ien - ni lt;tse'mTho~ atti in tiv r ttli ci':i'eî('olontel iiog- fat- ais ltecountry la concet-nedti te init--'astaff ITosier, il becaune tridenit thatiatb ou-en efrom aa ad ,0 ve aa1ve utiiîi gaIthe latteýr. 'hite ttt-sertf lte nient is au tttet- ai Thte lie iiuiabahtt]evas-rie iii a shale aifnîatiny, and Ibat DcMor 1fth'Gaainq nntîin vit us- ttiCt, tu to Abot ti Culttlaai lI atintuIiLitýs eal te tintsiighleslt taing tiaititiintitcc-îtentiaIeoî. iiitnvlo .1:l_ýt-t unoepuir.AouufCacIaOta lidieti ai wotantis recived an the 31sf; Lieu-. irn'cltuk(>utlte idîli ultimo.. thiredays Mahonetian nltexeptt liase-e prt-oiled ttna1 neuititt't fiesat ie. tiftet- thes risin, utNMet-ut, if a'aLs>srhispr-cd aditteaes 1to Goertitiar'nt breatiithe atier Eiuropeans assembieti on lte,.bil]. tnn uitOl ils ihIgqa~ thoih h anoiiiettatti mnUIns OailvCX)e"lv f theciuîgCconapodei1ui Iegiaient aiNatveInfautry a r 'fýî saecbutn ttrttlitll-. 'rlut' farr-isoît cî v sictiota nertainedth iat tte nit a b i te ]'shiesm1 sioet ailie 4l1 atulfl7lit-eiuut'tsna-';tai i iîolveailititht' quiet iui:.teitaaace andtihi epriatIoifaaaupecedet the cioatiby Captain D xn aaies 1a9p > lis-e iiauîry ani lts luttît uatiîe liglut c;a- ofilte 1,iagIilsirule and tI esifsiglien of mcd dust ss'ieb ruse like a hinge coronet Bi0 a cuidst eahietrs 5'îlyslit a îpartiy of lier M:jetys iaImua ablaotrrîce aiflte t relusun ai te sù-iti-lutht' air ;tht explosion thatt failoavetiIniaii oc.Ina-ainc ji foot. 'T'le Mona-et-caIutrencerticredtie r lty, lThe atitres soiflte Maitomedansafa-' sas u s rala tiil a-eic q upardies.m oeIf ree G ran pon h parde it item tcaet-iregrottua audie -d-tc nast satisfactry itndication ai the ipeclei,but the riefet iras coftplete. rii-îarer.AClonl Hoe Gran 9pe f Etitopetîn sortiten andtelidren scre t-e- o]' thtetîluper s'îlh Nallicli tel oft a lte of SSo kassntatheexlsinsbrgder. accoaItam 13eeand gn wuy nioveil iito the iitremchiei ti agaie.Tt'Ctîp ct s oral]y rc.grdedinluIndia. nul seei'lenta, bîît tie galiauf set af Lietu-AcunsfmMypreaadUI1iI sepoys came l a it tl intes stilînt-aza.a-r teloant Willouighby. coomtisscry- of at-din- las enji- an-irefuori u tiraue a iep ht-s flu' 'M.utusuiui:'s Jay 1-2. atîce, Declhi, anti it if; tirasing lobe aibia ta ioauled lhteir nuttekets anti adv-anîcedupuri'Tht uta-s frota Bombsay is la lte -1haiituItîsyuigbaeecptuis-l ieEt',' ' thi iagzn ll-sfrnnti 't sîîtfJîe severe sc'arcitgý Abotut 1,500 pet-sens, by c cmaîny o]' Hem Majccst*slal regi-t At lise date ai thteat ativices tht Eîa- -ciea r adf aebe.iw paii tLcn' h at1"~rk î ment A pmîyai tt ~7ft egimnt u tie hegbt roud Ucisisud hiscmagazine. On lteappearanceof tise the same manner asat Meerut- ene

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