Whitby Chronicle, 2 Jul 1857, p. 1

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t"' c- a~S' oi'a ta iii) 'i '~' t ' ' s55 -w--si 'o.riti-~'c. -5s-'.ia~~"~'--'sae5" a5tt i 'a." , -~ ~ ~. . ~. ~' - c-- a--5> i ~ '>'" ,~ a~soi -a~ a- a -V ~~is5s5~a55 i ' it ' i ci i iiii- -. 'i it~i O THE WEITBY MEONIOL TI4UR8DAVî MORNING, Eliges a& 1Yayerhoffér Bro. IMO<XK STEEr, IUTBY, jN ~exI floor to the liegistry Office.r UIE TIS 0F SUgliisCRPTION TO R iv e ii (Ie <Irruuh4é sili he 82 iper alnium, pasyable trtlylll in advance.i i ___ _______ Ztery stteteîtn.rhx,(per in),Q.Id. ___________________ A. Ifistril tîltist itnwcd to MerchaÀistâ atnd ctl i .trisitt, b the Il T )J ýCIdI paier ht lruh'endu tnimnîaen.eelveulîtlon VO .l In the ( ltnty, bheitiaits 'hting rend b ve'rrlbn- i millm tis nsa i ond î tta lit , vleciity, nafitter vtmdnrndt1aî ni 4u-i flt l a ccifiti hItitis PETER CARM1IIHAEL, locsity.Ai wh a or es~rhlnk lo~i1~ U'CrI>NEit, &., WICK, TOWNSIJIP %hi1r iiotit'. ___ ____ No iper ici"lIililetîîlutntil il arrisor- ALBERT SPRING, LýettIt-s will tge il5Irgittt'd )ud1 n t 1 L Rencil.i Ill(; ( ti lEuîvi & Al 131108RO, - THIOMAS 'DEVERELL, whtithyll C. W B U iL 13ERi, é&. &'c., GRIEEN STREF.T, Iw'hitby, C'. W. BOOK AND JOB A. C. WILSON, PRINTING ESTABLISHIMENT, AIXTEII, GLAZIER. AND PýîPEU.- çîitiiu.tîîsciîtfl 'pi-ftfl jfi'tî tn P fIijt1i it Sale. linus, lsý 't tt l'a- poidieIfîtittfies l d e iiiin ilsiue inforite ti W'itt , a. I. f5 f 't7. itutt1rii t sitifIlTe itfritiNew Yotrk lint uddi' J. C. STERLIN<i, itutti sitte, ttim(arc preitaruai bts entte A TOEEIi. A l>tI'fIAATE BoKt BOOR AHD- JOB PRINTING A fNr irizsAeinSls sleti* de i set" rs'fittti , otutu atttiitee ttaiw'crk ii h' l iti to ti t he î sitriotef faîtîsît nitîl tiîf: i l, ft ii1til' t eut te ion ýt t t. Paie . itsf'eltti f'utlît 'tît Tle ',îe ri lrtitihiav'e ptiriiasu'ii oesof "tit in i iiiîtsW îîi RU<iJL""' '.ID 4>ESSS8. ]ÃŽLE ISER, usiiti tI i(iil titt ti iii n t tu l'a"d S'GN (OF THE "LARGE ' 4T'," ciiar h t er cf 'tlliiia tiiiiie. Te'bite MPitITE OF NVA'TIIES & .tEW'EIEIZY, ôn lutnî llirt.e Si.tkIîjf piluan ntI Fanes' Cuiris, .1 lirt ifsrs îttotf thec Moiti tIsailaik, Kitai $t4itîIiiet-% &c., sthlti tîeiithîtigilit nat 94-y 1,,%v 't. 3.,stat D te.1 rasts, ratu i-iu titticfitttfii il t the, IZtistsi N.Il.- WVatcite>,t'II.cksatsd.fe wclery'1-rof1îttiii't prç 'tf andsuti l tt' 'trté.t't uiie.I i 'l.-i ti t'ctile(iie, MWi'uttîy. t' FiCHA NT T XIiiik liliîK STRIEET,' SB. UDN \'AIfIOtN lMff.EANI('iEAI' TAII.itf.- latil li t, ii.tfNI.r. . uwIýel, 0 t >1 N itI lii % lstfiitc NVit ttt's lttel, mai lirvte i ti îe 'iitt iiiteîRUTIIERVORI) &SAUNDERS, NEIlsON G. RIf'NO-II,(AEJ Ti i) -01 ' FFII'E i AT THE COUlRT T A1 L O RS W,'T& Ti AND 1, ING IFF1' FT ESTi E tl -Nf) .Alo K il t E e -T ,Lml JoN AM 1PERV, li, ' >' l~'fl F.(fFIC'E i N BIMOCauTiE' .. _____ ~a Wtu1i'1i7110111S ROflINSON'S [i. J. A(L'i)<NEI.L.IluAuitliNABLiE IIAIR ifîTTINti AND orA ir-t ruiti'Ettrtiad tri o ittt.t il lait i re--cc, " IOliIN 'VI. Mfît tsflit lut-atitttendtil iiVii' cîjlp 'Ei; '-~ ~ 2 It'T. AColIta ti liretii ii tiittti L'iil -ir ti Cie tgîc îiî' litsS iii ~ ~tl-tf1I Milcltst fti il th iIgr fluitreet.ifElfiF]'liNl ~NtîiOt; 14- W'. ÂX'rON, Jr., isîffI ouiuAT TIIE COURiT Il tRON 111UE, tjC. 1 l tIT WS1tt1T tB Y -W. C~sf fi Eut 1ti1v li tiI lîECi 1 1u i i "itt ittc Pi1KE1V't'iIIOTEL, fi ii liiii i i lE<NARD'S JIOTEL, 1' it A5NS, ' N (Ils'ifIhtt'. oiSiIA V A, C. W. î;uîii FIl îîsr ]iltîVp,,ItîN <lURT. OFFIC _ lait1wt4i ",trfil tti RAII-ROAD 1lIOTE1L, W.Il. TII WIi AYNEB. 3 Allff:LIi t tli' ifl N 11IAIi' ONTARIO I[OTIL, NAiTIO>NAL IIOTEI., a i,"1 1 l " - 1> 1 ý - I i i i i s- -iÃŽi- With enlia Printed words, great tlwughts and untiring industrY, we advocate Peace, prouIreas, JCo#Ieîge, Erotheriood iWIIITBY, C. W., TIIIJ1SDAY, JULY 21 1857*1- THE LOST MADONNýA. 01 lost ladonna, young and fuir! 0'er-lcanlt by brond etnbras'ing trees, A streitaniet to the f cteiy air blnrn'rti its innck iow icl ociezi; And tlkerc, a if tas drink the tons, Atid 'ini"À the cparklting sOn Is to 1dty, one 'î mit n ic tani sf111 t îvo h o through the shadiioii its goldcti wa.ý ' litiMadIoIIînitwhnase frIsa i fe WVas fike timit eay of rifliiit a ir, Vie vri slîiole jiht setit-, hfcw tifs when last wsri îtt Itît ft' sîtiti fair. Blyvthe as the heamn froîn lh casen tîrrîs îng. Thy hair heta i hsk Ihlîafnlîiii'i glua NVas white ms star.s with iî î-tîc tis Ths brîglît lipî hent tad ifîiafte tre Faîir faiýn-1ItC c rmsttre 1Inimenit li soIL f s fltiess iin tlîh i0, Asi oer tn the -%vattvbc'aty etit It hlinsîed thee fiiek ieli ris.va'harin. 1mw vsWm ntha e -ha vsave resigniea Vie Iint! iiti hyrtîing tacs'. Wl*liýi' ! t..c hiî as i ti ruil nîiil StilfilWý glsaihazt scens'a itewhitfiîg gta Ah., escry sckne. tor hriittît or i1z,'u' Whers' oneo ths iriseeerou nd tme shoi Ta) echoitiî c îîî sL'c'hl 1tak The %v(-t(sts ez-ritcnLs Wtr-luippi'd 0 Theti sf1 tim-'hill.s. thb 'o- m-s tur, Tltt, i.ku t ,y lýt, i.sretehl latk atar, lr, Ansidit it5 'eds. ihise ecihtlenti pre, My ulo>ti Madonna, fait anJ y iîtîf lief ire tht i'iitsnflsllae ii lal inz sae il,-r tu, The ain ie ir oLn -r-a',s Ini ncet ILard liteît'îrc-î e Io--hdid- .T,,c".te L ,e ~'hti li u rid Liove: Ye, 'fair f ,r cv-r finittnt-ile, Mail-lin, ti-w . -rti r, Tii ilalli of IGIiaiîcc1 f fas iý-du-J Aud îl sflias 1'eri -tIe 1. ii- ftnir'.i W-thic v ftle %vtsjlti uice fraatîrlit, 01- .î g totraîirlt- ir loqiii-, ir lceo, Fe '5o l U' t ail fiatlia.ii s t tît 'F ut iîiaf 55a>-once 11, nivret '11.111 bc. Tis wacl U ai cIc1 f sflI ti it hiwtifino tarii aniat Clînitte ttýi.t li Jhle eu.- ta l l tili'. tit heik cha c T.- lite in i l-in t Set2:gi And%i s i iiilu ldadehre Bh tan'fiai Aîid fiiit-~iul i c-rslias t ' iii l ! Thouirtc'iJ aîi !rcf-i eaid ot! nt ait. AuÇtittra on tutx hIT'rY PLLEA2SANTON'S FIR4T I Il. J. ' 1 ~1Jîf l[a - s. u'i ~ cnt eltiîetUtc die âe wlien 1 AriSTfIIT11' iîltii~iiililia ii listc~utl u di'î!ii ' -ait:i ot iii its-c sitl K itîs- Plsaanto. l'ttdl. Wlltlîa f W l i ul.aI Iiiii'itit '.,liasvc biguuti uitn eta w -re' hotu lil i îffiiTtfl.NtIAiV l Ilit.&s. &FIINKiLîN lIOLIE. h aisure I bs-et] lier ns w-O set tb" t.W f\titS.i i>' Uîi moath-aSidle inakitg Ourntdt - 5 i WViETir. l1t 1 ý1 k)1 FItî N < il() -ms usn tItis ittie pudditlesotf suate -.iIfTlANiitN. C..11A.11,wBeut'is i utakai tieni curl- My passion ssas ii t îii ' lic 'ft'e - f.1.ileli4,E- . - i aise afatedl, wlin, sottueshat iaft -j. %tie Iti liselaty htt iti'IN W1ATT"5 JIOTEL. -i clituabsîlclîurr-îrt'cs etlier biitlug * i I Af fi«iilî'rtEE',s winiIY T Itli bueE -tu- ~l. 1. llllINt'i. ~ uituuicNîttt î'tt lit er yc- t len et danetng-schnni 1 tisCuuttet, ku'. W'Ilti~, f W'. I aii i ~îaoa1 -lier tobcle i>'patner;n or. h ouni vestï i f~Il. i. YATT, Pritirictor. usns i>-bo>isbIpassionmanIt alldot llAElO % &MCDONELL, wiio n et.t rn olg,1 * - flll4'Eltt'&A'TIT( .NEYS AT 1,AW . NORITHI AilFICAN JIOTEL. Ihuo t'ttîrifotclee Suhiishurt ts t~e butily 'iiitilî.l-~'~ tfl't'i fturhasE- t>'sueet ittie Kitty cliattged soin lemlt l îtsSutihîWiit1r. flfishonni tM[IN luEAIt. l'ltlPRElflt, TAKES THIS h tefiable alteralion, froueitus-lel>'chiii -0 -11, -. j ititi iq.1 te irsfs. tîuaî lie f nis ~ î-î'-îidtbe b~lvsitciig young usomien. Suis se C1EltIOýN & Lý%,RTN ELL, iees' i) te abs ve faceuisiss .lie trttss thittttts iotost tt s,;untee ns w-hem i partetfror ()1i"lE, 'uLIC'ITOIZS AN il CON- tt etu'-uitt ttlies îîtaueîutuîio i iei itrytllEStih, C. W. - --__;ike thue cliilt]-thaise w-ens the saute G EOG r rN. i PORT PERR-Y STE'31 Oovr IIOTEL jchackls, ltse sainie pouting, innocent in To1 i ,,) & IIIIIPIS, i'Ri)I'RIETIIRS, I -- - - -- i - -- '\ Lrst it sute tîtat tllev lthae Itti li the the sanie curln, iuîgh, buit soue cl WILLIAN POWSaON, - ifiuac ellkuîsili-ltt ltîe. it a ussanîd grass, or sentiment mas asitiss, whid f)N NCIEÇBl, &.&.MNIIi'Tftsiiittileiz îuuuuut. Visiltirs tudtiai tlstrnetliuitt ni> earltîmhill i ntt nsuvsmetiQn ietiiutoit ai I ll fin t ii i it tan- tttait a eou!i- - . -- --~-~ '~îcitlts ltns.Gond Stnhlîitig.azitt uttsuatîe gazissiallier. BIENJAMIN YARNOLD, 1 Il"Kitty," scai I bo lier cne do>',à >W'N ' LElIK AND TREASiIEII. 0F- NORWVOOD HOTEL. lied bee t etbitme e wcek or tire, flsTsILi1 . 0RE_ W00 t , CKE R 1iXs. founsi1lcoulti restrain inysisît ne h Dr.R. . CaIR<,ENIIV <i tUI'(oIN îlES 1îEUTFULLY 1N II'tKitty, Fnt veyen'mmd iin love il & CORON ' s ftputblie, Iluat lusis wtakettue - IIIENACtT'lrUR, &Cosv--R, wil _kttowstIloite, stîieilielull iasaIruai as you lenoiras w-eh as I do. Fs-e t foar tIl 'ti iuluofet' Ottrin. ai)I iiiprvedtafit it the 1îuîfaîle suis-isittce.- bocr in love miit yeu, andi I fane>' > AC - - ý -lus tablis uttuu l is I.iqnots swiff nit lissurie DI-, CIUECKLIBY', hs' ny tîter ltîttul 'un tht Provincute. Gond Soi- un love uill me; but non- I waut RESlI>I)iN(tE, l(13CK STRIEET, TOW'N 0F hiî. ~promise te marme i." I pensed _________ -I - LAMBS HOTEL9 KilI>' matie ne amiamer, antd 1 saisi, JONES & GAIGE, KfING STR.EET M'EST, TOIIoNTO. TIE like viu, Kit>', don'l you ?"1 OCATa TIRNTISTS.-(IFFICE IN IPuuK abs-e Finst ' Ba oti ituateu e nit- grt, elme"sidKty-b tti-ls-'J.Bfiefnw's Store, and opposite' it 'a s aItfrîti te Raiia-aDepot atîdiSutu-a i lmssi iI' i t' e I ty (13f . Ail opiriatis arrnttet]. bîtat Lataîittg, ias bien ttsfited wîth Newr Fui'- ans iuts a-tu usit mixture -of dohigi la>ý1t'uai, a fuir trial. 1ijiittire, ('urpeoteil tutti Puintel. The Sfesping lbasliftulhis in lier face, Ii if yen'vi i _ ------A fitrtietis ant i hrge anti -seu ventfiat<ud. t1nt- .Si IVUt . <IION, tliuttssta alstttysi on Iandt on île arrivai of the nie w-hat is cailesi& an ofe?' A ',cfVI1ý ENGINEER, AND- Carasut] Steaittlatut. I ob ueIlde ydri Ar___ T1raTîl,îrHOMAS37.auTAMiBue Iltsvcni> dein .j Etatf At-aa, Wltilt~- - - IIOAS AMEProrieor.pliesi a an offer whlicb 1 trust ait( J. F-ROWD IIEAVEN, - - you'laccept. AI'IIITECT ANI) (CIVIL~ ENGINEEI, RAILROAD HO USE, Il Doi't buct o aune of thalt," saisi Ilîtîii i treet, Wtittt - Estiuiatta intîde ORNER 0F IIOCI< ANDDUNDA is., -demrî a'. l1knsof tnieaaring a'Work eatcfîulty attiat-C Whitby, (Late Wileockson's.) The b-eûly i1ttcrflacr fats te ianue aete h. ialitants of 6uaKjtt>' 1 yen love me 1", 1 exciainý __________________________ w uutoy suntearAiUuauana1..".i. ýtt te a' u'scet"aeie l ie» liîttie tlin»,.s t'But ast an>' atA continuet. aI couISnet, poatibi>' t acceplin» the fiasI oflea- 1 uvsa- ace shotulti be mortifieS -ail thes a-est et if 1iti. No, intieed; no girloe - NO. 24. When i n this empoyrentýShepCeéd to Havannah, wbenWio she salld with a cargo of sugar t6 4h1& port,"where she wus oiffered torsaIc. '. Ur London owned hav- ing, however, ascer4ained her wherea»otat interfored to stop her trangfer, but anr- rangement of Éome kind waa çomW:to, and she was bought b3e a Party iWn go*.- The crewof thé, John CajIvn were exceed- ingly well1 treated,on b~oard the Mary Young hy Capt. Cowarvd, who, while towin9 Up the river, asked tlîem to asiSt' hi&. crew (whieh was short handed from uickiiMs) tO unbend sailm, and make the'vessel anilg he. fore èoining into harboi-bou5t an hotir s shoîuid be rather mortified te know that herseîf ini a Moassy corner begaf5 ta read.- ' upi'iul bei;stl h 'n1ues ber ' a 4 t orùq Te-atain a oficesa c my wife hid neyer hald an ofi'tr but that 1 She, however, badl scarcely succeeded in rproahes in a manùer tni ~flaîtt ng, t caIteralpriu. ad hpsaie.cned, but stranget a4altess straceable te, le4conduct of the. coin' men reftised, unlesta tbey wosiJd be-'p&id lia :yel adehber; and s polpiOlued fxngbrattention on its pages; before her my1vailty' by idecliring that Ê' li d wo ian .hs n what irespects, in- for their laber. Such conduct-wast iii tho fortriate as to receive an aler froin saine clnring tliat ftshinS was drlwtrk and thée vorif a thousa-d commop vry ircumsancsexcediglyungateul othe qurte. futhwosld et uile hocomosely eetd - ~ ii lte airto-'&e ffways tisappointed 'Bay the leattotf it.-resno4 Adauwtiar New, net far from where Kitty dwelt, himeeif ut Kitty's feet and begged ta know Tue *gfg ' R faiuwùy '5,sn'-m-4their oi'o rits? -ortasnyretdsthe - hia there was a favorite delI, or bower, or the naine of ihbook tube was reading.i Costsana ~ -anduno. urnt o r iie ep o ;s rarpýs tîe re -C4a something or the kinl, teasvhicli she daily j "'iciiiyion's J>rinceut,'1replie d Kitty, -turtis pe m tifregod rcýi pa s nger n Fo teTmscrrsodr EiMratLodo bllcxe 1r ob ftosl igeln rei te Tythttheoreporlt etioe repird vjh cin h iosuin volume to sit ciirty. thmIe ~ T,5g~~ le kingdoin wbicli asnot exceededIi ~rtt a thatterpr etoc and rend. Ail iny endeavors tabpersuade The' impetubablo strutngcr declared 5t.he Thi'ot iii' ted ilons -v'of inoney ,Most SaguneestiMates -of producu in lte f Ie11 u.,o h ci itou er hnk f..1 ' rîgu dent taoier, Majesty's ship Raleigh, tursied liete allow e te accotnt ber thîther book agreza oriteof bis, adbeg'an t 5000,0 i"4e ahlas ft5hi-ve'ben nu' anguinor e.Tepb1le aedn bai als'a -s hct'n t1uî vautn. Kitty was talk se etttertainingly of books and authors nMy-ome.Th ubi, len av o eut teaî>e- cîrrecî. On the 141h inisI, èt vhe s- n.the iua'sof ons eeutrY. nail and more than'att their part in the ira>'about 1 cp.m., irbennear ite Island ,of t'urîn in preferting lier undisturlicit solitude, that KitI>', warmed by lte aubject, fergotThr îotsn of crsi) iig fecaurgsin;îyhvs enm î gsfe, n ho can relftleet iben lte whole Naon lb raligfotnîing th abîe pa treCok(oaot r6mlssuie anti 1 %vas dail>' dtonit.d to an bouc-rîot ledglei n nanimaaîed discourse ettie ingomnt-b-e-bou. toru6emi o tleas ouf the unopes during hier rom'nntic wood tuf ftavorite authors ensued. Afteriivards ai Debt t t i t e toih hncnýlbrtIyfrteninihtiorparng tand vsi.the youngifuamn begged permission b rcad sidcrediincredible, was but 240' unilliong, t*_P etal s ly 'heereluaso are teck, n utie~scs-snoî 4I tut pliputance with this custoin Kitty Zttlier a fuy% ;ýAsigits frein flacbook sabe field 4dàt ' i - t pa' te Ibi poeturs oar tieia eesr> ert abrhe ottisouri aller Ibis conversiation I havtue in lier a-.-u, and it - aappened '-.bat lte ilYlrepit4 reprissent an amotînt equiva- leshrode b'tiseornucams a ccrigyconhe e&«astedor lett ne third of our pe-dgots tte saeodr yt nrosc> a codn oco h sketeltet, i. lcining as usual, my offor of passages lhc had seleccld irere titisver>' lentih ta 0li satsfieibefre4a>'atei.Ro-ho island. Theviessei was in a pro- comniationship. ones Kut>'ituved lest; lie rend 11cm secîl, -obligations. New, when il is assrtd- disnd cain ho declared. The simple brutb carious situation antd .haus sunken, consiîde- Not tuoie Ihan hlaf an Itour lad elaîîsed- t, and Kifty's IrighIt c'>es spatîsd ieti ltne doulit usith substantial sccuracy-bhat ntbtIfnea eealrlhv abl>' inri te mud. The int er, lu np ttbr afte sli ha reahei lie favrit sea, ie Iciglut lashe listtenil. Turningatt ast > Ibis averages profit upon thsse invstrnîents i o htfaea- ecrlrlhv in tbis tranquil, prospeos and irelI o been pushed toe loir b> cotnpeition-not upper deck. This is an unfoatunate occur- ber attct;-tion st'as ai tracted by a Yountg tîhe eXquisitî oncluliîîg interve P.eeî'eois Ilttafcbsbso -tad > ecebtsnunehpsae netic gentlenman vto wsnsfisiing liIbis brooki i Ititi andilte ïofîng prinace, lte stranger's vernucaicouintry' ilstonly £3 12s. 4d. per ngdprien fIisAmnsraini-of savîng lte vessel, and re, doubt- net tit ftlolýIr-itar lier. Kiti>' drise lck a voire becie nîfare antî more cariiest as lie cetand that tuf ahl te railways ecub-sefnt'Iamilbgaecoeydutaertig lleonontepatfA- c iiia, but lier curiouLs syes rend, tli coni'ng 10 the wlshdnn t okfireon>-bv l ots- .net, in tubent, that anîything keeps mirai Sesymour ta accompliali this. -We oct'asifiallv ssandelcil buard tbe stratiger. i ndèftdi 1ti lîovetu.stte , sîares quotcd at a prisiiui nonbody wl usd11i c dho av h 1 heisi tfivsciftii)t; mv Itoisaaniftiite tre one; sien>'that lte proprictors, if not ili.iused, mone>' out of lte railseay tilîs-but that tee bfeameve erulget havRethe aaitne lIlie lattir tto ooner per it. isfuir uob- \t'itul'-ii it ttutaiuoandtI tiltg- m' ian>' mouths have ta be fillesi fromthlIe o oeeegsi ~et~ tiah )nsers-et thata liei bon-es i selluan air tof grttut ÈLtutliy sitet litBhma tuille tutu Li ftniisto une, aeceritinl>'an ttffoi'tuntiltsbody; nor lion. Henry Keppel. The latter is ut pro. rr ei h latdgedspsdt o-preduce before fliisactuel propnieters can ti br ihteajcto aigs Itel to adurcss t iter afew w senao tf ing. "WhIst we'ds! wlt.words! Whât 'e rctpai tttsaiato byscnshort, of Railseoy Compatries are abundant,airne ntttyan raetsev- tabcli preparing, on d shicb they inaugu- sel.ii collialintulace greefing. The ycuung manssewotill Int gis-c for -courage te utter thcm . and would bis remunerativoe ougb in meut word sti'e ite i e uîtnafion place, but lis ýtusttis bcisin- lieut on rarlt !" The r.da emerpltnmetn ctrdcases, even aftcîr sorking exens l ad Ts ok IeRligasre.o ss ev-eas wre fatirutore cloquent Ihan bis strarf:1,i'f- auseda amoment, andilten broke iin our columns otf >'estisrda>-. There is ino been defr.oyedi:-wbot impairs tItisdividisnd met taehave been marke.4 ýthe English tot uîe -tlîcv 1uainly itfui'ned titisfait forth inuîetuoîusly."Ti~us fotedasilence jnc freptitn o Ii(tsiossa'is not the snalînes of the division total,CIStS Kittv lta ie hlladfuttîscia tuus'admsirer. lu nil in vin-the seordass' otld represu1nui,boutu tphe atien' o iasnumber (if Ibisdivisons. And us'Itt Previeus ta the vessel bing ruh aâhorc, iKits ligiîiy flattereul, recciveil thtisstx'an- seilI coins. In vain lhave I stris'en tabe a> ttt aclr netnntapaigcreated tItis hungry multitude? "uIt>, a signal ofdisbress was fired, and then a gcts tlsuui'sgrciausy,'an'] tite youth ipruticnt-casttions-lo aîîosv >' tilme- wiul special force 10-public s>'mpatb>'. AU ItsgsIi miin Iecnlca ni anebbt rrcsAm inbadts bbge tei un ts gaus tiretal lauifan toîtheottombitionouln the iesvlcliîa tiisis otnaisd i bb linemeniontufofebiscoîpoaic Ibinueivs, ingni5 wîchbvaoinTis trhe liais litigation thesigementonto tetl -lal0tg aehIisaggregate i stake. Hunaireds tof mil- fotun lnai ettli a:ýiiy antd gaily *on NlMiss Katharine, youaetireht'objeet tf tn' s-inCia tuf xiteret. Kitvis tny in- secrt adoaîlon-s nubîn ~ u'ould a>' lons colai nt posslsalesulscilisd theb capitialseonrellei then-pisteonmerticaainnattameroCnina -t onceiras espatctedte itut intrs'Iityssayi ert drto-t hi out a lon ldetsiofblo c usasi - i tctrcst Staste bis paid that' even an unex- ender assistance andi brought ovçr tb. re- lite wsîîîi ai u antneutiia. laîget tian tyuaoutt the ifeItlarisst ofi Iiueenîao Ilaiset fatilie niewosii ote,,ta ogrta s a ulterf1 medatnaitie eili on tee, i vvduntti uceutuh e-pectsd fsilit' in retumnus lias proves instaf- port oflte, accident te Admirai Se>'- thtatron ahrmldbmtml elo n i e un ficient for the objects desiresi. moun' Wlilut is tîte malter. Kilt>' ?' I aukeil andl fortlssitluprooeeîled bte take Kit>' e 1turcs. It îs eqluall>' itanifessl that in Ibhe Thers is another peint, bot, ihicI cati- Tise hiukAlligator bas been se'1rnt ver on nmece.ing lier sooti aliet lier returt honte, ve'y hplain off'r tuf Lis Itandt. jsect'nit>'andi productivenrets of such e cpse vrwtotdsrcin afrteacmdto ftec fte i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ms tuf property the intenists cof ever>'anllepset vrsihu dsrcini orlt ooinof he n efaih r. 'Ytttr eycs ajiarkle, anti voit look as Mecantitile, Kitty Itai risen from lier masi-thei sounidneîss ouf lte uhole argumen-- Raleigb.IliMajesty's>siipNanin u lulasei a touiît -ouitl nfoi>' n etu ani rcoeti' fom ie asonib'dividual in the' cotmunit>' musI le more plotîr as ltttioti tltîtutu ale" t mf i etu, anedrissveritn relier sa'tinit> nluî ocinei oos> e eul IeWby lu it that te propent> whici ,if net' se off -tle place wItere tIti Raleigh, u. t s beter tItan n fairy3," cî'ied K itt, iaind p ic 1 ut h rd -lkno %v, ir, sehat you r1 li o t arit dauf b c v i ; I nl-producive na il eou g b elis een ut an>' haT e sa Chine s ooli e e d M r.nppos e r-t breathle.sv, -"i t'sa nvntttag man." meni>'yoîar ver>' strange isvorcta andséon- Ïtiestitun is sas b-ilscause, and sia thsae pouigo naeaebhre he aes abrul'mrce n .Mn remdywhch anbcmos hpetily p-i and four percent., shoulsi be quoted ti e icie lias been capturcd, and l is ' iim us- "îili'eei, 1 h vctiated, stiit c sthtle. duel.-Th it b iet'ty yen have talien bas rmsi'mdcnb oîhpfi> P such disProýortionate pnices in tItis hane tesiyawaitîîg iss trial;. In. consequèe -as: Y'sJamesti, she epiieu l andul lussmade tmnesensible tuf my osen imprudence piem.tarket? Ver>' likel>' £3 12s I4d 15 10o f soeisdisclosunes made by hlm an expe. sas a latd-ne--so aecab e-stigiatful, in Iaiig allowedesilIsads'ances tof e strn-n We caitsread'tly excuse tties plenetie stitaîl a rate of intenetl, but it is highensilloniwas seat te Stanle and-one aiso ta tîltu1 Icatît 51fy iuow' tiitîn g tat u go if le ger rsuning-an errer I shah lic care-ful 1;forcis tf expression in sehich the suffuer t an Consols, ansilte secunit>' is etul>' in-' osloon, ta ta-y andcapture -ome of Y-eht it, asetc to tttake titis, soutte of thesisclays, My nes'er tic îel'îeat.'" So sayiîîg, inu>'prouti Idepiet sebat tht'>'consider t11cm gnievances, feriofin ils character ta berne firmae ieIfetassaries, 1iho are saidto bis- about secod olir."j Utle KtI>, fo tIcitas tac-et ookssi eur nsi n soe nepees 11m prtest aresneNtanng aivaneai t tiesmetinsexpe'in Theexpeitios ieaeeetun-cceuflx -i -'Yinu catit imose upon toc in that iaamafseme) ttrnnedfron thtiisstranger sitis Idoubtedly wieli founded. iiras cncotainly ed te ugi> fluet thatoet dl Ibuse numerons tiul lie ucesodtn uhpu - in oatltfusas-, sas-cet Kitt>', sue ton'iu atterta"itaatdistanît bos, ansi walked dinecil>' home. liard upon roira>' shareholders liant te>' ci-cions thri-e otal>'uere queted ut a pro-lisadbeaIteplc. if," 1exI me ll'Il lic bounai the jtui h 1 itut slu itt ilsm ieatrsol esis S£dts tneth iis ei miumn. Theisfact can oitrrtdb c'c'aînei li KiI> 111 tiit ete soutilevsiet e bllsetIlets -tu l "tep3te-b' From. tise Canton: River ire-havisdates witfti m' 1 w s-itntIu>ldilit olject tulier returtu ; pethaps sIc w-os necevering itise central andi unrissltiticompeltiti. 1the indefinite diÉtrus ste mmicli ncerbein- ta he 2ndmat. Titene -was neo ccw 'ýzea1iia gclitt- tof tut' îîinîîite, is itot hcr spirits in her oit rotui, for sehen IFront one, aI ieut, oftufleue conditions tygises rise, ansi t'ais uncuraint>' in thé? hatssiotsi' or lmote agriscablis than I am I1nmet lier site ens as fultuf miscitiel as jt}cy mWight bave expecte ta tebcesparesi. pblemid lu duo ta the obseurity otf rail- rneo motnet oie iOF- ca ' mnpl' l~ ac~s oea> iessteAt Cariton ire béaeat-cldiscontent pro- Kit ty langlied lihud in derisi6hn. Ilhiels i Il 'cil, Jantes, mIt> doî't yen ask me shtmla, cof course, sec te semis equil>' Of trullu, andth Ie m'unt ef knowlvedge li, aa aisongelIeestn saeo! h i usas uîtit tisutultu,-' laitutîsiuer tItan >toutare" about in>'adventures te da>'?11 sIccit- dealing behmeuin Ibismenopehizsand s-x-sth eWo t tItan thtistreti coulti haves, maSYi'inilt eadpay new îm hcre'!rscrsînhlcor anI aimclinioeqtirsidpubic;mlucbn lmore bbauedeuhin. ipirnliveesebas. Lt tseLets btmeeurs aainî Iis lniish O!tis n ubes. stcraîtîtgas lie is tmone iardsome." "Becetise," I rephicti, 'Ildiln'l suppose ta finti tîteir level b>' the naturel epera. knosvn, and mon un lseon como formards bels webearnetiing. -chier~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~o Coîe it' otl 0 uliî,b ou wunld bis se imprudent as tb go again ftiens of trede, direct intervention essumnes te make il botIer, fer ibis li pneYbially From Fa-Chaw adviccs lt te 111h.u ludlion cretisl-;" I begati t; 41KitI>' dres e beself toj-do>' ihene 'otu moulai bis ikuil>' leen- c graluibotis anti oppressive aspect. Rail- te point fit wihicli things mens.i. Pr9id- 'very unsatisactorc.<The, yebelk wm ,r lii upit etî îigîity. culr the insolent puppy selo pre- ira>'sias'ubolders complain Ihat lugisiation cd there iras< nothing icisin th îe 'sene-aankn se nts itibant iftî 1-"Titis>'caltie Kathiarine, mIe do speak Isunieti te asidrosyen yesterday." syiel controls t11cm proceeingut, regulales ne miscîief te ceme out b>' anti b>' uen neigisbqa-ooti, and largeameuntsoifmom et, i i toee, ir," sIte scai. 1 didn'l t ite Jiest expeet hum te l ei er prices. ans ilmnits4hliiir profits, sîtoulti ail mas Ibougist te bis ver-ý-thse- netur-sintended for opea-ations in'tea in the "it 4 Katha~riîat, fiddlisticks "I cries.- tIoe," Kida Kit>', biushing, ansi sorte- alseexpose thema tte tirisk of beingu- antinnanying clastiiet fsucispropet and ti 11r districts: lad to e b b 1eamek- "lKilt>' istlitSprettiesl and seeetesb rne wmot confusesi, I"lut bu mas tîsmu." dersois b>' cempcling lines, and. Ilueir ex- .ld nsi5eai ut titis anti coînes nuol, plsnaturalntere g fir risasonaule iacenr>nok u' oilsex e ek &l, inteivorîld, adcre os aua e of course,"'1 repiiesi, grufi>'. Wlpsueinsaes nui oneai upon te bringKthiaugs rounid. Thie - Thoe lIaI crop of KishO-ý1fwtee i saIt sure, tne--in't boîbetne sitli yenr Kata as doisssthninom an asegisebJiIl annt e dnieiinalic, Iateuslwsoteno;iandadueii ahneslis trouhii-meaossaiblteu -qui.e;-pualle àj rupei, riiC5"as es-en polie>' in tIiste railma>' transactioits mouS antiincontesjtabIe audit. wher ny neir tea elyansut ose c6ltièt found '1I ahe se>' >ou mn>' his il," saisi Kit' ttMbore sea!, cnieti Kit>', rccevering lier have admti tuto incalculablee mrevetiel au u- r', onlig, ait angil>, "ut idonL I'sP In Ibis Main, tIi nproveiuettof railvay itho iitenmedlate neigItborhoodalll tv outise. hm seotululv "ut 1ike i Is.ctmuof i loeirie Massenielle- if vme ceultihave breugat lte exponionce ~'pryms -utmi iesiscjîe' oeaviai ep<' Id te n h re lw ol o i- i e.it ike titan ever in lis fisIting dru ; antiféeof et1857 ta tise delibenation ef 1845 aM- themuelvea. If these are an>' peints on Shnghai dates' a2t i -eô as rtl- sudin calling youî Jito. I deciare Pli cal untertaininnthe'fitst reeti me all île fi- ne>' might have been suiveS mn', - imtiners i-acslgsate'rse 1munfafrly, that the Twn o Hlw is the- u litemr tu Jiiui, if you go on caling me Kity." neat part of Tennysen'u Ptines, andthton alike, propnictors m igistlave lied bisa-vies' Il ha e h gS wishes efttheepub- s ver>' "Do so, ifs-oit ike," I replisti, *"antiil madle e mai-nage proposaI, antIdoIprflpsnes ulacmmd it e'in a ave g Pprovinceandabeen tathe n il ires>' usd11soota sonn a ire elike lte sireitest tlink an>' man cotaIS bu expeceetat do anti aI lomenrates,,and, the countr>'ay U' litofmu9ispoint-, if 'the authonity 'of n~snyurems~a.¶ nouî nth mc in lishe orlul. But ina>' 1presurne nacre un one aflerneon." large e grceter-nmounit fet eefil. In jusa-- pa--,-en an'abe ien l sara'",~ -,bn 0talcg ftomn tny fait andi gracions Lady I shuentithink net indeesi1" si ;ÃŽ io buees0t ts stlsenat lgs slmre eml>'f r el-ownn le4 0dy. ---- i matie Katharine c description oftufIis moosi-Atiouis a i-a>' InIi-pi>'tii yen maeisthîe lateraof thieodays, il must bis nemisne r rsmha e'u i> itinti aii Las I tube bas biet encounttring !"rascal î----llaîyen lad a- friend ti t ome bored thatthîe question a iires einsi ' ,litics suuS. Tise aggregatis'and taxable - Thse - longdrougiis i t hvea . j lic la ital," began Kit'. î le seoti le happy be kick hum insu forsehile lte fa-mît c anged te their accouaI Cdahie-t~ ain ~a osiéa teis rop one.i .1S'a i b.- noo-henstisd your lilt ?'l uyes, Kiy, yun auh!~ei sr~~d bsn gcaaie~ lt ii>'-ýidf liteh itbhks-a;ai tei3ei cS~niî~I oI~y thn taf aMeIedwlpnant I lsmlvS. a rid a-ysbeXhIId' oLnea s.. uctbesil q hjç y tÈe7-iWj C ad - ilke pe orkud'aiumalthaatY enning eil tt1ta c t 'f dmnne., FAai ts 5 e .wla rlfths mi t unotait drea-n o! aeeptinghea"as'tueiîe, asrated-.-- - -theirgliuafuÃ"etu if shs a'r wereait she ioulti nover have 1>' au he huaàa moùutacheY j go WthIUM.- - --~ ci aisolier. Racèuse rme, James, 1cant-pee- A as t, bist igft,' saiS I; t.W ,Kitty ".44xity.V s'tly cupt yen1 lUýIv 'e hiiàtif ttî oti sitha Perfe' onI spe, ni net be v6u-,,hipk o, ,4 't otisea-Offea-." 5fficloach-venient.rIubeogbiât -' iattôt a,- "at, -nu' tiai-et Kiltty,"-I boan* --row. Letsistge aprte s uKitty1 .Kilt>' 1 Kittylease excialmeti, able--glee14 _ ý--1gntf i 1 1- l igalbe fe[jfut -twill yu a mieri, Mr. Braa-st oam ti te Ua enenata-ehe. On ti~he hisIssadlagýd, ve fil- ILANDER M. CLARK, huis taken tle aliove firât usars ua, wie~hla -ONSTABL, COUNTY O(NTARIOl, lisfitted np lI a noiranti eonvetint mesa. speteret isesesinlit MiIailipLI A fIstat Table iiservedt thisHIotel. - Dmn- iKpccwn f Wh.ie mi h ui nets, Luncheonst, &c., essu le lisa- aIa moments aFiluef htcs ntc. SoluA»,tntie- Liquors kepItuontise premises. are C., HITTCHIJIS, - 'I&OMA8 DOWN N [AIIIR. AXES JIIKPEIDAND il. Whitby, Mitrch llia, 18579 eaty eecuel.Bno--- fel%- s NATIONAL IZOTJIL, wx.s OU ON iderutiiredegt infoi'm lis friiad (iRr* s, t T2 5 tbpnhlie 16isath now irln possessin. C-NIT 4e,, RO1ISTREET, ofthetibove Hole!,t the businus tf - Wlad, b lus-hiii ftnre CaryOxn, on lis oi Bcoe la', i t i t t GisS Liqtors, WlaantiBrndies- Excellent Bablitg. Cererilua ttention for maan andiloi-se. G. A BAnt«]IR4EIIWARD RA.Y. ~ »4I W ~ GLOBIE JOTEL, BsOOKf.i, C. 'W. ~j~ST~.3JtE8, xnueasgiiet hu slemed the abovewili4 NEXT]Doot. Ti. ofê.auSe tfw ttfspublie-oif,

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