Whitby Chronicle, 25 Jun 1857, p. 1

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,~ y ?J - - i - - - ' ,~ t'- t éxt,»eow-gothé iR tr' oiRe. pfflblas etiy k invite mx ilinea andt *4r, '6.t.'. a 4M ~1 !bur ikei Wob Ifowed ho ilrcliantsansd týrper ha» ywL c itInIenuceirculation n he mnty, ngr1 ls c aI'e ver,"n Mnsuwu1 Wifv niIls 1l " ,abot, èu n ot Ie Weiured lundIy , oc i. 1 hoale tior thInk eeliof do- In %n4ewill phasebo ne t u, rsnrdlng tiieh nnctoes. No papeY~ wiîl ho dlsIeontlnnied uti aIl artmer- 1Lets ene1eNh1¶eas1iIf regWtered, mi lie et the rljy c tliçi. u liuC q 'eIn1droffed ýWlittby, C. W hBOOK ANDJQB- MIIE P1RIElTOS-oitg ýTRE WIITBY j8 CSoTL, would respIect fully inf,îrn Ile iltasile thit the:, have prnenired Anme ni' the meot ineenimtyles fT~efrem Necw York In addi- ý0 toil ffie, lit preiîslred to exeen>to, 1BOOE AND) JOB PBJNTIG ap~~t~sieY1ptkoi, uî atguaratne thast uon, (Im n ie aupri-or style ut the Ion est reuiunertltlg pneu. 1Tlin I'roprîietors lhave purelmu e n t .R UG CA.4k!)PJLES!1 'il5lel rile t-ien totvr tnCalCr<ld nd Cr- 0s biand a lne Stock of Plat,. eand Faru'y Cands. 8tatltler~ &e,,Irelih 41pg bhîtiiet t u'ery Iow ratA, l"lli CWebcfilrlleed ut ild Iuwest plrresandnt liesiliotemt notice. -fmd (lO ffleÇicee, WhItîîy, C.W. j fJT(1 E0F TII E UOUN'fl'&'SUIIOGATE Jcourte. UtNie4 t tIse Court iluse. 1 NELSON G. REYNOLDS, JOHN ffAm FERRty, T) Eç1iSThtAi. OFFICE ON 13WîlUR ST., - IL J. MACIDONE4L1 ('I iEK 0F TVIE PEACE. OFFICE-AT JOfIN Y. JIAM, ("i J.EbK OF TItE >tUT '>tIT Ni IzReti»tur if tlhe'Suirm.e (' ourt. Offie eut H.I. THOMI'NON, IV. PAXTON, Jr-., leIF.AIIUiEIt. OFFICE .AT'TIuE t"OURT SOLICITOII, & t'1EIZK Ot' 'IE C0UNTiF C ONTYENCNEEI.OFFICE AT TUE 0MREIS FII(ST IVlIIN COURT. OFFICE' Caithîe 'tni lionsea WV. R. TREIAYNE, ie Briek îmuiîk-: 'totd Fltu..1 J. V. IAM, B AlhtlTEl-A'4~ W. uiFhCE,-BR0('K SB. FIBNS N. G~. IfArd, B AIIiTM3ltANi) ATTiIIEY-AtTLA.I itI-s th le, stutre tf .1. Birt'l, m, Eq, -opposite ithe ltegigtny (bSec, BrkSt. 1 1AIlRTFlZ ,1MATORMNEY AT. ILAW, So>liito4r 1hi fleoicers Notany h'ubîhc, <IA3iERON & M-ACDONELL, BARRISTERS & ATTOIR'EYSz AT LAW. W oi-tn et the 'uitvIL-.0t>tll lnum 1unetil 5. -R-0 ON 1& ,D. lTNEILL, T>ARiIISTERS, SOLÃŽCITOTIS ANI) COn- .L>ve,m' Brock ktrmct, (tiexi <on tu tht ieogiuiry ocue,Wbbtby, C. W. fla(-cra C,.xusN, IGinues H. PÂUTSELL, -Torno.ý -Wilitbv. SWILL 4 PI OWSON, O8NVEY ÀNCEF ,&e.WxAcIII!STER, UAMIN YAIRNOIL1) ERiC AIN!)TItRASURER. 0F- ru hlfl. 6 R.1. W. CLARK,9 AUC0UCT(ÇK TRLI, COROER mOut e O ti.I r,T%.CFI»tCKBM, IO rbWé. oer &<tionE, wrr-t Phir trial.-' -- [os W. CiION, 1 CIVIL EN-GINEE, AN»D IlWllby. CWD BEAVEN, A'-N» CIVIL 'E?4GINEE, st, WIlbby. Eetimtets ruado meturimg net-k çmareulby ton- iDIIR m. ÇL4kRK of Wlitby. -- 1 -~1 't a ti àtta *Itr',4 aveu.faePu g.s s,~Ã"liko.- VOL. t. WIIITBY,-e. W TIIRDY, UN ~15.. ~ PETER CA"RULeL AverioNFER, &C-0 WICK, TOWNSIP of Broek. 1 ALBERT SBÉRING, AUCTIOiXEER, &C, &c., GREENBANE A RefSL. 1 THOMAS' DIVEIEiLL, B 'Ci'DElt, &c. &e., GREËN STREt,' Wbîtby, C. W. A. iC. WILSON, P Ai N T ER, GLAZIER, AýNT) APER- Iaenger. 1'elnts, 011,, Glwss, Putt-v. Pa- pur-lianginga for Ssie. Dundes treet, lVhitby lVhitby, aen. lu, 1857. J.- Cý STERLIN , A u(()N\EEl. A DL'I-LICATE 1001C 'If Mr- Sterlingt'ig Ametion Sales, ita kept et tWiioffice. Ail tbrderm Ioft ut teCAr-on icl office wit! hi ttendea to uiti, the etriete-et ?plii)rtiafli- tv. Da". of Sales fixod on. Residence-Ceîître '9trcet, ilcar the Court House, W!îitby. SION 0F TIIE "LARGE WATIIT," I MPORTItR 0F WATII1IS & EWELEIY, 1titree doorm EEut of the Montres!Banîk, King $trî'et, Bownîmnvilir- 'N.B.-Watelîes, anL, d Jeweler promiptly reparcd. '~EEelIANT TAILOR, -BROCK STREMT AqllOiALEAND CIIEAP TAILOlL- dirct-Iy opposite lVyattti oe, IMii Street, Whitbyu. . RUTHIERFORD & SAUNDERS, (LAvE J. SToN'EL,) T-AlL 0R 8, &c . i '- AND)54, RINIG STREET WEST TO- 5Zronntc. Also 48 King Street Wet, ûsflîil- ton. THIOMAS X&O rNSOY'S FASTII<>NAlILE h u rTiNG AND) F S)evil t Its rock Street, Wib. A flrsi rite Eîîglis lirber eand Ihuir Dresser, of 1ltîîg stn,îdiîmr iii tlhe busines, wIli alwavs Le fu)und uinreudîieusg to attend on gertleîîtn.- Sliaviîtg i a process to e Lieu gentlemîen, fur F<aid mm4osnn, are mieli liverse, but tunter Roh- uîsoi'# laud they w'i i ud. the opfti'tiosi both egreenlîle aud plewcetut.2 IROACH'93JIOTEL, IlN EHR 0 F FRONT AN!> GEORGE C S reet4s.Torouiitç. HURON flOUSE, PRolT WHIiTBY, C. W., T' SPTT tlROWLF, PRO1cRET0R.-~ I:iGso Acemoidtinîî. PILKEYM IIOTEL, &tI Aec'mmo an aatentîive Ost Il LEONqARD'S IIOTEL, T? ' IN S EET, OSýI1AWA, C. W. GOOD RAILROAD HOTEL, 1 D 'OWNING, lIIO(PRIFTOR, 11110CR $T. S Wlîitby. Good tebling ,uid attentive Os- T IFN, Jr., I'Rt)1RITOKRBROCK tise Otlestî. NATIONAL HOTEL, T)ORT WIIITIIY, EI)WARI 1AY, PRO- pi-ter. Finsi dlais ames iîiiî,btîi ut tih- ait-tic Ilitel. lteiIe'ay irat-ellcrs Meil finti hi a cîiîivemient miti eoiitfoirable bousse. 2 FRANKLIN flOUSE. LinOSAS', C. Wr. ,B Ê.JEWE.TT,PIROPRIETOR. COMFOr,- etable aecnumueulatiems t'onTravellere. Wlhitbi', Jen. 21, 1 M7.i WYA'rr'S HOYELI I ATE $CRII>TURE'S, W'ItITlB. TEilE iStagresîtmisiutg Noth East mnd West tIme X% jjtttb>,top ettti, 110Q'. Et-ary informâtton 1 D T. P. WYATT, 1>reYprietot. J U iIM IE ), PROP9IETOR. TARIES TIS Inicthomeoi nfPrming 1bis frIands sud tise pbie genraly, bthathe hau onunoceti uni- ncci in the aboiveoiuses; ho trusù;te tbishi mode of deing businessa, andi attention -te is gne.us, wnulrusent e ohm eof publie petronage. il PORT PERRY STE'KBOAT MIOTEL beg Zte stte that tue>' Lave fitted up the Abov Hel-oowtlntela 4e lli e nem seta seitate sanner. -Visitera sud i1.etravellintg cnminintr m-ilI fminti' hluet-or,'respet a ,ent- fortable home. Geoti tabliug mntan attentive Ostben. "in4 NORWOOD MOTEL- ilENRY C01ULTON RESPEOTYILLY 1N- forme the publle, thet lie bas tàkeu-thio and ImZupovea to suit tt, ýpublie eqnlveuleuee,_-' Lvayothet iote! mue 6Provine. Gooti ta- Kabe , uit (lsa Uel, s udtoinue Min- ute. walk frein thè Rali4*ýy Depot andi Stiaam- boot Lendiug, has Neen relltted i utit Xêm 11w nltuxe, Carp'oed and Feinted. The Sleee A~armucts re and'weH'ventilted. O1i- ale *.sb nt i-val o? ýtii. T H OMAq - LA M B 'Popr e tô'r. -Toi-âot, AlMrI, 1857. < IRAILIRQAD MIVM 4lki J,(f 11,t1"-latrowiehe ppqeaM edtbstïiuk lôuemse'ovely A& teiiOiasubt md i -tl retn almtn equMaltoome!whom édr,"as Wlxat the' thy petit-ho loue andtlm.nar- claimuti the Youngicaveller adnfigl> Wbattho' thy life's u*erhuing with fcr- a eplcdhis,,OMte 1 ý t1 Wath é t fresh are neot', hiledhmcî eee *a, '~r~ tho'keen triason ftefe ifnithing bis repanti x Cenfllieta andi dangersa inuit aqsai! pcct or" long te lsd tethé ite d nt AIl men. Têt net tuîy courage fkil- with irhoin yen art, deubUdos-cquinWd& 'Neeth adverse foitoue; net-ernàsi- a hi. lîves- oi '0 i.mnle bi SUR presa ou. the, village, as I undcrs8tand.' I nnîy luinthe datheRt lieut, hst maWie? atti When cebontis anti teinpeets fiereeIy îow1r,, ota."rnsrygoiaue e Thut inu en kuow biieut-n trucpow'r- ber ai the Springs toms mouths ge . etiR prees ou, caurdenereiti m o? her, otimoaiI lu ctmu a tîy pnen eiipîsy, amn nom cone te daim in>' ride." To baîîisb doubta, undI wrongs dotny- "Selabeutflceieneei1 The 11 lii -LWe te îli.o n jeu'-. itetpwesd Augusta, the hostess"-daugbte, 91 l pnefflnu, "but Soieehat proutia a gber fth.Y, 'Notose, Intdt gouule Auguéta, if'shii. heu pride it la notiiig but nature inaideulyf t L a tpritie, mhieh every yonng lay shoulti1 haro. Andi yen say Miss Augsate inl -inelligence restrain me o t nigbt and te-f AN 1.%CtD"i Elt iLÀ790 BYlit OIEPRiSLOYI> unrrew I miIî give the fair enchantros,1I AT THE " Wnî't-toit trust su agreable Surprise.' IIadT atal terecuntet'îLeeldn tnte EsI>'nexitnmorning as etiquette woult Had1 atal torecuntof he lde tiepermit thse Young minuset out itliibue>'- Iayiug thc scene thereof iu Englanti, France, &nt heart anti high hepes te thse m-j Spain, or any eof the ehd ceunît-les, te us sien.1 associatd nitia se muuelronmance andi get- BtwWl rcle n oki U geous grandeur, lil whieh there would L u reibceetht ni o uo bis fair betrotheti. a plentieus sprinkling cf lords andi ladies, l anfeu alro i.mnin priesis andI nuns, magnificent palaces, gat Emma 'White and i er brother, thse on. haunteti casiles, andi gloexny mnnsteries, thurnbing a piano, sud the eue-r inierro-1 Il weuld Le fer mono acceptable te the great gating a servant masses tLeu if thse scene was laid here iu 'And you se>' Sartho, h. lodged 1ai this landl of pleddiug Yankee, railneads, e-ueing ai (tie Inn Y manufacteries, mutd cotonsseeulatens; l'yes Misse, tie cook say lsa ttbc thicre -nevertheîess, 1 'nul endea-ter te spin a yarn, nom:, but fects are uurarnished truths: 'W'ell you a cn retire-sut oe Ma. it la IlIedallthe plewmure cf spending ia fem croc as 1 expocteti; I thongiii il mes hlm idays recetitly," continued Go-enur Floy-d, as bc rode past ast cvening.' "mith a distiuguiNhbed frieud oetmne lu '1elb Enusua, hem do yeu intçpdti t Richmoînd, and irbile thecre, I heard lte bluff hlm off ? 'm tbinking il Wini ho s following c-rersation betuveesi the uife shunt-fui and delicate business.' and dauightce'fmy boit :" -'Shamefu littdoed ! When attorney Ie-' "La, nie! n-bat impertinence !" exclaint- gan iutrouluced hlm te me ai thse Springs iie eti Lîxi K., as she scanned a licautiful breught hiu fot-mat-t as one of bis lai abus- celored note haudeti ber by a servant. dents, anti net as a poor ptinter as he ia. "IViiet occasions yeur surprise, nty PUf never forgire Mr. Logan.' - <et-?" enquîred lier utother. 'lie lu net te bleuie my duar, ho ta, bis "Rathler say Indignation, mothet-, ut be- puspiLl) id't tbhe letber say liewms s joui- ing asket, anti e-nn ut-ged, (o tme tee titis nejutun ptinter ut A ,but in consi- crcning ailire. Doiree' e, bcanisers deration et' bis prenuising abibities Mr. Le- mife-." gan. undertook gratuitcusly te bring hum "Anti îhy shoulti you net, my dear «?' te the bar l' " Tbink you lb n'ould be propen, mother 'Wtl fo U tlta, PUtnover uant-y a poor for me, the. dsugistet- et Judge K.,cite cf printe'ý I1tiid have a tender regard for tise keatihiest andi losi distiugîuished men hint once, andi misn I gare hlm my issuti1 of bise City, te asseciate taiths sucli low-bned deemed i hlm soumbody, se t acteti fromube mechanics ?" premptings oethie iiesrt, but nom ru17hob "Iudeed, nu> daugltter, if tise>'anc me' - uled b>' un>'botter jutigment.' chaules, tluvy are pe'uple wel te do luin he ' Well please yout-solf le tis mahhcr, my menti, respectable, plous, agree-al, and dear ; I a disposed te uhink benorabi>'of es'ery way wortby of yeur acquaintauice.' -but la! me, if lie iadt hi door " Reailly, niolliet-," conitiiuei. the young non- !' lady, uts she tessed lien pretty lîcat, ' us Scarcely Lad siso donc spealclng when dispesedti tethiuk dtrerîentUh, sc tat-frein our hLoeenteret aAd iwlth & beart ever- cncouraging, 1 prefer being alwaymî remov- fleming with gratitusde anti love', sprang cd au far as possible front the Iaborissg fot-mard te greet tbe objeci t Is idelatry classles. tiesities, hcw la it te bo expectett but imagine lis surprise sud, disma>' mien iliat 1 sîîouîd onjoy nyelif in conrselihe receiveti oui>' in,-returu a',cltd 4,stant wuts sueis people, itose oui>' talC n-euld courtes> 'v!hicb froue ila blooti ani reobti Le about thse stocke, thle merket,' andt tor bitt te thcepot. ljdereti andi tale- omn pt-tahi concerna. Quite-an întlîec- nisheti at such, a grcting ,fron bis, fuir-be2 tuai tcte.a-tctd -mould t ilcmolLet- dear 1" .trotised tu nuotfoi-saexpleanahion lt .ý "Oht Ifie, Litziel hut mnte blame for th!. rveo iom#ju toe mucliindulg- ence; jeu are spoilti seI muaIennnom set about repairiug, my: gardon, anti pluck oui tho meeodsanti tares er, ItLe tee labo. IlCoea. it'tome hetside me, Llxzie, sut I wibb give yen yeur f&rut Itsne ot-»lt!> mWiadonfrein my gi-esa-t tce Oet-menU expenlenco, b>' relaiieg 14-yen a star>' mhich f trust mn lovlôer your ptid. anti - mak ouena .botter womou .A 'menan -mithsnopi-ide, xny duughteris but-adroa- ng. easy .creatureï but mxiiittee muci, is liaugity, niggartily, . ad"slSah; botit tue extremes are couboxuptile and i ean. Be lien, -neither tee Ibshîouably dtiessed, uer tee slevenl>',' tee de-vaun ur tee meni>. ,A morebultei-flinluthe. worli, of -fasien nothcr. whio perceiving h eeaebr rainent stoppeti forward and oqeriug bise aoat coxnpiieetgohintithat siue" lir daugiter'&returnfrmâthesprlng,e ie d aller mature nle pn d examinlug hier lieart thicught . it b issolývethe enga- gement matie boimeen ibem. Tbe-rutity cheoho ef the smItor hètpam ef an Asiiy paloneas, and hla-ho1leshipe qusieretilikcoanapsflela£ "Aud*lief.- lu lai my offeuce ? bave Inmeritétl thisa Got tfçavexus 7 andin utithelb.geutIîE tise tender, tie cenfiding Eutia White r .Sir, tiisn'otthé stage of-A" -thoafr. te enset "eus,»'nom spekeup lte tatgi tw,' ï"lotif sufilce e kuew 'e arceove- heuoeorth te be uh-aaigers tah otheri. Yon atiemutotti deeive nie snid ptas Pista hi* Presler, hlsgurldm8l and told her ho owe4teIenuaife, and Ot hé wôWd 4 vtet!bold helngratefuIre- tembranceand tboêugÉh.wau hqaboat td 4ter tti IýG4 not *6ebsai =, Yàï - wbe loruue iedi hlm, ndau, ii, oshould hear frein huMMLIl thh b b4 bW asomvwfnl sud tsfu stlne wa neard oz1 md almoat for- goten yti. gsuPO of Saetu sd êil IWythé bu.wli ca 6 &dsmlstobctnes, 'Enuiï,White. heruelfi- y.t there ý*às one lhhÉelh lvillage whostlfl gavohiM.a plis4 he,6tt'-.dwj thher lmmbry-,: but Richo nd iwas crowd.d te 0overflowlug& for tiie legislature wisomssion, and -W: brought its usual retinue of strangers of- flS and -plossure seeker& It wa byfasr' the, p.yest seesàion:the-ctapillIsdsý for many y.ars, andhalls, partes, s8911%« sud piaulera, followcdeah other with' unibted Sii U*Gorgeenauz htastream frin s soucc'e of euùe of.peut etreces stathiest tmangions, sud wlth effds of ,mùsle àud reteîry am heard w('thin. Luscieus and' sylpii.llke fontis skip over thé ricbly carpetied floor, snd ýgrave ge ntlemen ait comtbtablY ilu tii.bsck ground talking politica, gossip- ing, sud sliuiriug the, iïht-heartndu lovely aud happy beinga around themn We ili drair near eue of these coin- pauiez, tht one noir the chahd.ie;, cou- sstig eiva gentleman sudsa yotng lady, and listen-as we romain incog., îh maikes but littie différence if w. are caught eaves- droppiug. ,, ne is a clever youug ins Emma sud able toe, or ho would flot have been hon- ored wlth the respousible Offtce conferred upo hm. - How I should like tW beSotu, s- quainted with hlmi; pa, pray iutroduce hlm." t-Most assuredly 1I mIl do se, for bore ho comes now."- "l-A ploasut eYeing te yoU, geAtlI. men. Colonel White, pray hem do yen do? "lQuit. mei, quit. ml, t thaupk yen, jutiepenuit, me te presont jeu te ni> -daughiter. Jutg K-, Misa Wie.î Andti lii loir duferenillcourthee lady greetei lihegenithemaulsuti seatet i m, busite ler. Witii miany sunr andt*le ,t titi she attemite amuse bimaid'inslnu- .. ae hierëeoifinte thoe g raeso? Ae promisng yeung judiget Butier*" iit more valu, ber ar-o m e aimed5apaluet1 a iicmri of îteel sud flue counlensuco eA thojutige.hë-he miRe orea cenhemptuenag-ý anti sneering- expression ltai haéletdall'berj ars tse eerablon.11 1'4-leavos, wual a face, hem lord>', item' sugelie lBuit- mehinku I shoult knom that counen ÃŽnce 1 oxdsiined*tiiojutigesA b.e esiglut the besutiful hlac oyes ofa lady-in adislant et-ner oflthe roin, rivet-,1 et'eloue upon hn. 7Wheoung lady'i'ho h1ièk velveiimntilla 1 ha! ha; tuassiny pro toe, ah. issun orphan, ber parentmas a "Mitre do HloteÃœ' iluSSlem, Virginais b.n eft*>oneltook heruntiormy cag ,andt gtuseful I ind ber:-ait. anw~ TIIe Nttmeulal rde.n. Man ia foranetifor soeial'ery'oyment, sud If, Rh. allôUwed th1it'nIOL ngooci Sic atla- te b.ene,i inaybejustly .rr.d tht if ia, net gooti fuormsite hoalpee hçnce a union et int.r.st&-ldcae union éf portons for mutual bunefit.- B ibis union àsosrt of soclusien frem the rut ofopur ap."ce takes Place ; sud as a gar- don i aroretiiait ap propria4't t culture and i mprovemùents, t. marrioti state ma'ot b. naptli;'cotispireduit lu nâ,nuy rseM e fItia gootiasud honorable for the hulan species, prudextly anti cautieusl>' td p- ,proich tua dtliglitful enclosure. l en- .tsnco ' geroeralislaextrermely, ga>' and 4ghIîttrliug, heing« utreireti itb floemrs f .v.ry hue and everr frtgr&nce, caîculateti te ciiaruxtho eye'mrd pluethebtaste;~ -but tiiey are net all se.;'sud se there are Inauy.person Smeho may wish te, enter tiIs g sdna oin e ti'me or otiier, mhe are yet utrange.ste lis varions productions, their attention sqbould bu, diroted to the cultiva- tien a? uhose plants wblch are benoflelal, ant te ivoldlng or rooting np o? thee mmiciiare'injurions. Ait- fratt me caution ativentirerulu tbIs gardon not te dreain ef pormmnent happinesa, if you-ubould, so dreanu, expe- rieuse mli soon Malce yen iser, 'as sncb b&ppiîpess nover existoti but livisionar>' hîàde. if yen are disireus ibis gai-ten s.hould yleld yo uslt the bliss of whlcb it la Capa le, yon ustuai e. 1iju i x collen tflomercallet. ù,I on Hexos, mich of ailtho filowersqfInaturoe, l ii. most dicessdedlica t e; do- net- -drop it or loee imeynu> do, Moon aller .th.y enter tii. gai-tin-il la, a treasu r. tht neubjng cmntupply tise lau oc Wheyen au get.,Wtothe endthe iirai malk,, whicb -comtiinea,Ïbout tirty ulopicommonly osl hSti.ieey moon psuh,"-yen mwli Sund iii. gardon open miet a vast varieiyol vlemu, sud h laisueceesary te caution yen W toaveo7Lduuay productions lu thein indu are nexieus, nuusn. anti even fatal in t ;thoir nature anti tendon.>', especlai>'to, tIse ignorant and unwary. -TIser. las hemo, - suiMDlpbu,*1wiiiima>' bu seoPn lu amou 1 ever>' peti, callet I» L'oeRrasscs. ThiK thougi nt perceived i lu hoenirace,, yee a-li alimys kuemîw horo 1h pois by'-!açer- tain -ceidnem initue air wmmch i un-ound h.CoStvsry te lihe nat.ure -of plants lu, pueeri, h" greirs b>' colt sud dieu b7 ,warutii ; wmietrver jeu eau preeve.tuis e in lthe air, aveithe .place au soon cmt-OZL lu tii. saune pmtb îl oflen hbuidtist banefui SimercallH e sA.erur, a-nuý ladia. yqu neyer te oek a4,for 1h hag the t=~sge qualit>' ef siitiug the e>', *b.elds.R, i ith a- pain that s nover gebniiot -Jesloujyis a deaily fSemer; tit is théuaceute O? tue gadonrandi ba mairrei the bappinlesuof, =psad. As yeu, procet, yenu ill meet mlti sean> Uitle crooket pt1t. Idviae ju ýama friendtinever te go lihtotuer, for ai- ýtaeghet the espeet ;e fech, it la writ- -jýp abut Où,CL #à t"t motm ulWil.yormoy ulunin *in bms en.stfrlg e Shtil yen bav. tii. ailgd a ~YDung plant, ue- mmiber; tht t ii but "I lni w-zuaem ~id 111 d1lm«d 'anl yodm esre andlatten- tien, Sb"tiYd ye *b.wlte a buageon its anibsteDIIhu erfn huirt yul blsd I th o4ns aetn Sud sympathyThe. young sýhoot Wlil jour v kai.., S"~d WIy li. .8d 4hrlve tpeit ais."trai t up in thi.' y it ~ ~ lwé ahnd o" TôdtW"toeItprunet* lu,*M usida be cItVatot.suL with., ont t e!i, moy *Ws%d bandft4 plagts *trust f5rwbiwhlkboth partes 'a comit- Without cedl cuti"atinwhAt eàa yen «epet but tii.Bmost;luxutlant, rowth of unruljf spcttes, 'whkh- In tino wil brek forth .Id ail mannes c f digesulu Y eglrlié?WhAt, but lthatMtou lk & prickly- thon, wlli rtith. temper with an untractable morSeneos VISiiet1 Puyumauss, liii. a stWlgmaetie, wihî render tetiioverstlton inksot nsd for-A biddlng? That Av->aîcl, 11k. ome ehek- lug, we.d jWM lt.h t ngers to ipe sud theoadi toopprosa?! That Ravises,ý, 11k. soe.poisonoos plan; elt.wt baneful Juices, wHilrankhb in the brýst, aud me&"ta-- mischief t- W iêgboýrf Wbfie. unbuldld LeS,1% k. swsrm or sud vendor ".every Imagination-et'th-. heurt only evil coutinully ?" Sucb are tors?, -Sucb the. fumnture of ii. unculti- watd mid 1 By aIl meami then psy due sttentiop te suWeil &É,tobWtMWtlpOMIu. lt.ut gv 11fe induthiiulus t'ht iug. T, 'ýIiehonôt endowet iwtib a; Efe-glvbýg p jw'ewr, 1whdse emansin la retire t'of that original source, wh.ne s1oeiiî nb* doived @à fw spfratloulnt ' finw g~ tt rtter tW hlm busluuuddt l'W tmpl1eym.ul en *wMhhlà;stmpôtithe lmpr"-of £'W. ing andti .néte t mii do bono tÃ"t auy:mail, in auyýplae< or aim=y age. if poboiuideed toelter tu iti dlvubl àsiiaitôx. Voluntay otdéý nrgodfeori hopeful aanscEý ,l9not si full wmtot- sueces,, anti althe bapfu et-à>uu coffuuet - Boldtheselng 1;2su E occupation la a w4rihy one,' but:hIndiAm hiami unu<orthy of thu trust Ih pvteu uPou-hium With '811 tit demntofllupe*ý tivos-neessiiy. IV, Suds but a uIeuu l inu confisedby sa multlpllcity of<>Areh l Ï9rSoido b3 crowd of reepmbl Illities, but makes ne genérdttéi éffcta diacrelufleeof tbenu.Thus hls 6fflpsa tiensuffiire,his-faxnly are lu want, sud #mt gpoti;naàne, mmiihLu butter tfan dfetuir -offÀrèumstânce, and he ouglit t b.,ý li a uense,, uubject îotehti.suipermnten. 4eucoof -s lcetiug -Prýovidence;; but- thid tio.snetjùutify ineta of character.-~ Xin by hua ùoundéicixion of chiarm4eMýtsf ýdetenniueaspirit,' Sn de nueh tureuievo sud suumùt the iuenveniencies -and bar. riens incident 1 htu iu life -Thon bd resolute, andi hoth. you and jour buiness l "go ou andi presper.tI The. OmraL DUItO Ctutatia. finl*MM land-. Jfronthe Lodn (England) Mfmes. Ihis-Imperial Higbness theoOraud'»Dui Cornstantine ef Rusa saried msIt-Oebep ý.enI a riait tW Uer Majetun ~tutdsY ,aftrnoen. Ne ublci!e fnmyof disnlsv soit. By carefMlinstruction- izupant he oIS f, by" dodÉplation tula seoda ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ofn-u.B'uiisdvgln the riait mas of aa trictly pr prun, -tue, nprofitable ant- ovrer.luxumiat. racler. branciie,-ttýdiret le young ides hoir te Tho Grant Duke artioedi eboot," the, mywui- ýuigI bow to lu tué 'rech Emporor'aaéiiý mom .Tisematreman mn timhueeme tenue, at 7oTlock on thse 29th. the iieen euof thogrdee. -Aroundti !tibi-at liaIport mas unoshu" hlm CuÂAPM wvilbreathe her meta, ant i t fi ngpec«uàu-.keen lunu hi- an"Hes expand iher be-adterisur feil hmily"thrti sem& In him thé, porsoualvintff. m-Iii y.- diapla>' their -ices, sud tiiesocialonu -Neveruhieless bis fllghnf thoir fruit-tii. sentiments be e nts- aitue DOck>ad 'alle"u j ron, tue carrum'g. ndeazin&' ant i f.ue- St 11ý 11t minutdi nspect*i fui, andthé endi happy unti peSefuL. depautU)nt8ý euib.rd loin, and again raturning td tl sud vlsitedthd h réîak-waé4u i Itbas booms tee ofteu thougbt tht 11h11 of tie barber. Onu thus ho 0 «no dustioiiwu55 n(isite tW prepic mrt ta iouxa znn thé uini t teperfoum ntue dutiesoft. bUs. -f5an 1 sosiexaini nm4 sund pleasureunaing but smallprebuenus > te religion, ls eircebtoogbt ls morse -te in>' thtnkiug ir tise fier>' zoalet, on thoýother baud1 uho has Io inay.igi a -virines, mhitl stat> eiigaant the vrriti, tiepleased ti aI4>'thing 1k e- Y, dat anti national. enjeymeut, sund abocekot un at-lIse leasi nerrbnent,ý dancing, praying, de9 tirasà àmùuet ut tat- h atu 1, iiies t us tu' iféhiea ntigldueaprenipte-th. y aI anti iprigtlti>' tindulge. S heu, veld pr -.xtremniuoever7ie-diption. Bet te the àtory-. !te -Stteeémlnst4m, inSuer in -ini*'ýý a. ' 4W~ I ~Vit~ cklm Printod wor.Is~ ~ -t Wiiutby, 39, 'r 'Sdi mmmm -'m,

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