,~ y ?J - - i - - - ' ,~ t'- t éxt,»eow-gothé iR tr' oiRe. pfflblas etiy k invite mx ilinea andt *4r, '6.t.'. a 4M ~1 !bur ikei Wob Ifowed ho ilrcliantsansd týrper ha» ywL c itInIenuceirculation n he mnty, ngr1 ls c aI'e ver,"n Mnsuwu1 Wifv niIls 1l " ,abot, èu n ot Ie Weiured lundIy , oc i. 1 hoale tior thInk eeliof do- In %n4ewill phasebo ne t u, rsnrdlng tiieh nnctoes. No papeY~ wiîl ho dlsIeontlnnied uti aIl artmer- 1Lets ene1eNh1¶eas1iIf regWtered, mi lie et the rljy c tliçi. u liuC q 'eIn1droffed ýWlittby, C. W hBOOK ANDJQB- MIIE P1RIElTOS-oitg ýTRE WIITBY j8 CSoTL, would respIect fully inf,îrn Ile iltasile thit the:, have prnenired Anme ni' the meot ineenimtyles fT~efrem Necw York In addi- ý0 toil ffie, lit preiîslred to exeen>to, 1BOOE AND) JOB PBJNTIG ap~~t~sieY1ptkoi, uî atguaratne thast uon, (Im n ie aupri-or style ut the Ion est reuiunertltlg pneu. 1Tlin I'roprîietors lhave purelmu e n t .R UG CA.4k!)PJLES!1 'il5lel rile t-ien totvr tnCalCr<ld nd Cr- 0s biand a lne Stock of Plat,. eand Faru'y Cands. 8tatltler~ &e,,Irelih 41pg bhîtiiet t u'ery Iow ratA, l"lli CWebcfilrlleed ut ild Iuwest plrresandnt liesiliotemt notice. -fmd (lO ffleÇicee, WhItîîy, C.W. j fJT(1 E0F TII E UOUN'fl'&'SUIIOGATE Jcourte. UtNie4 t tIse Court iluse. 1 NELSON G. REYNOLDS, JOHN ffAm FERRty, T) Eç1iSThtAi. OFFICE ON 13WîlUR ST., - IL J. MACIDONE4L1 ('I iEK 0F TVIE PEACE. OFFICE-AT JOfIN Y. JIAM, ("i J.EbK OF TItE >tUT '>tIT Ni IzReti»tur if tlhe'Suirm.e (' ourt. Offie eut H.I. THOMI'NON, IV. PAXTON, Jr-., leIF.AIIUiEIt. OFFICE .AT'TIuE t"OURT SOLICITOII, & t'1EIZK Ot' 'IE C0UNTiF C ONTYENCNEEI.OFFICE AT TUE 0MREIS FII(ST IVlIIN COURT. OFFICE' Caithîe 'tni lionsea WV. R. TREIAYNE, ie Briek îmuiîk-: 'totd Fltu..1 J. V. IAM, B AlhtlTEl-A'4~ W. uiFhCE,-BR0('K SB. FIBNS N. G~. IfArd, B AIIiTM3ltANi) ATTiIIEY-AtTLA.I itI-s th le, stutre tf .1. Birt'l, m, Eq, -opposite ithe ltegigtny (bSec, BrkSt. 1 1AIlRTFlZ ,1MATORMNEY AT. ILAW, So>liito4r 1hi fleoicers Notany h'ubîhc, <IA3iERON & M-ACDONELL, BARRISTERS & ATTOIR'EYSz AT LAW. W oi-tn et the 'uitvIL-.0t>tll lnum 1unetil 5. -R-0 ON 1& ,D. lTNEILL, T>ARiIISTERS, SOLÃŽCITOTIS ANI) COn- .L>ve,m' Brock ktrmct, (tiexi <on tu tht ieogiuiry ocue,Wbbtby, C. W. fla(-cra C,.xusN, IGinues H. PÂUTSELL, -Torno.ý -Wilitbv. SWILL 4 PI OWSON, O8NVEY ÀNCEF ,&e.WxAcIII!STER, UAMIN YAIRNOIL1) ERiC AIN!)TItRASURER. 0F- ru hlfl. 6 R.1. W. CLARK,9 AUC0UCT(ÇK TRLI, COROER mOut e O ti.I r,T%.CFI»tCKBM, IO rbWé. oer &<tionE, wrr-t Phir trial.-' -- [os W. CiION, 1 CIVIL EN-GINEE, AN»D IlWllby. CWD BEAVEN, A'-N» CIVIL 'E?4GINEE, st, WIlbby. Eetimtets ruado meturimg net-k çmareulby ton- iDIIR m. ÇL4kRK of Wlitby. -- 1 -~1 't a ti à tta *Itr',4 aveu.faePu g.s s,~Ã"liko.- VOL. t. WIIITBY,-e. W TIIRDY, UN ~15.. ~ PETER CA"RULeL AverioNFER, &C-0 WICK, TOWNSIP of Broek. 1 ALBERT SBÉRING, AUCTIOiXEER, &C, &c., GREENBANE A RefSL. 1 THOMAS' DIVEIEiLL, B 'Ci'DElt, &c. &e., GREËN STREt,' Wbîtby, C. W. A. iC. WILSON, P Ai N T ER, GLAZIER, AýNT) APER- Iaenger. 1'elnts, 011,, Glwss, Putt-v. Pa- pur-lianginga for Ssie. Dundes treet, lVhitby lVhitby, aen. lu, 1857. J.- Cý STERLIN , A u(()N\EEl. A DL'I-LICATE 1001C 'If Mr- Sterlingt'ig Ametion Sales, ita kept et tWiioffice. Ail tbrderm Ioft ut teCAr-on icl office wit! hi ttendea to uiti, the etriete-et ?plii)rtiafli- tv. Da". of Sales fixod on. Residence-Ceîître '9trcet, ilcar the Court House, W!îitby. SION 0F TIIE "LARGE WATIIT," I MPORTItR 0F WATII1IS & EWELEIY, 1titree doorm EEut of the Montres!Banîk, King $trî'et, Bownîmnvilir- 'N.B.-Watelîes, anL, d Jeweler promiptly reparcd. '~EEelIANT TAILOR, -BROCK STREMT AqllOiALEAND CIIEAP TAILOlL- dirct-Iy opposite lVyattti oe, IMii Street, Whitbyu. . RUTHIERFORD & SAUNDERS, (LAvE J. SToN'EL,) T-AlL 0R 8, &c . i '- AND)54, RINIG STREET WEST TO- 5Zronntc. Also 48 King Street Wet, ûsflîil- ton. THIOMAS X&O rNSOY'S FASTII<>NAlILE h u rTiNG AND) F S)evil t Its rock Street, Wib. A flrsi rite Eîîglis lirber eand Ihuir Dresser, of 1ltîîg stn,îdiîmr iii tlhe busines, wIli alwavs Le fu)und uinreudîieusg to attend on gertleîîtn.- Sliaviîtg i a process to e Lieu gentlemîen, fur F<aid mm4osnn, are mieli liverse, but tunter Roh- uîsoi'# laud they w'i i ud. the opfti'tiosi both egreenlîle aud plewcetut.2 IROACH'93JIOTEL, IlN EHR 0 F FRONT AN!> GEORGE C S reet4s.Torouiitç. HURON flOUSE, PRolT WHIiTBY, C. W., T' SPTT tlROWLF, PRO1cRET0R.-~ I:iGso Acemoidtinîî. PILKEYM IIOTEL, &tI Aec'mmo an aatentîive Ost Il LEONqARD'S IIOTEL, T? ' IN S EET, OSýI1AWA, C. W. GOOD RAILROAD HOTEL, 1 D 'OWNING, lIIO(PRIFTOR, 11110CR $T. S Wlîitby. Good tebling ,uid attentive Os- T IFN, Jr., I'Rt)1RITOKRBROCK tise Otlestî. NATIONAL HOTEL, T)ORT WIIITIIY, EI)WARI 1AY, PRO- pi-ter. Finsi dlais ames iîiiî,btîi ut tih- ait-tic Ilitel. lteiIe'ay irat-ellcrs Meil finti hi a cîiîivemient miti eoiitfoirable bousse. 2 FRANKLIN flOUSE. LinOSAS', C. Wr. ,B Ê.JEWE.TT,PIROPRIETOR. COMFOr,- etable aecnumueulatiems t'onTravellere. Wlhitbi', Jen. 21, 1 M7.i WYA'rr'S HOYELI I ATE $CRII>TURE'S, W'ItITlB. TEilE iStagresîtmisiutg Noth East mnd West tIme X% jjtttb>,top ettti, 110Q'. Et-ary informâtton 1 D T. P. WYATT, 1>reYprietot. J U iIM IE ), PROP9IETOR. TARIES TIS Inicthomeoi nfPrming 1bis frIands sud tise pbie genraly, bthathe hau onunoceti uni- ncci in the aboiveoiuses; ho trusù;te tbishi mode of deing businessa, andi attention -te is gne.us, wnulrusent e ohm eof publie petronage. il PORT PERRY STE'KBOAT MIOTEL beg Zte stte that tue>' Lave fitted up the Abov Hel-oowtlntela 4e lli e nem seta seitate sanner. -Visitera sud i1.etravellintg cnminintr m-ilI fminti' hluet-or,'respet a ,ent- fortable home. Geoti tabliug mntan attentive Ostben. "in4 NORWOOD MOTEL- ilENRY C01ULTON RESPEOTYILLY 1N- forme the publle, thet lie bas tà keu-thio and ImZupovea to suit tt, ýpublie eqnlveuleuee,_-' Lvayothet iote! mue 6Provine. Gooti ta- Kabe , uit (lsa Uel, s udtoinue Min- ute. walk frein thè Rali4*ýy Depot andi Stiaam- boot Lendiug, has Neen relltted i utit Xêm 11w nltuxe, Carp'oed and Feinted. The Sleee A~armucts re and'weH'ventilted. O1i- ale *.sb nt i-val o? ýtii. T H OMAq - LA M B 'Popr e tô'r. -Toi-âot, AlMrI, 1857. < IRAILIRQAD MIVM 4lki J,(f 11,t1"-latrowiehe ppqeaM edtbstïiuk lôuemse'ovely A& teiiOiasubt md i -tl retn almtn equMaltoome!whom édr,"as Wlxat the' thy petit-ho loue andtlm.nar- claimuti the Youngicaveller adnfigl> Wbattho' thy life's u*erhuing with fcr- a eplcdhis,,OMte 1 ý t1 Wath é t fresh are neot', hiledhmcî eee *a, '~r~ tho'keen triason ftefe ifnithing bis repanti x Cenfllieta andi dangersa inuit aqsai! pcct or" long te lsd tethé ite d nt AIl men. Têt net tuîy courage fkil- with irhoin yen art, deubUdos-cquinWd& 'Neeth adverse foitoue; net-ernà si- a hi. lîves- oi '0 i.mnle bi SUR presa ou. the, village, as I undcrs8tand.' I nnîy luinthe datheRt lieut, hst maWie? atti When cebontis anti teinpeets fiereeIy îow1r,, ota."rnsrygoiaue e Thut inu en kuow biieut-n trucpow'r- ber ai the Springs toms mouths ge . etiR prees ou, caurdenereiti m o? her, otimoaiI lu ctmu a tîy pnen eiipîsy, amn nom cone te daim in>' ride." To baîîisb doubta, undI wrongs dotny- "Selabeutflceieneei1 The 11 lii -LWe te îli.o n jeu'-. itetpwesd Augusta, the hostess"-daugbte, 91 l pnefflnu, "but Soieehat proutia a gber fth.Y, 'Notose, Intdt gouule Auguéta, if'shii. heu pride it la notiiig but nature inaideulyf t L a tpritie, mhieh every yonng lay shoulti1 haro. Andi yen say Miss Augsate inl -inelligence restrain me o t nigbt and te-f AN 1.%CtD"i Elt iLÀ790 BYlit OIEPRiSLOYI> unrrew I miIî give the fair enchantros,1I AT THE " Wnî't-toit trust su agreable Surprise.' IIadT atal terecuntet'îLeeldn tnte EsI>'nexitnmorning as etiquette woult Had1 atal torecuntof he lde tiepermit thse Young minuset out itliibue>'- Iayiug thc scene thereof iu Englanti, France, &nt heart anti high hepes te thse m-j Spain, or any eof the ehd ceunît-les, te us sien.1 associatd nitia se muuelronmance andi get- BtwWl rcle n oki U geous grandeur, lil whieh there would L u reibceetht ni o uo bis fair betrotheti. a plentieus sprinkling cf lords andi ladies, l anfeu alro i.mnin priesis andI nuns, magnificent palaces, gat Emma 'White and i er brother, thse on. haunteti casiles, andi gloexny mnnsteries, thurnbing a piano, sud the eue-r inierro-1 Il weuld Le fer mono acceptable te the great gating a servant masses tLeu if thse scene was laid here iu 'And you se>' Sartho, h. lodged 1ai this landl of pleddiug Yankee, railneads, e-ueing ai (tie Inn Y manufacteries, mutd cotonsseeulatens; l'yes Misse, tie cook say lsa ttbc thicre -nevertheîess, 1 'nul endea-ter te spin a yarn, nom:, but fects are uurarnished truths: 'W'ell you a cn retire-sut oe Ma. it la IlIedallthe plewmure cf spending ia fem croc as 1 expocteti; I thongiii il mes hlm idays recetitly," continued Go-enur Floy-d, as bc rode past ast cvening.' "mith a distiuguiNhbed frieud oetmne lu '1elb Enusua, hem do yeu intçpdti t Richmoînd, and irbile thecre, I heard lte bluff hlm off ? 'm tbinking il Wini ho s following c-rersation betuveesi the uife shunt-fui and delicate business.' and dauightce'fmy boit :" -'Shamefu littdoed ! When attorney Ie-' "La, nie! n-bat impertinence !" exclaint- gan iutrouluced hlm te me ai thse Springs iie eti Lîxi K., as she scanned a licautiful breught hiu fot-mat-t as one of bis lai abus- celored note haudeti ber by a servant. dents, anti net as a poor ptinter as he ia. "IViiet occasions yeur surprise, nty PUf never forgire Mr. Logan.' - <et-?" enquîred lier utother. 'lie lu net te bleuie my duar, ho ta, bis "Rathler say Indignation, mothet-, ut be- puspiLl) id't tbhe letber say liewms s joui- ing asket, anti e-nn ut-ged, (o tme tee titis nejutun ptinter ut A ,but in consi- crcning ailire. Doiree' e, bcanisers deration et' bis prenuising abibities Mr. Le- mife-." gan. undertook gratuitcusly te bring hum "Anti îhy shoulti you net, my dear «?' te the bar l' " Tbink you lb n'ould be propen, mother 'Wtl fo U tlta, PUtnover uant-y a poor for me, the. dsugistet- et Judge K.,cite cf printe'ý I1tiid have a tender regard for tise keatihiest andi losi distiugîuished men hint once, andi misn I gare hlm my issuti1 of bise City, te asseciate taiths sucli low-bned deemed i hlm soumbody, se t acteti fromube mechanics ?" premptings oethie iiesrt, but nom ru17hob "Iudeed, nu> daugltter, if tise>'anc me' - uled b>' un>'botter jutigment.' chaules, tluvy are pe'uple wel te do luin he ' Well please yout-solf le tis mahhcr, my menti, respectable, plous, agree-al, and dear ; I a disposed te uhink benorabi>'of es'ery way wortby of yeur acquaintauice.' -but la! me, if lie iadt hi door " Reailly, niolliet-," conitiiuei. the young non- !' lady, uts she tessed lien pretty lîcat, ' us Scarcely Lad siso donc spealclng when dispesedti tethiuk dtrerîentUh, sc tat-frein our hLoeenteret aAd iwlth & beart ever- cncouraging, 1 prefer being alwaymî remov- fleming with gratitusde anti love', sprang cd au far as possible front the Iaborissg fot-mard te greet tbe objeci t Is idelatry classles. tiesities, hcw la it te bo expectett but imagine lis surprise sud, disma>' mien iliat 1 sîîouîd onjoy nyelif in conrselihe receiveti oui>' in,-returu a',cltd 4,stant wuts sueis people, itose oui>' talC n-euld courtes> 'v!hicb froue ila blooti ani reobti Le about thse stocke, thle merket,' andt tor bitt te thcepot. ljdereti andi tale- omn pt-tahi concerna. Quite-an întlîec- nisheti at such, a grcting ,fron bis, fuir-be2 tuai tcte.a-tctd -mould t ilcmolLet- dear 1" .trotised tu nuotfoi-saexpleanahion lt .ý "Oht Ifie, Litziel hut mnte blame for th!. rveo iom#ju toe mucliindulg- ence; jeu are spoilti seI muaIennnom set about repairiug, my: gardon, anti pluck oui tho meeodsanti tares er, ItLe tee labo. IlCoea. it'tome hetside me, Llxzie, sut I wibb give yen yeur f&rut Itsne ot-»lt!> mWiadonfrein my gi-esa-t tce Oet-menU expenlenco, b>' relaiieg 14-yen a star>' mhich f trust mn lovlôer your ptid. anti - mak ouena .botter womou .A 'menan -mithsnopi-ide, xny duughteris but-adroa- ng. easy .creatureï but mxiiittee muci, is liaugity, niggartily, . ad"slSah; botit tue extremes are couboxuptile and i ean. Be lien, -neither tee Ibshîouably dtiessed, uer tee slevenl>',' tee de-vaun ur tee meni>. ,A morebultei-flinluthe. worli, of -fasien nothcr. whio perceiving h eeaebr rainent stoppeti forward and oqeriug bise aoat coxnpiieetgohintithat siue" lir daugiter'&returnfrmâthesprlng,e ie d aller mature nle pn d examinlug hier lieart thicught . it b issolývethe enga- gement matie boimeen ibem. Tbe-rutity cheoho ef the smItor hètpam ef an Asiiy paloneas, and hla-ho1leshipe qusieretilikcoanapsflela£ "Aud*lief.- lu lai my offeuce ? bave Inmeritétl thisa Got tfçavexus 7 andin utithelb.geutIîE tise tender, tie cenfiding Eutia White r .Sir, tiisn'otthé stage of-A" -thoafr. te enset "eus,»'nom spekeup lte tatgi tw,' ï"lotif sufilce e kuew 'e arceove- heuoeorth te be uh-aaigers tah otheri. Yon atiemutotti deeive nie snid ptas Pista hi* Presler, hlsgurldm8l and told her ho owe4teIenuaife, and Ot hé wôWd 4 vtet!bold helngratefuIre- tembranceand tboêugÉh.wau hqaboat td 4ter tti IýG4 not *6ebsai =, Yà ï - wbe loruue iedi hlm, ndau, ii, oshould hear frein huMMLIl thh b b4 bW asomvwfnl sud tsfu stlne wa neard oz1 md almoat for- goten yti. gsuPO of Saetu sd êil IWythé bu.wli ca 6 &dsmlstobctnes, 'Enuiï,White. heruelfi- y.t there ý*à s one lhhÉelh lvillage whostlfl gavohiM.a plis4 he,6tt'-.dwj thher lmmbry-,: but Richo nd iwas crowd.d te 0overflowlug& for tiie legislature wisomssion, and -W: brought its usual retinue of strangers of- flS and -plossure seeker& It wa byfasr' the, p.yest seesà ion:the-ctapillIsdsý for many y.ars, andhalls, partes, s8911%« sud piaulera, followcdeah other with' unibted Sii U*Gorgeenauz htastream frin s soucc'e of euùe of.peut etreces stathiest tmangions, sud wlth effds of ,mùsle à ud reteîry am heard w('thin. Luscieus and' sylpii.llke fontis skip over thé ricbly carpetied floor, snd ýgrave ge ntlemen ait comtbtablY ilu tii.bsck ground talking politica, gossip- ing, sud sliuiriug the, iïht-heartndu lovely aud happy beinga around themn We ili drair near eue of these coin- pauiez, tht one noir the chahd.ie;, cou- sstig eiva gentleman sudsa yotng lady, and listen-as we romain incog., îh maikes but littie différence if w. are caught eaves- droppiug. ,, ne is a clever youug ins Emma sud able toe, or ho would flot have been hon- ored wlth the respousible Offtce conferred upo hm. - How I should like tW beSotu, s- quainted with hlmi; pa, pray iutroduce hlm." t-Most assuredly 1I mIl do se, for bore ho comes now."- "l-A ploasut eYeing te yoU, geAtlI. men. Colonel White, pray hem do yen do? "lQuit. mei, quit. ml, t thaupk yen, jutiepenuit, me te presont jeu te ni> -daughiter. Jutg K-, Misa Wie.î Andti lii loir duferenillcourthee lady greetei lihegenithemaulsuti seatet i m, busite ler. Witii miany sunr andt*le ,t titi she attemite amuse bimaid'inslnu- .. ae hierëeoifinte thoe g raeso? Ae promisng yeung judiget Butier*" iit more valu, ber ar-o m e aimed5apaluet1 a iicmri of îteel sud flue counlensuco eA thojutige.hë-he miRe orea cenhemptuenag-ý anti sneering- expression ltai haéletdall'berj ars tse eerablon.11 1'4-leavos, wual a face, hem lord>', item' sugelie lBuit- mehinku I shoult knom that counen ÃŽnce 1 oxdsiined*tiiojutigesA b.e esiglut the besutiful hlac oyes ofa lady-in adislant et-ner oflthe roin, rivet-,1 et'eloue upon hn. 7Wheoung lady'i'ho h1ièk velveiimntilla 1 ha! ha; tuassiny pro toe, ah. issun orphan, ber parentmas a "Mitre do HloteÃœ' iluSSlem, Virginais b.n eft*>oneltook heruntiormy cag ,andt gtuseful I ind ber:-ait. anw~ TIIe Nttmeulal rde.n. Man ia foranetifor soeial'ery'oyment, sud If, Rh. allôUwed th1it'nIOL ngooci Sic atla- te b.ene,i inaybejustly .rr.d tht if ia, net gooti fuormsite hoalpee hçnce a union et int.r.st&-ldcae union éf portons for mutual bunefit.- B ibis union à sosrt of soclusien frem the rut ofopur ap."ce takes Place ; sud as a gar- don i aroretiiait ap propria4't t culture and i mprovemùents, t. marrioti state ma'ot b. naptli;'cotispireduit lu nâ,nuy rseM e fItia gootiasud honorable for the hulan species, prudextly anti cautieusl>' td p- ,proich tua dtliglitful enclosure. l en- .tsnco ' geroeralislaextrermely, ga>' and 4ghIîttrliug, heing« utreireti itb floemrs f .v.ry hue and everr frtgr&nce, caîculateti te ciiaruxtho eye'mrd pluethebtaste;~ -but tiiey are net all se.;'sud se there are Inauy.person Smeho may wish te, enter tiIs g sdna oin e ti'me or otiier, mhe are yet utrange.ste lis varions productions, their attention sqbould bu, diroted to the cultiva- tien a? uhose plants wblch are benoflelal, ant te ivoldlng or rooting np o? thee mmiciiare'injurions. Ait- fratt me caution ativentirerulu tbIs gardon not te dreain ef pormmnent happinesa, if you-ubould, so dreanu, expe- rieuse mli soon Malce yen iser, 'as sncb b&ppiîpess nover existoti but livisionar>' hîà de. if yen are disireus ibis gai-ten s.hould yleld yo uslt the bliss of whlcb it la Capa le, yon ustuai e. 1iju i x collen tflomercallet. ù,I on Hexos, mich of ailtho filowersqfInaturoe, l ii. most dicessdedlica t e; do- net- -drop it or loee imeynu> do, Moon aller .th.y enter tii. gai-tin-il la, a treasu r. tht neubjng cmntupply tise lau oc Wheyen au get.,Wtothe endthe iirai malk,, whicb -comtiinea,Ãbout tirty ulopicommonly osl hSti.ieey moon psuh,"-yen mwli Sund iii. gardon open miet a vast varieiyol vlemu, sud h laisueceesary te caution yen W toaveo7Lduuay productions lu thein indu are nexieus, nuusn. anti even fatal in t ;thoir nature anti tendon.>', especlai>'to, tIse ignorant and unwary. -TIser. las hemo, - suiMDlpbu,*1wiiiima>' bu seoPn lu amou 1 ever>' peti, callet I» L'oeRrasscs. ThiK thougi nt perceived i lu hoenirace,, yee a-li alimys kuemîw horo 1h pois by'-!açer- tain -ceidnem initue air wmmch i un-ound h.CoStvsry te lihe nat.ure -of plants lu, pueeri, h" greirs b>' colt sud dieu b7 ,warutii ; wmietrver jeu eau preeve.tuis e in lthe air, aveithe .place au soon cmt-OZL lu tii. saune pmtb îl oflen hbuidtist banefui SimercallH e sA.erur, a-nuý ladia. yqu neyer te oek a4,for 1h hag the t=~sge qualit>' ef siitiug the e>', *b.elds.R, i ith a- pain that s nover gebniiot -Jesloujyis a deaily fSemer; tit is théuaceute O? tue gadonrandi ba mairrei the bappinlesuof, =psad. As yeu, procet, yenu ill meet mlti sean> Uitle crooket pt1t. Idviae ju ýama friendtinever te go lihtotuer, for ai- ýtaeghet the espeet ;e fech, it la writ- -jýp abut Où,CL #à t"t motm ulWil.yormoy ulunin *in bms en.stfrlg e Shtil yen bav. tii. ailgd a ~YDung plant, ue- mmiber; tht t ii but "I lni w-zuaem ~id 111 d1lm«d 'anl yodm esre andlatten- tien, Sb"tiYd ye *b.wlte a buageon its anibsteDIIhu erfn huirt yul blsd I th o4ns aetn Sud sympathyThe. young sýhoot Wlil jour v kai.., S"~d WIy li. .8d 4hrlve tpeit ais."trai t up in thi.' y it ~ ~ lwé ahnd o" TôdtW"toeItprunet* lu,*M usida be cItVatot.suL with., ont t e!i, moy *Ws%d bandft4 plagts *trust f5rwbiwhlkboth partes 'a comit- Without cedl cuti"atinwhAt eà a yen «epet but tii.Bmost;luxutlant, rowth of unruljf spcttes, 'whkh- In tino wil brek forth .Id ail mannes c f digesulu Y eglrlié?WhAt, but lthatMtou lk & prickly- thon, wlli rtith. temper with an untractable morSeneos VISiiet1 Puyumauss, liii. a stWlgmaetie, wihî render tetiioverstlton inksot nsd for-A biddlng? That Av->aîcl, 11k. ome ehek- lug, we.d jWM lt.h t ngers to ipe sud theoadi toopprosa?! That Ravises,ý, 11k. soe.poisonoos plan; elt.wt baneful Juices, wHilrankhb in the brýst, aud me&"ta-- mischief t- W iêgboýrf Wbfie. unbuldld LeS,1% k. swsrm or sud vendor ".every Imagination-et'th-. heurt only evil coutinully ?" Sucb are tors?, -Sucb the. fumnture of ii. unculti- watd mid 1 By aIl meami then psy due sttentiop te suWeil &É,tobWtMWtlpOMIu. lt.ut gv 11fe induthiiulus t'ht iug. T, 'ýIiehonôt endowet iwtib a; Efe-glvbýg p jw'ewr, 1whdse emansin la retire t'of that original source, wh.ne s1oeiiî nb* doived @à fw spfratloulnt ' finw g~ tt rtter tW hlm busluuuddt l'W tmpl1eym.ul en *wMhhlà ;stmpôtithe lmpr"-of £'W. ing andti .néte t mii do bono tÃ"t auy:mail, in auyýplae< or aim=y age. if poboiuideed toelter tu iti dlvubl à siiaitôx. Voluntay otdéý nrgodfeori hopeful aanscEý ,l9not si full wmtot- sueces,, anti althe bapfu et-à >uu coffuuet - Boldtheselng 1;2su E occupation la a w4rihy one,' but:hIndiAm hiami unu<orthy of thu trust Ih pvteu uPou-hium With '811 tit demntofllupe*ý tivos-neessiiy. IV, Suds but a uIeuu l inu confisedby sa multlpllcity of<>Areh l Ã9rSoido b3 crowd of reepmbl Illities, but makes ne genérdttéi éffcta diacrelufleeof tbenu.Thus hls 6fflpsa tiensuffiire,his-faxnly are lu want, sud #mt gpoti;naà ne, mmiihLu butter tfan dfetuir -offÀrèumstânce, and he ouglit t b.,ý li a uense,, uubject îotehti.suipermnten. 4eucoof -s lcetiug -Prýovidence;; but- thid tio.snetjùutify ineta of character.-~ Xin by hua ùoundéicixion of chiarm4eMýtsf ýdetenniueaspirit,' Sn de nueh tureuievo sud suumùt the iuenveniencies -and bar. riens incident 1 htu iu life -Thon bd resolute, andi hoth. you and jour buiness l "go ou andi presper.tI The. OmraL DUItO Ctutatia. finl*MM land-. Jfronthe Lodn (England) Mfmes. Ihis-Imperial Higbness theoOraud'»Dui Cornstantine ef Rusa saried msIt-Oebep ý.enI a riait tW Uer Majetun ~tutdsY ,aftrnoen. Ne ublci!e fnmyof disnlsv soit. By carefMlinstruction- izupant he oIS f, by" dodÉplation tula seoda ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ofn-u.B'uiisdvgln the riait mas of aa trictly pr prun, -tue, nprofitable ant- ovrer.luxumiat. racler. branciie,-ttýdiret le young ides hoir te Tho Grant Duke artioedi eboot," the, mywui- ýuigI bow to lu tué 'rech Emporor'aaéiiý mom .Tisematreman mn timhueeme tenue, at 7oTlock on thse 29th. the iieen euof thogrdee. -Aroundti !tibi-at liaIport mas unoshu" hlm CuÂAPM wvilbreathe her meta, ant i t fi ngpec«uà u-.keen lunu hi- an"Hes expand iher be-adterisur feil hmily"thrti sem& In him thé, porsoualvintff. m-Iii y.- diapla>' their -ices, sud tiiesocialonu -Neveruhieless bis fllghnf thoir fruit-tii. sentiments be e nts- aitue DOck>ad 'alle"u j ron, tue carrum'g. ndeazin&' ant i f.ue- St 11ý 11t minutdi nspect*i fui, andthé endi happy unti peSefuL. depautU)nt8ý euib.rd loin, and again raturning td tl sud vlsitedthd h réîak-waé4u i Itbas booms tee ofteu thougbt tht 11h11 of tie barber. Onu thus ho 0 «no dustioiiwu55 n(isite tW prepic mrt ta iouxa znn thé uini t teperfoum ntue dutiesoft. bUs. -f5an 1 sosiexaini nm4 sund pleasureunaing but smallprebuenus > te religion, ls eircebtoogbt ls morse -te in>' thtnkiug ir tise fier>' zoalet, on thoýother baud1 uho has Io inay.igi a -virines, mhitl stat> eiigaant the vrriti, tiepleased ti aI4>'thing 1k e- Y, dat anti national. enjeymeut, sund abocekot un at-lIse leasi nerrbnent,ý dancing, praying, de9 tirasà à mùuet ut tat- h atu 1, iiies t us tu' iféhiea ntigldueaprenipte-th. y aI anti iprigtlti>' tindulge. S heu, veld pr -.xtremniuoever7ie-diption. Bet te the à tory-. !te -Stteeémlnst4m, inSuer in -ini*'ýý a. ' 4W~ I ~Vit~ cklm Printod wor.Is~ ~ -t Wiiutby, 39, 'r 'Sdi mmmm -'m,