Whitby Chronicle, 18 Jun 1857, p. 1

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i-i-il ~ h a &M~ay'rhof[br Brolàli J PM0CK STRlFE, 'IVIITBY,. ext Door Iot ke Rogintrl Ofilce.' 0 1 F-I F $U13RITi 0ýTO TTE ýL lirnilem-11b e.r aununi, ;l ln.a su tiý uder .............. 2î. oAd. ~libenl (lieonit i ilovedto bMrehitnandi veir actimlnig 'vtat- T .rn $i Ihia Mîpîr lias already+ ýt immnse circlation 4nuuaîî i Whithv atnd ils vielnulty, a licter lufet un ieilteinld lotI t e secureti lu thist a1 p,. wîfllease lotie no tite lnforwarditg pupeIKr 'dl tciontinaued until al ai-i-ca- Louerr* etloslutig cuiti, If reglatcred, -will 'bc nt 010 ri4si of! the Ptibiisliers Iet idest IIl(GQfl'S & MAYERRIOFFER BROSI Wiliiîy .W BOOI<'AND JOB PtNNT 1 N G'E TÂ L àIlàME NT. IIEiiPRPIETOus 0-F TuE WUITIIy ittî'a t4wîl sêctl'tllv Inforin te pubier tlîitt ter bave prooured sini tif the mielt kmodernM slts ofTypeffrein New TYorin latdi- tu tlieur ofie, 2sudare preistet to e%'elt BOOK AND JOB PRINTING qi evere deitrîption; U jaitittnt1hitwork ,wlllbe týýi iknu s iuprlor style at the lowegl enluflernritîg piveus. Th,. Proîîrlelnia have purchitmed Ootf L wlitel h nîthi liten to 10 mmont {ýw1 ud ,iîC ir- nik linnî l aitre $uw if Plan iud aucy iii-i, ftatlicrN, &v., w luth living houl-t ai vry lutv- piIrs ut e tut ahictntie. ttelw- ZACHÉIUS It UNXLADt, ~TU)W <F II toUTY& tiI IROGATE NIMON G.- REYNOLDS, QIIRI.lz,, -OFFICE ArT TUE COURT ~IlufuEe.1 With 1351fl Prbitu& vords, great thoughts :ab& l titing imi1ustiIt we Bsivoete, Penoe, Promuea, Nt VOL. 1. WHITBY, G.W, ýTIIURSDAt, JIJINE'18,it PETER CARMICHAEL, A UCrIONEEJI, du., WICK, T0WNSIIlP of tiBlrook. ALBIERT 5PRING, A U>CTIONEER, &,., &o., GRMEENBANX THOMAS4 DEVERELLI, UIDER, &-c-&o., GREEN SITREET, A. C. WILSON, pýAi NT ER, GLAZIER, AND PArER-- L liner. IPainits,,ilma lasaPultv.lPe- e-iagnafur Sale. l>undas Street, Whitty Wbiihy, Jan. hq, 1857. J. C. STERLING, A CTIONEFER. A 1ILTLIPATE BOOKC A if Mr-. SeltgsAictiln Sales, ha kept at mbiii fficeý Ail tintera ici-I ai the Chnrmie (itue Ilîl lue atitetn rimt its hestrictet ptntttai- ty. Ditys ctf SaIea fixe on. eslnc-mir i-et i-mr te Court Ilotuse, Whitîy. 8. KLECISER, SIOIN 0F TRE "LARGE WATiI," I M>iRTEIt 0F WATCIIES & JEWELERY, 1tIticedtueraMta&- t fte MoutmI-iBttKing Sret, l,moutunville. C..Wi lteoteks anti Jeirelci-y prnnulptlly repureti.I A. PRL INGLE, ifE1U'llANT TAILOII, BROCK STRlEET, V'%Q~lIONAbILE A-N'D CIIEAP'TAILOR- I<Eituhîtihî,uut Mrîi. T. Boal<l0iii taîud ti-ct-y olItut!ite Wytt'a lloiem, Muain Stm-et, (mATIC J. Svrovxm,) T A1LOR BSt&o 5c) A ND)54, KING SRT VWEST, ru- JOUXN hAM FERRY, J. i-oue. Alite48 Ring Strest West, liatuil- REbIiBTRAII. OFFICE O0N liRl)CK ST., toit.s 3. MACDONELLo 1 THIOMAS ROBINi-<ON'Sg 1 ERK OF TIIE îtEACI. OFFICE-AT ytASIllONABILE IIAIiI CU'TINC. AINI c <i hcu'q1t lt l .iâe. 1 tihtutu htt Roliutut,a Il t retii-et, htb JOHN ~. - - ----------------.1A irsIt e El-ifdlî'tlBarber suit M&utiýer ,c ofn J I . ITAII, bi t si,dîiii liilite hîtumieitil i lîva l i e c C tIK (OF TUE COUNTY 0 lIZlT,NI) ftuti iiyi tet.s tiiatit n ngenleicî.- te fefic Ste, litr-tuk Stîreet-. u.'>uti re-tn --., are 11uuîchî a--eîtu, but utîtulci- Rob- - its>u*s, 1111t114 btihevil fltd te uceai-ali obth J. UI TYIOMPSeJN, ttgr-emihe antidhus:tl Bvuu>. - ~RO.îCII! HOTEL., _____ ------C 0iIt usi M 0 F FRONT ANDS GEOIItIE W. PAXTON, Jr., 'utt-ts rmt.f kEýL1,E. OFFICE AT TIIE COURIT!---- ---____ - i -i JflrnoN lOUSE, t, y iT -niRY, C. iW., MAATR,&C <)N IEL, 1T'tI.LI (U'TiT OL~-PROPIIETOlI,.- S~*LlCrt>l, u UEII ts TiE îoUNY IIGuuuîAuutmditiui. il S Comicil -0f utelit e tutt i- ste. I __________ JOH SIIRE -PILKEY9'S TIIOTE.L, G t)I*N'n'-ENhINEI,'1t.OFFICE AT TVIE - --tutuîiioiaisen-te 4 la. FAIRBANKS, I LEONXARD'S IOTEL, 1-lRKIlST>iISeJCOJI.OFFIC 1 KrTIIEFT, OSHAWA, C. W. GOOX> Cjaî tfii eCourt Kr tueiI1. ?z>uîçl u~ut _____ _____-- AILROAD HOTEL, - sin~~ ~1ircd~ 'DIVNGIe ROIhUtulIET0Il, iilOV-K ST. W* Ù. TIMMAYNE, ONTARIO HOTEL, 1~ 111ISER (FÏIC'F-iNARNALXIS' B1111AN, 1J.,1 IIRIRTOR, ButCK B f >SttetWliby. üoàStabingandatte- B Ath-ISEh-~'T-,AW lFFII'F.-IIIOCK NOAR UBLII . &c. ý)l*ý N, . . H l B lltiTk.-iL AN» ATT)lt\EY-AT-i.AW. fUr--vrthe fuira tf J. lllt pluy,, EAq., W. H ILNS B3 NRUliSTIIII& ÀTiNVAT LAW, Uetuvaneer, du., Whltby,'tC. W. -i CAMERON & )IACDONELL, TAIIIST.RS ATORINEVIl AT LAW. .LSoiuiinsipt-ueCouy etaîtil IiWffieQ ailie uii losi--aultWlug. Of14es oi-S t-oui1m tmi i CANEPRON & DARTNELL, T>APISTERS, SOLICITORSI AND CON- JLPWeu roomck BltreI,-(naxt dte lhle Xetzimtlv Silce,-W'iitby, C. W. - ;1OI 1 . itonat, fGutOacaIl. DMMtuuuLu. W11LLIAM POWSON, CNVEY dCi,du.,MANCIIESTEII, IBENJAMIN YARNOLD, 7OWN CEI( N)TRRASURER. (9F- - n - r i1.CLARK, u1JBGF0:N Aýc0UClIEL'R, &- CORONER, L jfor te Coiîtiy «fOntarioi. - Dr. CHECKLBY, E~ ES1)EN CE, BItX'QK STREET, TOWN 0F ,IX ltiby, Couuly of Omtbro. I JONES &<GAI GE,BRK j' trect, trrJ 8igim' tore, sud aopposie t.- Beglsftu-v Office. AUl oe r*îiýn% manrati. iferu a fa'sSi- t-i-l. 1 AM - ÂOS W. CRON, u. RCUITECT, VIVIL ENGINER, ÂAND ,Eslta Agent, Wlutby. -J. VROWD BEAVEN, & uir CUT ANIS AIVIL ENGINEER 1%Dtqudm îStreet, Wlillby. Esimates -mats nlt-mu, oftinueàseing rork earefully attan- NSTABLECUNI OT actor of Licenseo lu bis. lunk i-n of Whiuiby. lainai- NATIONAL MOTEL, O>iRT lITiEI)WARI)RAY, 1PRO- ' rictur. Viretl. chuasccoiiniodîtion ai fthc ulu-ivi l utl. 1îv truxellers wili flit a ~ i'muuvîuiitnt antd eoifutile hotise.2 FRANKLIN KOUSE. lýINIISA&Y, C. W. B)F. .lEWI-TT, PROPRIEFTOR. CISMEOR- e) table itoeniinudation foriavellers. WVlilby, Jail. 21, ls57.i WYATT98 MOTEL, i ATE i'IPTU',WIITIiY. TUIlE 1 tgs pasiM Norh ul an sd W"t thttio iiutstoptt lîis ic'. Everv infuninition D). P. WYATT, Proprîctor. Kate of Arraglen. Wtnfirst 1 sw lb.., Rate, That sumuier ev'ning laie, Down et the. orehard ga. 0f Anraglen, 1 felt I'd ue'er befors Seen o one80fai, sthot., 1 ftW~d I'd flver more Se ts eagin- My footfiull ncily Itotteb'd not saefrthongli we Stood ftimre %0 near; Wble from thylipiq a tramln, Soft a the siumerrain Sudi as a love's pain Fell on rmv eûr. I've iteard the itiri in .Tnie; The liarpi'i wild plaintive tinte, VTh lrnalithat Aye loni sooni Givex o'er h4 airin- P'velitear(lin itusi'tl deliglit Tie iièflow bou t inÎgllt, 'Waitg the eebioes liglit 0f wld Loch 1Lene. But noitltcrechioing hem, Nor tlhruslh Upon tho thora, Nor lark at carly in1 liyinitiig in air, Nor liai-pwr' lay divine, Eci- witeid titis heart ofimine, Like It ,i weet vice. of th'ine, Thaut ev'ning itere. And wlieu ome ruiitling, dear, FeIl ou tiy listenlug car, You thought yOur btother near, And mied i bis nains, 1 couadnot antiwer. thonghi, Ast luck %would bave it 11, lUs, naine ana mjine yon know, Were hoO-tits ame- Ilcaring no snt4woring soiint, ion glanreetiniidoubt arounil, -ýVitittitid loo ati fouint h watt fot lie; Triig Cweyyotur bcad, Antd blutiing'rtsy i-ci, Like a vilfawu von lied Fur, fir front me. ,nit swan upon the lake, The %vild ruse In the braie, Tite golden eldusta ti ake Tuie weat theur titront, The vild amb by u the tean, The 1h11 tnoon's iiver beau,, Thte vniug tri s oft gleamu, Shiniug tuons; TheIlily robeti in Whitie, Ail, ail tire fuir aud briglit; Blicnar oit earth %Vasiaght $ottbriglît, an fuir, As that one glittapttcoflhec, That 1 cauglit îlep, nuebhrue, It atole rmy icaanfron tuni T-ltat ev'iiitg thera. And nioir yon re mine alone, Tuai heari la ail nty own- That liturt thatiiîe'er bath knout-u A flatue before. That foi-n ofnîcnld divine, That snowy'lîsuti tof t-in- Thoue lockit ofIgoltl are mina For averniore. WVax lover ever seau As bleet as tim., Kathleen f Ilat-I lover ever been SMm orenud, more tmas t Thine la My ,very vowl For evei, duar, as now 1 Qaiten ofniheurt lai ilou I JIiccfa -qdA W st ni di T t3 te E T tA t t PORT Bor£. TOIN TIEAD. T>IOPRIETRI TARES TRIS ej tîtellioti of infî'rmnnthe fi-ends sudlte publile. geitsrall-ý, iai lielias comunniied huai-I nesi li tueahve premiset.; lie trusta thai bis I nmode of doing hnsiness, sud attention 10 his PORT PBRRY STE'MBOAT MOTEL: ~ AS ON & PITILilI, PEOPRIETORS, Ibeg 10 stamte litithey have fitted iup the aburit ivll-knom-n firt-claiote1 iii a new sud euitille itatîner. Visitorssud tlie travelling euittiiluity willdit in l every respect a eoit- iitrtdhle hottie. C«ood Staiing sud an attentuqre t5stler.4-6m NOIIWOOD IMOTEL- oUKRNxWOOD, Ptî3KRIINe. TENRY COULTON REspw(1pul.LY IN- LLirtus thepublic,tai ho hem taken te suive wli-knommtt bdwiîeh ie luias altered aud imîtrove t 1 suit the publie convniue.- ibie table antius Liguuirsiq lu mli be surpaased liv sny otier Mlotel in the Province. Good fta- Muing. 3 LAXB'38 MOTEL, KZ ING, STREET, *EST, TORONTO.T1i IIl. nuie5ÈT-st Ckàlesotëi, situatea otns mnff- nte's waik frotu the Italiway Depot sud Bleatu- beat lsntdiug,, bas beaum'efitted with New Ftr- ltitr, C#rpeted sud 1>udned. The Sloetg, At iitna are largeand wi- e 'ire aed. M W.hsss owny ab aud uonthb, ariIvlof ti.; Cars and Steatbutts. THOM"S LÂMD, %Preo4etr. Toronto, Mai-ch1 1857. RAILRtOAD ROUMI, OPLPB F BW AËDDUNAS tsa, -C WnterbyIra 0 a oune 1 tils.ibiiThe Sub- Thte futurs historien et G-et Britain mili doubîlegserelaie, imnug thafautions et te nineleenti century, lte rise. sud prsgre asb»ariaitc-itovrladies groui ureary et buyluxg ant iffling anmdnýbuy- î thier esta sud doge, tirai-ma their Sorremu lu sait uater, asud li-sustortheu-i'a tin Èe Miay»stllnip. E ut i-bl ýhleby arc explorng ite, living mo'ndai-à tf the~ dleep, siulimuiv euraueamkng 'ltae ses foi-tu-asures, If nt as interesliug, aI leasil as valuable as5lte beaufel seo- phyte; sdio-aprmnshave ladile ltae conclusion-ltaI lb. occSu hoide t4W. slve twremillion tous 7ot sîlva-. - -Te thsuea Frenecisemigshe sadlsevery le due. Tbay-loek gallons et mater ftom ltae coasi et St. Mile, a futu iagues fmom. ]and, andanalyzed-it into -two ws>i-s.A Portion efthlie iater titey acteti upeu by' lte usuil hst upon is lher, snd tite praseuce of ý4û piecieus metal mss clearly ascer- taineti. îTis.reauansder of tae watr the.> avnésl d he'lsaelIt theviobtained ltsey boei witheasd. - Tisi gave-tem a buttgnuq'imure eaes& *lithe tuy fsublete t te 4at, lp 41a114 cupellallour. Thisiater grand wor .i-s notes a y-,e siiililè p Isi-ee.Thse builois m -îlasfttAkolte ai( -A lrat-ntuaeTMI C n itr, Lmalie u 11E Olle.Ai Tth wrrnedb ususas STREEuu, IMTs e otJL an LMAT2Rr - t>1 tce>uu-uuy ut li Ltlrit. -ure ertain tI a Milo- uetMai and l'us. Il MulE- ~ at- reeds, prefeu-iing Iluose known le 'totun- iSeumess of lhe AntacY. it as tuai ; tecaea, as ltose planta have 8 1o i-ottst t' iesei-tinle lthe rocks, ltey must (Front ta Lenulon Cor,.etfithe N. Y. Tributie)t lerive ail ltaei- alimets tf£1omlita tics- Lady Lyllen Buli-er, aftai flooting lte rboso thoy realizet, aud feuudtem I-en- country foi-yeAi-i mitit pamphlets' sud ty six limes richer lu mUvri-titan ltae Wa- stittemlauts of ail kiuds, as le lte alleget er itlsai -ntiumiies, infidelilies, brulalitias, sudb Tite resul altracted lte attentioni of an toiit-igtfieittshness otf bar itnsbsud, lt.e8 Engliait ebemLat., _1m. Frederick FiaId, i-hao i-u, nvlitaudt lt.e, eateemmm, - as ngagat in agsayîng silîvaer l inCil. sage snd pbilsnîhropiat, Sir Edward, but0 [bey iuducad hlm le comumence a couraei te netay1,alberf, asie st sacpests ofexperimants upon lte copper or yelit>m siac gis er a tlatsiwd netl i-litwihd ltae bulle et vessais are ý u ngttliug ber irrougsmnioonat u int.e sheatd. . lis mowlege ofcÈet- fou110t'80if Peau-s, sud by no less a parsenage sitenet. bs kuolotgecsf etaniit ian yaur ilustri uuuymnlt o toIt itim taI, if lte suas coulaineit silvar, rnscutyatete ha mottît ii ail pi-ahability flnd thetif Paînter Coplay, Lord Lynthur,.t.-- mucal on bolleme tif vessels that itat Iaim Strange anouigi, lte way site tas securemd at sep. titis ptthllclty, le by citarglug lte noble a le soon had au opportuuity tif îesting lot-il iimiîf miitt being ouaetfbIte cou- te ctir-ecl.ness ef his surnuise. The Ana mpitator, t baving kèépl baek, in ltae guimran, a argevessl ner Couimb, -i ti f bar spouge. cettain docuentsnl w1we r. ied rsies.Th ita adsite bat tormwandt for bis inspection, wit t liea vie%' te his judgmntu ieiug ohlained un becu neveu yaars at se and tbrainthe analut-.Lrd, uitj-s -oi__ni i i-touetif thc tinte in lte Pacifie Ocean ;,s e afniosr.L zaoo linhta os oof titat if sirver exinlet in auy sitip's bottain, sway witi sanie tf ltae munsti-ous cviii un it cau-ainly wottlt lu lie Ana eGuuinrcsseruiu<. ~liei eadl ein icam A foi- ounces oftheimetlois stciug wi-ci-c ail iegartawig ntaenmiîtdiscaur- taken, and aftair a cai-ittl analysis; Mn. alîentmuitnlfacimt> i ewt irscLady Fiait tibtainet front 5,000 grains a trila Bwtes , mitoesuffehraiece towasLeadiybt marc titan tli railntof nilvai-, ihich i lweol r trdi ufryint, if ulte ofthe eqîtal te ona poîut ounetounctcvhio Peur- Msut tar fi-at sidit eun i touan meigbts fifteau grains in lte ton. Titerc andlimast of mapeseasaiu ben lu mtas ut yellti memtel on test-tthe ehip h y ieovrepsntdu angbni- miticit a comparisoti couît he ade ih lict dotlpetiber ty ber i-ornai-hait, coi-- taI miicit hat beau expoRete the slit tpomaally, caluumnionsly, peeuniatiy, titre' wate. Bt shrtl aftrwads aothrjber Materailfeelings, aut in avei-y otbet- i-sIen. Butwshortaywsttci-'artheratandiaewoi vessqe1 cameine mbdock, sud fronber a ari n et affite, samoIt, asut eayi-o cubin s picce tf nmotal mas lakeun i-let c iieut afilt stals t ss Iadlneyer beau expommte le n ater, and hecatuse esie i-oul t oconuive at conut anoter pieceo tf equal weigliî i-aninrati tuenbis part, alika tislîouariug le it, te front taebull, mîtich luha untitre. yasihse ad te fnite.rofpîg ndt i afliat Thflicmatai fromntut ulyîdeti specii ales eigitt tintes as muet suvrt as tiataIkan 1N> teexilose, infiuitely more nock- front lIa cabin in&i asd uivoltiug aveutan titis, bas aise Similis- compar-ative analyses maere madea beunthe stibjeeltif cotuphcint u intelieuse on oCher vessais, anti a tifferenca hatuveen i tf andî ui by the noble lor i-t itiusî ttc t-o vfesiias invuariable ftundç-tba ITOiîcset of boing ltae iminal. Ttc tifferance varying ucording te laugt f aIMtreuithoes of Westntenît, availîng ofthis limte ltae siip bat heen-t aI.Ie n l tose agitation in lever of ltaeantente tuai-riagux sbi1,s taI batbecu the shottesittue lai-s ai- iater lte lai-s relaîiug te tha at senltetiffaérence iras litast, sut rite> pi-opety et marild i-omet,,bas sent te ver" tIsa papares adthlit clubs a volume tif near- Bult y sitonît lieba sy sulvrt-nlu y 00 Pages, detailiug ban matrimonial cx- lteag ansd copper sectinl lte cabine ? pcricnce of soema 40 yesi-e.Sucit a cals- Well, it sppcai-s inthlttsit mutais ltaei l te ofthorrors sut scandais et ail kinde - Meraliy a lilîlu ailver, tlu r t tlute. Penny, novai- yet entaustot trom lte brain etflita maighLts par tan; andi beyent his Mr. iitst maniufacturer of Firencht romances FiaIt accounts fan il front Itheaîtplayunenlt fitt'ho sl prîmi-itt setooL ,Titis Britlih tif masses tif matai niaelt oi-n rotu oit Iptei tif lt eltu iz isl escribet mas bcaliug sieatings, irnicit trive ltaeit- ilvar front ansd kickiug hiesieiltin a-torluigbltiof otitar voyages. Ouaotuber expciimeul Mi-. 1lier confinement uitit ber i-st cht, sa toi-t- Field is at pulsent eari-ying out. Rea las niglut afteu-, sut eeulinueusly toi- ycaus granulatdsoeavry pure couper; a par- i submequeuly; aise tif tcpmlviug bar et foot .lion la reset-vet lun abolîla tebehacomparat sand Of lte 1emmon decancies cutnocnees, 'aI a future petio th il .i eelter -portion sanies et ité, nue ti-self, ete lobsenved- whiichit is emntig.iin a motiden box, par. --ciug lte daugitter of aBrilLit Mai-quis et feratet on ail altos, a ftai- ted beloui flua lntiDe wenïlh(Salibuiy) and of lte surface of bbc Pacifie. Wheu s, goel iu- powartul cotnections, ndeu h.sue iig tutitetI Cuptaîn pubs mb toCoquinmbo, lig the partienlar favorite tif lta laie King and lakçs ltae box in tour, anI treguil aI lte Queeu OftEnglant. Th tjushaut le lion wter-4cet hie veeel up sud dowurth ieCoasit reçpreauted as havumxg enuevre tle peu. ot Chleo -lute lier mimutiilth. eeniorcet pai-usai of Juel as you have trlat te catcht a matck- nuenbonableitetu-o te objact Of that erl'tail, se le Mi-. Fiaidtlryltig, tocatet W beuigltIsite inigitt b. ltemore ýreiudiy. mulvrri- iiscopper bati.Lt'educed tém prostibule 1 .hersit li ,ýthe Dub Thme cuuieus ciiieveuy ofs-waer lirer etOf linton altIber' husbant iit giro ris. te tono or I-o questions. Witemre pofil bY lte ptronaOgeosete bc procarot. foi- instanceealiasr-coatm- The Marquis isllirtitr epresled- te have lias il beau ext-aclet -frontte gsailli b7 eu*ployed hi'owmthier to pi-avail onhi artificial meàn% lhe macle cf, mans tig- mitu play the part et Potiphae-s ie le gingsborne teth. besmofet te-ocean-by t-luka; anti-i-itou eaiudignantly i-e. rivons, irnich, it,1k. giant atoie, buiret foses, andt iretactite tell tii. Msichietu- frein lii htant oet1h.ecii-t?- It oueuii osfetSalisburty, Lord, Waslueathttht-est- uecay b. tistai n, -avancaionsarieuedle to he publie lithe sadais et-Lady couit have lettwmlliiensaoftons of sllver Salisbtiry's life il site ai-tite >be*iend hie le slip titrolughls - finges, ?4e 1me tnay wi -Ail ths, sud moe,, anti morse, h ý acqunit lte moi-id oese egragleus s biuster. selt fortl ite regale -ment ofLondon aris-' Tisat tise preseuce of>-iilrer in tiesa té;.,lee-itilesociahy at théêpreient moment, more aclaiuttissu iNtunusfîl r. upieîl"y- fbtîfleduiihtetdiesu lg!proe va NORTH AMERICAN HOTEL. Tv ilos.fTu tSjn aowîedge, Brtothenisoeu. 1857à.O 2 h Terrible aIsmtl.Ast-on Clark, Lydia Tu'avems, six neg-oceN Bvw « TEA3LOF Iis ï tLOMJ11 A IN tbree cooks, ti-elv samon, (soin. oftbese frotl TIIE GUL F PxaIiCO.-29 LIVai OS. » may ha s&ved,) Mrs. Mitchell, Cilmolo, and Texas; Dîckson, Alexandii, Va.; Young ti Thte lois ofthte steamsbip L&uiina, oif Esrly, Vh-giuia; E. A. Br-own, ba-keepar; On the N4ew Orleaseasd Oulvestm lina, lia negro man of Cleveland, of Lavaca; Frauz de0 bean trielly reported in oui- telograpi de- Tebseke, wife and titre. childi-en, Braun- eune spaicites. Au extra of thme Galveslen fels. Total lest, 8. thit Nei, ofthef lt. ut ,furinishes full détails &WCS-A. 1). Cleveland, lady, citild, lin@ oflte catastrophe. Il gays. servant-girl, Lavaca ; Chas. H. Hughes, Clio~ " We have to, record tineotf ltae mont clark ;S. D. Clark, fi-mt mate; A. Sm ,itb, abui drèpAdtuî chlamities ltaI have aven happan- second mate ; Michael 1-Iwley, fireman ; troi cd lu titis country. The steamship Louisi- Brysu Cooley, fi-eman; Smluuel WaIker, dOt anai, Captain Sheppa-d, h noir a total pantry-man; John E. Witeclor, Indianola; Un( wnaclc, haviug beau biurniug sente or eight Daniel Sullivan, Luvaca; Grover, Gaîvon. Jar milesq sonh-casi of titis cily, in lte Gulf, ton; negro 'boy of Milhouee's- Alabeuna; gal about one o'clock titis morning. W. P. FrioudClintoun, De Witt Co.; Rou. fol] Oui- citizaus irere aroused by lte n- Kennedy, Texas ; Jno.ý Driscoli, <abin boy; t-C nenal fi-a alarun, as te i-e i-as ln full Mr. Finu, firt-sienginlui-; negro ireman oifoff, sigit. Tite fimInitlelligene recaived wu Mrs. Frieud; Mme. Elizabeth Hia-t, Corpus of by te arristal tifsabest fromteuliantortun- Chr-isti; MLiii A. E Frisee, Phelps, On- seci ate steatuer, about sun-risc, hriuglng s0111 tario Co., N. «Y.; Dr. Farly, Citatiatville, mi dozen pussengers, oui- feilew-citizen, Mi-. Va; smali Gerati- girl, (item fater, inottitu-of Grover, baing tmong lte nutnhar. sud tbred ciidt-en lost;) Smuith, Alexan- tif Mr-. (rover says that hoeitati a bei-ft tiOidia, Va. iný lte slarboaad tipper teck-that lte i-sI There i-are 159 beevas on board sud lth niai-m ias pet-sons asking wte-e lte fit-e coneumed. nha fi-a originale et eenPrpi i-as, about ouaeo'clock; lie sieppeti Out tif tecks, sud i-as beyond coul! etore dis- bis Toom sud diseovered sitoke but mue ti-e, coverèd. p< -passet ronthelite ain ta lthe larboard Tht pilot boatesuad several otai- sal ta, aide, i-lera ha sai- frot12 tb 20 parions vannaIs are stil reeouuoileringltae Gl it h prcpai-ing le launcithlit qua-tom-beau. A lthe vicinity tif the untortunale fsteanmnhip, hi moment afler lte Saue burst npanidnitips;.litopas ot itndiug nom. thtis tif lte puis- pu rclurned le lite st-boni-J aide;qisi- s tew Rangers, n loweriug toi-n lte quarter-bout otit Thore a aslarge mail ou hoard, aud le, sida; i-eut té hie room, picitet up is wie bar of saveral barge numa of mouey go sitoean sd coat, sud returued sud slid dowu alto Il, helauging teý passengars.al iritit others mb ltebat on lte larbearti Dr. Early absud ha hler, ot Green-Co., th sida. Tite englues i-are sîll runuiug, but Va., i-are bot savad by lte Ga1ve8tûn1 fi farluualaly ltebati-s loi-ci-ad oi-n sud are ai lite Washtington HoteL si wiltoul filliug. Saw 'o neetnmaining on Mi-. Mille, mitose dced body hs lise1 i-was Ml thaI site if ltae steamer. just eîosing bis business ai Lavaca, ilted- aî Afte-gelling-adrift lbeylotokedt ldin-cov- iug tb resite bei-cafter in Clintan, Li. He p er if llîey coulîtSud any pet-son tb take en mas l itae smallhatimt Mr. Graver, n-eo boai-t, ail passenge-n excepî the Second- iilthe nope %vas eut, whitou te as kuockéd -'n 7Mate, Anui-rwSmitit la mitntMr. Grovar ovarboard hy lthe Inekle block smingiug lu gasys they moieeaIl greatly iudebtad for amound ent sti-iking hlm on lthe itati.t ltai-rmeue. Mi-r. Crlettned front saine Sauna anc of opinion thaIlite fit-a arigin- l joua ounlte boutt huaI lita tiller i-opa muRl ted in lthe hay stowed away belweeu ai bave brokeon-was pi-ohably burt-n of iun decits. % -- . a >cffusequence tfifcii the steamer i-as un- Tîte bodies of Meure. Mille sud l- al managahe at te comnutuecement cOf lte bouse have heen laid ouIt and iucboedi iiti flré. Tite fit-et efforts tiflthe Captain anti coffine, end'wili hé sont on by lte <almtea- l ofiere appoared le habc oreaci thltei--ton1olewi-Orlans. englue, but dit net tsuccee. AU commt- The body. of J.esapluHmumiltou le aIse ap- >nicalien between lte for-ard sud after pr-o ptiately ýittouted sud coffinat, sud miii e pat t it balias cul off hy lthe S6Mebcburieat i o'lock to-4ay. lRe *5es as 1 imethaabi-oken eut nea- ltaefui-- rasidaut ot Trespalacios, Texas, audemnaedo çnface. considérable land in ltae vicinity of Lavaca.e Tite 1wbosrd boat was itaing. launcitet Mr. Militons.i-as frein Dallai, Alà., t i-han'i-e uvemt into lte6 othe-. He awaiwihe-c bile famiîy reside. - peStons on liaf, Thar tliaseae e folîewing sut-vivor tif lte disaîster1 hi-oing things'over, ppi-nly ltaehaleit are &t lte Palmnetto buse :-Daiel Suli-Ib doem-i, "ï. for thse purpoSé Ofsaving tem- van, St. Louis, Mo. ; John Ezeli, St. Louis;t solves. Tite-*onkingeftiteugiuescaused G. W. Eat-ly, Y& ; John E. WhSuýen lte steamer le, .l1eave lte bonI mapidly, se Powbei-bou-n lithtiIhoïe in<tise, bout i-reù unable, te, sS M. W. Gsrrison sud P. S.7 MIer, etf New> 9 or liter styhing distiucly. Thaehuoat York, ai-e ai lite Tremou Roese 1 lanted on lte-beuci, neai lthe peint, about Suuday, 2 p. m.-The Revenue-cuiller la suni-nae, irere m. Grever lansudt5Yesrs juet lu. Site brings CaptaisýSiteppard a"e ou hie raturu freth te Sauta Fa expe. al e. .11e mue picked up chlnglng to seme tilait -lif,.prerving chaIrs, uearly exhausted-î t List tif naines tif btos.i-who mai-o tsfed Gretjoy, lemaliet aI lthe nemi of bis by boat mît 1fr. Grovar: ssfety. yl-ifitihe-i. 1lrnnM418. Skiltul arrangemnts combined wit i n-- Dpid couduct -smôn placed Mohammr.r the. possession ofthlie Jritmh ; but luit hievemeut, thougit ertremelt cIsdltabIe wilse1t doca not,'ttpreaut thtmost srk- gfeature-of!tt e bpèdn The. di&- itive character of-,("eW a1 utmaz', mpalgn le te be sought hthef linlti traordirtary beiduis suad promPtitadc ,Whkh thé vlotory tuas impTovod.and, ecitunuit t DMor1118 which ts kile SUCîiX5 was thus made to proct- sooner had the Persian armuY nlied nn !la 'intrenchrnents at 1Mùbainmeraht d coilibnc tit 18retril IntW thOin-,l Loi-, titan S~l it s tàdWqes4dd a orci its track, slthough -it Wus peectlY mr that th. original stretgth d lthe' .my had beeu very itotîtldrble, sud at ils lose 1usd been cornqntab^rvytif- i, ihile to crowu the. difficultits of thý ni thte Britlit cavaU7y ýaflot beemt- 4e to complete itls atkulg5 miAtot 9inngle op of hors. onlywm albfotu mtemplaed sel-vice., Nevutb.tls, ovn id such cirituînstsucei as tise$%,-Sir unes did flot hemitat~ e? b &n M e>lut, lut ie order to Captsin MÏlcetue. Graon to: Iloi- up lu000 Pers5s iWth only 45 opr-aduty -wiich tisaI officecry, ,ectually discitaged. Uposu the receipoL bis report and nteu it lliuuse Sub- equcntly bl'ought lui 14BAM liCotu- àadci- at once resolvid te talc.adutagla fthe enemy's dlsîsyi and; inithe. coursel. feight-and-fprty boumi h. detachmed a fly- ig columu of somne 3M0mon té olvertakil ac Persians, and to do whatevoermigiti hé racticable in cornpletinig theïr routé. The resuit wsltaIttis littho foeee ont enetrating to Ah-ai, a town .051 dis- ancuth fltei hCint I1 Ul*UPr*ihh te i-bol Persian anuy Iu a rev position, ot actually îuècoede indlslodglng it andý ottlng is second timfe to> fiit, sndsa .w victei-y, a1utosttsiportan .DdeT."i- se eoSly than- ithatast Iobammorais, wu ,ained solely.lupon lthe cue«of thea origi. à succass. But for titis dsahlug exploit be enetny might luamo eêov6erd bis con- Ideuce stlàAhwaz, celbestod hm forces- kmew, sud moved d tu*115potitaPo, upon qohamnînasi, to figt thvlààl bâtti v." ,osition heau cariled, but the. entiroamry )f te Persians, under tbe immuodiste coin- mend of the Shahzsdeit,,or hein apprentu in pern, hss beau <liveu ln a atate of m-ror -ad dlsorganization leump. afler eigme battre a: me-a haudful of our toope1 and-what la more-titi whoI. ppulatiod of tite country bat Wittuemand ,$ ppreci. ated the spectacle Suçi s Lystoza of tac- tics, evincing a it doue s aborougItknow- ledge of iental character, wili tminiud Borne of our rmeaders oflb.. campuigna of Alexander, who, thusatds- of yem&go, employed the same audacity ags~imI the> sarne enîatny ith thi e esioeu of Succes. It le net evem'y Ge.oerai hbi- ever, who would 'vuturé oun mkng d 4 roopers do duty for the alry déaammyi or- who would seud 800 mens lu pumuit of 1,0.Numbeni, it kTisu, omUt lin reaîily for litti.e nder u&enluuma lté event hie eitowod s asuctet1tit It~ q1tut-s a cotmmander of no etdInaryuurib te act unsitinkinetlui Mthe emledm> AnIvsi of tb Erleuenà The. Ericsson froin Liverpool 2tl4 ultj arrived lnst evening wlll. four days >tc Tii. Âfrica arnl'*ed aI -Lvrpool« the 4Thé- 34xen n -1&n»du r

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