( - - - - ~ ~ ~ i.urtictaIso ech ina n-e leeru Ltheposition of our JNew Adverlsmenlts lte T,9 , 4Y2, 1,q57. - er ule . forcesaromains unceti 4 ticnoAttenîpt hqa mou teP1ost ofiiço L-a m itaeciu:m- bcn mae uagaist tittan by Lb.Chines.- JNtO<: Of R. H.UIedr. vý 46acQd ta Itjge. p8o,10 S 2ti pssdItiero du Loup nt ap a Aitcît. - 81oeiu NLe-TirmaaIloilowgay. Lie S'xsetnthe im~lu lodiiim MIKmT5 thea f heAiteretiecas-G. T«,RX R. Lu sx moth odlt im aheaSut' hpti Bredstff,-WIeatAmoinwhiecita and Meuamgri-4. [F, . iîlly flreaiatuffaWimea-Aniccican nbiteNew r k, Jane 9nd. -Di-u u 58s a 5s; re 549,a60q. aw Mille-Joltn D ý.oydthae second reading heS8re seanOhipN;wYordarrve4Mia-Jo< Wit. ~n~ RtIe~, Itrdued F04 0ur -ia or 4 a 7;t ii orenoun tIOin Giasgon-, iritit 180 The. Great Eimglisir Retnedy-.Ttt. M,,, 'vci etr Soe disons- -e,80 î.pasengers, anti Lontileitffli>rof, Lte- Bible 1Let-Tiiuniaenx.. bcLoçke m,,çwus e-b, Consola formtoney, fi3; toc accumri,-i41.îL.Oina eni-bms imî - o; « !'-mttec w,-~it i »tc> Britisit Tew n-sttitiortant Oct Menday ovcning te navy estimates rltcMeia-iosIea. Agoud Cook WanxcL.d - #iMWFaiotinting Lu over aine million; SWrtflj, - AND LAK L IDlON ilÂlLWAY, Toleraili. watie e~ivdfotnere carrid ha Pariamenf. ormiew i t ie huond aa-tiheie trth ig In teNeuchateli fl' rPrussia des r<itttie etit OlLt _l'aria Lu Le j8Lb, statç t . uLb mahe Kinegc ofth 1irAtivgth Piort lypiy an endfoi-once ut Paras, anti renounces the claim - - rstl ma ny. Pr wityani iFotanleu nSîdy- ufor omesatin.etpco, yLm om cit fthait ho w'us s mueuh i eTiePi.rs corr-espondient outhti7imei, li orcn p ato.whitby TlîursdYJuins4ty1, 1yý ein dôntr tou, ümailetterc datcutiSundey evr-ning, says tLb.TLîcaiL ncircteiun Paris iatatttins - c ai Hn uoimas h ibi,)on <ti pbueesa ithpch(r 'om.Shahl bais nuL ant iln- nt raLity W _ JaWY Itly utisfiedtliat iJ itestantinopie outfliceîfttir, anrinîg titat tr-the ! ec sn u ii n &èlii. ioull nvertii trat~it .te be'u'on1(Irat iniîtii Lttons týroiunGertnany statf, LIMIL Lb. Thte Clia-rte!or etii.coatiuction ý a i iie teet"edr etbubtnfei'u I'riai n-itni ahère,44 LIter ëâ tsim ileiu The-en LiteEîperors.of France ant si re t, me Wlitby faiin-sy mas rmai -A, fiird ivtU '*e r th e ~ l4i pil aespetitot Lu d, dt tim uler et.Berlin. - antipasse inir te Ascmbly;On go 5idbe tcar iis lu wsonr onti.iTi AnB.facon Gros yl lettre for China on Lblut. Thte Port flop. people sud. %VOcQfteéhreswhc cSrtfioitc ecitun isrcs20t.fricutis opposed it strongiy, andi)(r.el eo futher powLiie citai-fr -co cco ntds front li gelncrai distfite Tîe Kiîg ut havane ia s neaettiFuS- aovedtheLb insertion uf a clause ii -citir were~ uked fo. - m ib ouhr decbib ppeaie tLr aîtubacitan' as mrcived by Lie Eapenor construction Of Lbe Roa t teBeaverton lat Year, amdati IL ü grn-ing crop-aavs aiaiguifleunt. Witeat anti \auoicun. ylegsa Lbe Comntpm rmeaidy holding5 i t wes tron-n out n tire flour arc dciinig in nearly.ciiLire Frenichr Tire Calcuttat proîluce mark-et n-as duili.Chaeor froin iheaverton- to Laite If 1ý1vltisoc ut punt c'eqicrvîgna-eadTi eot r e(eîoyt-Freiglut., a adatencedi. sitomilt(ail Lu complet. their part of sivtîsenody. eqintivocable as Lu Lh. Wheat. ev. irs lcu(tbte tcn-rei eue ieroatin-i ievcd mKt aientimenLt t Iitet ire i iintue Ipiaces tcemc ià te dry ant i -l b lt uTcietn i ut~~~~ etaibyniIca-rcot -tcr. Litansan order inCouncil, annioîmurig tepee oBaetn Uopposition lo etndbood eve- od etlé- mi t age outhLirPiiceas Royal anti Prince incffcectcuiî. The Cîtartor n-asiso n aid i~ bhn-s esce neb nivadon-e anti caLs reqmiro ramn; but' Frd-ikWUetu raitrougit by an overn-beîning majorit ities, ati tbcy were quit. i e i ottat oui naucat a- Tie r.ioning grain crops in France are The cien.befor tLie South Riding it @lit, es is lîrouaid. nîagmit'cnt, anti n-lat andi floeur ere de- uruis. (isintorestidnesa te TonaoutM i h partie" nho non- Op. The unensiness respectitig te vintago climtg in nerly ail Lb. Frencht market& bty un-es so ntuci 1) opposetithe Crairt d riâq ojetios n tebis.entirely ccaseti; but ioîtiers romain cThte Britiâli utancen Ilorne.t bas dle- flic last, anti na ho couiti succce [ch bcd been 'unnmnuously fim trýYeti 17 îiraticaljeanks on tbe Cbinese nutiig Cisc, bai thLe clause legelizing nserfeti byte Cottînittec d iau isico ttm icîation tiret i"oîs. y-len- passoti by Lb. town, for taking rougit net non-, there- flite Iamtk.u France lues entereil into a neui- l'aceLn-o native-r uîtinies in Indi~ a t 000 stock truck OuftI Mn. Lumsticu i ,d Lu bring forwarti îen' centreot for goî,tId.Acnie -eprin1bendsaddwtou uhtoba ht tigcould lie gaineti by suc huped the Lite ccnduuouct coîteacputoi:bcidsuneitihunrcltruI etniin cteti tu. et golil b5,'flimc avéciéeeaccd c-- itm/ tzars, a tri, utofielochiése uccîîpying tire course, andl that the only purpose iL c ber -disusioni,tho nîttonti- steamters -aiill gotLu Lie continent hiis siavoarlesba-tmr, 150,000 strng, iad serve, vroîald b. Lu put Lb. Ton-a Coan wnc, andthei. bibi passeti l'lite accounta regac-eing te tr<gies-, cf ben tlmcotesubictission. Loss oit the Wiiitby Lu te trouble anti expenise out thLb.sik-ci-up continue, au tLimet-ltoic, saLis BritLli&id,,GO. sing anotiierDly-lan-, IL nas a aabby ývomt Sunday ilabor naswu cor.. .LIe edvintaice tal&n by hiin, madé ne and.i passedti bcough asx Arrivai ofthLec Amerîca. more coritemptibie, from Mr. initia 3Wbee hlouse, sud or- The maraeo h rîc fPuNat position as e member ut Parliamen t.------io-. he rînesuRoylb. ince tPnns verLu HAL IFAX, 2nd June. nanis bis constituents. Fritiý ay s'20. pepular, tcat flicequcestiontofta pubmilic dc- The ateimadip .lmericm, troci Liverpoul, It n-ii bcseca b> unr report tri eue rsenteti a petition troua motnstt-tiôn, is alceaidy utuler cousiîleratiori. on te 2:;rtd it., acrived et titis port short- colunmn, tuit t Ton-n Cocuncil at ec Tun-neipa ofNortht The G6nzetleetflest cveonii contaîis un ybfoe oittody.'ucstiaiyevening'sMeeting, passeil a in or-it, anti Woudbuiise annuunceîncnt on titis sultiect. ln fox-e jTieiitlieneb tiarrviisLr. uinappointing a Çcmmnit±eLtora-i Great Western Raiiway. fliowss: At ftire Courtnt eO(siernyI-lionfticis erLiai LI ylte Canaidien, but ai non-By-lan-, fsuaitoLubc ready Lu ad re rcad ai tîirt inLime. on Lice ]Ittiday utf!May, presemîit, the anLoa nîotn lietî. ocr -t b CuiyCuelnh i a lette3r announeing fit. Qmeet's Most Excellenit 3iajesti- in tt.Thre (ailure Lu a greet amount ut ai ten- Semble on Tuestiay iet, sud if net seat for thre county ut cil, n-as tory mîmchicplaseul te demlacelber ctn tlai onei - . îl 1esue rd tire n-e>. Law andJustisce. . lunte Divi.sion Court on Tuesday, business n-as men> beatty, anti cf tuait ure--sualli imticate uraning accu, anti scetts of h;niich le sometimes cxce ingiy bidi-ng. Stateruentsam re i Lu at une aide, andion Lb.ectter, i lnjorty fut assquitir contradictor>'.1 icnce anti good tempr-rare virtues oun liutan constitution, are essentim neea'sa-ry iqummities hi Lbe comiposition Lire Jutige preciding at a Div-isioq Gou On(ýI>'haIt cý dczcn"-Attonn chic ati nitnesses, n-lubc fouami makimg th saotents anti couutei-staements, aL Lsaae tLtime togeticer. (living a deçi Jsoit Lb. evidence would b. difilcuit enu but IL seemas quit. b.n-ildeling decitiing Lire equity~s b.Lneeu Lie partiîes. 2 'ry prend te bear testimouyoQftbe impart tanner ta wiiicit Jirtge Burtimiîu diapos ut tes. cases. Witit a caiumuem patier anti evenness ut4ep, , circly to bots pams.d; dues i. heartite evldearce andI deciioma, if net mIn-myà satiectry Lu deteateti parties, ,diïplây gi-est p"arcta snd sountinese cf Judgeet4,,en-lQth meet iriti thLb.approbation c eL.geai public. Thte most imporfitas e n-b came betore Lbe Court on Tucsday, i Limat oft Ycrnotd utà $ A.o M001 t< Mn. Yannold sueti Lb.Sehool Trusitees1 te ameunt cf a bill- oftsnte cuum.d1 iîcmi, utefeutitng lima neturn as Raiturici Office ait te lest elootion of coo1 Tru tees. Juctiment waas gîven l in bs faim Sommai 'deducoousbeing mail.fa-omt]i amomumît oft csa caiimed. Tiihpe lm eut otr bîci Litejeit Crwmgi will' (nealiù iii L itmmda oftouc, meaierm. L élection, te Returimg (>MSr dclcan Mn. 'K,. Bruwna Lu le ced chI c T ruste. by iclaîaaUca. À poli 'mÀ mandeti b>', Lb. Rà tepa'yemsý, wbifcIsLie I Lmining rOffiSer peremptorily refuisi buîndled np lsbookrs ait once, andico fi. puIll orne e sRaaipyeMaot a Ton-n brouubt an action Lu rte-timeval oe .returu, andtI Jugment ia . rendeu inavor cf te defetidattona t iechittb poimmthLattite action n-as notbmog#t n-l in tn-enty tiays as required tbj*haSÈa'tuù --Juige hfurnham hitLiai LhmýRelurni Officer laeing te all iteatoanda puoe Lie MSr f c ttire Schl TrUlteai liaià c.. - jcotnsent Le a centrcîct et înatniîcceccy bc- i oseu ru have seietiforN 'en-York in Lb. tiono thLieiHoncorable n. Sponce, t tn-en lier Royval îîigîcrie!zfite Pria s Aab e wnt ntato Conntttec outhLie Royal, anti lis Rotai Iligicricts î'itmuret hcLaust, ircc,(rmNn ok ite Civil Serivice Billi. Sevecnl Fred.nick IViiiiarnt etf>rasua, n-hlm-hcon- :1tant-ie iepo m ieoeigu - goeme Lbou93r mmd the-Cotmmît- sentIlier 3acsylinsasn tis useotLubo te 2t pd reporteil progreas. signitiet umiten tîte gi-Oct siâd. The steamsbýip Kherson, front Portlaind e, Ç7ie3 movmi Lt. scondreas-vtn Halfax Lu St. Jolin's;, arniveti et Liver- > Municipal [Loan Fend 114 ater Funther bv the Cainadian. p:>ol onite 22nti, itcving ast la portion ut ugo on the.motion theo Houa. t lqf. h i Tc. r hbet-en-w. Bitirday, M> 0 ooraLe thmeIitttine rus a-cat a timrai Lne discupssion. ot sente antendm.ntat lion. Mr. Cameron bo- te moAtion for Lbe puas- kouineed ttat -ho bad nen- electiomi for te ke4 vacant ithe breg. ýeton tnhLe.second iipal Loà uv4frd fuIl .0m*yi Jattefast, us-a4 tio Interustiona1 raa iiad tint, anti ÇComiero aubimitteti nrW. lest apun a divi- etwid thle charter cf Dttawn Rakil-ay Coma- Keneti Do-ie& Cu.'s Circular.i- says siMicethe etridiem cailedth ie n-eaitlmrlitas continîctii-or>'fine,ad a ci narkablu-fa. vorable change tri Lie appeat-arce outhtie coutr-y andthie crolis, bas tek-en lîlce- ticocght Spring Cocnu tîttibe boutfittoti by sucre rein. Aftcrn mtany n-ceks oftEast wnti, kecii out vcssels,a change LuLice n-est having taken place, ticci- is an arrivai oft ieati- stuflitguing -on, irbicit n-i mcuat tLu a consiticcabie auppi>'. The London Cura Ma-ket n-eu egia dul >eterday, wlth a tioclimi, ot s on ail butf thfluetlorfnigu iriat. Finenater b.- imtguaiivtnai on Lie continent ut Europe, pnecsicc-e enm4ly repum-tecI lon-ica, as also in titis coutry->. At our Coi-n crk-ettLo- day, th ittltvaal ofta goot tiai utoite whieait loti Lua gondl businessa at 2ti aitvance. Fiocurn-as oxceodingi>' duli nitiout change un pices- thon, n-aq a&gooti denanti ten luinlmu Curn at 6di aivaxice.t Pot sand Pari Asires arecitelt at 1,adi- rance, laut te siaiuncsa utfte sck çhlIn-y iecit brsiRts-tin portcrs bandscal>' tiu-i roail- 800 brksoutPots ati 100 to 1 b0 baresuo enmd Lime set Peinls rencaiuing& Canada Wbeat mixeti ,y lan ke t whita, 9sto (>aI d; ied,Sa 5d aOs 2d. 1 'w car- FlôûriNo.lumciperfle, 31s-s 82s;, fane>', 6eûu, $2a8 d s88 d; exrai, 14. a 858; sunmr, 1 d.27s-a 2s,ý' -i*tm CnalFloua-, supenine, go. "2'lhat 8laas ?2s'l eafSluminaido4s ; >ostinal 828 t ai auW- a 848; 'ladian esc, mixeti, 2Ll; yelioar, ttnd 36s lîfuiti;an4 ti it88ia Gd; potad pearî- anSs tihealSi-As ~4T lim pa-ncipi aujeet oftdebate lu betit hteW t o I-lus( ctniamemt où McmdaY night, Mtsped, o 1 $th, n- imehédu%îrecf te Pa-tucèsa Royal !m,m ' îoi.on Limeoceaitoi et ber-minage apwiti thLe mises of te, Prince of Pi-usais. In the Bfouse 4f Lordsý t41Ny iL c ame ithLie imiape ot a' ufrmge (rom ite 41 F-ms.Quccen, mmicii asit Ber Majety biati nu nsY' -rouin Lu doubt 1cotLte a'edy ctoncurrence cf vnt aL Ionmthe ~Huà lns i schi eà %urniiseMay, oiiLnl- iiid iby bute Lu Lb.marinage oftlber -eltio:t daugh-. Mrtir-e Ln,,anti may ho besultabie ýtýu Lie'digniy o Mr'ere therowËnêmid tLeeh boorf théb couatry:, bil unth t it, a pension, 1 i-iereuVua Lord (Icawi .doar- vi ai e ato- rneil 0bservâtions, con- Lie Nays cerncng Lice Pnincemiai Royal, anti tovoti an assurance tLu Her'Mifjcaty tai te may g rim~sely ontieicoriual concurre.nce outhLe Buse il fiayeno >on u suci easules as nte>' b. noçessary.- 'tepbiLord Derby sètcôuted Lireminon antifi ,red titat ""adopteti ai once; also aL 0Cmin t> onm that tItis rote - as mooteti, ant iucii Lit. ithe pr-. snte wiay. l*rti Palmeîrston appeareti et iL.w aln-te bar with tLh. mecsaatge(rom te (rona, eùf0G nd nitb th e concurrence utfte louse, be votatei e ntmeti Fnitia>'as' teday on n-iih iL tat lm a Asiiuia bciconsidered n-bat uimme o re r Tiat le the Queen. Mr. Dleraeli expressei bis tode d&approvai, and Lien. nere ne utiten bbser- wLimê daiit -tou Accordingly, oms Fritiay eoteig, ot' im t e ai&albc mà ac c9aalftet W'it thLie Mlarket genenally fitinanud priea ment- teateti aIgitimaprovonient. Titoren-es nu pai-tioculirchange tanLime fcrouticce ntenlet Loncdoni aoncy nmarket n-as lighiLer, Con- suis ita& faikît), beiîîg quoteor o uey et te close of Fnily et t93î. Newie frein Penss.. BRIITAI\. The. report Liiet Gemerai Staier, Lb. commaunder utfte land torcçs, anti Coma- inoudore Etheritige, ecommmading Lime aum toi-ces ini Lb. Persian Gut amiboth oe.~ mniiite<i auicide, itati been eeacfia-ed- lu London.- Tire Liverpool lime. cf May' 16, saye- as a ruly Liage epiaucie of t.e Pmrimi n-ar, n-c bave te ment"outhLb.deaitit, eeh by iris ownn bnd, GeneaIl Forster Staiker, comcmainder utfte forces, andi Commodore Etireritige, outhei m-ay. '- The, verdict -on Generai Stalke's ibody> n-es, titatlb. came by bis deatit fron a pis. toI shiot inlicleti by bis onmiaud la a fit o( Leuponan>' lusamit>'. Teiers n o upo. per ieft Lu indi"at iis, andi b. n-esmerely, iearti Lu cumipîin LiaittLb. 41-4Gar> n-ms nit giron irm; sud n-as, abso mcmeia> about te* m-eponsibiity cf sb.ltering Lb. Eniropsian.La-cps during Lb.eappaoacutg boL n-estImer., - Tics vedict on .Commodoere-Stitet-itgo n-a ticat- h. tietroyet i imiluaI ith b ha on-n bimut n-ile suffering anderuîtental ait- berratiua, bcoiight aibout b>' long contimmuet aixiet>' couaeced iththe i.dîmieof hi cuinireenna. on l4titoetMay, stateLiat ait"r aklng Mobammerab Lie E140"ait utMna- learnethtin te treat>' uf peace bha&ibeemi coneludeti, anti cmddreti- a auspemnaocf Ime Lontion G9aiete ýpucbigits tlw, des- patofutS'icJamçat Outreit, ocimaardng te expeditionamyfoi-ce in pcisî, ecutain- ing tire actount of the çuperati»nu agaiflut Tire French Miniafer for- Joreigu Affaia recivti iepaLhs~frouît Y. Gobtineaun, They Atrctiatcçd .8z4 cf Apa-i and i <ue queutly, biioro-Lime sirival et ~téhran.et' ]cave no toub4, iton-ever, coft.eietion1 of Lbe Shah to enauto Lie n-ar is- t-l Gm-eaL Bitaita a qui ckly mii possible. IIuLIOn-s's Pu.ts-TJ1puâaude ho- liv. b>' Lie n-cat ofut7aeïr b.rws in 4 sections of, the Union, reI'y Upon 1hia ' ret remîedyais Lime best protacio!si à uISmt_. b. cd de- isy ewu i.. jeu.- I -~le CouiM ejiwntinto Conù-tntttedb1 witloit a iwutuUn of- Mr-. KeiesWe pà iichaseai -sem-aper, -wiioeI'bari-li à a picks for teuse of the Towm The resc tio ~n wu - r p re i a nd td opt e-a *i i :Er. PorT-brought un te alxth'r-se , t . The msenaies are piinted in italis n-cv ,P c -e y kile ton the. spo t, or dicd iîme fr icathLe ] nd liben" i- eti'cts o f te, injuries rccel ed. Mfan > or se in tieir the survirs xmme w e- -inur nuL ýConue William MeCBroMMCeptaihi. e ? A gatim David TE H ciei an, pmr&er. - 14graçics-. - racisi Rebe1 -pilot. ni o4Q u 1" 1 W ila c D oug biey,, ng lteI2iI - cent, 'Tb.heunochi n oftlacwb.ele t-èci bys ateuinicalifty labie otha LbIR Th 'FitmarmaOf ren 'by ak r1le biit')l ong, Ibm atel ati tu aln-aIm IL Tfiey gm irth r Il Lu prel eoôîd i m bce -ead ai cenan prc es of!tLb Seuti Nr [bis n-eu evest reat )n cf -i i vk.Town Couneil. the Town,.whlo liq1 contibuted so liberal. cald. Dornaît proveci service of the sirh- in their p'uýyyrsà ytolwardâ, the funds of tihe Clpb. The meons on his fà ither-in-law, and prcsscd (or ther's Thrune. I TîcdyJnInd. Club la now well orgftnized, andi iLs gooti an execution'against the Town. Mr. Tre- Psalmist, " Lord, The CQuncil tmct at lîalf-pùust 7.1o'Cloc'k. condition leav'es nu room tu odoubt, but thât inayne, Barriceter, happencd to bo in-the ion of Ãyhoa. Present M1e sN. Fraseir, Keller, 1iiôg- On taking the field -tiis seaà on, it wil add lCourt, andi as a Rtitecpayer, .objected toete honor dwellçth ;" son, Perry andi Wallace,-a bare quorum. fresh lauWes Lu thm ossuwcll won Irtst ycctr. case bcing procceed with, as Lucre was no ardent love and z The. Recve in the Chair. -.~--.- person ilice Court to reprosent the Town. God, a-hich led tbi Mr. Fraser presenteti the petition of L. Parliamentznry Chat. 'fi.u0 toc swth olJbtwa utae bog C. homs ad oher, payig t hae a nd f Ltethec autilthonce was epre -'htseto adowfL.Tr a. pomtinso ndas th reepyit bav aiud The endo tepresc ut wek 111 ie ,>te tttcîupted to hc played off; and postporied wildernesgthat t] Il orionofDunadStretFas, raiedbring us Le Lbe close of tbe session. Dur-thcaeoilheTw srpeendsao fteTe e t o . n d r a v l l e . i b ai s cot l u n e a g e t d e a l o f l e g i s a - b e f o r e i i n i ; a n d t i n s , t h e c o n t e m p t i b l e f r u i t s w e o t -t o t h e < R1tported '16 the Standing Coninifieonigisonitaio8g tri<-k tLu ulet tic Town, lias been de. day ltig attachmter afreet mn<tmprÃ"vernents. . o; n Wilaeof a cl-fnatu en Tealpu e, Çatd.remained undimi, Mr.ý- Wallace brought up' the Reor arwel a ota ocl ntue. hoGovrn Liéý t4 Standig Committeee on Trown l re- ment having riuiphantiy carried througlîhgarta br.y J a perty and Market manag2, enthicli -a.ures,à n-big. itiasê1qtefra hita Cf statoti Litait the purebsqerà of te Mavket Large and increasingniajorities froM flhc Thursday, 28Lh Irla 157. ever wu Serectet inj lotif edL opywib bscrnîjîsfirst voteÃ"éf»te s4asion, oïl tite tddreiss, b to 5îINby, andi he was un, - of sale, in cônsequence of net livîng- re lice prescrit Lie. Wil h oeacn ~ u i>)iiN Esq., Reeve.asstdhreig 87.ceived- thefrdeedsis t thei. erfiie bas triumphéd jn iLs posiLion, anti in seur- J.S. M. Wlicux, Esq., J. 11. place of worship,i - M. Prr, a aniniviual aisbl orirg the prospcrity of te country by bene- lict VAiL, E1J, J. P. and iL %vas hie last kuritr nfrmtin-(ro ti.Cuumtte.ficial legislation, what a contemptiîdly îuu- STRALINa. Iating to the chtircl eer nses weire fincUre ilotin tpoiLon s it Opostin Margaret 2Mcleroott, and Cathierine bic sparedte Lusee iL iCg, c.,iordert4 tinLhktlcknprt tLtitude. so menaring anti boastful li tLhe avta, werc Iîrouglit rp on charge of W. TI. lent disposition. A Cme Sale&.,in rd er , la aile Lîcrteey rp r- i otdsu sono rwm t~ d u G ib1, Esq., uf havin stolcn front lus shop of great riches, b o f1ii ore we-s r*e-L. mo, n u apr. disconîcnterî wbine, unly listeneti ýou, Lu at Oshiawa a quantity of greenat ll~finiu ~cpu châminony upardsof £,2M T e derideti by sensible mecn. -Mr. Georgeribbn M. ibbs'tore htte paers caue w89tha bekuet lig the sale iras an ad'rantageorta une Lu the Town-ri lrown's insatiable rlihcs and his dis- pn-cL tu Mc. îbbs soe iLo, thakedontless b. telîor r, lin. an -ho(r Perry,) siie uko ii regard of the worth of ali(iein tItan pie:ss niwîl ligs,"ukd rsei oL.o tIi~who th feiL ay-heter iththeIciisef, ouli b prducivecf u ohertwo teiitpting relis .of ribbun. Mr. Gibbs bis appeals wrereofu SOcunoil i te TiLle, tb. Solicitcor or' thd Pur- result, tirntier bis assumicti leadershcip of te la ngicis ieribnatrLîertea-res pondet L, in bel fLie bar, the dcilfslewrefo Opposition H lgrey amcbitiont, andi ture frein tice siîop, ubtaineti a scarch n-ar- that required imictîe on. lish eesofslewront g!rec adflci ionws- Ad ronbis onn coin- tae u.l M.Pry ritt bigo t spirit, has dividet icteopposition rn, t1 i i rbo na ound iin Marge-,t~ lui te Ot - H o cNtritte Lusated he ~ ~ret's bce byl I)flc Constable. Mr. Gibbs often wont, sileritlj ~the L.purcitaers ever carnceforwvard fer theirgien tuasflitioital strengtliteL iitr; l)iiniliî aie1wibna onlfoiacfe e~i ty-deetis. If fliteproper grecations liati beeri Te t intellect, public suiitandi on- ien(if flic lristicers Lî-cnks as bis pro- wn-c S(takeri andtheLb.conditionq of the sl taeiigbtn et mtLie silde cf MinisLoers,Mc rt.Iuilcinesu-eenLuh ie-aeoeru vhtt- by flite Auctincer, Lb. puri-hasers wuuîîild rown's îloninccrixig aud fîiisc-~~ Qua-rter Sssou o stand their triai -.Iar- his bouse, bis tai ter LA) 'bccoîcîpeiied in a Courtcf Ian- tomont- adîletistrecghe iiatenî&-_ -ntfrLettftat aiaiea en lrsintaeir ed in pli .hi ucne.. i vii oe-i clary scloscîgt; Lcct gcntlemaim's politi- pcv.begone pilgrima; ani ~ leetîer urhse.li wmlî o u liapaci d andiAritr. t ccrF 1Weil konras a pIr th mendi-ent tltthe report hobc irne a naîiyai iresa u ccom1liil Thi,; s-tlesibwrv, ofiPorto aian-e 50-auy objeet as flic leadler <of a pirty. .I is her- j ot b bret t Lumarin-lie, i bakfrfrhrinfirn:titm -1 ,pn befu iherý_o__ip-o Wl1Wr eiiositceýw kan' leadlersii a source ef strengtlt te lisii el01u> ntrst iha Mr. IWaiîace said Limitt e îtndlrr.- fod flint oppotionts.- tLie coicplaint of Mrs. Kane, for baving n-ith 1dim as tîmeir i tii Lb plirchaserscould t rtobtain teir deeds ca- -thi-r lyfic hair o tebenati ' at ould et the lîroîter tim incon f fel) i c nfTicteresi-naitlno f Mr. Cauclon-al- 1-iuit iylce c i. ,at t prudence adg cillnc et Lit rthcrwise aqsaîcqlteçl iter. Complainerit dicLîteti. ileeiu of-y c uLbcic ier r.thougîtiulouketi for, tLice Mtnistry appear -rnircu rct iereoln tLIe l -salvru pas- ueifonM.3e-.,a eudrt~ nontLo have sufferei Lte sligbti-st incCnen f & aIvro eue Fror r.son ber(3f. IVîllacci tier. nt-uc. N mlarastei ppas e y-tlici-e is - erainali in front of Lb. as brethren ail in w stili stofoiteSolicitor Lîcat Lhe ptircîmasegrs hvebeen causoîl la the Cabinet b hi' Lb ae. - cesthoghadoro de7swere nuL bo1uhd. course tak-en ou the bonorable gcntîenian's -y eht cou irubado nficninLsetc Nth ~î ltal--isi-Il Lime lobhy-tcc defeittant nailoti up Lhe principies as a cenise Tihe Cicrkcciii e letter whicb b lied all 1 i- door un lVednesdîciy. Coutplainant got a addres-sedtiLutihe diffibrent purchasens on out the session tbe strength uftLhe ~lianmiec anti "reefeil" iL open again-.io Mer~ te 26tLiîof Jenuftri-, 1,457, rcqmiing tlum r isbe liyicesiga oe feu-lau tcamne aa to fisten flic door- ToLcEdt- iLe Iss teexe minr tà n t teprtîatîct tinte.Tii Istto attend atMr. Trvmav-oe's Oiliic, Lu n-a firerailiîn- tc h heo i fthere n'as a scoltiing ntatcl-h bsn fslp DEý-5 Sîi,-A cuttedet ,bud tatLie cv-o, butM th-iattcrtiu flicetetiui Lteayort toilinLii wybohr.fei Y, ntbMa.Machwa1pait r up, TremmA-ne nuL do araythininl ite usatter 1 oeu th~gini iesmrn cic icoie n"e ,t ie until be (Ur. Treieyne> shoulîtihear frntaniave,,IC flifcic ponle ntnitntnul-ti and toSalîbnyted ieif, oi in-g ai lLiteabuse and t inn-ngs cf Lc "tehtene nt.1 hnt L lamti Onrlo" andtihLb 0~ Li-te Nayor eain.n nwtoplcli îw Mr. Keller, etithtb tiitof wn-uait cd -'ar-GriLs. If a geneu-al eeutiiîin ~iat te nolefittk plae laini -sformr iin b fallen ft'omitMc. Perry. but ho tbelieveýliL noeL ak iee omirrw fclto tite ic at i.Téiîsti-teskLb aintix- n-ic theLu forme would b. foundth îat Lb. fautît iy et the ticadeiibtluit that ilarge ntsjoity cf Mutlick g OX toieti itefernb 1 iterslnicns n-ould bc roturnoîl te 1i tMnino - cnioet ie hreth a oys anîl door outflicteoircil of 1850i. lie %vas une 1i1p101 iii -ail iith a m-priocand, let Lia.de.-f:ditor, n-olccvti-t of te purcbasors im-io -as fieldti Lt t is lAssembli'. peaking ut a gêerai eloctionf( ccd-cnt uff on paviticg 22c. hI. cosîs. I'le oLisfrinrio Lb. deed -as net preparoti, anti on Lthe 26LIther iiti rsnc ttrenx .-k eîiiî-ufritia black e cycanti weii-scritcltcti. «Yours cei n-~ Januari-,lb. diii not tbink blînsoif bottndt jplace beore flic expiration cf the. prosetfaebramltacsote vriyf tta to Ltake iL. Iarliairtcnt, n-iich n-li not bc. until afte theico it Thco plaes tite sc161erit cf ýe_ Mr. Friser tas one.out Ltse n-hov ariaother Session. Amrîength Linte .' i snlcîLof Tbcile da it.ifFarii robusutr- 01 <ppe~~lLuLb sloofLb 3îr'it e ianges i kelyLu fakte place, tebe moe hm Lite Lb.se t th sleof utMaketlo e .rd e i frutr Oit m at c or hm th' t e ani numu ann -d wshstll o Licten the ,,. ato of Nr. Cuchon, i , _ý P-reciain tire property of ice Council Arj rumnotaret itlcattiHonorabîle %fr. Spec e DREA)JFUL, ACCIDENT. Xn. Deviie'sls P n-or.aL tenuL Lad eaaneLPart of Cazada, ýsi h oni eentpreparotiLu make the ,*Explusaeac0f irte s4éam Propelier &&aI. Indien Territorie iaiY deel. ait the proper ime, aod if flitepcur-.emn"i oot abr a QI~ cbasers ceccîtinot b. colipehle te to tke The dylig specu-It'cf the Bonavertout krai"' iuot libr A fon' tiys sine ~'~ hei ii (M-. Fese) sme-nu eeesityfer"Pii, t On Friday evenuîtg the citiacris ut Toron-: spienîlit map ut theI euLs theenquiry. iThe publication oetflic Beavertoît Par-iet to, partieimlari-L tes. residing near fle ivas placodîth ie Pc tOT Mc. Pcrrs- agein reitecateci bis stete- I as heci lisoticu.The course ta.-ken ViciltitY eo ienlF cen-r irnnit -bu- tna ito ite flints aniivcef rrec tLu M c.inTrewtavcc is lot-.lc -ô byttehe > frscc inepa afoesstate cf îgrenL consternation by an ilarut- cd 10 tthe llurisons1 li tocs ln defenceutfte titi. 'vhich aâ-e sitdedt j peidy diselution. Now-iing o.'îîosioto, wic provedti Luhave been for Lice prrpose ut ai g9t, et teiLin-lathe Cunaso< w~,nhidi pcipers 11k-e individuetis licite tJccir tsetof uto4-Y -the biowing up outflimePropelier in more fally comprel en went te prove tbmt Lime Titi. decil froîn 3Mr. sickncss. Irtb temp czà ler anti otor- .1nc isuoin, Captain I. Broum, Master. subittcel Lu iL arc Vertien nas obtaineti on te 2Z5titNovomn o- ing of gali 4c lissreaiguns outhe ic aLi Tu-cite lites n-ece lest. Tire Infcrmnannuîcountry iyingwnest i fitt ber, 1856. ut a nen-spalier, as tbey care Lb. invariable biddiscltecged part ut a cargo ut oats eit Bay au1ti lludsun's )sd The-amnendmnent andl report n-ore witIt- attendants on tiic ucar teic-mise uf a %vonit- Uplton & Browit*s Wharf, anti iras about Ocen, and fronthLie ucO drevn, Mr. Wallace underteking Lu la y tLb.outtpicce o u mnani ty. .1 ny une eofut-ti. procecdin, to St. Citicerines Lu discharge latitude.tôtLb. Arec u'~ informuation sougiit by Mr. Peccy belore nery penetration could nuLttftti'Lu lico e tr renmaining cargo. About b al( 4 ufthtir various expmcd 'bis te Coixacil, expressing hiciscîf t theb. on - argcly, tii. rf<d-<t itterlviy aprtâoo o'clock aiLte efternoun site cmen ce~d, John Frnkn n -iti Lieà Lm ub fLt aneoiinwt hs ysAî u'telua.Ee uhc-igotnso4dsac nL. aitckt hrtr.I D1. R. GAIGE or Lb. Northt Wegt - ladcoacs Bar and o 'a pt-ouf sheet OcfA Jmcdson's Bey terrclLcrl lai6 aeut->' Librairyi st imîneîliîteIy remcov- Bay Cummià ttce rouin aiding thet Comaxittes bhending Lime questionsi I-enclacces that m-at i Toronto, iGeorgian sBay Lu ,Lthé Pacifie 4iitb paiitel ofnortit [sea-tte iseuvrles liLions in seain-ofetSir thiterr pective tracks aso exhbiblts in ce&mSI- fetures Oftlis ectionm tccortiug , tlmthe cst rities as qu*d-tmità e- )dem-Tek 3Macl le- . i Sir-W. R Logan,&c. li irork n-aswuutier- y Mr.,Deine, drfIg- Àimds.feu~mtnna' andpmiso's aRt it - - ble oOu4,11,4'- itb tii-o 1 a b 1 , tehabit&. anîl the place ithere Lty ,andi te nover lest the; ceal ftocLhe itorsbîp ut à epiommeets an Lb. fo,st Woodis and 5n-anpsaiîî4 bhey tigit ait under LtW c ut Lite, aind flnd its tir Leste. To bis dying nt Lu Lbheflouse of et tultiby age or in- tortor e t Lgive a sitefor tplace ut Wursirip Ltat n the TownsiIip ut Wblî. ÃŽeSL eMIcicritly anti weill tiret neet anti beSatti n on- nearly côlnpIbt.,, n-naît about Lbiu* re; -h on earth that et bW«Id finiabid. csa a ef rn itfberievO. Uthtuîgr noyer possesseti- n-as ernpiatieal>.- tir, ýr anti Jike Job, "Lb, wnuL ite searcheti outt" or ufth LbYeetiy anti dis- )ulent o ut oainstuen *on, ruade, anad as duly taItO otC-ery siuergency ixliate andi efficient beIp. Iifited rceSourcesb. n-as ]y Lu teke supplies et ic ditelliriga utfn-nt anti 'hospitaiity. Tis hCart, ,bie, wuis open Lu the and Lb. neeuly and n-oc. ti iL n-as, pea-bepq., tua ce ut refrcsitmcnt andi in ar-asons ut pltrticulear et-e accastomed Lu ta-y oat beyond Lte Lijmo oil feeling sirulti bave )fg900d mon. le luved wccci ireskan- Lb.image - le n-es fimîn-anti un- ,hntt Lu is distintiiv ewltby"Ctolee .ry interosting Cricket 1 on Tburlay leston- betn-eeri the &4Young "tCaaa 6Cllb," ti u ne crun andi eigmt. As u hoîave kindiy ruatcitplayed ib.Lneen- Lithe Ton-n boys, - con tire imberty Lu sendi apcctfully. C. M. KELLER, iep@$7 NEW WA-NT Jnc 2nô, iSS tILEBRA iintujeccure - etdcnmc