Whitby Chronicle, 14 May 1857, p. 1

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4Tb 444< <f <~ Y CHEMIST 4 1 T 11y 4,S' 4 i . ' «LS ir w 1t15t 1 a Aru'-ttîd Ii îtIr THM i ,4 ~ , 4 4 4 4 tl<41.lirefon .11 i 4 I- >< "4trrvie1 4>4,, .44 <4Ile u 4,'fi fOit. - 4 NON I 4. 1. %t' or VON '4-1 1 ri'fil] "P' 'Y CI r, -. 4,4 14'4 bel (~~~i-î~ 41. te v.'rIrit nt N 1,thîîe ita <,. «tioT a-d ii 4 '4 44 4,4î Rc< irl )goailt '11<4 i4 <<îîî.lîtar iq Un i rit lmiu'vue <Vre . Sî-te H 1AUF8DAY MORNING, BROCK STREET, WIlliY, .4Neit Door 10 lthe Regilotry Offce. IIFERM l() S41lCIi'TiON TO THE TJ' ll--a.ii,'îi., nil p'~2er iniutn, j&oTE4S (OF A LY]t1Tl,;tN<; ~ is <1 Il%il it- .. .....2. C. l~1tîr~ i'fts, fils', t ?ur<'uîîun su stir t' ,rt -iiiA4 1< x iii. 4re 1, v W' loî t <itW, t i<iu<ty. i.lî tr j'i51r. l «i sl or ic<r t11011k we-l l u 1.c.t' I)ývlints ime<' IIn irwt rdii<g 1N îîs i,!' .îs -tpopil' rîtrs-tt'r'l. alil u irrz îi#4e>:tr s, M XE:t<'.~~:lHtl~ cVîî< . N% BOOK ANO JOB j BOOK AND JOB PRINTING t tîu 1<dî t i <idI îlitris<t< e Ille %%w rk wilil: i i st 1 i "îî'<riý, P% e tt'. l itu . . o<5i<<<'4 <<.. li îi' iil<4 1.G4M'LIIl t al .% 4<14-. l'41<44 vaisl4'.4 fi44 triii-lied i It l.,< << y. I Iiu,'~ < oii1~ Yfhcr.1o t.' \ S 11111N A ST t 1 oi val1 .4<'iitIi NNEL.SON G.. It11NO)Is, Il. J. 31M(L)ION EI1.. hIe t .44 I JOliN v .il AIm ,t .îtîriz i i l i i, : IN )i, <f.T.AN 1 J. 1 o. ri.O MIit a 1'. PA X TON, Jr. JOHN NillEIl, .G. IIANI<, - W. JIL TIE.'IANS. t: 1: 1<-R &:170NYATLW AMON W. CRON, ýilW1tiiTctT, ('ilii ENAjINEEJI, AND I i Etct Agent, Wiittby. .7.FRO D BAVEN, A 11V'IIITECT AND CIVIL ENGIXEEIR. bi< tIal kiiods i)<ttiuaâiritîg o'urk cari'fully atten- PIIIT<tANDER M. CLARK, I .jatt Iîscu of 11 ~ la the Municipal- 1ky fthe Tuwn ofo'Wiiî>. C. IIITCHJNS, AXE MAKR. AXES JCMPED AND RF, &J.Pird aI l'oc shorteet notice. St<oing and ltbbinhltcty uxeuteti. Sop few ors <ho h fi 'oIlard',3 Ilotel, Brock Street, Whithy: WM. S. ROBINSO0N, (FttOX IIVLL, EXOLAN-D,) ~AXILY CIIEMIJ3T, &c., I)ROCK STREET, G. A. BANNISTER, ~*I.ALLANIS LIV1ERY STABLES, nlC -R '<STRE1ET WIIITBY, NEXT D>001 -E te tgi<try MSic. )ANTU, GLAZLER, .PA1-'ER JLA.NGER, GEOIWE.-BRÂBAZCÏN, <0jÇNVEYANcp£j. COMMI SSIONER FOR Vtkýng Affildavits in ti)p Queeis<a Bench, &c. rck, (.W I GRAIND» ROTUJEJS9 2PORTER6 AND DEALERS IN irtlie Winea,8s tKan ris flBer- i Tlultdertise "Globe" fice&ti Sret WMLLAM i'noitpsiq.l t' il lVith calm Printed Words, great thoughti mad untiring îndutry, we advocatc Peace, Progress, Kuowiedgee ]Brotherhood. ýVOL. i ALBERTISPRING, A 'îTi(S EI, tc, &-,AREENBAMJ A. PR INGL.E, " T.xlLî, î. ltFu'K NSTiEETr 1 Tise Fairy Boy. THIOMAS -DEV RELL, ffisi, r-cuisant h.-tievcn tiret. lly'tîintts t "'<- il, ' 11 1) E i --...-. &-, AilEEN sTREET, stolenIytmtreada eflf l t A. C. WILSON, A iit iîîr ratt- wlie<î ttîrs o crula] n I') .X IN 'r El. At.ZiE,~ NDI' .x'Eil I W'î.Ililigroîtli a lhiel %, ti XV titt'<', Tat. îî, t.'~. - tullii -il tl.i ir.% Kitig IMANGLING 4 'Wl< I pll- t«Y <cliilcrnni<g INXN A I*,Etl)R'11MANN EH AT A'<iît«hi i <fivj' Ja- Cll-tne 14,et, n<r rî Vi <iF -- X.I4.'uA 1O<rIAut4-iiti<<<XR«<1-Il1 Ille 1.,f M r. St ri ' %«<< 't ales, itîh'. t 't ati il 1 liq, <tt-ileltt.,'%% il4Il t lie st ri,'< 'îý îî <u.i W'ite dti. t. l <',r-< arc r i-1l 4.444 I)a_ ___ ". 1 T it r l iiîler. il v 1% 4 1%t<<<] N ima l ne tî:s'rANIAjII ( S r < c A ' f î î tt . < « 1 T E L ,( ft t - î'u I i l 4l' o j l l i 4 5 t r i .%1 4 'T '- 4.'u 14'.h«4.1<4.%. 'HURON BOU>SE, 1 1> J E s IIOTII., il w trituîre < I<r tru44i4 S4 N'Li:t-:ET. M. 110-XI.. XXrrr, RAIIRO AD IIT I-:LTiseIîappv l'armer. 0- 'N T ' 4R10 11(-lT11 - t-ii' I..O , 414 4r4<r 4 <' l.li *"-r4"<.X'< <4l'y. <<'<.1 tuI<lit<g a d«ti.t it4\V l'.il 44444r-44 <c 4<%'r <4424 I NATIONAL. IIATEL, FII.4NKLiN 1I1'SE. M Y ATT'S Il(TEL. A 'TE -t-îl1i""tII "E-. XXIIIITit". T IlE I peu<.4uu-4îîe. N-. iEtt-î 4and.tXX-t tlîu. ufl , i it '. W'Yp<T"f I- v <î4<4 NORTII XMEIRICAN JIOTEL. F iv giiiil , t1mti uîîîîe lin, -111tr i«th- o illi. ic-O in tl 444'l ct<', I<<i«: .'tr<<ts lît li ,'î,î-t'-. 'ulI ,îî'î ut loi f'~idi4< <<'u<.4 PORT PERRI' STEýXII3OAT IIOTEL. hic.,'t" <'««ltt(- t tit, « i'u ft4-toilp4tlî i-j.jjIjIuitî. iil iii,.i t jiii uir4' -ts .a u "rul hom.u. ln ga ilunateuiv NORWVOOD JIOTEL. JJF<NIZY tA FiTAANUEPEî'TFIlIX IN- f--rot'.the,îî 1<' t.t h«' las lukutii tlii <<1itt ti-rv< to <'tilt the ieîtblirccî' ueî" S is' îtble tutu tisI'. Iiiii-s s'il] 1lui4 bu sttrliiul liv tmi; t? hieIlote1li iii e r-rot iîu".e. Go<<,l 4ta LAIMI'S IOTEL, I 7<INC STREFET WESTý', Ttlli<NTO. 'filE 4.ative tii-st <'i.s liiteI. sulîîîted onti ir. <41,' s'< l-. t ront tiltitiv l) eîsîlansît St- btt l.n<iat.as bl.1 eu ttd cdsittiNewo' Iti-- uittre, Aa9ited aandl Paioted. 'Tue 81 » ' . I Ap'artinelite ir ar Ie cantI seu vent'iIateJ. iii- nitua ses aI'<.<ays onit l on the arrivai ofth le A 'sis sud t-tuattib<tts. THIOMAS LAMBL, Pi-oricer. Tontnt, Ma-cIa, 1b.57. 9 NATIONAL MOTEL, T'4 IIE îiiicersietaed Itegs hi infîîrnî his f,'k-nds un diît<lipu -blie, Ot lic is utea in piossessiont ofi thei abuive uiîte!,, lte busines cf 'iubch, lue- svil! in itat'îiiicarurny oit, on lMis o'aa auc,,ttt.- (iÀ441iti<ts, XXittca itl ilBuandies. Ezelleotý 1uthlitag. <'ni tt lattetntiont for.ninan.I horse. EDWARD RAY. w4litbv, IMu; att., 1957. li RAILRtOAD.H OUSE, C <AINEI )F BUt CK AND DUNDAS SLK., C whIithy, (1..tîu-Wilcoeks.ots) 'flicStib- iterit<-n i«gs l tîo IoHlIi'e tothie iîtltalijaîus cf WIilly', atnd the. travelling ecout)ioit3.-M,"tttho liés taakera ithe ah.îveii-st ei<tss 1ttItu-, whiciî tt los titicd ita)i tu a aew anud eoo.eiifll atianoci-. A firt-raie Tale is serve'd at titis iIde. Dim- tsers, Lunceois, &C., Cuitla eliad at a moetts altice. «Xl ii uior ke.îut on thie pi-etises are THO<MAS DIONING. Whitliy, Marctt i'<h, i857- B. BUDDEN, F A'OIONABLE AND) CIIEAP TAILOR.- E,_tabuislinaeolt, ut Mr. T. lk-al's 01<1 Statnd du-etl; opposite 'WYat Hotu1, Main St-cet, RUTHERFORD &SANE, (uÂ'.i- J. STOVEL,) T AILORS -&e. c~AND 54, KI NG STI&ET WEST TA)- 52 rente. AISe 48 King Bt-cet 'West, iUamit- ton'. 9 JAMES B.SMART, ~ 1ERCIIANT TAILOR, AND DRAPERt, TL'-euilar Hall Building, (neut-y o0positc Wyath"'T Itotel,) Byron StreelWiilsy ea- etade Clothing, BOY$ CIlohîl ilsGentletiisn's sli'ts, Collarii, Stocks,, &c., coonsantiyon band. Ai] articles ofeClOttuijin aade ni> in ticeIaest and utost fsldinaisle stle , aun t2te sitrlt tno- lice. * THIOMAS RBNO' F ASIONABLE flAIR CI'71ING AN] F ghavixugBooms, Brook 8trset, Whisily.- A i-tauc ilitali B1rber 5d llsr Dres eof Ingeasing lu e us iniess, oliaossl foubisn C este ai#twd'on gentlemen.- Shavlng là Ia pi-ceeue lo<wiie gatemou nfor good reabons, are mnucS averaje, bl t dor ib- lIt»tn's, band they '<ill 1usd lthe opeedtion both, ag-ealesand plcasAQL."< , .4 TI ."4-441 i 'r' < r. . i'. 1 ILI l4 1 Il t- bloio andr41: <4444 i t<,41 <<'t 4444< lu i. T «iukcIl;i- ma'ter, j<'y .Xîî.l egnir.it ,c4 u «. <i 'f <i. ft'ulii-ry pi'4'le lu <"t 41< r w t- Tf4i tar i% ds r i> t1loir t'ri v'îî. Aud -rth , 4<ri i. <' iii'4 i't r. .%,'>.u'trîî< 4, i. G'4.44<, j iii. Yii>4 4 r..î<i.4 '<. î .4u 'i' «I <<r Vo r II <41ca u <"w 'f ' 14<iir-141Ï. îîî A Capital StorY Of Boso'eil and John.. Ve Ihave- fot nieto'itha a stet-v for-<ouate time -oel btld as thau-ceeiluthierien' t-chinaiof Angelo'a Remnis,-rett-s niBos- o-cil and Johnuson. Augelo, it seeias. gels il fron thei landiord of te itn irlîcre lte lexieeur.ijtlier pot up. Jolittasoîa gets off bhue r-oc;. aîdlitheet- aitinual,ri-cieved front tic giaul, suueht bis wo- n mbtîecstable.- Boso-eli tishet-ed lie Dcîoi lto thie iouse, and heft hlm-to pi-r-at-elis dulicieus ruat. Jeohnson féecingbils ceaI natiter dituîp fi-ont the mist et tic moutainc, o-eut ittto the kitchen, andtI tti-o-bis uîtpei garaienot on a chair before tho fit-. licsut on a iol near -a itiha boy o-ho oas t-et-vbus; tt- tending tlîe meal, and Johnson did net iike tie appearance cf bis lead: "'len lie shift- ed tlie bnsîing ladie f-o<n one liaud, tho otier o-as flot 1de, aud <heDoctor tionglil at tiat tinuelic sao- something fa)i on tic meat, 01>00 wbicli ho dctert-nd te cnt ne mot-cnutten on ltaI day. Tie dinnet- o-as annottnced. Bosw-clexclaimed-<MIy dent- Doctor, here contes <lie iutton-whlat a picturo! Doue te a turn, aud looks so beautifu li; bnoon !" Thli Doctor tiblered, mcd after a short grace Boso<ell said, I suppose 1 atnt <c carve, as usual ; o'Iat part shaîllpî-yen te ?" 'ie Docton-r-elied,- II dbd nch tell yen before, bui I hat-c de- teroîined <o mstain front inoat to-day."- "'Oh, dear, titis is quite a disnppointmnent," sffid Bczzy. <I Sut; no more; 1 sialinako mysoîf ample- amenda o-bt.ithti pudding." Boso-cl commencoullte attaci auJdnmade the firtsI ut at <ho mutton. If 0w tbe gi-at-yt-uns!1 WhaI fiue fiat-crou fat-se, ulco and bt-owu, toc!1 Oh, sir-, yo.u would bave t-lisbod titis fine primo piece of mut. ton." Tic mont'rcmoved, iu came tise -long wisbcd for pudding,. <The Declor lookeul joyous, fohI cager; <ce; a feo- min- utbes ucar); flnislied lte 'pudding-. The talle o-as cleared, and Boso-elI aaid-"Doc- toi-, o-bile I1o-es eating <ho muîbti yen seemeul freqoontly incliineel <claugli; pi-a; tcil me wha< tickled yoor fàacy ?" The Docter- tison lilor1y tbld bhlm aIl -tisaI baul passed aI <be kiteluen fia-e, abeultis te boy and tise basting. BEswell turueul pale -as a paisnpt and si.ck cfo sof and "In- pan;, Se dated 'eut cf the t-oin-,, Some- wheat relieved'on re<ua-ning, lie insistedo<n selgthe ditt> littie rascalboy, W'hont.le seve r rprimasnded<'before Jittàn-- Tin oy ri;ced; tSe Doctér hîugliu& <"Yeu' '11<11e fltisi euvl liag boÃœmdl1» nid Bea-, o-ell, I<o-hon yen beuted th<bâ*y did you net put: on <ho cap tbat 1 saw you Nutvigation Comnpany- Thei Objeeto ii hill was to construct a railway' trc,n< the St. Lawrence to the naviigable waters.aof the St. Mfaurlce, andto hiave tise rig4t of rîtnning one or more steamers on thàt river. It was prciposed to aska grant of the eorn lands in the Valley of the St. Ma.urice t*" enable the Company t carry ont the ob-. ject. Mfr. Brown uuiderstood that'the object of' this bill was bto obtain a grant of a million: and-a-half of acres on the 5k Matiriée. Lie did nlot think that il was competeént -for a private member to introduce a bill of tbis; utter a syllable cf tItis abominable advco- JUlies f pain and rage weî-c appaling, ' Iy titis tinte the actutai condition cf the LgsaieAem-biy. lion. Attorney Ceneral Macdonald ti tnt-e te any <ou) liinîag whale vy«ît rath. bis lcetil cloised togethcr through the flesh body cf-Mi.s Willualils nnu<t have been as-uS -th&t <h o jet fthe 'anih) w b it for i AndJ <o, sir," -s aiy îo.sî,' OU liîa,,'eof Ihuat tom îinutilated ai. Net then did certaiticd, and <t is but fatir, afher exciting 111?lEotG.jtc ficrprtoadi ioidh o Tefloig blswr - oue b ij i n ebers opposite aftcrwards ;to the positiv.e faut frein Atie sin ài< toulh cf Mnf, Glenn 'iel<1 ! With certain death for the wcatdcr antI curiositx- of the pîîblic, i'he foiloin bihea wer in-rodandd y tcîp hon m vour humle servun r." ' liersef, shc wvotîi<1 save lier chiid, and with that the Cincinnati Fiqiiirei- tlaould let Mi-. Wilson, and rendi a firstt iee:- nywtte h rn ofln lihiws dcsperatc andI eeermitied bt-aveciy, slIetehe publc know the final resuît. Biill te confit- n snis u <rvypooe eakfr hudcn rnt 44 An Encounter wtt a Ponther. pîanged the sblearit again and again into of the Tcwnsl1p cf Delaware nande biy lc trustcd <lie hon. meniber weuld bec'suc. ~1Y CLARA AUGUSA. Ile neck of tîte infcriîîted beasît1 The Front the lijitured London News. Sauel lrsEqaPoinilLn es1li i bet combat grcw terrifie !gi-cana and howis The auspicinus addition cf a Pritnce oi rvcyr Mr. Broen qaid that if 14. was intcndcd. Wiltiatn Glenn, a yotîng, prerfuI, iît- filicd the air, anti Maggie shrunk bencaîli Printes te the Royal farniîy of Great LI)< noprt ak<ob'audt 'aelasgranth oentetsioi -tir toai, hleri'ortsmooutth a'.uariy as <i the tiovAerhanging rock, and hid her liltle Biuin' htgl eittgrloecnsdrdthe Chartered Bank of Canada. ' lke lte responsihllity of if. thi-mselX'et* x %-Car 1749. atnd, w<jtîa its wifu andîltre:fac.- it her arton. a novel or itttattitalet-cnt, alway.s excites 1 I)< nompt-aCoîayt enet <hi-o'..-it upon the shoulde<a of-'a pt'ivate tiI rite too'ver cf Motinut XX'a.Iitgton s«itiofni Irs. Glenit, lte pantîters entire tIlroa tyî. At suri Aunes, Manîacdonluilc fora'ningthe 4an out tIh- polar star. It a qutiet, seumt l wtas cluft in tw-in, and tloosin- bs ' 4 walh fh IOu'IN OJirEEMr. Mdne b acnadepotl thCa nyh.gast del-lw oipisdinte onsil 1le oled ulpon tegotn na aoy m ltjusîy, anti forIlite iitcrcascd happines IThe folloo-ing bills o-ci-e passed thi-ougli fortrtul; a.t lte pi-or-tinte tie Go'vern- .lîk ftiactxu.l i. -, ott4rli l"g <t<tc<boi ~ nt-, l()'.'cr andl u'A'r-iaigiir<g thue cf lier doînestie cii-cIe, lte peup.le intutive- Cotnuitteecf the whloe <tent wotiidbe rercrrd te cotne down and i ntdI îili IIhpi> .faitîily alttir. Ilroa<lac'res. il-y gra<y <ust ita clotitîs, in lte slmuggle 413'buthink tltenne'.e.. cf' those [tiivate and'Tocne<vrhooncfotri ltattItIou outk teaprriio of'f ri<-h wîw'<i-it t ini<<tiitfl 1Y he<virl tintntttiinedbutatlt-i ihle ublr catîtti 1 thleiacietiadpybuteraanulittieiaed a'iieiieo î<bhc v-uta b liv sce oe f tihiciafpi < eti UlPtui-tldit<at' i '.rîîh '.vts a<'s4id fdir, and littrusteil «lia <ltst,'ov<'it lîataîlofi" ii'."sîi<uu stretclwfi lîchru '<.'ts a contvulsiv<e twitclian- of Iii,. "' î < cîdet cnd t.apprepr(a- ri IQueuta Naictortasa i edgmace addig- i, liatn amnapîîropx-utea-ous W dt Ilicir glen 'v'.ing 141<of;r Iî,wartl . tr..<gl-defiut( ut.imtt-re8-ggrating cf lus nity, as weli as stretîgîli attd slubiii'<, t ob opoaeth' To<'.n cf Clin tort (antdtin î:îsRivet-, attd te tîtornitti stitntirie pne . j% a eyn ut cf thîlae i the rne. Stuct corîsiderations at-e - iriorprut i<ottl<rnî jaw, îyiu th lîgt u nu<-c amctdnent) . Mi-. Muckenzije then t-catI aclause frdm 1ok I do'1tt Iltlic dcliil1t a clA ha of -hik hurt-' cy, andlite lay istili and naotiott tt fpac.iitlceare ocuasioaîsn Toet-est ut J. lMîtuara paart of a cit ttr i) <111 X <-uti~i .~ rpsdt n lifu'giving îsover 1i< ils 1' tttî citit'<. ic--'-.icui.o'ich tiaey -ar-e more '<ttviottsit--aitrprtite rîdalt'îc nLnin ia atlinaî afc ce hî i liti triata a lo'a'li<'r 's1ot.thajît('rag Dll)<- tlllagint rIand alîttost dt-ing froit aînaitattr Aci ltvr Jo close uî< part of a Iloati aiowanici in "vnt hsCip' lecmlto ci<i4i <at tc efotittii fr h<-uguu ; a<ndI aitliii r -lin au-d iî<'.<of btto«d, %Irs. CAdunata lld .ti voccr 'casereîî'i'.ctieni<s t ho Trotl .gte e li ou<ai n<i cm<eiî thie nea.tulîîît i thaitati<ton %va s '<'un sîfii<ierll prusence of nind tro crawl liaik: <'i-tiyats-cfieoniatrtAtaoes.idmd itoua, i the wes".a<i-<'a îa.y fi:.(0tielarlhotae, tohI«.'.ed cosl>l 13<3iggc.bygalfîi îtt îtarit ia buî cnt. Il -et Rat ale.' ac itmiltes ra - slong-att-naee ctionstt5t îî1'-a tittie w'i'en nite of the gi-cal and 1often 'J.-l'oote anî W. 'I'îorntî. 't'e<t'- utilu tj-Vsttcllri He -oit- i<iivl'. 1'ittg. as.,lthe%'ditin <.a Iittlk kinag-< ontoul<i «caricc4uinreend tire tei-rifieeu.t- rc'sur".'-d foracttautl'sctltcttîcril donît of Alirir îo'tî unnio<.lcsted anu]l,,ît- i aflitir r I>t'uriy and ia the cmoat suffcr<gé xc<rtîgqetos .liha- l-y loepitntt-c esjrt îe 'ui etîdtsIteiti ntiu "t oicu t~~~~~aiii rit<ît.Irai <sc i oîtfe-ot o<u 'ii<-, frotidiscus.sir<n it a fi-eanti pri-- ty of Bruce fr-ontut totf 1Iliu-on. Cdtr ilhddcie h lu; N lo 1 ed. i peinlptlîe bi)elaadi-decft'<'ed t<lteelieuse b; <uatiIau nusttc atl f-în sPib iu ys -in tn in ttitlered b; tire îutonai unpoyîulatiity oi oprl ievlaec rqtl. ,a ciatti.e in tite bill acluaiiy îtacting that feat irv wic hveone trel ani fon bueey,-wlenStndngof the Su<urci-n. Tiose "<ho iaave itteliefi To iegulate tire UtCtoraunoftic Islaindsl he'. hould lbe tmade. île contundcd rnr-tietr '.î îtitfilrttv . '<t-i-, %ru alînrîsl i-e- lttside lier, sicefuît naoi-e <han rla. tr Iee-na ftcls itfcnuyan i fDuniu tddusBr1t-sfn îa-îî-Ilafbyoetnerc h ltsen itht 1 mm ii fi-catiCra'l4c11. Wi<iu flelti i f tîlibyititsiterides ofithedy, auJ ailohiat <lau cîrîand o li-at, ripe foîr tieliai-venttstl tuîu'il in tire future, enadure for lier chti)dad attîtk< îe-sr t hwta î inn)u-p-anebrc i e-rmu o vilîs' wlat-rethec statî-l'<'f're't ittî'narcîtl' ead lire. <ot fll oai otepeetoc Teicerporate tie Sherbrookhe Manuifainti -du abB-ltuiacas.Tiy liant cf lite tîttone b; lte utwi'..'u ocf i turing Comnpany3 (and attiiiutlmerîts., - couii.i nat br-in, lu a bill with a money' iîlad ti<lJe<ihau<gîtit1% tintic Iret-zu Jl'lie Wiliaîtî(lieni '<tas hio--tri(-cn o icîth Fe fClrso ',g cattint <'< atttr and< more hitrtte- liku rctîtittg i,,froim lus laltoratthie fri<"aft lCi'i>at 0tienee;c ille loiu-tlt u es fCe-nc u lue'n li;aaudntbrn na <1 i predeessors, niear or remote, aeth italOse roes a -atofu-i b%. rite hhmbletado(.lita- hg<idernedllien 'iaesnon thikt-a'eI) 'tet-ian Society' of IHamilton <o sel] cetatin hisn paî<-hl<.otadu<ritîs'oî" itciatt, and in taixicus féar aîadhlieelielt hsmmn vendh ama i r.Aer adta iecaieinie tvof ptel«.igî r cuut 'sond Iru'ilcglor-tle <'rtu usarvi ori Io, li os, 'ou iClutarcli pi-opet> eid by ltent. 1 . len au lat<i lttu nt r' reor'e I r, nd la l wescaed ) oeliteucvyj'Tcatnd<i.Catr teColoatial btll tthwas altiedti e o-ns piinted In i ct ath b«iîs.ca..a tite uie gîttss %îiîo t I.-iî '«'us ceai a- Ia3lrak-tlie l f ~~'tc-t lA os. ia i-iînld< 11triaistrough witichi <t tiuli,in iitIl IBatikofAC.ananda. t. t it'iluetiratit bg moren ltita an riebueee Iag;-ie. Ite siveul clîhi dwlt UI ingtecaslac 'uc<el mpta if Ernst, Due of uniberand ha sue-and -oliilicttl aiglits «fa British stth<Jcct.à%vsiacod 4 t .444 u' a<r <î'î<r'ssilu. ru t<auîtiItiot o«f ti ttiititcd lUnîlthue cti0ticsc<dciTo ataln heTonsis ofGaulway atni TcSekndad la t'AI nacrl "tt slî<ttlurto<rîtlg aî. îugei~«1o f ireserviug ife. Mrs4. (;Iettn did nîîeî e lite irroîl tea cf Iter pi-usent 'l:ti 'Ico'sit1ith the.-rtîesan i-ite oth j alîoil dtii goî«ut tg) a kti«i lîtita ic'<'<' ard'. litî<lî frontîtihle liying ot<oal, bui beieor sv Tpe<ueîc cfab ;îdaa nsrTle teULi c Coreltivf e tiireuott 01gi. lo bl t cinrflie(,a - ' ~~sîavi'<îi I - yitre.o T atcadli Ad rofi"telIe Rtj«'nl ' îottse t allit- oabih)a te intioteor a- froi rteiucalot, f<<o'irtl-..-"î- <<iti<thr.seu tirotaghcut '<iti4 ho nnf o XalX- r-c tre f Iep '-soalInstitution for te advuîtcettett of Lentr-t',ltuh1di)onanantt'--<110ra -rwvr hcadlarge ttueru, At i-st, Nlaqgie Aienu gru-'<vup a good and beauc i oc'in es-as< Si' ua 0Xc.iiCle-.caitg-ntg pr-oc ti a .u tttWli-nt<ho- Mrs. Gd-tnt demint<rcd, for tii-ru as tattat-li ttifu) '<oîiann-hacr lovec for lien motier lth lî ui<<oli f-e<Ioîn Lit lova <y cI BLL R' A <ECNTIMîîill -aIs sent te lte ColttTpnitee cf lte Whlîe, dne oleapeine rn ittic '<'ke-)lie rahladsntfcltrait in luir 1 htncs ie3onaia ASEh îE.ltttCottitailtte comililnet tale stttyh'a he ie-a fu ilputferui.ýtacc ir uetiulie fEn - e'Tite foi)o'.tingbills'At-eeread a secondi clmuse into cosdrtoi u o l e <t3l4i t-' we e tn, -l iea e ru <in teîi. un- icîte cf luis «o . E . 4 I<"<"'"'< 1 . . M Iv *, ' ual ai ast , o v r fro ît i scr t attIi itu-d 10 a liai- );y y o n g n îo uîut i ti ecn , o-h o i p r o m n c f p i< î c d u es, c t Oa hiîtac '-)<rcoti ntera-io ti4 1,ttt '<t-ouîd '<thid i.) Jloc lir iat-îtu cat t li-e n aplesan Itindcvtatiîîgadhe'eîtce ltte colashîtuhi ai jTe aaîtcnd thlicActi iiict-peratiug <ie btît erje ,v ~ g t1o oudlîtgîtg-ltîiicela like tte <matit>' cf iture;, andt Port Wi ny nd Laike llurcn l.il«it t- ntîonioa ujiei< ftdta bcitiattgie bave bero ctnsentarer-abouleiof ecei'<w<.-!-rte Governinent had gi'<'un il-; ai.tiein <o o it tîiuon lac- childti nu lugo «out of -'et-. pinipeCutnpanyai. Iwý Miltc iceiiu Accoanplisisments. Fiel-ce polilical tuaaaîîestshavelîat-u l n'doter To aînend thic 121h 'Vie., ch. 114, iiti-aîrniîe"'îeib udaw; îtoac >i'glit f te ca i.Il tbail cit-en, tlirot, ttheu zlttorne-(;crit- jW'it lu a mtoîlr'n îiîide and cnt-e dii) Mîs. Fraitaî lîntt il atir o tnu fanîop ilc teacesin«f<uep-ueti ld n.AtIt onoidt iu Los eit -)a asît:nc îtî cîtî etie<n- FeIiiii î.icttî '<t atrt lie lititonttîlnncihlaofnît- Qiiecu anîd if Engiaud luapîil; . encaped.li- te the Triaîity flouse, Qutue.'1: lIt,-e i-iiit ittdlae t1S's «ihoor-eushirt anîCapconuphilu- th-m iflueucc-hiugi ue priotu cf!J Te inake moi-e <topie prisinfi lcudtsod n iueetî1n oit' ,<ieatlîu ttcl basit' ttagd iica--<ient'.'Wuitauitood ii cr<vcred ailiup1itnepi-isemarbudueaethieono of tue Too'n cf 'lhreu-Rivera. any doult tîtat il tvs int'-ritdcd<tc git-ua i'h«îfîl ute -lc 'ctt -icdholir i- tiiiatlitieq. 'Thie <'<t-clseul '<te look fer j1stTid iîi-rporahio ctu nagto oiii ilhtnnî alc crsfrlt pa'îs o'e u aeAerutridt irsitlî a îuu1 ort urase cf lte peop4le, aîud tu tlitir long T îeudteAitrlhig< 0 ntts i'.t'rutttiaîiii hi lis; uitt f 'lÇt jis iîst iîri eittlerings ofFrecth, muttie, anti < expenietîcu iuthOe art of self-gcv(r'ueitct- sioners' CousittaL oi-ct'Canada4c tttit p<a phtll~.Mtt u u j- Cradtln<iebs liio ieLesnl rs;tefi usac 4 dig-j To divide<lue Townshipofî ' liorilont-. lic hope'), loth~,lattlit o ilied t'<otid crase; atîd lteé îîolhaer's face u. tti rs;lt ai usac sdsti-no sîtali portion is due, also, lu lie exalled i pi<cf 'Ittbylute ould bce extutd-j le oter parts t îrese e<I uioitow, t., i-eif Xls"'"îe !titi je 1linisillits, cuttcu and crinoline. . lady itho, in an lage cf teptublican tenden- <t-o e crtie Munir-palities.pinpl reniiid ionteknl. tlatse '.î" saîeuiee.inpcult ie as ît «f cultre dces, ktiew htow <o make Rly ;popcnr, To atllotize tié contîruction cfa Ratil- ic u ciit'y. 'liure is ele tract, of loukud forth, and a onie.tlfoI cheaîmarifo) cir-.ure<l-and codent- il te tire Isaut as w-cil as te tice waa;frontSeitte poitut on tlîc Soutiern li.ncabout ,oneuçidîed tifes it cotent, othicli loo.edfothan a i-iý,itfilchace el up ilie thotigîsl night easiîlv bu cpened up¼ oui lier «as sic hioked ! lier ceeitbe<~tîcaintiteoona fcutr," e lC3Itg1, udgenîcnt<cf lte nation. Inb ail ethlen M cf-heaconsaructionongli Braîttford <o soule < ' -in ! "aec BtIlcr ivaaalude.reie liBllet" - J oiî o < a G-nt«Vstrt aui)<"a.ccstucictofa ,aîrtol24miesî wh'vîite as aslus-a Odeadly t-.lneis 'AtlItd j couîtaliica ct-coyala s îongi t iscul> intin tlcGeatVh t-tinoilay bet<twne<-tc cltuec îîdfusltnbrene andi ieshrihgb;foit-ccfbaancî ;andgifI <o tahtorzu <aes ; Aacîot Gnllendun-frPitlesutn Pleslthhi it ail her Ilîtul.'.; site 'ou.d have siîrieh-ed, c ad<tog yfrccftyoeh; ni T tuiiesle yîcto n.te'îi-eyc li i ie eeniin btier laut-i wct-caed. co . lslîttueuts. Tise formrnnuca nines Ii t lchytt lohfitse ciic -ceunit-y Districts.--< IS.Li--ooRtu- ftetctrti Ther, o th bod rck wichovehu hliari, inaprov<esthie mind, and beauties pj ig anddurable asut looits, ooîîd Toeatcuid lie Act reguiatint ho uuspcc- otitidcroscaît lvitlia1ew 'aat cfin- for J'ît-,on<iebIJtetko-u-ho erlug thet son!, and is not incomnpatiblîe witîu ttitinpufposee'Wiltndviu'<'<kho1 -in <h t ite kîtol. o'lere Maggie >et kuneit in uluild- iouih oes inirfspee'ly <or-rle tu lte guouni. Titerc iltio csBe aJ eie. ct ~<fait-lt-befere tl ottn«, lac o-lU, on j stshsa-jn ititgtcekt <"1houeo - c, adirftbrac-aoeuing wecldle, until a ncw mnan with a greni Toestablislt 'Watei Wcrks in tue Vil- I ler-un..'.'-oclea n immeatnse n -jsweepiung floons, enrpente-s woik, and g- la"'e cf Terrebonne. Monda;thnoM, ot-e nrGnraLs oies. 4 ' ' I-coig. Bot aeconpliahtîneitn are diffnumbnîner cf bayonets siould lie rountd te Ieciee' hClteno jtea, o ois Ilier, cidently reparin for theleap.- roning. ut scioilieup agniar. Fofbtu tatclyupforin<hortBt-j-lfTo thehdi- lie Lowethe -oCanadaadMunicipal' c Ilur c.'îlttlyîîeîarngto <ueler--eut. , You mtust kuo- a lie Frenchi; l nnnbo-cfrunil sifor- aud Rend Acd, ttu<o ecttSt.L .titîb«rt«alccrsedtcbeoenli ttn- j îtlteas jndge tic feelings eltitat motlat- alehoItn uom <iepin, nraig îo. isu i- sdadmaier-c it asearbeMuiipliy.J ioerc Coon a"ds r ueetse mm Falut fi-cuti Iuttatuaid-lien lutsbaud ah '<onkanue British perle--n uhad e n. To anuhîtotie <ho nining o Laky. a ers of <ho Got-crntent, -and ',Ir. HaIl.il lu thi tîervaI, twoomiles bloo'-and a<t rs run teu otier pa i igyad rdin <bis counti-y. The Tlîrone us T utoîz h Da t o Lk W-1relation te <ho grant ef. a portion cf 1tise pautier abeut ho Jet-ont-ciie)y vcîtd etin «lohertýguo; '<'<'ui- bnsed on reeson and liberty, ais oell as on '<tanosnthe < u <> y,<of Sarnia. j pubielands da leii*htrpl Thblden ic ips ohidbcdabbo oftin bct < ewaJaieaa leni t- r3 hiee n <lie ordaeitth e i lituglulan feel et adcornce wh ,n cc cnidr- To acîhorize George S. Vikes tou se*<ho tThe bill o-as tlii'eail a <fit-st time. j riessed <o h-'s in lte riha iias cf lioly af thli and elognet incoiice ithlions add ferveur te tic prm;ers offered î>' waters cf <ho Grand River aI "l.hmcsdttle tiHn. iSpl t lsniu- cae e'a fuclin, wold le<ethoandsaguesludnbu'cthepeontifor hla ialiuand Iappinsa cffor Hydraulie put-poses. Jtroduco a bh eamend- tic -PosOffice Soveruige,,Tooauthorize<ho Tndnship cf bG- the peonple ffr<lie Proince.andyhalpi<lie Pof tocen <lie rai enous jan". cf <hue meausîci! Tisose hands, sir, mnuat ntvet- sheve a cthlIe pi-eont S ' mmgn ad te tlie cordial T uhrzteTonipf2Uý i aso h rvne y,î-tePs 1 pcnte<4aplane, orwoetk in moi-tai-and ryt ipà acrti odAlwnc OfficeDepat-tztentwoil ho cna-bied te nake' TeiteoynWoai nbat-synîpahi;in ahilie evenîsboul publice-yt i1oec eti odAîoac ie ittuî lifed;ine"'inwn u euibrick with a mason's ti-owel ;iand yoursand <ivae- f a rein <bhat;lias hitherte thercin. "up bts retura hothe -301h-of Scpt-emlsr ian fîi"'iiIle na motment woond le <a - t-aal. o g 5iaielti naagogig i fene pj-mitta or niadant, must le innocent cf dough ens usiiu. -To autiorize <1>. Courts cf Quccnhs 4 è acl cr n~a fthe Iti of Mae-l. litpe f as-ld ea-n, *gnra t f wsltub, uJ i-e f-c <lc - b- ond, seinUppr anaab ami Il 4e vrinslausesof tieBlgatn nere La aitL ont wtittd. ci îeug ige. tie trounds, ciýedted ho thse Cinciacati -E4-, some cases sligil.lcendeucy <o advance.-thle àtypfEse, thte.'Lèglaaiie 1518-llt4Atte --t In an instant, Maggie o-as atruggling i qssrerAob-<hole cl <ala &young )a4Y' Qootatierua t-afleur hiad unlergoe n J.r,<< <<<<< ' "(Apii w d t4batt-»n lier mcthieis -t; and <baltninher,-ith, nameel Wjls,, u <bt cil>-, having dieul eltem.tion. _g.- T ~ I . l iihE%4 ~-ÃŽix1~P<c 1 ~ 4 S~ the Courageef dcspair tcrned, and at<empt. oà se' tPickjèri ane~l ie ~< ~ ~. ~isn sato9is4~ ed b reacis ler cabin o-i ti e precicus liehease#'<Jnot carilges o-et-oe t .Corna quit <aI sJight.ad-itane ml, O> flOWpo'Ata <ieî eff < but-dec se bore. -le a atiug, b receire the ubody and PriFio gen~r» quoêtuao..pr1- 1 jr5 _ôp -',.< >'"..em4 In vain! Ai n vain!1 Uttering. a let-ce late it<o tisegrave. Butafaterantunusu&l vicias at ' ' -To aect cê rt4 4r je ci-y tliepanthet- saised himsëlf u th 4l mpy gtged.eo' OWseoe.o -t a s-ad;4 uir haunehes-bhis fore pao-s dug pu is4Ia, hooioe 0)t, cc'tge t-veo1~Ç.<p~091t #b~ <«l'4' 4 dp, intole <lie sut-priafo eyer.ldy., The slu- ~ thie malted gras-aewild, maddened, ancrtien of lhe Mattet- was, <bt a relative tel OaI LDIS R» UE.Èl1CO15.rî.ily andl bis cIao-s oee I-ed nlo t~gu<l Sa td loÃ"o aI <the coi-ps, i hturèy o ~~'1 ~ta$~Jwpi dor cf<ohîlaswm Piging f'»ptbeed thja 'u*y 'percqtle fish Joli W téýin Maggie upcxs tho fragrant, heapa cf. mouas- <ltne over the w0untinaaseêof thée dlad, xc1qëib bp'prnet h h àtng h tain heather, o-hich ga-eo- eyeitryhere, un td lWingMb1ad rthé" .ndat7q<ipet -tonlA, tfotlisAé aich luxtiriane5 Mrs- Glenn Prepared i. lieros, risia -40 ftdif<!üto 'U ~ PIaO "elf forthe dsete an d uneqW strug4 *tgj Uc. yiiidet 'i; gis. Unequel ittdeed, for o-bats was e>a <sîp1folod W3t4>tt4' ià i- cý Q th eu.tà,cfufrey wmote, ppccad1 ýha<è T. n ftiry cf a rag panther xnte > iore0:'0M Iatned woitha an irczt-grhp iatyg4iI'1U atm; <the biood flowe&in mi<orre* cÀmeiw ï-<w - W iurîTBY, C. W., tIIIU RSDAY, MINAY 14, 1857. _JHITBY ýCHRONICLE IN q 1. 1 d - XO- 17 1 1 'saîd

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