Whitby Chronicle, 7 May 1857, p. 2

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1- osr&. 1hst ln 9rdr 46sattain the sanie <fject in so fa. au the lubabitanta of that purt cfthe District of >ontreail ying on the south aide of the St. Lawrence,. which la not accommodat.d by the-Grand Trunk Udaway are conccrned, it ise xpedient to grant t» thStanstQad, shieffordand Cham- b»' B.alrO&d (Company, Five Hundred Theusand Acres of waste Landsi of the ECrqm in the Euamr Townsips, and in the st, Maurice Territory, under condi- iooea1e~ia to secure the. speedy coin- pietion of the. said IRoad, aud the eventual settlement of the said lands. "14th. That toefailitate the compiction ef the. Road formeri>' known as tlie Grand Junction Ralway, it is expedient to assist the. extension of the iload from Peterboro' to the Georgian Bay. by a grant of 1,500,. 000 acres of waste lands of thie Crown bordering upon and in the rear of the lino et the. paid Raîlway under such conditions ms wiii securo the. immnedate construction of the rond and the spccdy secicnt of the lands 80 granted." Tii. Speaker on readiisg the resolutions gaveitau s. opinion that the third and fourth vere irregular as introducing a ssuttcr foreign te the original proposition. lon. Mr. Drunmsond in tliat case would allow the. vote te ob.takcn on the. second readici -of the, ill and inoye his resolu- tionu as an instruction to the Conssittee. A question vas raiscd hy Mr. Mackenzie la te the right of Stock hoidcrs bcing incm- bcru vroting. In favor of members so circumstanccd having the rigiit to vote, it.was contcndcd that their interest was not a mere personssl mm. but an intcrest tinS. Vas gencrai to the Country at largo, and that t. dýsqua1ify a inembcr fromh voting would be to disfrars- chs. his conritituency. Mr. Crawford's vote vas the. one first objected to. and movod týs bc disalloweod hy Mar. Mackenzie. The question was put and decided in thec negative. 'Yeau, 45, Nays, 66. The. vote of the Ilon. Mr. Cartier, and Mar. (J4usault vere exceptcd to and ailow- ed upon a division. The. motion for the second reading of tb. Billvas carricd on the followin, divi- sion: YzÂ.-Messrs. Alleyn, Baby, Bellin- bain, Benjamin, Bowcs, A ttorncy General CJartier, Cassault, Cayley, Chapais,Church, LConger, Crawford, Crysler, Daly, Dionne,_ A. A. Dorion, Drummond, Egan, T. For- lier, 0. C. Fortier, Fournicr, (mît, Guvre- mont, Holton, Jackson Larwili, Le Boutil. lier, Lemicux, Loranger, Lumsden, Attor- rie>' General Macdonald, McCarsn, Masson, Matheson, Mcagher, MerritS., J. C. M,%orri- son, A. Morrison, IPolette, Poulio,ît, Ilom- eli, Price, Rankin, Rhodes, Roblin, Rolph, Solicitor General Ros, J. Ross, Sanhorn, Shaw, Solicitor Gen'sral Smith, Southwidc-, Spence, Terrill, Turcottç, W'iîncy, Yicld- ing, Yosng-5r8. NÂrs.-Messrs. Aîikins, Bll, Biggssr,- Bourassa, Brodeur, Brown, Bureau, Chal- krs, Christie, C. Daoust, J. B. Daoust, 'Darciie, Dlong, Dcsaulniers, J. B. E. Do- Éon, Dostaler, Dufrene, Evanturci, Fel- ton Fergusson, Fcrrie, Flint, Fole)'. Fras- zer, Gamblet Gêuld, Ilartinan, Iluot, Je- b'ib. Labelle, Lsiberge, Laporte, R. Me- 13bnaUt,. Mackenzie, Marchildon,.IMattice, Moxigenais, Papin, Patrick, Prevost, geatcherd, Simard, Somerville, Stuart, ýrhib&udeau, Valois, Wright--47. eOn,motion of the lon. Mr. Cayley tisat the Bill bc taken into consideraion of tie - wiole on Tocsae evening. Mr. Mackexzic moyvcd in amendment tYs. disslution of thse Legislature wili vas bat on a division, Yens 84, Nays,6. The main motion to commit the Billivas Ministers and Trustees of St. Andrew's (hhurcb, -Montreal. For thse incorporation of the. City of St. Hlyacinthe. To incorporate the. Village of New IHam- bssrgb,-iii the County of Waterloo. To divide ,the. Township of Whitby into ivo separate municipaBtfies. To confirm the Titesa of George Robin. son Yan Normnan, to certain lauds in the, oeunty of Norfolk. Tu incorporate the Town of CollinÉwood. To incorporate the Village of Ayr, in the Count>' of Waterloo. To expiain the. Act for separating thé Caunty of Bruce, from the, Countjr of: To provide for, the dispoai of roasa i._ tovances la the. Municipalities of Upper' - Té legaliz. and mako valid certain Byý Uhws of the late Home District <ounciL T&amend the. Act reguplatlng tbê-cutting and masauvement of timber. ~.to iportthé Fort Erie.Int.rna.tion,' T4 yeBt * Road ullowanec in the Tvu- abip of Winchester lu J. P.. Cryier and G. To ) aWhorizS a urvey and toe stabliah #~WioUOqSlO1ilin. n larake. Te ieëprme the.Vllage of Fort Erie., YO ums& lb. ý griculturai Act as re- PZ t e u#» *d Places omeeting in thIe M aoofpbibuiesi vrofe.At tclarsges:s-i. Al expomses o! mnannghsJ Hall, on Manda>' es-co te i ns, hefaiioving is a liat o! the.ý prizes Was-d hai ns good i lghLta, M sth'e people Taronto ta Belleville ta -illustrate iern- t1>jn'cjseime iL is impossible tc Sony tisaL suorking ans i osahutainsimsg tise n -asnlSubject 1'Sel! Taugit Men." Lecture avardesis-o!fLthe Nos-. WarS huiS ta beiuicammodnted gumsenla.'TÃ"ronto vas a large pneas à lins doue goosi; p-ejmdicos lias-e een pianot o!ieConspausny; Tcr-a !s-nt iicmss oftil. theese 'cok u -e SUHTSOSS.vtth ievl rosDaua-Ls,1u ncsssiyreurnimse t'e' e softened ansi misconceptions Ihave beeu Alantic ansi St. Lawrv-ence lRai]-ai-, ansid speL e i ag iaiuep-e-n. lt.John Rounds-y - ....£0 80 0 ti.hoe . &omoaioa tsistseS. arec remasveS ->' it. al listes-est ou tise Bas-sis a!tic Coun', Tic subject choacnis lain itseif a -es-y inter- 2d oc nkn - 0o BolnnrfsSl aeLeaendi- mar-et ailordesi. It'vas necesar o Inuthe last session, liovreves-, Lic Leg5îs-exclusve o!fLIace seici i y tise Provine;- st.onse, anS w-e feel persuaded tiat Lise 8rd. Alexander Wilson .-....0 160-ment and Mr. Kellerd n S qettpress the ÃŽ tiswu i4 aS i market ii hfUIsTon.h Assembi>'necessiof six uer cn n pha Rus r.i s utth a t aemaLtes-. sdopt sons. s-mles for iLs regulaia. o- rative Ascbyasies-Led tie n siyo! a dviiisl I cn o tc v.TALLION Toit EXEs-sss&n o5E0or555. -s. n. a the.ute fhxed Seat o! Gos-esrnent isy n Resolution up sase capital o! tic Compan>', iu oaci this o t!. nabs-o'enre l hs r.-Wal1ace movad tise re4rring back, getia la rscs~se»snr ur vhî w, n ole w-acasried la yens- in vhlc ich thesrpius casnings ansi- Tse erocftis reorttsiComsutte oiLis nsbo irs-oanaies c1eso! 0 anse wom favor a! Qucico. WlseistLiequestion f i~admit o! 1tic saine;-And Lieus in cach meeisauioflbî&To*rttaieoe. hshwfore it heve omndn t;ad se' wl-rglae are oudb ~roidu~moe> fr iseescolas ! ubieyeans u iic tics-e sîali ho a surplus oves-rmeeting minnectian- viti tisîs pro-00onidnot, vo thînis, b. exceedesi b>' tiaitM- iomto, healuded to tise mýaîs o èasItvf isnS isemobcait for ti.thevnce - -- t si of publieiabot sulisQubctaeuncluep\ticesibove nameçI charges, auci surplus JPet vas unnoxuscesi for. Monylbo note liy i h Poi eU rfsej to,-doso -,heWo ee u eti o mie iase b csrs U' Erpiai £6,O< o bi pus-pose vas shlal beclapplcd tto hc payaient o! Lhein-iAt tsqimr.-rbbin ui etng 1l.lNik5t50 De O hi Om s i4hi twrtiiaeen ohz ettt ses ~frckoua!ho uplis >' icLeisn-tesest ou Lie Provincial Louis socs-ua; ngise eitdr $Pýkewéi-e zot -in- a d,ïJo.p.Mar,------(I20 çu hÏias-that ofretardbn eui~ f~pJdaianPry TisI~bfcan tis-c Council, ansitise w-iole supply>illueîsuh yens-;-Tlie bonds andsi sire capital tendance. Tise sumber- of 3nCsprWlsns .0sTse-s-rse Toss liaS ta be introduresi agaîin luthe Loverlieiein hlciSta include ansi conshat o! ah rsnla vs-lmfo~g 4ti. Josephu Pies-son, ...... 10, 0tes-proue od e üted"-wudeal og o hmre Er&IO PU 0» L-M E ETIE S. -s s-Son th iprovemtof ohertin lp itise le. 1n te Ëuhsît of wiepd4lg vion s, Pans tisas »tse eortim ainsn--o! tseand-ain clapeitlture pasheS <r taitth nydal'stote riv: lemaLtr ogli te ie ief- paseS foranS pu-pos auhosiseSb>'lu asotsercoitsisa yl bof<sutd n ai- veiva eutres w-es. muai.la uIs u18i. wiswa> *,s'.uwsaa uaaas ortsetsore ho orcns.oints bndé -ba u foU ilowthcomntant ouce o lo a v e rieor a gret s raise -e- amîrthe &]1oet T ien eedsrebi»al -t. -isnAuai,------(i20 ids hh kan trét W 5h> a itte mnagmen co al-ay sac liond ayit os-ethois oranye seas oûini's-cmned is1 f IS. Robert sRisd,---------0 10 M anr s- - - - -- - s s-on.th tunreS aaindt thecGi nue nt <fy own c o sn aîittec o! th9 13111 ho . dis -- - ogmclson l eh of the iteak -nt e leit e B th' w d.. v ows adla- t httis e ti c bsequnc -- of& the P o armrsot kuW cTeO 14, LI og5UÇslature pIassessouroe d-* or isi -o!e Canaha s rmain ronc,-iL sbcsseti bc ament, oveity urpent ietors ue'ds aseti <sof-sIsrstbî st mima ssqsIn--street 10P~ê'~ 1bs th în, 1icwui. ot bc aiiece vg tint ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i. threa e!Gdge-ssointaisubi . o9uists baenbdnmo-eSluCoinite. istiphe storests- te. tok wpti is-s-- cse iseco --a-' y d tldr T eeogizopn is WaiL - - aTie t ion biis h pakrl e v etisn. feg s o r sax~le n4AMess s bone coula cie sedSs- tises-. eoau bcontntsaic .o cle IT eso1uts$r, vas er&.iua a sn teo! 02 lýi& obrt'-ths- 2haccigly l. JhnesPAI ~~-...... 0 20WP < ty'jpciogaie'enale, erte summan Ihe Parlament w viese i mi> pieu.; -but MeorMajeat>', vith a deciirete meet th* wjisies of thse peàpe o! C~aDa i s in bo42. - - ment, condition aud prospects of the Grand itsclf- la ono of exceptionssi charactes-. more tIsans £ 1,600 fer the pus-pose of meet- TIse Cosncl,-The Niechanuki' CÂnasAMi BaK MUdr~i e lthtiflw Osi 12 a ese? Trunk Railva>' Comupansy, vas agreed to Notiig but this conidizration and a sts-ong, ing the. requiraments o! tise new Act for À set of beautifuli>' mounted and flnished s'iss remdste'vr 2fe qae b>' the Goves-ameut, an-d filefolowing Comu- conviction that ÃŽtaspeedy settlement is of the reguinttion of fishes-is. By this roe- The Town Counillos-rare beginning to haras sa vas shown iy Msî. George Mott. and frorns19 to à 4 fe>et deeptiC wcl mittee strueki by the Bouse, tic utlnost importance, woubd induce sme lotion it vas proposed thnt lu addition to se. thc necessait>' for working on their parit.. kPersos competent to judge, toisi us tint pbanked sud noet çmy exICfsiveiCia> Mr. Brown, Mn. Boiingham, Mr. Christie, to recaýmmend tint so scoou as moue>' ne- tuissuln a certain amount sisoulsi bc con- Consisicrabbe business was gone tis-ough, it vas amongst tic best got up tic>' ever £10 a piece-îhcy wcrc full of tral Attorntsj General Macdonald Mr. Masson, ccssarý" for creeting tic public buildings tributcd frons the Upper Canada Building ou Tuesday nftornoon, sasviii be seen b>'sw rmnno 5.va wry ots iie Ms. Papin, Mr. Simard, Solicitor Cesserai at tic spot whieh Ber Mjes, Yrail>' select, Fund. -Our report of tic proceedings ; andi tie it Mr. Perrymodannsniriren- Smith* aud Mr. Wilson. salli have been placed ýat BIer disposai, Tic resolution vas reported accordingi>'. Couiscil wiii sucet ag-ain on Tuescla>' next, MaON CLOUGIliS. snctding stelis Lu i)Ctiikciito a.sccrnr i ai- roprobable. osttoes onk. r t ie aRPRESIEerAýTION B OLiTOI. te prayer o heeaddrcsses thoulsi be The Biii to prent accidents onRail tege tlsrougli tic business which hms let. James IWalker--------o. 025 o prbalecos funis ier Pussuant to the order of tise day the eomplied witi.- ronds vas passed througii Cosanittee of; îlow accunsulated upon tieir iands. 2nd. Ùeorge Prentice -O.... 020 0 w'iici w-as adopted. Bouse resumes tise adjous-nesi debate sîpon Under any dreustanes b appreliensi tic whoic and os-deresi ta ho rend n tui A Àusot lauglinile farce'wvas played out TheOUGCS.nilliticd len re rtogll . Mr. llrovn's proposcd s-tsolution, " That tic Leg-isisture snss public otficers wili, in time tomas-i-uv. at thc Town bHall tic bast nsectin,-, as ta nti ls leewr i n i,.Tege1;adotie ev estw ithopnoofthis flouse, tereps--1859, isave ta ho reinoved agnin La Quiet, COUNri- ATTOUNIES. sellinlg at-ftiseMas-ket, and tic time for I îi ls issevrMsxenre.'i ,r.Pers-y irossgist ssîdcr thenoief sentation of tic Iseopxle isnPaslianient accos-ding ta tise lre.-est as-mngeinent. The Ilouse.Nvesst into Committee on tise Opesiing -sid clOsiisg tls Bîstciiers ttalls. plougis nanutactired l'y Mcsrs. Jolin'stonth oniaptto sgedb shoulsi bc baaesi upon 1population, w~ithout Whis a aakes of the. Qucen is, te select a Bill fur tie aPPoini-tent of Counîy A t- Oie i.itv n theCiil 11 - ic v ucila ptiton igrCd y-.Ai regas-sitea aseparating Elne betiveen Ulpor site at lsich. in ticeisîcantissie filand si*-tonvsad oherta conîpelelrtivelte ve ackowleged, nalsadesb ,,ynlters, Lo iclit lntMrcl'cryngt sud Lover Canada," ansi on Mr. Turcutte's île buildings mn>' hoc-cted fos- the estab- the admsiiistration o! Justice in Upper til 6 o'clock, on SattsrdI-y ct-vin;;, to, 1 ac- -ogîeacsiiLos y uncpai>. s er- -ct conusdae is Mcîarie ! AaLe qual, if not superior, Lu tint made b>' ticwiciex moir fr hnpePlouqetin. cimdtethtAnthr ieicay orvithes cxiLcata goo Ms- Brown trustes] tiat tie lsosn. mcnt- Capital of Canada. In order ta la>' fulI>' In repu>' taeMs. Brsown, Ms-. Macdonaldl part>' wresld have Lhe îsosr Iter -"tea c- c ntcgoc.I i~ fluitr ber foauMrskinonge, (Mr. Ttircotte) would before the Queîs tise clainss of tire scerai statesi tiat aIl tiecUles-ks o! ticPeacc tojumsodtspoor inscclsanics;' sud laborers." Ist. James Joinston -O, ....02 5 ILset- forth tisat tic petitionrswr consent io witidraWv his motion. (Cries pincesw-hic-h mn>' be saisi to cossider b e esefler appoinstesi, vould ho a!ýso srail' or a long hosir ansi a saîfgentlemen 2îs s. Christopser Joîston,. .-20- 0 all 1aniFn iisno eler eas Of &no, né.") Tisat woîsls flot settîe te ci3IvnýIdteise ta astise sent cd tpnt I h uis(i onyto- haltae ti in Lrounes i.te lots rr nkn arlivigus1 1usd co a question, assd it voulsi nat look w-il ta sec of! Goverîsuicot.I have causesi a circulai- ucys. lie also statesi tibat hIs lasistruck iworld-and 1sincerit>', as tise> alle1ge(ltheus- lit. Jamses Johustun -O.....010 tise nenouâ to! taxes imposed uspntsn a question o! tus importance Imet in Lis I(of w-hic-h a capy is alncexed teta Libdes- 1out thsat;partoft,!elicclause vhici woîsld -selve-s discussesi ansi urs'ued n tie A discretiunary psize of 26is. was awars- tîsis yens«- afis'c undred per centls-as mannes-. It voudb otrt dsusi ach)tb rsed isnscrtay ae tisfe ct tof making tiecCount>' At- 1propriets- of allowing buti-hers ta clos s L.r-JhsiVst frvgt, leu-Tiis rcc."ding ycaî-s. Tiat thu- ers hobte adsusi aes)L e asideses yni' esecs-ies-y ony.tdtro i w cons hi tIýa 6ocoý,aqatrps ,e eti oeti n afo f011>' ansi fairi>', ansi ta coasse to apropos- Lu Lie Maya-o!r ar ! is iisof 1mvAuira-o i v cons tss sri, u i cls-.a1<ssbe m s issu w-astua inaigniiisat -he Jusigesets etsse , ciafo i o sndrstandîn.i 'e ut -u]ode- aeakeerscrort1 ost t ie Tic Comnittee tien rose, repos-Ledlpro- o'clock, li-tif-pait C os-bs-k, 7 o'elock, asnd shouid have smade tIse aiount, at Inst, $2. taxes, alihougls tIse Tovais )OPUIainw stanei thnt tiose Wisa votesi for tise previaus s casons in favor of ticir own citi', and Lu grcs1s, anss asked leave ta sit again. ail tise saîf ansi quasrter hosîrs frosu 6 ta(80Sousonver>' lssdsome carr na-t tieC2Lm-c !susrsutlTise louse tien adjou-sned. o'clock-for tic gond of Lie MNechisics of show n i.'31r. Livingston, sud excitesiaiaia> rps epeetto ntoTv tailin. ouaLtio>(ns-ltacoodieaii Jl>. u oingo Itisl ieforo Lie 1 ftof I---- lcTvs AsnlseL etsoe îi us eio dsi-to.Councîlexcept once, sud tint rswui> > tln.A tt b' orne>uiati aon ald La ue ScreIan dof tis1haver. hraps ps-eHO SE ]Bils, stituting oaci qusarter souir in ton, andti Mesar.-Jîntn&Aindoofu sscewenie>hapnitagLian "ithie praviaus questionsmirant tint it smesi too mueh on theproisabilit>'of4lier PRTINTED Chenp, Neatt aud Expedi- ivsinsLaen. ho xmlr'ttc-siIsddhrtst aoConLarsas'scsiestisitise>'couls geL sores-a v'as not expedient Lte-dise equestion Majesti- colssplying iiti tise rèqttest of Lise t hb celisagconsisia'atioua for îsn-ianicc !- ticir Il>ouglis, al-homes ans i iosglis- entatiors attise Boas-dio! ScItoolTsît-, containesi in the main motion aLLie ps--Legi.lativc -Uossascil ansi Assesîslil>s if C, AeM i7it,- PTs nin s.asu'wieLo-Lergiydeoael iiswnb'fats ni.iti ieLeiitr iC o eiv senst tsme. 1Iinuit entroat furgiv-e-ss, lit 5a. sve c Isase vas like e- ae iL osiisn i5Sa rna-al'atatv u--u'v iests>,(ieieiinrisiudtc lise sotion for Lie previaus qusestion thtiagîst it important tint no tanie -îaosalsi New Adi cnWsemeits this week. lion," b>' esr fitîerly Ctncil. l'iteausly saw. lrooklin'va-s ail alive, audsi dirrcst, a Isomnc else-uiesc-frous v'istLiyb- Iwas thoen put ansi carriosion tise !ollowinglise lost. liseil q gufseinet 1ion.r s-if coI oor-%vs-tesbs-nssdeteei,-Ie licI îsccnsess aifisi calais rss sislît-craî- s-n sss-s- r li- La!cave lier Lise Fais- Day. Tise Gloelotel-atid tise> w-outl c rolievei froîsa tliseis-sfs Buýs -to, easses(1s-siBell, Bran, atian cof ti aer f thes- lcwiiils- Pi Nusri- --cakLtaslos fwe-ctrnoi tsongs 1)cingFer-notcf isa--e f ai>' -nala ai rs a> o -uSn lsri s Issu 'ofise iforsshernof-usons uvio sentes] Leis-s- sitles thsignatuare ofMr. Annetc- g,:.mson. Ecrs-ic. Frazer, i-rccina i ssble. pila.cer. . isl(limmier." iruîss- Fclnsly miasa l el-e L di-srcols uuthofeve- isusvee at tiselLuilti st ntueso!Sigt Ilas-tun, Jackson, Lutsna, Mackens-ic. IL wvoalil cviil-ntili-1,s- inuparipîr ta Craso-lr,-i's'.ss .ilssr.a -e'. reisa-krdti titise "potir iiseî-inis' le~' w-olisiniresi. Tiseiiniier w-s sîssaistiaià ssSasWn.LisJh jssseIW Matieson, Mes-ritt, Patrick, Itausin, Boli, ve>' ta the Qaecî' a rçssr iain mi a - -:i. .le.,.coitisar is-astcg-1 itii wl-s-tssssisl s-oasis-t asndl -o(-tiirkeN-u;, liaia-, lu-f ausi lis- -Gos-don. 11seisry A nrie-s, Georg .e hllW Scatclscrd, Wisoraisd WrigIjt -ý24. inus'ossn opinioînaor asINi <vina liasnas nis-ur ID 1 1 - .15rns . Iýe - e-.-ss- sa~cfwaispssia.ag s g~ls ic~is.adaifs îoe~rfr-igli idrosJnssWlae asc usts .N-,ys -ieessicoiAlies-o, liai>', !le as uns tisefart o a ei lti -ivse ('tsiin-H5ari>ss-ialsiti.Isu-05- sisr - iiîs-- s-sti:ieî evrgel- uiiwne-.IawasnrdWh-SanciCci-ns nsi ties ni1i lingiain, Benjasmin, Bous-as-sa, Boives, Bs-o- icre. Tic whIole n-fs-s-ens--e i.z, as 1hlave ---î.iars- .-act-uiv Ilsea-ae '5 a-ilas ises- -clisqusent kiiaus, tise tltewortlisy lrssîsietar of tise nunscr ofa!cnres repretiteti -hy> aign sieur, ALtos-ney'Generai Cas-tir, Uassaiti csbjscres-v-ofan exr,-eliiraaaaal ccutcis-uad Sautas-as . EmI-ti L sai 1ly. I-slasr .k-soeta-îtcssis ioss lbslas-t das>'kcctiiiitisatlisotel andssi tisuseict opposite ecischesieiîse Ciauch-on, C'nsle-, Cliaiferz,C'iapai.-,Ciarie i is se ta fi e ,faaii n ls ictiead- - -sssIs lecsulls 0 ,i si ui Assnar-ts-s-e c-rtaiasl y maslle a lais-igeflort Lu seur. (In motinsof Ms-. ier-v.a speiaCos 'tire cf a ~~~Ný-týt -sn- a- IBsIl. usn-ii ç)tise Csis-il w-asl'l iseunsies- tic Lie goosi apinsion o!flitpatrons., aitecnitn !Mass hd'sn Cran-forai, C'rvs'lcr, Clas-le-s )aastlstt JealNs ceofpt-nsaiii, lmv o! -ana s- arer -poi- ' .t's. ailsi .1lin iisc L'staiis. f isef - ' n _____ I)nouist, Das-cie, Dcsnîlniers, IPionsne, sile ta tise 'salianat s-If t'alnsa, ts îirsstal n-sussastis-' iss-fo lowve. Wallas-eansd tiseunover vas psi t oriou flic os]luifexaininine tise petition -ansideastt Dufs-esne, Egan, Evantumel, Feltan, Tisas. cosa-lo fa-al 1sssliusfornasplort-honnIh- califl(-IC.of nal 'iUcs-5AY, '-IrMsi J tise osInci liscroon vititire î-ieostp Fortier, Otave C.ostics-, Foin-it-r, Unît, jeaIs-usies sîciasisibe Llg-tsr satrata-l.. - Ls Tswn1tosnclts ain- scssisrsLslt'heCan-l e n. 'c-ck tsesaat-of'ssg i p-hers-! ie ane-bcc Cuerremonit, lolton, Jolilo. Laierge. 1i nsnex ta tits deslats-it -i os-fa'tise lWhiîbv. Ttîursd-bavps, Ma1v c7uîhedbyth fegýsatVeAse liaste, Las-w-I, Le BouLillier, Lernieux, vL-sasijs-secmg.J-syie .tzsinie - ,187 h> i iîiia. ftise issss-andsi nutesicat MO-nss.lmow-ti'o-s-,nhîîofaa IsMr.- votesanî tisa--'s-gn eeif aheis"oa-hlllicalifa.s1Kelles-, W allace, 'iatsoand îs îasil. ' in îîioso s.Ihisn -ssc Loraogcs-. Attorii@v' hunes-ni'Macdonalsd,.Assesshhy s-eai-c b iais Imalter in Iti-Z 1-ti .it:aascs nleo!he nFuil- aes-laîîa ncsh nhi,;1 us- 17latitert s-se c fî-s MeCann, Marchiilsion, Masso, Mattice, andthie precedsiîig ses-aira. Fii- ':aa.î ta a',- :ti atiaSois --ass-iisissn" i, ýtlmntise Notss'<an-s, in tiselilase o! Il. il. s-stsise <t I) î ,tsfoi- stiitu es1) i sr MeNfgies-, Mangennis, J. t'. Morsisan, An- 'fisisst-s lana- i sen sli-ann tn lias s. siass!isia Ie-eaccdy e-m- nsc Fomsigo ot setesed al, u Ianp- -asntaentha sr gusi Morsison, lPalin Pois-utc, Poîslut. -ies-es o ov t'ssOu-Iri1andssii-as-asred ias!Tis. T.oîls-rehistuse, hirste-irksow-sus iaaa-ass--l - -- il.l I 'on-cil, Prevosi, I'ris-, Bisodes, Robinsoan, liv tîemu. Mitla hl,- sil -svatîi-n I -.gi n FaO àl-ay mrcissinag ast. isirrcila "<1115V îîhoc-rastIhelis-i i- - Mya- faile-s-n or ns-asn u -- Roumi, SIloicitos- Lensrail IZss-i Saisias-n. -Sss'ihit n v sO---ysmeata -. le I ici '<b-s - . t-ces-e juis position. -s iabss-o fsss- ieouseIafristeus Iiipil.it îiîs insss--alfd m12for ii)on nesid iar-ssby -s sa-ta is> C1Ct t iras resoîs-esi tîat Calîtasin Rose ie -! Sis- insard, ISoulias- rGa-ueral Sniris, j VI.i>-nssneadm isaf c-I ls-It1issaisNias fic Jsn iI:ssk li !Viliingtin, I>eha-,saa-e a-r ss-si.s ss-aa-rs i u-tlatstake tisecf-irs. nsts Iss sc-Lt ieSsse tsts Southiwmick, Spne, la-,Tsnl.la-îaee- !ts 'r-c ls-rs-u iasI5sr sss-rlcs1ti-o mus-lttraulluiln5tu-ar bassleats, 'luscotte, Valais, Whsitne-yansi iisscda- stia. E -s es--ivre, sci is toa -Jsiriater filse nsasI i;s'at1isuia uas - Ms-. 'VasIIace sriag th ie s-slpost o!fa-i !ai-ln;ecspiosr nsio- Yilaing,-75. theabseni*\ ) es-of his-s E ua-I ecs'usn- n -tise Ps-iistissg toiisaiiat-, asa ns sas i'. h 411ofo nt I siass-s.ngND lisewhabsence rofin vn-r s-llases legislasir 1 'Mr. Pers-v. tie(sîasn-iitit mso t'oîsaosit- Ms-. W'<alacse obtainea lieaîe Ltrodc Tise ilois.'sc sias acctipied the mcnsai' f rssss ss. Jais-st' lita-s-.in liîS-- mir. s-t-us- I ici c > wa % s-a tctî>s-tearrvît o 1101f-- as-/1 71 h- s tp(eo!tipiiol lse-,n ali-l s fr is scp-i aftie ase Ias a-nend thei ais-s - .vthie si i--o-f lac!ier îa- ansi fama <V --satssuiuis-o a a-ur. stii(Cai Lia- ' )- < 'tlaisî ssltlei- An anîendsuemt tisas-th L isesHlibe rn -I-risicsa L-:sshuivss a-iViia tc niss- uee- -fatt-entionra-s i- nsîrct1-sliastlIaggss &Matesialis-Il-u. ass kearîsc s-as enda isstLîs aj "tv(s---and il>u a-ls slve-isen-nss,-us .ii1 ..0 onnhvn rsitda- Tep tisat day six iinasosi a-.cnraidons aadis- ta sas- miie ta Ha-m tî tt l-, mr- îts 'I'ita -,>ksfGî,tl vti tansi -sta.I-l tise tkos-t sP. lu- a--Dsia arn a-ahseose i s--r prtosins ol tsis B-la - as-e smi - - ~ h .tjk (ftos.1coîssits tu e tuiscil, fors-tise sanse ite-als atssbLheB-am-ps-dlatyn- dision o! 42 ta 22. sil Asusi Assernashr s!tof b bisila-ast -sncrsvsIs ling tises-t, anssi e55ve the rsest !fors-tise -iiiue psr-posa-. "lise c-atsei I Legîif;alive ('ossacil. îpsaver ofa!tos-e asensias.swassiaiskis s. u1 fs , sirnsetsalaforsahaîsu asi îs-acouS uoisr ie ssiosit-o!tc -ta-a, as co ltss-i ni medilm Mona>, Ms> .lls1157. h isaîIl wtithse faaristra-iasusr5:t- at Ts-nî-iîmat --ajîrssfuleftstscs uiritsaee.Tise- lutcem rw iiitaise ver>'AdLvsd 0i ils-u-- sn e-thsis. w iilai-iNouralespateha psancisa-s. aadInlii is-- -s-flis lirare ! onslon -aisant--Lis- - ' l)s hospen! Iaannds &Maroiisof i(-I-stoel s-a-e taflLondonss stail ua-nthuisOitL s-s-il s oBmos.. Mm. P&is-y - oppt.s--d tic nus-iiontfe-sm li SîmAT Os- -OVEIaN5iflcT. fs-s uiats-ei. -clies wh-ri saavbc s ,isi . -si -hi, ls- asat ta tise -pior oschisuaica ,"sa) - Tise Speaker laid bs-foret-hie Ilouse tise te thc circulas- w-i-ihvoits isare asiihrtNi,esisaaesM 1tjîs -iori sa ee asfs - a i- ' - helttrh,ýte 10 iL satu-vTLms lavi -tLIeTnn ceoa eaig 0 s sneda iatts x s1as--Jiv '< is-counat Co-riber-nere on Culi.!.uies-sn-- ht aIes ia tsen1Ous>'hrintessaussi Iad te tcis gai rigisi Li s e heperiosîce of thie hsai;r iasssfics atsi GbIlowing des-paLsicxnisboayinsg tLic hs-vs ata tise Mayors o! tise sier-ah Ci tis eo 1,ay iri oncýst o ýý-iliriper. ublicaton of he iccGiiit ta.atNoh npub-ahatltom'tforhoiras-tins'- o! ta Legishature as lt licess --- : tk insg nus>'fustièr stels te imsh.i ate the:ne- j '<V Isimuapes.-is inos- is imning tise hu ilîsbiato !ts caîî îa îc-jus iatn satriorms> ylune- c -est a ,->ms se- 1 Mlishlth Le accotnot cosrechi%-li:sî i.... pass-ed tis%-eroîlîl usot siccecalili oîei fixing tupon saune Csty'is ise lPovinca.; c as.s-sar>'exaaination l totshre l -dCr4 -fsiiitn ia-an aslsl alalhk msc (Jsas-eîa u c'aau-ves ad-u eî-a ngpntc1L ot Ls a-ot ise rpermnent Soet o! Govcmnasscnts 'antnge-t o! tic pince:,istas er tlacin ,lssCu- n aîî-b>.Ls aesfrls îti them.-' pesiue-c.- ! fis- is Ce r n attAt tse asilfo'ins- 1ppr vhra.Dussamms jsapier Ibail censesi ifers-det-iha ie T'rIsso!BelleiiheaniPr GavssaMcr lce-aToraso, -uiicti-ors o!flies- Mnjt-sti'. 1 pol sainiîs-el l t oos0niis>,tf aA sLsetu he poo-usar sIl isleftietab sulsiclil sssnstlac-, ni itusueasin-tsma-sia iititiacs-uc1[i 52eîls Mas-dm, l-s7. .Sfilen. -- tsawen-e, biseer, e- -ttesiout o! Camas-. vw-lU be vus-ygîla t itintse tLui-gltoLamas- sbmhdatsLs ov r-sseu ia e-oiioibcnieispsaie I adtise bussinsiw-ns-couîclusses nivas-e)us et ri as-iua- non-s tint sic will hare~llhe u a Sîs,--i !omsard vsitis Lie pt-s-sers-t des-p)atli l..-sîaMsV- --- j tipamiaeaîa( lo l - ount soie]>', viLli lie-Vit-w o! getLiç(gIioveil i nseIIsihocsttiese Stsnsirdig tva tsuscie alier Moaý a- Jnciouat Ma- tsa-u'suîts <s i pasyxont for tint docunsent fs-oin Lie Cou' o! Lise Bv-la'tvtint d4y itix msntis jouit>' o! an unsusual chas-actes-. Tises-as-e Ilii. Ms-. L'aylcy satcîl tise Iîn- sir- altoOs!f-cl4c.1,o-auiro1css-escsil Thissnatter w-as allas-eS tastand aor1.-.-r.W'sllace canteussed for tilîto Tia-s-c-wssnoscrinuausal ras-c-fos- trissl fs-osa is-hef:u-nr's ifeLises-e, instca(l o!f be-fo respectivel>' fsrn tise Legis-Iative CauincliCoososiitts-c o! tise 'Vtssl-,ttke iato cons 1- cmeli ei hmscodbn tjforfs- reqiy xedn-poeto eti it and tise Lcgisiatiî-e Assemoibl>',ansitheLsasiiesstiass tic foliora; ss-alarin st tise Sirnes-te \siiZes. Tic he t i n~cmeîî ahu'ttmscn snlnL On motion a! Ms-. Watson, secandios y s-es-tredtLa tise floumislsin laio o Bn- An accident, wivisiis <voarecarry to ssas- rs-iutesi 1s.talvy, accus- n th ie- Gransid T-rink îiwv bout unidw4 lîctwcisOs-luasiva nd Bowamvhlieo '1 hu-s(asy aiternoon, 30Li uit. A,'t the pit a4 iv t he l cctident tSk aplace, tics-o is- ai.portion of tise s-os-id as-lima s jscvcr bc!b alat n sd ivjihwe an iold lias- hoon mochi aiiursad by the bi-erîkissg us of tie fi-ô-st anuS s-ie t rasn '.'Tie-a fteu-is seaufrcigs)t-t-in ha, inssg .s-s-srlcnigs-suut c-ass ntacicdwý Misia-is s-t tise-usual Spced -iuft thii plassc ou lsursauvasfsrîaon about 4 O'Cîock, ien Lise ssa'sius rsvcs-,aSee. ing tic ruhahi iîcSslckcned hbis psu- a ald aia-ltas-rt-verse tise cn(ransc--tlsi -ilies-uni-r aauslsdy sut-ee-. dediin idoiisg befus-c ïtie ndes-r m uspous thsepoinst of tIse uîs-s-eciug snil tis-ivisg tIas-ugis tise agiansud s-tan-h insseo l iis s l'i5eci-tauao- s-n ils s-aî-..- FIse ias -t'asce aussi fs-iglst cqs-swe- is nsa-ls-sIsas-I tlitir cositent.- stress-d aftIaug tiselijîse. fTh- cngisse-ds-i't-r '<sas îhissosuîta tiseronad ,iseuIe rcadfuiy W-ottilcd ; lise Ws.-s- tsk-n ta tic neuf lsoua-c-ont th iss-ssil iasi ilSon Satssr- day ssl-c-rasoissite uis-st cxcs-ciatiisg ass-osîv. lisinasum w-as- James SIatters- tiS lssss-h fichisarte o tbcing aatv-- tiiv, casra-tsiusnais. T'e'ii atmatasvaw -s- scaiilsiid ondi d 05 'ieS ais-o au Sa.,s tiiIL'uoa-sasssg uin a stasteo f lise axai isdc-sc-ibrnble torture. Tises-e w-as a t-on!sii-esabie unher s-a! t-igrants pro- 1Ï ccinsgfs-xasBoston anSdPortland to Wiscoin -sans i o; tise>' ail ercapeul tmnujrcil, but a gs-est CSeal of thei- littlc- Irolfou4y asS effieess nes-e d stuove-J. Aisinvecsti"ntias uasta lie lselc- i b s-lie Comnpny-Las ta tbseiCana aof tIse .accident. Since wrsiimtis te ahasve islýve learned tisst thae;Engiise.dsiveor escapsidand-lt il, iLs a stusuage mn isa ow-as onig i Lise emîinewivti îs l in t as et viLla a fur- fuI dtit. Rend tise Petition i f *We linse procureS a cPofsy!the Ptle lion rt-fers-oS ta un eus- sepo&o<f tie Ton Cancih psocecdfisgs. Tis-ee-oW tiche (P Llanos-s, Mca ;s-s Wailace, Lningaisd tl w-- Vr( C-UnCihîors insi yens-, -and one, U Anne-tho Mayas-, this >'ear. Tise *tlsre -'cntinenof last yeas-siclnot oflbs-ûsea- suls'es for rse-cçction s-Lis preseuis yWlr-- The pctitian is in itseîf aitogetherriusl d obnen but Lis, staLe-asent o!f1às-i5&Ï t etise oni>'mns -o! g ain; a iszi possessesi b>'31se. Wn aLisng, Ja W'nliace, John Spurrel, &c., beats ever>'. Lis; inisie Muuchausen-iinesobIow. - i reconsmeud tue document la bbc 'atteti4 iVe perutaio! thLlatepayers of Wisitby7- unio tise Legilativo Asieusbly of Ca11' ad5a uParliameut Assembied. Tte Petitism of ae r ta ii Feelskoldmrae -i ing îoitkin the Maseicipal Biudf thse Teuon of IFMUtlqj. 5ImABLY S5itEST11, - That your Petition 'ers ar-e3' bous 5id, proprietors ofblnesmounst o! u- soer davis ppýssite tIscis s-espectiv'-am* as subsrihers to (his petition,5-tlat d Su'ds are ail sitinated witisin t4epbbaIsiY e! saiS Town,- icssipaiity ~aês1,t doir oul>' means Sf ginin a Rvsing is -fr- r-the movers beffsn wh *i--.n, For the report ticre were geier, u,, Wallace, vail. To ainend. it Perry, Frastr, Hodgso. The inItIe of a-ords Cufltiunued 'ljoud a long-." Gentlemen at bofth sides atlenne liegan to show gsYnptomsof faintr=6 fr, t15ir exertioliq On behlaifOf the "poor, su. férirn - isichanlics", thc t-nmee&e, aS. bo'ti ssies-a truce ms imade, tht third clause ase, site rose repsort,, progrutss mi obtairrsed h-ave to lit :n~ Mr. llod4son. scorndwd by lir. K,11,,, obtainied lezuve to introduce a By-law to pruvent t4015ege, &c, beîng tak, awa>' frons tise Public streets witheut lu,,1 Of thc Council. On motion for the >sccond readîig tih, Courwil wvent ilitoCo11mmute. of theWhbOh tiercos.and tisle Bill w3ercad a SeoAd a third time and sscd. Oni motion of Mr. -Perry s.couded ~ Mfr. Wallace, Messrs. Itowe, Keller, %lî. lacuod fld ie moyer were nmid j (,*mort of Re-, ._son thbi3 ycar.' The Cotincil adjournt4.-Next n.e.tn ons Tuc-sdsy, May 12ts, at 2 o'cuck. Accident on the, Grand Truak,, gioner WI ,they beSt 11ression tioneIr " .wiich eO.5--,M il, the 2a1'-,' jýi$tiug of -u ,eration.Ss, i; -VI1 and tec~ ncitbcr rCi b.osi1d rc-t~ -That Y5-Vou great and c, rt »O0us5 may bM lY, suchd nVSc~ ict, tO ck ecvils comphl;il!« not atgt5r be greatlY ' will evesraY Town of George Ua&ll. î .o 1J5s$,4 eort fts orubi Wr'- M072$ilsa b,L p 2 s set dur ourks- the van. djnr araiz 1 o evend a> d-r cand cd n u repcarsead musi:- Wnecst Loac, duric tss ysr proverit basLe b>' the fu1101v4 .1 aLay er asateilt Thei Be cople mth t1no tan Wa reste trade

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