z-t,- <'j * A PutazIIg Büh of Fare. 1, T4. preterite of a '-erb, and wiiore orhuil- 3* appear. 2. lý,h.Gran(l ilra&ir's dominions. 3. A lette <aferoa.ted. A. Au uaruly mnmber. 4. À wound, and to hinder. 7. A kitchen uteni.il, theib uwadation r:f Ilon- t4, and port of the foot. B. A wouia's einploymnent, anti wlit niany yurs maie. 9. A vcut-le, and a dites.. coinmon We sheeD. 10. The. occan, and Scotch nibbfge. Il. Tic ixteenth letter, and what cvcrybody 12. Running poitmen. ORCONI) t-Ot-5IL 1. An article of fici, nd a d-)tnetb' bird. 2. A tigi of til zodiac buttrrwd. a. A tlîing oie t-oniecqnoncic. 4. tomethilig dellciîîusly addctl to tlhe ttff of life. 8. The rst tenîptiition, and a gii:t f winid. 6. A niedcline, w ill a terni for cour. 7. A portion oîf wniait )ctiîi.oe are sown i. &. The ornaineitai. hrt oif the lueuwl. .9. A reptile, wIýtt ti brgaar.. ic OuI, ad yon aidl lei.. 10. Ul-stsgrts ewd 1. To fret, anti tl tt i rst temip ttin. 4. A terni of ciîtempît. ts. A cînihgei tithle. 6. Tlle foitrîi cf a tlthl, uand il rural habita- tion. 7. The xixteeifflîi tttr, andieevî.y 8. Tthe stalk of xvhemt, and fnad 1er bird. 9. Runîini trî'îiinm. 10. À acrulper, anti tirîl's fà nit.. ARmix&TteMu zzLz Afartner melt aWotir John A twelve in'.î l1i) lt Ini, And gixteen renct, a day ite'd tive; REAL ESTATE. SERMIFF'S SALES. INSURANCE. FOR SALE. TrU SUBSCEIBE OFFERS FOR SALE 1t.1. ffilowieg ltroecrty rittited lu the 'il- loge of t' etua, Townaship ofReanch, viz., A tStore areil lttcd uup witîî lange baîek Sîtoî, and goocl (3eliar. 1)weiling lieusie contaiuing lre Rooîns,- Kîtchen sud Wtx olle. A, Pïîi tli rn- rate Water oun th; preinigs. Alto, lu thie saie SHERIFÈIS 1SALEOFL N S bloc, alare Kjopwe) adpte fo eiherBritish America Assurnce Company Tinsiatha, &e., for ail of waich Tricieut these' COUNTV OF ONTAI, I lY VIRTULtOF 1 urNC-ORP'OIATIR"D tnder an Actfth ie TItir arSitinaea, ileiïing-. kernone binet aker Te WIT: It î a W rit uot Fiaeru t S4,essitn if the LicreuilProrlinihi parlianc arefiritral uiieirusutee bin ner. Fachas iýssted nttof liern Mtmjesta*s 'tuîut% coln t til UIluler Uneadat. - ALSO0, - tîthe Cliteî,ntt tO antutti e edinerted. A two itorr Store llnttsu, aith 3litof au acre of tigutitumit Cite bandit and Tenernieta urîc-c wri tif CAPITAL g£100,00. Land tttaclteal. Tui ae tet-au nrnydeuirable Jtîî iir v ittatn, dec(ýated. aittICtnes "I Lia pr'tpcrty, ndte suv liardes w ;tii ç<ointlo ditth in the handîs etfltiillamotttîu Wtstn. ad- linstan)ee etfffettonmuBuildingesud thi th toebAifl o n. fte bvemeta ,ilittrx efeidauî1 e! ai] ted gtitiltr, the E'e-'stjuldoa nies, preseuits su o1peortîîtity ranrymei with, latitaaundlteeetieitti, riglits iauîd crettite tif ii pie euîiîtetî huverynnertin.lid n Oely £rIo lwill be reqîired dowiu. 'the balance eutnidJohnîtGre Wabeon 1tlertrsted, tu fie adttiui- Miaion t)e uiki fîrlzued.tut trtnPr le lire eqtuud anttîîal intalîueuitt with interest, ittered, nt te suit of Wiiliatn L.. perrin, Pîmulît-1 Apîly ' by letter, opuiidî tît titf, i1litre seized lanîd takeutinnexeettituou ail tue JOHNAIN ' 4w JOHN A. McMTLLAN, cestate ol'un unreitt of tle salut .Iottuî (irite \Vnt*ott TrecdUsw q -teuuî, Iije'ta stii-, ifh7 UtiCa e htetc&,demietusat lte tintee tf iit ealtii teite nut tf Or ta fttihiltatiuuît Wataoni, atimuiitratriut, le andti u Protection againat Lou or Dariage O othe ttlloiving lantds and teternientm, , 'iz -Tlits y i. TIiomAs PAxroN, Euq., crtaini ptt,eet tf itutîtiii te Village tuiisIinasa, b i in Pe,-t P#rr, Reai'h i'u ,nthe West cl'e ot Siei'tie Stret-t, îteunrî -- 'ETIN S'RXuF CMP -- - - -- - ioseti et parts tut Liti Not. EIt-eti n tht- tinsî HOL'SE andi LOT FOR SALF.. e'ttneesiltîeoetlite Ttuas'eliip cfWItth deseniti- CAPITAL £i100,000. ides fe'llnwt t i us utse : --L'ituiotcti n ILOit SALE UN TUIE VILIAGEiF Bli'iK. the Eaiitcrlr I itniî t fniuti N ii. aoilu-ali('1 t na BI}-NC:cl tt î lîidîtug't andtl tht F? in, a liou.e anud Lit secontu enone ini the t- ance u it'iiti -two it titits, l" tt-ilii, 'ii ilt .îîlttEeyifirutiuu iîî t'î-uUtt. Ttue c ita.lIae is bceuiftthtr aitît e,-urtte Nutît, rixteeîî de -rfgM-t's * r,.i t l t- eilrlittt li it ters ifniîett, iii u ateci, kitcwun.tsIllue rtaitliteE tut'the- laie Wtt.South as antiugleet fhlLuit "I Lie iitiietu yiclvi o it 1ilttlg sen rt.. aiuit là gututdas-il tuf wtut.en, Nîîti iixteec ugsireetu. WLt t hrt-- tiuu-a-tu j JOHlN G W' Statîle, Sticurl nlXtulmt,&. îeettv-Oive litiks thu'en Slth St.îrîîut î-'uuuttrt-- tedtt 1'-,Byurm tt-,"u F furtînîtr fturiiui% ?)t îPly to %%'Pst fu;tur t'ituins ilue Sotuillit sui'iîtýl if-t-rt-rn, .)(AIN IlfuiSU a8tthrerelaiuîsucntta-tive linuks i- tu N vttltITimes andi Ieaieon Assurance Comp'îý N*llîta>%, (. liv ser% enl-feiir ditinnt-t- !t, îtfuîtn nletî i- nu-rnt- -' XX'titti, A1ti 7th, ,"-t. 12-u.t1f s, u î i.i euîbtititmt ~ euttu T -tlit'i-fuel ed-j ii liti.it aidt-Iîltt i e itîat inu , tIt r. g-îk', i i l. h t4iti:f nt ilt-t -a t-t ,aliiut TU ETINVESTMEN'I' ET N-,c r iiu -i-. 7 tile tet,'t-'..1the A;\~ No. Fite - t 1 H. lu N t-i tt i - t - -Buts îtts l'tkt IN TIIE FItl-Itl tttt'iX9"VN 0F VIT- li-,!ret.t--tî-uî-ltt 14ni ta le u--tto i l- 1 '11u1l t e tt ois,, iut l4 i n îur t- i et'e-t 'v!t tît'u. tu-t atl île Estate iii t1it-i'lte 'lAIlN ksu ; 'lth:th-tNY andi LXV at- tutu tedftIr saile îtîa-.f:eî,z"'iil.,. ura, TItis inuuitî t'ttuit. '.f t-........Capital £12,5,00 I'ilj.1t, At-res of Lanid ut- rî-o i uî. L V ' 1 t- l- tir ltii st 1e - it tti..t,1ici tu tut- il ti theJitiI"f' IN11.0' XVxuî'rm u it u ili i le.îItt: iti I itthd y-lt t c e - 1.. t lte I7)-l - -ti < iSsBu u îe, N ~ Iltrittitlutt ,a ii i i.ti-l'r!q luttaGu. lx rtN , ti ltTt N l-EA IR NE(e aquatt- i i l; se - iil tt- >an - -tve bu tutu-- ii tt-li'utt'tc %t-t It itiiluo., att I t.uue titlitt, . "'ii fu - t . tt 5, tti t . tr lli îtte l.nuttr'i'au to thé tie.Illtt uanid - ritanîIa NI ut îal 1.ifé \ '-touiatioî tii treiiît-tgewai tI t-r\ îîu.uî At iuituied luîl sîîEtîtir's SALE 0For.1 )5 t- itu-. lii-' tuI~luîg tuatuîltt.îuluti,' ild t etl i- 'TIti Jofn shotild ttîrftuIt cilit petit-t- or taMn,1 e te iitCn-r-. i-ilt- ti . i.tt- i ti t Iî Eaoh day tttuen rlie juiutytd- uulu tl. le ~-,;,I I tuttit -; flemaate fudalle he ap 11,I cli iii utt'tt-uttt ut i-i- I r-- - o wuthétebangain tie, î-tît-- uatiti 'i At lastjut hlfnaguiea te 1 Fotr I-rut-c ttiîlftîteî-'-tt-t Beeeived. Tluentelti îî. tnay, ltl- h i. t~- Io"w msuy diys did Juîil IIîY sMutk,XVtlAi"l Hew utîsu> îi liet- play Vît t J~. - 2,G.tot-t--tv. 1000 Acres of* Wld Lands. aud ho -a-il cieun-do-tatiju lc;. 2. l i'tiî lu i iipt .,i' t ir. t lituk-Nnu -,t t' înokes ier hear. 3 I. Br'î'-iim lu imti l t- ýe MIiitntttto,t i , il-'-.N-r , l T--- '-t n.-- nicuth. 5. Beu'auiiiu tluey ane tulai ire -în/.C' 1wfu X'i-li for -hie. Fixeti Fattein Agrit-ulture. w:NVuà u.- -z Sombey ia gî tp iut 7'l..witgltst For Sale or- to Ltt of I'l fxeul tacts II in A--iiltnanti for T IE F, ju1î'FB Y STi-1 IMM 1T.s4 -once, ln cottdetuetiun ot-thle' sot-, luus bit i~til t t - '---a the riglîl eau on lte lîcul, int lauct t-f l -ttt Itittt, t ' -. t' t 1. Ail landIson 'a-lit-h dot-en or lte n'Ituîii a-t lu,tu': . i . tu ' igrasscs are grotre, tziust elîher hcli e uta i t- -' -. ..-. , lu uhent nattîraliy, or tititomneraI muist i Ii utIten'. . martificialîy tujpiîed. Ih mattris Ibîîi latie tr tr twbether iltic sujiplie iîn thterînt of atone ii ' Pîi rt-t1- Poart Pt-e }-trttte .t- lime, oyster-liino, or nuani. ___ 2. Ahi penesatteut îirovemcrlt ef lands FARlIl l'OR S AL,:. musit look ta lime as ils l.ii. .3. Lande li-hic-lihave been long je cul-1 X111 2.11 T~t l Tilt- iiC-N. ture will tic benufilcal by theapîplictlln e of u t 1 tt ~;'- -a pýsosphate of lime; and it i- unintiportant ~t.1uj .lrit- u -wlietlier the detlt-içnu'y le supplit-d ije u ,RNCAR lorna of bont-ustlalguane., native phoesphîatcei'ul of limne, composts cf fre.hasniies, or that of B-.Iiu I iî'i -pysler-sliel imîte, rr Liai-I if the land need LAND IN $(.U(GO(i FO>R SALE. lime ahuto. 2 0.îi.SIE tlI ,ît.7-,CX -.No landsca eaubc preserveal ie a hi*gbi tut' Part euthlie Luit is gî.tc Unri-ri dil, tIti nuatiiter h la ttxed 1tutîH at. of fcrtility, unhees choyer and th'e valuaile tiuibn.autd a tk u tl-7cet- s-f gutuit Cedint. passes arec ctltivated in the ceursne of nota- Al ivtT LWER Lion. - Whitb-r, Jan. 20,tu-' i - ..Mold lt-ut indi"spnablc 'un every scil - _____ -- and a lioalthy aupply c ail7 be presenT- FOR SALE, ied turouge the cutivaaion of clonen, tnd -A Nut uit XVI ( lit-t, ' 'F uîajfu!lt IuNîcî t the grasses, Ithe turning ln cf green c I uic11-ricilittiof the Mtli-.Terme Liburul.- or y h pp i ct n f com posts, rich . lin t MIII la - tIo 6. AU i htly concentratuttdcaimal man-t asare incrcaaued le vuiue, and thii liee-1 êitu a oonged, by udnixîuretî with Itînster saît, or with pul'aerzed charcoal.- 1. Deep piowieg grcatly umîroves the productive po'aenuuofet ery 'aaiety of soit that la not wet. S. Subsaihing aound land-ti-i s, hani ±t± la.18mot wcl-is ais ecminet-nly a.ottdu4, dive ta increaute production. 9. Ahi 'aa't landi shoulti ticdrained. 10. AilIgrain erops 6auld lie harvested .nbecthe grain le 'fully ripe, '11. Clover, mas well as grasses, intended - 'for hay, shouici le înos'rd ashec le blooam 12. Sandy selle c te mest effectualty traprovcd b' claty.Wic sucli lands r- quire lifting or' marting, thte lime or marI Wiîitbi', }tehmnary 18, 5-M.-'~"~tj SPLENDID INI'ESTMENT. ONTARIO HOTEL, B110K STRET.., NW. ihTRY. T ~ ~ ~ OFR DR SASRB'EiPf-IhIult lLE T that îîeîîuular ilt-TErI m- at ' t .i'1 -îd by J- iu tA i- , lavnîg au truintage0ouiIini.t£:Street ut 66 Ilci. ROBERIT 1l. LAWDEt. t Wlitbv, Jan. 20. lItit', I Pl laildu luidt11-1 til, 1t tut i-.t li t -t t u t-, t tu tî Nu X i - t Ii cut tti- M i u CÙ iii - 'i11t. IIu-adOITicePnincess St.,Buaiîki.egitîeî l~\.t~;i~'u.iiît NI lt-rît N-t i j: v X-t--tl. te-i. ta tIti ut- ia uit-uit- lutr.uuIu ~rt 'tut. - i .t- t-t- tii-lu .-~ u~ I lIt t huit-' 't-t t-t... ti.Iui tttt ~t.u.utrI. -t utl ttit~ - t tii t t Si.X l'a I. C Nil. l..~.. i ici.- i-I I i-/t iii f tilt. A. .1. 1h aillutut uN -tI-it t,~ Il - t- IIFE .AND IIEALTII ASSI'UA E, Th.- Briutish Amerlean Frietndly o$eit), of C('nasda, tCAPITAL t'-t -uI 'u-t,-. Ct1S larn-M. D., M-dicu i-tefèert, t i 1:. t-ut -r t - --t- t- -t' -tit i t i'i tt tut.-ttitt ~ 1I TUILLIV ERPOOL r.%,L0'aYIO Fire & Lifà Insurance Gom'y, oî u rr%-tt , i i- - I b- ut-'îi- 1In . , î . ti) î Pre:iuttuii i V>t in.itu-iir.iitii' u- il -ilfin Iie ;-W X ltit .t0l~-e t41 ti' li iaîluttn.i.uitti tt .fnfttrt Il. hOiBelCanaa Brnih ioi Na -w CARRIA(.S, I n.turan,ecuo ini' êeft-itlle inhe ttltttae rt- CARRI (E5. [~~~ri<lî i tttjtilit Undttil e-tt-y uftunlitatiiuOh- CARRIAG -a.tt--d 01ui tl'uuiuu uIito Oft'n 0Chcuip for Caah or ou Short'- .J IPR$N teliug Credju IW1uilîy Ia, li. 1.17IibyJ N R BA Y 11-;N lIAuND A N D INSU ANA OPICE utu r ni i t-- I',tutiirtiau tit whitcitiutus ,tlit- elt-MARINE : tuhl t-ill ttu trille ttiove c-ct, ns- Le ie% nting The 649 Bnfl'aio" Mutual Marine la.- rm th ' nsurance Company of Buffialo. M - __________ - CAPITAL PÂte Ci' & IRYFttaTiD, £68,0187 00O RAy'5 LIVERY PluzIUSlv FR 1856, - 100,314 17 9 EST-TA B L IT31 EN , TeLvro FIRE: len The iveroolandiLonadon Pr n Directly oiposite Bryan'a îIlotci, Lite Insurance Company. auuutL ruts'r~ant-ni. CA-i-À~£2,000,000, Stg. T IIE SL-BSC'IIBER liEt;S Tni)1N TIM A TE ESTABLISHIED, 1836. ita tlttie lînhitit tif Xt atl ai-I t 01tîuiut i t-nOc ,C uun IINIMettN-1uÀL that lic huit opcît-îueia-ienv stai t 't tilt- uit -c e ,t-'d Feid for imnidit-i uiut t'uii<- plae, whriiene hs -ttliaiit-t.r t-tu. FOR 'SALE IN TIIETO1VN 0F 11W. jil-ituu u,'pci t-att Cered Il1itîui-iesaLF -IlIa-ciaepteti tfor ryiig îlcaitiurcluartes, îfor The Britania Life Assurance Comipey. L OTS 'NOS. 2, anti 22. TIIEY ARE SIT- RAt- i une.&I)ýj7T& Ctelnned n rdea Streec itt Wi'ý%1thS.,1Jan-t1t. laIM7 ___ I ESTABLISIIED, 1836. ____ I n 11ud' Cek.iCAP'îrAI, £1,000,00 Stg. f--TERMSLIuitAL. _..iJ GREGDRY'S BAKERI' AND CON.i Applicationti îebe madle to FECTIONERi'. A. J. HARRISON,ý MRS. ANC1ELINE WEST, IROCE STREET, WIIITBY, Agent. Lot 33, Sti conceasion Darlinguon. (.Vezt dete eaitmr. flthard <& (Ci., B-et ciiBroek-St., Wthitby. mChu.stan .'0ioing" pleutse cojîyunetîl torlihd, to Mwce stor.) ' )*0 j Aprhil th, 1857.13 je morat beneliitlly appiieti., hc ruade- - 1 luo anrust wthlv.leudieinr un.VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE .eat ine lau better tise wiuler. 111 . fle choppieg er grinding et grain t10 b. ted te stock Operates a.Ls a saving cf at least 25 p-caciet >-*». Dratting of wet landes ad maraies adds hteie value, by mtking thoru ta -' produce more, and by impreving the bealti of eigaborlîoda ql5. 'Moe nanurse toe lime wct landas, is ta ithrow manure, lime and tabor aay. 16. Shalîew plawing operales te impo- -venait1he soul, while it decreases produe- iML Il. 13y stabling anti sheddlng stock tbrough the 'winter, a sa-ing e! one-touî'th '0wi foodi mmy be çffcctcd; that lu, une- t foorth leau tood wilî answer, tise when thes stock =sy b. expased te the incle.ý encesof etthe weather. 18. A bushel of plaster - per acre, sowu broadcast over dloyen, will add oue hu- t- dred pr cent 1er its produet. 19. Pencodical applications oftashes tend -to~ keep up th"luItegrlty cf jocits by sup- ti4ng, nOM i tot£1 fthe cngattlc tub- 2f0- ?hpoula prsparitlon cf land la aolutl1I-noeeuy tte ucosful snd T IIIS PROPEPeTY 18 PLEASAON7LY SITU- itdinith te lttiutF.iiig Town rîetWhitblv tilt Iroek street, dircculy cpâte Juatt.ldre ieri- iuansaretieuca, cuttns wo fOftîm ef te acre et Land, wîtItaiaot 1(10 iet fromuage, on alticlu ut enetteti a COMFORTABLE BRICK COTTAGE, aitit sitblhe eut Buildings, ait excellent WCll et Wuter, anti a (iimtern, tegether asith a nuin- ber ut vahuabie Fruit Trcca. For father peti- cubti, apply to W. SHAWV, an the preunisco. Whitby, Pcb. -t 10, 1857. 4 FOR SALE-25 TOWYN LOTS. TN TII E TOWN OF WHITBY, IN TII E i hiiniy of lte MNfket now in course et cî'eclo. Alie3o-TIIIIEE WATER LOTS. For fitiîur paniictilarit anti terns applyto 10,000 Acres id Landt tonsale. Whilby, Jan. 17, 1857. ' FOR SALE. A ROUSE AND LOT, IN CENTRE 6TRETT -betweon the Cout;Roue nsd fcet li font, and riuns a hait acre in deptb. The Bail' uia asubstantial new -Brick j'D" o vo streaitih, with afron% c f, fet bit22fleetin dcptb. Thre Wsa Cellar1ulua ruluf tbe wboîe leneh'outheliaBiilding, aud le cemenueti througbout. There is alBo a Cleteru" cAablé of'coun 8i 0 barrelsof water; to. geulier vwith anxôeu ontPuaup. II UICIIBER TIIANKFULL.Y AC- ~J'icutowie he fnvortiua -to ituaed upcn hiut fia etilleru patmontîgi andxtt-'lels tiltte ti businiess.e. u hitnu-vnt nuti tlit' Ir-znL"in c Brock Street, uext dior io itubaarut & Ce.'& I'cttitcntiary Botot anti Suoe Store, utti sotlt itnvite teatItention of lii, patrons te uîs Crarkera --tc besi lui toti. Ali kintis of Cakesc~,ra-h- cris, plain a faut-y Bread, Biscuits, &c., wilî ij. kapt conttautly on Itant. Weddings andi]Parties Suplieti on the, siortesi notice, anti in a style Chat will 4&ý- cottupetition. Jî'lae, Lemm, Park and Sotda Biarudus oauattntly onua cud. EI.0GODBREAD, AS TSUAL. , lens, nemcmben ie ee-thé 4rt-Sc of Meure. llidbard <& Co.'# Bont andi SIlo.%e. GEO. GREGORY.a Wbiîby, .Jm .19 1-1157. 1 1 B3AKEtRY AND CONFPECTIONARtYp WIIITBY, -« VKîO'LSALE AND htETAIit t AM BAT lE TO REITJRN MS1 »îsncer. tbtnks b thsinhtbitntsoetWIlhtby sud the suiT-ouidinq country, for th, liber4l-pa.'- tronege i., bas reeevodti u'ng 1h. longpeoo ha bas carried on business mnoegs t t 'là T solie wonld beg tb sae,ta hne à prs- ~outiltyto taowi nd î t ry, estomers' wholesse and 3til-Terms ~.~treotuonable and modero. J4M-ES BATffl, ý>6rt W hb. Maig lot 1'. SALOONtf VICTORIA SALOON, BILOCK STREET5 WJITIIY. JesseVaushyke, Pmopiietor, BF435 RfSP"CFU1JLYTO I8ETURX MIS 1.L>teere thanka6 to his "mmiue patrons and tue publie, for the Iindpet 6 ae o lhberalin heuiotedttpn lm hie ceewgthi Centre Ilie. Indei-ingito, lie w6uld 'beg.Éto Mâtte thai lic ha i mme flese e ofthe preftiieu foreeriy occtîpicod bY lMr. Corînor, ln B rock Street, mnclii. dn teGeeyStore andi Saloon. iibunilding hms bee art.angdsu itted up by hlm in the, ery bst or c counano- d.ti.or! c the csu rivite No xpesehue ben pared anun the~ sut ote pror of the ne andleequwe. None but the bes liquors, Mines sild Cigar ke~t~,Pre~isLuchtou, Tes, Coffee, (Iysters5 $aÙdnwihée., artiinst &c., alwuyto bc Tlu &yo4alned trusta that his previons nma- iiagfit tn thî, Contre Ilote! wmilja. isaflicient '4uaaitef,altis.ptronforgvtod ittention, aund a deusi.to est their wi,4Wo&, ~JESS&E ANSLYKR HWA ZWARE. DRY GOODS, &c.____à à ELLANEOUS. MDG WIIOLESALE HARDWARE. Qý-00 YARD)S BL-*T FACTR O-PIETAYBU N hU a tous, for imale Cheap by STORE, T IIESUSCIBERS IIA'E NOW IN STOCK JOEL BIGELOW. BROCK STIiE ET, WIlITItX FAMI LY CH EMIST a verv larg-e and coi et tock or Siticf iiM tt ,EmAl simllavyird 'omt.rîtirecfoEg RUSSLS-TWO PLYUIN AND E. P. Iiuxbbard, & Co.,BttK T li WI ll la id tdh ttt, Acnpic re sZth a BSiair Carpetiegmi, for suIe (ieip hy 1 OL)Rti>IXFLYEGTI - I t~4truJ lLadr. aIvilliniune tiiose arîto faoer tinein trial, toexc- t n'eteuet ti ii 'tI"f W.tl.v"ii Ti7tt. l& L.i E 'lR . tend thili' erii, and tlîcirttock wilî alays e JO lGELOW. twhity uaitc t te ît ti ti îh. tîibci gauil ink, ltt found complete. eliy ia hyhaesIwfdtle elt b R iidguetltjntk i., , Y. ~~~R. LEWIS & SON, XTRA IIEAVY AIEIiANTIN S iitrle CALIwELL'>s adlii.tc't, ît Ir"tn lJrttle4.&ei-vý_î 41 Kiutg$treî,Tuiroeto. E Uiid IUiiiii. i'tr sali' (lup mIby iro Dr (o.d ani(ntey Sir caI t Iitltfr ic t- lrlPtiiu, rd_41King_ treetetiiigo. ecaryni posite b. IL.Sclitofieli , u n iuul lttir,îet -ne ut .I~~~~~~~~OEL BIGELOW. uissEteuulecnwiucre tiucy litn t ..il Eliînit. eulxht- t tut u.utre tiluuuitattt ing conlstiurtly nu iband ua t llc$1 ?it.î'llill ?.,,-Uc ' .:i i ta.tucu g lier, SW t :BOIITSSlIt)E$ "sANI> INI)IAN illIIIE. Boots, Shioen, and Indiau Rnbbe'ir-, - lýyo Ji uhi:SBS-RîtEShA '1u3INSII'K iter Shuîv lIrmcale ttîîlitîy l ANAItIAN AND >INDIAN it'Al.oraiumuutyfia T it tltt . îi IIt'cAutl apaiaeti ul JOEINIELW«. w oureld ati ci riv invite the .xtt.t.- Druggand Chemicai,,. ùr ti' itinltrare in (aRnilu, tii as-lifiuey- wouliiui D- A F<L T IN Antil) ne xeuI)ù ttltli aaet t ti 'titiS c tte 01 T-iiguin an iturrevut.-a 4tl niuna,îei leueur' attenutionu. D C(îtfl S- cîuF, Puil <Sti t-lt Il'u- IL L W S SO . R ýOIZTMEN'r -fi-r cmtlv sale Cliueap by b, faa'Grcd wji ttir proelince. lP-et-î. ' 'rfliiic'-, Ti~, s January 30, 18-57. J E IdLO . NlS ttNilRC . .imt-rz -A arîfu,.Iimu lae t ellues, ut-*.,.ï _____ lAIRTRIAI. Iron Plping. I TAR;E STî 1cK IFIl iEAVY FI.AXNEL. J; t ySan 1. ID.I 'h VIIura-.&. aîITni.het.e. - - t.'il feet 34 toiti , iricli I'utiit lt.lded Iren l-ilI. A ini tii (*iiiiirit. iiîtt 1u i l c lotît tutil s - -- lil 11<1 Ja. 2t&tà T tîlicin, fuir tale (tcali liv BACON, ICAMS AND (IENERAL - JuJ.BIGEIl.mx,' Greery anti Provision Store. BU-FFAIN ~EDIC AL DI.t<1EN241 TARfI FS4 B lFL lF )1 i 1 P NA'JD.t.XtKSTjN IHAVLOIJAli'Nhi LtýTÂuul.euiFOR ilt 1E trua(,p 4 Tad lgTi t t-' ale! îuî:i' ;dîî TffI l ,tl't'f r f.r samt le tîranîd 0trtitii.l. F e st-ht-k an-I ItiutIrtn ali I Bruas lIlug Main IJt uFL 1ad Il BIGEI0 0te(ran liWL adll'k ler,(; (Cuck,,t is i-s. t rIe, iielii andîîot1kn eat-Yltiuur. Witie ish bthéLieBarro.*p Inm J'c.ie FsdtPm,î~ j - -gu Frsle NWhithy, MarcbhO, 15. filuty Itlm*tc1ulttl,444 avaretuttnd itInîe. "fý'r mse ilI.tty DISSOLUTION 0F PARTNERSIIIP. ~ e îc-u ~'îîs GTAS, 'U'-ny. WHITE îLFA. .J(EL IGE LOW. nj'F îK Prtnierîlui1t lt)etititirt.txi.tirtg ltt-î'îDR. A.MON & SON, N r I caiii e(ttii i It i i.ý_.. * - - J,-T '. F. 111l1t:1A ît Il. h ît-t'u ti er Ille 41 Fitiriit. rit .î ntir. i».. llit iWuu- 4 TA'.E S it iit'îîx ; tc~ Firtui cîf 1ai11111 La Illet.n, a t rig,. BI mi .it.l - ii- AtiO-Tj5,ntett. Vu il t- 4, - -- * il l itiuittli, i t .m1 -l tîlî . , pa t-Il 1: tir.s ý. .-tit, îtit I T Patent Cotltee.Potm4,1 .f. l' u-,7.iiîtt- tr- ---u.ucu- I Lt- utIiii t i ~ lin- t iiltoilr'-. ': t , tîi;t¶i ',l iits.. FIRST SPITING Ch .tilsil. ' î tt-tuthti!1 eL-tii, luit-n Trîi and t.,riii1 1 ou -i lI 'nDISSOLUTION. ieetitreet't-larinî'.gîf SPRN-IMORATON .1il-cîît-u'jil-r lit' inu f i'.l' 'iii'. '[h.wl titn. I it l.'r-aufter arili lii-indltlîuI.îi - tty . ii -,ituîie, fit.Ii l u tir i Deed tct-I (..Ii B xe.. iJOEL fl< ' I<>1ai, 1'. lîtu li &itxiF. Maijour, t u. ua ri ii-I *1tllîit- tauul iitiîi anIiwittu l~ttrf I r , eui aîl -t i1't l I tiiîh(l j'-, u i't-.t t iti t it i ,i -jIlut 'c nuttnîîili îu itî.incî', uttj:;i- n. 1 - Il. î.î-;'~ IS & SON. - t i liii t-utuuib% , anud tir nauie u,*tiil 'irnt-l . w I frt.celi it. iiA- Ceai Puirdecnes. ('.t IlVi t IYERTS u~tlii t lt C\ I.L. lîîi,; n F. 1'. 1HUBBAJID tprt-ta'etît.at-ri tii-t tittiitt andtl Gret B it ni- u C tl 1,troiAS5 . A ,M I.I t~f:l trttitti Itttq inh, in iltitu. 1*-vjt- tuPt--I:.it R. lL.;%Ii' 5 tSilN. Ili- tt-ttti.t. ttt.iîiî' ht - MR. JOIHN WJILJINSON, I AMT tI.Ttt NLTiN t~~~~~ p I C;tSîît". e ttit.lt-ttouns lr ettîntu iitintia îalu 'u tA latît 'tuI. y'4%ie 1 bitu-mtu ,L -. finiu 11tl-t r .ut nttruittt l'or tIe i ;r, - '..ý:iluaiDu' Sitîll Il A lL S a l IL1' EfEA V Y G O O , finilucinr at-ichie mer- or Nv t- iunai uttiet- 'îr uîir--k i t~I i~ tutu tà ,t(Y-i'-i-.' iîre-t tit-t îuuî Ni i-ti c cut 7*1....0:lir aCrv n- t Paýer,icii f o- i Cash. Wf ll lin îIMv a t-E lir & .t )ilE ni, al ii t-- e 1t' '>t"n'r' rtne hturc lit t- ut-il ta tnt-tetvi NEW tltltiit l ît 1,-t-,.tlà ?-ru, r lu. -t 11ATCIIES AND JEWELRI u i't-tetî Iiat- eî- tc a l ia . t tO' Ititi ut'- "::.it:atg- t et U f-,tr iBqiil iu. ti at I'u-Itlr4i l't u- a II I ,TFG Zi 1ELTING 1-t-i . 1i ttt " 5m 'ilrr ii t-tai i% nl cenuen.-rk u i -it S. III ),Lt ,g I j i W ý ; "r'u:'ei' t rt-Er t ni t-ru 57~'~ -t-~ iaiîil Xi'u"i.îu-.-..t rtia îutîtîf T11011'-8 : uiLt.. ulu ail'lu - t ,- ~ t -at- --0î Indin t Rblîî' Beltin, FAeS11 ION 4 TILI.u i-te If 1.oti-t 'Alfit-nyt i uiIu t ; 'il i -ttz 1' tWîtýi -i t 5.it ýh i îitit-t il ' uc Xi.ttu- t-ttc I ,e sî7u.u- lLI"'t .. - ,s-î --,tt--~ x ti u st.lu;ut.,cuttt t--t f t .t.at d il- . ,1 ! LAE7~.-t Au A i.atte-u F O A E O R T E .e h aIr f -!pî1 'î ii rSiii. in. 1 r- it ___.;, ry.-wit !ârf X- t iti s Uuiituî, M oiti d ,n tb'andi't, --i - u -~l'NTETARY CABLNET WARE- I PUiRIP1Y THE BLOOD. l. Iýîxrvuu rtytîtt nu-ttu-tuti, -ituate ci ie ift-o h ue r Fur uat t-n e a tui n undîvt- - J.-IIAMER, Esquireu. aI I'u-.îietor, XV uillîh Brick lionse aud Store, with ail neeeseiury Out-baiiidiigi, and a iinduitr, Tîwnaiîi t cf Wlîitby.- AIRcl, aliiether lire tatstory houa, udjoi;iug Ille Raille.Fur fiirtiier riarti6uleru eypiy to J. HAME£R, Esquire,' Itroprietor, Vhitehiil. WtirApril md, 1857.il-tf TO LET. A HANDSOME WELL BUILT 'AÇZultage ii Byron Street, coue- : tuiung tiX liaten nad -ut Offi- ffls s es irsti Houee north of the Mar- ket, formientlen the occupatione ot'A. S.Auldon, Emq., t'asbiêr of thie Grnd Trunli Ruilwav. The L'ot coliaisa uWaee There is a good Weii aed Ci.tcrn 7ai te promnises. There la aito au excellent Cellar. ýunt moderat. A î11 t de April lot, 1857.( 11-3w. lIeUSIEFOIR SALE, la'Muuepahy of hdOofwhit- g o± ellarand attery. -Ther, is Ab, a ood: andaxcllent pump,. Tiie Lot containâ hait an acre. Tr.axs-one fifth eush dowfl, th, balance to suit the, eonvenience cfpuhar. AppCl.ýto McG!LL 18 Proprietor on th# Pr.tmisu HOUlE MM ' GARD"N TO LUT. A OST couvenient and counfortable Hou». altute l Greti inre the l. iTw of CUJT STONE, LIME, &c. NXOTICE TO IUILDERS. T ' pîtîinted ALidt, Lue !i. îîrcîare'd Il ft.i!îh 411Vi' ui i 1,t Ume'-n tiîreo*4ilai sni lice, et tut- trwni 't-îîîii trtioi uiii Wllhyb, et 2s 9d TIIOMAIS DEVERELL, Or tW WILLIAM fSPEN'ýCE, Feb. 1l, 185'7. 4'i. Wiith. LIE FO R sALE. C ONSTA-NTLY ON IIAND U RING THE cn.&ueiîgsirinir an I .SuntyxictFre-a irint 1 l.he1ltieu wjlI tic ud fuir cet. oîlv lit 2s 6d MATUEW CARL, 7 Port Yhil>y. CUT STONE ANDFRESII LIME. L 1INDSAY, FARQUHiAR & CA;,AR O or wîth a beautifal article f Ciit Building Stoet froutu the Rockdale Stone and Lime Worku, Esi.qiecint-, aed arili bm delivercd ai the Statians on the Grand Trtunk l<'alimuid bctweeu Darling- ton aind Torotuto, At Toronto Prices. ll"ha Stone is of thîe li-ê qualiy, and le caiable ofbeing highly flnislted. The Lime it acknewlýedged te te eqîul-if not superior-to anv used' le the province; and wl be delivered utit he StaioîL' above iecltted for Two Shillings anti Six Pence.perilurrel Albo-Water L4ne cen 6c supplied ut Se 9d per berrel. Aer-ns-Daniel Leonard, Osuhawa: John Cli- mie Bwtnaedlle, Mr. Heotheriegton, Port Uni- onIDffiti'g Creek 'and Freuîehnmseta Bey; Jus. Fiarquhar, Seanboro' uand Yotrk ; aed '- H. N. NEVILLE, Whitby. Whuiby, 2.3th Marei, 1837. -1 NOTICE. T IESflSRIER BEGS TO STATE TITA.T hini.prepsrn 4to treat with prtie, in tiie Towntuhips 0éf Pickerlng, Uxbrian d Scott, fothel riglit temsanuflutre, Uç"ÉaPU garMbleiîmd Glnwite, in suter or ail of' thm t Ttwnsip 1talie iaing pnrebssd ie excluszive lgbtfrois uhe P"tet t0 manufactuire tils effEn>, 1BE UTFUL D U1R41BLE BeUitn nateria for the West blaI of the (Co. of Ontario, imoludlngeWe.4thsfot tlieTown-. sh!p of- Whitby_; 4à thtt erly in the s«prieu A. J. Uuarrieoîî, Agent, 1 ~ PLT~STOC4K ()F vEUYiysi'L iiie alre lîîvited tu cxuttjuîc befuire iiht WVkitby, Jai. 16, 1ti8î.i RE O vA*L. 'T BF.ALL HMA IIFMOVED 'IS llOK ae and Jewei]ry Store to the îîow Brick Bniid- iiit-, îwu dottra ek o tf bL* olnd stand, wiîere lue i14 prepîtred 10 do buîuline.s s u t a, that Li4, te wiil-r itoU his Goods Cheap, en Short Credit, Te0 good partietu. and very Cheap te any body for C e j down. Watches, CIockie, & Jewellery Clened and Repeired hy irt4t-rae Workniee, en'erv article warrnted te give good satisfafction le Mid the place the, 'Nzw w 3etTBiuuuuuo 02xDuçznas S¶luxz. A littie Esttof Brock Street. WibMare 17, 18«. M PAxTJ(ERSIIP FORmED. N OTICE IS TIEEYGVN IAT THÉ uctndertihe style and Firm ofut -ows The business of the Firrm will b, carried on at Lawrie'ii old fStore, Eroek-Street.ý JOHN M. âLLOWPZ. JAS B. POWELL. cUITE 1ROV1SIONAiL Di eTO OF TUE .L Witby and Lake Huron Ballvay Coupany transact tlîeir businessa in the, Booùmover'tlaê1 OwmcmemceagNewspaper'Emtablishinelat. CASH FOR WHEAT. 'plI SUECRIB R E NOW ?REPAR- for any quantity, of Fali ILALL 4MOOD&~ Ofcouo.eRrys notOLt Wblîby, ýJan.19, 15T.- WAXTED, A <O<D AùTLVRBOY, ABOUTI15 OR 1 idJAM S CI -WANW'Pla Mulfat's Lite Pille; andi Phoenix Bit Faee from ai Minterai. Poisoin -AT ýlý-RITYWIIIii tu- rTfet it'a ,ýentterintit a pnti-etnaran=. ,-t tîerîuîlu ia'rtuca tir preîtertem. iAt luîŽaf toacre Ithiutety Ve5itt bite lIti, nti ht-ni the Uited ftestlînorv ut titît tiare, zei":ious utfîacrigone n'he lave retereul te Vit ejoevmct cfprfei tteti4 - l it i lieve th~tt their rt-otti.,ni htut roiea iuedielue nu1w bsýiirae ej atliuiîtea cf ntualLaýVuté. le almoci orery t-lt Îa-einel the Unîtted $tates4, tiiefe are utten are rea4 to tesfify te ulisir efieaca iu rem disueuse, anti giviuig t-the wtiole sy- mttam re t.igor ati butultli. lu i comes oftScrtfelisUieera, Sent-a-y or iiteo tîttf e ,tklithu e qituron ort ihe Litî dkineg îeic t-nly uuslaîishxiîg, often reinavs-h few days, e'ery tvestigee oftbCt4eetsit geses, by their parlfying'effets on thé bu Fever ai Agas. Dvà îpepsla, 4Dvops-, PMe. le short, met- aIl aià zeuses, accu yrpeldu e curatia'e propertles.Ni) farnily ahoulti be eut thein, as by Chaeir tlhnely useimeL u u andi expena. uma be sasred. York, andi toili. by W. St. ROBINSON' Fammly Checelat, Broek Street, 'W, THE W OILD VlatANMeusl -t t- ti i t-r LWA (t~ , r le, V mil ITUY 1 > aken "DCM irrawln 1